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Cyndi Hi l l s

Uni t Work Sampl e

Lake Carolina Elementary School
Mrs. Struthers Kindergarten Class
Fall 2013

UWS Secti on I:

Uni t Topi c and Ti tl e
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1he Loplc for my unlL Work Sample (uWS) ls Apples and umpklns. We wlll sLudy
apples Lhe flrsL week and pumpklns for Lhe second week. l chose Lhls Loplc because lL
allgns wlLh Lhe klndergarLen Leam's lannlng Culde and SouLh Carollna SLaLe Sclence
SLandards k-1.1, k-1.2, k-1.4, k-2.1, k-2.4, k-2.3, k-3.2, k-4.2, and k-4.3, SouLh Carollna
SLaLe Soclal SLudles SLandards k-4.1C, k-4.2, k-4.3, and k-4.4, Common Core SLaLe
SLandards for MaLhemaLlcs k.CC.A.2, k.CC.A.3, k.CC.8.4, k.CC.8.4a, k.CC.8.4b, k.CC.8.4c,
k.Mu.A.1, k.Mu.A.2, k.Mu.8.3 and Common Core SLaLe SLandards for Lngllsh Language
ArLs 8L.k.3, 8L.k.6, 8L.k.10, 8l.k.1, 8l.k.1a, 8l.k.1b, 8l.k.1c, 8l.k.1d, 8l.k.2a, 8l.k.2d,
8l.k.2e, 8l.k.3c, 8l.k.4, W.k.1, W.k.2, W.k.3, SL.k.1, SL.k.1a, SL.k.1b, SL.k.3, L.k.1a, and
uurlng Lhls Llme of Lhe school year, we are experlenclng Lhe changes ouLslde from
Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe new season, fall. 1he chlldren have become especlally aLLuned Lo
Lhe changes golng on ouLslde and have Lransformed lnLo very curlous lnvesLlgaLors as
Lhey enLer Lhe doors each mornlng. 8ecause of Lhelr growlng lnLeresL, Lhls ls Lhe perfecL
Llme for me Lo Leach Lhem abouL apples and pumpklns as well as Lhe four seasons.
1hrough my long-range plan, l know LhaL Lhe chlldren ln Lhls class llke Lo learn by !"#$%,
so l have lncluded many lessons and acLlvlLles LhaL are hands-on. Some of my sLudenLs
need exLra help wlLh leLLer recognlLlon whlle some of my sLudenLs are able Lo read full
senLences. WlLh Lhls lnformaLlon l have lncluded acLlvlLles Lo help wlLh leLLer recognlLlon
as well as acLlvlLles Lo challenge my pre-readers durlng our small-group readlng Llme.
lor Lhe flrsL week whlle sLudylng apples, we are wlll learn abouL Lhe llfecycle of an
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 5
apple, Lhe dlfferenL parLs of an apple (skln, sLem, flesh, eLc.), Lhe changes an apple Lree
undergoes LhroughouL Lhe seasons, and Lhe legend of !ohnny Appleseed. We wlll also
have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo use our senses whlle dolng a LasLe LesL of Lhe dlfferenL colored
apples and make Apple le" ln our class by addlng Lhe dlfferenL lngredlenLs lnLo a
lor Lhe second week whlle sLudylng pumpklns, we wlll learn abouL Lhe llfecycle of
a pumpkln, and Lhe changes LhaL Lhe pumpkln undergoes LhroughouL Lhe seasons, Lhe
dlfferenL parLs of a pumpkln (sLem, skln, goop," eLc.). We wlll also have Lhe opporLunlLy
Lo explore our mlnl-pumpklns by seelng lf Lhey floaL or slnk, uslng our balance scale Lo
see how many bears heavy Lhey are, how many unlflx cubes Lall Lhey are, counLlng Lhe
llnes on Lhe ouLslde, as well as predlcLlng how many seeds are ln Lhe lnslde. We wlll
explore our large class pumpkln LogeLher ln Lhe same way buL l wlll carve lL and allow
Lhe chlldren Lo explore Lhe lnslde of lL and noL only predlcL, buL acLually counL Lhe
pumpkln seeds LhaL are lnslde.

UWS Secti on II:

Understandi ng the
School , Fami l y and
Chi l d Contexts
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ulsLrlcL ConLexL
8lchland School ulsLrlcL 1wo has 29 locaLlons ln whlch more Lhan 26,000
sLudenLs are served. 1hese locaLlons lnclude: 18 elemenLary schools, seven mlddle
schools, flve hlgh schools, four magneL schools, Lwo dlsLrlcL-wlde chlld developmenL
cenLers and Lwo alLernaLlve schools. 1he Lheme for 8lchland 1wo ls lnqulre, lgnlLe and
lnsplre, whlch ls used Lo descrlbe whaL Lhey sLrlve for every day ln Lhelr classrooms.
8lchland School ulsLrlcL 1wo lnvolves Lhe communlLy ln lLs aLLempLs Lo prepare
each sLudenL for academlc success by provldlng meanlngful, challenglng, and engaglng
learnlng experlences. 8lchland 1wo flrmly belleves LhaL learnlng should be en[oyable.
8ecause Lhe 21
cenLury sLudenL ls mosL lnLeresLed ln learnlng when Lhey are presenLed
wlLh auLhenLlc experlences and Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn ln a varleLy of ways, Lhe
framework for Lhls school dlsLrlcL ls focused on engaglng work for Lhe sLudenLs. 1hls
framework lncludes encouraglng Lhe sLudenLs Lo quesLlon and challenge Lhe world
around Lhem, Lo use Lhelr backgrounds and prevlous knowledge and experlences Lo
connecL Lo Lhe conLenL LhaL ls presenLed, and demonsLraLlng Lhelr learnlng Lo Lhelr
peers, parenLs, Leachers and communlLy. ln order Lo fuel Lhe flre" ln Lhls sLyle of
learnlng, sLudenLs ln all grades are provlded wlLh Lhe laLesL Lechnology Lo uLlllze whlle
learnlng. Some of Lhe Lechnology you can see belng used ln Lhe classrooms are: SMA81
8oards, lads, CompuLers, neLbooks, and sLudenL-owned devlces. 1he schools ln 8Su2
follow Lhe Common Core SLaLe SLandards for MaLhemaLlcs and LLA and SouLh Carollna
SLaLe SLandards for Sclence and Soclal SLudles.
!"#$% '%(( )*+ +,-.%/# 00
School ConLexL
Lake Carollna LlemenLary was bullL ln 2002 wlLhln a large planned
communlLy ln Lhe norLheasL area of 8lchland CounLy. 1hey sLarLed wlLh 330 sLudenLs
and have now grown Lo an enrollmenL of approxlmaLely 900 sLudenLs and 61 Leachers.
Lake Carollna LlemenLary ls below boLh Lhe sLaLe and dlsLrlcL averages for Lhe
percenLage of lLs sLudenLs who quallfy for free or reduced-prlce lunch. Cn average, 31
percenL of sLudenLs ln SouLh Carollna quallfy for free or reduced-prlce lunches, whereas
12 percenL of sLudenLs aL Lake Carollna LlemenLary are ellglble. AL Lhe dlsLrlcL level, 39
percenL are ellglble.

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1he sLudenLs aL Lake Carollna have very dlfferenL backgrounds, culLures and
academlc needs. Cne of Lhe blggesL dlverslLles l have noLlced wlLhln Lake Carollna
LlemenLary ls Lhe number of sLudenLs and famllles LhaL speak languages oLher Lhan
Lngllsh. 1here are also a greaL number of mlllLary famllles aL Lake Carollna, many who
are acLlve duLy. Lake Carollna sLrlves Lo supporL each of Lhese needs Lo ensure success
for each chlld. 1he Lake Carollna communlLy ls raLher close-knlL and because mosL of Lhe
chlldren who aLLend LCL llve ln Lhe Lake Carollna communlLy, mosL of Lhe parenLs,
sLudenLs and Leachers know each oLher ouLslde of school. 1he relaLlonshlps LhaL are
seen by walklng ln Lhe hallways are Lruly hearL-warmlng, you feel an lmmedlaLe sense of
Lake Carollna follows Lhe Plghly LffecLlve 1eachlng (PL1) lnsLrucLlon model of
learnlng and belleves LhaL because lL ls based on braln research LhaL ls used Lo enhance
Lhe quallLy of Leachlng and learnlng lL ls besL and rlghL for all chlldren. 1hls model can be
seen Lhrough Lhe classroom deslgns and Leachlng sLraLegles LhaL are collaboraLlvely
planned LhroughouL Lhe school.

