Kung Ako'Y Iiwan Mo: International Sales & Distribution

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ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution




S"ENES #ROM PRE'IOUS EPISODE (. IN!. MIA'S &OARDING %OUSE. DO%A MIA (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Alam niyo po bang nandito na si Sarah? MIA id yo! "no# that Sarah$s h%r% in oha?

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-. IN!. MIA'S &OARDING %OUSE. DO%A MIA (TALKING ON THE PHONE) 'ay r%lasyon po "ami ni Pa!l( MIA Pa!l and I ar% in a r%lationship(

) ()*.

/. IN!. E$'IE'S %OUSE MIA (TALKING ON THE OTHE) LINE) Si Sarah* m!"hang hindi niya "ami titigilan( MIA Sarah do%s not plan to l%a+% !s alon%(

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*. IN!. MIA'S &OARDING %OUSE. DO%A MIA (TALKING ON THE PHONE) G!g!l!hin niya po "ami dito* Tita( MIA Sh% #ants to ,r%at% tro!bl% -or !s(

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+. IN!. E$'IE'S %OUSE

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MIA (TALKING ON THE OTHE) LINE) Kapag hindi pa siya t!migil.

MIA I- sh% do%sn$t stop*

0. IN!. MIA'S &OARDING %OUSE. DO%A MIA (TALKING ON THE PHONE) P#%d% po "aming ma"!long( MIA Pa!l and I ,an go to /ail(

) 2) *

,. E1!. A$$EY. DO%A MIA (0OI1E O0E)) Hindi "o alam "!ng ano pang p#%d%ng ga#in ni Sarah( SARA% Alam "o sina"tan nila a"o ni 'ia( Alam "o mali ang gina#a nila ni Pa!l( P%ro hindi "o pala "aya na ipa"!long sila dahil alam "o na maraming taong madadamay( 2OY ( IALOG3E) Ano? Gan4on5gan4on na lang 4y!n? I"a#* "!lang sa 4yo na ipagpatayo "a ng r%b!lto %h( (0OI1E O0E)) Sana mahiya naman 4yang Pa!l na 4yan sa balat niya6 MIA I don$t "no# #hat %ls% Sarah is ,apabl% o- doing( SARA% I "no# Pa!l and 'ia h!rt m%( I "no# that #hat th%y did #as #rong( 2!t I ,annot s%nd th%m to /ail b%,a!s% I "no# a lot op%opl% #ill g%t h!rt in th% pro,%ss( 2OY So* th%y ar% going to g%t a#ay #ith it? Oh* boy6 A mon!m%nt sho!ld b% b!ilt in yo!r honor( Pa!l o!ght to b% asham%d ohims%l-6

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.. E1!. &E$EN'S #OOD "AR! 3 E1!. S!REE! E$'IE (0OI1E O0E)) Alam mo* 2%l%n? ( IALOG3E) Ana" "o si Pa!l( Kahit ano pa ang ga#in. (0OI1E O0E)) .niya* "a"ampahan "o E$'IE 2%l%n* Pa!l is my son and no matt%r #hat h% do%s* I #ill al#ays ta"% his sid%(

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ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

siya( ( . E1!. &AY. DO%A MIA (0OI1E O0E)) 'ag5asa#a pa ba talaga "ayo ni Pa!l? ( IALOG3E) Kasi lahat ng ginaga#a niyo sa Pilipinas* (0OI1E O0E)) gina#a na namin dito sa oha( Higit5higit pa( ( IALOG3E) I4m #illing to shar% Pa!l( Sa 4yo siya pag #%%"days( A"in siya pag #%%"%nds( SARA% ( IALOG3E) A"in lang siya hanggang sa h!ling ara# ng b!hay niya6 (0OI1E O0E)) H!#ag mo a"ong gagalitin* 'ia( ahil ba"a sa s!s!nod* r%has na ang hinihimas mo. ( IALOG3E) .imb%s na ang asa#a "o( MIA 1an yo! and Pa!l still b% ,onsid%r%d h!sband and #i-%? 2%,a!s% %+%rything yo! do in th% Philippin%s* #% ha+% don% h%r% in oha( A,t!ally* that* and m!,h mor%( I$m #illing to shar% Pa!l( 7o! ,an ha+% him on #%%"days( H%$s min% d!ring #%%"%nds( SARA% H% is min% !ntil th% last day o- his li-%6 on$t ma"% m% angry* 'ia( N%8t tim%* yo! might b% to!,hing th% bars o- a prison ,%ll inst%ad o- my h!sband(

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((. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM ) 2)/. ) 2)* ) 2)*( EDDIE Pa!l? 'ay bisita "a( PAU$ Sino? SARA% (0OI1E O0E)) Nandito ang asa#a "o( 4di ba? Kaya "!ng nasaan "a* d4on din a"o( PAU$ Sarah* hindi madali ang b!hay dito( SARA% 2a"it? Sa tingin mo* EDDIE Pa!l? 7o! ha+% a +isitor( PAU$ &ho? SARA% 'y h!sband is h%r%* right? This is #h%r% I b%long( PAU$ Sarah* li-% h%r% is di--i,!lt( SARA% o yo! thin" that I ha+% an

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madali ang b!hay "o sa Pilipinas? PAU$ Sa Pilipinas* may Nanay 2%l%n( 'ay Tito G%org%( SARA% Sila* pag5!#i "o alam "o* nand4on pa rin sila( P%ro i"a#* oras na !malis a"o sa bansang 4to* alam "o didir%tso "a na sa "abit mo6 PAU$ (0OI1E O0E)) Oo* mahal "ita(

%asy li-% in th% Philippin%s? PAU$ 2!t in th% Philippin%s* yo! ha+% yo!r 'om and 3n,l% G%org%( SARA% Th%y #ill al#ays b% th%r% #h%n I ,om% hom%( 2!t in yo!r ,as%* th% min!t% I l%a+% this ,o!ntry* I "no# yo!$ll go straight ba," to yo!r mistr%ss( PAU$ 7%s* I lo+% yo!(

) -)

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(2. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. $A!ER ) -) , PAU$ P%ro hindi na "ita "ayang mahalin t!lad n4ong dati( SARA% 'ahal mo ba si 'ia? PAU$ ( IALOG3E) 'ahal "o rin si 'ia( Ayo"ong masa"tan "a p%ro tao a"o( '%ron a"ong pangangailangan( (0OI1E O0E)) Nag"a"amali( SARA% ( IALOG3E) Hindi pag"a"amali 4y!ng pangangali#a* Pa!l( (0OI1E O0E)) %sisyon( At n4ong nagd%sisyon "a na magmahal ng iba* ( IALOG3E) .nagd%sisyon "a na sa"tan a"o( PAU$ 2!t I ,an no long%r lo+% yo! th% #ay I did b%-or%( SARA% o yo! lo+% 'ia? PAU$ I also lo+% 'ia( I don$t #ant to h!rt yo! b!t I$m only h!man( I ha+% n%%ds and. I ma"% mista"%s( SARA% In-id%lity is not a mista"%* Pa!l( It$s a d%,ision( And #h%n yo! d%,id%d to lo+% som%on% %ls%* yo! also d%,id%d to h!rt m%(

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(-. IN!. SONIA'S %OUSE SONIA (TO A)T3)O) Art!ro6 Art!ro6 Ano ang SONIA Art!ro6 &hat happ%n%d to

) -)2*

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

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nangyari sa 4yo? (TO 0EN3S) 0%n!s6 L!dy6

yo!? 0%n!s6 L!dy6

(/. IN!. PAU$4S 'I$$A. DO%A ) -)-( "ON"%I!A Ang s#%rt% mo "ay Sarah( H!#ag mo ng pa"a#alan* ha? ('ia arri+%s) MIA Hi* Pa!l( Anong ginaga#a ng baba%ng 4yan dito? SARA% Ka!sapin mo 4yan* Pa!l* ha? Ilagay mo 4yan sa l!gar niya( MIA (TO SA)AH) Anong sabi mo? PAU$ (0OI1E O0E)) Sa labas tayo( "ON"%I!A 7o!$r% so l!,"y to ha+% Sarah( on$t %+%r l%t h%r go( O"ay? MIA Hi* Pa!l( &hat is that #oman doing h%r%? SARA% Tal" to h%r* Pa!l( P!t that #oman in h%r pla,%( MIA &hat did yo! say? PAU$ L%t$s tal" o!tsid%(

) -)-/ ) -)-. ) -)/

) -)/) -)//

(*. E1!. PAU$4S 'I$$A 3 E1!. S!REE!. DO%A ) -)/* ) -)/+ ) -)/, MIA 2iti#an mo 9"o6 Pa!l6 PAU$ Ano ba ang ginaga#a mo dito? MIA inadala# lang "ita( Ano ba namang tanong 4yan? PAU$ 2a"it hindi "a nagsabi? MIA So* ngayon "ailangan "o ng magpaalam? PAU$ Nat!ral6 Nandiyan ang asa#a "o6 MIA Por:!% nandiyan ang asa#a mo* ano? Paano na lang tayo? PAU$ MIA L%t go o- m%* Pa!l6 PAU$ &hat ar% yo! doing h%r%? MIA I /!st dropp%d by to +isit yo!* Pa!l( &hat "ind o- a :!%stion is that? PAU$ &hy didn$t yo! t%ll m%? MIA So* no#* I ha+% to as" yo!r p%rmission b%-or% ,oming o+%r? PAU$ O- ,o!rs%6 'y #i-% is h%r%6 MIA So #hat i- yo!r #i-% is h%r%? &hat$s going to happ%n to !s? PAU$

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'ia* inaayos na namin ng asa#a "o 9y!ng pagsasama namin( MIA Paano naman 4y!ng pagsasama natin* Pa!l? PAU$ 'ia* #ala na tayo( MIA ( IALOG3E) Pl%as% nagmama"aa#a a"o sa 4yo( H!#ag mo a"ong ii#an6 (0OI1E O0E)) Kinalim!tan "o sarili "o n4ong minahal "ita* Pa!l(

'ia* my #i-% and I ar% trying to sal+ag% o!r r%lationship( MIA &hat abo!t o!r r%lationship? PAU$ 'ia* it$s o+%r( MIA Pl%as%6 I$m b%gging yo!( on$t l%a+% m%6 I -orgot abo!t mys%l- #h%n I lo+%d yo!(

(+. IN!. MIA'S &EDROOM. DO%A MIA (0OI1E O0E)) 'amamatay a"o "apag na#ala "a6 PAU$ (O0E)LAP) (0OI1E O0E)) Tapos na( Tapos na tayo( SONIA (0OI1E O0E)) 'ia* ana"6 MIA I #ill di% i- yo! l%a+%6 PAU$ &%$r% -inish%d( SONIA 'ia* d%ar6

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(0. IN!. %OSPI!A$ ROOM SONIA (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Ang tatay mo. SONIA 7o!r dad.

