08 - Chapter 1
08 - Chapter 1
08 - Chapter 1
molecular symmetry and group theory plays an important role in the structure and
VIS absorption spectroscopy and the types of electronic transitions are given
briefly. In addition, selection rules for IR, Raman, NMR and UV–VIS absorption
spectra are outlined. Various types of force filed with their relative merits and
limitations are dealt briefly. The concept of group frequency and the factors
the matter relaxes back to its original (ground) state. The spectrum of radiation
about the molecular composition, structure and interactions within a sample. These
techniques measure vibrational energy levels that are associated with the chemical
bonds in the sample. The sample spectrum is unique, like a fingerprint and
Currently, this technique has become more popular when compared with other
change in the dipole moment of the molecule during the course of vibration.
moment occurs, and a field which is established can interact with the electric field
it is important that the dipole moment at one extreme of the vibration must be
different from the dipole moment at the other extreme of the vibration in a
molecule [1].
It has been noted that the covalent bonds of molecules are not rigid, but are
like stiff springs that can be stretched and bent. Transitions between vibrational
stretch (compress) a bond than to bend it. The transition probability of infrared
absorption is given by
1 2
a k (t )a k (t ) 2 m k E0 2t.
ℏ (1.1)
from its equilibrium length [2]. Hence, the dipole moment can be expanded as a
The zero order of the expansion makes the integral non-zero only for m = k, so no
transition is taking place. For the second term, due to the orthogonality of the wave
addition, a change in the dipole moment connected with the vibration is necessary
m k 0 if 0 for k = m + 1. (1.3)
Hence, it is evident that not all molecular vibrations lead to observable infrared
moment within a molecule to absorb IR light. The greater this change, the stronger
where is the dipole moment in the electronic ground state, is the vibrational
eigenfunction, ' and ' are the vibrational quantum numbers of the states before
and after transition, respectively, and Qa is the normal coordinate whose activity to
be determined. The dipole moment can be resolved into three components in the x,
y and z directions, as
x ' '' ' Qa x '' Qa dQa , (1.5)
z ' '' ' Qa z '' Qa dQa . (1.7)
For the vibrations to be infrared active, at least one of the components of the
derivative of the dipole moment with respect to the normal coordinate taken the
vibrations. The Raman effect can be understood by considering the light scattering
process as collision of photons of the incident light with the molecules. The
photons may be elastically scattered, where the photons neither gain nor lose
energy in their collision with the molecules. This gives rise to the phenomenon of
inelastic. They may induce the molecules to undergo a transition to a higher energy
level with a result that the photons lose energy and are scattered with a lower
state, on collision with photons, they may undergo a transition to a lower energy
level in which case the photons are scattered with increased frequency. The Raman
line on the low- and high-frequency sides of the Rayleigh line are called stokes and
anti-stokes line, respectively. The scattered phonons have frequency shifts (10–
These weak lines of modified frequencies are generally referred to as the Raman
lines [3].
Raman effect. The schematic energy level diagram is shown in Figure 1.1. The
interaction of a photon of the incident beam with the molecule in its ground
electronic and vibrational state (V = 0), may momentarily raise the molecule to a
time dependent quasi-excited electronic state (or a virtual state) whose height is
above the initial energy level. Virtual states are those in which the molecule has a
very short mean lifetime and, hence the uncertainty in energy is large according to
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In the case of stokes line, the molecule at the
ground electronic state (V = 0) is excited to the virtual electronic state and then
radiates light in all directions except along the direction of the incident light [5].
remain with the scattering species and there will be a decrease in the frequency of
is equal to the sum of the energy of the incident photon and the energy difference
photon and attaining the virtual state may leave the unstable electronic state and
return to the ground electronic state. In this case, scattered photon has the same
energy as the incident radiation and the result is Rayleigh scattering [1,2].
Figure 1.1 Energy levels involved in Rayleigh and Raman scattering.
polarizability of the molecule during its vibration. This change can be considered
as being a change in the shape of the electron cloud surrounding the molecule
molecule, some of these vibrations may not produce any change in polarizability
and the corresponding normal frequencies are not observed. Such vibrations are
then be used to determine the molecular configuration. There are various chemical
problems, which have been successfully solved with the help of Raman spectra.
