John Doe

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Comprehensive Report of Findings

Prepared for John Doe by System Administrator

This report is designed to give you a complete overview of all of the assessments we have performed to date. It summarizes your measured performance or health indices and provides feedback to help you understand where you are doing well and where you may need improvement. The report will also expand your understanding of health issues and help you and your fitness professional plan your personal program of health and fitness enhancement.

Report Prepared on Monday, April 28, 2014

Comprehensive Report of Findings BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 1 of 12

Assessment Results For John Doe

Fitness Assessment Summary
Your summary score is an average of your performance on all ranked fitness tests. It provides an overall picture of your level of fitness. Scores range from 1 to 100.

Fitness Tests Over Time

Date 04/28/2014 Score 74 Rating Above Average Protocol Fitness Analyst Basic Administered By System Administrator

Fitness Test: Weight

Body weight is an important measure of your health but can not stand alone. Any given weight can be healthy or otherwise depending on the balance of body fat to lean body weight. However, an important step in developing your fitness goals is to define a healthy weight level. Date 04/28/2014 Weight 175.0

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 2 of 12

Fitness Test: Bioelectrical Impedance Bodyfat

Percent Bodyfat is an important measure of your total health. The human body is composed of lean body mass and fat tissue. Lean body mass is made up of bone, muscle, blood, organs, and connective tissue. Fat tissue, necessary for life and health, is nevertheless often stored in excessive amounts in many people. An important step in developing your fitness goals is to define a healthy weight level and bodyfat level. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 10.0 Rank 78 Rating Above Average Lean Wt. 157.5 Fat Wt. 17.5

Congratulations! Your bodyfat score was within the healthy range. You must be doing several things right! But just in case, let's review the 3 Basic Fat Burning Behaviors: 1. Keep moving. Regular aerobic activity is a terrific way to keep fat away. 2. Focus your food choices on complex carbohydrates (especially fruits and vegetables) and on lean proteins. Fatty foods and simple carbohydrates (sweets) tend to be very high in calories even in small packages. 3. Eat a healthy breakfast. Starting your day with a whole-grain breakfast makes you both mentally and physically sharper.

Bodyfat Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 3 of 12

Fitness Test: Resting Heart Rate

Cardiovascular capacity is a measure of your body's ability to use oxygen to perform work. High fitness levels are indicated by a low resting heart rate and the ability to perform sustained aerobic exercise at a high level. People with high levels of cardiovascular fitness generally benefit from a reduced risk of disease and greater enjoyment of life. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 60 BPM Rank 80 Rating Well Above Avg.

Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your resting heart rate was low. This is usually a sign of a strong cardiovascular system since a stronger, more efficient system requires fewer heartbeats to supply oxygen to the rest of your body.

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

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Fitness Test: Ebbeling Submax Treadmill

Cardiovascular capacity is a measure of your body's ability to use oxygen to perform work. High fitness levels are indicated by a low resting heart rate and the ability to perform sustained aerobic exercise at a high level. People with high levels of cardiovascular fitness generally benefit from a reduced risk of disease and greater enjoyment of life. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 55.9 mkm Rank 90 Rating Well Above Avg. Vol. O 2 4.4 l/min

Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your cardiovascular score was above average. You are probably exercising regularly and watching your weight. To maintain this level of fitness or to continue to improve, be sure to get some form of aerobic exercise at least three times per week. Note: Beware of overtraining. Training in the 80-85% range more than four times per week may become counterproductive. If you are not currently engaged in an exercise program or are considering a significant increase in frequency, duration or intensity of exercise, please consult with your physician or fitness professional first.

Cardiovascular Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 5 of 12

Fitness Test: Lung Function (Allied Dunbar)

Cardiovascular capacity is a measure of your body's ability to use oxygen to perform work. High fitness levels are indicated by a low resting heart rate and the ability to perform sustained aerobic exercise at a high level. People with high levels of cardiovascular fitness generally benefit from a reduced risk of disease and greater enjoyment of life. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 109.09 Rank 80 Rating Well Above Avg.

Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your cardiovascular score was above average. You are probably exercising regularly and watching your weight. To maintain this level of fitness or to continue to improve, be sure to get some form of aerobic exercise at least three times per week. Note: Beware of overtraining. Training in the 80-85% range more than four times per week may become counterproductive. If you are not currently engaged in an exercise program or are considering a significant increase in frequency, duration or intensity of exercise, please consult with your physician or fitness professional first.

