Comparetive Study For Working Capital Management and Ratio Analysis
Comparetive Study For Working Capital Management and Ratio Analysis
Comparetive Study For Working Capital Management and Ratio Analysis
This is to certify that ku. ARCHANA MOURYA for MBA (full
time) i mahakal istitute for techolo!y U""ai has carrie# out a
summer itershi$ $ro"ect title# comparative study for working
capital management.% The &ork #oe 'y her is !euie a#
The &ork carrie# out 'y the stu#et &as fou# satisfactory. (e
&ish him all the success i career.
F!"#$%& '#()* C+,-!.& '#()*
P/0+/ N!,(%! 1+.( M/ M!.)!$
This is to certify that ku. ARCHANA MOURYA for MBA (full
time) i mahakal istitute for techolo!y U""ai has carrie# out a
summer itershi$ $ro"ect title# comparative study for working
capital management.% The &ork #oe 'y her is !euie a#
The &ork carrie# out 'y the stu#et &as fou# satisfactory. (e
&ish him all the success i career.
F!"#$%& '#()* C+,-!.& '#()*
P/0+/ N!,(%! 1+.( M/ M!.)!$
) archana mourya a stu#et for school for maa!emet * mahakal
istitute for techolo!y + sciece*u""ai here'y #eclare that the &ork #oe
'y me to #o summer itershi$ $ro"ect title# comparative study for
working capital management. is genuine and authentic.
T) ), TH- MAT-R .OR /R-AT 01-A,UR- AN2 0R)3)1A/- TO B- AB1- TO
0-R,-NT TH), 0RO4-CT R-0ORT -50ORT 0ROC-2UR- AN2
TH- COM0)1AT)ON .OR TH- 0RO4-CT ), A M)1-,TON- )N TH- 1).-
.OR TH- MANA/-M-NT ,TU2-NT AN2 )T, -5-CUT)ON ),
)N-3)TAB1- ()TH TH- CO6 O0-RAT)ON .OR TH- 0RO4-CT /U)2-. )
(),H TO R-COR2 A 2--0 ,-N,- 0R.OR.NAM)TA ,ON) .OR TH-)R
-N2UR)N/ -..ORT AN2 /U)2ANC-.OR MY /U)2- THAT U1T)MAT-1Y
MA2- )T ,UCC-,.
M- BY TH- 3)7RAM UN)3-R,)TY U44A)N .OR COM0)1)N/ AN2
,UBM)TT)N/ TH- 0RO4-CT* (H)CH ) .--1 ), AN A00ORTUN)TY TO
-50R-,, MY 3)-(, ABOUT -50OT 0ROC2UR- AN2
)T ), 0ROU2 0R)3)1A/- TO -50R-,, MY 2--0 ,-NC- .OR
-)TH-R 2)R-CT1Y OR )N2)--CT1Y )N3O13-2 )N T)M- ()TH TH-)R
(MBA ))) ,-M)
A'out 9i$$y i#ustrylt#.
Missio 888888888888888888888888888... 8.
,TRUCTUR- O. TH- 3)00Y ,OYA 888888888888888..........
.O3-R3)-( 888888888888888888888888888..
.TO0 T-N ,OYA O)1 -50ORT- 888888888888888..
,(OT ANA1Y,), 888888888888888888888.
)NTRO2UCT)ON 888888888888888888888888
MAT-R)A1 AN2 M-THO2, 8888888888888888888
.)NANC- 2-0ARTM-NT .OR 3)00Y )N2U,TRY
(OR7)N/ CA0)TA1 C1A,,).)CAT)ON 88888888888..
(AY, .OR CA1CU1AT)ON 88888888888888888
MANA/-M-NT .OR (OR7)N/ CA0)TA188888888888
A23ANTA/-, .OR (O7)N/ CA0)TA1888888888888.
-5C-,, .OR (OR7)N/ CA0)TA18888888888888......
.ACT-R, 2-T-RM)N)N/ A2-:UAT- (OR7)N/ CA0)TA1 88.
R-,U1T, OBTA)-2 AN2 2),CU,,)ON,
RT)O ANA1Y,), 8888888888888888888888
CURR-NT RAT)O8888888888888888888.
AC)2 RA)TO 888888888888888888888.
2-BT-R TURNO3-R 88888888888888888..
A3/. CO11-CT)ON 0-R)O2 88888888888888.
)N3-NTORY TURNO3-R RAT)O 888888888888.
(OR7)N/ CA0)TA1.TURNO3-R RAT)O 888888888
CR-2)TOR TURNO3-R RAT)O 8888888888888..
A3/ 0AYM-NT 0-R)O2 8888888888888888.
O0-RAT)N/ CYC1- 88888888888888888888..
.)NANC)A1 Y-AR ;<<= 8888888888888888..
.)NANC)A1 Y-AR ;<>< 8888888888888888...
.)NANC)A1 Y-AR ;<>>
CONC1U,)ON, 888888888888888888888888
)M0)CAT)ON .OR .UTUR- R-,-ARCH 8888888888888.
R-.-R-NC- 8888888888888888888888888
.i!ure>? !ra$h for curret ratio88888888888888;@
.i!ure;? !ra$h for aci# ratio888888888888888;A
.i!ureB? !ra$h for #e'tor turo9er ratio8888888888...;C
.i!ure@? !ra$h for a9!. $aymet $erio#88888888888;D
.i!ureE? !ra$h for i9etory turo9er ratio 888888888..;=
.i!ureA? !ra$h for &orki! ca$ital turo9er ratio8888888.B<
.i!ureC? !ra$h for cre#itorsF turo9er ratio8888888888B>
.i!ureD? !ra$h for a9!. collectio $erio#88888888888B;
.i!ure=? !ra$h for o$erati! cycle for the year ;<<=888888.BB
.i!ure><? !ra$h for o$erati! cycle for the year ;<><888888.BE
.i!ure>>? !ra$h for o$erati! cycle for the year;<>>888888.BC
Com$ay $rofile6 9i$$y i#ustry limite#
3i$$y i#ustry is a iteratioal marketi! com$ay the eG$ort to more
tha BE coutries all o9er the &orl#. -sta'lishe# i >=CB* its mai lie of
'usiess are ,oya oil a# ,oya $ro#uct.
