Why Your Workouts Don't Work!!!
Why Your Workouts Don't Work!!!
Why Your Workouts Don't Work!!!
Sadly, most people become frustrated and quit exercising before they see any real results. But
it's not surprising given the common mistakes many people make with their training programs.
Are you making these workout mistakes?
Eating well is the best way to be sure you get the most from your training and performance. What you eat
before, during, and after exercise has a major impact on how well you perform and how well you feel. Good
nutrition also allows you to maintain high quality training, good recovery and good race day performance.
For general conditioning and strength gains research shows that one high quality set can provide as much
benefit as multiple sets. An efficient strength-training program can be done using nearly any type of
equipment from free weights to rubber tubing if you apply the following principles.
Intensity of Exercise
This may be the most important factor in an efficient strength-training program. In general, the greater the
intensity, the better the strength gains. High intensity means working each muscle to the point of fatigue,
when no more repetitions can be performed. This relates to the Overload Principle that says to increase
muscular size and strength, a muscle must be stressed, or "overloaded," with a workload that is beyond its
present capacity and trigger an adaptive response (muscular growth).
Simply, exercise that does not produce enough muscular fatigue will not stimulate muscular growth.
To build muscle strength you must continually do more work over time. Muscles must be overloaded and
weight or repetitions increased steadily and systematically over several weeks. Each time the maximum
number of repetitions are attained, the resistance should be increased for the next workout. The increase in
resistance should be small, about five percent or less, but should still be challenging.
Number of Sets
Performing one set to fatigue has been shown as effective as multiple sets when it comes to strength gains.
For this to be productive, the set must be done with an appropriate level of intensity (to the point of muscular
fatigue) and a thorough warm-up should be done before to prevent injury.
Number of Repetitions
To increase in size and strength, muscles must be exercised for a certain length of time. Research seems to
indicate that optimal time frames are as follows:
90 to 120 seconds for the gluts (butt)
60 to 90 seconds for the rest of the lower body
40 to 70 seconds for the upper torso
Use this as a guideline for the most efficient lifting program. (each lift is raised in about two seconds,
lowered in four seconds, so each repetition is six seconds long). Therefore the gluts require 15 to 20 reps,
the lower body 10 to 15 reps and the upper body about six to 12 reps.
These guidelines are for healthy adults. For children, teenagers, the elderly or anyone with medical
conditions, higher repetitions with lighter weight is advised. **Consult a physician prior to beginning a
strength training program.
Exercises Performed
A solid strength training routine can be done with as little as 7 exercises. The major muscle groups should
be targeted: the gluts, hips, quads, hamstrings, calves, biceps, triceps, abdominals and lower back. The
shoulder joint can be effectively worked with two exercises each for the chest, the lats and the deltoids. Start
with the largest muscle groups first.
Efficient strength training includes intense exercise coupled with rest. During workouts muscle tissue is
broken down. It is the recovery phase that allows the muscle to rebuild itself and get stronger. About 48 to
72 hours is a good recovery phase timeframe.
If you want to maximize strength gains and minimize time spent in the gym, use these tips and focus on
quality of training rather than the quantity. You may find that strength gains come quickly when you use your
time wisely
The following article, from the CDC, provides an explanation of the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE).
Perceived exertion is how hard you feel your body is working. It is based on the physical sensations a
person experiences during physical activity, including increased heart rate, increased respiration or
breathing rate, increased sweating, and muscle fatigue. Although this is a subjective measure, a person's
exertion rating may provide a fairly good estimate of the actual heart rate during physical activity* (Borg,
Practitioners generally agree that perceived exertion ratings between 12 to 14 on the Borg Scale suggests
that physical activity is being performed at a moderate level of intensity.
During activity, use the Borg Scale to assign numbers to how you feel (see instructions below). Self-
monitoring how hard your body is working can help you adjust the intensity of the activity by speeding up or
slowing down your movements.
Through experience of monitoring how your body feels, it will become easier to know when to adjust your
intensity. For example, a walker who wants to engage in moderate-intensity activity would aim for a Borg
Scale level of "somewhat hard" (12-14). If he describes his muscle fatigue and breathing as "very light" (9 on
the Borg Scale) he would want to increase his intensity. On the other hand, if he felt his exertion was
"extremely hard" (19 on the Borg Scale) he would need to slow down his movements to achieve the
moderate-intensity range.
*A high correlation exists between a person's perceived exertion rating times 10 and the actual heart rate
during physical activity; so a person's exertion rating may provide a fairly good estimate of the actual heart
rate during activity (Borg, 1998). For example, if a person's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is 12, then 12
x 10 = 120; so the heart rate should be approximately 120 beats per minute. Note that this calculation is only
an approximation of heart rate, and the actual heart rate can vary quite a bit depending on age and physical
condition. The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion is also the preferred method to assess intensity among
those individuals who take medications that affect heart rate or pulse.
While doing physical activity, we want you to rate your perception of exertion. This feeling should reflect how
heavy and strenuous the exercise feels to you, combining all sensations and feelings of physical stress,
effort, and fatigue. Do not concern yourself with any one factor such as leg pain or shortness of breath, but
try to focus on your total feeling of exertion.
Look at the rating scale below while you are engaging in an activity; it ranges from 6 to 20, where 6 means
"no exertion at all" and 20 means "maximal exertion." Choose the number from below that best describes
your level of exertion. This will give you a good idea of the intensity level of your activity, and you can use
this information to speed up or slow down your movements to reach your desired range.
Try to appraise your feeling of exertion as honestly as possible, without thinking about what the actual
physical load is. Your own feeling of effort and exertion is important, not how it compares to other people's.
Look at the scales and the expressions and then give a number.
6 No exertion at all
7 Extremely light
9 Very light - (easy walking slowly at a comfortable pace)
11 Light
13 Somewhat hard (It is quite an effort; you feel tired but can continue)
15 Hard (heavy)
17 Very hard (very strenuous, and you are very fatigued)
19 Extremely hard (You can not continue for long at this pace)
20 Maximal exertion
For example, a 154 pound person who runs at a pace of 8 mph will burn 320 calories in 20 minutes. That
same person, walking at 3 mph for an hour, will burn 235 calories.
Safety Considerations
Although shorter, high-intensity workouts burn the most calories, they aren't always the best option. They
are not recommended for a novice exerciser because they can contribute to injuries in individuals who aren't
prepared for the physical demands of this type of workout. They are also hard to maintain and should be
used sparingly.
Even a highly fit athlete should vary his workout and have some long and slow days for endurance and
recovery. Finally, if you work at a high intensity, odds are you will fatigue sooner and be forced to stop after
about 20 minutes. If you go slow, you will likely to be able to continue exercising for several hours.
If you're already exercising regularly and progressing in your exercise intensity, you may want to try shorter,
more intense workouts to enhance your calorie burning. However, if you're just starting an exercise program,
a slow and steady progression of longer and less intense exercise is probably a better option.
The sort of exercise you chose depends upon your ultimate goal. If you are training for mountaineering or
backpacking, you'd better plan some long, steady days of hiking. If you want to lose those newly acquired
holiday pounds, give the high intensity workout a try.
Keep in mind that if you have specific training goals you should adhere to the principles of conditioning and
follow an appropriate training program for your sport.
It is recommended that you see your doctor before starting an exercise program if you're older than age 40
and have never exercised, a smoker, overweight or have a chronic health condition.
A moderate exercise intensity means that your heart rate is between 60 and 80 percent of your maximum
heart rate. Less than that and your aren’t taxing the cardiovascular system enough to really see
improvement. More than that and you simple can’t keep up with your body’s demand for oxygen and you
‘run out of gas.’
To determine your heart rate range, subtract your age from 220, then multiply the result by 0.6 to determine
the low and by 0.8 to find the high end of your heart rate range.
While exercising, you can stop and check your pulse every so often to determine if you are in this range then
adjust the intensity of your exercise as needed.
If your goals extend beyond simple health improvement, you will need to adjust your exercise time, type and
intensity accordingly. By gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your aerobic sessions, you will
continue to improve your cardiovascular efficiency. By focusing on sport-specific training, you will develop
skills for a particular event. Weight training can also be added and for a well-rounded program.
Once you reach a base level of fitness, other goals are often in sight. Weight loss, sports training, fun runs,
marathons, century bike ride and other goals such as achieving a personal best. The amount of exercise
and the type of training required to achieve these goals are very specific to your event and your current
fitness, but there are many tried-and-true training programs for every possible goal.
Because every athlete is different, each person's response to exercise will vary. A proper training program
should be modified to take individual differences into account. Some considerations:
• Large muscles heal slower than smaller muscles.
• Fast or explosive movements require more recovery time than slow movements.
• Fast twitch muscle fibers recover quicker than slow twitch muscle fibers.
• Women generally need more recovery time than men.
