PFS Board of Prefects 150th Anniv Commemorative Magazine

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School rail,

Let us march onto fame
Let the aisles proclaim
Till our anthem will dare us to do
Let us onward to win and new laurels gain
Free School for the brave and for the true.
It matters neither how strait the gate
Nor how charged with dangers the goal
Let the tempest rage and fell odds inflate
We'll to it with heart and soul.
When duty calls be it school or state
We'll do it with God by our side
For the sons of Free School don't hesitate
Nor let cool their zeal and pride.
Let us all then join in this Jubilee
All with one loud voice to proclaim
Our true loyalty and our constancy
To our Mater still remain.
The photo above is that of the original music and tvrics of the
school raltv written in the 1960s bV G S Reutens, a former art
teacher. It is provided bV Esther Reutens via Quah Seng Sun


150vears of

About this publication

This is a publication of record and opinion about the
Board of Prefects (BOP) of Penang Free School, certainly
one of the oldest, if not the oldest, such institution in
Malaysia or South East Asia. Published in conjunction
with the BOP's15oth Anniversary celebrations in 2015,
it contains 69 photographs of the board from 1934 to
2014, and a paper by a former school captain.





Message from the Chairman

of the Bicentenarv Committee

It is an honour for me to write this message on the auspicious occasion of the 150th
Anniversary of the Penang Free School Board of Prefects. I would also like to extend my
heartiest congratulations to the Organising Committee of the 150th Anniversary Celebration of the Board of Prefects.
This 150th Anniversary is another milestone in the history of PFS which will be celebrating the Bicentenary in 2016.
Being the oldest English school in South East Asia, the traditions of the school have been
laid since the early years of the school and one of the strong traditions is the Board of
Prefects. To be appointed a Prefect means the student is an exemplary student and plays a
big role as a leader among his peers.
Since the launching of the Bicentenary Celebrations in 2012, a series of programmes and
activities have been successfully organised and for next year many more programmes
have been lined up. I sincerely hope all the Old Frees will come together and celebrate
the Bicentenary to rekindle our camaraderie and glorify our Alma Mater.
My heartfelt appreciation to the Organising Committee of this 150th Anniversary Celebrations and my best wishes for this event to be a success.
Thank you.
Fortis Atque Fidelis

Dato' Hj Abdul Rafique Karim

Chairman, Board of Governors
Penang Free School Bicentenary Committee

2 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary

Message from the Headmaster

Penang Free School

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to the Organising

Committee of the lSOth Anniversary Celebrations of the Board of Prefects for organising
this event.
We are the oldest prefects board in Malaysia I presume. In every school, the school administration sets up rules and regulations in accordance with the guidelines given by the
ministry. Enforcement comes under the jurisdiction of the disciplinary board and the
prefects board of every school.
A student nominated as a prefect in a school must be someone special or has exemplary
attitude and disposition. He or she must also be an active student in school whether in
sports, club, societies or uniformed units. These traits are forever profound in the past,
present and future prefects of our beloved Penang Free School. The motto, "School for
Scholars, Sportsmen and Gentlemen" explains it all. Fortis Atque Fidelis
Only a true Free School boy or girl will understand these mottos. A prefect must embrace
these mottos and transform the heart so that he or she can transform others.
Happy lS0th anniversary to the PFS Prefects Board.
For the brave and for the true.
Let us march on to fame with heart and soul.

Jalil Saad
Headmaster 2012-present
Old Free 1972-1978

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 3

MEMORIES ONA PAGE: (1) The school


behi'ndit the/Grandest Old Free
(2) The swing gOO(S to the Prefects Room
no prefect or 5,thool offender will ever
forget (3)rlmbi~ing the sclioo/spirit along
the ccnidors (4) The sEf!oolball where ke'l
traditions:of thf~chooti:~eeklv
blies( speech cfli1~5,schi/ol ptavs, ett; are m~
g~/dY5)S~hod1p~efect1~qJY attire (6) NTHi'
(jrand4CJII1Ladv,t offlClqjJvrqfclared open
1, ,,(;'
(7) tjJ{refect'sbadge and
;?thool;~ie.f<Photdgraphv bV Iin H Li




4 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary

Message from the

Organising Chairman

As Frees, we had the great fortune to imbibe the spirit of a great school. Some of us were
further blessed to be part of its Board of Prefects (BOP), one of the institutions that coexist with others, the students, teachers and administrators, to form a culture that has
inspired and shaped numerous generations of people like me and my schoolmates.
I therefore feel most privileged for the opportunity to chair the Board of Prefects IS0th
Anniversary Committee, a subcommittee of the Bicentenary Committee. I am grateful to
have motivated committee members who teamed up only in early 2015.

Assessing the current needs of the school and how we could contribute most effectively,
we decided that, in addition to holding a gala dinner, we would:
1. Help to develop PFS student leaders using the international and certifiable Student
Leadership Challenge programme. This is open to all potential student leaders and we
will invite Old Frees to be certified as trainers to inject the school spirit into the curriculum.
2. Conduct research on the BOP and its traditions over time. Today, there is a dearth of
archived documents on the board. We hope, via the Old and present Frees again, to
. rectify this.
3. Upgrade the Prefect's Room to make it more functional and lift its pride of place in
the school.
To achieve this, we have had donors, helpers and well-wishers who have generously contributed money and effort. I take this opportunity to bid them a big "Thank you". Our
BOP celebrations is a buildup to the 2016 Bicentenary Celebrations - 200 years of a grand
school! I look forward to joining all of you in the events ahead.
Fortis Atque Fidelis!

Loh Lean Kang

PFS Board of Prefects IS0th Anniversary Committee

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 5

The Penang Free School spirit,

apex roles of prefects and
what people might learn from them'
By Urn Siang Jin2

EMPOWERMENT to pursue quality and excellence in a liberal, humanistic yet disciplined

environment - this practice underscored Penang Free School's traditions and embodied
its /I spirit". It fostered a .high sense of belonging and loyalty among students, teachers
and other stakeholders, compelling many to live up to the school's lofty image and to
serve it far beyond the call of duty. Most interestingly, they throw light on the school
motto, fortis atque fidelis?
As anyone who has tried will testify, it is exasperatingly difficult to capture in words the
essence of the deep-rooted yet evolving Free School spirit. The more you attempted to
encapsulate it, the more elusive it becomes. Two articles by Krishnan," editor of the PFS
Magazine in 1972, may serve to illustrate and expand on why this is so. In the first, an
introduction to the section on clubs and societies, he wrote:"
It is the vogue nowadays to speak of providing students with something more than "textbook" knowledge, a "complete education" in fact. We in Free School have been quietly doing
just that, far close to a century now. And there is no better testimony to this virtue of hers
than the large number of clubs and societies that operate within her. What is more significant, they are run entirely by the students themselves. In most other schools for example,
the editor of a magazine like this would have been a teacher; our editor is a full-blooded
student (not a bright one though!). This type of direct involvement teaches even the most
indifferent student a thing or two about the realities of power and organisation.
The "society scene" of Free School is a confusing one with many miniscule organisations
catering for minority tastes on one end and the immensely popular PERN with its 1,700
members on the other end. That all students are compelled to join PERAis another matter

As far as I know, this culture was in full bloom in the post-Merdeka period," from before
the time the school celebrated its sesquicentenary (lS0th year) in 1966 to, at least, the
late-1970s. Despite this seeming anarchy, there was an underlying order that steered

\ I

1. This essay, first drafted in early 2015, draws mainly from personal experience and is a personal opinion of the author. It
sources a lot of information from the Penang Free School Magazine, 1972, 1971 and 1970, especially articles written by the
editor of 1972 because he has represented very eloquently and concisely the "PFS spirit". Most of the examples of activities
cited are as the author remembered them from that year or from his days in Free School from 1966 to 1972.
2. The author, a fourth generation Free, was school captain 1972. His late father, Dr Lim Teik Ee, also led the Board of
Prefects - in 1941.
3. Sigh! I tried to keep it compact and short. It amounted to this!
4. Krishnan is Balakrishnan Narayanan, who furthered his studies at Columbia University and became a specialist writer for
the Far Eastern Economic Review from 1989 to 1994. He went on later to set up a few businesses including business consultancy, outsourcing of editorial services and distance learning.
5. This article appeared in pages 50 and 51 of the 1972 edition of the school magazine, which he edited.
6. PERAstands for Physical Education & Recreational Activities. Now defunct, PERAtaught every student a wide range of
basic skills in all kinds of sports from soccer and rugby to cricket and hockey, from basketball and volleyball to gymnastics.
7. There must have been other "golden eras" of the school and we should try to document them. For example, the Millennium issue (year 2000 edition) of the school magazine was very impressive and its contents showed a wide range of activities in the school. From what I read and see, the Free School spirit must have thrived then too .

. 6 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary

many of its students to achieve what the school was best known for - great academic
results by a bunch of all-rounders.
'More discipline? Don't be silly'
The second article by Krishnan that I wish to refer to is his "Comment" that occupied
pages 4 to 6 of the 1972 magazine. It is one of the best critiques of the school by a student, highlighting its strengths, some weaknesses and conceding that its faults" are hopelessly tangled with the larger faults of our society and mankind in general. To criticise the
school alone for [them] will amount to cowardice, ignorance or both".
There are two notable matters about the "Comment". First, it illustrated highly mature
thinking on the part of an 18-year-old. He and a few classmates led the publishing and
debating circles in our alma mater during their
years there." On the subject of discipline, for example, he wrote:
I wish to tell those who suggest a further dose of
discipline as a panacea for the ills of Free School:
Don't be silly. Free School is not a mediocre
institution which needs to rely on keeping its
students under heavy harness to make them behave well. She has more to gain by a liberal policy
which liberates the minds of her fine students
whose minds deserve to be liberated. The sincere
fury of a rebel is as indispensable to progress as
the stability provided by the cautious wisdom of
a conservative. And the mark of a good institution lies in how best she can reconcile these opposing but inseparable forces - not on how much
she encourages one at the expense of the other.
No more comment.

Prefects holding a dedication ceremony at the tomb of Rev Sparke

Hutchings, founder of the school, on Speech Day which is held on
October 21 every year: This has been a key tradition of the board

The second notable matter is that, reflecting the

tolerance for free speech in school then, headmaster K G Yogam allowed a wide range
of ideas to be published in the school magazine. Apart from issues facing the school,
Krishnan wrote, albeit cursorily, on:
The need to tailor our curriculum so that students can understand more" about our
own surroundings and the mores of our own society",
Social inequality, quoting the late Prof Ungku Aziz that the old system has produced
a "high income minority cut off from the mass of people of the country",
Why we should not fear original thinking even though he admits to the necessity of
having institutions, and
Reasons not to overemphasise discipline in school (quoted above).
With these considerations as a backdrop, I would like to ask the following questions (1)
What roles did the Board of Prefects play in the school culture? (2) What can we learn
from the multi-dimensional Board of Prefects in particular and the school in general, to
pass on to future generations?