The advent of laser has revolutionizes Raman spectroscopy. Today, with the
spectroscopy has been developed as an extremely useful tool for material
The selection rule for the Raman spectrum is determined by the integral:
' '' ' * Qa '' Qa dQa . (1.8)
integral should be non-zero. If all the integrals are zero, the vibration is said to be
selection rules are said forbidden, which means they may occur, in practice, but
with low probabilities. All the transitions may not be active in both IR and Raman
spectra. Some may be active in IR while inactive in Raman or vice versa. Some of
centre of symmetry, Raman active transitions are IR inactive and IR active modes
ground electronic state. The methods are complementary, which follows from the
nature of the phenomena on which they are based. The complementarity of infrared
and Raman spectroscopy results from the different selection rules which determine
infrared and/or Raman spectrum. If the vibration causes a change in the dipole
moment, which occurs when the vibration changes the symmetry of the charge
of the molecule (If the molecule has a centre of symmetry, a vibration which is
active in the infrared spectrum is inactive in the Raman spectrum and vice versa.
This rule is called the rule of mutual exclusion) If the molecule does not possess a
between the selection rules of both effects are related to the behavior of an
reliability from some general rules. Non-polar or slightly polar groups tend to have
strong Raman lines, whereas strongly polar groups show strong IR absorption.
Overtones and combinational bands are stronger in the IR than in the Raman
spectrum. In addition, there is a long list of relations for specific types of vibrations
Force constant is used as a basis for probing the nature of chemical bonds
Badger, it is possible to calculate the inter-atomic distances by force constants
[15]. The other important molecular constants can be evaluated from force
The electrons are binding with nuclei together by electrostatic energy and
the energy changes thus gives the “force field”. The force constant depends on the
bond order and the mass of atoms. For the absolute intensity studies, force fields
are used to identify the normal coordinates associated with each vibrational
frequency. Infrared and Raman intensities have been used along with force
derivatives [16].
atoms has 3n degrees of freedom. For a nonlinear molecule, three of the degrees of
freedom describe rotation and three describe translation; the remaining 3n–6
molecule, there is no rotation about the bond axis consequently two degrees of
freedom are required to describe the rotation. Hence a linear molecule has 3n–5
freedom possessed by the molecule. For each normal vibration, every atom
performs a simple harmonic motion with the same characteristic frequency. The
(3n–6)/(3n–5) vibrations are called the internal vibrations or fundamental
atoms has n–1 bonds, out of the (3n–6)/(3n–5) vibrations, (n–1) would be the bond
5) will rarely be observed because overtones and combination tones increase the
5) Certain vibrational bands do not appear in the infrared region due to lack of
group theory concept is useful in the determination of their normal vibrations and
spectra [18–21]. A very important property of the normal vibrations is that they
The normal coordinates and the vibrational wave functions can be classified
internal atomic motions in which all the atoms move in phase and with the same
frequency but different amplitudes. The amplitude and direction of each atom may
normal modes of vibration, the normal coordinates and the vibrational wave
operations of the point group symmetry of the molecule in its mean position. For
degenerate normal mode of vibration, the symmetry operation will transform the
harmonic motion of certain mass and force constant, and can vibrate independently
without exciting any other mode for small amplitude motion. The number of
Raman depends upon its molecular symmetry. Thus, the number of vibrational
and position. Its importance in many theoretical problems in chemistry and physics
system [22].
determine the allowed and forbidden transitions. The symmetry of a rigid system is
which moves the nuclear framework into a position equivalent to the original one.
All the axes and planes of symmetry of a molecule must intersect at least at
one common point [23]. Thus, the symmetry operation performed on molecule
must leave at least one point unaffected. Such groups of operations are called point
groups. In a point group, the symmetry of space about a point is uniquely described
by a collection of symmetry elements about that point. Point groups are used to
observed that the presence of certain groups, for example C–H, O–H, N–H, C=O,
absorption bands in the infrared spectra whose positions are only slightly altered
on going from one compound to another. The atomic group vibrates independent of
the other groups in the molecule and has its own frequency. These frequencies are
called characteristic group frequencies [24]. The vibration of the group is assumed
bond changes with its electronic structure, consequently small shifts in the
vibrational frequency and this enable us to gather more information about the
established. The general technique of assigning new group frequencies begins with
large molecules. If certain vibrations retain fairly constant spectral positions, they
Frequency shifts generally result from mechanical or electronic effects.
Mechanical effects arise from changes in mass or from coupling of the vibrations.
