Electropolishing Workbook

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The document discusses various metal surface improvement techniques including deburring, microfinishing, ultracleaning, passivating, sizing and de-stressing.

Some benefits of electropolishing include improved surface finish, size control, removal of flaws and stresses from the metal surface.

Electropolishing helps reduce metal fatigue by removing surface stresses and stress concentrators within the top 0.001 inches of metal and making the surface more uniform.


for Solutions
to Metal
table of contents

Technical Summary....................................Page 3

Deburring................................................ Page 4-5

Microfinishing...........................................Page 6-7

Ultracleaning............................................Page 8-9

Able BriteSM Passivating..............................Page 10-11

Sizing......................................................Page 12-13

De-Stressing..............................................Page 14-15

Access America’s
Largest Metal
technical summary Databank
Commercial applications for electropolishing have been in use since the early 1950’s. www.ableelectropolishing.com
Most formal research on the process occurred at that time, motivated by the growth
and sophistication in electroplating technology. Today there are about 500 industrial
installations nationwide, and perhaps several dozen electropolishing job shops.

Electropolishing is often referred to as a “reverse plating” process. Electrochemical in o-Inch Finish

clean and Micr

nature, electropolishing uses a combination of rectified current and a blended chemi- #1006 Brite Ultra

cal electrolyte bath to remove flaws from the surface of a metal part.

The typical electropolishing installation

is deceptively similar to a plating line. A Power
Source Rack
power source converts AC current to DC with Parts
at low voltages. A tank typically fabricat- #1040 Brite

ed from steel and rubber-lined is used to

rite Ultracle

hold the chemical bath. A series of lead,

copper or stainless steel cathode plates Cathode
are lowered into the bath and installed to Polishing
the negative (-) side of the power source. A
part or group of parts is fixtured to a rack
made of titanium, copper or bronze. That
rack in turn is fixtured to the positive (+) ite Passi
#1039 Br
side of the power source.

As the adjoining illustration depicts, the

metal part is charged positive (anodic)
and immersed into the chemical bath.
When current is applied, the electrolyte
acts as a conductor to allow metal ions to
be removed from the part. While the ions
are drawn toward the cathode, the elec-
trolyte maintains the dissolved metals in
solution. Gassing in the form of oxygen
occurs at the metal surface, furthering the
cleansing process.

Once the process is completed, the part is • Click on:

run through a series of cleaning and dry- The Learning Center
ing steps to remove clinging electrolyte.
The resultant surface is clean and bright. In fact, the bright surface is the most iden- • Browse through our
tifiable trait . . . the one that helped coin the process name: Electropolishing.
case histories
While the process is best known for the bright polish left on a surface, there are some We update our learning center
important, often overlooked benefits of this metal removal method. These benefits daily for up-to-the-minute access
include deburring, size control, microfinish improvement and others. These metal
to our technologies
improvement benefits offer great promise to design and production engineers for cost
savings and product improvement.

Although the process is roughly 54 years old, substantial refinements have taken
place. Many electrolytes have been developed to allow for electropolishing of a
broad range of metals. These newer electrolytes, together with advanced parts
PHONE (888)868-2900
handling techniques have combined to improve production yields on a wide range
of metal products. FAX (773)277-1655
The electropolishing process is well-suited for deburring. During the process, the transfer of metal ions
occurs most rapidly on corners or edges of metal parts. Current density or concentration of electro-chemi-
cal power is greatest at high points, just as lightening is drawn to tall trees and buildings. This helps explain
why plating builds metal faster on an edge or burr, while electropolishing (the “reverse” of plating) removes
metal fastest at these points.

Properly controlled, the process can remove burrs from incred-

ibly complex or fragile parts that do not lend themselves to
conventional tumbling or vibratory finishing techniques. The
process is best suited for parts having fine blanking, milling,
broaching, lapping or grinding burrs. Since electropolishing is
non-mechanical, it is important to note that the hardness of
a metal part has no bearing on the burr removal. The process
works equally well on a fully annealed or hardened part. This
is one reason why electropolishing is often specified as a final
deburring and finishing process after all fabrication and heat
treating processes.

