Introduction To Molecular Spectros

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Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet


2F4Y: Molecular Structure & Energy Levels
Fundamentals of Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy
Revision Helpsheet
Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Rotational Spectroscopy
Diatomic and Linear Polyatomic Molecules



Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Rotational spectrum requires permanent dipole moment

The spacing between absorption lines in rotational spectra = 2B

Non-Linear polyatomic molecules

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Vibrational Spectroscopy
Diatomic Molecules
Simple harmonic oscillator


Classical frequency of vibration

For the transition to be allowed, the dipole moment of the
molecule must change during the vibration
Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

For the v = 0 1 transition

The absorbed frequency of light equals the classical frequency of
molecular vibration
Anharmonic Oscillator

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

01 Fundamental
13, 02, 03 Overtones
12, 23 Hotbands

is the anharmonicity constant
How to use this equation to calculate frequencies of transitions (ie v

To simplify, divide both sides of the equation by h. Then you can
express a vibrational energy level as a frequency

Calculate v for the higher energy state (E.g. v=1) and then subtract v
for the lower energy state (E.g. v=0)


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Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Polyatomic Molecules
Any polyatomic has 3N (n=co-ordinates) degrees of freedom
For a linear molecule
3 translational degrees of freedom
2 rotational degrees of freedom

Therefore 3N-5 vibrational degrees of freedom remaining
(3x3)-5 = 4 vibrations remaining

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

For a non-linear molecule
3 translational degrees of freedom
3 rotational degrees of freedom

Therefore 3N-6 vibrational degrees of freedom remaining
(3x3)-6 = 3 vibrations remaining

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

If the dipole moment changes in the course of a given vibration, as
the molecule passes through its equilibrium configuration, that
vibration will be active in the infra-red spectrum

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Raman Spectroscopy
Result of scattering rather than absorption
Most of scattered light has the same frequency v as the incident
light v: Rayleigh Scattering: v = v.

Rayleigh Scattering responsible for blue sky and redness of the
sun at dawn and sunset light at blue end of spectra more
effectively scattered than red

Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Raman Stokes:

Raman Anti-Stokes:


If the polarizability changes in the course of a given vibration, as
the molecule passes through its equilibrium configuration, that
vibration will be active in the Raman spectrum
Rotational & Vibrational Spectroscopy, Formula Sheet

Mutual exclusion rule for centrosymmetric molecules
Vibrations allowed in the spectrum are Raman-forbidden and vice
Raman-active modes must be of gerade (g) character
IR-active modes must be of ungerade (u) character

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