Excellent Bio of F L RAWSON, With His Technique

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1. Introduction.
2. A short biography of .Frederick L. Rawson excerpted from the internet.
3. MBESI Editorial Commentary.
4. Material extracted from Frederick Rawson Book Life Understood.
5. Additional passages from other Rawson books

Further editorial note: below is the statement, F.L.Rawson took 100 men
into world war oneactually, 100 men were given Absent Treatment, Mr.
Rawson was not on the battlefield. Also, please note, Mr. Rawson himself was a
distinguished Electrical Engineer.
IF Mary Baker Eddy's Manual had been obeyed the world at the end of the 20th
century would have fulfilled her prophesy found in Pulpit and Press page 22: 9-15.
"If the lives of Christian Scientists attest their fidelity to Truth, I predict that in the
twentieth century every Christian church in our land, and a few in far-off lands, will
approximate the understanding of Christian Science sufficiently to heal the sick in his
name. Christ will give to Christianity his new name, and Christendom will be classified
as Christian Scientists."
The evidence of this is in the writings of Mr. Frederick Rawson. Mr. Rawson's
work was rejected by the Christian Science Organization but disseminated through
New Thought; these teachings and the study accomplished in England by John Doorly
and his students would otherwise have been accepted by the Christian Science
Movement, not inhibited by wide spread excommunication and a policy of reading only
Authorized Literature.
Today these mistakes of ecclesiasticism are being redeemed. As Alice Orgain
Mary Baker Eddy did not confine her original teaching to the Church Organization
alone, but wisely, Mrs. Eddy merged her Christian Science Association into the World
Parliament of Religions to be adopted universally. (See Misc. Writings page 156:13).
FOR further information see Pulpit and press 21-23 Also:" CHRISTIAN
SCIENCE: Mary Baker Eddy 'True Estimate of God's Messenger" part 1page 47-48

While in England, I came across a wonderful book on Christian Science and
interesting facts about its Author.
The enclosed information sheet off the internet gives a short biography from the
point of New Thoughtwhen I came home I discovered that Mr. Rawson's books
were being widely circulated in the "New Thought Movement".The bookstores have
it for 50 some dollars.
In the 1958 book "Christian Science Today" Mr. Charles S. Braden the Author
tells us that Boston gave Mr. Rawson a bad time and thus he couldn't lecture, practice or
teach in the name of Christian Science, so he founded his own organization.
When the intelligent Mind that programs the universe is seen to be the only
program, THE WORD OF GOD, then the scanner comes up with the exact answer to
any situation THE CHRIST and CHRISTIANITY brings everything together
harmoniously -Heavenand this is SCIENCE.
If on the other hand the beliefs of a material brain programmed by DNA or
mortal thought bringing up its lies-the anti-Christ you havehellfalse system.
Thus the more we know of the system Mrs. Eddy has left us in "Science and
Health with Key to The Scriptures" the more clearly we see the unreality of the
suppositious opposite.
Influential English New Thought Leader

Frederick L. Rawson was a brother to a great engineer in England. F. L.
Rawson took 100 men into world war one. They all returned without a scratch on
any of them. "There is nothing but God." was his statement to that miracle. "There
is A biography of Frederick L. Rawson (1859-1923) -

It is this coming together we find in Mr. Rawsons work nothing but God in
God's perfect world. Man is the image, the likeness, passing on God's ideas to his
fellow man with perfect regularity and ease."
F. L. Rawson, like many other leaders in the field of New Thought, was not a
clergyman. He was an engineer and businessman. Born in England in 1859, he
became a distinguished practicing engineer, had achieved a marked success in his
profession as consultant and as businessman, and had retired before he founded the
Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer.
Among other things, he was a pioneer in the field of the practical use of
electricity and engineer of the first company in the field of electric lighting. He laid
the first electric railway in England. He was also interested in other things and drew
up plans for the first gas-driven automobile and was consulting engineer for the first
airship built in Britain. He had the respect of serious minded scientists of his day. He
also excelled at various sports and was first violinist in an orchestra for more than a
dozen years.