The com$ay has a &orl#&i#e reach for sourci! as &ell as marketi!* &ith
a &ell6ite!rate# et&ork that s$as !lo'al tra#e 'locs. )t &orks !lo'al
'ra#s a# has #e9elo$e# same key iteratioal alliace for sustaii!
future !ro&th. )ts ma"or markets are -uro$e* the Asia coutries* the mi##le
east* the .ar -ast Africa 4a$a Thaila#.
Nature of 'usiess ? ,oya oil a# ,oya $ro#uct eG$ort
? 1ecithi
Year of esta'lishmet ? >=CB
Num'er of em$loyees ? E<<
Mai market ? -aster -uro$e* south east* Asia Africa* mi##le
-ast easter Asia
Busiess ty$e ? maufacturer
Turo9ers (;<><6;<>> ? com$ay a# its o9erseas su'si#iaries com'ie#
Turo9er &as
0ro#uctH ser9ice ? ,oya meal* #efalte# ,oya flour* ,oya lecithi*
-Iyme acti9e fulfalsoya flour* ,oya hulls* ,oya
Chuks* ,oya oil* ,oya mice* ,oya mice*
,oya Nu!!ets* t9$
A 'out is 9i$$y i#ustries lt# is o& of the lar!est $ro#ucer a# eG$orter of
&i#e ra! of o /MO ,oya $ro#ucts a# $ioeer i soy'ea $rocessi!
i#ustry i )#ia. (e are the )#ia ,oya com$ay to 'e a&ar#e#
&ith),O=<<; 'y ,/, yarsley certificatio a!ecy. U7 +curretly ),O
=<<>?;<<< 'y B3:).&e are a !o9ermet reco!iIe# !ol#e eG$ort house
a# is successfully eG$orti! 9alue a##e# o /MO ,oya $ro#ucts to B;
coutries &orl# &i#e. A$art from ),O &e #o ha9e other certificates like
hacek J kosher etc. our ma"or $ro#ucts are?
,oya lecithi
2eflate# ,oya flour (toste#H uteste#)
-Iyme acti9e
.ulfat ,oya flour
,oya meal (fee# !ra#e)
Main Areas of business:
Soya bean oil:
The com$ay is )#iaFs lea#i! ,oya oil a# ,oya
$ro#uct eG$orter a# su$$ly chai ite!rator. )ts 9alue chai ecom$asses
!lo'al sourci!* &orl#6class $ro#uci! i )#ia.
The #eoilcake is i9ol9e# i iteratioal marketi!*
!lo'al sourci!* #istri'utio a# chai maa!emet i the #eoilcake*
iclu#i! the ,oya flour u!!ets* itFs 'aicly use i foo# a# fee#.
The lecithi is use i the $aits chocolates.
These are the mai $ro#ucts are the 9i$$y ,oya i#ustry lt#. They eG$ort the
all $ro#ucts eGce$t the ,oya oil. They eG$ort i the 'ulk. They $ro#uce i
mass $ro#uctio.
They use the hi!h techolo!yFs machies a# eKui$mets for the $ro#uctio.
They ha9e the 9ery !oo# refiery sectio for the check the Kuality a# the
$erceta!e of the utritio i the ,oya oil a# other $ro#ucts.
To 'e a io9ati9e socially res$osi'le* 9alue creati! or!aiIatio
!eerati! E lakh ta $er year.
T< 'e a ite!rate# a# syer!iIe# or!aiIatio* focusi! o huma
resources to $ro9i#e &orl# class $ro#uct.
Core values:
>. ite!rity
;. s$irit of etre$reeurshi$
B. a!ility
@. $assio for eGcellece
E. uity
Motto of vippy industry ltd.:
A Customer is the most im$ortat 9isitor o our $remises.
He is ot #e$e#et o us* &e are #e$e#et o him.
He is ot a iterru$tio o our &ork
He is the $ur$ose of it.
He is ot a outsi#er <o our 'usiess.
He is $art of it.
(e are ot #oi! him a fa9or 'y ser9i! him.
He is #oi! us fa9ors 'y !i9i! us a o$$ortuity to #o so.
Structure of the vippy Soya industry:
The ,oya i#ustry is s$rea# i#ifferet se!mets* oil* u!!ets* lecithi* soya
flour* #eoilcake* etc.
The estimate# $ro#uctio ca$acity i #ifferet se!mets is as u#er
soy'ea $rocessi! ? >D<< tosH #ay
&ater #e!ummi! ? B<< tosH #ay
e#i'le oil refiery ? >CE tosH #ay
,oya lecithi $lat ? ; tosH #ay
HaGe ($etroleum oil)? ;L of soy'ea.
This is the eG$orter com$ay .they eG$ort our all $ro#uct i out si#e of )#ia
i 'ulk. They are $ro#uci! the all $ro#uct i the 'ulk. They are ot
itereste# to sale his $ro#uct i the )#ia a# his local market.