The fact that electropolishing is a non-distorting process is

often overlooked. Many metal parts produced today have
critical microfinishes or are made from lighter, more fragile
materials. In those cases, mass finishing techniques such as
tumbling or vibra-finishing create distortion or warping, and
can nick or scratch fine finishes. Electropolished parts are
never subjected to stress from polishing media nor are they
impinged or tumbled onto each other.

It is important to note that burr removal is limited to burr sizes of .005" or less depending on the compo-
nent. Larger burrs produced in rough milling or displaced metal from drilling operations often need pre-
treatment using other methods. In addition, heavy die break burrs caused by improper tooling maintenance
are difficult to remove with electropolishing alone.

DEBURRING CASE STUDY 1 After Electropolishing

The part in the photo at right was made from tool steel. The entire
outside surface was milled to produce a series of teeth used to grab
a plastic strip and pull it through an assembly. In production, it was
discovered that the teeth acted more like fish hooks; the burrs left on
the teeth prevented extraction from the plastic strip, and the product
got wound around the assembly.

One of the teeth, here magnified to 200X, shows clearly the burrs
and displaced metal left from the multiple milling operations. The
goal here was to remove the burrs on the surface without reducing
the effectiveness of the teeth, nor weakening them.

We Serve
The same part was electropolished,
removing .00075" from each sur- Food Processing
face. This was found to be ideal Pharmaceutical
after experimenting with different
amounts of material removal. At the Automotive
same 200X magnification, the burrs Electronics
are totally removed, with the tip of
the tooth actually sharpened. Note Semiconductor
the natural porosity of the material Dental
exposed when the surface skin was
removed. Appliance
DEBURRING CASE STUDY 2 Surgical tubing
The parts in the photo are made
from beryllium copper and used in Stampings
an automotive pump application.
Burrs along the part were creating
problems in both assembly and test- Drawings
ing. The parts were submitted for
Investment Castings
electropolishing in a lead frame con-
dition, with 4 pieces per strip. After High Vacuum
electropolishing, the parts were bro- Components
ken out for assembly.
Pure Gas Delivery
Burrs, Die
Clinging Debris Break Begins Medical Cutting
Under 80X magnification, the burr Instruments
problem is clearly identified. As the Food Processing Blades
blanking die began cutting through
the beryllium copper material, the Beryllium
cut was clean and uniform. As the Copper Switches
die progressed past the halfway Hard Disk Drive
point in the material, the copper Components
began to shear or break away. This
“die break” became more evident Specialty
Sanitary Fittings
towards the end of the cutting pro-
cess, leaving a string of burrs along Gears, Splines and Shafts
one side of the part.
Paper Feed Components
Direction of Die
Automotive Trim
The photo at right depicts the same
Fuel Injector Nozzles
surfaces after electropolishing. The
concentration of current allowed Ball Valves
for greater material removal on the
Precision Dental Instruments
burrs and heavy die break, leaving
most other surfaces lightly electrop-
olished. Stock removal had to be pre-
cise to remove the burr with mini-
mal change in other critical dimen-
sions. The parts were left totally PHONE (888)868-2900
clean and ready for assembly. FAX (773)277-1655
5 www.ableelectropolishing.com
In assemblies where contact to metal surfaces is
critical, improvement of that metal surface becomes
important. Virtually all metalworking operations
including cutting, stamping, welding and forming
serve to roughen a metal surface. When that metal
surface is then forced to work in critical sealing or
friction zones, product performance often suffers.

One of the traditional instruments used to mea-

sure surface roughness is the profilometer. The
profilometer, using a diamond stylus to record the
irregularities of the surface, usually gives a readout
in microinches or micrometers. This quantifies
the roughness of the surface with a larger number
indicating a rougher surface. Electropolishing typi-
cally reduces these microinch values by 50%, i.e. a
16 microinch surface before electropolishing will be
improved to an 8 microinch afterward.

The illustration at right depicts a typical cross-sec-

tioned metal surface. The electropolishing process Before Electropolishing
allows for a concentration of current in the peaks of
a surface, thereby reducing microscopic peaks and
causing a leveling action. By reducing the surface
peaks, the microfinish values are reduced as well.

