RF Acceleration in RF Acceleration in Linacs Linacs
RF Acceleration in RF Acceleration in Linacs Linacs
RF Acceleration in RF Acceleration in Linacs Linacs
RF Acceleration in Linacs
Part 1
Transit-time factor Coupled RF cavities and normal modes Examples of RF cavity structures Material from Wangler, Chapters 2 and 3
+q E
E z = E z (t ) = E0 cos(t + )
where at t=0, the particle is at the center t of f the th gap (z=0), ( 0) and d th the phase of the field relative to the crest is B t t is a f But function nction of position t=t(z) t t( ), with ith
x E y z
dz t(z) = 0 v( z)
W = q
L / 2
E z dz = qE0
L / 2
cos(t ( z ) + )dz
z 2c z 2z t = = v c
W = qE0
L / 2
This is an odd-function of z
W = q qE0 cos 2
2z sin L / 2
W = qV0T cos
sin(L / ) T= L /
Compare to energy gain from static DC field:
W = WDCT cos
T is the transit-time factor: a factor that takes into account the timevariation of the field during particle transit through the gap
For efficient acceleration by RF fields, we need to properly match the gap length L to the distance that the particle travels in one RF wavelength,
E z = E z (r , z , t ) = E (r , z ) cos(t + )
Calculate the energy gain as before:
W = q
L / 2
E z dz = q
L / 2
W = q
L / 2
This gives
L / 2
L/2 E ( 0 , z ) cos tdz L/2 L cos W = qV0T cos = q E (0, z )dz / 2 L / 2 L / 2 E (0, z )dz L / 2
L / 2
E (0, z )dz
1 T (k ) T (0, k ) = V0
L / 2
E (0, z ) cos(kz)dz
k= 2
V0 =
L / 2
E (0, z )dz
T (r , k ) = T (k ) I 0 ( Kr )
Where I0 is the modified Bessel function of order zero zero, and 2 K= Giving for the energy gain
W = qV0T (k ) I 0 ( Kr ) cos
which is the on-axis result modified by the r-dependent Bessel function
Eg E ( r = a, z ) = 0
0 z g / 2 g/2 z
E (r , z ) cos(kz)dz
V0 = Eg g J 0 (2a / )
we get
V0T (k ) = E g g sin( i (kg k / 2) I 0 ( Ka ) kg / 2
Finally Finally,
T (r , k ) = T (k ) I 0 ( Kr ) = I 0 ( Kr )
J 0 (2a / ) sin(g / ) I 0 ( Ka ) g /
So the electric field decays exponentially with penetration distance in the drift tube:
E z = E0 ei ( kz t ) = E0 e
i ( i k z t )
= E0 e
k z i t
Shunt Impedance:
Ohms law resistance
V02 rs = P
(V0T ) 2 r= = rsT 2 P
Shunt Impedance p p per unit length Effective Shunt Impedance/unit p length: R over Q
Efficiency of acceleration per unit of stored energy
rs E02 Z= = L P/L
r ( E0T ) 2 ZT = = L P/L
r (V0T ) 2 = Q U
Power Balance
Power delivered to the beam is: IW PB = q Total power delivered by the RF power source i is:
PT = P + PB
The zero-mode: A- B=0, where each oscillates at natural frequency The pi-mode: A- B=, where each oscillates at a higher frequency
02 =
1 LC
V = i ( j L ) + i
1 + i2 ( jM ) = 0 jC
) + i2
i1 C
i2 C
M =0 L 02 M i2 (1 2 ) + i1 =0 L i1 (1
2 1 / 0 k /2 0 2 i1 1 i1 k / 0 = 2 2 1 / 0 i2 i2
2 0 2
k =M /L
1 v ~v MX q = 2 X q q
1 k
Like the coupled pendula, we have 2 normal modes, one for inphase oscillation ( p (Zero-mode) ) and another for out of p phase oscillation (Pi-mode). It is important to remember that both oscillators have resonant frequencies q , different from the natural (uncoupled) ( p ) frequency. q y
q =
1 + k cos(q / N )
Where q=0,1,N is the mode d number b Not all are useful for particle acceleration Standing wave structures of coupled cavities are all driven so th t the that th beam b sees either the zero or mode
1 l1
2 l2
3 l3
4 l4
5 l5
Suppose we want a particle to arrive at the center of each gap at =0. Then we would have to space the cavities so that the RF phase advanced by
2 if the coupled cavity array was driven in zero-mode Or by if the coupled cavity array was driven in pi-mode
Synchronicity Condition
= t =
ln = n
2c ln = 2 c n
RF gaps (cells) are spaced by , which increases as the particle velocity increases Pi-mode: Pi mode:
= t =
2c ln = c n
ln = n / 2
RF gaps (cells) are spaced by /2, which increases as the particle velocity increases
E (r = 0, z ) = E g cos k s z
Where ks=/L, and L=s/2 This gives, for a particle with velocity matching the geometricbeta of the cavity
T (k s ) = T (0, k s ) =
Eg V0
L / 2
2 cos d = (k s z )dz
=t=/2, Ez=0
=t=, Ez=-E0
=t=3/2, Ez=0
Low-power RF i input t
RF Cavity
Klystron Operation
A Klystron is an amplifier for radio-frequency waves A Klystron is a little accelerator/RF cavity system all its own Electrons are produced from a gun A high-voltage hi h l pulse l accelerates l an electron l beam Low power RF excites the first cavity, which bunches the electrons These electrons ring the bell in the next cavity A train of electron bunches excites the cavity, generating RF power
Linac RF Systems
Klystron Gallery
Cavity Field C d
260 micro-pulses
Example Problem
8 m) C Consider id a 10 10-cm-long l copper (1/ =1.7x10 1 7 10-8 ) TM010 pillbox cavity with resonant frequency of 500 MHz and axial field E=1.5MV/m.
b) c) d) e)
For a proton with kinetic energy of 100 MeV, calculate the transittime factor ignoring the effects of the aperture, and assuming that the velocity y remains constant in the gap g p If the proton arrives at the center of the gap 45 degrees before the crest, what is the energy gain? Calculate the RF power dissipated in the cavity walls Suppose this cavity is used to accelerate a 100 mA beam. What is the total RF power that must be provided by the klystron? Calculate the shunt impedance impedance, the effective shunt impedance impedance, the shunt impedance per unit length, and the effective shunt impedance per unit length Assume the drift tube bore radius is 2 cm cm. Calculate the transittime factor, including the aperture effects, for the proton on-axis, and off-axis by 1 cm. Assume that 2 2
I 0 ( x) = 1 + x / 4 J 0 ( x) = 1 x / 4