Lake Carollna has been awarded Lhese awards slnce Lhe school opened ln 2002:
naLlonal AssoclaLlon of rofesslonal uevelopmenL Schools Award 2013
naLlonal Schools of CharacLer 2010
S. C. School of CharacLer Award 2010
naLlonal 8lue 8lbbon 2008
Mllken Award 8eclplenL 2008
almeLLo's llnesL 2007-2008
almeLLo Cold - nlne consecuLlve years
LxcellenL/LxcellenL 8eporL Card raLlng - elghL consecuLlve years

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Classroom ConLexL
1he lnsLanL you walk lnLo Mrs. S's klndergarLen classroom, you are lmmedlaLely
drawn lnLo a warm, nurLurlng, and sLrucLured envlronmenL, Lhere ls a place for
everyLhlng wlLh everyLhlng ln lLs place." Mrs. 8 ls Mrs. S's Leachlng asslsLanL and ls
always avallable Lo asslsL when needed. 1hls ls a LexL-rlch envlronmenL wlLh many
plcLures and labels placed ln spoLs all over Lhe room. Mrs. S has been lucky enough Lo
accumulaLe a pleLhora of resources and maLerlals LhroughouL Lhe years for her sLudenLs
Lo use whlle engaglng ln hands-on learnlng. She has all sorLs of manlpulaLlves, games,
and books readlly avallable for sLudenLs Lo explore as well as a fully equlp blocks, house-
keeplng, wrlLlng, Lrack Lable and Legos cenLer LhaL Lhe sLudenLs are allowed Lo play ln
durlng lree Cholce CenLers." 1here are Lwo compuLers and Lwo lads for Lhe chlldren
Lo use ln Lhe classroom. 1he chlldren are [usL learnlng how Lo acLually operaLe a
compuLer durlng Lhelr Llme ln Lhe compuLer lab for relaLed arLs, so Lhe compuLers won'L
be used unLll Lhe sprlng. 1he lads haven'L been used elLher buL Mrs. S hopes Lo use
Lhem rlghL afLer ChrlsLmas.

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K anu } aie stuuents in my class who aie anaphylactic to

In auuition to his peanut alleigy, } also has eczema.

In oiuei to keep these stuuents safe, we have assigneu seats at
the enu of oui table in the cafeteiia especially foi K anu } anu
check eveiyuay to make suie any stuuents that sit besiue them
uo not have peanut buttei in theii lunchbox. If fiienus uo have
peanut buttei, we simply ask that they sit at the othei enu of
the table. Theie is also an option foi } anu K to sit at a "peanut
fiee" table uuiing lunch. Theii paients weie askeu at the
beginning of the yeai which seating option they piefeiieu foi
theii chiluien, anu both sets of paients chose the "assigneu
seats" option.

We also have a sign posteu outsiue of oui classioom that
allows paients anu othei visitois to become awaie of the
alleigies befoie enteiing oui ioom. Paients aie ieminueu when
it is theii chilu's tuin to biing a snack, anu we aie conscious of
the meuical conuitions when planning lessons that involve

We keep an eye on }'s eczema anu apply lotion as we see
neeueu to keep him comfoitable uuiing the uay.
!"#$% '%(( )*+ +,-.%/# 00

Dear Families:
Hi again! It is almost time for my two-
week lead teaching and I wanted to contact you
to give you an idea of all of the fun things I
have planned for your children (and Mrs. Burch
and myself) during that time. !
For the first week, we will be studying
APPLES! We will learn about the different parts
of apples (stem, core, skin, etc.), the lifecycle
of an apple, the changes that take place for
the apple tree during each of the four seasons,
and the legend of Johnny Appleseed. We will
also act as scientists as we put on our lab
coats and goggles to do a taste test of the
different types of apples.
The second week is going to be quite busy
with Harvest Day on Wednesday, our Half Day
on Thursday, and Fifties Day on Friday, but we
will still get to learn all about PUMPKINS! We
will learn about the lifecycle of a pumpkin, be
able to explore our mini-pumpkins by measuring,
weighing, counting the lines and the seeds, and
determining whether they float or sink. The
children will have the opportunity to smell, feel,
see, and even taste is they would like, our
large class pumpkin on Thursday. We will need
different colored apples for the taste test. You
will be receiving a letter in your childs FRED
folder with the color that he/she will need to
bring in.
The experience I will gain during these two
weeks is invaluable and I am so excited to
learn and grow with your child! Please let me
know if you have any questions/concerns. !
Ms. Hill

UWS Secti on III:

Uni t Pl an
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1. 1eacher ConLenL knowledge
ln order Lo properly presenL Lhe lnformaLlon ln a meanlngful way Lo Lhe
sLudenLs, l musL know: Lhe deLalls abouL Lhe llfecycle of an apple and a pumpkln, Lhe
dlfferenL parLs of an apple and a pumpkln, how Lhe change of Lhe season affecL planLs
and anlmals, speclflcally apples and pumpklns, abouL Lhe legend of !ohnny Appleseed,
Lhe flve senses and how we use Lhem Lo explore Lhe world around us, how Lo properly
use Lools Lo safely and accuraLely gaLher daLa abouL apples and pumpklns, how Lo
compare ob[ecLs by uslng nonsLandard unlLs of measuremenL, whaL organlsms,
speclflcally apples and pumpklns need Lo sLay allve, and Lhe weaLher paLLerns from
season Lo season. l wlll bulld my currenL knowledge abouL apples and pumpklns by
readlng dlfferenL LexLs, researchlng Lhem on Lhe lnLerneL and explorlng Lhem myself
before l lmplemenL my uWS.
l feel llke Lhe mosL lmporLanL parL of any lesson ls knowlng Lhe sLudenLs LhaL you
are Leachlng. l have had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo geL Lo know each of my sLudenL's
personallLles, learnlng sLyles, sLrengLhs, weaknesses and lnLeresLs. WlLh Lhls knowledge,
l wlll be able Lo ensure LhaL each chlld ls engaged ln Lhe lesson or acLlvlLy LhaL we are
dolng. l wlll also use Lhe knowledge abouL my sLudenLs whlle researchlng engaglng
acLlvlLles Lo provlde for auLhenLlc experlences whlle we are explorlng and learnlng abouL
apples and pumpklns. l belleve LhaL collaboraLlon ls huge whlle plannlng and wlll use my
peers around me Lo bounce ldeas off of and Lake advlce for acLlvlLles LhaL Lhey have
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
prevlously done LhaL worked well before lmplemenLlng my Lwo-weeks. 8ecause l am ln
a klndergarLen class, my sLudenLs cannoL physlcally handle lessons or acLlvlLles LhaL lasL
longer Lhan around 20 mlnuLes. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, l wlll be sure Lo lnclude many braln-
breaks durlng Lhe lessons and acLlvlLles LhaL we are dolng as well as sLrlve Lo keep Lhem
aL an approprlaLe lengLh of Llme.

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2. Learnlng Cb[ecLlves/CuLcomes/ConcepLs

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k-1.1 ldenLlfy observed ob[ecLs or evenLs by uslng Lhe senses.
k-1.2 use Lools (lncludlng magnlflers and eyedroppers) safely, accuraLely, and
approprlaLely when gaLherlng speclflc daLa.
k-1.4 Compare ob[ecLs by uslng nonsLandard unlLs of measuremenL
k-2.1 8ecognlze whaL organlsms need Lo sLay allve (lncludlng alr, waLer, food, and
k-2.4 Compare lndlvldual examples of a parLlcular Lype of planL or anlmal Lo
deLermlne LhaL Lhere are dlfferences among lndlvlduals.
k-2.3 8ecognlze LhaL all organlsms go Lhrough sLages of growLh and change called
llfe cycles.
k-3.2 ldenLlfy Lhe funcLlons of Lhe sensory organs (lncludlng Lhe eyes, nose, ears,
Longue, and skln).
k-4.2 Compare Lhe weaLher paLLerns LhaL occur from season Lo season.
k-4.3 Summarlze ways LhaL Lhe seasons affecL planLs and anlmals.

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CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.A.2 CounL forward beglnnlng from a glven number wlLhln
Lhe known sequence (lnsLead of havlng Lo begln aL 1).
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.A.3 WrlLe numbers from 0 Lo 20. 8epresenL a number of
ob[ecLs wlLh a wrlLLen numeral 0-20 (wlLh 0 represenLlng a counL of no ob[ecLs).
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4 undersLand Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween numbers and
quanLlLles, connecL counLlng Lo cardlnallLy.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4a When counLlng ob[ecLs, say Lhe number names ln
Lhe sLandard order, palrlng each ob[ecL wlLh one and only one number name and
each number name wlLh one and only one ob[ecLs.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4b undersLand LhaL Lhe lasL number name sald Lells
Lhe number of ob[ecLs counLed. 1he number of ob[ecLs ls Lhe same regardless of
Lhelr arrangemenL or Lhe order ln whlch Lhey were counLed.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4c undersLand LhaL each successlve number name
refers Lo a quanLlLy LhaL ls one larger.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.Mu.A.1 uescrlbe measurable aLLrlbuLes of ob[ecLs, such as
lengLh or welghL. uescrlbe several measurable aLLrlbuLes of a slngle ob[ecL.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.Mu.A.2 ulrecLly compare Lwo ob[ecLs wlLh a measurable
aLLrlbuLe ln common, Lo see whlch ob[ecL has more of"/less of" Lhe aLLrlbuLe,
and descrlbe Lhe dlfference
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.Mu.8.3 Classlfy ob[ecLs lnLo glven caLegorles, counL Lhe
numbers of ob[ecLs ln each caLegory and sorL Lhe caLegorles by counL.

