Nano Materials

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Edited by Mohammed Muzibur Rahman

Edited by Mohammed Muzibur Rahman

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Nanomaterials, Edited by Mohammed Muzibur Rahman
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-307-913-4

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Preface IX
Part 1 Un-Doped and Doped Nanostructure Materials 1
Chapter 1 Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 3
H. Mehranpour, Masoud Askari and

M. Sasani Ghamsari
Chapter 2 Synthesis, Characterization and Biological
Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots 27
Raphal Schneider, Lavinia Balan

and Fadi Aldeek
Chapter 3 Iron Oxide Nanoparticles 43
Mohammed M. Rahman, Sher Bahadar Khan,
Aslam Jamal, Mohd Faisal and Abdullah M. Aisiri
Part 2 State-of-the-Art Nano-Composites 67
Chapter 4 Nanocomposite Materials with
Oriented Functionalized Structure 69
Petrior Zamora Iordache, Nicoleta Petrea,
Rodica Mihaela Lungu, Rzvan Petre, Ciprian Su and Ioan Safta
Chapter 5 Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials
Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques 99
A. D. Rud, N. I. Kuskova, L. I. Ivaschuk,
L. Z. Boguslavskii and A. E. Perekos
Chapter 6 New Methods and
New Types of Functionalised Nanocomposites
Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters 117
Nicoleta Petrea, Petrior Zamora Iordache,Rodica Mihaela Lungu,
Ioan Safta, Razvan Petre and Andrada Pretorian
Chapter 7 Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and
Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology 145
Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz
VI Contents

Part 3 State-of-the-Art Polymers 163
Chapter 8 Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver
Nanocomposite Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by
In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 165
Jeong Hyun Yeum, Jae Hyeung Park, Jae Young Choi
Jong Won Kim, Sung Kyou Han and Weontae Oh
Chapter 9 Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels 187
Esther G. Calvo, J. ngel Menndez and Ana Arenillas
Part 4 State-of-the-Art Nano-Material Applications 235
Chapter 10 Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials 237
Joaquim G. G. Esteves da Silva
Chapter 11 Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle:
Synthesis, Properties and Application 253
Sujoy K. Das and Enrico Marsili
Chapter 12 Biorecycling of Precious
Metals and Rare Earth Elements 279
Kevin Deplanche, Angela Murray,
Claire Mennan, Scott Taylor and Lynne Macaskie
Chapter 13 Molecular Design and Supramolecular
Assemblies of Novel Amphiphiles with Special
Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films 315
Tifeng Jiao, Sufeng Wang and Jingxin Zhou


It gives me immense pleasure in introducing the book "Nanomaterials" based on state

of the art of un-doped and doped semiconductor metal oxide nanostructures, state of
the art of nano-composites as well as applied polymers, and their various potential
applications. This deals with nano-technological aspects of the synthesis, growth,
development, and potential applications of semiconductor nanostructure metal oxides.
The discussion of these aspects develops through the fundamentals and applied
experimental routes in conventional methods, via the interaction of semiconductor
nanomaterials, to finally include the interfacing of the nanoscience and
nanotechnology world.
Semiconductor nonmaterial has kept its classical essence, but has also taken new
directions of growth, development, continuous changes, and various potential
applications. The new paths and emerging frontiers are occasionally branching out
around this advanced nanotechnology stage. Advances in doped and un-doped
semiconductors, and instrumentation for evaluating the nanostructure models now
enable us to understand quite comprehensively almost all the events that take place at
the semiconductor metal oxides at the nano-level. This work aims to bridge the gap
between undergraduate, graduate, and researchers in applied material sciences,
initiating researchers into nanomaterial study in the most straightforward way, and
introducing scientists to the opportunities offered by the applied material science and
technology fields.
I worked consistently to accomplish this work with InTech open access publisher. I hope
that this contribution would further enhance the applied material sciences, especially in
bringing new entrants into the applied material science and nanotechnology fields, and
help scientists to forward and develop their own field of specialization.

Prof. Mohammed Muzibur Rahman
The Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research (CEAMR)
& Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science,
King Abdulaziz University,
Saudi Arabia

Part 1
Un-Doped and Doped Nanostructure Materials

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
H. Mehranpour
, Masoud Askari

M. Sasani Ghamsari

Department of Material Science and Engineering,
Sharif University of Technology,Tehran,
Solid State Lasers Research Group, Laser & Optics Research School, NSTRI, Tehran,
1. Introduction
Crystallization is one of the most important and interesting phenomena in human life. For
instance, many purifications and productions of materials are based on crystallization. In
pharmacology, more than 90% of all pharmaceutical products are used in the crystalline
form of solid material. Hence, the controlling of the crystallization process has a critical
role on the properties of products and allows manufacturers to prepare materials with
desired and reproducible properties. The recent interest in nanocrystals and other types of
nanomaterials is a further illustration of the crystallization importance in the science and
technology (Mehranpour et al., 2010). It is well known that at the nanometer scale, the
optical, the electronic, and the catalytic properties of nanomaterials are highly sensitive to
their size and shape (Finney & Finke, 2008). Consequently, the crystallization process
(nucleation & growth) plays an important role in determining the crystal structure, shape,
size and size distribution of the nanomaterials. Therefore, a theoretical approach to
understand the mechanism of nanocrystal formation provides a greater control over the
size, shape, and composition of nanocrystals and results an ability to tune the
abovementioned properties simply by varying the crystallization conditions. One of the
main goals of this theoretical approach of the nanocluster science is the ability to prepare
nanocrystals that have very narrow size distributions (so-called near-monodisperse).
That is the main reason to know why the nucleation and the growth mechanism of
nanocrystals in solution have been the subject of increasing study. On the other hand, the
agreement between the theoretical models and experimental results is not very good. This
is a general shortcoming of nucleation theories. As a result, the nucleation theories in
general have a little predictive power. It seems that a main goal of nucleation study is to
improve the accuracy of theory (Finney & Finke, 2008). Titanium dioxide (TiO
) is one of
the semiconductor materials with unique photocatalytic properties that make it an
interesting candidate for different applications such as white pigment, cosmetics, catalysis
support and a photocatalyst. During last two decades, this act has been highlighted that
the physical and the chemical properties of nano-TiO
depend on its size, morphology
and crystalline polymorph strongly. That is well known that these specifications of TiO

nanopowders are controlled by crystallization and phase transformation. Since the
employed synthesis method has critical role on the crystallization and phase
transformation of obtained material, many attempts have been done to use a procedure

Nanomaterials 4
which has enough potential to prepare TiO
nanopowders with designed properties.
Researchers made a lot of efforts to innovate the best techniques that can be applied for
this purpose. Despite the several attempts that have been served to prepare titanium
oxide nanoparticles with very high uniformity in size and morphology, a deep
understanding of nucleation and growth mechanism needs to make a better control on the
physical and the chemical properties of synthesized TiO
nanomaterial. LaMer theory
described the kinetic formation of particles which are controlled by diffusion of elements
(particles, ions,..). In 1999 Tadao Sugimoto and his model described the formation of
nanoparticles that their nucleation and growth comfort with LaMer diagram and
controlled by diffusion. In this chapter, at first, the kinetic of nucleation and the growth of
particles will be discussed generally and some of scientific reports will be analyzed. Then,
the kinetic of nucleation and the growth mechanism of Titana nanoparticles will be
studied on the basis of LaMer theory and Sugimoto model.
2. Nucleation
Generally, the nucleation is considered as a first stage of embryos formation from nuclei
which have only nanometer in size and possible growth to the final particles. In fact, the
nucleation is the first formation step of the solid phase from other phases such as solid,
liquid and gas. Nucleation occurs and continues with aggregation and clustering of
molecules or ions in a supersaturated melt, solution or vapor to form a stable size of solid
phase. It seems that supersaturation of solute in the main matrix is the important key to
nucleation of particle. Indeed, the driving force for nucleation and growth phenomena is
supersaturation. After dissolving the chemical species in a solvent, whether or not of a
predetermined nature, to observe the nucleation and growth process the solution must be
supersaturated (Mangin et al., 2009) (Kashchiev, 2001). Supersaturation is the difference
between the chemical potential of the solute molecules in the supersaturated () and
saturated (
) states respectively. For one molecule, difference is explained by:

k T | A = =
where k
is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. To simplify, we consider that
the activities are equal to the concentrations and can be written as (Mangin, et al., 2009):

| =
Here is the supersaturation ratio, C
is the concentration of the solute in solution and C
saturated or equilibrium concentration. Obviously, this ratio is dimensionless . Moreover, if
> 1, the nucleus grows; if < 1, the nucleus dissolves; and if = 1, nuclei and solution are at
equilibrium. However, in a crystallized system, not only there must be a supersaturation
condition for the system but also the system must have a number of minute solid bodies,
embryos, nuclei or seed which are acting as a core of nucleation to develop crystals.
Therefore, nucleation may occur spontaneously or it can happen artificially. Nowadays
there is no a general agreement on forming of particles. The term primary is explained for
the system that has unknown crystalline matter. On the other hand, nuclei are often
generated in the vicinity of crystals presented in a saturated system; this is referred to as
secondary nucleation (Kashchiev, 2001) (Mangin et al,. 2009).

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 5
2.1 Primary nucleation
Scientists did not know exactly when and how a nucleus is become stable within a
homogeneous solution. Actually, primary nucleation is the initial formation of a nucleus
where there are no other solid phases. If the solid phases are present in the system, they do
not have any influence on the nucleation process. The number of monomers in a stable
nucleus is different about ten to several thousand, i.e., ice nucleus may contain about 100
molecules. The formation of nuclei can be explained by a successive addition of monomer
(units A) according to the formation scheme (Mersmann et al,. 2001):

1 2 2 3 n
A A A ;.....; A A
+ = + = +
From above scheme, it can be found that the addition to the stable nucleus or part from it,
would lead to growth or shrink which can be described by the rate constant of K
and Kd.
is the monomer addition rate constant and K
is the rate of monomer desorbstion which is
parted from nucleus. So, addition to the stable nucleus would result in growth of the
nucleus. Similarly, ions or molecules in a solution can make the shortlived clusters, which
occurs very rapidly. These clusters can be considered as very high supersaturation in local
region and many of these embryos or sub-nuclei fail to growth (Mullin, 2001). They
dissolve easily because they are extremely unstable. The classical nucleation theory (CNT)
which was pioneered by Volmer and Decker (Maris 2006) , where the first to argue that the
nucleation rate should depend exponentially on the reversible work of the formation of a
critical cluster. The free energy of nucleus formation G is expressed by the two competing
terms. One of them is free volume energy (G
) and the other is free surface energy (G
). The
positive change in free surface energy (G
) can be provided by increasing the interfacial
between the surface of the nucleus and the surrounding solution. On the other
hand, the change in free volume energy (G
) is negative because it is set free. The G
proportional to the volume of the nucleus and increased with increasing in energy RTlnS,
where S=a/a
or in ideal systems, S =C/C
. The concentration of the elementary units (C)
changes to the lower equilibrium concentration as follows (Mersmann et al,. 2001):
C = C
- C (4)
Fig 1 shows, the free energies of G
and G
and the total free energy G = G

against the nucleus radius. The nucleus free energy can expressed with the following
equation which is obtained by the nucleus surface A
, nucleus volume V
, the degree of
dissociation , and the number of ions n:
G = G
= A

(1- +un) V
R T ln S (5)
The change in total enthalpy (G), is regarding to the nucleus radius r passes through a
maximum value. This is because the free volume energy (G
) is related to the volume of a
cluster and therefore(Mersmann et al,. 2001):
whereas the free surface energy (G
) is proportion to the size of the nucleus with the
following manner(Mersmann et al,. 2001):

Nanomaterials 6

Fig. 1. Free enthalpy G against nucleus size r (Mersmann et al,. 2001).
The maximum value of G corresponds to the nucleus with critical radius (r
). A
thermodynamically stable nucleus exists when the radius of the nucleus reaches to r
Therefore, the slope of G at critical radius of nucleus will be zerro(Mersmann et al,. 2001):
In that situation which the radius of nucleus is critical, the rate constant of addition (k
) is
equel to the desorbtion rate constant (k
). Therefore, neither growth nor decomposition
takes place. The critical radius of nucleus can be obtained by the above equations for the
spherical nucleus:

(1 ) ln
a an RTC S

By considering the Boltzmann constant as k
= R / N
and molecular volume as:

= =
the critical radius(r
) is obtained by the following equation(Mersmann et al,. 2001):

crit m
r V
k T S

The behavior of created crystalline particles in supersaturation solution depends on their
size; they can be dissolved or grow, but the free energy of the particles determines the viable
of particle. The critical size r
represents the minimum size of stable nucleus. Particles with
the radius smaller than r
will dissolve because only in this way the particle can achieve a
reduction in its free energy. Similarly, particles larger than r
will grow to the final particle.
The nucleus free energy can also be expressed in terms of the number of atoms in the
nucleus; one such general expression is given by(Mersmann et al,. 2001):

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 7

n B
G nk T bn
| |
A = +
\ .
where, n is the number of atoms in the nucleus, k
is the Boltzmann constant, T is the
temperature, is the surface tension of the cluster, b is a geometric factor and hence the
critical number of atom which create a stable nucleus at the supersaturation level is :

3 ln
k T
| |
| |
\ . \ .
Alternatively, the critical nucleus can be explained in terms of the number of atoms
contained within it, n
, by differentiating Eq. (12) and finding the maximum. For nucleus,
containing less than n
atoms or ions growth is not happened and the cluster dissolves. For
nucleus containing more than n
atoms, growth is favored. The critical nucleus is therefore
the activated complex along the reaction coordinate of nucleation(Mersmann et al,. 2001).
3. Growth
It is well known that three basic steps are involving in the formation of crystal from an
initially disordered phase. These stages are considered as achievement of supersaturation or
supercooling, nucleation, and growth the nuclei into single crystals of distinct phase. When
the crystallized particles are formed, the particles with size greater than critical size began to
grow into final size. When, the equilibrium between crystallized phase and mother phase
achives the free energy is at a minimum and the growth cannot occur. The equilibrium
prevents the particle growth(Dhanaraj, et al. 2010). Therefore, a change in temperature or
other effective parameters on the deriving force of crystallization must be applied to start
the growth process again. Actually, supersaturation or supercooling of liquid increases the
driving force of crystallization with respect to component whose growth is required. Several
theories such as surface energy theory, diffusion theory, adsorption layer theory, and screw
dislocation theory have been proposed to analyze the concept of particle growth. These
theories evaluate the mechanism and the rate of crystal growth. Although, these theories
cover the growth kinetic but high level accuracy remain elusive in the study of nucleation
and growth process. For this reason, scientists try to fit experimental data and adjusting the
theoretical parameter accordingly. In following, a brif presentation about these theories will
be given.
3.1 Crystal growth theories
3.1.1 Surface energy
In surface energy theory, the particle growth happens through the plane which has the
lowest surface energy based on the thermodynamic principle. In 1878 Gibbs proposed that
the growth of a crystal depends on the total free energy of a crystal in equilibrium with
surrounding at constant temperature and pressure. For the stable nuclei If the free energy
per unit volume is assumed to be constant in the crystal, then the surface energy must have
a minimum for a given volume (Mullin, 2001; Jones, 2002):

Nanomaterials 8

i i
a g =
In a crystal which is bounded by n faces, a
is the area of the ith face and gi is the surface
free energy per unit area of the ith face. Therefore, if crystal grows in supersaturated
system, its shape must have an equilibrium with surrounding medium. Many scientists
used this idea in their research. Wulff (Suzuki, et al. 2007) studied the relationship
between growth rate at different faces and the surface free energies. He showed that the
excess surface free energy
is minimum for crystal with its {hkl} faces when it is in
equilibrium with surrounding medium. The value of
could determine on the basis of
the shape of crystal. For example if is isotropic; the form of the crystal is spherical. Also
Marc and Ritzel (Dhanaraj, et al. 2010) indicated that different faces have different values
of solubility. When the difference in solubility is small, the surface energy has an
imposrant role on the growth of nucleus. The rate of growth can be measured by the
outward rate of monemer movement in the direction perpendicular to the face. In a
crystal with geometrically shape, the velocity of growth will different from face to face.
The ideal case of a crystal that has geometrical shape is called invariant. In this crystal,
any face with equal area grow at same rate. But, the smaller faces grows faster while the
smallest face grows fastest of all. A similar, but, reverse behavior would be seen in the
crystal in this type in a solvent. The face with faster growth rate dissolves at a faster rate
than the other faces, but the sharp outlines of the crystal are soon lost ones dissolution
commences (Mullin, 2001; Jones, 2002).
3.1.2 Diffusion theory
The main work on diffusion theory backs to the researches of Noyes and Whitney (1897).
They proposed that the deposition of solid monomer on the surface of crystal was
essentially a diffusion process. The base of this idea has two following assumptions. At first,
it can be hypothesed that a concentration gradient exists in the near layer of the growing
surface. Secondly, it can be considered that the crystal growth is the reversible process
(Mullin, 2001; Jones, 2002). Consequently, on the basis of these assumptions, an equation can
be written between the amounts of solute that are getting to solid surface and in the bulk of
the supersaturated solution, which is as follows:

( )
dm D
dt o
| |
\ .
where m is the mass of solid deposited in a small time t; A is the surface area of crystal; C
is the solute concentration in the solution; C
is the equilibrium saturation concentration;
D is the diffusion coefficient of the solute and is the length of diffusion path. The
thickness of the torpid layer would obviously depend on the relative solid-liquid
velocity, in the system without any agitation, the film thickness would be around of 150
nm but in agitation system this thickness maybe less than 100 nm. The importance of
nucleation site during growth of crystals was the main consideration of Volmer. He
suggested that in growth mechanism the monomers when reached to a surface, they are
not attached immediately to the lattice but migrate over crystal face to find a suitable site
for attachment (Mullin, 2001; Jones, 2002).

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 9
3.1.3 Adsorption layer theory
In 1939 Volmer proposed the crystal growth mechanism based on adsorption layer theory.
Volmer theory or Gibbs-Volmer theory explained the growth of particles when the units
of solute arrive at the crystal face they do not attract immediately into surface but they
migrate over the crystal face. Consequently, there is a loosely adsorption layer of the
monomers at the interface and a dynamic equilibrium is established between the layer
and the bulk solution. Kossle considered that crystal is in equilibrium with the solution
when it is just saturated (Dhanaraj, et al. 2010). Also the energy of attachment unit on
surface is a simple function of distance only. The thickness of the adsorption layer does
not exceed 10nm and may even be near 1nm. The places in the lattice surface which have
the greatest attractive energy are the best place for ions, molecules or monomers to attach.
After that the suitable places with less energy attract these pieces. Under the standard
condition this step-wise build-up will continue till the monomers cover the surface and
will create a new layer on surface completely. Before the crystal faces can continue to
grow or before creating the additional layer, a center of crystallization must exist on the
surface plane. Gibbs-Volmer theory suggested that there is a monolayer island on the
crystal surface which is called a two-dimensional nucleus (Mullin, 2001; Jones, 2002).
Kossle (Dhanaraj, et al. 2010) also showed that the attachment energy depends on the kind
of crystal. If the crystal is homopolar the attachment energy is due to Van Der Wals while
if the crystal is heteropolar (ionic) the energy is due to electrostatic forces. The important
specific feature of new phase nucleation on substrate surfaces, as compared to
homogeneous nucleation in the bulk, is the presence of various defects on the substrate.
Defects are typically divided into point and linear ones; the latter include kinks, surface
dislocations, and vacancies. It seems that the sites like terraces, ledge, and kinks are the
suitable place to unit arriving at a crystal to attach. The attachment energy of atoms,
molecules or ions is maximum when it is correlated into a kink site in a surface ledge,
whilst at any point on the ledge it is greater than that for an atom attached to the flat
surface. Consequently, when a monomer reaches to a crystal surface, it does not go
around and integrated into the lattice immediately. Instead, it goes to find to a step and
moves along it to a kink sites, where it is finally incorporated. A crystal grow fastest when
have lots of kink on its face (Mullin, 2001; Jones, 2002).
4. Kinetic models
4.1 LaMer model
One of the most famous and widely used nucleation theories is the work done by LaMer in
the 1950s. LaMer and Dignae (1954) described the formation of sulfur sols from the
decomposition of sodium thiosulfate in hydrochloric acid. Fig. 2, shows the concentration
changing profile of nucleating species (sulfur in this case) via time. The contest of the
nucleation mechanism is as follows. At first, the concentration of elemental sulfur increase
slowly(stage I). In this stage no appreciable nucleation occurs even if the concentration level
exceed the solubility level which is called as critical concentration (Moon et al., 1998; Finney
& Finke, 2008; Keshmiri & Kesler, 2006; Tovstun & Razumov, 2010). When the concentration
reaches to a critical level (critical supersaturation level) the nucleation process can be started
(stage II). In the second stage, because some of the solute monomer is consumed to form
particles the concentration of the solute species continues to increase but in lower slope.
However, as the concentration still increases, the nucleation is drastically accelerated and,

Nanomaterials 10
finally, the concentration of the monomeric species reaches the maximum level (maximum

Fig. 2. The LaMer mechanism of nucleation of sulfur shows the changing pattern of sulfur
concentration as a function of time(LaMer & Dignae, 1954).
At this time, the consummation of monomers to form the particles is balanced with
increasing in their concentration. After that, the concentration of the monomeric species
starts to be reduced. Due to the increasing in consumption of the monomeric species by
growth of a number of the preformed nuclei, the concentration of the monomeric species
decrease until reach to the supersaturation level. At this stage the nucleation is stopped
(the end of the nucleation stage) and the remaining stable nuclei continue to grow with a
supersaturation below the critical level for nucleation (Stage III). When the concentration
of monomeric species becomes close to the solubility level of the bulk solid, the particle
growth finishes (Finney & Finke, 2008; Keshmiri & Kesler, 2006; Tovstun & Razumov,
2010). There is another nucleation and growth theory, which is called as Turkevich model.
In this model, it can be found that the particle formation followed kinetics consisting of an
induction period, fast and linear increase particles number and then a rapid decrease in
the rate.
4.2 Experimental models
Although, nucleation and growth process have a lot of interests to study, the highest
levels of accuracy and precision have not made just by theoretical approach. It seems that,
the theoritical approach would be come out by fitting experimental data with adjusting
theoretical parameters simultaneously. Oxtoby (Oxtoby, 1992) has observed that the
nucleation theory is one of the few areas of science in which the agreement of predicted
and measured rates to within several orders of magnitude is considered a major success.
Recently, some nucleation and growth studies based on experiment are developed. Becker
and Doring (Toralff & Marro, 1987) evaluated and formulated the growth kinetic of
particles as a steady-state process. The main goal of a theoretical description is to explain
the size selection mechanism, the formation kinetic of monodisperse and the shape of the
precipitated solids. There are approaches describing thermodynamic and dynamical
growth mechanisms have been proposed by a lot of researchers (Privman, et al., 1999a;
Privman and Mozyrsky, 1999b; Park, et al., 2001; Gorshkov & Privman, 2010; Libert, et al.

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 11
2003; Kulkarni & Zukoski 2002a; Dixit & Zukoski 2001; Dixit & Zukoski, 2002b). Dmitri V.
Talapin in 2001 evaluated the evolution of an nanoparticle and presented a model
allowing to calculate the progressed size of an nanoparticle under reaction, diffusion, and
mixed reaction-diffusion control. The assumed model describing a place with a solution
and durable concentration of monomer. The monomers can add to the nanoparticle
surface and help it to growth or it can remove from the surface. It seems that the most
probable for nanoparticles colloidal growth is polynuclear-layer ,so , the flux of monomer
J toward the particles surface is described by a first order surface reaction (Talapin, et
al. 2001, 2002):

| |
4 exp
flat react m
g g
J r k M a


where [M]
is the concentration of the monomer near the particle surface and

is the
growth rate constant for growth of a flat (r = ) surface (Talapin, et al. 2001, 2002). If the rate
of the dissolution of a solid does not depend on the monomer concentration in solution, it
can be said that the flux of the monomer toward the particles is as follows:

2 2
4 4 exp
flat react m
g d d
J r k r k

t t |
= =

flat d
d d
k B

| |
= |
\ .
is the dissolution rate constant for a flat (r = ) interface. The equilibrium constant for the
dissolution of the bulk material gained by the ratio between and :

flat d
~ = (19)
Considering of the Fick low for the diffusion of the monomers from the bulk solution
toward the particle surface and neglecting the size of the nanoparticle compare to the
thickness of the diffusion layer under real condition the following equation can be written:
| | | | ( )
bulk r
J Dr M M t = (20)
Where [M]
is the concentration of the monomer in the bulk of the solution and D is the
diffusion coefficient. The number of monomers remove and add to the particles surface
equal to those diffused toward the bulk of the solution, so:

react react
g d diff
J J J = (21)
Now with substitution of the equations (18), (19), (20) and (21) the following equation for
determination of the stationary concentration of the monomer near the particle surface can
be expressed (Talapin et al., 2001, 2002):

Nanomaterials 12
| |
| |
flat m
flat m
D M rk
M r
rk a D



The size dependent rate of the particle radius is obtained from the combination of the
Equations (20) and (22) :

| |
bulk m
V dt D
r a




If the process is the pure diffusion control i.e.
D k (( and r*>> 1, equation (23) can be
simplified to equation obtained by Sugimoto which is explained in the next part. In 1999,
Tadao Sugimoto developed a model to explain the nucleation and the growth of
nanoparticles which is based on LaMer model. This model described the formation of
nanoparticles that their nucleation and growth comfort with LaMer diagram and controlled
by diffusion (Sugimoto, 2001; Sugimoto et al., 2000a; 200b). The Sugimoto model is briefly
explained as follow. When C reaches C
,(Fig. 2) the steady state of a mass balance between
the supply rate of solute (R
), its consumption rates for nucleation (R
), and the growth of
generated nuclei (R
), is established, and the following relationship may be held:
+ R
- R
=0 (24)
This mass balance equation may be replaced by a corresponding differential equation for the
number of the generated stable nuclei, n

(Sugimoto, 2001; Sugimoto et al., 2000a; 2000b):

0 m
n QV
u u

+ = (25)
In Eq.(25) the generation of stable nuclei shows itself as the first term in the left-hand and
similarly, the second term indicates the growth of the generated stable nuclei. Where
u is the
minimum particle volume of the stable nuclei, u is the mean volume growth rate of the stable
nuclei, n is the their number density, Q is the supply rate of solute in mol per unit time, and V
the molar volume of the solid. The stable nuclei are sufficiently large to be grown to the final
product particles, and they are defined as nuclei whose each particle volume is over the
maximum particle volume of the stationary nuclei (Sugimoto, 2001; Sugimoto et al., 2000a; 200b).
Its assumed that Q is constant during the short nucleation period (Q
), and may be regarded as a
constant during nucleation stage and shortly after growth. If its assumed that there is a time-
averaged mean volume growth rate of the stable nuclei during the nucleation stage, the behavior
of n as a function of time by using the time-averaged growth rate is as follows:

( ) 1 exp
Q V t
n t
u u
( | |
( |
( \ .


Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 13
Therefore, the number of final particles is given by:

0 m

On the other hand, it has been assumed that the growth of nanoparticles is controlled by
diffusion, the linear growth rate, dr/dt, in the growth stage may be given by (Sugimoto, 2001;
Sugimoto et al., 2000a; 200b):

m m
DV V dr
dt r rRT
( | |
| (
\ .
In Eq. 28, D is the diffusivity of the solute including free ions or their halide complexes, C is
the molality of the solute, C

is the solubility of the bulk solid in terms of total molality of

solute and is the specific surface energy of the solid For maximum supersaturation. With
havingu and S
), the initial particle radius of the stable nuclei during the
nucleation stage r
, the below equation is established between r
, D, u :

m s m
r DV C S
r RT
4 exp

u t
( | |
( |
( \ .

