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PREFACE Read this manual carefully to obtain a thorough knowledge of the AMNC-F for the laser machine. Be sure to follow the instructions to ensure proper procedures and prevent injuries and accidents. Do not operate the AMNC-F by guesswork. Keep the manual at hand and refer to it whenever you are not sure of how to perform any of the procedures. For the operation and maintenance of the laser machine, refer to its own operators manual.

Reference Manual: AMNC-F 2007 by AMADA CO., LTD.
No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without the prior written permission of AMADA CO., LTD.


Printed in Japan

Part I Displays................................................................................ I-1 1. Description ............................................................................. I-4 1-1. Description of display operation...................................... I-4 1-1-1. Basic operation......................................................... I-4 1-1-2. Entering letters and numerals .................................. I-4 1-1-3. Scroll bars ................................................................ I-4 1-1-4. Cursor....................................................................... I-4 1-2. Composition of displays .................................................. I-5 2. Areas common to displays..................................................... I-9 2-1. Processing status display area 1 .................................... I-9 2-2. Processing status display area 2 ................................... I-18 2-3. Data edit area................................................................. I-20 2-4. Status icons.................................................................... I-43 3. PRE-EDIT display (background)........................................... I-44 3-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT display..................... I-44 3-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT display ....................... I-45 3-3. Saving program from PRE-EDIT display ....................... I-47 3-4. Transferring job to PROGRAM display .......................... I-47 3-5. Transferring selected job................................................ I-48 3-6. Transferring schedule to SCHEDULE display................ I-48 4. SCHEDULE display .............................................................. I-49 4-1. Creating program from SCHEDULE display .................. I-50 4-2. Calling program from SCHEDULE display..................... I-50 4-3. Saving program from SCHEDULE display..................... I-52 4-4. Selecting start job........................................................... I-52 5. PROGRAM display ............................................................... I-53 5-1. Creating program from PROGRAM display ................... I-54 5-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display...................... I-54 5-3. Saving program from PROGRAM display...................... I-55 6. RESULT display.................................................................... I-56 7. UTILITY display .................................................................... I-60 7-1. G50 ................................................................................ I-61 7-2. Return to 2nd Machine Position ..................................... I-62 7-3. G00 ................................................................................ I-63 7-4. Nozzle/Head Exchange Position.................................... I-64
(Continued on next page.)


7-5. JOG Cutting ....................................................................I-66 7-6. Shuttle Exchange............................................................I-68 7-7. Adjust HS Sensor............................................................I-69 7-8. Check Assist Gas............................................................I-70 7-9. Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering ....................................I-72 7-10. Adjust Focus .................................................................I-74 7-11. Adjust WACS.................................................................I-78 7-12. Adjust AIV......................................................................I-79 7-13. Adjust Offset..................................................................I-80 7-14. Internal electric discharge .............................................I-82 7-15. Beam-Out......................................................................I-83 7-16. Clean the Nozzle Unit ...................................................I-84 7-17. Skeleton Cut .................................................................I-85 7-18. Settings .........................................................................I-88 7-19. Input error .....................................................................I-89 8. Processing condition displays ...............................................I-90 8-1. Common areas of processing condition displays ...........I-91 8-1-1. Common area 1 .......................................................I-91 8-1-2. Common area 2 .......................................................I-93 8-1-3. Common area setting operations.............................I-95 8-2. CUT display................................................................... I-101 8-2-1. Output Check display ............................................. I-103 8-3. PIERCE display ............................................................ I-104 8-4. EDGE display................................................................ I-107 8-5. LIST display ...................................................................I-110 8-5-1. Calling processing conditions.................................. I-111 8-5-2. Finding processing conditions................................. I-111 8-5-3. Copying processing conditions ...............................I-113 8-5-4. Changing material name .........................................I-113 8-5-5. Deleting processing conditions ...............................I-114 8-5-6. Exporting processing conditions .............................I-115 8-5-7. Importing processing conditions .............................I-115 8-5-8. Exporting all processing conditions at a time..........I-116 8-5-9. Importing all processing conditions at a time ..........I-117 8-6. SET LASER display .......................................................I-118 8-6-1. LASER PRM display ...............................................I-118 8-6-2. AIV display ............................................................. I-121 8-6-3. HS EDGE display................................................... I-124 8-6-4. PROBE display ...................................................... I-126 8-7. SET OPTION displays .................................................. I-128 8-8. DETAIL OFF display ..................................................... I-129


8-8-1. COND. display........................................................ I-130 8-8-2. LIST display............................................................ I-130 8-8-3. SET LASER display ............................................... I-130 9. Maintenance display ............................................................ I-131 9-1. DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT ......................................... I-132 9-1-1. Copying data .......................................................... I-133 9-1-2. Moving data............................................................ I-134 9-2. CNC MAINTENANCE ................................................... I-135 9-2-1. Reading O number ................................................. I-136 9-2-2. Writing O number ................................................... I-136 9-3. VERSION INFORMATION ............................................ I-142 9-4. EXTERNAL IO SETUP ................................................. I-143 9-5. SET ALL LASER DEFAULTS ........................................ I-144 9-6. E-MAIL NOTICE FUNCTION ........................................ I-145 9-6-1. Details of Setup of E-mail Notice display ............... I-146 9-6-2. Details of E-mail Notice Function display............... I-148 9-6-3. Details of E-mail Transmission display................... I-149 9-7. INSPECTION ................................................................ I-153 9-7-1. INSPECTION ......................................................... I-153 9-7-2. TASK ...................................................................... I-155 9-7-3. ADD ITEM .............................................................. I-156 9-7-4. NOTICE.................................................................. I-157 9-7-5. HOLIDAY................................................................ I-158 9-7-6. SETTING................................................................ I-159 9-7-7. CALENDAR............................................................ I-160 9-8. BACKUP SCHEDULER ................................................ I-161 9-9. USER SETTINGS ......................................................... I-164 9-10. APPLICATION SETTINGS.......................................... I-171 9-11. AF LASER MAINTENANCE ........................................ I-172 9-12. M LASER MAINTENANCE ......................................... I-179

Part II

Program Management ........................................................ II-1 1. Creating program ................................................................... II-3 1-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display ........................................................ II-3 1-2. Creating program from PROGRAM display .................... II-6 2. Calling program...................................................................... II-9 2-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display ........................................................ II-9
(Continued on next page.)

2-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or PROGRAM display ........................................................ II-12 3. Saving program .................................................................... II-14 3-1. Saving program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display ....................................................... II-14 3-2. Saving program from PROGRAM display ..................... II-17 4. Saving schedule ................................................................... II-20 5. Moving program.................................................................... II-22 6. Copying program .................................................................. II-25 7. Deleting program .................................................................. II-28 8. Editing program .................................................................... II-30 8-1. Searching for word......................................................... II-30 8-2. Replacing word .............................................................. II-32 8-3. Copying and pasting word ............................................. II-35 8-4. Setting multiple-part processing..................................... II-37 8-4-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display ................................................ II-39 8-4-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display............... II-41 8-4-3. Calling program from Edit display ........................... II-42 8-4-4. Example of use of Multi display............................... II-44 8-4-5. Coping inability to correct on Multi display.............. II-46 8-4-6. Changing program codes........................................ II-47 8-4-7. End position command R ........................................ II-47 8-4-8. Examples of operation ............................................ II-47 9. Searching for program .......................................................... II-54 9-1. Searching for program from Open display..................... II-54 9-2. Searching for program from Data input and output display................................................................. II-56 10. Schedule Operation ............................................................ II-58 10-1. Creating schedule ........................................................ II-58 10-2. Copying and pasting schedule..................................... II-61 10-3. Deleting schedule job................................................... II-63 10-4. Deleting all schedule jobs ............................................ II-64 11. Setting up ............................................................................ II-66 11-1. Schedule operation ...................................................... II-66 11-2. Program operation ....................................................... II-68 12. Editing processing conditions ............................................. II-69 12-1. Calling processing conditions ...................................... II-69 12-2. Editing processing conditions ...................................... II-70 12-3. Saving processing conditions ...................................... II-71 13. Types of floppy disks .......................................................... II-72


Part III

NC Codes ........................................................................... III-1 1. Description of program ......................................................... III-4 1-1. Block .............................................................................. III-4 1-2. Word............................................................................... III-4 1-3. Composition of program................................................. III-4 1-4. Main program and subprogram...................................... III-6 2. G-codes ................................................................................ III-7 2-1. Positioning (G00) ........................................................... III-9 2-2. Linear interpolation (G01) .............................................. III-9 2-3. Circular interpolation (G02, G03) .................................. III-10 2-4. Dwell (G04) ................................................................... III-11 2-5. Exact stop (G09, G61, G64) ......................................... III-11 2-6. Unloading (G10)............................................................ III-12 2-7. Piercing mode (G24) ..................................................... III-12 2-8. Auto-repositioning (G25, G27) ...................................... III-12 2-9. Assist gas selection (G31) ............................................ III-14 2-10. Z-axis tracking (G32, G33).......................................... III-14 2-11. Laser beam path compensation (G40, G41, G42)...... III-15 2-12. Automatic zero return and operation end (G50, G130) ................................................................ III-18 2-13. Regular-shaped hole macros...................................... III-19 2-13-1. Single-hole cutting (G111 to G116) ...................... III-20 2-13-2. Shape registration and continuous-hole cutting ... III-25 2-13-3. Shape registration and pattern cutting (G126, G128, G129, G136, G137)....................... III-26 2-14. Absolute and incremental programming (G90, G91) .. III-30 2-15. Coordinate system setup (G92) .................................. III-31 2-16. Offset origin setup (G93)............................................. III-32 2-17. Multiple-part processing (G75, G76, G98) .................. III-33 2-17-1. Multiple-part processing reference point and part spacing setup................................................ III-34 2-17-2. Macro store .......................................................... III-34 2-17-3. Multiple-part processing commands (G75, G76) ........................................................... III-35 2-17-4. Program examples ............................................... III-36 2-18. HS edge detection (G121, G122) ............................... III-37 2-18-1. HS edge detection calibration (G122) .................. III-38 2-18-2. Compensation by edge measurement (G121 L1 to L5) .................................................... III-41 2-18-3. Fine adjustment of measurement error ................ III-58
(Continued on next page.)


2-19. OVS (G140, G141, G149) ...........................................III-60 2-20. Scaling and coordinate rotation (G150) .......................III-79 2-21. Pipe cutting NC-codes (G08, G17, G18, G107) ..........III-80 2-21-1. NC-code restrictions and cautions ........................III-81 2-21-2. Program example..................................................III-82 3. M-codes ................................................................................III-83 3-1. Operation stop (M00, M01) ............................................III-85 3-2. End processing (M02, M30)...........................................III-85 3-3. Repositioning (M10, M11) ..............................................III-85 3-4. Worksheet thickness detection range (M20 to M29) .....III-86 3-5. Loading (M33)................................................................III-86 3-6. Two-stack unloading (M65)............................................III-86 3-7. Workchute (M80, M81, M180) .......................................III-87 3-8. Subprogram call (M96) ..................................................III-87 3-9. Subprogram end (M97)..................................................III-87 3-10. Processing mode (M100, M101)..................................III-88 3-11. Worksheet designation (M102) ....................................III-88 3-12. Laser cutting (M103, M104).........................................III-89 3-13. Shuttle pallet change (M707) .......................................III-90 3-14. Z-axis tracking sensor calibration (M722, M723, M727) ..................................................III-90 3-15. Beam on and off (M758) ..............................................III-90 3-16. Shuttle move to cleaning position (M788, M789).........III-91 3-17. Pallet set (M790, M791)...............................................III-91 3-18. Pallet pins (M792, M793) .............................................III-91 4. Other codes ..........................................................................III-92 4-1. Cutting condition (E-code) .............................................III-92 4-2. Sequence number (N-code) ..........................................III-97 4-3. Skip command (GOTO-code) ........................................III-92 4-4. Workchute (M80, M81, M180) .......................................III-93 4-5. Macro store command (U- and V-codes).......................III-93


Part I

1. Description ...................................................................................I-4 1-1. Description of display operation ............................................ I-4 1-1-1. Basic operation...............................................................I-4 1-1-2. Entering letters and numerals ........................................ I-4 1-1-3. Scroll bars ......................................................................I-4 1-1-4. Cursor.............................................................................I-4 1-2. Composition of displays ........................................................I-5 2. Areas common to displays ...........................................................I-9 2-1. Processing status display area 1 ..........................................I-9 2-2. Processing status display area 2 .........................................I-18 2-3. Data edit area.......................................................................I-20 2-4. Status icons..........................................................................I-43 3. PRE-EDIT display (background).................................................I-44 3-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT display........................... I-44 3-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT display.............................. I-45 3-3. Saving program from PRE-EDIT display..............................I-47 3-4. Transferring job to PROGRAM display ................................I-47 3-5. Transferring selected job......................................................I-48 3-6. Transferring schedule to SCHEDULE display...................... I-48 4. SCHEDULE display ....................................................................I-49 4-1. Creating program from SCHEDULE display ........................ I-50 4-2. Calling program from SCHEDULE display........................... I-50 4-3. Saving program from SCHEDULE display........................... I-52
(Continued on next page.)


4-4. Selecting start job ................................................................ I-52 5. PROGRAM display ..................................................................... I-53 5-1. Creating program from PROGRAM display......................... I-54 5-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display ........................... I-54 5-3. Saving program from PROGRAM display ........................... I-55 6. RESULT display.......................................................................... I-56 7. UTILITY display .......................................................................... I-60 7-1. G50 ...................................................................................... I-61 7-2. Return to 2nd Machine Position ........................................... I-62 7-3. G00 ...................................................................................... I-63 7-4. Nozzle/Head Exchange Position.......................................... I-64 7-5. JOG Cutting ......................................................................... I-66 7-6. Shuttle Exchange................................................................. I-68 7-7. Adjust HS Sensor................................................................. I-69 7-8. Check Assist Gas................................................................. I-70 7-9. Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering ......................................... I-72 7-10. Adjust Focus ...................................................................... I-74 7-11. Adjust WACS...................................................................... I-78 7-12. Adjust AIV........................................................................... I-79 7-13. Adjust Offset....................................................................... I-80 7-14. Internal electric discharge .................................................. I-82 7-15. Beam-Out........................................................................... I-83 7-16. Clean the Nozzle Unit ........................................................ I-84 7-17. Skeleton Cut ...................................................................... I-85 7-18. Settings .............................................................................. I-88 7-19. Input error .......................................................................... I-89 8. Processing condition displays..................................................... I-90 8-1. Common areas of processing condition displays ................ I-91 8-1-1. Common area 1 ............................................................ I-91 8-1-2. Common area 2 ............................................................ I-93 8-1-3. Common area setting operations .................................. I-95 8-2. CUT display......................................................................... I-101 8-2-1. Output Check display ................................................... I-103 8-3. PIERCE display .................................................................. I-104 8-4. EDGE display...................................................................... I-107 8-5. LIST display ........................................................................ I-110 8-5-1. Calling processing conditions....................................... I-111 8-5-2. Finding processing conditions...................................... I-111 8-5-3. Copying processing conditions .................................... I-113 8-5-4. Changing material name .............................................. I-113 8-5-5. Deleting processing conditions .................................... I-114


8-5-6. Exporting processing conditions .................................. I-115 8-5-7. Importing processing conditions................................... I-115 8-5-8. Exporting all processing conditions at a time ............... I-116 8-5-9. Importing all processing conditions at a time ............... I-117 8-6. SET LASER display ............................................................ I-118 8-6-1. LASER PRM display .................................................... I-118 8-6-2. AIV display....................................................................I-121 8-6-3. HS EDGE display .........................................................I-124 8-6-4. PROBE display.............................................................I-126 8-7. SET OPTION displays ........................................................I-128 8-8. DETAIL OFF display............................................................I-129 8-8-1. COND. display..............................................................I-130 8-8-2. LIST display..................................................................I-130 8-8-3. SET LASER display .....................................................I-130 9. Maintenance display ..................................................................I-131 9-1. DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT ...............................................I-132 9-1-1. Copying data ................................................................I-133 9-1-2. Moving data ..................................................................I-134 9-2. CNC MAINTENANCE .........................................................I-135 9-2-1. Reading O number .......................................................I-136 9-2-2. Writing O number .........................................................I-136 9-3. VERSION INFORMATION ..................................................I-142 9-4. EXTERNAL IO SETUP........................................................I-143 9-5. SET ALL LASER DEFAULTS ..............................................I-144 9-6. E-MAIL NOTICE FUNCTION ..............................................I-145 9-6-1. Details of Setup of E-mail Notice display ..................... I-146 9-6-2. Details of E-mail Notice Function display.....................I-148 9-6-3. Details of E-mail Transmission display.........................I-149 9-7. INSPECTION ......................................................................I-153 9-7-1. INSPECTION ...............................................................I-153 9-7-2. TASK ............................................................................I-155 9-7-3. ADD ITEM ....................................................................I-156 9-7-4. NOTICE........................................................................I-157 9-7-5. HOLIDAY ......................................................................I-158 9-7-6. SETTING......................................................................I-159 9-7-7. CALENDAR..................................................................I-160 9-8. BACKUP SCHEDULER ......................................................I-161 9-9. USER SETTINGS ...............................................................I-164 9-10. APPLICATION SETTINGS................................................I-171 9-11. AF LASER MAINTENANCE ..............................................I-172 9-12. M LASER MAINTENANCE ...............................................I-179


1. DESCRIPTION 1-1. Description of display operation

The machine has various buttons arranged on each display. The buttons function when the corresponding portions on the display are pressed or touched. Some of the buttons illuminate to indicate that they are pressed.


Use the accessory keyboard to enter or edit the letters and numerals on each display.


One or two scroll bars appear when all data cannot be shown on one display as is the case with a file list. The display can also be scrolled by pressing the scroll bar up and down buttons or moving up and down the scroll bar lever.

1-1-4. CURSOR
When you touch the display position to which you want to move the cursor, the cursor moves to that position. If the display has cursor buttons, press the cursor buttons to move the cursor to your desired position on the display. The cursor moves also when the display is scrolled with the scroll bar or bars.


1-2. Composition of displays

There are eight displays: PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, PROGRAM, RESULT, UTILITY, COND. (processing condition), and MAINT. (maintenance). Press the corresponding button to change to each display.

PRE-EDIT (background) button

Pressed to open the PRE-EDIT display to create and edit the next program or schedule while the machine is operating. You can also check the setup of the next program and check the part by drawing it while the machine is operating.


Pressed to open the SCHEDULE display to read a schedule, create a schedule, and set a start job or end job. You can also check the setup and check the part by drawing it before operating the machine.

PROGRAM button
Pressed to open the PROGRAM display to show a program. You can also check the setup and check the part by drawing it before operating the machine.


RESULT button
Pressed to open the RESULT display to show the actual processing results.

UTILITY button
Pressed to open the UTILITY display to zero-return the machines axes and make various adjustments.


COND. button
Pressed to open the display to select and set the laser processing conditions.

MAINT. button
Pressed to open the maintenance display to show maintenance items and machine information.


2. Areas common to displays 2-1. Processing status display area 1

Here are described the buttons and items on the common area of the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, and PROGRAM displays.




[1] MESSAGE button

Pressed to open the MESSAGE display. When an alarm or warning occurs, the MESSAGE display automatically opens. Alarm display Shows currently occurring alarms or warnings.

History display Shows alarms or warnings that have occurred to date.

[2] CURRENT POS. button

Pressed to open the Current Position display. Current Position display


Item ABS button MACHINE button REL button

Description Shows the current positions in the work coordinate system. Shows the current positions in the machine coordinate system. Shows the current positions in the relative coordinate system. Preset: Sets the selected axis to the specified position. Origin: Sets the relative coordinate position of the selected axis to 0.

REMAIN button

Shows the remainder of the movement commanded for one block in the MEMORY mode. Shows the current position of each axis in all coordinate systems.

TOTAL button

I/O display

Item SETTING 1 to 5 buttons SNAP SHOT button

Description Set 10 addresses per display or a total of 50 addresses. Saves the settings in the CSV format in a floppy disk.

Override display Changes the override (multiplication factor) to the Feed Rate, Power, Freq., Duty, and Gas Press. fields.


Item UP button DOWN button 10 button 1 button

Description Increments the override by 10% (or 1%). Decrements the override by 10% (1%). Changes the setting unit of the override between 10% and 1%. *The override is fixed at the unit of 10% for duty.

CANCEL button

Returns the override for the selected item to 100%.

Process quantity display Shows the number of worksheets to be processed and the number of worksheets already processed.

Item Schedule Qty field

Description Shows the number of worksheets to be processed. Enter a value, and press the ENTER key. (The setting range is 0 to 9999 worksheets). Shows the number of worksheets already processed. Enter a value, and press the ENTER key. (The setting range is 0 to 9999 worksheets).

Actual Qty field

Schedule Qty and Checked to zero the Schedule Qty and Actual Actual Qty are set as Qty fields when the program is transferred. 0 at the time of program transmission box
NOTE When the automatic operating mode is other than PROGRAM, the PROCESS QTY. button is not shown.


[3] SW PANEL button

Pressed to cycle through the following panels with the buttons required for the operation of the machine.


Press the PROGRAM CHECK button, and start the program. The machine dry runs. During the dry run, the coordinate values on the display change, but the axes do not move and the M-codes are not executed. After the dry run, the machine must be manually zero-returned.

Press the SINGLE BLOCK button, and then press the START button. The machine executes one block of the program and then stops.


3 BLOCK SKIP button

Press the BLOCK SKIP button, and then start the program. The machine ignores each block with a slash (/) at the beginning and goes to the next block.
4 Multiple-part mode buttons

Press one of the multiple-part mode buttons to select the multiple-part processing function you want to perform. Do not use these buttons when the program is not a multiple-part processing program.

All extinguished

All of these buttons are extinguished when the program is not a multiple-part processing program. The machine cuts only the first of multiple parts programmed.

FIRST PART button illuminated

REMAINING PARTS The machine cuts the remaining parts. button illuminated ALL PARTS button illuminated First part The machine cuts all parts.

Remaining parts

All parts

NOTE Before starting a multiple-part processing program, be sure to press and illuminate one of the multiple-part processing setup buttons. An alarm occurs in the middle of the process if the buttons are all extinguished. Before starting a non-multiple-part processing program, press and extinguish all buttons. If one of the buttons is illuminated, the program cannot normally run.



Press the AUTO POWER OFF button. When the machine stops after the end of its program operation or after the occurrence of an alarm, it can be automatically powered off.
6 WORK LIGHT button

Pressed to turn on the work light.


Pressed to pause the machine when M01 (optional stop command) is read. Press the START button for the machine to resume its operation.

Pressed to disable the dead zone detection function when the laser head enters an area where it may strike a workclamp.

Pressed to release the nozzle for nozzle change.

10 REMOTE button

Pressed to perform DNC operation when the CNC operating mode is selected.

Pressed to disable the chute drop detection function.

12 AVOID OFF button

Pressed to disable the workclamp avoidance function when the worksheet enters an area where it may strike a workclamp.



Pressed to enable the machine to resume its operation from where it is stopped during its schedule operation.

Pressed to enable the automatic cleaning of the nozzle at the start of the program.

[4] Processing status display field

Shows the processing status of the machine based on the NC status as follows: STRT: Shows the execution of a program. HOLD: Shows the input of a stop signal. STOP: Shows the input of a processing end signal.

[5] Running program display field

Shows the name of the program being run or on standby.

[6] Operating status display field

Shows the operating status of the machine. Operation stopped (blue) Warning occurred (flashing yellow) Alarm occurred (steady red)


[7] NC status display fields

1 : Shows Mcode when an M-code is being run. 2 : Shows EMG when the machine is in an emergency stop condition. 3 : Displays the current NC mode.


MEM: MEMORY mode DNC: DNC mode EDIT: EDIT mode


2-2. Processing status display area 2

Here are described the buttons and display items on the common area of the SCHEDULE and PROGRAM displays.




Display items
Item Coordinate system change button Cycle Time field JOB end time field Description Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Shows the processing time of the current program. Shows the scheduled end time of the current job.

All process end time Shows the scheduled end time of the current field schedule. Program indicator (green) JOB in operation field Schedule indicator (orange) Shows the progress of the program relative to the scheduled processing time. Appears yellow when the program is stopped. Shows the number of processed jobs relative to the total number of jobs. Shows the progress of the program relative to the total number of worksheets scheduled.


NOTE The all process end time (or scheduled end time of all processing operations) is calculated from the time settings made on the User settings display as described in 9-9. in this Part. This is also true of the job end time. If the program information does not include the scheduled processing time, the progress of the program is not shown. The actual processing time may be different from the scheduled processing time.


2-3. Data edit area

Here are described the display items and buttons on the common areas of the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, and PROGRAM displays.

Press SWITCH button to change menu

PROGRAM display has no SWITCH button


[1] Operating mode change buttons

Change the automatic operating mode of the machine to suit a particular operating procedure. Item SCHEDULE button PROGRAM button CNC button Description Performs the schedule operation of the machine. Performs the single-program operation of the machine. Performs the CNC operation of the machine. Press the REMOTE button on PANEL B to perform the DNC operation.
NOTE The automatic operating mode of the machine cannot be changed while it is operating. Change the automatic operating mode on the SCHEDULE or PROGRAM display. It cannot be changed on the PRE-EDIT display.


[2] List display items

The display items are as shown below. Item C cell Tool change and setup Material change and setup Workclamp position change and setup Laser setup Prg Name Prcss Qty. Actual # Def. Qty. Op. Status Description Deselects the data indicated by a green line. Not used on the laser cutting machine. Appears when it is necessary to change the worksheet. Appears when it is necessary to change the workclamp position. Appears when it is necessary to change the setup as the processing conditions change. Shows the program name. Shows the number of worksheets to be processed. It can be set on this display. Shows the number of worksheets already processed. It can be set on this display. Shows the number of defective worksheets. It can be set on this display. Shows whether the job is not yet started, is being processed, or is normally completed. The job skip function can also be selected. Shows the job start time during the schedule operation. Shows the job end time during the schedule operation. Shows the time taken to process one worksheet during the schedule operation. Shows the material name. Shows the schedule name. Sets the number of the shelf onto which to load worksheets when an autostorage unit is installed. Sets the number of the shelf from which to unload parts when an autostorage unit is installed. Reserved for an optional unit like a loader or unloader. *The display items depend on the search conditions. Icon

Start Time Finish Time Actual Process Time Material Name Schedule Name In Rack Out Rack Reserved


[3] OPEN button

Calls a program or schedule to the data edit area.

1 2

Press the OPEN button to open the OPEN display. Select the source media, press the SWITCH button to show a list of programs or schedules, select the program or schedule you want to call from the list, and press the OK button.

Item SDD button FD button NC button SHARED HOLDER button

Description Lists the programs or schedules registered in the SDD system. Lists the programs or schedules registered in the floppy disk. Lists the programs or schedules saved in the AMNC unit. Lists the programs or schedules saved in the specified shared folder.

SWITCH button Changes the listed data between the programs and schedules. SEARCH button SCHEDULE DETAILS button Enter key field Searches the program or schedule list. Shows the contents of each schedule. Select the schedule, and press the button. Type the name of a program, and press the ENTER key on the keyboard to search for the program. When the name of the program is read with a bar code reader, it is shown here. Checked to reflect the typed search condition in the program name on the search display.

Quick search is reflected on condition box


NOTE The SDD system is Amadas data management system composed of the automatic programming unit AP100, AP60 or AP40 and the data server ASIS100PCL. The specified shared holder is the holder that is set as shared holder on the SPECIFY DRIVE display as described on 9-9. in this Part. If no shared holder is specified, the SHARED HOLDER button is grayed out.

If there is a program of the same name as that of the selected program, the Confirm overwrite display opens as shown right.



SCHEDULE Registers the called program with the same REGIST button contents as those of the registered program. OK button CANCEL button 4 Registers the called program by overwriting the existing program of the same name with it. Returns to the Open display.

Enter the number of worksheets to be processed, and press the OK button to register the program on the Open display.

Item OK button CANCEL button

Description Registers the job with the entered number of worksheets to be processed. Returns to the Open display.


NOTE Only one program can be called in the PROGRAM mode. The items shown on the Qty. input display vary with the Enter Process Qty screen setting made on the SELECT VIEW display as described on 9-9 in this Part. The display shown below opens when you press the PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE monitor CHANGE button and check the In rack and Out rack fields on the SELECT VIEW display as described on 9-9 in this Part.



MULTI RACK Specifies the number of worksheets for each button shelf, number of each shelf, etc.


[4] SAVE button

Saves the selected program.

Select the program you want to save, and press the Save to button to open the Save data display.

Item RENAME button

Description Changes the name of the selected program.

DELETE button Removes the selected program from the programs to be saved. SDD button Saves the program in the SDD system. (Select the folder to which to save the program.) Saves the program in the NC unit. (Select the folder in which to save the program.) Creates a new folder in the storage area of the NC unit. Saves the program in the floppy disk. Saves the program in the specified shared folder. Asks whether or not to overwrite a program of the same name with the new program when saving the new program.

NC button NEW button FD button SHARED HOLDER button Overwrite confirm box

Multiple programs can be selected for saving on the PRE-EDIT and SCHEDULE displays.

Specify the destination, and press the OK button to open the Confirm saved data display. Check the program name and other items, and press the EXECUTE button.


Item RENAME button

Description Changes the name of the program.

DELETE button Removes the program from the programs to be saved. ABORT button BACK button EXECUTE button 3 Aborts the save. Returns to the Save display. Saves the selected data.

When the Saving data display changes to Saved, press the OK button. If the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the display shown right will automatically close from the next time on.

Press the EXIT button to close the window.

[5] COPY button

Copies the selected program. Select the program you want to copy, and press the button.

[6] PASTE button

Pastes the copied data on the data edit area. Select the destination list line, and press the button.

[7] DELETE button

Deletes the selected program. Select the program you want to delete, and press this button.


