جميع حلول تمارين كتاب اللغة الانجليزية سنة ثانية…
جميع حلول تمارين كتاب اللغة الانجليزية سنة ثانية…
جميع حلول تمارين كتاب اللغة الانجليزية سنة ثانية…
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Ana hayel w nti malaThe People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of National Education
The National Authority for School Publications
General introduction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Getting Through implements the National 2urriculum for 3nglish
issued by the Ministry of 3ducation in December )""-! 4t follows the guiding
principles which frame the curriculum5 and which ta$e account of the social
and educational bac$ground of our learners5 as well as the cultural .alues of
A ma6or aim of this boo$ is to ma$e both the teacher and the learner
come to a fruitful interaction! This does mean that the appropriate attitude
should be ta$en by the instructors to ma$e learners a responsible party to the
successful completion of their studies! The boo$ is in e7ect the material
representation of that philosophy! Teachers are strongly ad.ised to read the
curriculum outlined by the Ministry of 3ducation to comprehend it5 and to
ma$e sense of the di7erent acti.ities we ha.e included in the student’s boo$!
8e should li$e this course to be a pleasant and engaging e0perience for both
students and teachers!
Getting Through is de.ised in such a way that it becomes a handy and
9e0ible pedagogic medium for use5 and one which does not see$ to inhibit
teachers from creating acti.ities other than those included here! 8e ha.e5 on
the other hand5 duly adhered to the guidelines and instructions of the
Ministry of National 3ducation regarding this stage of learning ! 8e hope that
teachers will :nd in it the resources5 the inspiration and the support they
need to conduct their classes e7ecti.ely!
This description is aimed at pro.iding useful information to teachers on
the te0tboo$5 and on how to use it! To this e7ect5 we shall try to answer some
of the ;uestions that can naturally come to mind!
4<8hy Getting Through and who is it for=
44<>ow is Getting Through organised=
444<8hat methodology is used=
?4<>ow to ma$e the most of the boo$=
I-.y Getting Through and /.o is it for0
Getting Through is the title found to indicate the intermediate stage of
3nglish language learning! 4t mar$s the period when students are @getting
through the passageway leading to their :nal year of studies5 to be
completed with the baccalaureate e0amination! 4t is 5 therefore5 a .ital
stage when $nowledge and s$ills are reinforced5 following the four<year
course at the middle school and the :rst year at the secondary school! 8e
ha.e applied the same principles of the competency<based approach to be
found in the :rst :.e te0tboo$s5 and we ha.e made sure that the three
competencies described in the National 2urriculum are being de.eloped at all
stages of this boo$5 through .arious tas$s and acti.ities! Bet us recall the
competencies that the learner is to de.elop!
C Int%ract orally in En1lis.
C Int%r2r%t oral and /ritt%n 3%ssa1%s
C )roduc% oral and /ritt%n 3%ssa1%s
,urthermore5 the second year of the secondary school S3)E is the stage
when students are @specialising in di7erent streams science5 maths5
technology5 etc!E! This is ta$en into consideration5 through the fact that there
are teaching units in the course more particularly addressed to Fscience and
technology’ streams5 or Flanguage and literature’ streams!
II-Ho/ is Getting Through or1anis%d0
The courseboo$ is organised in eight didactic units! 3ach unit deals with
a speci:c topic suggested by the curriculum designers! As said earlier5 in
each unit5 the student will ha.e many opportunities to de.elop the three
competencies of int%raction5 int%r2r%tation and 2roduction5 as we ha.e
de.ised a .ariety of tas$s and acti.ities leading gradually to the building of
t.% 2ro4%ct!
3ach unit contains three main rubrics! ut before approaching each5 the
learner will consider a Ti3% to t.in5 section5 which introduces the new
.ocabulary that will be used! 4t also aims to 6rainstor3 students and get
them to tell what they $now about a speci:c topic! This is an important part
of sc.%3ata acti7atu3 in which the learners contribute their own
$nowledge and connects it with that contained in the te0t!
recei.ed +,
The fourth rubric of the unit .%r% Do % 'o *ro3 H%r% 0 gi.es an
opportunity to the students to practise self<assessment5 and to decide on
where they should intensify their learning e7orts to try and eliminate their
linguistic wea$nesses!
The last rubric E;2lorin1 "att%rs *urt.%r includes three to :.e medium<
length te0ts depending on units! These will enable the students to broaden
the 9
$nowledge and s$ills in that they pro.ide additional material related to each
unit Fs topic! No tas$s are foreseen concerning these te0ts5 but the teachers
could as$ their learners to%
C summarise the te0t
C continue the story
C outline the te0t
C produce three or four comprehension ;uestions about the te0t
C transfer information from the te0t to a non<.erbal support e!g! onto a
chart5 a graph5 etcE if the te0t contains :gures statistics5 percentages5 etcE!