5. Nucleation and growth of TiO
When TiO
powder was comerically producted in the early of twenty centery, it was used
widely in a lot of applications such as membrane, sensor devices, photocatalyst. These
applications can be classified in two major categories which are named as energy and
enviromental. The employment of TiO
powders in these applications depends on the
properties of the titania material which are affected by particle size, morphology, kind of
polymorphe. Anatase, brookite and rutile are the main polymorphes of the TiO
and each
of its phase has its own properties. In the nanoscale, the difference between properties of
titanium is more considrelable. For example, anatase nanopowder shows advantages in
applications such as photocatalytic material or dye-sensitized solar cells, and the particle
size, shape and the morphology of TiO
nanomaterial have an important role in the
performance of prepared material (Behnajady et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2009; Ni et al., 2006).
On the other hand, rutile phase exhibits a higher refractive index, hiding power, good
chemical stability. It is becoming a candidate material for high-temperature separation
and catalysis applications (Li et al., 2006). Consequently, phase stability is very important
for advanced application of TiO
nanomaterial. The phase transformation occurs during
calcinations which is effected by the particle size and morphology. It is well known that
the particle size and morphology are controlled by nucleation and growth procedure of
nanoparticles. Therefore, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the
nucleation and growth mechanism, as well as processes such as aggregation and
coarsening. Nowadays, several methods such as flame reactor (Mehta et al., 2010), melt-
phase separation technique (Zhaoa & Zhang, 2011), atomic layer deposition (King et al.,
2009), combustion of TiCl
(West et al. 2007), atmospheric pressure CVS process
(Rahiminezhad-Soltani et al., 2011), solvothermal (Wang & Xiao, 2006), thermal hydrolysis

Nanomaterials 14
(Santacesaria et al., 1985), sol-gel (Mahshid et al., 2007; 2008) have been developed to
prepare TiO
nanoparticle with designed and controlled properties (crystalline phase,
size, shape, etc.). Formation of TiO
nanoparticles have been studied in many papers with
different approaches and aspects. For example, the influence of synthesis condition on
preparation of TiO
by the hydrothermal method has shown that the size of particle
increases from 18 to 26 nm when the synthesis temperature rise from 140 to 200C (Ryua
et al., 2008). But, the nucleation and growth kinetic study of nanaocrystalline TiO

formation from aqueous solutions and sol-gel methods have attracted many attentions
(Courtecuisse et al., 1996; Mizukami, 1999; Baek et al., 2009; Kim et al., 1999; Gaoa et al.,
2004; Jiaa et al., 2009; Nishidea & Tieng et al., 2011). Demopoulo and his co-workers
(Charbonneau et al., 2009) produced the nanostructured TiO
particles by precipitation
from forced hydrolysis of aqueous Ti(IV) chloride solution. The kinetic study of
precipitation was shown that the nucleation rate is slow while growth rate is fast and
follows Avrami model equation. They reported that the formation of nanostructure
spherical particles is based on two steps. In the first step, the nuclation and aggregation of
elementary nanocrystallite ( 10 2 nm) is acquired and in the second step the growth of
elongated self assembled nanofibers along rutile (110) atomic planes (Charbonneau et al.,
2009). Oskam et al., (2003) reported that the average size of primary particles, depends on
the parameters such as like coarsing time, temperature and solution chemistry. Solution
chemistry can be modified by using different anions, solvent, pH or concentrations. He
prepared precipitated anatase nanoparticles from the homogeneous acidified solution
(pH=1) using titanium(IV) isopropoxide as precursor and using water-to-titanium mole
ratio of about 200. It was shown that the secondary particles could be formed by epitaxial
self-assembly of primary particles when longer time and higher temperature were used.
The formation of secondary particles increases at higher temperatures because the
tendency of primary particles to attend in the attachment process rises. It was indicated
that the average particles radius increases linearly with time on the basis of the Lifshitz-
Slyozov-Wagner model for coarsening (Oskam, et al. 2003). One of the complete research
for studying of the nucleation and growth kinetic of titania nanoparticles was done by
Zhang (Zhang et al., 2008). In his research titnium dioxid particles produced by the
hydrolysis of a titanium tetrachloride (TiCl
) precursor in aqueous solution at
temperature below 100C. They studied on the formation of TiO
particles in the three
periods; induction, initial growth and saturated growth. Induction time depends
extremely on the concentration of TiCl
and pH. Induction time was shorter with higher
pH or [TiCl
]. Higher supersaturation was made by increasing the solution temperature,
], and pH which results in shorter induction time for nuclation and a faster growth
rate. The growth rate can be represented by the following power-low relationship:

d Cs =
which d is the growth rate and is equal to 0.6 at lower pH. The growth rate is equal to 3.9
nm/min at higher pH in 25C. The particle critical size for growth was 0.44nm. In
addition, the particle growth rate has the parabolic behavior relationship with the degree
of supersaturation (Zhang, et al. 2008). As it has been mentioned above another
appropriate technique for preparation of titanium oxide nanoparticles is sol-gel process.
Sol-gel is a one the best techniques that can be applied to prepare and analyze the

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 15
formation of nano titania. Some effective parameters on the nature of the solgel process
are metal precursor, temperature, pH of solution and the presence/absence of catalyst.
Proposed benefits of the sol gel process are considered as easy control of formation
process (nucleation and growth), high stability, better homogeneity, and high purity. The
sol-gel process has been widely employed for preparing of titanium dioxide particles
because the control of hydrolysis and polycondensation reactions can be easily stablished
and gotten the appropriate properties (Zhang et al., 2009). TiO
nanomaterial can be
synthesized by sol gel process with different titanium precursors. Typically, synthesizing
of TiO
nanoparticles via sol-gel process include an acid-catalyzed hydrolysis step of
titanium (IV) alkoxide followed by condensation. The development Ti-O-Ti is favorite
with low water. Present of large excess of water lead to develop polymetric Ti-O-Ti chains
(Mahshida et al., 2007; 2009). The study on nucleation and growth kinetic of titana
nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method shows that the rate constant for coagulation of
particles increases with temperature because the velocity of monomer through the
particles has high dependency of temperature. Secondary particles were formed and the
growth of particles incresed when they passed critical radius and became stable (Chenl &
Mao, 2007). Jean and Ring (1986) studied on the growth kinetic of titania monospheres
and noticed that the data fitted with theoretical curve for growth under diffusion control
(LaMer diagram). They used the curve and determined the diffusion coefficient of
particles which was 10
/s (Jean & Ring, 1986). Keshmiri and Troczynski (2002)
syntheszied the ultra-fine and spherical of TiO
nanoparticles with a controlled
precipitation of sol-gel technique. They found that the nucleation period was limited to a
short period of time and the growth process was induced by another step. On the basis of
this idea it can be possible to make nucleation through supersaturation phenomena (refer
to LaMer diagram), and it is possible to produce almost perfect monodispersed particles
(Keshmiri & Troczynski 2002). Li et al., (2002) prepared TiO
nano powder by sol-gel
method. They used tetra-n-butyl-titanate and dionized water as the starting materials. The
grain size of powder as a function of calcination temperature was studied and they found
out that the grain size increase with the increasing of calcinations temperature. The
following equation was used to explain the growth rate (Li, et al. 2002):

0 0
exp 1 exp
u a
kT kT
A ( ( | | | |
( | | (
\ . \ .
where a
is the particle diameter,
the atomic jump frequency, Q the activation energy for
an atom to leave the matrix and attach itself to the growing phase, Fv the molar free
energy difference between two phases. For non-crystallization Fv>>KT. So Eq. (31) can be
reduced as (Li, et al. 2002):

0 0
u a
( | |
| (
\ .
When the calcination temperature is high, the activation energy is very small, therefore, the
growth rate is large. So the grain size increases very quickly as the calcination temperature
increases. When the calcination temperature is low, the activation energy is very large and the
growth rate becomes slow. So the grain size increases very slowly (Li, et al. 2002). A series of
complete experiment on formation of TiO
particles have been assembled by Sugimoto

Nanomaterials 16
(Sugimoto, et al. 2002; Sugimoto & Zhou, 2002; Sugimoto, et al. 2003a). Using the sol-gel
method for synthesis of TiO
nanoparticles, different sizes and shapes can be obtained by
changing the reaction parameters. In his experiments, uniform anatase TiO
were formed by the gelsol process from a condensed Ti(OH)
gel preformed by the
hydrolysis of a Titriethanolamine (TEOA) . the titanium complex is hydrolyzed by degrees in
water and completely converted to a rigid gel of Ti(OH)
after aging at 100C for 24 hr (first
aging). Then, the Ti(OH)
gel is totally transformed into anatase TiO
nanoparticles by
additional aging at 140C in an autoclave for 3 days (second aging) . In his experiment, the
deposition process hydroxo complexes of titanium ion onto the growing TiO
determined the
step for the formation of TiO
particles and not the dissolution of the Ti(OH)
Consequently, the supply rate of the solute is equivalent to the dissolution rate of the gel and is
increased with the consumption rate of solute and the particles of TiO
grow to keep the
equilibrium concentration level (Sugimoto, et al. 2003b; 2007). His results showed that,
however a mass balance exists between the rates of supply and consumption of solute toward
the particles, the nucleation rate is related and a function of solute concentration which is
equilibrium with the gel and also is independent of the consumption rate increase of solute for
the particle growth. In this way, LaMer mechanism doesnt work in this situation because the
nucleation of TiO
will not be finished until the precursor gel remains. Sogimoto pointed out
that in such situation it is hard to separate the nucleation and growth process (Sugimoto et al.,
2003b; Sugimoto, 2007). But, he defined a different way to separate nucleation and growth
stage. Fig(3), shows the changing pattern of the time evolution of the concentration vs. time
during the first aging at 100C and the second aging at 140C. Under the standard condition a
different way of separation can be distinguished. In stage 1, the concentration of titanium ion
isdecreased by a factor of about 2 orders of magnitude for the precipitation of Ti(OH)
gel. But,
in second stage its order factor is one. He suggested that the factor is lowered probably
because the progress of hydrogen bonding throughout the gel hydroxide groups when
temperature raised to 140C. He observed that at the earlier of the second aging, the nucleation

Fig. 3. Time evolution of the concentration vs. time during the first aging at 100C
and the second aging at 140C under standard sol-gel system for TiO
(Sugimoto, 2007).

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 17
of TiO
particles happend, but it was completed soon with the drop of the supernatant
concentration, followed by the growth of the nuclei under the supersaturation below the
critical level for nucleation (Sugimoto et al., 2003b; Sugimoto, 2007).
Recently, we studied on the nucleation and growth of TiO
nanoparticles which were
synthesized in two stages in an aqueous peroxotitanate solution by using HNO
, TTIP, and
TIPO as starting materials. The established controlled conditions for the preparation of TiO

nanoparticles were as follows: First, a stock solution of Ti
was prepared by mixing
titanium isopropoxide with triethanol amine (TEOA) at a molar ratio of TIPO: TEOA=1 : 2
under dry air to form a stable Ti
compound against the hydrolysis reaction at room
temperature. Then, 10 ml of the stock solution was mixed with the same volume of doubly
distilled water. The pH was controlled by addition of HClO
or NaOH solution. The
solution (pH=9.6) was placed in a screw-capped Pyrex bottle and aged at 100C for 36 h.
Finally, the resulting highly viscous gel was mixed with 80 ml (210
molar) nitric acid and
stirred at 25C for 3 h to dissolve the gel and so prepared a dark solution with pH=1. The
solution was set in pool water at various temperatures ranging from 60 to 80C. Solution
was heated to achieve super saturation of Ti in solution. In each 4 min time interval, a
sample has been taken from prepared solution and analyzed by atomic adsorption. A
condenser was used to stop the evaporation of solution and each 4 min a sample has been
taken throughout the process. TiO
particles were separated from the resulting Ti

suspension by centrifugation. This procedure has been repeated for several times and every
time the concentration of Ti4+ ions was measured via atomic adsorption. Titanium alkoxide
can be hydrolyzed and condensed through following steps:
Ti-OR + H
O Ti-OH + ROH (I)
...Ti-OH + OR-Ti... ...Ti-O-Ti... + ROH (II)
...Ti-OH + OH-Ti... ...Ti-O-Ti... + HOH (III)
Depending on the pH of solution, several compounds of titanium (IV), e.g. TiO
, and TiO(OH)
, can be formed. Experimental results have shown that
the uniform nanoparticles can be obtained in solution with more acidic condition (pH~1)
(Sugimoto & Zhou 2002; Sugimoto et al., 2002a). Therefore, it is reasonable that an acidic
solution is suitable to choose for our theoretical approach. When the pH of solution is
near to 1, the TiO
ions are the dominant complex in the solution and TiO
can be
nucleated by the aforementioned equations (II and III). It can be found that the growth of
particles occurs by the addition of Ti
to the growing particles. It has been shown that the
sufficient number of O

or OH

sites are available along the TiO

particle planes, which
are appropriate positions to create octahedral coordination for the incoming Ti
Moreover, after the attachment of Ti
ions along the planes, equal number of new O


sites are created for further attachment of Ti

ions (Baek, et al. 2009). In Fig. 4, the
concentration-changing pattern of [Ti] ions in the solution under the standard condition in
70C can be observed, which is similar to the LaMer diagram. For better explanation, the
diagram is divided in two different stages. In the first stage, the liquid in the solution
evaporates slowly which leads to the increase in the concentration of titanium ions. In
contrast, in the second stage, the concentration of titanium ions starts to decrease as TiO

particles start to precipitate. The supersaturation ratio, S, was obtained from the LaMer

Nanomaterials 18
diagram (Fig. 4). The maximum value of supersaturation ratio, S
, is equal to 3.19. The
radius and free energy of formation of the nucleus at the supersaturation,
r and
respectively, are calculated from Gibbs-Thomson equation which are
r =4.42nm and
G A =1.1610
J (=343K). At the supersaturation level, the high driving force is available
(Fig. 4). Therefore, the nucleation process is easiest and continues until the radius of the
nucleus of stable particles reaches (r

Fig. 4. Time evolutions of Ti
concentration in the standard system: stage 1;[Ti]
concentration increasing. stage 2; [Ti] concentration decreasing (Mehranpour et al., 2010).
When, the stable particles are present, the nucleation stops and particles start to grow until
the final product is produced. To obtain the primary radius of stable embryo, the Gibbs-
Thomson equation was used and the determined radius is equal to r
=6.1nm. Fig. 5 shows
the TEM image of the TiO
particles. It is clear that the size of formed TiO
nanoparticles is
equal to 7.1nm (d=14.2nm) and has a good agreement with the theoretical size. The supply
rate of the monomer in the nucleation period, Q
, was obtained from the tangential slope of
the [Ti]-t diagram (Fig. 4) at [Ti]
which is equal to 7.0310
. Using the supply
rate of monomer and the final particle density, the amount of mean volumic growth rate of
the stable nuclei are calculated from Equ. 27 as 2.9810
. Finally, from equation 29 the
diffusion coefficient of ions in solution is D = 6.1810
. The effect of temperature on
the formation of particles was investigated in the diffrent temperature. The results show that
the nucleation and growth of TiO
nanoparticles is Extremely dependent on the
temperature. It can be observed the increase in temperature has caused a shift in the LaMer
diagram to the left side. So, the maximum supersaturation can be reached in higher
temperatures. In fact, temperature has a major effect on the diffusion coefficient of
monomers. According to Arrhenius equation, the rise in temperature causes an increase of
the diffusion coefficient which effects on the acceleration of hydrolysis of Ti in solution and
the supply rate of the monomer in the nucleation period, Q
, rises.

Nucleation and Growth of TiO
Nanoparticles 19

Fig. 5. TEM image of TiO
nanoparticles at the end of nucleation and start of growth stage.
The radius is large enough to be stable and growth to the final particles (r* = r
Therefore, it was predictable that the nucleation and growth of particles occurred earlier in
upper temperature. As we mentioned above, TiO
phases have their own properties and the
phases transformation which is associated by the nuclation and grain growth of new phase
inside the old phase has attracted a considerable attention (Delogu 2009; Gole et al., 2008;
Napolitano et al., 2010). The activation energy of anatase to rutile phase transformation has
been reported from 147 to 837 kJ/mol (Hsiang & Lin, 2006; 2008). Zhang and Banfield (2000)
suggested that in anatase samples with denser particle packing, rutile nucleates primarily at
interfaces between contacting anatase particles. But in anatase samples with less dense
particle packing, rutile nucleates at both interfaces and free surfaces of anatase particles
(Gribb & Banfield, 1997). To analyze, the phase transformation of synthesized titania
nanoparticles, they were thermally heated at 200, 400, 600, and 800C for 2 hours. Figure 6
shows the phase contents of rutile in samples which were treated isochronally at 2 hours
within the temperature range 200 to 800C. The results indicate that the process involves the
transformation of anatase in the starting material to rutile from its initial 23% at 200C to
100% at 800C. Rapid reaction rate of phase transformation shows that there is high driving
force for the transition (free energy change for phase transformation). It means that a lot of
nucleation and growth site for transformation are available in prepared sample. The kinetics
of anatase-rutile phase transformation is followed by Avrami equation as follows (Hsiang
and Lin 2006):
X = 1 exp (kt)
where X is the fraction of transformation, t is the time, k is the kinetic constant. From the
Arrhenius plot of various kinetic constants, and with calculation of slop, activation energy is
obtained as 20 kj/mol.

Nanomaterials 20

Fig. 6. Evolution of the amount of Rutile phases in the various temperatures (Mehranpour et
al., 2010).
6. Conclusion
Nowadays, titanium oxide nanoparticles have the most interest due to their properties.
These properties make them to use in a wide range of advance. It is well known that the size
of nanoparticles plays an important role in electrical and optical characteristic (Miao et al.,
2004; Oskam et al., 2003). Also the other factor effecting on properties of nano powder is the
phase composition and the particle size of each phase. Hence, it is essential to have
completely control on forming of particles to achieve the favorite particle size, shape, and
size distribution. Therefore, a theoretical approach to understand the mechanism of TiO
nanocrystal formation provides a greater control over the size, shape, and composition and
results an ability to tune the abovementioned properties simply by varying the
crystallization conditions. In this chapter, at first, the kinetic of nucleation and growth of
particles have been generally discussed and some of scientific reports have been analyzed.
Then, the kinetic of nucleation and the growth mechanism of Titana nanoparticles were
studied on the basis of LaMer theory. In comparison with other synthesized TiO

nanoparticles the kinetics of phase transformation of our sample is very fast and so proposes
that the activation energy of nucleation and growth is more than other prepared
nanoparticles. It is concluded that the lowering of activation energy is due to diffusion
controlled synthesis process and the uniformity of size and shape of resultant material.
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Synthesis, Characterization
and Biological Applications of
Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots
Raphal Schneider
, Lavinia Balan
and Fadi Aldeek

Laboratoire Ractions et Gnie des Procds (LRGP),
Nancy-University, CNRS, Nancy,
Institut de Science des Matriaux de Mulhouse (IS2M), Mulhouse,
1. Introduction
Quantum dots (QDs) or semiconductor nanocrystals are of great interest to fundamental
studies but have also potential applications as biological probes (Medintz et al., 2005),

fluorescent biosensor (Costa-Fernandez et al., 2006), light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (Lim et al.
2007), and solar cells (Robel et al., 2006). Owing to the effect of quantum confinement, QDs
show exceptional physical and chemical properties such as sharp and symmetrical emission
spectra, high quantum yield (QY), good photo- and chemical stability, and size-dependent
emission-wavelength tunability (Bruchez et al., 1998; Chan et al., 1998).

For biological
labelling, the most studied QDs are the nanocrystals of CdSe and CdTe (Aldeek et al., 2008)
and the corresponding core/shell structured QDs (such as CdSe/ZnS, CdTe/ZnS or
CdTe/ZnTe) that are more robust against chemical degradation or photooxidation than the
parent cores (Law et al., 2009).

Recent findings have highlighted the acute toxicity of II-VI
semiconductor QDs without an external layer of a nontoxic material on biological systems
(Schneider et al., 2009; Dumas et al. 2010). This toxicity results mainly from the
decomposition and release of heavy metal ions and formation of reactive oxygen species.
The toxicity of cadmium is a concern that will also limit the use of these visible or near IR
emitting nanocrystals, especially for applications directly related to human health. Synthesis
of low toxicity QDs and especially Cd-free QDs is the most challenging aspect of working
with these materials in biological and medical fields. A promising member of the Cd-free
QD is ZnO. However, ZnO nanoparticles are not stable in water. This instability is related to
their surface luminescent mechanisms. Water molecules are able to attack the luminescent
centers on the ZnO surface and destroy them rapidly. This chapter describes the strategies
that have been developed over the last years to transfer ZnO QDs in water.
2. ZnO photoluminescence
For the past two decades, study of ZnO nanoparticles has become a leading edge in
nanotechnology. With the reduction of size, novel electrical, chemical and optical properties
are introduced, which are largely believed to be the result of surface and quantum
confinement effects (Ahmad et al., 2011).


UV emission
UV emission

Fig. 1. Exciton emission of ZnO quantum dots.
At room temperature, wurtzite-ZnO QDs exhibit dual emission bands in the near UV and
visible range (Djurisic et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2010; Xiong, 2010). The UV emission at about
370 nm (band gap = 3.37 eV at room temperature) is associated with the radiative
recombination of an electron from the conduction band with a hole from the valence band
(band-edge emission) (Figure 1) or in a trap near the valence band (near-band-edge
emission). Because the recombination of the photo-generated electron with a hole in the
valence band is directly associated with the band gap, it is a size-dependent emission due to
quantum confinement.
The origin of the visible luminescence (also called deep-level emission) is more complicated,
its mechanism is controversial and not fully understood. Numerous hypotheses have been
proposed to explain the visible luminescence such as oxygen vacancies (V
), zinc vacancies
), oxygen intersticials (O
), zinc intersticials (Zn
), and antisite oxygen (O
) (Zhang et al.,
2010). Among them, two mechanisms involving oxygen vacancies are the most cited. The
first one is the recombination of a shallowly trapped electron with a hole in a deep trap
(Figure 2a). The second one is the recombination of an electron in a singly occupied oxygen
vacancy with a photo-generated hole in the valence band (Figure 2b) (Xiong, 2010).
Additionnally, copper and alkaline metals impurities, surface-bonded hydroxides, and
donor-acceptor complexes have also been proposed to be responsible of the visible

Fig. 2. Defect emission of ZnO quantum dots.

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots

3. Synthesis and biological applications of ZnO quantum dots
Because the final materials are highly cristallised and of high purity, physical methods such
as chemical vapour deposition (An et al., 2006), pulsed laser deposition (Choi et al., 2001),
and chemical vapour transport and condensation processes (Ding et al., 2004) are the most
popular methods to produce ZnO QDs with fine UV emission (Djurisic et al., 2006).
However, these routes are not free of disadvantages and harsh conditions are often required
preventing these methods from being used for large-scale production and their wide
Moreover, visible emission is the most-suited for biomedical and bio-imaging applications
because most cells and tissues appear blue under UV light.
ZnO QDs with high defect concentrations are therefore the most appropriate for such
applications. Because the sol-gel technique syntheses have many advantages such as process
simplicity and high homogeneity, and that they offer the possibility of preparing large
quantities of small-sized ZnO QDs at low cost and at low temperature, they constitute one
of the best choice to obtain ZnO QDs with highly visible emission. Decomposition of
organozinc derivatives and electrolysis constitute new and alternative methods for the
production of green-yellow emitting ZnO QDs and will be described at the end of this
3.1 The sol-gel synthesis of ZnO quantum dots
The sol-gel process can briefly be defined as the conversion of a precursor solution into an
inorganic solid by chemical means. The sol-gel route for the production of ZnO QDs
involves generally the basic hydrolysis of zinc acetate Zn(OAc)
mediated by an alkaline
hydroxide or tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) in an alcohol (Figure 3)
(Bahnemann et al., 1987; Spanhel et al., 1991).

Zn OAc AcO

Fig. 3. The sol-gel synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles.
After the nucleation stage, the ZnO photoluminescence (PL) exhibits a continuous red-shift
and its quantum yield (QY) decreases gradually (van Dijken et al., 2001). Protective organic
ligands must therefore be added on the ZnO surface to inhibit further crystal growth and
aggregation. Polymers, alkoxysilanes, oleic acid and triethanolamine are the most
commonly stabilisers used to coordinate with Zn atoms on the surface of ZnO QDs to
hinder the formation of bulk ZnO.
3.1.1 Polymer-capped ZnO QDs
The conventional sol-gel technique of ZnO synthesis was first modified in 2005 to prepare
ZnO nanocrystals stabilized by poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (PEGME). Zinc salts
Zn were hydrolysed with LiOH in ethanol to get ZnO(PEGME)
QDs with diameters ranging from 1 to 4 nm and PL tunable from blue to yellow depending
on the [LiOH]/[Zn] ratio used for the synthesis (Xiong et al., 2005; Xiong et al., 2005).


Although stabilized by hydrophilic poly(ethyleneglycol) moieties, the water-dispersability
of these ZnO QDs has not been studied.
Poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) can also be used to disperse ZnO QDs in water with preservation
of their optical properties (Joshi et al., 2009). ZnO QDs, produced by hydrolysis of Zn(OAc)

with LiOH, were first stabilized by trisodium citrate through hydrogen bonding and then
treated by PEI to get stable dispersions of the dots in water (Figure 4).


Fig. 4. Proposed mechanism for the stabilization of ZnO QDs using sodium citrate and PEI.
ZnO QDs produced by this method are ca. 5 nm in diameter, exhibit a strong green-yellow
fluorescence at 555 nm upon excitation at 360 nm and were found to be stable in aqueous
solution for at least 45 days.
Coating ZnO QDs with a polymer shell is an efficient method for stabilizing the
photophysical properties of the cores. Xiong et al. were the first to report the preparation of
core/shell ZnO/polymer QDs by initiating the polymerization with the inherent free
radicals pre-existing on ZnO QDs surfaces (Xiong et al., 2006). For that purpose, zinc
methacrylate was hydrolysed with LiOH to obtain blue-emitting methacrylate-coated ZnO
QDs. Copolymerisation of these nanoparticles with methyl methacrylate for instance affords
uniform and monodisperse ZnO core QDs with an inorganic core diameter of 2.1 nm. The
thickness of the polymer shell is about 1 nm. Once dispersed in organic solvents, the PL QY
of ZnO@polymer QDs reached 80%.
A similar strategy was employed by the authors to prepare water-stable ZnO QDs (Xiong et
al., 2007). Poly(methacrylic acid)(PMMA)-capped ZnO QDs were co-polymerised with
methacrylic acid to produce ZnO@PMMA microspheres of about 150 nm in diameter that
exhibit blue fluorescence (PL QY = 22%) once dispersed in water. From the viewpoint of
practical applications, such large nanoparticles are not suitable for biological and medical
fields, especially for labelling functional subcellular or proteins, as larger particles with
diameters above 25 nm often affect their biological function and are more likely to be
recognized and cleared by the phagocyte (Medintz et al., 2005).
The first successful labelling of living cells with ZnO QDs was only described in 2008 (Xiong
et al., 2008). Green- or yellow-emitting ZnO QDs were prepared by basic hydrolysis of zinc
methacrylate using LiOH or NaOH, respectively, and concomitant polymerisation with
poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate. Final ZnO QDs have a copolymer shell
with the internal hydrophobic polymethacrylate layer protecting the nanocrystals and the
external hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether groups allowing their transfer in
aqueous medium (Figure 5).

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots

LiOH or NaOH

Fig. 5. Synthesis of ZnO@poly(MMA-co-PEG-MEMA) quantum dots.
The obtained nanocrystals have diameters of ca. 3-4 nm and exhibit a stable
photoluminescence in water (up to 50% PL QY for QDs prepared with LiOH). Efficient
labelling of the cytoplasm of human hepatoma cells was achieved using aqueous
dispersions of these dots at a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL.
Small-sized polymer-coated ZnO QDs were also recently prepared by hydrolysis of zinc
methacrylate by LiOH and concomitant AIBN-initiated polymerisation with 2-
(dimethylaminoethyl) ethylmethacrylate (DMAEMA) (Figure 6) (Zhang et al., 2010).

1) AIBN, 80C, EtOH
2) LiOH.H
O, H

Fig. 6. Synthesis of ZnO@poly(MMA-DMAEMA) quantum dots.
The obtained QDs are ca. 4 nm in diameter, exhibit a strong yellow luminescence and have a
PL QY of 21%. Positively-charged ZnO@poly(MMA-DMAEMA) QDs were found to
associate with negatively charged plasmid DNA (p-DNA) to form spherical particles around
200 nm in diameter. Using the Luciferase reporter gene, it was found that QD/p-DNA
complexes could efficiently transfect COS-7 cells and allowed real-time imaging of gene
transfection in live cells (Figure 7).



Fig. 7. Schematic of QD/pDNA complex formation.
ZnO QDs have also successfully been integrated into polymer (chitosan - M
200 kDa -
and acrylic acid) nanospheres (Yan et al., 2011). In that one-pot process, chitosan, Zn(NO

and acrylic acid were first heated at 80C and ZnO QDs formed by hydroxide ions
generation from chitosan. Polymerisation was initiated by addition of potassium persulfate
and chitosan finally cross-linked using glutaraldehyde. The obtained chitosan-ZnO
QDs nanospheres have an average diameter of ca. 150 nm and ZnO QDs were found to be
homogeneously distributed in the shell of the nanospheres. A strong blue-emission centered
at 440 nm could only be observed for these nanospheres using high amounts of Zn(NO

relative to chitosan.

Folate-linked chitosan
= folic acid = Doxorubicin

Fig. 8. Preparation of ZnO quantum dots encapsulated by folate-conjugated chitosan.

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots

The natural and biodegradable polymer chitosan was also used to encapsulate and
stabilize ZnO QDs through electrostatic interactions. Chitosan (M
50 kDa) was first
conjugated to folic acid and then associated to ZnO QDs produced by hydrolysis of
with an aqueous solution of diethanolamine in the presence of oleic acid used
as stabilizer (Yuan et al., 2010). The obtained ZnO QDs have an average diameter of 3 nm,
exhibit strong blue fluorescence at 440 nm, and were found to be stable in water for at
least one year. The ZnO-chitosan-folate platform can associate Doxorubicin, an
antineoplastic agent used in tumor treatments, through physical and chemical interactions
and thus be used as nanocarrier (Figure 8). The drug-release responses at pH = 5.3 or 7.4
were characterized by an initial rapid drug release (ca. 85% within 36 h) followed by a
controlled release.
3.1.2 Silanization of ZnO QDs
An alternative and interesting methodology for surface-functionalization and stabilization
of ZnO nanocrystals is based on organosilanes chemistry to inhibit decomposition in
aqueous media. Since the first report of ZnO nanoparticles surface modification with silane,
this strategy has successfully been used for the stabilisation of ZnO QDs in water.
Trialkoxysilanes have a strong affinity with hydroxylated surfaces, form covalent bonds
with them, thereby creating a shielding barrier of cross-linked polysiloxanes that protects
the nanocrystal at the core (Bruce et al., 2005; Soares et al., 2008).
ZnO nanoparticles with diameters of ca. 20 nm (hydrodynamic diameter of 60 nm) can
simply be prepared by heating of Zn(OAc)
O in methanol at 68C for 7 h. These QDs
were immediately capped by 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTES) to inhibit the particle
growth at the end of the synthesis. After excitation at 350 nm, ZnO@APTES nanocrystals
show two emission bands at ca. 380 and 560 nm. A second capping (SiO
or TiO
) was
introduced through the sol-gel process at the periphery of ZnO@APTES nanocrystals to
improve the PL intensity and to red-shift the fluorescence emission peaks. Optimal SiO
shell thickness in both cases was found to be 0.5 nm (Wu et al., 2007). Once a SiO
introduced at the periphery of ZnO@APTES QDs, the visible green-yellow emission was
found to be markedly increased. When ZnO@APTES QDs were capped with TiO
, the PL
emission was slightly red-shifted to 520-590 nm. A high PL QY was also obtained for
core/shell ZnO/TiO
nanocrystals (79% in MeOH). When mung beens seeds were
germinated in the presence of these ZnO colloidal dispersions, a strong fluorescence in the
cell walls of the vascular cylinder was observed, indicating a good uptake of the
nanocrystals and their good potential in bio-imaging studies.
Another report of silazination to get small-sized, water-dispersible and stable ZnO QDs was
made in 2007 (Jana et al., 2007). Oleate-stabilized ZnO QDs produced by hydrolysis of
with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) were treated by N-(2-
aminoethyl)aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (AEAPS) and TMAH in a two-stage silanization
process to prepare dots with an average diameter of ca. 5 nm (PL QY = 16-20% in water)
(Figure 9). This two-step silanization was developed to minimize polysiloxane by-products
formation during the surface-capping of ZnO QDs.
QDs with a mixed shell containing amine and phosphonate groups at their periphery were
also prepared by this method to vary the surface charge and thus the isoelectric points of the
nanocrystals. The primary amine groups of the AEAPS ligand were also found to contribute
to the photostability of ZnO QDs, probably through interaction of the nitrogen atoms with
surface zinc atoms. This property was used for the detection of various aldehydes, including


the biologically important glucose and acetaldehyde, by photoluminescence. Imine
functions formed upon reaction of peripheral NH
functions with aldehydes induced a
marked photostability decrease (up to 71% with o-phthaldehyde).

TMAH (1eq.), Toluene, 85C
Si N
2) TMAH (excess)

Fig. 9. Synthesis of ZnO@AEAPS quantum dots.
Our group used as similar strategy to anchor 2-[ethoxy(polyethyleneglycol)propyl]
triethoxysilane at the surface of hydrophobic oleate-capped ZnO QDs (Figure 10)
(Moussodia et al., 2008).

