Amnesia A Machine For Pigs Manual
Amnesia A Machine For Pigs Manual
Amnesia A Machine For Pigs Manual
1) Starting Amnesia
When the game is started you will first be faced with the Launcher application. Here you can choose to configure various technical things for the game like resolution, choose sound card and more. If unsure what the best settings are, press Detect and the application will try and find the best configuration for you computer. If you feel like a more advanced computer user, then here follows a few brief e!planation of the different options" General #his section will be displayed when you first start up the Launcher application. $s e!plained above you can choose Detect to automatically set up the configuration. %ou can also choose between the predefined Low, &edium and High 'uality levels. (or more detailed configuration options you will need to enter the other sections.
Graphics #he most important things to note in this section is the )esolution setting. &ake sure to set a resolution that has the same aspect as your monitor for best possible performance. $lso make sure that (ull*creen is checked for the best e!perience. If you are in need of a more in+depth configuration, you can also press $dvanced ,ptions to bring up more options. Sound If your computer has several sound cards installed, you can choose which one to use. &ost users do not have to worry about this options. ,nce you feel satisfied with your basic configuration, press Launch -ame and the game will start.
Profile Selection
$fter a few logos and messages .that will only be shown at the first start+up/, the main menu will start up. Here you must first create a user. #he game saves all user specific settings .which includes everything e!cept sound and graphics properties/ and save data specifically for each user, making it easy for several people to share the game. #o continue, press 0reate , enter a name and then select the name of the user you 1ust created and press *elect . #he ne!t time you start the game you can of course 1ust select your profile and press *elect directly.
Main Menu
When in the main menu there are a couple of choices available to you" Continue #his will only be available if you have previously started a new game. If you choose this option you will begin playing from where you last picked off. #his what you want to do if starting the game after having played a previous session. Start New Game #his will simply start a new game. Load Game Will provide you a list of save games to choose from. ,nly use this feature if there is some place you want to revisit. If you 1ust want to start from where you left off" use 0ontinue . #he game saves automatically at important places and is not something you want to worry about during gameplay. Options #his provides a variety of settings to change in order to improve your e!perience. %ou can change game+related things such as if subtitles should be active or not, change graphical settings and set+up the key configuration. &ore on this below. Change Profile
Lets you change the current user with out e!iting the game. !it If things get too tense, you might decide to e!it and take a break.
What follows is a brief e!planation of the different sections in options. (or more information on each setting, there is an in+game help display when you move the mouse over a te!t field. Game Here you can configure things like language and subtitles. It is possible to change the language during a game session, but it is recommended to do this before starting a new game in order to get the best e!perience. Graphics 0hange things like resolution and 'uality of effects. (or even more settings press $dvanced ,ptions which lets you tweak more advanced parts of the graphics. (or the best possible e!perience also make sure that -amma is set according to the on+screen instructions. Input Here various input related things can be changed. #he most important is the 2ey 0onfiguration button which opens a new window where you can change how actions are mapped to your keyboard. #his is also a good place to check what key does which action when you do not have this manual at hand. Sound Here you can choose the volume of the sound and also which sound device to use.
When discussing the basic controls of the game, the default key configuration will be used .outlined below/, but all of the keys mentioned can be changed in the key configuration menu in options. #o move around in the environment use W,*, $ and D keys to move forward, backwards and side step. #o look around and change the direction, move the mouse. %ou can also press *pace+bar in order to 1ump and press 0ontrol to toggle crouching. 6umping is used to climb obstacles and crouch is used get through narrow passages, investigate items on the ground and to hide .more on this later/.