They do not affect the force constant of the bond. Electronic effects such as
inductive, conjugative, and other effects probably control the vibrations by altering
the force constants. The electronic effects are generally transmitted through
chemical bonds. In some instances, steric effects may occur, resulting in either
(field effect).
it is usually impossible to isolate one effect from another. Each molecular group is
[25,26]. Some of the important factors which are responsible for shifting the
vibrational frequencies of certain groups from their normal value are discussed
The energy of a vibration and thus the wavelength of its absorption peak
may be influenced by other vibrations in the molecule [27]. The degree of coupling
3. Interaction is at the peak when the coupled groups have individual
5. Coupling occurs when the vibrations are of the same symmetric species.
Hydrogen bonding can occur in any system containing a proton donor (X–
H) and a proton acceptor (Y), if the s-orbital of the proton can effectively overlap
the p- or π-orbital of the acceptor group. Atoms X and Y are electronegative with
donor groups are hydroxyl amine or amide group and common proton acceptor
atoms are oxygen, nitrogen and halogens. The strength of the hydrogen bond is at
its maximum, if the proton donor group and the axis of the lone pair orbital are
collinear. The force constant of both the groups X and Y is altered as a result of
increased intensity and band widening. The X–H bending vibration usually shifts
hydrogen bonds are formed by the interaction of proton donor and acceptor, which
to sharp and well-defined bonds, whereas intermolecular hydrogen results in a
This phenomenon may occur when two vibrational transitions have same energy
association, various internal factors like electronic structure of the carbonyl group,
etc., may influence the vibrational frequency. The nature of the substituent group X
C=O stretching by inductive and mesomeric effects. Inductive effect arises due to
the different electronegativities of the carbonyl carbon and of the substituent group
The mesomeric effect includes electrons in the π and non-bonding orbitals and it
operates, in general, opposite to that of inductive effect [28]. These effects cannot
be isolated from one another and the contribution of one of them can only be
estimated approximately.
arise due to the absorption of energy by the molecule in the ultraviolet region and
Figure 1.2 Regions of the electronic spectrum and corresponding types of transitions.
the molecule. The energy differences between electronic energy levels in most
molecules vary from 125 to 650 kJ/mol. When a molecule absorbs energy an
potential energy. Generally, the most probable transition is from the Highest
and the structure of the compound. The amount of light absorbed by the sample is
where A is the absorbance, I0 is the intensity of light incident upon the sample cell,
I is the intensity of light leaving the sample cell, c is the molar concentration of
solute, l is the length of the sample cell and ε the molar absorptivity. The term log
undergoing an electronic transition. The size of the absorbing system and the
probability of electronic transition will control the absorptivity, which ranges from
0 to 106 [33].
The Beer–Lambert law is strictly obeyed when a single species give rise to
the observed absorption. The law may not be obeyed, due to the molecular
The conditions for occurrence of transitions between the energy levels are
called selection rules. The most important requirement is that the electron must be
involve a change in the spin quantum number are not allowed to take place, they
are forbidden transitions. One more condition is, the transition of electron occurs if
The ultraviolet absorption bands are associated with the chemical bonds
orbital). The lowest energy occupied molecular orbitals are the σ-orbitals, which
corresponds to σ-bonds. The π-orbitals have quite higher energy levels and holds
unshared pairs. The non-bonding (n) orbitals are very higher energy levels. The
Electronic energy levels and transitions are shown in Figure 1.3. Thus, the
designated as π → π*.
σ* Unoccupied levels
n→σ* n→π*
such as alkanes provides σ → σ* transitions with λmax around 190 nm. The
saturated compounds with one heteroatom with unshared pair of electrons such as
such as oxygen or nitrogen may also undergo n → π* transition. These perhaps the
most interesting, particularly among carbonyl compounds. These transitions are
auxochromes, the resonance interaction of lone pair with the double bond increases
the length of the conjugated system. The exact position and intensity of the
absorption band of the conjugated system can be correlated with the extent of
place due to the overlap of C–H bonding orbitals with the π system [37].
The choice of solvent can shift the peaks to longer or shorter wavelengths.
This will depend on the nature of the interaction of the particular solvent with the
structure of the absorption spectrum. A non-polar solvent does not affect the fine
structure of the spectrum as it does not make hydrogen bond with chromophore.
Whereas polar solvents definitely influence the fine structure of the spectrum due
Using the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, the energy of a molecule in
one of its eigenstates can be written as the sum of four terms which correspond to
where Etransl is the energy of the translation of the molecule, Eelec the
electronic energy, Evib the contribution of the vibrations of the atoms or atomic
groups and Erot that of the rotation of the complete molecule. Because the
translational motion is not of interest, the Etransl term can be neglected. In addition,
Erot can be disregarded, because rotational transitions are not resolved in condensed
The photons can interact with the molecules in three different ways: by absorption,
emission and scattering. Absorption takes place if the photon energy corresponds
to the difference between two energy eigenlevels of the molecule. The molecules
are excited to a higher energy level when they absorb light. The type of excitation
depends on the wavelength of this light (λ) [38]. For example, with UV and visible
light (200–700 nm) electrons are promoted to higher orbitals, with infrared light
(1000 nm–2.5 µm) vibrations are excited, and with far-IR and microwaves (25
Emission occurs when the excited molecules decay to lower energy levels
emitting a photon whose energy corresponds to the difference between two energy
levels of the molecule. If the transition is between states with the same spin, the
emission is called fluorescence, if they have different spin, the emission is called
phosphorescence. Also scattering of the irradiated light can occur but with less
probability. The energy of the scattered photon does not correspond to the
difference between two energy levels of the molecule. If the interaction is elastic, it
is called Rayleigh scattering, if inelastic, Raman scattering [39]. This process takes
light: (a) UV–VIS absorption/emission, (b) IR absorption and (c) Raman scattering
Figure 1.4 Comparisons of the different interactions of molecules with light: (a)
UV–VIS absorption/emission, (b) IR absorption and (c) Raman scattering.