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(,. IN!. MIA'S &EDROOM. DO%A SONIA (TALKING ON THE OTHE) LINE) Inata"% na naman( SONIA . s!--%r%d anoth%r h%art atta,"(

) /)(0

(.. E1!. PAU$4S 'I$$A. DO%A PAU$ (0OI1E O0E)) PAU$

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

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Sarah* hindi "o siya pinap!nta dito(

Sarah* I didn$t in+it% h%r h%r%(

2 . IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A ) /)2 SARA% Sim!la n4ong pinaso" mo si 'ia sa b!hay natin* binigyan mo na siya ng lis%nsiya na g!l!hin tayo( PAU$ (0OI1E O0E)) &alang a"ong paso". SARA% Th% min!t% yo! allo#%d 'ia to b% part o- o!r li+%s* yo! ga+% h%r th% li,%ns% to both%r !s( PAU$ I don$t ha+% to go to #or".

) /)2*

2(. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A. $A!ER PAU$ (0OI1E O0E)) .b!"as( ( IALOG3E) Labas tayo( 'amayang gabi? PAU$ . tomorro#( L%t$s go o!t( Tonight?

) /)2+ ) /)20

22. E1!. "U$!URA$ "EN!ER. DO%A ) /)2. ) /)PAU$ Anong nangyari "ay 'ia? "ARMI Ay* nasa ospital 4y!ng daddy niya( Kaya* ay!n6 Tin!t!l!ngan namin siya( Sana p!ntahan mo si 'ia* Pa!l( PAU$ &hat happ%n%d to 'ia? "ARMI Oh* h%r dad is in th% hospital( &%$r% trying to h%lp h%r rais% mon%y( Pl%as% go and s%% h%r* Pa!l(


2*. E1!. MIA4S 'I$$A !O IN!. MIA'S &EDROOM. DO%A ) /)*2 PAU$ 'ia* anong nangyari PAU$ &hat happ%n%d h%r%* 'ia?

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

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dito? Na"a!sap "o si 1armi( Kin!#%nto niya sa a"in 4y!ng nangyari sa daddy mo( Kam!sta siya? MIA Nasa ospital pa( Hinahantay pa 4y!ng s,h%d!l% ng op%rasyon( G!sto "o ngang !m!#i %h( Kaya lang "a"aba"asyon "o lang( Imb%s na gast!sin "o para sa pamasah%* sa op%rasyon na lang ni addy( Pa!l* hindi "o alam "!ng ano ang gaga#in "o( PAU$ 'ia* ma"inig "a sa a"in( H!#ag "ang mag5alala( Kayang5"aya 4yan ng daddy mo( MIA Hindi "o alam "!ng ano ang gaga#in "o "apag may nangyari sa "anya( Pa!l* hindi ito ang -irst tim% na na5ospital siya( Naalala mo 4y!ng nagalit siya dahil nalaman niyang mag"asama tayo dito? PAU$ Tama na( Tama na( O* h!#ag "a m!nang mag5 isip ng "!ng ano5ano( MIA Pa!l* pl%as%* samahan mo a"o( ito "a lang( Hindi "o 4to "aya mag5 isa( Pa!l* "!ng ano5 anong p!mapaso" sa !ta" "o( Pa!l. Pa!l* hindi "o naman ito hihingin sa 4yo "!ndi "o "ailangan %h( Kailangan "ita ngayon bilang "aibigan.

I tal"%d to 1armi and sh% told m% abo!t #hat happ%n%d to yo!r -ath%r( Ho# is h%? MIA H%$s still in th% hospital* #aiting -or th% op%ration to b% s,h%d!l%d( I #ant to go hom%* b!t I /!st ,am% ba," -rom my +a,ation( Inst%ad o- sp%nding th% mon%y -or my -ar%* I$ll /!st !s% it -or ad$s op%ration( Pa!l* I don$t "no# #hat to do( PAU$ 'ia* list%n to m%( on$t #orry( 7o!r -ath%r ,an handl% this( MIA I don$t "no# #hat I #ill do ianything happ%ns to him( Pa!l* this isn$t th% -irst tim% h% #as bro!ght to th% hospital( o yo! r%m%mb%r #h%n h% got angry b%,a!s% h% l%arn%d #% #%r% tog%th%r h%r%? PAU$ Stop thin"ing abo!t thos% things -or no#( MIA Pa!l* pl%as% stay and "%%p m% ,ompany( I ,an$t do this on my o#n( Th%r% ar% so many things going thro!gh my mind( Pa!l* I #ill not as" this o- yo! i- I didn$t n%%d it( I n%%d yo! no# as a -ri%nd.

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

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PAU$ 'ia* "aya mo 4yan( MIA (O0E)LAP) .not as a lo+%r( PAU$ Kaya mo 4yan( MIA Pa!l* t!l!ngan mo a"o* pl%as%? Hindi "o alam "!ng ano ang gaga#in "o( Pa!l.

PAU$ 7o! ,an do this* 'ia( MIA 5not as a lo+%r( PAU$ 7o! ,an handl% this( MIA Pa!l* pl%as% h%lp m%( I don$t "no# #hat to do(






-/. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM 3 IN!. $AUNDRY AREA )( ) / PAU$ Pas%nsiya na at naabala "a pa "agabi( PAU$ I$m sorry I both%r%d yo! last night(

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SARA% 2a"it "a nga ba na5lat% ng !#i? PAU$ Nag"a5probl%ma sa trabaho( SARA% O"ay lang( 'ay ibang ara# pa naman %h( PAU$ Hindi* hindi* hindi( 2aba#i a"o sa 4yo( Itong ara# na 4to* lalabas tayo( SARA% H!#ag na* Pa!l( Sapat na sa a"in na sin!b!"an mo( PAU$ Ito* maghahanda na a"o( MIA4S MESSAGE !O PAU$ Than"s -or last night <5)

SARA% &hy #%r% yo! lat% in ,oming hom% last night? PAU$ ;!st som% probl%ms at #or"( SARA% That$s o"ay( &% ,an al#ays do it anoth%r day( PAU$ No( I #ill ma"% it !p to yo!( &%$ll go o!t today( SARA% No n%%d* Pa!l( It$s %no!gh -or m% that yo! tri%d( PAU$ I$m going to g%t r%ady( GRAP%I"S Than" yo! -or last night(

-*. IN!. "U$!URA$ "EN!ER. DO%A )(()2SARA% Ano "a ba naman? apat hindi mo na a"o sinamahan dito( Hindi na a"o magpapapigil sa 4yo( 2OY 2a"it? Sino bang nagsabi sa 4yo pipigilan "ita? )%r%sba"an nga "ita %h( Para pag nag"a5pisi"alan* may #itn%ss "a "aagad( SARA% ;oy* naman( Alam mo namang hindi "o gaga#in 4y!n( 2OY (TO SA)AH) Ay* hali"a na( Hanapin natin 4y!ng 'ia na 4y!n( (SEES 1A)'I) O* ayan( '!"hang Pinay( SARA% 1om% on6 7o! didn$t ha+% to a,,ompany m%( I #ill not allo# yo! to stop m%* any#ay( 2OY &ho said anything abo!t stopping yo!? I$m h%r% to s!pport yo!( At l%ast i- things g%t physi,al* yo! ha+% a r%ady #itn%ss( SARA% ;oy* yo! "no# I #on$t go that -ar( 2OY 1om% on( L%t$s loo" -or that 'ia( O+%r th%r%6 Sh% loo"s li"% a =ilipina(



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(TO 1A)'I) Kabayan? "ARMI 2a"it? SARA% 'iss? Saan nagtratrabaho si 'ia P%droso? "ARMI Ah 'ia? MIA Sarah? 2OY (O0E)LAP>TO SA)AH) Ayan na* ayan na* ayan na* 4T%* MIA Ayo"o ng g!lo* ha? SARA% Aya# mo ng g!lo? Aya# mo ng g!lo p%ro aya# mo ring tantanan 4y!ng asa#a "o6 MIA Hindi "o "asalanan "!ng ,on,%rn%d sa a"in si Pa!l( Isang ta#ag "o lang sa "anya* p!m!p!nta agad siya sa a"in( 2OY Hoy6 I"a#* ha? Ang tapang mo* ha? 47ang pa"i"ipag5r%lasyon* parang pagpapa5pi,t!r% lang 4yan( 2a#al ang tatlo dahil namamatay 4y!ng nasa gitna6 MIA (TO ;O7) Hindi a"o p!magitna6 Kami ang !nang mag"a5r%lasyon ni Pa!l( 47an6 47ang "aibigang mong 4yan* 4yan ang s!mi"si" sa amin( (TO SA)AH) Hindi "o rin "asalanan "!ng nag"ar%lasyon "ami ni Pa!l( That4s

Ar% yo! a =ilipino? "ARMI &hy? SARA% 'iss* do yo! "no# #h%r% 'ia P%droso #or"s? "ARMI 'ia? MIA Sarah? 2OY Sh%$s on h%r #ay h%r%* Sarah( MIA I don$t #ant any tro!bl%* o"ay? SARA% 7o! don$t #ant any tro!bl% b!t yo! "%%p ho!nding my h!sband6 MIA It$s not my -a!lt i- Pa!l is ,on,%rn%d abo!t m%( On% ,all -rom m% and h% ,om%s at on,%( 2OY H%y6 7o! ha+% som% n%r+%6 Ha+ing an a--air is li"% th% s!p%rstitio!s b%li%- abo!t pi,t!r%s( Thr%% p%opl% ,annot ha+% th%ir pi,t!r% ta"%n b%,a!s% th% on% in th% middl% di%s( MIA I$m not th% third party h%r%( Pa!l and I #%r% in a r%lationship -irst( 7o!r -ri%nd #as th% on% #ho p!sh%d h%r #ay in and got in b%t#%%n !s( It$s also not my -a!lt i- I had an a--air #ith Pa!l( That$s -at%(

