Decision Science - MCQ

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The document discusses multiple choice questions related to decision science and linear programming problems.

The different types of decision making environments are decision making under uncertainty, decision making under certainty, and decision making under risk.

The steps involved in the decision making process are define the problem, identify possible outcomes, list payoffs, compute the posterior probabilities.

Decision Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The application of OR techniques involves approach
a) Individual
b) Team
c) Critical
d) None of the above
Answer- : (b)
2. Opportunity loss refers to
a) the expected value of a bad decision.
b) the expected loss from a bad decision.
c) the difference between the actual payoff and the optimal payoff.
d) the reret from not havin made a decision.
3. !ll of the followin are steps in the decision"ma#in process $%C$&T'
a) (efine the problem
b) Compute the posterior probabilities
c) Identify possible outcomes
d) )ist payoffs
. *hich of the followin is +are, types of decision"ma#in environments-
a) (ecision ma#in under uncertainty
b) (ecision ma#in under certainty
c) (ecision ma#in under ris#
d) !ll of the above
Answer "' +d)
!. ! ood decision always implies that we
a) will obtain the best final results
b) have used appropriate quantitative analysis.
c) have followed a loical process.
d) have based the decision on all available appropriate information.
Answer-: (c) have followed a loical process.
". *hich of the followin miht be viewed as an .optimistic. decision criterion-
a) /urwic0 criterion
b) 1aximin
c) 1aximax
d) 1inimax
#. (ecision alternatives
a) should be identified before decision criteria are established.
b) are limited to quantitative solutions
c) are evaluated as a part of the problem definition stae.
d) are best enerated by brain"stormin.
$. The equally li#ely decision criterion is also #nown as
a) 2ayes3.
b) )aplace.
c) minimax.
d) /urwic0.
Answer-: (b)
%. *hich of the followin is a property of all linear prorammin problems-
a) alternate courses of action to choose from
b) minimi0ation of some ob4ective
c) a computer proram
d) usae of raphs in the solution
1&. ! point that satisfies all of a problem3s constraints simultaneously is a+n,
a) maximum profit point.
b) corner point.
c) intersection of the profit line and a constraint.
d) None of the above
Answer-: (d)
11. The first step in formulatin an )& problem is
a) 5raph the problem.
b) 6nderstand the manaerial problem bein faced.
c) Identify the ob4ective and the constraints.
d) (efine the decision variables.
Answer-:(b) understand the manaerial problem bein faced.
12. )& theory states that the optimal solution to any problem will lie at
a) the oriin.
b) a corner point of the feasible reion.
c) the hihest point of the feasible reion.
d) the lowest point in the feasible reion.
13. Consider the followin linear prorammin problem'
1aximi0e 78% 9 7:;
<ub4ect to'
=% 9 >; ch? @A =B:
8% 9 >; ch? @A >C:
all variables DA :
*hich of the followin points +%E;, could be a feasible corner point-
a) +=:E=B,
b) +78:E:,
c) +7B:E78:,
d) +>:E>C,
Answer-: (b)
1. 1anaement science and operations research both involve
a) qualitative manaerial s#ills.
b) quantitative approaches to decision ma#in.
c) operational manaement s#ills.
d) scientific research as opposed to applications.
Answer-: (b)
1!. *hich of the followin does not represent a factor a manaer miht consider when
employin linear prorammin for a production schedulin-
a) labor capacity
b) employee s#ill levels
c) warehouse limitations
d) none of the above
Answer-: (d) none of the above
1". The quantitative analysis approach requires
a) the manaer3s prior experience with a similar problem.
b) a relatively uncomplicated problem.
c) mathematical expressions for the relationships.
d) each of the above is true.
Answer-: (c)
1#. In labor plannin formulationE how would you write the constraint that there are only 7: full"
time tellers +labeled as T, available-
a) T 9 7: D :
b) T D 7:
c) T F7:
d) !ll of the above are correct ways.
1$. ! type of linear prorammin problem that is used in mar#etin is called the
a) media selection problem.
b) 1adison !venue problem.
c) mar#etin allocation problem.
d) all of the above
Answer-: (a)
1%. The maximi0ation or minimi0ation of a quantity is the
a) oal of manaement science.
b) decision for decision analysis.
c) constraint of operations research.
d) ob4ective of linear prorammin.
Answer-: (d) ob4ective of linear prorammin.
2&. (ecision variables
a) tell how much or how many of somethin to produceE investE purchaseE hireE etc.
b) represent the values of the constraints.
c) measure the ob4ective function.
d) must exist for each constraint.
Answer-: (a)
21. *hich of the followin is a valid ob4ective function for a linear prorammin problem-
a) 1ax Gxy
b) 1in =x 9 >y 9 +8H>,0
c) 1ax Gx89 Cy8
d) 1in +x7 9 x8,Hx>
Answer-: (b)
22. *hich of the followin statements is NOT true-
a) ! feasible solution satisfies all constraints.
b) !n optimal solution satisfies all constraints.
c) !n infeasible solution violates all constraints.
d) ! feasible solution point does not have to lie on the boundary of the feasible reion.
