I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
a. identify different natural materials that can be used to create a collage,
b. appreciate the beauty of nature and express creativity through art, and;
c. create a nature collage using various natural materials.
III. Procedure
B. Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for this
beautiful day and the chance to
learn new things. Guide us in
our activities today. Amen.
C. Attendance
The teacher will call out the
names of the students while
checking their attendance.
D. Review
Last time, we talked about
different types of art. Who can
tell me what we discussed?
F. Discussion
A collage is a type of art where
we create an image or pattern
by combining different
materials. It can include paper,
fabric, or even natural objects
like leaves and twigs.
The word 'collage' comes from
the French word 'coller,' which
means 'to glue.' Today, we will
be using glue to attach our
materials and create our own
nature collage.
G. Generalization
A collage is a form of art where
we use different materials to
create a picture. For today’s
activity, we will be using
natural materials such as dried
leaves, twigs, and flower petals
to show our appreciation for
nature. Remember, art can be
made from things around us,
not just store-bought materials.
H. Application
Individual Activity
Students will go outside to
gather natural materials like
leaves and twigs for their
nature collage. After collecting
what they need, they will
create their collage using the
materials they found, following
the steps discussed in class.
The teacher will assist and give
feedback as they work.
IV. Evaluation
Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer.
1. What is a collage?
a. A drawing made with crayons
b. An artwork made by cutting and pasting materials
c. A painting on a canvas
d. A sculpture made of clay
V. Assignment
Look for other natural materials at home that you can use for artwork.
Create a small nature artwork using what you find, and bring it to class for
our next meeting.