Apex roles of the Board of Prefects

In anyone year, the PFS Board of Prefects would be made up of a modicum of student
lead\~s representing a wide range of interests and activities, from sports and games to

8. Krishnan and his friends, among them Khoo Boo Teik (deputy school captain 1973), Yeap Jin Soo, Sarada Aravind, and
Lim Boon Teik, produced the first Form Two class magazine in 1968. They also formed the core of the Debating Society for

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 7

clubs and societies. Many of them held multiple positions, wearing a different hat in each
organisation. As a group, the board played at least three fundamental roles:
Symbol and embodiment of student empowerment
Enforcement of discipline
Liaison body for students

Svmbol and embodiment of student empowerment

As far as I know and at least from the late 1930s to the late 1970s, the school captain
of the Penang Free School, who headed the Board of Prefects, reported directly to the
headmaster. The Board of Prefects, in turn, ran a self-regulating school disciplinary system in which its senior members managed various subsidiary bodies. In 1972, they were
the Boards of Temporary Prefects (appointed to run the school in the third term each
year), Break Monitors, Traffic Wardens, House Prefects and Class
Monitors. There was no disciplinary teacher or board to guide
The Board of Prefects, as
or oversee its activities. It was almost totally autonomous in
a historical institution in
. funding and in conducting its yearly activities, and it was semiFree School, despite its
autonomous in self-renewal as an institution.
weaknesses, and there were
Funding: To fund its yearly calendar of activities/ which was
many, lent a permanence to
quite extensive, the board collected all its funds from its own
student empowerment ... It
members - those who could afford more were asked to pay
is a permanent gathering of
more, and the less well-endowed financially paid less. We were
student leaders of PFS.
frugal in our spending, confining most outings to visits to hawker joints, drive-arounds in town and ending up along Gurney
Drive for a chat and monkeying around. The most lavish events were the annual dinner
and a bungalow stay in Penang Hill or Batu Ferringhi.
Renewal: Each year, to rejuvenate the membership of the board, members would start to

groom young students as early as Form Two, observing and encouraging while working
with them in school activities. Later, at the formal selection process, the older potential
candidates were discussed at length. At least four criteria were used to shortlist them:
contribution to the school, leadership qualities, academic consistency, and character and
the ability to fit into the board's culture.'? The final list was submitted to the headmaster


9. The Board of Prefects had a full calendar of activities each year:

Daily duties: Day-to-day they followed a duty roster which included looking after the canteen during break time, traffic
duty after school, gate duty before school to ensure latecomers' names were recorded and frequent rule-breakers censured,
after-school building duty to see that classrooms have been cleaned, etc. Apart from routine, they had to attend to ad-hoc
events - one-off disciplinary occurrences like theft and fights, sick students and those who hurt themselves (the Prefects
Room acted as a sick bay and first-aid centre), etc.
Board meetings: General Prefects Board meetings were held frequently to discuss and iron out current issues, and
specific ones were called to initiate new prefects and to select people who would man the disciplinary system for the next
year - new prefects, the Temporary Board, Break Monitors and Traffic Wardens. The selection of new prefects was the most
time-consuming, often stretching over three or four day-long sessions over the weekends. Each senior prefect in charge of
the subsidiary boards also met with their charges a couple of times a year.
Social activities: The board's social calendar included a rite of initiation for new prefects (held late at night at the Botanical Gardens when the newbies were finally dunked in the stream), annual dinner, evening outings, bungalow stay with the
board of prefects of a girls school, the annual dinner and show of the PESSPC (Penang English Secondary School Prefects
Council, now defunct) and all-night farewell for outgoing prefects at the end of the year.
Formal school events: These included the weekly assemblies when they were fully attired with jacket and all, installation of new prefects at a special school assembly, annual staff-prefect games (Tan Ah Fee Cup) and a visit to the grave of
founder Rev R S Hutchings on Speech Day, October 2l.
All these built the esprit de corps of a tightly-knit group whose members faced numerous challenges in their school duties
and personal lives as students. While their spirit as a group might be high, there was often a price to pay. Many, trying to
emulate the zeal of others, could not cope. Their academic performance suffered.
10. Among the criteria used to select prefects were:
Contribution to the school: In line with the school spirit, there was a tendency to select all-rounders who excelled
academically as well as in sport and in the societies. However, everyone who had contributed substantially had a chance.
In a school of merely 1,700, it was unlikely to miss anyone who had made major contributions.
Leadership qualities: Leadership was fundamental because of the empowered nature of the board - everyone must be

8 Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary

who would allow teachers to vet and veto. Any candidate disapproved
was automatically rejected.

by the teachers

Teachers, on the other hand, would also submit a few names to the headmaster to be vetted, approved or turned down by the Board of Prefects. In this way, the system ensured
that everyone was consulted and heard - in theory, at least."
The Board of Prefects, as a historical institution in Free School, despite its weaknesses,
and there were many, lent a permanence to student empowerment. It was also a fact that
most students who were popularly elected to head highly-empowered
sporting houses,
games teams, clubs, societies, even classes, also ended up as prefects. While these organisations came and went, grew or shrank, the Prefects Board was there to stay. One might
say that the Board of Prefects was a permanent gathering of student leaders of PFS.
In 1976, a teacher-advisor was appointed to the
board after which a large number of its members
resigned en bloc'? Comprehensive guidelines of
conduct, which later became a 30-plus-page The
Manual of the Board of Prefects, were drawn up in
1977. Among the stipulations was that the advisor
and headmaster were to be present in all prefects
meetings. In later years this condition was removed.

On admission to the office of prefect in the
Penang Free School, I undertake to the best
of mv abilitv and on all occasions conscientlouslv and active IV,to honour its ideals,
promote its interests and uphold its name;
And I further undertake to perform the
duties attached to the office of prefect
fairlv and earnestlv:

It is my belief that, however well-intentioned this

And in this, I offer mv services to the school
move was," when the apex student-governing
and hope to earn her approval,
body has to (1) report to a teacher and later a
disciplinary board (a present-day requirement
of the authorities), and (2) comply with detailed guidelines, the overall empowerment of
students, a key feature of the PFS spirit, was greatly diminished. To be fair, however, at least
in the 1980s, the prefects were again given leeway to be semi-autonomous and conducted
themselves very closely to what they did before." This illustrates the underlying strength
able to pull his or her weight when it comes to getting groups to work together in the field, on stage, in class, etc. Whether
a person could or was willing to lead or not, would have shown by the time he reached Form Four. He would, by then,
have a few positions in school and have displayed his abilities.
Academic consistency: This was a tricky area because of the risk of excluding student leaders who were average in academic qualifications but outstanding and active in extra-mural activities.
Character and the ability to fit into the Board of Prefects: While we valued strong character and principles, we
had to build a team that could work together. Occasionally, a few rebels were admitted. However, by and large, it was a
conservative group with a bias towards tradition rather than change. Some people were bypassed because they could not fit
11. In practice, as in other organisations, the more vocal - usually the male teachers who were involved in sports training
and coaching - were the more influential. They also tended to back the more athletic over the ones who were less active in
12. The reason for the mass resignation, I am told, was that the members could not agree with the appointment of a
teacher-advisor coupled with the massive number rules to govern their work. This was because, via this move, Free School
would lose one of its pivotal traditions.
13. The appointment, I am told, was to relieve the headmaster of some of his wide-ranging duties. It later became a crisismanagement exercise when the school administration found its disciplinary system stuttering to restart. The whole episode
was, and still is, regrettable.
14. Comments on Facebook by Boo Soon Yew (please note I have copy edited them) in November 2014 indicate there were
attempts to revive the old system in the 1980s: "Allow me to shed some light on prefectship in the PFSin the 1970s, 1980s,
then into the 1990s. I entered PFSin 1980 as a young ciku who was awed by the prefects who conducted themselves very
well. Notable would be the head boy then, Soh Yew Siang, then William Tan Poh Eng. [Prefectship] was surely a respected
"But the strange thing was, when I asked my cousin, even my late brother, who were both in PFSin the 1970s, 'How were
the prefects?' their immediate response were a shocking 'We hate prefects!!', 'Nobody liked them', 'They are arrogant ...
"Suffi~e to say, headmaster held full authority by then [1980s] to 'choose' the school captain, despite the recommendation
of the Board of Prefects. Yes, present Frees, we chose the Board of Prefects, at least back in the 1980s. We recommended
who to be school captain and deputy school captain, then the headmaster would present to the school teachers in a meetI

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 9

and momentum of the school spirit of allowing students to run things for themselves. The
stakeholders - the administration, the students, teachers, etc - might have allowed it to
thrive again as a proven engine to drive excellence. IS

Disciplinal1f role
The Board of Prefects unquestionably had a disciplinary role in school; this was symbolically ritualised and reinforced every week during assembly. Almost invariably, it is something like this: The school hall, after filling up with students and teachers from around
7.1Sam, produced a drone of collective conversations before the first bell rang at 7.2Sam
and the school captain went onstage. Once he was up, and upon noticing him there, the
assembly started to quiet down quickly. When the hall had become silent, and only then,
he called the school to attention. This was followed by a second
bell. Half a minute later the headmaster walked in along the
A "spirited" Free School, as
central aisle lined by prefects; if he wore hard leather shoes, like
many an Old Free would gladly
Tan Boon Lin, we could hear every click and clack, enhanced by
testify, is a viable alternative,
. the echoes from the 40-foot ceiling."
at least a complement, to such
Moreover, as an indication of authority and power, the school
[existing top] schools. Which
captain could unilaterally send students to detention class and,
is why it is worthwhile to
thereafter, their school records would be "tarnished". During my
support its struggle to regain
time, however, serious punishments meted out by prefects were
its position among the top
few and far in between. The school in the 1960s and 1970s was
schools in Malaysia.
generally well-disciplined - I guess it was because you would
need a high degree of basic self-discipline all round to ensure
order in a liberal environment where so much was going on.
Be that as it may, how "authoritarian" a board became depended on the leadership and
the culture it found itself in. In the free-wheeling environment we were in, we were more
consultative and advisory than punitive, especially towards students with hard-core problems like drug abuse and family breakdown. Indeed, as my friends would testify, despite
the intransigence of a few, we hardly had to take action against the seniors. I have been
told, however, that some boards in later years did become very punitive in character. It
would be interesting to find out why.

Liaison bodV for students

In late 1971, while I was talking to a former school captain, Lim Hun Soon, I discovered
that the Board of Prefects had a liaison role too - between students and the teachers and
administration as a group. We were rather unsuccessful in fulfilling this role, which led
Krishnan, a prefect himself, to lambast the board in his "Comments":
We need not look far to find stagnation caused by indifference; just take a look at one aspect
of our school - the prefects. Whatever the merits of the Board of Prefects may be in other
respects, it is an absolute failure as a liaison body between the staff and the students. (How
many of us in the school even know of this supposed function of prefects?) The need for a
liaison body is very great but the indifference present is even greater and so we continue as
we are - pretending to ourselves that nothing is wrong.


ing, who would 'normally' endorse the choice."