Answer-: (c)
23. ! solution that satisfies all the constraints of a linear prorammin problem except the non"
neativity constraints is called
a) optimal.
b) feasible.
c) infeasible.
d) semi"feasible.
Answer-: (c)
2. In convertin a less"than"or"equal constraint for use in a simplex tableE we must add
a) a surplus variable.
b) a slac# variable.
c) an artificial variable.
d) both a surplus and a slac# variable.
Answer-: (b)
2!. <lac#
a) Is the difference between the left and riht sides of a constraint.
b) Is the amount by which the left side of a F constraint is smaller than the riht side.
c) Is the amount by which the left side of a I constraint is larer than the riht side.
d) $xists for each variable in a linear prorammin problem.
Answer-: (b)
2". 6nboundedness is usually a sin that the )& problem
a) has finite multiple solutions.
b) is deenerate.
c) contains too many redundant constraints.
d) has been formulated improperly.
Answer-: (d)
2#. To find the optimal solution to a linear prorammin problem usin the raphical method
a) find the feasible point that is the farthest away from the oriin.
b) find the feasible point that is at the hihest location.
c) find the feasible point that is closest to the oriin.
d) None of the alternatives is correct.
Answer-: (d)
2$. *hich of the followin special cases does not require reformulation of the problem in order
to obtain a solution-
a) alternate optimality
b) infeasibility
c) unboundedness
d) each case requires a reformulation.
Answer-: (a)
2%. *henever all the constraints in a linear proram are expressed as equalitiesE the linear
proram is said to be written in
a) standard form.
b) bounded form.
c) feasible form.
d) alternative form.
Answer-: (a)
3&. In applyin Joel3s approximation method to a profit maximi0ation problemE row and column
penalties are determined by'
a) findin the larest unit cost in each row or column.
b) findin the smallest unit cost in each row or column.
c) findin the difference between the two lowest unit costs in each row and column.
d) findin the difference between the two hihest unit costs in each row and column.
Answer-: (d)
31. The northwest corner rule requires that we start allocatin units to shippin routes in the'
a) middle cell.
b) )ower riht corner of the table.
c) 6pper riht corner of the table.
d) 6pper left"hand corner of the table.
32. In a transportation problemE when the number of occupied routes is less than the number of
rows plus the number of columns "7E we say that the solution is'
a) 6nbalanced.
b) (eenerate.
c) Infeasible.
d) Optimal.
Answer-: (c)
33. The only restriction can be placed on the initial solution of a transportation problem is that'
a) must have non0ero quantities in a ma4ority of the boxes.
b) all constraints must be satisfied.
c) demand must equal supply.
d) must have a number +equal to the number of rows plus the number of columns minus
one, of boxes which contain non0ero quantities.
Answer-: (b)
3. The table
represents a solution that is'
a) an initial solution.
b) Infeasible.
c) deenerate.
d) all of the above
Answer-: (c)
3!. *hich of the followin is used to come up with a solution to the assinment problem-
a) 1O(I method
b) northwest corner method
c) steppin"stone method
d) /unarian method
Answer-: (d)
3". The raph that plots the utility value versus monetary value is called'
a) utility curve.
b) decision tree raph.
c) )aplace curve.
d) benefit curve.
3#. *hat is wron with the followin table-
a) The solution is infeasible.
b) The solution is deenerate.
c) The solution is unbounded.
d) Nothin is wron.
Answer-: (a)
3$. The solution presented in the followin table is
a) infeasible
b) deenerate
c) unbounded
d) Optimal
3%. The solution shown
was obtained by Joel3s approximation. The difference between the ob4ective function for this
solution and that for the optimal is
a) =:
b) C:
c) B:
d) 7::
Answer-: (c)
&. *hich method usually ives a very ood solution to the assinment problem-
a) northwest corner rule
b) Joel3s approximation method
c) 1O(I method
d) steppin"stone method
1. Infeasibility means that the number of solutions to the linear prorammin models that
satisfies all constraints is
a) at least 7.
b) :.
c) an infinite number.
d) at least 8.
Answer-: (b)
2. The steppin"stone method requires that one or more artificially occupied cells with a flow of
0ero be created in the transportation tableau when the number of occupied cells is fewer
a) m 9 n K 8
b) m 9 n K 7
c) m 9 n
d) m 9 n 9 7
Answer-: (b)
3. The per"unit chane in the ob4ective function associated with assinin flow to an unused
arc in the transportation simplex method is called the
a) net evaluation index.
b) deenerate value.
c) opportunity loss.
d) simplex multiplier.
Answer-: (a)
. The difference between the transportation and assinment problems is that
a) total supply must equal total demand in the transportation problem
b) the number of oriins must equal the number of destinations in the transportation
c) each supply and demand value is 7 in the assinment problem
d) there are many differences between the transportation and assinment problems
Answer-: (c)
!. !n example of a heuristic is the
a) minimum"cost method.
b) steppin"stone method.
c) /unarian method.
d) 1O(I method.