Si O
TMAH, Toluene, 85C
) 7
2) TMAH, Toluene, 85C

Fig. 10. Synthesis of PEG-siloxane capped ZnO quantum dots.
Well-dispersed green-emitting ZnO QDs of ca. 6.0 nm in diameter were obtained after
surface functionalization. Their PL QY was found to be 8.0% in water. ZnO nanocrystals
with mixed functional groups (PEG and amine) could also be prepared using a mixture of
the PEG-silane and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane in a 4:1 molar ratio during the silanisation
step. The amine groups at the periphery of the dots can be used for the covalent attachment
of biomolecules allowing these ZnO QDs to be used as fluorescent labels for ultrasensitive
detection and imaging.
To increase the ZnO materials flexibility in bio-related applications, we also developed the
synthesis of poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrons bearing a reactive siloxane group at the
focal point (Moussodia et al., 2010). These new dendrons were prepared by divergent
synthesis through repetitive Michael addition using methyl acrylate and amidation with
ethylene diamine starting from 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. Covalent anchorage of the
silane function at the surface of ca. 5 nm diameter ZnO QDs was achieved by treatment of
first and second generation dendrons (respectively noted G1 and G2) by an excess of TMAH

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots

(Figure 11). Due to the presence of polar amine and amide groups and of the high affinity of
PAMAM for aqueous media, ZnO@G1 and ZnO@G2 QDs could easily be dispersed in water
or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). ZnO@G1 and ZnO@G2 QDs typically exhibit the green-
yellow fluorescence centered at ca. 550 nm (their PL QYs measured immediately after
redispersion in water were found to be 19 and 17%, respectively). Interestingly, their PL
intensities were found to increase upon storage of the dots in water. The PL QY of ZnO@G1
reached 59% after 20 days, probably due to a surface-ordening of the siloxane-capping,
which results in ZnO QDs with more efficiently protected luminescent centers from water


Fig. 11. Structure of ZnO@G2 quantum dots.
By varying the concentration of the LiOH base and thus the pH value of the solution
during the sol-gel process, Tang et al. have recently prepared color tunable emission ZnO
QDs. Smaller particles (average diameter of 3.3 nm) were formed at pH = 12 than at lower
pH (4.5 nm at pH = 10, 5.5 nm at pH = 8, and 6.5 nm at pH = 6) because ZnO nuclei were
formed faster at higher pH resulting in competition growth. Blue (
= 455 nm), green
= 494 nm), yellow (
= 570 nm), and orange (
= 590 nm)-emitting ZnO QDs were
formed when precipitation values were 12, 10, 8, and 6, respectively (Tang et al., 2010). All


these nanocrystals exhibit good quantum yields in ethanol (> 20%) and were stabilized in
water by encapsulation into silica nanospheres of ca. 50 nm in diameter (ca. 20 ZnO QDs
per nanosphere). The surface of these nanospheres was further modified with N-(2-
aminoethyl)aminopropyltrimethoxysilane to get positively-charged nanoparticles
stable in water from pH = 4.5 to 9. These nanoparticles were successfully used to label
NIH/3T3 cells and were found to be attached at the cell surface through electrostatic
The sol-gel method has also successfully been used for the synthesis of Gd
-doped ZnO
QDs, dual nanoprobes integrating fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging
functionalities into a single nanomaterial (Liu et al., 2011). Gd(OAc)
and Zn(OAc)
, with
molar ratios varying between 0.02 and 0.3, were both hydrolysed with TMAH in
ethanol in the presence of oleic acid to afford Gd-doped ZnO QDs with diameters ranging
from 3.5 to 5.0 nm depending on the percentage of dopant used (high doping concentration
affords the smallest nanocrystals). These Gd-doped ZnO QDs typically exhibit the green-
yellow fluorescence related to oxygen vacancies and the highest PL intensity (PL QY = 34%)
was attained for a Gd/Zn molar ratio of 0.08. These nanocrystals were successfully
transferred in aqueous medium through surface functionalization with N-(2-
aminoethyl)aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. MTT cell proliferation assay indicated that Gd-
doped ZnO QDs were not toxic at concentrations up to 1 mM. Gd-doped ZnO QDs were
successfully used for the fluorescence imaging of HeLa cells. In MRI studies, they exert
strong positive contrast effect with a large longitudinal relaxivity (r
) of water proton of 16
Luminomagnetic Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 6 to 9 nm were
also recently synthesized by treatment of Zn(NO
and Fe(NO
by potassium hydroxide. The
green fluorescent ZnO nanocrystals doped with ca. 10% iron exhibit also a paramagnetic
behaviour at room temperature (coercivity = 5.1 milliTesla and magnetization of remanence =
emu/g) (Dutta et al., 2010). ZnO:Fe QDs were further dispersed in water through
surface functionalization with N-(2-aminoethyl)aminopropyltrimethoxysilane and next
conjugated with folic acid using EDC and N-hydroxysuccinimide. Because folate receptors are
over-expressed on numerous human cells (breast, ovaries, lungs, kidneys, ), the folic acid-
conjugated ZnO:Fe luminomagnets have great potential for various biomedical applications
including bio-labelling, bio-separation, magnetic resonance imaging and targeted drug
ZnO QDs with an average diameter of 5 nm produced by the sol-gel method were also
recently used as sensors for the carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), the preferred label for
pancreatic cancer (Gu et al., 2011). A functionalized silicon substrate was first prepared by
reaction with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane followed by treatment with glutaraldehyde
(Figure 12). An antibody (Ab) monolayer was next assembled on the aldehyde-activated
surface and CA 19-9 antigens linked with their antibodies through immunoreaction
(samples with various CA 19-9 concentrations from 0.1 to 180 U/mL were prepared). In a
parallel step, CA 19-9 Abs were immobilized on ZnO QDs through electrostatic interactions
in benefit of the high isoelectric point (IEP = 9.5) of ZnO. The sandwich-immunosensor was
finally obtained by the ZnO-Ab association with the substrate. Detection of CA 19-9 can be
performed by fluorescence through measurement of the band-edge emission of ZnO QDs at
372 nm (linear increase of PL intensity with increase of CA 19-9 concentration), but also
through electrochemical measurements, the latter method being more sensitive than

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots


Fig. 12. Schematic protocol of sandwich-immunosensor.
3.1.3 Cyclodextrin-capped ZnO QDs.
Another recent example of using ZnO QDs as sensors was reported by Rakshit et al.
Carboxymethyl -cyclodextrin (CMCD) was used to disperse yellow-emitting core-shell
ZnO/MgO QDs in aqueous solution (carboxymethyl groups coordinate to the ZnO surface
as carboxylate groups of fatty acids). The surface-anchored cyclodextrins were found to
retain their host capabilities for inclusion of small hydrophobic molecules, like the organic
dye Nile Red. ZnO/MgO QDs were shown to be excellent donors in fluorescence energy
transfer (FRET) to Nile Red. The 640 nm-fluorescence of Nile Red was observed upon
excitation of ZnO/MgO QDs in the UV (Figure 13). The Nile Red emission following
resonance energy transfer exhibits a pronounced thermochromic shift (linear blue shift with
increasing temperature) and thus suggest the possible use of the CMCD-capped ZnO/MgO
QDs-Nile Red assemblies as thermometers in aqueous solution (Rakshit et al., 2008).

Fig. 13. FRET between the yellow-emitting ZnO/MgO QDs and Nile Red included in the
cavities of carboxymethyl -cyclodextrins.
CA 19-9

Nile Red =
= carboxymethyl -cyclodextrin


3.1.4 Encapsulation of ZnO QDs into phospholipid micelles.
ZnO nanocrystals with a noncentrosymmetric structure produced via non-hydrolytic sol-gel
route (Joo et al., 2005) based on the ester-elimination between zinc acetate and 1,12-
dodecanediol can be used for high contrast nonresonant nonlinear bio-imaging applications
(Kachynski et al., 2008). These nanoparticles were dispersed in water using folic acid-
conjugated phospholipid micelles as stabilizer. Sum frequency generation imaging of
human KB cells over-expressing the folate receptor showed a strong internalisation of these
ZnO nanocrystals which have great potential not only as non linear optical probes for
diagnostic, but also for the generation of photochemical reactions inside the cells.
3.2 Decomposition of dialkylzinc for the synthesis of ZnO QDs
Decomposition/oxidation of organozinc precursors like Et
Zn or Cy
Zn in the air in the
presence of alkylamines or amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers like stearate-modified
polyether polyols allows the preparation of ZnO QDs with control over nanoparticles
diameters and photophysical properties (Glaria et al., 2008; Richter et al., 2009). The
hydrophobic nanomaterials prepared can however only be dispersed in organic solvents
(THF, toluene) and are therefore not suitable for biological applications.
Oxidation of Cy
Zn in the presence of hyperbranched polymers (HYPAM) can however give
access to water-dispersible ZnO QDs (Saliba et al., 2010). HYPAM were prepared by
reaction of a hexaester with a tris-amine and surface functionalized with amphiphilic
building blocks formed by alkyldiacids (up to C
) connected to monomethyl
poly(ethyleneglycol) (mPEG
) (Figure 14).

+ N
( )
OH, r.t.
( )

Fig. 14. Preparation of HYPAM polymer with a double-shell structure.
polymer has hydrodynamic diameters of ca. 9 and 13 nm in dilute
aqueous solution and in THF solution, respectively. The multiple amine groups of the
HYPAM core favour interactions with Cy
Zn, the inner hydrophobic shell acts as a
protective layer for the ZnO QDs produced by hydrolysis, while the outer PEG shell assures
their dispersibility in aqueous solution. Depending on the polymer/ Cy
Zn weight ratio
used for the synthesis, ZnO QDs with diameters ranging from 3.7 to 4.5 nm can be produced
(the hydrodynamic diameter is ca. 30 nm). These dots exhibit a broad fluorescence emission
centered at 575 nm but their PL QY is modest (5%).

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Water-Soluble ZnO Quantum Dots

3.3 Electrolysis for the production of ZnO QDs
ZnO nanoparticles of ca. 5 nm diameter can be prepared by electrochemical deposition
under oxidizing conditions using zinc metal as anode. These QDs were first surface-
functionalized with 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS) and then treated with
iodoacetyl-PEG2-biotin. A similar strategy was used for the functionalization of ZnO films
(Selegard et al., 2010). Due to the high affinity of the biotin ligand with avidin, these
materials have great potential for specific targeting in bio-imaging or for recognition studies
in biosensing applications (Figure 15).


Fig. 15. Surface-functionalization of ZnO@MPTS quantum dots with iodoacetyl-PEG2-
4. Conclusions
In recent years, the luminescent properties of ZnO nanoparticles have attracted considerable
attention for numerous applications like ultraviolet light emitting devices, flat panel
displays as low voltage phosphor, photovoltaic solar cells, and biosensing devices.
With the developments in fabrication techniques of nanomater-sized, water-dispersible and
stable nanocrystals, many efforts have been made to stabilize ZnO QDs in aqueous medium
for biological applications, including employing organic ligands, coating nanoparticles with
inorganic shells, and capping nanoparticles surfaces with polymers. In addition, the low
toxicity of ZnO and its high natural abundance make it a good alternative to cadmium-
based II-VI semiconductors, which cause toxicity via photoinduced reactive oxygen species
(ROS) generation.
This review highlights recent advances in ZnO QDs synthesis and surface capping for bio-
applications and shows that simple and low cost methods have been developed for the
production of water stable ZnO QDs with tunable photoluminescence and high quantum
yields. These nanocrystals have successfully been used as fluorescent probes for numerous
bio-imaging applications, gene delivery, sensing, and as carrier for targeted drug delivery.
All these studies prove that ZnO QDs, as a type of safe and cheap luminescent labels, have
an inspiring prospect in biological and medical fields.


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Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Mohammed M. Rahman
, Sher Bahadar Khan
Aslam Jamal
, Mohd Faisal
and Abdullah M. Aisiri

The Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah
Centre for Advanced Materials and Nano-Engineering (CAMNE),
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Najran University, Najran
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1. Introduction
A semiconductor is a material with electrical conductivity owing to the electron flow (as
opposed to ionic conductivity) intermediate in magnitude between that of a conductor and
an insulator. This means conductivity roughly in the range of 10
to 10
siemens per
centimeter. It is well known that semiconductor has governed a significant role in
progressing research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, leading to novel classes of
semiconductor nanomaterials which are capable of nano-particles and wide range of
synthesis and applications. Semiconductor materials are also the foundation of modern
electronics, including radio, computers, telephones, and many other devices. Such devices
include transistors, solar cells, many kinds of diodes including the light-emitting diode, the
silicon controlled rectifier, and digital and analog integrated circuits. Similarly,
semiconductor solar photovoltaic panels directly convert light energy into electrical energy.
In a metallic conductor, current is carried by the flow of electrons. In semiconductors,
current is often schematized as being carried either by the flow of electrons or by the flow of
positively charged "holes" in the electron structure of the material. Actually, however, in
both cases only electron movements are involved. Common semiconducting materials are
crystalline solids, but amorphous and liquid semiconductors are known. These include
hydrogenated amorphous silicon and mixtures of arsenic, selenium and tellurium in a
variety of proportions. Such compounds share with better known semiconductors
intermediate conductivity and a rapid variation of conductivity with temperature, as well as
occasional negative resistance. Such disordered materials lack the rigid crystalline structure
of conventional semiconductors such as silicon and are generally used in thin film
structures, which are less demanding for as concerns the electronic quality of the material
and thus are relatively insensitive to impurities and radiation damage. Organic
semiconductors, that is, organic materials with properties resembling conventional
semiconductors, are also known. Silicon is used to create most semiconductors
commercially. Dozens of other materials are used, including germanium, gallium arsenide,
and silicon carbide. A pure semiconductor is often called an intrinsic semiconductor. The
electronic properties and the conductivity of a semiconductor can be changed in a controlled
manner by adding very small quantities of other elements, called dopants, to the intrinsic
material. In crystalline silicon typically this is achieved by adding impurities of boron or
phosphorus to the melt and then allowing the melt to solidify into the crystal.


An iron oxide nanoparticle, in nanotechnology, a particle is defined as a small object that
behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and properties. Particles are further
classified according to size: in terms of diameter, fine particles cover a range between 100
and 2500 nanometers. On the other hand, ultrafine particles are sized between 1 and 100
nanometers. Similar to ultrafine particles, nanoparticles are sized between 1 and 100
nanometers. Nanoparticles may or may not exhibit size-related properties that differ
significantly from those observed in fine particles or bulk materials (Buzea et al., 2007).
Although the size of most molecules would fit into the above outline, individual molecules
are usually not referred to as nanoparticles. Nanoclusters have at least one dimension
between 1 and 10 nanometers and a narrow size distribution. Nanopowders (Fahlman, 2007)
are agglomerates of ultrafine particles, nanoparticles, or nanoclusters. Nanometer-sized
single crystals, or single-domain ultrafine particles, are often referred to as nanocrystals.
Nanoparticle research is currently an area of intense scientific interest due to a wide variety
of potential applications in biomedical, optical and electronic fields.
Iron oxides are chemical compounds composed of iron and oxygen. Altogether, there are
sixteen known iron oxides and oxyhydroxides (Cornell & Schwertmann, 2003). The uses of
these various oxides and hydroxides are tremendously diverse ranging from pigments in
ceramic glaze, to use in thermite.
iron(II) oxide, wstite (FeO)
iron(II,III) oxide, magnetite (Fe
iron(III) oxide (Fe
alpha phase, hematite (-Fe
beta phase, (-Fe
gamma phase, maghemite (-Fe
epsilon phase, (-Fe
iron(II) hydroxide (Fe(OH)
iron(III) hydroxide (Fe(OH)
), (bernalite)
goethite (-FeOOH),
akaganite (-FeOOH),
lepidocrocite (-FeOOH),
feroxyhyte (-FeOOH),
ferrihydrite (Fe
O approx.), or 5Fe
O, better recast as FeOOH.0.4H
high-pressure FeOOH
schwertmannite (ideally Fe
O or Fe
Beta phase iron oxide: Cubic face centered, metastable, at temperatures above 500 C
converts to alpha phase. It can be prepared by reduction of hematite by carbon, pyrolysis of
iron(III) chloride solution, or thermal decomposition of iron(III) sulfate.
Iron(III) oxide or ferric oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula Fe
. It is of one
of the three main oxides of iron, the other two being iron(II) oxide (FeO), which is rare, and
iron(II,III) oxide (Fe
), which also occurs naturally as the mineral magnetite. As the
mineral known as hematite, Fe
is the main source of the iron for the steel industry. Fe

is paramagnetic, reddish brown, and readily attacked by acids. Rust is often called iron(III)
oxide, and to some extent, this label is useful, because rust shares several properties and has
a similar composition. To a chemist, rust is considered an ill-defined material, described as
hydrated ferric oxide.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

2. Literature survey
Semiconducting nano-materials have attracted much attention because of their unique
properties and potential applications in all areas of science (Kumar & Singhal, 2007). The
simplest synthetic route to nanomaterials is probably self aggregation, in which ordered
aggregates are formed in a spontaneous process (Whitesides & Boncheva, 2002). However,
it is still a big challenge to develop simple and reliable synthetic way for low-dimensional
metal oxide nanostructures with designed chemical components and controlled
morphologies which strongly affect the properties of nano-materials (Dale & Huber, 2009).
In recent years, nanosized and nanostructures of super-paramagnetic iron oxides have been
investigated extensively because of their wide applications in nano-fields such as ferro-
fluids (Raj et al., 1995), magnetocaloric refrigeration (McMichael et al., 1992), biotechnology,
and in vivo bio-medical field (Rahman et al., 2011). These materials offer several potential
biomaterial (Rahman et al., 2011) as well as biomedical (Rahman et al., 2009) applications in
magnetically controlled drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging as contrast agent, tissue
repair, and detoxification of biological fluids (Garcia et al., 2004; Music et al., 1997). It has
been extensively studied in diverse fields including catalysis (Brown et al., 1998)
environment protection (Chen et al., 2005), magnetic storage media (Zeng et al., 2002),
clinical diagnosis, and treatment (Jordan et al., 2003). Nanomaterials may also be utilized in
different technological requests, viz. refrigeration systems, medical imaging, drug targeting,
other biological applications, and catalysis (Kesavan et al., 1999). Reducing the crystal
dimension and enhancing the surface area of the sensing materials are an optional approach
to improve the responses, since the reduction/oxidation reactions are mainly activated by
the active surfaces area.
Removal of organic pollutants (especially AO dye) in water has been a significant issue in
wastewater treatment because of the non-biodegradable nature of these pollutants. The
degradation methods, such as, adsorption using activated carbon and coagulation using
coagulants, actively convert the aqueous dyes to the solid state leaving the contaminant
intact. During the past decades, many researchers have put focus on searching for a direct
and effective method to solve this problem (Rahman et al., 2006; Saquib et al., 2008).
Recently the ecological contamination and inadvertent leakage of detrimental gases and
liquids, semiconducting metal oxide chemical sensors have attracted the interest of
ecologists, technologists, environmentalist, and others (Pare et al., 2008). One of the
industrial gases in liquid form of interest is ammonia as an ammonium hydroxide because
of its toxic and polluting nature. Because of its wide variety of applications including the
production of nitrogenous fertilizers and other nitrogenous chemicals, as well as an
industrial refrigerant, its global production is in excess of 100 million tons per annum. If
highly concentrated it might lead to severe burns on our skin, eyes, throat, or lungs causing
permanent blindness and lung disease. In addition, ammonia, hydroxide aerosols have a
sun blocking function, corrosive natures, and the fume produced results in temperature
reduction. Hence early detection and monitoring of presence of ammonium hydroxide in a
wide range of industrial applications is desired. Solution phase ammonia sensors based on
optical, electrical, and chemical detection have focused significant attention due to the
possibility to operate at room temperature, to measure low level concentrations with fast
response time and applicable to detect trace level ammonia solution in environments. In
order to detect NH
OH, there have been lots of efforts in developing a variety of chemical
sensors such as electrochemical sensor and chemi-resistive sensors (Ballun et al., 2003), and
optical sensors (Christie et al., 2003).


Many sensing research works have been performed with the metal oxide nanostructures for
the detection of various chemicals such as hydrazine, acetone, ethanol etc. The chemical
sensing by metal oxide thin films utilize mainly the properties of thin film formed by the
physi-sorption and chemisorptions techniques. The chemical detection is based on the
current changes of the fabricated thin films caused by the chemical components of the
reacting system in aqueous medium (Ansari et al., 2008). Here, the main efforts are focused
on detecting the minimum ammonium hydroxide concentration necessary for
electrochemical detection. Low-dimension of NPs in metal oxide nanostructures allows very
sensitive transduction of the liquid/surface interactions into a change in the electrochemical
properties. The possibility to form a variety of structural morphologies metal oxide NPs
offers many opportunities of tuning the chemical sensing properties. Taking into account
their applications, low-dimensional NPs with iron oxide is prepared by hydrothermal
technique to fabricate a simple and efficient chemical sensors consisting on a side-polished
gold surface; and to test the chemical sensing performance on ammonium hydroxide at
room temperature. To best of our knowledge, this is the first report for detection of
ammonium hydroxide (in liquid phase) using simple and reliable I-V technique in short
response time. Additionally we investigated the photo-catalytic degradation of organic dye
named AO (water soluble) with as-grown iron oxide NPs in aqueous system under 250W
mercury lamp.
3. Experimental sections
3.1 Materials and methods
Ferric chloride, urea, ammonia solution (25%), acridine orange, butyl carbitol acetate, ethyl
acetate, monosodium phosphate, disodium phosphate, and all other chemicals used were of
analytical grade and purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Company. The
(404 nm) of as-
grown Iron particles was measured using UV/visible spectroscopy Lamda-950, Perkin
Elmer, Germany. FT-IR spectra were recorded on a Spectrum-100 FT-IR spectrophotometer
in the mid-IR range in KBr media purchased from Perkin Elmer, Germany. Raman station
400 was used to measure the Raman shift of as-grown iron NPs using radiation source (Ar

laser line, ; 513.4 nm), which was purchased from Perkin Elmer, Germany. Morphology of
iron oxide NPs were recorded on FE-SEM instrument (FESEM; JSM-7600F, Japan). Elemental
analysis was investigated using EDS from JEOL, Japan. The morphologies, sizes, and
structures of NPs were executed by HR-TEM (TEM; JEM-2100F, Japan). HR-TEM sample
were prepared as follows; the synthesized as-grown iron NPs were dispersed into ethanol
under ultrasonic vibration for 5 minutes. Then the HR-TEM film is dipped in the solution
and dry for investigation. The powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were taken on a X-
ray diffractometer (XRD; XPert Explorer, PANalytical diffractometer) equipped with Cu-
radiation ( =1.5406 nm) using a generator voltage of 45 kV and a generator current of
40 mA were applied for the determination. I-V technique is employed by using Electrometer
(Kethley, 6517A, Electrometer, USA).
3.2 Hydrothermal methods
Hydrothermal synthesis includes the various techniques of crystallizing substances from
high-temperature aqueous solutions at high vapor pressures; also termed "hydrothermal
method". The term "hydrothermal" is of geologic origin. Geochemists and mineralogists
have studied hydrothermal phase equilibria since the beginning of the twentieth century.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

George W. Morey at the Carnegie Institution and later, Percy W. Bridgman at Harvard
University did much of the work to lay the foundations necessary to containment of reactive
media in the temperature and pressure range where most of the hydrothermal work is
conducted. Hydrothermal synthesis can be defined as a method of synthesis of single
crystals that depends on the solubility of minerals in hot water under high pressure. The
crystal growth is performed in an apparatus consisting of a steel pressure vessel called
autoclave, in which a nutrient is supplied along with water. A gradient of temperature is
maintained at the opposite ends of the growth chamber so that the hotter end dissolves the
nutrient and the cooler end causes seeds to take additional growth. Possible advantages of
the hydrothermal method over other types of crystal growth include the ability to create
crystalline phases which are not stable at the melting point. Also, materials which have a
high vapor pressure near their melting points can also be grown by the hydrothermal
method. The method is also particularly suitable for the growth of large good-quality
crystals while maintaining good control over their composition. Disadvantages of the
method include the need of expensive autoclaves, and the impossibility of observing the
crystal as it grows (O'Donoghue, 1983). A large number of compounds belonging to
practically all classes have been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions: elements,
simple and complex oxides, tungstates, molybdates, carbonates, silicates, germanates etc.
Hydrothermal synthesis is commonly used to grow synthetic quartz, gems and other single
crystals with commercial value. Some of the crystals that have been efficiently grown are
emeralds, rubies, quartz, alexandrite and others. The method has proved to be extremely
efficient both in the search for new compounds with specific physical properties and in the
systematic physicochemical investigation of intricate multicomponent systems at elevated
temperatures and pressures.
3.3 Synthesis of Iron oxide NPs
Low dimensional iron oxide NPs have been synthesized by adding uni-molar concentration
of ferric chloride and urea into hydrothermal cell (Teflon line autoclave). FeCl
and urea
were slowly dissolved into the de-ionized water separately to make 0.5 M concentration at
room temperature. Then the solution was mixed gently and stirred until mix properly. The
solution pH was slowly adjusted using ammonia solution drop wise to approximately 9.66.
Then the mixture was put in hydrothermal cell (Teflon line autoclave) to put in the oven for
6 hours heated up and maintained at 150
C. Then the solution was washed with acetone and
kept for drying at room temperature. The as-grown iron oxide products were characterized
in detail in terms of their structural and optical properties.
The development of Fe
nanoparticles can be well explained stranded on the chemical
reactions concerned and crystal growth behaviors of iron oxide. For the synthesis of Fe

NPs, ferric chloride (FeCl
) and NH
OH (in presence of urea) were mixed under continuous
stirring at 150
C. During the reaction method, the NH
OH performs in major rules, like
control the pH value of the solution as well as resource to supply hydroxyl ions to the
solution. The FeCl
reacts with NH
OH and forms FeOOH, which, upon heating, further
produce into Fe
and OH
ions, which consequently assists in the development of Fe

ions according to the chemical reactions (i)-(iii).
+ OH
+ 3Cl


+ 2OH
+ H
The FeOOH finally, however dissociates to the formation of Fe
nuclei according to the
reactions (iv)-(v).
+ 2NH
+ 2NH
+ 3Cl
+ H
The initially formed Fe
nuclei perform as building blocks for the development of final
products. With reaction time under the appropriate heating conditions in hydrothermal
method, the Fe
nuclei concentration enlarges which escorts the construction of desired
nanoparticle products. As the Fe
NPs are prepared by the well accretion of low-
dimensional particles, therefore it is supposed that the fundamental entity for the
configuration of Fe
structure is nanoparticles.
3.4 Photocatalyst
In chemistry, photocatalysis is the acceleration of a photoreaction in the presence of a
catalyst. In catalyzed photolysis, light is absorbed by an adsorbed substrate. In
photogenerated catalysis, the photocatalytic activity (PCA) depends on the ability of the
catalyst to create electronhole pairs, which generate free radicals (hydroxyl radicals: OH)
able to undergo secondary reactions. Its comprehension has been made possible ever
since the discovery of water electrolysis by means of the titanium dioxide. Commercial
application of the process is called advanced oxidation process (AOP). There are several
methods of achieving AOPs that can but do not necessarily involve TiO
or even the use
of UV light. Generally the defining factor is the production and use of the hydroxyl
3.5 Photocatalytic degradation of AO with NPs
Photo-catalytic degradation of AO using Iron oxide NPs was executed by optical absorption
spectroscopy. The catalytic reaction was carried out in a 250.0 ml beaker, which contain
150.0 ml of AO dye solution (0.03 mM) and 150.0 mg of catalyst. Prior to irradiation, the
solution was stirred and bubbled with oxygen for at least 15 min in the dark to allow
equilibrium of the system so that loss of compound owing to the adsorption can be taken
into account. The suspension was continuously purged with oxygen bubbling throughout
the experiment. Irradiation was carried out using 250 W Mercury lamps. Samples (5.0 ml)
were composed before and at usual intervals during the irradiation and AO solution were
isolated from the photo-catalyst by centrifugation before analysis. The degradation was
investigated by measuring the absorbance using UV-visible spectrophotometer (Lambda
950). The absorbance of AO (0.03 mM) was followed at 491 nm wavelength. All solutions
were prepared and organized with de-ionized water in room conditions.
3.6 Fabrication of gold electrode using NPs
Gold electrode (surface area 0.0216 cm
) is fabricated with as-grown iron NPs where butyl
carbitol acetate (BCA) and ethyl acetate (EA) as a fabricating agent. Then it is kept in the
oven at 50
C for 2 hours until the film is completely uniform, stable, and dried. Phosphate
buffer solution (PBS, 0.1M, pH 7.0) is prepared by mixing 0.2M Na
and 0.2M
solution in 100.0ml de-ionize water. The as-grown iron oxide NPs were employed

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

for the detection of ammonia in liquid phase. The thin film of NPs were made with
conducting binders and embedded on the gold electrode, which is presented in the Scheme
1. The Pd and gold electrodes are used as counter and working electrodes, which are
presented in Scheme 1A and Scheme 1B respectively. The fabricated electrode was kept in
the oven at low temperature (60.0
C) for 2 hours to dry and uniform the film completely
(Scheme 1B). The ammonium hydroxide was used as a target chemical in the liquid phase
for the total measurement. The electrical response of target compound has been measured
using I-V method, which is shown in Scheme 1C.

Scheme 1. Fabrication of chemical sensors using as-grown -Fe
NPs and its detection
3.7 Lower detection limit (LOD)
In analytical chemistry, the detection limit, lower limit of detection, or LOD (limit of
detection), is the lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence
of that substance (a blank value) within a stated confidence limit (generally 1%)
(MacDougall & Crummett, 1980). The detection limit is estimated from the mean of the
blank, the standard deviation of the blank and some confidence factor. Another
consideration that affects the detection limit is the accuracy of the model used to predict
concentration from the raw analytical signal. There are a number of different "detection
limits" that are commonly used. These include the instrument detection limit (IDL), the
method detection limit (MDL), the practical quantification limit (PQL), and the limit of
quantification (LOQ). Even when the same terminology is used, there can be differences in
the LOD according to nuances of what definition is used and what type of noise contributes
to the measurement and calibration (Long & Winefordner, 1983).