[8] DELETE ALL button

Deletes all programs registered on the display.

[9] MOVE DOWN button

Moves down the program selected on the display. Select the program you want to move down, and press the button.

[10] MOVE UP down

Moves up the program selected on the data edit area. Select the program you want to move up, and press the button.

[11] SCHEDULE SAVE button

When a job is saved as schedule, it can be simply called next time.

1 2

Select the job you want to save as schedule, and press the SCHEDULE SAVE button. Enter the name of the schedule in the Schedule name filed on the Type Schedule Name display, and press the OK button.

Specify the destination, and press the OK button.


Press the OK button.

Press the BACK button to close the display.


[12] EDIT button

Changes the program placed on the data edit area. Select the program you want to change, and press the button to open the Edit display.



* Shown above is the Edit display that opens when the G CODE button is pressed The buttons on the Edit display are described in detail below.

SETUP display
Shows the setup information of the selected program. Entry of accurate information on the SETUP display allows you to utilize the setup function.


G CODE display
Shows the edit and draw areas. Item DRAWINGS button Description Draws the part in the draw area according to the program shown in the edit area.

STEP DRAW button Draws the part in the draw area sequentially according to the program lines selected in the edit area. Even when the down arrow key on the keyboard is pressed, the part is sequentially drawn. When the STEP DRAW button is pressed, the DRAWINGS button changes to the END DRAW button. Press the END DRAW button to abort the step draw. When the draw process is completed, the END DRAW button changes to the DRAWINGS button. GDIAGRAM button Highlights the G code for the selected portion of the drawn figure. Press the button, and select the portion of the figure whose G code you want to check. FIRST LINE button LAST LINE button ENLARGE button Places the cursor at the first line of the program shown in the edit area. Places the cursor at the last line of the program shown in the edit area. Enlarges the selected portion of the figure drawn in the draw area. Press the button, and select the portion of the figure you want to expand. REDUCE button Reduces the selected portion of the figure drawn in the draw area. The reduction is referenced to the center of the draw area. CENTER button Places the selected portion of the figure at the center of the draw area.

AUTOSCALE button Shows the drawn figure to the size of the draw area. STANDARD button Shows the position of the part in the worksheet whose dimensions are set on the SETUP display.


Item PARAM button

Description Sets the drawing parameters.


Refresh during edit

Redraws a G code each time the cursor moves to the next or previous line during the G code edit process.

Execute drawing on startup

Automatically draws the part in the draw area when the EDIT button is pressed.

Display Scale
Shows the coordinates in the background of the draw area.

Display multiple process frame

Shows the multiple process frame in the draw area.

Sets the enlargement or reduction ratio when the ENLARGE or REDUCE button is pressed, respectively.

Drawing color
Fixing: Draws all paths in the default color (pink). Cutting condition: Draws the paths in different colors for different processing conditions. E1: Blue, E2: Light blue, E3: Yellow, E4: White, E5 to E9: Red, E10 (marking line): Broken pink line, No condition: Pink


Item SEARCH button

Description Opens the Search display. Enter the character string to find, select the search direction (Up or Down), and press the SEARCH NEXT button. To quit the Search display, press the BACK button.


REPLACE button

Opens the Replace characters display.

COPY button

Opens the Specify the line that you want to copy/cut display. CUT: Cuts the specified range. COPY: Copies the specified range.

Item PASTE button EXTRACT T button CHECK T button TOOLING button NEW button MULT. PROC. button OK button BACK button

Description Pastes the data copied with the COPY button. Select the destination line, and press the button Not used on the laser cutting machine. Not used on the laser cutting machine. Not used on the laser cutting machine. Creates a program. Opens the Multi display. Registers the edited data in the PRE-EDIT display. Aborts the processing and returns to the PRE-EDIT display.


[13] DRAWING button

Draws the part according to the data of the program on the data edit area. Select the program to use for drawing the part, and press the DRAWING button to open the Confirm drawing display.

The buttons on the Confirm drawing display are described in detail below. Item ENLARGE button Description Enlarges the figure drawn. Press the button, and select the portion of the figure you want to enlarge. REDUCE button Reduces the figure shown enlarged. Press the button to reduce the figure as referenced to the center of the display. CENTER button Changes the display position. Press the button, and select the portion of the figure you want to show as the center of the display. AUTOSCALE button Draws the figure on an automatic scale. STANDARD button Shows the position of the part in the worksheet whose dimensions are set on the SETUP display. Sets the drawing parameters.

PARAM button

For details of the parameters, refer to 2-3. Data edit area, [12] EDIT button in this Part.


[14] SIM button

Calculates the setup of all programs shown on the data edit area, and shows the setup results. The SIM button is not enabled unless the Laser setup and Material/clamp setup boxes are checked on the Application settings display.


Material setup

Shows that the material name changes with the processing condition data. Shows that the workclamp position changes with the setup made on the Edit display. Shows that the setup items checked on the display as described in 9-10. Application settings change.

Workclamp position setup

Laser setup

Press the setup icon to open the Setup Main display for the setup.


NOTE The setup status can be checked by the color of each button. Red: Setup required, Yellow: Setup under way, Gray: No setup to make or setup completed. When there is only one setup item, either setup display automatically opens.

Laser setup display

Opens when the processing conditions of the program specified by M102 change. The current setup items are shown on the left side, and the new setup items are shown in red on the right side. When the setup in a lower row is completed, press the SETUP COMPLETE button. To complete all setups at a time, press the EXIT ALL button.

Shown in red at setup

Current setup


Material/clamp setup display

Opens when the material or clamp setup icon is selected or the MATERIAL/CLAMP button on the Setup Main display is pressed. Make new material and workclamp setups.

Current setup

Shown in red at setup

The buttons on the Material/clamp setup display are described below. Item Description SETUP COMPLETE Pressed when each setup is completed. button BACK button Returns to the Setup Main display.

[15] TRANS JOB button

Specifies the job you want to transfer from the PRE-EDIT display to the PROGRAM display. Select the job, press the TRANS JOB button, and press the CONFIRM button. The job is transferred to the PROGRAM display.


[16] START JOB button

Specifies the job on the SCHEDULE display from which you want to start the schedule operation. Select the job from which you want to start the schedule operation, and press the START JOB button. The selected job is indicated by a yellow arrow. The schedule operation is started at the specified job.

[17] PRG. INFO button

Shows the setup and other information of the selected program.


[18] RETRY button

Retry is a function of resuming the operation by feeding or returning from the middle or start position of the program on a part basis (pierce point) and on a block basis (single block).
NOTICE Before using the retry function, the Z-axis must be raised to prevent it from striking an obstacle during its travel.

NOTE The following functions and commands do not properly operate:

1 HS edge detection function (G121, G122) 2 OVS function (G140, G141, G149) 3 Measuring probe function (G120) 4 Repositioning function (G25, G27)

Before using the retry function from the beginning of the program after reset, be sure to return each axis to the start position. Otherwise the axes do not properly operate.

1 2 3 4

1 NEXT PART button

Press the NEXT PART button, turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to OFF, and press the START button to move the axis to the start position (pierce position) of the next path. A multiple-part processing program moves the axis to the next part reference point.


2 PREV. PART button

Press the PREV. PART button, turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to OFF, and press the START button to move the axis to the start position (pierce position) of the previous path. A multiple-part processing program moves the axis to the previous part reference point.
3 NEXT BLOCK button

Press the NEXT BLOCK button, turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to OFF, and press the START button to rapid the axis to the next block.
4 PREV. BLOCK button

Press the PREV. BLOCK button, turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to OFF, and press the START button to rapid the axis to the previous block.
5 CLOSE button

Ends the retry function and closes the Retry display.

After closing the Retry display, press the START button to cause the machine to start processing from that position.


[19] RESUME button

The resume function allows the axis to rapid to the stopped position after it is stopped by pressing the STOP button, for example.
NOTE Never perform the following operations until performing the resume function. Otherwise the machine does not properly operate:
1 Calling and using another program to operate the machine 2 Editing the resume program 3 Changing the processing conditions 4 Turning the TRACE OFF button to ON or OFF

The following functions and commands do not properly operate:

1 HS edge detection function (G121, G122) 2 OVS function (G140, G141, G149) 3 Measuring probe function (G120) 4 Repositioning function (G25, G27)

RESUME button
Press the RESUME button, and then press the START button to rapid the axis to the position where it was stopped last time.

CLOSE button
Ends the retry function and closes the Resume display.

After closing the Resume display, press the START button to cause the machine to start processing from that position.
NOTE Depending on the resume position, the machine may be unable to resume its operation properly due to a processing defect, for example. In such a case, use the retry function to adjust the processing resume position.


[20] MULT. PROC. button

The multiple-part processing function allows the multiple-part processing settings to be corrected simply by changing the display settings of a single-part or multiple-part processing program.

REFERENCE For details of the multiple-part processing function, refer to 8-4. Setting multiple-part processing in Part II, Program management.


2-4. Status icons

The current status is indicated by an icon at the lower right of the screen. The meanings of the icons are as described in the table below.


No. 1 2 3


Meaning Event being monitored Dial-up connection being made Event being monitored and dial-up connection being made Mail transmission failed and event monitoring stopped

Description An event is being monitored. The icon means that event monitoring is normally started. The icon means that the dial-up connection specified on the Setup of E-mail Notice display is being made. The icon means that the machine is in both of the status 1 and 2.

While an event was being monitored, another event occurred, and mail transmission was attempted but failed. The failure of mail transmission automatically stops the event monitoring process. The icon does not appear when the transmission of mail from the E-mail Transmission display failed. Check the message to see if the mail transmission succeeded or failed. If the icon is not shown during the event monitoring process, the items may not be properly set on the Setup of E-mail Notice display, or the network may not be properly functioning. Remove the cause of the problem.

5 6 7 8

Inspection date overdue

The icon means that there is an overdue inspection item. Inspect the overdue item.

Backup date overdue The icon means that there is data past the backup date. Automatic backup failed Recovery item set The icon means that automatic backup failed. The icon means that a recovery item is set. The item is recovered at the next startup.



Press the PRE-EDIT button to open the PRE-EDIT display to create or edit the next program while the machine is operating. You can also check the setup of the next program and check the next part by drawing it while the machine is operating.


3-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT display

REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 1-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display in Part II, Program management.

1 2 3

With no job selected, press the EDIT button. Enter the program name, and press the G CODE button. Enter the G code program in the left edit area.


After creating the program, press the DRAWINGS button to draw the part according to the program in the right draw area, and check the program.
NOTE If the drawn figure overfills the draw area, press the AUTOSCALE button.

After checking the program, press the OK button.

3-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT display

REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 2-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display in Part II, Program management.

1 2

Press the OPEN button to open the OPEN display. Press the source media, and press the SWITCH button to select whether to call a program from the program data list or schedule data list. Select the necessary data from the list, and press the OK button. Two or more programs can be called at a time. If the program you want to call cannot be found although you have saved it, it may be saved in another folder. Press the SEARCH button to open the Search display. Enter the folder name in the Folder name field, and search for the folder.
REFERENCE For the searching procedure, refer to 9. Searching for program in Part II, Program management. NOTE If the selected program is present as job, the Confirm overwrite display opens as shown right.


SCHEDULE Registers the called program without REGIST button overwriting a program of the same name with it. OK button Registers the called program by overwriting a program of the same name with it.

If the selected program is registered on the PROGRAM display, the Confirm overwrite display opens as shown right.

Enter the number of worksheets to be processed, and press the OK button. If you have called multiple programs, check their names, and enter the number of worksheets to be processed for each program.
NOTE The In rack, Out rack, and Reserve fields are for an autostorage unit. If the machine is not equipped with an autostorage unit, it is not necessary to enter any values in these fields. The MULTI RACK button is provided for using another autostorage. If the machine is not equipped with another autostorage unit, the MULTI RACK button is not necessary. The items shown on the Qty. input display vary with the settings made on the Schedule monitor list item display opened by pressing the CHANGE button on the Schedule monitor display as described on 9-9 in this Part.

The selected program is registered on the PRE-EDIT display.


3-3. Saving program from PRE-EDIT display

REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 3-1. Saving program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display in Part II, Program management.

1 2

Select the program you want to save, and press the SAVE button. (You can select and save multiple programs at a time.) Specify the destination, and press the OK button.
NOTE If the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to be overwritten is shown in red characters on the next Confirm overwrite display.

3 4

Check the program to save, and press the EXECUTE button. When the Saving data display changes to Saved, press the OK button.
NOTE If the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the display shown right will automatically close from the next time on.

After checking that the program is saved, press the OK button.

3-4. Transferring job to PROGRAM display

Select the job you want to transfer to the PROGRAM display. Check that the automatic operating mode is PROGRAM, select the job to be transferred to the PROGRAM display, and press the TRANS JOB button.
NOTE If the automatic operating mode is PROGRAM, only one program can be called. Change the automatic operating mode on the SCHEDULE or PROGRAM display. It cannot be changed on the PRE-EDIT display.


3-5. Transferring selected job

Press the TRANS JOB button to transfer the selected job to the PROGRAM display.
NOTE If the CONFIRM button is pressed here, the data shown on the PROGRAM display is deleted.

3-6. Transferring schedule to SCHEDULE display

Transfer the schedule (all jobs) from the PRE-EDIT display to the SCHEDULE display. Check that the automatic operating mode is SCHEDULE. To transfer a new schedule to the SCHEDULE display, press the CONFIRM button. To add another schedule to the schedule already transferred to the SCHEDULE display, press the ADD button.
NOTE Change the automatic operating mode on the SCHEDULE or PROGRAM display. It cannot be changed on the PRE-EDIT display. If the CONFIRM button is pressed here, the data shown on the SCHEDULE display is deleted.


Press the SCHEDULE button to open the SCHEDULE display to read a schedule, create a schedule, and set the start and end jobs. You can also check the setup of the machine and check the part by drawing it before operating the machine.

Operating mode change buttons

Change the automatic operating mode of the machine. To perform the schedule operation of the machine, press the SCHEDULE button. Item SCHEDULE button PROGRAM button CNC button
NOTE The automatic operating mode of the machine cannot be changed while it is operating.

Description Performs the schedule operation of the machine. Performs the single-program operation of the machine. Performs the CNC operation of the machine.


4-1. Creating program from SCHEDULE display

1 With no job selected, press the EDIT button.
REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 1-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display in Part II, Program management.

2 3 4

Enter the program name, and press the G CODE button. Enter the G code program in the left edit area. After creating the program, press the DRAWINGS button to draw the part according to the program in the right draw area, and check the program.
NOTE If the drawn figure overfills the draw area, press the AUTOSCALE button.

After checking the program, press the OK button.

4-2. Calling program from SCHEDULE display

1 Press the OPEN button to open the OPEN display.
REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 2-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display in Part II, Program management.

Press the source media, and press the SWITCH button to select whether to call a program from the program data list or schedule data list. Select the necessary data from the list, and press the OK button. Two or more programs can be called at a time. If the program you want to call cannot be found although you have saved it, it may be saved in another folder. Press the SEARCH button to open the Search display. Enter the folder name in the Folder name field, and search for the folder.


NOTE If the selected program is present as job, the message display appears as shown right.

SCHEDULE Registers the called program without REGIST button overwriting a program of the same name with it. OK button Registers the called program by overwriting a program of the same name with it.

If the selected program is registered on the PROGRAM display, the message display appears as shown right.

Enter the number of worksheets to be processed, and press the OK button. If you have called multiple programs, check their names, and enter the number of worksheets to be processed for each program.
NOTE The In rack, Out rack, and Reserve fields are for an autostorage unit. If the machine is not equipped with an autostorage unit, it is not necessary to enter any values in these fields. The MULTI RACK button is provided for using another autostorage. If the machine is not equipped with another autostorage unit, the MULTI RACK button is not necessary. The items shown on the Qty. input display vary with the settings made on the Line setting display as described in this Part.

4 The selected program is registered on the SCHEDULE display.


4-3. Saving program from SCHEDULE display

1 Select the program you want to save, and press the SAVE button. (You can select and save multiple programs at a time.)
REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 3-1. Saving program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display in Part II, Program management.

Specify the destination, and press the OK button.

NOTE If the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to be overwritten is shown in red characters on the next Confirm saved data display.

3 4

Check the program to save, and press the EXECUTE button. When the Saving data display changes to Saved, press the OK button.
NOTE If the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the display shown right will automatically close from the next time on.

After checking that the program is saved, press the OK button.

4-4. Selecting start job

Specify the first job at which to perform the schedule operation of the machine. Select the start job, and press the START JOB button. The selected job is indicated by a yellow arrow. The schedule operation is started at the specified job and performed to the last job.


Press the PROGRAM button to open the PROGRAM display to show a processing program. You can also check the setup of the machine and check the part by drawing it before operating the machine.


Operating mode change buttons

Change the automatic operating mode of the machine. To perform the program operation of the machine, press the PROGRAM button. Item SCHEDULE button PROGRAM button CNC button
NOTE The automatic operating mode of the machine cannot be changed while it is operating.

Description Performs the schedule operation of the machine. Performs the single-program operation of the machine. Performs the CNC operation of the machine.


5-1. Creating program from PROGRAM display

1 Change the automatic operating mode to PROGRAM, and press the EDIT button.
REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 1-2. Creating program from PROGRAM display in Part II, Program management.

2 3 4 5

Press the NEW button. Enter the program name, and press the G CODE button. Enter the G code program in the left edit area. After creating the program, press the DRAWINGS button to draw the part according to the program in the right draw area, and check the program.
NOTE If the drawn figure overfills the draw area, press the AUTOSCALE button.

After checking the program, press the OK button to end the edit.

5-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display

1 Press the OPEN button to open the OPEN display.
REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 2-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display in Part II, Program management.

Select the media that contains the program you want to call, select the program from the data list, and press the OK button.
NOTE If the program you want to call cannot be found, it may be saved in another folder. Press the SEARCH button to open the Search display. Enter the folder name in the Folder name field, and search for the folder.


NOTE If the selected program is present on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, or PROGRAM display, the Confirm overwrite display opens as shown right.

YES button

Registers the called program without overwriting a program of the same name with it. Registers the called program by overwriting a program of the same name with it.

NO button

The selected program is shown on the PROGRAM display.

NOTE If a setup display is shown, set up the item shown in red characters, and press the SETUP COMPLETE button. Then press the BACK button to close the setup display.

5-3. Saving program from PROGRAM display

1 Change the automatic operating mode to PROGRAM, and press the SAVE button.
REFERENCE For details of the display, refer to 3-2. Saving program from PROGRAM display in Part II, Program management.

Specify the destination, and press the OK button.

NOTE If the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to be overwritten is shown in red characters on the next Confirm saved data display.

3 4

Check the program to save, and press the EXECUTE button. When the Saving data display changes to Saved, press the OK button.
NOTE If the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the display will automatically close from the next time on.

After checking that the program is saved, press the OK button.


Press the RESULT display to open the RESULT display to show a history of programs run to operate the machine.


History display change buttons

Change the unit in which the program history is shown. Item Program Unit Description Shows the program history when one job is completed during the schedule operation. Shows the program history when one program is completed. Icon

One Unit


Statistical Info fields

Show the statistical information of the entire processing history. Item Total Process Time Avr Process Time Created Data Description Shows the total processing time with the programs registered on the RESULT display. Shows the average processing time with the programs registered on the RESULT display. Shows the total number of worksheets processed with the programs registered on the RESULT display. The number of defective parts are not included. Shows the number of listed programs with respect to the total number of programs.

Program count

Display items
The display items are as described below. Item C Description Deselects the data indicated by a green line.

Result Register Date Shows the date when a program was registered on the RESULT display. Program Name Start Date & Time End Date & Time Qty Shows the program name. It cannot be set here. Shows the date and time when processing with the program was started. Shows the date and time when processing with the program was ended. Shows the number of worksheets processed.

Press each item to rearrange the data in ascending or descending order. What is to be displayed depends on the search condition.


[1] SEARCH button

Opens the Search display. Specify the program name and result registration date you want to search for, and press the OK button.

Item Program Name Input range

Description Enter the program name. Alphabetic characters (capital), numerals, -, +, * Wild cards (*, A*, *A, *A*) can be specified.

[2] FILE OUTPUT button

Outputs all of the listed data to a file. Enter the output folder name and file name, and press the OK button.


NOTE Press the REFERENCE button on the File Output (Process History) display to select the destination as shown below.

[3] DELETE button

Deletes the selected data from the processing history information.

[4] DELETE ALL button

Deletes all of the listed data from the processing history information.

[5] UPDATE button

Updates the listed data with the current processing history.

Each time a part is processed, the processing history is updated, and the UPDATE button is illuminated. Unless the UPDATE button is pressed at that time, the processing data is not shown on the RESULT display.
REFERENCE For the timing of update, refer to Registering processing results on 9-9 in this Part.


Press the UTILITY button to open the UTILITY display to zero-return the machine and make various adjustments.

NOTE The utility operations can be performed only when the NC mode is MEMORY. When you attempt to open a utility display in any other mode (RETRACT, MANUAL, MDI, or EDIT), the following message display opens.

Change the NC mode to MEMORY, and press the RETRY button or press the CANCEL button to cancel the utility operation. The message display closes.


7-1. G50
Press the G50 button to Open the G50 display.


Display items
Item CLOSE button Coordinate system change button Coordinate display area Description Closes the G50 display. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the G50 button to open the G50 display. Press the START button to zero-return each axis of the machine. The G90 display closes when the zero-return motion is completed.


7-2. Return to 2nd Machine Position

Press the Return to 2nd Machine Position button to open the Return to 2nd Machine Position display.


Display items
Item CAPTURE button DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button 2nd Machine Position X field 2nd Machine Position Y field 2nd Machine Position Z field Coordinate display area Description Sets the current positions of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes as the position of the origin. Defaults the origin positions X, Y, and Z. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Return to 2nd Machine Position display. Sets the X-axis position of the origin. (Setting range: -9999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Sets the Y-axis position of the origin. (Setting range: -99999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Sets the Z-axis position of the origin. (Setting range: -99999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.


1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Return to 2nd Machine Position button to open the Return to 2nd Machine Position display. Press the START button to rapid each axis of the machine to the positions set in the 2nd Machine Position X, Y, and Z fields. The Return to 2nd Machine Position display closes when the rapid motion is completed.

7-3. G00
Press the G00 button to Open the G00 display.


Display items
Item Coordinate system change button ABSOLUTE POS. button RELATIVE POS. button CLOSE button Absolute Position X field Absolute Position Y field Coordinate display area Description Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Moves the laser head to the preset absolute X or Y coordinate position. Moves the laser head along the X- or Y-axis by the preset distance. Closes the G00 display. Sets the absolute position of X-axis. (Setting range: -99999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Sets the absolute position of Y-axis. (Setting range: -99999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.


1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the G00 button to open the G00 display. Press the START button to rapid each axis of the machine to the positions set in the Absolute Position X and Y fields. The G00 display automatically closes when the rapid motion is completed.

7-4. Nozzle/Head Exchange Position

Press the Nozzle/Head Exchange Position button to Open the Nozzle/Head Exchange Position display.


Display items
Item CAPTURE button DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Description Sets the current positions of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. Defaults the change positions X, Y, and Z. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Nozzle/Head Exchange Position display.

Exchange Position X Sets the X-axis change position. field (Setting range: -9999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Exchange Position Y Sets the Y-axis change position. field (Setting range: -99999.99 to +99999.99 mm)




Exchange Position Z Sets the Z-axis change position. field (Setting range: -99999.99 to +99999.99 mm) Coordinate display area Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Nozzle/Head Exchange Position button to open the Nozzle/Head Exchange Position display. Press the START button to rapid each axis of the machine to the positions set in the Exchange Position X, Y, and Z fields. The Nozzle/Head Exchange Position display automatically closes when the rapid motion is completed.


7-5. JOG Cutting

Press the JOG Cutting button to open the JOG Cutting display. This display prepares for jog cutting.


Display items
Item PIERCE button Description Moves down the head to pierce the worksheet. The pierce condition to be used is the condition used last time. (Refer to the name of the processing condition shown.) Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the JOG Cutting display. HEAD DOWN button Moves the head down toward the worksheet.

Coordinate system change button CLOSE button

Processing condition Shows the name of the processing condition name field being used. Coordinate display area Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 4 5 Call the processing condition from the processing condition display to suit the worksheet to be processed. Moves the head in the MANUAL mode to the cutting start position. Change the NC mode to MEMORY. Press the JOG Cutting button to open the JOG cutting display. Press the HEAD DOWN button, and press the START button to move down the head.


Press the PIERCE button, turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to ON, and press the START button to pierce the worksheet.

Perform the jog cutting operation as described below. 1 2 When the above-mentioned operating procedure is completed, change the NC mode to MANUAL. Turn the MANUAL CUT keyswitch on the NC control panel to ON. The 2598 jog cutting mode warning occurs, but continue with the procedure. Press the MANUAL CUT ENABLE button on the shuttle table control panel. Press the axis feed button for the processing condition to start the cutting operation in the direction of the axis feed button.

3 4


7-6. Shuttle Exchange

Press the Shuttle Exchange button to open the Shuttle Exchange display.


Display items
Item CLOSE button Coordinate system change button Coordinate display area Description Closes the Shuttle Exchange display. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 Check that the Z-axis is positioned at the origin and that the WORK SET READY button on the control panel of the shuttle table is illuminated. Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Shuttle Exchange button to open the Shuttle Exchange display. Press the START button to change the shuttle table. When the change operation is completed, the Shuttle Exchange display automatically closes.

2 3 4


7-7. Adjust HS Sensor

Press the Adjust HS Sensor button to open the Adjust HS Sensor display.


Display items
Item Adjustment Position X field Adjustment Position Y field MOVE button ADJUSTMENT button CAPTURE button DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area Description Sets the adjustment position of the X-axis. (Setting range: -99999.999 to +99999.99 mm) Sets the adjustment position of the Y-axis. (Setting range: -99999.999 to +99999.99 mm) Rapids each axis to the positions set in the Adjustment Position X and Y fields. Runs the HS sensor adjusting program. Sets the current positions of the X- and Y-axes. Defaults the adjustment positions of the X- and Y-axes. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Adjust HS Sensor display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.


1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Adjust HS Sensor button to open the Adjust HS Sensor display. Press the axis feed buttons or MOVE button to move the head to the calibration position. Check that the head is positioned above the worksheet. Press the ADJUSTMENT button, and press the START button to start the calibration of the HS sensor.

7-8. Check Assist Gas

Press the Check Assist Gas button to open the Check Assist Gas display.



Display items
Item Gas Kind field Description Sets the type of assist gas to be adjusted. (Setting range: 1 to 7) Gas Pressure [MPa] Sets the pressure of assist gas to be adjusted. field (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa) Time field Sets the adjustment time (assist gas ejection time). (Setting range: 0.0 to 9999.9 sec) DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area Defaults the setting values. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Check Assist Gas display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 4 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Check Assist Gas button to open the Check Assist Gas display. Set the Gas Kind, Gas Pressure, and Time fields. Press the START button to turn on the assist gas.


7-9. Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering

Press the Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering button to open the Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering display.


Display items
Item Adjustment Position X field Adjustment Position Y field Adjustment Position Z field Power field Frequency field Description Sets the adjustment position of the X-axis. (Setting range: 99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the adjustment position of the Y-axis. (Setting range: 99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the adjustment position of the Z-axis. (Setting range: 99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the power command value to be used. (Setting range: 0 to 7000 W) Sets the pulse frequency command value to be used. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Duty field Gas Kind field Sets the pulse duty command value to be used. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the type of assist gas to be used. (Setting range: 1 to 7) Gas Pressure [MPa] Sets the pressure of assist gas to be used. field (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa) Time field Sets the centering time. (Setting range: 0.0 to 9999.9 sec)


Item Lens No. field

Description Sets the lens to be used. (Setting range: Auto, 5, 7.5, 10, 3.75, N/A). The focal point position of the selected lens is used for laser cutting. When AUTO is selected, the focal point reference position called as one of the processing conditions in the processing condition file is used for laser cutting.

Fine Adjust Focus field

Sets the fine adjustment amount of the focal point position. This field is usually set to 1.5 mm. (Setting range: 0.0 to 99999.999) Rapids the X-, Y-, and Z-axes to the positions set in the Adjustment Position X, Y, and Z fields. Runs the centering program. Defaults the setting values. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

MOVE button ADJUSTMENT button DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area

When the TIME field is set to 0.6 sec or more, a confirmation display opens. Press the OK button to complete the entry and show the time in red characters. The laser beam is actually turned on for the time setting. Pay full attention to the setting value of the TIME field.

1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering button to open the Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering display. Press the axis feed buttons or MOVE button to move the head to the position where it is easy to adjust the center of the nozzle unit. Check that the there are no skid and worksheet below the head. Press the ADJUSTMENT button, and press the START button to adjust the center of the nozzle unit.


7-10. Adjust Focus

Press the Adjust Focus button to open the Adjust Focus display.


Display items
Item Material Name field Lens No. field Condition No. field Start Focus Position field End Focus Position field Focus Change Amount field 5 field Description Shows the name of the material to be used. Sets the lens to be adjusted. (Setting range: 5, 7.5, 10, 3.75, N/A) Sets the cutting condition to be used. (Setting range: 1 to 10) Sets the focal point position at which to start the adjustment. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the focal point position at which to end the adjustment. (Setting range: 99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the amount by which to adjust the focal point. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the focal point reference position when a 5 lens is used*. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) 7.5 field Sets the focal point reference position when a 7.5 lens is used*. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) 10 field Sets the focal point reference position when a 10 lens is used*. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm)


Item 3.75 field

Description Sets the focal point reference position when a 3.75 lens is used*. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the focal point reference position when no lens is set for use*. (Setting range:99999.999 to +99999.999 mm)

N/A field

*The selection of a lens limits the entry of a value for the lens. Item DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button AIV NOT USED button Coordinate display area Description Defaults the setting values. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Adjust Focus display. Selects the nonuse of the AIV (OVS) system. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 4 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Adjust Focus button to open the Adjust Focus display. Press the axis feed buttons to move the head to the position where it cuts the worksheet. Check the Material Name field. If the material is different from that used for adjusting the focus, do as described in Changing material name on the next page. From the Lens No. pull-down menu, select the lens to be set at the focal point reference position. Set the Condition No., Start Focus Position, End Focus Position, and Focus Change Amount fields. Or press the DEFAULT button. Turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to ON. Press the START button. The head cuts 60-mm long slits at a pitch of 8 mm by changing the focus position from the position set in the Start Focus Position field to the position set in the End Focus Position field at the interval set in the Focus Change Amount field. Find the smallest slit width. The focus position where the narrowest slit can be cut is the optimum focus position. In the Focus Point Reference Position field, enter the focus height at which the narrowest slit is cut.

