RF Acceleration in RF Acceleration in Linacs Linacs

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Lecture 4

RF Acceleration in Linacs
Part 1

Transit-time factor Coupled RF cavities and normal modes Examples of RF cavity structures Material from Wangler, Chapters 2 and 3

Transit Time Factor

We now consider the energy gained by a g p particle that traverses an charged accelerating gap, such as a pillbox cavity in TM010 mode. The energy-gain is complicated by the fact that the RF field is changing while the particle is in the gap

Transit Time Factor

We will consider this problem by considering successively more realistic (and complicated) models for the accelerating gap, where in each case the field varies sinusoidally in time We also must consider the possibility that the energy gain depends on particle radius

+q E

Acceleration by TimeTime-Varying Fields

Consider infinite parallel plates separated by a distance L with sinusoidal voltage applied, assume uniform E-field in gap (neglect holes)

E z = E z (t ) = E0 cos(t + )
where at t=0, the particle is at the center t of f the th gap (z=0), ( 0) and d th the phase of the field relative to the crest is B t t is a f But function nction of position t=t(z) t t( ), with ith

x E y z

dz t(z) = 0 v( z)


The energy gain in the accelerating gap is

W = q


L / 2

E z dz = qE0


L / 2

cos(t ( z ) + )dz

Energy Gain in an Accelerating Gap

Assume the velocity change through the gap is small, so that t(z) = z/v,and

z 2c z 2z t = = v c

W = qE0

L / 2

(cos t cos sin t sin )dz

This is an odd-function of z

L/2 2z 2z W = qE0 cos cos dz dz qE0 sin sin L / 2 L / 2 L/2

W = q qE0 cos 2

2z sin L / 2


Energy Gain and Transit Time Factor

sin(L / ) W = qE0 L cos L /

W = qV0T cos
sin(L / ) T= L /
Compare to energy gain from static DC field:

W = WDCT cos

T is the transit-time factor: a factor that takes into account the timevariation of the field during particle transit through the gap

is i the h synchronous h phase h , measured df from the h crest

TransitTransit -Time Factor

1.2 1 Tra ansit-Time Factor 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 L/ 0 1 2 3 4 5

For efficient acceleration by RF fields, we need to properly match the gap length L to the distance that the particle travels in one RF wavelength,

Transit Time Factor for Real RF Gaps

The energy gain just calculated for infinite planes is the same as that for an on-axis particle accelerated in a pillbox cavity neglecting the beam holes A more realistic accelerating field depends on r, z

E z = E z (r , z , t ) = E (r , z ) cos(t + )
Calculate the energy gain as before:

W = q


L / 2

E z dz = q


L / 2

E (0, z ) cos(t ( z ) + )dz


W = q

L / 2

)( t cos sin i t sin i )dz d E (0, z )(cos

TransitTransit -time Factor

Choose the origin at the electrical center of the gap, defined as

This gives

L / 2

E (0, z ) sin t ( z )dz = 0

L/2 E ( 0 , z ) cos tdz L/2 L cos W = qV0T cos = q E (0, z )dz / 2 L / 2 L / 2 E (0, z )dz L / 2

From which we identify the general form of the transit-time factor as



L / 2

E (0, z ) cos tdz

L/2 L / 2

E (0, z )dz

TransitTransit -time Factor

Assuming that the velocity change is small in the gap, then z 2z
t =
v = kz

The transit time factor can be expressed as

1 T (k ) T (0, k ) = V0


L / 2

E (0, z ) cos(kz)dz
k= 2

V0 =


L / 2

E (0, z )dz

Radial Dependence of TransitTransit-time Factor

We calculated W l l t d th the T Transit-time it ti f factor t for f an on-axis i particle. ti l W We can extend this analysis to the transit-time factor and energy gain for off-axis particles Thi is This i important i t t because b the th electric-field l t i fi ld i in a pillbox illb cavity it d decreases with radius (remember TM010 fields) L/2 1 T (r , k ) = E (r , z ) cos( (kz )dz V0 L / 2

T (r , k ) = T (k ) I 0 ( Kr )
Where I0 is the modified Bessel function of order zero zero, and 2 K= Giving for the energy gain

W = qV0T (k ) I 0 ( Kr ) cos
which is the on-axis result modified by the r-dependent Bessel function

Realistic Geometry of an RF Gap

Assume accelerating A l ti fi field ld at td drift-tube ift t b b bore radius di ( (r=a) )i is constant t t within the gap, and zero outside the gap within the drift tube walls

Eg E ( r = a, z ) = 0

0 z g / 2 g/2 z

Using the definition of transit-time factor:

1 T (r , k ) = V0
L/2 L / 2

E (r , z ) cos(kz)dz
V0 = Eg g J 0 (2a / )

we get
V0T (k ) = E g g sin( i (kg k / 2) I 0 ( Ka ) kg / 2

Finally Finally,

T (r , k ) = T (k ) I 0 ( Kr ) = I 0 ( Kr )

J 0 (2a / ) sin(g / ) I 0 ( Ka ) g /

What about the drift tubes?