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-at%6 2a"a 4yan ang "ailangan mong tanggapin* Sarah( 2OY Aha6 'aharot "a( 'ar!po" si Pa!l( '%ant to b% nga( SARA% 2inabalaan "ita* 'ia* ha? H!#ag na h!#ag mo a"ong p!p!n!in( MIA 2a"it? Pa"!"!long mo a"o? Ga#in mo na ngayon para ma"!long na rin si Pa!l( 'asa"it ba* Sarah? 'asa"it ba tanggapin na "ahit anong ga#in mong paghihirap sa pagba#i sa asa#a mo dito sa oha* sa a"in pa rin ang bagsa" niya( Sim!la n4ong i"a# ang pinili ni Pa!l* #ala na siyang ibang naranasan "!ndi paghihirap( E#an "o ba sa 4yo ba"it mo pa pinaglalaban ang r%lasyon ninyo %h( Para "ay Pa!l* r%sponsibilidad "a na lang6 Hanggang dito* pabigat "a pa rin6 (Sarah slaps 'ia) 2OY 47an6 SARA% Ano? Ano* ha? PAU$ Tama na* tama na6 Tama na( 2OY Hoy6 PAU$ H!#ag dito( H!#ag dito( SARA% (O0E)LAP) 3!#i na a"o( 'agsama "ayo ng "abit mo6

'ayb% that is som%thing yo! ha+% to a,,%pt* Sarah( 2OY Aha6 7o!$r% a -lirt and Pa!l is #%a"( 7%s* yo!$r% m%ant -or %a,h oth%r( SARA% I$m #arning yo!* 'ia( on$t try my pati%n,%( MIA &hy? 7o!$ll ha+% m% /ail%d? o it no# so that Pa!l #ill also b% b%hind bars( o%s it h!rt* Sarah? o%s it h!rt to a,,%pt that d%spit% doing %+%rything yo! ,an to g%t yo!r h!sband ba," h%r% in oha* h% still go%s ba," to m%? E+%r sin,% Pa!l ,hos% yo!* h% has %8p%ri%n,%d nothing b!t hardship( I don$t !nd%rstand #hy yo! "%%p -ighting -or yo!r r%lationship( =or Pa!l* yo! ar% /!st an obligation no#6 E+%n h%r%* yo! ar% still a b!rd%n to him6 2OY That$s it6 SARA% &%ll? PAU$ Stop it6 2OY H%y6 PAU$ Not h%r%( SARA% I$m going hom%( 7o! and yo!r mistr%ss d%s%r+% %a,h oth%r6

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PAU$ P#%d% ba* h!#ag dito? SARA% (O0E)LAP) Ano? Oo* 4yan( 47ang baba%ng 4yan* "abit 4yan ng asa#a "o( PAU$ Sig% na( 3m!#i "a na( SARA% (O0E)LAP) 2a"it? Nahihiya "a na malaman nila na may "abit "a? PAU$ 3m!#i "a na( SARA% 2a"it? Parang o"ay na o"ay lang naman "ay 'ia ah6 '!"ha ngang pro!d na pro!d pa siyang "abit siya6 MIA Pa!l? Siya ang s!m!god sa a"in(

PAU$ Not h%r%* pl%as%( SARA% 7%s* that #oman is my h!sband$s mistr%ss( PAU$ Go hom%( SARA% &hy? Ar% yo! asham%d to l%t p%opl% "no# yo! ha+% a mistr%ss? PAU$ Go hom%( SARA% &hy? 'ia app%ars to b% o"ay #ith it( Sh% %+%n s%%ms pro!d to b% a mistr%ss6 MIA Pa!l? Sh% #as th% on% #ho storm%d in h%r%(

-+. E1!. !O IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A )(-)*+ PAU$ Sarah* ba"it mo sin!god si 'ia? K!ng nasa"tan mo siya* p#%d% "a i"!long( SARA% Aba6 At a"o pa ngayon ang ma"!"!long( At tama 4y!n( Sig%6 Para magsama "aming dala#a sa "!l!ngan( PAU$ &ala a"ong "ina"ampihan6 Ayo"o lang mapahama" "a( SARA% Pa!l* n4ong hindi "a s!mipot sa !sapan natin* hindi ba na "ay 'ia "a? PAU$ Inata"% 4y!ng tatay niya( Kailangan niya ng PAU$ Sarah* #hy did yo! r!sh 'ia? I- yo! h!rt h%r* yo! ,an go to /ail( SARA% )%ally* no#? I$m th% on% #ho ,an go to /ail? That$s o"ay( &%$d b% tog%th%r b%hind bars( PAU$ I$m not siding #ith anyon%6 I /!st don$t #ant yo! to g%t into tro!bl%( SARA% Pa!l* #h%n yo! did not sho# !p -or o!r dat%* yo! #%r% #ith 'ia( )ight? PAU$ H%r -ath%r s!--%r%d a h%art atta,"( Sh% n%%d%d a -ri%nd(


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"aibigan( SARA% 2a"it? I"a# lang ba ang tao dito? &ala na ba siyang ibang "aibigan? PAU$ Sarah* tinatapos "o na "!ng anoman ang m%ron namin ni 'ia p%ro hindi "o naman siya p#%d%ng bastang pabayaan( &alang nangyari sa amin( Sinamahan "o lang siya( SARA% Nagsin!ngaling "a pa rin sa a"in( PAU$ ahil alam "ong magagalit "a6 SARA% Pa!l* paano tayo mag"a"a5ayos nito? Ni hindi "a nga nagsasabbi sa a"in ng totoo( PAU$ 2a"it? 'ay natitira "a pa bang ti#ala para sa a"in? SARA% Eh hindi mo naman a"o binibigyan ng rason para pag"ati#alaan "a( Ngayon* "!ng totoong aya# mo ng ma"asama si 'ia* ba"it mag"asama pa rin "ayo sa trabaho? PAU$ Naghahanap na a"o ng bagong trabaho( Hindi lang gan4on "adali( SARA% Lahat na lang* Pa!l( Lahat na lang* lagi "a na lang talagang may dahilan( H!#ag mo nga a"ong pai"!tin( PAU$


SARA% &hy? Ar% yo! th% only p%rson in th% #hol% ooha? o%sn$t sh% ha+% oth%r -ri%nds? PAU$ Sarah* I$m trying to %nd my r%lationship #ith 'ia( 2!t I ,an$t /!st l%a+% h%r* too( Nothing happ%n%d b%t#%%n !s( I /!st stay%d #ith h%r( SARA% 7o! still li%d to m%( PAU$ 2%,a!s% I "no# yo! #ill g%t mad6 SARA% Pa!l* ho# do yo! %8p%,t !s to iron o!t o!r di--%r%n,%s #h%n yo! #on$t %+%n t%ll m% th% tr!th? PAU$ &hy? o yo! still tr!st m%? SARA% 7o!$r% not gi+ing m% any r%ason to tr!st yo!( No#* i- yo! r%ally don$t #ant to b% #ith 'ia anymor%* #hy ar% yo! still tog%th%r at #or"? PAU$ I$m loo"ing -or a n%# /ob( 2!t it$s not that %asy( SARA% 7o! al#ays ha+% an %8,!s% -or %+%rything( on$t -ool m%* Pa!l( PAU$

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K!ng nahihirapan "a* nahihirapan din a"o( Pa"iramdam "o* hinihintay mo lang a"ong mag"amali dahil g!sto mong magalit sa a"in( SARA% Ngayon* nahihirapan "a( Eh i"a# naman ang nagsim!la nito %h( Ngayon na5r%5r%ali?% mo na hindi gan4on "adaling mambaba%( PAU$ Nangyari na 4y!ng nangyari6 &ala na a"ong magaga#a6 Ano pa ba ang g!sto mo? Ginaga#a "o na ang lahat para maging tama( SARA% Pa!l* ang g!sto "o* ipaglaban mo tayo( Hindi dahil 4y!n 4y!ng tama "!ndi dahil 4y!n ang g!sto mo6

I- this is di--i,!lt -or yo!* it is di--i,!lt -or m%* too( I -%%l that yo! ar% /!st #aiting -or m% to ma"% a mista"% b%,a!s% yo! #ant to g%t angry #ith m%( SARA% No#* yo! ar% ha+ing a hard tim% o- it( 2!t yo!$r% th% on% #ho start%d this in th% -irst pla,%( 7o! -inally r%ali?% it is not that %asy to ha+% an a--air( PAU$ It$s o+%r and don% #ith( Th%r%$s nothing I ,an do( &hat %ls% do yo! #ant? I$m doing %+%rything to ma"% things right( SARA% Pa!l* #hat I #ant is -or yo! to -ight -or !s not b%,a!s% it is right b!t b%,a!s% it is #hat yo! #ant6

-0. IN!. "U$!URA$ "EN!ER. "ORRIDOR. DO%A )(+) . )(+)(+ )(+)2 )(+)2* MIA Pa!l? Pa!l* ilang ara# mo na a"ong 4di "ini"ibo* ha? PAU$ Hindi "o na g!sto 4y!ng ginaga#a mo( MIA Pa!l* hindi tayo mag"alaban dito( Tayo ang mag"a"ampi( Hindi "o gagayahin si Sarah na pahihirapan ang b!hay mo pag "asama a"o( PAU$ Habang nandito "a sa b!hay "o* lalo a"ong mahihirapan6 'ia* pl%as% lang d!mistansiya "a na* MIA Pa!l? Pa!l* yo! ha+%n$t tal"%d to m% -or days( PAU$ I don$t li"% #hat yo!$r% doing anymor%( MIA Pa!l* I$m not th% %n%my h%r%( &% ar% tog%th%r in this( I #ill not b% li"% Sarah #ho ma"%s yo!r li-% mis%rabl% #hil% yo!$r% #ith m%( PAU$ Things #ill n%+%r b% %asy as long as yo! ar% part o- my li-% 6 'ia* pl%as% "%%p yo!r distan,% or I #ill ha+% to


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p#%d%? K!ndi "a"alim!tan "o na rin pag"a"aibigan natin( -,. E1!. &AY SIDE. DO%A )(0) "YN!%IA Sarah? O* a"ala "o na"a!#i "a na ng Pilipinas? 2!ti nag5t%8t "a( SARA% '!"hang matatagalan pa ata a"o dito* At%( '%ron pa ba a"ong trabaho na p#%d%ng pas!"an?