15. We should conduct research into this and find out why the place of the prefects was restored.
16. This is how the school assembly is described in Fidelis Old Frees' Association, a coffee table book published by the OFA
in 2012: "The school assembly is the most important weekly tradition. Held every Monday morning when the first bell
rings at 7.25am, all students are required to congregate in the School Hall in an orderly manner according to their forms.
The second bell rings when the headmaster is about to enter the hall. At this time the school captain will call the school
to attention. As the headmaster walks into the hall, complete silence is expected. When the headmaster reaches the stage,
the teachers will then stand at attention, followed by the headmaster himself, as the national and state anthems are sung.
Teachers then make speeches and the headmaster will be the last to address the students. The school rally is played after all
speeches have been presented, and once again the entire school population stands at attention until the headmaster leaves
the hall. The school captain will then dismiss the students after the teachers have left the hall."
10 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary

Towards the end of 1972 and in early 1973, various board members sat down to update
the school rules and plan for a board that was more consultative and representative of
the students, with the ultimate aim of having an electoral system. I? We were not successful because the task was herculean and taxed further board members already inundated
with other work.
However much we wanted to criticise the board for its failure as a formal liaison body,
we cannot deny that it played an informal role, and a relatively effective one at that. All
members of the board were intimately connected with the students that made up the societies, clubs, houses, sports teams, etc that we led. We were also constantly talking to our
teachers who were advisors and coaches. Whenever a serious problem arose, there would
be conversations about it. However, admittedly,
a formal dialogue process might have been more

What we could learn from them

The beat of the Free School spirit and its institutional pride have been drummed incessantly into
my head since I was a kid. This was the fate of
children born to Old Frees, especially those who
had been active in their alma mater. Not anymore,
I am told. Like so many other schools of its genre,
PFS appears fatigued. We do not have to look far
or listen close to see and hear the array of problems it faces.

Auld Lang Syne at sunrise, Bukit Dumbar, after a night's outing to

bid farewell to seniors who were leaving school: Camaraderie is
indispensable to a graup that has to work through thick and thin

In many ways, the challenges facing Free School

is a reflection of the wider ones of the country
and its education system. Today, the schools whose students and other stakeholders brim
with pride are likely to be virtually mono-ethnic with single-minded cultures to pursue
academic excellence. Another favoured category is privately-run and expensive, catering
to the well-off.

A "spirited" Free School, as many an Old Free would gladly testify, is a viable alternative, at least a complement, to such schools. Which is why it is worthwhile to support its
struggle to regain its position among the top schools in Malaysia. If the efforts bear fruit,
we would achieve at least three things:
Add greater variety to quality educational offerings in the country,
Build a place where innocent 13-year-olds (like me and my schoolmates in the
1960s) could mould themselves within a culture that would make them proud for
the rest of their lives, and
Create a group of people who have been empowered to work with each other, sometimes stressfully and usually gainfully too, in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment during the most impressionable period of their lives.
17. The call for change was also made by Tan Seang Lin, editor, PFS Magazine, 1971, in a strongly-worded editorial. A nonprefect, he called for the rationalisation of the selection system: "There is a palpable need for a transformation of the system and I believe that the most appropriate way of ensuring that the right leaders are in control is one incorporating both
selection and election. This move may conceivably generate opposition as every innovation is anathema to vested interests
averse to the diminution of their power, but it must be implemented for the sake of the common good.
"Records must be kept of all students from the date of their enrolment in the school in respect of scholastic achievements,
extra-mural activities and leadership potentialities and no individual could be appointed to any major post without attaining a $nimum
standard in each of these three categories. In this way the selection will be objective and divested of any
temper'amental bias on the part of the selectors.
"Where it is doubtful that the selectors have exercised impartiality, the list of suitable candidates should be submitted for
election to all the students. For each organisation, the system will be modified to accord with its specific needs and detailed
rules will have to be formulated.
[paragraphing mine]

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 11

From the discussion in the earlier part of this paper, the main takeaway seems to be
that to reignite the Free School spirit, to enhance quality and excellence, and nurture
all-rounders within the school by drawing upon successful practices of those times, we
would need a high degree of the following:
Liberalism with mutual respect"
Empowerment with responsibility'?
Industry with commitment and loyalty
These are qualities and values not easily acquired, nor can they be honed overnight. They
are needful and essential for raising up not only future generations of Frees who can be
as proud of their heritage as we are, but also young Malaysians with the vision, skills and
character to protect and advance all that is good about our nation.
There are at least two points to consider in any effort to try to re-invigorate and revive
the school in a comprehensive manner:
First, there is a vast reservoir of Old Frees, many of them occupying key positions in
government, the civil service and the private sector, here in Malaysia and worldwide.
Their wide variety of talent, experience and, professional and social networks, can be
harnessed and co-ordinated to help the school - if proper and effective channels can
be built for them to do so. From the smattering of response I get, they want to see
proposals that can lead to viable and sustainable solutions .
' Second, in any endeavour to reignite, fan and nurture the school spirit of the good
old days, we must also acknowledge and honour the unsung efforts by so many
to sustain PFS standards against great odds in the years since then - not forgetting
those who are in the school right now.
I sincerely hope something positive can come out of this lSOth Board of Prefects Anniversary and the forthcoming Bicentenary Celebrations. They are great occasions to
rally the Old Frees, present Frees and other stakeholders to be "strong and faithful". Our
school motto, which I allude to in the introductory paragraph, is still a potent vehicle for
a clarion call to action."


18. Liberalism and mutual respect are cornerstones of a humanistic culture which allows creativity to develop without
members of the group trampling on each other in the process. Society, however, has never been perfect. What we did not
have in the freewheeling Free School system was a clear avenue for conflict resolution, like the courts in real life. More
often than not, the more senior students or teachers had to step in to resolve conflicts involving "equals".
19. While we were empowered, we were not really prepared to be responsible for ourselves in the area of studies and extramural activities. Lim Hun Soon, school captain and editor of the PFSMagazine 1970, wrote in his editorial that while PERA
strived to ensure sporting excellence in school, "Academically, however, a parallel [to PERAlhas not been struck. Other
than the daily class routine, no further organisation has been established to ensure that we shall always be foremost among
other schools in academical achievement. ..
"The same principles of planning and concerted organisation can also be applied to extra-mural activities. With the goals
set and the programmes to achieve them planned, the efforts spent in the attainment of the goals would be much more
worthwhile and fruitful than if we were to grope about in the dark, aimless and unmethodical."
20. A similar call was made some 50 years ago in the editorial of the Supplement to the PFS Sesquicentenary Issue (1967). Tan
Heng Soon, the editor and school captain of 1967 made an impassioned plea to act, to further improve the school and not
to rest on laurels: "The past has been glorious and great, but sentimentalism must be abandoned for harsh reality. We live
for today, not for yesterday. Yet we must plan for tomorrow. A man who has no hopes for the future is a lost man. 'The
Frees have always been deeply impressed by the restless spirit of adventure and the disinclination to rest on laurels of the
past' (1953 Editorial).
"This is our Greatest Challenge.
"Having survived one hundred and fifty years of existence and collecting dozens of 'traditions' along the way, the time
has come for a 'spring-cleaning' to face the future with rejuvenated courage and endeavour. We must not fear to accept
and adapt; we are a living body, dynamic, everchanging, not a dead institution. We shrink not from failure - the lessons
we learn now shall be applied in the future; we shall still work and hope for victory. Certainly Columbus did not discover
America in bed.
"The Free School's Spirit rests with its boys and teachers, not with its buildings. It is what WE make of it that eventually
counts: We want action with the Spirit! And with the Spirit to guide us, we shall be brave. Let our password be 'One for All
and All for One', and our battle-cry."

12 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary

Board of Prefects, 1934 to 2014:

Pictures in search of great stories

ON THIS and the next 34 pages are 69 photographs of the Board of Prefects (BOP) from
1934 till 2014. It has been a tortuous journey to gather any material on the BOP, and
these photographs were no exception. Although relatively much has been written about
the school as a whole, there was hardly any documentation about the BOP.To produce
this set of photographs, we had to troll the PFS Archives Room, OFA library and appealed
to Frees on Facebook to solicit them. Their quality (some had to be scanned from photocopies) bears testimony to the paucity of material available.
If, as the idiom goes, a picture says a thousand words, these photographs could speak
volumes of their times - if we possessed records on these people and their activities,
thousands of great stories could be told. I would like to appeal to our readers to contact
us through with relevant stories and photographs. I hope this modest
endeavour will spark efforts to find, document and share more information about the PFS
Board of Prefects for us to reminisce and future generations to learn from them. - Editor


The Prefects Board photo for 1934 did not carry a caption. The headmaster for the year was Mr L W Arnold


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 13


Seated (L to R)Chung Shiu Tett, Khoo Phin Heng, Major J B Neilson MA, MC (Acting Headmaster), Yeah Bok Hoe
and Oh Ewe Kin
Standing(L to R)Abdul Kareem b Hussain, Md Hayati Meah b Md Noor, Abu Bakar b Pawanchee, H I Saunders,
Khairudin b Yatim, Chiu Ban It, Ong Hock Eang, Eu Cheow Chye


Seated (L to R) Lim Chong Eu, Chiu Ban It, Dr Wu Lien Teh, The Headmaster (Mr L W Arnold), H I Saunders, Oh
Kim Seng
Standing (L to R) Ahmad b Sa'ad, Tan Ah Fee, Tye Wai Yin, Chew Kong Fang, Lim Kean Chye, Chan Theam Hock,
Leong Mun Sen


14 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R) Matthews Abraham, Leong Mun Sen, Mr F Cobb (Acting Headmaster), Tan Ah Fee and
Ooi Kee Saik
Standing(L to R)Abdul Wahab b Md Ariff, Taha b Ahrnad, Khor Chin Guan, Khoo Kee Seang, Bickar Singh,
Vanniasingham T W, Tann Wee Leong, Md Ariff b Ismail & Abu Bakar b Awang


Seated (L to R) Khoo Kee Seang, Tan Ah Fee (School Captain), Mr L W Arnold (Headmaster), Ooi Kee Saik (Hon
Sec Prefects' Board), T W Vanniasingham
Stailding (L to R) Um Keng Eok, J Isaac, Lau Kam Phooi, Woon Shook Kin, Um Teik Ee, Toh Chor Keat, Yeoh
Cheang Hin, Teoh Tiaw Teong, Syed Mansur, Syed Muhammed, Zainal Ariffin, Chee Ah Kin

Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary 15


Seated (L to R)Woon Shook Kin, Lim Teik Ee (School Captain), Mr L W Arnold (Headmaster),

Lau Kam Phooi

(Hon See Prefects'

Board), Gan Kok Liang

Standing (L to R) 2nd row Foo San Fee, Teoh Cheng Keat, Ng lit Thye, Lee Tiang Siew
Standing(L to R) 3rd rowOo Gin Chuan, Heah Eng Hock, Che Mead b Inram, H V Speldewinde
Absent J V Thambar, A Nadarajah


Seated (L to R)Chew Kim Seng, Iskandar Mohd Ismail, Abdul Hamid bin Pawanchik,


Lim Chiang Choo (School

Captain), Mr 0 Roper (Headmaster), Teh Peng Heng (Hon Secretary Prefects' Board), Lee Chay Hean, Khoo Soo
Cheng, Kulasingham
Standing (L to R) Poh Beng Kong, Heah Hock Thye, Rahman Khan bin Md Khan, Tye Cho Chun, Lim Ewe Hin,
Choong Ewe lin, Chan Kong Thoe, Yeoh Cheang Wah, Choong Ewe Leong.
AbsentTeh Shek Meng

