District Judge Robert Eckenrode's Crime Watch

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Robert A. Eckenro d e
Ma !"t er! a# $!"tr!ct %&d e $!"tr!ct Co&rt '() *) '' +,+ ROSE$ALE $R. MANCHESTER . PA '-* . / P HONE 0 1-'-2 +33) 34(' FA50 1-'-2 +33) 34( / http://districtcourt19311.webs.com/

%o6n A. T6o7an

Manc6e"ter8 PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Robert M. R!"6a:

Manc6e"ter8 PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

;rett A. C6e9a&<

$o9er8 PA

$UI8 Care#e"" $r!9!n

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Robert M. Peter"

Wr! 6t"9!##e8 PA

Terror!"t!c T6reat"8 Hara""7ent8 $!"order#= Cond&ct $UI8 Po""e""!on o> Mar!?&ana8 U"e@Po""e""!on o> $r& ParaA6erna#!a

He#d >or Co&rt

Ra=7ond %. Se!>ert %r.

Co#&7b!a8 PA

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

W!##!a7 R. B!er"c6

Lanca"ter8 PA


He#d >or Co&rt

%o"eA6 A. B!9en"

Mt. Wo#>8 PA c@o York Co&nt= Pr!"on

U"e@Po""e""!on o> $r& ParaA6erna#!a

P#ead B&!#t=

P6!##!A S6e##= %r.

Mt. Wo#>8 PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

%o"eA6 %. B!ordane##!

;r!"to#8 PA


He#d >or Co&rt

Pa e ' o> +

Week o> AAr!# ''8 +,'.


Robert A. Eckenro d e
Ma !"t er! a# $!"tr!ct %&d e $!"tr!ct Co&rt '() *) '' +,+ ROSE$ALE $R. MANCHESTER . PA '-* . / P HONE 0 1-'-2 +33) 34(' FA50 1-'-2 +33) 34( / http://districtcourt19311.webs.com/

Bar= Ne#"on

Wr! 6t"9!##e8 PA

$UI8 Re"!"t!n Arre"t8 Endan er!n t6e We#>are o> C6!#dren8 Cr!7!na# M!"c6!e> U"e@Po""e""!on o> $r& ParaA6erna#!a8 $r!9!n Unre !"tered Ve6!c#e8 $r!9!n :!t6o&t a L!cen"e8 $r!9!n :!t6o&t In"&rance Fa#"e Ident!>!cat!on to La: En>orce7ent8 $r!9!n Unre !"tered Ve6!c#e8 I7AroAer $!"A#a= o> Re !"trat!on P#ate8 $r!9!n :!t6o&t a L!cen"e8 $r!9!n :!t6o&t In"&rance $UI

He#d >or Co&rt

%e>>re= A. Lead

PeC&ea8 PA c@o York Co&nt= Pr!"on

P#ead B&!#t=

E6# Ma6a7ado: Abdo&#a=e

Harr!"b&r 8 PA c@o York Co&nt= Pr!"on

P#ead B&!#t=

%on T&r&#a

L!t!tD8 PA

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

%a7e" E. Moore

A!r9!##e8 PA

$UI Fa#"e Ident!>!cat!on to La: En>orce7ent8 $r!9!n :6!#e S&"Aended >or $UI8 $r!9!n :!t6o&t In"&rance8 Obed!ence to Tra>>!c Contro# $e9!ce" $UI

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

%enn!>er C. Co#on

Lanca"ter8 PA

He#d >or Co&rt

Ste9e S:e!tDer

York8 PA

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Santo" Pad!##a)A9!#e"

Lanca"ter8 PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Robert C. $!tten6a>er

Manc6e"ter8 PA

$UI8 Fo##o:!n Too C#o"e#=8 $r!9!n at Sa>e SAeed8 Pa""!n W6ere Pro6!b!ted

He#d >or Co&rt

Pa e + o> +

Week o> AAr!# ''8 +,'.

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