Carbon Cycle and The Greenhouse Effect

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APES- Carbon Cycle and the Greenhouse Effect

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Name: __________________________________
Influential Greenhouse Gases: For each of the following, list WHAT they are, WHERE they
are found and HOW they affect climate
Carbon Dioxide (CO2):
Methane (CH4):
Nitrous Oxide (N2O):
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6):
Draw a diagram and label to EXPLAIN the greenhouse effect:
What? colorless, odorless gas consisting of molecules made up of two oxygen
atoms and one carbon atom.
Where? produced when an organic carbon compound or fossilized organic
(such as coal, oil) is burned in the presence of oxygen.
How? Removed from atmosphere during respiration.
What? made up of four hydrogen atoms and one
carbon atom.
Where? Organic matter decomposes in low oxygen
environments. Natural sources include wetlands,
swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans.
How? mining of fossil fuels and transportation of natural
What? sweetish odor, commonly known as laughing gas.
Where? Ocean and rainforest.
How? of fertilizers in agriculture, nylon and nitric acid production,
What? Potent greenhouse gas.
Where? Atmosphere.
How? Electrical insulation, current interruption, and arc
The sun drives Earths climate by emitting energy in the form of sunlgiht. Sunlight is solar radiation vissible
and smaller portion as UV. Clouds reects Earth Surface, solar rediation back out to space. Som of the UV
is absorbed in the atmosphere.
Explain how the Carbon Cycle is involved in global climate change:
What are Carbon SOURCES and SINKS?
How does deforestation increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Explain.
How do the oceans absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere and how does this affect the
Explain how the industrial revolution has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the
According to the graph, which country is the biggest contributor to global carbon emissions
Reservoirs, processes which release CO2 into the atmosphere are called sources,
and processes which remove CO2 from the atmosphere are called sinks.
GHGs, CO2 is of greatest concern because it contributes the
most to the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and climate change.
organic material is stored in the terrestrial biosphere-it is one of the main reservoirs for
carbon. I
Plants removes Co2 through the process of photosythesis, without plants the amount of CO2 incraes.
Oceans store very large amounts of carbon - about 50 times more than is in the atmosphere or terrestrial
organisms within the marine biosphere photosynthesize and respire CO2.
humans have been burning these fossil fuels, releasing the carbon from them back into the atmosphere as CO2.
United States

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