Th The cutoff ff frequency f for f a cylindrical li d i l waveguide id c = 2.405c / R is The Th drift d ift tube t b has h a cutoff t ff frequency, f below b l which hi h EM waves do not propagate The propagation factor k is
2.405 2.405 2 kz = R R <0 c hole
2 2

So the electric field decays exponentially with penetration distance in the drift tube:
E z = E0 ei ( kz t ) = E0 e
i ( i k z t )

= E0 e

k z i t

Example: E l 1 GH GHz cavity it with ith r=1cm 1 b beam h holes: l

Power and Acceleration Figures of Merit

Quality Factor
goodness of an oscillator



Shunt Impedance:
Ohms law resistance

V02 rs = P
(V0T ) 2 r= = rsT 2 P

Effective Shunt Impedance:

Impedance including TTF

Shunt Impedance p p per unit length Effective Shunt Impedance/unit p length: R over Q
Efficiency of acceleration per unit of stored energy

rs E02 Z= = L P/L
r ( E0T ) 2 ZT = = L P/L

r (V0T ) 2 = Q U

Power Balance
Power delivered to the beam is: IW PB = q Total power delivered by the RF power source i is:

PT = P + PB

Coupled RF Cavities and Normal Modes

Now, lets make a real linac

We can accelerate particles in a pillbox y cavity Real linacs are made by stringing together a series of pillbox cavities. cavities These cavity arrays can be constructed from independently powered cavities cavities, or by coupling a number of cavities in a single RF structure structure.

Coupling of two cavities

Suppose we couple two RF cavities together: Each is an electrical oscillator with the same resonant frequency A beampipe couples the two cavities Remember the case of mechanical coupling p g of two oscillators: Two mechanical modes are possible:

The zero-mode: A- B=0, where each oscillates at natural frequency The pi-mode: A- B=, where each oscillates at a higher frequency

Coupling of electrical oscillators

Two coupled oscillators, each with same resonant frequency: Apply Kirchoffs laws to each circuit: i i

02 =

1 LC

V = i ( j L ) + i

1 + i2 ( jM ) = 0 jC
) + i2

i1 C

i2 C


M =0 L 02 M i2 (1 2 ) + i1 =0 L i1 (1
2 1 / 0 k /2 0 2 i1 1 i1 k / 0 = 2 2 1 / 0 i2 i2

2 0 2

Which can be expressed as:

k =M /L

You may recognize this as an eigenvalue problem

1 v ~v MX q = 2 X q q

Coupling of electrical oscillators

There are two normal-mode eigenvectors and associated eigenfrequecies Zero-mode: 1 0 X0 = = 0 1 1+ k Pi-mode:
1 X = 1

1 k

Like the coupled pendula, we have 2 normal modes, one for inphase oscillation ( p (Zero-mode) ) and another for out of p phase oscillation (Pi-mode). It is important to remember that both oscillators have resonant frequencies q , different from the natural (uncoupled) ( p ) frequency. q y

Normal modes for many coupled cavities

N+1 N 1 coupled l d oscillators ill t h have N N+1 1 normal-modes l d of f oscillation ill ti Normal mode spectrum:

q =

1 + k cos(q / N )

Where q=0,1,N is the mode d number b Not all are useful for particle acceleration Standing wave structures of coupled cavities are all driven so th t the that th beam b sees either the zero or mode

Example for a 33-cell Cavity: ZeroZero-mode Excitation

t=0 t=/4 t=/2 t=3 t 3/4 t= t=5/4 t=3/2 t=7/4 t=2

Example for a 33-cell Cavity: Pi Pi-mode Excitation

t=0 t=/4 t=/2 t=3 t 3/4 t= t=5/4 t=3/2 t=7/4 t=2

Synchronicity condition in multicell RF structures

TM010 Cavities Drift spaces

1 l1

2 l2

3 l3

4 l4

5 l5

Suppose we want a particle to arrive at the center of each gap at =0. Then we would have to space the cavities so that the RF phase advanced by
2 if the coupled cavity array was driven in zero-mode Or by if the coupled cavity array was driven in pi-mode

Synchronicity Condition
= t =

ln = n


2c ln = 2 c n

RF gaps (cells) are spaced by , which increases as the particle velocity increases Pi-mode: Pi mode:
= t =


