John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
Congratulations! Your bodyfat score was within the healthy range. You must be doing several things right! But just in case, let's review the 3 Basic Fat Burning Behaviors: 1. Keep moving. Regular aerobic activity is a terrific way to keep fat away. 2. Focus your food choices on complex carbohydrates (especially fruits and vegetables) and on lean proteins. Fatty foods and simple carbohydrates (sweets) tend to be very high in calories even in small packages. 3. Eat a healthy breakfast. Starting your day with a whole-grain breakfast makes you both mentally and physically sharper.
Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your resting heart rate was low. This is usually a sign of a strong cardiovascular system since a stronger, more efficient system requires fewer heartbeats to supply oxygen to the rest of your body.
Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your cardiovascular score was above average. You are probably exercising regularly and watching your weight. To maintain this level of fitness or to continue to improve, be sure to get some form of aerobic exercise at least three times per week. Note: Beware of overtraining. Training in the 80-85% range more than four times per week may become counterproductive. If you are not currently engaged in an exercise program or are considering a significant increase in frequency, duration or intensity of exercise, please consult with your physician or fitness professional first.
Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your cardiovascular score was above average. You are probably exercising regularly and watching your weight. To maintain this level of fitness or to continue to improve, be sure to get some form of aerobic exercise at least three times per week. Note: Beware of overtraining. Training in the 80-85% range more than four times per week may become counterproductive. If you are not currently engaged in an exercise program or are considering a significant increase in frequency, duration or intensity of exercise, please consult with your physician or fitness professional first.
Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your overall strength assessment score was above average. You are probably engaged in strength training already. Keep up the good work!
Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your overall strength assessment score was average. If you were to focus on regular sessions at the appropriate level, you will not only have more strength for everyday activities, you will also be a more efficient fat burner. Aim to stick with a program of resistance exercise 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times per week to improve your muscular fitness. Start slowly, build up gradually, and remember to include adequate warm-up and cool-down in all your sessions. If you haven't been working out, you will want to speak with your doctor or fitness professional before starting.
Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your overall strength assessment score was above average. You are probably engaged in strength training already. Keep up the good work!
Compared to others of your age and gender, your flexibility results were average to above average. Flexible, supple joints are important for reducing your risk of injury and back problems. Take a few moments throughout the day to stretch. For example, you can get up from your desk and stretch on the hour. Stretching is one of the easiest activities to integrate into your day-to-day activities even if you are not in an active job.
Push-Up Test
Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. <16 Below Average 16-20 Average 21-26 Above Average 27-33 Well Above Avg. >33