16 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to Rj Choong Ewe Jin, Heah Hock Thye, S Kulasingham,

Chew Kim Seng (School Captain), The

Poh Beng Kong (Hon Secretary), Choong Ewe Leong, Teh Shek Meng, Chan Kong Thoe
Standing (L to Rj Lee Chun Kung, Lye Tong Weng, Chin Let Kong, Goh Hock Lye, Khoo Yeah Gan Hong, Lee Khoon
Lok, Heah Hock Lye, Tang Eng loo, Lim Ewe Hin


Seated (L to Rj Chan Beng Keat, Lim Chong Keat, Tang Eng Ioo, Lim Ewe Hin (School Captain), The Headmaster,
Goh Hock Lye (Hon Secretary), Heah Hock Lye, Chee Sek Par, Tan Eng Swee

Standing(L to RjChoong Ewe Beng, Leong Kah Choon, Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen,
Khoo Teng Chye, Tan Chaing Hock, Hooi Cheng Soon, Mustapha

Merican, Yiap Khin Yin



Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary 17


Seated (L to R) Lim Ah

500, Lye Tong Khee, Tan Choong Van, Yiap Khin Yin (School Captain), The Headmaster,
P F Howitt, Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen (Hon See), Chin Pak Kim, Ng Khye Weng, Claude O'Keefe
Standing(L to R) Noordin Hassan, Wong Lin Ken, Tang Seo Hoe, Teng Lye Hock, Sehu Toong Meng, Ung Tat
Hean, Tan Ban Huat, Eddy Chung, Rahim Cheteh



Seated (L to R) Khoo Eng Chin, Lee Kheng Hoon, Abdul Rahim, Lim Ah

500 (School Captain), Mr P F Howitt

Ung Tat Hean, Eddy Chung, Chan Kok Ewe, Lim Teong Wah
Standing(L to R)Teh Kheng Chooi, Abdul Samad, C W Ogle, Ong Kim Lin, E Speldewinde, Zulkifli Ali, Lim Teong
Qwee, Chan Kok Chin, Koh Hun Wai



18 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R)Tan Peng Seng, Cheah Eok Guan, Jeyaraj Rajarao, urn Teong Qwee (Hon Secretary), Mr J E Tad
(Headmaster), Boey Khoon Loong (School Captain), Abdul Samad b Abdul Kader, Gopal Krishnan, G Krishna
Iyer, Cheah Sin Chye (I)
Standing(L to R)Cheah Sin Chye (11),Johan Ariff, Khoo Phon Sai, Yeah Oon Chye, M Thirumurthi, N A Ogle,
Mahinder Singh, Yeah Gan Cheng, Wan Ariffin, A Navaratnam, Chew Teik Eng, Ong Yeah Cheang Huat


Seated (L to R) Um Teik Oon, Wong Chung Kin, Johan Ariff, Lee Teng Chye (School Captain), The Headmaster,
Cheah Eok Guan (Deputy School Captain), Teoh Soon Teong, Abdul Rahim, Choong Cheng Hock
Standing(L to R)Khoo Teik Huat, Teoh Eng Soon, Cheah Kim Swee, Ch'ng Eng Keat, Tan Kim Leong, Lirn Say
Wan, fI(Iohideen A K, Paul Wang, Kee Yang Tau, Ko Boon Chen, Ng Hon Leong, Abdullah b Rahman, Abdul Aziz

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 19


Seated (L to Rj Md Said b Salleh, Marina Merican, Teoh Eng Soon, Kee Yong Tau (School Captain), Mr G


Thong Kar Cheong, Lim SayWan,

Ng Hon Leong, Ch'ng Eng Keat

Standing(L to RjOh Siong Tit, Cheah Kim Swee, Khoo Soo Keat, Tan Kheng Soon, Abdul Rahim bOmar,
Ang Thoon Seng, Lim Kok Min, Surjit Singh, Koe Eng Jin, Cheah Tjeng Seang, Lim Say Chong, Jeyasingam
Ponnudurai, Rashid b Mohamed, Tan Kheng Huat


Seated (L to Rj Jeyasingam P, Koe Eng Jin (Secretary), Thong Kar Cheong (School Captain), Mr J M B Hughes

Tan Kheng Huat (Deputy Head Prefect), Ch'ng Eng Keat, Oh Siong Tit (Treasurer)

Standing(L to RjChin Pe Loong, Wong Peng Chee, Tan Teng Nam, Chan Kian Hin, Low Ngiap Iin, Khoo Soo Keat,
Lim Kok Min, Surjit Singh, Ang Thoon Seng, Mohd Anis, Lim Say Chong, Tan Kheng Soon, Ong Eng San, Chan
Peng Lau, Rashid Mohd, Khoo Kay Sar

20 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated(L to R)Ong Eng San, Md Anis b lsa, Lim Say Chong, Tan Teng Nam (School Captain), Mr J M B Hughes

Khoo Soo Keat (Deputy School Captain), Wong Peng Chee (Secretary), Chan Yim Sin (Girls'

Standing (L to R)Yeo Khee Nam, Lim Wee Keat, Tan Song Kean, Koe Eng Ghee, Lee Hsing Yong, Ong Tat Hin,
Chin Wah Seng, Lim Teong Poh, Thong Kar Lum, Chong Soon Khean, Lee Seng Teik, Oh Hong Choon, Lim Chin
Teik, Chan Peng Lau, Md Khalil, Khoo Yang Beng



=, - ..,=.P


Seated (L to R) Ng Kim Chew (Girls' Prefect), Chin Wah Seng, Thong Kar Lum (Secretary), Koe Eng Ghee (School
Captain), Mr J M B Hughes (Headmaster), Chan Peng Lau (Deputy School Captain), Md Khalil b Md Noor, Chong
Soon Khean
Standing(L to R)Oh Hong Choon, Goh Hock Swee, Lee Hsing Yong, Choong Phak Leng, Ong Aye Ho, Tang Hon
Yin, Nobrdin Hassan, Md Anwar, Cheang Kok Hoong, Chan Hen Sam, Lim Chin Teik, Tan Teik Boon, Khoo Yang
Beng, th'ng Eng Hock

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 21

Seated (L to R)Teoh Eng Suan, Tang Hon Yin, Khoo Yang Beng, Chong Soon Khean, Mr J M B Hughes
(Headmaster), Chin Wah Seng (School Captain), Chan Hen Sam, Ong Aye Ho, Lim Poh Cheng
Standing (L to R) Koh Ah Kow, Goh Hock Swee, Gee Boon Kee, Azaham Wahab, Lim Chin Kee, Charles Brodie,
Yeoh Oon Tit, Chuah Thean Seng, Koay Meng Chye, Sri Kumar, Syed Abdullah, Naina Mohamed, Lee Chong
Hoe, Yeoh Oon Hock, Wong Tuck Meng, Khoo Teik Beng, Ch'ng Eng Hock


Seated (L to R) Khoo Teik Beng, Yeoh Oon Hock, Lim Chin Kee, Chan Hen Sam (School Captain), Mr J M B Hughes
(Headmaster), Tang Hon Yin (Deputy School Captain),Oon Lye Hock, Cheah Siew Har
Standing(L to R)Tan Koon Teik, Peh Boon Seng, M Selvendran, Wong Chee Mann, Khor Cheng Chye, Teng Kok
Eng, Tan Poh Seng, Tan Seng Chye, Tan Poh Chiew, Teoh Chin Hui, Mohamed Jawhar, Fong 500 Hoi, Heah Hock
Heng, Phoon Chek Hoong, Chew Poh Soon, Mohamed Zahid


22 Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary


Seated(L to R)Neily Koe, Tang Hon Tat, G Srinivasa Iyer, Tan Poh Seng (School Captain), MrTan Boon Lin
(Headmaster), Heah Hock Meng (Deputy School Captain), Tan Poh Hwa, Wong Chae Mann
Standing (L to R) Rajamogan, S Krisnan, Zainudin Meah, Yea Guan Teik, Tang Meng Poh, Teng Kok Seng, Tai Lung
Aik, Koe Chong Aun, Goh Heng Thean, Lim Kok Beng, Jammal Ahmad b Essa, Harris Beh Tay Chew, May Poong
Club, Tay Lee Kheng, Leong Wan Hoon, J Alexander Rodger


Seated (L to R)Ferial Baboo, Teh Guan Hoe, Tay Lee Kheng, Teng Kok Seng (School Captain), Mr Tan Boon Lin
(Headmaster), Harris Beh Tay Chew (Deputy School Captain), Zainudin Meah, Tai Lung Aik
Standing(L to R)Oh Siew Tee, G L Iyer, N Suryamurthy, Nik Hussain, Lee Wee Kheng, Lai Chak Ming, Chin Fook
Weng, Chan Fook Seng, Koe Chong Jin, Teh Ping Choon, Tai Lung Ho, Surendra Nair, Y Thiyagarajan, Ian Heng
Soon, Ong Chong Hye


Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary 23





Seated (L to R) Koe Chong Jin, Chin Fook Weng, Oh Siew Tee (Deputy School Captain}, Mr Tan Boon Lin
(Headmaster), Teh Ping Choon (School Captain), Tai Lung Aik, Tan Heng Soon, Chan Lean Gnoh
Standing (L to R) Lake Wai Hong, Teh Ewe Huat, Ong Beng Liang, Chan Wong Mei, Tai Lung Khim, Chong Keat
Foong, Goh Hong Guan, Khor Bok Chim, Soh Aik Chin, Lau Chee Hee, Chan Fook Meng, See Ewe Beng, Md
Yusoff bin Mohd Zain, Choy Tsoi Fook, Soo Kar Wong, Tan Kia Kheng


Seated (L to R)Tai Lung Khim, Soo Kar Wong, Lake Wai Hong, Tan Heng Soon (School Captain), Mr Tan Boon Lin
(Headmaster), Choy Tsoi Fook(Deputy School Captain), Chong Keat Foong, Teng Meng Chao
Standing(L to R)Chia TongSaik, Khoo Teng Liat, Chan Wong Mei, Khoo Boo Yeang, Ewe Keat Hin, Goh Hong
Guan, Abdul Satar, Seow Chee Choon, Kwang Theng Kian, Lau Chee Hee, Md Yusoff, See Ewe Beng, Cheong Ah
Wah, Ong Eng Ioo, Lim Jin Leong, Tan Kheng Kooi


24 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R) Ng Kim Yoke, Cheong Ah Wah, Lau Chee Hee, Goh Hong Guan (School Captain). Mr Tan Boon Lin
(Headmaster). See Ewe Beng (Deputy SchoolCaptain), Lim Jin Leong, Chan Wong Mei
Standing(L to R)Lim Teik Chye, Tan Kheng Kooi, Chong Min Sin, Loke Wai Mun, Cheah Sin Hock, Bashir Ahmad,
Teoh Lay Hock, Kuthubutheen, Koay Thean Lye, Lim Hun Soon, Yeang Kok Boon, Abdul Satar, Yeoh Keat Chye,
Ho Tet Shin, Teh Choong Eng, Lim Kim Seong


Seated (L to R) Rose Khoo Yoke Lin, Chan Weng Seng, Ho Tet Shin, Tan Kheng Kooi (School Captain). Mr Poon
Poh Kong (Headmaster). Yeang Kok Boon (Deputy School Captain). Lim Hun Soon, Cheah Sin Hock
Standing(L to R)Ooi Koon Hean, Koay Khoon Leng, Chong Min Sin, Yap Yew Wah, Tan Soo Beng, Wong Kam
Sun, Foong King Sun, Tan Teong Ee, Chew Choo Poh, Kwong Wah Chew, Ong Nai Pew, Kok Kam Yuen, Yew Teck
Chye, Yeang Hoong Yeet, Khoo Boo Chai, Tan Siak Hong, Teng Siew Cheng

, I


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 25


Seated (L to R) Khoo Hoon Eng, Tan Siak Hong, Chong Min Sin, Lim Hun Soon (School Captain), Mr Poon Poh
Kong (Headmaster).

