Airfoil 6

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Hydrofoil as foil supported craft[edit]

As a hydrofoil-equipped watercraft increases in speed, the hydrofoil elements below the

hull(s) develop enouh lift to raise the hull up and out of the water! "his results in a
reat reduction in hull dra, and a further correspondin increase in speed and efficiency
in operation in terms of fuel consumption!
A wider adoption of the technical innovations of hydrofoils is prevented by the increased
comple#ity of buildin and maintainin them! Hydrofoils are enerally prohibitively
more e#pensive than conventional watercraft! However, the desin is simple enouh that
there are many human-powered hydrofoil desins! Amateur e#perimentation and
development of the concept is popular![$]
A boat equipped with hydrofoils is also called a hydroplane (boat)![%]

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