5 6

7 8

9 10


Changing material name

1 With the Adjust Focus display opened, press the LIST button on the COND. display to open the List display.

Select the processing condition file you want to call, and press the CALL button.

Check that the selected processing condition file is called, and press the REGISTER MTRL button on the Adjust Focus display.

The REGISTER MTRL display opens. If the processing conditions are correct, press the YES button.


The processing conditions are registered under the material name shown in the Material Name field of the Adjust Focus display.


7-11. Adjust WACS

Press the Adjust WACS button to open the Adjust WACS display to adjust the HS Cooling Cut option when it is installed and used.


With the Adjust WACS display opened, press the START button to adjust the nozzle for the selected function of mist, flushing, or motion.

Display items
Item Gas Kind field Description Selects the type of gas to be used for adjusting the nozzle. (Setting range: 1 to 7)

Gas Pressure [MPa] Sets the pressure of gas to be used for adjusting the nozzle. field (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa) Actual Feed Rate field DEFAULT button CLOSE button MIST button FLUSHING button Shows the feed rate of the nozzle as it is adjusted. Defaults the setting values. Closes the Adjust WACS display. Adjust the flow rate of cooling water. Runs a program for flushing cooling water out of the HS Cooling Cut head. The program is used before calibration of the Z-axis tracking sensor in the HS Cooling Cut head. Runs a program for checking the HS Cooling Cut head for operation. The head is moved over an actual worksheet to check its operation and finally adjust the cooling water flow rate. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position of the laser head.

MOTION button

Coordinate display area


7-12. Adjust AIV

Press the Adjust AIV button to open the Adjust AIV display to adjust the OVS option when it is installed and used.


If you have changed the material name to be used for adjusting the OVS system, press the REGISTER MTRL button to determine the processing conditions. The registered material name will be automatically called from the next time on. Press the YES button to determine the processing conditions shown. With the Adjust AIV display opened, press the START button for the selected move or adjust function to be automatically performed.

Display items
Item Material Name field MOVE button ADJUSTMENT button CAPTURE button DEFAULT button CLOSE button Description Shows the name of the material to be used. Rapids each axis to the preset position. Runs the AIV adjusting program. Sets the current positions of the X- and Y-axes. Defaults the adjustment positions of the X- and Y-axes. Closes the Adjust AIV display.


Item Adjustment Position X field Adjustment Position Y field Coordinate display area

Description Sets the adjustment position of the X-axis. (Setting range: 99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Sets the adjustment position of the Y-axis. (Setting range: 99999.999 to +99999.999 mm) Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

7-13. Adjust Offset

Press the Adjust Offset button to open the Adjust Offset display to adjust the laser beam path compensation value after cutting the worksheet and to check the cutting conditions.


Display items
Item Material Name field Small Hole field Description Shows the name of the material to be used Sets the small (5 mm diameter) hole cutting condition number. Refers to the relevant processing condition number called. (Setting range: 1 to 10) Mid. Hole field Sets the medium (10 mm diameter) hole cutting condition number. Refers to the relevant processing condition number called. (Setting range: 1 to 10) Square field Sets the square (50 mm) hole cutting condition number. Refers to the relevant processing condition number called. (Setting range: 1 to 10)


Item The amount of joint field Small Hole Offset field Mid. Hole Offset field Square Offset field

Description Sets the joint amount. (Setting range: 0.000 to 99999.999 mm) Sets the laser beam path compensation value for small hole cutting. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Sets the laser beam path compensation value for medium hole cutting. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Sets the laser beam path compensation value for square cutting. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Set the processing start position.

Upper Left radio button Lower Left radio button Upper Right button Lower Right radio button DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area

Defaults the setting values. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Adjust Offset display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 4 5 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Adjust Offset button to open the Adjust Offset display. Press the axis feed buttons to move the head to the position where it cuts the worksheet. Press the START button to adjust the laser beam path compensation value (for 50 mm square cutting). After cutting the worksheet, measure the amount of error, and enter each compensation value.


7-14. Internal electric discharge

Press the Internal electric discharge button to open the Internal electric discharge display.


Display items
Item Material Name field Power field Frequency field Description Shows the name of the material to be used. Sets the power command value to be adjusted. (Setting range: 0 to 7000 W) Sets the pulse frequency command value to be adjusted. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Duty field Sets the pulse duty command value to be adjusted. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Time field Actual Power field Sets the adjusting time. (Setting range: 0.0 to 9999.9 sec) Shows the average power value when the adjustment is being made. (Display unit: W) DEFAULT button Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area Defaults the setting values. Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Internal electric discharge display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.


1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Turn the SHUTTER OPEN keyswitch to OFF. Press the START button to check the power.

7-15. Beam-Out
The Beam-out display is used only for maintenance. Press the Beam-Out button to open the Beam-out display.


Display items
Item Output field Frequency field Description Sets the power command value to be used. (Setting range: 0 to 7000 W) Sets the pulse frequency command value to be used. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Duty field Time field Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area Sets the pulse duty command value to be used. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the beam-out time. (Setting range: 0.0 to 9999.9 sec) Changes the coordinate display between the absolute coordinate display and mechanical coordinate display. Closes the Beam-out display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.


NOTE When the TIME field is set to 0.6 sec or more, the Input error range display opens. Press the OK button to complete the entry and show the time in red characters. The laser beam is actually turned on for the time setting. Pay full attention to the value to be entered in the TIME field.

7-16. Clean the Nozzle Unit

Press the Clean the Nozzle Unit button to open the Clean the Nozzle Unit display.


Display items
Item Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Coordinate display area Description Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Clean the Nozzle Unit display. Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Clean the Nozzle Unit button to open the Clean the Nozzle Unit display. Press the START button to clean the nozzle unit, calibrate the HS sensor, and return the laser head to the original position. When the operation is completed, the Clean the Nozzle Unit display closes.


7-17. Skeleton Cut

Press the Skeleton Cut button to open the Skeleton Cut display.


Display items
Item Coordinate system change button CLOSE button Material Name field Description Changes the current coordinate system between the machine coordinate system and absolute coordinate system. Closes the Skeleton Cut display. Shows the currently used processing condition file name.

X Cut Length Cuts the worksheet in the X-axis direction after Measurement button measuring the X cut length with the HS edge detection function. Y Cut Length Cuts the worksheet in the Y-axis direction after Measurement button measuring the Y cut length with the HS edge detection function. X Start Point Cuts the worksheet to X0 in the negative X-axis Measurement button direction after detecting the edge in the positive X-axis direction with the HS edge detection function. Y Start Point Cuts the worksheet to Y0 in the negative Y-axis Measurement button direction after detecting the edge in the positive Y-axis direction with the HS edge detection function. X Cut Length Input button Y Cut Length Input button Cuts the worksheet in the positive X-axis direction by the preset cut length from the preset current position. Cuts the worksheet in the negative Y-axis direction by the preset cut length from the


preset current position. Cut Length field Coordinate display area Sets the cut length for X and Y cut length input. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9999.999 mm) Show the absolute or machine coordinate position.

1 2 3 4 Manually move the X- and Y-axes to position where you want to cut the worksheet. Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the Skeleton Cut button to open the Skeleton Cut display. Press the START button to cut the skeleton.

Description of operation
X Cut Length Measurement 1 The laser head detects the edge (positive X-axis direction edge) of the worksheet while moving in the positive X-axis direction from the start position. The laser head returns to the original position and then detects the edge (negative X-axis direction edge) of the worksheet while moving in the negative X-axis direction. The laser head cuts the worksheet parallel with the X-axis from the positive to negative X-axis direction edges detected last. The distance within 10 mm of each edge is cut with the Z-axis tracking sensor turned off.




Y Cut Length Measurement The laser head cuts the worksheet in the Y-axis direction in the same way as in the X-axis direction.


X Start Point Measurement 1 The laser head detects the edge (positive X-axis direction edge) of the worksheet while moving in the positive X-axis direction from the start position. The laser head cuts the worksheet parallel with the X-axis from the positive X-axis direction edge to X0. The distance within 10 mm of each edge is cut with the Z-axis tracking sensor turned off.




Y Start Point Measurement The laser head cuts the worksheet in the Y-axis direction in the same way as in the X-axis direction. X Cut Length Input 1 The laser head cuts the worksheet over the preset length from the start position in the positive X-axis direction.



Y Cut Length Input 1 The laser head cuts the worksheet over the preset length from the start position in the negative Y-axis direction.


7-18. Settings
Press the Settings button to open the Utility Settings display. The button sequence on the Utility display can be changed.

Display items
Item Description MOVES UPWARDS Moves up the currently selected function button (green). MOVES Moves down the currently selected function DOWNWARD button (green). SET RECOMMENDATION button SET DEFAULT button OK button BACK button Rearranges the buttons in the Amada-recommended order and closes the Utility Settings display. Returns the order of the buttons to that set at the time of factory shipment and closes the Utility Settings display. Updates to the changed order of the buttons and closes the Utility Settings display. Closes the Utility Settings display and returns to the UTILITY display.


7-19. Input error

When a value outside the setting range of each display is entered, the following input range error display opens.

Press the OK button to close the display.



Press the COND. button to open one of the processing condition displays.

The processing condition displays handle the processing condition files and machine parameters. They can be switched between the detail and detail off formats. Press the DETAIL button to make this format change.



There are the following six detail displays. CUT display PIERCE display EDGE display LIST display SET LASER display SET OPTION display Output Check display Changes and registers the cutting conditions. Changes and registers the piercing conditions. Changes and registers the edge conditions. Calls and registers the material names (processing condition file names). Sets the mechanical units. Sets the optional units and machine parameters. Checks the output of the oscillator.

There are the following three detail off displays. COND. display LIST display SET LASER display Changes and registers the cutting and piercing conditions. Calls and registers the material names (processing condition file names). Sets the mechanical units.


8-1. Common areas of processing condition displays

The items enclosed with dotted lines in the figure below are common to the CUT, PIERCE, and EDGE displays.



8-1-1. COMMON AREA 1

Display items
Item Material Name field Description Shows the currently selected material name. This item can be displayed but cannot be corrected. Shows the name of the oscillator installed on the machine. This item can be displayed but cannot be corrected. Shows the date and time when the cutting conditions were saved. This item can be displayed but cannot be corrected.

Resonator field

Update Date field


Item Material Type field

Description Shows the currently selected material type. This becomes the material type to be searched for on the LIST display. (Setting range: 8 or less characters) (Characters to be used: Alphanumeric characters, hyphen -, period .)

Thickness field

Shows the thickness of the material to be processed. Be sure that it matches the thickness of the worksheet to be processed. (Setting range: 0.00 to 199.99 mm) Selects the processing method. Standard: Oxygen cutting of mild steel (less than 6.0 mm in thickness) and stainless steel Thickness: Mild steel (6.0 mm or more in thickness) Clean: Clean Cut of stainless steel Aluminum: Aluminum Vinyl: Cutting of material with top surface covered with vinyl Acrylic: Cutting of acrylic

Cutting Type field

Nozzle Type field

Sets the type of the nozzle to be used for processing. (Setting range: S*.*, D*.*W, S*.*E, D*.*E, D*.*) The characters *.* indicate the nozzle diameter. It is set in another item. S*.*: Single-type standard nozzle D*.*W: Double-type (double-walled) WACS nozzle S*.*E: Single-type ECO nozzle D*.*E: Double-type (double-walled) ECO nozzle D*.*: Double-type (double-walled) standard nozzle

Head Type field

Sets the type of laser head to be used for processing. (Setting range: Standard, WACS, ECO) Sets the focus position from the material surface. (Setting range: -99.9 to +99.9 mm)

Focus field

Reflect. Detect. field Selects whether to turn on or off the reflected light detection function. Be sure to turn on the reflected light detection function when cutting aluminum. WACS field Selects whether to turn on or off the WACS function. This does not apply when the machine is not equipped with the WACS function.


Item Nozzle Dia. field

Description Sets the diameter of the nozzle to be used for processing. (Setting range: 0.00 to 99.99 mm) Sets the lens to be used for processing. (Setting range: 5, 7.5, 10, 3.75, N/A) Sets the AC pattern. (Setting range: 1 to 10)

Lens field AC

8-1-2. COMMON AREA 2

Item OVERRIDE button Power field AC field SELECT button REPLACE ALL button DETAIL button SAVE button Cursor

Description Opens the Override display. Shows the actual power. (Display unit: W) Shows the actual AC output. Selects the processing conditions. Changes all of the items below the cursor position. Changes between the detail and detail off displays. Saves the changed processing conditions. Shows the cursor position for the correcting data.

The currently selected condition numbers are indicated by yellow bands.


[1] Override display

Press the OVERRIDE button to open the Override display. The Current Position display allows you to change the override (multiplication factor) applied to the Feed Rate, Power, Freq., Duty, and Gas Press. fields.

Display items
Item Feed Rate field Power field Freq. field Duty field Gas Press. field Actual Feed Rate field Actual Power field Laser Gas Press. field UP and DOWN buttons 10 and 1 buttons Description Applies the override to the feed rate. (Setting range: 0 to 254%) Applies the override to the power. (Setting range: 0 to 200%) Applies the override to the frequency. (Setting range: 0 to 200%) Applies the override to the duty. (Setting range: 0 to 150%) Applies the override to the gas pressure. (Setting range: 0 to 200%) Shows the actual feed rate during program operation. Shows the average power during processing. Shows the laser gas pressure during laser operation only when the oscillator is OLC. Increment and decrement the setting value by 10% or 1% each, respectively. Change the override multiplication factor between 10 and 1. *The override is fixed at 10 for the duty. CANCEL button Sets the override for the selected item to 100%.


8-1-3. COMMON AREA SETTING OPERATIONS [1] Correcting data

The data can be always corrected. 1 2 3 Move the cursor to the position where you want to correct the data. Correct the data to a new value with the numeric keys on the keyboard. Press the ENTER key or arrow keys on the keyboard to confirm the correction.
NOTE If the corrected value falls outside of the range, an error message appears as shown right. Press the OK button to erase the error message.

[2] Replacing all data

Replace the data below the cursor position with the same data at the cursor position as described below. 1 2 3 Press the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the cursor to the item whose data you want to replace all. Press the REPLACE ALL button. The data below the cursor position is replaced with the same data at the cursor position. This does not apply to marking (condition No. 10).

[3] Changing and registering processing method

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the processing method you want to use.


[4] Changing and registering nozzle type

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the nozzle type you want to use.

[5] Changing and registering head type

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the head type you want to use.

[6] Changing and registering reflected light detection

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select whether to turn on or off the reflected light detection function.

[7] Changing and registering WACS

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select whether to turn on or off the WACS function.

[8] Changing and registering lens

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the lens you want to use.


[9] Changing and registering AC pattern

Press the triangle button to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the Active Cut (AC) pattern you want to use.

[10] Changing and registering material type

Move the cursor to the Material Name field, and change the material type with the alphabetic or numeric keys on the keyboard. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard to confirm the change.

[11] Changing and registering material thickness

Move the cursor to the Thickness field, and change the material thickness with the numeric keys on the keyboard. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard to confirm the change.

[12] Changing and registering focal length

Move the cursor to the Focus field, and change the focal length with the numeric keys on the keyboard. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard to confirm the change.

[13] Changing and registering nozzle diameter

Move the cursor to the Nozzle Dia. field, and change the nozzle diameter with the numeric keys on the keyboard. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard to confirm the change.


[14] Changing and registering edge and approach data

Press the EDGE DATA or Appr. Data display item to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the number you want to use. The number is that of the corresponding condition registered on the EDGE display.

[15] Changing and registering fine edge data

Press the Fine Data display item to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the number you want to use. The number is that of the corresponding condition registered on the EDGE display.

[16] Changing and registering piercing condition number

Press the PIERCE display item to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the number you want to use. The number is that of the corresponding condition registered on the PIERCE display.

[17] Changing and registering head control method

Press the HEAD CONTROL display item to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the head control method you want to use.


[18] Saving processing condition data

Press the SAVE button to save the processing condition data.
NOTE The corrected data is shown on the display. Unless saved, it does not replace the original data. When the processing condition file is called again without saving the new data, it presents the old data. Suppose that the program has the material command M102 ( ) and that the processing condition file has some data corrected but not has the corrected data saved. If the machine is automatically operated with the same program, it is fed with the old data.

[19] Selecting processing condition

You can change the currently selected processing condition number. Press the SELECT button to select the processing condition you want to use. Press the SELECT button again to have the processing condition selected. When selected, the processing condition is highlighted yellow.

[20] Changing and registering blow condition (only on PIERCE display)

Press the Blow display item to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select the blow condition number you want to use.


[21] Changing and registering after-pierce function

Press the After Pierce display item to open the pull-down menu. From the menu, select whether to turn on or off the after-pierce function.


8-2. CUT display

Press the CUT button to open the CUT display to correct and save the cutting conditions.

NOTE The setting range described here is the range of values that can be entered. The range of values that can be actually set varies with the machine and unit.

Display items
Item Feed Rate column Power column Freq. column Duty column Gas Press. column Description Sets the feed rate F. (Setting range: 0 to 240000 mm/min) Sets the power S. (Setting range: 0 to 9999 W) Sets the pulse frequency P. (Setting range: 5 to 9999 Hz) Sets the pulse duty Q. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the assist gas pressure. (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa)


Item Gas Kind column

Description Sets the assist gas type. 1 to 3: Oxygen, 4, 7: Nitrogen, 5: Air, 6: EZ Cut (Setting range: 1 to 7)

Gas Time column

Sets the assist gas change time. The machine waits for the preset time when it changes to the assist gas for cutting. (Setting range: 0 to 9.9 sec) Sets the nozzle gap. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Sets the laser beam path compensation value. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Sets under which of the edge conditions 201 to 205 on the EDGE display to process the edge. (Setting range: 0: Select none, 201 to 205: Select either one)

Nozzle Gap column Offset column Edge Data column

Appr. Data column

Used for changing the approach condition. Sets to which of the edge conditions 201 to 205 on the EDGE display to change the approach condition. (Setting range: 0: Select none, 201 to 205: Select either one)

Fine Data column

Sets which of the fine edge conditions 910 to 905 on the edge display to use. (Setting range: 0: Select one, 901 to 905: Select either one)

Pierce column

Sets under which of the piercing conditions 101 to 103 on the PIERCE display to pierce the material. (Setting range: 0: Select none, 101 to 103: Select either one)

AC Offset column

Sets the compensation value for the AC unit during cutting. (Setting range: -5.00 to +5.00) Sets the method of moving the head after cutting. Setting range Standard: Move the axis after raising the head. Medium: Raise and lower the head at a higher speed. Fast: Move the axis without raising the head. *Set the column to Standard for processing a uneven-surface material or 3D part.

Head Control column

When the condition E010 is specified in the program, marking is performed.



Press the CHECK POWER button to open the Output Check display for checking the power.

Display items
Item Condition No. field Output field Frequency field Duty field Real Output field Description Shows the selected condition number. Shows the output for the selected condition. Shows the frequency for the selected condition. Shows the duty for the selected condition. Shows the currently delivered output value.

1 2 3 4 Check that the NC mode is MEMORY. Press the SELECT button on the CUT display. Select the condition, and press again the SELECT button. Press the START button to check the power. To quit the procedure, press the NC RESET or STOP button.


8-3. PIERCE display

Press the PIERCE button to open the PIERCE display to correct and save the piercing conditions.

NOTE The setting range described here is the range of values that can be entered. The range of values that can be actually set varies with the machine and unit.

Display items
Item Power column Initial Freq. column Initial Duty column Incr. Freq. column Sets the power S. (Setting range: 0 to 9999 W) Sets the initial step piecing pulse frequency P. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Sets the initial step piercing pulse duty Q. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the incremental step piecing pulse frequency. Set the column to 0 when piercing is not step piercing. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Description


Item Incr. Duty column

Description Sets the incremental step piercing pulse duty Q. Set the column to 0 if piercing is not fast piercing. (Setting range: 0 to 99%) Sets the step time during which the step piercing pulse frequency and duty increase. Set the column to 0 if piercing is not fast piercing. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 sec) Sets the step count during which the step piercing pulse frequency and duty increase. Set the column to 0 if piercing is not fast piercing. (Setting range: 0 to 99 cycles) Sets the piercing time. (Setting range: 0.001 to 99.999 sec) Sets the assist gas pressure. (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa) Sets the assist gas type. 1 to 3: Oxygen, 4, 7: Nitrogen, 5: Air, 6: EZ Cut (Setting range: 1 to 7)

Step Time column

Step Count column

Pierce Time column Gas Press. column Gas Kind column

Gas Time column

Sets the assist gas change time. The machine waits for the preset time when the assist gas is changed to the piercing assist gas. (Setting range: 0.0 to 9.9 sec) Sets the nozzle gap. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Sets the piercing AC compensation value. (Setting range: -5.00 to +5.00) Sets whether to turn on or off various blow units. This does not apply when the machine is not equipped with any blow units. (Setting range: OFF, 1 to 10) Blow pattern OFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Oil shot None None 1 cycle 1 cycle 1 cycle 3 cycles 3 cycles 3 cycles 3 cycles Air blow None As soon as piercing starts As soon as piercing starts 0.1 sec after piercing starts 0.3 sec after piercing starts As soon as piercing starts 0.1 sec after piercing starts 0.3 sec after piercing starts 1 sec after piercing ends

Nozzle Gap column AC Offset column Blow column


Item Blow column After Pierce column B Cut column Pierce type column 9 10

Description None None None None

Sets whether to turn on or off CW piercing after normal piercing. (Setting range: OFF, ON) Sets the diameter of the small hole to be processed after piercing. (Setting range: 0.0 to 9.9 mm) Sets the piercing method. (Setting range: 0 to 2999) Setting values that can be currently used 0: Standard pierce 3: Power pierce 6: Quick pierce (Z-axis pierces in one shot while moving) 7: Peck pierce (continuous quick pierce) 10: No pierce 133: Pierce by melting top vinyl alone 134: Pierce small hole in top vinyl 135: Pierce top vinyl Do not set any other piercing methods.


8-4. EDGE display

Press the EDGE button to open the EDGE display to correct and save the edge conditions.

NOTE The setting range described here is the range of values that can be entered. The range of values that can be actually set varies with the machine and unit.

Display items
Edge and approach processing Item Angle column Description Sets the angle at which to change from the cutting condition to the edge condition. The cutting condition changes to the edge condition at the corner whose included angle is less than the angle set in the program. (Setting range: 0 to 180 degrees) Edge Power column Sets the corner piercing power S and return processing power S. (Setting range: 0 to 999 W)


Item Edge Freq. column Edge Duty column Pierce Time column Edge GPrs. column

Description Sets the corner piercing pulse frequency P. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Sets the corner piercing pulse duty Q. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the corner piercing time. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 sec) Sets the corner piecing assist gas pressure and return processing gas pressure. (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa) Sets the assist gas type. 0: Gas type and pressure effective as cutting conditions, 1 to 3: Oxygen, 4, 7: Nitrogen, 5: Air, 6: EZ Cut (Setting range: 0 to 7)

Edge Gknd column

Recov. Dist. column

Sets the return processing distance. (Setting range: 0.000 to 99.999 mm)

Recov. Feed column Sets the return processing feed rate. (Setting range: 0 to 9999 mm/min) Recov. Freq. column Sets the return processing pulse frequency P. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Recov. Duty column Nozzle Gap column Sets the return processing pulse duty Q. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the return processing nozzle gap. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) *When the column is set to 0.000, the return processing condition is the same as the cutting condition. Fine edge conditions Item Power column Freq. column Duty column Prm. column Description Sets the fine edge cutting power. (Setting range: 0 to 999 W) Sets the fine edge cutting pulse frequency P. (Setting range: 5 to 9999 Hz) Sets the fine edge cutting pulse duty Q. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the fine edge cutting parameter. (Setting range: 0 to 100%)


Precutting conditions Set the power pierce approach conditions during B cutting as shown below. Item Power column Freq. column Duty column Gas Press. column Description Sets the precutting power. (Setting range: 0 to 999 W) Sets the precutting pulse frequency P. (Setting range: 5 to 2000 Hz) Sets the precutting pulse duty Q. (Setting range: 0 to 100%) Sets the precutting assist gas pressure and return processing gas pressure. (Setting range: 0.00 to 2.55 MPa) Gas Kind column Sets the assist gas type. 1 to 3: Oxygen, 4, 7: Nitrogen, 5: Air, 6: EZ Cut (Setting range: 1 to 7) Dist. column Feed Rate column Nozzle Gap column Sets the precutting distance. (Setting range: 0.00 to 99.99 mm) Sets the precutting feed rate. (Setting range: 0 to 9999 mm/min) Sets the precutting nozzle gap. (Setting range: 0.000 to 9.999 mm) Laser Monitoring Set the monitoring conditions during cutting or piercing as shown below. Item Cutting Monitoring column Pierce Monitoring column Gain column Description Sets whether or not to monitor the cutting conditions. Sets whether or not to monitor the piercing conditions. Sets the magnification (gain) to be set for specific material types during laser monitoring. (Setting range: 0 to 6)


8-5. LIST display

Press the LIST button to open the LIST display to show a list of processing data for each material.

Display items
Item Material Name field Rem. Mtrl. Field Description Shows the currently called material name. Shows the number of remaining materials that can be registered. A maximum of 200 materials can be registered. Show the selected material name. Shows the material name.

Green characters Material Name column Thick. column Cutting Typ column Head Type column Lens column N Type column N Dia. column

Material Typ column Shows the material type. Shows the material thickness. Shows the cutting method. Shows the head type. Shows the lens type. Shows the nozzle type. Shows the nozzle diameter.

Update Date column Shows the update date and time.



Specify, call, and highlight the material name as described below. 1 Move the scroll bar to the material name you want to call, and move the cursor to the specified material name to highlight it.

2 Press the CALL button to call the material name.

NOTE If the specified material name is already called, a message display opens to indicate that the material name is already present. Press the YES button on the message display to call the material name. If the specified material name is not present, another message display opens to indicate that the material name is not present. It cannot be called. The material name cannot be called during automatic operation.


Find and show the processing conditions as described below. 1 Press the FIND button to open the Find Conditions display. Select the find conditions, and press the OK button.
NOTE The search items are the items shown in the material list. If All is selected, all material names are shown.


Example: Find by nozzle diameter of 3 mm 1 Press the triangle button of the FIND Item field to select the nozzle diameter. Type 3 in the Nozzle Dia. field. Press the OK button to perform the find.

2 3

The processing conditions with the nozzle diameter of 3 mm are listed as shown below.



Copy the processing conditions under the selected material name as described below. 1 2 3 From the LIST display, select the material name you want to copy. Press the COPY button. Enter the new material name. Setting range: 16 or less characters Characters to be used: Alphanumeric characters, hyphen -, period . If you have entered a wrong value, press the backspace key on the keyboard, and enter a correct value. 4 Select the OK button to confirm the new material name.
NOTE If there is the same material name as the destination material name, a message display opens to indicate that the same material name is present. The material name cannot be copied.


1 From the LIST display, select the material name you want to change. Press the RENAME button. Enter the new material name. Setting range: 16 or less characters Characters to be used: Alphanumeric characters, hyphen -, period . If you have entered a wrong value, press the backspace key on the keyboard, and enter a correct value.

2 3


Press the OK button to confirm the new material name.

NOTE If there is the same material name as the new material name, a message display opens to indicate that the same material name is present. The material name cannot be changed. During automatic operation, a message display opens to indicate that the material name cannot be changed during automatic operation. The material name cannot be changed.


Specify and delete the material name as described below. 1 Move the cursor to the material name you want to delete, and press the DELETE button. A message display opens. Press the YES button on the display to delete the material name.
NOTE If the specified material name is already called, a message display opens to indicate that the called material name cannot be deleted. The material name cannot be deleted. During automatic operation, a message display opens to indicate that the material name cannot be deleted during automatic operation. The material name cannot be deleted.



Export the processing condition data as described below.

Press the EXPORT button to open the Process status file Output display. Specify the file name and destination folder

Press the Save button to save the selected processing condition data in the specified folder. The .jkm extension is added to the exported file.


Import the saved processing condition data, and register it in the NC unit as described below. The CSV format written by the floppy disk writing function is the only file format that can be imported. 1 Press the IMPORT button to open the Process status file Input display. Refer to the folder where the processing condition file is saved. The data in the file is shown. Select the data to import, and press the Open button.

If you try to import a condition with a different oscillator name or an already registered condition name, the message center display opens.


Example: Different oscillator name Press the YES button to register the processing condition data in the NC unit.

NOTE The same processing condition name as the one displayed now cannot be read. The message center display opens to indicate that the currently read material name cannot be overwritten. The processing condition data cannot be imported during automatic operation.


Export all processing condition data at a time as described below.

Press the ALL DATA EXPORT button to open the Process status file Output All display. Specify the save location and file name. The current time is the file name by default. Press the Save button to save the data. The .jka extension is added to the saved file.



The processing condition data saved by the export all data function can be read and registered in the NC unit. The only file format that can be read is the CSV format saved by the export all data function. 1 Press the ALL DATA IMPORT button to open the Process status file Input All display.