Cheah Sin Hock (Deputy School Captain), Khoo Boo Chai, Wong Weng Choong.

Standing(L to R)Chan Weng Fook, Tham Meng Keat, Tan Geok Khoon. Wong Kam Sun, Ong Nai Pew, Khoo
Hong San, Yeoh kheng Hock, Lim Siang Iin, Goh Cheng Teik, Mohd Aris Ariffin, Quah Boo Siew, Yew Teck Chye,
Chan Huat Cheng,Johnson Doss, Errol Perera


Seated (L to R)Wong Mei Li (Treasurer) Yeoh Kheng Hock, Wong Hoy Yuen, Tan Siak Hong (Deputy Head
Prefect), Mr Poon Poh Kong (Headmaster). Yew Teck Chye (Head Prefect), Goh Cheng Teik (Secretary), Lim
Siang lin, Liew Chin Loong
StandinglL to R)Khoo Boo Teik, Cheah Swee Poh, Abu Huraira, Izhar Harun, Khor Kheng Guan, Lim Khoon Lau,
Koay Khoon Leng, Ng Beng Lee, Tan Wooi Tong, Sarada Aravind, Tan Hock Seng, Yeoh Ting Kwang, Chong 500
Lim, Quah Seng Hoo, Khoo Say Guan


26 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary



Seated (L to R) Lee Peh Lan, Yeah Kheng Hock, Tan Wooi Tong, Lim Siang Jin (School Captain), Mr K G Yogam

Tan Hock Seng (Deputy School.Captain),

Cheah Swee Poh, Khoo Boo Teik

Standing(L to R)Choong Kian Foo, Ng Beng Lee, Izhar Harun, Ng Beng Sim, Abu Huraira, Zainal Azman,
Mahendran Mohan Lall, S Subramaniam,
Andrew Lim, Khor Kheng Guan

N Balakrishnan,

Tan Hock Guan, Chong Soo Lim, Yeah Oon Beng,


Seated (L to R) Helena Koay, Ng Beng Sim, Khor Kheng Guan (Secretary), Ng Beng Lee (School Captain), Mr K G
Yogam (Headmaster), Yeah Oon Beng (Deputy School Captain), Andrew Lim, Tan Hock Guan and Mahendran M
Standing (L to R) Ng Beng Sai, Ooi Kock Leong, Ho Soo Boon, Yang Sin Chao, Aminsiru, Loh Lean Kang, Teoh
Tiong Hai, Ong Chin Soon, YeangHoong Keng, Mohd Rashdi and Yeah Oon Soon

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 27


Seated (L to R)Cheah Phaik Suan (Treasurer), Yeah Oon Soon, Tan Hock Guan (School Captain), Mr K G Yogam

Ng Beng Sim (Deputy School Captain), Mahendran

M Lall (Secretary),

Loh Lean Kang

Standing(L to R)Mohd Rashdi, Soo Cheng Hooi, Yeah Chong Keat, Poh Eng Lip, Yang Sin Chao, Amin Siru, Ding
Keck Chuan, Law Kim Choon, Dhakyudeen,

Lye Yue Hong, Yeang Hoang Keng, Ashaari Ramli, Hassanul Basri


Seated (L to R)Tang Kam khuan. Amin Siru (Secretary), Yeang Hoang Keng (School Captain), Mr Goon Fatt
Chee (Headmaster), Yang Sin Chao (Deputy School Captain), Leong Hoo Chuan, Faridah Begum (Treasurer/Girl
Standing (L to R) Lee Keat Hin, M Dhinagar, Tai Hooi Seng, Hoe Kek Fei, Poh Eng Lip, Ding Kec Chuan,
Vijayendran M Lall, Lye Yue Choong, Teoh Cheng Hwa, Yeang Kok Heng

28 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversarv

Seated (L to R) Anna Tan (Treasurer), Saw Thiam Hin (Secretary '77), Goh Kok Yew (Acting School Captain
from June '77), Tai Hooi Seng (Acting School Captain to June '77), Mr Goon Fatt Chee (Headmaster), Mr
(Prefects' Advisor), Lee Keat Hin (Secretary to June '77), Ho Lye Huat, Aaron Lim (Acting Deputy
School Captain from June '77), Yong Yin Wah (Asst Treasurer)
Standing (L to R)Yang Chiong Yip, Mohd Zeelan, Chew Weng Hock, Foo Say Keow, Chew Seng Kok, Hamshah
Hamid, Choo Tat Lim, Adrian Chan Soon Eng, Omar Osman, Quah Siew Kin, Lye Kin Keong, Ch'ng Geam Liang,
Johan Ariffin, Thinavan
AbsentYeng Kok Heng (Acting Deputy School Captain to June '77), Jacob George, Dhinagar

Seated (L to R) Bella Loo Ee Ling (Co-Treasurer), Chew Weng Hock (Secretary from June '78), Mohd Zeelan, Foo
Say Keow (Deputy School Captain from June '78), Ch'ng Giam Liang (School Captain from June '78), Mr Phang
Peng Yook (Prefects Advisor), Mr Goon Fatt Chee, Goh Kok Yew (School Captain till June '78), Saw Theam Hin
(Secretary till June '78), Quah Siew Kin, Thinavan, June Tan Sooi Ee (Co-Treasurer)
Standing(L to R)Soh Yew Siang, Mohd Suhaimi, Nordin Ornar, Ho Kek Pin, Azmi Ibrahim, Lee Chee Hoong,
Patrick Lim Hoon Chong, Tan Chong Keat, Chin Teng Sam, Chong Kok Huat, Peter Ewe Keat Hock, Freddie Yeoh
Phee Khim, Ng Khai Wai, Lim Chooi Guan
Absent Aaron Lim Boon Kheng (Deputy School Captain till June '78), Adrian Chan Choo Tat Lim, Omar Osman,
Johan Arrifin


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 29


Seated (L to R}Teoh Gim Ee (External Treasurer), Yogalingam, Chew Weng Hock (Secretary)' Mohd Zeelan
(Deputy School Captain till June '79), Ch'ng Geam Liang (School Captain till June '79), Mr Phang Peng Yook
(Prefects Advisor), Mr R Visvanathan (the headmaster), Lim Hoon Chong (Acting School Captain from June '79),
Soh Yew Siang (Acting Deputy School Captain from June '79), Chin Teng Sam, Hoe Kek Pin (Secretary from June
'79), Lim Chooi Guan, P'ng Ah Guat (Internal Treasurer)
Standing (L to R) Lye Kin Leong, Foong Kai Chong, Johnny Aw Lye Beng, Ooi Ioo San, Loh Peng Khoon, Mansor
Osman, Yeoh Eng Hock, Osman Hassan, William Tan Poh Eng, Syed Zainal, Noor Nasir, Albert Lee Teik Hoe,
Fong Chin Kong, Mohd Arshad, Nor Azim, Mohd Sofie


Seated (L to R}Theresa Chong (External Treasurer), Nor Azim, Noor Nasir, Lee Chee Hoong (P i/c House
Prefects), Hoe Kek Pin (Deputy School Captain, Secretary), Mr Wilson Doss (Advisor), Mr R Visvanathan
(Headmaster), Mr Chai Poh Keong (Advisor), Soh Yew Siang (School Captain, P i/c Break Monitors), Lim Chooi
Guan (P i/c Traffic Wardens), Osman Hassan, Mohd Sofie, Goh Chye Lean (Internal Treasurer)
Standing(L to R)Freddy Teoh Hock Hoe, Foong Kai Choong, Lee Ee Hock, R Monogaran, Liew Chye Keat, Ho
King Hee, Yew Teik Hock, Tunku Farik, William Tan, Ian Ritchie, Azman Ismail, Syed Zainal, Sukdev Singh, Ooi
Peng Hock, Ghee Teik Hoe, Yeoh Eng Chin, Soh Yew Hin, Khoo Guan Huat, Ooi Kok Aun

30 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversarv


Seated (L to R) Cheah Seng Imm (Internal Treasurer). Christine Clare Michael (Secretary). Nihal P Monerasinghe,
William Tan Poh Eng (School Captain). Mr R Visvanathian (Headmaster). Mr Chai Poh Keong (Advisor). Foong
Kai Choong (Deputy School Captain). Khoo Sin Aik, Pang Ching (External Treasurer)
Standing (L to R) 1st row Sukhdev Singh, Ooi Peng Hock, Lee Ee Hock, Abdul Malek, Khoo Guan Huat, Ooi Kok
Aun, Lim Beng Hong, Victor Khor, Rene Tan, Yew Teik Hock, Lo Tuck Wye, Lee Hoe Hin
Standing (L to R) 2nd rowToh Kim Sai, John Fisher, Ahmad Sani, Liew Chye Keat, Abdul Rahim, Ian Dougal
Ritchie, Ong Ewe Lee, Eddy See Hock Lye, Ooi Choon Jin, Zaini Omar, Manogaran
AbsentTan Lip Gay, Lim Huan Sin, Khoo Boo Kean, Yeoh Kooi Hoe, Ghee Taik Hoe, Lim Boon Hong


Seated (L to R) Joyce Looi (Internal Treasurer), Ooi Kok Aun, John Fisher, Ooi Peng Hock (Secretary). Khoo Guan
Huat (School Captain). Mr Wilson Doss (Advisor). Mr R Visvanathan (Headmaster). En Ibrahim Nordin (Advisor).
Liew Chye Keat (Deputy School Captain), Lee Hoe Hin (Senior Prefect). Lee Ee Hock, Manogeran, Karuna
(External Treasurer)
Standing (L to R) 1st row Mohd Fatin, Khairul Anuar, Tengku Muzni, Leong Chiang Lem, Chee Kit Ho, Eddy See
Hock Lye, S Kannan, Tan Eng Hoo, Abdul Aziz, Rene Tan, S Loganatha, Lim Beng Hong, Ganesh Kumar, Peter
Tan Kok Seng, Lee Kean Seng, Ong Hock Soo
Standing(L to R) 2nd rowVictor Khor, Vasudevan Suppiah, Yeoh Hock Thye, Lo Tuck Wye, Ong Ewe Lee, Lim Koh
Khoon, Kenny Khoo, Zaini Bin Omar, Roslan Abdul Rahim, Loke Ean Bee, Vincent Lo Soo Fen
, I