3.8 Linear dynamic range (LDR)
The detector response is said to be linear if the difference in response for two concentrations
of a given compound is proportional to the difference in concentration of the two samples.
Such response appears as a straight line in the calibration curve. The linear dynamic range
of a detector is the maximum linear response divided by the detector noise. Most detectors
eventually become non-linear as sample size is increased and this upper point is usually
well defined. The chromatographer should know where this occurs to avoid errors in
3.9 Detection of ammonium hydroxide by I-V technique
A cell is constructed consisting of NPs coated gold electrode as a working electrode and Pd
wire is used a counter electrode. Ammonium hydroxide solution is diluted at different
concentrations in DI water and used as a target chemical. Amount of 0.1M phosphate buffer
solution was kept constant as 20.0 ml throughout the investigation. Solution is prepared
with various concentrations of ammonium hydroxide as 77.0 M to 7.7 M (25% ammonia
solution). The sensitivity is calculated from the ratio of voltage versus current of the
calibration plot. Electrometer is used as a voltage sources for I-V measurement in simple
two electrode system.
4. Properties of nanoparticles
4.1 Optical properties of -Fe
The optical property of the -Fe
nanoparticles is one of the important characteristics
for the evaluation of its optical and photocatalytic activity. UV/visible absorption are
a method in which the outer electrons of atoms or molecules absorb radiant energy
and undergo transitions to high energy levels. In this procedure, the spectrum obtained
owing to optical absorption can be analyzed to acquire the energy band gap of
the semiconductor nanomaterials. The optical absorption measurement was carried out
at room conditions. Therefore, the nanomaterial may be helpful for the development of
non-linear optical sensors in this wavelength region, as the lack of absorption peaks is
the major prerequisite for the nanomaterials to confirm non-linear properties. The
absorption spectrum of as-grown iron oxide NPs solution is presented in Fig. 1(A).
It displays an onset of absorption maxima at 404.0 nm in visible range between 200 to 800
nm wavelengths. The lambda maxima of as grown NPs are quite different to those
observed earlier due to -Fe
and -Fe
(Cherepy et al., 1998) but are very similar to
those reported for -Fe
(Cornell & Schwertmann, 2003). It shows a broad absorption
band around 404.0 nm indicating the formation of low dimensional -Fe
NPs having
reddish colors. Band gap energy is calculated on the basis of the maximum absorption
band (404nm) of -Fe
NPs and obtained to be 3.06931 eV, according to following
equation (vi).

(eV) E

Where E
is the band-gap energy and
is the wavelength (404.0 nm) of the

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles


Fig. 1. (A) UV-vis absorption and (B) FT-IR spectra of as-grown Fe
Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) is the spectroscopy that deals with the infrared
region of the electromagnetic spectrum that is light with a longer wavelength and lower
frequency than visible light. It covers a range of techniques, mostly based on absorption
spectroscopy. As with all spectroscopic techniques, it can be used to identify and study
chemicals. A common laboratory instrument that uses this technique is a Fourier transform
infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. The infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is
usually divided into three regions; the near-, mid- and far- infrared, named for their relation
to the visible spectrum. The higher energy near-IR, approximately 140004000 cm
2.5 m wavelength) can excite overtone or harmonic vibrations. The mid-infrared,
approximately 4000400 cm
(2.525 m) may be used to study the fundamental vibrations
and associated rotational-vibrational structure [Fig. 2]. The far-infrared, approximately 400
10 cm
(251000 m), lying adjacent to the microwave region, has low energy and may be
used for rotational spectroscopy. The names and classifications of these subregions are
conventions, and are only loosely based on the relative molecular or electromagnetic
properties. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is a measurement technique
that allows one to record infrared spectra. Infrared light is guided through an interferometer
and then through the sample (or vice versa). A moving mirror inside the apparatus alters
the distribution of infrared light that passes through the interferometer. The signal directly
recorded, called an "interferogram", represents light output as a function of mirror position.
A data-processing technique called Fourier transform turns this raw data into the desired
result (the sample's spectrum): Light output as a function of infrared wavelength (or
equivalently, wavenumber). There is an alternate method for taking spectra (the "dispersive"
or "scanning monochromator" method), where one wavelength at a time passes through the
sample. The dispersive method is more common in UV-Vis spectroscopy, but is less
practical in the infrared than the FTIR method. One reason that FTIR is favored is called
"Fellgett's advantage" or the "multiplex advantage": The information at all frequencies is
collected simultaneously, improving both speed and signal-to-noise ratio. Another is called
"Jacquinot's Throughput Advantage": A dispersive measurement requires detecting much
lower light levels than an FTIR measurement. There are other advantages, as well as some
disadvantages, but virtually all modern infrared spectrometers are FTIR instruments.



Fig. 2. FT-IR wave range for fundamental vibrations and associated rotational-vibrational
Fig. 1(B) represents the FT-IR spectrum of the as- grown NPs. It displays several bands at
462, 560, 1481, 1680, and 3354 cm
. The observed vibration bands may be assigned to FeO
Fe stretching vibration (462 and 560 cm
), O=C=O stretching vibration (1481 cm
), O-H
stretching (3354 cm
), and O-H bending vibration (1680 cm
). The absorption bands at
1481, 1680, and 3354 cm
normally comes from carbon dioxide and water which generally
nanomaterials absorbed from the environment due to their mesophorous structure. The
observed vibration bands at low frequencies regions suggest the formation of -Fe
4.2 Structural properties of of -Fe
Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic method utilized to reveal vibrational, rotational, and
other low-frequency phases in a Raman active compounds. It depends on inelastic
scattering, or Raman scattering, of monochromatic light, generally from a laser in the visible,
near infrared, or near ultraviolet range [Fig. 3]. The laser light communicates with molecular
vibrations, phonons or other excitations in the modes, showing in the energy of the laser
photons being shifted up or down. The shift in energy represents information regarding the
phonon modes in the system, where Infrared spectroscopy yields similar, but
complementary information. Raman spectroscopy is generally established and utilized in
material chemistry, since the information is specific to the chemical bonds and symmetry of
metal-oxygen stretching or vibrational modes.

Fig. 3. Energy level diagram showing the states involved in Raman signal. The line thickness
is roughly proportional to the signal strength from the different transitions.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

Fig. 4A shows the Raman spectrum where main features of the wave-number are observed
at about 221, 290, 410, 500, and 608 cm
for Fe-O stretching vibration. These large bands
may be assigned to a magnetite phase of iron oxide NPs. At 608 cm
, higher wave-number
shift is observed due to the various dimensional effects of the NPs.

Fig. 4. (A) Raman spectra and (B) XRD patterns of as-grown iron oxide NPs.
X-ray scattering techniques are a family of non-destructive analytical techniques which
reveal information about the crystallographic structure, chemical composition, and physical
properties of materials and thin films. These techniques are based on observing the scattered
intensity of an X-ray beam hitting a sample as a function of incident and scattered angle,
polarization, and wavelength or energy. X-ray diffraction yields the atomic structure of
materials and is based on the elastic scattering of X-rays from the electron clouds of the
individual atoms in the system. The most comprehensive description of scattering from
crystals is given by the dynamical theory of diffraction (Azroff et al., 1974). X-ray
diffraction can be used to determine which iron oxide compounds are present in NPs by
calculating or comparing with the standard value of lattice parameters, crystal structures
and crystallinity. Fig. 4B shows typical crystallinity of the synthesized as-grown iron oxide
NPs and their aggregates. All the reflection peaks in this pattern were found to match with
the -Fe
phase having rhombohedral geometry [JCPDF # 089-2810]. The lattice
parameters are a = 5.04, c = 13.75, point group: R-3c, and Radiation: CuK1 (= 1.5406). The
sample showed the major characteristic peaks for as grown crystalline metallic iron at 2
values of 24.2(012), 32.2(104), 35.7(110), 39.4(006), 40.9(113), 43.5(202), 49.5(024), 54.1(116),
57.3(122), 57.6(018), 62.5(214), 64.0(300), 69.6(208), 72.0(119), 75.4(220), and 78.0(223) degrees.
These indicate that the as-grown iron oxide NPs is well crystalline -Fe
As scanning electron microscopes (SEM) have evolved the electron beam cross section has
become smaller and smaller increasing magnification several fold. A field-emission cathode
in the electron gun of a scanning electron microscope provides narrower probing beams at
low as well as high electron energy, resulting in both improved spatial resolution and
minimized sample charging and damage. Advantages of SEM are (a) semiconductor device
cross section analyses for gate widths, gate oxides, film thicknesses, and construction details,
(b) advanced coating thickness and structure uniformity determination, and (c) small
contamination feature geometry and elemental composition measurement. High resolution


FE-SEM images of as-grown low dimensional iron oxide NPs are presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5A to 5E shows the low to high magnified images of NPs grown by hydrothermal
process. It is clear from the FE-SEM images that the synthesized products are NPs, which
grown in a very high-density and possessed almost uniform shape presented in Figure 5A
to 5D. Figure 5E exhibits the high-resolution FE-SEM image of the synthesized NPs which
reflected that most of the NPs possessing spherical shapes. The diameter of iron NPs is
calculated in the range of 50-90 nm where the average diameter of iron oxide NPs is close to
60 10 nm.

Fig. 5. (A)-(E) Low to High resolution FE-SEM images of as-grown iron oxide NPs
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) is an analytical technique used for the
elemental analysis or chemical characterization of a sample. It is one of the variants of X-ray
fluorescence spectroscopy which relies on the investigation of a sample through interactions
between electromagnetic radiation and matter, analyzing X-rays emitted by the matter in

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

response to being hit with charged particles. Its characterization capabilities are due in large
part to the fundamental principle that each element has a unique atomic structure allowing
X-rays that are characteristic of an element's atomic structure to be identified uniquely from
one another. To stimulate the emission of characteristic X-rays from a specimen, a high-
energy beam of charged particles such as electrons or protons or a beam of X-rays, is
focused into the sample being studied. At rest, an atom within the sample contains ground
state (or unexcited) electrons in discrete energy levels or electron shells bound to the
nucleus. The incident beam may excite an electron in an inner shell, ejecting it from the shell
while creating an electron hole where the electron was. An electron from an outer, higher-
energy shell then fills the hole, and the difference in energy between the higher-energy shell
and the lower energy shell may be released in the form of an X-ray. The number and energy
of the X-rays emitted from a specimen can be measured by an energy-dispersive
spectrometer. As the energy of the X-rays is characteristic of the difference in energy
between the two shells, and of the atomic structure of the element from which they were
emitted, this allows the elemental composition of the specimen to be measured. The electron
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of these particles indicates the presence of Fe and O
composition in the pure as-grown iron oxide NPs (Fe
). It is clearly displayed that as-
grown synthesize materials contained only iron and oxygen elements, which presented in
Fig. 6. The composition of iron and oxygen is 54.11% and 45.88% respectively. No other
peak related with any impurity has been detected in the EDS, which confirms that the as-
grown NPs are composed only with iron and oxygen.

Fig. 6. EDS of as-grown iron oxide NPs. (A) selected area, (B) EDS outcomes, and (C)
elemental compositions (weight% and atomic%).
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a microscopy technique whereby a beam of
electrons is transmitted through an ultra thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it
passes through. An image is formed from the interaction of the electrons transmitted
through the specimen; the image is magnified and focused onto an imaging device, such as
a fluorescent screen, on a layer of photographic film, or to be detected by a sensor such as a
CCD camera. TEMs are capable of imaging at a significantly higher resolution than light


microscopes, owing to the small de Broglie wavelength of electrons. This enables the
instrument's user to examine fine detail-even as small as a single column of atoms, which is
tens of thousands times smaller than the smallest resolvable object in a light microscope.
TEM forms a major analysis method in a range of scientific fields, in both physical and
biological sciences. TEMs find application in cancer research, virology, materials science as
well as pollution and semiconductor research. At smaller magnifications TEM image
contrast is due to absorption of electrons in the material, due to the thickness and
composition of the material. At higher magnifications complex wave interactions modulate
the intensity of the image, requiring expert analysis of observed images. Alternate modes of
use allow for the TEM to observe modulations in chemical identity, crystal orientation,
electronic structure and sample induced electron phase shift as well as the regular
absorption based imaging. The first TEM was built by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska in 1931,
with this group developing the first TEM with resolving power greater than that of light in
1933 and the first commercial TEM in 1939.
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is an imaging mode of the
transmission electron microscope (TEM) that allows the imaging of the crystallographic
structure of a sample at an atomic scale (Spence, 1988). Because of its high resolution, it is an
invaluable tool to study nanoscale properties of crystalline material such as semiconductors
and metals. At present, the highest resolution realized is 0.8 angstroms (0.08 nm) with
microscopes such as the OAM at NCEM. Ongoing research and development such as efforts
in the framework of TEAM will soon push the resolution of HRTEM to 0.5 . At these small
scales, individual atoms and crystalline defects can be imaged. Since all crystal structures
are 3-dimensional, it may be necessary to combine several views of the crystal, taken from
different angles, into a 3D map. This technique is called electron crystallography. One of the
difficulties with HRTEM is that image formation relies on phase-contrast. In phase-contrast
imaging, contrast is not necessarily intuitively interpretable as the image is influenced by
strong aberrations of the imaging lenses in the microscope. One major aberration is caused
by focus and astigmatism, which often can be estimated from the Fourier transform of the
HR-TEM image.

Fig. 7. (A and C)TEM and (B and D) HR-TEM images of iron oxide NPs

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

The morphologies of particles were observed by TEM, which are presented in the Fig. 7A
and Fig. 7C. TEM photographs showed spherical NPs of iron oxide which appeared as deep
dark spots. The diameter of as-grown iron oxide is in the range of 50 ~ 90 nm. A typical HR-
TEM image of the iron NPs is shown in Figure 7B and 7D. It appears to be spherical in shape
and fairly uniform in size with a mean diameter of 60 10 nm. Most of the NPs are spherical
in shape and the dimensions are well consistent with the FE-SEM observations. It is clearly
revealed and calculated from the HR-TEM image that the distance between two lattice
fringes is about 0.31 nm.
5. Potential applications of developed -Fe
5.1 Photo-degradation of acridine orange (AO)
A dye can generally be described as a colored substance that has an affinity to the substrate
to which it is being applied. The dye is generally applied in an aqueous solution, and may
require a mordant to improve the fastness of the dye on the fiber. Both dyes and pigments
appear to be colored because they absorb some wavelengths of light preferentially. In
contrast with a dye, a pigment generally is insoluble, and has no affinity for the substrate.
Some dyes can be precipitated with an inert salt to produce a lake pigment, and based on
the salt used they could be aluminum lake, calcium lake or barium lake pigments. The first
human-made (synthetic) organic dye, mauveine, was discovered by William Henry Perkin
in 1856. Many thousands of synthetic dyes have since been prepared (Zollinger, 2003;
Hunger, 2003). Synthetic dyes quickly replaced the traditional natural dyes. They cost less,
they offered a vast range of new colors, and they imparted better properties to the dyed
materials (Garfield, 2000). Dyes are now classified according to how they are used in the
dyeing process.
Acridine orange is a nucleic acid selective fluorescent cationic dye useful for cell cycle
determination. It is cell-permeable, and interacts with DNA and RNA by intercalation or
electrostatic attractions respectively. When bound to DNA, it is very similar spectrally to
fluorescein, with an excitation maximum at 502 nm and an emission maximum at 525 nm
(green). When it associates with RNA, the excitation maximum shifts to 460 nm (blue) and
the emission maximum shifts to 650 nm (red). Acridine orange will also enter acidic
compartments such as lysosomes and become protonated and sequestered. In these low pH
conditions, the dye will emit orange light when excited by blue light. Thus, acridine orange
can be used to identify engulfed apoptotic cells, because it will fluoresce upon engulfment.
The dye is often used in epifluorescence microscopy. Acridine orange is prepared from coal
tar and creosote oil. Acridine orange can be used in conjunction with ethidium bromide to
differentiate between viable, apoptotic and necrotic cells. Additionally, Acridine orange may
be used on blood samples to fluoresce bacterial DNA, aiding in clinical diagnosis of bacterial
infection once serum and debris have been filtered. Acridine orange can be used in the
assessment of sperm chromatin quality.
Photodegradation is degradation of a photodegradable molecule caused by the absorption
of photons, particularly those wavelengths found in sunlight, such as infrared radiation,
visible light, and ultraviolet light. However, other forms of electromagnetic radiation can
cause photodegradation. Photodegradation includes photodissociation, the breakup of
molecules into smaller pieces by photons. It also includes the change of a molecule's shape
to make it irreversibly altered, such as the denaturing of proteins, and the addition of other
atoms or molecules. A common photodegradation reaction is oxidation. This type of


photodegradation is used by some drinking water and wastewater facilities to destroy
pollutants. Photodegradation in the environment is part of the process by which ambergris
evolves from its fatty precursor.
The molecular structure and absorbance spectra of AO are presented in the Figure 8A and
8B respectively. The photo-degradation of the AO dye occurs predominantly on the -Fe

NPs surface. The extent of degradation of the AO dye was measured by monitoring its
concentration with and without NP after reaching the degradation. Figure 8C shows the
gradual decreasing in absorption spectra for the degradation of AO dye as a function of
photo-irradiation time. It is observed that the irradiation of an aqueous suspension of AO
dye in the presence of iron oxide NP leads to decrease in absorption spectra at 491 nm.

Fig. 8. Photocatalytic degradation of AO using iron oxide NPs. (A) Molecular structure of
AO; (B) Spectrum of aqueous solution of AO; (C) Spectrum of AO at different time interval;
(D) Change in absorbance; (E) % degradation in different time intervals of AO in presence
and absence of as-grown iron oxide NPs.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

The absorbance spectra at 491 nm is significantly decreased with increasing in exposure time
and gradually decrease until 200 min which concludes that the AO dye has de-colorization
property with iron oxide NPs close to 50%. The decrease in absorption intensity vs
irradiation time for the AO in the presence and absence of iron oxide NPs is shown in the
Figure 8D. Figure 8E shows a plot for the percent degradation versus irradiation time (min)
for the oxygen saturated aqueous suspension of AO in the presence and absence of NPs.
Figure 8E shows that around 50% degradation of the AO dye takes place after 200 min of
irradiation in the presence of catalytic iron oxide NPs. The schematic representation of AO
degradation is presented in Scheme 2.

Scheme 2. Schematic representation of AO degradation mechanism
The experimental degradation rate constant is obtained from the initial slope acquired by
linear regression from a plot of the natural logarithm (ln) of absorbance of the AO as a
function of exposure time, i.e., first-order degradation kinetics. This rate constant is used to
evaluate the degradation rates for the decomposition of AO using the formula appended
below (vii):
-d[A]/dt = kc
Where, k is the rate constant, c the concentration of the pollutant, and n the order of reaction.
The rate of degradation is 9.9x10
. The degradation of AO clearly
demonstrated that prepared iron oxide (MO
) NPs possess significant photocatalytic activity
and these NPs could be beneficial photocatalysts for the removal of colored dyes.
Mechanism of heterogeneous photocatalysis has been discussed extensively in literature.
When a semiconductor such as MO
absorbs a photon of energy equal to or greater than its
band gap, there will be the formation of electron/hole pair (Scheme 2). If charge separation
is maintained, the electron and hole may migrate to the metal oxide surface, which can
eventually bring about redox reactions of the organic substrates dissolved in water in the
presence of oxygen. During the photo-catalytic oxidation processes hydroxyl radicals (


and superoxide radical anions (O
) are supposed to be the main oxidizing species. These
oxidative retorts would consequence in the mineralization of the dye.
Alternatively, direct absorption of light by the dye named AO, can lead to charge injection
from the excited state of the AO to the conduction band of the semiconductor as
summarized in the following equations (viii-xii):
+ h e
+ h
+ e

O + h

OH + H
+ h AO
* (xi)
* + MO
) (xii)
The degradation process was initiated by the photolysis of MO
-oxide/hydroxyl species,
and accelerated by mercury beam irradiation, due to enhance photolysis of NPs species,
which enhances the regeneration of metal precursor with concomitant production of oxide
free radicals. Hydroxyl radicals (OH
) and superoxide radical anions (O
) contribute to the
oxidation process by attacking the dye molecules and would results in the bleaching of the
AO dye. The results above clearly indicate that the prepared NPs shows a good photo-
catalytic activity, thus it can be used as a photo-catalyst for the treatment of wastewater.
5.2 Chemical sensors
A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which
can be read by an observer or by an instrument. For example, a mercury-in-glass
thermometer converts the measured temperature into expansion and contraction of a liquid
which can be read on a calibrated glass tube. A thermocouple converts temperature to an
output voltage which can be read by a voltmeter. For accuracy, most sensors are calibrated
against known standards. Nanotechnology can enable sensors to detect very small amounts
of chemical vapors or liquids. Various types of detecting elements, such as semiconductor
materials, carbon nanotubes, iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanowires or palladium
nanoparticles can be used in nanotechnology-based chemical sensors. These detecting
elements change their electrical characteristics, such as resistance or capacitance, when they
absorb a gas/liquid molecule on it. Because of the small size of nanoparticles/nanotubes/
nanowires, a few gas or liquid molecules are sufficient to change the electrical properties of
the sensing elements. This allows the detection of a very low concentration of chemical
vapors or liquids. This goal is to have small, inexpensive sensors that can sniff out
chemicals just as dogs are used in airports to smell the vapors given off by explosives or
drugs. The capability of producing small, inexpensive sensors that can quickly identify
chemicals provides a king of nano-bloodhound that doesnt need sleep or exercise which
can be useful in a number of ways. An obvious application is to mount these sensors
throughout an airport, or any facility with security concerns, to check for vapors given off
by explosive devices.
The potential application of -Fe
nanoparticles as chemical sensors has been explored for
detecting and quantifying hazardous chemicals, which are not environmental friendly as
well as safe. Development of this nanostructure material as chemi-sensors is in the primitive

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

stage. The -Fe
NPs chemi-sensors have advantages such as stability in air, non-toxicity,
chemical stability, electrochemical activity, ease to fabricate, and bio-safe characteristics. As
in the case of chemical sensors, the principle of operation is that the current response in I-V
technique of -Fe
NPs drastically changes when aqueous ammonia are adsorbed. The -
nano-materials were used for fabrication of chemical sensor, where aqueous ammonia
was considered as target analyte. The emaciated-film of nanomaterials sensor were
fabricated with conducting agents and embedded on the gold electrode surface, which is
presented in the Scheme 3(A). The fabricated electrode was accumulated in the oven at low
temperature (60.0
C) for 2 hours to dry, stable, and uniforms the film totally. The electrical
responses of target analyte were executed using I-V method, which is presented in Scheme
3(B). Hypothetical, experimental, and mechanism of I-V responses of chemical sensor
having -Fe
NPs thin film as a function of current versus potential for aqueous ammonia,
which is shown in Scheme 3(B), Scheme 3(C), and Scheme 3(D) respectively. The time
delaying of electrometer was kept for 1.0 sec. A significant increase in the current value with
applied potential is clearly demonstrated.

Scheme 3. Schematic view of (A) fabrication of AuE with -Fe
NPs and coating agents,
(B) detection I-V method (theoretical), (C) experimental result of I-V plot, (D) proposed
mechanisms of aqueous ammonia detection in presence of semiconductor -Fe

I-V responses of chemical sensor having -Fe
thin film as a function of current versus
potential for the liquid ammonia, which is exposed in Figure 9. A significant increase in the
current value with applied potential is clearly demonstrated, where the time delaying for
electrometer is kept 1.0 sec. Fig. 9A represents the current changing before (dark-dotted)
and after (gray-dotted) coating was made with NPs on gold electrode. The gray-dotted and
dark-dotted curves indicated the response of the film before and after injecting 100.0 l
chemicals in bulk solution respectively, which is presented in Fig. 9B. Significant increase of


surface film current is measured after every injection of the target component. 77.0 M
concentration of aqueous ammonia is initially taken into the electrochemical cell and added
the higher concentration (10 times) in each injection from the stock analyte solution. During
I-V measurement, it is injected low to high analyte concentrations (77.0 M to 7.7 M)
gradually into the 20.0 ml phosphate buffer solution in every step. Each I-V response to
varying concentration of aqueous ammonia from 7.7 M to 77.0 M on thin iron oxide NPs
coating is presented in the Fig. 9C. It shows the current response changed of the iron oxide
NPs as a function of ammonium hydroxide concentration in room conditions. It is observed
that at lower to higher concentration of target compound, the current increase gradually. A
wide range of analyte concentration was preferred to study the possible analytical
parameters, which is calculated in 77.0 M to 0.77 M. The calibration curve is plotted from
the variation of analyte concentrations, which is revealed in the Fig. 9D. The sensitivity is
calculated from the calibration curve, which is close to 0.5305 0.02 Acm
. The linear
dynamic range of this sensor exhibits from 77.0 M to 0.77 M and the detection limit was
around 21.8 0.1 M [3noise(N)/slope(S)].

Fig. 9. I-V curves of (A) with and without coating of NPs; (B) with and without ammonium
hydroxide (77.0 M) using NPs coated gold electrode; (C) Concentration variation of
ammonium hydroxide; and (D) calibration curve of ammonium hydroxide sensors
The response time was around 10.0 sec for the NPs coated-electrode to reach saturated
steady state current. The high sensitivity of film can be attributed to the good absorption
(porous surfaces fabricated with coating) and adsorption ability, high catalytic activity, and

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

good biocompatibility of the iron oxide NPs. The estimated sensitivity of the fabricated
sensor is relatively higher than previously reported ammonium hydroxide sensors based on
other composite or materials modified electrodes (Raj et al., 2010). The aqueous ammonia
sensing method of -Fe
NPs sensor is based on the semiconductor oxides, due to
oxidation or reduction of the metal-oxide itself, in accordance with the dissolved oxygen
) in bulk-solution or surface-air of the surrounding atmosphere (Scheme 4A), according
to the equations (xiii-xiv).
electron (e
, -Fe
NPs) + O
electron (e
, -Fe
NPs) + O
These reactions take place in bulk-solution or air/liquid interface or surrounding air due to
the low carrier concentration which increased the resistances. The aqueous ammonia
sensitivity headed to -Fe
NPs (i.e. MO
) could be attributed to the high oxygen
deficiency and defect density leads to increase oxygen adsorption. Larger the amount of
oxygen adsorbed on the MO
NPs surfaces, larger would be the oxidizing capability and
faster would be the oxidation of analytes.

Scheme 4. Mechanism of -Fe
NPs chemical sensors at room conditions.
The reactivity of aqueous ammonia would be very large as compared and contrasted to
other chemical with the semiconductor surfaces under the similar condition (Patil et al.,
2007). When NH
OH reacts with the adsorbed oxygen on the surface of the film, it acquires
oxidized to nitrogen oxide gas and metal ammonium hydroxide, liberating free electrons in
the conduction band (Scheme 4B), which could be articulated through the following
reactions (xv-xvi):
+ nNH
OH + nO
- M(nNH
OH)x + nNO
(g) + nH
O + ne
(C.B.) (xv)
OH + 7O
- 4NO
+ 10H
O + 15e- (xvi)
These reactions corresponded to oxidation of the reducing carriers. These processes
increased the carrier concentration and hence decreased the resistance on exposure to
reducing liquids/analytes. At the room condition, the disclosure of metal oxide surface to


reducing liquid/analytes results in a surface mediated combustion process. The exclusion of
iono-sorbed oxygen amplifies the electron concentration and thus the surface conductance
of the coating-film (Mujumdar, 2009). The reducing analyte (aq. NH
) donates electrons to -
NPs surface. Therefore, resistance is decreased, or conductance is increased. This is
the reason why the analyte response (current response) increases with increasing potential.
On the other way, due to large surface area, the NPs of provide a supportive nano-
environment for the chemical detection with fast and good capacity. The high sensitivity of
NPs provides high electron communication features which progress the direct electron
movement between the active sites of NPs and GE. The modified thin film had a good
stability and reproducibility. As for the nanomaterials, -Fe
NPs provide a path to a new
generation of chemical sensors, but a premeditate effort has to be expended for
nanostructures to be taken critically for large scale applications, and to achieving high
appliance density with accessibility to individual sensors. Reliable methods for fabricating,
assembling and integrating building blocks onto sensors need to be explored.
6. Conclusion
Finally, the present work provides a hydrothermal method to synthesize low-dimensional
iron oxide NPs, which was characterized using several conventional techniques like XRD,
FE-SEM, EDS, HR-TEM, UV/visible, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopy. The detailed
morphological characterizations by FE-SEM and TEM revealed that the synthesized NPs
possess almost spherical shape with typical diameters of ~ 60 10 nm. The optical
properties of as-grown -Fe
NPs were investigated by UV-visible absorption which
shows the presence of characteristic -Fe
peak in the spectrum. It was also investigated
the photo-catalytic degradation with Acridine orange under UV radiation sources and
found the 50% degradation held with as-grown -Fe
NPs. The as-grown NPs were
employed for the detection of aqueous ammonia in solution phase as chemical sensors. The
performance of the proposed aqueous ammonia sensor using low-dimensional -Fe
film was excellent in terms of sensitivity, lower detection limit, and large linear dynamic
ranges in short response time. This new approach is also introduced a new route for efficient
chemical sensor development to control the environmental toxicity as well as
carcinogenicity, and can also play an important role in environmental and health care fields.
7. Acknowledgment
We are greatly acknowledged to Najran University for their financial supports and research
facilities. Centre for Advanced Materials and Nano-Engineering (CAMNE), Najran
University, Najran is also greatly acknowledged for their chemicals and nanomaterials
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Part 2
State-of-the-Art Nano-Composites

Nanocomposite Materials with
Oriented Functionalized Structure
Petrior Zamora Iordache, Nicoleta Petrea,
Rodica Mihaela Lungu, Rzvan Petre, Ciprian Su and Ioan Safta
Scientific Research Center for CBRN Defense and Ecology
1. Introduction
Functionalized materials are material structures able to meet certain functions and tasks in
well established interaction conditions. The functionality of a nanostructured material is
completely conditioned by the well-defined relation holding between the functionality of
the host structure (carrier support - CS) and the structure upon which it is carried out (target
structure - TS). The functionality and the functions of a material are carried out by means of
its physical, chemical or other characteristics, and by means of which it interacts with
neighbour material systems, in order to fulfil the assigned functions. The most well-known
examples of functionalities are those of: chemical reticulation, detection, controlled
stimulation, chemical separation, etc. (fig.1). Most of the natural material structures are
found in the form of nano or micrometrically structured composites, and dependency and
interaction relations are established between their structural elements, depending on the
internal structure and the physical and chemical characteristics of the neighbouring material
structures. Composite materials are mixtures of material phases, either amorphous, or
structurally well delimited, varied from a morphostructural and morphochemical point of
view. The basic structure of composite materials is represented by nanostructured material
phases, as material superior form of organization of atomic and molecular structures. As a
result of physical and chemical interactions, the structural components of natural
composites establish complex physical and chemical equilibrium states, characterised by the
fact that the functional structure of this type of composites is masked or cancelled.
The functionality concept is a relatively defined concept, taking as a reference point the
investigation and order needs of the surrounding material structures. Basically, the function
of a functionalized material defines the way in which the functional structure affects a
certain process or a certain material structure, not necessarily neighbouring it. All material
structures are carriers of certain types of inherent functionalities, by means of which they
specifically interact with the exterior, but which do not have selectivity for certain target
structures. Most modern scientific and technological applications need nanostructured or
nanocomposite materials, having an oriented functional structure. These constrains impose
that natural composite materials (CM) should be submitted to morphostructural and
morphochemical modelling processes, in order to use them as oriented functionality
materials. From the point of view of the sense of functionality orientation, the materials with
oriented functional structure (M
) can be defined as materials whose structure and


characteristics model and transform in sequences that are phenomenologically ordered in
space and time, the structural evolution and the properties of the target structures (TS).