-org%t o!r -ri%ndship* too(

"YN!%IA Sarah? I tho!ght yo! #%nt hom% to th% Philippin%s( It$s good yo! t%8t%d m%( SARA% It loo"s li"% I ha+% to stay a #hil%( Ar% th%r% any a+ailabl% /obs I ,an apply -or?

)(0) .

-.. E1!. S!REE!. DO%A )(0)2( "I!O S!b!"an "ong magtanong5tanong dito* Pa!l* "!ng may ba"ant%ng trabaho* ha? PAU$ 'ang 1ito* maraming salamat( Sa totoo lang* a"ala "o hindi na "ayo magpapa"ita sa a"in %h( Hindi "o na po alam "!ng ano ang gaga#in "o( "I!O Naiintindihan "o* Pa!l( Ano? Kam!sta na "ayo ni Sarah? PAU$ &ala( Gan4on pa din %h( Ipit na ipit( Pilit "ong tinatama ang mga mali "o* p%ro "ahit anong mangyari* may nasasa"tan at may nasasa"tan pa din %h( "I!O Eh papaano mo nga maaalis ang sa"it na nararamdaman ng asa#a mo "!ng i"a# mismo* nasasa"tan pa( "I!O I #ill try to as" aro!nd ith%r% ar% any +a,an,i%s( O"ay? PAU$ 1ito* than" yo! so m!,h( A,t!ally* I didn$t %8p%,t yo! to g%t in to!,h #ith m% again( I don$t "no# #hat to do anymor%( "I!O I !nd%rstand* Pa!l( Ho# ar% yo! and Sarah doing? PAU$ Nothing has ,hang%d( I$m still ,a!ght in th% middl%( I$m trying to ,orr%,t my mista"%s( 2!t no matt%r #hat happ%ns* som%on% is bo!nd to g%t h!rt( "I!O Ho# ,an yo! %as% yo!r #i-%$s pain #h%n yo! ar% still h!rting?





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)(,) 2


Nagp!nta dito si Sarah para ma"asama "a( L!malaban siya* Pa!l( 'ahal na mahal "a ng asa#a mo( Hangga4t g!sto pa niyang l!maban* malalampasan mo rin ang mga ito( PAU$ 'ang 1ito* naisip "o "!ng. "!ng b!hay pa si Papa* l!ma"i lang a"ong may tatay* sig!ro siya pa 4y!ng nagpapayo sa a"in "!ng anong tamang ga#in(

Sarah ,am% to oha to b% #ith yo!( 7o!r #i-% lo+%s yo! +%ry m!,h( &hil% sh% is still #illing to -ight -or yo!r r%lationship* yo! g!ys #ill g%t past this( PAU$ It /!st o,,!rr%d to m% that iad #%r% still ali+% and I gr%# !p #ith a -ath%r* h% #o!ld probably ad+is% m% on th% right thing to do(

/ . E1!. S%OPPING "EN!ER. DO%A )(,)-+ "YN!%IA O* Sarah( 2!ti nag5t%8t "a( Nangangailangan a"o ng mga tao %h( SARA% Ano po bang "ailangang ga#in? "YN!%IA Ah "!m!"!ha "asi a"o ng mga Pinoy para ano. t%mporary d4on sa mga +illa o "aya sa opisina( SARA% Ano po bang ginaga#a nila d4on? "YN!%IA 3s!ally naglilinis o "aya "!ng anoman ang "ailangan nilang ipaga#a( SARA% Ah. "YN!%IA O* ano? Kaya mo? SARA% Oo naman po( "YN!%IA T%mporary lang naman 4to( Eh papaga#a "o na "YN!%IA Sarah* its good yo! t%8t%d m%( I n%%d p%opl%( SARA% &hat n%%ds to b% don%? "YN!%IA I hir% =ilipinos to #or" t%mporarily in +ario!s +illas or o--i,%s( SARA% &hat #ill th%y do th%r%? "YN!%IA 3s!ally ,l%aning /obs or anything that is r%:!%st%d oth%m( SARA% Oh6 "YN!%IA o yo! thin" yo! ar% !p -or it? SARA% O- ,o!rs%6 "YN!%IA This is /!st t%mporary* any#ay( I$ll arrang% -or yo!

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4y!ng +isa mo para maging l%gal 4y!ng stay mo dito( SARA% Sig% po( Sig%* At%( Salamat* ha? "YN!%IA &alang an!man 4y!n(

to ha+% a +isa to ma"% yo!r stay l%gal( SARA% O"ay( Than" yo!( "YN!%IA It$s nothing(

/(. E1!. #ARAS%A &O!I6UE. DO%A NO DIA$OGUE /2. IN!. #ARAS%A &O!I6UE. DO%A )(.)(0 )(.)(. )(.)2( "YN!%IA Ay6 Good morning po* Sir6 MAN ( O* 1ynthia( 2!ti d!mating "a na( "YN!%IA Ah sorry po( '%dyo na5 lat% "ami "asi sin!ndo "o pa siya( MAN ( Ah mab!ti naman na"a"ita "a( Alam mo naman* mas g!sto "ong "ababayan nagtratrabaho dito( 'as malinis sa"a mas mapag"ati#alaan( "YN!%IA Siyanga ho pala* siya si Sarah( SARA% Sir( MAN ( (O0E)LAP) Hi( O* ah "ailan "a p#%d%ng mag5!mpisa? "YN!%IA Ay* b!"as( P#%d% na ho "ami( P#%d% na siyang b!mali" b!"as( MAN ( Ah. Ah o"ay( Ah alam mo* dito* maraming Pilipino dito( Kaya nga lang* 4y!ng b!sin%ss "YN!%IA Oh6 Good morning* Sir6 MAN ( 1ynthia* I$m glad yo!$r% h%r%( "YN!%IA I$m sorry( &%$r% lat% b%,a!s% I had to pi," h%r !p( MAN ( I$m glad yo! #%r% abl% to -ind som%on% s!itabl%( 7o! "no# that I pr%-%r =ilipino #or"%rs( Th%y do a b%tt%r ,l%aning /ob and ar% tr!st#orthy( "YN!%IA 2y th% #ay* this is Sarah( SARA% Sir( MAN ( Hi( &h%n ,an yo! start? "YN!%IA Oh* #% ,an start tomorro#( Sh% ,an ,om% ba," -irst thing in th% morning( MAN ( Oh* o"ay( Th%r% ar% many =ilipinos #or"ing h%r%( Ho#%+%r* my b!sin%ss partn%r is an Arab 5 a @atari( NO DIA$OGUE


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partn%r "o* Arabo( @atari( '%dyo mahigpit( "YN!%IA (TO SA)AH) O"ay lang? SARA% (O0E)LAP) Opo( "YN!%IA Sig% po( MAN ( (O0E)LAP) O"ay( "YN!%IA (O0E)LAP) Ah babali" na lang "ami b!"as* ha? MAN ( O"ay( SARA% Sig% po( Salamat po* Sir( MAN ( (O0E)LAP) Than" yo!(

H%$s :!it% stri,t( "YN!%IA Is that o"ay? SARA% 7%s( "YN!%IA O"ay( MAN ( O"ay( "YN!%IA &%$ll b% ba," tomorro#* o"ay? MAN ( O"ay( SARA% Goodby%( Than" yo!* Sir( MAN ( Than" yo!(




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+(. E1!. 3 IN!. #ARAS%A &O!I6UE 3 E1!. S!REE!

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NO DIA$OGUE +2. E1!. PAU$4S 'I$$A. DO%A )2-)*0 PAU$ Eh hindi ba niya sinabi sa 4yo "!ng saan siya p!p!nta? 2OY Hindi nga %h( Kanina "o pa nga tinata#agan* na"apatay naman 4y!ng ,%ll phon% niya( PAU$ Ano ba 4tong si Sarah? Ara#5ara# !malis( Hindi !m!!#i( Hindi man lang sinasabi sa a"in "!ng siya p!p!nta( 2OY As!s6 1on,%rn%d( PAU$ ;oy* r%sponsibilidad "o si Sarah( 2OY Pa!l* sana nga hindi lang r%sponsibilidad ang tingin mo sa "anya( ahil mas higit d4on si Sarah( Eh ano nga "aya* 4di t!ma#ag na lang tayo ng p!lis( Kina"abahan na rin a"o %h( 2a"a mamaya* "!ng napaano na 4y!n( PAU$ 'ab!ti pa nga( 2OY Oo nga( (SEES SA)AH) O* ayan na pala* o( PAU$ Saan "a ba nagp!nta? SARA% 2a"it? Kailangan "o na bang magpaalam sa 4yo ngayon? PAU$ Nananadya "a ba?