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 31



Seated (L to R) Kamaljit Kaur, Chong Wan Yin, Lo Tuck Wye, Ong Ewe Lee (School Captain), Mr Krishna Iyer
(Headmaster), En Ibrahim Noordin (Advisor), Rene Tan (Deputy School Captain), Kannan, Victor Khor, Lee Gaik
Standing (L to R) 1st row Prasert Phramsowan, Lim Say Eow, Vishnu Kumar, Azhari Othman, Loke Ean Bee,
Leong Chiang Lem, Lim Koh Khoon, Loh Choon Mien, Angapan 5/0 Regupathi, Andrew Tan, Tan Lip Gay, Poon
Pak Leng, Tahiruddin Hamdan, Oon Rashid Mustafa, Ong Hock Soo, Lee Kean Seng
Standing(L to R) 2nd row Tony Doh, Moses Chuah, Teoh Jin Thean, Yeoh Hock Thye, Ong Theam Buan, Tan Eng
Hoo, George Choong, Peter Tan, Ganesh Kumar, Murelidaran


Seated (L to R)Vigneswari, Peter Tan Kok Seng, George Choong, Lim Koh Khoon, Ganesh Panadam, Yeoh Hock
Thye (School Captain), Mr G Krishna Iyer (Headmaster), En Kassim Ismail (Advisor), Ong Hock Soo (Deputy
School Captain), Tony Doh, Tan Eng Hoo, Prasert Phromsuwan, Leong Chiang Lem, Tan Poh Ai
Standing (L to R) 1st row Masam Makong, Lim See Weng, Cheah Lin Ken, Boo Soon Yew, Devendra Kanalingam,
Mohd Effendy Sabudin, Dinesh Nadarajah, Christopher Chan, Syed Hussein, Mohd Redzuan Sheriff, Chin Kar
Peng, Yeap Hock Aun, Md Adzhar Rejab, Mohd Zaini
Standing (L to R) 2nd rowOng Theam Buan, Andrew Tan, Loh Choon Mien, Anggapan, Lim Say Eow, Loh Kong


32 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversarv


Seated (L to R) Cheah Beng Chao, Loh Choon Mien, Lim Say Eow (Deputy School Captain), En Kassim Ismail
(Advisor), Mr G Krishna Iyer (Headmaster), Angappan Regupathi (School Captain), Loh Kong Gay, Ong Theam
Buan, Woon Lai Foong
Standing (L to R) 1st row Pilieh Ambuh, Mat Nasir Shaari, Edwin Loh Oon Aik, Mohd Said Ismail, David Perera,
Benjamin Au, Cheah Chin Hong, Suhaimee Ahmad, Mohd Reza B Mohd Ibrahim, Leong Weng Chong, Lee Hock
Standing, (L to R) 2nd row: Boo Soon Yew, Yeap Hock Aun, Chin Kar Peng, Khor Seng Teng, Dinesh Nadarajah,
Christopher Chan, Cheah Lin Ken, Masam Makong


Seated (L to R) Gladys Tan Siew Hean, Masam Makong, Cheah Lin Ken, Chin Kar Peng, Boo Soon Yew (School
Captain), Mr G Krishna Iyer (Headmaster), En Kassim Ismail (Advisor), Dinesh Nadarajah (Deputy School
Captain), Christopher Chan Hooi Guan, Benjamin Au Kok Wai, Yeap Hock Aun, Baljit Kaur Nagreh
Standing (L to R) 1st row Khoo Boo Aik, Winfred Khoo Poh Aun, Adi Anuar, Baharin Annuar, Mustaffa Ariffin,
Alan Tan Khee Iin, Narendran Yahambaram, Goh Keat lin, Low Chi Keen
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Leong Weng Cheong, Cheah Chin Hong, Khor Seng Teng, David Perera, Lee Hock Keat


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 33


Seated (L to R)Vilasnu, Cheah Chin Hong, Khor Seng Teng (School Captain), Mr G Krishna Iyer (Headmaster),


Kassim Ismail (Advisor), David Perera (Deputy School Captain), Leong Weng Cheong, Lim Bee Lin
Standing(L to R) 1st rowYusnizam, Cheah Wee Leong, Hisham Osman, Ng Kok Mun, Cheng Ken, Thawatt
Gopal, Ng Hiok Tiaq, Looi Art Yew, Lim Shih Ti, Jeevendra, Nasir Karim
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Dharmanandan, Lim U-Jin, Narendran, Khoo Boo Hock, Khoo Boo Aik, Abdul Aziz


Seated (L to R) Nurlia Ong, Ooi Bee San, Narendran Yahambaram

(School Captain), Mr G Krishna Iyer

En Kassim Ismail (Advisor), Khoo Boo Aik (Deputy School Captain), Hajar Sheikh Aii
Standing (L to R) 1st row Feisal Dzulkiflee, Chan Eu Ky, Rosli Suparlan, Eric Chang Choong Yin, Sunder
Ramasamy, Adrian Lim Ek Duen, Ng Hiok Hion, Prem Navrus, Michael Khoo Poh Seng, Yusri Abdul Hamid
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Choong Vi-En, Abdul Aziz Sulaiman, Looi Art Yew, Thawatt Gopal, Ng Kok Mun, Cheah
Wee Leong, Mohd Nizam Kasim



34 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R) Ragini Nadarajan, Nasir Karim, Abdul Aziz bin Haji Sulaiman (School Captain), En Kassim Ismail
(Advisor), Mr Goh Hooi Beng AMN (Headmaster), Cheah Wee Leong (Deputy School Captain), Ng Kok Mun, Looi
Art Yew, Yeah Poh See
Standing (L to R) 1st row Khor Chin Kooi, Razaley bin Abdul Razak, Allan Oung Chin Aik, Lye Chien Chai, Azman
Noorani, Lam Boon Leong, Shankar Gunarasa, Mohd Fadhir bin Akbhar Ali, Zallman Wagiman
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Choong Vi-En, Henry Yeah Boon Kiat, Rosli Suparlan, Eric Chang Choon Yin, Ng Hiok
Hion, Ang Kim Yu, Yusri Abdul Hamid


Seated (L to R) Lydia Low Gaik Leng, Jayanti alp Kandayah, Eric Chang Choong Yin (School Captain), En Kasim
Ismail (Advisor), Mr Goh Hooi Beng (Headmaster), Mr Loh Huah Sin (Advisor), Rosli b Suparlan (Deputy School
Captain), Faa Kam Ching, Foo Hean Kuan
Standing(L to R) 1st row Andrew l.irn Ek Jiunn, Lim Shian Ti, Nezam b Desa, Philip Oh Weng Lean, Murali all
Ramakrishnan, Alvin Yeah Guan Jin, Mahadev Singh, Kenny Chin Wooi Siang, Adrien Chan Wei Leong, Ang
Khoon Cheong, Choong Vi-Min, Wan Hamidzi b Hamid
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Faishal b Abdul Razak, Chan Wai Leong, Iskandarrul Fithry, Henry Yeah Boon Kiat,
Moh~ Fadhir b Akhkar Ali, Lye Chien Chai, Shankar all Gunarasa, Allan Oung Chin Aik, Gary Khor Chin Kooi,
Salirnuhar b Mohd Ali, Ang Kim Yu

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 35


Seated (L to R)Sally Low Poh Hwa, Gary Khor Chin Kooi, Ang Kim Yu (Deputy School Captain), En Kassim Ismail
(Advisor), Mr Goh Hooi Beng (Headmaster), Lye Chien Chai (School Captain), Allan Oung Chin Aik, Henry Yeoh
Boon Kiat, Ooi Bee 500
Standing(L to R) 1st row Noorsyamsul Hissyam, H'ng Weng Yee, Chan Eu Tim, Andrew Lim Ek Jiunn, Nezam b
Desa, Kenny Chin Wooi Siong, Murali a/I Ramakrishnan, Chan Wai Leong, Iskandarrul Fithry, Lim Shian Ti, Wan
Hamidzi b Hamid
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Caesar Leong Wah Fook, Mohd Rizal Nayan, Lim Shyang Yee, Lam Boon Hor, Lam Kok
Goon, Foong Heng Huo, Teh Hock Kim, Jerry Chang Shang Yu, Justin Khoo Teng Chuan


Seated (L to R) Chan Yew Hiok, Lim Shian Ti, Iskandarrul

Fithry, Murali a/I Ramakrishnan (School Captain), Tn

Haji Ismail Hassan (Advisor), Pn Balkish Mohd Isa (Senior Assistant, Student Affairs), Mr Goh Hooi Beng AMN
(Headmaster), Mr Loa Hock Guan (Senior Assistant 1), Mr Loh Huah Sin (Advisor), Chan Wai Leong (Asst School
Captain), Andrew Lim Ek Jiunn, Cheah Hui Cheng
Standing(L to R)Ong Chin Choon, Michael Koay Lian Chye, Ooi Thien Chieh, Teoh Cheng Tun, Shawn Lee Bun
Foh, Chan Kong Yew, Adrian Tay Peng Kuan, Suaran Singh, Lam Kok Goon, Lim Shyang Yee, Yew Fung-Han,
Mohd Azwar bin Aziz, Yap Vern Haan, Ezuan bin Ghazali, Jerry Chang Shang Yu, Noorsyamsul Hissyam.
Absent: Johari bin Ramly


36 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R) Mognadevi alp Esparan, Joanne Keong Mei Lin, Lim Shyang Yee (Deputy School Captain 92/93).
Tuan Haji Ismail, Mr Goh Hooi Beng (Headmaster). Mr Ch'ng Geam Liang, Jerry Chang Shang Yu (School Captain
92/93), Justin Khoo Teng Chuan, Khoo Kim Heok, R Kavitha
Standing (Lto R) 1st row Yeah Kim Leong, See Thuan Po, Chan Kong Yew, Lee Yo-Hunn, Adrian Tay Peng Kuan
(School Captain 93/94), Allen Ong Pin Kok, Hoo See Aik, Toh Seng Guan, N Sunderaj, Ong Chin Choon
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Mohd Ali b Abu Bakar, Ismarul Nizam b Ismail, Michael Koay Lian Chye (Deputy School
Captain 93/94). K Kumaresadeva, Quah Boon Hoe, Foong Heng Huo, Mohd Azwar b Aziz, Peter Tam Hong
Shiung, Khoo Kah Liang, Andy Ooi Chun Hsiang
Absent Lam Kok Goon


Seated (L to R)Tan Lee Phing, Chan Kong Yew, Adrian Tay Peng Kuan (School Captain '93/94),

Mr Ch'ng Geam
Liang, Tuan Haji Ismail, En Mohd Ismail b Ibramsa (Headmaster). Mr Khoo Poh Kheng (Senior Assistant II). Mr
Chew Kim Boon, Foong Heng Huo, Ong Chin Choon, Teoh Su Yin
Standing(L toR) 1strowAndy
Ooi Chun Hsiang, Samsuri bOmar, Khairul Nizam b Ibrahim, Yuvaraaj all
Ramakrishnan, N Sunderaj, Cheah Phee Kheng, Chen Sau Wei, Ahmad Imran b Kamis, Chuah Boon Chong, Lim
Thien Thien, K Kumaresadeva, Kwok Onn Jui, Teh Chee Hak
Stanch,ng (L to R) 2nd row Helmi Ahmad, Tan Chin Hock, Edwin Fu Yu-Chin, Khor Kok Cheng, Santhosh Raj, Lee
Keat Teong, Cheah Eu Jin, Harish Mohamed Noorani, Kacy Tang, Chien Kai Seng