The su$$lier of ma"or $lat a# machiery are
7ru$$ maschietachik /MBH /ermay
&est falia se$arators
Buhler lt# ,&itIerla#
(ell eKui$met as la's a# RJ2 sectio to moitor
Olie $rocess
Characteristic of the $ro#ucts
Micro'iolo!ical aalysis
2e9elo$met of e& $ro#ucts
:uality assurace acti9ities
Committe# techical + commercial &ork force
Raw material supplier:-
There eGists lar!e ra& material 'ase. They use the >E<<6;<<< ta
soy'eas $er #ay
A# the haGe ($etroleum oil) ;L of the ,oya 'ea. M
They are the $urchase the soy'ea #irect form the farmers so the
!et the
,oy'ea as ra& material 9ery lo& cost &ith lo& tras$ortatio char!es i
sessio a# other time they $urchase the ro& material form the local
-G$ort $otetial
This ,oya i#ustry oe of the ma"or forei! eGcha!e earers of the
coutry recor#e# si!ificat !ro&th sice the 'e!ii! of the #eca#e.
To#ay the share or the 9alue a##e# fiishe# $ro#uct i the total eG$ort
from D<L as a!aist ;<E i >=C<s.
Soya oil in'us#ry in 'e(as
>. Ruchi soya i#ustry lt#.
;. kriti utriets lt#.
B. 9i$$y i#ustry i#ustry lt#.
@. #e&as soya lt#.
E. ks oil lt#.
A. sa&ariya a!ro oil lt#.
C. a#ai !rou$ of i#ustry
S)OT Analysis of #$e &i**y in'us#ry l#'+
Rea#y a9aila'ility of hi!hly skille# a# chea$ ma$o&er.
1ar!e ra& material 'ase.
0olicy iitiati9e take 'y the !o9ermet
Ca$a'ility to assimilate e& techolo!ies a# ha#le lar!e $ro"ect.
Cotiuous em$hasis o $ro#uct #e9elo$met a# #esi! !ra#atio.
1ack of &arehousi! su$$ort from the !o9ermet.
)teratioal $rice fluctuatio.
Hu!e la'our force resulti! i hi!h la'our char!es.
Ua&areess of iteratioal sta#ers 'y may $layers.
Risi! $otetial i the #omestic market.
Use of the iformatio techolo!y a# su$$ort soft&are to hel$
elimiate the le!th of the $ro#uctio cycle for #ifferet $ro#uct.
Use of e6commerce i #irect marketi!.
2ifficulty i o'taii! 'ak loas resulti! i hi!h cost of $ri9ate
,tricter iteratioal sta#ar#s
Hi!h com$etitio from -ast -uro$ea coutries a# other Asia
Ma"or $art of the i#ustry is uor!aiIe#.
1imite# sco$e for mo'iliIi! fu#s throu!h $ri9ate $lacemet a#
$u'lic issues.
T$e *ro%e!# a-is #o:
2e9elo$ a 'etter u#ersta#i! a# clarity of &orki! ca$ital
,tu#y o &hat ste$s are take to cut the cost i tryi! situatios.
U#ersta# i9etory maa!emet &he #ema# for $ro#uct is lo&.
Com$ariso of fiacial health of the com$ay as com$are# to other
i#ustries i same sector.
T$ese are #$e follo(in. *roble-s ($i!$ are s#u'ie' 'o #$a# #$e
un'ers#an'in. of #$e #o*i! !an be 'e&elo*e'+
These the ratios are aalyIe# &ith other i#ustries of the same so that 'asic
$icture ca 'e o'taie#. The ratio aalysis !i9e a 'rief a o9er9ie& of the
,oya i#ustry. .urther aalysis is cotiue# &ith stu#yi! of 'asic
com$oets of &orki! ca$ital maa!emet that iclu#es maily cre#itor
turo9er* #e'tors a# i9etory maa!emet. Com$ariso o9er the $erio# of
three years !a9e a si!ificat $icture of cha!es of the $olicies as #e'tor
turo9er N cre#itor turo9er a# i9etory turo9er ha9e 9arie# si!ificatly
o9er the last to& year . the stu#y of $olicy cha!es u#ertake to re#uce the
cast &as of si!ificatio im$ortace as isi!hts o'taie# o metho# to cut
#o& the cost.
The traii! has 'ee Kuite istrumetal* leari! erichi! eG$eriece. )t
has sho& the &ays of miimiIi! &orki! ca$ital i a or!aiIatio &hich
is mostly #e$e#e# o the &ester coutries for its re9eues. The #ema#
for soya i coutries has re#uce# cosi#era'ly #ue to the slo&#o& a#
maa!i! the re9eues is thus a ar#uous task.
Materials and methods
The #ata collecte# 'y me &as seco#ary i ature. Most of the #ata has 'ee
o'taie# from the fiace a# marketi! #e$artmet of the com$ay as &as
cofie# to 9i$$y iteratioal lt#. (hich #eals &ith the ,oya oil eG$ort of
)#ia com$ay mauals a# refereces use# a##itioal hel$.
The aalysis of collecte# #ata ca 'e #oe &ith the hel$ of 9arious tools.
The #ata is aalyIe# &ith the hel$ of aalysis tool like tre# i Microsoft
!heory involved
)or"in. !a*i#al :
) the &or#s of shu'i (orki! ca$ital is the amout of fu#s ecessary to
co9er the cost of o$erati! the eter$rise%
Accor#i! to !eeste'er!* circulati! ca$ital meas curret assets of a
com$ay that are cha!e# i the or#iary course of 'usiess from oe form
to aother* i.e* form cash to i9etories to recei9a'les* recei9a'les ito cash.