(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Some typical examples of nanostructures wih orientated functionality (a)
Polyfunctional structure with macromolecular separation tasks (ES external magnetic field
stimulus; CL coated layer; MNP magnetic nanoparticles; T target macromolecules;
CLM reticulation molecules; F - functionalities) (b) Functional structure of a interfaces with
sensitization tasks (EI electric interface; SC signal carrier; ST signal transducer; SI
structural interface; PL protective layer; S external stimulus)

C H3
C H3
C H3
C H3
C H3
C H3
C H3
CH3 C H3
C H3
C H3
sens of process evolution

Fig. 2. Typical diagram of an orientated process for controled separation of organic
Figure 2 presents the functional diagram of a M
intended for the reticulation, degradation
and controlled separation of the organic pollutants in the surface waters. The material
obtained by means of controlled functionalising processes was modelled so that it could
carry out the nano- and microfiltering (F
), reticulation (F
), degradation (F
), magnetic
separation (F
) and biodegradation (F
) functions of the organic pollutants in the surface
waters, containing chemical functionalities of the aminated, hydroxilated, carboxylated,
phenolated, carbonylated, thiolated and halogenated types, derivatives or chemical
structures having mixed functionality. In phase S
, the material comes in contact with the
pollutants (P), reticulating them at the level of the functional structures of the CL and CS

structural components of the composite. CL carries out the compositing functions of the CS

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

and NP
structural elements (fig.2) and the filtering functions at molecular level of the
contaminated water. In order to carry out the reticulation function of the pollutants, the
and NP
structural components have been chemically functionalized with
glutaraldehyde (F
) and epyclorhidrine (F
), so that, we might obtain, by means of a
compositing process, a material having a nanometric porous structure and usable in the
molecular filtering processes (fig.2). The pollutants reticulation (F
) at the level of the three
structural components takes place in S
phase, each of them separating a certain category
and type of target pollutants. Following the reticulation processes, it is likely that the
reticulated pollutants should be partially or totally degraded, as a result of the chemical
crosslinking interactions holding between the functional groups and the pollutants. The
degradation function of the pollutants (D
) is carried out at the level of all the structural
elements of M
, and is due to the polyfunctional structure and to the nano- and micro-
fiberlike morphostructure of the composite. In order to degrade the pollutants (F
), M
functionalized and composited, so that, due to the density of functional groups and due to
the space distribution of its structural components, nano and microchannel structures may
be formed, which may degrade and encapsulate the pollutants and the resulting
degradation products, without offering the possibility for them to escape in the filtered
environment. The controlled separation process of the depolluting products is done by
means of the F
function, carried out by the NP
nanostructural component.
contains Fe
nanoparticles functionalized with glutaraldehyde, which assures the
separation of the composite filled with pollutants. These nanoparticles can be stimulated, in
order to be separated in a controlled manner, by means of an external magnetic field (MS)
(fig.2). The NP
structural component can reticulate organic pollutants that have chemical
aminated functions, by means of the F
functional structure.

C1-C2 CM

Fig. 3. Typical structural and interfaceing diagram of a composite material (CM
, M

component material phase of M
; F
, F
functional elements of CM
; SF
, SF

microsurfaces distributions of functionalities; SI
compositing interfaces of CM
The biodegradation function (F
) is the result of the appropriate modelling of the
morphological and morphochemical structure of M
, so that, when the composite charged
with pollutants is exposed to the environment factors, it might be degraded and assimilated,
without modifying the structure and the functionality of the environment. The CL structural
component encapsulates the reticulated pollutants and the degradation products, so that the
environment may assimilate more easily the M
charged with pollutants, without generating
short or long term toxic effects.


There is not a well defined limit between the intelligent materials and the functionalized
materials, as in both cases material structures which are programmed to execute pre-
settled tasks are involved. The polyvalent functionalization of M
involves the
discretization of the obtaining processes, the carrier material phases being integrated in
stages and by different processes. The most sensitive stage in the obtaining process of M

involves the preserving and quantification of the functional structure and of the carried out
functions, so that they are not lost, masked or modified, following the compositing
processes. The preservation and quantification of the functionality need the interposition of
material phase connection, which should link the material structures that enter the
composites structure (CM
) (fig.3). These connecting structures are called interface
structures (IS) and have the role to protect and connect each structural component, as well
as to preserve their functions. IS (fig.1) establish transition microregions between structural
components (fig.3), the most widespread being the chemical interfaces.

masked magnetic field
rejected reticulation
S magnetic masked NPS
masking CM
chemical masked structure
accepted reticulation
masking structure

Fig. 4. General mechanism for functional structure masking of polyfunctionalized M

Chemical interfaces favour the interposition between two homogenous material phases,
different in point of structure and physicochemical properties of the functional groups,
coated layers or molecular phases. As it is difficult to find the structural interface which
may realise, at the same time, the connecting and preserving functions of the functionality,
in most cases, between the nanomaterial composites and its structural components,
molecular layers interpose to meet one of the two imposed conditions. Depending on the
application and the type of functionalised composite, IS has an important role in stabilizing
the morphochemical and morphostructural functionality by establishing complex
physicochemical equilibria, which influence the dielectric structure, chemical and thermical
stability, electric conductivity, magnetic moment, radiative stimulation, molecular diffusion,
etc. The dimensions, the morphological structure, the morphochemical structure and the
manner of distribution of IS are strictly conditioned by the chemical structure of the
interfaced material phases and by the functionality we seek to obtain. For instance, in the
case of the magnetically stimulable nanostructures, the thickness of the coating layer may
affect, by screening, the magnetical separation processes (fig.4). In order to obtain structural
interfaces that would not mask or cancel the functionality of the composite, each material
structure of the composite is obtained and functionalised separately, following that the
compositing processes of the different structural components would be carried out in a
controlled manner and in distinct stages. The functionalised nanocomposite materials have
magnetically masked
chemically masked structure

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

become indispensable tools in most scientific and technological fields, due to the flexibility
of the structural and functional modelling mechanisms, as well as due to the available
manipulation and control possibilities. Environment science and protection (water
depollution, waste control dispersion, water purification, water filtration, etc.), biochemical
sensing, detection and nanomedicine are the most promising fields in which this type of
materials can be applied.
2. Mono- and polyvalently functionalized nanocomposite materials
By definition, mono- or polyvalently functionalised nanocomposite materials (CM) are the
carriers of one ore more functionalities. The structural and functional modelling of
composites depends on the type of application and functions that the composite must
carry out. In depolluting applications, the polyvalently functionalised composites have
the advantage that they may be structurally and functionally modelled in an oriented
manner, so that they might reticulate, encapsulate and separate a large number of organic
2.1 Functional structure modeling of orientated functionalized materials
Chemical functionalization compounds ar those chemical compounds able to establish
stable polydirectional chemical bonds, not only with the carrier support, but also with the
target molecular structure. Some applications (analytical applications, molecular
separations, etc.) constrain the use of M
, imposing that the reticulation processes should
not degrade the crosslinked structure. Compounds with high chemical aggressiveness are
not proper to be used in the analytical processes of sensitization, reticulation, or
macromolecular separation, which are specific to the biological compounds, organic
pollutants, nanoprobes, etc. Highly aggressive reticulation chemical compounds can
degrade, alter and disperse the morphochemical structure of reticulated target structures.
The most used classes of chemical functionalization compounds are triazines (fig. 5),
sulphochlorides (fig.6), periodates (fig.7), cyanate compounds and their derivates (BrCN,
ClCN, hydrazine - fig.8), aldehydes (glutaraldehyde, N-hydroxysuccinimide,
benzoquinone, etc. fig. 9) and the epoxidic compounds (epichlorhydrine - fig. 10).
The glutaraldehyde is the most proper compound to be used in macromolecular
functionalizing processes, as it can easily form stable functional structures, which do not
degrade reticulated structures. The rest of the functionalization chemical compounds
mentioned in the literature (antibodies, biological markers, functionalization compounds for
the noble metals or for those with low reactivity, etc.) is characterized by the fact that they
are specific to a certain carrier support layer and reticulate a strictly limited spectre of target
structures. As functionalizable carrier supports, different types of polymeric nanostructures
may be used (cellulose, dextrans, elastomers, glicols, amines, acetamides, etc.),
nanostructured elements (oxidic structures, metals, fulerenes, quantum dots, etc.), other
nanostructured materials having their surface and depth structure enriched with chemical
groups (-H, -OH, -SH, H
O, etc.) that may establish chemical reticulation reactions. The
compositing process of the structural components of composites may take place in one or
more stages, depending on the functionality and the assigned functions, in relation to the
affinity and chemical stability of each functional component, as well as depending on the
morphological and morphochemical structure of the structural components and of the
composite we seek to obtain.


N Cl
Pol 3
C, pH
free reaction
organic pollutants

Fig. 5. General mechanisms of the macromolecular reticulation of triazinic-functionalized
carrier supports (hidroxy-enriched carrier support)

C, pH free reaction
carrier support
functionalisation reticulation

Fig. 6. General mechanisms of the macromolecular reticulation of halidic-functionalized
carrier supports (carboxy-enriched carrier support)

C, pH
free reaction


Fig. 7. General mechanisms of the macromolecular reticulation of IO-
-functionalized carrier
supports (poliol-enriched carrier support)

C, pH free reaction

Fig. 8. General mechanisms of the macromolecular reticulation of cyan-functionalized
carrier supports (hydroxy-enriched carrier support)

C, pH
free reaction O

Fig. 9. General mechanisms of the macromolecular reticulation of aldehydic-functionalized
carrier supports (amino-enriched carrier support)

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

C, pH
free reaction
R Cl
Pol NH

Fig. 10. General mechanisms of the macromolecular reticulation of epoxy-functionalized
carrier supports (poliol-enriched carrier support)
2.2 Morphological and morphochemical structure of nanostructured materials
The surface and depth morphological and morphochemical structure of the orientedly
functionalized composite materials is radically modelled by the reticulation and self
reticulation processes, and by the local physical and chemical processes, established
between the structural elements of the composite (self reticulation, induced mechanical
tensions, magnetic and electric dipole moments, hydrogen bonds, molecular or atomic
reticulation sites) (fig.11).


Fig. 11. General mechanisms of the morphological and morphochemical modelling of CM
1 functional constraints; 2 - charge constraints; 3 mechanical and morphotopological
constraints; 4 free space; 5 functional self-constraints
The agglomeration processes are specific both for the nanostructured materials, and for the
functionalized nanocomposite materials, due to self reticulation processes, surface
impurities, the electrostatic and micromagnetic polarization, superficial tensions between
solvents and the dispersed functionalized material. Self reticulation is due to
functionalization imperfections, which lead to the formation of ununiformly functionalized
surfaces that favour the occurrence of atomic and molecular sites, able to initiate and
establish reticulation bonds with the chemical functions of the neighbouring
morphostructures. M
morphology is modelled by the morphology of its structural


component, by the compositing techniques and conditions, by the expression mechanisms of
the functionality and by the molecular association processes at a nanotopological level. The
functionality and the morphostructure of the structural components are conditioned by the
physical and chemical equilibria established between the structural elements of the
composite. The morphological structure of M
may be modelled by choosing the adequate
compositing methods (reverse micelle, photolysis, hydrolisis, etc.) and by the strict control
of conditions and of the compositing phases (temperature, solvation effects, rate of agitation,
etc.). The morphological and morphochemical depth structure of the composites cannot be
modified during the compositing process, and the external modelling factors may lead to
loosing of the functionality of the composite or of its strutural components. Reverse micelle
method is the most convenient technique of obtaining nanostructured materials and
functionalized composites.
3. Nanostructured material interfaces
Material interfaces (MI) are material structures that favour the stable binding of two or more
material structures having different chemical and physical properties. The surface chemical
structure of most of the inorganic structures does not bear direct chemical functionalization
processes, and the growth of material interfaces is needed (functionalization molecule
layers, coating layers) which should favour stable chemical bonds between the involved
material structures (fig.12). Impurities, microsurface defects and the reduced reactivity of
microsurfaces are the main elements that condition the functionality of this type of
nanostructures. In order to favour the physical and chemical interaction processes between
the organic and inorganic material phases, in most cases, a series of processes and chemical
compounds are used to modify their surfaces energetically and chemically: silans, acid or
basic chemical treatments, chemical passivations, etc.
In the case of high functionalized oriented structure composites, each structural component
of the composite needs the deposition of one interfaceable chemical structures having a
certain specificity in relation to the rest of the composited structures. Preliminary chemical
treatments due to eliminate impurities and to modify the treated microsurfaces energetically
aim to favour chemical reticulation reactions and to obtain uniformly distributed functional
interfaces. The elimination of surface impurities is indicated in the case of oxidic
nanomaterials and amorphous material structures, whose surface is likely to be impurified
with traces of water, hydroxyl groups, metals, ions, etc. The most efficient method to
eliminate these impurities from the surface of oxidic structures or of amorphous material
structures consists of treating the interest surfaces with acid mixtures (HNO
, H
, H
(Lucas et al., 2007). As a result of the acid treatments, part of the treated support structure is
partially degraded, and the metals and metal ions are removed. After having carried out the
acid treatment, the composite nanoparticles are washed with solvents, which should remove
the resulted degradation compounds. In most cases, acid treatments are followed by
chemical treatments intended to passivate the modified nanostructures electrostatically.
Organometallic salts are usually used (citrates, oxalates, etc.) in order to eliminate the
electric charge density induced in the surface structure (Campos et al., 2002).
Prevention of the agglomeration and flocculation processes can be made by introducing some
additional repulsion forces, so that the support phase, chemically and energetically modified,
should be positioned in a chemical, electrostatic and micromagnetostatic equilibria with the
host fluid. The spreading of the ionic phases in aquaeous host medium is influenced by the

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

presence of the residual ions (Na
, (CH
, NH
, NO
, ClO
, etc.) and by the dielectrical
intrinsic structure of the cristaline structure of the dispersed phase, establishing electrostatic
Van-der-Waals bonds with the amphoteric hydroxyl groups (Campos et al., 2002).


Fig. 12. General morphological and morphochemical structure of material interfaces
1 crosslinking molecules; 2 - reticulation interface; 3 organic laid-down coated layer; 4
energetically and chemically modified surfaces structures; 5 inorganic substrate
The favouring of dispersion may be done by inducing some negative (dispersion in acid
environments) or positive (dispersion in alkaline medium) electric charges at the level of
dispersed phase surface (Massart et al., 1995). The dispersion of the inorganic phase in
organic host medium (cyclic hydrocarbons, paraffine oils, liniar caten hydrocarbons, etc.)
involves coating them with an amphiphilic molecule layer, in order to initiate the steric
repulsion processes. Molecular reticulation prevention is due to the thermic agitation
movement of the terminal hydrocarbons that lead to the formation of specific cristaline
structures. The most used surfactants are sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulphosuccinate (AOT),
cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), lipids (lecithin, phosphatidyl glycerol
dihexadecyl phosphate, etc.), oleic acid, stearic acid, etc.
Silanes and cyanides are the most indicated chemical agents to modify the nanostructured
surfaces chemically and energetically, so that they should establish easily stable chemical
bonds with OH-, H-, -O-, M-O and M (M metal atom) groups found on most of the
material structure surfaces. Cyanates compounds (BrCN, ClCN) favorise the forming of a
large spectrum of reactive chemical groups on oxidic surfaces, of the type: nitrile: (-CN),
isonitrilic, cianamidic (-(R)
N-CN), azinic (C=N-)
, isocianic (-N=C=O), carbodiimidic
(N=C=N), aminated (primar, secondary, tertiary), compounds having nitrogen and mixed
functionality. This type of reactive chemical groups have reticulation properties which are
similar to those mentioned in figures 5-10. The organofunctional silanes reaction with OH
groups surfaces is a substitution reaction at the silicium atom, resulting silylated surfaces in
which the Si atoms fix on the surface by covalent chemical bonds, via oxygen (fig. 13).
These bonds may be established directly or in the presence of water, through of an
intermediary silanol. The reactivity of the hydroxilated surfaces with the silans decreases in
the following order: Si-NR
. Si-O-
microsurface bonds are the critical factor that sustains the reaction, not only in aprotic
conditions, but also in non aprotic ones.


1 X

Fig. 13. General structure of an organosilane organic-inorganic interface (1 hidrolisable
functionalities: -OH, NH2, O-O, etc.; 2 space linkers; 3 - inorganic modified substrate)
Methoxysilanes are able to sustain reactions with the surfaces from an energetic and
chemical modification point of view, not only in aprotic and non aprotic conditions, having
lower reactivity compared to the ethoxylans and needing catalytic conditions for sustaining.
An important control factor of the physical and chemical characteristics of the chemically
modified microsurfaces is given by the length of the chemical linkers interposed between
the organic functionalities and the Si atom fixed on the modified surface, imposing a series
of specific chemical reactivity constrains (Jall et al., 2004; Chechik et al., 2000). The organic
surface imposes a series of steric limitations on the accessibility of the functional groups
which are placed in their vicinity, and the space linkers with appreciable lenght confer an
increased mobility in order to functionalize the entire target surface. Aluminium and
titanium form stable surface oxides by hydrolitic processes. Their oxidized surfaces have
enough -OH groups to allow the coupling of the organofunctional silanes in the same
conditions with those applied to the silicides layers.
Copper, zinc and iron form surface oxides, which are instable from a mechanic and
hydrolitic point of view. The reticulation process of the silanes on these types of surfaces
involves two or more silans, one of which is a chelate agent (polyamines, polycarboxylic
acids). The second silane is chosen depending on the chemical reactivity of the organic
component and on its capacity to initiate condensing reactions with the first silan.
In the case of weak reactive metals (Ni, Au, Pt, etc.), the reticulation of silanes on their
surface involves the formation of coordinative bonds (phosphines, mercapto, amino-
functionalized silanes). In order to do this, a second silan must be used, which may present
reactivity towards the organic component. Titan, zirconium and nickel form stable hydrides.
The ability of several metals to form amorphous alloys with hydrogen is exploited in order
to adsorb and coordinate the silicon hydrides on the metal surface. The functionalization
hydride of silanes and the treated surface of the metal realease hydrogen in the presence of
bases or noble metals.
4. Physical and chemical properties of functionalized nanosurfaces
Nanocomposites and nanostructured functionalised materials are those materials which
carry their own chemical and physical properties, showing them in their next vicinity. The
physical and chemical characteristics of structural components and of their composites

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

depend completly on how they have been obtained: precursors, solvents, physical and
chemical properties of the structural interfaces, temperature, pH, etc. The main processes
responsible for the morphostructural, morphochemical and morphofunctional modification
of depth material interfaces are: a. chemical or electrostatic adsorbtion sites of: neighbouring
molecular radicals, metalic ions, molecules with high diffusion degree and small molecular
mass (fig.14); b. hydrogen bonds or other similar chemical bonds (fig.14); c. the type, density
and lenght of molecular space-linkers (fig.14); d. the type of chemical bonds established by
the material interfaces with the organic and/or inorganic interfaced structures.
In the case of organosilanic interfaces, the chemical and electrostatic sites are due to
functional groups of silane which carry out functions in the reticulation of the target
structures and in the molecular or atomic sites which possess electric dipole moment. The
structural modelling process is a dynamic one, taking place in the phase of nucleation of
the organosilane sites and at the level of the growing surface of the laid-down
functionalization interface. As a direct consequence, micro- and nanostructures empty
sites (space) are generated in the depth structure, favouring the diffusion of charged ions
and of the structures with lower molecular mass (fig.14). The impurities reticulated in the
depth structure come from the reaction medium, as most silanization processes are
catalyzed processes (alcohols, NH
OH, etc.), that may generate in the reaction medium
different molecular structures (R
, N
(j+n+m=5), H
, -OH
, H
, etc.)
that may diffuse and reticulate in the depth of the laid-down functionalized interface. Self
assembled monolayer (SAM) material interfaces have the advantage that they suppress
morphochemical and morphostructural processes, but they do not present the same
variety and functional afinity by comparison with layered material interfaces. The
obtaining of layered material interfaces with varied and stable functionality may be an
advantage for a series of applications in detoxification, depollution and decontamination,
as they may reticulate, encapsulate and host a wide spectrum of toxic compounds in their
Interfaces with high content of hydrogen bonds and chemical bonds with hydrophobic
character can reticulate and host large amounts of aminated, carboxylated, hydroxylated,
hydration water, active hydrogen sites and molecular radicals. Using silanes of the NH
(n+m = 4) type in processes of deposition of functionalized interfaces leads to the
formation of polymeric silanic structures of the n[SiO
type, enriched
with OH, amino, free water and reticulated H
functional forms ( characterizes the
degree of cohydrolisis of Si(-O-)
; characterizes the amount of aminated groups) (Iordache
et al., 2009). The thickness of the laid-down organosilane layer and the amount of reticulated
aminated groups depends on the type of the used silane, the cohydrolisis time and the type
of the used catalyzer. In the case of F
nanoparticles coated with organosilane polymer by
cohydrolisis of the (3-aminopropyl)trietoxysilane, functionalized interfaces of the F
type have been obtained. On the basis of the analyis of the
aquired experimental data by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (tab.1), the growth rate
of the coated layer has been determined, as being modelled by the analythic relation (1). The
graph representation of the analythic relation (1) is presented in figure 16.
Nano and micro-sites established in the depth of the laid-down organosilane coated layer
favour the diffusion of the lower mass molecular compounds, due to the type of space-
linkers and to the flexibility of Si-O-Si (120
) bonds (Tolstoy et al., 2003). This fact is
due to the unhydrolizable character of molecular space-linkers, which orientate the
neighbouring hydrolizable structures depending on the electric dipole moment, the


chemical interaction potential and the mechanic tensions established between them and
their neighbouring macromolecules.




Fig. 14. General physical and chemical mecanisms who model the morphochemical and
morphological structure of functionalized nanosurfaces (1 positively charged molecular
radicals; 2 hydrogen bonds; 3 free space sites filed with positive charged molecular
radicals; 4 acces patway for smoll molecules; 5 positively charged nanosurfaces; 6
molecules with strong electric dipole; 7 negatively charged molecular radicals; 8
positively charged topological nanosites; 9 free space for negatively charged molecular
radical retaining; 10 bonds susceptible for breaking; 11 inorganic interfaced
nanostructure; 12 - space linkers; 13 organic functionality; 14 - space linkers)
The size of the free micro-sites established in the depth of the coated layer has the
magnitude of dimensions comparable with that of molecular space-linkers, modelling the
mechanic tensions and the charge distribution. Functional organosilane groups (fig.14)
could be inserted on the surface and in the depth of interfaced structures, using as
silanization agent: silanols, amino silanes, siloxanes, epoxy silanes, carbinolic-functionalized
silanes, acrylate/metacylate-functionalized silanes, carboxy silanes, mercapto silanes or
anhydrides-functionalized silanes (Denmark & Sweis, 2002). Functional organosilanic
groups may reticulate nucleation macromolecular structures of the n[SiO
type (X
functional silanic group: -NH
, -SH, OH, -COOH, etc.) or the sites or molecular radicals (Y)
in the reaction volume, modifying the morphochemical and morphofunctional distribution,
as well as the electric charge density established on surfaces of the deep micro- or nanosites
of material interfaces. In the case of the aminosilanes catalyzed by NH
OH, the following
bonds Si-O-Si, Si-NH-Si, Si-O(NH
)-Si, SiNH
, [M(NH
, result during the process of
the n[SiO
laid-down coated layer. These bonds can be easily broken by
the molecular radicals present in the reaction medium, resulting new types of functional
group: Si-OH, Si-NH
, etc.

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure


Crt. N (Wt%) O (Wt%) Si(Wt %) Fe(Wt%)
P1 0.00 60.45 17.62 21.93
P2 1.97 42.10 22.02 33.91
P3 3.93 60.79 8.56 26.72
P4 2.49 51.40 19.08 24.20
P5 2.90 53.09 26.98 13.02
P6 4.06 53.22 14.05 17.74
P7 1.04 55.87 18.47 22.30
P8 3.50 44.06 20.93 13.76
Table 1. Contents of Fe, Si, N and O found on SEM investigated microsurfaces

t 1
ln{([N] +[Fe])t } - = f(t)
[Si][Fe] ln{([N] +[Fe])t }

(a) (b)
Fig. 15. F
(a) TEM image (180.000x) (b) SEM image
In the case of Fe
nanoparticles coated with n[SiO
, the
experimental data we have obtained by electronic transmission microscopy (ETM),
electronic scanning microscopy (ESM) and EDX prove that the morphostructural and
morphochemical modelling takes place at the level of the laid-down organosilane layer and
at the level of the n[SiO
nucleation sites. This fact entails that
chemical stabilization and passivation of the laid-down interfaces take place directly during
the coating process, by microlocal passivation of nucleation sites and at the level of the
growth surface, in the presence of the reaction medium content.
For biochemical reticulation applications, unstable chemical reticulated impurities on the
surface and in the depth of coating layers can be removed by washing them with H
O, NaCl
or organomethalic salts (citrates), having the role to stabilize the suspension nanoparticles
from a chemical and isoelectrical point of view. The obtained suspensions (4%) are used
with the pH adjusted to 78 by proper dilution.


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Analytical function f(t) depth modeling of
organosilane layer growth as a
cohydrolysis time function
Experimental data fit: y
t (min.)

Fig. 16. f(t) function graph
5. External stimulable nanocomposite materials
Externally stimulable nanocomposites represent one of the latest priorities and needs in
nanoscience and nanotechnology field, having applications in various fields, such as:
chemical and biochemical detection (sensors, differentiated and undifferentiated
prelevation of biochemical analytes, etc.) (Festag et al., 2005), nanomedicine (Murcia &
Naumann; Bekyarova Haddon & Parpura; Gao; Zheng & Huang; Watanabe & al.; Meziani
& al.; Lvy & Doty; Hattory & Maitani; Lellouche; Kommareddy, Shenoy & Amiji; 2005),
environment science and protection (depollution, decontamination), chemistry (molecular
and macromolecular separation). The stimulation concept designates that way by which a
material structure registers a change in its energetic or structural structure under the
influence of an external stimulation factor. In this sens, electromagnetic stimulation
processes are very well know (fluorescence, phosphorescence, photocatalysis,
semiconductor stimulation), magnetic (RMN, RES), radiative (elementary particles,
nuclear and molecular radiation). By implementation of some control functions at the
level of a stimulable material nanostructure, oriented controlled stimulable
nanostructures can be obtained in order to measure, quantify and control the stimulable
induced states. Polyvalently functionalized nanocomposite structures are hard to obtain,
especially in reticulation applications with targets coming from systems with complex
morphochemical and morphostructural, biochemical and biological organisation.
Kinematic and dynamic control methods of the stimulable material structures placed in
carrier host medium with complex molecular structure are relatively limited and reduced
to control by magnetic, electric and electromagnetic stimulation. These nanoparticles have
been functionalized so that they should reticulate undifferentiatedly and undestructively
the target biological structures, which vary from a morphostructural and
morphofunctional point of view.
Analytical modelling of organosilane
layer growth laid-down depending on
cohydrolysis time

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

3 4




Fig. 17. Diagram of the configuration of constant metric biological detection technique
1 scan source; 2 detection sensor; 3 scan gain; 4 detector gain; 5 magneti field
stimulus; 6 reticulated microorganism; 7 other type of reticulated microorganism; 8
functionalised magnetic stimulable nanostructure (PNP); M
mass of NPB
Analytical techniques with constant metrics use only a stimulation factor for the
sensitization of a large spectrum of analytes. Existent analytical methods for biological
sensitization (Bhunia, 2008; Jasson, 2010) are variant in respect of a specific required
stimulation factor, being unfriendly in respect of sensitization of a large analite spectrum.
The analytical method proposed in figure 17 starts from the assumption that the set of
values formed by the magnetic moment attached to biochemical structures (m) by
reticulation processes and the mass (M) attached to reticulation macrocomplexes are
uniquely determined for each type of biochemical structure. As the prelevation and
magnetic discrimination processes of the analytes take place in a host carrier fluid, we
started from the assumption that the friction force (F

), weight force (F
), archimedic force
) and micromagnetical force (F
) (fig.17) are the only ones that can model the kinematics
and the dynamics of the magnetic dicrimination. In order to reduce the number of the
observables and degrees of freedom that affect the kinematics and the dynamics of the Fe

nanoparticles reticulated on the surface of the targeted biostructures (NPB), a force field
configuration was proposed (fig.17a, fig. 17b), in which NPB movement is orientated, as
follows: a. parallel with the gravitational acceleration vector (fig.17.b); b. opposed to the
gravitational acceleration vector (fig.17.a). The observables attached to the configured
biochemical sensitization process are the specific speeds (v
) of NPB movement in magnetic
field and the specific surface fluorescence of the reticulated biochemical structures (
), so
that an univoque analytical relation can be established between the discriminated
biostructure and its specific surface macromolecular fluorescence mark. From an analytical
point of view, the set of observables (v
) can be correlated by software, so that, for each v

(a), v
(b) of sensitized NPB
, according to the configurations proposed in figure 17, one may
identify those sequences that present the same fluorescence mark (
), according to relations
(4) and (5). The index i designates the type of the sensitized biochemical structure and is
defined on the entire reticulation and sensitivization-detection spectrum. Analytical
equations (4) and (5) model and describe the proposed constant metric analytical model,
which is deducted from fundamental equations (2) and (3), which describe the NPB
movement in configurations 17a and 17b.
+ F
= F
+ Mg (2)


+ F
= Mg + F
where: F
is the archimedic force, F
are the magnetic field gradients, F
is the friction
force opposed to NPB movement in the host fluid, F
= -kx, M is the mass of NPB.

dB dB
1 1
5 1 2
M (i) = 2m( - ) / 2c v -
dx dx x 2x
1 2 2 1
| |
\ .