III-.at 3%t.odolo1y is us%d0
,ollowing the principles and ob6ecti.es de:ned by the Algerian National
2urriculum5 and which rely on the competency<based approach5 the
methodology for the use of Getting Through in the classroom e0hibits the
following characteristics%
C Getting Through is communicati.e% the te0tboo$ lays the stress on
the learners’ practice of 3nglish and encourages interaction! 8e ha.e
designed tas$s and acti.ities that are li$ely to meet the students’ interests
and needs to prepare them for e0changes of information5 opinions through a
.ariety of te0ts showing spo$en 3nglish or formal written 3nglish!
C Getting Through is tas$<based% the te0boo$ includes a large number
of tas$s and acti.ities that aim at de.eloping both @lower<order s$ills
ac;uiring new $nowledge 5 understanding new facts and ideas and applying
them to sol.e problemsE and @higher order s$ills analysing information by
brea$ing it into small parts to understand it better5 synthesiKing $nowledge
by combining it into new patterns and e.aluating new information by forming
an opinion and 6udging the ;uality of that new informationE!
The pro6ect is the :nal tas$5 and is the most comple0 one cogniti.ely! 4t
re;uires the application of both types of cogniti.e s$ills described abo.eI and
the te0tboo$ o7ers plenty of opportunities to students to reach the ob6ecti.es
of the pro6ect!
C Getting Through encourages cooperati.e learning! ,ollowing the
?ygots$yan principle of social constructi.e learning5 the te0tboo$ o7ers tas$s
and acti.ities that encourage the learner to wor$ with one or se.eral
partners pair and small group<wor$E in order to construct new $nowledge
inside or outside the classroom! The pro6ect should be emphasiKed here! 4t is
one of the underta$ings that will promote learning s$ills and will help
students to de.elop such social s$ills as designing an action plan5 collecting
information5 sharing information The pro6ect wor$ can ta$e the form of a
few basic tas$s which will grow into an accomplished and :nalised product
for e0ample5 a biography5 a poem5 a scenario5 a legal document5 etcE!
C Getting Through encourages learner re9ection through indi.idual
wor$s ! Tas$s and acti.ities are designed to ma$e students wor$ indi.idually
so as to wor$ out solutions by themsel.es before sharing them with a partner
or with the group5 and :nally chec$ing their :ndings with the teacher! The
from the 4nternet or any other source! >e may li$ewise wish to cut out an
acti.ity from the lesson etc!
from ?@??
8hate.er the decisions made in terms of class management5 it is
important that the students can ma$e sense of what the teacher wants to do5
and understand the reasons why sHhe is o7ering alternati.e acti.ity
The abo.e remar$s ha.e broadly de:ned the philosophy5 the ob6ecti.es
and the approach the competency<based approachE which were put into play
to design this course boo$! 8e ha.e also clari:ed the method and the
organisation of the courseboo$! All the acti.ities presented here are designed
to stimulate the students’ desire to learn more and to impro.e on $nowledge
and ability!
8e ha.e refrained from encouraging intense memorising5 insisting
instead on de.eloping metacogniti.e abilities in learners! 8e ha.e
attempted5 notably5 to draw attention to the way language functions5 how
di7erent words and structures can e0press the same ideas5 how appropriacy
and correctness are important for e7ecti.e communication! 8e ha.e found it
ade;uate to relate the te0ts presented from which acti.ities and tas$s are
deri.edE to realistic conte0ts5 whether in Algeria or in the rest of the world!
This is one way to ma$e students contribute with their own s$ills and their
own :elds of interest5 to their linguistic de.elopment!
This is particularly true when it comes to the elaboration of their
pro6ects5 whose topics will most li$ely arise from the students’ respecti.e
choices! There will then be an opportunity for them to chec$ on their progress
in terms of .ocabulary and specialised language structures! ,inally5 their
social s$ills5 so necessary to ful:l particular roles in the future or simply to
beha.e as decent citiKens E5 will also be highlighted during the elaboration
and the presentation of the pro6ect!
)RE8IE 2!?+
Go through the pre.iew with your students to let them $now about what they
will learn in terms of language and s$ills in this unit rainstorm the pro6ect
wor$ which your students will carry out!! ou can also prepare alternati.e
pro6ects that your students can do! 4t is not recommended to ma$e the
students wor$ on the same pro6ect year after year! >ere is a short list of other
pro6ects that can be assigned for your students in this unit% a family history
pro6ect5 memoirs of famous people5 biographies5 portraits5 s$etches 5 in short
pro6ects that :t in with the new language elements and s$ills that will be
studied in the unit!
The aim of this rubric is to introduce the students to the topic of the :le5
which is life styles! 3licit your students’ responses to Mohammed Racim’s
tableauHminiature using ;uestions which contain the semi<modal us%d to!
e!g!5 8hat does the tableau representHshow= 4t showsHrepresents life as it
used to be li$e in Ramadan in the olden times= 8hat can you see at the
bac$ground= 8hat did the women use to wear when they went outside then =
8hat about their menfol$= 8hat did they use to put on on their heads =
The aim of this rubric is to re.ise the pronunciation of words related to the
topic! The focus is on .owels and diphthongs! Ma$e sure your students repeat
the words! As they do so5 try to diagnose possible problem sounds to which
you will bring remedy in the SAY IT (OUD AND C(EAR rubric!
