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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 1)

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WEEK TOPIC/LEARNING AREAS 1. WHOLE NUMBERS 1.1 Numbers 0 to 10 LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.1.1 Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number names 1 to 9. ii. Recognize numerals 1 to 9. iii. Count a group of objects 1 to 9. Read and !rite numbers form 1 to 9. i. "rite numerals 1 to 9. ii. Read number !ords one to nine. iii. "rite number !ords one to nine. Say and use the number names in order. i. $rrange numbers 1 to 9% a. count on in ones. b. count bac& in ones. Read and !rite numbers from 0 to 10. i. Say the number names 0 and 10. ii. Recognize 0 and 10 in counting. iii. Count a group of objects to 10. i(. "rite numerals 0 and 10. (. Read number !ords zero to ten. (i. "rite number !ords zero to ten. *nderstand and use the (ocabulary of comparing and arranging numbers or +uantities. i. $rrange numbers from 0 to 10% a. count on in ones. b. count bac& in ones. c. count on from a gi(en number. d. count bac& to a gi(en number. ii. Compare t!o numbers and say !hich is more or less. iii.,dentify one more or one less. *se the (ocabulary in(ol(ed in addition !ith the highest total of 10. i. -ind one more than a number from 1 to 9. *nderstand addition as combining t!o groups of objects. i. -ind the total of t!o numbers. ii. "rite number sentences for addition. iii. State all possible pairs of numbers that total up to a gi(en number. i(. Recall rapidly the total of t!o numbers. *se and apply &no!ledge of addition in real life. i. Sol(e simple problems in real life. REMARKS






$ddition !ith the highest total of 10

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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 1)


TOPIC/LEARNING AREAS 1.# Subtraction !ithin the range of 10

LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.#.1 *se the (ocabulary in(ol(ed in subtraction of numbers 0 to 10. i. -ind one less than a number. *nderstand subtraction as .ta&e a!ay.. i. "rite number sentences for subtraction. *se and apply &no!ledge of subtraction in real life. i. Sol(e simple problems in real life. Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number names 11 to 0. ii. Recognize numerals 11 to 0. iii. Count a group of objects 11 to 0. Read and !rite numbers from 11 to 0. i. "rite numerals 11 to 0. ii. Read number !ords ele(en to t!enty. iii. "rite number !ords ele(en to t!enty. /no! !hat each digit in a number represents. i. Say !hat each digit in a number represents. Say and use the number names in order. i. $rrange numbers from 11 to 0% a. count on in ones. b. count bac& in ones. c. count on from a gi(en number. d. count bac& to a gi(en number. Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number names to 100. ii. Recognise numerals to 100. iii. Count a group of objects to 100. Read and !rite numbers to 100. i. "rite numerals to 100. ii. Read number !ords to one hundred. iii. "rite number !ords to one hundred. Say and use the number names in order. i. $rrange numbers to 100% a. count on in ones to 100. b. count bac& in ones from 100. c. count on in tens from 0. d. count bac& in tens from 100. c. count on and count bac& in tens from a gi(en number. *nderstand and use ordinal numbers in different contexts. i. Say ordinal numbers from first to tenth. ii. *se ordinal numbers in different contexts.


1.#. 1.#.# 1.' Numbers to 0 1.'.1


1.'.# 1.'.'


Numbers to 100





Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 1)


TOPIC/LEARNING AREAS 1.0 $ddition !ithin basic facts

LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.0.1 *se the (ocabulary in(ol(ed in addition !ithin the basic facts. i. -ind one more than a number. *nderstand addition as combining t!o groups of objects. i. -ind the total of t!o numbers. ii. "rite number sentences for addition. /no! by heart basic facts of addition. i. Recall rapidly basic facts of addition. *se and apply &no!ledge of addition in real life. i. Sol(e simple problems in real life situation. *se the (ocabulary in(ol(ed in subtraction !ithin basic facts. i. -ind one less than a number. *nderstand subtraction as .ta&e a!ay. or .difference. bet!een t!o groups of objects. i. -ind the difference bet!een t!o numbers. ii. "rite number sentences for subtraction. /no! by heart basic facts of subtraction. i. Recall rapidly basic facts of subtraction. ii. State all possible pairs of numbers !ith the difference e+uals to a gi(en number. iii. Recall rapidly the difference of t!o numbers. *se and apply &no!ledge of subtraction in real life. i. Sol(e simple problems in real life situation. *nderstand and use the (ocabulary related to money. i. Recognize coins and notes of 2alaysian currency. ii. Represent the (alue of money in 3R23 and 3sen3. iii. 4xchange a. coins up to R215 and b. notes up to R210. i(. $dd and subtract a. coins up to R215 and b. notes up to R210. (. Sol(e simple problems in(ol(ing money in real life situation. *nderstand and use the (ocabulary related to time. i. Say time of the day correctly. ii. Say in se+uence e(ents of the day. iii. Name the days of the !ee& in se+uence. i(. Name the months of the year in se+uence. (. Read time to the hour on a cloc&.



1.0.# 1.0.' 1.1 Subtraction !ithin basic facts 1.1.1



1.1.' 2. MONEY .1 2oney to R210



TIME #.1 ,ntroduction to time


Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 1)


TOPIC/LEARNING AREAS 4. SHAPE AND SPACE '.1 6hree7 dimensional shapes 8#79 Shapes:

LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOMES '.1.1 *nderstand and use the (ocabulary related to #79 shapes. i. Name solid shapes. 9escribe and classify common #79 shapes. i. 9escribe features of solid shapes. ii. Sort solid shapes. iii. 2a&e models. *nderstand and use the (ocabulary related to 79 shapes. i. Name t!o7dimensional shapes. 9escribe and classify common 79 shapes. i. 9escribe features of t!o7dimensional shapes. ii. Sort t!o7dimensional shapes. iii. 2a&e designs !ith t!o7dimensional shapes.




6!o7dimensional shapes 8 79 Shapes:

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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 1)

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