Rachel Clark Resume

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Rachel Clark

Franciscan University of Steubenville 1235 University Blvd., Box 0269 Steubenville, OH 43952

1613 Walton Ave. Altoona, PA 16602 (814) 207-5325 rclark003@student.franciscan.edu


To obtain an Early Childhood Education teaching position Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH 43952 Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education- Expected May 2017 Licensure: pre K-3rd, 4th-5th Endorsement

Music TA, Assistant Teacher at Great Commission Schools: Altoona, PA 20112012; assisted teacher and instructed children grades 2nd -5th in singing.

Drama TA, Assistant Teacher at Great Commission Schools: Altoona, PA 2012-2013; assisted teacher and instructed children grades 8th-10th in theatrical drama. Child Care Provider, Altoona, PA 2006-2008; Provided care for an infant during week days. Used skills and displayed responsibility and knowledge in the areas of child care. OTHER EXPERIENCE: Creative Set Designer, Great Commission Schools, Altoona PA, 20092012; Worked with groups to design and paint sets for musical theatre Readers Theatre, Altoona Area Public Library, Altoona PA, 2010-2012 Visited library and early education classrooms to preform theatrical arts, read, and instruct children. ACTIVITIES: Familiar with American Sign Language Musical Theatre Program 2008-2013; Lead in The Music Man 2013 Musical Cantor: Our Lady of Fatima 2010-2012 Directed Musical The Little Mermaid Great Commission Schools 2013 REFERENCES/ PORTFOLIO: Available upon request.

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