PAU$ idnAt sh% t%ll yo! #h%r% sh% #as going? 2OY No( IA+% b%%n ,alling h%r b!t I thin" h%r ,%ll phon% is t!rn%d o--( PAU$ &hat$s #rong #ith Sarah? Sh% l%a+%s %+%ry day #itho!t t%lling m% #h%r% sh%As going( 2OY &o#6 7o!Ar% ,on,%rn%d* h!h? PAU$ ;oy* Sarah is my r%sponsibility( 2OY Pa!l* I #ish yo!$d stop loo"ing at Sarah as a m%r% r%sponsibility* b%,a!s% sh%As mor% than that( &hat i- #% ,all th% poli,%? IAm g%tting #orri%d* too( Som%thing bad ,o!ld ha+% happ%n%d to h%r( PAU$ ThatAs a good id%a( 2OY 7%s( Oh6 Sh%$s h%r%( PAU$ &h%r% ha+% yo! b%%n? SARA% &hy? o I n%%d to as" p%rmission -rom yo! no#? PAU$ Ar% yo! b%ing d%lib%rat%ly


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Hindi mo man lang inisip may mga taong nag5aalala sa 4yo( )2/)*0 SARA% Kapag !maalis "a ba* nagsasabi "a sa a"in? PAU$ Ah gan4on? Gantihan tayo? Ganito na tayo ngayon( Ano ang s!s!nod mong gaga#in* ha? 'anglalala"i "a rin? 2OY (TO PA3L) Pa!l( (TO SA)AH) Sarah* tama na* ha? (TO PA3L) Pa!l* tama na 4yan* ha? (TO PA3L* SA)AH) Ano ba "ayong dala#a6 "YN!%IA Pas%nsiya na( Pa!l* a"o 4y!ng "asama ni Sarah( SARA% At%* ano "a ba? Hindi mo "ailangang mag5 sorry sa "anya( 2OY Ah Pa!l* siya si At% 1ynthia( Siya ang t!m!t!long "ay Sarah( SARA% &ala "ang "arapatang s!mbatan a"o ng "ahit na ano* Pa!l* ha? &ala "ang "arapatan6


st!bborn? idn$t it %+%n o,,!r to yo! that th%r% ar% p%opl% #ho ar% #orri%d abo!t yo!? SARA% &h%n yo! l%a+%* do yo! %+%r both%r to t%ll m% #h%r% yo!$r% going? PAU$ Is that ho# it is going to b% -rom no# on? &% #ill g%t %+%n -or %+%ry p%r,%i+%d o--%ns%? &hat do yo! plan to do n%8t? =ind yo!rs%l- a lo+%r? 2OY Pa!l Sarah* stop( O"ay? Pa!l* that$s %no!gh( O"ay? &hatAs #rong #ith yo! t#o? "YN!%IA IAm sorry Pa!l( Sarah #as #ith m%( SARA% No* 'iss 1ynthia( 7o! donAt ha+% to apologi?% to him( 2OY Pa!l* this is 'iss 1ynthia( Sh%As th% on% #ho is h%lping Sarah( SARA% 7o! donAt ha+% any right to :!%stion m%* Pa!l* o"ay?

)2*) . )2*)( )2*)()2*)(* )2*)(, )2*)22



+-. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A )2+) 0 PAU$ 2a"it hindi mo sinabi sa a"in naghahanap "a ng trabaho? Sarah* nag5 aalala a"o sa 4yo( SARA% Ayo"o na maging pabigat sa 4yo( PAU$ &hy didnAt yo! t%ll m% yo! #%r% loo"ing -or a /ob? Sarah* I #orry abo!t yo!( SARA% I donAt #ant to b% a b!rd%n(


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PAU$ O* sig% na( Sig% na( K!"!ha a"o ng hot ,ompr%ss para ma#ala 4yang sa"it ng "ata#an mo( SARA% Pa!l* h!#ag na( Kaya "o na sarili "o( PAU$ Ganyan talaga 4yan sa sim!la( Sasa"it talaga 4y!ng b!ong "ata#an mo( Hayaan mo( 'asasanay "a din( N4ong nagsisim!la nga a"o sa ,onstr!,tion* isang b!ong linggo s!ma"it "ata#an "o( SARA% 2a"it* Pa!l? PAU$ Anong ba"it? SARA% 2a"it hindi mo sinabi sa a"in 4y!ng totoong trabaho mo dito? PAU$ ahil ayo"ong mag5 alala "a( K!ng maghihirap a"o* g!sto "ong maghirap mag5isa( N4ong nagsisim!la nga a"o dito* ang sabi ng mga tao* !m!#i na a"o %h( Hindi "o ra# "aya 4y!ng trabaho( Na#alan a"o ng loob( P%ro ang inisip "o lang lagi* si P;( SARA% Ngayon* naiintidihan "o na( PAU$ Anong. Anong naiintindihan? SARA% Galit na galit "a sa a"in dahil iniisip mo nap!nta sa #ala lahat ng hirap mo(

PAU$ O"ay( I$ll g%t a hot ,ompr%ss -or yo!r body a,h%s(

SARA% on$t both%r* Pa!l( I ,an ta"% ,ar% o- mys%l-( PAU$ That$s ho# it is at -irst( 7o!r #hol% body #ill a,h%( 7o!$ll g%t !s%d to it %+%nt!ally( &h%n I start%d in ,onstr!,tion* my body a,h%d -or on% #hol% #%%"( SARA% &hy* Pa!l? PAU$ &hat do yo! m%an* #hy? SARA% &hy didn$t yo! t%ll m% #hat yo!r r%al /ob #as? PAU$ 2%,a!s% I didn$t #ant yo! to #orry( I- I ha+% to str!ggl%* I #ant to do it alon%( &h%n I #as /!st starting* p%opl% told m% to go hom%( Th%y said I #asn$t physi,ally -it -or th% /ob( I -%lt dis,o!rag%d( 2!t I #as al#ays -o,!s%d on P;( SARA% No#* I !nd%rstand( PAU$ &hat do yo! !nd%rstand? SARA% 7o! #%r% mad at m% b%,a!s% yo! tho!ght all th% hardships yo! s!--%r%d #as -or nothing(

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)2,) + )2,)(2


)2,)-2 )2,)/+

ahil tingin mo* pinabayaan "o ang ana" natin( Par%ho lang tayong nasa impy%rno noon* Pa!l( P%ro tiniis "o lahat( ahil inisip "o* basta sin!s!portahan natin ang isa4t isa* #ala tayong hindi "aya( Noong na#ala si P;* g!sto "o na ring mamatay n4on( P%ro pinili "ong mab!hay( Pinilit "ong mab!hay para sa 4yo(

7o! b%li%+% I n%gl%,t%d o!r son( &% #%r% both #allo#ing in mis%ry th%n* Pa!l( 2!t I tri%d to %nd!r% %+%rything( I tho!ght that as long as #% s!pport %a,h oth%r* th%r% is nothing #% ,annot do( &h%n P; di%d* I #ant%d to di% as #%ll( 2!t I ,hos% to li+%( I tri%d to li+% -or yo!(

+/. IN!. MARKE!. DO%A )2.) 0 )2.)( )2.)()2.)(* $ORRAINE Kam!sta na pala daddy mo? MIA Ay!n6 Na"a5s,h%d!l% na -or op%ration( "ARMI O* %h 4di #ala "a ng probl%ma( MIA Sana nga maging sa-% na si addy para maba#asan na 4y!ng probl%ma "o( "ARMI 2a"it? 'ay iba "a pa bang probl%ma? MIA '%ron( Si Pa!l sa"a 4y!ng asa#a niya( $ORRAINE N%+%r %nding mo namang probl%ma 4yang si Pa!l( MIA Hindi na nga a"o "ina"a!sap ni Pa!l %h( "ARMI 'ia* #ala "a ng magaga#a( Asa#a niya 4y!n( Gam% o+%r na( $ORRAINE Ho# is yo!r dad? MIA H% is s,h%d!l%d -or an op%ration( "ARMI &%ll* that m%ans yo! no long%r ha+% any probl%ms( MIA I r%ally hop% that dad p!lls thro!gh( That$s going to b% on% l%ss probl%m -or m%( "ARMI &hy? o yo! ha+% oth%r probl%ms? MIA 7%s 5 Pa!l and his #i-%( $ORRAINE 2!t yo!r probl%ms #ith Pa!l ar% n%+%r5%nding( MIA Pa!l do%s not tal" to m% anymor%( "ARMI 'ia* yo! ,an$t do anything abo!t that( Sarah is his #i-%( It$s gam% o+%r -or yo! and

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MIA Hindi( Hindi pa "ami tapos ni Pa!l( Aaga#in "o siya !lit sa asa#a niya( K!ng naga#a "o na 4y!n dati* magaga#a "o !lit 4y!n(

Pa!l( MIA No( Pa!l and I ar% not don% y%t( I #ill g%t Pa!l ba," -rom his #i-% again( I- I #as abl% to do it b%-or%* I ,an do it again(



++. IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE &E$EN (TALKING ON THE PHONE) O* Ana"? Napata#ag "a? 2a"it? 'ay probl%ma ba? &E$EN Oh6 Hi* d%ar( &hy did yo! ,all? Is som%thing th% matt%r?


+0. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A SARA% (TALKING ON THE PHONE) &ala* 4Nay( Na5mi5miss lang "ita( SARA% No* 'om( I /!st miss yo!(

)- )

+,. IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE &E$EN (TALKING ON THE PHONE) 'iss na miss na rin "ita %h( &E$EN I miss yo! so m!,h* too(

)- ) /

+.. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A SARA% (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Ah 4Nay* m%dyo magtatagal ho m!na a"o dito* ha? SARA% 'om* I #ill ha+% to stay h%r% -or a -%# months* o"ay?

)- )(

0 . IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

)- )(.

&E$EN (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Nag"a5!sap na ba "ayo ni Pa!l?

&E$EN Ha+% yo! and Pa!l tal"%d?


)- )22

02. IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE &E$EN (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Ana"* sana maayos niyo 4yan( &E$EN I hop% yo! ,an r%sol+% yo!r iss!%s(

)- )2-

0-. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A SARA% (TALKING ON THE PHONE) 4Nay* magtratrabaho ho m!na a"o dito para naman ho maba#i natin 4y!ng ginastos sa pag5 alis "o( SARA% 'om* I #ill #or" h%r% -or th% m%antim% so #% ,an ,o+%r th% %8p%ns%s o- my l%a+%5 ta"ing(

)- )-

0/. IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE &E$EN (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Ano "a ba naman? H!#ag mo nga isipin 4y!ng p%ra( Ang mahalaga sa a"in* i"a#( &E$EN 1om% on6 on$t #orry abo!t th% mon%y( &hat matt%rs to m% is yo!r #%ll5b%ing(

)- )-,

0*. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A &E$EN (TALKING ON THE OTHE) LINE) K!ng saan "a masaya( H!#ag mo na a"ong isipin( &E$EN I #ant yo! to b% happy( =org%t abo!t m%(

)- )/+

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)- )*

SARA% (TALKING ON THE PHONE) 4Nay naman( P#%d% ba naman 4y!n?

SARA% 1om% on* 'om( 7o! "no# I ,an$t do that(

0+. IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE SARA% (TALKING ON THE OTHE) LINE) 2asta* 4Nay* panga"o "o sa 4yo( SARA% 'om* I promis%.

)- )*+

00. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A SARA% (TALKING ON THE PHONE) Sandali lang a"o dito( 'agsasama tayo !lit( SARA% I$ll only stay a #hil%( &%$ll b% tog%th%r again soon(

)- )*.

0,. IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE SARA% (TALKING ON THE OTHE) LINE) O* 4Nay* bababa "o na 4to* ha? SARA% 'om* I$ll hang !p no#* o"ay?

