Technology in Instruction-Healthy Body Image Lesson

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Erin Ell

Online Activity 4
Tech in Instruction

Technology adaptation highlighted in yellow

Lesson Plan: Healthy Body Image: Lies of Advertisement

Standards for the 21
- Century Learner (AASL):
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media,
digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
2.3.1 Connect understandings to the real world.

Information Literacy Standard (ALA):
3.3 Communicates and synthesizes ideas in logical and creative or novel ways
4.1 Uses school library media center and public library resources to pursues personal interests.

Technology Standard (iste. NETS-S)
1. Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and
processes using technology
1.a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes
1.b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

Curriculum Content Standard:
- 12
Grade Health Education: Growth, Development & Sexual Health
1.10.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development,
physical appearance, gender roles and sexual orientation

Lesson Description and Objective:
Students, in a high school digital arts media class, will learn tactics used by advertisers to sell
their products and the implication that such visuals have on teen body image. By evaluating pop
culture magazines in a variety of formats (specifically ad campaigns) and watching a short video
clip, students will identify implied messages about body type presented by different forms of
media (magazine, billboard, TV, Internet, etc.). After the information feed and discussion,
students will create an awareness poster on the topic of body image and media using iPhoto
cropping, Photoshop magnetic lasso and color adjustments, Fireworks image layering and the
blur and smudge techniques. Goals include raising awareness and deflating the myth of the ideal
body type presented in mass media.

Note: This lesson could be easily adapted for health classes without the digital media
application. Also, this lesson could be used in middle school through the following standards

& 8
Grade Health Education:
Nutrition & Physical Activity
2.1.N Describe the influence of culture and media on body image
Growth, Development & Sexual Health
2.2.G Evaluate how culture, media and other people influence our
perceptions of body, image, gender roles, sexuality, attractiveness,
relationships and sexual orientation
Erin Ell
Online Activity 4
Tech in Instruction

Students will:
1. Describe and evaluate the ideal media body image for males and females
2. Describe how media images may be enhanced
3. Use technology, to create an awareness poster on advertisement

Time Frame: Two 55-minute periods (1 period for information feed with teacher librarian & 1
period for student production of awareness poster using the computer with teacher)
Note: Poster creation might take longer than a period based on student proficiency within the
programs- classroom teacher will need to decide

Evolution of Beauty Video Clip from TeacherTube (stop at 48 seconds)
Whiteboard, easel and pad, or other large writing surface
20 Healthy Body Image Advertising Questionnaire PDF* [2 are needed for each group
Group Discussion pdf
20 Copies of recent magazines which teens are likely to read (Seventeen, Sports
Illustrated, Teen People, ESPN, Skateboarding, Us Weekly, etc.)* [2 are needed for each
group bin], Students can look at advertisements on popular websites via devices
20 Pens or pencils* [2 are need for each group bin]
10 Bins or grocery bags [1 for each group]
30 sheets of lined paper * [3 for each group bin]
30 Advertisement Lies pdf
Mac Computers with iPhoto, Photoshop, and Fireworks
Digital Camera
Document Camera (optional)
Note: Quantity amount is based on a class of 30, divided into groups of 3. It is recommended to
put the * materials into a bin/grocery bag for easier distribution during the activity time.

Instructional Content/Methods/Learning Activity:
Note: Period 1 activity is designed to be a participatory discussion
1. Show Evolution of Beauty Video Clip
What do you think we will be talking about today in Digital Media?
2. Make a large Circle Map Thinking Map about students background knowledge on body
image and advertising stereotypes and myths.
To help facilitate the discussion ASK
What influences our body image?
Are there common attributes of advertisements and magazines?
3. Share theme of lesson and objective
We are going to be learning about the stereotypes presented in mass media and the challenges it
puts on you and your peers (teens).
Erin Ell
Online Activity 4
Tech in Instruction

What was surprising to you from the video?