Specify the file to read, and press the Open button. The message center display opens and shows the message Is InputAll carried out?. Press the YES button to register all data in the NC unit.
NOTE The currently displayed processing conditions are all deleted, and the contents of the file are read. The import all data operation cannot be performed during automatic operation.


8-6. SET LASER display

There are the following four SET LASER displays.

Item LASER PRM. display AIV display HS EDGE display PROBE display

Description Makes settings about laser processing. Makes and checks settings about the optional AIV unit. Makes and checks settings about the edge detection function with the HS sensor. Makes and checks settings about the optional probe unit.


Press the LASER PRM. button to open the LASER PRM. display.


Display items
Item Follow Start Height field Description Sets the start at which the Z-axis sensor starts tracking the material during piercing (M103). Set this height as measured from the material surface. The actual tracking start height is the sum of material thickness, preset tracking start height, and G93Z command value. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Z Retract Height fields Set the height to which the Z-axis returns (rises) after cutting a hole or part for each end value (unloading method) No End field: Sets the Z-axis return height without the end value (M104) M00 field: Sets the Z-axis return height at the machine stop command (M104 M00). M01 field: Sets the Z-axis return height at the machine stop command (M104 M01). Chute field: Sets the Z-axis return height at the workchute command (M104 M180) when the machine is equipped with the workchute. Set the return height as height above the worksheet surface. The Z-axis returns by the preset incremental amount. The Z-axis returns to the origin when its move amount is greater than the Z-axis maximum processing range. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Assist Gas Open Height field Sets the height to which the assist gas is ejected. The assist gas is ejected according to the height of the Z-axis. Set the ejection height as height above the worksheet surface. The actual assist gas ejection height is the sum of material thickness, preset assist gas ejection height, and G93Z command value. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Cl Al Pierce Height field Sets the nozzle rise during piercing with Clean Cut or Aluminum Cut. Set the nozzle rise as increment from the cutting nozzle gap of 0.3. This item applies only when the Z-axis tracking function is disabled. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Focal Point Base Position field Sets the reference position of the focal point (focusing lens). At the command of M100, the NC focal point control moves the focal point to the focal point reference position plus the values set in the Focus and AC fields of the processing condition display. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm)


Item WACS Time field

Description Sets in seconds the time during which the assist gas is supplied after the WACS function is turned off. This item does not apply when the machine is not equipped with the WACS function and when the WACS function is not used. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Set the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the second origin to which the machine returns on the G50 display. The second origin is used for moving the machine to a different origin for loading worksheets and unloading parts, for example. (Setting range: -99.999.999 to +99999.999 mm)

2nd Machine Position fields

Tube Radius for Jog Sets the radius of round pipe for jog cutting with a rotary table. When the actual radius of pipe Cutting field to be cut is different from the set radius, the pipe surface speed does not become as preset, and cutting trouble occurs. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Lens focal point reference position fields Vinyl Cutting Height field Five focal point positions can be set by type of lens. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Sets the Z-axis height when cutting the top vinyl sheet. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Vinyl Cutting Radius Sets the radius to which the top vinyl sheet is field melted when cutting the top vinyl sheet. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Vinyl Cutting Piercing Condition field Pierce Count field Sets the top vinyl sheet melting piercing number (101, 102, or 103) when cutting the top vinyl sheet. (Setting range: 0 to 99999.999 mm) Sets the pierce count at which to automatically clean the nozzle. (Setting range: 0 to 99999999 cycles) Operating Time field Sets the operating time at which to automatically clean the nozzle. (Setting range: 0 to 99999999 min) Cutting Time field Sets the cutting time at which to automatically clean the nozzle. (Setting range: 0 to 99999999 min)

1 2 Touch a data setting field to move the cursor to it. Enter a setting value in the field. When you have entered a wrong value, press the ESC key on the keyboard, and enter a correct value. You can enter 0 or a minus value as setting value, but cannot ensure normal operation with such a setting value.


Press the ENTER key or cursor keys on the keyboard to confirm the setting value.

Press the DEFAULT button to default the laser parameter data. The message center display opens. Press the YES button to default the laser parameter data.


Press the AIV button to open the AIV display.

The AIV display has the following three display areas: Item AIV Measurement Result area AIV Data area System Data Area Description Shows the program measurement results using the AIV measurement function. Sets the AIV unit. Shows the data to be handled by the AIV unit and NC unit.


Display items
AIV Measurement Result area Cut Origin Correction Function (G140) fields Item Rotation Angle field Center Position X field Center Position Y field Description Shows the angle measurement result. Shows the center position X of coordinate rotation. Shows the center position Y of coordinate rotation.

Circle Degree Measuring Function (G141L) fields Item Circle Degree field Description Shows the circularity measurement result.

Tolerance Value field Shows the measurement error tolerance value. Automatic Focus Adjustment fields Item Kerf Width No. field Description Shows the measured minimum kerf width number.

Tolerance Value field Shows the kerf width measurement result. Pitch Error Measuring Function (G141L) fields Item Pitch Error X field Pitch Error Y field Description Shows the X-axis deviation measurement result. Shows the Y-axis deviation measurement result.

Tolerance Value field Shows the measurement error tolerance value. AIV Data area Data fields Item AIV Camera Type field Coordinate Type field Camera Offset X field Camera Offset Y field Allowable Bad Cut Freq. field Bad Cut Tolerance field Description Sets the type of camera to be used for AIV measurement. (Automatically set.) Sets the coordinate type of camera to be used for AIV measurement. (Automatically set.) Sets the X coordinate of the camera installation position. (Automatically set.) Sets the Y coordinate of the camera installation position. (Automatically set.) Sets the maximum allowable value of bad cuts determined by the bad cut measuring function. Sets the maximum allowable amount of bad cuts determined by the bad cut measuring function.


System Data Area Transfer Data (AIV to CNC) fields Item Transfer Data 1 to 4 fields Description Show the data transferred from the NC unit to the AIV unit.

Automatic Calibration fields Item Dot X field Dot Y field Camera Position X field Camera Position Y field Description Shows the X-length of one camera dot. Shows the Y-length of one camera dot. Shows the X-coordinate of the camera with respect to the measured hole. Shows the Y-coordinate of the camera with respect to the measured hole.



Press the HS EDGE button to open the HS EDGE display.



The HS EDGE display has the following two display areas: Item HS Edge Detection Result area HS Edge Detection Data area Description Shows the HS edge detection results. Sets the HS edge detection function.

Display items
HS Edge Detection Result area Rotation fields Item Rotation Angle field Center Position X field Center Position Y field Description Shows the angle measurement result. Shows the center position X of coordinate rotation. Shows the center position Y of coordinate rotation.


Correction Value fields Item Correction Value X Correction Value Y Description Shows the measurement result correction value X. Shows the measurement result correction value Y.

Measurement Value fields Item Measuring Position field X field Y field Description Shows the X- or Y-coordinate plus the correction value. Shows the X-coordinate at which the machine stopped due to skip during measurement. Shows the Y-coordinate at which the machine stopped due to skip during measurement.

HS Edge Detection Data area Calibration Data fields Item Calibration X0 field Calibration Y0 field Calibration X1 field Calibration Y1 field Calibration X2 field Calibration Y2 field Description Shows the calibration result X0. Shows the calibration result Y0. Shows the calibration result X1. Shows the calibration result Y1. Shows the calibration result X2. Shows the calibration result Y2.

1 2 Touch a data setting field to move the cursor to it. Enter a setting value in the field. When you have entered a wrong value, press the ESC key on the keyboard, and enter a correct value. You can enter 0 or a minus value as setting value, but cannot ensure normal operation with such a setting value. Press the ENTER key or cursor keys on the keyboard to confirm the setting value.



Press the PROBE button to open the PROBE display.

The PROBE display has the following two display areas: Item Description Probe Measurement Shows the probe measurement results. Result area Probe Measurement Sets the probe. Data area

Display items
Probe Measurement Result area Rotation fields Item Rotation Angle field Center Position X field Center Position Y field Description Shows the angle measurement result. Shows the center position X of coordinate rotation. Shows the center position Y of coordinate rotation.


Calculation Value fields Item Calculation Value 1 field Calculation Value 2 field Description Shows the calculation value 1 during probe measurement. Shows the calculation value 2 during probe measurement.

Probe Measurement Data area Offset Data fields Item Offset X field Offset Y field Offset Z field Description Sets the X-axis offset of the probe. (Automatically set.) Sets the Y-axis offset of the probe. (Automatically set.) Sets the Z-axis offset of the probe. (Automatically set.)

3D Offset Z (5) field Sets the Z-axis offset when a 5 lens is used in the 3D probe. 3D Offset Z (7.5) field Sets the Z-axis offset when a 7.5 lens is used in the 3D probe.

1 2 Touch a data setting field to move the cursor to it. Enter a setting value in the field. When you have entered a wrong value, press the ESC key on the keyboard, and enter a correct value. You can enter 0 or a minus value as setting value, but cannot ensure normal operation with such a setting value. Press the ENTER key or cursor keys on the keyboard to confirm the setting value.


8-7. SET OPTION displays

There are the following three SET OPTION displays:

To make settings on the OPTION display, you must enter your password. Press the OPTION button to open the Enter Password display.

The SET OPTION display is used only by Amada for maintenance. Do not use it.


8-8. DETAIL OFF display

Press the DETAIL button to close the DETAIL display and change to the DETAIL OFF display.

There are the following three DETAIL OFF displays: Item COND. display LIST display SET LASER display Description Changes the cutting and piercing conditions. Calls and registers the material names (processing condition file names). Sets the component units of the machine.



Press the COND. button to open the COND. display. The number of items that can be changed on the COND. display is limited. Touch one of the fields on the COND. display to open an entry display on the right side. Touch a field on the entry display to change or register the value of the field.

You can enter values in the fields shown on the entry display, but not in the fields not shown on the entry display. Enter the values on the entry display as described for the DETAIL display.


Press the LIST button to open the LIST display to perform the following operations:

Call material names. Find material names. Export processing condition data. Export all processing condition data at a time.


Press the SET LASER button to open the SET LASER display. The display items and setting operations are the same as described for the SET LASER display of the detail format.


Press the MAINT. button to open one of the maintenance displays to set the display conditions.

For FANUC laser oscillator



For MITSUBISHI laser oscillator

The displays that appear when a button other than the M LASER MAINTENANCE button is pressed are the same in both composition and content as those that appear when the laser oscillator is FANUC.


Copy and move programs between media as described below. When the program is copied or moved, it can also be renamed.
Media selection buttons Mode selection buttons

PROGRAM/SCHEDULE data selection button

Original data display area Copy-to or move-to media selection buttons



Copy the data between the media as described below. 1 2 3 4 5 Select the media that contains the program you want to copy. Press the SWITCH button to select whether to show the program data or schedule data. Press the COPY MODE button. Form the source data display area, select the data to copy (multiple choice possible). Press one of the Copy/mover to buttons to select the destination media. The SDD system and NC unit allow a folder to be selected as the destination media. Press the OK button to open the Confirm data to be moved display.

Check the data to copy. If it is correct, press the COPY button. To abort the copy, press the ABORT button.
NOTE To rename, select the data on the Confirm data to be moved display, and press the RENAME button. Press the BACK button to return to the previous display.

When the copy is completed on the Processing data copy display, press the OK button to close the display. If the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the display will automatically close from the next time on.

9 Press the EXIT button.



Move the data between the media as described below. 1 2 3 4 5 Select the media that contains the program you want to move. Press the SWITCH button to select whether to show the program data or schedule data. Press the MOVE MODE button. Form the source data display area, select the data to move (multiple choice possible). Press one of the Copy/mover to buttons to select the destination media. The SDD system and NC unit allow a folder to be selected as the destination media. Press the OK button to open the Confirm data to be moved display.

Check the data to move. If it is correct, press the MOVE button. To abort the move, press the ABORT button.
NOTE To rename, select the data on the Confirm data to be moved display, and press the RENAME button. Press the BACK button to return to the previous display.

When the move is completed on the Processing data transfer display, press the OK button to close the display. If the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the display will automatically close from the next time on.

9 Press the EXIT button.



Press CNC MAINTENANCE button to open the CNC MAINTENANCE display. The CNC MAINTENANCE display consists of PROGRAM MANAGE, SETTING, and MACRO VARIABLE displays.

[1] PROGRAM MANAGE display

Item READ button PUNCH button DELETE button RS232C READ button

Description Reads a program from an I/O device (e.g., HDD or FDD). Writes a program to an I/O device (e.g., HDD or FDD). Deletes the selected program. Reads a program from an external I/O device (RS232C connection)

SELECTION OF ALL Select all programs on the CNC button MAINTENANCE display. RELEASE OF ALL button Deselects all programs on the CNC MAINTENANCE display.



Read a program from the I/O device as described below. 1 2 3 4 Set the media containing the program in the I/O device. Change to the EDIT mode, and press the READ button. Select the program you want to read, and press the OPEN button. Enter a new O number, and press the OK button.


Write a program to the I/O device as described below. 1 2 3 Set the program you want to write to the I/O device. Press the PUNCH button. Assign a file name, and press the OK button.


[2] SETTING display

Item Input Unit field I/O Channel field Parts Total field

Description Sets whether to enter values in inches or millimeters. Sets the channel to be used for the reader or punch interface. Shows the total number of parts incremented by one each time M02 or M30 is executed. It cannot be set on this display. Sets the required number of parts. If it is set to 0, it is taken to mean an infinite number of parts. Shows the current number of parts incremented by one each time M02 or M30 is executed. Shows the total power-on time. It cannot be set on this display.

Parts Required field

Parts Count field Power On field

Operating Time field Shows the total automatic operation time of the machine (excluding stop and down time). Cutting Time field Shows the total cutting time of the machine at cutting feeds for linear interpolation (G01) and circulation interpolation (G02, G3), for example. Shows the total operation time of the machine during one automatic operation cycle (excluding stop and down time). This field is automatically zeroed at the start of the next cycle and is zeroed also when the machine is powered off.

Cycle Time field

Date and Time fields Show the current date and time. They can be set and corrected on this display. Mirror Image fields Draw a mirror image in the direction of each axis.


[3] MACRO VARIABLE display

The MACRO VARIABLE display is used by Amada for maintenance and is not normally used by you.

[4] DNC PARAMETER display

Press the DNC PARAMETER button to open the DNC PARAMETER display to select and set input devices.

The RS232C port to be set here is located in the electrical enclosure. INPUT DEVICE field (synchronized with I/O Channel field on Setting display) 0: Handy File 1: RS232C 3: Remote buffer 4: Floppy disk (default) Set each item to suit the selected input device. If you have set a parameter, turn off the power of the machine and then turn it back on.


[5] CNC SET display

Press the CNC SET button to open the CNC SET display to check the parameters and reset the PS alarms (100, 101).



Item Parameter button Timer button Counter button Keep Relay button Data button Language Select area Other area

Description Opens a display to select the language and check the parameters. Opens a display to check the timers. Opens a display to check the counters. Opens a display to check the keep relays. Opens a display to check the data. The selected language can be checked. It is possible to check whether or not the programs numbered 08xxx and 09xxx can be edited. Whether or not the parameters can be written can be checked. The parameters can be checked. Clears the PS alarm 100 if it is present. Clears the PS alarm 101 if it is present. The timer can be checked. The counter can be checked. The keep relay can be checked. The data can be checked.

Parameter writing area Parameter area PS100 alarm deletion button PS101 alarm deletion button Timer area Counter area Keep relay area Data area



Press the VERSION INFORMATION button to open the VERSION INFO display to check the version of each NC data.

Item DETAIL button PARAM button BACK button

Description Shows the detailed version of each NC data. Shows the version information of the parameters. Returns to the CNC MAINTENANCE display.



Press the EXTERNAL IO SETUP button to open the External IO Setup display. External IO refers to the transfer of programs between the main control panel and the external device connected to the PANEL i serial port through the RS232C interface. The port that can be set on the RS232C Setting display is the PANEL i serial port but not the CNC unit serial port in the electrical enclosure. External IO setup consists of selecting the setting to be used for data IO and setting the RS232C communication.
2 1 4

1 A setup used by data I/O field

Description Selects the setting item to be used for the data IO serial port from among settings 1 to 5.

2 Setting selection Show and change the details of the selected setting number. buttons 3 APPLY button 4 Initial button

Updates the changed details of the selected setting number. Opens the Initial value setup display. Press the OK button to return the selected setting to the initial value at the time of factory shipment.



Press the SET ALL LASER DEFAULTS button on the maintenance menu display to open the Set all laser defaults display.

2 3

1 Initialize all macro variables/P-COD E variables in current default file radio button 2 Select default file radio button

Description Defaults all macro variables and P-code variables at a time without pressing the DEFAULT buttons on the laser processing condition and utility displays. This function is used to restore the variables of CNC memory after clearing it all at the occurrence of some trouble. Replaces the default value file supplied in external media (like FD or CD) with the current default value file. If there is another current default value file, it is overwritten. Press the SELECT button to open the default value file selection display where the selected default value file is shown. If the Select default file radio button is selected, this function cannot be performed without selecting the default file. Show the version information of the current and selected default value files. The items to be shown are version, date, and model. An item that is different between the two files is highlighted. Select the Initialize all radio button to replace the current default file with the selected default file and to default the macro variables and P-code variables. Select the Do not initialize radio button if you want to only upgrade the default file to the latest version or replace the default file with its latest version.

3 Default file selection

4 Version information

5 Macro variable/P-COD E variable



The e-mail notice function e-mails the user and NC administrator of change (called event hereinafter) in the operating status of the NC unit. The e-mail notice function allows you to: Remotely see the progress of your job. Immediately know whether the machine is operating or stopped. Immediately know why the machine is operating or stopped. Send e-mail.
NOTE The e-mail notice function cannot be used unless: 1) The AMNC 03 system can normally start and end. 2) The AMNC 03 system is normally connected to a device (e.g., Ethernet card or modem) that can be connected to the network. 3) The user has an e-mail account or has the right to access the mail server.

Press the E-MAIL NOTICE FUNCTION button to open the E-mail Notice Function display to set the timing of e-mail notice.

NOTE The SETUP button cannot be pressed during event monitoring. Press the STOP button to stop event monitoring.



Press the SETUP button to open the Setup of E-mail Notice display. Specify the e-mail transmission method, sender name, and receive address. Unless correct settings are made, the e-mail cannot be properly sent.

1 Transmitting E-mail server (SMTP) field 2 Authentication is necessary for this server box

Description Specifies the name or IP address of the SMTP server. Checked if the SMTP server requires an account and password. Press the LOGIN SETUP button to open the setup of an authentication login display, and set the authentication. Enter the account and password, and press the OK button to reflect the changes.

3 A dialup connection is used box 4 DETAILS button

Checked to use the dialup connection (e.g., modem). You need not check the box if you can access the e-mail server through Ethernet like xDSL. Makes other settings necessary for e-mail transmission.


5 Sender Name field

Description Enter the sender name in the Sender Name field so that the sender can be identified. Enter the e-mail address in the Sender E-mail Address field. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard to confirm each entry. Register in the list each address to which to send e-mail by using the e-mail notice function. Press the DELETE button to delete an address from the list. Multiple addresses can be specified for one name. Checked to select whether to use LZH or ZIP as compression method. LZH: Save the attached file in the LZH format. ZIP: Save the attached file in the ZIP format. Press the OK button to save the setting changes and close the Setup of E-mail Notice display. If you do not want to reflect the setting changes, press the BACK button to close the Setup of E-mail Notice display.

Sender E-mail Address field

6 Address list

7 Archive method of an appending file

8 OK button

Back button

NOTE If either of the following messages appears, the setting may be wrong or the network may not be normal. Check the setting.

If the A dialup connection is used box is checked, check the dialup connection on the Check display.



On the E-mail Notice Function display, select the event at which to send E-mail, and start and stop monitoring the event. When the event selected on the Setup of E-mail Notice display occurs during event monitoring, the E-mail is sent. The E-mail is not sent while event monitoring is stopped. Before event monitoring

During event monitoring

2 3 4




Description Sends e-mail when single-program operation is finished or one sheet in the scheduled job is normally finished. Sends e-mail when the schedule end is reached or the schedule is stopped. Sends e-mail when the current job reaches the number of worksheets to be processed or changes to another job. Sends e-mail when processing is discontinued due to emergency stop, alarm stop, setup stop, hold, or M00. If 0 min is specified, e-mail is sent as soon as the stop occurs. Sends e-mail when shutdown processing is performed (including automatic power-off). Allows event monitoring to automatically start at the start of the application.

Program End box

2 Schedule

End box

Schedule Job End box


It is informed if the next time passes box

5 Power

Off box

It starts automatically at the time of the start box

7 START button 8 STOP button

Starts event monitoring. Stops event monitoring. Disconnects the dialup connection if the dialup connection is made. Opens the Setup of E-mail Notice display. Opens the E-mail Transmission display.

9 SETUP button 10 MAIL button


11 OK button

Description Press the OK button to save the setting changes and close the E-mail Notice Function display. Press the BACK button to close the display without reflecting the setting changes.

BACK button


On the E-mail Transmission display, you can send any desired e-mail. Use the display also to check if the settings made on the Setup of E-mail Notice display are correct.

1 2

1 From field

Description Shows the sender name and address set on the Setup of E-mail Notice display. These items cannot be edited. Press the ADDITION button to add an e-mail address to the e-mail address list. Press the DELETE button to delete the e-mail address selected in the e-mail address list. Press the ADDRESS BOOK button to show the addresses registered in the address book.

2 To field

3 Subject field and Enter the subject of the e-mail to send and the text of the e-mail. text area


4 Attached file buttons

Description Used to attach a file to the e-mail to send. To attach a file, press the REFERENCE button to select the file and add it to the list. Press the APPLI DATA button to select the data. Press the DELETE button to deregister the attached file from the list.

5 SEND button

BACK button

Press the SEND button to send the e-mail. When the transmission is normally completed, the following message display opens. Press the OK button to close the display.

Press the BACK button to stop the transmission and close the E-mail Transmission display.
NOTE If either of the following messages appears, the setting may be wrong. Check the settings made on the Setup of E-mail Notice display.


Application Data display

Press the APPLI DATA button to open the Application Data display. Check the respective boxes to paste log file, setup file and other files of the related application as attached files. If a file is attached to the e-mail by using the application data function, the version number of the CNC MAINTENANCE display is added to the text of the e-mail.

Item Machining information box Alarm information box Application information box System information box Details button OK button BACK button

Description Attaches data concerning the processing of parts. Attaches information about alarm condition and history. Attaches data about the AMNC-F. Attaches data about the Windows system Opens the detailed setup display for the application data. Attaches the selected application data. Closes the Application Data display without reflecting the settings.


Press the Details button to directly specify the application data you want to attach to the e-mail.

Item Simple button Current Program Current Schedule Actual result Macro variable Laser-processing condition Alarm history I/O Info FANUC diagnosis AMNC log FANUC log User/Appli Setting Crash dumping Dr. Watson log

Description Opens the simple setup display for the application data. Currently selected processing program and additional information Current schedule information (CSV file) Actual result data file (binary file) Custom macro and P-code variables Laser processing condition file AMNC-F log history I/O information output file FANUC diagnostic output file AMNC-F log file FANUC log file INI file used in AMNC-F PC memory information file PC error log file


Press the INSPECTION button to open the INSPECTION display to set the inspection period of inspection items (such as oil change, cooling water change, or filter cleaning) and to produce an alarm or warning when the specified inspection period approaches.


1 2 7 3 8 5 6 9

The inspection items and next inspection dates are shown in increasing order of inspection dates. Setting items and AF oscillator maintenance items are shown mixed in the Item Name column. The inspection dates are automatically calculated. For the items to be set at a period of one week or month, for example, (period monitoring items), the inspection completion date plus the preset period is the next inspection date. For the items set by time (time monitoring items), the next inspection date is calculated from the difference between the preset time and operating time. Set the operating time per week, and calculate the next inspection date by the following equation: ((Preset time) (Operating time))/(Operating time per week) The operating time per week is set by the NOTICE option.


The time monitoring items are automatically and periodically calculated from the operating time up to then, so that the next inspection dates change. When the inspection item has its Status column blank, its inspection date may change with the proportion of the operating time when automatically calculated. When the inspection item has its Status column confirmed, its inspection date is confirmed and is no longer calculated automatically. When the inspection item is completed, Confirmed disappears from the Status column, and the next inspection date is automatically calculated. The inspection item is shown in red characters when its inspection date is overdue. The inspection item is shown in blue characters when its inspection date is approaching. When to judge the inspection date is approaching is set by the NOTICE option. Item 1 When excess of time displays at the time of starting checkbox Description Opens the INSPECTION display at the time of start for an inspection item whose inspection date is approaching. When the inspection item is completed, select it and press the COMPLETE button. When there are no more inspection items whose inspection date is approaching, the INSPECTION display is not opened. Pressed when the inspection item is completed. When Confirmed is shown in the Status column, it disappears, and the next inspection date is automatically calculated. The inspection items are automatically rearranged in decreasing order of the updated inspection dates. Confirms the inspection date. Once confirmed, the inspection date cannot be changed by automatic calculation. Cancels the confirmation of the inspection date. The Status column goes blank, and the inspection date is automatically calculated at the time of cancellation.

2 COMPLETE button

3 DECISION button 4 CANCEL button

5 CHANGE button Changes the inspection date. Press the CHANGE button to open the calendar. Press the new inspection date on the calendar, and press OK to change the inspection date or BACK to close the calendar. When the inspection date is changed, its Status column changes to Confirmed, and the inspection date cannot be changed by automatic calculation. 6 OPTION button Opens the OPTION display. Add a task, add an item, or make a setting.




7 SETTING button Opens the Setting display. 8 CALEND. button Opens the Calendar display. 9 BACK button Closes the INSPECTION display.

9-7-2. TASK
4 5 6

3 7

Register the tasks that must be performed at the specified date. The tasks are shown on the INSPECTION and Calendar displays and are handled in the same way as the inspection items. The past or overdue tasks are not shown on the INSPECTION display. The tasks are in the Confirmed status, and their confirmation cannot be canceled. Item
1 ADD button

Description Adds a task. Enter the name of the task, press the inspection date where to register the task on the calendar, and press OK to confirm the addition of the task or press BACK to cancel the addition of the task.

2 CHANGE button Changes the inspection date for a registered task. Press the CHANGE button to open the calendar. Press the new inspection date on the calendar, and press OK to change the inspection date or BACK to close the calendar. 3 DELETE button 4 ADD ITEM button

Deletes a task. Opens the ADD ITEM display.


5 NOTICE button

Description Opens the NOTICE display. Closes the TASK display.

6 HOLIDAY button Opens the HOLIDAY display. 7 BACK button

9-7-3. ADD ITEM

4 5 6

Add periodic inspection items. The added inspection items are shown on the INSPECTION, Setting, and Calendar displays. When adding an inspection item, select whether to set the period (period monitoring) or operating time (time monitoring). For period monitoring, select None, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year. For time monitoring, set the operating time to the next inspection date. Item
1 ADD button

Description Adds an inspection time. Enter the name of the inspection item, and select period or time monitoring. Set the period or time, and press OK to confirm the addition of the inspection item or press BACK to cancel the addition of the inspection item. Deletes the added inspection item. Change the display order of the added inspection item. Press the UP or DOWN button to move up or down the selected inspection item. Opens the TASK display.

2 DELETE button 3 UP and DOWN buttons

4 TASK button


5 NOTICE button

Description Opens the NOTICE display. Closes the ADD ITEM display.

6 HOLIDAY button Opens the HOLIDAY display. 7 BACK button

9-7-4. NOTICE
3 4 5

1 Span checkbox

Description Selects the time at which to notify the approach of the inspection dates. When "1 week is selected, the inspection items whose inspection date falls within 1 week of the current date are shown in blue characters on the INSPECTION display. Sets approximate operating time per week. This is the time from which to calculate the inspection date of the inspection items subject to time monitoring. Opens the TASK display. Opens the ADD ITEM display.

2 Operation time of one week field 3 TASK button 4 ADD ITEM button

5 HOLIDAY button Opens the HOLIDAY display. 6 BACK button

Closes the OPTION display.


9-7-5. HOLIDAY
3 4 5

Set the holidays to be shown on the calendar. A holiday can be set on a day of the week. A particular date cannot be set as holiday. Item
1 Day of the week checkbox 2 Week checkbox 3 TASK button 4 ADD ITEM button 5 NOTICE button 6 BACK button

Description Sets a given day of the week as holiday. Selects the week where to set the selected day of the week as holiday. Opens the TASK display. Opens the ADD ITEM display. Opens the NOTICE display. Closes the HOLIDAY display.


9-7-6. SETTING

2 5 6

4 7

Set inspection items other than for the oscillator. The inspection period of an inspection item can be changed. The previous inspection date and the interval from the last inspection date are shown. The inspection items are not rearranged here. Item
1 When excess of time displays at the time of starting checkbox

Description Opens the INSPECTION display at the time of start for an inspection item whose inspection date is approaching. When the inspection item is completed, select it and press the COMPLETE button. When there are no more inspection items whose inspection date is approaching, the INSPECTION display is not opened. Pressed when the inspection item is completed. The previous inspection date is updated, and the overdue status is cleared.

2 COMPLETE button

3 PERIOD column The inspection period can be changed. Select the inspection period to change, enter a new inspection period, and press the ENTER key on the keyboard to set the new inspection period. To cancel the entry of the new inspection period during the selection, press the ESC key on the keyboard. 4 OPTION button

Opens the OPTION display to add a task, add an item, or make a setting.

5 INSPECT. button Opens the INSPECTION display. 6 CALEND. button Opens the CALENDAR display. 7 BACK button

Closes the Setting display.


This display appears only for the LC-F1 model.

