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UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program
MS/SS Observation Form
Novice/Apprentice/Resident Teacher Date
Observer School/Class
TPE 1: Pedagogical Skills Observer Commentary Elementary Core Practices Opening move Questioning and responding Secondary Core Practices Engaging students in rigorous content High Level Tasks, Concept Maps Engaging students in discourse Learning Cycle ?s, Think-Pair-Share Providing Equitable Access to Content Form. Assessment, Word Bank/Wall Developing a positive classroom ecology Opening/Closing Rout, Comm Circle
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning Checking for understanding Asking & answering relevant questions Other TPE 3: Use of Assessments Use of criteria/rubric Taking formal assessment Completing projects Student presentations Other TPE 4: Making Content Accessible Accessing prior knowledge Referencing lived experiences Scaffolding Other TPE 5: Student Engagement Student participation Culturally relevant materials Other TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Differentiation Use of media & technology Other TPE 7: Teaching English Learners SDAIE methodology Academic vocabulary Other TPE 8: Learning About Students Community building activities Other TPE 9: Instructional Planning Lesson plans Agenda communicated to students Other TPE 10: Instructional Time Starting and ending class Transitions Other TPE 11: Social Environment Inviting and clean; safe Student work displayed Caring environment Other TPE 12: Professional, Legal, & Ethical Classroom management Teacher speech: clear, pace, warm, tone
TPE 13: Professional Growth TEP portfolio Daily reflections
Observation Focus:
Sarah Patterson May 19, 2014
Andrea C. Rodriguez-Scheel Thomas Edison Elementary; Kindergarten: Mr. Salazar
Observations/Commentary/Scripting The lesson begins with students sitting on the rug and Sarah standing in front of the class. As students settle into their squares on the rug, Sarah brings up pictures of several birds to display on the Smart Board. Once the class is ready, Sarah asks the class if they remember last Thursday, and what Sarah said she was going to do over the weekend. One student raises his hand and says Birds! and Sarah says yes, and tells them that they had given her a lot of homework from their science lesson. Students seem very excited; many raise their hands and ask questions/make comments about birds that can fly and cant fly, and ask about whether all birds have wings (some of the visuals have pictures of birds with wings that are tucked in, and some students assumed that they didnt have wings).
Sarah builds off of Vartans comment that not all birds can fly, and switches the display to show four birds that do not fly. One student sees a kiwi, and names this. Sarah asks him where he learned about a kiwi, and he mentions his new encyclopedia that he got a TJ Maxx. He continues to share his knowledge of the kiwi, incorporating the word measurement a concept that Sarah had gone over with her math group recently.
The next slide that Sarah puts up is on bird brains (one of the students had asked about bird brains last Thursday). Sarah tells the class that birds are very smart, despite the fact that sometimes we call people bird brains when we think they are being silly. Sarah also tells the class that birds have feelings.
The next slide shows a drawing of a bird with a heart in his mouth, and Sarah playfully asks one of the students if that was the kind of heart he was asking about. The class laughs and says no. Unfortunately, there are some technological difficulties, so Sarah is not able to show her slide on actual bird hearts, so she tells the class that she will bring it in tomorrow.
The next slide focuses on bird livers (another question that the students had asked about), and Sarah tells the class that the liver helps keep the inside of the bird healthy and clean. A student raises their hand and comments that when they grow up, they want to be a scientist.
The next slide is labeled Arctic and has pictures of puffins on it. Several students shout out Arctic! and Sarah reminds the class that they were talking about where animals live on Thursday. A few students comment/ask questions about where puffins play, and also ask about whether they are warm blooded or cold blooded.
The next slide is on the rainforest, and shows an image of a toucan.
TPE 4: Accessing prior knowledge
TPE 5: Student engagement; student participation
This was awesome! I love hearing how excited he was! I also love that he connected what he was learning in math to this
TPE 6: Developmentally appropriate. I thought you explained this figure of speech well, as well as why it is incorrect.
TPE 11: Social environment I like that it seems like you are having fun and enjoying teaching! It speaks to the repertoire that you have built with the class.
Academic/scientific identity One student comments that the toucan is in the movie Rio. Sarah smiles and says that she hasnt seen that movie yet.
The next slide is on the desert, and Sarah asks the students what they know about the desert. One student comments that it is hot and it never snows there.
The next slide is on the wetlands. Sarah asks them to raise their hand if they have ever heard of wetlands. Sarah references swamps, and discusses the bird that is up on the Smart Board, and mentions the long legs on the bird that helps it walk through the mud.
The next slide is on the ocean, and Sarah tells the class that she saw one of the birds that is displayed on the slide yesterday. She asks the class if they know what it is, and tells them that it starts with a P (pelican). Sarah tells the class that she saw the bird dive into the ocean and catch a fish.
The next slide shows different types of nests. Sarah discusses how students might not see the next in the top left corner because it tends to be built in the desert.
The next slide is on birds and dinosaurs. Sarah tells the class that some people think birds and dinosaurs are related, and points out similarities in their feet. Sarah shares one idea for why birds have wings, which is that some people think dinosaurs grew shorter legs, and longer arms, which turned into wings, and then became birds.
Next, Sarah shows a video on why birds fly. She gently reminds the class that they should be sitting like students, and when everyone is ready, she hits play. Sarah pauses the video at various points to build off of points in the video. Sarah also parallels air resistance to water resistance that kids might experience when they are swimming to try to help them understand how birds fly.
At the end of the video, one student asks if the person who made the video was a scientist. Sarah explains that the person was an artist, who both narrated and drew the pictures. Sarah also says that she thinks he might have asked a scientist about birds since he knew a lot. Sarah also tells the class that she has a book to read to them on what makes birds special, but she is going to have to save it and share it with them next time, because it is time for free choice. Sarah dismisses students from the carpet, and they go to various centers in the room.
Debrief: During our debrief, I commended Sarah on her commitment to responding to student interest and questions. She put in a lot of time learning about birds and putting the information into a beautiful presentation for the class! Sarah told me that she knows that not everything that she covered was within the scope of kindergarten standards, but she really wanted to honor the W part of the KWL chart they had created the previous week. I suggested that when situations like this come up, where Sarah feels pressure to deliver a large amount of content in a short period of time, that she lets the class vote of one or two items in the W section of the chart that they are most interested in, which would allow her to go deeper and (hopefully) help her students retain more information. We also talked about the importance of communicating lesson objectives/goals to students, as well as assessing what students have learned. In this particular lesson, Sarah didnt have time to give students opportunities to engage with one another, as she felt a bit rushed to cover all of her content, and I suggested that a quick TPS she can do at the end would be to turn and tell their partner what they thought was the most interesting thing they learned about birds during the lesson. Based on my observations, I feel comfortable saying that I think Sarah has done well in this placement, and I really appreciate the ongoing reflection she brings to her teaching practice, as well as her commitment to her students. Good job, Sarah! Keep up the good work!