After Electropolishing

In general terms, electropolishing when properly

Microinch Improvement at Various Stock Removals
applied can reduce microfinish values by 50% with
a removal of .0005" from each surface. This chart
clearly shows that maximum benefit is achieved in
this area, and that removing much more metal does
not improve surface finish.
Microinch Value

It is important to note that electropolishing is

best suited for improving microfinish values on
complex or fragile parts. Many other microfinish
improvement methods such as grinding, lapping or
harperizing are not suitable on multi-faceted parts
or fragile stampings.

Total Stock Removal (inches)

microfinishing case study your part—
Many medical components are
electropolished for improvement of
surface finish. The parts on the right
Will our process lower your
are made from 410 stainless steel, and production costs and/or
heat treated for hardness. The cutting improve quality? You’ll never
teeth are ground. The part required know unless you try, and we
both an improvement in the micro- make experimentation easy on
finish as well as a general cleaning to
remove heat discoloration and light
you and your budget.
heat treat scale.

Cutting Blade
1. Download our
Tips transmittal form
These photos show the ground cut-
from our website.
ting teeth looking downward. At 45X
magnification, the grinding marks 2. Send us your
and some clinging debris are clear-
ly evident. With .0007 of material sample part.
removal, the majority of the grinding
marks are “blended”, while retaining Package your sample
a great portion of the cutting edge. part in a handy carton.
Include details on the alloy
and problem you are
Include a blueprint
Ground  Surface
if available.

3. We’ll electropolish
At 300X, the ground edge is fur-
it—at no charge!
ther magnified to show the grinding
marks and hanging burrs. The finish
We normally process samples
is approximately 16 microinch. After in 24-48 hours, so you’ll have
electropolishing, the grinding marks your part back in a hurry for
are reduced substantially, though still your testing and evaluation.
evident. Note that metal removal
was better concentrated on the lead-
ing edge, completely removing the
burrs and providing a smoother sur-
face. Though difficult to measure, the
finish is approximately 8 microinch.
The final finish was clean, free of
chemicals, scale and oxides.

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FAX (773)277-1655
Perhaps the best known application for elec-
tropolishing is in the area of decorative finish-
ing. While the bright finish is the trademark of
electropolishing, the key benefits of the surface
cleansing are much more than “good looks”.
Since the process removes surface metal, vir-
tually all surface impurities are removed as
well. Imbedded scale, rust, foreign debris, oils,
grinding compounds and other materials are
removed as the base material is dissolved.
While the resultant surface is not technically
“pure” it is left at or near original mill specifi-
cations, ready for final assembly or plating.

An electropolished part has the following


Chemically Clean
Since there are no grease-based polishing com-
pounds or media that provide the polishing
action, electropolished components are free
of residual dust and contamination. This is
especially important for parts used in vacuum,
medical or pure gas/water delivery systems. Electropolished parts are often ready for final assembly in
standard or clean room environments with no additional cleaning or preparation.

Unlike paints, plating or teflon coatings, an electropolished surface does not peel or abrade. This is espe-
cially important where particles from coating abrasion can cause equipment malfunction or other hazards.
Typical areas include food or pharmaceutical processing, high vacuum assemblies, pure gas/water systems
and critical switch assemblies.

An electropolished finish can be uniformly applied on complex or fragile parts that do not lend them-
selves to other finishing methods. There is no effect on surface hardness and no stresses are introduced
to the part.

Stain/Corrosion Resistant
Since electropolishing removes imbedded impurities and smooths a metal surface, the resulting finish is
more resistant to corrosion, tarnish or oxidation. These properties are especially evident on stainless steel,
but also found on carbon steel, brass, aluminum and copper. While all these alloys are more resistant, we
do not routinely recommend electropolishing as a substitute for coatings designed to protect a metal part
in harsh environments.

Improved Weldability
In critical spot weldments, electropolished components are more conductive. The improved conductivity
allows better, stronger welds at lower voltage. In other welding or brazing operations, electropolished sur-
faces generally weld more readily with less weld splatter and surface damage.

Ultracleaning case study Workshop
This part is fabricated from a beryllium/
nickel alloy, used in a switch application.
The ribs are cut by wire EDM, formed to
shape, followed by heat treat. The cus-
tomer was looking to remove surface and
imbedded contamination from both the
EDM process and subsequent handling.

We have staff dedicated to con-

ducting engineering workshops
around the country to provide
100x Before a valuable learning session for
your engineering staff.

