Anger and Humiliation
Anger and Humiliation
Anger and Humiliation
Professor Henry Friedlander argues that the Germans were more disturbed about losing
the war than they were about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. This argument is
developed in his videotaped lecture, The Rise of Nazism, available from the Facing
History Resource Center and summarized in Elements of Time, page 341.
Anger and Humiliation
Ten years after the war, Erich Maria Remarque wrote a novel about
his experiences as a soldier in the Germany army. The book, AlI
Quiet on the Western Front, became an international best-seller.
Soldiers all over the world identified with the heros experiences and
feelings. One of the most quoted parts of the novel takes place as
Paul, the hero of the book, anticipates the end of the war. All that
meets me, all that floods over me are but feelings greed of life,
love of home, yearning of the blood, intoxication of deliverance. But
no aims. Had we returned home in 1916, out of the suffering and the
strength of our experiences we might have unleashed a storm. Now if we go back we will
be weary, broken, burnt out, rootless, and without hope. We will not be able to find our
way any more.
Soon after writing those words, Paul is killed, on a day that was so quiet and still on
the whole front, the army report confined itself to the single sentence: All quiet on the
Western Front. Although Paul never returned home, Remarque and other German
soldiers did. Some were indeed burned out. Others returned home angry and bitter not
with the war itself but with the surrender and the treaty that followed it. Johann Herbert
was among them. His son later said of him:
He had lost a leg on the battlefront, and he refused to try to use a wooden leg.
Instead he rolled around the house in his wheelchair and stormed at the bureaucrats
and bloodsuckers who had brought Germany into disgrace. He described the leaders
of the civilian government as traitors, to whom we owed no loyalty or allegiance.
When I brought home the black, red, and gold flag of the new republic (the old flag
had been black, white, and red), he ripped it up, spit on it, slapped me in the face and
told me never to bring that rag into the house again.
Other veterans shared Herberts anger. Some joined paramilitary groups like the
Freikorps (Free Corps). These groups attempted not only to crush revolution at home but
also to protect the nations borders from the
Hitler wanted to
create a
movement. He
had no intention of
being one of the
nameless millions
who live and die
by the whim of
Germany in the 1920s 123
Poles and the Bolsheviks. Members were recruited by former army officers who ran ads
that read, Whats the use of studies, and whats the good of business or a profession?
Enemies within and beyond are burning down our house. Help us, in the spirit of
comradeship and loyalty, to restore our power of national defense.
Adolf Hitler was among those veterans who struggled to find a place for themselves
in 1919. When the fighting began, Hitler was as enthusiastic about the war as most of the
men of his generation. In Mein Kampf, his autobiography, he wrote that when he and the
others in his unit returned from their first battle even our step had changed. Seventeen-
year-old boys now looked like men. The war gave those young men a sense of purpose
and a way of distinguishing themselves.
Hitler, in particular, wanted to distinguish himself. Born in 1889 in a small Austrian
town, he was one of six children, four of whom died in childhood. His father died when
he was fourteen and he lost his mother a few years later. By then Hitler had left school
with little more than an eighth-grade education and dreams of becoming an artist.
In 1907, Hitler moved to Vienna in hopes of winning a place at the Academy of Fine
Arts. His failure to do so shattered his early views of the world. So did his mothers
death. He was also bewildered by life in a large sophisticated city that was home to
people of many nationalities. In 1913, he moved to Munich, Germany, probably to escape
a military service that would have required that he fight in a multinational army. In Mein
Kampf, he noted that the longer he lived in Vienna the more my hatred grew for the
foreign mixture of peoples which had begun to corrode the old site of Germany culture.
Munich was, in his view, a more German city.
When the war began, Hitler was a drifter struggling to find his place in the world.
When the war was over, that struggle continued but now it had a focus. In his
autobiography, he recalls, In the days that followed [the surrender] my own fate became
known to me I resolved to go into politics. He was not alone. In the 1920s, many
angry veterans joined political parties and clubs that plotted the takeover of the
government. In fact, the army hired Hitler to spy on one of those groups, the German
Workers party. Instead, he became a member.
What attracted him to that particular party? His autobiography explains, This
ridiculous little makeshift [band] with its handful of members, seemed to offer one
distinct advantage: it had not yet frozen into organization. Thus there were unlimited
opportunities for individual activity. He set out to transform the group into something
more than a political party in the ordinary sense. He wanted to create a movement. He
had no intention of being one of the nameless millions who live and die by the whim of
chance. He vowed to control his own destiny and the destiny of Germany.
By February 1920, the tiny party had a new name and a 25-point program. The new
name was the National Socialist German Workers Party
124 Facing History and Ourselves
(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei NSDAP or Nazi, for short). And the
partys new program called for the following:
1. A union of all Germans to from a great Germany on the basis of the right to self-
determination of peoples.
2. Abolition of the Treaty of Versailles.
3. Land and territory (colonies) for our surplus population.
4. German blood as a requirement for German citizenship. No Jew can be a member
of the nation.
5. Non-citizens can live in Germany only as foreigners, subject to the law of aliens.
6. Only citizen can vote or hold public office.
7. The state insures that every citizen live decently and earn his livelihood. If it is
impossible to provide food for the whole population, then aliens must be
8. No further immigration of non-Germans. Any non-German who entered
Germany after August 2, 1914, shall leave immediately.
9. A thorough reconstruction of our national system of education. The science of
citizenship shall be taught from the beginning.
10. All newspapers must be published in the German language by German citizens
and owners.
The program did not make headlines. The party was just one of many small political
groups. Yet by 1921, Hitler was attracting thousands of new members. One early member
of the Nazi party and the S.A., its private army, recalled the effect Hitler had on him.
We, oldtime National Socialists, did not join the S.A. for reasons of self-interest.
Our feelings led us to Hitler. There was a tremendous surge in our hearts, a something
that said: Hitler, you are our man. You speak as a soldier of the front and as a man;
you know the grind, you have yourself been a working man. You have lain in the
mud, even as we no big shot, but an unknown soldier. You have given your whole
being, all your warm heart, to German manhood, for the well-being of Germany
rather than your personal advancement or self-seeking. For your innermost being will
not let you do otherwise. No one who has ever looked Hitler in the eye and heard
him speak can ever break away from him.
Make an identity chart for a member of the Freikorps. For Paul, the hero of Remarques
book. For Hitler. How are the three alike? What differences are most striking? How
would Paul respond to the Nazi party?
American film makers created a movie based on All Quiet on the Western Front. German
historian Golo Mann, then a student, recalled the way the