Ich Kaempfe - I Fight

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To the Fhrer
This is what makes him so great: not only is he our Fhrer and the hero of many, but he is himself straight, firm and modest; our world is rooted in him, his soul has touched the stars and yet he has remained a man, just like you and me.
Baldur von Schirach




The German Workers Party, founded by Schriftleiter Karl Harrer on the

5th of January 1919, had almost no political existence. The six members of the party formed a union of well-meaning nationalist men who knew about the fateful activities of Marxism and thus had united with the purpose of giving the German working-classes back to the nation. Although the knowledge of these men was perfectly true, they were not capable of translating their plans into reality. They had no money but that was not the worst part. They lacked a general grand idea that could have guided them in their fight. Alone and helpless they faced a world that either intentionally ignored them or did not even know that they existed. They simply did not know how to attract the peoples attention and most likely they would never have exceeded the importance of an entirely meaningless debating club. In a word, they needed a Fhrer. They found him in their 7th member. On the day - it must have been the 16th of September 1919 - that Adolf Hitler joined the party its unique career began. Hitler immediately realized that the party had to abandon its hidden existence and make itself publicly known. He believed that immense propaganda, adequate for the psyche of the masses was the only possible method of achieving this goal. First though, before he could introduce even the slightest innovation, Hitler had to overcome strong opposition from parliamentary oriented members to the liquidation of the party as it existed. What is obvious in any army, especially in the German army, has almost completely disappeared in the political life of most nations: acknowledgement of the value of personality and its responsibility. In yesterdays Germany it was the decisions of a majority that dictated the actions of the political leaders who could then hide behind those majority resolutions, free from any responsibility. Adolf Hitler however, structured his party according to the principles of authority towards those below and responsibility towards those above. When the executive head of the party that had been known as the NSDAP since the 9th of August 1920, resigned in July 1921, Adolf Hitler was elected chairman and was given almost dictatorial powers. Soon afterward it became clear that the speaker, who fascinated the masses with his words, had perfect organizational skills. He immediately and indiscriminately broke away from the [partys] previous habits in which he saw the destruction of every organization.


There is but one vocation and it lies only in combat. Hoist the banner of courage, sacrifices and devotion and watch who gathers round that banner. He who is attracted by the banner is called upon to lead a nation, and nobody else.
ADOLF HITLER at the rollcall of Political Leaders during the Partyday of Freedom, 14 September 1935.

After all, he did not want to form a party in the common sense of the word. What he needed was a powerful, rigidly organized instrument that blindly obeyed his dominant willpower. This instrument was the NSDAP. It was the organizational core of the National Socialist Movement that should gradually take over the entire German nation. The national community had to be determined by blood and bound to the native soil. All differences of political, social or religious doctrine that hitherto had dispersed nations in all directions had to be bridged. Any small- minded impulse of self interest in individuals or groups had to be drowned out by the command that dictated that all Germans must act in a united manner. Of what importance is the question of the form of government, the conflict over ecclesiastical problems, or the hate-filled disputes between workers and owners in view of the almighty fate that had to decide inexorably over the life or ruin of Germany! An organization, as Adolf Hitler envisaged it, was not only a state which could one day replace the rotten, collapsing, Marxist state structure, but one with which a leaders genius, borne along by the eternal truth of the idea, had to be able to unhinge a world! According to these grand principles he formed the NSDAP and its subdivisions. In the end however, it was only Adolf Hitler's personality that guaranteed success. His knowledge and actions (obviously guided by Providence) -9-

his work, his faith, his willpower and determination, the shining example of the Fhrer over and above the hourly and daily chaos, these were the only assurances of success. If it was not for the Fhrer, how could it have been possible that these boys and all the men and women, sacrificed property and blood without so much as a claim for gratitude? How could they have defied destiny, suffered from misery, need and persecution. How could a look from the Fhrers eyes have been enough compensation for the most difficult sacrifices? There are things in human life that must be done without regard for whether they will be successful or not. Certain decisions and actions can only be avoided at the price of inner freedom, respect, happiness or even ones life. Consequently, the individual as well as the Movement or the nation must suffer some defeats. Such was the defeat on the 9th of November 1923. A black day indeed for the National Socialist Movement but at the same time a turning point in contemporary history. On that day a man and a few followers tried to change Germanys destiny. This man dared to take action although there was almost no chance of success. Nevertheless, it had to be done. The German future belonged only to him who had the courage to leap into the unknown. The seed of a better Germany could grow up only through blood and combat. It was one of the most difficult decisions of his life when Adolf Hitler decided to take action. He proved his incredible courage when, supported only by his own resolution he challenged the existing system and declared the government dismissed although it was in possession of the federal means of power. All by himself he carried the burden of responsibility for everything that was to result from this coup. His effort failed. It could not bring to an end the five years of fatal destiny that had crushed Germany. The system of the 9th of November 1918 remained in charge, damaging the entire nation. The attempt of Adolf Hitler and his friends was not a complete failure however. In later years the Fhrer came to believe that on the 9th of November 1923 the time had not yet been ripe for victory. On the 9th of November 1933, at the 10th anniversary celebrated in the Burgerbrukeller he called the failed attempt, Wisdom of Providence but he added, and yet I am convinced that when we acted the way we did, we had to act in this and no other way, because we were on a mission from God. Those men did not follow a phantom, but the call of their hearts beneath the flag with the swastika when they marched towards the Feldherrnhalle on their way to a new Reich. They followed the loud call of an ideal that talked to them through the words of Adolf Hitler. They were ready to sacrifice the most precious good they possessed because they valued the ideal that materialized in Adolf Hitler, higher than their own lives. Destiny accepted this sacrifice from 16 men. Hence, the men who died on that 9th of November were the first martyrs of the National Socialist struggle. They were, followed by many who sacrificed their blood and life on the shrine of their country. But those 16 were the first. For their fight the odds were much worse than the odds were in later years. This means that - 10 -

their effort had to be much stronger. They proved to the world that this new Movement was prepared to fertilize the way to Germanys freedom with the blood of its fighters. It was the reason that the Fhrer picked those 16 men out of the line of comrades shot by Red Fronters and Reactionaries and established a monument for them. The Hall of Honor on the Knigsplatz in Mnchen is a plain and aristocratic monument that reminds us of their great sacrifice and provides the acknowledgement they get from the Movement. This is why on the 9th of November 1935 the mortal remains of these 16 men were taken out of their simple graves in various cemeteries in Mnchen and its surroundings. After they were displayed for one night in the Feldherrnhalle they were transferred in a festive parade to their new tomb. There they will forever be Eternal Guards, reminding coming generations of this day. More than a year passed during which the Movement tried to re-establish an organized system after the breakdown on the 9th of November 1923. It was a time of inner turmoil, of discord and disputes among the leaders. The powerful resurgence of interest in National Socialist thought throughout the entire Reich as a result of the great publicity surrounding the trial of Nazis at the Volksgerichtshof in Mnchen, was overshadowed by infighting. Many of the old fighters were deeply seized by a feeling of disillusionment and hopelessness. Many turned their back on the Movement. In northern Germany a few ambitious national leaders tried to take over Adolf Hitler's heritage with the goal of turning his Movement around for their own purposes. It was a relatively small group that loyally stood by the old flag. Then, on the 20th of December 1924, the gates of the prison at Landsberg am Lech were opened for Adolf Hitler. For the remaining five years of his punishment (he had been sentenced for high treason) he was put on probation. A sigh of relief went through his fellow fighters. Now that the Fhrer was once again among them, more determined than ever to guide the way with the flag, they no longer felt anxiety for the future. What meant frustration for some, was out of the question for Hitler and his followers: he could not rely on one of the existing national political organizations, but had to re-establish the old NSDAP. On the 25th of February 1925, among the unbelievable cheers of his followers, he proclaimed that his Movement was founded again. The historic Burgerbrukeller in Mnchen had to be cordoned off by the police on that day, due to overcrowding. And indeed it was a great achievement that Adolf Hitler in a masterful speech could reunite the deadly rivals among the members of the Grodeutsche Volksgemeinschaft and the Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung, which at that time were the two dueling sides. The beginning was made. The fight could be started anew in the same old spirit. In one way however, this fight was different in the methods that had been used up until the 9th of November 1923. Until that date everybody had been prepared to turn the existing government over in a coup.

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Now the Fhrer clearly saw the necessity to continue his fight on a completely legal basis. That however, meant a change in tactics only. By no means did it mean a modification of the goal which, then and always, could only be the conquest of the political power in Germany. The constitution of the November Republik with its democratic foundation left the possibility open to gradually win the peoples support through relentless propaganda and thus, in the course of elections, to enter parliament. So we reached our goal in a perfectly legal way. We only had to beat democracy at its own game. The Fhrers challenge to the political system was perfectly clear and the political leaders of Germany of that time immediately took counter measures to prevent the party from getting' established and from spreading its idea. The Bavarian government prohibited public speeches by Adolf Hitler, justifying their action with a manipulated version of one of Hitlers speeches, which led to a series of oppressive measures and persecutions carried out by public authorities.

Our fallen heroes considered many things important enough to die for if necessary, and that is what we must be prepared to do whenever the time comes.
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Other states joined in and for years the Fhrer could speak in person only at unofficial meetings of party members. Moreover, it was essential to avoid the possibility that the party would be suppressed again and consequently the propaganda possibilities were limited. Nevertheless the fight against enslaving contracts and the weak governmental policy of consensus was carried on pitilessly and by the use of all legal means. Likewise, the examination of Marxism and its corrupting influences on all fields progressed. Gradually the Movement came to a firm footing in the parliaments outside of Bavaria too: first in Thringen in 1930, then in Braunschweig and Anhalt. While the political fight continued in this way with unbroken vehemence and tenacity, difficult organizational problems piled up for the Movement. Decisions about assignments of members were not made on a round table basis but the structure of the party developed organically from the bottom up. The true leaders had to emerge out of a free game of powers. Finally however, this wild growth had to be regulated and controlled. All those who had formed a towngroup -those who had proven that they were men enough to make their own way- they were acknowledged and from then on protected against all attacks. In the end, when those towngroups had spread all over the nation, one after the other was made part of a Gau [District]. The position of Gauleiter was given only to those men who, born in combat, had conquered their territories by themselves. In this way, fighting, working and constantly ready for action, the apostles of National Socialism stood up in all parts of Germany. They drove around relentlessly, always talking, always fighting. They were hard, coarse and rough men, not at all easy to get along with, often stubborn and individualistic. But how else could they have performed the almost superhuman task of preparing the ground for the planting of Adolf Hitler? There was a time when many lawyers waited to destroy the party: there were rebels within the party, selfish, ambitious and corrupted subjects who were willing to abuse the NSDAP for their own purposes or to split and thus weaken the party. There were enemies from all sides who, full of hate and in great number, tried to crush the Movement using all possible means of lying and defaming, as well as boycott and terror; there were over-zealous party members who misunderstood the revolutionary spirit and leaped ahead endangering the Movement (as they provided the authorities with a good reason to interfere). These dangers were mastered by the Fhrer by virtue of his higher insight, his intelligence, his courage and determination. Today it seems like an impressive and unbelievable miracle to us, that he was able to successfully steer the small ship of his party through all those troubled waters. The Movement was spared nothing. It had grown on fight, need, sacrifice and privation, and this made it hard and pure. A thousand times, party members were exposed to persecution. They were stripped of their brown shirts, they were beaten and thrown in jail. The filth of defamation was poured down on them, they were - 13 -

damaged financially, their lives were ruined and trials were aimed at wearing them down. Fights carried out in city halls left thousands of National Socialists with bleeding wounds of honor. At night, many were slain on the streets by brutish comrades. A pitiless determination whipped everybody through endless propaganda and election campaigns, through meetings and parades. Private life was hardly known to the National Socialist. Always on the march, serving, fighting. At the end of a success one remembered the Fhrers iron slogan: The fight goes on. To this command he completely devoted himself, too. On the way, many lost their courage and sank down, others lost their belief in the eventual victory and some broke down physically. Only faith kept the Movement going; faith and its symbol, the Fhrer, who led the way for the Movement like a banner in the middle of a chaotic fight ... The hardest year however, was yet to come. It was the year of 1932 when the opposing forces concentrated the most, demanding the very best of every man, from the Fhrer to the last unknown SA man. It was the year of the elections for the Reichsprasidenten, the elections for the Reichstag, the numerous elections for the Landtag and Brgerrat. At that time Hitler flew through Germany four times and during the 14 days of the third trip he made speeches before 49 mass assemblies. And all this was accomplished by a wave of propaganda that until then was unheard of. The year of 1932 saw the colorful changes in the cabinets of Brning, Papen, Schleicher; and it brought the prohibition of the SA as well as a state of national emergency It was in this year that the government tried in vain to push the Fhrer off on a side track by offering him the position of Vice-Chancellor. In 1932 we witnessed massive losses for the National Socialists at the second elections to the Reichstag in November; we saw the constant vice of the communist wave as well as Gregor Strasser's stab in the back; and finally we saw streams of the finest German blood shed for the rebirth of the Reich. But even that year went by and when, on the 30th of January 1933 it was announced that Hindenburg nominated Adolf Hitler Reichskanzler the entire German nation was deeply affected. There were those who worried because of their sins against the Movement and nation. They looked into the future with a dreadful heart. Some of them preferred to grab their money and flee across the border so that they could aim their poisoned arrows against Germany sheltered in a foreign country. And then there were those who had suffered enough from the calamity of the past years. They thanked Providence that it finally had brought about a change in things. On the 21st of March the German Reichstag met again in the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam At this historic site, a place where faded flags of glory cast shadows on the last resting place of the great King of Prussia, the festive ceremony was held that introduced a new era in German history. Once again Germany belonged to Germans! The door to a brighter future was open1 Adolf Hitler could begin to form the Third Reich! In 1926 the Austrian National Socialists became an organizational part of the NSDAP, after years of close contact with their German and Bohemian brother parties. But whereas Adolf Hitler and his brown army won the Reich, the National Socialist Movement was - 14 -