DISCO8ERIN' (AN'UA'E 22!?9-$?
4nteract with your students and ha.e them identifyHcategorise the smaller
pictures within the montage! As$ ;uestions to elicit their responses! 8hich
sector of economy do the small pictures with a green bac$ground represent=
8hat about the pictures with a yellow bac$ground = !!!
Personalise your ;uestions gradually! 4n which sector of economy does your
father wor$= Did he use to wor$ in another sector = !!! At this stage5 try not to
chec$Hcorrect your students’ responses! Bead them softly to contrast past and
Acti7ity On% 2!?9
The students will chec$ their answers to some of the ;uestions as$ed in the
BE*ORE YOU READ acti.ity!
< The pictures with a green bac$ground represent Hshow the primary sector of
economy! 4t’s a sector related to production!
<The picture with a red bac$ground shows the secondary sector of economy!
4t’s a sector related to transformation!
<The pictures with a yellow bac$ground represents the tertiary sector! 4t’s a
sector related to ser.ices!
Act! T/o 2!?
Apart from being a reading comprehension acti.ity5 the aim of this acti.ity is
to introduce through the written medium the semi<modal us%d to in the
interrogati.e and negati.e forms as well as the 1oin1 to form for e0pressing
future intentions!
a- &ncle >assan us%d to wor$ in the primary sector of economy!
6- 3.ery morning he us%d to get up early to mil$ the cows before
coming bac$ to the $itchen for brea$fast! !!!
c- No he didn’t us% to !
d- This is an inference ;uestion! The sector of economy which attracts
the greatest number of wor$ers today is the tertiary sector ! The
inference can be made from #!
%- &ncle >assan is going to retire if his boss refuses to transfer him to a
commercial ser.ice i!e!5 the tertiary sector of economy
Act! T.r%% 2!?
The aim of this acti.ity is to re.ise the pronunciation of the @s .erb in9ection
! Refer your students to the last part of 'ra33ar R%f%r%nc% on page! (//
for the pronunciation rules of the @sending!
A*TER READIN' 2!? -?>
'ra33ar d%s5 2!?
The aim of this acti.ity is to ma$e the students obser.e5 analyse and draw
the rules for using the semi<modal us%d to by contrasting its uses with t.%
2r%s%nt si32l% t%ns% and the 1oin1 to form! R%f%r the students to the
'ra33ar R%f%r%nc%s indicated at the bottom of the 'ra33ar D%s5 to
chec$ their answers before mo.ing on to the 2ractic% acti.ities!
a-Sentence ( e0presses a habit in the past!
c-8e usually %at out for dinner!
d-4 us%d to go to school by bicycle5 but 4 don’t do it any longer!
%-4n 3ngland5 most people oft%n 1o to the theatre at wee$ends!
Act! *our2!?=
The students will use either the semi<modal us%d to or the present
simple tense with the .erbs between brac$ets!
All the members of my family ha.e changed their lifestyles of late! My
grandfather us%d to drin$ co7ee! Now he drin$s mil$! My father didn’t us%d
to 6og! Now he runs more than three $ilometres e.ery afternoon! My mother
us%d to coo$ food for e.ery meal because she could not eat lefto.ers and
processed food! Now5 she often sends me to buy piKKas whene.er she feels
she can’t prepare dinner!
My brothers us%d to go to bed early! These days5 they stay up late with
the other members of the family watching :lms on T?! They didn’t us% to
play .ideo games! Now they are addicted to them! 3.en 4 ha.en’t escaped
the change! 4 us%d to read boo$s!!! The students can write a continuation
to the text.E
Act!*i7% 2! ?>
The answers are not necessarily the ones gi.en in the $ey below!
Example: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.
a! ou’.e put too much pressure in the balloon ! Mind5 it is 1oin1 to
e0plodeH blow up!
6! The referee has put the whistle in his mouth! >e is 1oin1 to end the
c! Mouloud has lost his balance! >e is 1oin1 to fall down!
d! Oohra has switched the T? o7 ! She is 1oin1 to bedHsleep!
%! arim has 6ust entered the postoQce! >e is 1oin1 to send a letter!
Act! On% 2!?>
The students will edit the te0t using the semi<modal us%d to as
4 was born in the asbah of Algiers in (++! My father was a ste.edore% he
us%d to wor$ in the doc$s5 loading and unloading ships! >e us%d to go to
early in the morning and to come bac$ home late in the e.ening without
getting any wages! At the time5 ste.edores us%d to pay ,rench foremen on
the doc$s to get a day’s wor$5 but my dad ne.er paid! So he didn’t us% to
get wor$ e.ery day! Mum us%d to cry but poor old dad ne.er us%d to say a
word! 4 remember5 money /as always the problem!