• Technical Sessions
• Focused on engineering
and manufacturing of metal
500x Before parts
• Case history driven
Under 100X and then 500X magnification, the delicate ribs show obvious contamination, • Customized to your
burrs, and recast materials on all sides and edges. Because of the soft alloy and very criti- company or industry
cal shaping, this part did not lend itself to any mechanical cleaning for fear of warping or • We come to your location
distortion. Additionally, critical dimensions eliminated the possibility of chemical etching,
which often has widely varying stock removals. • Our program normally
concludes in 2 hours
including time for group
100x After
How to Get Started:
• Contact Dave Pokvitis at:

• You will be contacted

to discuss logistics and
scheduling options.
500x After

By carefully controlling material removal, all critical surfaces were completely cleaned of
surface and sub-surface contamination. The amorphous layer was removed as well, expos-
ing the true base metal. In this and similar cases, electropolished parts will pass strict clean PHONE (888)868-2900
room standards. Additionally, in high stress/high cycle switch applications, the removal of
stress cracks extends product life (see case histories in de-stressing).
FAX (773)277-1655
BRITESM Passivating
One of the fastest growing applications for the process is to enhance corrosion resistance on a wide variety
of metal alloys, specifically stainless steel. Electropolishing is fast becoming a replacement process for a
long established treatment: Passivation.

Passivation is a chemical process that has been used for years to help restore contaminated stainless steel
to original corrosion specifications. Passivation is routinely specified by engineers because of the many
sources of contamination. The intent of passivation is to create a chromium rich surface that is resistant
to corrosion. However, the process originally was proceeded by a pre-cleaning process known as pickling.
Prior to the 1970’s, “pickle and passivate” was a two-step process. The pickling solution made up of a very
hazardous hydrofluoric acid was used to dissolve imbedded steel flecks and other impurities. The pas-
sivation solution was then used to create a corrosion resistant film. It was the combination of these two
processes that allowed stainless steel to resist corrosion.

With the passage of the Clean Water Act and subsequent changes
in OSHA regulations, virtually all companies have dropped the
pickling process, while maintaining passivation baths. And while
pickling has slowly disappeared from American industry, corro-
sion problems on stainless have correspondently increased.

The electropolishing process has long been a substitute for the

“pickle and passivate” specification. Since the process removes
surface metal, all surface impurities are removed as well. Heavily
contaminated surfaces such as machined parts, welded or brazed
assemblies or other components that typically respond poorly to
passivation alone are good candidates for electropolishing. Unlike
pickling or passivation, all stainless alloys including the 400 series,
precipitating grades, 303 and 416 stainless steel can be processed
without distortion, flash attack or hydrogen embrittlement.

Just as electropolishing is used to enhance corrosion resistance

on stainless steel, it offers corrosion resistance on other alloys as
well. Many companies use the process to delay or retard the cor-
rosion properties of copper, brass, aluminum and carbon steels. On
these and other alloys, the removal of surface skin and impurities
enhances the corrosion resistant properties of the component. For
components needing light corrosion resistance that cannot afford an
expensive plating operation, electropolishing may be a solution.

Several popular grades of stainless steel cannot be passivated due to

low levels of chromium and nickel. When these stainless steels are
passivated by routine methods, the resultant flash attack actually
weakens the base material and does irreparable damage to the part.

The parts pictured on the right are made from type 303 stainless
steel. After a series of machining operations, the parts needed to be
de-contaminated to remove imbedded steel and other impurities.

Under 40X magnification using the scanning electron microscope,

you can see the passivated part is actually rougher, due to the
chemical attack of the 303 stainless steel by normal passivation.
In contrast, the Brite passivated part is smooth and clean. By care-
fully monitoring the amount and rate of metal removal, Brite
passivation dissolves the surface skin and its impurities, including
impinged steel flecks and other contaminants.