brutally suppressed in German-Austria. In the Summer of 1934, when the peoples spontaneous attempt to break their chains failed, a time of immense misery began for our brothers on the other side of the border, who felt a part of Greater Germany as National Socialists. But in this case again, it became clear that terror and suppression can never kill the spirit in the hearts of those who are deeply committed. It is true that the party and its sub-divisions were dissolved and illegal activities were severely punished. It is true that it was prohibited to carry the swastika and to greet people in the German manner. But thousands were glad and ready to hold up the prohibited banner in darkness and misery just to see the dawning of a victory whose time had to come. This street of sacrifices led many through the jails of the establishment, through agony and disgrace. Many a man had to take his final journey but he went in an upright manner unbroken and with a hard look on his face. He was transformed by the knowledge that a change was ahead and he went with the words Heil Hitler on his dying breath. None of the suppressive measures imposed by reactionary powers of state could hinder the constant call: one People, one Reich, one Fhrer. The call could be heard all over Austria and it found a receptive heart on the other side of the border, in the in the great homeland. In July 1936 the Fhrer had tried to end the strained relations with Austria by way of an agreement. Despite all promises, the Austrian government did not give up its hostile attitude toward National Socialists. Then, on the 12th of February 1938, the Fhrer met with the Austrian Chancellor on the Obersalzberg and Mr. Schuschnigg agreed to grant full equal rights to Austrian National Socialists. The moment he arrived home however, Schuschnigg thought of treason. On the 9th of March he announced in Innsbruck that there would be a referendum to decide on Austrias independence. Not only was such a procedure unconstitutional but it defied all principles of law. There was no doubt that it was impossible to conclude a just referendum in three days without any preparation and without any ballots. Schuschnigg however, never wanted the peoples honest opinion. He only used fraud and terror to secure an outcome favorable to him, on the basis of which he hoped to continue his policy of suppression against Germanness. He had forgotten that Germany under Adolf Hitlers flag had again become a superpower that would not tolerate treachery and the enslavement of millions of German folk companions. The curtain fell quickly on this act of shame that had lasted long enough. After a few violent attempts to put down the revolts that had started everywhere, Schuschnigg resigned on the 11th of March. Public authority now rested with Sey-lnquart who had been a National Socialist member of the cabinet since the Berchtesgaden agreement. To resurrect peace and justice he asked for an invasion of German troops because the Marxists were planning to fish in troubled waters. The next day squadrons of German planes roared over Austrian territory, greeting National Socialist Austria with millions of leaflets. The Fhrer, along with soldiers of the German armed forces who crossed the border everywhere, returned to his home country in triumph.

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Whenever light collides with darkness, there can be no deals! This is a fight over life and death, until either one or the other is completely destroyed.

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The yearning call had finally come true: one People, one Reich, one Fhrer. The next day there was but one cry of gratitude and the crowd cheered as the Fhrer moved into Vienna through an ocean of jubilant, flag-waving people. Clearer than any referendum, the Germans in Austria had spoken when they carried Adolf Hitler through his home country on waves of exaltation in those unforgettable days in March. The outcome of the referendum that had been scheduled for the 10th of April was nothing more than another affirmation of a perfect fact. It could only reveal the overwhelming support for the Greater German Reich and its founder and Fhrer. It was not an idea alone with the dynamic power to break down the bastions of the old system that had conquered Germany, and it was not only through powerful speeches in which the Fhrer had hammered the new Weltanschauung into the hearts and brains of the new generation; it was the personality of Adolf Hitler that from the very beginning had been the driving force behind the idea. His personality had guaranteed success.

The unique appearance of the Fhrer and the power of his charisma are grounded in the totality of his genius and in the harmony of his personality; that rare combination chosen by Providence to bring about a change in world history. As dazzling as may seem the contrasts in the Fhrers genius and the variety of the interests to which he is attracted and which he masters, it is exactly this multitude of mutually supporting talents and inclinations that coalesce into the harmony and gigantic perfection of his genius. Thus the Fhrer, whose roots are in the fine arts - 17 -

made his way into politics filled with the brave virtues of a soldier. He topped the creations of a politician with the military success of a general. His creative imagination which endows him with grand concepts and plans, is tamed by a razor-sharp logic and an extraordinary instinct for reality. His sense for the needs and necessity of everyday life is as clear and unclouded as his opinion in all fields of arts and estheticism. He has the political attitude of a soldier so his warfare has to yield to political necessities. He elevated leadership in governing and war into the art of governing and the art of war. Therefore, it is only logical that the Fhrer had already finished an outline of his cultural program and had made plans for huge buildings and revolutionary urban projects at a time when he was still fighting for the political power in Germany; at a time when he had to battle the corrupting influences of the Jewish-Marxist system, sometimes even by using brute force. It is only logical that later on, when he installed an armed force and formed the domestic and foreign policies of the new Reich, he began to carry through all the cultural plans. Thus, he gave new impetus to German art and prepared the ground for an economic upswing. Cool and calculating minds could not follow the Fhrer until actual events proved his prophecies correct and made the iron logic in his line of argumentation visible. Thus, his claim to leadership was supported by the facts as well as by success. But long before all this became clear, thousands had believed with all their heart in this man who despite actual circumstances, had promised to resurrect beloved Germany and to guide the way to unknown magnitude. But it was not the words that the masses believed in, it was the man, the personality Adolf Hitler. This was the secret process by which during the time of fighting he attracted fighters from all Districts like a magnet, by virtue of his personality. He welded them together in a blood brotherhood and thus won the Reich. Today the whole German nation, not only looks up to the Fhrer with deep admiration, but it is ready to sacrifice everything and feels deep love for the father of the nation; feelings that are mainly grounded in Adolf Hitler's humane nature. This man rose out of the people and thus has an understanding for the worries and concerns of the people. It shines down on the masses and fills them with faithful confidence to see this mans solidarity with them, his loyalty towards his fellowcombatants, his distinct sense for justice, his deep feelings for the great and beautiful and his immense goodness of heart that shines through even if, in national interest, he has to make adamant decisions. What makes the personality of Adolf Hitler so special, however, is the shining example he gives the people every single day. The people know that the Fhrer demands the most from himself and never demands anything from anybody that he is not ready to do whenever it needs to be done. The people are content in the knowledge that his work and whole existence belong to Germany and that he himself sacrifices his private life. Thus, in the best sense of the word he leads the way for his people as a standard bearer - visible for everybody, the Fhrer of the nation, the founder of the Reich, the pioneer of a new era!

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What was the program of a party back then, has now become the thesis of a new and improving world.
ADOLF HITLER, Headquarters, 24 February 1942

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The Program of the National Socialist German Workers Party

1. We demand that all Germans be united in a Greater Germany, according to the right of self- determination of nations. 2. We demand that the German nation be given equal rights among the other nations and that the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain be declared invalid. 3. We demand land and colonies so that we can provide food for our people and bring our overpopulation under control. 4. Citizenship is available for folk companions only. A folk companion can only be of German blood, regardless of his confession. Therefore, no Jews can be folk companions. 5. Non-German citizens shall live in Germany as guests only. They have to be treated according to the laws for foreign-nationals. 6. Only citizens must be given the right to determine the government and national laws. Therefore we demand that official authority, whether in the Reich, the state or a district, must only be held by a citizen. We fight against a corrupted parliamentary practice of giving away job placements according to political viewpoints without consideration of character and abilities. 7. We demand that the government agree to provide primary care, job and living opportunities for its citizens. If it is not possible to feed the nations entire population, foreign-nationals (noncitizens) have to be expelled from the Reich. 8. There must not be any further immigration of non-Germans. We demand that all non-Germans who immigrated since the 2nd of August 1914 be forced to leave the Reich immediately. 9. All citizens must be equal in rights and duties. 10. Mental or physical productivity is the primary duty of all citizens. Individual actions must not contravene common interests. The individual has to act as a part of the community and for the benefit of everybody. Therefore we demand: 11. No income that is not a product of work and effort. Abolition of InterestServitude. 12. With regard to the immense sacrifices of property and blood that any war demands from a nation, any personal enrichment through war must be called a crime against the people. Therefore we demand that all profits of war be confiscated. 13. We demand that all (hitherto) socialized enterprises (trusts) be nationalized. 14. We demand profit-sharing in all large-scale enterprises. 15. We demand a generous extension of care for the elderly.

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16. We demand the middle-classes be firmly established and supported, that all supermarkets be communalized immediately and that these markets be rented at reasonable rates to tradesmen of small-scale enterprises. All small-scale enterprises must be considered basic if they work for the state, the county or the district. 17. We demand a reformation of property laws in accordance with our national needs. We demand laws that allow for the expropriation of land without compensation, if such a procedure is in the common interest. All taxes on property must be abolished and speculation in property must not be allowed. 18. We demand drastic measures against anybody who damages the common interest. We demand capital punishment for all mean crimes against people (usury, profiteering, etc.), regardless of the confession or race of the criminal. 19. We demand that Roman law, which served a materialistic world order, be replaced by German common law. 20. In order to make higher education and thus leading positions accessible to any competent and hardworking German, the state has to provide for a thorough extension of the entire educational system in the nation. The curricula of all educational institutes have to be adapted to the demands of practical life. The first goal in school must be to arrive at an understanding of the idea of state (theory of citizenship). For all extraordinary, talented children we demand an education at public expense, regardless of their parents' job or class. 21. The state has to provide for an improvement of public health in the following ways: mother and child must be protected; child labor must be prohibited; compulsory sports and exercises must be demanded by law to improve physical strength; all clubs that provide for the physical education of the young generation must receive the best support. 22. We demand the abolition of mercenary troops and the installation of a peoples army. 23. We demand laws against conscious political defamation and against a press that spreads lies. To allow for a true German press, we demand: a. that all editors and employees of newspapers published in German must be folk companions. b. that non-German newspapers must not be published without the explicit approval of the state, and they must not be printed in German. c. that it should be prohibited by law for any non-German to contribute financially to, or otherwise influence German newspapers. We demand that in the case of a violation of this law, the newspaper has to be shut down and all nonGermans who participated in this crime must be expelled from the Reich. Newspapers that offend against common interest must be prohibited. We demand laws against a trend in art and literature that undermines our national life. We demand that all events that violate the above demands be prohibited. 24. We demand a freedom of religious confessions in this state, as long as they do not endanger the nations existence or interfere with the moral sense of the

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German race. The NSDAP party argues for a positive Christianity, although it is not bound to any single confession. The NSDAP party fights against the Jewishmaterialistic spirit in and around us. We are convinced that the healing process of our nation can only be continued on the basis of the principle that public welfare has priority over individual welfare. 25. In order to realize our demands, a strong central authority has to be established in the Reich. This central political parliament must be given unconditional authority over the whole Reich and all its organizations. Chambers for workers of all classes must be established so that it is possible to execute the Reichs general laws in the states. The leaders of the party promise - if necessary at the risk of their own livesto unconditionally support the execution of the demands above. Mnchen. 24 February 1920.

The program that only meant to secure the life and existence of our nation in this world was the first sentence of our National Socialist Profession of Faith and it will be the last sentence written over every single National Socialist when, after he has completed his mission, he departs this life.
ADOLF HITLER, 8 November 1939

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talk comes around to freedom, some of the most vehement disputes in world history arise for our minds eye. Not only were all revolutions tied to the idea of freedom but severe tyranny was often allied with the idea of freedom in the course of history. It was freedom that the ancient tyrannical murderers called for; it was freedom the slaves in ancient Rome yearned for when they rendered the fatal blow against an honorable system; it was for freedom of conscience that caused religious reformers to fight against traditional dogmas; it was freedom of science that had been defended in thousands of scientific laboratories against the medieval church. Finally, the question of whether human freedom and a free will exist at all has been investigated by many great philosophers. It is clear to see that whenever there was a major movement in religious, scientific or political life, it was almost always bound to the idea of freedom. The fact that millions and millions of people followed this idea and fought for it in all fields, will forever dignify freedom for us regardless of the dross that is attached to this idea. Nobody dares to make a d o g m a t i c decision on whether man is free or not. The representatives of both sides argue vehemently for their point of view and in an equally compelling manner. Especially since the rise of the exact sciences the attempt to completely integrate man into nature has increasingly been accompanied by the argument that the idea of a free will is an illusion and that therefore all consequences derived from this idea must be declared null and void. Only thinkers who honestly acknowledged both sides of the questions and the consequences of both sides were able to provide an idea of where to surmise a solution. It was especially Kant who anticipated findings of the exact natural sciences and integrated man into the laws of nature, just like any other natural or living phenomena. In the manner of a natural scientist drawing physical conclusions, he investigated just as thoroughly, the inner nature of man. He finally arrived at the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that man is perfectly unfree but nevertheless free. Similar to Goethe, Kant saw that man is a member of two worlds that mutually influence one another. The origins of these worlds are different and cannot be traced down to their very roots. It seems that, without voicing any dogmatic opinion, we may well stand on Kants foundation. With equal truth we can face the fact that human life is dependent on many influences of its world and environment. In the game of life that we will never completely comprehend, man is but a bridged period of power, just like any other living being. We have to acknowledge a certain inner force that enables man to consciously live and die for an idea, which proves the existence of a force of some sort. That contravenes the


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other principles of existence and thus leaves us to assume a force that is not beyond the ideas of space, time and causality. Certainly there is no perfect freedom, even if we want to acknowledge free will as such. Freedom is contingent on external possibilities and internal Gestalt, but in my eyes this very fact is the only possible presentation of freedom. In the life of a nation, therefore, freedom does not mean the opportunity to achieve everything and, individual freedom cannot mean that one can create, invent or form everything. On the contrary, freedom has to be thought or as a Gestalt. This means that freedom, in the sense of creative power, opposes the tyranny of performed patterns, and it also opposes the arbitrariness of chaos and the absence of Gestalt. If we take a look at intellectual and political disputes from this point of view, we find nowhere that freedom equals freedom and the claim to be free. This means the claim for opportunities to create is not given to everybody and must not be given to everybody. True freedom, as a demand and opportunity must always be accompanied by biological power, character and a creative soul. There are individual personalities and there are national personalities. For the latter, an over-extension of freedom opportunities cannot be allowed and a limitation is necessary for the benefit of everybody. It can be seen from the life and lot of many fanatic philosophers and demagogic peoples courts that it may result in a fatal destabilization of powers caused by driving ambition and extravagant will that arise because certain external forces are missing. The examples of the Grachas of Rienzi, Mirabeau and many figures in todays political life show all too clearly that freedom and law have to form a unit. This fact is expressed in Goethes very belief that: only laws will bring us freedom. Duly external ties shape internal creation. This is where the old German understanding of freedom that today is represented in National Socialism reappears. This concept is entirely different from the liberte of the French Revolution and different from the raving madness of Marxist-Bolshevist destruction. The other nations never quite understood this German concept of freedom as they generally never grasped the inner side of the concept of personality. The French historian Guizot once coined a phrase that Goethe especially loved: it was the Germans who first introduced the concept of personality to the European nations. It was a concept of Gestalt, in sharp distinction to all egalitarian phrases and confused political constructions. However, it was the concept of a personality that consciously defends its individuality and winds circles of creative performances around a deep and firm inner core, thus expanding and being bound to a center at the same time. It was this German idea of freedom that Martin Luther presented when he argued for a spiritual and religious freedom he was ready to risk his life for. But at the same time he demanded a rigid political regime that could protect this inner freedom against the choice of neighbors and also provide defense against individual choice. The very same opinion was expressed by Goethe when he talked about the existence of respect, especially self-respect. He did not argue for a superficial, arrogant overestimation of ones capacities, but acknowledged the indestructible metaphysical center, without which it would be impossible to understand magnificent creations in the fields of art, sciences and political development. - 25 -

