Project Letter
Project Letter
Project Letter
in an individual project
Respected Sir, We, ANIRUDH KODARU and ADITYA GUDIPUDI, are students from your esteemed college JNTUH-CEH, pursuing Electronics and Communications Enginering bearing roll numbers 11011M2010 and 11011M2401 respectively. It has come to light that we are going to be divided today i.e, 3rd April 2014, into groups for the department project that we are supposed to do in our 4th Year 1st semester. The reason we are writing this letter is to take permission to let the two of us be a team and not be included along with the others from our class, Z Section IDDMP, IDP 2011 batch. We are delighted to let you know that we have already started working on our project which is titled, "NONLINEAR ACOUSTIC ECHO CANCELLATION". We will be under the constant monitoring and guidance of Professor Mrs. Madhavi Lata Ma'am if we are given the permission to do so. We hope you grant us the permission for the completion of our project whole-heartedly. Thanking you. Yours Sincerely
(Anirudh Kodaru)
(Aditya Gudipudi)