My sister Oohra and 4 didn’t .a7% toys! So we us%d to go down the steep
and narrow alleys of the asbah to spend the day in the ,rench ;uarter near
the harbour! All day long5 we us%d to loo$ at the toys displayed in
shopwindows and en.y the children of the ,rench colonists playing in the
Act! T/o 2!?>
The aim of this acti.ity is to ma$e the students re<in.est the 1oin1 to form
to produceHwrite a policy statement! efore setting the students to tas$5
brainstorm the topic with thems and elicite other ideas about what they are
going to do if they are elected to an e0ecuti.e oQce! Ma$e sure the ideas are
organised into setsHchun$s that they will de.elop into paragraphs! The ideas
can be related to economy5 society5 the en.ironment and so on and so forth!
,ellow 2itiKens5
4f 4 am elected to oQce5 4’m going to impro.e the standards of life in our
town! ,irst5 4’m going to raise the salaries by )" per cent !!!!
Moreo.er5 4’m going to ta$e a lot of measures to protect the en.ironment
and the health of our citiKens! 4’m going to !!!
,inally5 4’m going to impro.e our health system! 4’m going to build two
thousand 9ats!
Act!On% 2!$@
The aim of this acti.ity is to ma$e the students aware of the ma6or
di7erences between 3nglish and ,rench phonics! Try to elicit other words
)TA Parent<teacher
Association H
UK &nited
BA 8orld o0ing
rainstorm the ma6or concepts that can related to peace and war in the
classroom by ma$ing a word map! Then assign the words as dictionary
entries to be completed at home in the way suggested in the te0tboo$! ou
will chec$ the students’ wor$ in the classroom! >ere are some words related
to peace and war % .iolence5 treaty5 consensus5 discussion5 dialogue5 non<
.iolence !!!
Act! On% 2!++
As$ ;uestions about the picture! e!g!5 8ho are the girls in the picture= They
are school girls= 8here are they= >ow do you $now= Do they loo$ happy= !!!
4t is not necessary to get the right answers at this stage!
Act! T/o 2!++
The students will chec$ some of the predictions they ha.e made in Act!'ne!
Act! T.r%% 2!++
The ;uestions included in this acti.ity will allow the students to identify the
actors5 the situation5 the topic of discussion and to pro.ide a summary of the
dialogue they ha.e listened to! These ;uestions are related to the listening
strategy of not trying to $now e.ery single word when listening to
con.ersation !
a- two classmates
6- in the classroom see the pictureE
c- Beila is upsetI she’s angry with Maya!
d- es5 it is!
%- Maya has made fun of her friend Beila in front of her classmates! Beila is
angry with her! At last5 Maya feels sorry for what she has done!
Act! *our 2!++
No5 4 did’t! Stress falls on the au0iliary!E
es5 you did! Stress falls on the au0iliary!E
Did I = Stress falls on the personal pronoun!E
ou did ! Stress falls on the au0iliary!E
Act! *i7% 2!+,
Simulate the snippet for your students before they act it out! They can play a
.ariation on the snippet!
Go through the ti2 6o; before mo.ing on to the ne0t acti.ities! Relate the
information in the ti2 6o; to the comprehension ;uestions in acti.ity three!
Act! On% 2! +,
The answers are not necessarily the ones gi.en in this answer $ey!
A- Your 2artn%r: Sorry5 4 should ha.e as$ed for your permission!
B- Your 2artn%r: >e shouldn’t ha.e done that!
C- Your 2artn%r: >e shouldn’t ha.e borrowed it without your permission!
D- Your 2artn%r: 4’m really sorry! 4 shouldn’t ha.e said that!
Act! T/o 2!+9
A- '
B- D
C- D
>a.e your students write similar sentences to e0press deduction and
RITE IT U) +9-+
rainstorm the diQcult .ocabulary in the bo0 before setting the students to
tas$! Refer the students to the 'ra33ar R%f%r%nc% n > on 2a1% ?>=
before you set them to tas$!
)ossi6l% 5%y
< 8e .a7% to tolerate di7erence!
Duti%s Ri1.ts
8or$ hard 30press opinions
Respect the opinion of Meet together to e0press
others .iews
Tolerate di7erences ,ree education
Respect the rights of Good wor$ing conditions
others >ealth care
Promote a culture of information
2o<operate to sol.e
Act! T/o
a-!There is more than a decade of global fossil fuel emissions of carbon
dio0ide stored in the AmaKon ,orest trees!
6- The AmaKon basin ecosystem has been protected from threats because of its
c- 4t is one of the world’s greatest conser.ation challenges because it is no
longer isolated! Students will gi.e one or two 6usti:cations from the te0t!E
?- a- Timber companies
6-The raKilian go.ernment
These sentences are in the passi.e .oice because the sub6ects of the .erbs
are not really the doersHagents of the actions i!e!5the focus is on the actions
rather than on the performersH doers of the actionsE!
$-a- Timber companies fell (/!"""$m) of forest trees
Your 2artn%r: SH>e as$ed him why he .ad s%t u2 the ill Gates ,oundation!
You: And what did he answer=
Your 2artn%r: >e answered he .ad al/ays 6%%n thoughtful about
others!That’s why he had done it!