It is essentially the same concept of freedom (although it might not be present philosophically) that shows itself with increasing clearness in the relation between what we call personality and community. We strive for a community of millions of Germans, firmly shaped and guided, while at the same time we demand that there is room for outstanding, creative personalities. We do not feel that these two demands oppose one another, although other nations do because they only know the choice between tyranny and chaos. The National Socialist Movement followed its inner instinct and arrived on a political basis at the same conclusions that had earlier been drawn by the important religious leaders of the German people as well as by our thinkers and glorious poets. We could achieve this goal because the National Socialist Movement was led by Germans and had come to life in a fight for freedom. If we look at the German nation as a whole, it is hindered and bothered by other stipulations that affect world history. Neither for Germany nor for any other nation can national sovereignty be absolute. According to our conviction it would only be harmful and dangerous for the creative power of a nation if there were no borders in this world. Demarcation, competition and the constant check of possibilities is not only part of an individuals life but part of any nations existence. This educational and philosophical thought alone makes it clear that Germany does not strive for world dominion. This National Socialist Weltanschauung that has been attacked so often, wants only that the earth finally be given a Gestalt . A transformation that would end the time of chaotic liberalism which on the one hand strived after a world-trust and world-republic that should be built on democratic internationality and Marxism, while on the other hand it called for a world-revolution to be carried out by so-called proletarians. Earth is not populated with an abstract mankind, but with certain races and nations. These nations and races have their own past and their history can more and more be comprehended by examining the outside of their nature as displayed in combat. In this way they reveal their achievements and make claims for further possibilities of performance. In the middle of the process of political formation we find a natural law. It does not make any sense to protest against this law as rejection of a natural fact doesnt alter its existence. The fact is that in the evolutionary process we find large nations and small nations. It is clear that a giant plant will reach up further into the heavens and will grow its roots deeper into the ground than small bushes or flowers can. This doesnt tell us anything about the beauty of life forms, and nothing derogatory is said about the creative possibilities of so-called small nations. The Greeks were once a small nation but they became the magnificent founders of ancient Indo- Germanic culture. For millennia their educational power produced an effect on related Germanic tribes and young as ever, it still reaches into our time that is marked by a Nordic awakening. On the other hand there were giant nations that threatened to break all boundaries. In their destructive power they probably prepared the ground for a change of things but compared to the example of ancient Greece, they left behind little more than memories of a dark age.

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Ever since the medieval Weltanschauung disappeared we saw various confessions, theories of art and philosophical doctrines, but no great Weltanschauung. Such a Weltanschauung (a view that creates an inner unity in all fields of life) has finally been born in National Socialism.
ALFRED ROSENBERG, Revolution and Fulfillment
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Therefore, the political education of the German nation is governed by both the law of limitation and the right to demand a European unity. In the course of centuries other nations did not take advantage of their chance to accomplish this mission. It is not disgraceful for the German nation to acknowledge its spheres of interest and rights among other great nations on this planet. Germany is even prepared to support their creative powers. On the other hand it is an honorable duty for the German nation to carefully treat the people of those small nations that are protected by the Greater German Reich or those who seek to be protected by us. If they have realized their general destiny we let them generously take part in everything that comes with the inner formation of our old and well respected continent. This is an attitude that once prevailed for a short period of time in ancient Rome; at the time when the powerful and strong Roman nation founded its own state, fighting off all oriental influences. In a synthesis of strict Roman laws and the pride of a Roman citizen they gave an admirable example of the ancient Indo-Germanic attitude. On a small scale many towns in medieval Germany had organized their life in a way that combined outward strength with an inner creative joy. Prussia, although it was harassed by many enemies, was in many fields an example of the Nordic-German attempt to combine law and freedom. The rigid Friederician order was closely related to the ideas proclaimed by Kant and other great Germans. This is why in the German nation the idea of freedom has always been connected with duties rather than with rights. A German philosopher once made the excellent point that freedom had never been a question of being free from, but always a matter of being free to. This is an important concept that reveals a whole - 28 -

attitude. The German fight, is not a fight for freedom in the sense of being free from duties. It is the fight for a mission in which we try to live up to the great duty we were given. This is why the German nation is the most revolutionary nation in Europe and at the same time it is the nation where the all-enlightening ideas of inner freedom originated. We are convinced that the conscious inner values of the Germans -honor, faithfulness, loyalty and pride- represent the best elements of all European races. Our political power therefore, is justified as it protects these values.

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Looking back on the foundation of the National Socialist Movement we find a mysterious pattern at work. The Movement arose as an inner protest against the humiliation of Germany in November of 1918. All of a sudden millions of individuals that had not heard alarming voices earlier, saw in their own everyday lives how private, business and political life was undermined and destroyed by a seemingly theoretical acknowledgement of foreign races and principles. Thus destiny approached us and demanded a definitive either-or response. Everybody had to honestly account for what was going on and, as the fight of the Fhrer progressed, everybody had to account for all of German history and the forces behind it. Life and its merciless selection demanded answers, answers many of us might not have been ready to give back in 1919. Traditions that still wanted to rule over Germany in a dogmatic way collapsed one after the other either because their representatives had lost their creative power or because the political missions they once may have possessed, could no longer survive. It was National Socialism that picked out with strong hands from the same German history a different sort of great personalities and presented them as metaphors for the eternal growth of the German nation. Through all centuries and in different appearances these metaphors had incorporated and defended the same attitude that today has come to real life in the form of the 20th century. By 1933 this fight for a German way of life became a European struggle which in 1939 became a global war of immense dimensions. In this fight the National Socialist Movement stands stronger than ever. We look upon the struggle of these past years as the final probation, a final drive, a final opportunity. Our knowledge of our historical position and the necessary conflicts it brings with it generate that inner peace that can only be found in the hearts of people who believe completely in their mission. Among negligent democratic nations that originally were called upon to help in the process of organizing the world and were exposed to a bestial and chaotic attitude in the East, the National Socialist revolution is the vanguard of 80 million Germans who are the biggest accumulation of Indo- Germanic power, IndoGermanic attitude and will for freedom. We feel that we are the successors to those ancient Indie heroes who once represented still unconscious Europe in the vast Eastern territory. We feel that we are the successors of those Iranians who were the first to form a unified religious view of life. We feel that we are the younger brothers of the builders of the Parthenon in Athens, that we are closely related to the powerful citizens of ancient Rome and most of all that we are direct heirs to the magnificent German Kaiser generations. Moreover, we feel that we are the defenders of a great cultural heritage which today is represented by a few symbols like Marienburg, Wittenberg, Potsdam, Konigsberg, Weimar, Bayreuth. W e a r e deeply convinced that today Germany a nd its Allies are out in the East defending Homer as well as Augustus, Hohenstaufen, Beethoven and Goethe .

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If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower.

ADOLF HITLER, Landsberg, 5 November 1925
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The known and deeply understood creative possibilities within law is what we should mean by freedom: The confident limitation of arbitrariness. Regardless of the all-too human attitudes that affects us, it is not destruction we have in mind. It is not a universal world dominion of any religious, economical or political kind, but we see a structured universe; national systems marked off by races and an organic-dynamic structure in Europe based on biological resources and the political effectiveness of nations bound together in a biosphere determined by destiny. Therefore, it is no political slogan when we say that today Germany represents Europe. On the contrary, it is but a symbolic summary of deep feelings - 33 -

and high spirits derived from an historic mission. We hope and know that some day the achievements of the German nation, its devotion, discipline and the mission we work for will be looked upon by the other nations with special respect which we honestly believe that we deserve. Power and ideals, freedom and duty should in this nation be inseparably united and the moment of truth for Germany should be the time of renaissance for all other creative nations in Europe.

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Faith moves mountains, faith frees nations and faith can strengthen and raise nations no matter how humiliated they have been. When Germany was down the deepest, we hoisted the flag. When Germany was humiliated the most, we hoisted the flag of faith, the flag of duty for our Germany. We did not say, We are ashamed to be German, but we said, Now we are more proud than ever to be German. And we never asked what else they would offer to us, and we never really considered what they offered. We believed in Germany and we remained faithful, through all needs and dangers, all miseries and calamities.
ADOLF HITLER, 1 March 1935

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With the 25 theses of its program, the NSDAP was given a basis that must be unshakable. It is not the duty of present or future members of our Movement to critically modify these principles but to devote themselves to them. Otherwise it is possible that the next generation will feel equally entitled to make such modifications within the party and thus waste energy instead of recruiting new members for the Movement which would provide new energy. For the majority of our followers the nature of our Movement will not be found in the letters and words of our principles but in the meaning we add to them. We will build stairs for our nation, through forms of attacks, through propounding a new Weltanschauung and through a fanatic, unshakeable defense of these principles. On these stairs our nation will climb up into the temples of freedom.
ADOLF HITLER, Mein Kampf (page 415)

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The Flag High

The flag high! The rows are densely closed! SA is marching With quiet strong steps. Comrades shot by Red Front and Reaction March as spirits in our rows. The street is open To the Brown Bastions! The street is open To the Storm Troop man! Millions already look with hope to the swastika. The day of freedom and of bread starts to break anew. The rollcall will be blown for the Last time. We now stand ready For the fight. Hitler flags will soon flutter over all the streets. Enslavement will endure only a very short time more. by HORST WESSEL

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The revolution we carried through is a complete one. It has affected and completely reformed all aspects of public life. It has completely changed and rebuilt the relationships between individuals as well as the peoples attitude towards the state and towards other existential questions. In fact, it was the breakthrough of a new Weltanschauung. After 14 years of opposition it could use the power it had fought for to stamp the German nation with a new national spirit. Everything that has happened since the 30th of January 1933 is the visible expression of this revolutionary process. The revolution however, was not started here. It only came to an end in this way. It was the existential fight of a nation that with its traditional way of life and antiquated views, was close to collapse. Revolutions follow their own pattern and their own dynamics. Once they pass a certain point in their evolution they are beyond human control and exclusively follow the laws according to which they came to life. It is the nature of any true revolution that it only knows do or die, without compromising. It either intends to advance right through to its goal, in which case it will last and endure, or it is satisfied with half-hearted successes, in which case it would be better if it never started. Revolutions are never a matter of mere politics, but they reach out to all fields-of human life. They affect economics as well as art and sciences. This is politics in a higher sense than the usual sense. - 40 -

Giving your life for the existence of the community is the highest of all sacrifices.

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If the fight for a Weltanschauung is not led by devoted heroes, death-defying fighters will soon disappear entirely.

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Any revolution has its tendency, a goal it establishes and strives for in passionate efforts. It will not rest before this goal is achieved and once it is achieved it will jealously watch over its growth and security. In this case however, the word tendency means much more than what is conveyed in the trivial sense of the word. A tendency as such is neither good nor bad and it may be affirmed or denied. What is decisive is its goal. If the goal is magnificent, then the tendency will share this magnificence. If the goal is insignificant then the tendency will fade away to a mere phantom. Revolutions that bring about a historic change of immense dimensions reveal a tendency of equal magnitude. It has to be accepted if the revolution is accepted. This means that anybody who objects to the tendency, objects to the revolution and will sooner or later be drowned in its whirlpool. It is the purpose of our revolution to unite the German people as a nation. For a period of more than 2000 years all righteous Germans yearned for a completion of this process. Many times they tried to reach this goal by legal means but all those efforts were in vain. Success came only after a passionate eruption of national feelings. It was a spontaneous and breathtaking eruption that became wilder the longer it was held back with artificial dams. What was not possible and not even wanted at the top, we carried through from the bottom up. At one time the German nation was the most disorganized nation of the world, dissolved into its elements and almost atomized by political parties and opinions. Germany had no influence whatsoever in world politics. Since 1918 it had been disarmed and it had no will to stand up against the other nations. This German nation then arose in a unique manifestation of a powerful national belief and it carried through a unification that only a few people thought possible. Others had smiled at it and called it highly unlikely or against all experience and historical precedent.

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Today we cannot yet assess the historical importance of this process of a nation growing together. Although we prepared the ground for this process we now stand in front of it marveling in admiration and without any conscious knowledge of its magnitude and its importance for the future. Through our revolution we have overcome Germanys powerless past: The German nation found itself again in this revolution that added a new trait to German nature. It will never again be possible to talk about Germany without taking this revolution into account.

If we remain strong the people remain strong. As a nation we are safe as long as the party stands firm and strong. But we should not wait for a miracle: miracles in this sense do not happen. Rather they are caused by idealism, sacrifices and devotion. Our slogan today is the same as yesterday and always: March On! If we are confident with our power, then others may do as they please while we build our creation, the Reich!

