1) The document is a donation form for As Syddiq Islamic School Mosque project in Simpang Renggam, Johor, Malaysia.
2) As Syddiq Islamic Primary School was opened in 2001 with six classrooms on 2.5 acres of land that has now increased to 6 acres.
3) In 2007, the student population increased to 167 students served by 15 teachers and support staff, and new facilities like an administration building, prayer hall, canteen, and hostel were added.
1) The document is a donation form for As Syddiq Islamic School Mosque project in Simpang Renggam, Johor, Malaysia.
2) As Syddiq Islamic Primary School was opened in 2001 with six classrooms on 2.5 acres of land that has now increased to 6 acres.
3) In 2007, the student population increased to 167 students served by 15 teachers and support staff, and new facilities like an administration building, prayer hall, canteen, and hostel were added.
1) The document is a donation form for As Syddiq Islamic School Mosque project in Simpang Renggam, Johor, Malaysia.
2) As Syddiq Islamic Primary School was opened in 2001 with six classrooms on 2.5 acres of land that has now increased to 6 acres.
3) In 2007, the student population increased to 167 students served by 15 teachers and support staff, and new facilities like an administration building, prayer hall, canteen, and hostel were added.
1) The document is a donation form for As Syddiq Islamic School Mosque project in Simpang Renggam, Johor, Malaysia.
2) As Syddiq Islamic Primary School was opened in 2001 with six classrooms on 2.5 acres of land that has now increased to 6 acres.
3) In 2007, the student population increased to 167 students served by 15 teachers and support staff, and new facilities like an administration building, prayer hall, canteen, and hostel were added.
Kg Sahari Bl ok 3 86200 Si mpang Renggam, Johor Tel /Fax: +6 07 755 9717 *Si l a hantarkan ke al amat beri kut: *Pl ease send to the address bel ow: off i ce Yes! I would like to donate to As Syddiq Islamic School Mosque project. I si ncerel y donate for the cause of future educati on at As Syddi q Isl ami c School . Historical Background As Syddiq Islamic School AS-SYDDIQ MOSQUE FUND ACCOUNT FUND ACCOUNT As Syddiq Islamic Primary School was opened on January 3rd, 2001 with the building blocks consisting of six classrooms and is located at Lot 3479 Kg. Sahari, Block 3, Simpang Renggam. The area of this school is 2.5 acres. Now the land area has increased to 6 acres. In 2007, the number of pupils has increased by 167 students. With a total of 15 teachers and a personal assistant has been placed here. There are also physical facilities built includes adeministratives, prayer hall and a canteen. In addition there is also a hostel for students from outer districts. The exampl e of those who spend thei r weal th i n the way of Al l ah i s l i ke a seed [of grai n] whi ch grows seven spi kes; i n each spi ke i s a hundred grai ns. And Al l ah mul ti pl i es [Hi s reward] for whom He wi l l s. And Al l ah i s al l -Encompassi ng and Knowi ng. ( Al -Baqarah: 261)
Arts in The Philippines Refer To The Various Forms of The Arts That Have Developed and Accumulated in The Philippines From The Beginning of Civilization in The Country Up To The Present Era