5 3 5
2v v 2v v 2v v
dB dB v +(v - v )e
2 1 1 f f f 1 2 1 2 1
M (i) = m( - ) /{ + ln - }
dx dx 2x 2x v 4x
1 2 2 1 2 1
where: dB
i dB
are the gradients of the magnetic field realized on the
sensitization distance, x
and x
are the sensitization distances, v
and v
are the
characteristic speeds of each NPB, v
is the speed of the carrier fluid which hosts the NPB.
In the above mentioned conditions, equation (4) describes those NPB that, following the
magnetic acceleration process, achieve a constant speed (c), at the moment of the sensitization
of discrimination and for a certain value of the field gradient (dB/dx). Equation (5) is specific
for those NPB that, after the magnetic acceleration process, did not achieve a constant limit
speed (c). According to equations (4) and (5) it results that analytical methods with invariant
metric may be configured for biological detection and monitoring by selective magnetic
discrimination. Also, according to these equations, it results that the sensitization domain may
be improved by modifying the magnetic field parameters (dB/dx) of the external stimulation
factors. The magnetic field represents a convenient method for the undestructive stimulation
of magnetic dipole carrier functionalized material structures, which, having a considerable
action range, as compared to the rest of the known stimulation factors. Due to the fact that
most organic compounds are diamagnetic, the magnetic field substantiates new undestructive
selective techniques for controlled stimulation, as the stimulable material nanostructures are
not masked by their neighbouring material structures.
6. Structure and functionality modelling of nanocomposite materials
designed for undestructive reticulation of biological structures
The functionalization of nanoparticle and nanocomposite structures for biochemical
reticulation requires a set of conditions involving: the specificity and the recognition of the
reticulated structure, the chemical and functional stability, avoidance of the biochemical
interaction with the host carrier, avoidance of self reticulation and agglomeration processes.
Most of the applications, especially the analytical one, require undestructive biological and
biochemical reticulation in respect to the targeted biochemical structure. Glutaraldehyde is
the chemical functionalization and reticulation compound frequently used in the analytical
biological process (fig.10), as it presents a weighted chemical aggressiveness and it preserves
the internal morphochemical struture of the reticulated structures. Glutaraldehyde is a
dialdehyde whose functional molecular residue (CHO) can reticulate undifferentiatedly the
hydrogen active, amino- and tiol- sites, present on the surface and in the depth structure of
most of biochemical structures. Polyvalent functionalizations require a series of cautions
intended for the chemical stabilization of the functionalized nanostructures, so that different

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

implemented functional groups may not mask or cancel each others functionality and
functions. In order to investigate this aspect, Fe
nanoparticles have been coated with
and functionalized monovalently (with glutaraldehyde GL)
and polyvalently (with glutaraldehyde and epichlorhydrine GL+ECH) (Iordache et al.,
2009). For their morphochemical structure, the following structural relations have been
proposed Fe
} (np-(GL)
), (ECH)
) ( and modelling coefficients
for functional fractions CHO, respectively Cl-C and -CH(O)CH-) (Iordache et al., 2009). For
the functionalization of nanoparticles, 4 grams of chemically stabilized coated nanoparticles
have been used (4% suspension), in the presence of 7 ml of glutaraldehyde (25%) ((6)).
Polyvalently functionalized particles have been obtained by the functionalization of np-
with an epichlorhidrine solution, previously prepared (NaOH, H
O, acetone and 0.5
ml epiclorhidrine) (fig.9).

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
3 4 1.5 2 2 2 5 8 2
3 n
3 4 1.5 2 2 2
3 n n

o c
( +


Glutaraldehyde functionalized nanoparticles have been exposed to air in order to
investigate the undifferentiated reticulation potential of the saprophyte microorganisms, as
the prelevated samples have been investigated by TEM (fig. 18). The same type of
investigations has been carried out on B. Cereus, St. Aureus, E. Coli, Ps Aeruginosa, and
the obtained results have been presented in figure 19. Also, the biochemical reticulation
potential of np-(GL)
, and (ECH)
has been investigated, by ricin reticulation
(Petrea et al., 2009). The samples have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy
(fig. 20) and by confocal microscopy (fig.23). Before the investigations were performed by
confocal microscopy, the functionalized nanoparticles were marked fluorochromically with
rhodamine B, right in the phase of the laying down of the coated layer (cyan color in fig.23).
The ricin was marked fluorochromically with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) (green
colour in fig.23). The results of the biological and biochemical rericulation investigations
have proved that the obtained functionalized nanoparticles present a well defined
functionality, and that the morphochemical structure of the reticulated structures has not
been degraded (fig.18, fig.19).

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 18. Investigation images of the np-(GL)
biochemical reticulation potential on
saprophyte microorganisms (images acquired by Philips S208 TEM microscope)


It was observed that np-(GL)
are specifically distributed on the reticulated surfaces,
according to the surface morphochemical structure of microorganisms. Most likely,
distribution maps of the reticulated nanoparticles follow the patterns of the
morphochemical distribution of aminated, thiolated, carboxylated, and carbonilated
functional groups placed on the surface of microorganisms. The obtained data emphasize
the np-(GL)
potential in the field of specific biochemical reticulation, as nanoprobes, or in
the field of undestructive biochemical investigation (fig.18).

(a) B. Cereus (b) St. Aureus

(c) E. Coli (c) Ps. Aeruginosa
Fig. 19. Investigation images of np-(GL)
biochemical reticulation potential on B. Cereus,
St. Aureus, E. Coli, Ps. Aeruginosa (images acquired by ESEM XL30 SEM microscope)
Using the elementary morphological segmentation method (Iordache et al., 2009), in order to
determine the elementary morphostructural parameters, it was proved that the main
agglomeration mechanism is micromagnetic. Also, it was proved that the functional
structure of the obtained functionalized nanoparticule suspension is stable, and it does not
initiate self-reticulation bonds. In the case of np-(GL)
and (ECH)
, which
include Fe
nanoparticles obtained by coprecipitation, the agglomeration domains present
a spherical form (fig.20a, fig.20d, fig.21b). In the case of functionalized particles containing
obtained by reverse micelle technique, the agglomeration domains present an acicular
form (fig.20b, fig.20c, fig.21a). These results prove the polyvalent functional structure of

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

, according to the specific functionalization mechanisms proposed in
figure 22b.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 20. Investigation images of (ECH)
and npa-(GL)
biochemical reticulation
potential on ricin (images acquired by VEGA II LMU SEM microscope)
(a) np-(GL)
obtained by coprecipitation) (b) np-(GL)
obtained by reverse
micelle) (c) (ECH)
obtained by reverse micelle) (d) (ECH)

obtained by coprecipitation)


Reticulation investigations carried out on ricin have proved that there is no significant
difference between the reticulation mechanisms of microorganisms and those of ricin. Ricin
reticulation tests have proved that the reticulation processes specific to toxins are
degenerated, and a single functionalized nanoparticle crosslinks more macromolecules on
ricin by contiguity.
The results demonstrate that the morphological and morphochemical structure of
macromolecular biological structures play an important role in the evolution of reticulation
processes, conditioning the mechanisms and their specificity, as well as the morphological
and morphochemical structure, physicochemical properties and the stability of the resulted
agglomeration domains. Morphochemical structure relations and the proposed
functionalization mechanisms (fig.22) have been deduced by taking into account the
obtaining conditions of the structure functionalities and the experimental data acquired
during the chemical and biochemical reticulation investigation processes. Chemical and
functional stability of the functionalized nanoparticle suspension, as well as the uniformity
and the specificity of the biochemical reticulation processes, can be explained only if we
accept the fact that the layer of functionalizing molecules, laid down on the coated layer, is
continuous and uniform.


=36.94 nm
=8.24 nm
=31.17 nm



=9.98 nm
=3.37 nm

(a) (b)
Fig. 21. The adopted elementary and bulk morphostructure domains for (a) (ECH)
MI) i (b) (ECH)
CP) reticulated nanoparticles on ricin
surface (W
, W
, L
, L
= geometrical dimension of elementary and bulk domains
The discontinuities on the functional structure of surfaces involve the existence of more
different biochemical reticulation sites, favouring self-reticulation processes of nanoparticles
in suspension. The acquired experimental data disprove the existence of masking,
neutralisation or repeal processes between the CHO, CCl or CH(O)CH functional groups.
Most likely, a stable chemical equilibrium is established between the CHO, CCl and
CH(O)CH functional groups, as they are distributed on the surface of functionalized
nanoparticles, according to a well determined morphochemical distribution map.

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

+ OH
R Si


R Si
+ OH
R Si
Si O


(a) (b)
Fig. 22. Propesed morphochemical and morphofunctional structure for (a) npa-(GL)

and (b) (ECH)
nanoparticles ((a): 1 GL; 2 propylamine chemical residues;
3 the most probable morphochemical distribution of chemical functionalities in the depth
of coated layer; (b): 1 - CHO functionalities; 2 Cl functionalities; 3 epoxy functionalities;
4 masked CHO functionalities)
7. Structure and functionality modelling of nanocomposites intended for
ecological depollution
Research in the waste water and solid waste management usually encounters three main
challenging problems: the huge quantities to be processed, the large varieties of contaminants
and impurities, and the conversion of solid residuals coming from specific treatments into
chemically and biologically inert materials for their safe disposal. Additionally, the useful
compounds recycling are preferential design target for most of researches, but in many cases
the safe disposal of inactivated residuals is prevailing. In spite of the many advances in waste
water treatment, the problem of removal the organic pollutants is still pending around the
elaborated technologies developed under the tertiary waste waters treatment concept. Thus,
oxidative technologies are expensive and degradation products are still polluting (Gogate &
Pandit, 2004). Flocculation and coagulation (Cheremisinoff, 2002) as well as ionic exchange
technologies (Robinson & al., 2001), are limited in their efficiency for the removal of organic
compounds. Chlorination is often use in the treatment of organic polluted waters, but its
drawback is well known, when a large number of pollutants are converted into other
compounds with the same toxicity. Microbiological technologies (Tedder & Pohland, 1990)
and photocatalytic technologies (Hashimoto & al., 2005) are very selective ones and totally
inappropriate for a broad spectrum of organic pollutants in the treated waste waters.
Membrane materials (Cassano & al., 2001), particulate nanomaterials and functionalized
hybrid nanomaterials as well as functionalized composite material adsorbents seems to be the
best solutions for treatment of waste waters highly contaminated with a large number of
organic compounds from different classes. Only the prices of these materials are restrictive for


their application at larger scale. The main factors that restrict depollution methods and
technologies of surface waters charged with organic pollutants are due to: a. a great number
(spectrum) of organic pollutants (OP) contained by contamined waters; b. morphostructural
and morphofunctional varieties of pollutants; c. dispersion mechanisms of pollutants in the
environment; d. lack of controlled separation possibilities of pollutants from the source of
pollution; e. lack of control upon degrading products, resulted during depollution processes; f.
collecting, stocking, storage and management depollution waste.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 23. Investigation images of (ECH)
and np-(GL)
biochemical reticulation
potential on ricin (confocal investigation using a multifoton broadband Leica TCS SP 2
microscope) (a) np-(GL)
obtained by coprecipitation) (b) (ECH)

obtained by coprecipitation) (c) np-(GL)
obtained by reverse micelle)
(d) (ECH)
obtained by reverse micelle)
The spectrum and the morphostructural and morphofunctional variety (SVM) specific to the
content of organic pollutants are due to the variety and diversity of the materials used in
industrial and domestic activities. SVM limitation, control and determination is a complex
issue, which cannot be solved by conventional procedures, as it is conditioned by the
exigence, necessities and material needs of the society. From the point of view of the
morphochemical type and variety, surface contaminated waters contain inorganic pollutants
(salts and metal derivates, mineral acid salts, mixed composition suspensions and
amorphous material structures, simple metallic oxides, mixed metallic oxides, etc.), carrier
vectors of radioactive elements, organic pollutants (hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols,
dervivates of benzen, organic acids and their derivates, carbonylic compounds and their

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

derivates, amines, organic halogens and their derviates, aromatic derivates, organometallic
compounds, detergents, etc.), biological pollutans (bacteria, viruses) and biochemical
pollutants (toxines, proteins, peptines, sugar, etc.) (Evanghelou, 1998). Most of the organic
pollutants degradate in time, generating other polluting compounds that may present high
toxicity. Not only the organic pollutants, but also their degradation products, may affect on
long and medium term human health and the functionality of the environment.
The dispersion and the diffusion of pollutants is constrained by their physical and chemical
properties. Once introduced in the external water circuit, pollutants become uncontrollably,
randomly and irreversibly dispersed on wide surfaces. Due to the complexity of the above
mentioned factors, the separation processes of the organic pollutants in surface waters and
industrial contaminated flux water will be carried out incrementally, using complex
technologies and solutions. In most cases, separation processes are only realised partially, as
used tehnologies and materials are oriented towards the removal of certain pollutants or of
some limited classes of organic pollutants.
Oxidic materials with oriented functional structure (M
) offer promising development and
new implementing solutions for the development of new methods to control depollution of
contaminated waters, due to the modelling possibilities of functional structure, and to
extend the spectrum of separate pollutants.

f C
f C

Fig. 24. General mechanisms for the retention, degradation and encapsulation of pollutants
1 Su; 2 functionalised magnetite; 3 - OH functional groups; 4 amino-functionalities; 5
epoxy-functionalities; 6 fiberlike cellulose; 7- ways of pollutant degradation; 8 retention
of pollutants; 9 paths for pollutant diffusion in the depth of composites; 10 free space for
encapsulation; 11 pollutants; 12 paths of pollutant host carrier in the depth of composite
separated pollutants spectrum depends directly on the type, polyvalency and stability of
the obtained functional structure. Natural oxidic materials, with mixed nanostructures are the
ideal candidates in order to obtain polyvalently functionalized materials, due to the
complexity of the surface chemical structure, rich in reactive molecular fractions: -O-M, M-OH,
H, -O-O-, hydrolizable molecular residue, electrically charged sites, embedded organic
compounds, etc. Moreover, for the applications involving depollution, as well as for the


obtaining and functionalization of M
, there is no need for special chemical and technological
conditions, as their usability is constrained by the enrichment and the stabilization of the
functionality structure. The stability of this type of materials involves the morphochemical and
morphofunctional stability, in order to preserve the morphostructural, morphochemical and
morphofunctional characteristics, as well as to prevent the degradation of the support
material, carrier for the reticulated pollutants.
In most depollution situations, the chemical and morphostructural stabilization of the
functionalized composites is done under water, so that the depolluting applications are
conditioned by the possibility of the composite to reticulate the pollutants in free chemical
conditions (fig.510). According to the above proposed morphostructural and
morphofunctional modelling mechanisms, a polyvalently functionalized composite has been
obtained. This composite integrates in its structure a mixture of natural oxides (Su),
functionalized with BrCN (~100 grams, about 10 grams of np-(GL)
nanoparticles and 100
grams of cellulose acetate functionalized with epichlorhidrine ((7)). The chemical composition
of Su was determined by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF), and it was
found that Su contains the following main fractions: SiO
(70.13%), Al
(14.33%), Fe

(4.36%), K
O (2.78%), Na
O (0.46%), MgO (0.87%), P
(0.26%), TiO
(0.58%), CaO (0.87%).

(a) SEM image (b) elementar morphostructural segmentation

45.64 nm
6.78 nm
3.85 nm
Statistical distribution of
morofstructural domains of M


X - nm

(c) EDX image (d) morphostructure parameters of M
Fig. 25. Morphological and morphochemical structure of M

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure


Cell Cell


The composite presents a nano- fiberlike character (fig.24, fig.25a), due to the nano- and
microstructural character of the water regenerated cellulose. Functionalized cellulose acetate
performs the reticulation, compositing and spatial distribution functions of the Su and
functionalized magnetite, as structural components. The structural elements of the composite
are spatially distributed, on the surface and in the depth of cellulose microfibers, so that they
lead to the formation of nano- and micro-membranary structures. Using the elementary
segmentation method (fig.25b), the mean distribution values of the elementary
morphostructural parameters have been determined: perimeter (6.78 nm), lenght (17 924
nm), area (3.85 nm
) (fig.25d). The morphostructural character of the nanocomposite allows
that the contaminated water may be filtered, at molecular level, from a mechanic, chemical,
bichemical and biological point of view, according to the reticulation, degradation, and
encapsulation mechanisms proposed in figure 24. It was noticed that the composite allows the
development of the saprophyte bacteria on its surface (fig.26), and points out the stable
character of the material functionality and the biodegradability of its composite structure.
Moreover, the biodegradable nature of the composite is also given by the nature of its
composite structure, as its structural elements can be assimilated without inducing toxic effects
in relation to the structure and functionality of the environment.

(a) SEM image (b) EDX image
Fig. 26. Growth and develop of saprophite microorganisms on surface of M

According to the proposed functional mechanisms and to the experimental data acquired by
FTIR, the resulted functional structure of the composite derives from the functionalisation of
its structural elements with BrCN, glutaraldehyde, and epichlorhydrine, respectively. FTIR
acquired data reveal that the composite contains four main classes of functional groups
(fig.27): amines and compounds with nitrogen, metal oxides, metal-organic and mixed
functional structures. Amines and compounds with nitrogen functionalities are owed to the


functionalization processes of surface oxide components with BrCN. Most likely, in the first
stage BrCN hydrolyses, leading to the formation of HCN, which attacks metal ions, anions
and electric charged microsites.


(b) (c)
Fig. 27. IR spectra of composite and their structural components
(a) IR spectra of: citrate passivated Fe
nanoparticle (P1-Cit),
(P1-F), functionalised cellulose (P4), Su and
(P3) (b) 1000-1550 cm
IR spectra of composite (c) 500-800 cm
IR spectra of composite
The CN
anion interaction with surface oxides leads to the formation of a wide variety of
functional groups, such as: NX
H (hydrogen bonds), N
((i = 0,1, j = 13,
n = 02), water-hydrogen bonds), NH
, CN, C=NH, =CNX
, NX
, C
X, Y = H, -OH, halogens, other metalic ions). In return, aminated functionalities interact
with metal ions in the structure of oxidic components, resulting new types of functional
mixed structures, such as: (FeOFe, FBrO
, OClF
) (506 cm
), (Fe-O
) (503 cm
), peroxides
(920-750 cm
), O=CClF (501 cm
), O=SiCl
(501.1 cm
), C-Cl (501.9 cm
), (ClHBr,
)(508 cm
), (FNCl, Al(OH)
, CdO, ClNNN, VF
) (720 cm
), ((OReI
, (Si
(508 cm
), (HCN)(721 cm
), (LiNC)(722.9 cm
) (Nakamoto, 2009, 2009). Most likely, the

Nanocomposite Materials with Oriented Functionalized Structure

shape of the absorption band 950-550 cm
is due to the significant contribution of the
absorbing oxide forms, of the following types: MO
: (SiO
(819, 596 cm
), (PO
567 cm
), (SeO
(822, 856 cm
), (ClO
(928 cm
), (BrO
(878, 801 cm
), (TiO
761 cm
), (ZrO
(846, 792 cm
), (HfO
(800, 796 cm
), (VO
(818, 780 cm
), (VO

(826, 804 cm
), (CrO
(863, 833 cm
), (CrO
(844, 775.8 cm
), (MoO
(897, 837 cm
(931, 838 cm
), (SiO
(819, 596 cm
), (MnO
(902, 834, 820, 821 cm
), (MnO

(789, 778 cm
), (TcO
(921 cm
), (ReO
(971, 920 cm
), (FeO
(832, 790 cm
), (RuO

(845, 830 cm
), (RuO
(840, 804 cm
), OsO
(965.2, 960.1 cm
), (CoO
(670, 633 cm
(Nakamoto, 2009). The absorption peaks placed at 1645, 1710, 3335 cm-1, can be assigned to
C = O functional groups, which are characteristic for polyurethane polymeric structures,
resultated from the reticulation of -OH with aminated residues, placed on the surface of
oxides. The absence of the absorbtion peaks of C=O, sugest that glutaraldehide and
functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticle were entirely reticulated by the functionalities containing
nitrogen during material composition processes. Chemical reticulation processes have
favoured the compositing process, by embedment of functionalized nanoparticles of
magnetite and Su on surface and in the deep structure of cellulose.
8. Conclusions
This chapter presents the main physicochemical and functional mechanisms substantiating
the understanding and proper modelling of the process of obtaining composite materials
with functional oriented structure. These mechanisms were substantiated on the theoretical
and experimental data obtained by the team of authors and their collaborators inside
applicative projects for the sensitising and detection of biochemical structure and for the
separation of organic pollutants in contaminated waters.
The chapter proposes a new analytical method with invariant metrics for sensitization and
biochemical monitoring, based on using magnetically stimulable functionalized
nanostructures, able to prelevate a great number of biochemical analytes, undifferentiatedly
and undestructively. Biochemical invariance sensitization-detection is provided by
imposing analytical and practical constraints at the level of analytical acquisition and
processing systems, according to the configuration of the magnetic field of the
discriminator, molecular weight, specific biochemical fluorescence spectrum. We have
presented the analytical structure and the elements that model the process for obtaining
magnetically stimulated functionalised composites, orientated towards the detection and
undestructive biological reticulation.
The second part of this chapter presents the modelling and the obtaining of new
polyvalently functionalized types of materials oriented to the reticulation, encapsulation
and separation of organic pollutants in contaminated waters. The obtained material has a
strong, biodegradable character, being modelled morphostructurally and
morphofunctionally, so as to separate by reticulation a large number of organic pollutants,
toxins and microorganisms. The chapter describes the main physicochemical mechanisms
that model the conditions of separation, degradation and encapsulation of pollutants.
9. Acknowledgment
The authors are grateful for the financial support granted by the CNMP (National Research,
Development and Innovation Plan; Programme 4) in projects 31-001/2007, 81-002/2007 and


32-165/2008. We would also like to thank the Scientifical Research Center for CBRN Defence
and Ecology for the support we benefited from. Also, for their contributions to the obtaining
of results, we are indebted to Dionesie Bojin, Lucia Mutihac, Viorel Ordeanu and Andrada
Pretorian. For contributions to text editing and translating we are grateful to Loredana
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Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using
High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques
A. D. Rud, N. I. Kuskova, L. I. Ivaschuk,
L. Z. Boguslavskii and A. E. Perekos
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NASU,
Institute of Pulse Research and Engineering of NASU,
1. Introduction
New spatial forms of carbon fullerenes, nanotubes, graphene, etc., attract significant
interest since the time of their discovery due to their unique physicochemical and
mechanical properties (Afanas'ev et al., 2001; Gogotsi, 2006; Guozhong Cao, 2004; Eletskii &
Smirnov, 1995; Shenderova et al., 2002). A lot of investigations have been carried out in this
field for the recent years. Hence, the problems of the development of effective synthesis,
separation and purification methods for carbon nanomaterials (CNM) remain importance.
Therefore, it is of special interest to clarify the possibility of application of electric discharge
techniques, such as the electric wires explosion (EWE) (Kuskova, 2005; Kuskova et al., 2010;
Rud et al., 2007, 2011), the spark erosion of materials (Bulgakov et al., 2009; Rud et al., 2007),
developed for manufacturing metallic nanopowders, and the electric breakdown of
dielectric liquids (EBOL) (Rud et al., 2011) for synthesis of CNM and investigation of
structural and physical properties of synthesized materials.
The physical basis of electric discharge technology of synthesis of different forms of CNM
consists in the injection into working medium a source of carbon, energy need for its
heating, evaporation and destruction through a passage of powerful (up to 1 MA) current
pulses with frequencies of 0.1-10 Hz. As a result, structural and phase transformations of
carbon or destruction of molecules of organic liquids on individual fragments take place
with their subsequent ultrafast cooling and synthesis of different types of CNM. Thus, it is
possible to control effectively the structural and phase state of the synthesized CNM by
the followings:
- variation of the injected into working medium energy by changing the energy
deposited in the capacitor bank and the number of current pulses;
- selection of the working medium - a source of carbon ( using graphite conductors of
different geometry or hydrocarbons with different chemical nature).
Electric explosions of graphite conductors were performed in different cooling media
(ethanol, toluene, hexane) in the interval of deposited energies of capacitor bank W
0.1 to 45 kJ and the inductance of the discharge circuit L from 1 to 50 H. Charging voltage
and capacitance C of the capacitor bank was varied from 10 to 50 kV and from 1 to 36 F,
respectively. The electrical circuit of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The use of


graphite conductors with different diameters and lengths enables to vary the value of
injected specific energy into the substance (per unit mass of graphite) from 1 to 300 kJ/g.
There are two kinds of electric explosion (EE) modes which depend on the value of the
specific energy w injected into the conductor: low-energy if w<w
, and high-energy if w> w
where w
is graphite sublimation specific energy (62 kJ/g).

Fig. 1. RLC- electrical circuit with an exploding conductor:
capacitor bank,
DS discharge switch,
L inductance,
R resistance,
EW exploding wire (conductor).
The method of electrical breakdown of organic liquids has been implemented on the
electrical equipment (Fig. 2). The electric-discharge reactor is filled out with liquids, differ
by degree of hybridization of carbon atoms in the molecule, but with the same number of
carbon atoms contained in the ring:
- benzene C
belongs to arenes with sp
-hybridisation of carbon atoms in planar ring
- cyclohexane C
belongs to alkanes with sp
-hybridisation of carbon atoms in
nonplanar ring molecule.
The indicated organic liquids are non-polar dielectrics with a zero dipole moment (Speight,
The working liquid with colloidal solution of carbon nanoparticles is decanted from the
reactor and centrifugated during 0.3-2 hours after series of breakdowns (up to 50,000
pulses). The produced material is exsiccated at the sparing temperatures (up to 500 K) with
a purpose to form dry powder.
X-Ray data were collected using diffractometer HZG-4 with filtered Cu K or Co K
radiations and standard powder diffractometer with monochromatic Mo K radiation
(primer pirographite monochromator). Electron microscopy investigations were performed
on the high resolution microscopes JEOL JEM-2100F and LEO SUPRA 50VP. Raman
spectroscopy analysis was conducted at room temperature on Horiba Jobin-Yvon T64000
spectrometer (=514 nm), mass spectra - on the high resolution mass spectrometer MX-1320
with field ion source. The magnetic properties were measured by means of the ballistic
method in the magnetic field ranged from 0 to 800 kA/m at temperature interval of 77 to
673 K.

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques


Fig. 2. Block-scheme of the high-voltage electric-discharge facility and reactor:
1 - charging unit,
2 pulse energy storage system (capacitor bank),
3 - discharge switch ,
4 - discharge reactor with organic liquid.
2. Phase composition of carbon nanomaterials produced by the method of
electrical explosion of graphite conductors
2.1 Physical aspects of synthesis of new carbon allotropes by an electric
explosion technique
The electrical wires explosion is one of the most powerful techniques for pulse action on a
substance that results of rapid transformation of the electric field energy into internal energy
of conductor matter. It is a wide used technology for production of metallic nanopowders.
Exploding material is subjected to the combined impact of high temperature and pressure
K and ~510
MPa, respectively), electrical and magnetic fields. It was proposed
(Kuskova, 2005; Kuskova et al., 2010; Rud et al., 2007, 2011) to utilize EWE technique for
synthesis of carbon nanomaterials in consequence of structural transformations graphite
diamond, graphite nanotubes or graphite fullerenes due to heating of graphite rods by
powerful current pulse.


The analytical time profiles T(t) and P(t) and phase trajectories at carbon phase diagram
should be calculated for different electroexplosion modes of graphite rods to predict the
phase compositions of the obtained products. Let us consider the behavior of conductor
(graphite rod) at the EE process. It starts from homogeneous heating of solid conductor to
melt point. A specific electric conductivity of material changes during melting process and
results the change of current flowing through the conductor. Liquid conductor continues to
heat holding its shape because the time of the progress of hydrodynamic instabilities
exceeds a task time scale (t > 10
c). A pressure inside of conductor has magnetic and gas-
kinetic components.
The system of equations, that simulates the process of heating of a solid cylindrical
conductor that expands or liquid conductor which does not undergo phase transformations
in an electric circuit with capacity C and inductance L, has the following form (Kuskova,

( ) rv 1
t r r
c c
+ =
c c

( )
2 2
r B
v v P 1
v ,
t r r r 2 r

c c c | |
+ =
c c c c \ .

( )
rv j 1
v P
t r r r
c cc cc | |
+ = +
c c c o
\ .

( ) ( )
rB B vB 1 1
t r r r r

| |
c c c c
+ =
| c c o c c
\ .

( ) ( )
d LI d RI I
dt C dt
+ + = (5)
( )
0 0
1 T T ( = o


0 0
1 (T T )

| | o
o =
+ |
\ .
where density, pressure, c specific internal energy, temperature, o thermal
expansion coefficient,
density of conductors matter at the initial temperature T
, o

specific electroconductivity of conductors matter at the temperature T
, | temperature
coefficient of electroconductivity, - coefficient, - magnetic permeability, B

induction component.
The obtained solutions for the system of equations (1) - (7) of solid and liquid phases allow
(after exclusion of the time from dependences P(t) and T(t)) to find the phase trajectory of
matter in the process of homogenous heating of conductor by powerful current pulse (P, T

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques


0 0 0
2 2 2
0 0 0
mc U (T T ) r
P(T) 1
R L 4 a a
| | | |
| |
\ . \ .
for T < T

2 2
0 0 0 m 0 m
2 2 2
0 0 0
mc U (T T ) k r
P 1
R L 4 a a
| | | |
| |
\ . \ .
for T = T

P(T) P const ~ ~ for T
<T < T
, (10)
where k
coefficient, 1<k
<3; a
- initial radius of conductor; m mass of conductor;

specific heat capacity at the initial temperature T
; R
resistance at the T
; T
temperature; T
boiling temperature;
maximum pressure.
Transition to specific characteristics of the matter enables to obtain the following expression
of the maximum magnetic pressure:

2 2
0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 m
c U (T T )a k r
P 1
4 L a
| |
o | |
\ .
\ .
Further heating of liquid conductor by current pulse leads to its evaporation in the form of
explosion. A secondary discharge initiation in the electroexplosion products results the
formation of the plasma channel and shock waves generation. Fast expansion of gas-vapor
cavity, condensation of electroexplosion products and synthesis of nanosized particles of
initial material or new materials takes place after current termination depending on
physicochemical properties of the medium and time-energy parameters of electroexplosion.
Therefore, the electrical parameters of the experimental apparatus (Fig.1) and explosion
conductor required to achieve P, T-conditions of phase transformation can be calculated
using the expressions (8)-(11). It is possible to control an explosion process through these
parameters and properties of environment media in reactor to produce nanosized particles
in different structural state.
2.2 Phase trajectories of carbon in process of electroexplosion
At the initial stage of the fast (~1-5 s endurance) elecroexplosion, magnetic pressure in a
conductor exceed gas-kinetic one considerably and rise their top values. For so called low-
energy modes of EE (injected into explosion material energy is less than sublimation energy),
the value of the maximum pressure in centre of graphite conductor, calculated by expressions
(8)-(11) or experimentally measured, does not exceed 20 MPa. According to the phase diagram
of graphite, liquid phase does not appear at these P, T conditions but only the partial
sublimation of graphite in the form of carbon clusters or graphene sheets occurs. Hence, a low-
energy mode of EE with a current break because of the formation of the nonconductive gas-
vapor carbon cave should be realized for synthesis fullerenes or carbon nanotubes. The
mentioned synthesis occurs after breakdown of hot ionized gas of carbon clusters.
For high-energy modes of EE (injected into explosion material energy essentially exceed
sublimation energy), the value of the maximum pressure in the centre of the conductor is
about 10 GPa that is possible to expense gas-kinetic or reactive pressure. The reactive
pressure comes from the evaporation of the wave spreading from the surface into the
conductor body and shock waves spreading from the discharge channel at the secondary


breakdown in an electroexplosion process. Condensation of liquid carbon at these P, T
conditions can result in diamond synthesis.
The phase trajectories of carbon at phase diagrams for different kinds of graphite
conductor electroexplosion (low- and high-energy) can be calculated using expressions
(8)-(11) and estimating thermodynamic conditions in gas-vapor cave (Fig.3). The phase
trajectories for central layers of the graphite rod of the high-energy electroexplosion
experiments correspond to phase transition graphite diamond and they are plotted in
the Fig. 3 (curves 1, 2). The trajectory 1 matches to immediate phase transition graphite
diamond, what is impossible at conditions this work owing to deficit of capacitor
deposited energy injected into graphite rod. The curve 2 corresponds to conditions of the
high-energy mode of these experiments when phase trajectory of carbon can be described
as sequence of graphiteliquid carbondiamond transitions. For comparison, the phase
trajectory of carbon for the low-energy mode, when electric breakdown of carbon gas
realizes in EE process without melting of graphite conductor, is plotted in the Fig. 3
(curve 3).