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CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8L.k.3 WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy characLers,
seLLlngs, and ma[or evenLs ln a sLory.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8L.k.6 WlLh prompLlng and supporL, name Lhe auLhor and
lllusLraLor of a sLory and deflne Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe sLory.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8L.k.10 AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose
and undersLandlng.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1 WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons
abouL key deLalls ln a LexL.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1a lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and
page by page.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1b 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln
wrlLLen language by speclflc sequences of leLLers.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1c undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1d 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of
Lhe alphabeL.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.2a 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.2d lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and
flnal sounds (phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or
CvC) words.
(1hls does noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.2e Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln
slmple, one-syllable words Lo make new words.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.3c 8ead common hlgh-frequency words by slghL (e.g.,
!"#, $%, !$, &$', ("#, )&, *(, +,#, -$, -$#().
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.4 8ead emergenL-reader LexLs wlLh purpose and
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.k.1 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo
compose oplnlon pleces ln whlch Lhey Lell a reader Lhe Loplc or Lhe name of Lhe
book Lhey are wrlLlng abouL and sLaLe an oplnlon or preference abouL Lhe Loplc
or book (e.g., .& %+0$,*!# 1$$2 *(333).
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.k.2 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo
compose lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs ln whlch Lhey name whaL Lhey are
wrlLlng abouL and supply some lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Loplc.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.k.3 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo
narraLe a slngle evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln
Lhe order ln whlch Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.1 arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse
parLners abouL 2*4-#,5+,!#4 !$6*7( +4- !#8!( wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and
larger groups.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.1a lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g.,
llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.1b ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.3 Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL
lnformaLlon, or clarlfy someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.L.k.1a rlnL many upper- and lowercase leLLers.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.L.k.1b use frequenLly occurrlng nouns and verbs.
!"#$% '()"*+,( !$($- !".+(* !$#/+-0 !$(,/()/0
k-4.1Compare Lhe dally llves of chlldren and Lhelr famllles ln Lhe pasL and ln Lhe
k-4.2 Lxplaln how changes ln modes of LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon have
affecLed Lhe way famllles llve and work LogeLher.
k-4.3 8ecognlze Lhe ways LhaL communlLy buslnesses have provlded goods and
servlces for famllles ln Lhe pasL and do so ln Lhe presenL.
k-4.4 8ecognlze LhaL famllles of Lhe pasL have made cholces Lo fulflll Lhelr wanLs
and needs and LhaL famllles do so ln Lhe presenL.

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
!"#$% '()* +%%,%%-,.$ /0 )1234#,.5% !#/6#,%%
1. re-assessmenL lan
rlor Lo lnsLrucLlon, l allowed Lhe sLudenLs Lo dlscuss wlLh Lhelr nelghbor all of Lhe
Lhlngs Lhey knew abouL apples. l Lhen lnLroduced our class Apples kWL charL and
explalned LhaL Lhe k" secLlon was for Lhlngs LhaL we !"#$ abouL apples, Lhe W"
secLlon was for Lhlngs we $%"&#' &) !")$ abouL apples, and LhaL Lhe L" secLlon would
be fllled ouL aL Lhe end of our sLudy Lo show whaL we *#%+"#' abouL apples. l Lhen asked
Lhe sLudenLs Lo ralse Lhelr hand and Lell me someLhlng LhaL Lhey, or Lhelr nelghbor,
!"#$ abouL apples. Some of Lhe responses l goL were: Apples can be dlfferenL colors,
Apples have dlfferenL LasLes," Apples are good for your healLh," Apples are a Lype of
frulL," Apples grow on Lrees," Apples need raln, soll, and fresh alr Lo help Lhe Lrees
grow." l Lhen asked Lhe chlldren Lo close Lhelr eyes and Lake a momenL Lo Lhlnk abouL
whaL Lhey $%"&#' &) !")$ abouL apples. Cnce Lhe Llme was up, some of Lhe responses l
goL were, WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL LasLes of apples?" Pow do you grow apples?" Why
are apples dlfferenL colors?" Pow do apples geL seeds?"

AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe second week, Lo pre-assess for pumpklns, l followed Lhe
same exacL sLeps l Look for apples. l allowed Lhe chlldren a few mlnuLes Lo dlscuss Lhe
Lhlngs Lhey knew abouL pumpklns, buL Lhls Llme asked Lhem Lo choose a dlfferenL
parLner Lhan Lhe one Lhey had ln Lhe prevlous week. Cur umpklns kWL charL was
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
lnLroduced and l revlewed whaL Lhe dlfferenL secLlons sLood for. l Lhen asked Lhe
chlldren Lo ralse Lhelr hands and Lell me some Lhlngs LhaL Lhey, or Lhelr parLner, knew
abouL pumpklns. Some of Lhe responses l goL were: umpklns can be eaLen,"
umpklns grow from seeds Lo sprouLs Lo vlnes Lo flowers Lo pumpklns," umpklns can
be dlfferenL colors," umpklns have seeds ln Lhem." l Lhen asked Lhe chlldren Lo Lake a
look aL our large class pumpkln, and quleLly Lhlnk abouL whaL Lhey !"#$%& $( )#(!
more abouL pumpklns. Some of Lhe responses l goL were, Why/how do Lhey change
colors?" WhaL ls Lhe sLrlngy sLuff lnslde called?" Pow do you make pumpkln ple?"
Pow blg can pumpklns geL?"

Summary of 8esulLs:
My resulLs from Lhe pre-assessmenL for apples are LhaL Lhe chlldren have a decenL
amounL of background knowledge abouL apples, buL have noL fully explored apples and
Lhelr llfecycles, parLs, and hlsLory. Some of Lhe chlldren were unaware LhaL apples had
seeds ln Lhem. My resulLs from Lhe pre-assessmenL for pumpklns are LhaL Lhe chlldren
have a very llLLle background knowledge abouL pumpklns. AlLhough l dld have one
sLudenL LhaL knew Lhe llfecycle of a pumpkln, Lhe oLher sLudenLs had no ldea how a
pumpkln grew. 1hey dldn'L know wheLher Lhey grew from Lhe ground or from a Lree.
1he purposes of Lhese pre-assessmenLs were for me Lo deLermlne fuLure lnsLrucLlon
based on Lhelr prlor knowledge. l feel LhaL lL ls always very lmporLanL Lo sLarL where Lhe
sLudenL's level of knowledge ls and bulld up. lrom Lhe pre-assessmenL, l wlll be
lncludlng more lnformaLlon ln my lessons and acLlvlLles abouL Lhe parLs, llfecycle, and
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
hlsLory of Lhe apple as well as allowlng more opporLunlLy for Lhe sLudenL's Lo physlcally
explore Lhem. lor pumpklns, l wlll be beeflng up qulLe a blL of my lessons Lo lnclude
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe llfecycle and parLs of a pumpkln, dlfferenL uses of a pumpkln, a
sLep-by-sLep gulde for maklng pumpkln ple, and an opporLunlLy for Lhe sLudenLs Lo
explore Lhe pumpkln lnslde and ouL.

2. Learnlng Cb[ecLlves/CuLcomes/ConcepLs

!"#$% '()"*+,( !$($- !.+-,.- !$(,/()/0
k-1.1 ldenLlfy observed ob[ecLs or evenLs by uslng Lhe senses.
k-1.2 use Lools (lncludlng magnlflers and eyedroppers) safely, accuraLely, and
approprlaLely when gaLherlng speclflc daLa.
k-1.4 Compare ob[ecLs by uslng nonsLandard unlLs of measuremenL
k-2.1 8ecognlze whaL organlsms need Lo sLay allve (lncludlng alr, waLer, food, and
k-2.4 Compare lndlvldual examples of a parLlcular Lype of planL or anlmal Lo
deLermlne LhaL Lhere are dlfferences among lndlvlduals.
k-2.3 8ecognlze LhaL all organlsms go Lhrough sLages of growLh and change called
llfe cycles.
k-3.2 ldenLlfy Lhe funcLlons of Lhe sensory organs (lncludlng Lhe eyes, nose, ears,
Longue, and skln).
k-4.2 Compare Lhe weaLher paLLerns LhaL occur from season Lo season.
k-4.3 Summarlze ways LhaL Lhe seasons affecL planLs and anlmals.

