Weekly Plan (14 Week) Grade 4 English: Day Classwork Homework
Weekly Plan (14 Week) Grade 4 English: Day Classwork Homework
Weekly Plan (14 Week) Grade 4 English: Day Classwork Homework
Senaat Al-Ajiaal International School hn#er The 2ire*tory o) Ministry o) (#'*ation cor coreign (#'*ation $i*ense no.3i -
Grade 4 English: ay
Sunday 27/4
%eading:(2 &eri"ds) My Brother Martin Text Book pg.322-329 RWN Pgs. 385 Gra$$ar! (2 &eri"ds) "esson 25 Prepositions an# Prepositiona$ Phrase RWN Pgs. 3%3 Writing! (1 &eri"d) %eading: RWN Pgs.38
Gra$$ar! "esson 25 &o+parati,e an# -'per$ati,e .#,er/s RWN Pgs.3 0 1Worksheet '"$"rr"w. 2on3t )orget to /ring yo'r #i*tation *opy /ook. (&elling! "esson 24 Pg. 9359% -PB 6-pe$$ing Pra*ti*e Book7 %eading: RWN Pgs. 398 Gra$$ar! "esson 25 &o+parati,e an# -'per$ati,e .#,er/s Book$et Pgs. 99-800
ays ") the *+i,,es are $enti"ned in the -+i,,es ta.le Please )"ll"w these dates/ Quizzes table Sub e!t
%sla&i! )ren!h
Sunday '27/4( Tuesday
gra#e 4
Class Work
Wess"n X: Y #"w are )"rZe[ $ass[ and energy related\] &/ 44^ &ontin'e the $esson an# so$,e the uork/ook v'estions &ontin'e the $esson an# so$,e the uork/ook v'estions &ontin'e the $esson an# so$,e the uork/ook v'estions &ontin'e the $esson an# so$,e the uork/ook v'estions !h a11 eZi$als b $etriZ $eas+re$ent 7/ .##ing an# s'/tra*ting #e*i+a$s. Pg. %42-%45 c/ "ength an# +etri* 'nits. Pg.%52-%53 10/ &apa*ity an# +etri* 'nits. Pg.%54-%55 &hapter 45 "esson 4 6&i,i$ixation7 )ro+ p. 3- %. &o+p$ete the $esson. -a'#i yistory h.3-".4 'he drenZh s&elling .ee t" .e held *+i,: drenZh .""klet )r"$ P/ X till 10 efien g"+h P/ 24` 25`2^(i$&"rtant) i"re &raZtiZe KFDQDMFA G=MzoA TLADI KFDQDMFA G=MzoA TLADI ~`=ZFA |U}!OGAaI ~`=ZFA |U}!OGAaI V`DrFA VpMLi =:` ! ar>Zm J ~`=ZFA |U}!OGAaI Y=Z[FA \A]^ _` ! RSTU BCADEFA G=HIJ KL=MNFA OPQ ! 9:; <=>?@A \abFA V; WEX?FAKZnAa` !67 O<Dz KZnAa`12!8 9SA! AaNFA O<Dz KZnAa`15!3 9SA ! AaNFA O<Dz \=[FA _ aMLJ OMU YPzA
Home Work
%ead te_t .""k &g 44^`450 Work /ook pg 4% w 8 68-57 Work /ook pg 4% w 8 6%-807 Work /ook pg 4% w 4 Work /ook pg 4 w 5 Pra*ti*e /ook pg843 Pra*ti*e /ook pg845 Pra*ti*e /ook pg84%
2o the uorksheet.
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gra#e 4