He was widely read in the fields of science and philosophy, and it was through
his scientific interest in the remarkable claims made in the area of religion and the
occult which led to him studying them to discover for himself whether or not the
claims were true, and if they were, what scientific basis there was for them.
Christian Science had come to Britain in the late 1880's with considerable
success, and its claims of ability to heal the most stubborn of diseases could not fail to
attract the attention of thoughtful people. The London Daily Mail resolved to find out
the facts concerning these claims and publish them. The paper commissioned
Rawson to make a study of the new cult and write a series of articles on it. Rawson
accepted the assignment and began a study of Christian Science, with the result that
far from exposing its errors, he was convinced of its truth and became an ardent
Christian Scientist. Eventually though, his brilliant creative mind could no longer yield
itself to the rigid, authoritarian organization that Christian Science had become and he
parted ways with the church and began his own work, which ultimately grew into one
of the most active and influential metaphysical healing groups in England, and
affiliated itself with the growing New Thought Movement.
In 1912 he wrote a book entitled Life Understood, which was to be revised
and edited again and again, used as the textbook of the movement he founded, and
studied far beyond the limits of his own groups of metaphysical healers the world over.
During the first war his groups took to adopting "absent treatment" for the
protection of soldiers, and some remarkable results began to appear with testimonies
coming to him from persons benefited by the treatments, and in 1916 he began a
weekly publication called Active Service where he published these testimonies. At the
masthead of the first were the words: "A weekly paper devoted to the spreading of
the knowledge of the truth. YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH
In 1917 he set up an organization called the Society for Spreading the
Knowledge of True Prayer (SSKTP); the method of prayer was to be that of the
realization of and conscious communion with God. He lectured to large audiences
throughout the British Isles and in 1920 made an extended tour of the USA and
Canada, lecturing and giving class instruction and treatments, with the result that a
goodly number of SSKTP centers were established in American and Canadian cities.
Rawson was arrested in St. Louis in 1920 near the end of his tour of teaching and
healing. He was charged with practicing medicine without a license and was released
and the charges were dropped when he promised to do no more healings.
Although Rawson was distinctly Christian Science in his basic outlook, he
cooperated enthusiastically with the New Thought groups. Great scientist that he was,
Rawson entertained a number of ideas that find no acceptance among the majority of
scholars. One of these was that the British and the Americans were the true Israel-that
is, he held the expounded Anglo-Israel theory, which commended itself to a good
many within New Thought and the metaphysical field in general, as for example
Mary Baker Eddy.
Rawson died in 1923, but the SSKTP movement went on and Active Service
continued publication weekly up until August 1940 when it became a monthly, and
was still in publication in the 1960's

The enclosed excerpt from his book LIFE UNDERSTOOD pgs 370-373, which
was posted on this site in June 25, 2007 shows how Mr. Rawson worked with the
Synonyms and the qualities and attributes of God that are the main study of the system,
before that way of working became more fully known.
Our selection this week is from LIFE UNDERSTOOD FROM A
SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS POINT OF VIEW- written in 1912, by Frederick
"My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. if any man will do his will, he
shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself (John
7:16, 17).
There is only one scientific and demonstrable basis of the right way, and this can
only be found by the intelligent study of Christian Science, the law of God,
demonstrating its divine Principle, immortal Mind, God, supreme good. Intelligent study
does not mean the mere acquisition of the letter and the repetition of truisms, but the
daily logical deduction, from facts gained, of a higher platform of truth, from which
one proves such deductions by the demonstration of the truth that underlies them. The
mere demonstration of the cure of disease is not sufficient to prove intelligent and
therefore correct study. Not even an instantaneous healing of sin, which is the only
absolute proof of one's knowledge of the non-reality of evil and the allness of God, is
sufficient. We have to prove our knowledge of God by the continual demonstration
over every variety of false evidence in all its myriad forms.
When first asked by the Rev. J. Bruce Wallace to lecture upon Christian
Science to the Alpha Union, at the Garden City, Letchworth, I did not see my way to do it,
as, although there is no by-law against it in the Christian Science Church Manual, which
contains rules of guidance for Christian Scientists, the custom in the Christian Science
organization is, that none but their trained lecturers give lectures on Christian Science.