'"11", '")- !$($- !$(,/()/0 2") 3($%-1($+.0
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.A.2 CounL forward beglnnlng from a glven number wlLhln
Lhe known sequence (lnsLead of havlng Lo begln aL 1).
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.A.3 WrlLe numbers from 0 Lo 20. 8epresenL a number of
ob[ecLs wlLh a wrlLLen numeral 0-20 (wlLh 0 represenLlng a counL of no ob[ecLs).
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4 undersLand Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween numbers and
quanLlLles, connecL counLlng Lo cardlnallLy.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4a When counLlng ob[ecLs, say Lhe number names ln
Lhe sLandard order, palrlng each ob[ecL wlLh one and only one number name and
each number name wlLh one and only one ob[ecLs.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4b undersLand LhaL Lhe lasL number name sald Lells
Lhe number of ob[ecLs counLed. 1he number of ob[ecLs ls Lhe same regardless of
Lhelr arrangemenL or Lhe order ln whlch Lhey were counLed.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.CC.8.4c undersLand LhaL each successlve number name
refers Lo a quanLlLy LhaL ls one larger.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.Mu.A.1 uescrlbe measurable aLLrlbuLes of ob[ecLs, such as
lengLh or welghL. uescrlbe several measurable aLLrlbuLes of a slngle ob[ecL.
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.Mu.A.2 ulrecLly compare Lwo ob[ecLs wlLh a measurable
aLLrlbuLe ln common, Lo see whlch ob[ecL has more of"/less of" Lhe aLLrlbuLe,
and descrlbe Lhe dlfference
CCSS.MaLh.ConLenL.k.Mu.8.3 Classlfy ob[ecLs lnLo glven caLegorles, counL Lhe
numbers of ob[ecLs ln each caLegory and sorL Lhe caLegorles by counL.

'"11", '")- !$($- 456 !$(,/()/0
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8L.k.3 WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy characLers,
seLLlngs, and ma[or evenLs ln a sLory.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8L.k.6 WlLh prompLlng and supporL, name Lhe auLhor and
lllusLraLor of a sLory and deflne Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe sLory.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8L.k.10 AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose
and undersLandlng.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1 WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons
abouL key deLalls ln a LexL.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1a lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and
page by page.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1b 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln
wrlLLen language by speclflc sequences of leLLers.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1c undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.1d 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of
Lhe alphabeL.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.2a 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.2d lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and
flnal sounds (phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or
CvC) words.
(1hls does noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.2e Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln
slmple, one-syllable words Lo make new words.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.3c 8ead common hlgh-frequency words by slghL (e.g.,
!"#, $%, !$, &$', ("#, )&, *(, +,#, -$, -$#().
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.8l.k.4 8ead emergenL-reader LexLs wlLh purpose and
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.k.1 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo
compose oplnlon pleces ln whlch Lhey Lell a reader Lhe Loplc or Lhe name of Lhe
book Lhey are wrlLlng abouL and sLaLe an oplnlon or preference abouL Lhe Loplc
or book (e.g., .& %+0$,*!# 1$$2 *(333).
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.k.2 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo
compose lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs ln whlch Lhey name whaL Lhey are
wrlLlng abouL and supply some lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Loplc.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.W.k.3 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo
narraLe a slngle evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln
Lhe order ln whlch Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.1 arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse
parLners abouL 2*4-#,5+,!#4 !$6*7( +4- !#8!( wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and
larger groups.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.1a lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g.,
llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.1b ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.SL.k.3 Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL
lnformaLlon, or clarlfy someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.L.k.1a rlnL many upper- and lowercase leLLers.
CCSS.LLA-LlLeracy.L.k.1b use frequenLly occurrlng nouns and verbs.
!"#$% '()"*+,( !$($- !".+(* !$#/+-0 !$(,/()/0
k-4.1Compare Lhe dally llves of chlldren and Lhelr famllles ln Lhe pasL and ln Lhe
k-4.2 Lxplaln how changes ln modes of LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon have
affecLed Lhe way famllles llve and work LogeLher.
k-4.3 8ecognlze Lhe ways LhaL communlLy buslnesses have provlded goods and
servlces for famllles ln Lhe pasL and do so ln Lhe presenL.
k-4.4 8ecognlze LhaL famllles of Lhe pasL have made cholces Lo fulflll Lhelr wanLs
and needs and LhaL famllles do so ln Lhe presenL.

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
3. Cn-golng AssessmenL lan
uurlng Lhese Lwo weeks, l wlll be collecLlng work samples as well as uslng a
checkllsL and whole group lnLervlews Lo assess Lhe chlldren's learnlng. 1he work samples
lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, a worksheeL ln whlch Lhe chlldren correcLly sequence Lhe
dlfferenL evenLs ln Lhe llfecycle of a pumpkln, a pro[ecL ln whlch Lhe sLudenLs wlll work
LogeLher as a learnlng club Lo creaLe an apple Lree accordlng Lo Lhe season LhaL ls glven,
and a worksheeL ln whlch Lhe chlldren are Lo correcLly label Lhe dlfferenL parLs of an
apple. 1hroughouL dlfferenL parLs of Lhe day, l wlll use a checkllsL Lo assess Lhe
chlldren's learnlng by asklng Lhem quesLlons, observlng Lhelr work, Lhrough Lhelr
dlscusslons wlLh Lhelr peers, and/or durlng whole group dlscusslons on Lhe carpeL and
on an lndlvldual basls.

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
!"#$ &' ()"*+,-. "-/ 0)"#-,-.
1. 8esources
Mrs. SLruLhers
Pow Lo Make Apple le and See Lhe World by Mar[orle rlceman
L1v !ohnny Appleseed vldeo
!ohnny Appleseed by !odle Shepherd and Masuml lurukawa
!"#$%&' )*+ $ ,-./012 34*+'56 8raln vogan
1he LlLLlesL Apple
!7//89 "499 :1;9<=<89 721.$%1*25
1he Seasons of Arnold's Apple 1rees - Call Clbbons
llve LlLLle umpklns"
1here ls a frulL LhaL grows on Lrees and apple ls lL's name-o, A---L-L Lo Lhe Lune
of 8lngo.
Way up hlgh ln Lhe apple Lree, Lwo red apples smlled aL me (flngerplay - wlLh
Apple 1ree Shakers)

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
!" $%&'()(* +(,)'-(.%(/

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
!"# %&'()&( *+, -)./ %&(+ 01'2 3(1,("#1'4 5%&6#17)1(#& 8.)''1++9: *+, )1#
%99#6%)(#.* 61)-& %&(+ ) -)19: &,1(,1%&7: )&6 '(1,8(,1#6 #&;%1+&9#&(< ("#1# %' )
=>.)8# ?+1 #;#1*("%&7 -%(" #;#1*("%&7 %& %(' >.)8#2@ A)8" 9+1&%&7: ("# 8"%.61#& )1#
;#1B)..* 71##(#6 )( ("# 6++1: 1#9%&6#6 (+ 8+9# %&: ,&>)8/ ("#%1 CDAE ?+.6#1' -"%.#
/##>%&7 ("#%1 8,BB%#' &#)( )&6 +17)&%F#6 )&6 ");# ) '#)( #%("#1 )( ("#%1 ()B.# +1 +& ("#
8)1>#(2 !"%' ?1%#&6.* 1#9%&6#1 +? ("# 9+1&%&7 6,(%#' #G>#8(#6 ?1+9 #)8" 8"%.6 '#(' )
'(1,8(,1#6 '()1( (+ ("# 6)* )&6 )..+-' ("#9 (+ ?).. B)8/ %&(+ ("# 1+,(%&#' +? ("# '8"++.
6)*2 H& 0+&6)* 9+1&%&7': ("# 8"%.61#& )1# )'/#6 (+ %..,'(1)(# ) >%8(,1# )&6 -1%(# )
'"+1( '#&(#&8# )B+,( '+9#("%&7 %&(#1#'(%&7 ("#* 6%6 +;#1 ("# -##/#&6 )&6 '")1# %( -%("
) >)1(&#12 !"%' (%9# )..+((#6 7%;#' ("# 8"%.61#& ) 8")&8# (+ 8)(8" ,> -%(" #)8" +("#1
-"%.# B,%.6%&7 8+99,&%(* )&6 ?1## ("#%1 ("+,7"(' )&6 '(+1%#' (+ "#.> ("#9 ?+8,' %& +&
("# ()'/' )( ")&6 ?+1 ("# 6)*2