You: 8hat did the inter.iewer as$ him=
Your 2artn%r: SH>e as$ed him how much money he .ad donat%d that year!
You: And what did he answer=
Your 2artn%r: >e said that he .ad donat%d #!) million!
You: 8hat did the inter.iewer as$ him=
Your 2artn%r: SH>e as$ed him which charities he .ad su22ort%d so far!
You: And what did he answer=
Your 2artn%r: >e answered he .ad su22ort%d organiKations wor$ing in the
:eld of health and learning!
You: 8hat did the inter.iewer as$ him=
Your 2artn%r: SH>e as$ed him if his wife .ad .%l2%d him!
You: And what did he answer=
Your 2artn%r: >e said that she .ad .%l2%d him!
Act! T/o 2! ?$&
a- Albert 3instein doubts whether present<day Americans ha.e become
any happier since their grandparents settled in the country!
<Albert 3instein doubted whether present<day Americans had
become any happier since their grandparents settled in the country!
6< John Donne writes that no man is an island!
< John Donne wrote that no man wasHis an island!
c- < ertrand Russel says that three passions ha.e go.erned his life%
the longing for lo.e5 the search for $nowledge5 and an unbearable
pity for the su7ering of man$ind!
< ertrand Russel said that three passions had go.erned his
life% the longing for lo.e5 the search for $nowledge5 and an
unbearable pity for the su7ering of man$ind!
>a.e the students read the pie chart! Then as$ ;uestions to elicit information from
the chart! Ma$e sure you use the reporting .erbs in the yellow bo0! Mo.e on to the
writing acti.ity once you feel that they can do it! The te0t on page ()" of the
te0tboo$ will ser.e as a model!
Act! On% 2!?$+
The silent letters in the poem are written in bold type! Read the poem and
get the students to repeat it! The poem is by Rudyard ipling!
< .onest < L 5new
T.% sil%nt l%tt%rs in t.% dialo1u%s ar% /ritt%n in 6old!
ou% 4 beg your pardon! did you say =
our partner% 4 said5 @ 'n% autumn day a column of condenmn%d
prisoners solemnly along singin1 hymns!
ou% 4 beg your pardon! did you say =
our partner% >e said5 @The 5noc$%d the 5na.e on his 5nuc$l%s with a
5notted $nob! >e 5new he 5nelt on his 5nees5 he had a 5nif% in his
5nitted 5nic$ers!
Act! T/o 2!
w.en 5ni1.ts 8.at march%d 8.at w.o w.ere w.en w.y w.at tau1.t
Report riting
,amin% 8ednesday
Doctor 2ut
Ot.%r su11%stions:
ou’d better not place ob6ects o.er beds!
Aft%r an %art.Jua5%
You:8hat should 4 do after an earth;ua$e=
Your 2artn%r: ou’d better chec$ for in6uries!
Ot.%r su11%stions:
ou’d better pro.ide :rst aid!
ou’d better chec$ for building damage and potential problems during
ou’d better clean up dangerous spills!
ou’d better wear shoes!
ou’d better turn on the radio and listen for instructions from public safety
ou’d better use telephone for emergency only!
RITE IT U) 2!?$=
Act! On% 2! ?$=
Go through the tip bo0 before mo.ing on to acti.ity two!
Act! T/o 2! ?$=
Refer the students to acti.ity one in Your turn rubric page ()*! They may
get inspiration from the cues! The answer to this acti.ity is not necessarily
the one gi.en in this $ey!
Dear citiKen5
'ur town is situated in an earth;ua$e Kone! 8e can’t do anything to stop
earth;ua$es5 but we should see to it that safety measures are ta$en in order
to limit the loss of human life and material damage!
efore an earth;ua$e5 we’d better not place ob6ects o.er bed because they
may fall o.er family members and in6ure them! !!!
During the earth;ua$e5 we’d better not panic and away in all directions5 for
we can be in6ured or $illed ! 8e’d better stand in a doorway or crouch under a
des$ or a table5 stay well away from windows or glass di.iders5 for our
safety! !!!
After an earth;ua$e we’d better pro.ide :rst aid because family members
and neighbours may be in6ured! !!!
READIN' AND RITIN' 22!?$> -?&?
Act On% 2!?$>
4nteract with your students! The picture is supposed to ha.e been ta$en after
the earth;ua$e that shoo$ ourmedes in )""#! Don’t correct your students’
guesses at this stage!
Act! T/o 2!?$>
The women are ta$ing food to their neighbours because the latter ha.e lost
their homes!
Act! T.r%% 2!?&@
Great calamities can show the best in man! ,or instance5 while 4 was
co.ering5 for my newspaper5 the earth;ua$e in oumerdes 4 met a group of
women carrying plates of ous$ous! M8here are they going all together li$e
that= 4 as$ed Ra:$5 my Algerian friend and translator! MThey are ta$ing food
to their neighbours who ha.e lost their homes he replied! After a few
minutes5 he added MPeople ha.e always helped each other o.er here! ut
this earth;ua$e has considerably increased that sense of neighbourliness!
