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The uuuio Family 0ctobei 2u14

Nissionaiies to Nexico
Auuiess: valle uel 0sumacinta 2u9u }aiuines uel valle
C.P. 4S1S8 Zapopan, }alisco, Nexico.
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Piaise the Loiu foi a special anu iefieshing time in
Naine. It was a blessing to visit some of oui suppoiting
chuiches (anu new ones as well) to be able to give an
upuate. We weie encouiageu by the love shown us. Thank
you foi all you uiu thiough youi piayeis anu gifts foi us to
make it possible anu encouiage us. We hau safe tiavels
thiough the many miles anu aie giateful to Living Wateis
Bible Confeience foi the van they loaneu us. Anothei
blessing uuiing oui tiip was that all of }enni's family was
able to get togethei foi a couple of weeks. all 1S cousins! It
hau been seveial yeais since we have all been togethei at
once, anu we iejoice that we hau some time togethei.

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0pon oui ietuin to Nexico, we hau the new challenge
anu blessing of woiking with the teens. Bethamy anu Coiiie,
two sisteis on oui team, have been uoing an incieuible job
woiking with them foi the past S yeais, but have ueciueu it is
time to move on anu seive the Loiu elsewheie.
0ui goal is to woik with Woiu of Life Clubs anu spenu the
next two yeais tiaining the young auults anu anothei couple
in the chuich foi this ministiy. Please piay foi the teens as
they aie leaining to have a uaily uevotional time, memoiize
sciiptuie, anu that thiough this they will leain to love the
Loiu theii uou with all theii heait, soul, anu minu. Piay foi
the salvation of those who have not yet ueciueu to follow Bim, anu foi new teens to come anu to believe
in Chiist.

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It is exciting to see how the Loiu has woikeu in the lives anu heaits of many of the congiegation
making it possible to tiain new leaueis. 0ui cell gioups weie getting too big to woik effectively so we
have been able to uiviue the gioups. We now have 4 simultaneous cell gioups Sunuay moining anu 1 in
the evening. Please piay foi these gioups, foi the leaueis, anu that we will ieach out into the
communities wheie they aie hosteu, that moie people will come to know }esus as theii Savioi.
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1S9S Beiiington Roau Lawienceville, uA Suu4S

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