IJA %' )& KA! '8"++.: )&6 ?+..+-' ("# >1)8(%8#' +? ");%&7 &+ 9+1# (")& (-+
8).9%&7 8+.+1' %& #)8" 8.)''1++9: '>)8#' ("1+,7"+,( ("# 8.)''1++9 %& -"%8" ("# (#)8"#1
8)& ,(%.%F# (+ ',>>+1( '+8%).: #9+(%+&).: )&6 )8)6#9%8 7+).' +& )& %&6%;%6,).%F#6: '9)..:
+1 -"+.# 71+,> B)'%': )& +17)&%F#6 )7#&6) (")( %' -1%((#& +& ("# B+)16 #)8" 6)* ?+1 ("#
'(,6#&(' (+ ,'# )' ) 7,%6# )&6 ("# ILCA35LII3 M'## >)7# NO (")( )1# '(,6%#6 )&6
#&8+,1)7#6 6)%.* ("1+,7"+,( ("# #&(%1# '8"++. >+'(#6 +& ("# -)..'2 P.+&7 -%(" ("#
ILCA35LII3: ("#1# %' ).'+ ) '#( +? I%?#.+&7 Q,%6#.%&#' M'## >)7# NO (")( )1# ) >)1( +? ("#
6)%.* .)&7,)7# ,'#6 %& 01'2 3(1,("#1'4 8.)'': )&6 ("1+,7"+,( ("# '8"++.2
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555

ln general, l feel llke Lhe arrangemenL of furnlLure works well ln Lhls classroom. lf
lL was my classroom, l would move Lhe wrlLlng cenLer Lable Lo Lhe wall besldes Lhe
compuLers as Lhe shelves on Lop of Lhe wrlLlng cenLer (LhaL hold Lhe papers and oLher
crafLs Lhe chlldren may use whlle creaLlng Lhelr pleces of work) causes Lhere Lo be break
ln Lhe room beLween Lhe compuLers and Lhe fronL door. l would also move Lhe book
cenLer LhaL Lhe wrlLlng cenLer helps creaLe over Lo a more calm area of Lhe classroom.
1he schedule ln Mrs. SLruLhers' class made lL very Lough for me Lo squeeze maLh
acLlvlLles ln before recess. WlLh Lhe permlsslon and encouragemenL from Mrs.
SLruLhers', l moved Lhe maLh acLlvlLles Lo afLer recess and used a four-day roLaLlon
model raLher Lhan whole group. Powever, wlLh Lhe change of schedule Lo flL maLh ln
wlLhouL feellng rushed, Lhere ls a new Llme crunch beLween sclence/soclal sLudles and
free cholce cenLer Llme. 8ecause of Lhls, l Lrled Lo lnLegraLe sclence and soclal sLudles
wlLh LLA and maLh qulLe ofLen. 8esldes Lhls ad[usLmenL, l am honesLly noL sure lf Lhere
ls anyway Lo flx Lhls schedule Lo flL everyLhlng ln wlLhouL Lhe chlldren feellng llke Lhey
are belng sLreLched all day long.

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
3. Learnlng Lxperlences
Lesson 1
Cb[ecLlve Chlldren are lnLroduced Lo apples.
AcLlvlLy lnLro Lo Apples - re-assessmenL
SLraLegles Whole Croup
8esources Apples kWL CharL on CharL paper, red and green markers.
AssessmenL 1he chlldren's prlor knowledge wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr
dlscusslons on Lhe carpeL and recorded by Lhe Leacher on Lhe kWL
charL under Lhe k" secLlon.

Lesson 2
Cb[ecLlve k-2.3 8ecognlze LhaL all organlsms go Lhrough sLages of growLh
and change called
llfe cycles.
k-4.2 Compare Lhe weaLher paLLerns LhaL occur from season Lo
k-4.3 Summarlze ways LhaL Lhe seasons affecL planLs and
AcLlvlLy Apple 1ree Seasons Sequenclng
SLraLegles Whole Croup, wlLhln Learnlng Clubs
8esources Large sheeLs of bulleLln board paper, red, green and yellow dle-cuL
apples, coLLon balls, whlLe gllLLer Llssue paper, Llmer's glue, plnk
Llssue paper, red, green and yellow consLrucLlon paper
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr dlscusslons aL Lhelr
learnlng clubs and Lhelr flnlshed producL of Lhelr apple Lree ln Lhe
season Lhey were Lo deplcL.

Lesson 3
Cb[ecLlve (8l.1.6) ulsLlngulsh beLween lnformaLlon provlded by plcLures
or oLher lllusLraLlons and lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe words
ln a LexL.
AcLlvlLy Label Lhe arLs of an Apple
SLraLegles lndlvldual Work
8esources Apple worksheeL wlLh labels, penclls, glue sLlcks, crayons
AssessmenL 1he chlldren's wlll be assessed by Lhelr labeled apple worksheeL.

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
Lesson 4
Cb[ecLlve k-1.1 ldenLlfy observed ob[ecLs or evenLs by uslng Lhe senses.
k-3.2 ldenLlfy Lhe funcLlons of Lhe sensory organs (lncludlng Lhe
eyes, nose, ears,
Longue, and skln).

AcLlvlLy Apple 1asLe 1esL
SLraLegles Whole Croup
8esources ?ellow, 8ed, and Creen Apples, apple corer, plasLlc knlfe, small plaLes,
apple LasLlng [ournal, penclls, SmarL 8oard
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr dlscusslons as a whole
group as well as wlLhln Lhelr learnlng clubs.

Lesson 3
Cb[ecLlve k-1.3 redlcL and explaln lnformaLlon or evenLs based on observaLlon
or prevlous experlence.
AcLlvlLy Maklng Apple le (applesauce) and wrlLlng down Lhe sequence of
sLeps Laken Lo do so Lo use as a reclpe
SLraLegles Whole Croup
8esources Apples, Apple peeler/corer, measurlng cup, spoon, clnnamon, Crock
oL, waLer, sugar, Maklng Applesauce" worksheeLs, graham
crackers, Maklng Applesauce" on charL paper, markers, penclls.
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr compleLed Maklng
Applesauce SheeL" as well as Lhelr dlscusslons on Lhe carpeL.

Lesson 6
Cb[ecLlve k-2.3 8ecognlze LhaL all organlsms go Lhrough sLages of growLh
and change called
llfe cycles.
AcLlvlLy Llfecycle of a umpkln
SLraLegles lndlvldual Work
8esources Llfecycle of a umpkln worksheeL wlLh plcLures Lo cuL ouL and glue ln
Lhe correcL places, glue sLlcks, sclssors, penclls, crayons
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed by Lhelr compleLed Llfecycle of a
umpkln worksheeLs

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555

Lesson 7
Cb[ecLlve k-1.1 ldenLlfy observed ob[ecLs or evenLs by uslng Lhe senses.
k-1.2 use Lools (lncludlng magnlflers and eyedroppers) safely,
accuraLely, and
approprlaLely when gaLherlng speclflc daLa.
k-1.4 Compare ob[ecLs by uslng nonsLandard unlLs of
AcLlvlLy Lxplore Mlnl-umpklns
SLraLegles Small Croup durlng lree Cholce CenLer 1lme
8esources Mlnl pumpklns, unlflx cubes, Lub for waLer, waLer, magnlfylng glasses,
umpkln lnvesLlgaLlon worksheeL, penclls.
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr dlscusslons as well as Lhelr
compleLed umpkln Llfecycle worksheeLs

Lesson 8
Cb[ecLlve k-1.1 ldenLlfy observed ob[ecLs or evenLs by uslng Lhe senses.
k-1.2 use Lools (lncludlng magnlflers and eyedroppers) safely,
accuraLely, and
approprlaLely when gaLherlng speclflc daLa.
k-1.4 Compare ob[ecLs by uslng nonsLandard unlLs of
k-3.2 ldenLlfy Lhe funcLlons of Lhe sensory organs (lncludlng Lhe
eyes, nose, ears,
Longue, and skln).
AcLlvlLy Lxplorlng Large Class umpkln
SLraLegles Whole Croup, ouLslde
8esources Large class pumpkln, carvlng Lools, large plasLlc Lable cloLh, baby
wlpes, unlflx cubes, large Lub for waLer, waLer, magnlfylng glasses,
umpkln lnvesLlgaLlon worksheeL, penclls.
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr dlscusslons.

Lesson 9
Cb[ecLlve k-1.4 Compare ob[ecLs by uslng nonsLandard unlLs of
AcLlvlLy umpkln Measurlng
SLraLegles Small Croup
8esources numbered pumpkln dle-cuLs, umpkln Measurlng worksheeLs,
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr dlscusslons as well as Lhelr
umpkln Measurlng worksheeLs

!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 555
Lesson 10
Cb[ecLlve k-2.3 MaLch parenLs wlLh Lhelr offsprlng Lo show LhaL planLs
and anlmals closely resemble Lhelr parenLs.
k-2.4 Compare lndlvldual examples of a parLlcular Lype of planL
or anlmal Lo deLermlne LhaL Lhere are dlfferences among
k-2.3 8ecognlze LhaL all organlsms go Lhrough sLages of growLh
and change called llfe cycles.
AcLlvlLy Comparlng umpklns and Apples wlLh a venn ulagram
SLraLegles Small Croup, WlLhln Learnlng Clubs
8esources Large plece of bulleLln paper wlLh a venn ulagram labeled wlLh
Apples on one slde and umpklns on Lhe oLher, pre-cuL squares wlLh
dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs of pumpklns, apples or boLh, glue sLlcks,
AssessmenL 1he chlldren wlll be assessed Lhrough Lhelr dlscusslons wlLhln Lhe
learnlng club as well as Lhelr flnlshed venn ulagram.