)-() *

0.. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A SARA% (TALKING ON THE PHONE) 'asyado na 4tong mahal* %h( 2asta* 4Nay* mag5iingat "ayo diyan* ha? 'ahal na mahal "ita* 4Nay( SARA% This ,all alr%ady ,osts too m!,h( 7o! and 3n,l% ta"% ,ar%* o"ay? I lo+% yo! +%ry m!,h* 'om(

)-() 0

, . IN!. &E$EN'S %OUSE &E$EN (TALKING ON THE PHONE) 'ahal na mahal din "ita* Ana"( 'ag5iingat. &E$EN I lo+% yo! +%ry m!,h* too( Ta"% ,ar%.


,(. E1!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A

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&E$EN . o"ay?

,2. E1!. !O IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A )-2)(. PAU$ Pinaghanda "ita ng pag"ain( Sig% na( K!main "a na( 'ay paso" pa a"o( Sarah* "!ng maghahanap "a ng trabaho* o"ay lang naman( P%ro sana i5t%8t mo a"o( Para hindi a"o nag5aalala( Sig% na( Papaso" na a"o( K!main "a na( PAU$ I pr%par%d br%a"-ast -or yo!( Go ah%ad and %at( I still ha+% #or" today( Sarah* it is o"ay i- yo! #ant to go /ob h!nting( 2!t pl%as% t%8t m% so I #on$t #orry( I ha+% to go to #or"( Go ah%ad and %at(



,-. E1!. PARK. DO%A )--)(* )--)(0 &ERNARD Ayos 4tong bagong ra"%t mo* 4Tol ah( 2O%NNY O* basta* Par%* pag may op%ning* ha? H!#ag mo "aming "a"alim!tan( PAU$ Sig%( Sig%( A"o ang bahala sa inyo( 2O%NNY Kam!sta naman 4y!ng pina"as#%rt%ng lala"i sa balat ng oha? &ERNARD Pinagsama naman ang langit at l!pa( Si n!mb%r on% at n!mb%r t#o "asama niya( PAU$ Hoy6 P#%d% ba? Hi#alay na "ami ni 'ia( Sig!ro naman #alang lala"ing may g!stong malagay sa sit#asyon na ganito( &ERNARD Sig!ro ba naman( &ERNARD This n%# /ob o- yo!rs is gr%at* 2ro( 2O%NNY 7%s( on$t -org%t abo!t !s iyo! h%ar o- any op%ning( PAU$ O- ,o!rs%( I$ll ta"% ,ar% oyo! g!ys( 2O%NNY Ho# is th% l!,"i%st man in th% #hol% o- oha? &ERNARD H% m!st b% mis%rabl%* too( Imagin% ha+ing both his #i-% and mistr%ss tog%th%r in on% pla,%6 PAU$7 Oh* pl%as%6 'ia and I ha+% bro"%n !p( No man #o!ld li"% to b% ,a!ght in this sit!ation( &ERNARD That$s probably tr!%(

)--)2 )--)2-




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Nagp!nta ba naman dito ang asa#a mo6 2O%NNY Par%* ito lang* ha? Eh "!ng mahal mo naman talaga 4y!ng asa#a mo* %h s!y!in mo* Par%* hangga$t maaga pa( Kasi* Par%* ang baba% naman* li"as na matiisin 4yan( P%ro pag 4yan napagod at nagsa#a* pag 4yan nagd%sisyon na 4yan na aya# na nila* ay* P4r%* "ahit magpasagasa "a pa sa tr%n %h hindi na 4yan lilingon para sa 4yo(

To thin" yo!r #i-% #%nt all th% #ay h%r%6 2O%NNY This is my ad+i,%* 2ro( I- yo! r%ally lo+% yo!r #i-%* yo! sho!ld #oo h%r ba," #hil% yo! still ,an( &om%n ar% nat!rally pati%nt( Ho#%+%r* i- th%y g%t -%d !p and d%,id% to ha+% nothing to do #ith yo!* yo! ,an ha+% yo!rs%l- r!n o+%r by a train and th%y #on$t gi+% yo! th% tim% o- day(

,/. E1!. &AY 3 E1!. S!REE!. DO%A )-/)2+ )-/)-* )-/)-+ )-/)-, PIERRE H%y6 7o!6 PAU$ &hat do yo! #ant? PIERRE &% n%%d to tal"( PAU$ H%y6 I don$t #ant tro!bl%( I ha+% nothing to say to yo!( PIERRE 2!t I do( &% n%%d to tal" abo!t 'ia( PIERRE H%y6 7o!6 PAU$ &hat do yo! #ant? PIERRE &% n%%d to tal"( PAU$ H%y6 I don$t #ant tro!bl%( I ha+% nothing to say to yo!( PIERRE 2!t I do( &% n%%d to tal" abo!t 'ia(


,*. IN!. "O##EE S%OP. DO%A )-/)*PAU$ I- yo! #ant to "no# anything abo!t 'ia* yo! #on4t g%t anything -rom m%( So yo! l%a+% h%r alon%( Stop harassing h%r( 7o! !nd%rstand? PIERRE Harassing h%r? Is that #hat sh% told yo!? Sh%4s b%%n playing yo! /!st as m!,h as sh%4s b%%n playing m%( PAU$ PAU$ I- yo! #ant to "no# anything abo!t 'ia* yo! #on4t g%t anything -rom m%( So yo! l%a+% h%r alon%( Stop harassing h%r( 7o! !nd%rstand? PIERRE Harassing h%r? Is that #hat sh% told yo!? Sh%4s b%%n playing yo! /!st as m!,h as sh%4s b%%n playing m%( PAU$

)-*) )-*) +

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&hat do yo! m%an? PIERRE I n%+%r harass%d h%r( I #as in lo+% #ith h%r(

&hat do yo! m%an? PIERRE I n%+%r harass%d h%r( I #as in lo+% #ith h%r(


,0. #$AS%&A"K. IN!. %O!E$. RE"EP!ION AREA. DU&AI7 U.A.E )-*)2( )-*)22 )-*)2* PIERRE H%llo6 MIA Ahm. 7%s* Sir? &hat ,an I do -or yo!? PIERRE 7%s( I. I$d li"% to arrang% -or a #a"%5!p ,all tomorro# morning( )oom BCB( =o!r A'( MIA =o!r A'( Ahm yo!r nam%* Sir? PIERRE Pi%rr%( And yo!? MIA 'ia. PIERRE En,hant%* 'ia( PIERRE H%llo6 MIA 7%s* Sir? &hat ,an I do -or yo!? PIERRE 7%s* I$d li"% to arrang% -or a #a"%5!p ,all tomorro# morning( )oom BCB( =o!r A'( MIA =o!r A'( 7o!r nam%* Sir? PIERRE Pi%rr%( And yo!? MIA 'ia. PIERRE Ni,% m%%ting yo!* 'ia(

)-*)-)-*)-+ )-*)-. )-*)/(


,.. #$AS%&A"K. E1!. MA$$ 3 E1!. S!REE!. DU&AI7 U.A.E NO DIA$OGUE NO DIA$OGUE

. . #$AS%&A"K. IN!. RES!AURAN!. DU&AI7 U.A.E )-+) ( MIA Pi%rr%* I don$t #ant to go to /ail( I ha+% to pay my. my ,r%dit loans( I ha+% to pay all o- my d%bts( PIERRE 'ia* don$t #orry( That$s not going to happ%n( I$ll MIA Pi%rr%* I don$t #ant to go to /ail( I ha+% to pay my ,r%dit loans( I ha+% to pay all o- my d%bts( PIERRE 'ia* don$t #orry( That$s not going to happ%n( I$ll h%lp

)-+) .

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

)-+)(0 )-+)(,

h%lp yo!( MIA &hat do yo! m%an? PIERRE I$ll. I$ll pay -or %+%rything(

yo!( MIA &hat do yo! m%an? PIERRE I$ll pay -or %+%rything(

.(. #$AS%&A"K. E1!. PARK. DU&AI7 U.A.E )-+)2/ )-+)2, )-+))-+)/, )-+)*)-0) 2 PIERRE I lo+% yo! so m!,h( MIA Pi%rr%* I #anna go hom%( PIERRE No* #ait( Pl%as% #ait( Pl%as%? I ha+% som%thing -or yo!( MIA &hat is it? PIERRE It4s b%%n in my -amily -or g%n%rations( And I #ant yo! to ha+% it( MIA Ah this is too m!,h( Pi%rr%* I ,an4t a,,%pt that( PIERRE Ta"% it( 'y moth%r ga+% this to m%( Sh% told m% to gi+% it to th% #oman I lo+%( And I "no# #% ha+%n$t "no#n %a,h oth%r -or +%ry long* 'ia* b!t yo!$r% that #oman( I #ant to marry yo!( PIERRE I lo+% yo! so m!,h( MIA Pi%rr%* I #ant to go hom%( PIERRE No* #ait( Pl%as% #ait( Pl%as%? I ha+% som%thing -or yo!( MIA &hat is it? PIERRE It4s b%%n #ith my -amily -or g%n%rations( I #ant yo! to ha+% it( MIA This is too m!,h( Pi%rr%* I ,an4t a,,%pt that( PIERRE Ta"% it( 'y moth%r ga+% this to m%( Sh% told m% to gi+% it to th% #oman I lo+%( I "no# #% ha+%n$t "no#n %a,h oth%r -or +%ry long* 'ia* b!t yo!$r% that #oman( I #ant to marry yo!(

)-0) 0




.-. #$AS%&A"K. IN!. %O!E$. RE"EP!ION AREA. DU&AI7 U.A.E )-0)* MAN 2 I am sorry( 'ia P%droso do%sn4t #or" h%r% anymor%( PIERRE MAN 2 I$m sorry( 'ia P%droso do%sn4t #or" h%r% anymor%( PIERRE

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&%ll* do yo! "no# #h%r% I ,an -ind h%r? I n%%d to tal" to h%r( MAN 2 I am sorry* Sir( &%4r% not allo#%d to gi+% any in-ormation abo!t g!%sts #ho ar% not h%r% anymor%(

&%ll* do yo! "no# #h%r% I ,an -ind h%r? I n%%d to tal" to h%r( MAN 2 I am sorry* Sir( &%4r% not allo#%d to gi+% any in-ormation abo!t %mploy%%s #ho no long%r #or" -or !s(

