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Wake County Public School System, 2013
Mathematics Alignment Lesson
Grade 4 Quarter 3 Day 110 Common Core State Standard(s) 4!"1 #$%lain &hy a 'raction a/b is e(ui)alent to a 'raction *n $ a+/*n $ b+ by usin, )isual 'raction models, &ith attention to ho& the number and si-e o' the %arts di''er e)en thou,h the t&o 'ractions themsel)es are the same si-e .se this %rinci%le to reco,ni-e and ,enerate e(ui)alent 'ractions
Vocabulary Improper Fraction/ 0 'raction that is ,reater than or e(ual to 1 Mixed Number 0 number that can be re%resented by a &hole number and a 'raction Materials Needed 1rans%arency23lackline 4aster Cooking up Fractions 3lackline 4asters5 6Fraction Strips Finding Equivalents, Story Problems 3a,,ies *'or %re5cut 'raction stri%s+ L!A"NIN# S$"A$!#I!S Alignment Lesson Equivalency with Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Acti%ity & Analy'ing Fraction Strips Teacher Note Consider having raction strips cut out ahead o time! "nly cut around the outside o the raction strips so that each one is one #hole! 1 Distribute 'raction stri%s to students and direct students to study them, lookin, 'or %atterns 7a)e students 1hink, Pair, and Share thou,hts about their %atterns 2 7a)e students &rite the )alue o' each stri% on the back *1 &hole+ 3 0sk students to sho& 2 1 2 3 and 3 3 2 8 by 'oldin, the 'raction stri%s Choose other e$am%les as needed 4 9ead and discuss 1rans%arency23lackline 4aster Cooking $p Fractions 7a)e students &ork on this %roblem &ith a %artner and %ro)e their ans&er usin, 'raction stri%s and2or %roo' %ictures : 0llo& some %artners to &ork at the board &hile other students sol)e it at their seats ; Discuss student solutions and encoura,e 4ath 1alk &ith (uestions such as/ %re there are any other #ays to solve this problem& 'o# do you kno#& (o you agree/disagree& )hy& < 7el% students make the connection bet&een im%ro%er 'raction and mi$ed numbers, by buildin, &ith unit 'ractions Discuss ho& 4aria could use a combination o' &hole cu%s and 'ourth cu%s *mi$ed number+ or =ust a > cu% measure *im%ro%er 'raction+ 8 Point out that a mi$ed number is a &hole number and a 'raction 0lso hel% students reali-e that a mi$ed number and an im%ro%er 'raction are e(ui)alent Acti%ity ( Con%ersion )ractice 1 Students should %ractice con)ersions usin, 3lackline 4aster 6Finding Equivalents Students &ill shade in the unit 'ractions to sho&2%ro)e e(ui)alence 2 Share and discuss student res%onses Clari'y any misconce%tions or misunderstandin,s 3 7a)e students com%lete 3lackline 4aster 6Story Problems by themsel)es or &ith a %artner to %ractice con)ersions in conte$t 4 0llo& students to share res%onses usin, 4ath 1alk Students &ill com%lete 3lackline 4aster, 6Equivalency #ith *i+ed ,umbers and -mproper Fractions .ournal Prompt 'or home&ork Source 4? @ 1eacher Created *C)SS+)",-!C$ AC.I!V!+C/I+(00& .ome1or2 3lackline 4aster 6Equivalency #ith *i+ed ,umbers and -mproper Fractions .ournal Prompt Assessment .se 3lackline 4aster Story Problems as a 'ormati)e assessment Standards 3or Mathematical )ractice Standard 1/ 4ake sense o' %roblems and %erse)ere in sol)in, them Standard 2/ 9eason abstractly and (uantitati)ely Standard 4/ 4odel &ith mathematics
Wake County Public School System, 2013 /lackline *aster 0rade 1 (ay 223 Standards4s5 4!"1 "indin, #(ui)alents Convert the ollo#ing ractions to an improper raction or a mi+ed number! Prove your ans#er by shading in the appropriate raction bars! 1 B 2 4 C DDDDDD > > > > > > > > > > > > 2 13 2 : C DDDDDD 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 3 3 2 2 3 C DDDDD 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Wake County Public School System, 2013 /lackline *aster 0rade 1 (ay 223 Standards4s5 4!"1 Story Problems Solve the ollo#ing #ord problems using a strategy o your choice! Prove your ans#er using a proo picture and #rite an equation! 1 Sam is buildin, a birdhouse 1he %iece o' &ood he is usin, measures 18 2 4 inches 7o& can he describe this measure usin, a mi$ed numberA 2 Gabriel is makin, a trail mi$ 1he reci%e calls 'or him to use 1 3 2 8 cu%s o' raisins 7o& many 1 2 8 cu%s &ill he need to useA 3 Ee$i &alks her do, to and 'rom the %ark each day o' the &eek 1hey &alk a total o' 1 2 : o' a mile each day 7o& 'ar does Ee$i &alk her do, in one &eekA Write your ans&er as a mi$ed number and an im%ro%er 'raction Wake County Public School System, 2013 /lackline *aster 0rade 1 (ay 223 Standard4s5 1!,F!2 Name5555555555555555555555555 6ate 555555555555555555555555 !7ui%alency 1ith Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions -ournal )rompt Describe a situation &here you &ould &ant to use an im%ro%er 'raction or a mi$ed number Fusti'y your res%onse &ith s%eci'ic reasons as to &hy you chose the im%ro%er 'raction or the mi$ed number Wake County Public School System, 2013 /lackline *aster 0rade 1 (ay 223 Standard4s5 1!,F!2 Ans1er 8eys Coo2ing 4p Fractions 4aria could use the > cu% 10 times or use 2 &hole cu%s and the > cu% measure t&ice > > > > > > > > > >
Story )roblems Students should su%%ort their ans&er &ith a )isual model *see abo)e+ 1 18 2 4 9 4 2 2 4 2
8 2 8 and 3 2 8 C 11 2 8 3 < 2 : or 1 2 2 : Wake County Public School System, 2013 %ns#er 6ey 0rade 1 (ay 223 Standard4s5 1!,F!2 "indin, #(ui)alents5 0ns&er Gey Convert the ollo#ing ractions to an improper raction or a mi+ed number! Prove your ans#er by shading in the appropriate raction bars! 1 B 2 4 C DD2 > DDDD > > > > > > > > > > > > 2 13 2 : C DD2 3 2 : DDDD 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 3 3 2 2 3 C D 11 2 3 DDDD 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Wake County Public School System, 2013