Unit Notes Plan

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Bryce Lutke ate I) *b"ectives +o, does this lesson connect to the unit $lanThis is is an intro into the Atlantic %evolutions connecting Big Era . to Big Era & and also ho, Big Era & has an effect on us today) Learners ,ill be able to/
cognitive0 $hysical % 1 A$ An E C2 develo$ment socio0 emotional

!ub"ect# To$ic# Theme Atlantic %evolutions Big Era &

'rade Freshman ( !o$homore

Connect Big Era . to Big Era & in several ,ays Connect Big Era & to our $resent time %emember the dates of the Atlantic %evolutions 3no, the locations of the 4 Atlantic %evolutions ,e ,ill be focusing on

E E % %

Common Core standards 5or 'LCEs if not available in Common Core6 addressed/ P7)89 37)&9 37)49 37):9 37)7;
5<ote/ =rite as many as needed) Indicate ta>onomy levels and connections to a$$licable national or state standards) If an ob"ective a$$lies to $articular learners ,rite the name5s6 of the learner5s6 to ,hom it a$$lies)6 2remember9 understand9 a$$ly9 analy?e9 evaluate9 create

II) Before you start Identify $rere@uisite kno,ledge and skills) !tudents need to have the kno,ledge of ,hat ,e have studied in the $revious units)

Pre0assessment 5for learning6/ Asking students @uestions on ,ho influential $eo$le in this time $eriod are and ,hat they did to find out ,hat information students already kno,) Formative 5for learning6/ 'ive students the 1nit notes so that they can have the information)

*utline assessment activities Formative 5as learning6/ =hile ,e are going through the note ask @uestions of students and connect the content to 5a$$licable to this lesson6
other areas to give students more conte>t to the information) !ummative 5of learning6/ !mall online @ui? to go over the basics and key $oints of the notes

=hat barriers might this lesson $resent=hat ,ill it take A neurodevelo$mentally9 e>$erientially9 emotionally9 etc)9 for your students to do this lesson-

Provide Bulti$le Beans of Provide Bulti$le Beans of Action and Provide Bulti$le Beans of %e$resentation E>$ression Engagement Provide o$tions for $erce$tion0 Provide o$tions for $hysical action0 Provide o$tions for recruiting interest0 making information $erce$tible increase o$tions for interaction choice9 relevance9 value9 authenticity9 +aving the $o,er $oint u$ and also minimi?e threats e>$laining it to them and also making Bake sure to connect the notes ,e are the $o,er $oint accessible to them learning about to as much to ,hat ,e have learned and life no, to make relevent Provide o$tions for language9 Provide o$tions for e>$ression and Provide o$tions for sustaining effort mathematical e>$ressions9 and communication0 increase medium of and $ersistence0 o$timi?e challenge9 symbols0 clarify ( connect language e>$ression collaboration9 mastery0oriented !tudents are allo,ed to take notes on There are illustrations in the $o,er feedback $en and $a$er or on a la$to$ ,hat $oint and also e>$laining more ,hens The @ui? to sho, ,hat I ,ill need to ever ,orks best for them) students have @uestions focus on to make students masters of the mateiral


Provide o$tions for com$rehension0 Provide o$tions for e>ecutive Provide o$tions for self0regulation0 activate9 a$$ly ( highlight functions0 coordinate short ( long e>$ectations9 $ersonal skills and Ans,ering @uestions that students term goals9 monitor $rogress9 and strategies9 self0assessment ( have on the notes so they can better modify strategies reflection understand) They ,ill be able to see the long term !tudents ,ill be taking notes so they goals of the unit and ,hat ,e are ,ill be able to reflect ,herever they going to cover in Big Era & like in the notes

Baterials0,hat materials 5books9 handouts9 etc6 do you need for this lesson and are they ready to use-

0 Big Era & Po,er Point

!et u$ in grou$s of 804 +o, ,ill your classroom be set u$ for this lesson-

III) The Plan Time Com$onents Botivation 5o$ening# introduction# engagement6 escribe teacher activities A< student activities for each com$onent of the lesson) Include im$ortant higher order thinking @uestions and#or $rom$ts) 0 Tell students this is the intro into our unit and Big 0 !tudents ,ill take their seats and they ,ill get ready Era &9 and ho, this era has sha$ed our ,orld though to take notes be that taking out their com$uter or e>$ansion9 con@uering9 industry9 and revolutions) getting out $en and $a$er)

0 'o through the slides and notes ,ith students ,hile 0 !tudents ,ill take notes and ask @uestions ,hen they take notes and ask @uestions9 cover as much as they need more clarification) $ossible in one day and finish the rest on the follo,ing day) evelo$ment 5the largest com$onent or main body of the lesson6

Closure 5conclusion9 culmination9 ,ra$0u$6

0 Take notes till the end of class and then ,ra$ it u$ "ust before the bell rings and say ,e ,ill continue this ne>t class $eriod

0 !tudents ,ill take notes till the end of class)

Dour reflection about the lesson9 including evidence5s6 of student learning and engagement9 as ,ell as ideas for im$rovement for ne>t time) 5=rite this after teaching the lesson9 if you had a chance to teach it) If you did not teach this lesson9 focus on the $rocess of $re$aring the lesson)6 707C078


Conte>t *$tions A The Class as a =hole Eariables Individual differencesF *akes#Li$ton 57&407&G6 Levine 5HCC08;H9 8H708H&6

Class *vervie, based on observations and data

0 There are 8 students in third hour ,ho have some mental disabilities making sure that the aid is there for them and making sure that the material is accessible for them and the aid so they can get hel$ ,here they need it) 0 Allo, for students to take notes on la$to$ or com$uter so that they can do ,hat is best for them

Cognitive and <eurodevelo$mental differences BridgingF57.707..6 *akes#Li$ton 57&; 0 7&H6 Levine 5H4.I ( Table of
<eurodevelo$mental Constructs6

0 1se tables and gra$hs and other strategies so that students ,ho learn in different ,ays can gro, individually in the ,ay that is best for them) 0

0 Allo, areas for students to do their o,n ,ay of learning that ,orks best for them) Learning style differences Levine 5H&0:;6 0 There is a Aid ,ho ,ill hel$ students ,ho have needs that I donJt have time to meet ,ith the demands of the rest of the class

!tudents ,ith disabilities I EA BridgingF57:.07.H6 *akes#Li$ton 5HC:0. (8;8ff6

'ifted !tudents BridgingF57.H07..6 *akes#Li$ton 5HC:9 8;H08H&6 !ocial Class differences BridgingF57G:0H7;6 *akes#Li$ton 5C0H:6 Levine 5HH:0H446

0 For those student ,ho are gifted I ,ill encourage discussion in ,hich they ,ill be able to talk so that they can better learn)

0 There are fe, social class differences in my classroom9 most students are from the u$$er middle class)

Ethnic ( %acial differences BridgingF57;807H76

*akes#Li$ton 5::0.:9 C407;46

0 =ith this being a ,orld history class I can give time for many different cultures and areas ,hich ,ould not normally be discussed in a history class)

'ender differences BridgingF5H7H0HH46 *akes#Li$ton 5H&&0H&G6

0 In the class I ,ill have the seating chart mi> u$ both genders so that there ,ill not be a bias) 0 Also allo, for students to e>$ress their o$inion)


Language differences BridgingF57H:07:86 *akes#Li$ton 57C&0H;H6

0 In my classrooms English is the $rimary language of all students)


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