./. &A"K !O PRESEN!. IN!. "O##EE S%OP. DO%A )-,) 0 PIERRE And th%n sh% /!st disapp%ar%d( ;!st li"% that( &itho!t a tra,%( &itho!t %+%n saying goodby%( I loo"%d %+%ry#h%r% -or h%r( =inally* I -o!nd o!t sh% mo+%d to oha( I tri%d ,alling h%r( Sh% #on$t r%t!rn my ,alls( Th%n I -inally tra,"%d h%r do#n( PIERRE And th%n sh% /!st disapp%ar%d /!st li"% that 5 #itho!t a tra,% and #itho!t %+%n saying goodby%( I loo"%d %+%ry#h%r% -or h%r( =inally* I -o!nd o!t sh% mo+%d to oha( I tri%d ,alling h%r b!t sh% #on$t r%t!rn my ,alls( I -inally tra,"%d h%r do#n(

)-,)(. )-,)2-

.*. #$AS%&A"K. E1!. MIA'S &OARDING %OUSE. DO%A )-,)-0 )-,)-, MIA Ho# did yo! -ind m% h%r%? PIERRE 7o! thin" yo! ,an /!st r!n a#ay? I$+% b%%n loo"ing -or yo! %+%ry#h%r%( &hat happ%n%d to yo!? MIA Go a#ay6 I told yo! to stop s%%ing m%( I don$t #ant to s%% yo! anymor%( I told yo! to stop ,alling m%( Th% t#o o- !s? &%$r% o+%r6 PIERRE 'ia6 MIA &hat? PIERRE ;!st gi+% m% my ring ba,"( MIA Ho# did yo! -ind m% h%r%? PIERRE 7o! thin" yo! ,an /!st r!n a#ay? I$+% b%%n loo"ing -or yo! %+%ry#h%r%( &hat happ%n%d to yo!? MIA Go a#ay6 I told yo! to stop s%%ing m%( I don$t #ant to s%% yo! anymor%( I told yo! to stop ,alling m%( Th% t#o o- !s? &%$r% o+%r6 PIERRE 'ia6 MIA &hat? PIERRE ;!st gi+% m% my ring ba,"(


)-,)*)-,)*/ )-,)**

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

)-,)*0 )-.) ( )-.) )-.) /

MIA &hat ring? I don$t ha+% it anymor%( Go a#ay6 PIERRE 'y ring? 7o! don$t ha+% it? &hat happ%n%d to it? MIA Go a#ay6 PIERRE Ho# ,an yo! do this to m%? 7o! "no# ho# sp%,ial that #as to m%(

MIA &hat ring? I don$t ha+% it anymor%( Go a#ay6 PIERRE 'y ring? 7o! don$t ha+% it? &hat happ%n%d to it? MIA Go a#ay6 PIERRE Ho# ,an yo! do this to m%? 7o! "no# ho# sp%,ial that #as to m%(

.+. &A"K !O PRESEN!. IN!. "O##EE S%OP. DO%A )-.)( )-.)(2 PAU$ &hy ar% yo! t%lling m% this? PIERRE I tho!ght yo! sho!ld "no# th% tr!th abo!t that #oman( PAU$ Ah that4s not tr!%( I4+% "no#n 'ia -rom #ay ba," in th% Philippin%s( &hy sho!ld I %+%n b%li%+% yo!? PIERRE P%opl% ,hang%( I ha+% no r%ason to li% to yo!( PAU$ &hy ar% yo! t%lling m% this? PIERRE I tho!ght yo! sho!ld "no# th% tr!th abo!t that #oman( PAU$ That4s not tr!%( I4+% "no#n 'ia -rom #ay ba," in th% Philippin%s( &hy sho!ld I %+%n b%li%+% yo!? PIERRE P%opl% ,hang%( I ha+% no r%ason to li% to yo!(



.0. E1!. "U$!URA$ "EN!ER. DO%A )-.)-/ )-.)-. )-.)/2 )-.)/, )-.)*( MIA Pa!l? Hindi "a na ba galit sa a"in? PAU$ Kailangan talaga nating mag5!sap( Na"a!sap "o si Pi%rr%( MIA Hinahanap ba niya a"o? Pa!l* ba"a sa"tan niya !lit a"o( PAU$ Sina"tan "a ba niya talaga? MIA Anong "las%ng tanong MIA Pa!l? Ar% yo! still angry #ith m%? PAU$ &% r%ally n%%d to tal"( I ran into Pi%rr%( MIA &as h% loo"ing -or m%? H% might h!rt m% again* Pa!l( PAU$ id h% r%ally h!rt yo!? MIA &hat "ind o- a :!%stion is

)-.)*+ )/ )

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

)/ ) * )/ )( )/ )()/ )(+

)/ )20

)/ )--

)/ )/-

)/ )*+ )/()

ba 4yan? PAU$ Nasaan na 4y!ng singsing? MIA Anong singsing? PAU$ &ala "a talagang alam? MIA K!ng anoman ang sinabi niya sa 4yo* hindi totoo 4y!n( Na"ita mo naman* 4di ba? Gin!g!lo niya a"o( Obs%ss%d siya sa a"in( Galit siya sa a"in( G!sto niya lang a"ong siraan sa 4yo( PAU$ O* sig%* sig%( 2a"it naman magsisin!ngaling sa a"in 4y!ng tao* ha* 'ia? MIA Hindi "o alam( Pa!l* "ilala mo a"o( Kilala mo a"o( Hindi a"o magsisin!ngaling sa 4yo( Pa!l* mani#ala "a sa a"in( PAU$ Hindi "o na alam "!ng anong panini#alaan "o( 'ia* "ahit nararamdaman "o* hindi "o na alam( Nagd!d!da a"o "!ng dapat bang minahal "ita !li( MIA Pa!l. Pa!l* h!#ag mong sabihin 4yan( PAU$ 2inago "a na talaga ng l!gar na 4to( Hindi na "ita "ilala(

that? PAU$ &h%r% is th% ring? MIA &hat ring? PAU$ 7o! r%ally don$t "no#? MIA &hat%+%r h% told yo! 5 that$s not tr!%( 7o!$+% s%%n ho# h% harass%s m%( H% is obs%ss%d #ith m%( H% is mad at m%( H% #ants to dis,r%dit m% in yo!r %y%s( PAU$ O"ay( 2!t #hy #o!ld h% li% to m%* 'ia? MIA I ha+% no id%a* Pa!l( 7o! "no# m%( I #on$t li% to yo!( Pa!l* pl%as% b%li%+% m%( PAU$ I don$t "no# #hat to b%li%+% anymor%( 'ia* I$m ha+ing s%,ond tho!ghts on #h%th%r I sho!ld ha+% lo+%d yo! again( MIA Pa!l* pl%as% don$t say that( PAU$ This pla,% has r%ally ,hang%d yo!( I don$t "no# yo! anymor%(

.,. E1!. PARK 3 E1!. &AY. DO%A NO DIA$OGUE ... E1!. S!REE! NO DIA$OGUE

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)/()*2 )/()*/

)/2) .

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"YN!%IA O"ay "a na ba? SARA% O"ay naman na po( La"i naman po a"o sa hirap %h( Kaya sanay naman po a"ong magtrabaho( Kaya lang* tingin "o po dala na rin ito ng l!ng"ot %h( Na5 mi5miss "o na ho si Nanay( "YN!%IA O"ay lang ma5 hom%si,"( Ganyan talaga dito( 'asasanay "a rin( Nag5aalala sa 4yo si Pa!l( That4s a good sign( Ibig sabihin n4on* may pag5asa pa "ayong dala#a( SARA% Hanggang nasa b!hay po namin 4y!ng baba%ng 4y!n* hinding5 hindi "ami mag5aayos( "YN!%IA Nanini#ala a"o na ang lala"i* pipiliin niya ang pamilya niya( I"a# ang pamilya niya( O* 4di i"a# ang pipiliin niya(

"YN!%IA Ar% yo! o"ay no#? SARA% I$m -in%( I gr%# !p poor so I$m !s%d to hard #or"( I thin" I$m /!st lon%ly( I miss my moth%r( "YN!%IA It is o"ay to b% hom%si,"( That$s ho# it is h%r%( 7o!$ll g%t !s%d to it( Pa!l is #orri%d abo!t yo!( That$s a good sign( That m%ans th%r% is still hop% -or yo!r r%lationship( SARA% &hil% that #oman is in o!r li+%s* #% #ill n%+%r r%,on,il%( "YN!%IA I b%li%+% that a man #ill ,hoos% his -amily( 7o! ar% his -amily( That m%ans h% #ill ,hoos% yo!(

. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM. DO%A )/-)(( MIA Sarah* d!mating "a na pala( A"ala "o* mamaya "a pa( SARA% Anong ginaga#a mo dito* 'ia? MIA Ay6 Sorry* ha? G!sto "o lang "asi sorpr%sahin si Pa!l( Pas%nsiya "a na( Para sa dala#a lang inihanda "o( H!#ag "a mapi"on( MIA Sarah* yo!$r% h%r%( I tho!ght yo!$d b% lat%( SARA% &hat ar% yo! doing h%r%* 'ia? MIA Oh* I$m sorry( I /!st #ant%d to s!rpris% Pa!l( I$m sorry* b!t I only pr%par%d %no!gh -or t#o( on$t g%t mad(

)/-)(, )/-)2


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)//) )//) )//) +




)//))//)-* )//)/0 )//)*/ )//)*+ )//)*+ )//)*0 )//)*,

Lagi namin itong ginaga#a ni Pa!l( Noong #ala "a pa( G!sto mong malaman "!ng ano pa ang ginaga#a namin ni Pa!l pag"atapos "!main? Ay* hindi nga pala tayo ,los%( Sayang6 'arami "a pa naman sanang mat!t!t!nan sa a"in( Sp%%,hl%ss? SARA% 3malis "a na* 'ia( MIA Hindi ba i"a# dapat ang !malis? Sin!s!"a "a na ng asa#a mo* aya# mo pang tanggapin( SARA% 'ia* ang sin!s!"a* 4y!ng hindi "aaya5aya sa si"m!ra( Na"a"ahiya na 4tong ginaga#a mo( 'at!to "a namang l!m!gar( MIA Si Pa!l lang ang p#%d%ng magpaalis sa a"in( SARA% Aalis "o ba o gaga#in "ong panglampaso 4yang m!"ha mo? MIA Hindi a"o aalis( SARA% Aalis "a( Aalis "a( MIA Pa!l6 Pa!l* t!l!ngan mo a"o( PAU$ Sig% na( MIA Pa!l6 PAU$ 'ia* labas6 MIA Pa!l* ano ba? PAU$ Labas6