1 2

3 5

The calendar shows the inspection dates. The current date is shown in red characters, the inspection dates are shown filled in orange, and the cursor is shown in a blue frame. The dates set as holidays are shown filled in pink. When you press an inspection date, you see the description of the inspection date below the calendar. Item Description

1 PREV. MONTH Show the previous month and next month, respectively. and NEXT MONTH buttons 2 Nextday field

When you press an inspection date, you see an inspection item or items at the inspection date. If the inspection data has four or more inspection items, the scroll bar appears. Scroll to the other inspection item or items.

3 CHANGE button Changes the inspection date. Press the CHANGE button to open the calendar. Press the new inspection date on the calendar, and press OK to change the inspection date or BACK to close the calendar. When the inspection date is changed, its Status column changes to Confirmed, and the inspection date cannot be changed by automatic calculation. 4 OPTION button

Opens the OPTION display to add a task, add an item, or make a setting.

5 INSPECT. button Opens the INSPECTION display.


7 BACK button

Description Closes the Calendar display.

6 SETTING button Opens the Setting display.


Press the BACKUP SCHEDULER button to open the Backup Scheduler display to save periodically or manually specific data to a flash memory card. When the hard disk is crashed and its data is destroyed, the data saved in the memory flash card can be read to the hard disk to restore the data in the hard disk to a condition close to that before the crash of the hard disk. The types of data that can be saved and restored by the backup functions are as follows: Laser processing conditions User programs Default value files Alarm history Results The backup scheduler has the functions of automatic backup, manual backup, and manual restore.


[1] Automatic backup

Automatic backup is a function of saving data to a flash memory card at a preset date. Touch the display to open the menu. Select your automatic backup schedule from the menu. If None is selected, the automatic backup function is disabled.

Data to be automatically backed up User programs Default value files Alarm history Results Data not to be automatically backed up Laser processing conditions


[2] Manual backup

Manual backup is a function of saving data at the timing specified by the user. Press the EMERGENCY STOP button, select the data item to save, and press the SAVE button. All data items can be manually backed up.

[3] Manual restore

Manual restore is a function of restoring each data saved to the currently used data. (Usually, this is used to restore the data after the crash of the hard disk.) Press the EMERGENCY STOP button, select the data item to restore, and press the PRESERVE button. All data items can be manually restored.



Press the USER SETTINGS button to open the User settings display.

NOTE The setting changes made on the User settings display will take effect after restart.

[1] OPERATION SET display

1 2 3

4 5

6 7

Press the OPERATION SET button to open the OPERATION SET display. SDD schedule results Item Description
1 Schedule Sets whether or not to clear the actual results completion value before reading a schedule file. 2 Schedule results Sets whether or not to register as the actual result the program executed during schedule operation. 3 Completion register method

Sets whether to register the actual processing results at the end of each worksheet or operation. When you want to specify the timing of calculating the actual processing time, check the Actual process time box, and enter the number of worksheets at which to calculate the actual processing time.


NOTE This timing can be set only when you have selected the method of registering the actual processing results at the end of each worksheet.

Process results (History) Item

4 Registration 5 Registration method

Description Sets whether or not to register the actual processing results on the RESULT display. Sets whether to register the actual processing results at the end of each worksheet or operation.

Process screen (Schedule list) Item Description

6 Display program Sets whether to display the names of all programs or programs that have not been name normally completed. 7 All Process Qty

Sets whether to count accepted parts alone or both accepted and rejected parts as actual processing results.

[2] SELECT VIEW display

1 2 3 4


Screen display Item

1 Enter Process Qty screen

Description Selects whether or not to display the number of worksheets processed when the program is called. Do not display: The number of worksheets processed is not displayed. Per selection: The number of worksheets processed is displayed each time a program is selected. When the REGISTER button clicked: The number of worksheets processed is displayed when the OK button is pressed after making the selection.

2 Open button control 3 SDD format FD display

Selects whether to show from the data list display or find display. Selects the display mode (high speed or detailed). High-speed mode: Shows the file name alone when the program is called from the FD. Detailed mode: Shows the file contents when the program is called from the FD.

4 Differentiate FDD media

Selects whether to judge the FDD data format automatically or manually. Auto: Automatically judges the data format and shows a list. Manual: Manually judges the data format.

5 Where to locate PRE-EDIT Data 6 PRE-EDIT and SCHEDULE monitor 7 Call screen 8 Result

Determines the location to which to add the data from the PRE-EDIT display. Change the contents of the PRE-EDIT and SCHEDULE displays, respectively. Changes the contents of the Call display. Changes the contents of the Results display.


[3] SPECIFY DRIVE display

Set the data input and output drives and paths on the SPECIFY DRIVE display.

1 2

1 FD drive 2 Shared folder

Description Specifies the floppy disk drive. Sets the location of the shared folder by entering the path or using the Browse folders function. Example: Entry of a:TEP sets the temporary folder as the shared folder.


[4] AUTO TIMER display

The scheduled end time of all processing operations is calculated by considering the time settings shown below.

1 2 3

1 Material set 2 Average setup time

Description Sets the worksheet setting time to calculate the scheduled processing end time. Sets the average setup time to calculate the scheduled processing end time.

3 Average process Sets the average processing time to calculate the scheduled processing end time. time

REFERENCE For the location of the scheduled end time of all processing operations, refer to 2-2. Processing status display area 2 in this Part.


[5] SYSTEM MANAGER display

1 2

1 Backup Scheduler 2 Display results file item name

Description Periodically backs up the user programs, alarms, application settings, etc., at the start of the system. Sets whether or not to show item names in the file to be exported.



1 FD/Shared folder 2 Output ER

Description Selects the transfer identifier to be added when the destination location is a floppy disk or shared holder of the transfer identifier type. Selects the ER (end of record) to be added when the destination location is a floppy disk or shared holder of the transfer identifier type.



SETUP button
Press the SETUP button for setting the conditions to perform setup simulation on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, and PROGRAM displays. The setup item takes effect when its box is checked


9-11. AF LASER MAINTENANCE (for FANUC laser oscillator)

Press the AF LASER MAINTENANCE button to open the AF LASER MAINTENANCE display. The AF LASER MAINTENANCE display consists of the ACT TIME, PW. OFS, and DISCH. displays.


The ACT TIME display consists of the CLEANING, CHANGE, and OTHER displays. The maintenance period can be set for each maintenance item.

CLEANING display
Shows the maintenance period for each cleaning item. When the time set in the ACT TIME column exceeds the time set in the SET TIME column, an alarm occurs. When an alarm occurs, perform the necessary cleaning by referring to the operators manual of the laser oscillator.

Display items
Item ITEM column SET TIME column ACT TIME column Description Shows the point that must be cleaned. Shows when to perform maintenance. Shows the operating time of the laser oscillator.


CHANGE display
Shows the maintenance period for each replacement item. When the time set in the ACT TIME column exceeds the time set in the SET TIME column, an alarm occurs. When an alarm occurs, perform the necessary replacement by referring to the operators manual of the laser oscillator.

Display items
Item ITEM column SET TIME column ACT TIME column Description Shows the point that must be cleaned. Shows when to perform maintenance. Shows the operating time of the laser oscillator.


OTHER display
Shows the maintenance period for each check item. When the time set in the ACT TIME column exceeds the time set in the SET TIME column, an alarm occurs. When an alarm occurs, perform the necessary check by referring to the operators manual of the laser oscillator.

Display items
Item ITEM column SET TIME column ACT TIME column Description Shows the point that must be checked. Shows when to perform maintenance. Shows the operating time of the laser oscillator.



Shows a history of the power compensation coefficient measured each time the laser oscillator is started.

Display items
Item CAL column RFV1 column SET DATE column Description Shows the power compensation coefficient. Shows the power supply data. Shows the date and time when the oscillator was started.



Display items
Item DATE field PC field FR field DU field PA field CAL field RFV column RFI column DCV column DCI column DCW column OSCILLATOR ALARM1 to 5 buttons Description Shows the compensation date and compensation end time. Shows the output. Shows the frequency. Shows the duty. Shows the compensation coefficient. Shows the compensation coefficient. Shows the power supply data. Shows the power supply data. Shows the power supply data. Shows the power supply data. Shows the power supply data. Change the display and ALM field appears to show the alarm.


The DIAGNOSE display shows 9xx laser diagnostic data. Change one page to the next with the scroll bar or page up and down keys. STANDARD PARAMETER TYPE





9-12. M LASER MAINTENANCE (for MITSUBISHI laser oscillator)

Press the M LASER MAINTENANCE button on the maintenance menu display to open the M LASER MAINTENANCE display.

[1] ADDITION TIME display

The ADDITION TIME display shows three types of integration time concerning the laser oscillator.

Display items
Item The main discharge entering Description Time the laser oscillator has discharged

Oscillator Time the laser oscillator has operated preparation entering Output addition AUTO GAS CHANGE button Power (Kw) x Time (H) Pressed to illuminate itself and enable the automatic laser gas change function as programmed by an M-code


[2] MAINTENANCE display

Sets and shows the maintenance cycles of parts that require maintenance, and presents a warning when the ACT TIME value exceeds the SET TIME value.

Display items
Item ITEM SET TIME Description Show the item name. Sets the maintenance cycle in hours. Press this field, enter the hours, and press the ENTER key. Press the ESC key to cancel the entry. Shows the time elapsed since the last maintenance date. Shows the last maintenance date. Shows the last maintenance cycles. When the count reaches 255 cycles, it is reset. The count is used as guide for changing parts, for example. After completing maintenance and selecting an item, press this button to reset the ACT TIME field for the item and update the SET DATE and COUNT fields. After changing a part and selecting an item, press this button to reset the COUNT field for the item to zero.





Part II

Program Management
1. Creating program ........................................................................ II-3 1-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display .. II-3 1-2. Creating program from PROGRAM display ......................... II-6 2. Calling program........................................................................... II-9 2-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display..... II-9 2-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or PROGRAM display..... II-12 3. Saving program.......................................................................... II-14 3-1. Saving program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display.... II-14 3-2. Saving program from PROGRAM display........................... II-17 4. Saving schedule......................................................................... II-20 5. Moving program ......................................................................... II-22 6. Copying program ....................................................................... II-25 7. Deleting program ....................................................................... II-28 8. Editing program.......................................................................... II-30 8-1. Searching for word .............................................................. II-30 8-2. Replacing word ................................................................... II-32 8-3. Copying and pasting word................................................... II-35 8-4. Setting multiple-part processing.......................................... II-37 8-4-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display .......................................................................... II-39 8-4-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display.................... II-41 8-4-3. Calling program from Edit display ................................ II-42 8-4-4. Example of use of Multi display.................................... II-44
(Continued on next page.)


8-4-5. Coping inability to correct on Multi display................... II-46 8-4-6. Changing program codes............................................. II-47 8-4-7. End position command R ............................................. II-47 8-4-8. Examples of operation ................................................. II-47 9. Searching for program ............................................................... II-54 9-1. Searching for program from Open display.......................... II-54 9-2. Searching for program from Data input and output display...................................................................... II-56 10. Schedule Operation ................................................................. II-58 10-1. Creating schedule ............................................................. II-58 10-2. Copying and pasting schedule.......................................... II-61 10-3. Deleting schedule job........................................................ II-63 10-4. Deleting all schedule jobs ................................................. II-64 11. Setting up ................................................................................. II-66 11-1. Schedule operation ........................................................... II-66 11-2. Program operation ............................................................ II-68 12. Editing processing conditions .................................................. II-69 12-1. Calling processing conditions ........................................... II-69 12-2. Editing processing conditions ........................................... II-70 12-3. Saving processing conditions ........................................... II-71 13. Types of floppy disks ............................................................... II-72


Here are described the procedures for creating a program.

1-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display

1 With no job selected, press the EDIT button to open the Edit display.

Enter the program name, and press the G CODE button. Enter name


Enter the program in G codes in the left edit area.

After creating the program, press the DRAWINGS button to draw the program in the right draw area and check the program.

NOTE If the program overfills the draw area when the DRAWINGS button is pressed, press the AUTOSCALE button.

After checking the program, press the OK button.


The Qty. input display opens. Enter the number of worksheets to be processed, and press the OK button.

NOTE In rack, Out rack, and Reserve are items for an autostorage unit. If the machine is not equipped with an autostorage unit, you need not make any entry in these fields. The MULTI RACK button is pressed for using another autostorage unit. It does not apply if the machine is not equipped with any other autostorage unit. The items to be shown on the Qty. Input window can be set by pressing the CHANGE button among the SCHEDULE monitor items on the SELECT VIEW display. Refer to 9-9. User settings in Part I, Displays.


1-2. Creating program from PROGRAM display

1 Check that the automatic operating mode is PROGRAM, and press the EDIT button to open the Edit display.

Check that mode is PROGRAM

Press the NEW button.


Enter the program name, and press the G CODE button. Enter program name

Enter the program in G codes in the left edit area.


After creating the program, press the DRAWINGS button to draw the program in the right draw area.

NOTE If the program overfill the draw area when the DRAWINGS button is pressed, press the AUTOSCALE button.

6 .

After checking the program, press the OK button to exit the edit operation.


Here are described the procedures for calling a program saved in media.

2-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display

1 Press the OPEN button to open the Open display.

Check that mode is SCHEDULE

Select the media where is the program you want to call, and select whether to display a list of program data or schedule data. Select the necessary data from among the displayed data, and press the OK button. Multiple programs can be selected and called together.

Select media

Select data to list Select program to call Press OK button


If the program you want to call cannot be found, it may be saved in another folder. Press the SEARCH button, and search for the program by the folder name.
NOTE If the selected program exists as a job, the following message appears.

SCHEDULE REGIST button OK button

Registers the called program without overwriting the existing program of the same name. Registers the called program by overwriting the existing program of the same name.

If the selected program is already registered on the PROGRAM display, the following message appears.


Enter the number of worksheets to be processed in the Qty. field on the Qty. input display, and press the OK button. If you have called multiple programs, check the name of each program, and enter the number of worksheets to be processed for each program.

NOTE In rack, Out rack, and Reserve are items for an autostorage unit. If the machine is not equipped with an autostorage unit, you need not make any entry in these fields. The MULTI RACK button is pressed for using another autostorage unit. It does not apply if the machine is not equipped with any other autostorage unit. The items to be shown on the Qty. Input window can be set by pressing the CHANGE button among the SCHEDULE monitor items on the SELECT VIEW display. Refer to 9-9. User settings in Part I, Display.

The selected program or programs are registered on the display.


2-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or PROGRAM display

1 Check that mode is PROGRAM Press the OPEN button to open the Open display.

2 Select media

Select the media that contains the program you want to call, select the program from a list of program data, and press the OK button.

Select data to list

Press OK button

NOTE If the program you want to call cannot be found, it may be saved in another folder. Press the SEARCH button, and search for the program by the folder name.


NOTE If the selected program exists on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, or PROGRAM display, the following message appears.

YES button NO button

Overwrites the existing program of the same name by the called program. Does not overwrite the existing programs of the same name, but calls the selected program with the same contents as those of the existing programs of the same name.

3 The selected program is shown on the display.

NOTE When the SETUP display is opened, make setup for the items shown in red, and press the setup complete button. Then, press the BACK button to close the SETUP display. REFERENCE For the setup procedure, refer to 11. Setting up in this Part.


Here are described the procedures for saving an edited program.

3-1. Saving program from PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display

1 Select the program you want to save, and press the SAVE button to open the Save data display. (Multiple programs can be selected and saved.)

Specify the destination, and press the OK button.

Select destination To save program in NC, press NEW button to save program in new folder


NOTE When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to overwrite is shown in red on the next Confirm saved data display. When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, pressing the EXECUTE button on the Confirm saved data display in step 3 opens the Confirm overwrite window. The Confirm overwrite window asks you to overwrite the program.

OVERWRITE ALL button OK button CANCEL button ABORT button

Overwrites and saves all programs shown in red. Overwrites and saves the called program. Cancels the overwrite. Returns to the Confirm saved data display.

Check the program to save, and press the EXECUTE button. The Saving data window opens.


When the Saving data window shows Saved, press the OK button.

NOTE When the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the Saving data window will automatically close after the next time on.

Check that OK is shown before the name of the program saved, and press the EXIT button to close the Confirm saved data display.


3-2. Saving program from PROGRAM display

1 Change the automatic operating mode to PROGRAM, and press the SAVE button to open the Save data display.

Check that mode is PROGRAM

Specify the destination, and press the OK button.

Select destination To save program in NC, press NEW button to save program in new folder


NOTE When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to overwrite is shown in red on the next Confirm saved data display. When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, pressing the EXECUTE button on the Confirm saved data display in step 3 opens the Confirm overwrite window. The Confirm overwrite window asks you to overwrite the program.

OVERWRITE ALL button OK button CANCEL button ABORT button

Overwrites and saves all programs shown in red. Overwrites and saves the called program. Cancels the overwrite. Returns to the Confirm saved data display.

Check the program to save, and press the EXECUTE button. The Saving data window opens.


When the Saving data window shows Saved, press the OK button.

NOTE When the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the Saving data window will automatically close after the next time on.

Check that OK is shown before the name of the program saved, and press the EXIT button to close the Confirm saved data display.


When a job is saved as a schedule, it can be simply called at the next time. 1 Select the job to save as schedule, press the SWITCH button, and press the SCHEDULE SAVE button. The Type Schedule Name window opens.

Enter the schedule name, and press the OK button. Schedule display opens.

The Save

Specify the destination location, and press the OK button. The Saved window opens.


Press the OK button to close the Saved window.

Press the BACK button to close the Save Schedule display.


Here is described the procedure for moving a program to another media. 1 Press the DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT button on the Maintenance display. The Data input and output display opens.

Change to the MOVE mode, and select the source and destination media. (The selected data is moved from the source media to the destination media.) Select the program to move, and press the OK button. The Confirm data to be moved display opens. (Multiple programs can be selected and moved.) Select MOVE mode

Select source and destination media

Select program

Press OK button


NOTE When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to overwrite is shown in red on the next Confirm data to be moved display. Programs cannot be moved from SDD and SERIAL PORT. When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, pressing the MOVE button in the next step 3 opens the Confirm overwrite window shown below. Press the OK button to overwrite and save the program.

OVERWRITE ALL Overwrites and saves all programs shown in red. button OK button CANCEL button ABORT button Overwrites and saves the called program. Cancels the overwrite. Returns to the Confirm saved data display.

Check the destination, program name and other items, and press the MOVE button. The Processing data transfer window opens.


When the Processing data transfer window shows Complete, press the OK button to close the window.

NOTE When the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the Processing data transfer will automatically close from the next time on.

Check that OK is shown before the name of the program saved, and press the EXIT button to close the Confirm data to be moved display.


Here is described the procedure for copying a program to another media. 1 Press the DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT button on the Maintenance display. The Data input and output display opens.

Change the mode to COPY, and select the source and destination media. (The program is copied from the source media to the destination media.) Select the program to copy, and press the OK button. The Confirm data to be moved display opens. (Multiple programs can be selected and copied.) Select COPY mode

Select source and destination media

Select program

Press OK button


NOTE When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, the program to overwrite is shown in red on the next Confirm data to be moved display. When the Confirm overwrite box is checked, pressing the COPY button in the next step 3 opens the Confirm overwrite window shown below. The Confirm overwrite window asks you to overwrite. Press the OK button to overwrite and save the program.

OVERWRITE ALL Overwrites and saves all programs shown in red. button OK button CANCEL button ABORT button Overwrites and saves the called program. Cancels the overwrite. Returns to the Confirm saved data display.

Check the destination, program name and other items, and press the COPY button. The Processing data copy window opens.


When the Processing data copy window shows Complete, press the OK button to close the window.

NOTE When the Close automatically when process is complete box is checked, the Processing data copy window will automatically close from the next time on.

Check that OK is shown before the name of the program copied, press the EXIT button to close the Confirm data to be moved display.


Here is described the procedure for deleting a program saved in media. 1 Press the DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT button on the Maintenance display. The Data input and output display opens.

Select the media that contains an unnecessary program or programs. Select the program you want to delete, and press the DELETE button. The Delete NC program window opens. (Multiple programs can be selected and deleted.)

Select media

Select program to delete

Press DELETE button


Check the selected program, and press the OK button to delete the program.

Press the BACK button on the Data input and output display to exit the delete operation.
NOTE The programs in SDD and SERIAL PORT cannot be deleted.


Here are described the procedures for editing a program. When the PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display is shown on the screen, preselect the job to edit. When the PROGRAM display is shown on the screen, call the program to edit.

8-1. Searching for word

1 Select or call the program to edit, and press the EDIT button on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, or PROGRAM display. The Edit display opens.

Move the cursor to the search start position, and press the SEARCH button. The Search window opens.

Move cursor to search start position

Press SEARCH button


Enter a character string in the Characters searched for field, and mark the Search direction Up or Down button. Press the SEARCH NEXT button. When the character string is found, it is shown highlighted.

Determine Characters searched for and Search direction

Press SEARCH NEXT button. Character string is shown highlighted

Where there is no more instance of the character string, the following message appears. Press the OK button to close the window.

Press the BACK button to exit the search operation.


8-2. Replacing word

Any word in the program displayed on the screen can be replaced with another word or an address.
NOTE The first word to occur after the current cursor position is replaced. To replace all instances of the word in the program, move the cursor to the beginning of the program, and start the replace operation. The word to find and the word to replace with can be both specified in a maximum length of 73 characters.

Select or call the program to edit, and press the EDIT button on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, or PROGRAM display. The Edit display opens. Press the REPLACE button. The Replace characters window opens.


Enter the character string to find and the character string to replace with in the Characters before conversion and Characters after conversion fields, respectively, and mark the Search direction Up or Down box.

Press the START button. When the first instance of the character string to find is found, it is shown highlighted. Press the REPLACE button to replace it. Press the SKIP button not to replace it. Press the REPLACE ALL button to replace all instances of the character string in the Characters before conversion field with the character string in the Characters after conversion field.

First instance of characters to find is highlighted at left

Press REPLACE ALL button to replace all instances

Press REPLACE button to replace it

Press SKIP button not to replace it


When the replace operation is completed, the following message appears. Press the OK button to close the Characters searched for window and open the Replace characters window.

Press the BACK button to exit the replace operation.


8-3. Copying and pasting word

1 Select or call the program to edit, and press the EDIT button on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, or PROGRAM display. The Edit display opens. Press the COPY button. The Specify the line you want to copy/cut window opens.

Enter the line or lines to copy, and press the COPY button.

The copied line or lines are shown highlighted.

Copied line or lines are highlighted


Move the cursor to the paste position, and press the PASTE button.

Press PASTE button

Move cursor to paste position

The Paste window opens. Press the OK button.

The copied line or lines are pasted to the edit area.


8-4. Setting multiple-part processing

The Multi display is used to correct multiple-part processing settings simply by changing the settings of a single-part or multiple-part processing program.

Display items
Item Processing range Description Sets the reference coordinates (X, Y) and maximum coordinates (X, Y). (The worksheet dimensions in the information area are shown as the maximum coordinates.) Changing the maximum coordinates changes the worksheet dimensions. (Setting range Reference coordinates: 99999.999 to 99999.999 mm) Maximum coordinates: 0 to 99999.999 mm Width Deployment size Sets the web widths (X, Y). (Setting range: 99999.999 to 99999.999 mm) Shows the developed dimensions in the program information (these dimensions cannot be entered). Shows the width plus the developed dimension (this sum cannot be entered) Sets the numbers of parts in the X and Y directions (same as the P and K values of G98 command). (Setting range: 1 to 10000) NUMBER CAL. button Automatically calculates the numbers of parts in the X and Y directions based on the processing range, widths and developed dimension.

Pitch Number


Item Processing pattern

Description Sets the part cutting direction, pattern, and start position. (Press the PATTERN button to open the Pattern select window shown below. Press the pattern you want to select.)

Resumption position Sets the resume position (same as the P value of the G75 and G76 commands). (Setting range: 0 to 99999999) EXE POS. button Automatically counts the parts during operation (this value cannot be entered). (Press the EXE POS. button to add 1 to the value shown and set the resume position.) End position Sets the end position (same as the R value of the G75 and G76 commands). (Setting range: 0 to 99999999) DRAWINGS button Same as other drawing functions. (For the DRAWINGS button, refer to 2-3 Data edit area in Part I, Displays.)


REFERENCE For the multiple-part processing commands, refer to 2-17. Multiple-part processing (G75, G76, G98) in Part III, NC Codes. For the end position, refer to "8-4-7. End position command R.



1 Select the program you want to edit for multiple-part processing, and press the EDIT button.

The Edit display opens. Press the MULTI. PROC. button.

The Multi display opens.


Select the item you want to change, and change the item. To check the change, press the DRAWINGS button. The part is drawn for you to check the change you made.

After checking the change, press the OK button.

6 7

The screen returns to the Edit display. The program is changed. Press the OK button to reflect the changed program on the PRE-EDIT or SCHEDULE display.


NOTE The program whose content was changed on the Multi display cannot be saved by the above procedure. Press the SAVE button to save it.


1 Press the MULTI. PROC. button on the PROGRAM display.

2 3

The Multi display opens. Select the item you want to change, and change the item. To check the change, press the DRAWINGS button. The part is drawn for you to check the change you made.


After checking the change, press the OK button.

The screen returns to the PROGRAM display. The program is changed.

NOTE The program whose content was changed on the Multi display cannot be saved by the above procedure. Press the SAVE button to save it. Multiple-part processing settings cannot be made on the PROGRAM display during automatic operation. In such a case, the on-line drawing function operates.


1 Press the MULTI. PROC. button on the Edit display.

The Multi display opens.


Select the item you want to change, and change the item. To check the change, press the DRAWINGS button. The part is drawn for you to check the change you made.

After checking the change, press the OK button.

The screen returns to the Edit display. The program is changed.



Here is given a basic example of changing a single-part processing program to a multiple-part processing program. The example shows how to set multiple-part processing on the PROGRAM display. 1 Open on the PROGRAM display the program you want to edit, and press the MULTI. PROC. button. In this example, the program is designed to cut a 50 mm square part.


The Multi display opens. Check the settings to be made.

Press the NUMBER CAL. button to automatically set the numbers of parts in the X and Y directions. In the example, 18 by 18 parts can be processed at pitches of 55 mm each in the X- and Y-axis directions on a 1000 by 1000 mm sheet.

Press the DRAWINGS button to check the settings made on the Multi display.

Press the OK button to transfer the program.


The program is changed.


When you tried to call a program that cannot be corrected on the Multi display, you see the following message. Check the program, and then correct it.

Some of the patterns that cannot be corrected are shown below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 There are two or more G98 commands. There are reposition commands (G25, G27). There are macro statements, such as GOTO and WHILE. There are two or more end codes (M30, M50, G10), or none. The program is a subprogram (M97 is the end code). There is neither M100 or M101. UV macros are used for other than multiple-part processing.



When the program is corrected on the Multi display, it is changed in several ways. Some of the changes are as follows: 1 The X and Y values of the coordinate system setup command G92 are the coordinates of the machine origin. (These values are added when the program has no G92 command.) The M30 end code is replaced by G50. The offset origin setup command G93 is deleted.

2 3


When a value is entered following the argument R in the multiple-part processing commands (G75, G76), the multiple-part processing operation ends at the specified position. Command format G75 (G76) W__Q__P__R__


Examples of operation using the end position command R are given below. (In these examples, 3 by 3 square parts are processed.) These are examples of G75 operation after specifying the following: G98X100Y100I110J100P2K2 U1 G111X50Y50I100 V1

Example 1: ALL PARTS processing with G75W1Q11R3 command



Example 2: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q11R3 command


Example 3: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q11P1R3 command



Example 4: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q11P2R3 command


Example 5: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q11P1R1 command



Example 6: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q11P2R2 command


Example 7: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q11P2R1 command



Example 8: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q13P2R7 command


Example 9: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q13P7R7 command



Example 10: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q13P8R8 command


Example 11: REMAINING PARTS processing with G75W1Q14P8R7 command



Example 12: ALL PARTS processing with G75W1Q13R10 command


Example 13: ALL PARTS processing with G75W1Q13R0 command


NOTE When the start position P is greater than the end position R, no parts are processed (Examples 7 and 11). When the end position R is 0 or not specified, all parts are processed (Example 13). When the end position R is greater than the total number of parts to be processed (specified by the P and K values of G98), all parts are processed. When the end position R is negative, the No. 6 Wrong sign input alarm occurs.



Here are described the procedures for searching each media for a program.

9-1. Searching for program from Open display

1 Press the OPEN button on the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, or PROGRAM display. The Open display opens.

Press the SEARCH button. The Search display opens.


Enter the search conditions, and press the OK button. The program is found and shown. When an asterisk * is used in the program name as in the example TEST *, all programs whose name starts with TEST are searched for.

Program in NC

Program in SDD

Program in FD

Program in shared holder


9-2. Searching for program from Data input and output display
1 Press the DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT button on the Maintenance display. The Data input and output display opens.

Press the SEARCH button. The Search display opens.


Enter the search conditions, and press the OK button. The program is found and shown. When an asterisk * is used in the program name as in the example TEST *, all programs whose name starts with TEST are searched for.



Here are described the procedures for creating a schedule for schedule operation.

10-1. Creating schedule

1 Open the SCHEDULE display, and check that the automatic operating mode is SCHEDULE. Call the program for the schedule operation.
REFERENCE For the procedure for calling a program, refer to 2. Calling program in this Part.

Each program registered on SCHEDULE display is referred to as job


Rearrange the jobs in the sequence of the schedule operation. Select a job, press the SWITCH button to change to the next set of menu buttons, and move the job with the MOVE DOWN and MOVE UP buttons. Check that the job at which to start the schedule operation is set as start job.

Select job to move

Check that start job is located at start position Move job with MOVE DOWN and UP buttons

Press SWITCH button to change menu

Press the SIM button. The jobs where setup occurs are indicated by icons.


NOTE To start the schedule operation from the middle, select the job at which to start the schedule operation, and press the START JOB button. (Press the SIM button again.)