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1923 9.11. Felix Allfarth Mnchen 9.11. Andreas Bauriedl Mnchen 9.11. Theodor Casella Mnchen 9.11. Wilhelm Ehrlich Mnchen 9.11. Martin Faust Mnchen 9.11. Anton Hechenberger Mnchen 9.11. Oskar Krner Mnchen 9.11. Karl Kuhn Mnchen 9.11. Karl Laforce Mnchen 9.11. Kurt Neubauer Mnchen 9.11. Klaus von Pape Mnchen 9.11. Theodor von der Pfordten Mnchen 9.11. Johann Rickmers Mnchen 9.11. Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter Mnchen 9.11. Lorenz Ritter von Stransky Mnchen 9.11. Wilhelm Wolf Mnchen 26. 2. Karl Winter Steinen (Baden) 1. 5. Daniel Sauer Sickershausen 26. 5. Albert Leo Schlageter - Dsseldorf 21. 6. Ludwig Knickmann (Westfalen) 24. 9. Erich Kunze Podelwitz bei Leipzig 26.12. Dietrich Eckart Berchtesgaden 1924 5. 3. Rudolf Eck Gehren (Thringen) 21. 3. Willi Dreyer Berlin 1. 7. Rudolf von Henke Hindenburg (O.S.) 20. 9. Friedrich Just Roggenstorf (Mecklenburg) 5.12. Artur Prack Waldfischbach bei Pirmasens 1925 26. 4. Fritz Krber Durlach (Baden) 28. 6. Matthias Mann Rosenheim 9. 8. Werner Doelle Berlin 1926 21. 2. Fritz Renz Altlandsberg 8. 6. Franz Kortyka Mechtal (O.S.) 26. 9. Harry Anderssen Berlin 27. 9. Emil Mller Germersheim 1927 13. 2. Otto Senft Dortmund 6. 3. Wilhelm Wilhelmi Nasttten 10. 4. Karl Ludwig Wiesbaden 26. 5. Georg Hirschmann - Mnchen 11. 9. Eugen Eichhorn lsnitz (Vogtland) 1928 19. 4. Bernhard Gerwert - Sythen bei Haltern (Westfalen) 23. 4. Gottfried Thomae - Essen 2. 5. Heinrich Wlfel Nrnberg 13. 5. Heinrich Kottmann - Pfungstadt (Hessen) 17.11. Hans Ktemeyer Berlin 1929 8. 2. Heinrich Limbach Podelwitz bei Leipzig 7. 3. Hermann Schmidt Whrden 7. 3. Otto Streibel Whrden 2. 8. Katharina Grnewald - Nrnberg 5. 8. Erich Jost Nrnberg 20. 8. Franz Janisch Vsendorf bei Vienna 19.10. Heinrich Bauschen - Duisburg 20.10. Karl Rummer Schwarzenbach am Wald 4.11. Gerhard Weber Berlin 8.12. Friedrich Meier Kyritz (Prignitz) 14.12. Walter Fischer Berlin 1930 23. 2. Horst Wessel Berlin 16. 3. Edmund Behnke Berlin 16. 3. Kurt Gnther Chemnitz 12. 5. Franz Engel Stargard (Pommern) 27. 7. Heinrich Messerschmidt - Kassel 3. 8. Adalbert Schwarz Vienna 3. 8. Gnther Wolf Beuthen (O.S.) 9. 8. Karl Paas Haan bei Solingen 7. 9. Heinrich Dreckmann - Hamburg 11. 9. Heinz Oetting Essen 13. 9. Hans Kieling Schwarzenbach am Wald 18.10. Karl Taube Rosenberg (O.S.) 21.11. Josef Hilmerich Dsseldorf 4.12. Theodor Sanders Hagen (Westfalen) 7.12. Adolf Hh Dortmund 18.12. Klaus Clemens Bonn 22.12. Julius Hollmann Wuppertal-Barmen 1931 1. 1. Ernst Weinstein Stuttgart 23. 1. Paul Thewellis Dren (Rheinland) 30. 1. Richard Selinger Niesky (O.L.) 12. 2. Rudolf Schrter Leipzig 28. 2. Gerhard Bischoff Steinseifersdorf 14. 3. Fritz Felgendreher - Essen 16. 3. Adolf Gerstenberger Karlsmarkt (Schlesien) 30. 3. Karl Broeske Dinslaken (Rheinland) 30. 3. Josef Felzen Wittlich (Bezirk Trier) 27. 4. Karl Freyburger Deutsch - Eylau (Ostpreuen) 23. 5. Fritz Tschierse Knigsberg (Preuen) 25. 5. Paul Billet Karlsruhe (Baden) 26. 5. Gerhard Liebsch Dhringshof (Brandenburg) 7. 6. Heinrich Gutsche Chemnitz

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7. 6. Edgar Steinbach Chemnitz 16. 6. Josef Weber Ebersberg (Oberbayern) 19. 6. Edgar Mller Neie (O.S.) 21. 6. Johann Gossel Bremen 2. 7. Walter Blmel Leipzig 2. 7. August Sievert Peine 6. 7. Karl Fiedler Crossen a. d. Oder 18. 7. Hans Kersten nze (Brandenburg) 20. 7. Bruno Schaffrinski - Pollwitten (Ostpreuen) 2. 8. Alfred Rhmling Wittstock a. d. Dosse 15. 8. Herbert Grobe Limbach (Sachsen) 17. 8. Hans Hoffmann Berlin 3. 9. Johannes Mallon Bergen a. Rgen 4. 9. Karl Vobis Dsseldorf 9. 9. Hermann Thielsch Berlin 20. 9. Gustav Seidlitz Meseritz 5.10. Erich Garthe Essen 11.10. Kurt Nowack Berlin 18.10. Heinrich Bwe Berlin 29.10. Max Gohla Paulsdorf (Schlesien) 1.11. Albert Mller Remscheid 5.11. Erwin Moritz Berlin 9.11. Wilhelm Decker Bremen 9.11. Karl Radke - Eutin 11.11. Martin Martens Neumnster (Schleswig-Holstein) 11.11. Walter Thriemer Lugau i. Erzgebirge

15.11. Horst Hoffmann Kahlbude (Danzig) 17.11. Hans Hobelsberger - Worms 20.11. Egidius Geurten Aachen 1932 1. 1. Kurt Wietfeld Vlpke 9. 1. Franz Czernuch Hindenburg (O.S.) 10. 1. Richard Menzel Rendsburg 19. 1. Arnold Guse Essen 19. 1. Ernst Schwartz Berlin 23. 1. Bruno Schramm Zlz (O.S.) 24. 1. Herbert Norkus Berlin 4. 2. Fritz Beubler Ngelstedt 7. 2. Georg Preiser Berlin 8. 2. Arno Kalweit Kraupischken 8. 2. Hans Karner Schtzen a. Gebirge 14. 2. Heinrich Heiinger - Hamburg 17. 2. Walter Gornatowski - KleinGaglow b. Cottbus 20. 2. Franz Becker Saarau (Kreis Schweidnitz) 20. 2. Wilhelm Sengotta Massen- Bezirk Dortmund 22. 2. Artur Wiegels Schwinde a. d. Luhe 29. 2. August Brackmann - Tessin (Mecklenburg) 6. 3. Otto Ludwig Berlin 8. 3. Willi Thielsch Breslau 11. 3. Karl Panke Bobersberg - Kreis Crossen 14. 3. Erich Jaenecke Gardelegen

4. 4. Max Beulich Mittweida 8. 4. Ludwig Frisch Chemnitz 8. 4. Friedrich Hellmann - Berlin 10. 4. Heinz Brands Hamburg 10. 4. Harry Hahn Hamburg 17. 4. Silvester Gratzl St. Andr i. Lavanttal 23. 4. Johann Broweleit Hamborn 23. 4. Johann Lchtenborg Harkebrgge (Oldenburg) 24. 4. Udo Curth - Berlin 5. 5. Paul Stenzhorn Oberhausen a. d. Nahe 27. 5. Silvester Fink Innsbruck 31. 5. Jodokus Kehrer Burscheid Bezirk Dsseldorf 3. 6. Emil Erich Frse Lnen 19. 6. Hans Hilbert W. Barmen 20. 6. Wilhelm Hambckers - bach 20. 6. Kurt Hilmer Erkrath (Rheinland) 22. 6. Helmut Kster Berlin 23. 6. Heinrich Habenicht - Dortmund 26. 6. Fritz Borawski Wattenscheid 30. 6. Werner Gerhardt Zeitz 30. 6. Hermann Zapp Kaiserslautern 1. 7. Hans Steinberg Berlin 2. 7. Friedrich Karpinski - Essen 5. 7. Hans Handwerk Frankfurt am Main 5. 7. Walter Ufer Dortmund - Eving 10. 7. Ludwig Decker Beverungen

10. 7. Georg Konjetzke Ohlau 10. 7. Herbert Stanetzki - Ohlau 11. 7. Heinrich Grasmeher - Steeden a. d. Lahn 12. 7. Kurt Kreth Kslin 12. 7. Gnther Ro Kslin 17. 7. Friedrich Schrder - Berlin 17. 7. Ullrich Massow Greifswald 17. 7. Bruno Reinhard Greifswald 17. 7. Herbert Schumacher Greifswald 17. 7. Helene Winkler Hamburg-Altona 17. 7. Heinrich Koch Hamburg-Altona 18. 7. Peter Bddig Hamburg-Altona 18. 7. Herbert Hrtel Gro - Rosen 27. 7. Robert Bitzer Wiehl 28. 7. Johann Raskin Eilendorf (Rheinland) 29. 7. Erich Sallie Wiederitzsch 30. 7. Otto Reinke Knigsberg (Preuen) 31. 7. Peter Klln Itzehoe 31. 7. Fritz Schrn Essen 1. 8. Axel Schaffeld Braunschweig 3. 8. Johannes Reifegerste - Frohburg (Sachsen) 3. 8. Fritz Schulz - Berlin 30. 8. Herbert Gatschke - Berlin 6. 9. August Amann Graz 7. 9. Josef La - Leoben 10.10. Gregor Schmid Stuttgart

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16.10. Alfred Kindler Leipzig 16.10. Josef Staller Vienna 20.10. Karl Heinzelmann Hamburg 22.10. August Pfaff Castrop-Rauxel 23.10. Helmut Barm Bochum - Langendreer 27.10. Richard Harwik Berlin 3.11. Heinrich Hammacher Duisburg-Meiderich 4.11. Kurt Reppich Berlin 5.11. Johann Cyranka Hamburg 7.11. Oskar Mildner Chemnitz 25.11. Erwin Jnisch Berlin 28.11. Eduard Elbrchter - Brackwede 9.12. Ernst Bich Barmen 25.12. Vinzenz Szczotok - Bottrop 1933 1. 1. Walter Wagnitz Berlin 8. 1. Erich Sagasser Berlin 13. 1. Erich Stenzel Berlin 18. 1. Hans Bernsau Iserlohn 20. 1. Fritz Wetekam Dsseldorf 31. 1. Hans Maikowski Berlin 1. 2. Rudolf Brgmann Lbeck 1. 2. Josef Marcus Homberg (Niederrhein) 1. 2. Leopold Paffrath Homberg (Niederrhein) 3. 2. Karl Guwang Sinzheim 5. 2. Paul Pamann Bochum

5. 2. Friedrich Schreiber - Dormagen 11. 2. Franz Cieslik Hecklingen (Anhalt) 12. 2. Paul Berck Eisleben 15. 2. Franz Mller Siegburg 19. 2. Kurt von der Ah - Berlin 22. 2. Gerhard Schlemminger - Berlin 25. 2. Walter Spangenberg - Kln 25. 2. Winand Winterberg - Kln 26. 2. Otto Blcker Hamburg 26. 2. Christian Crmann - Lindenfels i. Odenwald 28. 2. Josef Bleser Frankfurt am Main 28. 2. Eduard Felsen Berlin 1. 3. Josef Cibulski Bochum-Weitmar 3. 3. Julius Hofmann Dsseldorf 3. 3. Josef Kristandl Graz 3. 3. Andreas Weidt Hchst i. Odenwald 4. 3. Friedrich Heine Duisburg 5. 3. Fritz Geisler Breslau 6. 3. Kurt Eckert - Berlin 6. 3. Kurt Hausmann Schnebeck a. d. Elbe 8. 3. Franz Kopp - Berlin 8. 3. Herbert Welkisch Breslau 15. 3. Gustav Lehmann Schnebeck-Felgeleben 17. 3. Peter Frie Lindenfels i. Odenwald 17. 3. Emil Trommer Hamburg-Altona 4. 4. Otto Schmelzer Gdingen a. d. Saar 29. 4. Johannes Loch Raudten

1. 5. Franz Ertl Altheim (Oberdonau) 21. 5. Josef Wiesheier Gaiganz 28. 5. Heinrich Stollenwerk Dsseldorf 4. 6. Paul Ulrich Dsseldorf 11. 6. Matthias Schwarz - Miesenbach (Steiermark) 21. 6. Walter Apel Berlin 22. 6. Robert Gleuel Berlin 27. 6. Wilhelm Klein Berlin 29. 6. Gerhard Landmann Braunschweig 1. 8. Johann Kantner St. Jakob a. Pillersee 14. 8. Paul Scholpp Stuttgart 15. 8. Wilhelm Koziollek Wanne-Eickel 18. 9. Johann Huber Wolfsegg 18. 9. Franz Seiringer Wolfsegg 23. 9. Ernst Hemmer Neunkirchen a. d. Saar 1.10. Alfred Manietta Leipzig 6.10. Josef Woltmann Buer - Erle 8.10. Franz Dornauer Mayrhofen 28.10. Walter Dokter Malen (Schlesien) 1934 10. 1. Karl Karner Klagenfurt 10. 1. Josef Rabitsch Klagenfurt 12. 2. Helmut Schott Graz 13. 2. Siegfried Schott Graz 11. 3. Matthias Lang Mrbisch a. See 19. 4. Peter Briggl Sattnitzberg

26. 4. Johann Schleinzer - Wisperndorf 13. 5. Erich Temer Lnen - Horstmar 17. 6. Franz Kstlinger Neumarkt i. Hausruck 18. 6. Kurt Elsholz Gollmtz 22. 7. Alois Petschnig St. Johann a. Brckl 24. 7. Willibald Egger Weienbach b. Liezen 25. 7. Josef Ehgartner Frauenthal 25. 7. Anton Frangesch Stainz 25. 7. Erich Schredt Vienna 26. 7. Johann Brandsttter - Gailberg (Krnten) 26. 7. August Brunotte Gleisdorf 26. 7. Michael Dietrich Ranitz 26. 7. Ernst Dreher - am Pyhrnpa 26. 7. Erich Felice Judenburg 26. 7. Wilhelm Fischbacher - PichlGleiming 26. 7. Paul Gragger Schwanberg 26. 7. Franz Grnwald Pichl-Gleiming 26. 7. Vinzenz Hagen Dobl 26. 7. Alois Hanschitz Marolla 26. 7. Matthias Hflehner Untermandling 26. 7. Franz Hofsttter Twimberg 26. 7. Josef Honomichl Innsbruck 26. 7. Georg Hudelist Marolla 26. 7. Simon Joham Wolfsberg (Krnten) 26. 7. Hubert Kopp Wolfsberg (Krnten)