Pa!l and I !s%d to do this all th% tim% #h%n yo! #%r% still in th% Philippin%s( o yo! #ant to "no# #hat %ls% Pa!l and I do a-t%r %ating? Oh6 I -orgot( &%$r% not ,los% a-t%r all( &hat a pity6 7o! ,o!ld l%arn so m!,h -rom m%( Sp%%,hl%ss? SARA% L%a+% no#* 'ia( MIA Sho!ldn$t yo! b% th% on% to l%a+%? 7o!r h!sband is si," and tir%d o- yo! y%t yo! still r%-!s% to a,,%pt it( SARA% 'ia* yo! only g%t rid osom%thing yo! ,an$t stand( 7o! sho!ld b% asham%d ostooping this lo#( Kno# yo!r pla,%( MIA Only Pa!l ,an ma"% m% l%a+%( SARA% Ar% yo! l%a+ing or sho!ld I #ip% th% -loor #ith yo!r -a,%? MIA I #on$t l%a+%( SARA% 7o!$r% l%a+ing( MIA Pa!l6 H%lp m%( PAU$ Go6 MIA Pa!l6 PAU$ 'ia* g%t o!t6 MIA Pa!l* #hat ar% yo! saying? PAU$ O!t6

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MIA Pa!l6 Pa!l* ano ba?

MIA Pa!l* #hat$s #rong #ith yo!?

( (. E1!. PAU$4S 'I$$A. A$$EY )/*)( )/*)(( )/*)(, MIA Pa!l* h!#ag "ang magalit sa a"in( PAU$ Ano bang p!maso" sa !ta" mo? MIA Naghanda lang naman a"o dahil g!sto "itang ma"asama* Pa!l( I miss yo!( PAU$ Lalo lang "aming nag5 aa#ay ni Sarah dahil sa ginaga#a mo( Ano ba ang hindi mo maintindihan d4on? MIA Sa tingin mo* papa"a#alan pa "ita this tim%? 'insan na "itang hindi ipinaglaban* Pa!l( K!ng ipinaglaban "ita noon* 4di sana hindi a"o "abit ngayon6 S!m!nod naman a"o sa !sapan ah( Kahit nagm!"ha a"ong tanga( Tiniis "o lahat 4y!n( A"o 4y!ng pa!lit5!lit mong sa"tan at gamitin p%ro pa!lit5!lit "itang minamahal( Hindi mo ba na"i"ita* Pa!l? A"o 4tong inaga#an6 A"in "a dapat6 PAU$ 'agm!la bata pa lang a"o* si Sarah na 4y!ng minahal "o( MIA Hindi mo ba a"o minahal "ahit "a!nti? PAU$ MIA on$t g%t mad at m%* Pa!l( PAU$ &hat has gott%n into yo!? MIA I pr%par%d dinn%r -or yo! b%,a!s% I #ant to b% #ith yo!* Pa!l( I miss yo!( PAU$ &hat yo!$r% doing #ors%ns th% ri-t b%t#%%n m% and Sarah( &hat don$t yo! !nd%rstand abo!t that? MIA 7o! r%ally thin" I #ill l%t yo! go this tim% aro!nd? I ga+% yo! !p on,% b%-or%* Pa!l( I- I -o!ght -or yo!* I #o!ldn$t b% a mistr%ss no#6 I -ollo#%d o!r agr%%m%nt %+%n i- I loo"%d li"% a -ool( I %nd!r%d all that( 7o! !s%d m% and h!rt m% tim% and again y%t I ,ontin!% to lo+% yo!( on$t yo! s%%* Pa!l? 7o! #%r% ta"%n -rom m%6 7o! sho!ld b% min%6 PAU$ I ha+% lo+%d Sarah sin,% ,hildhood( MIA idn$t yo! lo+% m% %+%n /!st a bit? PAU$


)/*)2. )/*)--


)/+) +



ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

)/+)-* )/+)//

)/0) + )/0) , )/0) . )/0) . )/0)(-





'inahal "ita( P%ro hindi "at!lad ng pagmamahal "o "ay Sarah( 'ia* #alang nagmamay5ari sa a"in( P%ro binigay "o sarili "o "ay Sarah( Tanggapin mo na( MIA Pa!l6 Pa!l* hindi "o "aya6 PAU$ 2iti#an mo a"o6 MIA Hindi "o "aya6 PAU$ (O0E)LAP) 2iti#an mo a"o6 MIA 2a"it mo pa "o minahal "!ng sasa"tan mo lang din a"o? PAU$ Par%ho tayong mal!ng"ot( 47!n lang 4y!ng rason "!ng ba"it may r%lasyon tayo( ahil par%ho tayong mal!ng"ot( MIA Sig!ro nga gan4on lang 4y!n sa 4yo( P%ro higit pa d4on ang pagmamahal "o sa 4yo( 'inahal "ita higit pa sa ina"ala mo* Pa!l( PAU$ 'ia* n4ong sim!la pa lang* dapat malina# na sa 4yo %h( 'ay hangganan ito( 'ay "atap!san din tayong dala#a( 'ia* tapos tayo( MIA Pa!l* !masa a"o( 3masa a"o na "ahit papaano* pag"atapos ng lahat ng gina#a "o para sa 4yo* a"o naman ang pipiliin mo ngayon( PAU$

I did lo+% yo! b!t not as m!,h as I lo+% Sarah( 'ia* nobody o#ns m%( 2!t I ga+% mys%l- to Sarah #illingly( A,,%pt it( MIA Pa!l* I ,an$t stand this6 PAU$ L%t m% go6 MIA I ,an$t do this6 PAU$ L%t go6 MIA &hy did yo! lo+% m% i- yo! #ill /!st h!rt m%? PAU$ &% #%r% both lon%ly( That #as th% only r%ason #hy #% had a r%lationship(

MIA 7o! ,o!ld say it #as only lon%lin%ss( 2!t my lo+% -or yo! go%s b%yond that( I lo+%d yo! mor% than #hat yo! ,o!ld %8p%,t* Pa!l( PAU$ 'ia* it sho!ld ha+% b%%n ,l%ar to yo! right -rom th% start that this is only t%mporary( O!r r%lationship #ill ha+% to %nd som%tim%( 'ia* #%$r% -inish%d( MIA Pa!l* I %nt%rtain%d th% hop% that a-t%r %+%rything I did -or yo!* yo! #o!ld ,hoos% m% this tim% aro!nd( PAU$

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)/,)(/ )/,)2(

Habangb!hay a"ong hihingi ng ta#ad sa 4yo( P%ro parang a#a mo na* 'ia* hayaan mo na a"o( Kailangan "o ng ay!sin ang b!hay "o(

I #ill as" -or yo!r -orgi+%n%ss th% r%st o- my li-%( 2!t I b%g yo!* 'ia( L%t m% go( I n%%d to straight%n o!t my li-%(

S"ENES #ROM NE1! EPISODE 3 "&& ( 2. IN!. PAU$'S &EDROOM )/,)*)/,)** )/,)*+ SARA% P#%d% ba* Pa!l* ano ba6 PAU$ Sandali lang6 SARA% ( IALOG3E) Hindi na a"o ma"a"atagal sa l!gar na 4to( (0OI1E O0E)) &ala a"ong nararamdaman dito "!ndi galit( Galit sa 4yo* galit "ay 'ia* galit sa sarili "o6 Ayo"o ng mab!hay dito6 "I!O (0OI1E O0E)) K!ng mahal mo. SARA% 1om% on* Pa!l6 PAU$ &ait6 SARA% I ,an$t stand this pla,% anymor%( I -%%l nothing b!t hat% 5 hat% to#ards yo!* to#ards 'ia* and to#ards mys%l-( I don$t #ant to li+% h%r% anymor%6 "I!O I- yo! lo+%.


)/.) /

( -. E1!. PARK. DO%A "I!O (0OI1E O0E)) .si Sarah* mas magiging. ( IALOG3E) .mala"ing "asalanan mo "!ng titigil "a sa pags!bo"( 2OY (0OI1E O0E)) Na"!. "I!O . Sarah* th%n it #o!ld b% . a bigg%r mista"% -or yo! to stop trying( 2OY &o#6

)/.) / )/.) +

)/.) ,

( /. E1!. &AYSIDE. DO%A 2OY (0OI1E O0E)) .naman6 Nandito "a6 2OY 7o!$r% h%r%6

)/.) .

ABS-CBN CORPORATION International Sales & Distribution

)/.) . )/.)(


RINO (O0E)LAP) (0OI1E O0E) TO IALOG3E) Kam!sta6 Siy%mpr% naman* ;oy( Alangan namang ma5 miss "o 4y!ng "asal mo? 2OY Aya# mong ma5miss.


Ho# ar% yo!? O- ,o!rs% I ,annot miss yo!r #%dding* ;oy( 2OY 7o! don$t #ant to miss my #%dding?

( *. E1!. 2OY'S &OARDING %OUSE. DO%A 2OY (0OI1E O0E)) .o m%ron "ang na5mi5 miss? SARA% (0OI1E O0E)) Alam mo* masaya a"o na na"ita "ita ngayon( PAU$ (0OI1E O0E)) Iba din malasa"it mo sa asa#a "o* 4no? Talagang p!m!nta "a talaga dito( RINO (0OI1E O0E)) Esp%syal siya sa a"in( Alam mo masa"it d4on? Hindi 4y!n na5r%5r%ali?% ng ibang tao( 2OY Or is th%r% som%body yo! miss? SARA% I$m happy I sa# yo! today( PAU$ I ,an$t b%li%+% ho# ,on,%rn%d yo! ar% abo!t my #i-%( 7o! r%ally #%nt all th% #ay h%r% to oha* h!h? RINO Sh%$s sp%,ial to m%( o yo! "no# #hat pains m%? Som% p%opl% don$t r%ali?% that(






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