Meldas 64

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The Mitsubishi 64 controller is much like the 50 series. The parameters are numbered the same way. To get into the "machine parameters" you have to select yes when prompted to "OPEN THE MENU SETUP PARAMETER". To access the communication parameters on a Meldas 64 controller: 1. Press the TOOL PARAM button. 2. Press the I/O PAR soft key.

Mitsubishi M50 controllers look very much like the M500 series but differ in many ways. On an M50 controller, if you want to view the macro programs change Parameter 1121 to 0. On a Mitsubishi 50 controller the PLC is stored in non-volatile ROM. The ladder can be loaded via RS-232. If the 50 controller displays NO MODE check the NC-SPEC page, if no data is displayed beside PLC the PLC is gone. In order to access the Machine Parameters in an M50 control you cannot use 1001 M. You must: 1. Press the TOOL/PARAM button. 2. Press the SETUP soft key. You will see the prompt "Open the menu setup parameters?" 3. Enter Y 4. Press the INPUT/CALC button. A key point to know about an M50 controller as well as, in some cases, the M500 series controller is that you may be required to press the INPUT/CALC button more than once. An example is when trying to open the Option Parameters in a 50 controller. Just like an M500 series controller, it may sometimes be necessary to initialize a 50 series controller. The procedure for doing this is: 1. Turn the NC power off. 2. Open the cover over the LED display of the Control Unit. 3. Turn the rotary switch CS2 from it's normal position of 0 to position 6. 4. Turn the NC power on. 5. The LED display on the Control Unit will count up to 60 then stop. This will take about 20 seconds, the CRT will be blank except for the cursor. 6. Turn the NC power off. 7. Rotate CS2 back to 0. 8. Turn the NC power on. 9. The CRT will display: SELECT NC TYPE M50D:1 M50M:2 M50L:3 M50G:4 #( ) Enter the type i.e. 2 for a mill. 10. Press the INPUT/CALC button. 11. The CRT will display: SELECT AVR TYPE AC 200V:1 AC 100V:2 DC 24V :3 Enter the number corresponding to the incoming supply voltage. In most cases this will be 220, 230, etc. 12. Press the INPUT/CALC button. 13. Cycle the NC power.

Don't be surprised if the machine comes back up in Chinese. This can be easily fixed by changing parameter 1043 lang.easily fixed by changing Parameter 1043 lang to 1. The problem is that the soft keys are in Chinese so you have to go on memory or do this: 1. Press the TOOL/PARAM button. 2. Press the second soft key from the right (MENU). In this case, the Right Chapter button is counted as a soft key so it is the second button from the right. 3. Press the third soft key from the right (SETUP). 4. Enter Y. 5. Press the INPUT/CALC button. 6. Page over to Machine Base Parameter 1043 lang. 7. Enter 1 in the DATA field. 8. Press the INPUT/CALC. The next time you change screens, it should come up in English. Another thing that may happen is the controller may come up with no memory, that is: CHARACTERS 0 PROGRAMS 0. This will cause the message E51 FILE OPEN ERROR to be issued when certain functions are attempted. To correct this you have to format the controller. Just as with other procedures this does not work the same as formatting an M500 series control. To format the 50 controller: 1. Change Machine Base Parameter 1060 SETUP to 1. The controller will ask if you want to initialize. The answer is NO. 2. Enter N. 3. Press the INPUT/CALC button. 4. Enter Y. 5. Press the INPUT/CALC button. Yet another effect of initializing is that the machine may come back up in Metric instead of Inch. If the machine builder has not provided a PLC-SW as is the case of Initial Inch on Takumis you can put the machine in inch mode with Machine Base Parameter 1041 I_inch. After initializing this parameter may have a number or a letter value. Changing it to 1 should make it inch. Cycle NC power. The Ladder and Graphic functions may also now be absent. These are often specified by the machine builder by Bit Select, etc. Also be aware that initializing will cause the loss of option parameters that must be put back. If when trying to perform Input/Output functions, you get the message DATA PROTECTING, the edit lock is turned on for that function. You can check the status of these locks by going to the Input/Output screen. You will see something like: <LOCK> #1 MAIN PROGRAM ABC #2 TOOL DATA ON #3 PARAMETER ON #5 COMMON VARI. ON #30 MACRO PROGRAM Wherever the word ON appears, that area is locked for editing and must be changed to OFF in order to perform Input/Output operations in that area. In the case of MAIN PROGRAMS, A,B and C are different types of edit locking, to edit the main programs with respect to the type of editing that letter (A,B or C) must be removed from the screen. All of these are normally addressed by the machine tool builder with either edit keys, Bit Selects, PLC switches, Latch Parameters, etc. If these are not available or unknown there is another way. There are four Y addresses which in different combinations will turn these locks off. They are Y238, Y239, Y23A and Y23B. Changing Y238 to 1 will turn the TOOL DATA lock off. Making Y239 1 will turn the PARAMETER and COMMON VARIABLE lock off. However, changing one of the four addresses may change another one back to 0. After a little trial and error you can find the right combination to get the things unlocked that you want or you can just make all four Y addresses = 1. This will turn all of

the locks off. When changing the addresses it is the same as on an M500 series, you are forcing the Y address to go high. For example, # (Y238) DATA(1) MODE(2) INPUT/CALC If you cycle power, the force will turn off so the control will come back on with the locks on. You will have to force them again. On the M50 series controller as with the M500 series the PLC can be made to stop or run by accessing the ladder functions. 1. Press the FO button. 2. Press the MENU soft key. 3. Press the FILE soft key. 4. Press the RUN/SP soft key. 5. Enter 1. 6. Press the INPUT button. To place the PLC in run again, repeat the procedure but enter 0 instead of 1. Another way to stop the PLC is to open the LED cover on the Control Unit. Place the machine in E-Stop mode. Rotate CS2 to position 2. The Machine Parameters in a 50 series controller are actually called Setup Parameters by Mitsubishi but in this file I call the Machine Parameters most of the time. To erase all of the programs registered in memory of a 50 series controller: 1. Press the DATA IN/OUT button. 2. Press the ERASE soft key. 3. Enter CLR in DATA field #( ) DATA(CLR) 4. Press the INPUT CALC button. Unlike an M500 series controller, the PLC of an M50 series controller is not stored on a Memory Cartridge. It is stored in ROM in the Control Unit. If the Control Unit is badly damaged the PLC may be lost. On Mitsubishi controllers, the PLC can be written at the controller. There are manuals to help with this. In the case of a 50 series controller, the manual is BNP-B2063A (ENG) PLC ON-BOARD INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Switches and their settings of a 50 controller: SW1 (Slide Switch) for normal operation is in down position. CS1 (Rotary Switch) Channel Selection for CRT changeover. For normal operation set to position 0. CS2 (Rotary Switch) System Selection switch. Position 0 Normal operation. Position 1 PLC program Stop. Position 2 Normal operation after reading parameters from EEROM Setup after losing parameters. Position 3 For operation using MELSEC peripheral equipment instead of communication terminal. Position 4 Not used. Position 5 Not used. Position 6 Initialization of memory and default setting of parameters. Memory is set to default settings and EEROM is rewritten. Position 7-F Builder Maintenance mode. To access the PLC-SW on a 50 controller, press the MONITOR button then press the MENU button until the PLC-SW soft key is displayed.

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