• Older athletes generally need more recovery time than younger athletes.
• The heavier the load lifted, the longer it will take the muscles to recover.
The principle of overload states that a greater than normal stress or load on the body is required for training
adaptation to take place. The body will adapt to this stimulus. Once the body has adapted then a different
stimulus is required to continue the change. In order for a muscle (including the heart) to increase strength, it
must be gradually stressed by working against a load greater than it is used to. To increase endurance,
muscles must work for a longer period of time than they are used to. If this stress is removed or decreased
there will be a decrease in that particular component of fitness. A normal amount of exercise will maintain
the current fitness level.
The principle of progression implies that there is an optimal level of overload that should be achieved, and
an optimal timeframe for this overload to occur. Overload should not be increased too slowly or improvement
is unlikely. Overload that is increased too rapidly will result in injury or muscle damage. Exercising above the
target zone is counterproductive and can be dangerous. For example, the weekend athlete who exercises
vigorously only on weekends does not exercise often enough, and so violates the principle of progression.
The Principle of Progression also makes us realize the need for proper rest and recovery. Continual stress
on the body and constant overload with result in exhaustion and injury. You should not (and can not) train
hard all the time. Doing so will lead to overtraining and a great deal of physical and psychological damage
will result.
Adaptation is the way the body 'programs' muscles to remember particular activities, movements or skills. By
repeating that skill or activity, the body adapts to the stress and the skill becomes easier to perform.
Adaptation explains why a beginning exercisers are often sore after starting a new routine, but after doing
the same exercise for weeks and months the athlete has little, if any, muscle soreness. This also explains
the need to vary the routine and continue to apply the Overload Principle if continued improvement is
The Principle of Use/Disuse implies that you "use it or lose it." This simply means that your muscles
hypertrophy with use and atrophy with disuse. It is important to find a balance between stress and rest.
There must be periods of low intensity between periods of high intensity to allow for recovery. The periods of
lower intensity training, or the rest phase, is a prime time for a bit of crosstraining.
The Specificity Principle simply states that training must go from highly general training to highly specific
training. The principle of Specificity also implies that to become better at a particular exercise or skill, you
must perform that exercise or skill. To be a good cyclist, you must cycle. The point to take away is that a
runner should train by running and a swimmer should train by swimming.
While there may be other 'principles' of training you will find on the web and in text books, these 6 are the
cornerstone of all other effective training methods. These cover all aspects of a solid foundation of athletic
training. Once put together, the most logical training program involves a periodized approach which cycles
the intensity and training objectives. The training must be specific not only to your sport, but to your
individual abilities (tolerance to training stress, recoverability, outside obligations, etc). You must increase
the training loads over time (allowing some workouts to be less intense than others) and you must train often
enough not only to keep a detraining effect from happening, but to also force an adaptation.
If you had been lifting 3 sets of 10-12 reps, drop down to 1 set of 6-8 reps. Always warm up for 5 - 10
minutes before lifting and lift in a slow and controlled motion to get the most out of each lift. Bouncing the
weight and using momentum in your back and legs does little to build strength in the target muscle.
Eat Wisely
Proper nutrition will help your muscles rebuild as well as fuel your workouts. Don't be taken in by the high
protein hype. Protein intake of greater than 2 gr/kg of body weight per day does nothing to increase muscle
growth. Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for intense muscular effort, and should not be reduced or
avoided in the name of performance. (see: High Protein Diets and Protein and Muscle Building for more
about nutrition for strength training).
Finally, If you plateau before you reach your strength goals you have to vary your program. Consider
reading How to Achieve a Personal Best. These strategies can also help you break out of a slump and
remind you of the key factors in developing a successful training program. By following such principles, you'll
You may be in great shape, for the sort of exercise you do routinely. But if that's all you do, day after day,
you may be setting yourself up for injury or mental burnout and that is not a good way to get fit. What can
help prevent injury and burnout? Cross training.
Cross training is a great way to condition different muscle groups, develop a new set of skills, and reduce
boredom that creeps in after months of the same exercise routines.
Cross training also allows you the ability to vary the stress placed on specific muscles or even your
cardiovascular system. After months of the same movements your body becomes extremely efficient
performing those movements, and while that is great for competition, it limits the amount of overall fitness
you possess and reduces the actual conditioning you get while training; rather than continuing to improve,
you simply maintain a certain level of fitness. Cross training is also necessary to reduce the risk of injury
from repetitive strain or overuse.
The term cross training refers to a training routine that involves several different forms of exercise. While it is
necessary for an athlete to train specifically for their sport if they want to excel, for most exercisers cross
training is a beneficial training method for maintaining a high level of overall fitness. For example, you may
use both biking and swimming each week to improve your overall aerobic capacity, build overall muscle
strength and reduce the chance of an overuse injury. Cross training limits the stress that occurs on a specific
muscle group because different activities use muscles in slightly different ways.
• Cardiovascular Exercise (Think about adding three different exercises from the list below):
o Running
o Swimming
o Cycling
o Rowing
o Stair Climbing
o Rope jumping
o Skating (inline or ice)
o Skiing
o Racquetball / basketball / other court sports
• Strength Training
o Calisthenics (push ups and crunches and pull ups)
o Free Weights
o Machines
o Tubing and Bands
• Flexibility (stretching, yoga)
• Speed, agility, and balance drills
• Circuit training, sprinting, plyometrics and other forms of skill conditioning
With cross training, you can do one form of exercise each day, or more than one in a day. If you do both on
the same day, you can change the order in which you do them. You can easily tailor cross-training to your
needs and interests; mix and match you sports and change your routine on a regular basis.
Exercise can strengthen the cardiovascular system, bones, muscles, joints, reduce body fat and improve
flexibility, balance and coordination. But if you want to see all of these benefits, you'll need to start cross
training. What better time to start than now? I hear your friends have taken up snowboarding.
1. Set Specific Goals. Research shows that specific goals are the most motivating. A specific goal is
to reduce your 5K time by 30 seconds within 6 months. Many people just say they want to get faster. This
goal is far too general to really motivate you in your training.
2. Set Measurable Goals. Simply saying that you want to get faster is not enough detail. You need to
be able to chart and document progress toward your goal. One way to measure your progress is to
document your performance at set intervals. In the above example you may want to time your 5K
performance once a month so you have a good measurement.
3. Set Adjustable Goals. This means your goals are flexible enough to accommodate unexpected
challenges without becoming obsolete. An injury may force your to modify your goal. If you goal is too run a
certain marathon and you are injured, you may need to change your goal to do the half marathon, or some
other event. An injury doesn't need to mean you abandon all your plans. At the same time, you may find you
are progressing quickly and need to raise your goal.
o Set Action-Oriented Goals Another important aspect of goal-setting to to keep them
focused on personal action. Don't forget to consider not only what you want to achieve, but how you plan to
acieve it. Consider reading How to Design a Personal Exercise Program and The Principles of Sports
Conditioning for tips on fitness training plans.
• Set Realistic Goals. Start where you are, and increase your goals accordingly. If you haven't ever run a
5K it's probably not a wise goal to say you want to run a marathon. While that may be your long-term goal, in
the short-term you may want to shoot for the 5K and 10K and half marathon on the way to your marathon
goal. This sort of progression is healthy and realistic. Also, keep in mind that as you become more and more
fit and near your full potential the room for continued improvement gets smaller. Similarly, if your goals are
too simple, you won't feel much satisfaction by attaining them. Only you truly know what is realistic for you.
• Set Time-based Goals. Look again at first example: reduce your 5K time by 30 seconds within 6 months.
This is specific and time-based. Without a time line there is a tendency to procrastinate or get bored. You
may also need to set interim goals with shorter timelines to keep you on track. Consider the previous
example of working up to a marathon by completing shorter distances first. each of those because a
separate goal with a shorter timeline. In general, goals that stretch out beyond 6 months are too long to keep
you interested and motivated. Try to re-evaluate your goals every 2-3 months.
Goal setting is an art as well as a science, but if you make sure your goals follow the S.M.A.R.T. formula,
you will find you are more likely to stay motivated and reach goal after goal.
Start Small
Exercise is not an all or none endeavor. It is a continuum. Keep in mind that a little is better than none and
you can do something today, so don’t worry about what you will do next month. This perspective is hard for
anyone who expects a lot from themselves and sets long-term fitness goals. Don’t expect results overnight.
But do expect to take small steps every day.
That’s exercise. You can use that as a jumpstart and add another 5 minutes or walk at a faster pace -- start
from where you are.
Go Low Tech
Technology is a wonderful thing, but much of it reduces us to very lazy people. If you want to fit activity into
your daily life, just go low-tech and you will probably burn another few hundred calories a day. Walk or ride
your bike for errands, take the stairs, mow your lawn with a push mower, give up your television remote and
actually get up to change the channel, walk down the hall to your co-workers office rather than calling.