Answer-: (a)
". ! solution to a transportation problem that has less than m 9 n K 7 cells with positive
allocations in the transportation table is
a) an optimal solution.
b) an initial feasible solution.
c) a minimum"cost solution.
d) a deenerate solution.
#. 6sin the transportation simplex methodE the optimal solution to the transportation problem
has been found when
a) there is a shipment in every cell.
b) more than one steppin"stone path is available.
c) there is a tie for outoin cell.
d) the net evaluation index for each unoccupied cell is I :.
Answer-: (d)
$. Identifyin the outoin arc in &hase II of the transportation simplex method is performed
usin the
a) minimum cost method.
b) 1O(I method.
c) steppin"stone method.
d) matrix reduction method.
Answer-: (c)
%. To use the transportation simplex methodE a transportation problem that is unbalanced
requires the use of
a) artificial variables.
b) one or more transshipment nodes.
c) a dummy oriin or destination.
d) matrix reduction.
Answer-: (c) a dummy oriin or destination.
!&. The problem which deals with the distribution of oods from several sources to several
destinations is the
a) maximal flow problem
b) transportation problem
c) assinment problem
d) shortest"route problem
Answer-: (b)
!1. The parts of a networ# that represent the oriins are
a) the capacities
b) the flows
c) the nodes
d) the arcs
Answer-: (c)
!2. The optimal solution is found in an assinment matrix when the minimum number of straiht
lines needed to cover all the 0eros equals
a) +the number of aents, K 7.
b) +the number of aents,.
c) +the number of aents, 9 7.
d) +the number of aents, 9 +the number of tas#s,.
Answer-: (b)
!3. The ob4ective of the transportation problem is to
a) identify one oriin that can satisfy total demand at the destinations and at the same time
minimi0e total shippin cost.
b) minimi0e the number of oriins used to satisfy total demand at the destinations.
c) minimi0e the number of shipments necessary to satisfy total demand at the destinations.
d) minimi0e the cost of shippin products from several oriins to several destinations.
Answer-: (d)
!. The 1O(I method is used to
a) identify an outoin arc.
b) identify an incomin arc.
c) identify unoccupied cells.
d) identify an initial feasible solution.
!!. *hich of the followin is not true reardin the linear prorammin formulation of a
transportation problem-
a) Costs appear only in the ob4ective function.
b) The number of variables is +number of oriins, L +number of destinations,.
c) The number of constraints is +number of oriins, L +number of destinations,.
d) The constraints3 left"hand side coefficients are either : or 7.
Answer-: (c)
!". In the eneral linear prorammin model of the assinment problemE
a) one aent can do parts of several tas#s.
b) one tas# can be done by several aents.
c) each aent is assined to its own best tas#.
d) one aent is assined to one and only one tas#.
Answer-: (d)
!#. *hich of the followin is not true reardin an )& model of the assinment problem- M
a) Costs appear in the ob4ective function only.
b) !ll constraints are of the I form.
c) !ll constraint left"hand side coefficient values are 7.
d) !ll decision variable values are either : or 7.
Answer-: (b)
!$. The assinment problem constraint x>7 9 x>8 9 x>> 9 x>= F 8 means
a) aent > can be assined to 8 tas#s.
b) aent 8 can be assined to > tas#s.
c) a mixture of aents 7E 8E >E and = will be assined to tas#s.
d) there is no feasible solution.
Answer-: (a)
!%. The assinment problem is a special case of the
a) transportation problem.
b) transshipment problem.
c) maximal flow problem.
d) shortest"route problem.
Answer-: (a)
"&. The field of manaement science
a) concentrates on the use of quantitative methods to assist in decision ma#in.
b) approaches decision ma#in rationallyE with techniques based on the scientific method.
c) is another name for decision science and for operations research.
d) each of the above is true.
Answer-: (d)
"1. Identification and definition of a problem
a) cannot be done until alternatives are proposed.
b) is the first step of decision ma#in.
c) is the final step of problem solvin.
d) requires consideration of multiple criteria.
Answer-: (b)
"2. The quantitative analysis approach requires
a) the manaerNs prior experience with a similar problem.
b) a relatively uncomplicated problem.
c) mathematical expressions for the relationships.
d) each of the above is true.
Answer-: (c)
"3. !rcs in a transshipment problem
a) must connect every node to a transshipment node.
b) represent the cost of shipments.
c) indicate the direction of the flow.
d) !ll of the alternatives are correct.
Answer-: (c)
". ! physical model that does not have the same physical appearance as the ob4ect bein
modeled is
a) an analo model.
b) an iconic model.
c) a mathematical model.
d) a qualitative model.
Answer-: (a)
"!. 1anaement science and operations research both involve
a) qualitative manaerial s#ills.
b) quantitative approaches to decision ma#in.
c) operational manaement s#ills.
d) scientific research as opposed to applications.