Act! *our 2!?&@
The 6ournalist as$ed RaQ$ where the women were going all together!
run +,
RaQ$ replied that they were ta$ing food to their neighbours who had lost
their homes! >e said that people had always helped each other o.er there
and he added that that earth;ua$e had considerably increased that sense of
RITE IT OUT ?&@-?&?
Act! On% 2! ?&@
There are many possible answers! e!g!5
Some people thin$ that we can reduce po.erty in Africa by gi.ing more food
aid! Some others belie.e that food aid is not the solution to star.ation and
malnutrition in Africa!
Act! T/o 2!?&@
Su11%st%d ans/%r
Some people thin$ that we can reduce po.erty in Africa by gi.ing more food
aid! This is totally wrong! illions of dollars are alredy spent on food aid and
thousands of people are still dying from hunger and famine! 4 belie.e that !!!
Students will de.elop the rele.ant notes to support this second opinion!E
The irrele.ant notes are as follows%
< Africa has long historyHculture
< music beautiful
HERE DO E 'O *RO" HERE 0 2!?&&
S5ills c.%c5 2!?&&
R%ad t.% stat%3%nts fro3 t.% t%;t and s%l%ct t.% ans/%r a6out
/.at t.%y i32ly:
?! 'lo6al /ar3in1 /ill incr%as% t.% occurr%nc%! As a r%sult
A! disasters are not limited to speci:c regions!
! Deserti:cation will decrease !
2! 4t is necessary to promote a culture of pre.ention!
D! There will be more storms5 9oods and droughts!
K%y: T.% corr%ct ans/%r is D!
$! Natural disast%rs ar% 3an-3ad% to a lar1% %;t%nt! T.%r%for%
A! 4t is necessary to control population growth5 mo.ements and
! Solidarity is essential for people to sur.i.e!
2! 3arth;ua$es will necessarily lead to chaos!
D! &nemployment will increase with natural disasters!
K%y: T.% corr%ct ans/%r is A!
Consid%r t.% /ords 6%lo/! In /.ic. on% do%s t.% suQ; d% 3%ans
lac5 so3%t.in1 0
A! deserti:cation
! deforestation
2! de.astating
K%y: T.% corr%ct ans/%r is B!
.at is t.% 7%r6 for3 of t.%s% /ords0
(! statement
)! increase
#! pre.enti.e
! growth
-! displacement
1! emission
*! erosion
/! destruction
+! recurrence
("! promoter
A monthly magaKine has in.ited readers to contribute some ideas on how to
increase solidarity among people in case of a natural disaster earth;ua$e5
tsunami5 9oods5 hurricanes5 etc!E! 8rite a 2ro2osal on how you will deal with
the problem and what solutions you will suggest!
)RE8IE 2!?&
Go through the pre.iew and ma$e the students aware of the ob6ecti.es
to be reached in this unit! rainstorm the pro6ect wor$ and let the students
agree on the pro6ect they will carry out!
THINK IT O8ER 2! ?&=
4nteract with your students using the pictures! The pictures are
supposed to ma$e the students aware of the topic of the unit!
All the words in the chec$list are compound words! ,ocus on stress
when you read them aloud! The rules for stress in compound words ha.e
already been gi.en in this boo$!
DISCO8ERIN' (AN'UA'E ?&>-?+,
4t is not necessary to chec$ all the answers at this stage! our students are
supposed to chec$ some of their answers in the As you r%ad acti.ity!
a-The author of the boo$ is >!G!8ells!
6-The titles of no.els included in the boo$ are% The ti+e
2achine,and The 3ar of the 3orlds.
c-Their theme is science :ction!
d-Suggested answer% 4 li$e :lms li$e Star 3ars or ET!
%- Suggested answer% yes5 4 do! 4 li$e it because it narrates imaginary
scienti:c and futuristic stories!
Act! On% 2! ?&>
2hec$ the answers you ha.e not chec$ed in the B%for% you r%ad rubric!
Act! T/o 2!?+@
a-All science :ction :lms are based on the following hypothesis% @ what if it
were real=
6- They are di7erent because some scenarios are built on the supposition
that Martians are dangerous whereas some of them suppose that they are
c-Sci<: ta$es its ideas from current ideas in science!
d-Dr ,e4il and 2r Hide teaches us to remain close to human nature and not
try to upset it! The answer to this ;uestion can be formulated in di7erent
said it_ 3i1.t Intionation 1o%s u2 sci%nc% _ ti3% _ 2ro6l%3s _ t.%3_
Go through the ti2 6o; before you mo.e on to the acti.ities!
Act! On% 2!?+
There are many possible answers!
You: Anyway so far industry hasn’t 6ust sol.ed problems! 4t has also
created some others!
Your 2artn%r: 4 didn’t ;uite catch what you mean!
You: 8ellTa$e the case of pollution for e0ample! ecause of industrial
wastes5 ri.ers5 seas and the earth are dying! The air is poisonedI
water is polluted5I and the land is full of tons of rubbish!