Write it Down
Keep an exercise log book. Simply writing down what you did, how long and how you felt can be great
motivation. Not only can you view your progress and look back at your accomplishments, but you can plan
ahead and decide where you want to be in a week, a month or more.
Psychology of Exercise
Some people enjoy being distracted while exercising while others prefer to pay attention to how their body
feels while exercising. Try both tactics and see what works best for you. If you're new to exercise, being
distracted by music, television, reading material, conversation or a personal trainer may help you stick with
it. After you’ve been exercising a while it may be helpful to pay attention to your body sensations. Athletes
often focus on their breathing, cadence or body movement to stay focused.
Find a Buddy
Even if this person doesn’t exercise with you, let someone know of your plans and goals to help support
your efforts. Making yourself accountable to another is a great way to keep you honest about your success
and challenges with starting a new exercise program.
• A new study found that aerobic and resistance training significantly reduced fatigue in men
undergoing radiation treatments for prostate cancer. Fatigue is a common side effect of such
• Doctors at the Mayo Clinic found that exercise improves the physical and emotional well-being of
patients with Alzheimer's disease. The patients exercised for as little as 60 minutes each week.
Doctors noted improvements in areas ranging from depression to wandering.
• A 2006 report found that older and elderly adults who exercised twice a week for 4 months
significantly increased their body strength, flexibility, balance, and agility. The average age of the
study participants was 83.5.
• You should do warm-up exercises for 5 - 10 minutes at the beginning of an exercise session. Low-
level aerobic exercise is the best warm-up.
• To cool down, you should walk slowly until your heart rate is 10 - 15 beats above your resting heart
rate. Stopping too suddenly may sharply reduce blood pressure or cause muscle cramping.
• You must be careful when stretching during your warm-up to avoid injuring cold muscles.
• Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise forces the heart and lungs to work harder for longer periods. It
builds endurance, improves blood flow throughout the body, and increases the levels of "good"
• Resistance Training: Resistance training works muscles against a force (usually weights). It burns
fat and builds muscle.
Everyone's goal of living a long and healthy life should include a healthy diet,
regular exercise, and maintaining normal weight. The combination of inactivity
and eating the wrong foods is the second most common preventable cause of
death in the United States (smoking is the first).
In addition, exercise can help change other dangerous lifestyle habits. A 2007
review of existing studies found that moderate exercise, for as little as 5 minutes
at a time, can help combat the nicotine withdrawal symptoms people experience
when they try to stop smoking.
No one is too young or too old to exercise. The United States Surgeon General
recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking,
nearly every day. However, vigorous exercise carries risks that people should
discuss with a doctor. You should always check with your doctor before starting a
new exercise program, especially if you have any of the following risk factors:
• History of smoking
• Obesity
• Family history of a long-term disease
• A symptom you havent told your doctor about
• Chest pain
• Shortness of breath
• Heart palpitations
• Blood clots
• Infections
• Fever
• Unexplained weight loss
• Foot or ankle sores that wont heal
• Joint swelling
• Pain or trouble walking after a fall
• Eye injury or eye surgery
• Hernia
• Hip surgery
Fifty percent of all people who begin a vigorous training program drop out within
a year. The key to reaching and maintaining physical fitness is to find activities
that are exciting, challenging, and satisfying.
A few simple rules are helpful as you develop your own routine.
Heart rate is the standard guide for determining aerobic exercise intensity. It can
be determined by counting one's own pulse or with the use of a heart rate
monitor. To feel your own pulse, press the first two fingers of one hand gently
down on the inside of the wrist or under the jaw on the right or left side of the
front of the neck. You should feel a faint pounding as blood passes through the
artery. Each pounding is a beat.
Maximum heart rate. To determine your own maximum heart rate per minute
subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are 45, you would calculate your
maximum heart rate as follows: 220 - 45= 175.
Target heart rate. Your target rate is 50 - 75% of your maximum heart rate. You
should measure your pulse off and on while your exercise to make sure you stay
within this range. After about 6 months of regular exercise, you may be able to
increase your target heart rate to 85% (but only if you can comfortably do so).
Certain heart medications may lower your maximum and target heart rates.
Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
Note: Swimmers should use a heart rate target of 75% of the maximum and then
subtract 12 beats per minute. The reason for this is that swimming will not raise
the heart rate quite as much as other sports because of the so-called "diving
reflex," which causes the heart to slow down automatically when the body is
immersed in water.
VO2 Max. Serious exercisers may use a VO2 max calculation, which measures
the amount of oxygen consumed during intensive, all-out exercise. The most
accurate testing method uses computers, but anyone can estimate V02 without
instrumentation (with an accuracy of about 95%):
• After running at top pace for 15 minutes, round off the distance run to the nearest 25 meters.
• Divide that number by 15.
• Subtract 133.
• Multiply the total by 0.172, then add 33.3.
Olympic and professional athletes train for VO2 max levels above 80. But for the
average person interested in fitness, a VO2 max equaling between 50 and 80 is
considered an excellent score for overall fitness.
Warming up and cooling down are important parts of every exercise routine.
They help the body make the transition from rest to activity and back again, and
can help prevent soreness or injury, especially in older people.
• Warm-up exercises should be practiced for 5 - 10 minutes at the beginning of an exercise session.
Older people need a longer period to warm up their muscles. Low-level aerobic exercise such as
brisk walking, swinging the arms, or jogging in place, is the best approach.
• To cool down, you should walk slowly until the heart rate is 10 - 15 beats above your resting heart
rate. Stopping too suddenly can sharply reduce blood pressure, and is dangerous for older people.
It may also cause muscle cramping.
• Stretching may be appropriate for the cooling down period, but it must be
done carefully for warming up because it can injure cold muscles. (There
is no clear evidence, however, that stretching reduces muscle injuries.)
Warming up before exercise and cooling down after is just as important as the exercise itself. By properly
warming up the muscles and joints with low-level aerobic movement for 5 - 10 minutes, one may avoid injury
and build endurance over time. Cooling down after exercise by walking slowly, then stretching muscles, may
also prevent strains and blood pressure fluctuation.
For most people, exercise may be divided into three general categories:
• Aerobic or endurance
• Strength or resistance
• Flexibility
A balanced program should include all three. Speed training is also a major
category, but generally only competitive athletes practice it.
• Builds endurance
• Keeps the heart pumping at a steady and high rate for a long time
• Boosts HDL ("good") cholesterol levels
• Helps control blood pressure
• Strengthens the bones in the spine
• Helps maintain normal weight
• Improves one's sense of well-being
• Low- to moderate-impact exercises: Walking, swimming, stair climbing, step classes, rowing, and
cross-country skiing. Nearly anyone in reasonable health can engage in some low- to moderate-
impact exercise. Brisk walking burns as many calories as jogging for the same distance and poses
less risk for injury to muscle and bone.
• High-impact exercises: Running, dance exercise, tennis, racquetball, squash. High-impact
exercises should be performed no more than every other day, and less often for those who are
overweight, elderly, out of condition, or have an injury or other medical problem that would rule out
• For most healthy young adults, the best approach is a mix of low- and higher-impact exercise. Two
weekly workouts will maintain fitness, but three to five sessions a week are better.
• People who are out of shape or elderly should start aerobic training gradually. For example, they
may start with 5 - 10 minutes of low-impact aerobic activity every other day and build toward a goal
of 30 minutes per day, three to seven times a week. (For heart protection, frequency of exercises
may be more important than duration.)
• Swimming is an ideal exercise for many elderly and certain people with physical limitations,
including pregnant women, individuals with muscle, joint, or bone problems, and those who suffer
from exercise-induced asthma.
• People who seek to lose weight should aim for six to seven low-impact workouts a week.
One way of gauging the optimal intensity of exercise is to aim for a "talking
pace," which is enough to work up a sweat and still be able to converse with a
friend without gasping for breath. As fitness increases, the "talking pace" will
become faster and faster.
Shoes. All that's really necessary for a workout is a good pair of shoes that are
made well and fit well. They should be broken in, but not worn down. They
should support the ankle and provide cushioning for impact sports such as
running or aerobic dancing. Airing out the shoes and feet after exercising
reduces chances for skin conditions such as athlete's foot.
Clothing. Comfort and safety are the key words for workout clothing. For outdoor
nighttime exercise, a reflective vest and light-colored clothing must be worn.
Bikers, roller bladers, and equestrians should always wear safety devices such
as helmets, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads. Goggles are mandatory for
indoor racquet sports. For vigorous athletic activities, such as football, ankle
braces may be more effective than tape in preventing ankle injuries.
Very inexpensive exercise machines tend to be flimsy and hard to adjust, but
many sturdy machines are available at moderate prices. The higher-end models
may utilize computers to record calories burned, speed, and mileage. While their
readouts may provide motivation and gauge the intensity of a workout, however,
they are not always accurate.