There have been many wise reasons for this, evidencing the wisdom with which the
affairs of that body have been guided.
Not being nominally a member of the Christian Science Church, I referred Mr.
Wallace to the member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship resident in
London, who did not, however, feel able to comply with the request. Upon this I
received a second invitation to lecture, and felt that it was not to be refused, and gave Mr.
Wallace a choice of subjects, recognizing that any lecture I might give upon any subject
would of necessity bear on the face of it the impress of the knowledge gained through
my study and demonstration of the truth of Christian Science, for the leaven of this
scientific religion now at work in the universe must touch all questions.
Such benefits have been received from my investigation of Christian Science and
from the study of Mrs. Eddy's inspired writing (which enable us to understand the
inner meaning of the Bible), and so much help has been received from fellow-
workers in Christian Science, that it appeared wisest not to go against their custom. While
trying to live Christian Science consistently, I have proved it to be not only wise, but
essential, to follow all the rules of conduct that the founder, Mary Baker Eddy, points out,
as I recognize that they are logically based upon the fundamental law of good. The
enforcement of such rules of conduct, where the individual objects to the necessary
obedience, so far from limiting right action, always results in forcing evil into self-betrayal.
Such obedience will always be found, when fully understood, to rest upon an essential
obedience to God, which must always precede any other demand. The material
presentation of these rules of conduct must always be advancing in proportion with the
student's understanding of their true significance.
Truth in Literal and Physical Terms.
In accepting the second request, I was led to frame a lecture to meet the needs
of all classes, upon the broadest lines, from the beginner to the deepest and most earnest
thinkers, who have found hitherto hopeless difficulties in reconciling the
inconsistencies between what has been popularly called natural science and religion. In
the present work I have given fully and unreservedly - with the exception of the
meaning of certain Scriptural prophecies - what I have found to be true, explained
from a natural science point of view, and expressed in literal or physical terms.
As a rule, I lecture extemporarily. In that case what was said had been written
out. I once gave a lecture on new inventions and discoveries, and, after speaking for
an hour-and-a-half, concluded by saying: "The greatest discovery of modern days was
that made by Mrs. Eddy of the way in which Jesus did his miracles, and Christian Scientists
heal sin and sickness in the same way." This was the only reference to Christian Science;
yet the lecture, being misunderstood, was misrepresented as having been a lecture on
Christian Science, although I had taken great pains to keep quite clear of the subject. The
only misunderstanding that seems possible to have arisen here was that the action of good
thoughts and bad thoughts was spoken of as being electrical. Some of those present
may not have recognized sufficiently clearly that the so-called good thoughts that come
to the material man are not of God. They are purely material, only some are not so bad
as so-called bad thoughts. Both are a false sense of God's thoughts, or God's
thoughts materially cognized, and should never be confused with spiritual facts. God's
thoughts are cognized only by the spiritual senses of the real man.
Throughout this present work language has been as carefully chosen as seemed
possible, with the special intent to avoid such possible misconceptions. Many problems,
which Christian Science completely solves, have been opened up in the present technical
statement. The primary object of this work and of the original lecture has been to expose
the fallacies of material hypotheses, and to the extent necessary to attain this end the
assimilated teachings set out in Mrs. Eddy's writings have been utilized. I have not,
however, explained what is generally understood to be exclusively the letter of Christian
Science, nor in any way differentiated between such teachings and knowledge gained of
the material universe through the study of Christian Science, except when referring to
the source from which to obtain true knowledge and how to apply it, the name of
Christian Science has not been mentioned in the body of this book; nor has the
wonderful work done by Mrs. Eddy been referred to, although expression has
necessarily been given to the knowledge gained there from. Consequently, both
somewhat resemble the playbill of which Sir Walter Scott wrote as having "announced
the tragedy of Hamlet, the character of the Prince of Denmark being left out."
