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WEO Endoscopy Directors Workshop

Confronting new challenges in endoscopy What an endoscopy director needs to know
Wednesday October 8, 2014 10:30 am :30 pm
!a"on #$en %yre #
Held in collaboration with the Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED)

&o$rse Directors: 'obert #ai"ey (&anada), *oracio '$bio (%r+entina) ,enera" !ecretary: &eci"io &eriso"i (%r+entina)
10:30 am We"come and introd$ction !ession 1: -$a"ity and Ed$cation in Endoscopy (Argentina) Robert ailey (!anada) !hair" !arlos #on$%le$ del Solar

10:40 am Comprehensive Service on Digestive endoscopy Robert ailey (!anada) From the phone call, up to the discharge form "Contact Centre" 11:10 am Using indicators in everyday practices Horst &e'ha's (#ermany) 11:40 am re and ost endoscopy Chec!"list Herbert 'rgos (!osta Rica) 1#:10 pm $verything an $ndoscopic %eport should not say R'b(n )ettieri (Argentina) and everything &hich cannot 'e left out 12:40 pm Lunch !ession 1: -$a"ity and Ed$cation in Endoscopy . contin$ed #:00 pm (o& to teach $ndoscopy Simulators, animal models, supervised practice #:)0 pm (o& to evaluate *raining Centers and *eachers !ession 2: &o"orecta" &ancer !creenin+ ):00 pm resent Situation ):)0 pm %is! stratification impact 4:00 pm +nterval colorectal cancer 4:)0 pm Flat and right colon lesions /:00 pm Coffee !ession 3: 0inancia" aspects o1 an endoscopy ser2ice ( rasil) !hair" #laciomar *achado Sergio Sobrino (*(+ico) #'ido !ostamagna (Italy)

!hair" Ed'ardo #abriel Segal (Argentina) Enri,'e -'intero (Spain) !olm ./*orrain (Ireland) Ro,'e S%en$ (!hile) !la'dio Rolim 0e+eira ( rasil)

,:)0 pm (o& to calculate the cost of an endoscopic procedure 1a'l *oayyedi (!anada) -:00 pm %emuneration models for doctors and endoscopic units 2ohn 3argo (4SA) :30 pm &"osin+ remarks and ad3o$rn Horacio R'bio (Argentina)


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