• A good floor mat is important to provide cushioning for all home exercises.
• A simple jump rope improves aerobic endurance for people who are able to perform high-impact
exercise. Jumping rope should be done on a floor mat plus a surface that has some give to avoid
joint injury.
• For burning calories, the treadmill has been ranked best, followed by stair climbers, the rowing
machine, cross-country ski machine, and stationary bicycle. (Elliptical trainers, however, may be
even better than treadmills for increasing heart rate, calorie expenditure, and oxygen consumption.)
• Stationary bikes condition leg muscles and are fairly economical and easy to use safely. The
pedals should turn smoothly, the seat height should adjust easily, and the bike's computer should
be able to adjust intensity.
• Stair machines also condition leg muscles. They offer very intense, low-impact workouts and may
be as effective as running with less chance of injury.
• Rowing and cross-country ski machines exercise both the upper and lower body.
Shoes for Sports
Aerobic Sufficient cushioning to absorb shock and pressure that are many
dancing times greater than ordinary walking. Arches that maintain side-to-side
stability. Thick upper leather support. Toe-box. Orthotics may be
required for people with ankles that over-turn inward or outward.
Soles should allow for twisting and turning.
Cycling Rigid support across the arch to prevent collapse during pedaling.
Heel lift. Cross-training or combination hiking/cycling shoes may be
sufficient for casual bikers. Toe clips or specially designed shoe
cleats for serious cyclers. In some cases, orthotics may be needed to
control arch and heel and balance forefoot.
Running Sufficient cushioning to absorb shock and pressure. Fully bendable
at the ball of the foot. Sufficient traction on sole to prevent slipping.
Consider insoles or orthotics with arch support for problem feet.
Tennis Allow side-to-side sliding. Low-traction soles. Snug fitting heels with
cushioning. Padded toe box with adequate depth. Soft-support arch.
Walking Lightweight. Breathable upper material (leather or mesh). Wide
enough to accommodate ball of the foot. Firm padded heel counter
that does not bite into heel or touch ankle bone. Low heel close to
ground for stability. Good arch support. Front provides support and
It is also associated with a lower risk for heart disease, possibly because it
lowers LDL (the so-called "bad") cholesterol levels.
Strength exercise is beneficial for everyone, even people in their 90s. It is the
only form of exercise that can slow and even reverse the decline in muscle mass,
bone density, and strength that occurs with aging. Please note: People at risk for
cardiovascular disease should not perform strength exercises without checking
with a doctor.
• Isometric contractions do not change the length of the muscle. An example is pushing against a
• Concentric contractions shorten muscles. An example is the "up" phase of a bicep curl.
• Eccentric contractions lengthen muscles. An example is the "down" phase as weights are lowered.
• The sequence of a strength training session should begin with training large muscles and multiple
joints at higher intensity and end with small muscle and single joint exercises at lower intensities.
• Both shortening and lengthening muscle actions should be performed. Emphasizing the
movements that lengthen muscles is of increasing interest. This approach involves slowing and
increasing the duration of these "down" movements. It appears to significantly increase blood flow,
and some evidence suggests it may achieve stronger muscles more quickly. It may also improve
heart function compared to standard movements. Exercises that lengthen muscles may be
particularly beneficial for older people and some people with chronic health problems. This type of
training increases the risk for muscle soreness and injury, however, and this approach is still
• Strength training involves moving specific muscles in the same pattern against a resisting force
(such as a weight) for a preset number of times. This is called a repetition. Students should first
choose a weight that is about half of what would require a maximum effort in one repetition. In other
words, if it would take maximum effort to do a single repetition with a 10-pound dumbbell, the
person would start with a five-pound dumbbell. In the beginning, most people can start with one set
of 8 - 15 repetitions per muscle group with low weights. As individuals are able to perform one or
two repetitions over their routine, weights can be increased by 2 - 10%.
• Breathe slowly and rhythmically. Exhale as the movement begins. Inhale when returning to the
starting point.
• The first half of each repetition typically lasts 2 - 3 seconds. The return to the original position lasts
4 seconds.
• An alternative technique called "super slow" training stretches out one repetition to a 14-second
count. This method places far more stress on the muscle group, so fewer repetitions are needed. A
full week of recovery is required before repeating this workout. The goal is to initiate changes in the
muscles so that the body continues to burn calories after the exercise. Some people report
dramatic results from this approach, but scientific proof of these claims is not available. It is a very
tedious workout, and people have a hard time sticking with it. People with high blood pressure
should not use this approach.
• Joints should be moved rhythmically through their full range of motion during a repetition. Do not
lock up the joint while exercising it.
• For maximum benefit, one should allow 48 hours between workouts for full muscle recovery.
Strength-Training Equipment. Unlike aerobic exercise, strength training almost
always requires some equipment. Strength-training equipment does not,
however, have to cost anything.
• Any heavy object that can be held in the hand, such as a plastic bottle filled with sand or water, can
serve as a weight.
• Dumbbells (1 - 10 pounds) and resistance bands are inexpensive, portable, and effective.
• Wearable weights help strengthen and tone the upper body.
• Ankle weights strengthen and tone muscles in the lower body. Wearable ankle weights should not
be worn during high-impact aerobics or jumping.
• Hand grips strengthen arms and are good for relieving tension.
• A pull-up bar can be mounted in a doorway for chin-ups and pull-ups.
More elaborate and expensive home equipment for working body muscles is also
available, costing from $100 to over $1,000. No one should purchase or use
strength-training equipment without instruction from a professional.
Certain flexibility practices, such as yoga and tai chi, also involve meditation and
breathing techniques that reduce stress. Such practices appear to have many
health and mental benefits. They may be very suitable and highly beneficial for
older people, and for patients with certain chronic diseases.
• When stretching, exhale and extend the muscles to the point of tension, not pain, and hold for 20 -
60 seconds. (Beginners may need to start with a 5- to 10-second stretch.)
• Breathe evenly and constantly while holding the stretch.
• Inhale when returning to a relaxed position. Holding your breath defeats the purpose; it causes
muscle contraction and raises blood pressure.
• When doing stretches that involve the back, relax the spine to keep the lower back flush with the
mat, and to work only the muscles required for changing position (often these are only the
abdominal muscles).
Studies continue to show that it is never too late to start exercising. A report
published in the February 2006 Journal of Aging and Health found that elderly
adults who exercised twice a week for four months significantly increased their
body strength, flexibility, balance, and agility. The exercise program included
walking and lifting weights. The average age of the study participants was 83.5.
The study adds further evidence that even small improvements in physical fitness
and activity can prolong life and independent living.
• Any older person should have a complete physical and medical examination, as well as
professional instruction, before starting an exercise program.
• Start low and go slow. For sedentary, older people, one or more of the following programs may be
helpful and safe: Low-impact aerobics, gait (step) training, balance exercises, tai chi, self-paced
walking, and lower legs resistance training, using elastic tubing or ankle weights. Even in the
nursing home, programs aimed at improving strength, balance, gait, and flexibility have significant
• Strength training assumes even more importance as one ages, because after age 30 everyone
undergoes a slow process of muscular erosion. The effect can be reduced or even reversed by
adding resistance training to an exercise program. As little as one day a week of resistance training
improves overall strength and agility. Strength training also improves heart and blood vessel health.
• Power training, which aims for the fastest rate at which a muscle or muscle group can perform
work, may be particularly helpful for older women in strengthening muscles and preventing falls.
• Flexibility exercises promote healthy muscle growth and help reduce the stiffness and loss of
balance that accompanies aging.
• Chair exercises may be performed by people who are unable to walk.
• Older women are at risk for incontinence accidents during exercise. This can be reduced or
prevented by performing Kegel exercises, limiting fluids (without risking dehydration), going to the
bathroom frequently, and using leakage prevention pads or insertable devices.
Inactivity is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. However, exercise
helps improve heart health, and can even reverse some heart disease risk
Like all muscles, the heart becomes stronger as a result of exercise, so it can
pump more blood through the body with every beat and continue working at
maximum level, if need be, with less strain. The resting heart rate of those who
exercise is also slower, because less effort is needed to pump blood.
A person who exercises often and vigorously has the lowest risk for heart
disease, but any amount of exercise is beneficial. Studies consistently find that
light-to-moderate exercise is even beneficial in people with existing heart
disease. Note, however, that anyone with heart disease should seek medical
advice before beginning a workout program.
The heart is a large muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body. Valves inside the heart open
and close. This controls how much blood enters or leaves the heart.
Exercise has a number of effects that benefit the heart and circulation (blood flow
throughout the body). These benefits include improving cholesterol and fat levels,
reducing inflammation in the arteries, assisting weight loss programs, and
helping to keep blood vessels flexible and open. Studies continue to show that
physical activity and avoiding high-fat foods are the two most successful means
of reaching and maintaining heart-healthy levels of fitness and weight.