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26. 7. Johann Leidenfrost Schladming 26. 7. Franz Maier - Lind 26. 7. Wilhelm Marchl Niederwlz 26. 7. Herbert Mayer Wolfsberg (Krnten) 26. 7. Siegfried Mayer Leoben 26. 7. Hubert Miller Schladming 26. 7. Ferdinand Moser Lind 26. 7. Rupert Mubacher - St. Michael b. Leoben 26. 7. Alois Pendl Leoben 26. 7. Roman Present Lind 26. 7. Franz Rebernig Marolla 26. 7. Engelbert Regner Kollerschlag 26. 7. Richard Reif Sachendorf 26. 7. Max Reiner Messendorf 26. 7. Ludwig Ritzinger - Ranitz 26. 7. Franz Saurer - Ilz 26. 7. Johann Schnedl Thalheim 26. 7. Gottfried Sekanek - Messendorf 26. 7. Johann Six Wolfsberg (Krnten) 26. 7. Adolf Strohmayer - Klachau 26. 7. Oskar Wengust Leoben 26. 7. Raimund Willibald - Sachendorf 26. 7. Josef Winkler Wolfsberg (Krnten) 26. 7. Engelbert Zauner Schladming 27. 7. Johann Bras Millstatt 27. 7. Franz Brunnbauer - Kollerschlag 27. 7. Franz Grundner Seekirchen

27. 7. Johann Hebenstreit Feldkirchen (Krnten) 27. 7. Alfred Janko Salzburg 27. 7. Franz Kerschbaumer Eisenerz 27. 7. Michael Ladinig Wieting 27. 7. Hermann Maier Zauchen bei Eisenkappel 27. 7. Leo Mardaunig St. Veit a. d. Glan 27. 7. Anton Nikolavcic - Feldkirchen (Krnten) 27. 7. Friedrich Obermller Kollerschlag 27. 7. Ernst Oberzaucher - Greifenburg 27. 7. Bruno Palka - St. Veit a. d. Glan 27. 7. Franz Pllinger St. Veit a. d. Glan 27. 7. Joh. Probst Straden (Steiermark) 27. 7. Karl Rest Kaindorf i. Gurktal 27. 7. Gottlieb Salbrechter Landbrcken 27. 7. Stefan Scheiber Feldkirchen (Krnten) 27. 7. Johann Schenner Pichl-Gleiming 27. 7. Arthur Seeber - St. Veit a. d. Glan 27. 7. Lorenz Tamegger - Kaindorf i. Gurktal 27. 7. Karl Traint - Bad Ischl 27. 7. Rupert Wallner Seekirchen 27. 7. Julius Wasserfaller - Kaindorf i. Gurktal 27. 7. Georg Weneditsch - Kaindorf i. Gurktal 27. 7. Karl Wrienig Vlkermarkt 28. 7. Franz Armstorfer Lamprechtshausen 28. 7. Johann Brenner Schnweg

28. 7. Eduard Geiger Predlitz 28. 7. Josef Golger Predlitz 28. 7. August Gruber Millstatt 28. 7. Johann Lanz Sachendorf 28. 7. Josef Maislinger Lamprechtshausen 28. 7. Viktor Maro - St. Veit a. d. Glan 28. 7. Leo Mitterer - St. Veit a. d. Glan 28. 7. Lorenz Neumller - Ilz 28. 7. Felix Petutschnig Predlitz 28. 7. Eduard Ranacher Kaindorf i. Gurktal 28. 7. Johann Smerslak Predlitz 28. 7. Johann Stocker St. Veit a. d. Glan 28. 7. Willibald Stromberger Predlitz 28. 7. Johann Tasotti Kaindorf i. Gurktal 28. 7. Fritz Walcher Pichl - Gleiming 28. 7. Wilhelm Walten Predlitz 28. 7. Kilian Widmann Lamprechtshausen 28. 7. Johann Wimmer Lamprechtshausen 29. 7. Josef Weilbuchner - Lamprechtshausen 29. 7. Martin Deubler Goisern 30. 7. Hugo Pliem Mitterndorf 30. 7. Christian Wallner - Seekirchen 31. 7. Gunther Fischerauer - Donawitz 31. 7. Franz Holzweber Vienna 31. 7. Otto Planetta Vienna 1. 8. Friedrich Wurnig Innsbruck 3. 8. Josef Pichler Kaindorf i. Gurktal

7. 8. Ernst Feike Vienna 7. 8. Friedrich Hernler Feldkirchen (Krnten) 10. 8. Joh. Mischitz Spittal a. d. Drau 11. 8. Franz Natschlger - Lamprechtshausen 13. 8. Josef Hackl Vienna 13. 8. Franz Leeb Vienna 13. 8. Ludwig Maitzen Vienna 13. 8. Fritz Stocker Pichl - Gleiming 13. 8. Erich Wohlrab Vienna 18. 8. Johannes Domes Vienna 20. 8. Franz Saureis Bad Ischl 20. 8. Franz Unterberger - Bad Ischl 22. 8. Rudolf Erlbacher Steinach a. d. Enns 29. 8. Franz Ebner - St. Gallen (Steiermark) 19. 9. Andreas Radauer - Strawalchen 28. 9. Lorenz Serwazi Kln 29. 9. Gerhard Kauffmann - Berlin 3.10. Josef Kaiser Leoben 8.11. Josef Fhrer Weiding 18.11. Josef Wallner Eisenerz 1935 15. 1. Ralph Baberadt Hamburg 13. 3. Rupert Hauser Salzburg 30. 3. Martin Demmig Breslau 11. 4. Ernst Aitzetmller - Grnau 11. 4. Karl Unrathinger Grnau 24. 4. Kurt Blankenberg - Wriezen a. d. Oder

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4. 6. Karl Tiefling Viennaer - Neustadt 21. 6. Kurt Flatzeck Chemnitz 23. 6. Franz Kausl - Gut a. Steg 20. 7. Johann Weiburger Klagenfurt 16. 8. Emil Pessarra Darkehmen 11. 9. Adolf Wiedermann Wolfsberg (Krnten) 7.11. Matthias Nhmer Ebensee 1936 26. 1. Alois Schrifl Wimpassing 4. 2. Wilhelm Gustloff Davos 8. 3. Fritz Eibers Bremen 10. 3. Johann Maynollo Glaubendorf 10. 3. Bernhard Schlothan - WanneEickel

2. 5. Gustav Neupauer Graz 23. 5. Franz Foisner Unterwaldschlag 31. 5. Franz Scotkiewicz - Peine 13. 6. Gnther Deskowski - Danzig 13. 6. Ernst Ludwig Danzig 16. 6. Paul Fressonke Danzig 19. 7. Hans Hahner Barcelona 24. 7. Wilhelm Gtje San Martin 24. 7. Helmuth Hofmeister - San Martin 24. 7. Gnther Swalmius-Dato - San Martin 24. 7. Thomas Treiz San Martin 30. 7. Heinz Vo - Gijon 11.11. Friedrich Lothar Gdde - Derio bei Bilbao 24.11. Julius Steininger Duisburg-Meiderich

1937 17. 1. Friedrich Mdlhammer - Eling 16. 3. Alfred Schroer Essen 29. 3. Matthias Waltl Zell a. See 9.10. Martin Rosenburg - Magdeburg 17.11. Richard Scheuch Vienna 1938 15. 4. Jakob Paa Remscheid 23. 7. Karl Kennerknecht Heidelberg 9.11. Ernst vom Rath Paris 1939 8. 1. Hugo Sommeregger Sachsenburg (Krnten) 8.11. Michael Wilhelm Kaiser - Mnchen

8.11. Emil Kasberger Mnchen 8.11. Franz Lutz Mnchen 8.11. Leonhard Reindl Mnchen 8.11. Eugen Schachta Mnchen 8.11. Michael Schmeidl Mnchen 8.11. Wilhelm Weber Mnchen 9.12. Otto Schmidt Duisburg 1940 7. 2. Karl Roos Straburg 1941 1.11. Herbert Kramer Berlin 1942 4. 6. Reinhard Heydrich - Prag

You will always live because of that for which you died. Dont ever forget it!

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We want to reestablish the unity of German spirit and will.
We want to preserve the eternal foundations of our life, our German-ness and its resources and values. We want to subject the organization and the leading of our state to those principles that for all time have been the preliminary conditions of a nations magnitude. We want to cultivate in respectful devotion the great traditions of our nation, its history and its culture as they are an ever-flowing spring of true inner strength, a possible motivation for revival in times of weariness. We want to tie our confidence in a healthy way of life, based on natural and correct principles, to a constant political development inside and outside of Germany. We want to replace continuous instability by a firm government that provides an unshakable authority for our people We want to allow for all experiences, regardless of whether they are of individual, public or economic origin that in the course of millennia proved themselves useful for the welfare of mankind. We want to reestablish the primacy of politics as it is called upon to organize and direct the national fight for existence. We want to include the true and living power of the people as it is the dominant factor in the future of Germany and we will make honest efforts to exclude all those who try to damage the nation. We want to construct a true community of German tribes, professions and former social classes. There should be a balance of interests in this community, which guarantees a secure future for the entire nation. Farmers, workers and citizens have to reunite to form a German nation. This nation should then forever take loyal custody of our faith, our culture, our honor and our freedom. THE FHRER, Day of Potsdam, 21 March 1933
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Comrade, never forget that you are an exponent and representative of the
National Socialist Movement and our Weltanschauung. The stranger will form his opinion about the Movement according to the impression he gets from you. Therefore, be a National Socialist in all your actions, in everything you do and leave undone! For others, be an example of courage, discipline and devotion. As a man be diligent, industrious and modest. Treat your subordinates like fellow nationals and not like pack animals. Do not regard them as objects to be exploited but as fellow-fighters and colleagues in our nationwide fight for existence. Never treat them in a way in which you, as a German and National Socialist, would not want to be treated yourself. Always remember that you are not a slave master but a leader and never forget what they owe to you, and what you owe to them. In all you do, act as if you carry the future of the entire nation on your shoulders. Never expect from others what you are not ready to give and do yourself, and always be an example for your comrades. As a leader, be responsible in executing your duties and be determined in giving instructions. Treat your subordinates well and be helpful. Never be narrow minded in your opinions on the frailty of human nature. Realize other peoples needs quickly and be modest in your own! Never get drunk! Do your duties for the Movement and always keep in mind that the greatest achievements can only be accomplished by men who are willing to submit their own ego to more important common necessities and to common welfare. In everything you do, you should give your fellow nationals and comrades an example of what you would like them to be. Look upon the last one of your fellow nationals as someone who shares your blood, someone you are inseparably tied up with on this earth by destiny. Therefore, estimate the last German street-cleaner higher than the King of a foreign nation. Never forget that for a nation freedom is the greatest good in the world. Without freedom there is no life and the loss of freedom cannot be compensated with speeches or labor, but only with a fight full of sacrifices. Remember that this fight for freedom can never be led by a social class but only by a nation! It is the task of your Movement to transcend all social classes and to form a nation that is able and ready to achieve the very best. If you are fighting for the National Socialist German Workers Party, you are fighting for your people. Mnchen, 9 January 1927 Adolf Hitler

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It is the goal and task of our National Socialist will to establish an eternal
German nation. Any German has to be clear about the fact that he was sent by God to help the German people and to secure the existence of the German nation. Before all human ideals it is our primary concern t o m a k e G e r m a n y a s s t r o n g a s p o s s i b l e so that it can forever defend its place in this world. If other nations and races think the same - it does not bother us. We are convinced that the quality of our race and the value of our nation will forever secure our existence as long as Germans think the way I mentioned above. There were ups and downs in German history and many a time it seemed that the development of the German nation had come to an end. There were moments in German history - and our generation lived through one - when the German nation was down so far that the thought of it still makes us shudder. We no longer live on the edge of an abyss, but the disgraceful treason of the 9th of November 1918 proves my point. We were already buried down at the bottom. Today, it seems like a miracle to us that this nation made its way up again. This is why all Germans now and forever, have to thank destiny that in the moment of urgent need and deep depression we were sent a leader who pulled the German nation up again and showed the way for a new ascent. What really is the Fhrers great accomplishment? Beyond his genius and gigantic achievements as a politician, general and peoples leader, it has been his greatest deed that for the first time in history he provided real guidance for the German nation. Certainly, the nation always had a public administration -it was not always equally good and clean- and sometimes it happened that the one or the other organization presumed to provide guidance for the German nation. All these attempts either failed right at the beginning or they were used by foreign elements to secure dominion over the nation for their foreign ideals and alien elements. It was the National Socialist Movement that for the first time provided proper German guidance, bound to blood and race. The outward expression of this guidance is the NSDAP. In this party all those racial values that are seen as the nations finest, are united in selection and quality.

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You have to trust in the future of a nation if you begin projects that take decades to be carried out. You have to believe in Adolf Hitler.