Note: You want students to respond about the altering of the pictures via Photoshop. Record
information inside the same Circle Map (write it in a different color or highlight it)
4. Explain directions for discussion activity
In todays activity you will be assigned to groups of 3 in which you will be evaluating 2
advertisements. You will choose your advertisement out of a magazine or from the Internet,
discuss it and answer the questionnaire. You will get a bin like this with the needed supplies for
the activities (hold bin and show each item in the bin while explaining the purpose of each item).
5. Assign students into groups of 3 and begin activity- give students 8 to 10 minutes
Note: Teacher and teacher librarian need to monitor during this activity, asking questions to
check for understanding (see questions in the evaluation section under the informal portion of the
chart for ideal questions to ask for understanding)
6. Teams will present conclusions about one or both of the ads. Make tallies that correspond
with their responses to answer options for each of the questions on the Healthy Body
Image Advertising Questionnaire pdf
Note: Make these tallies under a document camera, large pad of paper or whiteboard for students
to see
Looking at our tallies, what can we say about ads and body image?
Note: Use Group Discussion PDF to help facilitate discussion. Scaffold as needed to help
students arrive to the understanding of the ideal responses listed on the sheet.
7. Review circle map and add any additional information needed
Is there anything you think we should add to our circle map? Why do you think it is important to
add this information?
8. Have students write a response to the following question
Do you think enhancing pictures has a positive or negative affect on youth? Support your stance.
or Do you think enhancing pictures is okay to do? Support your stance.
9. Have students return to original seats and collect bins with all worksheets and responses
placed in bin
10. Give students directions for media activity- Advertisement Lies pdf
Now that we have more awareness about advertisement and body image you will be creating an
awareness poster about body image and stereotypes in mass media. Using an image of yourself
you will alter your picture to warn people of techniques used by advertising agencies and how it
can affect teens.
Note: Go over directions step by step with students
11. Give students time to sketch out a rough draft of how they want to alter their photo and
the set up of their poster
12. Give students a period to take and upload photo and create poster

Erin Ell
Online Activity 4
Tech in Instruction

Students will be evaluated throughout the lesson by informal assessments, especially during the
discussion portion. Questioning from the teacher librarian and classroom teacher will be done to
determine if students need clarification on the content during the questionnaire activity. At the
end of the lesson, students will respond to a writing prompt and create an awareness poster, via
Informal Assessment Formal Assessment
Informal observations of evaluating
advertising questionnaires activity
Responses to oral questions:
Why do you think models appearance has
been enhanced?
Can you explain to me how you think this
ad effects people?

Written answer to question from 7:
Do you think enhancing pictures has a
positive or negative affect on youth?
Support your stance.
Do you think enhancing pictures is okay to
do? Support your stance.
Awareness Poster

Extension Activities:
Homework: Research on techniques used by advertisement companies to sell products for
print and multimedia ads
Journal Write: Has an ad ever wanted to make you change something about yourself? (Or
create another question related to body image and advertising)
MM4: The Perfect Human Lesson Plan (see pdf attached Perfect Human). Suggested
modification to this extension activity- do not require students to use famous people for
their perfect human, rather allow for students to use anyone who they feel is beautiful
because of admirable qualities. Example is attached (pdf Perfect Human Example)

Collaboration Strategy:
The media teacher would be responsible for teaching the background information on how to use
iPhoto cropping, Photoshop magnetic lasso and color adjustments, Fireworks image layering and
the blur and smudge techniques. The teacher librarian will be leading the lesson (pace, activities,
etc.) and facilitating the discussions. Materials collected for the use of the lesson would be
collaborative as well as the informal and formal assessments. A debriefing of the lesson should
occur to evaluate strengths and weakness as well as analyzing students responses to the formal
assessment and grading awareness poster. Classroom teacher would be responsible for the
reteach of needed concepts and collection of posters. Teacher librarian would be responsible for
having books and other materials related to this topic on display as well as promote student
posters on campus.

Lesson Adapted From:
McKenzie, S., M.Ed. Healthy body image: A lesson plan for high school students-
Activity 2: Mixed messages: Living in a supersized world. [Lesson Plan]. Retrieved on
April 3, 2012, from Purdue Extension Consumer & Family Sciences:
Note: It is important to read the Background for Facilitators section of this lesson.

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