Act! T/o 2! ?+
There are many possible answers! Gi.e any necessary help to your students!
4 thin$ about my childhood with many regrets! ,or e0ample5 if 4 had wor$ed at
school5 4 would ha.e succeeded in getting a good 6ob! !!! This acti.ity can be
continued as a chain game! E And if 4 had got a good 6ob5 4 would ha.e !!!
RITE IT U) 2!?+=
Go through the ti2 6o; and e0plain the di7erence between prose and poetry!
The students are supposed to use the past perfect tense in the :rst stanKa!
ometimes I lie in bed at night
!nd think how m" lie could ha#e been $uite all right
I think and think o all the opportunities I had lost.
%h& I onl" I had thought o working hard at school ...
Act! On% 2! ?+>
Don’t chec$ the students’ answers at this stage!
)ictur%?: Archimedes’ principle H the law of buoyancy Refer to the te0t in
E;2lorin1 "att%rs *urt.%r page +*E
)ictur% $:- 4saac Newton’s disco.ery of the uni.ersal law of gra.itation!
<These laws and principles were disco.ered by accident!
Act! T/o2! ?+>
2hec$ your students’ answers to the ;uestions in acti.ity one!
Act! T.r%% 2!?,@
a-The topic of the te0t ie related to scienti:c disco.eries!
6-The main idea of the te0t is that some famous disco.eries were made by
c-The author of the te0t tries to con.inceHpersuade the reader that scienti:c
disco.eries are not always the result of ingenuity!
d->e gi.es two e0amples to illustrate his point!
%-4 agree with the author because the argument of the te0t is well
constructed!HThe students can also disagree by saying that it is true that
chance plays an important role in scienti:c disco.eries5 but chance alone is
not enough! 8e need people of genius to noteHobser.e what is happening at
the moment the miracle happen!
TI) BO< 2!?,@
Go through the ti2 6o; and e0plain to the students how they discuss a te0t!
Act! *our2! ?,@
)ossi6l% ans/%r
This te0t is about scienti:c disco.eries! The author belie.es that some
famous disco.eries were made by accidents! >e ga.e us two e0amples to
con.ince us! 4 don’t really agree with him!4t is true that some of the greatest
disco.eries happen by accidentI but it is also true that it ta$es a genius to
understand the meaning of the accident! 4t also ta$es a lifetime of toil and
perspiration to ma$e an in.ention!
Go through the ti2 6o; before you set the students to tas$!
)ossi6l% ans/%r
The greatest name in the history of electrical research in the :rst half of the
nineteenth century is that of Michael ,araday! >is career furnishes a classical
e0ample of a poor boy who made good as a scientist! >e was born in
Newington5 Surrey5 3ngland in (*+(! ,araday was the third son of a poor
blac$smith who mo.ed to Bondon to mend his fortunes! ,araday ne.er went
beyond elementary grades in school! >e dropped out and was apprenticed to
Bondon boo$binder at an early age! 3ndowed with the curiosity that is the
characteristic of the true scientist5 young Michael started to read some of the
boo$s he was binding! >e sa.ed money to attend lectures on science! Bater5
he wor$ed as a laboratory assistant to Sir >umphry Da.y5 one of the famous
scientists at the time! >is duties included bottle washing and other
disagreeable chores! Sir >umphry Da.y was 6ealous5 so Michael ;uitted his
6ob and spent the rest of his time doing research and teaching!
,araday married Sarah arnard5 a Sil.ersmith daughter who was a de.oted
wife! >e became a professor of chemistry in (/##! >e disco.ered the
principle of the dynamo5 and then the radio wa.es in (/-! >e studied
electrolysis and introduced scienti:c terms such as @anode and @cathode!
Though ,araday’s electrical disco.eries represent his chief contributions to
science5 he also did important wor$ in chemistry!
S5ills c.%c5 2!?,+
OR(D 0
R%ad a6out t.% 7olcano%s and 3atc. t.% stat%3%nts /it.
infor3ation fro3 t.% t%;t!
statements information
(! >eight of eruption in s$y a! 4 million years ago
)! Area destroyed by ash b! - inches
and la.a c! #" miles
#! Depth of laca pouring d! 1"" miles
o.er &SA e! (-Z 2
! temperature of planet
after ash in.ades
-! :rst eruption ellowstone
)ic5 out 9 /ords or 2.ras%s t.at r%lat% to 7olcano%s’!
K%y: T.% /ords ar% t.% follo/in1: %ru2tion 2o/%r 3a13a
as.acid rain 6lac5 rain! E;2losi7% forc%’ can also 6% acc%2t%d!
LUESTION THREE K%y: T.% corr%ct ans/%r is C!
Do%s t.% infor3ation in t.% t%;t consist of :
A! a comparison with similar phenomena =
! results of an empirical in.estigation =
2! statistical e.idence =
D! beliefs based on a personal e0perience =
ou ha.e read a boo$ or seen a :lm about disasters! 8rite a report on how
the sur.i.ors ha.e managed to establish a community after this disastrous
)RE8IE 2!?,=
Go through the pre.iew and brainstorm the pro6ect wor$!