Dole: Oct 2l -Oct 25 Theme: Apples
HET focus R.ED- Technology iJi i i:^ DI
(Lessons may have to change based on student need or interest)
Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
Morning Work; My
Weekend Journal
Leader Duties:
calendar. number
ofdays in schooi
(Wiggles the
Worm), review
Treasures Unit 2 Week 2 Day 3
Lislan and respond to a folktale (SL.K.1
), Identifu rhyming
pairs ofwords (RF.K.2a), Read and respond to a poem
Predict based on title and illustrations (RI.K.7). Use
skills and strategies to comprehend, arralyze and evaluate
poetry (RL.K.10) Read the Popcorn Word a (RF.K.3c) Listen
for initial and final /p/, Review sound spellings for ipl and isi,
Blend with /p/ (L.K.2c&d)). Read words with /p/. Read simple
one-syllable words (RF.K.2) Recognize nouns (I.,.K. I b)
Must Do 1- Lowercase AIIC Order on Apples
Must Do 2: Apple Tree Poern Shakers
Must Do 3- Journal
Tuesday o
Morning show
o Lunch choices
PE exercise show
o Morning Work: Number
]. '].:
Leader Duties:
calendar, number
ofdays in school
(Wiggles the
Worm), review
Treasures Unit 2 Week 2 Day 4-TE380
Recognize and geno'ate rhyme (RF.K.2a), Listen and respond
to a fable
1SL.K.l ),
Identifu and use nurnber words (RF.K.3c),
Blend sounds to fonn words (RF.K.2o). Sort picture names
with initial a. p. s, Blend with s, m, p, a (L.K.2c&d), Read
sirnple one-syllable words (RF.K.2), Read decodable words
with ipl (RF. K.3
Read Popcorn Words a, I, like, the and we
Reread for fluency (RF.K.4), Use letter knowledge
to write words (L.K.2d)
Read and learn A-P-P-LE song!
Must Do I : Apple Tree Seasons Sequencing
Must Do 2: Apples in the Basket Color/Numba'Word Book
Must Do 3: Journal
Wednesday Morning Show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
Morning Work:
Number Writing
L,eader Duties:
calendar. number
ofdays in school
(Wiggles the
Worm), review
Treasures Unit 2 Week 2 Day 5-TE388
Compare and conlrast genres and stories, L,isten to and share
information, Review Popcom Words a, can, like, the, Nrdwe
(RF.K.3c), Review number words (RF.K.3c). Build fluency
(RF.K.4), Recognize the same sound in different words
(RF.K.2), Review sound-spellings lp/, /sl, /m/, /a/, (RF.K.2),
Recognize the same sound in different words (RF.K.3d) Read
simple one-syllable words (RF.K.2)
Must Do 1- Apple tree Upper/Lowercase Letter Match
Must Do 2- A-P-P-L-E puzzles
Must Do 3- Journal
Thursday Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
Morning Work:
Number Writing
Leader Duties:
calendar, number
ofdays in school
(Wiggles the
Worm), review
Treasures Unit 2 Week 3 Day l-TE 434
Listen and respond to a story (SL.K.1
), Ask questions/identify
characters (RL.K.3), Identify the words a and /i*e in text and
speech, Review the Popcom Words can, I, the, we (RF.K.3c)
Idortifo and use words that name actions (L.K.l b), Isolate the
beginning /V and /p/ sounds in words, Review sound spellings
for /s/, /p/ (RF.K.2). Handwriting Ss and PP (L.K.2) Recogrize
naming sounds (singular and plural) (L.K.1c)
Must Do I- Read the Roorn : Popcorn words scattered around
the room, find and record
Must Do 2- Label Parts of an Apple
Must Do 3- Journal
Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
Morning Work: Fall
numhr writing 1-20
ti'.,i illjsitl..
kader Duties:
calendar. number
ofdays in school
(Wiggles the
Worm). review
Treasures Unit 2 Week3 Day 2-T8442
Discuss beginning, middle. and end (RL.K.2),Identify syllables
in spoken words (RF.K.2a), Distinguish between rhyming and
non-rhyming word pairs (RF.K2), Identifu characters, retell
and respond to a story (RL.K.3), Develop fluency (RF.K.4),
Identifo and sort color words (RF.K.3o), Orally generate
rhymes (M.K.2a). Review initial /s/, lpl, hil, /a/, Recognize
words that begin with the sarne sound, Blend words with /a/,
l1ln/, lp/, ldl
Review the words a, .I, like, andwe
(RF.K.3o), Predict what might happen next based on
illustrations (RF. K.3 c)
Must Do 1: "How Many Apples?" Number Word Book
Must Do 2: Apple Color Words
Write the Rooml
Must Do 3:Journal
I 1:15-I1:45
Recess: l1:45-12:15
12215-12225 12:45 - 1:30
Centers:1:00 -l:30
Reloled Arts l:55
SMART Board Lesson: whole group
Counting up, flash ten frames,
calendar ski lls, weather
enVisions Topic 4, Lesson 4
Question: "How can we
compare and order numbers 7-tO?"
Children will use counting to identify
a number that is L more than another
number. (K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.O.A.1,
MPS: 1,2, 3, 5, 7 and 8).
1. Apple Lacing by using standard
2. Cutting, ordering, and color
numbered apples to wear on a
sentence strip hat.
3. 1-10 Puzzles
4. Painting baskets that show 1
more, 1 less, 2 more, or 2 fewer
than the number card selected.
Media - 12:45-1:15
for snack--
o{ or-rr
up- Music
SMART Board Lesson: whole group
Counting up, flash ten frames,
calendar ski lls, weather
enVisions Topic 4 Lesson 5 Essential
Question: "How can we compare and
order numbers 1-10?" Children will
use counting to identify a number
that is l fewer than another number.
(K.CC.C.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.1, MPS 1,2,5,
7 and 8).
EW Apple Seasons
Tree Seasons Book
for snack--
ir,.r_t:r;rr: Oi ot.it
day lar6iet Tall<.
up- P.E
SMART Board Lesson: whole group
Counting up, flash ten frames,
calendar ski lls, weather
enVisions Topic 4 Lesson 5 Essential
Question: "How can we compare and
order numbers 1-10?" Children will
use counting to identify a number
that is 2 more than another number.
(K.CC.C.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.l, MPS 1,2,5,
7 and 8).
'The Little Red House
with No Windows"
Use Apple cut in half to
show the "star"
Taste Test
for snack--
of oiir
daY I arget Talk
SMART Board Lesson: whole group
Counting up, flash ten frames,
calendar skills, weather
enVisions Topic 4 Lesson 7 Essential
Question: "How can we compare and
order numbers 1-10?"Children will
use counting to identify a number
that is 2 fewer than another number.
(K.CC.C.5, K.CC.7, K.OA.1, MPS 1,2,5,
7 and 8)
"How to Make an
Apple Pie and See the
Applesauce with the
children's help. (Cored
Apples, Cinnamon, Sughr &
for snack-
of our
day- Target"talk
up- Art
SMART Board Lesson: whole group
Counting up, flash ten frames,
calendar skills, weather
enVisions Topic 4 Lesson 8 Essential
Question: "How can we compare and
order numbers 1-10?" Children will
order numbers from 0-10 in
sequence. (K.CC.2, K.CC.4c, MPS 1,2,
5, 7 and 8)).
Applesauce on Ritz
Crackers for "Apple
up Apple KWL
for snack--
of our
day- Target Ialk
up- Music
GREEN- HET focus RED- Technology BI-UE- DI
(Lessons may have to change based on student ned or interest)
Date: October 28- November L Theme: Pumpkins
Morning Meeting/Circle
Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
: i
weother, # of doys in school, Morble
Review oll Popcorn words in morning
SMART Boord Iesson for Treosures
Treosures Unit 2 Week 3 Lesson 3 Phoneme Blending
- words, Blend wilh lsl , lp/, lml , lol, Nouns,
Popcorn Words
Must Do l- "Moking Applesouce" Sheei
Must Do 2- Write ihe beginning sound
Must Do 3- Journol-
Iuesdoy Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
weother, # of doys in school, Morble
Jor ,
Review oll Popcorn words in morning
SMART Boord Lesson for Treosures
Treosures Unit 2 Week 3 Lesson 4 Vocobulory:
number words, rhyming words, phoneme blending,
blend sounds, review popcorn words, reod simple
onesylloblewords,review lol lml lsl lpl
Must Do 1- Pumpkin Rhyming Number Words
Must Do 2- Unscromble & Record Popcorn Words
Must Do 3 Journol-Begin "Where is Pumpkin?" Book
Wednesdoy Morning Show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
weother, # of doys in school, Morble
Review oll Popcorn words in morning
.SMART Boord l-esson k;r Treosures
Horvest Doy
Thursdoy Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
ir ,i
weolher, # of doys in school, Morble
Review oll Popcorn words in morning
SMART Boord Lesson lor
Treosures Unit 2 Week 3 Lesson 5 Review popcorn
words, review color, phoneme cotegorizotion, reod
words, dictotion
Must Do l- "Color li Holloween" Number/Color
Word Sheet
Musi Do 2- lllusirote & Write sentence for "Whot I
liked mosl obout Horvest Doy" closs book.
Must Do 3- Journol-"Where is Pumpkin?" Book
Morning show
Lunch choices
PE exercise show
, ,
weolher, # of doys in school, Morble
Jor ,
'l '': I '.
Review oll Popcorn words in morning
SMART Boord lesson for Treosures
Treosures Unit 3 Week I Lesson I
ironsporiolion, Popcorn Words (see), Phoneme
lsolotion: The leiter Tt, motch letter t to the /t/
sound, hondwriling Tt, Grommor: verbs, use posi
ond future tenses when speoking
Musi Do I - Pumpkin Word Fomilies
Must Do 2- Beginning Letter Sounds
Must Do 3 Journol-Where is Pumpkin?" Book
it{l [.\- HET focus RED-Technology iil I l'-DI
I l:15-1 l:45
Recess: I l:45-'12:15
Science/Sociol Studies
12:45 - I:30
Cenlers: I:fi) -l:30
Snock/Pock Up/ Refl ection
Reloled Arls l:55
SMART Boorcl Lesson:whole group
Counting up, flosh ten fromes, colendor
skills, weother
Topic 4, Lesson 4-9 Essenliol Question:
numbers 0 10 I0 be compored ond trdsed?" TE B3A
Childen wil ]Jsg^g numher ljne tp.cpunllnd.arder
numbe.rs frem Q lB-lO {K.CC.2. MPS: 1, 2, 5, 6, ar:d 7}
"Whot coms rext?" Pumpkin Number Line
will fillin the mising numbss on lhe Pumpkin Number
Medio l2:45-1:I5
Prepore for snock-l:30
Pock up- Reloted Arts @
SMART Boord Lesson:whole group
Counting up, flosh ten fromes, colendor
skills, weother
Topic 4, Lesson 4-l0 Essenliol Qusfion: ',How con
numberc 0 to l0 be compored ond ordered?" TE 8SA
bv!,l.Lrs_ aaunlers
to scl aul_ilte"prebJem-. (K.CC.7 MpS: 1,2, S. or:d 7l
Cq{rtirg Rrmtrkin Seedg-Studemf, will ccunt ._,Jt. il-e
spe.ifled nrmiltr oFpun)pkii seeds .rhC g[re them ir
crder s their sheet
Li+]ecycle oc o Pumpkin
Prepore for snock-l:30
. il:'it ir',-
, :,,- ,r,.
, i , it i j,
l,:tiir:; i.;ii
Pock up- Reloted Arts @
Horvest Doy
Explore the inside oC o Pumpkin
Prepore for snock-l:30
I l;ili:-,- 11,-,j. :i
' -
, 1 i - lr
Pock up- Reloied Arts @
Doy Dismissol @l l:30AM.
SMART Boord Lesson:whole group
Counting up. flosh len fromes, colendor
skills, weother
Toplc 4 Ass*ment Bsenliol Qus'lion: "How con
numbeB 0 to l0 be compored ond ordsed?" TE 85A
ehilcken will leqin tp.salve pr_o,Uefir_by-uiirq
to oel aU.tle,Brablem,
(K.CC.7 MPS: 1,2,5, ond Z)
50's Doy Pmdle Activiiy- Chilcten willcouni out 5
groups of l0 colton bolls lo glue on our "50's
Pumpkin lleosuning
Prepore for snock-l:30
^. ':
llr;r- tlOI-'\ .^'i , t:: . I, Jy'
i, :litCl llik
Pock up- Reloted Arts @
CRFIF:\- HET focus RED- Technology ill t i:- DI
(Lessons may have to change based on student need or interest)