Coronary Artery Disease. People who maintain an active lifestyle have a 45%
lower risk of developing heart disease than do sedentary people. Experts have
been attempting to define how much exercise is needed to produce heart
benefits. In 2002, a well-conducted study on overweight adults confirmed
previous research that reported beneficial changes in cholesterol and lipid levels,
including lower LDL levels (bad cholesterol), even when people performed low
amounts of moderate- or high-intensity exercise such as walking or jogging 12
miles a week. However, more intense exercise is required to significantly change
cholesterol levels, notably increasing HDL (good cholesterol). An example of this
kind of program would be jogging about 20 miles a week. Such benefits in the
study occurred even with very modest weight loss, suggesting that overweight
people who have trouble losing pounds can still achieve considerable heart
benefits by exercising.
Some studies suggest that for the greatest heart protection, it is not the duration
of a single exercise session that counts but the total daily amount of energy
expended. Therefore, the best way to exercise may be in multiple short bouts of
intense exercise, which can be particularly helpful for older people.
Resistance (weight) training has also been associated with heart protection. It
may offer a complementary benefit to aerobics by reducing LDL levels. Exercises
that train and strengthen the chest muscles may prove to be very important for
patients with angina.
It should be noted that high-intensity exercise may not lower blood pressure as
effectively as moderate-intensity exercise. In one study, moderate exercise
(jogging 2 miles a day) controlled high blood pressure so well that more than half
the patients who had been taking drugs for the condition were able to discontinue
their medication. However, a small study published in 2005 suggests that
moderate exercise does not have a significant impact on systolic blood pressure
(the top number) in older adults. While those who exercised did have notable
drops in both the top and lower (diastolic) blood pressure levels, the only
statistically significant change was the decrease in the lower number.
• Studies continue to report benefits from exercise training. In one study, heart failure patients as old
as 91 years old increased their oxygen use significantly, after 6 months of supervised treadmill and
stationary bicycle exercises.
• Progressive resistance training may be particularly useful for heart failure patients, since it
strengthens muscles, which commonly weaken in this disorder. Even simply performing daily
handgrip exercises can improve blood flow through the arteries.
Experts warn, however, that exercise is not appropriate for all heart failure
All stroke survivors should have a pre-exercise evaluation done by their doctor
before starting an exercise program.
The effects of exercise on stroke are less established than those on heart
disease, but most studies show benefits. The following are some examples:
• According to one major analysis, men cut their risk for stroke in half if their exercise program was
roughly equivalent to about an hour of brisk daily walking 5 days a week. In the same study,
exercise that involved recreation was more protective against stroke than exercise routines
consisting simply of walking or climbing.
• A 2000 study of women also found substantial protection from stroke in brisk walking or striding
(rather than casual walking).
Anyone with heart disease or risk factors for developing heart disease or stroke
should seek medical advice before beginning a workout program. Patients with
heart disease can nearly always exercise safely as long as they work out under
medical supervision. Still, it is often difficult for a doctor to predict health
problems that might arise as the result of an exercise program. At-risk individuals
should be very aware of any symptoms warning of harmful complications while
they exercise.
Some experts believe that anyone over 40 years old, whether or not they are at
risk for heart disease, should have a complete physical examination before
starting or intensifying an exercise program. Some doctors use a questionnaire
for people over 40 to help determine whether they require such an examination.
The questions they use are as follows:
• Has any doctor previously recommended medically supervised activity because of a heart
• Is chest pain brought on by physical activity?
• Has chest pain occurred during the previous month?
• Does the person faint or fall over from dizziness?
• Is bone or joint pain intensified by exercise?
• Has medication been prescribed for hypertension (high blood pressure) or heart problems?
• Is the person aware of or has a doctor suggested any physical reason for not exercising without
medical supervision?
Those who answer "yes" to any of the above questions should have a complete
medical examination before developing an exercise program.
Stress Test. A stress test helps determine the risk for a heart problem resulting
from exercise. Anyone with a heart condition or history of heart disease should
have a stress test before starting an exercise program. Experts currently also
recommend this test before a vigorous exercise program for older persons who
are sedentary, even in the absence of known or suspected heart disease. The
test is expensive, however, and some experts believe that it may not be
necessary for many older people with no evident health problems or risk factors.
• People who have certain medical conditions: These conditions include uncontrolled diabetes,
uncontrolled seizures, uncontrolled high blood pressure, a heart attack within the previous 6
months, heart failure, unstable angina, significant aortic valve disease, or aortic aneurysm.
• People with moderate-to-severe hypertension: Experts generally recommend that moderate or
severe high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure over 160 mm Hg or diastolic (bottom number)
pressure over 100 mm Hg) should be brought to lower levels before a person starts a vigorous
exercise program.
• Sedentary people should be cautious. One major study found that sedentary people who throw
themselves into a grueling workout significantly increase their risk of heart attack.
• Episodes of exercise-related sudden death in young people are rare but of great concern. Some
are preceded by fainting, which is due to a sudden and severe drop in blood pressure. It should be
noted that fainting is relatively common in athletes, and is dangerous only in people with existing
heart conditions. Young people with genetic or congenital (present at birth) heart disorders should
avoid intensive competitive sports.
• Anabolic steroids or products containing ephedra have been associated with cases of stroke, heart
attack, and even death.
The risk for heart attack from exercise should be kept in perspective, however.
Some form of exercise, carefully personalized, has benefits for most of the
individuals mentioned above. In many cases, particularly when the only risk
factors are a sedentary lifestyle and older age, exercise can often be increased
over time until it is intense.
Hazardous Activities for High-Risk Individuals. The following activities may pose
particular dangers for high-risk individuals:
• Intense workouts (snow shoveling, slow jogging, speed walking, tennis, heavy lifting, heavy
gardening) may be particularly hazardous for people with risk factors for heart disease, especially
older people. They tend to stress the heart, raise blood pressure for a brief period, and may cause
spasms in the arteries leading to the heart. (See image: Coronary Artery Spasm)
• Some studies suggest that competitive sports, which couple intense activity with aggressive
emotions, are more likely to trigger a heart attack than other forms of exercise.
Listening for Warning Signs. It should be noted that according to one study, at
least 40% of young men who die suddenly during a workout have previously
experienced, and ignored, warning signs of heart disease. In addition to avoiding
risky activities, the best preventive tactic is simply to listen to the body and seek
medical help at the first sign of symptoms during or following exercise. These
symptoms include the following:
• Irregular heartbeat
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain
Moderate aerobic exercise can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. An important
study found that adults who worked out 2 and 1/2 hours a week cut their risk by
Exercise has positive benefits for those who have diabetes. It can lower blood
sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, and strengthen the heart. Strength training,
which increases muscle and reduces fat, may be particularly helpful for people
with diabetes, but more evidence is needed to confirm this theory. One study
reported that yoga helped patients with type 2 diabetes reduce their need for oral
In 2005, researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes who walked a
minimum of 3 miles every day were in better health, and had lower medical
expenses, after 2 years of such exercise. Those who remained sedentary for that
time period experienced a decline in their overall health and higher health care-
related expenses. Study participants who worked out for an average of 38
minutes per day lowered their blood pressure, cholesterol ,and A1C levels
(glucose concentration over time). These participants also had lower heart
disease risk, even if they didn't lose weight. The increase in the study
participants' activity equaled about 2,200 extra steps a day. The findings were
reported in the journal Diabetes Care.
An earlier study found that healthy lifestyle changes may work better than the
prescription medication metformin (Glucophage), when it comes to preventing
metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of risk factors
including abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, high triglycerides, and
The following are precautions for all people with diabetes, whether type 1 or 2:
• Because people with diabetes are at higher than average risk for heart disease, they should always
check with their doctors before starting a demanding exercise program. For best and fastest
results, frequent high-intensity (not high-impact) exercises are best for people who are cleared by
their doctor. For people who have been sedentary, or have other medical problems, lower-intensity
exercises are recommended, using programs the patients designed with their doctors.
• Strenuous strength training or high-impact exercise is not recommended for people with
uncontrolled diabetes. Such exercises can strain weakened blood vessels in the eyes of patients
with retinopathy (a common diabetic complication). High-impact exercise may also injure blood
vessels in the feet.
Patients who are taking medications that lower blood glucose, particularly insulin,
should take special precautions before starting a workout program.
• Glucose levels swing dramatically during exercise. People with diabetes should monitor their levels
carefully before, during, and after workouts.
• Patients should probably avoid exercise if glucose levels are above 300 mg/dL or under 100 mg/dL.
• To avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), people with diabetes should inject insulin in sites away
from the muscles they use the most during exercise.
