The Secret of The Prayer Shawl
The Secret of The Prayer Shawl
The Secret of The Prayer Shawl
Prayer Shawl
(skullcap, kippah) The Tephillin are
is a small cap two small boxes
with leather
straps attached
to them.
"Bless Adonai, O my soul. Adonai, My God, You are very great, You are clothed in
glory and majesty. You have wrapped yourself with a garment of light, spreading out
the heavens like a curtain.":
The mystical interpretation of the covering shawl is the representation of the covering
of glory of God on man.
Chuppah in Weddings
John 17:22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given
them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
Joh 17:21 that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art
in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us
Blue is like sea,
Sea is like sky
Sky is like the Throne of the Lord.
Lost Blue
The blue was only obtained from the
hypobranchial gland of a Murex marine snail
that only lives in deep water in the
This color
Royal Blue
was used in the ecclesiastical authority and in
the temple where authority was involved.
Thus we see them in:
Comparison of
Note the difference in the number
and style of the winds.
Sephardic style
Chassidic style
Symbolisms in the Knots and Windings
is the numeric value of the Hebrew word for
The tzitzit's loose strings
God's 'heart strings'.
These tassels are tied into 613 knots
613 mitzvot
תרי"ג מצוות
Taryag mitzvot
248 are mitzvot aseh ("positive commandments")
365 are mitzvot lo taaseh ("negative commandments").
613 mitzvot (Commandments)
תרי"ג מצוותTaryag mitzvot