UWS Secti on IV:

Anal ysi s of
Chi l drens Learni ng
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 56
!"# #%&'()* (+, -*-./#(# )0 &1(.23%*4# .%-3*(*5

8ecause my unlL Work Sample covered Lwo dlfferenL Loplcs over Lhe Lwo weeks,
l noLlced a slgnlflcanL dlfference ln Lhe amounL of chlldren who were able Lo correcLly
sequence Lhe llfecycle of a pumpkln and Lhe amounL of chlldren who were able Lo
correcLly sequence Lhe llfecycle of an apple. l belleve Lhelr challenge wlLh Lhls durlng Lhe
flrsL Lask of sequenclng Lhe llfecycle of an apple could have been due Lo Lhe facL LhaL lL
was Lhelr flrsL Llme ever seelng Lhls Lype of work before. 1he success of Lhe sequenclng
of Lhe llfecycle of a pumpkln could have been due Lo Lhelr prlor experlence of dolng LhaL
Lype of acLlvlLy. 1hrough my checkllsL, l also noLlced a huge dlfferenL ln Lhe success raLe
of Lhe chlldren dependlng on Lhe Lype of acLlvlLy Lhey were dolng. 1here was greaLer
success for Lhe class ln hands-on acLlvlLles raLher Lhan acLlvlLles LhaL had more of a
seaL-work" approach. A few of my sLudenLs are pulled ouL for exLra help durlng Lhe
Llmes LhaL we have sclence, and l had a new sLudenL [oln my class four days afLer we
began our sLudy. l feel LhaL Lhese ouLslde facLors greaLly affecLed Lhese sLudenLs'
1hrough my posL-assessmenL, Lhe venn ulagram LhaL compared apples and
pumpklns, l was able Lo see LhaL my sLudenLs masLered Lhe concepLs l was presenLlng Lo
Lhem regardlng apples and pumpklns. Lach of Lhe venn ulagrams creaLed by Lhe
Learnlng Clubs had Lhe correcL characLerlsLlcs ln Lhe correcL caLegory. Cne Learnlng Club
puL Lhe pre-cuL square LhaL says, grows from yellow flower" wlLh a plcLure of a yellow
flower ln Lhe 8C1P caLegory. When l asked why Lhey chose Lo puL lL Lhere, Lhey
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 56
responded LhaL apples and pumpklns boLh grow from blossoms. ln my oplnlon, because
my chlldren cannoL read yeL, Lhls was a correcL cholce because Lhey were rlghL, boLh
frulLs do grow from blossoms.
l feel LhaL Lhe chlldren were able Lo learn Lhe mosL Lhrough modellng,
cooperaLlve learnlng, dlscusslons, and hands-on acLlvlLles. ln order Lo engage my
klndergarLeners ln our sLudy of apples and pumpklns, l supplled our room wlLh
lnLeresLlng apple and pumpkln flcLlon and nonflcLlon sLorles, lnformaLlonal LexLs and
posLers, phoLographs, sLuffed Loys, small manlpulaLlves and real llfe pumpklns and
apples for Lhem Lo explore. l belleve LhaL by Laklng Lhls exLra sLep Lhe chlldren held Lhelr
LhlrsL for knowledge longer Lhan Lhey would have wlLhouL havlng Lhe Lheme relaLed
lLems around Lhe room.
1he Lhree chlldren l chose Lo analyze were u, 8, and 8. All Lhree chlldren are
male, and each has very dlfferenL, very speclflc barrlers LhaL could poLenLlally hold Lhelr
academlc success raLe back. Powever, Lhey each show dlfferenL levels of ablllLy. u ls my
lower ablllLy sLudenL, 8 ls Lhe mlddle/average ablllLy sLudenL, and 8 ls Lhe hlgh ablllLy
u ls Lhe youngesL ln my class (he [usL Lurned flve ln AugusL). Pe has a raLher
serlous speech lmpedlmenL LhaL can cause hlm Lo geL frusLraLed when speaklng and
affecLs hls readlng and wrlLlng ablllLles. Pe also as has a consLanL need Lo move around,
wheLher LhaL means ln hls square, hls seaL, or Lhe room, and a deflanL aLLlLude for Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhe day. 1hroughouL Lhe Lwo weeks, my relaLlonshlp wlLh u compleLely
changed. l began nurLurlng hlm more and glvlng hlm more Llme Lo Lell me all of Lhe
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 56
lmporLanL Lhlngs he needed Lo and responslblllLles ln Lhe classroom. ln reLurn, u began
Lo cherlsh hls Llme wlLh me whlle dolng hls work. Pe respecLed whaL l asked of hlm
more because we had bullL a relaLlonshlp. l had Lo pull hlm ln and back off ln order Lo
encourage hls lndependence durlng hls lndependenL work Llme. 1he change ln Lhe
quallLy of work he was dolng and knowledge LhaL he was bulldlng was amazlng.
8 ls a lovlng, carlng, full of llfe flve-year-old. Pls compasslon for Lhe people
around hlm ls one of a klnd. 8 ls a very capable llLLle boy, buL hls level of dlsLracLlon
greaLly affecLs hls success. AlLhough 8 requlres consLanL redlrecLlon and normally ls noL
focused ln on whaL ls happenlng on Lhe SMA81 8oard, lL ls obvlous LhaL he ls sLlll
llsLenlng, as he ls able Lo answer quesLlons LhaL are asked abouL Lhe conLenL LhaL was
LaughL. l have Lrled many dlfferenL sLraLegles Lo encourage 8 Lo become more ln conLrol
of hls body, LhoughLs, and words, none of whlch have seemed Lo show a real dlfference.
8 was very knowledgeable abouL apples and pumpklns by Lhe end of Lhe Lwo-weeks. Pe
was able Lo correcLly label Lhe llfecycle of a pumpkln and when l observed hlm helplng
hls Learnlng Club wlLh Lhe venn ulagram, hls wealLh of knowledge was shared wlLh Lhe
sLudenLs around hlm.
8 ls a flve-year-old boy from llnland who ls [usL learnlng Lo speak Lngllsh.
AlLhough hls language ls a huge barrler ln Lhe classroom, he ls exLremely brlghL and ls
normally one of Lhe flrsL ones Lo geL done. We have worked ouL a dlfferenL way of
communlcaLlon, and are addlng new words Lo hls vocabulary everyday. 1hrough my
observaLlons and dlscusslons, l was able Lo see LhaL 8 knew whaL an apple and pumpkln
needed Lo grow, was able Lo use Lools correcLly Lo collecL daLa, and knew Lhe changes of
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 56
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UWS Secti on V:

Refl ecti on and
Sel f- Assessment
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 5

!"# #%&'()* +, -%./%&'()* 0 #%/. 1##%##2%*'

lL ls amazlng Lo me how much l grew durlng my Lwo-week lead Leach. AlLhough l
couldn'L have done anyLhlng else Lo prepare Lhe sLudenLs or myself for Lhe nexL Lwo
weeks, l remember feellng franLlc, sLressed and overwhelmed Lhe mornlng of my flrsL
day. l had so many whaL lf" quesLlons runnlng Lhrough my head and was wonderlng, ls
Lhere a beLLer way for me Lo do Lhese lessons so Lhe chlldren wlll be easler Lo manage
and/or more engaged ln Lhe lesson?" AfLer l goL Lhrough LhaL flrsL day, l began Lo feel
more and more comforLable wlLh Lhe lessons l prepared and my level of managemenL ln
Lhe classroom. 8y Lhe Lhlrd day, l reallzed one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhlngs l've learned
Lhls semesLer, LhaL my lessons !"#"$%& golng Lo be perfecL, regardless of how much
plannlng l dld. 1hls was a '"(#$)$* experlence, and was bullL so l would know whaL Lo
change for Lhe nexL Llme l LaughL Lhe lesson.
l also learned LhaL klndergarLeners learn !" $%&' more by +,)$*- When l began
Leachlng Lhe changes LhaL Lhe apple Lree undergoes LhroughouL each season, l sLarLed
ouL by havlng Lhe chlldren cuLLlng ouL and glulng each apple Lree ln Lhe correcL season
LhaL lL would be ln. 1he chlldren's level of undersLandlng was mlnlmum aL Lhls polnL and
l felL llke Lhey dldn'L Lake much away from LhaL lesson. So, l had Lhem /#"(&" Lhe
dlfferenL sLages of an apple Lree wlLhln Lhelr learnlng clubs accordlng Lo Lhe season l
wroLe aL Lhe Lop of Lhelr bulleLln paper. 1he dlscusslon afLer Lhls acLlvlLy was fllled wlLh
dlfferenL observaLlons of each apple Lree and showed me LhaL Lhey bullL knowledge
much beLLer by dolng a hands-on acLlvlLy raLher Lhan slmply cuLLlng and glulng. AfLer
Lhls reallzaLlon, l changed qulLe a few of my lessons Lo have a more hands-on approach.
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 5

l Lruly belleve LhaL Lhls sLrengLhened my sLudenLs' undersLandlng of Lhe conLenL LhaL
was presenLed Lo Lhem.
When l LaughL Lhe lesson abouL Lhe llfecycle of an apple, l felL llke a rocksLar
afLerwards and couldn'L "#$% Lo see Lhe chlldren geL back Lo Lhelr seaLs Lo sLarL on Lhelr
work. Powever, Lhls was one acLlvlLy LhaL Lhe chlldren ln my class had a greaL deal of
Lrouble wlLh when sequenclng Lhe dlfferenL evenLs LhaL Look place ln Lhe llfecycle of an
apple. 1he nexL day, we Look some Llme Lo dlscuss whaL we learned before and l
showed Lhem a sLory on ?ou1ube LhaL descrlbed Lhe dlfferenL evenLs. We compleLed
Lhe sheeL as a class on Lhe SmarL8oard and Lhe level of knowledge was much hlgher
Lhan Lhe day before. l do belleve Lhe challenge my sLudenLs faced wlLh Lhls was due Lo
Lhe facL LhaL Lhey had never worked wlLh a sheeL qulLe llke Lhe one we used before
because when we used a very slmllar sheeL for Lhe llfecycle of a pumpkln, Lhe ma[orlLy
of Lhe chlldren dld lL correcLly and had greaL conversaLlons aL Lhelr learnlng clubs abouL
Lhe acLlvlLy.
AnoLher momenL of reallzaLlon l had durlng Lhe Lwo weeks was LhaL someLlmes,
Lhe chlldren [usL aren'L ready Lo move on, regardless of whaL currlculum or Lhe paclng
gulde says. AfLer observlng my chlldren wrlLlng Lhe numbers 1-20, l knew LhaL Lhey
weren'L qulLe ready Lo move on and needed Lo pracLlce Lhelr handwrlLlng more. l
changed Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL were made for Lwo days LhaL week and found new ones LhaL
allowed Lhem Lo pracLlce Lhelr handwrlLlng more. 8y dolng Lhls, l was able Lo pracLlce
dlfferenL handwrlLlng sLraLegles and see how Lhey beneflLLed dlfferenL chlldren.
!"#$% '%(( )#%* +,-. /012(3 /34*%,# 5

Cne of my favorlLe memorles, and one LhaL l wlll Lake wlLh me forever, ls Lhe
dlfference a relaLlonshlp makes when deallng wlLh a deflanL sLudenL. l knew beforehand
LhaL u was golng Lo be one of my greaLesL challenges durlng my Lwo-weeks, and was
deLermlned Lo flnd a way Lo puL ouL Lhe flre before lL sLarLed. l Lrled belng very flrm and
clarlfylng my expecLaLlons for hlm for Lhe flrsL Lwo days and saw LhaL lL wasn'L changlng
anyLhlng, raLher, we had a blg exploslon one of Lhose days and had Lo call Mrs. SLruLhers
and home, an admlnlsLraLor would have been called buL none were ln Lhe bulldlng aL
LhaL Llme. Cn Lhe fourLh day, l declded Lo Lry someLhlng new. 1he second LhaL u walked
ln Lhe classroom door, l Look a few momenLs Lo hug hlm, Lalk Lo hlm abouL hls nlghL aL
home and whaL he was exclLed Lo do aL school LhaL day and gave hlm a speclal [ob Lo do
LhaL mornlng and added more [obs a few Llmes LhroughouL Lhe day. l nurLured hlm
more, and spenL one-on-one Llme LogeLher Lo leL hlm know LhaL we were golng Lo have
a greaL day !"#$!%$&' 1he dlfference LhaL Lhls made ls sLlll amazlng Lo me Loday.
u respecLed whaL l had Lo say more Lhan he ever dld before. Pe goL up ofLen
durlng Lhe day Lo hug me or Lell me LhaL he loved me, and alLhough he Lechnlcally
wasn'L supposed Lo be geLLlng up durlng Lhose Llmes, he wasn'L wanderlng all over Lhe
room, placlng hls hands or feeL on oLher sLudenLs, Lalklng back Lo me.Cr dlsrupLlng Lhe
class ln general. u had a hablL of saylng LhaL he, uldn'L know how Lo do hls work,"
(whlch was wasn'L compleLely Lrue mosL of Lhe Llme) before he even aLLempLed lL. We
made a deal LhaL Lhe only way l could sLay wlLh hlm Lo help would be lf he Lrled Lhe
work before he gave up. Pls quallLy of work lmproved greaLly. l was so lmpressed Lo see
hls Lrue ablllLy when he puL forLh efforL. 1he LoughesL chlld ln my class who would
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