During the time spent in revising this work for publication, my views with regard to
the advisability of speaking openly of Christian Science from the platform or otherwise,
as occasion demands, have considerably broadened, although I do not lecture on
Christian Science, leaving that to the authorized lecturers. I recognize that the time has
come when the explanation of correct human hypotheses called material science, in the
light of Christian Science, should be put forward so that full advantage of the latter may be
spread abroad, for the benefit and salvation of mankind in dispelling its illusive theories.
Christian Science is not the dogma of a sect. It is what we all want; Science, or true
exact knowledge, of God and His Christ.
An Exact Science -"When a faithful thinker, resolute to detach every object from
personal relations, and see it in the light of thought, shall at the same time kindle science
with the fire of the holiest affection, then will God go forth anew with creation"
In speaking to inquirers, when presenting such an inversion of our old ideas, it is
necessary to use crude illustrations to assist in conveying a correct meaning. It should
be readily seen that in an exact science the official seal can only be attached to its
textual statement by a master metaphysician. Such a statement will be found in "Science
and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy."
(This work, as a rule, requires reading over several times before one gathers
the meaning of many of the passages. Our old ideas are so wrong that we are liable to
attach the wrong meanings to passages in order that they should agree with our
preconceived notions. As Mrs. S. A. Orne writes, "The lamp of intellect requires
occasional snuffing, to throw the clear light of penetration on the page.")
Mrs. Eddy has pointed out to us the underlying Principle, which governs the
fundamental facts of being, clearing up our ignorance and opening the pathway to the
true knowledge of God, which destroys sin, and with unvarying certainty, based upon
unalterable law, relieves man-kind from every ill "that flesh is heir to." She writes:
(Communion Hymn)
"Twas the Truth that made us free,
And was found by you and me,
In the life and the love of our Lord"
She, however, distinctly reminds her readers that she had not undertaken to
"embellish, elaborate, or treat in full detail so infinite a theme" (Science and Health,
Preface, p. x). The wider application of the infinite Principle unfolded with scientific
completeness in her writings has been left to students who understand sufficiently her
advanced teachings. God's unfailing direction was too clearly realized by the re
discoverer of Christian Science for her to doubt the eventual preparation by the action
of Principle of such students for this task all the world over. Mrs. Eddy's views on this
subject are clearly expressed to the discerning reader of her works.
An Exposure of Fallacies - "The time approaches when mortal mind will
forsake its corporeal, structural, and material basis, when immortal Mind and its
formations will be apprehended in Science, and material beliefs will not interfere with
spiritual facts" (Mary Baker Eddy). (S. & H. p. 402)
I would therefore reiterate that this discourse is obviously not a lecture upon, nor does
it pretend to be an elucidation of, Christian Science, but is primarily an exposure of the
innumerable fallacies of human theories past and present, made evident through the
study of Christian Science, and exposed with the object of their elimination and
replacement by divine conceptions of reality. No work could, however, lay claim to
present a solution of the mysteries of this world without giving prominence to that
discovery which solves the problem of existence, and heralds the final scene in
material evolution, namely, the total disappearance of all sin, disease, and limitations.
Spiritual Accuracy - At the same time, let it be clearly understood that there is
not a single statement in this book that is not in complete accord with the teachings of Mrs.
Eddy. If any, through lack of a real understanding of her teachings, should endeavor to
refute this statement, these, by unprejudiced study of this work, will find their
objections disappear as they endeavor, through conscientious comparison with
Mrs. Eddy's writings, to find passages in contradiction of any statements made by her.
Others, prompted by less worthy motives, without this warning, might have been led into
open condemnation without any logical or other proof of their statement. The true
Christian Scientist does not contradict what he does not amply prove to be wrong, and is
always the first to rejoice in any additional light. Mrs. Eddy lamented the inability of
students to reply to the fundamental inquiries of the age. Few of her students ever
attempt to explain in detail any advanced branch of her symbolic teaching, wisely referring
the inquirers to her writings, until they have attained to a clearer understanding of the
science that is the basis of her statements.
False Brethren - "In Christian Science mere opinion is valueless.