We Serve
brite passivating case study Food Processing
This assembly is used in a fluid
measuring system. Made from Automotive
a combination of brass and 304 Electronics
stainless steel, the tube is press-fit
and brazed into the brass body. Semiconductor
Subjected to use in a variety of cor- Dental
rosive environments, the stainless
finish needed to be both chemi- Appliance
cally clean and highly resistant to
corrosion. Since the brazing opera-
tion itself is a potential contribu- Products
tor to corrosion, the part had to be Processed
finished as an assembly.
Surgical tubing
Imbedded Fasteners
Under 45X magnification, the end Forgings
of the tube with laser-cut through
hole is pictured. The surface Drawings
under this magnification is quite Investment Castings
irregular, with various surface
imperfections and imbedded High Vacuum
particles. A sizable burr and loose Components
fragments of material are located Pure Gas Delivery
at the hole area. Components
Medical Cutting
Food Processing Blades
Laser-Cut Hole Copper Switches
Hard Disk Drive
After electropolishing, all imbed- Specialty
ded impurities, loose burrs, and Sanitary Fittings
virtually all surface blemishes are
removed. By removing both for- Gears, Splines and Shafts
eign debris and sub-surface cracks, Paper Feed Components
corrosion is delayed beyond stan-
dard mill specifications. The part Automotive Trim
was left without residual coatings Fuel Injector Nozzles
and ready for final assembly.
Ball Valves
Precision Dental Instruments

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FAX (773)277-1655
11 www.ableelectropolishing.com
In the past several years, advancements have been made in electropolishing technology that has allowed
metal removal to be controlled to within .0001". This control over stock removal together with the ability
of the process to work on complex geometries has opened new applications in part sizing. On complex
or fragile components where final sizing is difficult or expensive, electropolishing can be an economical
procedure. Sizing can be of special importance in the following areas:

Scrap Recovery
Parts made oversize by operator
or machine error, growth from
heat treating or other unexpect-
ed cause can be brought to fin-
ish size with electropolishing.
While secondary grinding, lap-
ping or other processes are often
used to reduce an oversize part,
most of these processes are use-
less once a part is in finished
form or already hardened. Sizing
can be performed regardless of
hardness and the process will
preserve most part geometries.
Bores or holes can be enlarged
while simultaneously reducing
thicknesses on other surfaces or

Many parts are sized through electropolishing. Virtually all alloys including carbon steel,
Production Sizing brass, aluminum, copper, Inconel, Monel, Hastelloy, molybdenum and stainless steel are
Many fragile stampings or successfully electropolished.
machined parts do not fit into
traditional sizing operations
because of the potential of dam-
age, special tooling or introduction of surface stresses or contaminants. Parts requiring critical final sizing
that do not fit well under these circumstances are excellent candidates for electropolishing. In addition,
short lots or prototype runs are often sized economically as compared to secondary machining or grinding
operations where long lead times or high set-up costs are a concern.

Material Reduction
High tolerance stampings or blankings made from special ordered raw material should be considered. In
these cases, the extraordinary costs and lead times in getting special thickness material can be avoided
by ordering standard gauge material slightly thicker than final requirements. The parts can be blanked or
formed as normal, and electropolished to final thickness. The reduced material costs and delivery times of
the standard material often more than cover the cost of the electropolishing operation.

Special Machining
Parts requiring unique or special tapering, precise weight control or simultaneous deburring and sizing are
often electropolished. The process is well-suited for bringing special “matched set” components to specific
size or weight often at less cost than other traditional metal removal processes.

sizing case study Workshop
This is an end view at 75X of a surgi-
cal tube used in open heart surgery.
The tube is press-fit into an analytical
instrument during surgery and later
disposed. The parts were previously
purchased from specially ordered .0235
walled 304 stainless steel. While the
special thickness material itself was
expensive and hard to get, the burrs
produced by the cutting operation also
added to the problems of maintaining
proper sizing in production.
75x Before
We have staff dedicated to con-
Cutting ducting engineering workshops
.025 around the country to provide
a valuable learning session for
The tubes were made from standard your engineering staff.
.025 material and .0015" was removed.
The removal of the .0015" provided • Technical Sessions
final sizing of the tube wall, and at the
same time removed all burrs, clinging • Focused on engineering
material and foreign debris. The tubes and manufacturing of metal
were left totally clean and ready for parts
clean room purifying and assembly.
• Case history driven
• Customized to your
company or industry
Thickness 75x After • We come to your location
• Our program normally
concludes in 2 hours
including time for group

How to Get Started:

• Contact Dave Pokvitis at:

• You will be contacted

to discuss logistics and
scheduling options.

