Guitar Activity

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Guitar Activity

Tissue Box
Colorful Rubber Bands
Cardboard Tube (From Paper Towel/ Toilet Paper Roll
Pen (!ptional
"# Punc$ out a $ole in t$e tissue box# %oo& for t$e outline#
'# (rap any color rubber band around t$e box) $ot do*
,ust li&e t$is picture
-# Ta&e t$e paper towel roll and tape it to t$e top of
your *uitar#
.# /ou are almost done+ To tune your *uitar) put a pen
or a crayon under t$e strin*s# %oo&
at t$e picture for an example#
0# R!C1 !2T+++
3odified from4 wi&i$ow
Created by4 5ueena C$an*) 6at$an C$eou) Clayton Fun*) ,essica %i) Audrey %ew
"# 7ow do t$e rubber bands create sound8
'# 9o t$e t$ic&ness of t$e rubber bands c$an*e t$e sound8 7ow8
-# Remove t$e pen/crayon from under t$e strin*s# 7ow does t$is c$an*e t$e sound8
.# 9o different si:e boxes ma&e different sounds8 Test out your friend;s *uitar# 9oes it
sound different8 ($y8
3odified from4 wi&i$ow
Created by4 5ueena C$an*) 6at$an C$eou) Clayton Fun*) ,essica %i) Audrey %ew

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