Proof is essential to a due estimate of this subject" (Mary Baker Eddy). Science
and Health, p. 341.
Any accusation of hypnotism leveled against students obtaining constant results
of every description, by turning in thought to God, is malpractice of the worst description,
and when persisted in is recognizable as the sin against the Holy Ghost. (Matthew
12:31.) A Needful Warning - In answer to the question, "Do all who at present claim to
be teaching Christian Science teach it correctly?"
Mrs. Eddy has replied: "By no means: Christian Science is not sufficiently
understood for that... Time is required thoroughly to qualify students for the great ordeal of
this century" (Mis. p. 43). Recognizing the right of humanity to demand correct teaching of
this all-inclusive Science, she repeatedly warns inquirers against the merely so-called
Christian Scientist. Such a one, if not sufficiently advanced himself to be able to meet the
inquiry of the highest intellect today, shields himself behind vehement, dogmatic
assertions, aimed against the true scientific interpretations, which he is unable from his
limited outlook to comprehend, although accompanied by demonstration and sound
Many have not really advanced beyond the elementary class teaching, which
Mrs. Eddy instituted as a branch of her earliest church organization. Such teaching is not
supposed to give a complete knowledge of the fundamental truths of Christian Science, but
merely to fit the student for deeper individual research on correct lines. We must seek" to
discern the rhythm of Spirit," the reward of holiness.
In the most advanced class the teaching in the past has had to be largely
elementary. In reply to an address from members of the May, 1905, class of her
Metaphysical College, Mrs. Eddy writes as follows: "I am glad you enjoy the dawn of
Christian Science; you must reach its meridian," (Mis. P.254).
Under the heading "Take Heed!" she writes: "We regret to be obliged to say that all
are not metaphysicians, or Christian Scientists, who call themselves so. Charlatanism,
fraud, and malice are getting into the ranks of the good and pure, sending forth a poison
more deadly than the upas tree in the eastern archipelago. This evil obtains in the present
false teaching and false practice of the Science of treating disease through Mind... But
while the best, perverted, on the mortal plane may become the worst, let us not forget
that the Lord reigns, and that this earth shall sometime rejoice in His supreme rule,- that
the tired watchmen on the walls of Zion, and the true Christian Scientist at the foot of
the Mount of Revelation, shall look up with shouts and thanksgiving, that God's law, as
in divine Science, shall be finally understood" (Mis. p. 368).
True Christian Science - If you ask for an explanation of what true Christian
Science is, I can refer you to the Bible, that mine of countless priceless treasures,
where, amongst many other instructive passages, we are, told, "Let the wicked forsake
his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he
will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my
thoughts are not your thoughts, ...saith the Lord" (Isa. 55:7,8). For the scientific
interpretation of this advice, reiterated throughout the Bible, but so long misunderstood, I
would refer you to the writings of Mrs. Eddy, by far the greatest metaphysician of
modern times, where the explanation of and the remedy for all the difficulties here dealt
with can be found. To these writings and to the consequent more intelligent study of the
Bible, I owe the benefit of all the knowledge I have that is worth having; how to
obtain inspirational knowledge, how to lead a better life, and how to help one's fellow-
man. This priceless understanding results in an intense happiness, with a sublime
realization of "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding" (Phil. 4: 7).
"Sweet sign and substance of God's presence here" (Mary Baker Eddy).
"The following words of a friend well voice the feelings of a great multitude to
me,' said this gentleman, 'one of the mysteries of our time is the success of Science
and Health'" (B. O. Flower, in the Twentieth Century Magazine)..." He could only say
that he had rarely met with such capacity to enter some of the deeper aspects of truth,
and he had seen the lives of Christian Scientists, tranquil, bright, cheerful... They [his own
church] ought to have had all along the elixir of life to give to their people. Had they
lost it? Why was it that they so seldom met in the ranks of their own people anyone
of whom a visitor from Mars would say, 'What is the secret of that man's or that woman's
life?' that radiant sense the supernatural, that brightness and reality of spirit?"
(Archbishop of York).