• People with diabetes should drink plenty of fluids. Before exercising, they should avoid alcohol,
which increases the risk of hypoglycemia.
• Insulin-dependent athletes may need to decrease insulin doses, or take in more carbohydrates,
prior to exercise. However, they may need to take an extra dose of insulin after exercise. Stress
hormones released during exercise may increase blood glucose level (in people without diabetes,
insulin is released to control this increase). People with diabetes must regularly test their blood
sugar, and take any medications as instructed by their doctor.
A person with diabetes must regularly check their blood sugar (glucose) level.
Exercise is critical for strong muscles and bones. Muscle strength declines as
people age, but studies report that when people exercise they are stronger and
leaner than others in their age group.
Exercise helps kids lower their risk of chronic pain in the future. Research has
shown that it helps them prevent back and neck pain. The more flexible men are
as teenagers, the lower their risk of neck tension in the future, according to a
study published in the February 2006 British Journal of Sports Medicine. The
same report found that women who had the greatest endurance strength as
teenagers had a lower risk of tension neck than those with lower teenager
endurance strength. However, men with the greatest endurance strength had
higher rates of knee injuries later on.
Joints are complex structures. They are designed to bear weight and move the body. Above the knee is the
femur (thigh bone). Below the knee is the tibia (shin bone) and fibula. The kneecap is also called the patella.
It rides on top of the lower portion of the femur and the top portion of the tibia. The muscles and ligaments
connect these bones and the space between them is cushioned by fluid-filled capsules (synovia) and
cartilage. When you exercise, the muscles pull on the bones, strengthening them. The range of motion of a
joint represents how far it can be flexed (bent) and extended (stretched).
Joints require motion to stay healthy. Long periods of inactivity cause the arthritic
joint to stiffen and the adjoining tissue to weaken. A moderate exercise program
that includes low-impact aerobics, power, and strength training has benefits for
osteoarthritic patients, even if exercise does not slow down the disease
progression. Many patients who start an exercise program report less disability
and pain. They are also better able to perform daily chores, and remain
independent longer than their inactive peers. Older patients and those with
medical problems should always check with their doctor before starting an
exercise program.
• Strengthening exercises builds muscle strength. Some experts encourage patients to emphasize
strengthening leg muscles as a first treatment step, even before using pain relievers. They fear that
patients who rely on painkilling drugs may overuse knees, which do not have strong enough
muscle tissue to protect the joints from further damage. Strengthening the thigh muscles is certainly
protective for those who have not developed osteoarthritis.
• Range-of-motion exercises increase the amount of movement in a joint and muscle. The best
examples are yoga and tai chi, which focus on flexibility, balance, and proper breathing. In one
2001 study, older adults who practiced the gentle movement, breathing, and meditation exercises
of tai chi for 10 weeks reported less pain than their peers who did not learn the technique.
• Low-impact aerobic workouts help stabilize and support the joints. Cycling and walking are
beneficial, and swimming or exercising in water is highly recommended for people with arthritis.
Patients with arthritis should avoid high-impact sports, such as jogging, tennis, and racquetball.
• Some researchers are now focusing on "power" training, which involves improving the muscle's
ability to move more rapidly against resisting forces, such as gravity. For example, such training
helps people stand up or climb stairs more quickly. Muscle power declines more rapidly than
muscle strength, and may be particularly important in older people.
Specific exercises may be especially helpful for reducing the risk of fractures:
• Weight-bearing exercise is very beneficial for bones in people of all ages, even older people. This
approach applies tension to muscle and bone, and the body responds to this stress by increasing
bone density, in young adults by as much as 2 - 8% a year. Careful weight training can also be very
beneficial for elderly people, particularly women. In addition to improving bone density, weight-
bearing exercise reduces the risk of fractures by improving muscle strength and balance, thus
helping to prevent falls.
• Regular brisk long walks improve bone density and mobility. In one 2002 study, for example, older
women reduced their risk of hip fracture by over 40% by working out just four hours a week.
• Exercises specifically targeted to strengthen the back can be beneficial in improving posture, and
may even reduce kyphosis (hunchback) in people with osteoporosis.
• Low-impact exercises, particularly yoga and tai chi, which improve balance and strength, have
been found to decrease the risk of falling. In one study, tai chi reduced this risk by almost half.
Note on Female Athlete Triad. Some young female athletes who exercise very
intensely, and are subject to intense pressure to remain thin, are at risk for the
female athlete triad. This syndrome is a combination of three disorders -- an
eating disorder, loss of menstrual periods, and osteoporosis.
People who do not exercise regularly face an increased risk for low back pain,
especially during times when they suddenly have to perform stressful, unfamiliar
activities. These activities may include shoveling, digging, or moving heavy
items. Although no definitive studies have been done to prove the relationship
between lack of exercise and low back pain, sedentary living is probably a
primary nonmedical cause contributing to this condition.
Lack of exercise leads to the following conditions that may threaten the back:
• Muscle inflexibility can restrict the back's ability to move, rotate, and bend.
• Weak stomach muscles can increase the strain on the back and can cause an abnormal tilt of the
pelvis (hip bones).
• Weak back muscles may increase the load on the spine and the risk of disk compression.
• Obesity puts more weight on the spine and increases pressure on the vertebrae and disks. Studies
report only a weak association between obesity and low back pain, however.
Benefits for Chronic Back Pain. People in with sudden and severe back pain
should not exercise. Exercise plays a very beneficial role in relieving chronic
back pain, however. In one study, patients with back pain lasting for an average
of 18 months were assigned eight 1-hour exercise sessions over 4 weeks. They
showed greater improvement in nearly every area, including reduced pain,
compared to patients who did not exercise.
• Low-impact Aerobic Exercises: Low-impact aerobic exercises, such as swimming, bicycling, and
walking, can strengthen muscles in the abdomen and back without over-straining the back.
Programs that use strengthening exercises while swimming may be a particularly beneficial
approach for many patients with back pain. In one study, for example, pregnant women who
engaged in a water gymnastics program had less back pain, and were able to continue working
• Lumbar Extension Strength Training: Exercises called lumbar extension strength training are
proving to be effective. Generally, these exercises attempt to strengthen the abdomen, and
improve lower back mobility, strength, and endurance. They also enhance flexibility in the hip and
hamstring muscles, and in the tendons at the back of the thigh.
• Yoga, Tai Chi, and Chi Kung: These exercises combine low-impact physical movements and
meditation. They are based on principles of disciplining the mind to achieve a physical and mental
balance, and can be very helpful in preventing recurrences of low back pain. In one study of
Pilates, an exercise practice that uses yoga principles, the exercises were helpful in a woman with
progressive and disabling severe low back pain resulting from early scoliosis. This approach
deserves further research.
• Flexibility Exercises: Whether flexibility exercises alone offer any significant benefit for chronic back
pain is uncertain. One study suggested that any benefits derived from flexibility exercises are lost
unless the exercise programs are sustained.
• Retraining Deep Muscles: Studies are finding a link between low back pain and poor motor control
of deep muscles in the back and trunk. According to these studies, contraction exercises
specifically designed to retrain these muscles may be effective for patients with both acute and
chronic pain.
It is important for any person who has low back pain to have an exercise program
guided by professionals who understand the limitations and special needs of
back pain and who can address individual health conditions. One study indicated
that patients who planned their own exercise did worse than those in physical
therapy or doctor-directed programs.
Hazardous Effects on the Back. Improper or excessive exercise can also cause
back pain.
In people who already have colds, exercise has no effect on the illness' severity
or duration. People should avoid strenuous physical activity when they have
fevers, muscle aches, or other symptoms of a widespread viral illnesses.
Long-term exercise may help control asthma and reduce hospitalization. One
2000 study found that aerobic exercise improves breathing capacity and function
in patients with mild asthma. People with asthma who enjoy running should
probably choose an indoor track, to avoid pollutants. Swimming is particularly
excellent for people with asthma. Yoga practice, which uses both stretching,
breathing, chest expansion, and meditation techniques may have specific
benefits that include stress reduction as well as airway opening. One study
reported that two thirds of patients who practiced yoga regularly were able to
reduce or eliminate their asthma medications.
Walking is the best exercise for people with emphysema. Patients should try to
walk three to four times daily for 5 - 15 minutes each time. Devices that assist
ventilation may reduce breathlessness that occurs during exercise.
Inspiratory muscle training involves exercises and devices that make inhaling
(breathing in) more difficult, in order to strengthen breathing muscles. In a 2001
study, patients who took part in an inspiratory muscle training group improved
their breathing, walking capacity, and quality of life. Yoga or martial arts
exercises, such as tai chi, which emphasize breathing techniques and balanced
movements, may be particularly beneficial for patients with emphysema.
Exercising helps people reduce their weight, maintain weight loss, and fight
obesity. Research has shown that women who regularly exercise but do not
change their diet can lose significantly more weight than less active women.