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This elite moreover, was brought together by the best suited methods ever to be used by a leading party. It was the National Socialist struggle that prevented lazy, idle and indolent elements from joining the party. Only men of courage, valor, toughness and devotion were attracted to National Socialist ideals and kept believing in them. It was as if a magnet had gone through the nation picking the racially most valuable out of all layers, professions, social positions and classes, and out of all tribes, clans and families. To the individual the party ottered no advantage whatsoever. The party only demanded sacritices trom everybody, sacrifices of property and blood. The many dead and wounded members of the Movement are a good example of what ideas demand from man. For the fight and the success of the National Socialist idea, the following sentence is of unconditional truth. A n i d e a g a i n s i t s w o r t h f r o m t h e p e o p l e w h o a r e w i l l i n g t o s a c r i f i c e , and they will be paid back by destiny. According to this view it can be said that the National Socialist Movement has produced an invoice for destiny so immense and unique, that more than a millennium of National Socialist history and development will be required to pay it. It is not enough to simply accumulate hundreds and thousands of members and to anchor a million people to the Movement. To achieve better performance from these people and to work towards greater success it is vital to arrange them meaningfully and to organize them with respect to their talents and abilities. A reasonable organization that allows for the unfolding of individual resources is the preliminary condition for true effectiveness. This is true for the National Socialist party of course. The NSDAP is a field of force that from a political core reaches out to the entire German nation by virtue of its sub-divisions and associations. In the center of this field we find t h e H o h e i t s t r a g e r [ s t a n d a r d - b e a r e r ] a s r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h e F h r e r , surrounded by a circle of political experts who enable him to take up any urgent problem and to answer any question that stirs the nation. Everything connected with the leading of the nation matters to the standard bearer of the NSDAP and there must not be a problem he would not deal with because it seems too easy, difficult or huge. The people must be given complete assurance so that they feel comfortable with the NSDAP and the Fhrer. They must be certain that this Movement acts, feels and thinks for the people, that it takes part in everything that matters for the people, in all their joys and worries. The nation is a child, especially if it is as young as the German nation, and therefore it needs to be treated like a child. This means that the party worries, cares and works for the people just like a kind-hearted father or dedicated parents would. The unconditional trust which is thus generated is a requirement for the party and its political leaders, especially the Hoheitstrager, if they want to successfully carry through their guiding mission. Authority rests on this confidence and thus the majesty captured in the word Hoheitstrager emerges. Authority is a rare treasure and is the only guarantee that a nation can really be - 58 -

guided. For good reasons it is said that a time without a Kaiser is the most dreadful experience. It is disastrous for any nation when their leaders fail or when there is no leadership at all. Authority is the first requirement in a living community of any species or race. It is the precondition of welfare, of property, of wages - in a word: of living conditions in general. Without authority there is no culture, and joy is transformed to animal instincts: beauty and greatness are impossible when authority is lost. Therefore, the title H o h e i t s t r a g e r o f t h e P a r t y is the highest and most excellent title the nation has to offer. The Fhrer holds the highest authority ever held by a German in this German nation. This authority is derived from the boundless faith the German people put into their Fhrer A d o l f H i t l e r . And all Reichsleiter, Gauleiter, Kreisleiter or Ortsgruppenleiter- all are happy and honored that they can work for the party. They all derive their authority from Adolf Hitlers authority and the German nation intuitively senses how much confidence the Fhrer puts into all political leaders and standard bearers. T h e F h r e r s c o n f i d e n c e i s o u r a u t h o r i t y . It is our duty to win this confidence through incessant labor, circumspection and devotion. Whoever fails because of his laziness or negligence loses the Fhrers confidence and thus the nations confidence. In our functions and fields we are only place holders for the Fhrer and it is a great and wonderful experience to help lead the German nation supported by the Fhrers confidence. In this way the partys faith and structure have become the guarantees for a German triumph. For the first time in 2000 years, which is as far back as we can go in German history, the NSDAP offers true guidance for the German nation. A guidance so perfect and powerful that it will tear down and destroy anything that builds up against it. There is no doubt for me -and let me affirm this here again that the German nation with the party on the inside and a wonderful armed forces on the outside will surpass all difficulties. Come what may, we will win in the name of our flag. One flag, one National Socialist party, one National Socialist armed forces, one nation and one Fhrer! This is our triumph.

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Never forget that in this world the most sacred right is the right to the ground you want to cultivate, and the most sacred sacrifice is the blood that is shed for this ground.

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This is what we have to fight for: that our existence is secure, that our race and our nation can increase, that we can feed our children and keep our blood pure. We fight for our nations freedom and independence so that our nation may grow up to complete the mission assigned to it by the Lord.
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National Socialism as a political movement will have reached its goal when
the Reich has ultimately secured its proper position among other nations. National Socialism as a Weltanschauung will only have completed its historical mission when it prevails among all classes in Germany and thus unites the nation in a new character. The political realization of National Socialism will have been reached in a powerful Reich and a new order of living space. The National Socialist Weltanschauung, however has to materialize in the attitude and lifestyles of our nation and its inhabitants. In National Socialist Germany, life will be very different from what it used to be while many eternal values of our historical past will remain valid for the future as well. In some fields however, the prevailing attitude of German life will have to be significantly different from traditional lifestyles due to the new triumphant Weltanschauung! The National Socialist Weltanschauung and its practical effect on German lifestyle is based on two supporting pillars: On the one hand, personality is given a chance to unfold and the individual receives an education that is nearly prefect. On the other hand, the individual is ready to contribute to the welfare of the community. These are the two poles that generate the productive potential of National Socialist Germany. Developing and shaping his abilities makes the individual happy and conscious, and doing this is the prerequisite for the nation to receive his genuine efforts that are of highest value for the community. Only these efforts for the community add meaning and ultimate nobility to the individual personality and its development. In morbid times, personality and community became opposites, but for us they are a full harmonic chord in which the individual strings of life sound together. For a National Socialist German the key note in life is happiness and joy of life. We do not speak here of a flat and superficial attitude that doesnt know life or tries to avoid the depths, gravity and pains of life. It is rather the attitude and spirit of a healthy, strong man to whom life itself is joyful and full of beauty; just like the unencumbered child that cheerfully loves its existence. For the growing and maturing man ever struggling with obstacles and difficulties, hard and troublesome periods in life only mean a chance for him to prove his power and they leave him with an elevated existence and a feeling of inner joy. Therefore, the

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National Socialist way of life affirms everything that increases happiness. Our approach to life only excludes all destructive and degrading influences: the abuse of physical and mental resources, the reduction of individual capacities through an insane consumption of stimulating and inciting drugs, the negligent endangering of the individuals health and life, which belong not only to the individual, but to the nation as well. Whatever generates strength and happiness is good and therefore required by the new German lifestyle in the same way that all destructive and corrupting influences, whether they affect the nation or the individual, are excluded. The statement above is valid for both sides of our existence: for the body and its development as well as for the mind and soul. A trained and controlled powerful body stands equal in intelligent sport to a mature mind and elevated thinking skills in a great variety of experiences in spiritual things and in the field of the arts. Both sides are united in the fully and completely developed human being, and only that human is suitable to serve the future of our nation. In both fields, physical and mental, the individual is limited in his possibilities and disposed towards certain special abilities. Long before our own consciousness awakens we are already determined in this matter by the inexorable laws of heredity. To these laws we owe all variations and differences among individuals as well as the abundant wealth of talents and abilities in the community of our nation. This is why the National Socialist lifestyle does not offer the illusionary phantom of a desolate egalitarianism, or compulsory standards for everybody. The National Socialist ideal is not a silly fashion and not a standardized type of man. On the contrary, our goal is a variety of individual personalities, all educated and trained according to their talents. Only this variety grants a harmony that elevates the individual and bestows the nation with historical power and beauty. Along with happiness, courage is a dominant value for the new German man. National Socialism created the heroic attitude best displayed in the great military tradition of Germany, the Nations duty and ideal. Courage proves itself best in times of war. In peaceful times we must also be led in a brave and heroic manner, a demand that addresses both men and women. In everyday life there are many opportunities to put ourselves to the test: never to avoid difficulties, to walk straight even if there are easier, crooked ways to go, to estimate a goal higher than ones own laziness, to demand the most from oneself and to ignore lazy wishes, to obey the great national laws rather than to cultivate ones selfishness, to follow ones own conscience in grave persona l decisions and to take responsibility instead of hiding behind cheap excuses and cowardly submissiveness. All this is courage and is a required part of the lifestyle of the new German man educated by National Socialism. Mental courage, the fight and struggle with great new ideas, belongs here as well. In the end, only those creeds and beliefs are of value for the nation and the individual which were achieved through honest endeavor, and not those that were gained through indolent repetition of what one has heard from others. - 64 -

To be blessed with children is a nations prospect of eternity. This is why the most noble and precious profession of a woman is and will be the profession of wife and mother.
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It is courage as well to suffer from inner and outer wounds and pains without getting depressed. Discontent and pessimism, resignation and despair basically prove weakness and cannot exist with the brave attitude of a new generation of Germans. Beyond ones own life, beyond the fights and victories of the individual and the nation an eternal future arises for Germans in this world. We will secure our future by the method of new generations who, children today, men tomorrow, ancestors of a new generation the next day, inseparably link us with the past and the future. National Socialism considers these bonds and therefore family and children to be essential elements in National Socialist lifestyle. It means a special fulfillment in any man's life to be a family-member. Giving birth to many children and raising them is the highest goal for a woman. Family is necessary for anybody unless he wants to carelessly dispense with the strongest forces in human life. Moreover, family and children are the only guarantee for the eternal existence of a nation, and therefore a demand from our national future to the present generation. The rising German Reich, enormously powerful and protected by the sword, now and in coming decades needs families with uncountable children of the finest German blood to fill the spaces we open up and to permanently secure what the courage of the present generations wins for us. The combination of private life and community service is perfectly expressed in the optimistic large families of National Socialism. It is within the family that the most intimate power of the love and strong tension between the sexes lead to complete fulfillment in private life and to a meaningful contribution to the development of the entire nation. We are equally opposed to negation and unnatural asceticism as we are to the selfishness of those who do not want to commit themselves. In this way, families and children grow up as the nations most precious commodity as they combine individual happiness with the profits and gains of the community. With this attitude, pride in their race is a natural matter for both men and women. In dealing with foreigners the German attitude will show respect, comradeship and cooperation along with an unshakeable self-confidence and a racial pride which identifies a sin against blood as a nations fatal sin. It is this attitude that puts the National Socialist way of life to the crucial historical test. Destiny will always deny to some of us complete fulfillment in life. Those denied fulfillment however, are of equal value and they will work twice as hard so that their performance will compensate for what they were not granted in another field. We cannot speak of a true National Socialist attitude in a case where we do not find the yearning for family and children combined with the knowledge that a nation blessed with children means happiness and duty. For it is only through children that we participate in eternal German life and only a superficial or timid man does not feel the need for such participation. Everybody who lived his life in good days and bad days in accordance with these principles will face death with calmness. He will not desire or carelessly seek his death because even in his darkest hours, his life is meaningful and worth living. He will - 67 -

not fear the end either and piteously flee from it, because death is a part of life, as natural and inescapable as birth. Just like all universal laws of nature, death is forgiving in its pitilessness. What comes after death, nobody knows. In this field, the individual may follow his knowledge or instinct in what he wants to think and believe. In any case, a happy and brave life includes a courageous and confident death. Life has been good and meaningful and coming generations will carry on and complete the work of the person that death took out of our hands.

I have but one goal, I know but one political confession, I put up but one purpose in my life. It is: Germany, my nation and home country!
ADOLF HITLER, speech on 23 April 1932 in Flensburg

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Whatever we will gain, above all stands man who experiences it. Regardless which achievements we aim at, it is only man who succeeds with them and thus consecrates them. Therefore, the National Socialist confession is not a matter of proof of membership but can only be the outward confirmation of an inner confession. This confession however, obligates one to constantly educate oneself and it demands constant propaganda and circulation.
ADOLF HITLER in a proclamation on the occasion of the Meeting of Freedom on 11. September 1935.
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Today, two organizations represent the perfect unity of the nation. First, the newly formed armed forces initiated by the will of the Fhrer, framed through his power and formed after his resolution. Second, in support of this military unity the National Socialist party provides the political unity in Germany. The party is the source of political will for unity. The party is insurmountable and gives the nation eternal value.
HERMANN GRING, in Berlin's Lustgarten on 1 May 1938

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We stand assembled for the Guard. The flames are reaching to the heavens. In this hour our call is coming over all the barriers. We have but one belief within us, We think a single thought. Sacrifice and activity in devotion to our Fhrer. We are his young soldiers. He gave us our flag, he showed us the way, and he has walked before us. He has, like all of us, in hard battles been fighting for his belief. That which is rotten will break, and that which Is weak will be blown by the wind, While we stay and watch over the flame the defiant oath that we have long promised we will confess again: Try to bend us and take our honor away, But you will never extinguish the blazing flame again. Germany, we hold your loyalty!
From: Song of Loyal Followers
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For us and for all those who will come after us, the Reich of the Germans will always be Grodeutschland!
ADOLF HITLER at the Reichsparteitag Grodeutschland 1938

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Just like the army which not only sustains itself in military leadership but at
the same time has the responsibility to educate, train and shape the whole nation according to its military mission, it is the responsibility of a political party not only to be the supporting organization of the political leadership but to incessantly train and educate the nation according to its military opinion . As a result the party has to integrate in the inner union of the organization, all those fellow Germans who are called upon by fate to take a leading role. VIKTOR LUTZE, 12 March 1939 The SA is the partys instrument of education and instruction in order to strengthen and secure the defense community of Germany. After pre-military training of the Hitler Jugend it is the duty of the SA to instruct all those men who did not join the the NSKK or the NSFK. Primarily, the men must be educated in a military spirit. They should develop physical strength and become representatives and fighters for the National Socialist idea. Through systematic physical training the German man is prepared to serve in the armed forces. Before he can join the armed forces it is a mans duty to acquire the SA military badge, founded by the Fhrer. Of equal importance is the post-military training and education of those SA members who have completed their active duty. In the SA Military Association they keep their soul, mind and body ready and fit for combat. SA members regardless of their background, profession or social position, are welded together to a firmly united community of comradeship, unselfish devotion and a spirit of sacrifice. The individual is evaluated exclusively by his attitude and performance. The Leadership Corps, constantly promotes through education and training and guarantees that the tasks given to the SA by the Fhrer are carried out. Moreover, this Leadership Corps is called upon to provide qualified SA members to substitute for the Fhrer in political leadership. SA members are volunteers. It was clear with the beginning of the war when the major part of SA members, including 80% of the SA Leadership Corps, enlisted for service in the armed forces. Since then, numerous SA leaders and SA members were decorated with the Knights Cross and the German Cross in Gold. The sacrifices of the SA show its readiness through action. SA leaders and the last SA member fight in the front line together with their comrades of the armed forces. Numerous Obergruppenfhrer and Gruppenfhrer and a large number of SA leaders and members gave their utmost for the future of our Reich.