Mary Baker Eddy - "It is commonly said that, if he would be heard, none should
write in advance of his times. That I do not believe, upon a great and deep spiritual
change. I believe a new redemption is even now conceived, of the Divine Spirit in the
human heart, that is itself as a woman, broken in dreams and yet sustained in faith,
patient, long-suffering, looking towards home. I believe that though the Reign of Peace
may be yet a long way off, it is drawing near: and that who shall come to save us anew
shall come divinely as a woman, to save as Christ saved, but not as He did, to bring with
her a sword" (William Sharp in The Isle of Dreams).
It would not be natural to end without saying a few words about Mrs. Eddy, whom I
revere as a leader, and love as a fellow-worker, and of whose writings I gratefully
acknowledge myself a student, diligently searching daily in the inexhaustible mine of
wealth that now is open to every earnest worker. Of her physical condition in her 87th
year, I cannot do better than quote" Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton, the expert alienist, who
has devoted the last month to an exhaustive investigation of the mental condition of
the Founder of Christian Science," a "medical expert who has figured in so many
famous cases during the last thirty-five years," and who was chosen by the Court to
report on her mental condition, "having no sympathy with her religious teachings." In the
New York Times of September, 1907, from which the above is taken, he says: "She is
absolutely normal, and possessed of a remarkably clear intellect.... For a woman of
her age, I do not hesitate to say that she is physically and mentally phenomenal." He also
speaks of "Mrs. Eddy's great vitality, and the absence of any of the usual tokens of
mental breakdown natural to one of her great age."
"God sends His teachers unto every age,
To every clime, and every race of men,
With revelations fitted to their growth
And shape of mind, nor gives the realm of Truth
Into the selfish rule of one sole race" (j. R- Lowell).
Descended from a long line of religious ancestry of our oldest and best English
and Scottish families, imbued from her earliest days with deep religious feeling, with
great natural intellectual ability and spiritual fervor, even as a girl, a student of Natural
Philosophy, Logic, and Moral Science, familiar with Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and trained
specially in rhetoric by Professor Sanborn, she was eminently fitted from the outset to
receive the inspiration of Truth, which enabled her, not only to unveil the science of
God by rediscovering the true scientific meaning of the teaching and works of Jesus
the Christ, but to place on record, founded on the Rock, a definite and accurate statement
of absolute truth, for the guidance of man throughout all time. "For then will I turn to the
people a pure language that they all call upon the nature of the Lord, to serve him with
one consent.
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my supplicants, even the daughter of my
dispersed shall bring my offering." (Zeph. :9,10)
This pure consciousness, fit channel for Truth, has taught the world how, sitting at
the feet of our Master and Way-shower, the Galilean Prophet, man, gaining a spiritual
sense, loses a belief in a material self-hood, to find himself divine, the son of God. In
demonstrating the truth of her words, "humility... is the genius of Christian Science," this
great leader has told of early searchings after truth; of timidity, self-distrust, and sleepless
nights; of utter friendlessness, desertion, wearying toil in the wilderness of shattered
hopes; of misrepresentations, bitter envy, ceaseless mockery, malicious falsehood,
relentless persecution, agonies, and, thank God, of victories gained, uplifted by the
sustaining power of what the world calls miraculous visions. Ablest to expose, "bravest to
endure, firmest to suffer, soonest to renounce," and noblest to forgive, with self-
forgetfulness, purity, and love, with secret yearnings to be better understood, she
demonstrated step by step along the rugged way the truth of the great revelation.
Then with a cry of "Follow your Leader only so far as she follows Christ,"
(Message 1901 p. 34), she put her discovery into practice, though at times with bleeding
footsteps through self-sacrificing love for others. "Scourged and condemned at every
advancing footstep," but sustained by the marvelous development of male and female
qualities, splendid moral courage and unfailing love, she hurled" the thunderbolt of truth,"
while binding up the broken-hearted. Reasoning with the storm, Truth stilled the" tempest
of error," and thus this messenger of God has been the means of bringing moral and
physical salvation to hundreds of thousands of suffering men and women, who now
bless her name. "A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the
fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates" (Prov. 31:30, 31).
