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Rebecca Blasius

11430 Burton Way Roscommon, MI 48653 blasius1rj@alma.e u !8!.!15."1!" OBJECTIVE

It is my goal to help students achieve their dreams, reach their full potential, and establish them as successful members of society. EDUCATION
ALMA COLLEGE, #$M#, MI B#%&'$(R () *'%(+,#R- ',.%#/I(+, #0RI$ "016 M#1(R2 '+3$I*& MI+(R2 WRI/I+3 30#2 3.!

WORK EXPERIENCE Babysitti ! J"bs In t4e sc4ool years "011 an "01", I 5atc4e t5o boys 61year ol an a 3 year ol 7, anot4er 8arent9s c4il ren I 5atc4e 5as t5o :irls 61 year ol an 3 year ol 7, an " ot4er c4il ren I 5atc4e 5as a boy an a :irl 66 year ol an a 1" year ol 7. K"A Ca#$!%"u & ; 3800 W. )e eral &i:45ay Roscommon, MI 48653 May "01" ; #u:ust "01" an May "013< #u:ust "013 I cleane t4e =acilities, suc4 as t4e cabins, yurts, an lo :es. I 4el8e 5it4 maintainence outsi e, suc4 as ra>in: t4e sities or 4el8in: 5it4 :ar en 5or>. I maintaine t4e store, suc4 as or:ani?in: s4el@es, con@ersate 5it4 customers on t4e 84one an in 8erson, ealt 5it4 money, an any nee s to satis=y t4e customers 5it4 an enjoyable @isit. I 8artici8ate in 4el8in: 5it4 c4il ren9s cra=ts, an ealt 5it4 t4e icecream stan =or mo@ie time. 'C(OLAR'(IP' AND GRANT' ,ean9s *c4olars4i8 )all "013< Winter "014 )#)*# )ilin: #5ar )all "013< Winter "014 &erita:e +ee Base )all "013< Winter "014 3rant ,istin:uis4e )all "013< Winter "014 /rustee *c4olars4i8 )all "013< Winter "014 I,# Aoran *c4olars4i8 )all "013< Winter "014 LEADER'(IP ) ACCOMPLI'(MENT' 0resi ental &onor 0ro:ram )all "01"< 0resent /ea /ime Bible *tu y )all "01"< 0resent %4air *ession at &onors ,ay Winter "013 an Winter "014 0ublis4e 0oem in The Pine River Anthology Winter "014 RE*ERENCE' ,ana #s8inall, 0ro=essor o= 'n:lis4 Renaissance, 463<B"6! as8inall@alma.e u %4i4<0in: %4en, 0ro=essor o= 'n:lis4, 463<B"43 c4en@alma.e u Mar> *eals, 0ro=essor o= ' ucation, 463<B166 seals@alma.e u

Rebecca Blasius
Barbra Bro5n, )iel 0lacement /eac4er bbro5n@brec>4us>ies.or: 'ECONDAR+ EDUCATION *IELD PLACEMENT' B%ec,i %i&!e (i!- 'c-""l Ms. Bro5n9s Bt4,8t4, an !t4 :ra e classrooms )all "013 I obser@e 4er classroom en@ironment an as time a @ance I 4el8e stu ents 5it4 8a8ers, :ra e t4eir 5or>, ma e lesson 8lans, an tau:4t t4em 54en t4e class 5as rea in: To Kill A Mockingbird by &ar8er $ee. Al#a (i!- 'c-""l Mr. Bras4er 1"t4 :ra e classroom )all "01" I obser@e t4e classroom settin:, an learne t4e 5ays to be an e==ecti@e teac4er in t4e classroom. I 4el8e assist t4e classroom by :ra in: stu ent9s 'n:lis4 8a8ers, an 4el8e stu ent teac4 once.

11430 Burton Way Roscommon, MI 48653 !8!.!15."1!" blasius1rj@alma.e u 0a:e "

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