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When the war broke out compact SA units were engaged in the fights for Danzig, Ost-Oberschlesien and Southern Poland, and they performed great deeds. A major part of the SA Standarte Feldherrnhalle which is under arms in times of peace, voluntarily formed a unit with the paratroopers. The performance of these men who fought in the Netherlands, in Belgium and Greece already went down in history. The rest of the Standarte Feldherrnhalle formed an infantry battalion that proved its excellent worth in France, when they broke through the Maginot Line, as well as in many crucial combats at focal points in the East. In the traditional spirit of the SA these men will continue their victorious fight under the name Infantry Regiment Feldherrnhalle. In this way the SA once again, just like in the past fight over the political power in Germany, proves its worth fighting in the first line on all fronts. Here and everywhere, the men of the SA, political and armed soldiers, are the Storm Troops of the Fhrer.

It is not the half-hearted and neutral who go down in history, but those who take on the fight.

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Everyone in Germany should consider the enormous things that the party builds. It was not our economic leaders, not our professors and scholars, not our soldiers and artists, not our philosophers, thinkers and poets that kept our nation from the abyss, but it was exclusively the political army of our party. We only feel the beginning of its effect and its future significance can only be judged by future generations. Everything may perish, but not the party.
ADOLF HITLER in his final speech on the Party Day of Freedom on 16 September 1935
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This fight over Germany will only be finished when the last decent German has become a National Socialist and when the National Socialist Weltanschauung has such a firm footing in the nation that for centuries and millennia nobody except the NSDAP can make the claim to the spiritual leadership of Germany.
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The NSKK member is primarily a political soldier of Adolf Hitler. The idea the Weltanschauung- guides him in all his actions and he applies it to all tasks in the Corps which is meant to be the major educating institution in the field of motorization. ADOLF HHNLEIN In the structure of the NSDAP the mobile unit, the National Socialist Motor Transport Corps, stands besides the SA and . In the motorized assault troops approximately half a million NSKK members are trained to be political soldiers of the Fhrer. Through comprehensive training in the field of motoring, they become pioneers for the motorization of the Greater German Reich. Motorized field training performed by the NSKK puts the instructing and educating work of the Corps to the test, as it demands everything from both man and machine. It takes the whole man to compete. Courage, endurance, quick decisions, a sense of direction and physical versatility are demanded, together with complete control over the machine. It is one of the most fulfilling responsibilities of the Corps to instruct the Motor Hitler Youth in the field of motorization. Out of the Motor Hitler Youth develops a new generation of well trained and technically instructed motorists. It is only natural that our nation's great fight for freedom has affected and vastly influenced the service of the motorized assault troops of the NSKK. The fact that more than 70% of the active leaders and members of the NSKK fight in three divisions of the armed forces (primarily with the mobile troops and tank troops) confirms the necessity of the motorized assault troops in this time of war. Those who remained home relentlessly perform their duty in the pre-military training of the new In this war, with its numerous lightning advances over long distances, it is a primary duty for those NSKK units that serve at the front to care for supplies. In this way, the NSKK serves on all fronts and has committed itself to tasks that match its nature and prove the worth of the work we did in times of peace.

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Follow the Fhrer, serve aviation, stand by the flag like a man, day by day let
this be our pass word. Flying General FR. CHRISTIANSEN, Corps Leader of the NSFK On the 17th of April 1937 the Fhrer founded the National Socialist Flying Corps. The NSFK, a corporation under public law, took on all rights and duties of a subdivision of the NSDAP and became an organization for political combat. In his decree the Fhrer identified the responsibilities of the NSFK as follows: ...to sustain and deepen the spirit of aviation in the German nation, to provide premilitary training in the field of aviation and to unite the various aerial sport activities in Germany. In the NSKF the pre-military training of new recruits for the air force includes flight instruction and technical and mechanical instruction in the NSFKs workshops. It is in these workshops where our instructors, flawless in character and technical knowledge, polish the most precious commodity of the German nation, our youth. It is the Corps leader's motto: constructing is done prior to flying! Constructing model air planes is the first step to interest German youth for the purpose of premilitary training in the field of aviation. In this way our youth gain their first practical experience in the field of aviation. This instruction starts with the 12 year old boy and it demands love and devotion as well as enthusiasm, endurance, discipline and comradeship. Constructing model airplanes is highly valuable for the idealistic and technical education of our youth. It is the pride of all NSFK leaders and members to strive for their goal: Germany forever the most powerful air force on earth .

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We want to educate women who, with their natural mode of living, their
intelligence, and their real truthfulness raise strong new generations. GETRUD SCHOLTZ-KLINK The NSF-DF is the National Socialist organization for women and it is responsible for female education in all political Weltanschaulichem, spiritualcultural, housekeeping and social issues a woman is concerned with. The political mission is carried out by the National Socialist Womens Association, which is the association of female leaders. The National Socialist Womens Association is a subdivision of the NSDAP. Due to the partys division of territories the National Socialist Womens Association in all its responsibilities and special organizational tasks, works closely together with the Hoheitstrager in the respective territory. Therefore, the female leader of the Womens Association is on the staff of the Hoheitstrager. The highest administrative department is the Reichs Womens Leadership. The departments in all Districts, circles and district groups are structured in accordance with the 12 main divisions of the Reichs Womens Leadership. In accordance with the political principles of the National Socialist Weltanschauung, the goals of the National Socialist Womens Association are these: the German woman should be educated in a National Socialist way. As a womans responsibilities at home and with the family are vital for our nation, all women should share the knowledge of how to raise a great nation. Finally, all responsibilities a woman has in her social district as well as in her executive function in the process of organizing Europe, need to be centrally processed, so that the organization can complete its mission. To make this centralization possible it is necessary to cooperate to a large extent with other organizations and departments. Part of the Reichs Womens Leadership are the Womens Office, the Administrative Department of the Working Woman of the German Labor Front, Office III of the chairman of the German Red Cross, which serves as a connection office and the Committee of Sisters in which the leaders of all Nurses Associations are united. The functions of the Women's Organization are structured as follows: Department of Motherservice, Department of National Economy and Domestic Economy, Department of Assisting Services, Department of Culture, Education and Training, Department of Youth Teams, Department of Children Teams, and Department of Neighboring and Foreign Countries. - 81 -

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Each of us should remind himself daily that the power of his body, soul and
mind belong to the Fhrer, to the Movement and thus to the Nation. May each of us endure the good days as bravely as the bad days. HEINRICH HIMMLER, Reichsfhrer of the In 1923 the Stotrupp Hitler was founded and on the 9th of November 1923 it was banned along with the entire National Socialist Movement. When in 1925 the NSDAP was founded again, the sheltering organization of the Movement, the SA, remained prohibited in the entire Reich. The Fhrer commanded that a small mobile fighting and protecting organization be formed in order to safeguard the meetings of the party and the Schutzstaffel was formed. In most cases the units consisted of one leader and 10 men only. In those days even Berlin had but one unit, numbering two leaders and 20 men. In 1926 the ban on the SA was lifted so that the SA could again take on its responsibility to safeguard the meetings. The was then made responsible for the personal safety of Adolf Hitler. In the same year - at the second Reichs Party Day of the NSDAP in Weimar - the Fhrer handed over to this formation the sacred symbol of the Movement: the blood flag of the 9th of November 1923. On the 6th of January 1929 the Fhrer designated Heinrich Himmler as Reichsfhrer of the and made it his responsibility to form a reliable and constantly combat ready elite out of the members who then numbered approximately 280 men. Out of this small troop grew the tough, uncompromising political combat group of the Movement. Entrusted with the responsibility to form such an organization the Reichsfhrer succeeded because he integrated and clearly enforced the theoretical knowledge of the National Socialist Weltanschauung in all racial matters. Distinct physical, personal and racial requirements for men were extended to the future wives of all members as well. Therefore, Reichsfhrer Heinrich Himmler enacted family laws of the which were a signpost of the knowledge we have of our racial value and a signpost for the belief we put in our destiny and in the binding heritage of our blood. From the 1st of January 1932 engagement and marriage permission was required for all members. This permission is only granted or denied after all aspects of character, race and a healthy stock are carefully considered. This procedure serves the purpose of founding a German elite aiming at a purification of blood in the entire German nation, in hard years of combat the earned the Fhrers motto: members, your honor is loyalty. Together with their comrades of the SA, men stopped the red and black (communist) terror. The list of those brave men who gave their lives as a token of loyalty is long. On the 30th of January 1933, the day of the Assumption of Power, the numbered 52,000 men who built the basis and hard core of todays domestic of the young Reich. On the 20th of July 1934 the became an independent subdivision of the - 83 -

NSDAP under the direct command of the Fhrer. On the 17th of June 1936 the Reichsfhrer , who is also Chief of the German Police, was entrusted by the Fhrer with the responsibility to unite the 16 county police forces into a National Police. The Reichsfhrer then picked out all useful men, filled the rows up with members and streamlined the entire police according to standards. After the 30th of January 1933 the could freely develop within the Reich and take on important national responsibilities. Outside the former borders of the Reich however, lines of men struggled for power. Those 23 brave men who fought for a Greater Germany in the former Austria sacrificed their lives on the gallows as heroes and martyrs. No jail or concentration camp, (Wollersdorf was a well known one) could break the courage and belief of the men in the former country of Austria. The Armed developed out of the General in 1933, when the Fhrer commanded that active barracked troops should be selected out of the . In this elite, only those teams serve which are trained the best in all military and political matters. Service with the Armed meets the requirement of obligatory military service. The minimum period of service is 4 years. In times of war, volunteers are recruited for the reserves. The Junker Schools (in Tolz and Braunschweig) educate the coming generation of leaders. The Armed was first brought into action when Austria and Sudetenland returned to the Fatherland. When the war started in the autumn of 1939 the regiments of the Militarized and the Deathshead Standarte were ready for combat and complete enough to be united into divisions. Ever since the outbreak of the war in the autumn of 1939 soldiers of the Armed that grew out of the have fought on all European battlefields and their immortal heroic actions already fill many pages of honor in the book of history of this biggest of all wars. The flowering generation of Flanders, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway join our rows, fighting for a renaissance of a united Germanic future. The is a military order of hereditary nor dic men and a blood brotherhood of their families. Our essential belief is the following: We do not only want to be called the descendants of those who knew how to fight better, but we also want to be the ancestors of coming generations, necessary for the eternal existence of the German -Germanic nation.

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We do not want to fall victim to the mistake of those who say that one becomes a National Socialist and then remains a National Socialist forever. Only he is a National Socialist who constantly feels responsible for the idea, who serves it and spreads the word for it. It is a fact that what we experienced in a long united fight, we must teach anew to the coming generations if we do not want them to soon forget the experiences of the past.
ADOLF HITLER, 11 September 1935 - on the Reich Party Congress 1935
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We call ourselves a party and yet we are Germany! Germany in its unity, Germany in its new will and in its new energy. We call ourselves a party because Germany has in this Movement and in these people its spiritual center and the center of its will.
ADOLF HITLER - address to the Political Leaders on the Reich Party Congress on 13 September 1935

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Loyalty, discipline, obedience, a spirit of sacrifices, comradeship, modesty. These should be the principles according to which we should constantly lead our lives. Then we do not have to feel anxiety for the future of our Movement, for the future of the party, for the future of the German Reich.
ADOLF HITLER, at the roll call of Political Leaders at Party Day Triumph of the Will on 7 September 1934.

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No nation outlives the documents of its culture

Adolf Hitler 11 September 1935

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It is everybodys duty to serve his nation, it is everybodys duty to prepare himself for this service, to steel his body and to strengthen and prepare his mind.
ADOLF HITLER - speech before the Hitler Youth on the Party Day of Freedom on 14 September 1935

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Today more than ever it is a difficult duty to care for the party and its future.
It is the primary demand of our present time that the subdivisions of the party be closely united. We have to understand that despite our different functions, we are all National Socialists and party comrades. The members of the political organizations, the SA and the , the Labor Front, the Hitler Youth, the Womens Association, the Unions of Farmers and Workers, they all are but fighters in various detachments of the party. They all have to support the new German confederation that will provide guidance for political life in the German nation. The harder this unbreakable community is, the easier it will be to control all those giant organizations that are necessary for the political, social and economic ascent of our nation. As soldiers and officers of a spiritual Weltanschauliche community our members are responsible to educate the entire nation according to our ideal. They have to educate the young generation, integrating them into the state of today and tomorrow. They have to provide the Weltauschauliche structure and impetus for millions of workers and farmers. In all important national and economic positions they have to enforce and secure the dominion of the National Socialist idea. This will only be achieved if among themselves they form an eternal blood brotherhood, chained together by mutual trust and obedience. They must not demand more virtues and sacrifices from the nation than they themselves are ready to do, give and fulfill a thousand times. They must not presuppose more idealism in the nation than what they themselves reveal and carry in their hearts. They have no right to count on the self-sacrificing spirit of the nation if they are not ready to serve as an ideal, sacrificing all they possess. Most of all, they cannot expect that the nations belief in the National Socialist idea will be stronger than their own trustful devotion to this idea. They must acknowledge certain principles as basic and as a foundation that must never be given away. If you break with the loyalty imposed on you, you no longer have the right to demand loyalty from your subordinates. If you dont obey, you no longer have the right to expect obedience. If you abandon comrades, you must not be surprised if one day you will find yourself alone, betrayed and abandoned too. Only if by the help of everybody, we can realize a true embodiment of National Socialist spirit and value in our party will this party be an eternal and indestructible pillar of the German people and Reich. Then there will come a time when next to our magnificent, glorious army (the traditional and proud armed forces of the nation) our party will stand, traditionally equal in firm political

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leadership. Then, these two institutions will educate and strengthen the German man and carry on their shoulders the German state, the German Reich.