Answer-: (b)
"". 5eore (ant0i is important in the history of manaement science because he developed
a) the scientific manaement revolution.
b) *orld *ar II operations research teams.
c) the simplex method for linear prorammin.
d) powerful diital computers.
Answer-: (c)
"#. ! model that uses a system of symbols to represent a problem is called
a) mathematical.
b) iconic.
c) analo.
d) constrained.
Answer-: (a)
"$. The number of units shipped from oriin i to destination 4 is represented by
a) xi4.
b) x4i.
c) ci4.
d) c4i.
Answer- a)
"%. *hich of the followin special cases does not require reformulation of the problem in order
to obtain a solution-
a) alternate optimality
b) infeasibility
c) unboundedness
d) each case requires a reformulation.
Answer-: (a)
#&. The rane of feasibility measures
a) the riht"hand"side values for which the ob4ective function value will not chane.
b) the riht"hand"side values for which the values of the decision variables will not
c) the riht"hand"side values for which the dual prices will not chane.
d) each of the above is true.
Answer-: (c)
#1. The amount that the ob4ective function coefficient of a decision variable would have to
improve before that variable would have a positive value in the solution is the
a) dual price.
b) surplus variable.
c) reduced cost.
d) upper limit.
Answer-: (c)
#2. The values in the c 4 " 0 4 E or net evaluationE row indicate
a) the value of the ob4ective function.
b) the decrease in value of the ob4ective function that will result if one unit of the variable
correspondin to the 4th column of the ! matrix is brouht into the basis.
c) the net chane in the value of the ob4ective function that will result if one unit of the
variable correspondin to the 4th column of the ! matrix is brouht into the basis.
d) the values of the decision variables.
Answer- : (c )
#3. In the simplex methodE a tableau is optimal only if all the c4 O 04 values are
a) 0ero or neative.
b) 0ero.
c) neative and non0ero.
d) positive and non0ero.
Answer- : (a )
#. Por the basic feasible solution to remain optimal
a) all c4 " 04 values must remain :.
b) no ob4ective function coefficients are allowed to chane.
c) the value of the ob4ective function must not chane.
d) each of the above is true.
Answer- : (a )
#!. The dual variable represents
a) the marinal value of the constraint
b) the riht"hand"side value of the constraint
c) the artificial variable
d) the technical coefficient of the constraint
Answer- : (a )
#". The parts of a networ# that represent the oriins are
a) the axes
b) the flow
c) the nodes
d) the arrows
Answer- : (c )
##. The number of units shipped from oriin i to destination 4 is represented by
a) xi4.
b) x4i.
c) ci4.
d) c4i.
Answer- : (a )
#$. <lac#
a) is the difference between the left and riht sides of a constraint.
b) is the amount by which the left side of a @ constraint is smaller than the riht side.
c) is the amount by which the left side of a D constraint is larer than the riht side.
d) exists for each variable in a linear prorammin problem.
Answer-: (b)
#%. The difference between the transportation and assinment problems is that
a) total supply must equal total demand in the transportation problem
b) the number of oriins must equal the number of destinations in the transportation
c) each supply and demand value is 7 in the assinment problem
d) there are many differences between the transportation and assinment problems
Answer- : (c )
$&. The critical path
a) is any path that oes from the startin node to the completion node.
b) is a combination of all paths.
c) is the shortest path.
d) is the lonest path.
Answer- : (d )
$1. Operations research analysts do not
a) &redict future operations
b) 2uild more than one model
c) Collect relevant data
d) Recommend decision and accept
Answer- : (a )
$2. (ecision variables are
a) Controllable
b) 6ncontrollable
c) &arameters
d) None of the above
Answer- : (a )
$3. ! model is
a) !n essence of reality
b) !n approximation
c) !n ideali0ationN
d) !ll of the above
Answer- :(d )
$. ! physical model is an example of
a) !n iconic model
b) !n analoue model
c) ! verbal model
d) ! mathematical model
Answer- : (a )
$!. $very mathematical model
a) 1ust be deterministic
b) Requires computer aid for solution.
c) Represents data in numerical form
d) !ll of the above
Answer- : (c )
$". Operations research approach is
a) 1ulti disciplinary
b) <cientific
c) Intuitive
d) !ll of the above
Answer- : (a )
$#. In an assinment problemE
a) one aent can do parts of several tas#s.
b) one tas# can be done by several aents.
c) each aent is assined to its own best tas#.
d) None of the alternatives is correct.