People who exercise are more apt to stay on a diet plan. Exercise improves
psychological well-being and replaces sedentary habits that usually lead to
snacking. Exercise may even act as a mild appetite suppressant.
Exercising without dieting still adds health benefits. One study found that
overweight but fit people have half the death rate of overweight, unfit people.
Research suggests that people who have trained for a long time develop more
efficient mechanisms for burning fat and are able to stay leaner.
Lifting weights builds muscle, which burns calories more efficiently than other body tissues.
The following are some suggestions and observations on exercise and weight
• The treadmill burns the most calories of standard aerobic machines. It may be particularly effective
when used in short multiple bouts during the day. Exercise sessions as short as 10 minutes, which
are done frequently (about four times a day), may be the most successful program for obese
• The more strenuous the exercise, the longer the body continues to burn calories before returning to
its resting level. This state of fast calorie burning can last for as little as a few minutes after light
exercise, to as long as several hours after prolonged or heavy exercise.
• Resistance (strength) training is excellent for replacing fat with muscles. It should be performed two
or three times a week.
• Fidgeting may be very helpful in keeping pounds off. Regular exercise is certainly the best course,
but for people who must sit for hours at work, frequently shifting positions while sitting may have
some benefit.
• It is important to realize that as people slim down, they burn fewer calories per mile of walking or
jogging. The rate of weight loss slows down, sometimes discouragingly so, after an initial dramatic
head start using diet and exercise combinations. People should be aware of this trend and keep
adding to their daily exercise routine.
• Changes in fat and muscle distribution may differ between men and women as they exercise. Men
tend to lose abdominal fat (which lowers their risk for heart disease faster than reducing general
body fat). Exercise, however, does not appear to have the same effect on weight distribution in
women. A study of women who practiced aerobic and strength training showed the training resulted
in fat loss in the women's arms and trunk. However, they did not gain muscle tissue in those areas.
Because obesity is one of the risk factors for heart disease, anyone who is
overweight must discuss their exercise program with a physician before starting.
Physical activity makes you healthier. It lowers your risk for cardiovascular disease and reduces bone loss.
Physical activity also helps the body use calories more efficiently, which helps you eliminate body fat and
lose weight. It also helps you maintain weight loss by increasing your metabolism and reducing your
A number of studies have indicated that regular exercise may reduce the risk of
breast, colon, and possibly prostate cancers.
Studies confirm that exercise significantly reduces the risk of both colon cancer
(by up to 50%) and breast cancer (by up to 30%).
A 2006 study found that, though protection from breast cancer may vary among
the types of tumor, exercise offered the most marked protection from the more
aggressive tumors. A second study, also done in 2006, supported this finding.
Several studies also suggested that more intense exercise is more protective
against breast cancer. Exercising consistently throughout life gives the best
protection. Exercise not only lowers a woman's chance of getting breast cancer,
it can help those who have received chemotherapy for the disease fight off
While endurance athletes may suffer from stomach problems, low intensity
exercise has a marked protective effect against colon cancer, according to
studies, including the Nurses Health Study and the American Cancer Society's
Cancer Prevention Study II. Furthermore, a 2006 study found that people with
colon cancer who exercise reduce their risk of a recurrence.
Exercise also has a beneficial effect on people receiving treatment for prostate
cancer. A new study found that aerobic and resistance training significantly
reduced fatigue in men undergoing radiation treatments for prostate cancer.
Fatigue is a common side effect of such treatments. In this study, 122 patients
received supervised aerobic training, resistance training, or neither. At the end of
24 weeks, participants in both exercise groups noted significant improvement in
their fatigue symptoms, compared to the control group. Participants in the
resistance training group also lost a significant percentage of their body fat.
Patients with end-stage kidney disease who exercise four to five times per week
have better survival rates than those who are less active, according to
researchers involved in the Dialysis Morbidity and Mortality Wave 2 study.
However, the majority of study participants said that severe physical limitations
prevented them from exercising so often.
Studies have shown that regular exercise, particularly walking, helps reduce
one's risk for memory loss. A 2005 study found that older men who walked less
than a mile daily had a 71% higher risk of dementia than those who walked more
than two miles a day. A 2006 study found that people older than 65 who exercise
regularly had lower risk of developing dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease.
An earlier study found that walking regularly protects women from mental
decline. To date, there are no clear explanations for this apparent benefit. A
preliminary study in mice suggests that physical activity changes the way brain-
damaging proteins are processed in the brain, thus slowing the development of
Alzheimer's disease. Aerobic exercise has been linked with improved reaction
time, perception, and math skills in people of all ages.
Doctors found that exercise improves the physical and emotional well-being of
patients who already have Alzheimer's disease. The patients exercised
moderately for as little as 60 minutes each week. Doctors noted patients who
exercised were less depressed, wandered away less, suffered fewer falls, and
were placed in nursing homes later, compared to patients who did not exercise.
Some research has suggested that exercise may have antidepressant effects.
Although there is little strong evidence that exercise can help manage
depression, a number of studies have suggested benefits. Research findings
• Just 30 minutes of brisk exercise three times a week was as effective as medication in relieving
symptoms, and reducing relapse, in many patients with mild-to-moderate depression.
• Over half of older women with depression that did not respond to medication improved with 10
weeks of exercise. (About a third of women who did not exercise also improved during that time.)
• Studies on elderly, depressed patients report modest benefits from exercise, even in those who do
not response to antidepressants. Simply participating in a group activity may help improve mood.
• Teenagers who are active in sports have a greater sense of well-being than their sedentary peers.
The more vigorously they exercise, the better their emotional health.
• Physical inactivity is strongly linked to depression in children 8 - 12 years of age.
Effect of Exercise on Pregnancy
Moderate exercise in healthy pregnant women does not increase the risk for
miscarriage, preterm labor, or rupture of the membrane. Not exercising increases
the risk for complications, including low-birth weight babies. Exercising increases
the fetal heart rate, which in turn protects the baby.
Healthy women with normal pregnancies should exercise at least three times a
week, being careful to warm up, cool down, and drink plenty of liquids. Many
prenatal calisthenics programs are available.
The following are specific exercises that may benefit the pregnant woman:
• Swimming and water aerobics may be the best option for most pregnant women. Swimming has
special benefits for those with fluid buildup. Water exercises involve no impact, overheating is
unlikely, and swimming face down promotes optimum blood flow to the uterus.
• Performing yoga exercises under the guidance of informed instructors can be very helpful.
• Walking is also beneficial.
Experts generally recommend the following precautions for pregnant women who
• Fit women who have exercised regularly before pregnancy may work out intensely as long as the
doctor approves and no discomfort occurs.
• As a rule for previously sedentary, low-risk expectant mothers, the pulse rate should not exceed 70
- 75% of the maximum heart rate, or more than 150 beats per minute. Any sedentary expectant
mother should check with her doctor before starting an exercise program.
• According to one study, vigorous exercise may improve the chances for a timely delivery. All
pregnant women, however, should avoid high-impact, jerky, and jarring exercises, such as aerobic
dancing, which can weaken the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus.
• During exercise, women should monitor their temperature to avoid overheating, a side effect that
can damage the fetus. (Pregnant women should also not use hot tubs or steam baths, which can
cause fetal damage and miscarriage.)
Note: Strenuous exercise may affect the flavor of breast milk for a short time
afterward. Nursing mothers who engage in such activity might want to wait about
an hour after exercising before they feed their infant.
Exercise may lead to injury if not done properly. Always exercise with care.
High-impact exercise can also cause dizziness, ringing in the ear, motion
sickness, or loss of high-frequency hearing.
• About half of people at any age who participate in competitive running or high-impact aerobics
experience minor injuries at least once a year. Young, intensely competitive athletes may be at risk
for permanent injury. Studies are mixed over whether intensive high-impact sports in younger
people cause long-term degenerative joint disease.
• As the number of older people who start exercising increases, there has also been an increase in
injuries for this age group. Between 1990 and 1996, injuries from active sports increased by 54% in
people age 65 and older.
• Women are far more likely than men to suffer knee injuries.
• Urinary incontinence affects many female athletes who engage in high-impact exercise.
• Tennis players are at high risk for injuries from repetitive force on the shoulder joint.
Treating Minor Injuries. Most mild or moderate injuries respond well to a simple,
four-step treatment: rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). This
combination works well for both spot injuries and chronic problems. Ice packs,
which reduce inflammation and pain, can help new injuries, and can be useful for
the first few hours after a chronically injured area is exercised. How much or how
long to compress the injury is unclear.
Evidence suggests that early movement is helpful, although taping or bracing in
people with a recurrent ankle sprain is known to be protective. It may not be
helpful in those without a previous ankle injury.