Fig. 3. Carbon phase diagram (dashes lines of phase equilibrium) and phase
trajectories of carbon at graphite electroexplosion (1,2 transition graphite diamond,
3 graphite fullerenes).
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that extreme conditions occuring in a process of low- or high-
energy modes of graphite electroexplosion match to diapason of thermodynamic parameters
required for high-probability spontaneous formation of new phases of carbon. The
synthesized phases at these conditions can possess amorphous, nano- or microcrystalline
structure. A size of individual particles strongly depends on parameters of EE process. The
produced nanostructures are susceptible to the relaxation in the case of quenching
conditions of nonobservance.
2.3 Technological conditions of nanocarbon allotropes synthesis during graphite
It makes possible to find a correlation between electrical parameters of experimental
apparatus, size and properties of an exploded graphite rod and required thermodynamic

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques

parameters for synthesis of new allotropes of carbon. The mechanism for synthesis of
diamond and fullerenes is considered below in order to clarify the conditions of their
manufacture by EWE technique.
The first stage of the synthesis of fullerenes and nanotubes in EE process is a destruction of
graphite layered structure on separated graphene sheets containing various defects
including broken covalent bonds between carbon atoms which results from fast Joule
heating. It leads to the formation of pentagonal cycles in the structure of the graphene sheet
required for its folding in fullerene-like cage. Therefore, the injected into graphite conductor
specific energy w should be several times lower than sublimation energy of graphite w
. The
conditions of partial sublimation of graphite to the graphene sheets and clusters from
thermodynamic point of view (P <10
Pa, T <510
K, (dP/dT)
Pa/K) can be realized
at a low-energy mode of EE. At the second stage of EE, at the conditions of P~10
Pa and
K in the fast expanded gas-vapor cave, an assemblage of various clusters into
fullerene molecule or graphite sheet folding into nanotube occurs.
The synthesis of diamond proceeds in conditions of a high-energy mode of EE and it
associates with two stages. The first stage is fast compression of graphite due to pinch-effect
(the compression of a plasma filament by the magnetic forces), melting the central part of
the conductor and the formation of liquid carbon (P> 10
Pa, T> 510
K, (dP/dT)
Pa/K). Injected energy W into a graphite rod should be greater than total sublimation
energy of the whole sample W
. At the second stage, a fast cooling results in crystallization
of liquid carbon in diamond.
Given limitations (from above and from below) for the rate of the change of the pressure
dP/dT in the central part of the conductor during EE process allow to find a correlation
between the phase composition of the CNM synthesized, velocity of the current increase
and current density in the conductor. A range at the phase diagram where the exploding
substance falls is characterized by both the temperature increased owing to Joule heating
and magnetic pressure. It can be estimated for the low-expanding cylinder conductor from
the equation (Kuskova, 2005):

2 2
P 1
(r B )
r r 2 r

c c
c c
For homogeneous heating of a conductor the magnetic induction B is:

jr I
B r
2 2 a

= =
where I current, conductor radius, j current density, - magnetic permeability.
The solution of equation (12) is of the form:

2 2 2
P(r) P(a) j (a r )
= +
where () pressure at the conductor surface.
The rates of change of top pressure (in the centre of conductor at r=a) and temperature in a
solid cylinder conductor can be evaluated from the expressions:

2 2
j j 1
a j a ,
2 t 2
c t



j T
t c
c o
where t - current rise time to the top magnitude, specific conductivity, specific heat
capacity, density.
From expressions (15) and (16) we get

P c dI
T 2 j dt
c o
c t
Based on the pointed out limitations for (dP/dT)
and the expression (17), the relations
between current density and its rate of the rise need to synthesis of diamond (18) and
fullerenes (19) can be written as:

j k c (dI /dt) < o (18)

j k c (dI /dt) > o (19)
where ( )
k 2 dP /dT

= t

As the synthesis of diamond from graphite phase is stipulated by high pressure, the rate of
the current rise in the conductor is a crucial controlling factor as it is evident from (18).
When the current density increases (in a thin conductor), the intensity of heating of the
conductor rises as well that results in the sublimation of graphite at a low pressure.
Substituting the graphite characteristic values into (18) and (19), the following conditions are
obtained for synthesis of:
diamond j < k
(dI/dt), where k
= 10
fullerenes j > k
(dI/dt), where k
= 10
From expressions (18) and (19) approximate relations between the conductor radius a and
the capacity of capacitor batteries C can be obtained. Using the sinusoidal dependence of
current, which is valid for beginning of phase transformation, allows to find j, dI/dt and
their ratio:

j LC t
dI /dt a LC
Then the synthesis conditions of new carbon phases which are similar to (20) and (21) can be
given as:
for diamond -
LC k a ctg(t / LC) < t (23)
for fullerenes -
LC k a ctg(t / LC) > t (24)
As modes of energy injection are usually chosen such that the phase transformations
(melting or sublimation) occur in the interval of /4 t / LC /3 t < < t , then

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques

ctg(t / LC) 1 ~ . Taking into account a ratio of injected energy w into the graphite
conductor and its sublimation one w
, the synthesis conditions can be received:
for diamond -
LC k a < t , w > w
for fullerenes -
LC k a < t , w < w
Using expressions (25) and (26) enables to forecast the phase composition of synthesized
carbon nanomaterials without oscillographic testing of electroexplosion process.
2.4 Structure state and magnetic properties of carbon nanomaterials produced by the
method of electrical explosion of graphite conductors
It was theoretically shown in 2.1-2.3 that extreme conditions arising at the electroexplosion
of the graphite conductor conform to the thermodynamic parameters of the new carbon
allotropes formation. The interaction of powerful current pulses with solid matter occurs at
two stages. The first stage is heating, melting and evaporation of the matter in the
equilibrium state. The second stage is nonequilibrium processes of ionization and
condensation of EE products. Synthesis of new carbon forms can happen at the both stages.
To verify the expressions (25) and (26) obtained in the part 2.3, the EE experiments of high-
energy and low-energy modes were performed at the experimental setup (Fig. 1) with the
oscillographic records of current I and voltage U pulses (Fig. 4).

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Typical oscillograms of voltage (top) and current (down) for different modes of
electrical explosion of graphite conductors:
a) U
= 30.5 kV, = 0.15 mm; m
=2 s/cell, m
= 10 kV/cell, m
= 2.2 kA/cell,
b) U
= 25 kV, a = 1 mm; m
=2 s/cell, m
=10 kV/cell, m
= 8.7 kA/cell.
The typical oscillogram for a low-energy mode of graphite electroexplosion with the
secondary breakdown of evaporated carbon gas after current pause is shown in Fig. 4a. The
high-energy EE mode with melting of the central part of the graphite rod and subsequent
electrical breakdown of the evaporated surface layers is given at Fig. 4b. The values of
dI/dt and j are estimated at the point of the phase transitions when current has a maximum


The experimental results of the synthesis products of graphite electroexplosion are
presented in Fig. 58. The synthesis of a diamond-like phase occurs during electrical
explosion of graphite at a high-energy mode realized in hexane with the following
parameters found from the oscillogram (Fig. 4b): the injected specific energy w into the
conductor >100 kJ/g; the current density j is about 10
and the rate of the current rise
dI/dt is about 10
A/s, and it satisfies to (20). The typical XRD pattern is shown in Fig. 5. It
is clearly seen, that the phase composition of the produced CNM consists of the ordinary
graphite and the cubic diamond (space group Fd3m). Further decreasing injected energy to
w62 kJ/g leads to synthesis of a mixture of ordinary graphite and lonsdalite (hexagonal
modification of diamond with space group P63/mmc).

4 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
(220) C


2u, degrees
D - Diamond
C - Graphite
Nb - Substrate

Fig. 5. X-Ray diagram of product of electrical explosion of graphite rod at w100 kJ/g in
hexane (Cu Ko radiation).
According to the condition (26), the further decrease of specific energy injected into the
graphite conductor (realization of the low-energy mode, Fig. 4a) enables to reach the
thermodynamic parameters which are necessary for the synthesis of fullerenes and carbon
nanotubes during EE process ( P~10
Pa, T~ 210
K). The building of fullerene molecules
from carbon cluster or folding of graphene sheets in the nanotubes occurs in the second
phase of the electrical explosion in a fast expanding carbon evaporated cave and it depends
on the size of the cluster (a higher w reflects to a smaller cluster size).
An electron microscopy investigation of CNM produced at low-energy parameters
(8 kJ/g < w < 10 kJ/g) shows the presence of nanographite and carbon nanotubes (Fig. 6).
Carbon nanotubes are aggregated at bunches with the diameters up to 20 nm and the length
up to 5m. It is important to note that the separate nanotubes have composite structure and
hierarchical organization. In the products of electric explosion of graphite in the hexane,
fragments of graphene sheets are present (Fig. 6b).

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques


Fig. 6. Electron microscope images of the products of electrical explosion of graphite in
hexane (, b) and toluene (b, c) with injected energy 8 kJ/g <w< 10 kJ/g.


6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55


2u, degrees
C - Graphite

400 500 600 700 800 900

743 K
463 K


Fig. 7. Products of electrical explosion of graphite in ethanol (a) and toluene (b) with injected
energy 10 kJ/g <w

<20 kJ/g:
) fragment of the XRD diagram, Co K radiation,
) mass spectra at different temperatures of emitter.
It was found that CNM synthesized by electric explosion of graphite have strong
ferromagnetic properties, typical to ferromagnetic materials (type of nickel). The value of
specific saturation magnetization is ~57 Am
/kg at the temperature of liquid nitrogen and
20 - 30 Am
/kg at room temperature (Fig. 8a). The Curie temperature is 425 K (Fig. 8b).
According to the chemical analysis, CNM have less than 2 wt.% (0.5 at.%) impurity of iron
due to the erosion of the steel electrodes and the body of reactor during electroexplosion.
This amount of iron can provide not more than 10% of the value of specific saturation
magnetization which demonstrate CNM. In addition, the Curie temperature of iron T
1043 K. Therefore, we can say with reasonable confidence that the magnetic properties of
CNM are associated with ferromagnetic condition of carbon atoms but not iron impurities. It
should be pointed out that the value of the specific saturation magnetization of this powder
decreases in 2 order after 3 year storage on the air.
The information about existence of magnetic ordering in CNM, but with a much smaller
degree of specific magnetization (on a 2 orders), have recently appeared in literature
(Makarova & Palacio, 2006). At the present moment, there is no general theory that would
explain the magnetic properties of CNM. At the extreme conditions of electrical explosion
under impact of high temperatures and pressures, the specific electronic state of carbon
atoms can result in a ferromagnetic state appearing.
In recent years a number of reports of observation of the magnetic ordering in different
allotropic forms of carbon, such as in the fullerenes, fullerene hydrides, carbon nanotubes,
nanocrystalline graphite and graphene (Makarova, 2004); Belavin et al. ,2004; Alexandre, 2008;
Yazyev, 2008) are presented. Several possible mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are
considering at the present: exchange magnetism perfect crystalline structure containing sp

hybridized atoms; induced magnetism; the magnetism caused by structural imperfections in
the various forms of carbon (Makarova & Palacio, 2006; Ugeda, 2010). It is considered that
under extreme conditions (such as high temperature and pressure, irradiation by fast particles,
laser heating) special types of ordering of carbon atoms or defects in structure of CNM,

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques

favorable for the formation of the spontaneous ferromagnetic state, can appear. Such extreme
conditions are typical for electroexplosion synthesis methods which can lead to a high degree
of defectiveness of the crystal structure and the formation of specific electronic states of the
synthesized products that make them ferromagnetic.

Fig. 8. The dependence of specific magnetization () of the graphite explosion products in
toluene: a) vs applied magnetic field, b) vs temperature (saturation magnetic field H=10 kOe).
3. Structure of amorphous carbon synthesized by an electric breakdown of
organic liquids technology
Impact of powerful current pulses on organic liquids results in initiation of a zone of high
temperatures and pressures, in which a destruction of C-H bonds in hydrocarbon molecules
occurs with the formation of nanocarbon in solid state (Rud et al., 2011). The electric
discharge treatment of hydrocarbons was conducted using standard high-voltage
equipment (Fig. 2) in oscillation regime to realize an electrical breakdown of liquid
dielectrics (the injected energies in the range 0.1 2 MJ/l). The benzene and cyclohexane
with the equal amount of carbon atoms and a different degree of their hybridization in the
molecule were chosen as working media. The typical oscillograms of voltage and current in
a discharge circuit are plotted at the Fig. 9.
The investigations of the products of EBOL synthesis completed by X-Ray diffractometry
and Raman spectroscopy testify that they are typical amorphous carbon (Robertson, 2002;
Boukalov et al. 2006; Casiraghi, 2005). The Raman spectra of the amorphous carbon
produced from different types of organic liquids are characterized by intensive broad G-
and D- bands. The standard positions of D (1350 cm
)- and G (1580 cm
) -bands for graphite
are indicated in Fig. 10. It is well known, that AC is characterized by very strong structural
disorder. This structural parameter can be calculated from the ratio of intensities of D-and
G-bands I
. It is clearly seen that the value of I
is very large for the both powders
that proves a strong structural disorder (Table 1). Tuinstra and Koenig (Tuinstra & Koening,
1970; Robertson, 2002) have shown that the I
value is inversely proportional to the block
size L
along the direction :

( )
G a

= (27)
where C() is a wavelength-dependent pre-factor.



Fig. 9. Typical oscillograms of voltage (top) and current (bottom).
=5 s/cell, m
= 25 kV/cell, m
= 9.52 kA/cell.
The sizes of blocks L
calculated from (27) are presented in Table 1. It is clearly seen that AC
is characterized by a small blocks size, which practically does not depend on the type of
working liquid.

G-band D-band
Center, m
Center, m
1595 75 1353 101 1 43
1585 69 1348 59 0.96 45
Table 1. Data from Raman spectra of amorphous carbon synthesized in hydrocarbon liquids
with different chemical nature (Center - the position of maximum, FWHM - full width at
half height, I
- the ratio of the integrated intensities of D-and G-bands, L
- the size of
the particles along the graphene plane)
The two additive broad bands at 1236 cm
and 1489 cm
are present in the Raman
spectrum of the AC synthesized in cyclohexane (Fig.10) that indicates the presence of sp
bonds and CH groups (Speight, 2004) in the material. There are only low-intensity
bands at 1000 - 1100 cm
corresponding to the C-H vibrations in an aromatic ring in the
spectrum of the AC produced by electrical discharge treatment of benzene (Fig.10). It is
associated with the use of benzene as a working medium for synthesis (Robertson, 2002;
Speight, 2004). The data of Raman spectroscopy indicate the amorphous structure of the
synthesized powders.
The traditional method of the structural analysis of amorphous materials is the method of
radial distribution function (RDF) analysis (Elliot, 1984; Egami & Billinge, 2003; Petkov,
1989). It is based on the relationship between the function of radial distribution of the atomic
density (r) and the intensity of coherent X-ray scattering I
which is expressed in the form
of the integral equations:
( )
( )
2 2 2
ce 0
sin sr
I NF NF 4 r r dr

= + t (

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques

( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
4 r r 4 r s i s 1 sin sr ds

t = t + (

where N is the number of the scattering atoms, F
- the atomic factor, i(s)=I
structure factor, I
the coherent-scattered intensity in electron units, s - the diffraction
vector, 2 the scattering angle, 4r
(r) the RDF function of atom density.
Calculated structure factors (SF) and RDF of AC synthesized by the EBOL technology in
benzene and cyclohexane are shown on the Fig. 11. It is seen that AC produced in the benzene
possesses clearly defined graphite-like type of short range order. The position and intensity of
the second peak on SF for AC produced in cyclohexane (Fig. 11, left, bottom) testify to a
possible presence of diamond-like type of short range order in its atomic structure.

Fig. 10. Raman spectra ( = 514 nm) of the products of electrical breakdown of benzene (top)
and cyclohexane (down). Standard position for D (1350 cm
) and G (1581 cm
) bands of
graphite are indicated by dotted lines.
The electron microscopic studies were carried out for more detailed characterization of
produced materials. The products of electrical discharge processing of different hydrocarbon
liquids are agglomerated powders with an extended surface (S
150 m
/g) (Fig. 12a). High-resolution electron microscopy has shown that the individual
particles have complex morphology which depends on the chemical nature of working liquid,
that is, a carbon source. Thus, the micrographs of the AC, produced by electrical discharge
treatment of benzene, clearly show a layered structure with a characteristic distance of ~ 0.35
nm between the individual layers (Fig. 12b). However, in the case of cyclohexane, the
morphology of the particles is more complicated. Fig. 12c shows visible core up to 5 nm in size
surrounded by a shell of about 5 layers with an interlayer distance of ~ 0.36 -0. 37 nm. This


"core-shell" structure is typical onion-like carbon (Mykhaylyk et al., 2005; Shenderova et al.,
2002; Shenderova & Gruen, 2006;). It is worthy of note that separated onions are united into
agglomerates with external common graphite-like shell.

Fig. 11. SF (left) and RDF (right) of AC synthesized by the EBOL technology in benzene (top)
and cyclohexane (bottom).

Fig. 12.Typical micrographs of products of electric discharge treatment of hydrocarbon
liquids: (a) particle-agglomerate with a developed surface;
(b,c) morphology of particles produced in benzene (b) and cyclohexane (c).
4. Conclusion
The new electric discharge technologies using the methods of electrical wire explosion of
graphite conductors and electric breakdown of organic liquids are developed to produce
carbon nanomaterials, containing fullerene-like clusters of the C
, nanotubes,

Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials Using High-Voltage Electric Discharge Techniques

nanodiamonds and amorphous carbon. The phase composition of CNM obtained could be
effectively controlled by variation of the energy parameters of the synthesis process and
chemical nature of the surrounding medium.
A model of formation of different phases of CNM during electroexplosion of graphite is
proposed. Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes are formed from fragments of graphene,
obtained from explosive fractured graphite, if the injected specific energy into graphite is
substantially smaller than the graphite sublimation energy. Nanodiamonds are formed by
phase transformation graphite-liquid-diamond, if the injected specific energy into sample is
substantially greater than the graphite sublimation energy.
It was discovered that the synthesis products have strong ferromagnetic properties. The
magnetization value of the synthesized carbon nanomaterials (about the 57 Am
amounts the value close to that of pure nickel.
The structure of amorphous carbon synthesized by electric breakdown of organic liquids
technique directly depends from chemical nature of the working medium source of
carbon. The fact of onion-like carbon synthesis by electric discharge treatment of
cyclohexane is established. This technology enables to produce onion-like carbon in a large
scale at normal conditions.
5. Acknowledgment
This work was partially supported by the joint projects of NASU-STCU (# 4951).
6. References
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New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended
for the Ecological Depollution of Waters
Nicoleta Petrea, Petrior Zamora Iordache,
Rodica Mihaela Lungu, Ioan Safta, Razvan Petre and Andrada Pretorian
Scientific Research Center for CBRN Defense and Ecology
1. Introduction
Nanotechnology as techniques for the removal of organic pollutants implies the use of
certain types of nanostructures or nanostructured materials as a carrier host for the
reticulation, encapsulation and degradation of pollutants. The main mechanisms through
which nanocomposite structures separate or destroy organic pollutants are those of the
catalytic oxidation, reduction, sorption or reticulation types (Lu, Zhao & Wan, 2010, Choi et
al., 2009). Most materials and methods which are based on nanotechnologies have high
selectivity regarding specific organic pollutants, and their applicability rely on the economic
factor. The limited spectrum of separated or degraded pollutants, the decontamination time
and the lack of control over degradation products are key factors which limit the
widespread use of most nanostructured materials in organic decontamination processes.
Nanotechnologies offer promising solutions to the depollution field, thanks to their
remarkable properties: depollution process control ability, structural and functional
modelling flexibility, with a view to improving depollution parameters, high specific
surface, etc. In addition, nanostructured materials offer solutions for the obtaining of new
ecological depollution biodegradable materials. Microstructured and nanomembranary
materials, as well as functionalized nanostructured materials have the most promising
applicative potential. Functionalized nanomaterials are carriers of chemical functions
capable of reticulating, incorporating and removing organic pollutants. Functionalized
composite materials have depollution properties which are similar to those of functionalized
materials. As compared to functionalized nanomaterials, composites materials have several
possibilities of structural and functional modelling, bearing direct effect on the yield,
efficiency and spectrum of reticulated pollutants. Ion exchangers or natural adsorbents
(zeolites, synthetic resins, functionalized polymers, etc.) (Cheremisinoff, 2002; Evanghelou
1998) have organic depollution properties, which are similar to those of functionalized
composites. Degradation residues of organic pollutants, resulting from depollution
processes, as well as from secondary pollution processes caused by the latter are one of the
decisive factors that limit current depollution technologies (Rosenfeld & Feng, 2011; Bayliss
& Langley, 2003). Most depollution waste fractions have lower molecular weights, as
compared to the initial pollutants, which can induce carcinogenic effects on humans or


changes on the structural and functional properties of the biodiversity and the environment.
Membrane nanostructured materials and functionalized composites have pronounced
limiting effects over the dispersion effects of secondary degradation pollutants by their
retention, encapsulation and separation. As a consequence of the major social and economic
implications (environmental protection, natural resource conservation, medicine,
nanomedicine), organic depollution has imposed itself as a priority research field, as a
source which generates solutions and implementable technologies. This chapter presents the
experimental results acquired as a result of the obtaining and testing of new biodegradable
functionalized composite materials, intended for the removal of a wide range of organic
pollutants. The composites we obtained were tested on four categories of polluted water,
coming from milk processing industry, medicine industry, the obtaining and processing of
polymers and from the sewage waters in the city of Bucharest.
2. Functionality relations between environmental elements and pollutants
The environment can be defined as the manifestation of dependence and functionality
relations established between physicochemical and biological structures characteristics of
soil, water and air, as its fundamental structural macroentities (Tolgyessy, 1993). Overall, the
environment represents a complex and dynamic structure, on the evolutionary process, due
to the way and type of interaction established between its structural elements, and material
and energy mediation vectors (Fig. 1). Ecosystems represent manifestations of the local
distribution manner of basic structural entities of the environment. Ecosystems represent
organized systems, well defined in relation to their physical, chemical and biological
structure of their structural elements, among which are established structural and functional
relations of their own (Socolow et al., 1994). Each set of functions is characteristic for a
particular ecosystem, reflecting its biochemical structure, mediation and transport vectors,
the dynamics of internal evolution, as well as the rate, role and functions of each structural
component. Any changes to global environmental factors or local macrostructural
distribution of an ecosystem may irreversibly affect the structural and functional evolution.
From this perspective, ecosystems can be defined as stable phases of local equilibrium,
established between the biochemical structure, compositional structure and functional
structure of their macro- and microcomponents.
Transport and mediation vectors (TMV) influence local and global dynamics of
transformation and transport, established between the local structural components of the
environment and its ecosystems. The main TMV, which form the evolution and
transformation of the environment and of its ecosystems are air, water and climatic factors.
The distribution and local physical and chemical characteristics of TMV model the
distribution and evolution of biodiversity models, as well as the distribution and evolution
of the elements which form the composition of the soil, water, rocks, sediments and
minerals. The modelling process leads to the establishment of relationships and dynamic
biochemical balances, always subject to the evolutionary processes of transformation and
structural and functional remodelling. The development and the establishment of
equilibrium states within and between the local structures of the environment, reflect on
going relationship of mass and energy transfer established at the level of microstructured
elements, with TMV as mediating factor. The morphochemical and morphofunctional
structuring manner of the soil influence pollutant absorption, modelling and conditioning
applicative technologies and depollution resources (Reddy, 2010; Lal & Shukla, 2005).
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

Organic fractions resulting from degradation processes of biodiversity (humic and fulvinic
acids, organic derivatives and their macrocomplex, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, water, etc.)
constitute the foundation of chemical and biochemical transformation processes that model
host ecosystems, and are factors which catalyse and support chemical and biochemical
functionalities (Evanghelou, 1998; Haider & Schffer, 2009).


Fig. 1. Ecosystems and their structural and functional organization
(1 - surface form relief; 2 flow of air and water vapour currents; 3 underground water
flows; 4 surface water flows; 5 biodiversity; 6 energy fluxes; 7 light; 8 underground;
9, 10, 12 underground mineral and rock distributions; 11 other underground fine
particulated matter; 13 flow of matter and energy carried by fluids; 14 sea water vapour;
15 land water vapour)
Material and chemical structures resulting from natural processes of evolution are not a
threat to biodiversity and the environment, as they support and model local exchange
mechanisms and energy and material balance mechanisms. In terms of chemical
functionality, the material structures resulting from natural processes of degradation can be
considered inert structures, as they do not have the ability of modelling the morphochemical
structure and the functions of flora, fauna and microorganisms of ecosystems. Pollutants can
be defined as factors that induce sudden steps in the structural and functional evolution of
an ecosystem, the biodiversity being the fastest element of the environment that responds
and adapts to changes. The emergence, suppression or evolution of certain species or
biological structures is conditioned by the relations established between the functionality


structure of the host ecosystem and the genetic profile specific to the targeted biostructures,
as a structural conservation factor. Most dependence relations established between the
functionality of ecosystems and the genetic profile of their biostructures are of the evolving
type, in which the ecosystem, as a material and energy source, ensures the transition of
available resources in higher biological forms of organization. The suppression of material
and energy resources is equivalent to the suppression of the development and evolution of
biodiversity. The factors that may suppress the dependency relations established between
the functionality and the structure of the environment and the biodiversity hosted by it can
be factors of organic and inorganic pollution, as well as natural equilibrium factors (air,
light, temperature, humidity, etc.). These factors model and provide energetic and catalytic
support, as well as the dynamics and complexity of structural and material organization
forms of the soil, water and air. The dynamics and complexity of the structural and material
organization forms of the soil, water and air constitute the structure that supports the entire
evolution and the material and functional structuring of biodiversity. Most artificial
chemical compounds are material structures with high functional and chemical reactivity,
small molecular weight and high diffusion coefficients, which affect the morphochemical
structure and the functionality of the environment biodiversity. For this reason, artificial
chemical compounds are considered and act as poisons upon microorganisms or
biochemical structures with nonexplicit biological functionality (amino acids, proteins etc.).
The morphofunctional uniformity and the broad spectrum of natural, synthetic organic
pollutants, or those resulting from industrial and domestic activities, contained in the
surface waters are the main reasons that restrain the methods, materials and current organic
depollution techniques. The constraints bearing upon functionalized nanostructured
materials or nanostructured composites are due to the non-selective charging with chemical
compounds, which are not toxic for the environment. The limitation of the type of
functionality of nanostructured materials is the second major cause that limits the
depollution processes, by separately constraining the range of pollutants. Considering the
above mentioned statements, the most suitable retention methods of organic pollutants are
the mixed ones, which use as active principles of pollutant separation: the mechanical
filtration, chemical reticulation, reverse osmosis, degradation, encapsulation and controlled
extraction of depollution products.
3. Urgent needs in the field of depollution and decontamination
Inorganic depollution involves relatively low complexity processes, related to organic
depollution processes. In the field of inorganic depollution there are thoroughly-studied
applicative depollution methods and technologies dedicated to each class of pollutants.
Inorganic depollution can be considered as a controlled process, as pollutants may be
eliminated in a controlled manner, directly in the stage of generation, limiting the dispersion
and secondary contamination processes. In comparison with the organic pollution, the
inorganic pollution has a much simpler complexity of the spectrum of pollutants contained
in surface water, extending the possibilities of separation, storage, management, treatment
and reassessment. Inorganic pollution represents a priority problem of depollution, which
has a high complexity level, and whose resolution implies the utilization of some partial,
limited applicative solutions. Both organic pollutants and the pollutants having a mixed
morphochemical structure (of the organic inorganic type) are compounds with high and
average, slightly degradable reactivity. Most organometallic pollutants and of the
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

compounds having a mixed morphochemical structure (adsorbent inorganic matrices, host
matrices, fibres, macro polymers, active suspensions, functionalized inorganic mixtures,
etc.) come from food industry, medicine industry, polymer industry, wood processing
industry, etc. The slightly degradable character of organic pollutants changes the organic
pollution into a degenerative process that generates in time new types of degradation
compounds. Most degradation compounds are toxic in relation to the environment, being
able to influence, on long and short terms, the functionality and structure of the component
elements of the environment. The accumulation and degradation processes are factors that
support and amplify the secondary processes of pollution and biological contamination, by
favouring the development and adaptation of some new biological structures, extraneous to
the host ecosystems. Also, the biological pollution can influence, on long and short terms,
the human health and chemical, biological and functional balance, established at the
biodiversity level of the ecosystems, by favouring the uncontrollable evolution of the
structure and functionality of the local and global environmental factors. By the nature of
the sources, due to the complexity of industrial and domestic activities, as well as the needs
and exigencies of the consumer society, huge quantities of residue result that require
suitable management for collection, storage, reassessment and disposal. The identification of
optimum solutions to residue management represents a priority field of depollution as a
preventive and control factor. The main function of the waste management is that of
controlling and limiting the pollution, by isolating and treating the resulted residue. Due to
the exponential increment of the collected residue quantity, as well as to the financial and
environmental implications, the depollution methods and technologies have been oriented
in the direction of finding some alternative solutions of unitary depollution, disposal,
reassessment and ecological reutilization of the residue (Asano et al., 2007). The aim of
alternative solutions is that of minimizing the collected quantities of residue and reducing
their impact upon the environment. Residue disposal technologies are limited by the
implementation costs, the complexity of the type of contained contaminants, as well as the
large quantity of collected residue (Cheremisinoff, 2003; Cheremisinoff & Cheremisinoff,
2005; Harrison & Hester, 2002). This type of technologies provides partial solutions, being
dedicated especially to the disposal of certain classes of pollutants with high toxicity level or
easily separable contaminants (paper, plastics, metals, wood, etc). Reassessment and
reutilization of the collected residue have the highest applicative potential, favouring the
preservation and regeneration of the natural resources and environmental factors (Baud,
Post & Furedy, 2004). Research in the field of waste recovery follows more directions,
among them: reassessment -reutilization (plastics, metals, precious metals, etc.), production
of new biodegradable depollution materials, the recovery of wastes having organic
substrates (building materials, semi-artificial fertilizers, etc.). Waste recovery has some
direct active functions within depollution processes, having as direct objects: the
simplification of management procedures, the reduction of pollution factors, minimizing
the effects of residue and pollutants upon the environment, the preservation and
regeneration of natural energy resources. Finding viable and applicable solutions of
management and waste recovery, which might have a low impact upon the environment
and which might be financially sustainable represents a top priority and a necessity of
environment science.
The soil represents the fundamental structural element of the environment, highly exposed
to pollutants, acting like an absorbent, due to its own morphological structure and due to