Answer- : (d )
$$. !n optimi0ation model
a) 1athematically provides best decision
b) &rovides decision with limited context
c) /elps in evaluatin various alternatives constantly
d) !ll of the above
Answer- : (d )
$%. Operations research is applied
a) 1ilitary
b) 2usiness
c) !dministrationN
d) !ll of the above
Answer- : (d )
%&. Operations Research techniques helps to find ..solution
a, Peasible
b, Non feasible
c, Optimal
d, Non optimal
Answer- : (c )
%1. OR provides solution only if the elements are
a) Quantified
b) Qualified
c) Peasible
d) Optimal
Answer- : (a )
%2. . Theory is an important operations research technique to analy0e the queuin
a) *aitin line
b) Net wor#
c) (ecision
d) <imulation
Answer- : (a )
%3. model involves all forms of diarams
a) iconic
b) mathematical
c) analoue
d) schematic
Answer- : (a )
%. . . Is #nown as symbolic model
a) Iconic
b) 1athematical
c) !naloue
d) None of the above
Answer- : (b )
%!. ! map indicates roadsE hihwaysE towns and the interrelationship is an model
a) Iconic
b) mathematical
c) analoue
d) none of the above
Answer- : (c )
%". Constraints in an )& model represent
a) )imitations
b) Requirements
c) 2alancin limitation
d) all of the above
Answer- : (d )
%#. )inear prorammin is a
a) Constraint optimi0ation technique
b) Technique for economic allocation of limited resources.
c) 1athematical technique
d) all of the above
Answer- : (d )
%$. ! constraint in an )& model restricts
a) Jalue of ob4ective function
b) Jalue of decision variable
c) 6se of available resource
d) all of the above
Answer- : (d )
%%. .. is an important Operations research technique to be used for determinin
optimal allocation of limited resources to meet the iven ob4ectives.
a) *aitin line theory
b) Net wor# analysis
c) (ecision analysis
d) )inear prorammin
Answer- : (d )
1&&. The best use of linear prorammin technique is to find an optimal use of
a) 1oney
b) 1an power
c) 1achine
d) all of the above
Answer- : (d )
1&1. 5iven the followin table that presents the solution for a queuin problem with a
constant service rateE on the averaeE how many customers are in the system-
a) :.BR>
b) :.?7=
c) 7.C:?
d) :.>?G
Answer-: (c)
1&2. 5iven the followin table that presents the solution for a queuin problem with a
constant service rateE on the averaeE how many minutes does a customer spend in the
service facility-
a) :.BR> minutes
b) :.>87 minutes
c) :.?7= minutes
d) 7.C:? minutes
Answer-: (b)
1&3. 5iven the followin table that presents the solution for a queuin problem with a
constant service rateE what percentae of available service time is actually used-
a) :.87?
b) :.C=>
c) :.>87
d) none of the above
Answer-: (d)
1&. *hich of the followin is usually the most difficult cost to determine-
a) service cost
b) facility cost
c) callin cost
d) waitin cost
Answer-: (d)
1&!. 5iven the followin table that presents the solution for a queuin problem with a
constant service rateE the probability that the server is idle is
e) :.87?
') :.C=>
() :.8BC
h) :.?7=
Answer-: (c)
1&". 1ar#ov analysis is a technique that deals with the probabilities of future occurrences by
a) usin 2ayes3 theorem.
b) analy0in presently #nown probabilities.
c) time series forecastin.
d) the maximal flow technique.
Answer-: (b)
1&#. (ecision ma#ers in queuin situations attempt to balance
i) operatin characteristics aainst the arrival rate.
)) service levels aainst service cost.
*) the number of units in the system aainst the time in the system.
l) the service rate aainst the arrival rate.
Answer-: (b)
1&$. The manner in which units receive their serviceE such as PCP<E is the
+) queue discipline.
n) channel.
o) steady state.
p) operatin characteristic.
Answer-: (a)
1&%. *hat queue discipline is assumed by the waitin line models presented in the textboo#-
,) first"come first"served.
r) last"in first"out.
s) shortest processin time first.
t) No discipline is assumed.
Answer-: (a)
11&. In 1ar#ov analysisE we are concerned with the probability that the
u) state is part of a system.
-) system is in a particular state at a iven time.
w) time has reached a steady state.
.) transition will occur.
Answer-: (b)
111. Por a situation with wee#ly dinin at either an Italian or 1exican restaurantE
a) the wee#ly visit is the trial and the restaurant is the state.
b) the wee#ly visit is the state and the restaurant is the trial.
c) the wee#ly visit is the trend and the restaurant is the transition.
d) the wee#ly visit is the transition and the restaurant is the trend.
Answer-: (a)
112. ! transition probability describes
a) the probability of a success in repeatedE independent trials.
b) the probability a system in a particular state now will be in a specific state next period.
c) the probability of reachin an absorbin state.
d) None of the alternatives is correct.
Answer-: (b)
113. &erformance measures dealin with the number of units in line and the time spent
waitin are called
/) queuin facts.
0) performance queues.
aa) system measures.
bb)operatin characteristic.
Answer-: (d)
11. The probability of oin from state 7 in period 8 to state = in period > is
a) p78
b) p8>
c) p7=
d) p=>
Answer-: (c)
11!. The probability that a system is in a particular state after a lare number of periods is
a) independent of the beinnin state of the system.
b) dependent on the beinnin state of the system.
c) equal to one half.
d) the same for every endin system.