Transitions between energy levels of the molecular system can occur with
initial and the final molecular state is non-zero. For light scattering, the
light absorption measurements in the UV–VIS and IR region. This law relates the
decrease in the intensity of the radiation as it penetrates a distance dl in an
absorbing sample, and reads
The absorption band for a given transition usually extends over a range of
I0 1 I0 1
ln ln ( ) Xl log log ' ( ) Xl
where I0 is the intensity of the radiation before and I after passing through the
sample, T = I/I0 is the transmittance, and A the absorbance, which is given in units
tool for chemical structure determination [40]. In NMR, the local environment and
properties of atomic nuclei are probed by inducing transitions between nuclear spin
resonance lines in the spectrum. Several parameters associated with NMR helps in
constants helps to establish connectivity between the different chemical
nucleus is
1 ħ, (1.14)
where I = 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2…. are spin quantum numbers and ћ is reduced Plank’s
constant. All nuclei with I > 0 have magnetic dipole moment µ, which is collinear
µ = γP, (1.15)
where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio of the observed nucleus. When the nuclei is
placed in magnetic field (B0) the nuclei makes precessional motion about the
applied field (B0). The frequency of precession is known as the Larmor or resonant
frequency (ω0) and depends on the type of nuclei and strength of applied magnetic
ω0 = γ B0. (1.16)
presence of an applied external magnetic field. One with its magnetic moment
along the field direction and other opposite the field direction. The two orientations
∆E = E2–E1 = νћB0 = ћω0. (1.17)
At room temperature, there are a slightly greater number of aligned nuclei than the
E2 = -1/2νħB0
B0 = 0 ∆E = νħB0
E1 = +1/2νħB0
two energy states when an electromagnetic wave is applied to the nuclei in the
oscillating exciting field (B1) will be generated by irradiating the sample with a
short pulse of radio frequency (RF) perpendicular to the main field (B0). As a
result, the nuclei will be subjected to a processional motion about a new effective
field Beff, which is the sum of B0 and B1. Thus, Larmor precession of the transverse
current in the receiver coil. When the RF pulse is removed, the precessions tend
to decay back to the equilibrium state by relaxation process T1 and T2. This is
a mathematical treatment using Fourier transform (FT) function, the FID data
method [42].
1.8.2. Chemical shift
Nuclear magnetic resonance has great utility, because not all the protons in
anisotropy, each proton in a molecule is shielded from the applied magnetic field
to an extent that depends on the electron density surrounding it. Each proton in a
slightly different resonance frequency [42]. The position of the resonance signal
for a molecule is shifted relative to the reference signal is termed as chemical shift
The variation in chemical shifts may arise due to the following factors:
in a molecule can oppose or reinforce the applied field. As a result, the resonance
local shielding. In aromatic compounds, the secondary field set up the induced
not directly associated with the π electrons. Due to this, additional shielding or
1.8.4 Spin–spin Coupling
may cause the splitting of the lines in the NMR spectrum. This is known as spin–
spin coupling that occurs through bonds by means of a marginal unpairing of the
techniques are making a contribution to many areas of science. Perhaps the most
interesting areas are in materials science and in biomedical research where the
applications, both on- and offline are also receiving attention [45]. The use of
Various spectroscopic techniques were used for the present work, the
next chapter.
[5]. S.D. Ross, Inorganic Infrared and Raman Spectra, McGraw-Hill, London,
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[31]. M.J.K. Thomas, D.J. Ando, Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy, John
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[38]. Lambert, H.F. Shurvell, L. Verbit, R.G. Cooks, G.H. Stout, Organic
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[40]. J. T. Arnold, S.S. Dharmatti, M.E. Packard, J. Chem. Phys., 19 (1951) 507.
[41]. E.D. Becker, High Resolution NMR: Theory and Chemical Applications,
Third Edition, Academic press, San Diego, 2000.
[43]. H. Gunther, NMR spectroscopy, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1995.
[44]. J.K.M. Sanders, B.M. Hunter, Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Guide for
Chemists, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1993.