10-2. Copying and pasting schedule

Here is described the procedure for copying a job when creating a schedule. 1 Select the job to copy. (Multiple jobs can be selected and copied.) Press the SWITCH button to change to the next set of the menu buttons, and press the COPY button to deselect the job.

Select job to copy

Press COPY button

Press SWITCH button to change menu Select the job after which to paste the copied job, and press the PASTE button.

Select paste position

Press PASTE button


The PASTE window opens. Check the copied job and its paste position, and press the OK button to close the window.

Copied job is shown

Paste position is shown

The copied job is pasted to the specified position on the display.


10-3. Deleting schedule job

1 Select the job to delete. (Multiple jobs can be selected and deleted.) Press the SWITCH button to change to the next set of the menu buttons, and press the DELETE button.

Select job to delete

Press DELETE button

Press SWITCH button to change menu

The NC program delete window opens. Check the job to delete, and press the OK button to close the window.

Job to delete is shown


The job is deleted.

10-4. Deleting all schedule jobs

1 Press the SWITCH button to change the menu, and press the DELETE ALL button.

Press SWITCH button to change menu


The NC program delete all window opens. Press the OK button to close the window.

All jobs are deleted.


11. SETTING UP 11-1. Schedule operation

1 Press the setup icon for the job after the current job.

The Setup Main window opens. Select the setup item, or press the LASER or MATERIAL/CLAMP button.

NOTE The color of each setup item button allows you to check the contents of the setup as follows: Red: Setup required, Yellow: Setup being made, Gray: Setup not required or setup completed When there is only one item that requires setup, the setup display automatically opens.

Of the material change setup items, set up those items shown in red. When the material change setup is completed, press the SETUP COMPLETE button.


Of the workclamp position setup items, set up those items shown in red. When the workclamp setup is completed, press the SETUP COMPLETE button.

Material change setup

Workclamp position setup

5 6

When all setups are completed, press the BACK button. If the LASER and MATERIAL/CLAMP buttons on the Setup Main window are colored gray, it means that the setup procedure is completed. Press the OK button.
NOTE If the setup of the job to be processed during schedule operation is not completed, the following alarm display appears and asks for the job to be set up. Complete the setup of the job, and press the START button.


11-2. Program operation

If the setup information of the called program is different from that of the previous program when the OPEN button on the PROGRAM display is pressed, the following display appears and asks for the necessary setup to be made.

Material change setup

Workclamp position setup

1 2 3

When the material change setup is completed, press the SETUP COMPLETE button. When the workclamp position setup is completed, press the SETUP COMPLETE button. If the LASER and MATERIAL/CLAMP buttons on the Setup Main window are colored gray, it means that the setup procedure is completed. Press the OK button.


12. EDITING PROCESSING CONDITIONS 12-1. Calling processing conditions

1 Press the LIST button on the processing condition display, select the processing conditions for the material to be laser cut, and press the OPEN button.

The cutting condition display opens and shows the called conditions.


12-2. Editing processing conditions

1 Move the cursor with the arrow keys on the keyboard or with the finger tip to the data to change.

Enter a new value with the numeric keys on the keyboard.

NOTE If you have entered a wrong value, press the ESC key on the keyboard, and enter a correct value.


12-3. Saving processing conditions

1 After editing the processing conditions, press the SAVE button.

NOTE The changed data is shown on the display, but unless it is saved, the old data in the memory does not change. Unless the changed data is saved, the old data is displayed when the material name (or processing condition file name) is called again. When the program has a material command or M102 ( ) and is executed without saving the changed data, piercing is performed according to the old data. Empty the laser head of the remaining assist gas by making the assist gas adjustment on the UTILITY display with the type of assist gas specified in the processing condition file to be used for the program. Check that the TRACE CANCEL button on the NC control panel is extinguished or disabled. Then, start the processing of the worksheet as usual.



The NC system can use 3.5-inch, MS-DOS formatted floppy disks. The details of the format types that can be used are as shown in the table below. Check that your floppy disk is formatted as specified in the table.
NOTICE If a floppy disk not formatted as specified in the table below is used to record data, it may not be able to normally record the data or may destroy the data.

Type Capacity Number of tracks Number of sectors per track Number of heads Number of bytes per sector 2DD 720 KB 80 9 2 512

2HD 1.44 MB 80 18 2 512

*MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


Part III

NC Codes
1. Description of program................................................................III-4 1-1. Block ....................................................................................III-4 1-2. Word.....................................................................................III-4 1-3. Composition of program.......................................................III-4 1-4. Main program and subprogram............................................ III-6 2. G-codes ......................................................................................III-7 2-1. Positioning (G00) .................................................................III-9 2-2. Linear interpolation (G01) ....................................................III-9 2-3. Circular interpolation (G02, G03) ........................................III-10 2-4. Dwell (G04) ......................................................................... III-11 2-5. Exact stop (G09, G61, G64)................................................ III-11 2-6. Unloading (G10)..................................................................III-12 2-7. Piercing mode (G24) ...........................................................III-12 2-8. Auto-repositioning (G25, G27) ............................................III-12 2-9. Assist gas selection (G31)...................................................III-14 2-10. Z-axis tracking (G32, G33)................................................III-14 2-11. Laser beam path compensation (G40, G41, G42)............ III-15 2-12. Automatic zero return and operation end (G50, G130) .... III-18 2-13. Regular-shaped hole macros............................................III-19 2-13-1. Single-hole cutting (G111 to G116) ............................ III-20 2-13-2. Shape registration and continuous-hole cutting ......... III-25 2-13-3. Shape registration and pattern cutting (G126, G128, G129, G136, G137).............................III-26
(Continued on next page.)


2-14. Absolute and incremental programming (G90, G91) ........ III-30 2-15. Coordinate system setup (G92) ........................................ III-31 2-16. Offset origin setup (G93)................................................... III-32 2-17. Multiple-part processing (G75, G76, G98)........................ III-33 2-17-1. Multiple-part processing reference point and part spacing setup ...................................................... III-34 2-17-2. Macro store ................................................................ III-34 2-17-3. Multiple-part processing commands (G75, G76) ....... III-35 2-17-4. Program examples ..................................................... III-36 2-18. HS edge detection (G121, G122) ..................................... III-37 2-18-1. HS edge detection calibration (G122)........................ III-38 2-18-2. Compensation by edge measurement (G121 L1 to L5) ........................................................ III-41 2-18-3. Fine adjustment of measurement error ...................... III-58 2-19. OVS (G140, G141, G149)................................................. III-60 2-20. Scaling and coordinate rotation (G150) ............................ III-79 2-21. Pipe cutting NC-codes (G08, G17, G18, G107) ............... III-80 2-21-1. NC-code restrictions and cautions ............................. III-81 2-21-2. Program example....................................................... III-82 3. M-codes ..................................................................................... III-83 3-1. Operation stop (M00, M01) ................................................. III-85 3-2. End processing (M02, M30)................................................ III-85 3-3. Repositioning (M10, M11) ................................................... III-85 3-4. Worksheet thickness detection range (M20 to M29) .......... III-86 3-5. Loading (M33)..................................................................... III-86 3-6. Two-stack unloading (M65)................................................. III-86 3-7. Workchute (M80, M81, M180) ............................................ III-87 3-8. Subprogram call (M96) ....................................................... III-87 3-9. Subprogram end (M97)....................................................... III-87 3-10. Processing mode (M100, M101)....................................... III-88 3-11. Worksheet designation (M102) ......................................... III-88 3-12. Laser cutting (M103, M104) .............................................. III-89 3-13. Shuttle pallet change (M707) ............................................ III-90 3-14. Z-axis tracking sensor calibration (M722, M723, M727)......................................................... III-90 3-15. Beam on and off (M758) ................................................... III-90 3-16. Shuttle move to cleaning position (M788, M789).............. III-91 3-17. Pallet set (M790, M791).................................................... III-91 3-18. Pallet pins (M792, M793) .................................................. III-91 4. Other codes ............................................................................... III-92 4-1. Cutting condition (E-code) .................................................. III-92


4-2. Sequence number (N-code)................................................III-97 4-3. Skip command (GOTO-code) .............................................III-92 4-4. Workchute (M80, M81, M180)............................................. III-93 4-5. Macro store command (U- and V-codes) ............................ III-93



A program consists of blocks. A block consists of a sequence of statements. G01 X100 Y50; 1 block

1-2. Word
A word is the smallest unit of programming. A word consists of an address and a value as shown below. (The minus sign () may precede the value.)


: ),,4-55 9

 7 -41+ 8) 74,

The zero or zeros at the beginning of the value that follows the address G, M, E, O, N, GOTO, U, or V can be omitted.

E001 = E1

1-3. Composition of program

Here is briefly described the flow of processing on the machine. The program for processing the part shaped as shown right is given below. Each code is explained in the pages that follow.


O200; M102 (SPC1.0); G92 X90 X100 Y60; G93 X0 Y0; M100; E001; G112 X30 Y30 I5; E002; G112 X70 Y30 I20 Q5; E003; G00 G41 X35 Y0;

Program name Calls processing condition file SPC1.0 Sets program coordinate system Zero-returns machine. (No zero-return is involved in this example) Invokes laser mode Calls E001 data from processing condition file Pierces 5 hole in X30 and Y30 position Calls E002 data from processing condition file Pierces 20 hole in X70 and Y30 position Calls E003 data from processing condition file Moves laser head to pierce position and specifies left side of travel direction as laser beam path compensation direction Starts laser cutting

M103; G01 X30 Y0; G00; G01 X0; G00; G01 Y60; G00; G01 X100; G00; G01 Y0; G00; G01 X70; G00; G01 Y15; G00; G01 X30; G00; G01 Y0; M104; G00 G40; M101; M30;

Cuts outside circumference

Ends laser cutting Cancels laser beam path compensation Ends laser mode Ends program operation


1-4. Main program and subprogram

The program may be a main program or subprogram. Usually, the NC unit operates as instructed by the main program. Where the main program has an instruction follow the instructions of the subprogram, the NC unit thereafter follows the instructions of the subprogram. Where the subprogram has an instruction return to the instructions of the main program, the NC unit thereafter follow the instructions of the main program. Main program Instruction 1 Instruction 2 Subprogram Instruction 1 Instruction 2

Follow instructions of subprogram Instruction n Instruction n-1

Return to instructions of main program Assume that the program has a pattern that is repeatedly used. If the pattern is preregistered as subprogram in the memory of the NC unit, the main program can be simplified.


The value following the address G specifies what function the command in the block has. G-code G00* G01* G02* G03* G04 G08 G09 G10 G17 G18 G24 G25 G27 G31 G32 G33 G40* G41* G42* G50 G75 G76 G90* Name Positioning Linear interpolation Clockwise circulation interpolation CW Counterclockwise circular interpolation CCW Dwell Look-ahead control Exact stop Unloading Plane selection (X-Y plane) Plane selection (X-A plane) Piercing mode Auto-repositioning Auto-repositioning Assist gas selection Z-axis tracking mode Z-axis tracking mode cancel Laser beam path compensation cancel Laser beam path compensation left Laser beam path compensation right Automatic zero-return and operation end Multiple-part processing X Multiple-part processing Y Absolute programming Specify coordinate by distance from origin Function Rapid positioning and corner positioning Straight cutting Clockwise circular arc cutting Counterclockwise circular arc cutting Maintain current condition for specified time For pipe cutting In-position check during axis movement Processed worksheet unloading with loader For pipe cutting For pipe cutting Emit the laser beam under the specified conditions Workclamp repositioning function (for first time) Workclamp repositioning function (for second and subsequent times) Specify assist gas type and pressure Enable Z-axis tracking sensor Disable Z-axis tracking sensor Cancel laser bath path compensation Shift laser beam center to left of cutting direction Shift laser beam center to right of cutting direction Zero-return X-, Y- and Z-axes, and end operation


G-code G91* G92* G93* G98 G107 G111

Name Incremental programming Coordinate system setup Offset origin setup Multiple-part processing setup Cylindrical interpolation Square and rectangular holes For pipe cutting

Function Specify coordinate by distance from previous position Set origin of program coordinate system. Set reference point (new origin) for work offset (origin move)

Macro for cutting square and rectangular holes

G112 G113 G114 G115 G116 G121 G122 G126 G128 G129 G130 G136 G137 G140 G141 G149 G150

Round and obround holes Single D and double D holes Regular polygonal holes Round-end arc slots Flat-end arc slots HS edge detection HS edge detection calibration Bolt hole circle (BHC) Line at angle (LAA) Arc Automatic zero-return Grid X Grid Y OVS deviation detection OVS expansion function OVS cancel Scaling and coordinate rotation

Macro for cutting round and obround holes Macro for cutting single D and double D holes Macro for cutting regular polygonal holes Macro for cutting round-end arc sots Macro for cutting flat-end arc slots HS edge detection and measurement HS edge detection and calibration Place macro shape on BHC Place macro shape on LAA Place macro shape on circular arc Return X-, Y-, and Z-axes to origin Place macro shape on a grid Place macro shape on a grid Compensate for origin deviation with OVS IV Expanded measurement function of OVS IV Cancel of compensation for origin deviation with OVS IV

An asterisked G-code is modal. This means that the G-code remains effective until changed or canceled by another G-code in the same group. non-asterisked G-code is effective only in the block where it is specified.


2-1. Positioning (G00)

G00 X__ Y__ (Z__); When their coordinates are specified following G00, the X-, Y-, and Z axes rapidly move for positioning. The X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates must be the distances from the origin of the program coordinate system for absolute programming and the distances from the current position for incremental programming. Press one of the FEEDRATE buttons on the main control panel to select the feed speed.

G00 X0 Y0; G00 X25 Y10;

# - , 2 1 6

56)46 2 1 6

2-2. Linear interpolation (G01)

G01 X__ Y__; When the X- and Y-coordinates are specified following G01, the machine makes a straight cut from the current position to the specified position. They must be the distances from the origin of the program coordinate system for absolute programming and the distances from the current position for incremental programming. The cutting speed is the speed set in the processing condition file.

G00 X0 Y0; G01 X200 Y100;

 - , 2 1 6

56)46 2 1 6
NOTE The OVERRIDE display allows you to apply an override of 0 to 254% in 1% increments to the cutting speed set in the processing condition file.


2-3. Circular interpolation (G02, G03)

G02: Clockwise circular interpolation G03: Counterclockwise circular interpolation
G02 (or G03) X__ Y__ I__ J__; G02 (or G03) X__ Y__ R__; G02 and G03 command the machine to laser cut a circular arc. G02 is clockwise, and G03 is counterclockwise. The X- and Y-codes specify the X- and Y-coordinates of the arc end point absolutely or incrementally, respectively. The size of the arc may be defined by specifying the radius of the arc with the R-code or the center of the arc with the I- and J-codes. The R-code specifies the arc radius by a positive value when the arc angle is 180 or less and by a negative value when the arc angle exceeds 180. The I- and J-codes specify the center of the arc by the X- and Y-coordinates of the start point, respectively, and assign a minus sign, depending on the direction. The cutting speed is the speed set in the processing condition file.
NOTE The OVERRIDE display allows you to apply an override of 0 to 254% in 1% increments to the cutting speed set in the processing condition file.

: /! /

- , 2 1 6 : ; 4 *)51+ +14+ +- 6-4 56)46 2 1 6 1


2-4. Dwell (G04)

G04 X(sec); G04 specifies the dwell (standby) time by the succeeding X-code. The machine stands by for the specified time after running the preceding block and then goes to the next block. The dwell time can be specified in the range of 0.001 to 9999.999 sec.

Example: 2.5-sec dwell

G04 X2.5;

2-5. Exact stop (G09, G61, G64)

NOTE In-position check refers to the check of a servomotor to see if it has arrived at the width set by a parameter in a given position.

G09: Exact stop

G09 (G01 X__ Y__); G02 or G03 may be placed within parentheses. G09 commands the machine to decelerate at the end point of a specified block during axis movement and go to the next block after in-position check.

G61: Exact stop mode

G61; G61 invokes the exact stop mode so that the machine decelerates at the end point of each cutting command block and goes to the next block after in-position check. The exact stop mode is canceled when G64 is read or the program is completed.

G64: Cutting mode

G64; G64 cancels the exact stop mode specified by G61 and returns the machine to the cutting mode. The cutting mode is the default mode for the machine.


2-6. Unloading (G10)

G10 X__; When the machine is equipped with the optional loader, G10 moves each axis to the change position and unloads the processed worksheet. The X-code specifies the dimension X of the worksheet.

2-7. Piercing mode (G24)

G24 S__ P__ Q__ R__; G24 commands the machine to emit the laser beam with the specified power under the specified pulse conditions for the specified time. The S-code specifies the laser power. The P-code specifies the pulse frequency. The Q-code specifies the pulse duty. The R-code specifies the laser beam emission time in seconds. R10 means 10 seconds. G31 (assist gas selection) must be placed before G24.

2-8. Auto-repositioning (G25, G27)

Auto-repositioning the workclamps is the function used to expand the processing range in the X-axis direction and avoid the cutting path falling in the clamp dead zone.

M104; G00 G40; G00 X__ Y__; G25 (or G27) X__; Ends processing Cancels laser beam path compensation Specifies workholder position Specifies reposition amount

The above format commands the workclamps to reposition themselves and regrip the worksheet. G25 and G27 are the same, except that the Amacom system specifies the first reposition by G25 and the second and subsequent repositions by G27 in the program. Be sure to enter M104 and G00 G40 in the blocks preceding G25 or G27. If the workholders cannot securely hold the worksheet because there are cutting paths or holes where they grip the worksheet, change their position by the command G00 X__ Y__;.


If the workholders can properly grip the worksheet in their current position, it is not necessary to enter the command G00 X__ Y__;. The reposition amount is specified as distance between the first clamp position (or finishing end position before reposition) and the new clamp position after reposition. It may be assigned a plus or minus sign.
NOTE The X-axis machine coordinate when the reposition command is specified is the maximum reposition amount.

G00 G92 X1250 Y1250; : : G01 X600 Y900; M104; G00 G40; G25 X500; : : The above program causes the machine to perform the steps described below.

1 The workholders hold the worksheet. 2 The workclamps open and release the worksheet. 3 The workclamps move 500 mm in the X-axis direction. 4 The workclamps close and grip the worksheet. 5 The workholders rise and release the worksheet.

The number of repositions is automatically controlled by a user macro. The number of repositions counter is reset by G50, M02, and M30.


2-9. Assist gas selection (G31)

G31 P__ T__; G31 specifies the assist gas type and pressure. The P-code specifies the assist gas type. The assist gas type numbers are the same as given in the processing condition file. When the machine is equipped with the NC assist gas control option, the assist gas type numbers are: 1 to 3 for oxygen, 4 for nitrogen, 5 for air, 6 for EZ Cut (optional), and 7 for high-pressure assist gas (optional). The T-code specifies the assist gas pressure by multiplying the MPa pressure by 100. For example, 0.05 MPa must be specified as T5, and 0.5 MPa must be specified as T50.

2-10. Z-axis tracking (G32, G33)

G32 and G33 are used to turn on and off the Z-axis tracking sensor, respectively.

G32; G33; Invokes tracking mode Cancels tracking mode


2-11. Laser beam path compensation (G40, G41, G42)

G40: Laser beam path compensation cancel G41: Laser beam path compensation left G42: Laser beam path compensation right
When cutting a part of the shape A with a laser beam with the radius R as shown below, the center path of the laser beam must be apart from the part shape A by the radius R. Shifting the position of the laser beam to obtain the desired part dimensions is called laser beam path compensation. The NC unit has the laser beam path compensation function of automatically cutting a part along the compensation path B when given the shape A program and laser beam radius R. If the actual laser beam diameter (or laser beam kerf) is measured and its radius value and compensation instruction are placed in the program, accurate part dimensions can be obtained without changing the program.
+ 2- 5)61 2)60 *

)5-4 *-) 4),175 4

2)46 50)2- )

G00 G41 (or G42, G40) X__ Y__; Invokes laser beam path compensation M103; : : M104; G00 G40; Ends laser cutting Cancels laser beam path compensation Starts laser cutting Laser cutting program

G41: Shifts the laser beam center to the left of the cutting direction. G42: Shifts the laser beam center to the right of the cutting direction. G40: Cancels the laser beam path compensation (this command is also used for cutting without laser beam path compensation).


The compensation amount can be set in the range of 0 to 9.999 mm in the processing condition file. The X- and Y-codes specify the cutting start point (pierce point), and M103 in the next block commands the laser shutter to open and the laser head to lower. After the end of the cutting program, M104 commands the laser shutter to close and the laser head to rise, and G40 cancels the laser beam path compensation in the last block.
NOTE Be sure to place G40, G41, or G42 in the same block as G00 or G01. An alarm is displayed if G40, G41, or G42 is placed in the same block as G02 or G03.

EXAMPLE: Program for part shown right

M102 (SPC1.0); G92 G90 X0 Y100; G93 X0 Y0; M100; G00 G41 X80 Y25; M103;
1 G01 X80 Y0;

$ &



2 G01 X20 Y0; 3 G02 X0 Y20 R20; 4 G01 X0 Y100;


5 G01 X40 Y100;

+7661 / ,14-+61

56)46 2 1 6 21-4+1 / 2 1 6

6 G03 X120 Y100 I40 J0; 7 G01 X160 Y100;

8 G01 X160 Y20; 9 G02 X140 Y0 R20; 10 G01 X80 Y0;

M104; G00 G40; M101; M30;


NOTE The laser beam path compensation is canceled if two or more other blocks are placed between the interpolation commands (G01, G02, G03) during the compensation.

In the following program,

1 Placement of two or more other blocks between the interpolation commands cancels the laser beam path compensation. 2 To read the next G01 block and apply the laser beam path compensation, a cut is made at an angle to the graphic data.

E004; G01 X__ Y__;

1 (G00;)

2 G01 X__ Y__;

G00; G01 X__ Y__; G00; G01 X__ Y__; (G00;) (E004;)

- 2)60 /4)201+ 50)2+ 2- 5)61 + ,161 -"  -"

To change the cutting condition in the middle of the path, do so in the same block with G01, G02, or G03 as with the automatic programming unit. E004; G01 X__ Y__; G00; G01 X__ Y__ E002; G00; G01 X__ Y__; G00; G01 X__ Y__; G00; G01 X__ Y__ E004;


2-12. Automatic zero return and operation end (G50, G130)

G50; G130; G50: Automatically zero-returns the X-, Y- and Z-axes and ends the program operation of the machine. Used in place of M30 at the end of the program.

G130: Automatically zero-returns the X-, Y- and Z-axes.


2-13. Regular-shaped hole macros

Programs for laser cutting round and rectangular holes and the like can be simply created by using macros (prepared subprograms). Regular-shaped hole macros can be used in the following three ways: Single-hole cutting: Specify the shape and position of one hole at a time. Shape registration and continuous-hole cutting: Register the hole shape, and continuously specify multiple hole positions. Shape registration and pattern cutting: Register the hole shape, and specify the hole positions on a cutting pattern.

Square and rectangular holes Round and obround holes Single D and double D holes Regular polygonal holes Round-end arc slot Flat-end arc slot G111 X_Y_I_J_Q_K_R_C_H_M_A_; G112 X_Y_I_J_Q_K_H_M_A_; G113 X_Y_I_J_Q_K_H_M_A_; G114 X_Y_I_J_Q_K_R_C_H_M_A_; G115 X_Y_I_J_Q_K_R_H_M_A_; G116 X_Y_I_J_Q_K_R_H_M_A_;

The X- and Y-codes specify the hole position. The I-, J-, R-, and C-codes specify the hole shape. How to use these codes varies with specific hole shapes. Refer to respective sections. The Q-code specifies the length of approach cut from the start hole (pierce point). If no value is entered, the length of approach cut is automatically determined. How to determine the length of approach cut differs with whether the hole width is smaller or greater than the specified value. Regular-shaped hole macros are created for laser cutting holes. The direction of approach and compensation is thus made inside. If the length of approach cut is specified by a negative value, the direction of approach and compensation is made outside. The K-code specifies the angle of the hole in the length direction with respect to the X-axis. The H-code specifies the microjoint width. The M-code sets the end setting. Specify M00 (program stop), M01 (optional stop), or M180 (workchute open and close). The end setting refers to the operation to be performed at the end of cutting. Do not specify any M-code other than M00, M01, and M180. Doing so may cause the machine to execute the specified M-code. The A-code specifies whether or not to pierce the start hole. If A0 is specified, the start hole is not pierced. If no value is entered or if a value other than A0 is specified, the start hole is pierced. If E010 is selected as the cutting condition, marking is assumed, and no piercing is performed.


2-13-1. SINGLE-HOLE CUTTING (G111 TO G116) Square and rectangular holes (G111)
G111 X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ K__ R__ C__ H__ M__ A__; X: Y: I: J: Q: K: R: C: H: M: A: X-coordinate of hole center Y-coordinate of hole center Length of hole Width of hole (If no value is entered, J is same as I) Length of approach cut (If no value is entered, Q is J/2; if J is 20 mm or more, Q is 10 mm) Angle of hole (If no value is entered, K is 0) Corner radius (If no value is entered, corners are not rounded) Corner chamfer (If no value is entered, corners are not chamfered) Microjoint width (If no value is entered, hole is not microjointed) End setting (If no value is entered, no operation is performed at end of cutting) Piercing (If A0, start hole is not pierced)

4-+6) /7 )4 0 NOTE

4 7 , + 4 -4-, 4-+6) /7 )4 0 -

R and C cannot be both specified in the same block. If R and C are entered as values smaller than the laser beam path compensation value, a properly shaped hole cannot be cut. The approach cut is made in the length direction.


Round and obround holes (G112)

G112 X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ K__ H__ M__ A__; X: Y: I: J: Q: K: H: M: A: X-coordinate of hole center Y-coordinate of hole center Length of hole Width of hole (If no value is entered, J is same as I) Length of approach cut (If no value is entered, Q is J/2; if J is 20 mm or more, Q is 10 mm) Angle of hole (If no value is entered, K is 0) Microjoint width (If no value is entered, hole is not microjointed) End setting (If no value is entered, no operation is performed at end of cutting) Piercing (If A0, start hole is not pierced)

4 7 ,0 NOTE The approach cut is made in the length direction.

*4 7 , 0 -


Single D and double D holes (G113)

G113 X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ K__ H__ M__ A__; X: Y: I: J: Q: X-coordinate of hole center Y-coordinate of hole center Length of hole Width of hole (Negative value for single D hole) Length of approach cut (If no value is entered, Q is (J - I/2)

for single D hole and J/ 2 for double D hole; if J is 10 mm or more, Q is 10 mm) K: H: M: A: Angle of hole (If no value is entered, K is 0) Microjoint width (If no value is entered, hole is not microjointed) End setting (If no value is entered, no operation is performed at end of cutting) Piercing (If A0, start hole is not pierced)

51 / - , 0

, 7* - , 0

The approach cut is made in the length direction.


Regular polygonal holes(G114)

G114 X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ K__ R__ C__ H__ M__ A__; X: Y: I: J: Q: K: R: C: H: M: A: X-coordinate of hole center Y-coordinate of hole center Radius of inscribed circle Number of angles Length of approach cut (If no value is entered, Q is same as I; if I is 10 mm or more, Q is 10 mm) Angle of hole (If no value is entered, K is 0) Corner radius (If no value is entered, corners are not rounded) Corner chamfer (If no value is entered, corners are not chamfered) Microjoint width (If no value is entered, hole is not microjointed) End setting (If no value is entered, no operation is performed at end of this cutting command) Piercing (If A0, start hole is not pierced)

X, Y I Q


NOTE R and C cannot be both specified in the same block. If R and C are entered as values smaller than the laser beam path compensation value, an improperly shaped hole is cut. The approach cut is made in the direction at right angles to the side.


Round-end arc slots (G115)

G115 X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ K__ R__ H__ M__ A__; X: Y: I: J: Q: K: R: H: M: A: X-coordinate of center of arc slot Y-coordinate of center of arc slot Angle of arc Width of arc slot Length of approach cut (If no value is entered, Q is J/2; if J is 20 mm or more, Q is 10 mm) Angle of arc slot (If no value is entered, K is 0) Radius of arc Microjoint width (If no value is entered, arc slot is not microjointed) End setting (If no value is entered, no operation is performed at end of cutting) Piercing (If A0, start hole is not pierced)

NOTE The approach cut is made in the width direction.


Flat-end arc slots (G116)

G116 X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ K__ R__ H__ M__ A__; X: Y: I: J: Q: K: R: H: M: A: X-coordinate of center of arc slot Y-coordinate of center of arc slot Angle of arc Width of arc slot Length of approach cut (If no value is entered, Q is J/2; if J is 20mm or more, Q is 10 mm) Angle of are slot (If no value is entered, K is 0) Radius of arc Microjoint width (If no value is entered, arc slot is not microjointed) End setting (If no value is entered, no operation is performed at end of cutting) Piercing (If A0, start hole is not pierced)

NOTE The approach cut is made in the width direction.


Continuously laser-cutting rectangular holes G111 I__ J__ Q__ K__ R__ H__ M__ A__; G111 X__ Y__; G111 X__ Y__; If the hole center coordinates (X, Y) are not specified in a regular-shaped hole macro, the hole shape can be registered. In the blocks following the block where the hole shape is registered, specify the hole positions by the same G-code as used in the regular-shaped hole macro. Once registered, the hole shape remains effective to the program end command until another hole shape is registered. Registers hole shape Specifies hole position


Laser-cutting rectangular holes on bolt hole circle pattern G111 I__ J__ Q__ K__ R__ H__ M__ A__; G126 X__ Y__ I__ J__ K__; Registers hole shape Calls cutting pattern

If the hole center coordinates (X, Y) are not specified in a regular-shaped hole macro, the hole shape can be registered. In the blocks following the block where the hole shape is registered, specify the hole positions by using the cutting pattern commands. Once registered, the hole shape remains effective to the program end command until another hole shape is registered.