-9ery 'usiess ee#s fu#s for t&o $ur$oses 6 for the esta'lishmet a# to
carry out its #ay to #ay o$eratios. .i#s are ee#e# for short term $ur$oses
for the $urchase of ra& materials $aymet of &a!es a# other #ay to #ay
eG$eses. These fu#s are ko& as (orki! ca$ital* (orki! ca$ital* also
ko& as et &orki! ca$ital* a# are a fiacial metric &hich re$resets
o$erati! liKui#ity a9aila'le to a 'usiess. Alo! &ith fiGe# assets such as
$lat a# eKui$met* &orki! ca$ital is cosi#ere# a $art or o$erati!
ca$ital .it is calculate# as curret assets mius curret lia'ilities .if curret
are less the curret lia'ilities* a etity has a (orki! ca$ital #eficiecy
.also a (orki! ca$ital #eficit.
A com$ay ca 'e e#o&e# &ith assets a# $rofita'ility 'ut short of
liKui#ity if its assets caot rea#ily 'e co9erte# ito cash. 0ositi9e (orki!
ca$ital is reKuire# to esure that a firm is a'le to cotiue its o$eratio a# it
has sufficiet fu#s to satisfy 'oth maturi! short6term #e't a# o$eratioal
eG$eses. The maa!emet of &orki! ca$ital i9ol9es maa!i!
i9etories* accouts recei9a'le a# $aya'le a# cash.
) sim$le &or#* &or#s &orki! ca$ital refer to that $art of the firmFs ca$ital
&hich is reKuire# for fiaci! short term or curret assets as cash *
marketa'le securities * #e'tors a# i9etories. .u#s thus i9este# i
curret assets thus re9ol9e fast a# are 'ei! costatly co9erte# ito cash
flo&s out a!ai i eGcha!e of other. Currets assets. Hece it is also ko&
as re9ol9i! or circulati! ca$ital or short term ca$ital.
(orki! ca$ital may 'e classifie# as?
a) o the 'asis of coce$t
') o the 'asis of time
o the 'asis of coce$t * (orki! ca$ital is classifie# as !ross (orki!
ca$ital a# et (orki! ca$ital. O the 'asis of time* (orki! ca$ital may
'e classifie# as $ermaet or fiGe# (orki! ca$ital
a# tem$orary or 9aria'le (orki! ca$ital.
(ay of calculati!?
By #efiitio* (orki! ca$ital maa!emet etails short term #ecisios O
!eerally* relati! to the eGt oe year $erio# O &hich is re9ersi'le%. These
#ecisio are therefore ot take o the same 'asis as ca$ital i9estmet
#ecisios are therefore ot take o the same 'asis ca$ital i9estmet
#ecisios (N03 or relate#* as a'o9e rather they &ill 'e 'ase# o cash flo&s
a# H or $rofita'ility.
O measure of cash flo& is $ro9i#e# 'y the cash co9ersio cycle6 the
et um'er of #ays from the outlay of cash for ra& material to
recei9i! $aymet from the customer.
) the coteGt the most useful measure of $rofita'ility is retur o ca$ital
(ROC).the result is sho& as a $erceta!e* #etermie# 'y #i9i#i! rele9at
icome for the >; moths 'y ca$ital em$loye#N retur o eKuity(ROC)
sho&s this result for the firmFs sharehol#ers . firm 9alue is ehace# &he*
a# if the retur o ca$ital * &hich result from (orki! ca$ital
maa!emet * eGcee#s the cost of ca$ital * &hich result form ca$ital
i9estmet #ecisios as a'o9e. ROC measures are therefore useful as a
maa!emet tool* i that they lik shor6term $olicy &ith lo! term #ecisios
Maa!emet of (orki! ca$ital
Maa!emet &ill use a com'iatio of $olicies a# techiKue for the
maa!emet of (orki! ca$ital. These $olicies aim at maa!i! the curret
assets (!eerally cash a# cash eKui9alets* i9etories a# #e'tors) a# the
short term fiaci!* such that cash flo& a# retur are acce$ta'le.
cash maa!emet ?6
)#etify the cash 'alace &hich allo&s for the
'usiess to meet #ay to #ay eG$eses* 'ut re#uce cash hol#i! cost.
)9etory maa!emet ?6
)#etify the le9el of i9etory &hich allo&s
for uiterru$te# $ro#uctio 'ut re#uce the i9estmet i ra& material O
a# miimiIes reor#eri! cost6 a# hece icreases cash flo&.
2e'tors maa!emet ?6
)#etify the a$$ro$riate cre#it $olicy* i.e
.cre#it terms &hich &ill attract customers* such that ay im$act o cash
flo&s a# the cash co9ersio cycle &ill 'e offset 'y icrease# re9eue
a# hece retur o ca$ital.
,hort term fiaci! ?6 )#etify the a$$ro$riate source of fiaci! *
!i9e the cash co9ersio cycle? the i9etory is i#eally fiace# 'y
cre#it !rate# 'y the su$$lierN ho&e9er* it may 'e ecessary to utiliIe
'ak loe ( or o9er#raft) * or to co9ert #e'tors to cash% throu!h
O$erati! cycle
A#9ata!es of a#eKuate (orki! ca$ital ?6
>. ,ol9ecy of the 'usiess.
;. /oo#&ill.
B. -asy loe.
@. Cash #iscout.
E. Re!ular su$$ly of ra& material.
A. Re!ular $aymet of salaries* &a!es a# other #ay to #ay
C. -G$loitatio of fa9ora'le market co#itios.
D. A'ility to face crisis.
=. :uick a# re!ular retur o i9estmets.
><. Hi!h moral.
-Gcess of (orki! ca$ital?
>. -Gcessi9e &orki! ca$ital meas i#le fu#s &hich ear o $rofile for
the 'usiess.
;. )t may lea# to uecessary $urchasi! a# accumulatio of
i9etories causi! more cha!es of theft* &aste a# losses.