PHONE (888)868-2900
FAX (773)277-1655
On metal components subject to high stress and/or high cycle duties, surface finishing becomes a critical
manufacturing step. Virtually all fabrication processes including forming, grinding and so forth create a
wide range of compressive, tensile and other stresses as well as surface imperfections. In addition, other
processes such as heat treating, vibra-finishing and even plating can induce or change metal fatigue char-

One major cause of metal fatigue is the focus or concentration of metal STRESSES
stresses along a metal surface. As a spring is wound and unwound during
use, a great deal of stress is placed on the outside surfaces. Imperfections A
or stress risers channel or focus those stresses creating a condition ideal
for failure. This is known as “notch effect”, and is best illustrated at
right. These illustrations depict a metal bar subject to flexure stress. If
the bar were notched as in B, those same flexure stresses would allow B
the same steel bar to bend. On springs, stampings and other fabricated
metal components, the combination of stresses and imperfections
caused by fabrication and heat treatment often create fatigue problems.

By removing surface metal, electropolishing helps to solve metal fatigue C

problems from two perspectives. Many surface stresses occur within the
first .001" of a component’s surface. The various tensile, compressive
and other stresses are removed or reduced with the removal of .001" of metal. Unlike shot peening, vibra-finish-
ing and other processes, electropolishing does not introduce new or different stresses that can adversely alter
metal fatigue characteristics. More importantly, removal of the surface skin also reduces or eliminates stress
risers caused by heat treating, decarburization and microscopic scratches, tool marks and grinding checks. It is
the combination of these two benefits that allow electropolishing to improve metal fatigue.

De-stressing CASE STUDY 1

These parts are c-springs made from beryllium copper. Used in a high
cycle switch application, the c-springs were failing prematurely. The
parts were submitted for electropolishing attached to the lead frame, to
speed processing and lower electropolishing costs.

Under 2000x magnification, a surface crack caused by stresses in the

forming operation is clearly evident. Flexure stresses on the c-spring
while in the assembly were thought to concentrate in these cracks, caus-
ing a total fracture of the spring.

2000x Before

Under the same magnification, the same surface after electropolishing.

With removal of .0005", the surface crack was greatly reduced. By mak-
ing the surface more uniform, the flexure stresses were more uniformly
spread over the surface, thereby extending spring life. Additional stock
removal to .001" or more would further smooth the surface, though not
to add proportionally to the spring’s life.

2000x After
Access America’s
Largest Metal
De-stressing CASE STUDY 2 Databank
A fast growing area for De-Stressing is on www.ableelectropolishing.com
parts fabricated using wire EDM. These
parts are fabricated from carbon steel and
are used in a transmission application.
The plates were heat treated and later
coated with other materials. The parts were clean and Micr
o-Inch Finish
#1006 Brite Ultra

fracturing during normal use, and the prob-

lem was traced to the surface left from the
EDM operation.

Under 45X, the inside surface appears rough.

As the cutting wire moves through the
material, some molten metal flows around
#1040 Brite
rite Ultracle

and is re-deposited back onto the part. The

“re-cast layer” is actually a false skin
on the surface, creating surface cracks,
stresses and alloy changes in the surface
of the part. These stresses and changes Flat
ultimately caused total frac- Surface
ture of the part. EDM vation
Surface #1039 Br
ite Passi

Under higher magnification, the same edge

at 500x. The re-cast layer is more evident,
showing a surface that is scaly in appear-
ance, with deep fissures and imbedded
impurities. Upon removal of .001" of mate- Surface
rial, the re-cast layer was totally removed,
Fissures • Click on:
and surface stresses and alloy changes dis- The Learning Center
solved. The part was totally clean and ready
for subsequent coating operations, and met • Browse through our
or exceeded all tests. case histories
We update our learning center
Layer daily for up-to-the-minute access
to our technologies

PHONE (888)868-2900
FAX (773)277-1655
Corporate Headquarters Production Facility
and Production Facility 1170 Waltham Way
2001 S. Kilbourn Ave McCarran, NV 89434
Chicago, IL 60623

PHONE (888) 868-2900

FAX (773) 277-1655
© 2008 ABLE Electropolishing, Inc. All rights reserved

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