Answer-: (a)
11". !nalysis of a 1ar#ov process
a) describes future behavior of the system.
b) optimi0es the system.
c) leads to hiher order decision ma#in.
d) !ll of the alternatives are true.
Answer-: (a)
11#. If the probability of ma#in a transition from a state is :E then that state is called a+n,
a) steady state.
b) final state.
c) oriin state.
d) absorbin state.
Answer-: d, absorbin state.
11$. !bsorbin state probabilities are the same as
a) steady state probabilities.
b) transition probabilities.
c) fundamental probabilities.
d) None of the alternatives is true.
Answer-: (d)
11%. 1ar#ov analysis miht be effectively used for
a) technoloy transfer studies.
b) university retention analysis.
c) accounts receivable analysis.
d) all of the above
Answer-: (d)
12&. The followin is not an assumption of 1ar#ov analysis.
a) There is an infinite number of possible states.
b) The probability of chanin states remains the same over time.
c) +a, and +d,
d) *e can predict any future state from the previous state and the matrix of transition
121. The total cost for a waitin line does NOT specifically depend on
cc) the cost of waitin.
dd) the cost of service.
ee) the number of units in the system.
'') the cost of a lost customer.
Answer-: (d)
122. 1ar#ov analysis assumes that conditions are both
a) complementary and collectively exhaustive.
b) collectively dependent and complementary.
c) collectively dependent and mutually exclusive.
d) collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive.
Answer-: (d)
123. OccasionallyE a state is entered which will not allow oin to another state in the future.
This is called
a) an equilibrium state.
b) stable mobility.
c) mar#et saturation.
d) none of the above
Answer-: (d)
12. 1ar#ov analysis is a technique that deals with the probabilities of future occurrences by
e) usin 2ayes3 theorem.
') analy0in presently #nown probabilities.
() time series forecastin.
h) the maximal flow technique.
Answer-: (b)
12!. In 1ar#ov analysisE the li#elihood that any system will chane from one period to the
next is revealed by the
a) identity matrix.
b) transition"elasticities.
c) matrix of state probabilities.
d) matrix of transition probabilities.
Answer-: (d)
12". The condition that a system can be in only one state at any point in time is #nown as
a) Transient state.
b) !bsorbent condition.
c) 1utually exclusive condition.
d) Collectively exhaustive condition.
12#. !t any period nE the state probabilities for the next period n97 is iven by the followin
a) n+n97,An+n,&n
b) n+n97,An+:,&
c) n+n97,A+n97,&
d) n+n97,An+n,&
Answer-: (d) n+n97,An+n,&
12$. If we decide to use 1ar#ov analysis to study the transfer of technoloyE
a) our study will be methodoloically flawed.
b) our study will have only limited value because the 1ar#ov analysis tells us .what. will
happenE but not .why..
c) we can only study the transitions amon three different technoloies.
d) only constant chanes in the matrix of transition probabilities can be handled in the
simple model.
Answer-: (b)
12%. The followin data consists of a matrix of transition probabilities +&, of three competin
companiesE the initial mar#et share state 7CS7:.if+7,E and the equilibrium probability states.
!ssume that each state represents a firm +Company 7E Company 8E and Company >E
respectively, and the transition probabilities represent chanes from one month to the next.
The mar#et share of Company 7 in the next period is
a) :.7:
b) :.8:
c) :.=8
d) :.=?
Answer-: (d)
13&. 1ar#ov analysis assumes that the states are both SSSSSSSSSS and SSSSSSSSSS.
a) finiteE recurrent
b) infiniteE absorbin
c) enerally inclusiveE always independent
d) collectively exhaustiveE mutually exclusive
Answer-: (d)
131. ! simulation model uses the mathematical expressions and loical relationships of the
(()real system.
hh)computer model.
ii) performance measures.
))) estimated inferences.
Answer-: (a)
132. The SSSSSSSS determine+s, the equilibrium of a 1ar#ov process.
a) oriinal state probabilities
b) state vector
c) transition matrix
d) fundamental matrix P
Answer-: (c)
133. Jalues for the probabilistic inputs to a simulation
a) are selected by the decision ma#er.
b) are controlled by the decision ma#er.
c) are randomly enerated based on historical information.
d) are calculated by fixed mathematical formulas.
Answer-: (c)
13. ! quantity that is difficult to measure with certainty is called a
a) ris# analysis.
b) pro4ect determinant.
c) probabilistic input.
d) profitHloss process.
Answer-: (c)
13!. ! value for probabilistic input from a discrete probability distribution
a) is the value iven by the R!N(+, function.
b) is iven by matchin the probabilistic input with an interval of random numbers.
c) is between : and 7.
d) must be non"neative.