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversarv 37


Seated (L to R) Santhosh Raj a/I Seela Raj, N Sunderaj (School Captain 94/95). Mr Ch'ng Geam Liang (Advisor),
Tuan Haji Ismail bin Hassan (Advisor), En Mohd Ismail bin Ibramsa (Headmaster). Mr Khoo Poh Kheng (Senior
Asst, Student Affairs). Mr Loh Huah Sin (Advisor). Andy Ooi Chun Hsiang (Deputy School Captain 94/95). Lee
Keat Teong, l.irn Thing-May
Standing (L to R) 1st row Helmi bin Ahmad, Lirn Thien Thien, Yuvaraaj a/I Ramakrishnan, Cheah Phee Kheng,
Ahmad Imran bin Kamis, Cheah Eu lin, Khairul bin Ibrahim, Kwok Onn lui. Teh Chee Hak
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Chin Chern Chuen, Azahari bin Omar, Lee Chan Wai, Ang Khai Hwai, Ong Seng Kim,
Terry Lirn, Tang Wai Hoang, Mohd Hakirni, Io Kit Fah.
Standing (L to R) 3rd rowChan Kean Sheung, Muhd Muzammil bin Muhd Haniffa, Tan Hee Seng, Yeah Kar Hoe,
Victor Abel, Alvin Chang Shu-Wei
Absent Manizam bin Maulana, Khor Kok Cheng


Seated (L to R) Helmi b Ahmad, Teh Chee Hak, Yuvaraaj, Kwon Onn lui, Santosh Raj (School Captain '95/96). Mr
Ch'ng Geam l.ian, Mr Khoo Poh Kheng (Senior Assistant I). Haji Mohd Ismail b Ibramsa (Headmaster). Pn Hawa
bt Ayub (Senior Assistant HEM), Lee Keat Teong (Deputy School Captain '95/96), Cheah Phee Kheng, Khor Kok
Cheng, Cheah Eu lin, Lirn Thien Thien
Standing (L to R) Eu Huei Yl, Chin Chern Chuen, Ho lit Fah, Ding Teng Yew, Tan Beng Shang, Nithiyananthan,
Ridzal Dzulkifli, Nicholas Ng Chan Hooi, Mohd Tahir, Tan Hee Seng, Desmond urn Boon Leong, Ho Fung Hin,
Jeffry See Toh Kok Heng, See Thuan Un, Albert Chuah Eng Beng, Susila Pokar, Mohd Yusoff, urn Yin Yin
Absent Lirn Chong Pin


38 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to RJGrace Goh, Lee Lyn Foong, Tan Hee seng (School Captain), Pn Hawa, Tuan Haji Mohd Ismail b
Ibramsa, Mr Khoo Poh Kheng, Mr Gurmeet Singh, Ho Jit Fah (Deputy School Captain), Dng Phaik Kim
Standing (L to RJ 1st row Mohd Yusoff b Hashim, Jeffrey See Toh Kok Heng, Alex Phuah Thean Loong, Ding
Teng Yew, Ho Fung Hin, Wong Cheong Fook, Desmond Lim Boon Leong, Ridzal Dzulkifli, Lim Chong Pin, Albert
Chuah Eng Beng, Derek Lim Teik Beng
Standing (L to RJ2nd row Mohd Fadzli, Doi Sze Meng, Jeffrey Woo Kin Keong, Kenneth Khoo, Wong Hon Meng,
Mong Meng Wei, 500 Mun Keong, Hafiz Ibrahim, Shi Beng Hooi, Lee Kuan Shern, Ivan Ho






Seated (L to RJLee Su May, Ridzal Dzulkifli, Jeffery See Toh Kok Heng, Ding Teng Yew (School Captain), Pn Hawa
bt Ayub (Senior Assistant II), Hj Ismail b Ibramsa (Headmaster), Mr Khoo Poh Kheng (Senior Assistant I), Mr
Gurmeet Singh (Advisor), Ho Fung Hin (Deputy School Captain), Dh Jo Ann, Ho Phaik Li
Standing (L to RJ 1st row Andre Khor Kah Hin, Tan Horng Jhe, Mohd Iskandar Dzulkarnain, Lee Kuan Shern, Yeoh
seng Hoe, Jeffery Woo Kin Keong, Daniel Soon Teik Chye, Foong Ther Hoei, Mohd Yusri b Mohd Yusoff, Lim Lih
Fong, Toh Kheng Hin
Standing(L to RJ2nd row Tan Poh Chuan, Lim Chong Hoo, Chye Min Yee, Taran Singh a/I Pal Singh, Abdul Adzim
b Abdul Rahim, Mohd Sharil b Yatim, Mong Meng Wei, Vincent Matthew, lIias Adam Yee, Erie Zuraidee, Chong
Han Liang, Lim Teong Keat


Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary



Seated (L to R) Ang Chuan Yin, Mong Meng Wei, Jeffrey Woo Kin Keong (School Captain 1998/99), Pn Hawa bt
Ayub, Haji Ismail b Ibramsa, Mr Khoo Poh Kheng, Mr Gurmeet Singh, Lee Kuan Shern (Deputy School Captain
1998/99), Ooi Pei Ru
Standing (L to R) 1st row Kwok Kah Meng, Ederic Low Juanli, Tan Poh Chuan, Lim Teong Keat, Lee Siew Liang,
Lim Chong Hoo, Kenneth Teow Kheng Leong, Ahmad Shafik b Abdul Jalil, Kevin Ng Wei Shan
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Kuljit Singh Sap pal a/I Arjani Singh Sappal, Tan Chong Lip, Azman Shahrirusani b
Osman, Vinoshen a/I Vinayagam, Ridzuan b Samat, Lee Teong Ghee, Tan Ming Keat, Irwan Shah b Mohd


Seated (L to R)Ho Khai Ling, Ng loo Poh, Lim Lih Fong (Senior Prefect), Lim Teong Keat (School Captain), Mr Tan
Swee Guan (Teacher Advisor), En Mohd Firdaus (Teacher Advisor), Kwok Kah Meng (Deputy School Captain),
Tan Poh Chuan (Warden Liaison), Elaine Chee Mei Ching, Melissa Chew Seok Teng
Standing (L to R) 1st row Johari Jalaludin, Ewe Yean Hsiang, Ong Teong Khuan, Lee Ren Gee, S Selvanayagam,
Mohd Fairuz b Abdul Razak, Mohd Husaini b Kamarudin, Mohd Khairul Fazri b Ismail, Alvin Oh Szu Chuang
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Kenneth Teow Kheng Leong, Kuljit Singh a/I Arjan Singh, Khoo Teng Kuang,
Noridzwan b Baser, Gurjeet Singh, Muhammad Firdaus Ismail, Lim U-Ming, Ng Chien Han, Kevin Ng Wei Shan


40 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R)Yong Pei Sze, Gurjeet Singh, Tan Chong Lip (Deputy School Captain), Lee Teong Ghee (School
Captain), Mr Tan Swee Guan (Teacher Advisor), Mr Khoo Poh Kheng (Senior Assistant), Pn Hawa bt Ayob
(Senior Assistant II), En Firdaus bin Abdullah (Teacher Advisor), Kevin Ng Wei Shan (Deputy School Captain),
Kenneth Teow Keng Leong, Johari bin Jalaludin, Lee Ren Gee
Standing (L to R) 1st row Low Pick Jian, Noridzwan Baser, Mohd Fairul Abd Razak, Jasveer Singh Dulku, Eugene
Chew Kwang Yung, Yeoh Jit Shiong, Heah Ching Wei, Meph Fauzi bin Haja Kamaludin, Lau Chia Howe, Adrian
Cheah Chang Yoong
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Md Yamin b Md Yusoff, Kevin Ng Keen Hon, Melvyn Sim Cheong Wei, Goh Kock Yun,
Selvanaayagam a/I Shanmuganathan,
Lim Chin Kian, S Sathiyaseelan, Heng Jung Kiat, Mohd Niazurul Aizat


Seated (L to R) Leow Yi Mei, Teh Cheow Yin, Mohd Fairuz b Abdul Razak, Lee Ren Gee, Kenneth Teow Kheng
Leong (School Captain), Mr Tan Swee Guan, En Arabi b Sulaiman, Mr Khoo Poh Kheng, En Mohd Firdaus b
Abdullah, Gurjeet Singh, Selvanaayagam a/I Shanmuganathan,
Choy Chor Yan, Chan Mei Ching
Standing (L to R) 1st row Lim Wei Ming, Chee Boo Seong, Teo Lee Ken, Oh Jia Sheng, Desmond Tan Loke Hoay,
Ow Tatt Zheng, Gan Boon Chye, Zulzahar b Zailan, Lee Teik Chiang, Khor Jay Sen, Adrian Cheah Chang Yoong,
Lim Su Yee
Standing (L to R) 2nd rowYeo Keat Lim, Thriuselvam a/I Thinagaran, Heah Ching Wei, Goh Kok Yun, Yeoh Jit
Shiong, Sanjiv Indran, Kevin Ng Keen Hon, Pradeep Singh Sappal, Mohd Zairee b Zakaria, Foo Kuok Thong


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 41


Seated (L to R) Lisa Lui, Heah Ching Wei, Mohd Fauzi b Haja Kamaludin (Deputy School Captain), Goh Kok Yun
(School Captain), Mr Chuah Boon Yew, Mr Khoo Poh Kheng, En Arabi b Sulaiman, En Abdul Latif b Mohd Yusof,
Mr Tan Swee Guan, Yeah lit Shiong (Deputy School Captain). Adrian Cheah Chang Yoong, Josephine Teh Suh
Yun, Tan Chai Theng
Standing (L to R) 1st row Cheah Ishuet, Jonathan Siow Yang Fatt, Mohd Hirwan b Dzahiruruddin, Yeah Sue
Li, Mohd Hafiz b Mohd Jamhuri, Nichlas Aw Shao Jiun, Ong Lin Kooi, Ezamil Suhaimi, Ahmad Sabri b Ahmad
Shukri, Ahmad Faisal b Abd Wahab, Khaw Chuen Ryan, K Vishnu, Low Han Boon, Karthigayan all Gunasegaran,
Loh Kok Chung, Mohd Ariff b Mohd Zaini, Tan Sien Loong, Sidney Ong, Vilashini Somiah, Goh Ling Chuen
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Terri Goh, Barath Kumar, Wong Yu Lian, Heng Jung Seong, Aaron Tan Hsing Iian, Tan
Wei Yung, Lim Seng Giap, Edric Lim Tak Liang, Joel Goh Tze Wen, Vijay Raj all Sukumaran, Nur Muhd Ekman
b Zainal Abidin, Chew Chee Ho, Krishnan all Palaniappan, Teoh Tsu Tsam, Tan Ming Wai, Kaneshwaran all
Ivan Ooi Jieun Vei, Suresraj all Tembaraju, Mohd Mudzakir b Zainal Alam, Melissa Chao Su

