Tear Owls
Tear Owls
Tear Owls
Grade Tear Owls
ART.VA.I.1.1 Identify and experiment with materials to communicate ideas related to the
student's world.
ART.VA.I.1.2 Demonstrate the responsible use of project materials with environmental
ART.VA.I.1.4 Use revision strategies to enhance personal artwork.
ART.VA.II.1.1 Explore and experiment with materials and processes while creating artwork
based on personal routines, activities, or environments.
Students will be able to tear paper with intention or along a given path.
Students will be able to create an image out of small pieces of paper.
Students will be able to draw an owl.
Anticipatory Set
Review what was done during the previous session.
Discuss owls and their parts.
Today we are going to make our own owls. First, we are going to draw them on big
white paper. In order to do this, you have to be active listeners and draw what I say.
Task Analysis
a. Anticipatory Set
b. State objective
c. Draw what I say owl.
d. Return to carpet and demonstrate how to tear paper.
e. Demonstrate gluing and placing torn paper.
f. Independent Practice
g. Closure
Thinking Levels
By the end of this lesson, students should be at the application level. They will use what
they learn about owls and tearing paper to make their own owl feathers.
White Paper
Various brown papers
Pencils, glue sticks
Independent Practice
Students will fill the owl they drew during the Draw what I say portion of the lesson
with torn paper feathers. Students should use various brown colored papers and fill the
owl completely.
Explain clean up procedure and clean up.
Discuss what we will add next week.