Answer-: (b)
13". The number of units expected to be sold is uniformly distributed between >:: and G::. If
r is a random number between : and 7E then the proper expression for sales is
a) 8::+r,
b) r 9 >::
c) >:: 9 G::+r,
d) >:: 9 r+8::,
Answer-: (d)
13#. Common features of simulations""eneratin values from probability distributionsE
maintainin recordsE recordin data and summari0in results""led to the development of
a) $xcel and )otus.
b) 2!<ICE PORTR!NE &!<C!)E and C.
c) 5&<<E <I1<CRI&TE <)!1E and !rena
d) )IN(O and The 1anaement <cientist
Answer-: (c)
13$. In order to verify a simulation model
a) compare results from several simulation lanuaes.
b) be sure that the procedures for calculations are loically correct.
c) confirm that the model accurately represents the real system.
d) run the model lon enouh to overcome initial start"up results.
Answer-:( b)
7. <imulation
a) does not uarantee optimality.
b) is flexible and does not require the assumptions of theoretical models.
c) allows testin of the system without affectin the real system.
d) !ll of the alternatives are correct.
Answer-: d) !ll of the alternatives are correct.
2. ! simulation model used in situations where the state of the system at one point in time
does not affect the state of the system at future points in time is called a
a) dynamic simulation model.
b) static simulation model.
c) steady"state simulation model.
d) discrete"event simulation model.
Answer-: b) static simulation model.
3. *hen events occur at discrete points in time
a) a simulation cloc# is required.
b) the simulation advances to the next event.
c) the model is a discrete"event simulation.
d) !ll of the alternatives are correct.
Answer-: d) !ll of the alternatives are correct.
. The process of determinin that the computer procedure that performs the simulation
calculations is loically correct is called
a) implementation.
b) validation.
c) verification.
d) repetition.
Answer-: c) verification.
!. Numerical values that appear in the mathematical relationships of a model and are
considered #nown and remain constant over all trials of a simulation are
a) parameters.
b) probabilistic input.
c) controllable input.
d) events.
Answer-: a) parameters.
". The word .uniform. in the term .uniform random numbers. means
a) all the numbers have the same number of diits.
b) if one number isE sayE 7: units above the meanE the next number will be 7: units below
the mean.
c) all the numbers are odd or all are even.
d) each number has an equal probability of bein drawn.
Answer-: d) each number has an equal probability of bein drawn.
#. The first step in simulation is to
a) set up possible courses of action for testin.
b) construct a numerical model.
c) validate the model.
d) define the problem.
Answer-: d) define the problem.
$. *hich of the followin are disadvantaes of simulation-
a) inability to analy0e lare and complex real"world situations
b) .time compression. capability
c) could be disruptive by interferin with the real"world system
d) is not usually easily transferable to other problems
Answer-: d) is not usually easily transferable to other problems
%. Cumulative probabilities are found by
a) summin all the probabilities associated with a variable.
b) simulatin the initial probability distribution.
c) summin all the previous probabilities up to the current value of the variable.
d) any method one chooses.
Answer-: c) summin all the previous probabilities up to the current value of the variable.
1&. *hich of the followin statements is INCORR$CT reardin the advantaes of simulation-
a) <imulation is relatively easy to explain and understand.
b) <imulation uarantees an optimal solution.
c) <imulation models are flexible.
d) ! simulation model provides a convenient experimental laboratory for the real system.
Answer-: b) <imulation uarantees an optimal solution.
11. If we are oin to simulate an inventory problemE we must
a) Run the simulation for many days.
b) Run the simulation for many days many timesE i.e.E usin multiple sets of random
c) Run the simulation many timesE i.e.E usin multiple sets of random numbers.
d) Run the simulation onceE for a relative short period of time.
Answer-: b) run the simulation for many days many timesE i.e.E usin multiple sets of random
12. <imulation should be thouht of as a technique for
a) obtainin a relatively inexpensive solution to a problem.
b) increasin one3s understandin of a problem.
c) obtainin an optimal solution to a problem.
d) providin quic# and dirty answers to complex problems.
Answer-: b) increasin one3s understandin of a problem.
13. In assinin random numbers in a 1onte Carlo simulationE it is important to SSSSSSSS.
a) develop cumulative probability distributions
b) use random numbers from a random number table
c) use only a sinle set of random numbers
d) use $xcel spreadsheets
Answer-:a) develop cumulative probability distributions
1. To simulate is to try to SSSSSSSSSS the featuresE appearanceE and characteristics of a real
a) (evelop
b) !naly0e
c) 1ultiply
d) (uplicate
Answer-:d) (uplicate
1!. The three types of mathematical simulation models are
a) operational aminE 1onte CarloE systems simulation
b) 1onte CarloE queuinE maintenance policy.
c) 1onte CarloE systems simulationE computer amin.
d) system simulationE operational aminE weather forecastin.