Bolt hole circle (BHC) (G126)

G126 X__ Y__ I__ J__ K__; X: Y: I: J: K: X-coordinate of pattern reference point Y-coordinate of pattern reference point Radius of circle Start angle (if no value is entered, J is 0) Number of holes
NOTE With normal line control, specify the I-code of the regular-shaped hole macro by a negative value.

2)66-4 4-.-4- +- 2 1 6

4 ) 1 - + 64 9160 1 + ,- . 4-/7 )4 50)2-, 0 )+4 52-+1.1-, *; -/)6188) 7-


Line at angle (LAA) (G128)

G128 X__ Y__ I__ J__ K__; X: Y: I: J: K: X-coordinate of pattern reference point Y-coordinate of pattern reference point Distance spacing Angle of pattern (if no value is entered, J is 0) Number of holes (excluding hole at pattern reference point)

There are six holes to laser cut in the figure below. The hole quantity command value is K5.

1 ; : 2)66-4 4-.-4- +- 2 1 6 : ;

Arc (G129)
G129 X__ Y__ I__ J__ P__ K__; X: Y: I: J: P: K: X-coordinate of pattern reference point Y-coordinate of pattern reference point Radius of arc Start angle (if no value is entered, J is 0) Angle spacing Number of holes
NOTE With normal line control, specify the I-code of the regular-shaped hole macro by a negative value.

; : 2)66-4 4-.-4- +- 2 1 6 : ; 4 ) 1 - + 64 9160 1 + ,- . 4-/7 )4 50)2-, 0 )+4 52-+1.1-, *; -/)6188) 7-


Grid X (G136)
G136 X__ Y__ I__ J__ P__ K__ Q__; X: Y: I: J: P: X-coordinate of pattern reference point Y-coordinate of pattern reference point Distance spacing in X-axis direction Distance spacing in Y-axis direction Number of holes in X-axis direction (excluding hole at pattern reference point; if there are five holes to be laser cut in X-axis direction as shown below, command value is P4) Number of holes in Y-axis direction (excluding hole at pattern reference point; if there are three holes to be laser cut in Y-axis direction as shown below, command value is K2) Angle of pattern
2 1



: 2)66-4 4-.-4+- 2 1 6 : ;


Grid Y (G137)
G137 X__ Y__ I__ J__ P__ K__ Q__; X: Y: I: J: P: X-coordinate of pattern reference point Y-coordinate of pattern reference point Distance spacing in X-axis direction Distance spacing in Y-axis direction Number of holes in X-axis direction (excluding hole at pattern reference point; if there are five holes to be laser cut in X-axis direction as shown below, command value is P4) Number of holes in Y-axis direction (excluding hole at pattern reference point; if there are three holes to be laser cut in Y-axis direction as shown below, command value is K2) Angle of pattern



2 1

3 ; : 2)66-4 4-.-4- +- 2 1 6 : ;


2-14. Absolute and incremental programming (G90, G91)

G90: Absolute programming G91: Incremental programming
The move amount of each axis may be defined by absolute commands or incremental commands. Absolute programming uses the command G90 and specifies the position of each axis at the end of the block by the distance from the origin. Incremental programming uses the command G91 and specifies the position of each axis by the move amount in the block or the move distance from the last position.



30 10 0 START POINT 40 80 100

The moves shown above are absolutely programmed as follows: G90; G00 X100 Y30; G00 X40 Y70; The moves shown above are incrementally programmed as follows: G91; G00 X20 Y20; G00 X-60 Y40;
NOTE Do not use G90 or G91 more than twice in a block.


2-15. Coordinate system setup (G92)

To specify the coordinates by absolute commands, the reference point of the coordinate system must be established beforehand. Usually, the current position of the laser beam is entered at the beginning of the program to set the coordinate system.

G92 X__ Y__ (Z__;) The above command sets the coordinate system so that the current position of the laser head or current center of the laser beam becomes at specified by the X-, Y-, and Z-codes. This coordinate system is called a program coordinate system. Once the program coordinate system is set, the subsequent absolute commands specify the positions in the program coordinate system.

G92 X260 X220;






2-16. Offset origin setup (G93)

To move the origin of the program coordinate system (as specified by the X-, Y-, and Z-codes) in the middle of the program, G93 can be used to command the move. The coordinate system moved by G93 is called a local coordinate system.

G93 X__ Y__ Z__; The above command moves the program origin to the position specified by the X-, Y-, and Z-codes. G93 is convenient when programming a part shaped such that the reference point is located within the worksheet. Use Z offset when processing a 3D plane like that of rectangular pipe.
NOTE The offset origin setup is effective only in absolute commands.

Move the origin to the center of the part.

41/1 ).6-4


41/1 *-. 4-



G93 X60 Y60; G112 X0 Y0 I40; G112 X0 Y0 I20 Q5;





Process rectangular pipe with height of 50 mm and wall thickness of 6 mm on 5 mm high jig.
$ &






G93 X50 Y75 Z49 (X, Y: jig origin, Z: pipe height pipe wall thickness + jig height); G111 X80 Y60 I60 J30;

2-17. Multiple-part processing (G75, G76, G98)

G75: Multiple-part processing X G76: Multiple-part processing Y G98: Multiple-part processing setup
These G-codes are used for processing multiple parts of the same shape from one worksheet. Set your multiple-part processing mode with the buttons in the processing status display area 1.
REFERENCE For multiple-part processing setup, refer to 2-1. Processing status display area 1 in Part I, Displays.

G98 X__ Y__ I__ J__ P__ K__; U__; : V__; G75 (or G76) W__ Q__ P__; Sets multiple-part processing Starts macro store Processing program Ends macro store Processes multiple parts


G98 X__ Y__ I__ J__ P__ K__; X: Y: I: J: P: K: X-coordinate of reference point (at lower left corner of grid) Y-coordinate of reference point (at lower left corner of grid) Spacing of parts in X-axis direction Spacing of parts in Y-axis direction Number of parts in X-axis direction (excluding first part) Number of parts in Y-axis direction (excluding first part)



NOTE Specify the X- and Y-codes by absolute commands. Specify the I-, J-, P-, and K-codes by a positive value or zero. Specify the part spacings P and K by considering such factors as the inside web width, outside web width, and worksheet size.


U__; V__; U: V: Starts macro store (as specified by numbers 1 to 59) Ends macro store (as specified by numbers 1 to 59)



G75 W__ Q__ (P__;) G76 W__ Q__ (P__;) W: Q: P: Start position Restart position (Multiple-part processing in X-direction) (Multiple-part processing in Y-direction)

Macro number (use same number to specify U and V)

REFERENCE For multiple-part processing setup, refer to 2-1. Processing status display area 1 in Part I, Displays.

W specifies the number under which the macro is stored by U or V. G75 or G76 specifies the multiple-part processing direction, and Q specifies the multiple-part processing start position.





Combine G75 or G76 with Q to specify the processing sequence.

The restart position number P may not usually be specified. It is used to specify the start position for resuming an interrupted multiple-part processing program.

) 4-),; 24 +-55-,

4-56)46 2 5161

G75 W__ Q3 P3;



Process parts in four columns and three rows. M102 (SPC1.0); G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; M100; U1; : : V1; G75 W1 Q1; M101; G50; Process parts in only one row. Command G75 for multiple-part processing only in the X-axis direction or only in one row as shown right. Specify a Q value of 1 or 2. M102 (SPC1.0); G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; M100 U1; : : V1; G75 W1 Q1; M101; G50; Process parts in only one column. Command G76 for multiple-part processing only in the Y-axis direction or only in one column, as shown right. Specify a Q value of 1 or 3. M102 (SPC1.0); G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; M100; U1; : : V1; G76 W1 Q1; M101; G50;
20 50

G98 X20 Y20 I110 J70 P3 K2;

G98 X20 Y20 I70 J0 P5 K0;

G98 X20 Y20 I0 J50 P0 K3;




2-18. HS edge detection (G121, G122)

The HS edge detection function simply detects and measures worksheet edges with the Z-axis tracking sensor and compensates for the coordinate deviation between the machine and the worksheet.
The following factors are responsible for poor measurement accuracy:
1 The nozzle is damaged or broken. 2 The laser beam is center misaligned with the nozzle hole. 3 During calibration, measurement, and cutting, check that the laser beam is centered. 4 The worksheet edges are drooped or bowed.

If the worksheet is sheared, for example, the resultant edge droop or burr detracts from measurement accuracy. If the worksheet is bowed upward where it is to be measured, the upward bowed portion may rub against the nozzle during the measurement. If the material is bowed downward, the downward bowed portion may be misjudged as edge.
5 The material is round cornered, like a square steel pipe or aluminum extrusion.

The measurement accuracy varies with the length of the corner radius. The material cannot be measured if its corner radius is extremely long.
6 The Z-axis is not properly calibrated. 7 The worksheet is set extremely oblique. 8 There is an obstacle like a workclamp within 50 mm of the measurement point. 9 There is a hole or similar feature within 50 mm of the measurement point. 10 There is an edge, other than the edge to be measured, within 50 mm of the measurement point. (In the case of hole measurement, a small hole is included.)




11 The measurement accuracy also varies with the edge condition of the worksheet.


If the material is set extremely displaced, the laser head may overtravel, depending on the measurement point. Set the worksheet by considering the measurement method, such as selecting the measurement pattern that does not result in overtravel. When measuring the worksheet on the workclamp side, pay attention to the dead zone and the collision of the laser head with the workclamp. The HS edge detection function cannot be used together with scaling and coordinate rotation, nor with other measurement devices.


Edge detection calibration is a function of compensating the detection point and laser beam center for high-accuracy measurement. The edge detection calibration is required when:
1 High-accuracy measurement is necessary. 2 Spatter is deposited on the nozzle. 3 The nozzle is deformed by contact with another object or by cleaning. 4 High enough accuracy is not achieved.

Calibration values can be registered by the calibration number 0, 1, or 2. This is because the calibration value may vary with the type of laser head or nozzle. The registered calibration values can be called and used to obviate the need for performing edge detection calibration each time the laser head is changed. Which calibration value to be used is specified in the program during calibration and measurement.
NOTE Before the edge detection calibration, be sure to adjust (or calibrate) the Z-axis tracking sensor and the center of the nozzle.




Edge detection calibration method

Create a program as shown below. The edge detection calibration is automatically performed by the program.
1 to 4 The laser head cuts the square hole and measures the sides in that order.

Each side is measured twice. Use a sheet of mild steel and with a thickness of 3 mm or more. Be sure to clamp it. It is recommended to cut a 100 mm or larger square hole. If the hole is small, its sides may not be accurately measured.

Edge detection calibration program

M102; (worksheet material name) G92 X90 X0 Y120; E3; G122 X50 Y50 I100 L1 M00 W0; M30;

56)46 2 1 6


: ;  0 21-4+- 2 1 6 :

; ! 1 :
When L1 is specified, the laser head cuts the square hole and then the edge detection calibration is performed. When L1 is not specified, the edge detection calibration is performed without cutting the square hole. When M00 is specified, the machine is stopped by M00 after cutting the square hole. Remove the square cut scrap by using a magnet or the like.


G122 X__ Y__ I__ L__ M00 W__; X: Y: I: J: H: Z: D: W: M: X-coordinate of hole center Y-coordinate of hole center X-axis dimension of hole Y-axis dimension of hole Rapid down position Post-measurement return height Measurement length Calibration value number Removal after cutting of square hole
NOTE The square hole is not cut unless L1 is specified.

L1: Cutting of square hole


2-18-2. COMPENSATION BY EDGE MEASUREMENT (G121 L1 TO L5) Edge compensation (G121 L2)
Application When the worksheet is set inclined, this function is used to process the part along the inclination of the worksheet. Measure the worksheet at three edge points, and compensate the origin and angle.

Compensation method

G-code command
G121 L2 A__ X__ Y__ I__ J__ Q__ B__ C__ H__ Z__ D__ W__ S__; An asterisk (*) indicates an address that must be at least specified. A*: Measurement pattern Selects the measurement pattern (measurement direction). If no value is entered, A1 is selected by default.
1 to 3 in the The points figures are measurement points.
, ! 3 : ; : ; 3 , ! 1 -)574- - 6 2)66-4 )  -)574- - 6 2)66-4 )  , ! 3 1 : ; : ; 3 ! ,

The Z-axis tracking sensor may be unable to measure the measurement points near the origin in both the X- and Y-axes due to overtravel or interference with the workclamps, depending on the position of the worksheet. Select the measurement pattern after checking the worksheet set position and workclamp position. Set I and J as far apart as possible to improve the accuracy of rotation.

 -)574- - 6 2)66-4 )!

 -)574- - 6 2)66-4 )"

1 : ; : ; 1

 3 3 

-)574- - 6 2)66-4 )#

-)574- - 6 2)66-4 )$ !

 3 3 

1 : ; : ; 1

! -)574- - 6 2)66-4 )%

! -)574- - 6 2)66-4 )&

X*: X-coordinate of corner target point Specifies the X-coordinate value of the corner that serves as reference for measurement. If no value is entered, X is set to 0 by default. Y*: Y-coordinate of corner target point Specifies the Y-coordinate value of the corner that serves as reference for measurement. If no value is entered, Y is set to 0 by default.



First measurement point Specifies the distance from the corner target point to the first measurement point. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed.


Second measurement point Specifies the distance from the corner target point to the second measurement point. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed.

Q*: Third measurement point Specifies the distance from the corner target point to the third measurement point. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed. B: X-coordinate of origin set Specifies the X-coordinate value for setting the measured target point of the X-coordinate value as arbitrary X-coordinate value. If no value is entered, B is set to the same value as X by default. C: Y-coordinate of origin set Specifies the Y-coordinate value for setting the measured target point of the Y-coordinate value as arbitrary Y-coordinate value. If no value is entered, C is set to the same value as Y by default. H: Rapid down position Specifies the height to which the Z-axis is rapided down toward the worksheet to shorten the measurement time. If no value is entered, the Z-axis rapids to the tracking start height during piercing. Z: Post-measurement return height Specifies the height to which the Z-axis rapids up from the worksheet after measurement.

4)21, , 9 4)21, , 9 2 5161 64)+ 1 / , 9 9 4 50--6

2 56 -)574- - 6 4-674 0-1/06 4)21, 72 9 4 50--6

The Z-axis moves at this height to the next point. If no value is entered, the Z-axis returns to the rapid down position H.



Measurement length Specifies the distance from the target point to the point at which each measurement is started.

6)4/-6 8) 79 4 50--6 -)574- - 6 - /60

If the distance is too short, the measurement accuracy may suffer. Set the measurement length to 10 mm or more. If the distance is long, the measurement time increases. If the measurement length is not appropriate, the Z-axis may lower into the position where there is no worksheet and may produce an alarm. If no value is entered, D is set to 50 mm by default. If D 0, the measurement length is set to the default value of 50 mm. W: Calibration value number Specifies the number to select one of the calibrated and registered compensation values. This number must be the number specified for calibration with the laser head and nozzle used during measurement. If no value is entered, W is set to the number 0 by default. If a number other than 0, 1, or 2 is specified, W0 is specified by default. S: High-accuracy scan The Z-axis scans twice per measurement point. If the worksheet is bowed downward, S1 can be specified to improve the measurement accuracy. If the worksheet is bowed upward, this setting is not effective. Usually, the S-code need not be specified. If no value is entered, standard scanning is selected by default.


Program example
The machine processes the worksheet after measurement and compensation. The compensation remains effective from the end of the measurement by G121 to the end of the program or until the program is stopped by an alarm or STOP button. In the following example, the machine clamps a 500 mm square worksheet, performs the edge compensation by reference to the upper right corner from the zero return condition, and cuts a 50 mm square hole in the worksheet. M102 (SPC 1.6); G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; G121 L2 A4 X500 Y500 I100 J400 Q100 B500 C500 W0; M100; G00 X100 Y100; M103; G01 X150; G01 Y150; G01 X100; G01 Y100; M104; M101; G50;


One-point compensation (G121 L1)

Application This function is used to process the worksheet by reference not to the coordinate values but to a measured edge point. Measure one point, and apply compensation so that the measured point assumes the specified coordinate values.

Compensation method

G-code command
G121 L1 A__ B__ I__ J__ X__ Y__ H__ Z__ D__ W__ S__; An asterisk (*) indicates an address that must be at least specified. A*: Measurement pattern Selects the measurement pattern (measurement direction). If no value is entered, A4 is selected by default. Apply compensation for measured point to assume specified coordinate values
1 *

-)5742)66-4 )"

1 1
-)5746 -)5742)66-4 ) 6

2)66-4 )

* ;
-)5742)66-4 )! 6

: 1 1 * 9 4 50--6 574.)+*

-)5742)66-4 )#



NOTE When the measurement pattern is A5, H, D, and W are not related.


B*: Set coordinate value Specifies the coordinate value of a measured point after compensation. The coordinate value is set in one direction alone. The direction varies with the measurement pattern. Measurement patterns A1 and A2: X-direction Measurement patterns A3 and A4: Y-direction Measurement pattern A5: Z-direction If no value is entered, B is set to 0 by default. I*: X-coordinate of measurement point Specifies the X-coordinate value of a measurement point. If no value is entered, I is set to the X-coordinate of the current point by default. J*: Y-coordinate of measurement point Specifies the Y-coordinate value of a measurement point. If no value is entered, J is set to the Y-coordinate of the current point by default. X: X-coordinate of return position Specifies the X-coordinate of the position to which the Z-axis moves after measurement. If no value is entered, the Z-axis does not move after measurement. Y: Y-coordinate of return position Specifies the Y-coordinate of the position to which the Z-axis moves after measurement. If no value is entered, the Z-axis does not move after measurement. H: Rapid down position Specifies the height to which the Z-axis is rapided down toward the worksheet to shorten the measurement time. If no value is entered, the Z-axis rapids to the tracking start height during piercing. Z: Post-measurement return height Specifies the height to which the Z-axis rapids up from the worksheet after measurement.

4)21, , 9 4)21, , 9 2 5161 64)+ 1 / , 9 9 4 50--6

2 56 -)574- - 6 4-674 0-1/06 4)21, 72 9 4 50--6

The Z-axis moves at this height to the next point. If no value is entered, the Z-axis returns to the rapid down position H.



Measurement length Specifies the distance from the target point to the point at which each measurement is started.

6)4/-6 8) 79 4 50--6 -)574- - 6 - /60

If the distance is too short, the measurement accuracy may suffer. Set the measurement length to 10 mm or more. If the distance is long, the measurement time increases. If the measurement length is not appropriate, the Z-axis may lower into the position where there is no worksheet and may produce an alarm. If no value is entered, D is set to 20 mm by default. If D 0, the measurement length is set to the default value of 20 mm. W: Calibration value number Specifies the number to select one of the calibrated and registered compensation values. This number must be the number specified for calibration with the laser head and nozzle used during measurement. If no value is entered, W is set to the number 0 by default. If a number other than 0, 1, or 2 is specified, W0 is specified by default. S: High-accuracy scan The Z-axis scans twice per measurement point. If the worksheet is bowed downward, S1 can be specified to improve the measurement accuracy. If the worksheet is bowed upward, this setting is not effective. Usually, the S-code need not be specified. If no value is entered, standard scanning is selected by default.


Program example
The machine processes the worksheet after measurement and compensation. The compensation remains effective from the end of the measurement by G121 to the end of the program or until the program is stopped by an alarm or STOP button. In the following example, the machine clamps a 500 mm square worksheet, measures the upper right corner from the zero return condition, and cuts a 50 mm square hole in the worksheet. G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; G121 L1 A4 B500 I400 J500; M100; G00 X100 Y100; M103; G01 X150; G01 Y150; G01 X100; G01 Y100; M104; M101; G50;


Two-hole compensation (G121 L3)

Application When the worksheet has edges not cut square or otherwise makes it impossible to detect its edges, this function is used to process the part along the inclination of the worksheet. Measure two specified holes, and compensate the origin and angle.

Compensation method

G-code command
G121 L3 I__ J__ Q__ K__ B__ H__ Z__ D__ W__;

; :

+ 2- 5)6- 41/1 ) , ) / - .4 +- 6-45 . 69 0 -5

The shapes of holes that can be measured are square or round (not rectangular or obround). The two holes must be of the same shape. Unless the holes are large enough (50 mm or more square or round), they cannot be measured with high accuracy. If the actual center is extremely different from the specified center, the hole cannot be accurately measured. If Q and K are omitted, the center of one hole alone is compensated. An asterisk (*) indicates an address that must be at least specified. I*: X-coordinate of center of first hole Specifies the X-coordinate value of the center of the first hole to be measured. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed. J*: Y-coordinate of center of first hole Specifies the Y-coordinate value of the center of the first hole to be measured. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed. Q: X-coordinate of center of second hole Specifies the X-coordinate value of the center of the second hole to be measured. If no value is entered, the first hole alone is measured, and the angle is not compensated.



Y-coordinate of center of second hole Specifies the Y-coordinate value of the center of the second hole to be measured. If no value is entered, the first hole alone is measured, and the angle is not compensated.

B*: Hole width Specifies the width of the hole to be measured. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed. If B 0 is specified, an alarm is also displayed. H: Rapid down position Specifies the height to which the Z-axis is rapided down toward the worksheet to shorten the measurement time. If no value is entered, the Z-axis rapids down to the tracking start height during piercing. Z: Post-measurement return height Specifies the height to which the Z-axis rapids up from the worksheet after measurement.

4)21, , 9 4)21, , 9 2 5161 64)+ 1 / , 9 9 4 50--6

2 56 -)574- - 6 4-674 0-1/06 4)21, 72 9 4 50--6

The Z-axis moves at this height to the next point. If no value is entered, the Z-axis returns to the rapid down position H. D: Measurement length Specifies the distance from the target point to the point at which each measurement is started.

6)4/-6 8) 79 4 50--6 -)574- - 6 - /60

If the distance is too short, the measurement accuracy may suffer. Set the measurement length to 10 mm or more. If the distance is long, the measurement time increases. If the measurement length is not appropriate, the Z-axis may lower into the position where there is no worksheet and may produce an alarm. If no value is entered, D is set to 20 mm by default. If D 0, the measurement length is set to the default value of 20 mm.



Calibration value number Specifies the number to select one of the calibrated and registered compensation values. This number must be the number specified for calibration with the laser head and nozzle used during measurement. If no value is entered, W is set to the number 0 by default. If a number other than 0, 1, or 2 is specified, W0 is specified by default.


High-accuracy scan The Z-axis scans twice per measurement point. If the worksheet is bowed downward, S1 can be specified to improve the measurement accuracy. If the worksheet is bowed upward, this setting is not effective. Usually, the S-code need not be specified. If no value is entered, standard scanning is selected by default.

Program example
The machine processes the worksheet after measurement and compensation. The compensation remains effective from the end of the measurement by G121 to the end of the program or until the program is stopped by an alarm or STOP button. In the following example, the machine clamps a worksheet with two square or round holes of the same shape, measures the two holes from the zero return condition, and cuts a 50 mm square hole in the worksheet. G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; G121 L3 I100 J100 Q400 K400 B50 W0; M100; G111 X250 Y250 I50; M101; G50;


Slot width middle point compensation (G121 L4)

Application This function is used to process the worksheet by reference not to the coordinate values but to the middle line through the measured slot width. Measure the width of a slot (hole), and apply compensation so that the middle point of the slot width assumes the specified coordinate values.

Compensation method

G-code command
G121 L4 A__ B__ C__ I__ J__ H__ Z__ D__ W__;

+ 1 1 * ; + 44-+6 5 60)6 1,, - 2 1 6 )557 -5 -)574- - 6 52-+1.1-, 2)66-4 + 4,1 )6-5 )

An asterisk (*) indicates an address that must be at least specified. A*: Measurement pattern Selects the measurement pattern (measurement direction). See the figures above. If no value is entered, A1 is selected by default. B*: Set coordinate value Specifies the coordinate value of the slot width center compensated according to the measurement. The coordinate value is set in one direction alone. The direction varies with the measurement pattern. Measurement pattern A1: X-direction Measurement pattern A2: Y-direction If no value is entered, B is set to 0 by default. C*: Slot width Specifies the slot width to be measured. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed. If C 0 is specified, an alarm is also displayed.

-)574- - 6 2)66-4 ) * :



X-coordinate of center of slot width Specifies the X-coordinate value of the center of the portion whose slot width is to be measured. If no value is entered, I is set to the X-coordinate value of the current point by default.


Y-coordinate of center of slot width Specifies the Y-coordinate value of the center of the portion whose slot width is to be measured. If no value is entered, J is set to the Y-coordinate value of the current point by default.


Rapid down position Specifies the height to which the Z-axis is rapided down toward the worksheet to shorten the measurement time. If no value is entered, the Z-axis rapids down to the tracking start height during piercing.

4)21, , 9 4)21, , 9 2 5161 64)+ 1 / , 9 9 4 50--6


Post-measurement return height Specifies the height to which the Z-axis rapids up from the worksheet after measurement.

2 56 -)574- - 6 4-674 0-1/06 4)21, 72 9 4 50--6

The Z-axis moves at this height to the next point. If no value is entered, the Z-axis returns to the rapid down position H. D: Measurement length Specifies the distance from the target point to the point at which each measurement is started.

6)4/-6 8) 79 4 50--6 -)574- - 6 - /60

If the distance is too short, the measurement accuracy may suffer. Set the measurement length to 10 mm or more. If the distance is long, the measurement time increases. If the measurement length is not appropriate, the Z-axis may lower into the position where there is no worksheet and may produce an alarm. If no value is entered, D is set to 20 mm by default. If D 0, the measurement length is set to the default value of 20 mm.



Calibration value number Specifies the number to select one of the calibrated and registered compensation values. This number must be the number specified for calibration with the laser head and nozzle used during measurement. If no value is entered, W is set to the number 0 by default. If a number other than 0, 1, or 2 is specified, W0 is specified by default.


High-accuracy scan The Z-axis scans twice per measurement point. If the worksheet is bowed downward, S1 can be specified to improve the measurement accuracy. If the worksheet is bowed upward, this setting is not effective. Usually, the S-code need not be specified. If no value is entered, standard scanning is selected by default.

Program example
The machine processes the worksheet after measurement and compensation. The compensation remains effective from the end of the measurement by G121 to the end of the program or until the program is stopped by an alarm or STOP button. In the following example, the machine clamps a worksheet with a slot, measures the width of the slot from the zero return condition, and processes a 50 mm square hole in the worksheet. G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; G121 L4 A2 B250 C50 I100 J250 W0; M100; G111 X125 Y125 I50; M101; G50;


Sheet width middle point compensation (G121 L5)

Application This function is used to process the worksheet by reference not to the coordinate values but to the middle line of the worksheet. Measure the worksheet (material) width or web width, and apply compensation so that the middle point assumes the specified coordinate values.

Compensation method

G-code command
G121 L5 A__ B__ C__ I__ J__ H__ Z__ D__ W__;

+ 1 1 * + 44-+6 5 60)6 1,, - 2 1 6 -)574- - 6 )557 -5 2)66-4 52-+1.1-, ) + 4,1 )6-5 +

-)574- - 6 2)66-4 ) :

An asterisk (*) indicates an address that must be at least specified. A*: Measurement pattern Selects the measurement pattern (measurement direction). See the figures above. If no value is entered, A1 is selected by default. B*: Set coordinate value Specifies the coordinate value of the sheet width center compensated according to the measurement. The coordinate value can be set only in one direction. The direction varies with the measurement pattern. Measurement pattern A1: X-direction Measurement pattern A2: Y-direction If no value is entered, B is set to 0 by default. C*: Sheet width Specifies the sheet width to be measured. If no value is entered, an alarm is displayed. If C 0 is specified, an alarm is also displayed.



X-coordinate of middle point of sheet width Specifies the X-coordinate value of the middle point of the portion whose sheet width is to be measured. If no value is entered, I is set to the X-coordinate value of the current point by default.


Y-coordinate of middle point of sheet width Specifies the Y-coordinate value of the middle point of the portion whose sheet width is to be measured. If no value is entered, J is set to the Y-coordinate value of the current point by default.


Rapid down position Specifies the height to which the Z-axis is rapidly down toward the worksheet to shorten the measurement time. If no value is entered, the Z-axis is rapid down to the tracking start height during piercing.

4)21, , 9 4)21, , 9 2 5161 64)+ 1 / , 9 9 4 50--6


Post-measurement return height Specifies the height to which the Z-axis is rapid up from the worksheet after measurement.

2 56 -)574- - 6 4-674 0-1/06 4)21, 72 9 4 50--6

The Z-axis moves at this height to the next point. If no value is entered, the Z-axis returns to the rapid down position H. D: Measurement length Specifies the distance from the target point to the point at which each measurement is started.

6)4/-6 8) 79 4 50--6 -)574- - 6 - /60

If the distance is too short, the measurement accuracy may suffer. Set the measurement length to 10 mm or more. If the distance is long, the measurement time increases. If the measurement length is not appropriate, the Z-axis may lower into the position where there is no worksheet and may produce an alarm. If no value is entered, D is set to 20 mm by default. If D 0, the measurement length is set to the default value of 20 mm.



Calibration value number Specifies the number to select one of the calibrated and registered compensation values. This number must be the number specified for calibration with the laser head and nozzle used during measurement. If no value is entered, W is set to the number 0 by default. If a number other than 0, 1, or 2 is specified, W0 is specified by default.


High-accuracy scan The Z-axis scans twice per measurement point. If the worksheet is bowed downward, S1 can be specified to improve the measurement accuracy. If the worksheet is bowed upward, this setting is not effective. Usually, this value need not be specified. If no value is entered, standard scanning is selected by default.