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 6 of 12

Fitness Test: 1 Minute Timed Situps

High levels of muscular strength and endurance can help you in performing and/or enjoying many everyday tasks. It is also associated with a reduced risk or incidence of lower back pain when combined with a program of flexibility improvement. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 46 Rep Rank 80 Rating Well Above Avg.

Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your overall strength assessment score was above average. You are probably engaged in strength training already. Keep up the good work!

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 7 of 12

Fitness Test: Grip Strength Test (CPAFLA)

High levels of muscular strength and endurance can help you in performing and/or enjoying many everyday tasks. It is also associated with a reduced risk or incidence of lower back pain when combined with a program of flexibility improvement. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 112 Kg Rank 57 Rating Average

Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your overall strength assessment score was average. If you were to focus on regular sessions at the appropriate level, you will not only have more strength for everyday activities, you will also be a more efficient fat burner. Aim to stick with a program of resistance exercise 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times per week to improve your muscular fitness. Start slowly, build up gradually, and remember to include adequate warm-up and cool-down in all your sessions. If you haven't been working out, you will want to speak with your doctor or fitness professional before starting.

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 8 of 12

Fitness Test: Push-Up Test

High levels of muscular strength and endurance can help you in performing and/or enjoying many everyday tasks. It is also associated with a reduced risk or incidence of lower back pain when combined with a program of flexibility improvement. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 35 Rep Rank 80 Rating Well Above Avg.

Congratulations! Compared with a sample population of a similar age and sex your overall strength assessment score was above average. You are probably engaged in strength training already. Keep up the good work!

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 9 of 12

Fitness Test: Sit-Reach Hip Flexion

Flexibility is an integral part of overall musculoskeletal fitness. High levels of flexibility can help reduce the risk or incidence of lower back pain as well as the probability of injury in sports or other fitness activities. This sit and reach test, in particular, is a good index of flexibility in areas that can cause low back pain. Date 04/28/2014 Test Result 10 In Rank 50 Rating Average

Compared to others of your age and gender, your flexibility results were average to above average. Flexible, supple joints are important for reducing your risk of injury and back problems. Take a few moments throughout the day to stretch. For example, you can get up from your desk and stretch on the hour. Stretching is one of the easiest activities to integrate into your day-to-day activities even if you are not in an active job.

Fitness Assessment Results BSDI Wellness Center

Monday, April 28, 2014 Page 10 of 12

Population Norm Comparison Charts

When you participate in a fitness assessment, we not only measure your test performance, for many tests we also compare this performance against a database of performances by other people of your age and gender. By doing this, we gain a perspective on what constitutes a "good" performance. This also helps us to understand the improvements that can be made. In this section, we display tables for each test to illustrate the performance needed to achieve each rating category. This will help you place your results in the context of other individuals of your age and gender. If a given test isn't shown this is simply because that test does not have population norms.

Bioelectrical Impedance Bodyfat

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. > 22.4 Below Average 22.4- 17.5 Average 17.4- 14.2 Above Average 14.1- 9.5 Well Above Avg. < 9.5

Resting Heart Rate

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. >79 Below Average 79-72 Average 71-66 Above Average 65-61 Well Above Avg. <61

Ebbeling Submax Treadmill

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. < 37.1 Below Average 37.1- 40.9 Average 41.0- 44.1 Above Average 44.2- 48.1 Well Above Avg. > 48.1

Lung Function (Allied Dunbar)

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. <76.67 Below Average 76.67-79.99 Average 80.00-84.99 Above Average 85.00-89.99 Well Above Avg. >89.99

1 Minute Timed Situps

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. <28 Below Average 28-33 Average 34-39 Above Average 40-45 Well Above Avg. >45

Grip Strength Test (CPAFLA)

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. <97 Below Average 97-105 Average 106-112 Above Average 113-123 Well Above Avg. >123

Fitness Testing Norms BSDI Wellness Center

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Push-Up Test
Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. <16 Below Average 16-20 Average 21-26 Above Average 27-33 Well Above Avg. >33

Sit-Reach Hip Flexion

Rating and the Score Needed to Achieve
Well Below Avg. < 6.00 Below Average 6.00- 7.99 Average 8.00-10.99 Above Average 11.00-12.99 Well Above Avg. >12.99

Fitness Testing Norms BSDI Wellness Center

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