THE FHRER at the last day of the Party Congress during the Party Day Triumph of the Will on 10 September 1934

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is from past dynasties that ruling sovereigns usually take over the leadership in their country without any significant struggle. The personality of Adolf Hitler however, conquered the nation in a unique struggle started deep within his people. He gave us the Weltanschauung that dominates the 20th century and he initiated the National Socialist Movement that took control over the state. With giant steps the Fhrer stormed ahead and using all means of the state to found the Greater German Reich, further adapting reality to his idea. The world envied his state of order and social justice and therefore declared war on us. Up to now however, Adolf Hitlers peoples army defeated all enemies, wherever they met them. The dynamic force behind our revolution and our constructive work is and always will be the Fhrers first foundation: the party. It has always been the tragedy of most great men that their life work went to the grave with them. They had no followers and no movement. It is the duty of the NSDAP to make sure that


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Adolf Hitlers creation will last throughout all time. The party is our peoples order. To select the best of the new generation who will join this order, is the first responsibility of the Hitler Youth. The best and most natural selective method is combat. This fact became evident in the first years of our Movement and now in time of war. Wherever youth lacks the experience of combat, the selection has to be achieved through education and testing in special situations under special guidelines. In this way the eight years of work in the Hitler Youth have to be completed with regard to the law that demands an elite for the party. This elite is mainly expressed in the leaders. This is why youth leaders should be the first to become party members. Next to them, all those volunteers among the Hitler Youth are admitted to the party when they have proved their excellent worth both in character and performance. Doing one's duties in the Hitler Youth is the best preparation for the party. German youth is instructed in the different questions that affect youth in all fields of life. Thus it makes the Weltanschauung of all German boys and girls uniform. There is an important significance to the simple fact that every week there is one day when our youth is instructed and educated on the questions and views of life. In this way, a foundation is put down in everyday life which allows for our goal that the political union of the Reich will always root in a unified Weltanschauung. Through games, outdoor orientation and camps, through basic physical education, through Reich sports competitions and sports events in the districts, youth is trained to be physically skilled, tough, durable and resilient. High performance sports are the reason German athletes are increasingly recognized throughout the world. In the camp for pre-military training youth prepares itself with enthusiasm in appropriate forms of military service. Most important, they develop their natural instincts. Along with a general education for everybody, the new recruits for the Air Force, the Navy, the Mobile Units and the Signal Battalions are especially trained in special groups. Our cultural work makes it possible for children to experience the highest values of our nation and thus deepen their sensitivity. The Hitler Youths ring of events, the Weimarer Festspiele, the days of music and theater as well as songs and construction work prove the worth of our cultural work. It is exactly this combination of military training and education in the fine arts that reveals the nature of German national education. Social work demonstrates the will of the young to face reality and their preparedness to master the sorrows of everyday life. Thus, their belief in German socialism is strengthened in daily spade work. Job competition proves the desire for high professional performance. The stipends for the talented prove the effort in the community to make the most of correct and natural resources. A healthy way of life cures defects in youth and it serves as a prophylactic measure to maintain the resources of our nation. The work we do in legal matters serves the purpose to arrive at laws for the young which consider their special character and the maturing process of our growing folk companion group. In rural areas the Hitler Youth transformed the movement toward a farming union. The reformation of a new German farming generation, directed towards a settlement in the German - 93 -

East starts here. This process adds practical meaning to the giant fight of our heroic soldiers. Instruction in German nationalism and a look at foreign nations brings the Hitler Youth together with their comrades from all European countries and thus enables them to see our nation from the outside. Besides these duties our youth are currently in action in our home country. They are helping neighbors, assisting in shops and hospitals, they are harvesting and taking part in the building of playgrounds. These are but a few examples that show the extent to which the practical work of the Hitler Youth is appropriate to prepare future party members for their great tasks.

What is decisive however, is the fact that the Fhrer-initiated process of growing together as a nation has become actual reality in the Hitler Youth. This means that a Hitler boy, despite all separating forces in life, will always act as a young German. It is crucial that he loves all those traits and virtues which made our nation develop greatness and strength. This young boy should have the attitude of a fighter who cannot be broken by the storms of life. He should not give in to early resistance, he should be steady and persistent. He should praise what makes him tough. He should prefer action to lip-service and political slogans. He must be modest when a days work is done and he knows how much is still left to do. He must not chatter but be silent. For him, loyalty must be the highest honor. Most of all he must preserve for himself the power of faith in our ideals, which in our nation is the strongest power ever to make history. May he

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always keep alive the divine spark of enthusiasm. He must never expect from others what he himself is not ready to do. The young community must never seclude itself. It has to live and work in close connection with the party and its sub-divisions. The best suited workers in all fields of life organically grow out of the lines of our youth. Thus we will try hard year after year, so that we can offer the party the elite of our youth. We grew out of the party and it will forever be our home. We all expect that the new party members will be a credit to the Hitler Youth in their new fields of duty.

Most of all, it is our duty to restrict admittance to the party to those we are certain belong to that minority that by virtue of their value, always wrote history.
ADOLF HITLER at the last day of the Party Congress during the Party Day Triumph of the Will on 10 September 1934

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The Reichs Labor Service is responsible to make sure that through work on German ground and education in camps the new generation will carry over to the nation our National Socialist idea of a national community and work. Therefore, the Reichs Labor Service is the school to socially educate the people in the ethics of work.
Reichs Labor Leader HIERL
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When this war is over, I will return from it as a more fanatic National Socialist than I have ever been
ADOLF HITLER 3 October 1941

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The NSDAP is a movement initiated by the Fhrer and aimed at the renewal
and preservation of the German nation and its living space, according to the principles of the National Socialist view of the world. National Socialism realizes: its l e g a l c l a i m for the sole leadership of the German nation from 14 years of fighting of the Fhrer and his followers, from the mission of the entire German nation and from the great achievements National Socialism has brought about in all fields of life since the day it came to power. its p o w e r to complete this mission from the sacrifices of those who died for the Movement and those who fell in the German wars for freedom. it c r e a t e s its faith in the German people from German history and the achievements of people of German blood in the past and present and from the eternal Germany. it is the Fhrers will that the best Germans shall be National Socialists and the best National Socialists become party members. Therefore, the NSDAP is the ultimate political and racial elite of the entire German nation. Admittance to the NSDAP does not include a legal claim to remain a permanent member. Party members are bound to the following duties: The National Socialist observes the commands and demands of the Fhrer in blind trust and obedience. You represent the party, act accordingly. You can only become and remain a party member if you meet the requirements and if you are willing to unconditionally follow and with all your heart represent the National Socialist Weltanschauung in private and public life, in steadfast loyalty to the Fhrer. The party program demands your utmost devotion to the M o v e m e n t . As a party member it is an honor for you to incessantly serve the national community and to fight for the National Socialist Weltanschauung, regardless of all your personal career goals and if necessary, sacrifice your life. Make sure you understand that you are more than what you seem to be. The behavior of a National Socialist is self-confident but n e v e r a r r o g a n t . Daily performance only qualifies you to wear the partys emblem with pride. The party member practices strict self-discipline and dispenses with luxury. The party member meets his superiors in an upright and disciplined manner Y o u r h e a l t h b e l o n g s t o t h e G e r m a n n a t i o n . The party member is modest and cares for his health. The physical, intellectual and mental energy of a

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man are diminished through the use of enervating drugs and enjoyments. The results are decline of character and damage to health. As a party member you carry the flag and lead the way for o t h e r s . Aggressive courage and faithful confidence displayed in a party members behavior and actions produce an electrifying example that encourages others along. Happy optimism is more convincing than furious argumentation. In moments of great difficulties and frustration it is courage, confidence and persistence that are necessary to win through. L o y a l c o m r a d e s h i p b e l o n g s t o t h e N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s t s and comradeship is among the oldest virtues in political armies. Comradeship proves its worth in everyday life and business life as well as in a fighting community and not only in saloons. Therefore, we are responsible to set the reluctant companion back on the right track, if necessary even by the use of force. Personal differences are settled between the men themselves or with the aid of their leader; presenting a united party is our most important role and must be the mission of everyone. A h e a l t h y , l a r g e f a m i l y i s t h e g r e a t e s t g o o d . The party member chooses his wife early in life considering the principles of National Socialist racial selection. Many children are the party members greatest contribution . Be an ideal for the whole nation. The life of a National Socialist is simple and modest. The party member is careful in his judgment and he detests lies. Loquacity is beneath a mans worth, extravagance and carelessness damage the partys image. L e t y o u r t h i n k i n g a n d a c t i n g b e c l e a n . The party member fights obscenity. Without being asked to do so, he stands up for a womans honor always and everywhere. N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s m s e r v e s e t e r n a l l a w s . This requires acceptance of the eternal laws to unselfishly serve the community and the welfare of the German nation and to live according to the eternal laws of our blood as they are expressed in the National Socialist Weltanschauung. This is where the party member seeks and finds the purpose of his existence ultimately expressed. F o r a N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s t , l i v i n g m e a n s f i g h t i n g . The party member fights inexorably against all enemies of the Reich and against all theories that endanger the living community of our National Socialist people. Our entire life is a fight for the German nation, for the Fhrer! We belong to him and his National Socialist Weltanschauung is our highest command in this world.

Long live Germany! Long live the Fhrer!

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We will pass away, but in you Germany will live on. And when there is nothing left of us you will have to hold in your fists the flag which we grubbed up out of the void. Generation after generation will follow you and you will have the right to demand the same from those young people as you have demanded from yourself. And thus you must stand strongly on your ground, your earth. And you must be powerful so that this flag will never fall. Germany will remember you with pride as our hearts overflow with joy, and as we realize the meaning of your pledge that our work has not been in vain but that it will bear fruit for our people.
ADOLF HITLER, Reichs Party Day 1934

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20 April 1889 Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau 5 January 1919 Founding of the German Workers Party, predecessor of the NSDAP 16 September 1919 Adolf Hitler became a member of the German Worker's Party 24 February 1920 Announcement of the party program by Adolf Hitler at the Hofbruhaus in Mnchen 29 July 1921 Adolf Hitler became Fhrer of the NSDAP 3 August 1921 The founding of the SA 4 November 1921 Baptism of fire of the SA in Mnchen 14-15 October 1922 German Day of the NSDAP in Coburg 18 November 1922 The NSDAP was forbidden in Prussia 27-29 January 1923 The First Reichs Party Day of the NSDAP in Mnchen 26 May 1923 Albert Leo Schlageter was shot by the French at the Golzheimer Heide near Dsseldorf 8 November 1923 Adolf Hitler called for a national revolution in a speech at the Brgerbrukeller in Mnchen

9 November 1923 The march to the Feldherrnhalle 26 February 1924 The trial of Hitler began in Mnchen 1 April 1924 Proclamation of sentence in the Hitler case 27 February 1925 The refounding of the NSDAP 18 July 1925 The publication of the first volume of Mein Kampf 3- 4 July 1926 The Second Reichs Party Day of the NSDAP in Weimar, and the founding of the Hitler Youth 10 December 1926 The publication of the second volume of Mein Kampf 11 February 1926 Fight in the Pharusslen in Berlin, the start of the battle for Berlin 19-21 August 1927 The Third Reichs Party Day of the NSDAP in Nurnberg 6 January 1929 Heinrich Himmler became Reichsfhrer of the 1-4 August 1929 The Fourth Reichs Party Day of the NSDAP in Nurnberg 14 January 1930 Horst Wessel assaulted

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23 February 1930 Horst Wessel dies of his injuries 5 July 1930 The Reichs Party Leadership moves into the Brown House 15 January 1931 The establishment of the NSBO 1 May 1931 The founding of the Foreign Lands Organization of the NSDAP 1 October 1931 The founding of the National Socialist Women's Association 17-18 October 1931 SA trip to Braunschweig 3 April 1932 Adolf Hitler's first trip by air through Germany 13 April 1932 General Groener forbids the SA and the in Germany 18 April 1932 The founding of the NSV 15 January 1933 The election victory of the NSDAP in Lippe 30 January 1933 Adolf Hitler became Reichs Chancellor. The day of the Assumption of Power 21 March 1933 The Day of Potsdam and the opening there of the new Parliament 19 June 1933 The NSDAP was forbidden in Austria 31 August-3 September 1933 The Fifth Reichs Party Day, Partyday of Victory

13 October 1933 The creation of the Golden Party Badge 27 November 1933 The establishment of the National Socialist association Strength Through Joy 15 March 1934 The awarding of the Blood Order 4- 9 September 1934 The Sixth Reichs Party Day, Triumph of the Will 10-16 September 1935 The Seventh Reichs Party Day, Partyday of Freedom. Groundstone laying for the new Congress Hall. Awarding of NSDAP prizes for art and economics 24 April 1936 The three Ordensburgen of the NSDAP, Crossinsee, Sonthofen and Vogelsang were ordered built by the Fhrer 8-14 September 1936 The Eighth Reichs Party Day, Partyday of Honor 17 April 1937 The founding of the National Socialist Flying Corps 6-13 September 1937 The Ninth Reichs Party Day, Partyday of Labor 5- 12 September 1938 The Tenth Reichs Party Day, Partyday Greater Germany 16 December 1938 Awarding of the Honor Cross of the German Mother 2 April 1939 The Fhrer founded Service Awards of the NSDAP

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Printed as Manuscript Special edition in memory of acceptance in the NSDAP Issued by MAIN CULTURE OFFICE OF THE REICHS PROPAGANDA LEADERSHIP OF THE NSDAP Responsible for assembly and content: HERMANN LIESE All Rights Reserved, reproduction without permission is forbidden All the color pictures are available through the courtesy of the Photographic Office of the Main Propaganda Office of the Reichs Propaganda Leadership. The pictures on pages 47, 49, 63, 67, 87, 89, 97 are taken from the picture book Stieve-Marsani, Neues Deutschland from Heinrich Hoffmann Publishing, Mnchen Photo presentation by: Photographic Office page 30; Friedrich Franz Bauer, Berlin page 79; Photo Service Bittner, Berlin page 92; NSV Photo Archives, Berlin page 58, 61; Presse -Illustration Hoffmann, Berlin pages 19, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 43, 50, 54, 93; Hans Retzlaff, Berlin, page 55; Scherl Photo Service, Berlin pages 52, 69, 71, 91; W. Wiesebach, Berlin page 39; Dr. Paul Wolff & Tritschler, Frankfurt (Main) pages 9, 57, 65 Quotations of the Fhrer on page 6: 1st section: 8 November 1936; 2nd section: 13 September 1935; 3rd section: 19 March 1934 4th section: 10 September 1934 Reproduction and Offset Printing CARL WERNER . REICHENBACH i. V. Offset Printing Book Printing CENTRAL PUBLISHERS FOR THE NSDAP FRANZ EHER SUCCESSORS MUNCHEN 1943

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