Medical Waiver 2014-2015

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2014-2015 School Year

Medical, Surgical Waiver

& Picture/Video Release
The 2014-2015 (June 2014 May 2015) School Year Medical, Surgical Waiver & Picture/Video Release form will apply to all student
events, trips and projects for the 2014-2015 (June 2014 May 2015) school year. This will give The Grace Place, Salem Baptist Church, an
adequate, current, and usable record of each students medical information, and will give hospitals information they need to have, including
parental permission, in case any student needs medical attention. Please submit a photo copy of your insurance card with these forms to the
church office. All infor mation is kept confidential and secur e. Please be thor ough with each answer .

***** It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to keep this information current.*****

Parent/Guardian Information
Mother/Guardian Name ____________________________________ Father/Guardian Name _____________________________________
Address________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ Zip______________
Home Phone ____________________ Mother/Guardian Cell Phone_________________ Father/Guardian Cell Phone__________________
Second Contact Name & Number _____________________________________________________________________________________
Parents Email Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Medical Information
Family Physician_______________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________
Participants Name_________________________________________________________ Birth Date _____________________________
List any physical limitations or conditions that the participant has such as: allergies, asthma, nervousness, headaches, seizures, etc.
or write NONE_________________________________________________________________________________________________
List any medications the child is currently taking: ______________________________________________________________________
List over the counter medications that staff/volunteers may give child (i.e. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Rolaids etc.) _____________________
Should the participant at any time require medical attention, list any special instructions which the participant might require such as being
allergic to penicillin, having a rare blood type, etc. or write NONE
Current Immunization (give date or write none): _____________Tetanus: __________________________

2014-2015 School Year

Medical, Surgical Waiver
& Picture/Video Release
Participants Name_________________________________________________________ Birth Date _____________________________
List any physical limitations or conditions that the participant has such as: allergies, asthma, nervousness, headaches, seizures, etc.
or write NONE_________________________________________________________________________________________________
List any medications the child is currently taking: ______________________________________________________________________
List over the counter medications that staff/volunteers may give child (i.e. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Rolaids etc.) _____________________
Should the participant at any time require medical attention, list any special instructions which the participant might require such as being allergic to penicillin, having a rare blood type, etc. or write NONE
Current Immunization (give date or write none): _____________Tetanus: __________________________

Participants Name_________________________________________________________ Birth Date _____________________________
List any physical limitations or conditions that the participant has such as: allergies, asthma, nervousness, headaches, seizures, etc.
or write NONE_________________________________________________________________________________________________
List any medications the child is currently taking: ______________________________________________________________________
List over the counter medications that staff/volunteers may give child (i.e. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Rolaids etc.) _____________________
Should the participant at any time require medical attention, list any special instructions which the participant might require such as being allergic to penicillin, having a rare blood type, etc. or write NONE
Current Immunization (give date or write none): _____________Tetanus: __________________________

2014-2015 School Year

Medical, Surgical Waiver
& Picture/Video Release
Participants Name_________________________________________________________ Birth Date _____________________________
List any physical limitations or conditions that the participant has such as: allergies, asthma, nervousness, headaches, seizures, etc.
or write NONE_________________________________________________________________________________________________
List any medications the child is currently taking: ______________________________________________________________________
List over the counter medications that staff/volunteers may give child (i.e. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Rolaids etc.) _____________________
Should the participant at any time require medical attention, list any special instructions which the participant might require such as being allergic to penicillin, having a rare blood type, etc. or write NONE
Current Immunization (give date or write none): _____________Tetanus: __________________________

Participants Name_________________________________________________________ Birth Date _____________________________
List any physical limitations or conditions that the participant has such as: allergies, asthma, nervousness, headaches, seizures, etc.
or write NONE_________________________________________________________________________________________________
List any medications the child is currently taking: ______________________________________________________________________
List over the counter medications that staff/volunteers may give child (i.e. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Rolaids etc.) _____________________
Should the participant at any time require medical attention, list any special instructions which the participant might require such as being allergic to penicillin, having a rare blood type, etc. or write NONE
Current Immunization (give date or write none): _____________Tetanus: __________________________

2014-2015 School Year

Medical, Surgical Waiver
& Picture/Video Release
Medical Insurance Information
Company Name _____________________________________________________________Group # ____________________
Policy # ____________________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________
Policy Holders Name ________________________________________________ Check here if no medical insurance ________


***** To be filled out by parents or legal guardian of participants under 18 years of age *****

I, __________________________________________________ the parent and/or legal guardian of,

__________________________________________________, __________________________________________________,
__________________________________________________, __________________________________________________,
a minor, hereby acknowledge that said minor is presently under my care, custody, and control. I hereby give my child, the said minor, permission to
participate in any and all activities at and with The Grace Place, Salem Baptist Church, in which he/she, with my approval, registers to participate in.
I further expressly grant my permission for my child to participate in all activities while an active participant in trips and church events. In the event that
there rises an emergency, necessitating medical, surgical attention, I hereby consent and give my permission to The Grace Place, Salem Baptist Church, its
representatives, sponsors, and attending physicians, to make such decisions and to perform such medical treatment and/or surgery upon said minor which
may in their sole discretion be necessary and proper under the circumstances. I, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian of said minor, do release,
acquit, discharge, and covenant The Grace Place, Salem Baptist Church, from any and all actions and causes of actions, related risks and dangers, including
negligence, damages, liabilities arising out of the treatment of any sickness or accident, and financial responsibility for all medical treatment of any sickness or
accident, provided during the attendance of any trips or events.
I also assume responsibility for providing any transportation from the location event should it be necessary for disciplinary reasons.

Parent or Legal Guardian Signature:


I give The Grace Place Church, Salem Baptist Church, the permission to use any pictures taken of our family for online websites and any other
type of media marketing with the full knowledge that our images are not being used for financial gain.

Parent or Legal Guardian Signature:



I, ________________________________________________, ________________________________________________, am 18 years of age or older
and have read the Medical and Surgical Waiver for minors and agree to the same terms. I hereby release, acquit, discharge, and covenant to indemnify
and hold harmless The Grace Place, Salem Baptist Church, from any and all actions and causes of actions, related risks and dangers, including negligence, damages, liabilities arising out of the treatment of any sickness or accident, and financial responsibility for all medical treatment of any sickness
or accident, provided during the attendance of any trips or events.
I give The Grace Place Church, Salem Baptist Church, the permission to use my picture for online websites and any other type of media marketing with
the full knowledge that my image is not being used for financial gain. _________ (Initial)
I also assume responsibility for providing any transportation from the location event should it be necessary for disciplinary reasons.

Adult Staff/Volunteer Signature:

Adult Staff/Volunteer Signature:



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