B. )t im$lies eGcessi9e #e'tors a# #efecti9e cre#it $olicy.
@. )t may result ito o9erall iefficiecy i the or!aiIatio.
E. (he there is eGcessi9e &orki! ca$ital* relatio &hit 'aks a#
other fiacial istitutios may ot 'e maitaie#.
A. 2ue to lo& rate of retur o i9estmet* the 9alue of share may also
C. The re#u#at &orki! ca$ital !i9es rise to s$eculati9e trasactio.
.actors #etermii! the (orki! ca$ital reKuiremets?
>. Nature or character of 'usiess.
;. ,iIe of 'usiess Hscale of o$eratios.
B. 0ro#uctio $olicy.
@. Maufacturi! $rocessH le!th of 0ro#uctio cycle.
E. seasoal 9ariatios
A. (orki! ca$ital cycle.
C. Rate of stock turo9er.
D. Cre#it $olicy.
=. 'usiess cycle
><.Rate of !ro&th of 'usiess.
>>. -ari! ca$acity a# #i9i#e# $olicy.
>;. 0rice le9el cha!es.
R-,U1T, OBTAN)N-, AN2 2),CU,,)ON,
>. The um'er of &orki! #ays i the year is take as BAE.
;. )#ustry a9era!e has 'ee arri9e# 'y cosi#eri! four com$aies i
same se!met6 9i$$y ,oya oil a# other i#ustry.
Curret ratio?6
Note? o #ata
is a9aila'le
for i#ustry
a9era!e for
the year ;<><6
The curret ratio is the measure of !eeral liKui#ity a# is most &i#ely use#
to make the aalysis of a short term fiacial $ositio or liKui#ity of a firm
Curret ratioP curret assetsH curret lia'ilities
As a co9etio the miimum curret ratio of to& to oe ratio% is referre#
as sta#ar# of liKui#ity for a firm.
Althou!h the sta#ar# 9alue of curret is take to 'e ;?> The 9alue of
curret ratio of 9i$$y i#ustry lt# is the mo#erate ra!e a# lo&er as
com$are# to i#ustry. Thus the liKui#ity $ositio of the com$ay is 9ery
!oo# has the a'ility to $ay to its curret o'li!atios i time as a# &he they
'ecome #ue. The stocks are ot mo9i! slo&ly a# the cash 'ak 'alace
utiliIe# $ro$erly.
The ratio icrease# cosi#era'ly for the ;<><6;<>> cosi#eri! the rise i
the ra& material i9etory #ue to the lack of #ema#. This $heomeo may
'e attri'ute# to icrease i stock to !lo'al slo&#o&. The com$ay has also
'ou!ht a##itioal ra& material so as to take 'uyi! o$$ortuity a# store
ra& material at lo&er cost.
:uick ratio
:uick ratio or aci# test ratio is a more ri!orous test of liKui#ity the the
curret ratio. The term liKui#ity refers to a'ility of firm to $ay its term
o'li!atio as a# &he they 'ecome #ue. )9etories caot 'e terme# to 'e
liKui# assets as they caot 'e co9erte# ito cash imme#iately &ithout a
sufficiet loss of 9alue.
Aci# test ratio P Kuick or liKui# assets H curret lia'ilities
As a rule of thum' or as a co9etio Kuick ratio >?> is cosi#ere#
satisfactory. The aci# test ratio at 9i$$y i#ustry is 9ery close to oe. This
sho&s the Kuality of #e'tors has 'ee !oo# a# the liKui#ity $ositio of the
com$ay has Kuite &ell. The Kuality a# a!e of #e'tors has carefully
u#ertake so that liKui#ity is o affecte#.
The com$ay has trie# to maitai a $ro$er miG of liKui#ity has icrease# so
that ra& material ca 'e o'taie# at lo&er cast as cre#itors are &ary of
!i9i! &ell o the sale. The com$ay is 'uyi! ra& material o cash to take
a#9ata!e form the #ecrease i cost of ra& material.
2e'tors turo9er ratio?6
Note ? o #ata is a9aila'le for i#ustry a9era!e for the year ;<><6;<>>
)t i#icate# the um'ers of time a9era!e #e'tors are turo9er #uri! a year.
2e'tors turo9erP et cre#it aual sale H a9!. tra#e #e'tors
There is i#eal ratio for it this ratio 9aries !reatly &ith the i#ustry to i#ustry
..MC/ com$aies ha9e lo&er #e'tors turo9er 9elocity &hile cosumer
#ura'les ha9e hi!her 9alue. This ratio therefore shoul# 'e com$are# &ith
ratios of other #oi! similar 'usiess.
The 9alue of #e'tor turo9er is lo&er as com$are# to leather i#ustry. There
has 'ee cosi#era'ly i the ratio o9er the $erio# of B year &ith i#ustry
a9era!e mo9i! u$ almost >= L i .Y ;<><. This may attri'ute to faster sale
a# cosum$tio 'y the customer.
A9era!e collectio $erio# ?6
Note? o #ata is a9aila'le for i#ustry a9era!e for the year ;<><6;<>>
The a9era!e collectio $erio# re$reset the a9era!e um'er of #ays &hich a
firm has to &ait 'efore their recei9a'les are co9erte# to cash.
The a9era!e collectio $erio# P (a9era!e tra#e #e'torsQBAE)H et sales
/eerally* the shorter the a9era!e collectio $erio# the 'etter is the Kuality
of #e'tor as a short collectio $erio# im$lies Kuick $aymet 'y #e'tors. The
collectio $erio# of 9i$$y i#ustry has icrease# i the year ;<<=&hich is
the 'oom $erio# a# there is lar!e #ema#. )t has ho&e9er re#uce#
si!ificatly 'y >> #ays i the year ;<><* &hich sho&s a re!ular follo& u$
&ith the customer. The $aymet terms are mostly 'ase# o the letter of
cre#it &hich is !eerally fiGe# thus there are o lar!e 9ariatio.
