Autocad 2009 Autodesk Inventor
Autocad 2009 Autodesk Inventor
Autocad 2009 Autodesk Inventor
BJE/TIVE & 'o(ld li)e to *e a +art of an organi,ation that gi#e! me an o++ort(nity to learn and ex+lore thi! #a!t field of technology and al!o hel+! me in (tili,ing my !)ill! in an effecti#e manner. EDU/ATI.NA0 1UA0I2I/ATI.N Branch: Mechanical -ngineering Examination ..-. T.-. 4.-. F.-. Universit M(m*ai /ni#er!ity M(m*ai /ni#er!ity M(m*ai /ni#er!ity M(m*ai /ni#er!ity !ercenta"e 7$.670 72. 50 7 .$ 0 64.260 #ear o$ %assin" 12$1312$ 12$$312$1 12$2312$$ 1229312$2
En"ineerin" A""re"ate: &'()*+ !re,en"ineerin" Examination 5.4.6 4.4.6 Boar7olha+(r Mahara!htra !ercenta"e 84.50 82.910 #ear o$ %assin" 122831229 122631227
!3.JE/T 9.3K
Title:Desi"n 2abrication An- Testin" o$ V/3 En"ine( :oal of thi! +ro"ect i! to determine the .4F6, .rea) ;o'er, Thermal -fficiency and Tor<(e of 9T4i -ngine *y changing the com+re!!ion ratio of engine 'ith the hel+ of T(*e3&n3T(*e Ty+e Mechani!m.
INDUST3IA0 T3AININ5 7&R=O47AR .ROT5-R4 =td.7irlo!)ar'adi E8T3A /U33I/U0A3 A/TIVITIES ;artici+ation in> T-65=&:-?T> $1@Ro*o RaceA Mem*er of A/TO9AB -C-?T
!E3S.NA0 DETAI0S /4rrent A--ress !ermanent A--ress : May(re!h'ar 6olony, 4hi#nagari, A)(rdi, ;(ne. 4$$2
/ontact No E,Mail ID Date o$ Birth 5en-er Marital Stat4s Nationalit 0an"4a"es Kno6n Hobbies 7Interest
: : : : : : : :
96574 79 9 !a""an"adha#$99$
17thA(g(!t, $99$
Male 4ingle &ndian -ngli!h, 5indi, Marathi . 4ocial For), Tre))ing, =i!tening m(!ic.
ST3EN5THS 5ard 'or)er, G(ic) learner, Acti#e Team ;layer, Re!+on!i*le H Flexi*le, 4trong technical )no'ledge, 4elf 6onfidence.
& here*y declare that the a*o#e3mentioned information i! correct (+ to my )no'ledge and & *ear the re!+on!i*ility for the correctne!! of the a*o#e3mentioned +artic(lar!.
D 12$4