Determination of One Day Incubation-Fertile Egg Based On The Light and The Optimal Distance
Determination of One Day Incubation-Fertile Egg Based On The Light and The Optimal Distance
Determination of One Day Incubation-Fertile Egg Based On The Light and The Optimal Distance
Determination of One Da! Incubation$#ertile 'gg ?ased on the 4ight and the O timal Distance
Early Study to make detection fertile and infertile eggs ones
-urul .adilah, Endarko Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember ITS!, Surabaya, Indonesia "#mail corresponding author!$ fadilah1+@mhs. h!
day incubation engine, is research to determining the color of the light source and distance between eggs to source light. LED was filtered using colors plastic. Eggs be positioned according to the specified distance of 4 cm, 6 cm, cm, !" cm and !# cm. Eggs are captured by digital cameras, the image can be $iewed on the computer. %esults &he photos were processed using 'mage ( and calculated the $alue of the contrast. %esearch shows that the red LED has a higher contrast $alue than yellow and green. &he contrasts $alue indicates the presence of an embryo, it can be concluded that the optimal light color is red. %esearch showed that at a distance of 6 cm contrast $alue will reach a ma)imum $alue, and therefore the optimal distance is 6 cm. *alue contrasting red light at a distance of 6 cm for fertile between ".64 to ".6 .. +eywords, fertile eggs, machine detection, LED, 'mage(
etection eggs fertilization aimed to distinguish between fertile and infertile. It im ortant to the eggs can be immediatel! utilized and not wasted. Infertile eggs will soon be used as salted egg" while the fertile will enter the engine hatch to undergo an incubation eriod. #or this reason the eggs immediatel! distinguishable in the one$da! incubation eriod. The tool chec%s the de&elo ing egg is still largel! rel! on the human e!e as a sensor" egg '(amination conducted using obser&ation. 'ggs are brought closer to the light source with sufficient intensit! so as to enetrate the eggshell. The downside of this method is the use of manual obser&ation of high$intensit! light source to see the blac% s ot causing an increase in tem erature that could damage or e&en %ill the embr!o )1*. )+*,auldins research use a lower light intensit! and still uses the human e!e as a sensor. The downside of this method is the need eo le who are e( erienced in obser&ation. Ree&es and -im son use near infrared wa&elengths .near infrared/ with a wa&elength of 0+1 nm $ 231 nm as a transmitter and as a recei&er T-4 +51. The used of near infrared wa&es are intended to reduce the negati&e effects of the light source to the embr!o. This method offers a high degree of accurac! but it too% a long time to detection. )6* 'gg detector that uses infrared wa&es also de&elo ed b! 7nton )3*. ,icrocontroller$based s!stem built 7T,ega8565 Assembly language as a rogramming language will automaticall! chec% the fertilization of an egg b! the amount of &oltage that ca tures blac% hotodiode infrared wa&es
transmitted b! the egg. The downside of this method" the tool is able to detect eggs on the eighth da! of incubation with the accurac! of 21.69 and a s eed of 1.+ min : egg. )+* The other research use infrared wa&es" it ha&e wa&elength of 831 nm$1131 nm. -ensors were de&elo ed to ca ture wa&e infrared camera that is connected to the com uter" rocessed b! Processing Image Controlled . The accurac! rate of 2+.6;9 and a s eed of 6;1 eggs : min. <ea%ness of this method is a tool ca able of detecting the eggs on the fifth da! of incubation. This stud! was de&elo ed in order to later be able to detect fertile eggs at the age of 1 .one/ da! of incubation. =rior to the main ob>ecti&e should be held earl! studies" which e(amine the corres onding 4'D lights to be able to detect the one da! of incubation and o timal range eggs with light. The used 4'D because the tem erature is not high and relati&el! economical rice" so that later can be used b! the ublic. To determine the fertile or infertile eggs can be seen from the egg !ol%s. Infertile eggs ha&e embr!os slab of material accumulated b! the white in the middle" while the eggs are fertile slab of embr!o loo%s li%e a ring. Characteristic of fertile is contained embr!os at the stage blastodermal plate. It seems there is segmentation ca&it! under pelucida area" located on the ring dar%er than its surroundings.)5*
4amellar embr!o
=elucida 7rea
4amellar embr!o
O aca 7rea
=icture 6.#ertile 'gg .-c -er&ice ?uletin Traditional of Aualit!// =icture +.Infertile 'gg .-c -er&ice ?uletin Traditional of Aualit!/
-egmentasi Ca&it!
=icture 3. #ertile ones da! 'gg .-c -er&ice ?uletin Traditional of Aualit!//
#ertile able to sur&i&e the conditions of s ace and warm" if the tem erature is too high then the seed eggs will die. 4'Ds are made of multi le wa&elengths" which can be distinguished b! their color" the red wa&elength B ;51 nm" the wa&elength of B 551 nm !ellow" green wa&elength B ;11 nm );*. 4'D wa&elengths gi&es the tem erature is not too high. +. %& ,'TCOD
' Preparation of e(uipment Diagram tool see =icture 5 Dar% ?o( to Detect Digital camera #iltered 4ight ,oduls =icture ;.'gg Detector computer
'( eriments on eggs I show that the red light has a &alue greater contrast and a distance of ; cm is the o timal distance to determine the resence of egg embr!o. -imilar results were also shown b! the eggs and egg II" III. The results of the eggs I and II eggs red light showed almost the same results" thus can be said that the eggs thin s%in and a small embr!o similarl! with thic% s%in and a medium size
6 ?arat DIII:1" 7ncol ?arat" Ha%arta Utara" . 1K6" ,ar$ +110. );* -. Gusuma <i>a!a" IO toele%tro"J in Di*tat "le*troni*a I" Ha%arta" +11;" . +10K+1;.
3. CONC4U-ION #rom the abo&e e( eriments it can be concluded that the o timal distance for detecting the resence of embr!o eggs is ; cm. and the o timal color is red light with a contrast &alue between 1.;3 $ 1.;8 7CGNO<4'DF','NT The author would li%e to than%" DIGTI and friends in Instrumentation 4aborator! De artment of =h!sics" #acult! of Natural -ciences of IT- -uraba!a =h!sics for his hel during the stud!. R'#R'NC'-E )1* -. H. Ree&es and G. 7. -im son" I7 aratus and method for determining the &iabilit! of eggs"J U.-. =atent 066;638+;$#eb$+118. )+* #aridah" No riadi" and 7. 7ntari%sa" I7 li%asi ,esin Disis dalam =endete%sian #ertilisasi Telur"J Media Te*ni* " . 5;6K5;2" No&$+118. )6* -. H. Ree&es and G. 7. -im son" I7 aratus and method for determining the &iabilit! of eggs"J U.-. =atent 066;638+;$#eb$+118. )3* 7nton" IRancang ?angun -istem =endete%si fertilisasi Telur ada =roses =enetasan Telur ,engguna%an Felombang Inframerah"J Uni&ersitas Fa>ah ,ada" +118. )5* I-c -er&ice ?uletin Traditional of Aualit!"J Di+isi Agro Feed ,usiness Charoen Po*phand Indonesia " Hl. 7ncol