As the outcome of a life devoted to scientific research and demonstration,
there has been founded a religion based upon changeless Principle, whose true
followers, demonstrating wholeness of mind and therefore of body, are understanding
and consequently proving the scientific basis of the so-called miracles recorded in the
Bible, and rejoicing in their freedom. They now, in their turn, are daily healing sin and
sickness by putting into practice her motto of "Work-work-work-watch and pray," the song
of Christian Science, and consequently are increasing in number with a rapidity
unparalleled in the history of the world. This religion, based on absolute, unalterable
Science, is about to revolutionize the entire universe, and must bring us to its final result,
for which all true lovers of humanity have for centuries devoutly prayed - namely, the end
of all sin, sickness, suffering, and limitations of every description, even the seeming
disappearance, called death. Ignorance, or human consciousness, then no longer has
its self-imposed, imaginary existence, and all apparently wake up out of this hell of
perpetual seeming troubles and limitations, to find themselves Godlike beings, in a state of
inexpressible constant happiness, in a world of wondrous glory, God's world. This is the only
"end of the world."(Matthew 24:3.)
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west;
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matt. 24:27).
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" (Mark 13:37).
Watch your thoughts!

Two further excerpts from Mr. Rawson's books

The value of my professional investigation into mental healing is not to prove
that all disease is mental - the leading medical authorities are now coming to that
conclusion; nor is it to prove that matter appears and disappears in accordance with
one's thoughts - the scientific reasons for this are given in my book, Life
Understood from a Scientific and Religious Point of View, which is practically my
report. Its principal value lies in proving the difference between the right and
wrong methods of mental working, as before long all intelligent, open-minded
people will be mental workers.
There is a hard-and-fast line drawn between the two methods of mental
working, between the right and the wrong method of prayer. Jesus pointed out the
difference more than once.

If, when you are mentally working, you are thinking of reality, that is, of
God, of heaven - the real world - of the Christ or of the spiritual man, you are
helping your patient, yourself and the world. This is "Casting down imaginations, and
every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" **(2 Corinthians 10: 5). No one
can tell beforehand what will happen, but, unquestionably, good for everyone
concerned always takes place, more or less, according to the clearness and
persistence of your thought.

If, on the contrary, you are thinking of the material man or the material
world - whatever you are thinking about them, unless you are denying their reality,
which means denying their permanence - you are harming your patient, harming
yourself, and doing no good to the world. Of course, anyone who wills strongly
enough, can apparently bring about changes in the material world, but this is not
true healing, for when by strong, determined thinking, or will-power, you try to
bring about what you think is good, you can neither destroy the evil thoughts nor
purify the so-called human mind. The result is that trouble of some kind always
returns about three months afterwards. Reliance on Truth and Love, that is, God,
alone results in health being manifest, through the mist of matter thinning. The
healing then is perfect and permanent, whether of disease, sin, or any of the many
troubles that make this world a veritable Hell to so many.
How to Gain a Working Knowledge of God.
When I started my investigation I came to the conclusion that I ought,
whenever I had a moment or two to spare, to have something definite to realize, and
I made up my mind on these occasions to think of God as Love. Then, when my
love towards my fellowman seemed to have advanced more than my knowledge of
Truth, I changed this realization to that of God as Truth. Later on, every day I used
to think of God in all the main views as Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit,
cause, intelligence, substance, and Principle, the Principle of good, which includes
its idea. I now know that Cause ought not to have been included, as it is a synonym
of God, not an aspect, or quality, as the other names are.
Later, I put each of these headings on a separate piece of paper, and then
tried to find all the qualities and attributes of God that I could, putting each of them
down under what I thought was the proper heading. Each day I went through these,
starting by thinking of heaven, and then trying to realize what each one of them
meant. At one time I had on a blank bit of paper about forty qualities and attributes
that I could not place under the proper heading, and not more than twenty under
anyone heading; but, as my knowledge of God grew, so I was able gradually to
place each of these qualities and attributes under its proper heading.