2c ln = c n

ln = n / 2
RF gaps (cells) are spaced by /2, which increases as the particle velocity increases

Energy Gain in Multicell Superconducting PiPiMode Cavity

Elliptical multicell cavity in pimode:

E (r = 0, z ) = E g cos k s z
Where ks=/L, and L=s/2 This gives, for a particle with velocity matching the geometricbeta of the cavity

T (k s ) = T (0, k s ) =

Eg V0


L / 2

2 cos d = (k s z )dz

Superconducting RF cavity for ILC

Examples of RF Cavity Structures

Alvarez Drift Tube Linac

DTL consists of a long tank excited in TM010 mode (radius determines frequency) Drift tubes are placed along the beam-axis so that the accelerating gaps satisfy synchronicity condition condition, with nominal spacing of The cutoff frequency for EM propagation within the drift tubes is much greater than the resonant frequency of the tank (c=2.405c/R) ac tube (cell) (ce ) ca can be Each considered a separate cavity, so that the entire DTL structure is a set of coupled y resonators excited in cavity the zero-mode

ZeroZero -mode excitation of a Drift Tube Linac Tank =t=0, Ez=E0

ZeroZero -mode excitation of a Drift Tube Linac Tank

=t=/2, Ez=0

ZeroZero -mode excitation of a Drift Tube Linac Tank

=t=, Ez=-E0

ZeroZero -mode excitation of a Drift Tube Linac Tank

=t=3/2, Ez=0

ZeroZero -mode excitation of a Drift Tube Linac Tank =t=2, Ez=E0

Alvarez Drift Tube Linac

DTLs are used to accelerate protons from 1 MeV to 100 MeV At higher energies, the drift tubes become long and unwieldy DTL frequencies are in the 200 200-400 400 MHz range

Coupled Cavity Linac

Long array of coupled cavities driven in /2 mode Every other cavity is unpowered in the /2 mode These are placed off the beam axis in order to minimize the length of the linac To the beam, the structure looks like a mode structure Actual CCL structures contain hundreds of coupled cavities, and therefore have hundreds of normal-modes. Only the /2 mode is useful for beam acceleration. The cell spacing varies with beam velocity, with nominal cell length /2

Coupled Cavity Linac Examples

Other Types of RF Structures

Other Types of RF Structures

Powering a Linac: Components of a High Power RF System

High Voltage Pulse from a Modulator RF power is piped around in waveguide Circulator directs Reflected Power away from Klystron, to a load

Klystron: RF Power Amplifier p

High Power RF Waves

Various events can cause power to be reflected

Low-power RF i input t


RF Cavity

Klystron Operation

A Klystron is an amplifier for radio-frequency waves A Klystron is a little accelerator/RF cavity system all its own Electrons are produced from a gun A high-voltage hi h l pulse l accelerates l an electron l beam Low power RF excites the first cavity, which bunches the electrons These electrons ring the bell in the next cavity A train of electron bunches excites the cavity, generating RF power

Linac RF Systems

Waveguide, W id circulators and loads

Klystron Gallery

Cavity Field vs. time without beam

Cavity Field C d


Example Beam Pulse Structure

Macro-pulse Structure ( d b (made by th the High power RF) Mini-pulse Structure (made by the choppers)
16.7ms (1/60 Hz) 15 7 15.7ms 1ms

945 ns (1/1.059 MHz) 645 ns 300 ns

260 micro-pulses

Micro-pulse structure (made by the RFQ)

2.4845 ns (1/402.5 MHz)


Example Problem
8 m) C Consider id a 10 10-cm-long l copper (1/ =1.7x10 1 7 10-8 ) TM010 pillbox cavity with resonant frequency of 500 MHz and axial field E=1.5MV/m.


b) c) d) e)


For a proton with kinetic energy of 100 MeV, calculate the transittime factor ignoring the effects of the aperture, and assuming that the velocity y remains constant in the gap g p If the proton arrives at the center of the gap 45 degrees before the crest, what is the energy gain? Calculate the RF power dissipated in the cavity walls Suppose this cavity is used to accelerate a 100 mA beam. What is the total RF power that must be provided by the klystron? Calculate the shunt impedance impedance, the effective shunt impedance impedance, the shunt impedance per unit length, and the effective shunt impedance per unit length Assume the drift tube bore radius is 2 cm cm. Calculate the transittime factor, including the aperture effects, for the proton on-axis, and off-axis by 1 cm. Assume that 2 2
I 0 ( x) = 1 + x / 4 J 0 ( x) = 1 x / 4

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