)9etory turo9er ratio
Note? o #ata is a9aila'le for i#ustry a9era!e for the year ;<><6;<>>
)9etory turo9er ratioP cost of !oo# sol#H a9era!e i9etory at cost
This ratio shoul# 'e o the hi!her si#e a# #e$e#s o i#ustry. The
)9etory turo9er ratio at 9i$$y i#ustry is lo&er as com$are# to i#ustry*
&hich meas 9i$$y i#ustry maitais hi!her i9etory the the i#ustry*
ho&e9er cosi#eri! the sales fi!ure of 9i$$y i#ustry * it may 'e a ri!ht
#ecisio as it has 9olume of sales &hich is icreasi! year o year * thus the
i9etory turo9er ratio also kee$ o icreasi!.
Ho&e9er i the year .Y ;<><* the i9etory turo9er ratio has sho& a
#ecrease. This may 'e attri'ute# to the i#ustry 'ei! affecte# 'y slo&#o&.
)t sho&s that i#ustry has slo& !oo# mo9emet a# hece i9etory
turo9er has re#uce#. Althou!h com$ay has 'ou!ht ra& material i eGcess
so as to 'uy it at lo&er cost* co9ersio to fiishe# !oo# has oly 'ee #oe
as $er or#er. The stock of fiishe# !oo#s is ke$t as lo& as $ossi'le.
(orki! ca$ital turo9er?6
(orki! ca$ital turo9er ratio P salesH et (orki!
(orki! ca$ital turo9er ratio i#icate# the 9elocity of the utiliIatio of et
(orki! ca$ital. This ratio i#icates the um'er of time the (orki! ca$ital
is ture# o9er i the course of a year. This ratio measures the efficiecy &ith
&hich the (orki! ca$ital is use# 'y the firm. A hi!her i#icates a
utiliIatio of (orki! ca$ital.
There has 'ee a #i$ i the (orki! ca$ital turo9er of the (orki!
ca$ital turo9er of the or!aiIatio* &hich mi!ht mea that (orki! ca$ital
has ot 'ee sufficietly rotate#. This mi!ht 'e a 'a# si! as the (orki!
ca$ital has to 'e ke$t as miimum as $ossi'le i the slo&#o&. -Gcess of
(orki! ca$ital thus shoul# 'e a9oi#e# at ay cost. The o$erati! cycle of
9i$$y i#ustry is lo!er as ra& materials are im$orte#. 2ue to #ecrease i
#ema#* the !oo# ha9e ot mo9e# at the s$ee# it shoul# ha9e mo9e#.
Cre#itors turo9er ratio?6
The cre#itors turo9er ratio i#icates the um'er of times Cre#itors are
rotate# i year a# i#icati9e measure of or!aiIatioFs &orki!.
The Cre#itors turo9er 'ee icreasi! stea#ily o9er the $erio# &hich may
'e attri'ute# to lar!e icreasi! sales each year &hich esure that Cre#itors
Are rotate# fast o9er the year a# (orki! ca$ital is also ke$t miimum as
$ossi'le. There has ho&e9er 'ee si!ificat icrease i the Cre#itorFs
turo9er the .Y ;<>< &hich may 'e attri'ute# to slo&#o& as Cre#itors are
ot 9ery comforta'le !i9i! cre#it sales of hi!h 9olume es$ecially &he
#ema# for ,oya $ro#uct has !oe #o& si!ificatly i the last toe Kuarters
As ma"ority of sales is throu!h eG$ort* the $aymet terms are $re
#eci#e# a# &ork o letter of cre#it. The terms 9ary &ith each of the
$urchase or sale a# #e$e# o 'oth 'uyer a# the seller.
A9era!e $aymet $erio#?6
A9era!e $aymet $erio# is the time for &hich the $aymet for the !oo#s
take o cre#it is #oe. A9era!e $aymet $erio# of com$aies e"oyi!
'ra# ame is !eerally hi!h. This is 'ecause cre#itors are sure a'out the
recei9i! of $aymet as 'i! 'ra# com$aies #o ot !eerally #efault o
their terms.
1ike the tre# i the collectio $erio# the $aymet $erio# has sho& the
similar tre#. The a9era!e $aymet $erio# &as a'out C; #ays i year ;<><
&hich has icrease# to D< #ays #uri! the year;<<=. The slo&#o& i the
year ;<>< 'rou!ht it 'ack to almost le9els of year ;<<D. )t is almost
2ayFs re#uctio.
O$erati! cycle ?
(orki! ca$ital O$erati! cycle ?6
.Y ;<<D
The fiacial year ;<<D that is ;<<D6;<<= has a total o$erati! cycle $erio#
of >< #ay. AalyIi! it further &e o'ser9e that?
Ra& material to &ork i $rocess?
(ork i $rocess to fiish !oo#?
.iishe# !oo#s to eG$ort
2e'tors to cash? B< #ays
Cash to cre#itors? ;E #ays
This makes it a total of > to ; #ays. The ra& material &hich iclu#es ,oya
'ea. Most of the ra& materials are im$orte# form all area of m.$ a#
$rocesse# here to co9ert to fiishe# !oo# &hich iclu#e ,oya oil* #eoilcake
u!!ets a# lecithi. as the ra& material are im$orte#* the i9etory has to
'e ke$t for a lo!er $erio# of time i stock.