Seated (L to R)Gayathri alp Mariappa, Desmond Tan Lake Hoay (Deputy School Captain). Tea Lee Ken (School
Captain). Mr Gah Teng Keang, Ms Lee Ewe 1m, En Abdul Latif b Mohd Yusoff, En Arabi b Sulaiman, Mr Loh
Huah Sin, Pn Ruby Mangalam Janet, Thriuselvan all Thinagaran (Deputy School Captain), Gillian Marie Caunter,
Janice Tan Ai Li
Standing (L to R) 1st row Germain Ong Siok Ling, Yeah Chun Yoong, Lee Kean Wooi, Quah Kim Hoe, Mohd Zamir
b Syed Ahmad Ghouse, Yeah lit Wei, Daviinder Singh, Yograj all Harekrishna, Kevinder Singh, Lainel Loa Ee
Phon, Mohd Rizal b Merican, Tan Chai Yin
Standing (L to R) 2nd row Tan Kean Hoang, Terry Thor Gim Aik, Chee Boo Seong, Lee Taik Chiang, Yea Keat Lim,
Zulzahar b Zailan, Pradeep Singh, Tan Teik Chung


42 Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary




II ~:


Seated (L to R) Loh Kok Chung, Chew Chee Ho, Vijay Raj all Sukumaran, Ivan Ooi Jieun Vei (School Captain). Mr
Goh Teng Keang (Head Discipline Teacher). Mr Loh Huah Sin, Tn Haji Mohd Yusof bin Omar, Ms Lee Ewe 1m, Mr
Lim Ah Seng, Vishnu all Karunakaran (Deputy School Captain). Edric Lim Tak Liang, Barath Kumar all Ashok
Standing (L to R) 1st row Puvaneswari alp Veloo, Lake Wei Lynn, Chrystin Chao Wei Ern, Phuah Wen Hoang,
Lee Sheng Ii, Alvin Tang Mun Yoong, Andrew Tan Gim Lee, Nithiyaa alp Nilamani, Charis Chin Xuanling, Angela
Ewe Sui Lynn
Standing(L to R)2nd row Tan Jon Wen, Nicholas Goh Zi Hao, See Zhan Peng, khoo Boo Aik, Warren Tan Teong
Luong, Cheang Wai Kin, Yuvanraj all Shanmuganathan, Mundeep Singh a/linderit Singh
Absent Judson Lim Chong Tzin, Kuhen G


Seated (L to R)Tan Teik Chung, Quah Kim Hoe, SC Yeah Jit Wei, Ms Lee Ewe 1m, En Abdul Latif b Mohd Yusof, Tn
Hj Ramli b Din, Mr Goh Teng Keang, Pn Mani Mahgali alp Narayanasamy, DSC Daviinder Raj all Siva Sankar,
Lee Kean Wooi, Tan Kean Hoang
Standing (L to R) 1st row Tan Jau Yeh, Wong May Lean, Leow Aun Chee, Ong Lin Kah, Eddy Lim Teik Hui, Chao
Shenway, Gajendheran all Nadaesan, Lavinsaa alp Paramasivam, Lim Phaik Zhin, Philomena Caroline Barbosa
Standing (L to R) 2nd rowYugesh all Tangaveloo, Tan Su Leong, Buvan Rajendra, Lim Ming Yeng, Kenneth Tan
Yu Shen, Tajul Asyraf b Tajul Arus, Leong Wai Soon, Maal Fikri b Jelani


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 43


Seated (L to R)Yugesh all Thangaveloo,

Kenneth Tan Yu Shen, Ritchie Lee Zhe Zin, Mr Lim Ah Seng, En Abd Latif
b Mohd Yusof, Tn Hj Ramli b Din (Headmaster), Mr Goh Teng Keang, Ms Lee Ewe 1m, Lim Ming Yeng, Maal Fikri
b Jelani, Stephen Pereira
Standing (L to R) 1st row Revathi alp Sukumar, Kevin Seow, Janarthan all Krishnamoorthy,
Logeiswaran all
Balachandran, Lee Joe Jin, Chuah Chong Yen, Kwok T'ng Choong, Koshigan all Ramanathan, Muhammad Ihsan
b Mohamad Anuar, Thirunvanavishan
all Yogalingam, Mohd Razeen b Mohd Hassan, William Lim, Kylie Ang
Khai Lee
Standing(L to R) 2nd rowLesley Ng Hoong Lynn, Kang Kuan Huay, Teh Wei Zhang, Chee Yik Liang, Muhamad
Arifudin b Ghazali, Jason Kiatisak Chua, Hong Chia Haw, Jashan all Gunaselan, Omar Tan b Johan Tan, Jonathan
Toh Yew Jian, Ooi Ai Peng, Yong Siew Siew
Absent Radin Faizal Arif, Terrence Teh Hooi Meng


Seated (L to R) Kenneth Tan Yu Shen, Mr Tan Eng Kheng, Pn Sarojini alp Kuti Krishan, En Shuhaimi b Latip,
Ms Lee Ewe 1m, Tn Haji Ramli b Din, Mr Ho Nean Chan, Mr Lim Ah Seng, En Nasaruddin
Annuar, Lim Ming Yeng, Maal Fikri b Jelani
Standing (L to R) 1st row Nicholas Ong Yu Wei, Prabu all Siva Sankar, Khoo Hong Soon,
Chern, Erwyn Ooi Chin Wei, Indiran all Vasudevan, Melvin Tan Kee-Tat, Shivaramen all
b Che Kassim, Joshua Yee Vei Ern, Ahmad Fahmi b Adnan, Kannan all Thanabalan
Standing(L to R) 2nd rowChan Ai Lin, Choong Kijade, Tan Sue Lynn, Oh Shi-Minh, Emily
Roshilawati bt Ramlan, Fang Chiew Nyen, Nabila bt Baba Ahmad
, I


44 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary

b Ishak, En Syamsul
Christoper Ong Tze
Letchumanan, Faris Haji
Chow Sze Yuin,


Seated (L to R) Hong Chia Haw, Jashan Gunaselan (School Captain), Mr Tan Eng Kheng, En Syamsul b Anuar,
Ustaz Shuhaimi b Latip, Tn Haji Ramli b Din (Headmaster), Mr Ho Nean Chan, Mr Lim Ah Seng, Chuah Chong
Yen (Deputy School Captain), Koshigan Ramanathan
Standing (L to R) 1st row Jonathan Lim, Dinesh Balachandra, Ainnal Hasanain, Gouthaam Kumar, Vimaleswara
Kalimuthu, Krishna Kannan, Aznil, Ahmad Danial Nizam, Azharul Amir, Shah Razin
Standing(L to R) 2nd rowSwarnamughi
Rajagopal, Shalini Naidu, Svifa, Tan Yuh Ting, Hemahroobiniy
Fang Siew Yen, Masturah, Tharchaveni Subbarow


Seated (L to R) Prabu a/I Siva Sankar (School Captain), En Syahrul Ghazli, Pn Sarojini, Mr Lim Ah Seng, Mr Ho
Nean Chan, Tn Haji Ramli b Din (Headmaster), En Shuhaimi b Latip, En Svarnsul Anuar, En Azhar, En Ridzuan,
En Kamaruzaman
Standing (L to R) 1st row Stephanie, Rifaie, Calvin, Khoo Hong Soon (Deputy School Captain), Saarvin, Khirren,
Melvin.Tan Kee-Tat (Deputv School Captain), Kuan Howe, Lena, Alvin, Daryl
Stand~ng(Lto R) 2nd rowSuraien, Firdaus, Pravind, Amar, Azim, Sanjeiv, Java

Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 45


Seated (L to R) Chong Kam Zhern (Deputy School Captain), Koh Cheang Huat (School Captain), Ms Teh Bee Kim,
Pn Noorbaini bt Mat lsa, Mr Ho Nean Chan, Tn Haji Ramli b Din (Headmaster), En Omar b Abd Rashid, Mr Lim
Ah Seng (Discipline Master), Mohd Firdaus (Deputy School Captain, Low E-Laine
Standing, (L to R) Joelle Tan Siew Lyn, Ashril Helmi, Adrian Chuah Ban Sin, Khalis Isma Alif, Ooi Iian Ming, Chuan
Teik Min, Tan Siew Hung, Siti Qadhijah


Seated (L to R)Ong Sing Yeh, Tan Cheng Wee (Secretary). Par Kai Yann (School Captain), En Jalil bin Saad
(Headmaster), Mr Lim Ah Seng (Teacher Advisor), Chew Chin Quan (Deputy School Captain), Teoh Ewe Mun
(Treasurer), Nur Syafieza
Standing, (L to R) Lee Zhi Hoang, Jason Teoh, Ooi Jian Ming, Ryan Koay Teng Loon, Chang Hoay Yuen

\ I

46 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary


Seated (L to R}Tasha Lim Yi Chien, Neoh Qiu Yinn, Harinder Singh, Ooi Jian Ming (School Captain), En Jalil bin
Saad (Headmaster), Mr Lim Ah Seng, Gobeekumar Subramaniam (Deputy School Captain), Lim Kean Gee
(Deputy School Captain), Noralia Azemi, Syafienas Salleh
Standing, (L to R) Amirul bin Akbar Khan, Jeroyd Haygaen Anthony, Ahmad Irshadi, Akmal Mukhlis, Sai Vi nosh,
Teoh Ewe Mun, Bohgaveeran a/I Rajaratnam, Jonathan Ho Wei En


Seated (L to R) Nicholas Kuan Zhen Xian, Kiren Raj, Teoh Ewe Mun (School Captain), Pn Noorbaini bt Mat Isa, En
Jalil bin Saad (Headmaster), Mr Lim Ah Seng, Yuven Yeoh Yew Mu, Lim Ming Ying, Zara Mae Saunders
Standing, (L to R) Sofia Loh, Cheong Hui Yin, Sheikh Hanif, Bohgaveeran, Christopher, Shasivarma, Sugheson,
Muhd Khalid, Shawn Stanley, Sharankumar, Vikneswaran, Jacqueline Lee lo Anne, Anchaya Eh Wan


Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversarv 47



Published bv the PFS Board of Prefects 150th Anniversarv Committee

in MaV 20 15. Printed bV Art Printing Works Sdn Bhe!, 29 Jolon Riong,
59100 Kuala Lumpur

48 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversarv

Our sincere appreciation goes to the Penang Free
School Bicentenary Committee, Penang Free
School Headmaster and teachers, The OFA Penang, OFA KL & Selangor, OFA Singapore and OFMA
for their donations, help and support to celebrate
the Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th
To Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, we
would like to convey our deepest thanks for gracing the gala dinner as our Guest of Honour.
The committee would like to acknowledge the following donors for their generous support:
Datuk Andrew Lim Tatt Keong
Dato' Dr Anwar Fazal
Dato' Ir Ashok Kumar Sharma

Datuk Lim Soon Huat

Dato' V Sithambaram
Family of the late Date' Saw Choo Theng
Family of the late Dr Lim Teik Ee

Mr Ahmed Chik
Mr Chew Sing Chou
Mr Law Kim Choon
Dr Lim Hun Soon
Mr Loh Lean Kang
Mr Neoh Soon Heng
Dr Alex K H Ooi
Dr Tan Seang Beng
Mr Tay Cheng Lye

We would also like to thank the numerous other

well-wishers and friends for their support and
Lastly, we would like to thank Promedia for their
hard work and passionate support beyond the call
of duty.

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