Public Service Announcement Lesson Plan
Public Service Announcement Lesson Plan
Public Service Announcement Lesson Plan
I. Lesson Number, Grade Levels, Title, and Duration:
Lesson Number 6, Grades 11-12, Public Service Announcement, 3-4 days
Public service announcements (PSAs) have the potential to create awareness of significant social issues in
an effort to educate and change the public’s attitudes and behaviors and to stimulate positive social change.
Using one of the online poster-making software applications from Lesson 6, students will create public
service announcement posters addressing an essential question raised in Lesson 1 on LGBQ and transgender
V. Lesson Objectives:
The students will be able to:
Explain the purpose and characteristics of public service announcements after viewing online resources
and videos (See Resources & Materials for Teacher below, and embedded videos on unit website, under
heading “Public Service Announcement”).
Analyze data from research materials about LGBQ and transgender issues and convert that data into a
visual form by creating a public service announcement poster.
Apply the characteristics of instruction, humor, or shock and clear calls to action to create an original
public service announcement poster for the purpose of promoting a positive social change of an LGBQ
and/or transgender issue through the use of online poster-making software.
VI. Specific Art Content:
Poster-making, composition, color, typography, data visualization, visual culture
Breanna Stewart. (2015 December 1). Transgender PSA [Video file]. Retrieved from
Karen Scot. (2016 May 8). TransCare anti-transgender bathroom law PSA [Video file]. Retrieved from
Daniel Gvozden. (2011 September 8). Empty seat PSA [Video file]. Retrieved from
GLSEN. (2014). The 2013 national school climate survey: Executive summary. Retrieved from
National Center for Transgender Equality. (2012). National transgender discrimination survey: Executive
summary. Retrieved from
Ask students to identify the calls to action and the PSA characteristics from the list on the board that
were employed in each example shown.
Independent Practice
Students will be directed to the unit website to conduct independent research through the materials
available on the Lesson 6/Research Resources page. They will take notes of key information to serve as
a basis for a public service announcement poster.
Formative Evaluation
The teacher will monitor the development and implementation of the assignment and provide
information about how best to revise and modify for improvement.
The teacher will remind students that they will incorporate information from the research materials into
a PSA poster that will be 24x36 inches. S/he should inform students they may use any of the three
software programs learned in Lesson 5 and may use images appropriated under Creative Commons
licensing as learned in Lesson 4.
Independent Practice
Students will design and create a 24x36 inch public service announcement poster of print quality by
using one of the three free online software programs—Piktochart, Canva, or Pulp-O-Mizer.
Formative Evaluation
The teacher will monitor the development and implementation of the assignment and provide
information about how best to revise and modify for improvement.
S/he will discuss with students, one-on-one, instructional steps during the learning process and re-teach
when necessary.
The teacher will discuss with students text legibility and viewer distance. (Refer to References and
Resources or the APCO website
3rd Day of the Lesson
Introduction/Motivation: n/a
Independent Practice
Students will continue work on the public service announcement posters.
Formative Evaluation
The teacher will monitor the development and implementation of the assignment and provide
information about how best to revise and modify for improvement.
S/he will discuss with students, one-on-one, instructional steps during the learning process and re-teach
when necessary.
The teacher will review the different art “critique” models used for Lesson 3 with students.
Independent Practice
Given the opportunity to work in groups of 3’s, students will create their own critique model (informed by
Elkin’s research), conduct a “critique” of their work, and report observations back to the class and
instructor. The teacher will facilitate and monitor the discussion.
Individual Reflective Writing
Each student will respond to the following prompts/questions in writing:
1. How might have the public service announcement making process expanded/enhanced/clarified
(or otherwise) your understanding of the LGBQ or transgender issue you investigated?
2. How were you personally invested in this project?
3. In what context(s) do you think the class’ public service announcements would be most
effective in promoting a positive social change for the LGBTQ communities?
4. How might the public service announcement you created translate to the digital world
Breanna Stewart. (2015 December 1). Transgender PSA [Video file]. Retrieved from
Karen Scot. (2016 May 8). TransCare anti-transgender bathroom law PSA [Video file]. Retrieved from
Daniel Gvozden. (2011 September 8). Empty seat PSA [Video file]. Retrieved from
GLSEN. (2014). The 2013 national school climate survey: Executive summary. Retrieved from
Halbrooks, G. (2015 June 19). Public service announcements are a vital part of media. Retrieved from
National Center for Transgender Equality. (2012). National transgender discrimination survey: Executive
summary. Retrieved from
Suggett, P. (2016 march 4). What exactly is public service advertising? You may know them as PSAs, but what
defines them? Retrieved from
* (1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and expands visual literacy skills
using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world by learning about,
understanding, and applying the elements of art, principles of design, and expressive qualities. The student
uses what the student sees, knows, and has experienced as sources for examining, understanding, and
creating original artwork.
* (2) Creative expression. The student communicates ideas through original artwork using a variety of
media with appropriate skills. The student expresses thoughts and ideas creatively while challenging the
imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and progressive problem-
solving skills.
* (3) Historical and cultural relevance. The student demonstrates an understanding of art history and
culture by analyzing artistic styles, historical periods, and a variety of cultures. The student develops global
awareness and respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures.
* (4) Critical evaluation and response. The student responds to and analyzes the artworks of self and
others, contributing to the development of the lifelong skills of making informed judgments and reasoned
This work is created by Adetty Pérez de Miles & Kevin Jenkins and licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.