Answer-: a) operational aminE 1onte CarloE systems simulation
1". *hich of the followin as an assumption of an )& model
a) (ivisibility
b) &roportionality
c) !dditively
d) all of the above
Answer- : d )
1#. 1ost of the constraints in the linear prorammin problem are expressed as .
a) $quality
b) Inequality
c) 6ncertain
d) all of the above
Answer- : b )
1$. ! feasible solution to a linear prorammin problem
a) 1ust satisfy all problem constraints simultaneously
b) Need not satisfy all constraints
c) 1ust be a corner point of the feasible reion
d) 1ust optimi0e the value of the ob4ective function
Answer- : a )
1%. *hile plottin constraints on a raph paperE terminal points on both axes are connected by a
straiht line because
a) The resources are limited in supply
b) The ob4ective function is a linear function
c) The constraints are linear equations or in equalities
d) all of the above
Answer- : c )
2&. Constraints in )& problem are called active if they
a) Represent optimal solution
b) !t optimality do not consume all the available resources
c) 2oth of +a, and +b,
d) None of the above
Answer- : a )
21. The solution space of a )& problem is unbounded due to
a) !n incorrect formulation of the )& model
b) Ob4ective function is unbounded
c) Neither +a, nor +b,
d) 2oth +a, and +b,
Answer- : c )
22. The raphical method of )& problem uses
a) Ob4ective function equation
b) Constraint equation
c) )inear equations
d) !ll the above
Answer- : d )
23. *hile solvin )& problem raphicallyE the area bounded by the constraints is called
a) Peasible reion
b) Infeasible reion
c) 6nbounded solution
d) None of the above
Answer- : a )
2. *hich of the followin is not a cateory of linear prorammin problems-
a) Resource allocation problem
b) Cost benefit trade off problem
c) (istribution networ# problem
d) !ll of the above are cateories of linear prorammin problems.
Answer- : d )
2!. *hich of the followin may not be in a linear prorammin formulation-
a) @A.
b) D.
c) A.
d) !ll the above
Answer- : b )
2". *hile solvin an )& problem infeasibility may be removed by
a) !ddin another constraint
b) !ddin another variable
c) Removin a constraint
d) Removin a variable
Answer- : c )
2#. ! linear prorammin model does not contain which of the followin components-
a) (ata
b) (ecisions
c) Constraints
d) ! spread sheet
Answer- : d )
2$. <traiht lines shown in a linear prorammin raph indicates
a) Ob4ective function
b) Constraints
c) &oints
d) !ll the above
Answer- : b )
2%. In linear prorammin problem if all constraints are less than or equal toE then the
feasible reion is
a) !bove lines
b) 2elow the lines
c) 6nbounded
d) None of the above
Answer- : b )
3&. . is a series of related activities which result in some product or services.
a) Networ#
b) transportation model
c) assinment
d) none of these
Answer- : a )
31. !ny activity which does not consume either any resource or time is called
a) &redecessor
b) <uccessor
c) (ummy
d) $nd
Answer- : c )
32. !ll neative constraints must be written as
a) $quality
b) Non equality
c) 5reater than or equal to
d) )ess than or equal to
Answer- : c )
33. !ctivities that cannot be started until one or more of the other activities are completedE but
immediately succeed them are called activities
a, &redecessor
b, <uccessor
c, (ummy
d, $nd
Answer- : b )
3. !n event which represents the beinnin of more than one activity is #nown as
a) 1ere
b) Net
c) 2urst
d) None of the above
Answer- : c )
3!. If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the raphE then
a) The problem is infeasible
b) The solution is unbounded
c) One of the constraints is redundant
d) None of the above
Answer- : d )
3". !n activity which must be completed before one or more other activities start is #nown as
a) &redecessor
b) <uccessor
c) (ummy
d) $nd
Answer- : a )
3#. Constraint in )& problem are called active if they
a) Represent optimal solution
b) !t optimality do not consume all the available resources
c) 2oth of +a, and +b,
d) None of the above
Answer- : a )
3$. *hile solvin an )& problemE infeasibility may be removed by
a) !ddin another constraint
b) !ddin another variable
c) Removin a constraint
d) Removin a variable
Answer- : c )
3%. that sequence of activities which determines the total pro4ect time.
a) Net wor#
b) Critical path
c) Critical activities
d) None of the above
Answer- : b )
&. !ctivities lyin on the critical path are called.
a) Net wor#
b) Critical path
c) Critical activities
d) None of the above
Answer- : c )
1. ..models in which the input and output variables follow a probability distribution.
a) Iconic
b) mathematical
c) analoue
d) (eterministic model
Answer- : d )
2. . $xample of probabilistic model
a) 5ame theory
b) Charts
c) 5raphs
d) !ll the above
Answer- : a )
3. !lternative solutions exists of an )& model when
a) One of the constraints is redundant.
b) Ob4ective function equation is parallel to one of the constraints
c) Two constraints are parallel.
d) all of the above
Answer- : b )
. . a method of analy0in the current movement of the same variable in an effort to
predict the future movement of the same variable.
a) 5oal prorammin
b) 1ar#ov analysis
c) Replacement theory
d) Queuin theory
Answer- : b )

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