Minor injuries like sprains may be treated at home if broken bones are not suspected. The acronym RICE
can help you remember how to treat minor injuries: "R" stands for rest, "I" is for ice, "C" is for compression,
and "E" is for elevation. Pain and swelling should decrease within 48 hours. Gentle movement may help, but
pressure should not be put on a sprained joint until pain is completely gone. This can take up to a few
Heat, ultrasound, whirlpool, and massage may speed healing if applied a day or
two after the initial injury or for warm-up before another workout session.
Some young female athletes who exercise very intensely, and are subject to
intense pressure to remain thin, are at risk for a syndrome known as the female
athlete triad. This combination of symptoms includes loss of menstruation, eating
disorders, and osteoporosis. Eating disorders among young female athletes are
estimated at 15 - 62%. Women at higher risk include ballet dancers, gymnasts,
and divers. Continued intense exercise causes a stress response in which
estrogen (the primary female hormone) is lost. Estrogen loss can lead to infertility
and osteoporosis. Iron loss and anemia may also be a problem in women who
exercise frequently, even at moderate intensity. A doctor should be consulted for
any of these concerns.
Between 30 - 70% of cyclists experience low back pain. Pain may be improved
by adjusting the angle of the bicycle seat.
Everyone should drink lots of fluid during intense exercise. Thirst is often a poor
indicator of dehydration in people who exercise, particularly older people. During
a tough workout in a hot environment, the body can lose two liters of fluid per
hour through sweat.
• Drink 6 - 8 ounces of fluid about 15 minutes before a workout, and then pause regularly during
exercise to drink more.
• Water is the best choice for replenishing body fluids. Glucose-sodium-potassium solutions, the so-
called "sports drinks," which promise instant energy, appear to be no better than water at improving
endurance during prolonged intense running.
• Caffeinated beverages like coffee and soft drinks give short bursts of energy, but can actually
cause fluid loss. Caffeine before a workout has been shown to temporarily raise blood pressure,
and reduces blood flow to inactive limbs.
Contrary to popular belief, drinking fluids will not cause cramps. Drinking enough,
in fact, helps prevent the painful involuntary muscle spasms that sometimes
occur during exercise.
Hyperthermia (Overheating)
Individuals should rest in a cool, dry place, drink plenty of fluids, and bring down
their body temperature with ice packs pressed against the skin.
Precautions are also necessary in cold weather. When exercising in winter dress
in layers, including gloves and socks, which create insulated air pockets that trap
heat. In cold weather, wear shoes with less ventilation than those worn in the
summer. Fingers, toes, ears, and nose are most susceptible to frostbite. Frostbite
progresses from stinging or aching to numbness. Fingers and toes may become
white. Soaking the hands and feet in warm water can help, but only once there is
no risk of refreezing, since a second bout of frostbite after thawing can quicken
tissue damage.
Hypothermia can be life-threatening and can occur even after long exposure to
temperatures that are above freezing. The condition is characterized by extreme
fatigue, mental confusion, apathy, and a lack of coordination. The victim should
be warmed as soon as possible with blankets, body heat, and warm fluids.
Motivation, or a lack thereof, is one reason many people stop exercising. Here
are some tips for avoiding burnout:
• Think of exercise as a menu rather than a diet. Choose a number of different physical activities that
are personally enjoyable such as sports, dancing, or biking. Although experts say you should get
30 minutes of aerobic exercises at least five times a week, those times can be divided into shorter
periods -- such as 10 minute sessions. In addition, people can achieve health benefits from other
exercise programs, including weight training, yoga, or tai chi.
• Stick to a prepared schedule and record progress.
• Develop an interest or hobby that requires physical activity.
• Adopt simple routines such as climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking instead of
driving to the local newsstand, or canoeing instead of zooming along in a powerboat.
• Try cross training (regularly switching from one type of exercise to another). Studies suggest it is
more beneficial than focusing only on one form of exercise.
• Exercise with friends.
• Join a gym or take classes. Many affordable programs are available.
• For those who can afford them, personal trainers can be very helpful and are available in many
gyms and exercise clubs. Personal trainers without any connection to a well-reputed gym or fitness
club should be certified by a major fitness organization, such as the Aerobics and Fitness
Association of America (AFAA) or the American Council on Exercise.
• Exercise videos may also be helpful, but people should be sure they are suited to their individual
age and health needs, and bear the seal of the AFAA.
• Consider getting a dog. A study in the February 2006 American Journal of Preventive Medicine
found that dog owners in Canada walk almost twice as much as those who dont own a dog.
Regular walking is a good way to improve health.
Overweight among children and adolescents has now become an epidemic in the
United States. Experts say that children should be vigorously active for at least
20 - 60 minutes 3 - 5 days a week. Parents and schools must be imaginative and
rigorous in encouraging children to exercise.
The decision to adopt a healthier behavior -- whether it's more exercise, weight
loss, or quitting smoking -- is not as simple as just deciding to do it. Behavior
change expert James Prochaska and his colleagues outlined a theory, which has
been supported by numerous studies, showing that people cycle through a
variety of stages before a new behavior is successfully adopted over the long
term. It may help you to understand how this works. As you read the description
of each stage -- specifically as it relates to exercise -- you may find yourself
nodding and saying to yourself, "Yes, that's me!"
There's no point in talking about how to start an exercise program if you are at
this stage. Instead, it is important to think about how exercise might be good for
you personally -- by helping you to lose weight, feel better, have more
confidence, live longer, sleep better, or reduce your stress levels. The benefits
must be identified before a person will consider exercise.
If you are at this stage, a good activity is to ask four friends or family members
why they exercise. Their answers may show you some real-life benefits, and
inspire enough interest to compel you to take the next step.
It's important for people at this stage to consider some of the truths and
falsehoods of exercise. For example, it is helpful to know that there are many
forms of physical activity to select from, and that you can do your exercising in
small chunks. It is not true that exercise has to be painful, or that you either
succeed or fail. There is no such thing as "failure" -- people become more or less
active at different stages of their lives, and it is never too late to get moving
again. And people at this stage should find assurance that an exercise plan can
be very simple.
If you are at this stage, a good activity is to write down all the things that you
believe make exercise difficult -- and to learn strategies for overcoming or side-
stepping those hurdles. People at this stage might benefit from making a pledge,
contract, or other commitment that they are going to get more active in the near
future. The goal is to get un-stuck by identifying the roadblocks and the ways to
overcome these roadblocks. The final goal at this stage is to make a
Stage 3: Preparation. These folks are primed and motivated. They are ready to
give exercise a try. The goal of this stage is to create a specific action plan that
takes all factors into account, so that the "launch" is successful. People at this
stage need to know how much they should be exercising, their target heart rate,
and the types of exercises. They should explore the different kinds of exercises
and decide which ones to try.
At this stage, people will evaluate exercise machines and health plans, if that
interests them, pick the proper clothing or accessories, and consult a doctor if
necessary. They also need to think about how they are going to fit their exercise
plans into their daily and weekly schedule.
If you are at this stage, you should also consider some backup plans -- what to
do if it rains, or if you don't feel like exercising. That way you are prepared to
overcome that hurdle when you encounter it. You should be aware of what to
expect realistically at the beginning -- for example, be aware that weight loss
takes time, but health benefits begin immediately.
Stage 4: Action! People at this stage have just started exercising. This stage is
where the biggest behavior change occurs -- these people have started to
exercise but it is not yet a long-term, ingrained habit. This stage requires
significant commitment and energy.
If you are at this stage, keep talking to friends and family for inspiration. Review
your backup plans. Reward yourself for small achievements. Give yourself notes
and reminders to exercise. Having a friend to exercise with can be very helpful as
you get through this stage. You want to build and maintain momentum, because
exercising gets easier once it is a habit!
Stage 5: Maintenance. The people at this stage have been exercising for at least
6 months. At this point, exercising has started to become a habit. The goal here
is to prevent relapse. If you are at this stage, identify ways that you can fine-tune
your program. Continue to identify roadblocks and improve your backup plans.
Think about what you have found most enjoyable about exercising.
What benefits have you gained? Keep reminding yourself of these perks. If giving
yourself a challenge was part of your initial motivation, set new goals and find
new challenges. If you risk getting bored with your routine, find ways to vary it. Or
maybe you have found a comfortable routine that you enjoy -- if it's working,
great! There is no need to change it. You might want to read or learn more about
your method of exercising, and develop a deeper level of understanding about it.
Soon you'll be a pro!
One point about this theory is that people do not proceed from one stage to
another in a simple, step-by-step fashion. They actually cycle or spiral back and
forth, so that they may move from stage 1 to 2 to 3, and then back to 2 again.
They may stay in maintenance mode for years and then fall back to stage 2.
Remember that this is normal -- if you tried exercising in the past and didn't stick
with it, don't consider yourself a failure. Just know that it's time to try again!