I did this every day for over three years. By that time I had over two hundred
and twenty qualities and attributes, and it took me about three quarters of an hour
each day to go through them. Not only had I then been able to place the whole of
the forty qualities and attributes under their proper headings, but whenever I found
a new one I could at once place it in its proper place. Finding no new attribute or
quality for three months, I took this as the sign that I had worked in this way long
enough, and ceased.
I was once told that in treatment I would find the realization of God as
Principle most effective. Trying this, so as to see whether the statement was
correct, the next day an instantaneous result was obtained by merely losing all
thought of the material trouble and simply trying to realize God as Principle as
clearly as possible. Proving in this way that God was Principle, the love for God
that I had seemed instantly to vanish. As I went on, however, obtaining a better
understanding of God, my love for God gradually returned, until, in about three
months, I had a far greater love for God than I had ever had before.
Being trained as a scientific man, my method of treatment is what may be
called" cut and dried"; that is to say, I rely upon the flat denial of the existence of the
evil, with all the insistence at my command, followed by as clear a realization as
possible of the exact opposite.
How to Reverse Wrong Thoughts.
The following copy of a letter written to a patient, to show him how to
reverse throughout the day any wrong thoughts that came into his so-called mind,
is not only the basis of right thinking, but forms a good basis of treatment, showing
how to deal with the various forms of evil that have to be destroyed :
We have to watch our thoughts continually. "Watch and pray," and" pray
without ceasing," and directly we think a wrong thought, that is, even any thought
that is not harmonious, we have to drive it out of our mind, and cease thinking of
things material, raising the level of our thoughts until we are thinking of God and
things spiritual or truly mental. This is true prayer, conscious communion with
One method of doing this is to group our thoughts under three headings:--
First.-Turn in thought to God and heaven, which is a perfect condition of
consciousness or "divine state of mind." This is essential.
Second. - Deny the existence in heaven of the wrong thing thought of,
seen, or felt. When, for instance, you see an angry man, or feel angry, or think of
anger in any way, realize with all the power, earnestness, and conviction at your
command, that there is no anger in the spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of heaven,
the reality. This is called the denial.
Third.- Realize the existence of the opposite; namely, in reversing the
thought of anger, realize that in heaven, the world of reality, all is perfect peace and
infinite love. Dwell on this realization, and get it as clear as possible. This is called
the affirmation. I think that, if there is then time, it is advisable to split up one's
thoughts into two more headings, namely:
Fourth.-Realize why this is so; namely, because God, the Principle of good,
rules and governs, and heaven is the manifestation of His government. This
heaven is everywhere, for there is nothing but God and His manifestation.
Fifth.-Try to form as clear an idea as you can of God and His manifestation,
Reversing our thoughts in this way all day long is prayer without ceasing,
and is not only leading us "Continually to "abide in the secret place of the Most
High," but is teaching us to recognize, clearly and persistently, that all sin, disease,
worry, limitations, and all other effects of wrong so-called thoughts, are non-
realities, i.e., have no permanence about them. It is also teaching us to realize the
truth continually, namely, that God and His manifestation are spiritual, perfect, and
omnipresent. Your progress depends solely upon the number of seconds during the
twenty-four hours that you are thinking of this reality.
Do not take this as a hard-and-fast rule for working; it is only the way that I
have found the most helpful. Let God teach you the way to work, not man. "Prove
all things: hold fast that which is good." If you constantly realize that God is Truth,
and that you know Truth, being the knowledge or consciousness of God, you will
be led, step by step, absolutely correctly, as though by a loving father and mother.
You will never have to retrace your steps, but will look back with rejoicing along
the straight and narrow path by which you have come, recognizing the pitfalls and
morasses from which you have been tenderly guarded.
You may have troubles, and find the pathway sometimes rugged, but if you
keep your gaze continually fixed on the goal of reality, you will find that these
troubles merely spur you on to still higher attainments, and you thereby gain the
uplifting joy of relieving suffering, humanity, teaching them the continuous
availability of God and the meaning of "the peace of God which passeth all
Yours sincerely,

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