The co9ersio of &ork i $rocess to fiishe# !oo# has take a total of ; to
B hours &hich sho&s hi!hly efficiet $lat cosi#eri! the fact that ,oya oil
has to u#er!o lar!e um'er of $rocesses 'efore it 'ecome usa'le.
The co9ersios of fiishes !oo# to sale has take a total of ; hours #ays
&hich is a !oo# si! a# si!ifies the Kuality of #eoilcake $ro#uce at 9i$$y
i#ustry lt# at #e&as a# #ema# for it i a'roa#. This may also 'e
attri'uti! to icrease i #ema# for leather $ro#uct.
2e'tors ha9e 'ee realiIi! after the $erio# of B< &hich is hi!her as
com$are# to i#ustry i the same se!met. The collectio $erio# has 'ee
take out earlier. But there is ot much to &orry cosi#eri! the fact 9i$$y
eG$ort its $ro#ucts oly to re$ute# 'ra# of -ast Asia a# sice the #ema#
for the $ro#uct has 'ee !oi! u$ there are lesser cha!e of 'a# #e'ts.
Cre#itors ha9e 'ee realiIi! after $erio# of B< #ays &hich is Kuite ormal
as most of the ra& material is im$ort form m.$. a# $rocesse# here . the ra&
material are ke$t for $erio# of D6= #ays oly &hich im$lies cre#itors are $ai#
oly &he $rocessi! of material start. A#9ace recei9e# form the customer
&oul# 'e a##itioal hel$ to the the $aymet to cre#itors . the also cre#itors
ha9e faith i the 'ra# ame a# are &illi! to !i9e lar!e cre#it terms as
com$are# to other i#ustries to other i the same sector.
.Y ;<<=
The fiacial year ;<<D that is ;<<D6;<<= has a total o$erati! cycle $erio#
of; to B hours . AalyIi! it further &e o'ser9e that?
Ra& material to &ork i $rocess?
(ork i $rocess to fiish !oo#?
.iishe# !oo#s to eG$ort
2e'tors to cash? B< #ays
Cash to cre#itors? ;E #ays
This makes it a total of > to ; #ays. But icrease the $ro#uct Kuality. The
ra& material $urchase this year has !oe u$ 'y almost >B L as com$are# to
year ;<<D i atici$atio for hi!her #ema#. Most of the ra& materials are
im$orte# from the m.$ a# $rocesse# hear to co9ert to fiishe# !oo# &hich
iclu#e ,oya oil a# #eoil cake. As the ra& materials are im$orte#* the
i9etory has to 'e ke$t for a lo!er $erio# of time i stock. As the
i9etory or#ere# is lar!e as com$are# to last year* the ra& material
i9etory has laste# for more !oo# the the last year. The com$ay also
$laces the or#er. for ra& material i 'ulk so as to o'tai tra#e #iscout a#
cash #iscout. The ra& materials are $erisha'le.
The co9ersio of fiishe# !oo# to sales has take a total of ; to B hours
#ays &hich sho& that there is hi!h #ema# for the ,oya $ro#uct i the
coutries &here 9i$$y has 'ee eG$orti!. The $ro#uce# &ere i lar!er
Kuatity as com$are# to $re9ious year 'ut &ere sol# i lesser um'er of
2e'tors ha9e 'ee realiIe# after the $erio# of B< #ays &hich is hi!her as
com$are# to i#ustries i the same se!met. The collectio $erio# has 'ee
take out earlier. )t may 'e cosi#ere# reasoa'le as most of the 9i$$y
i#ustrial $ro#ucts are for the iteratioal cosum$tio a# thus realiIatio
of $aymet takes time as $aymet is #oe o recei9i! the cosi!met.
Ho&e9er #e'tors are of !oo# Kuality a# esta'lishe# 'ra#s so #e'torFs
realiIatio &ill ot 'e much $ro'lem.
Cre#itors ha9e allo&e# !reater cre#it $erio# as com$are# to last year* same
of &hich may 'e cotri'ute# to hi!her $urchases. The #ema# for the ,oya
$ro#ucts has !oe u$* so the com$ay is i 'etter $ositio to e!otiate for
the $rice. Also com$ay has icrease the a#9ace $aymet so that ra&
material ca 'e #eli9ere# faster a# more 9olume of ra& material ca
actually 'ou!ht cosi#eri! cash #iscout 'ei! !i9e to the com$ay.
.Y ;<><
The fiacial year ;<>< that is ;<<=6;<>< has a total o$erati! cycle $erio#
of C= #ay. AalyIi! it further &e o'ser9e that?
Ra& material to &ork i $rocess?
(ork i $rocess to fiish !oo#?
.iishe# !oo#s to eG$ort
2e'tors to cash? B< #ays
Cash to cre#itors? ;E #ays
The makes it a total of > to ; #ays . The ra& material $urchase# this year has
!oe u$ 'y almost >@.EL as com$are# to ;<<= i atici$atio for hi!her
#ema#. The co9ersio $erio# has !oe u$ 'y fiftee #ays &hich may 'e
attri'ute# to icrease i ra& material $urchase.
The co9ersio of &ork i $ro!ress to fiishe# !oo# has ; to B hours &ith
hi!h le9el of the Kuality of $ro#ucts &hich is Kuit less as com$are# to last
year. )ts may 'e attri'ute# to $olicy of com$ay to $ro#uce oly as $er the
#ema# i the market. The ra& materials are $rocesse# as a# &he or#er
The co9ersio of fiishe# !oo# to sales has take a total of EC &hich sho&s
that there is still #ema# for the ,oya $ro#ucts i the coutries &here 9i$$y
has 'ee eG$orti!. ,ales as $er the or#er ha9e hel$e# the uit to cut #o&
the cost of stocki! fiishe# !oo# i the &ere houses.