Program example
The machine processes the worksheet after measurement and compensation. The compensation remains effective from the end of the measurement by G121 to the end of the program or until the program is stopped by an alarm or STOP button. In the following example, the machine clamps a 500 mm square worksheet, measures the edges of the worksheet from the zero-return condition, and processes a 50 mm square hole in the worksheet. G92 G90 X3070 Y1550; G121 L5 A2 B250 C500 I100 J250 W0; M100; G00 X100 Y100; M103; G01 X150; G01 Y150; G01 X100; G01 Y100; M104; M101; G50;



Cut edges of worksheets are certain to be drooped and burred. The amount of this drooping and burring increases with increasing material thickness and affects the measurement accuracy. Here is described the fine adjustment to be made to reduce the measurement error due to these factors. (1) Droop Surface inside of actual edge is recognized as edge. Distance from edge is long. (2) Burr Surface outside of actual edge is recognized as edge. Distance from edge is short. In this case, the calibration value can be adjusted to reduce the measurement error. Calibration values are set in custom macro variables. The variables shown below can be changed to adjust the corresponding calibration values. Calibration number 0 (W0) Calibration number 1 (W1) Calibration number 2 (W2)
REFERENCE For setting of the macro variables, refer to 9-2. CNC MAINTENANCE in Part I, Displays.

X-direction: #890 Y-direction: #891 X-direction: #892 Y-direction: #893 X-direction: #894 Y-direction: #895

All calibration values are negative. The calibration value is increased for the error in (1) Droop above and decreased for the error in (2) Burr above.
NOTE Do not change any variables other than those described above. It is recommended to set the worksheets in the same edge droop direction, for example.


Example: If the cut hole position is 0.2 mm shorter from the reference edge as in case (2) Burr above, change the calibration value to -3.10 when it was initially set to -2.90.

0 50 46 4-.-4- +- -,/ -)574- - 6 -,/-


2-19. OVS (G140, G141, G149)

The OVS IV option can be used to measure worksheet positions among other things.

Explanation of programs used by function of compensating coordinate origin for deviation

This function uses the following five programs in combination:
1 Compensation program by two-hole detection

G140 I__ J__ Q__ K__; G140: Hole center of gravity detection mode Coordinates of first hole to be detected I: J: Q: K: X-coordinate of first hole to be detected Y-coordinate of first hole to be detected X-coordinate of second hole to be detected Y-coordinate of second hole to be detected

Coordinates of second hole to be detected

2 Compensation program by edge detection

G141 A3 I__ J__ Q__ K__; G141 A3: Edge detection mode K1 measurement pattern

K2 measurement pattern

I, J, and Q are referenced from the origin of the coordinate system substituted into the edge detection program.
3 Compensation program by one-hole detection (coordinate rotation compensation not performed)

G140 I__ J__; G140: Hole center of gravity detection mode Coordinates of hole to be detected I: J: X-coordinate of hole to be detected Y-coordinate of hole to be detected


4 Compensation checking program (compensation checked according to pitch between laser-cut hole for compensation checking after deviation compensation and reference hole used for the compensation)

G140 I__ J__ Q__ K__ B__; G140: Hole center of gravity detection mode Coordinates of compensation checking hole I: J: Q: K: B: X-coordinate of compensation checking hole Y-coordinate of compensation checking hole X-coordinate of compensation reference hole Y-coordinate of compensation reference hole Tolerance value

Coordinates of compensation reference hole

5 Cancel compensation program

NOTE Set the tolerance value in the compensation checking program to a value greater than the hole pitch accuracy of the turret punch press. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.

Display of compensation results

When the processing origin deviation compensation function is performed according to the program, the values in the three Rotation angle fields of the AIV display are changed. The shift amounts of individual holes during the measurement are shown in the Hole pitch error fields. The measured pitch deviation and tolerance value when compensation checking is performed are shown in the Pitch Error Measuring Function fields. For details, refer to 8-6-2. AIV display in Part I.


Method of using edge detection

Edge detection by the OVS-IV system deteriorates in compensation accuracy, depending on the edge condition. When using this edge detection, pay attention to the following items:

The sheared edge differs from the shearing edge in cross-sectional shape. Always measure either edge alone with the OVS-IV system, and set on the Set AIV display the error compensation amount to add an offset to the measured value only in the edge detection mode. The error can be eliminated by setting the error compensation amount after trial processing, but surface condition variations do not allow compensation with such a high accuracy as achieved by hole center of gravity detection. When accuracy is required, use edge detection in combination with one-hole detection. This also applies to laser-cut edges.
NOTE An error compensation amount is held in memory once it is registered. Take care that unless the value of 0 is reregistered, the registered error compensation is performed for the next edge detection command.

When an alarm occurs due to some trouble during the execution of the program, clear it as described in the operators manual of the OVS-IV system.


Program examples 1
1 Single-part processing

Compensation by two-hole detection (origin reference deviation compensation by two detectable punched holes)
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch two holes A and B in a 270 mm 230 mm worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of the part. Measure the punched holes A and B, and compensate for the deviation amount. Laser-cut another hole in the skeleton, and use it to check the compensation made. This compensation check is not performed when the block skip function is set to ON.

Example of using G93

G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G93 X10 Y95; G140 I15 J115 Q215 K5; M100; /E001; /G112 X90 Y115 I6; /G140 I90 J115 Q15 K115 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; G00 G41 X0 Y-5; M103; G01 Y130; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M30; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation


Example of not using G93

G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G140 I25 J210 Q25 K100; M100; /E001; /G112 X100 Y210 I6; /G140 I100 J210 Q25 K210 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; G00 G41 X10 Y90; M103; G01Y225; : : G01 X10; M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M30; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation

Program examples 2
NOTE Tilt compensation is not made.
2 Single-part processing

Compensation by one-hole detection (origin reference deviation compensation by one detectable punched hole)
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch a hole in a 270 mm 230 mm worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of the part. Measure the punched hole A, and compensate for the deviation amount. Laser-cut another hole in the skeleton, and use it to check the compensation made. Then process the part. This compensation check is not performed when the block skip function is set to ON.


Example of using G93

G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G93 X10 Y95; G140 I15 J115; M100; /E001; /G112 X90 Y115 I6; /G140 I90 J115 Q15 K115 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; G00 G41 X0 Y-5; M103; G01 Y130; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M30; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation

Example of not using G93

G149; G130; M102 (SPC1.0); G140 I25 J210; M100; /E001; /G112 X100 Y210 I6; /G140 I100 J210 Q25 K210 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; G00 G41 X10 Y-5; M103; G01Y130; : : G01 X10; M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M30; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation


Program examples 3
3 Single-part processing

Compensation by edge detection (origin reference deviation compensation by worksheet edge) Perform edge detection after thoroughly reading its method. When worksheet edge accuracy is required, it is necessary to set the error compensation amount by trial processing.
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch a hole in a 270 mm 230 mm worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of the part. Measure the worksheet edge, and compensate for the deviation amount.

Example of using G93

G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G141 A3120 J190 Q140 K2; G93 X10 Y95; M100; E003; G00 G41 X0 Y-5; M103; G01 Y130; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M30; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation


Example of not using G93

G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G141 A3120 J190 Q140 K2; M100; E003; G00 G41 X10 Y90; M103; G01 Y225; : : G01 X10; M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M30; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation

Program examples 4
1 Multiple-part processing

Compensation by two-hole detection of each of multiple processed parts (origin reference deviation compensation by two detectable punched holes in each part)
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch holes in a worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of 6 3 parts. Measure the punched holes A and B in each part, and compensate for the deviation amount. After each compensation, laser-cut the holes C in the skeleton, check the compensation made, and process the parts. This compensation check can be eliminated from an intermediate part by setting the block skip function to ON.


G149; M102 (SPC1.0); M100; G98 X50 Y100 I200 J150 P5 K2; U1; G140 I40 J70 Q120 K30; /E001; /G112 X100 Y130 I6; /G140 I100 J130 Q40 K70 B0.1; E003; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40 G149; V1; G75 W1 Q3 P1; M101; M50;

Cancels compensation

Compensates for deviation

Checks compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount

Cancels compensation

NOTE Use two holes as far apart as possible as detection holes for compensation. Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to a value greater than the hole pitch accuracy of the turret punch press. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate. 4 The external alignment of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.


Program examples 5
NOTE Tilt compensation is not made.
2 Multiple-part processing

Compensation by one-hole detection of each of multiple processed parts (origin reference deviation compensation by one detectable punched hole in each part) Elimination of the coordinate rotation compensation of all parts in a worksheet increases the compensation error. Set necessary accuracy in the tolerance value of compensation checking, and change to the two-hole compensation of each part when an alarm occurs.
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch a hole for each part in a worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of 6 3 parts. Make recompensation by the hole A of each part. After each recompensation, laser-cut the hole C in the skeleton, check the compensation made, and process the parts. This compensation checking can be eliminated from an intermediate part by setting the block skip function to ON.


G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G140 I90 J470 Q1090 K170; M100; G98 X50 Y100 I200 J150 P5 K2; U1; G140 I40 J70; /E001; /G112 X100 Y130 I6;

Cancels compensation Compensates for deviation

Compensates for deviation

/G140 I100 J130 Q40 K70 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40; V1; G75 W1 Q3 P1; G149; M101; M50; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount

NOTE Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to a value greater than the hole pitch accuracy of the turret punch press. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate. 4 The external alignment of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.


Program examples 6
3 Multiple-part processing

Compensation by two-hole detection of each of multiple processed parts (origin reference deviation compensation by two detectable punched holes in each part) Approximation of all parts in the worksheet by one compensation increases the compensation error. Set necessary accuracy in the tolerance value of compensation checking, and change to the compensation of each part when an alarm occurs.
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch two holes for each part in a worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of 6 3 parts. Measure the punched holes A1 and A18, and compensate all parts for deviation by the compensation value. Laser-cut the hole C in the skeleton, check the compensation made, and process the parts. This compensation checking can be eliminated from an intermediate part by setting the block skip function to ON. G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G140 I90 J470 Q1090 K170; M100; G98 X50 Y100 I200 J150 P5 K2; U1; /E001; /G112 X100 Y130 I6; /G140 I100 J130 Q40 K70 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40; V1; G75 W1 Q3 P1; G149; M101; M50; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount Compensates for deviation Cancels compensation


NOTE Use two holes as far apart as possible as detection holes for compensation. Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to a value greater than the hole pitch accuracy of the turret punch press. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate. 4 The external alignment of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.

Program examples 7
NOTE Tilt compensation is not made.
4 Multiple-part processing

Compensation by one-hole detection of each of multiple processed parts (origin reference deviation compensation by one punched hole in each part) Approximation of all parts in the worksheet by one compensation increases the compensation error. Set necessary accuracy in the tolerance value of compensation checking, and change to the compensation of each part when an alarm occurs.
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch one hole for each part in a worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of 6 3 parts. Recompensate by the hole A of each part. After each recompensation, laser-cut the hole C for each part in the skeleton, check the compensation made, and process each part. This compensation checking can be eliminated from an intermediate part by setting the block skip function to ON.


G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G140 I90 J470; M100; G98 X50 Y100 I200 J150 P5 K2; U1; /E001; /G112 X100 Y130 I6;

Cancels compensation Compensates for deviation

/G140 I100 J130 Q40 K70 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; : : G01X0; M104; G00 G40; V1; G75 W1 Q3 P1; G149; M101; M50; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount

NOTE Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to a value greater than the hole pitch accuracy of the turret punch press. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.


Program examples 8
5 Multiple-part processing

Compensation by edge detection of worksheet from which multiple parts are processed (origin reference deviation compensation by edge detection of worksheet) Perform edge detection after thoroughly reading its method. When worksheet edge accuracy is required, it is necessary to set the error compensation amount by trial processing. Approximation of all parts in the worksheet by one compensation increases the compensation error. Set necessary accuracy in the tolerance value of compensation checking, and change to the compensation of each part when an alarm occurs.
[Explanation of program contents]

Punch a hole for each part in a worksheet, and laser-cut the outline of 6 3 parts. Measure the worksheet edge, and make compensation. After compensation, laser-cut the hole C for each part in the skeleton, check the compensation made, and process each part. This compensation checking can be eliminated from an intermediate part by setting the block skip function to ON.


G149; M102 (SPC1.0); G141 A3130 J1220 Q530 K1; M100; G98 X50 Y100 I200 J150 P5 K2; U1; /E001; /G112 X100 Y130 I6;

Cancels compensation Compensates for deviation

/G140 I100 J130 Q40 K70 B0.1; Checks compensation E003; : : G01 X0; M104; G00 G40; V1; G75 W1 Q3 P1; G149; M101; M50; Cancels compensation Note: Insertion of repositioning command in cutting program cancels compensation amount

NOTE Use worksheet edges as far apart as possible as edges for compensation. Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to a value greater than the hole pitch accuracy of the turret punch press. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate. 4 The external alignment of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.


Program examples 9
1 Repositioning

Repositioning compensation for processing with laser cutting machine alone When processing is continued by moving each workclamp by 1000 mm 1 to from the position 2 , laser-cut two position detectable holes A and B in the common processing area (shaded as shown right) before and after repositioning. These holes are detected and used to compensate for the deviation amount by repositioning. Laser-cut another hole C, check the compensation made, and process each part. This compensation checking can be eliminated from an intermediate part by setting the block skip function to ON. G149; M102 (SPC1.0); M100; : : G01X100Y95; M104; G00 G40; G00 X2000; G25 (or G27) X1000; G140 I1300 J100 Q1300 K1145; M100; /E001; /G112 X1300 Y600 I6; /G140 I1300 J600 Q1300 K1145 B0.1; : : M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M50; Cancels compensation Detects deviation after repositioning Inserts command for laser cutting detection holes in processing program Cancels compensation


NOTE Use holes as far apart as possible as detection holes for compensation. Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to 0.1. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.

Program examples 10
2 Repositioning

Repositioning compensation for processing with both turret punch press and laser cutting machine When processing is continued by moving each workclamp by 1000 mm 1 to from the position 2 position , laser-cut or punch two detectable holes A and B in the common processing area (shaded as shown right) before and after repositioning. These holes are detected and used to compensate for the deviation amount by repositioning. Laser-cut another hole C, check the compensation made, and process each part. This compensation checking can be eliminated from by setting the block skip function to ON.


G149; M102 (SPC1.0); M100; G140 I1300 J100 Q1300 K1145; /E001; /G112 X1300 Y300 I6; /G140 I1300 J300 Q1300 K1145; : : G01 X100 Y95; M104; G00 G40; G00 X2000; G25 (or G27) X1000; G140 I1300 J100 Q1300 K1145; M100; /E001; /G112 X1300 Y600 I6;

Cancels compensation

Compensates for deviation

Checks compensation

Detects deviation after repositioning

/G140 I1300 J600 Q1300 K1145 B0.1; Checks compensation : : M104; G00 G40; G149; M101; M50; Cancels compensation

NOTE Use holes as far apart as possible as detection holes for compensation. Set the tolerance value of the compensation checking program to 0.1. When execution of the compensation checking program produces an alarm, check that:
1 The amount of compensation is appropriate. 2 The pitch of holes used for the compensation is appropriate as measured with the OVS-IV system. 3 The calibration of the OVS-IV system is appropriate.


2-20. Scaling and coordinate rotation (G150)

G150 X__ Y__ E__ A__ B__ R__; Scaling (expansion or reduction of the shape of the part with a given point as center) and coordinate rotation (rotation of the part with a given point as center) are applied to the shape after the above command. X: Y: E: A: B: R: SCALING

X-coordinate of scaling reference position Y-coordinate of scaling reference position Scaling factor (0.00001 to 9.99999) X-coordinate of coordinate rotation reference position Y-coordinate of coordinate rotation reference position Coordinate rotation angle (-360.000 to +360.000) COORDINATE ROTATION





Scaling and coordinate rotation can be set at the same time. Scaling and coordinate rotation are canceled when E0 and R0 are specified, respectively. Once set, scaling and coordinate rotation remain effective until:
1 E0 and R0 are specified. 2 A repositioning command (G25 or G27) is specified. 3 The program operation is ended by G50, M02, or M30. 4 The RESET button is pressed.

Scaling and coordinate rotation can also be used in regular-shaped macros and multiple-part processing programs.

Example of using scaling and coordinate rotation for multiple-part processing

G98 X0 Y0 I_ J_ P4 K3; U1; G150 A0 B50 R30; : : V1; G75 W1 Q3;


2-21. Pipe cutting NC-codes (G08, G17, G18, G107)

G08 Look-ahead control
G08 P1; G08 P0; Invokes look-ahead control mode Cancels look-ahead control mode

Sheets are usually cut in the look-ahead control mode. To perform cylindrical interpolation, it is necessary to cancel the look-ahead control mode by P0.

G17 Plane selection (X-Y plane)

G17 X__ Y__; This command is specified to perform plane cutting (including pipe plane interpolation cutting) by the same program after performing cylindrical interpolation.

G18 Plane selection (X-A plane)

G18 X_ A__; This command is specified to cut the pipe by cylindrical interpolation.

G107 Cylindrical interpolation

G107; G107; A (pipe radius) invokes cylindrical interpolation A0 Cancels cylindrical interpolation



To specify cylindrical interpolation, it is necessary to cancel look-ahead control and laser bath path compensation. Place the commands in the following order:

G08; G107 A_; G01 G41;

P0 Cancels look-ahead control Cylindrical interpolation Laser beam path compensation

To cancel cylindrical interpolation, place the commands in the following reverse order:

G01 G40; G107 A0; G08 P1;

Cancels laser beam path compensation Cancels cylindrical interpolation Look-ahead control

G00 cannot be specified during the cylindrical interpolation mode. Regular-hole macros cannot be used for processing during the cylindrical interpolation mode. Unless the Z-axis is offset by G93 Z_, the laser head interferes with the pipe. The Z-value to be specified is the Z-coordinate of the rotary table rotation and the diameter of the pipe.


Specify the Y-coordinate of the center of the rotary table rotation by G93 Y_.



M102 (SUS2.0); G92 G90 X3050. Y1550.; G93 X__ Y__ Z__; M100; E003; G00 A__; G00 G41 X__ Y0.; Cutting by plane interpolation M103; G01 X__; G02 I-5.; (or J-5.) M104; G00 G40; G00 Y0.; G18 X0 A0; G107 A0; G00 G40 X__ A__; M103; G08 P0; G107 A__; Cutting by cylindrical interpolation G01 G41; G01 X__ A__; : : : G01 X__ A__; G01 G40; G107 A0; G08 P1; M104; M101; M30; Cancels laser beam path compensation Cancels cylindrical interpolation Invokes look-ahead control Ends cutting Cancels laser mode Ends program Positions X- and A-axes Pierces pipe Cancels look-ahead control Performs cylindrical interpolation Compensates for laser beam path Cuts shape Positions Y-axis and sets center of pipe Selects X-A plane Positions A-axis Positions X- and Y-axes, and sets center of pipe by Y0. Pierces pipe Makes approach cut Cuts 10 hole Ends cutting Specifies center of rotation by offset, Y, and Z Laser mode


A number following the address M controls the reading of a program or the on/off of the component units of the laser cutting machine. One M-code is effective in only one block, except for the end setting at the end of processing. Refer to 3-12. Laser cutting (M103, M140) in this Part. M-code M00 M01 Name Program stop Optional stop Function Pauses the program. Press the START button to restart the program. Pauses the program. Press the START button to restart the program. Use the OPTIONAL STOP button to enable or disable the function. M02 M10 M11 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 Program end Work hold and unclamp Clamp and work release Thickness detector disabled Thickness criterion 1 Thickness criterion 2 Thickness criterion 3 Thickness criterion 4 Thickness criterion 5 Thickness criterion 6 Thickness criterion 7 Thickness criterion 8 Thickness criterion 9 Program end Commands the program to end. Lowers the workholders and opens the workclamps. Closes the workclamps and raises the workholders. Disables the worksheet thickness detector. Sets the thickness criterion at 0.4 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 0. 5 to 0.6 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 0.7 to 0.9 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 1.0 to 1.3 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 1.4 to 1.8 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 1.9 to 2.4 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 2.5 to 3.2 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 3.3 to 4.2 mm. Sets the thickness criterion at 4.3 to 6.2 mm. Adds the program return function to the M02 function. When the program ends, the cursor automatically returns to the beginning of the program. Loads worksheets with the optional loader. Unloads processed worksheets in two stacks with the optional loader. Opens the workchute. Closes the workchute.

M33 M65 M80 M81

Loading Two-stack unloading Workchute open Workchute close


M-code M96 M97 M100 M101 M102 M103 M104 M180 M707 M722 M723 M758 M788 M789

Name Subprogram call Subprogram end Laser mode Laser mode cancel Worksheet designation Shutter open and head down Shutter close and head up Workchute open and close Shuttle pallet change Calibration on Calibration off Beam on Shuttle move to cleaning position Shuttle return from cleaning position Calls a subprogram.


Ends a subprogram. The NC unit returns to the main program at the same time. Invokes the laser mode. The machine becomes capable of laser cutting. Cancels the laser mode. The machine becomes incapable of laser cutting. Calls material type and thickness from the processing condition file. Lowers the laser head and opens the laser shutter. Closes the laser shutter and raises the laser head. Opens the workchute and then closes it. Changes the shuttle pallet. Starts calibration. Ends calibration. Causes the machine to start the discharge and turn on the laser beam. Moves the pallet in the machine to the cleaning position. Returns the pallet in the machine from the cleaning position.


3-1. Operation stop (M00, M01)

M00; M01; M01 pauses the program operation of the machine. Press the START button to restart the program. M01 is also used to make the end setting. M01 allow you to select whether to turn on or off the pause function with the OPTIONAL STOP button.

3-2. End processing (M02, M30)

M02: Program end M30: Program end
M03; Or M02; M02 or M30 ends the program operation of the machine. M30 is normally used. After the end of the program operation, the cursor is returned to the beginning of the program.

3-3. Repositioning (M10, M11)

M10: Work hold and unclamp M11: Clamp and work release
M10 and M11 command the workclamps and workholders during auto repositioning. They are not directly used in ordinary processing programs.

M10; M11; M10: Lowers the workholders and opens the workclamps. M11: Closes the workclamps and raises the workholders.


3-4. Worksheet thickness detection range (M20 to M29)

M21; When the machine is equipped with the optional loader, M20 to M29 specify the thickness detection range of the worksheet thickness detector. M20 to M29 are related to the thickness range as follows: M20: Thickness detector disabled M21: Thickness range of 0.4 mm M22: Thickness range of 0.5 to 0.6 mm M23: Thickness range of 0.7 to 0.9 mm M24: Thickness range of 1.0 to 1.3 mm M25: Thickness range of 1.4 to 1.8 mm M26: Thickness range of 1.9 to 2.4 mm M27: Thickness range of 2.5 to 3.2 mm M28: Thickness range of 3.3 to 4.2 mm M29: Thickness range of 4.3 to 6.2 mm

3-5. Loading (M33)

M33; When the machine is equipped with the optional loader, M33 moves the table to the pallet change position and loads the pallet.

3-6. Two-stack unloading (M65)

M65; When the machine is equipped with the optional loader having shelves, M65 commands the optional loader to unload and place processed worksheets in two stacks front and rear stacks on the pallet.


3-7. Workchute (M80, M81, M180)

M80: Workchute open M81: Workchute close M180: Workchute open and close
M80, M81, and M180 command the workchute to open, close, and open and close, respectively.

M80; M81; Or M180; : M80: Opens the workchute. The workchute remains open until M81 is specified. M81: Closes the workchute. M180: Opens the workchute and then closes it. M180 is also used to make the end setting.

3-8. Subprogram call (M96)

M96 calls and runs a subprogram.

M96 P; P: Specifies the number of the subprogram to be called.

REFERENCE For subprograms, refer to 1.4 Main program and subprogram in this Part.

3-9. Subprogram end (M97)

M97 causes the subprogram to end and returns the NC unit to the main program.

REFERENCE For subprograms, refer to 1.4 Main program and subprogram in this Part.


3-10. Processing mode (M100, M101)

M100: Laser mode invoke M101: Laser mode cancel
M100 and M101 select the processing mode. The laser cutting machine has the laser mode alone. When the machine enters the laser mode, the laser shutter opens, and M103 (laser cutting start) turns on the laser beam.

M100; : G00 G41 X Y ; M103; : M104; G00 G40; M101; M30; M100: Changes the processing mode to the laser mode and opens the laser shutter. The laser mode remains effective until canceled by M101. M101: Cancels the laser mode and closes the laser shutter. Cancel the laser mode at the end of the program. Makes laser beam path compensation left Starts laser cutting Laser cutting program Ends laser cutting Cancels laser beam path compensation Cancels laser mode Invokes laser mode

3-11. Worksheet designation (M102)

M102 select the processing condition file to suit the worksheet material to be processed.

M102 (____); M102 (____) : Enter the full name of the processing condition file within the parentheses.


3-12. Laser cutting (M103, M104)

M103: Laser shutter open and laser head lower M104: Laser shutter close and laser head rise
M103 and M104 command laser cutting. Unless the machine is in the laser mode, it cannot perform laser cutting.

M100; : G00 G41 X Y; M103 A; : : M104 M Z; G00 G40; M101; M30; M103 A__: The Z-axis lowers and turns on the laser beam to pierce the start hole. A: Specifies whether or not to pierce the start hole. If A0 is specified, the start hole is not pierced. If no value is entered or if a value other than A0 is specified, the start hole is pierced. If the cutting condition is E010, it implies scribing, not piercing. M104 M__ Z__: Ends laser cutting and raises the laser head to the height set on the LASER PRM. display. Specify M00 (program stop) or M01 (optional stop). The end setting refers to the operation to be performed at the end of laser cutting. If no value is entered, no operation is performed at the end of laser cutting. Do not specify an M-code other than M00, M01, or M180. Doing so may cause the machine to execute the specified M-code. Z: Laser head rise height To raise the laser head to height other than set on the LASER PRM. display, specify Z by an incremental distance from the worksheet. The parameter-set value is ignored. Ends laser cutting Cancels laser beam path compensation Cancels laser mode Makes laser beam path compensation left Starts laser cutting Laser cutting program Invokes laser mode

M: End setting.


3-13. Shuttle pallet change (M707)

M707; When the machine is equipped with the optional shuttle table, M707 changes the pallet of the machine with that of the shuttle table.

3-14. Z-axis tracking sensor calibration (M722, M723, M727)

M722; M723; M727; These M-codes are specified to calibrate the Z-axis tracking sensor. They are not directly specified in ordinary processing programs. M722: Calibration on Starts the calibration of the Z-axis tracking sensor. M723: Calibration off Ends the calibration of the Z-axis tracking sensor. M727: Calibration position Positions the Z-axis tracking sensor for calibration.

3-15. Beam on and off (M758)

M758 commands the machine to start the discharge to turn on the laser beam. It is used by the Amada service engineer for maintenance. It is not used directly in ordinary processing programs. Unless the machine is in the laser mode, it cannot turn on the laser beam. The discharge can also be ended by ending the program.

M758; G04 X5; M30; M758: Commands the machine to start the discharge and turn on the laser beam.


3-16. Shuttle move to cleaning position (M788, M789)

M788; M789; M788: Shuttle move to cleaning position Moves the pallet in the machine to the cleaning position. M180: Shuttle return from cleaning position Returns the pallet in the machine from the cleaning position.

3-17. Pallet set (M790, M791)

M790; M791; When the machine is equipped with the optional loader, M790 and M791 locks and unlock the pallet in the machine, respectively. M790: Pallet set lock Fixes the pallet in the machine to the table. M791: Pallet set unlock Releases the pallet in the machine from the table.

3-18. Pallet pins (M792, M793)

M792; M793; When the machine is equipped with the optional loader, M792 and M793 command the pins for positioning the pallet in the machine to rise and lower, respectively. M792: Pallet pins in Raises the pallet positioning pins into the pallet in the machine. M793: Pallet pins out Lowers the pallet positioning pins out of the pallet in the machine.


4. OTHER CODES 4-1. Cutting condition (E-code)

The E-code selects one cutting condition from the processing condition file specified by M102.


4-2. Sequence number (N-code)

The N-code specifies a sequence number.

N__; Or N G00 X__; (assign sequence number to the beginning of block with other command)

Enter a value following N to assign a sequence number to a particular line in the program. The sequence numbers that can be used are 0 to 99999.

4-3. Skip command (GOTO-code)

The GOTO-code skips program execution to the block with the specified sequence number.

GOTO__; Or GO__; When a sequence number is specified following GOTO or GO, the NC unit skips to the block of the sequence number from GOTO or GO. If there is a sequence number in the same block as one of the following codes, the NC unit skips to the block of the sequence number, but cannot execute that code. Specify the sequence number alone in the previous block. G10, G50, G75, G76, G93, G98, G111, G112, G113, G114, G115, G116, G121, G122, G126, G128, G129, G130, G136, G137, G150, M33, M100, M101, M102, M103, M104


NOTE When skip is specified by the GOTO-code in a multiple-part processing macro composed of U- and V-codes, the NC unit cannot quit the search processing unless the macro contains a corresponding sequence number (N-code). In this case, the NC unit must be powered off and then powered on again. After turning on the power of the NC unit again and before restarting the operation of the machine, correct the program.

4-4. BLOCK SKIP command (/code)

When a slash (/) is placed at the beginning of a block and the program is started after illuminating the BLOCK SKIP button, the NC unit ignores the block and goes to the next block during the program operation of the machine. When the BLOCK SKIP button is extinguished, the NC unit normally executes the program.
NOTE Be sure to place a slash (/) at the beginning of a block. If the slash is placed at any other position in the block, the word or words between the slash and the next colon are ignored. The block is deleted when it is read into the operating buffer. If the BLOCK SKIP button is illuminated during the execution of the program, the blocks already read up to then are not ignored.

4-5. Macro store command (U- and V-codes)

Programs can be stored as macros and used for processing repeat parts or multiple parts.
REFERENCE For the procedure for specifying macros, refer to 2-17. Multiple-part processing in this Part.



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