4nteract with your students using the pictures! The students will be
introduced to the topic of the unit!
The focus in this acti.ity is on shift of stress in words due to a change in their
DISCO8ERIN' (AN'UA'E 22!?9@-?9$
RITE IT OUT 22!?$-?&
Act! On% 2!?$
)ossi6l% ans/%rs
a- After the war5 American women continued to wor$ side by side with
American men for sometime in ord%r t.at they 3i1.t contribute to the
building of their country’s economy !
After the war5 American women continued to wor$ side by side with American
men in ord%r to contribute to the building of their country’s economy!
6- Many of them preferred staying at home so t.at t.%y could ta$e care of
their children!
< Many of them preferred staying at home so as to ta$e care of their
c-They highly salaried husbands bought them cars so t.at t.%y could dri.e
their children to schooland bac$!
- They highly salaried husbands bought them cars in ord%r to dri.e
their children to schooland bac$!
d- They also supplied them with brand new washing mashines and coo$ers
so t.at t.%y /ould spend less time on housewor$!
<They also supplied them with brand new washing mashines and coo$ers
so as to spend less time on housewor$!
% -They furnished them with T? sets so t.at t.%y 3i1.t not feel bord
during their free time!
<They furnished them with T? sets so as not to feel bord during their free
Act! T/o 2!?$
T.%r% ar% ot.%r 2ossi6l% transfor3ations!
a - She too$ more than forty word<processing lessons in ord%r to ha.e a 6ob
-She too$ more than forty word<processing lessons so t.at s.% could ha.e
a 6ob promotion!
6- The go.ernment refuses to increase the wages so as not to cause
- The go.ernment refuses to increase the wages in ord%r t.at they 3ay
not cause in9ation!
c- In ord%r to increase the sales5 the company recruited an e0pert in
< The company recruited an e0pert in mar$eting so t.at the sales /ould
d- To protect the local industry5 the go.ernment imposed new tari7s on
< The go.ernment imposed new tari7s on imports in ord%r t.at the local
4ndustry could be protected!
%- In ord%r not to disappoint pri.ate e0porters5 the go.ernment will lower
the duties!
- The go.ernment will lower the duties so t.at pri.ate e0porters 3ay not be
Act! T.r%% 2!?&
T.% stud%nts /ill
Cond%ntial r%2ort
The purpose of this report is to e.aluate the performance of Beila Derrad65
Production Manager of Autocar5 during the year )""-! The report details the
decisions that Beila Derrad6 too$ month by month in se.eral areas!
Beila Derrad6 was appointed on ) January5 )""- so that she would help
increase production!
4n ,ebruary5 she re<organiKed the department so as to ha.e more control on
the sta7 and the wor$ to be done! 4n March5 she introduced brea$ time for
wor$ers on the assembly line so that they could impro.e production! She
introduced also a 9e0ible time scheme for female employees of the company!
4n April5 she put suggestion bo0es in order that wor$ers might gi.e their
opinion on the company! 'n June5 she held a meeting with the wor$ers so
that they could participate in decision<ma$ing! ,inally she introduced new
items in wor$ contract for wor$ers!!!
Beila Derrad6’s decisions ha.e led to a new management style! The annual
turno.er has increased steadily! There has been a pea$ in producti.ity and
sales ha.e increased considerably which has made pro:ts reach a sharp rise!
4 therefore strongly recommend to maintain Miss Beila Derra6 in her position
as production manager of 5utocar%
HERE DO E 'O *RO" HERE 0 2! ?,
S5ills c.%c5 2!?,
Circl% tru% or fals%! If fals% 1i7% t.% corr%ct infor3ation!
A! The &S economy may be threatened by the inter.ention of the go.ernment
! >uman freedom means that the state should inter.ene!
2! All rules and negotiations are laid down by a go.ernment oQcial!
D! Americans are happy with the present restrictions on their freedom!
3! Today5 at least " of the American citiKens income goes to the go.ernment!
K%y: Stat%3%nts B!and D ar% fals% !
LUESTION TO K%y: A and D ar% ad7%r6s!
Circl% t.% ad7%r6s in t.% c.%c5list 6%lo/!
A! greatly ! economy 2! costly D! currently 3! necessary
LUESTION THREE K%y: 1i7%V o%r sa7%VFV s2%nd
"a5% u2 2airs of synony3s and antony3s fro3 t.% list 6%lo/!
A! gi.e ! sa.e 2! spend D! o7er 3! choose
At the end of the te0t5 the writer says % [ the urgent need today is to eliminate
restrictions5 not add to them \! 8hat other restrictions can you thin$ of that can be
eliminated =
Due to technical problems beyond our control and the tight publication deadline! a
number of errors ha.e inad.ertently slipped into some of the te0ts of the
courseboo$! 4nstead of enumerating and correcting these errors in an erratum5 we
ha.e thought it wise to mention and correct them in the answer $eys of this boo$!
Please $eep us posted at boutricheyahoo!fr
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