2e'tors ha9e 'ee realiIe# after $erio# of @D #ays &hich is lo&er as
com$are# to time offere# 'y 9i$$y its #e'tors. The collectio $erio# has
'ee take out earlier. the cha!e may 'e attri'ute# to the $olicy a#o$te# 'y
9i$$y i or#er to #eal &ith !lo'al slo&#o&. )t has take a cautioary
a$$roach as #ema# for the soy'eas $ro#ucts is $lummeti! throu!hout the
!lo'e a# it may result i #ro$ of sales of esta'lishe# $ro#uct * &hich may
make $aymet realiIatio 'y it much more com$leG task. ) or#er to $re9et
the #e'tors form #efaulti! the $aymet* 9i$$y has re#uce# the cre#it $erio#
allo&e# to B< #ays .as 9i$$y i#ustries #eal &ith all ty$es of com$ay * 'a#
#e'ts must ot 'e a 9ery freKuet affair.
Cre#itorFs $aymet $erio# has a!ai come 'ack to miimum B< #ays* same
as i year;<<D. The $heomea may 'e attri'ute# to the a#9ace !i9e 'y
the com$ay. There is @<L rise i the a#9ace !i9e &hich is 9ia'le to the
occur as #ema# for $ro#ucts has !oe #o&. Ho&e9er* a iteresti! thi!
&orth othi! is that ra& material $urchase has !oe u$. This is a strate!y
a#o$te# 'y the com$ay to com'at slo&#o&. The $rices of ra& materials
ha9e !oe #o& #ue to re#uctio a# com$ay is seei! its as a
o$$ortuity to 'uy ra& material at chea$est of cost. Ra& material is o
$erisha'le so this chea$ material ca 'e use# later.
Coclusios #ra&?
>. ha# there 'ee o slo&#o&* the com$ay coul# ha9e easily
sur$asse# the last yearFs $rofit of ;*<=E laces as it ha# alrea#y eare#
a $rofit of >E;E laces i first to& Kuarters of year ;<><.
;. The sales fi!ure of the com$ay ha9e #ro$$e# to a certai eGte#
from @E.>D; laces to @B=@@ laces &hich may 'e cosi#ere# a effect
of slo&#o&.
B. The a#9ace o'taie# from the customers has icrease# stea#ily o9er
the last three year. )t has icrease# for @BBlaces to AC; laces &hich is a
si! of !oo# $olicy. They are stri9i! to make its more a# more
a#9ace form the customers so as to re#uce the #e$e#ecy 9alue of
le9el of customerFs cofi#ece o the $ro#uct.
@. Ne!otiatio form 'ak !as also come #o& i &hich 'ill #iscouti!
is #oe 'y the 'ak. The com$ay is tryi! to make its o& $aymets
rather the 'orro&i! it from the 'ak o short term. )ts has come
#o& from ;;C laces to @> laces
E. (ork i $rocess from ;<CB laces to >ED< laces &hich is a si!ificat
#eclie. The com$ay has ma#e a $olicy to $ro#uce oly as $er or#er
a# re#uce the fiishe# !oo# stock to miimum $ossi'le le9el.
A. Cash a# 'ak 'alaces ha9e icrease# maifol# form C.@E laces to
@<D laces. This su##e cha!e i strate!y is a measure to re#uce cost
of $ro#uctio. This cle9er strate!y 'y the com$ay is o$$ortuity
'uyi! as ,oya ra& material ca store# o9er lo! $erio# of time
&ithout ay effect o it. This i9estmet is set to !i9e to the 'eefit to
the com$ay i the future.
C. the maufacturi! a# o$erati! cost rise si!ificatly from @A<<
laces to E;DC laces &hich may ot 'e !oo# si! . The cost of
$ro#uctio has !oe u$ a# com$ay is take measures to re#uce it.
D. As com$are# to first half of year ;<>< ;=<B laces to seco# half of the
year (;BDBlaces) there is a si!ificat ree#ucatio.
=. .iishe# !oo#s stock has also re#uce# form BB>>@ laces i first t&o
Kuarters of ;<>< to ;BB< laces i last t&o Kuarters.
><.The fiGe# assets acKuire# 'y the com$ay ha9e icrease# !ra#ually
o9er the $erio# from @=C= laces i ;<<= to ED<< laces. This sho&s the
com$ayFs assessmet of the future reKuiremets.
O the &hole * as $er my 9ie& the com$ay is seei! this $hase of
slo&#o& as a o$$ortuity of 'uyi! thi!s at lo&er i other &or# is ?
o$$ortuity 'uyi!% the com$ay is i9esti! kee$i! future i the mi#
a# is ho$eful of situatio im$ro9i! i the ear future. ,ice the i9estmet
are lo! term* this is a calculate# risk may rea$ hu!e 'eefits for the
com$ay i future.
)M01)CAT)ON, .OR .UTUR- R-,-ARCH?6
The #ata use# 'y me &as collecte# from the com$ay sources form the ,oya
oil a# ,oya $ro#ucts #i9isio. This $ro"ect ca further 'e im$ro9e# 'y
taki! the mothly sales #ata form marketi! #e$artmet a# o'ser9i! the
tre#. The tre# aalysis &oul# sho& the cha!es taki! $lace .also
i9etory maa!emet ca 'e stu#ie# more i #e$th as there is a lar!e
i9etory &hich ca actually #e9elo$ Kuite a !oo# u#ersta#i!.
1)M)TAT)ON O. TH- 0RO4-TCT?6
The $ro"ect has limitatio for use of oly seco#ary #ata. 2ue to the ature
of the $ro"ect* there &as o ee# for the collectio of the $rimary #ata.
shashi k. !u$ta *fiacial maa!emet* B
e#itio $u'lisher