%asics Interaction
&ost of the basic interaction is done using simulated physics, meaning that the e!ploration of new ob1ects is very intuitive. $ll interactions are started by pressing the left mouse button and certain special actions can be made by pressing the right mouse button while the left is kept down. #o interact with an ob1ect it first needs to be in focus. #his is done by aiming the cross+ hair in the center of the screen at the desired ob1ect when close enough. ,nce an ob1ect is in focus, the possible interaction depends on the icon shown. It should all be very intuitive and the instructions below should only be used as a reference. $ 'uick glance should be enough if you have not yet started playing. &efault #his represent the widest range of interactions and e!actly how you interact depends on the ob1ect in focus. In all interactions, e!cept for static ob1ects, you simply make a mouse movement while holding the mouse down. *ee below for a list of all possible mouse movements. Push #o push an ob1ect, 1ust hold down the left mouse and then use W,*, $ and D .the movement keys/ to move the ob1ect about. 4ressing right mouse button gives the ob1ect a hard push. Pic' #his icon appear when an item is in focus. When clicking left mouse the item in focus will be picked up. nter Le$el &oor #his icon means that the ob1ect in focus is a level door and if the left mouse button is pressed, a new level will be loaded. $lways try and make sure that the current level has been investigated thoroughly before entering a new one7
Clim( #o climb an ob1ect .usually a ladder of some sort/ 1ust press the left mouse button .no need to hold it down/ and then press right mouse or space .1ump/ to dismount.
%ou enter the 1ournal by pressing 6. ,nce inside the 1ournal you have two different choices" -ound &ocuments Documents that you have previously found. %ou can click on the right9left arrows at the bottom to change page or click on the middle, downward arrow to e!it the entry. M# ,ournal #hese are important memory scribbles that can be of great help if you find yourself stuck. When a scribble is added you will see a 1ournal+icon flashing in the lower right corner of the screen and hear a scribble+like sound. %ou can 'uickly check the scribbles by pressing &. :se the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate.
Health will be decreased whenever you are sustain some kind of in1ury .from a hard blow, long fall, etc/. If your health reaches ;ero you will die.
Creature ncounters
During your 1ourney you will come across strange creatures, lurking in the darkness. )emember that is not a shooter and that you are not an action+hero. <ncounters in $mnesia are very dangerous and you need to be careful and alert to survive. (irst of all make sure to hide and stay still. 0reatures will have more trouble spotting you if you crouch, don5t move and stay in darkness. When you know where the enemy is, you can try and sneak past it. #o do this stay crouched and in darkness and move carefully. If you accidentally bump into something you might be heard and spotted. ,f course sometimes it is 1ust best to stay put and wait until the danger is over. If you are spotted, you need to run for it.
#he game takes care of all saving and you do not have to worry about it when playing. When you are done playing simple, press <scape and choose <!it and *ave in the menu. %ou can now start playing from where you left of by pressing 0ontinue in the main menu the ne!t time the game is started.
&ove Look around -o to main menu ,pen 6ournal ,pen &y 6ournal -o back in menus Interact #hrow ob1ect )otate grabbed ob1ect &ove grabbed ob1ect closer9 further 6ump 0rouch )un
W, $, * and D &ove mouse <scape 6 & <scape Left mouse button )ight mouse button Hold down ) &ouse wheel *pace 0trl Hold *hift
1) )rou(leshooting
2 I am stuc'3 *hat to do4 (irst of all, make sure to check your 6ournal to and see if there are any &y 6ournal scribbles in there. *econdly, look around e!tra carefully in the level to make sure that you have not missed anything. #he more important items should be fairly visible, so as long as you make sure to visit every room in a level, you will find everything of importance. $lso note that all pu;;les can be solved using ob1ects or items from the same level. (inally, if all fails, visit our forums at" http"99frictionalgames.com9forum9 and ask for help7 2 )he game runs at a low frame rate and is $er# +er'#5 If you e!perience bad performance, there is a couple of things you can do" + Lower your resolution. + &ake sure that ssao resolution and paralla! 'uality are set to low. + *et shadow 'uality to low or turn of shadows entirely. + #urn off vsync. + &ake sure you have the latest drivers for your video card. 2 )he game won6t run 7 ha$e strange graphical artifacts5 Here is a check list of things to try" + &ake sure you have the latest drivers for your video card. + &ake sure that you installed ,pen$L which should have popped up during installation. + *et shadow 'uality to low. + =isit our support site at http"99support.frictionalgames.com9 and see if there is a solution to your problem.