the morphochemical and compositional structure of its component elements. The soil
presents in its structure an amorphous mineral component (95 99 %) (acid, basic and
neutral rocks and particles containing: O 46.6%, Si 27.7%, Al 8.1%, Fe 5.0%, Ca 3.7%, Na
2.8%, K 2.6%, Mg 2.1%, etc.; mechanical, chemical, biogenical sediments or their mixtures ) a
fluid component (characterised by: osmotic pressure, pH, oxido-reduction potential,
colloidal structure, buffering capacity, absorbing capacity), a gaseous component ( CO
to 1%, O
10-20%, N
, NH
, water vapours, H
S, H
, CH
, SO
, etc), a living matter
component ( bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, insects, arachnoides, molluscs, earthworms,
etc.) and non-living matter components (humic acids, fulminic acids, humins, simple
saccharides, fatty acids, alcohols, esters, starch, proteins, complex proteins, pectins,
hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, wax, bitumen, etc) (Frank & Tolgyessy, 1993). The chemical
and morphochemical structure of the soil shows the complexity of its morphofunctional
structure. The morphofunctional complexity is expressed by the active chemical
functionality variation, capable of absorbing, encapsulating and reticulating the
pollutants. Excepting the persistent compounds, in most cases of diffusion of the
inorganic pollutants in the soil, the local morphochemical composition is irreversibly
modified (Yu & Wang, 1997).
Organic pollutants (especially the surfactants, fatty acids, gasoline, petroleum and its
derivatives) diffuse in the surface and depth structure of the structural elements of the soil,
deactivating, masking or isolating the structures having functions in establishing and
adjusting the chemical and biological balance mechanisms (minerals, organic matter, micro-
organisms, colloids, etc.) (Perk, 2007; Evanghelou, 1998). Organic pollution has a deep
persistent character and in most situations of this kind, the morphochemical, functional and
biochemical soil structure is irreversibly altered. Biotechnologies remain the only solutions
that have potential for organic depollution and remediation of the soil. Soil depollution and
remediation biotechnologies depend on the type of removed pollutants, they affect on short-
term the local biochemical balance of the ecosystems, the action mechanisms taking place in
time and being noninvasive (Evanghelou, 1998). The substantiation and development of
new technologies of soil depollution and remediation is a fundamental priority of
environmental science, with major implications to: human health, environmental factors,
human habitat distribution, redistribution of natural resources, economy.
Radiological pollution differs from the other types of pollution sources through its
generating mechanisms, methods and decontamination-depollution technologies and
through the effects that it induces to biodiversity and environmental factors (Bayliss &
Langley, 2003). The only known radiological depollution methods are the preventive
measures, aiming at the complete isolation of radiological materials and compounds and at
preventing their dispersion in the structure of environmental factors. Radiological pollution
generators are made up of different radioactive chemicals that have the ability to emit
radiation (charged radiation, , neutrinos, etc.), independent of the chemical structure that
hosts the unstable nucleus. The carrier support of radioactive elements in the environment
occurs through external factors (aerosols, encapsulating matrices, suspensions, oxides,
halides, contaminated materials, etc.) called carrier vectors. In the case of nuclear accidents,
the separation of carrier vectors is a delicate problem, due to the risk of staff contamination
and due to their low chemical reactivity, which does not allow the separation and
encapsulation processes. Considering the physical and chemical characteristics of the carrier
vectors, the only solutions with applicative potential in the separation of radiological
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

contaminants are those based on the use of externally stimulable highly functionalized
materials, in the form of sorbents or nanostructured suspensions with high specific surface,
that will be able to reticulate, encapsulate, separate and store the contaminants safely,
without exposing human staff (Ojovan & Lee, 2005). Radiological pollution and its effects
model radically and on long term the structure and the overall functionality of the
environment, human health and factors influencing macroeconomy. This type of pollution
has an unpredictable nature, its implications on the environment and biodiversity, and the
evolution orientation towards local and global equilibrium factors being difficult to
estimate. Radiological depollution represents another prioritary research direction, due its
deep implications on energy resources and on the needs of the consumer society (medicine,
research, material science).
4. New types of functionalised materials and new applicative solutions
concerning the ecological organic depollution of wastewaters
This paper presents the way a new class of functionalized nanocomposite materials,
intended for the organic depollution of surface water from industrial and domestic
activities, was obtained, investigated and tested. The means of obtaining the composite has
already been presented in the previous chapter, Nanocomposite materials with oriented
functionalized structure - The modelling of structure and functionality of nanocomposites
intended for ecological depollution. Considering the limitations of current methods and
techniques for the separation of pollutants, research and structural and functional modelling
investigations have been oriented with a view to obtaining a nanocomposite with an
oriented functionality, able to: a. undifferentiatedly reticulate a large number of organic
pollutants; b. encapsulate and degrade pollutants and their degradation products; c.
separate and extract pollutants and depollution waste under controlled stimulability.
Amorphous natural metal-oxide structures are the most suitable class of materials to be
used in processes of chemical modelling and functionalization, intended for the removal of
organic pollutants. Their functional, morphological and morphochemical structure,
resulting from functionalizing processes, is compact and able to fully saturate its
functionalized surface, with different pollutants which have been collected from the
depolluted environment. Following the processes of chemical modelling and
functionalization, the deep structure of the chemically modified metal-oxide components
remains unchanged, giving the material a pronounced ecological and biodegradable
character. In the first stage, the pollutants, reticulated on the surface and in the depth of the
composite, are degraded and encapsulated, resulting in degradation products with modified
functionality and toxicity. It is likely that the toxicity of the resulting degradation products
might not be substantially modified, but it is very important that, following the reticulation
process, the pollutants and the degradation products should remain reticulated on the
surface and in the depth of the material, allowing a slow selective biodegradation of the
pollutant layer collected on its surface. Equally, the stable reticulation of the pollutants and
of the degradation products limits the effects of secondary pollution and contamination by
dispersing the resulting degradation compounds. Such depollution materials have an
increased application potential in relation to the applications of depollution under the
dynamic conditions of polluted surface water flows (rivers, lakes, etc.), as they minimize the
dispersion processes and favour local biodegradation processes by local sedimentation of


pollutant-charged functionalized suspensions in bottom water. Due to the macromolecular
character and the micrometric structure of depollution suspensions, nanostructured
materials cannot be assimilated at cell level by the biodiversity they encounter, as it has
already been demonstrated in the previous chapter that the surface and the depth of the
composite are able to host biological structures, without affecting their morphochemical
structure and metabolism.


Fig. 2. (1 mineral metal oxide; 2 internal retaining metal-oxidic cage mixed oxidic
morphostructure; 3 different types of organic and inorganic pollutants; 4 - external
retaining metal-oxidic cage specific and mixed oxidic component morphostructure)
The metal-oxide mixture (Su) used as a structural component of compositing of the
depollution material (M
) has a natural origin and has some remarkable
morphostructural (fig. 4), morphochemical and functional (fig.3) features. Using the basic
segmentation method proposed by Iordache et al. (Iordache et al., 2010), the main morpho-
structural parameters of Su were determined and quantified (fig.4b): area (11.41 nm
compactness (1.29), perimeter (16.48 nm). Investigations carried out by X-rays dispersion
show that Su contains, apart from oxidic fractions of the following elements Na, Mg, Al, Si,
P, S, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn , As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Pb, B, O (45.76%), oxidic
fractions of other elements (Sn, Ge etc. - Fig.3), C (~ 4%), halogens (Cl (~ 0.019%), Br) and
nitrogen. All metal-oxide structures identified in the Su structure form nanostructured
elements having a compact amorphous structure (Fig.5), whose topological distribution is
most likely of the type modelled in figure 2. This was confirmed by the numerical data
obtained by elementary morphological segmentation (fig. 4b) for the compactness
parameters. The compactness range of values (Round) has values in the interval (1.29 9),
representing a measure of deviation from the sphericity of agglomeration domains and of
the nanostructured elements which enter their structure (1 corresponds to the perfect
spherical structures) (Jain, 1989). The perimeter (Round = P
/4S) has values on the domain
(~ 10.3-107.12 nm), a measure of the size of nanoparticles and their agglomeration domains.
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters


(a) General EDX chemical mapping (b) Particular EDX chemical mapping
Fig. 3. Su EDX mapping (Su laid-down on ordinary paper)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
2.77 pxl
4 pxl
1.29 pxl
pixel (1 point = 4.12 nm)

(a) SEM images of Su (b) Morphostructural parameters of Su
Fig. 4. SEM morphotopological investigation of Su (VEGA II LMU microscope)
The identification of chlorine and bromine in the Su structure implies that the metal-oxide
mixture has a complex chemical functionality, which includes metal salts (MX, X - Cl, Br,
etc.), halide oxides (MOX), metal-oxide-halogenated mixtures ((M
( M
; i, j
different types of metals; m, n - compositing ratio), H and -OH chemical reactive groups,
electrical charged microsites, etc. M
was obtained by the regeneration of the
compositing mixture (functionalised magnetite, functionalised Su and solubilised celulose)
in distilled water. As an applicative and testing form, M
was obtained as a powder by
mild thermic dehydration at 80
C (fig.4A.a), and as a membrane (fig.4A.b) concentrated



(a) Fine powder of dehydrated Su (b) Membranary layer of hydrated Su
Fig. 4A. Applicative forms of Su

Fig. 5. TEM images of Su embedded in the structure of M
uncharged pollutants

(a) SEM image of dehydrated Su (b) Elementary segmentation of the image
attached in fig.6a
Fig. 6. SEM investigation of dehydrated M
(VEGA II LMU microscope)
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

Morphostructural investigations carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show
that dehydrated M
has a smaller and more irregular specific surface, as compared to the
hydrated M
. The distributions of the agglomeration domain surfaces of the dehydrated
has values between 194 nm
and 12 m
(fig.8). From the investigation of the
distribution of the domain compactness of the agglomerated structures and of the
nanoparticles whithin their structure, taking into account the analytical relationship Round
= P
/4S, it follows that the dehydrated material suffered internal degradation processes
that led to its severe discretization and to the increasing of agglomeration domains. It is
likely that the increasing of the agglomeration domains may be due to secondary internal
morphochemical modelling processes under the influence of temperature, as a result of
which, uncontrolled reticulation processes might be established between the structural
elements of the composite. It is very likely that, following the dehydration processes, M

may lose and partially modify its functionality.

(a) SEM image of hydrated M
(b) Elementary segmentation of the image
attached in fig.7a
Fig. 7. SEM investigation of hydrated M
(acquired with VEGA II LMU microscope)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
4.56 m
0.058 m
m / m
0 10 20 30
23 nm
33.24 nm
pixel (758.56 nm = 137 pts = 5.54nm)

(a) Dehydrated M
(attached to fig.6b) (b) Hydrated M
(attached to fig.7b)
Fig. 8. Elementary morphostructural parameters of M


4.1 Depollution of sewage waters using functionalised M

This type of investigations had as main objective the determination of depollution
parameters (yield and depollution efficiency) for the type of investigated water, as well as
for the morphostructural and morphochemical stability of M
. Investigations have been
configured in accordance to the diagram in figure 9. Samples were investigated by gas
chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), using a cromatograph of the
GC Focus type (AI300 autosampler, split / splitless injector, chromatograph column of the
TR5MS - 30 m x type with
= 0,25 mm and 0.25 mm stationary film thickness) and a mass
spectrometer of the DSQII type. Previously, samples were concentrated by solvent
extraction and evaporated in nitrogen flow. To check the saturation point of M
pollutants, 50 ml of water charged with pollutants were passed through the filtering layer
(fig. 9), in four steps, the (P1, P2, P3, P4) samples were properly prepared and
investigated. To determine the analytical correspondence holding between the separated
pollutant quantity and the real pollutant quantity in the contaminated water (R
), the
quantity of pollutants present in the non-filtered water was determined before starting the
investigating processes. The separated pollutant quantity was estimated by determining
the pollutant fractions found in P
and P
after filtering (c% (pollutants) + c%
(separated) = 1). The investigated samples were taken from the sewerage system of
Bucharest municipality. With a view to determining the morphochemical and
morphostructural stability of M
the composite charged with pollutants was
investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy (EDX) and infrared spectroscopy (IR).

depolluted water
water charged with

Fig. 9. Experiment configuring for the investigation of water depollution yield and efficiency
of M
(1 fixing column; 2 polluted water; 3 - M
layer; 4 fibre glass)
The results of the investigations carried out by GC-MS are presented in table 1 and they
demonstrate the fact that the tested water had a high level of organic pollution, containing a
large range of organic pollutants (n-tridecane, propanoic acid, 2-methyl-,1-(2-hydroxy-1-
methylethyl)-2,2-dimethylpropyl ester propanoic acid, 2-methyl-,3-hydroxy-2,4,4-
trimethylpentyl ester, diethyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate, phthalic acid, isobuthyl-2-
penthylester, butyl octyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, ((Z)-9-octadecenenitrile).
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters


Pollutant/ undecelable peaks A
-P1 A
-P3 A
2848678635 15047488950 10533922491 8526288052
8.33 5094541 0 2272703 7299050
PL1 977320 0 0 0
10,75 5268711 0 0 5547832
PL2 2465265 0 0 0
PL3 1405799 0 0 0
12,49 1740771 0 0 0
12,93 2828747 0 0 3710438
14,85 3347278 0 1841992 2755159
PL4 1680227 0 0 0
16,13 523552 0 0 0
16,51 1704027 0 0 0
17,23 1278456 0 0 0
17,98 901907 0 0 1129834
PL5 132278 1730996 0 0
18,27 267140 0 0 0
PL6 507889 0 0 0
PL7 10830818 8652426 0 0
PL8 1859244 0 0 0
24,00 5434244 2712903 4682044 2903562
26,56 11791893 8461410 6699962 4400335
Table 1. The relative abundance (A
) of decelable and partially decelable pollutants in
filtered water case of sewage waters (where: PL1 - n-tridecane; PL2 - propanoic acid,2-
methyl-,1-(2-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2,2-dimethylpropyl ester; PL3 - propanoic acid,2-
methyl-, 3-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylpentyl ester; PL4 - diethyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate; PL5
- phthalic acid, isobuthyl-2-penthylester; PL6 - butyl octyl phthalate; PL7 - dibutyl phthalate;
PL8 - (9Z)-9-octadecenenitrile)

(a) SEM images of M
uncharged with
(b) EDX images of M
charged with
pollutants (attached to fig.10a)
Fig. 10. SEM investigation of M
charged and uncharged with pollutants case of
sewage waters (images acquired with VEGA II LMU SEM microscope)


0 50 100 150 200


0 50 100 150 200


0 50 100 150 200


0 50 100 150 200



Fig. 11. Relative yield of decelable and partially decelable pollutants retained by 71.43 grams
of M
(according to tab.1)

C N O S Si Al Fe Ca K Na Mg Zr Sc Os Ti Zn Co Cd Rh
Norm. factor: 20.247

Morphochemical variation of compozition of M
microelements fractions after depollution
microelements fractions before depollution

Fig. 12. Relative variation of microelement fractions in the depth and on the surface of
charged with pollutants
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters


(a) TEM images of M
(b) TEM images of M
Fig. 13. TEM morphostructure investigation of M
charged with pollutants - case of
sewage waters (images acquired with Philips S208 TEM microscope)
The GC-MS investigations revealed the fact that the filtered water (the water charged with
pollutants) contains a wide range of organic pollutants, a significant fraction of them being
partially decelable. Partially decelable pollutants have clear, distinct peaks, whose variation
can be quantified depending on the quantity of filtered water (table 1). A great part of the
chemical compounds present in the investigated water could not be sensitized in relation to
the retention time and the specific mass fragments. The quantification of these types of
pollutants was entirely determined, by quantifying the variation degree of the whole
sensitization area. It has been noticed that the concentrations of decelable pollutants and
of the partially decelable ones decrease rapidly with the increase of the filtered water
quantity (fig.11). Each pollutant attains a certain value for which the membrane is
saturated through specific reticulation. After attaining the saturation peak, the filtering
layer loses its ability to separate the pollutants which saturated it, thus becoming
permeable in relation to them.
The saturation processes are most likely due to the neutralization through reticulation of the
functional groups with which the pollutants come into contact. This fact was pointed out
indirectly by SEM (fig.10 a), TEM (fig.13) and EDX (fig.10b, fig.12) investigations. Thus, we
observed the severe degeneration of the specific reticulation surface of M
(fig.13b). The
degradation and reticulation processes have also been confirmed by EDX investigations,
during which we noticed the fact that the microelement fractions (especially C and O) found
in the depth and on the surface of M
increase significantly (fig.12). This fact can be
explained by admitting the fact that organic pollutants reticulated on the surface or in the
depth of M
form covering layers which lead to the masking of the detection of the
structural elements of the composite.
The determinations in fig.12 have been carried out by supposing that the statistical
quantity of silicon in the composite structure is approximately constant. Thus, to obtain
the same quantity of silicon on the investigated microsurfaces, both before and after the
depollution process, a normalization factor of 20.247 was added (20.247 x c%Si(after) =
c%Si(before)), to minimize the errors of the statistical distribution of microelements. In


order to obtain results as accurately as possible, the normalization microelement must
have variations of the concentration distributions only on one of the investigated
microsurfaces. These errors may be due to the different distribution probabilities of
morphochemical patterns on distinct microsurfaces, as well as to the different periods of
time of data acquisition.

0 50 100 150 200

Integral yield of depollution
in the case of contaminated waters
coming from milk industry

Fig. 14. Integral yield of sewage water depollution in the presence of 71.43 grams of M

The integral retention spectrum of the pollutants has been defined as the whole recorded
sensitization area, minus the area of the background signal. This represents an indirect
measure of the pollutant retention spectrum size, offering relative information regarding the
variation of the quantity of organic compounds, which are generated or disappear from the
collected depolluted water, before and after the depollution process. The integral retention
curve shown in figure 14 presents the maximum variation at approximately the same value
as that of the saturation point of MOF-D with decelable and partially decelable pollutants.
This suggests that during the depollution process, the reticulated pollutants are partially or
completely degraded, at the level of functionalized micro surfaces of the structural
components of M
. Degradation processes can influence the dynamics of the depollution
processes, as well as the achievement of specific saturation points. This explains the
analytical structure of the depollution curves of pollutants 12.93 (specific retention time), 24
and PL2 (fig.11). The same tendency is also shown by the decontamination curve of the
entire spectrum of pollutants (fig.14).
4.2 Depollution of waters coming from milk industry using M

As in the previous case, this type of investigations had as objective the determination of
depollution parameters of polluted water from milk industry, as well as the
morphostructural and morphochemical stability of M
. The investigated samples came
from a milk processing plant. Complex investigations were carried out by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

Pollutants A
-P1 A
-P2 A
-P3 A
Fenil carbamat 5786268 0 0 0 0
p cresol 28206310 0 329109728665824749335
5H-1 pyridine 9622808 0 0 0 0
NN dodecilamina 5710090 0 0 0 0
4 methylindolina 2179991 0 0 0 0
Heneicosane 589354 0 0 0 0
N[3[N-Azydiril]propilidena] 3-
1378132 0 0 0 0
Octadecylacetate 6770653 0 0 0 0
Acidhexadecanoicisopropilester 5107004 0 0 0 0
Adogen 6786347 0 0 0 0
Acidoctadecanoictertbutilester 7061859 0 0 0 0
All-trans-squalene 20340307 0 0 0 0
Region with undecelable pollutants 198277663 0 0 0 0
Table 2. The relative abundance of decelable and partially decelable pollutants - case of
waters coming from milk industry

Depolluted volume of water (cm
) Total relative abundance (A
50 2494088578
100 1286801634
150 2164651861
200 5424524876
Table 3. Integral fraction of sensitized pollutants (58.6 grams of M
) in the cases of P1,
P2, P3 and P4 stages of depollution case of waters coming from milk industry
To determine the relative degree of depollution, the total area of the contents of pollutants in the
unfiltered water (R
= 6227542517) was measured. Also, the total area of the contents of
pollutants contained in 50 cm
of distilled water (R
= 2371295106) passed through the filtering
layer was measured, to correct and determine the level of contaminants released by M

C 13.83 S 2.42 C 2.83 S 1.11
Sc 1.32 Cd 1.48 Sc 0.16 Cd 0.15
Zr 1.25 Os 1.32 Zr 0.34 Os 0.22
Fe 24.62 Ca 1.72 Fe 1.29 Ca 0.64
K 4.37 Si 23.69 K 0.56 Si 2.72
Al 6.8 Mg 1.09 Al 1.05 Mg 0.22
Na 0.78 O 0.99 Na 0.36 O 1.01
N 0.39 Ti 1.56 N 0.1 Ti 0.14
Co 2.03 Zn 0.70 Co 0.13 Zn 0.06
Rh 1.56 Rh 0.15
(a) before depollution (a) after depollution
Table 4. Fractions of microelements (arbitrary u.m) measured on surface and in the depth of
in the cases of contaminated water depollution coming from milk industry



C Sc Zr Fe K AlNa NCoRh S CdOsCa Si MgO Ti Zn
microelements fractions before depollution
microelements fractions after depollution
Norm. factor: 8.709

Morphochemical variation of composition of M

Fig. 15. Relative variation of chemical microelements fraction in the depth and on the
surface of M
(according to tab.4)

0 50 100 150 200

p - cresol
0 50 100 150 200

Integral depollution

(a) Relative yield of p-cresol (b) Integral depollution yield
Fig. 16. Yield and efficiency of 58.6 grams of M
case of waters coming from milk
By determining R
i R
, we had in mind checking the morphochemical stability of M
as well as determining the contribution of the pollutants coming from the filtering layer to
the total pollution spectrum of filtered water (fig.19). Also, the aim of determining R
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

was to the determine the background signal level, found in the analytical structure of
the aquired GC-MS spectra. The results of the investigations for determining the depollution
yield and efficiency carried out on waters charged with pollutants coming from the milk
industry have shown that M
has high depollution yields. In the case of decelable
organic pollutants (table 2, fig.19), the individual retention yields of pollutants can reach the
maximum value (~ 100%).

(a) SEM images of pollutant-charged M
(b) EDX images of pollutant-charged M

Fig. 17. SEM investigation of pollutant-charged M
- case of water depollution coming
from milk industry (images acquired with VEGA II LMU SEM microscope)

0 10 20 30 40
0.56 m
1.11 m
2.44 m
m / m

Fig. 18. Elementary morphostructural parameters of M
in the case of depollution of
water coming from milk industry (following the depollution process)



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (min)
8.58 4.75 11.79
5.24 13.90
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (min)
26.53 24.54 30.92 27.73 35.59 33.62 36.65 23.59
4.97 21.52 17.96 8.85 11.99 14.40
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (min)
26.50 39.78 25.05 37.55 35.68 28.12 29.94 23.66
4.23 21.58 5.16 18.64
11.99 14.40 8.85
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (min)
25.14 26.81 30.60 31.94 36.37 37.54 23.62
21.48 4.33 18.10 5.91 11.99 14.40 8.85
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (min)
26.54 24.87 27.88 30.24 32.13 36.94 23.60
21.50 4.42 8.64 18.60 11.99 14.40
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (min)
25.66 25.93 25.27
33.60 34.76
23.49 12.43
14.83 4.35 5.31 12.32 8.62

Fig. 19. GC-MS spectra of collected samples evolution of integral depollution yield as a
function of volume of filtered water ( = f(V(cm
), S(p1, ... , pn); V depolluted water
volume; S type of the contained p1, ... , pn pollutants)
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

In figure 16.a one can observe that p-cresol has a higher saturation capacity (fig.16), most
likely, due to the high content of this pollutant, either due to the lack of chemical affinity of
the specific functional groups of M
in relation to p-creso. The obtained results
demonstrate that the mechanisms of reticulation and separation processes of the pollutants
are uniform in relation to the functionality type. These findings also remain valid in the case
of the investigation of waters coming from milk industry.
In the case of the contaminated waters coming from milk industry, several features have
emerged, due, most likely, to the type of pollutants and to their concentrations in
contaminated water. It is noted that the integral depollution spectrum (fig.16b) presents a
more predictable analytical behaviour, as compared to the integral depollution spectrum
of sewage waters. Pollutants contained by water generate specific morphostructural
reticulation and agglomeration effects (fig.17, fig.18). We have observed that the
characteristic agglomeration domains have the following values: a. average surface:
~ 2.44 m2 (distributed on an agglomeration domain that ranges from tens of nanometers
to 35 m
); b. maximum perimeter: 13 m; c. compactness value distributed on the
1 - 10 range (fig.18). The determined values for compactness show that M
with pollutants has a compact structure, which has been severely degraded from a
morphostructural point of view, as a result of the reticulation and internal
morphochemical modification processes. The obtained numerical results in the case of
polluted waters coming from milk industry demonstrate the high capacity of M
separate, degrade and encapsulate pollutants, on the surface and in the depth of its
composite structure (tab.4, fig.15).
GC-MS investigations have demonstrated the ability of the obtained composite to reticulate
a large number of pollutants (table 2), having a complex and varied functionality, as follows:
saturated compounds with large linear chain (heneicosane), organic compounds
with functionality and nitrogen content (adogen, 5H-1 pyridine, NN dodecilamina,
N [3 [N-Azydiril] propilidena] dymethylaminopropylamina 3, 4 methylindolina), organic
acids, esters, derivatives of benzene, carbamates, cyclic organic compounds, etc.
4.3 Depollution of waters coming from medicine industry using M

The investigated samples came from an antibiotics production company. The results of the
investigations carried out by GC-MS are presented in table 5, demonstrating that they are
heavily contaminated and degradated, containing a wide range of organic pollutants, varied
from a morphochemical, functional and morphostructural viewpoint.
As it can be seen in the analytical representations in figures 20 and 22, the obtained material
has a high potential of separation of organic pollutants, being able to reduce their
concentrations below the limit of analytical technique detection (at ppm scale), given that
they are found in appreciable fractions in the contaminated water.
It is to be noted that the investigations revealed the undifferentiated action of M
on the
the entire spectrum of partially decelable, decelable and undecelable pollutants found in the
investigated polluted waters. This feature of the functionalized nanocomposite material is
reflected by the total decontamination yield, which has a decreasing analytical variation,
with the increasing of the water passed through the retention layer. It is also to be noted that
the relative depollution yields, specific to each pollutant type, has different analytical
behaviours, in accordance to the specific chemical affinity in relation to the functionalized
filtering support (fig.20, fig.22).



0 50 100 150 200

Propanoic acid,2-methyl-,
-2,2-dimethylpropyl ester
Propanoic acid,2-methyl-,
trimethylpentyl ester
0 50 100 150 200

Valeric acid, 3,5-
(a) (b)
0 50 100 150 200

Diethyl benzene-1,2-
3-oxo-2-pentyl-methyl ester
Phthalic acid, isobuthyl
0 50 100 150 200

Butyl octyl phthalate
partially undecelable

(c) (d)
0 50 100 150 200

Dibutyl Phthalate
Partially undecelable
0 50 100 150 200


Pollutant with
CAS 4376-20-3

(e) (f)
Fig. 20. Relative yield of decelable and partially decelable pollutants retained by 67.4 grams
of M
(according to tab.5)
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters


Pollutants A
-P1 A
-P2 A
-P3 A
Integral pollutants abundance 390932816411296970115811684530024941448681613743895083
Acetonyl dimtehylcarbinol 268513312 295489231 736052142 570281431 503499232
Propanoic acid,2-methyl-, 1-(2-
dimethylpropyl ester
7515830 0 0 0 2353024
Propanoic acid,2-methyl-, 3-
5585726 0 0 0 2379634
Valeric acid, 3,5-dihydroxy-
12891275 9221762 16911174 13363342 96422370
Partially undecelable 3741563 0 0 0 4326558
Diethyl benzene-1,2-
815869 0 0 0 0
Cyclopentaneaceticacid, 3-
oxo-2-pentyl-methyl ester
772606 0 0 0 0
Phthalic acid, isobuthyl-2-
3049818 0 0 0 2799809
Caffeine 1202278 0 0 0 0
Butyl octyl phthalate 1270036 0 0 0 0
Dibutyl Phthalate 24757815 14138926 6956899 10335640 13505478
(9Z)-9-octadecenenitrile 1458619 0 0 0 0
Partially undecelable pollutant 2776681 0 0 0 0
CAS 4376-20-3 7729544 1965075 2632588 1815752 6402313990
(Z)-docos-13-enamide 22996078 0 4152090 0 0
Table 5. The relative abundance of the decelable and partially decelable pollutants - case of
polluted waters coming from medicine industry

C 13.83 S 2.42 C 2.31 S 0.23
Sc 1.32 Cd 1.48 Sc 0.16 Cd 0.14
Zr 1.25 Os 1.32 Zr 0.19 Os 0.16
Fe 24.62 Ca 1.72 Fe 1.23 Ca 0.49
K 4.37 Si 23.69 K 0.4 Si 2.48
Al 6.8 Mg 1.09 Al 0.62 Mg 0.14
Na 0.78 O 0.99 Na 0.11 O 1.76
N 0.39 Ti 1.56 N 0.08 Ti 0.15
Co 2.03 Zn 0.70 Co 0.14 Zn 0.07
Rh 1.56 Rh 0.32
(a) before depollution (a) after depollution
Table 6. Fractions of microelements (arbitrary measure units) measured on surface and in the
depth of M
in the cases of depollution of contaminated waters coming from milk industry
As expected, due to its polyvalent functionality, M
saturates discretizedly, each
pollutant separately saturating the composite, without masking or cancelling its


functionality and the integral depollution potential. This implies the existence of specific
differentiated reticular mechanisms, which take place in the composite nanostructures,
leading to the selective separation of pollutants, depending on the specific chemical
reactivity and on the achieved density of functional groups on M

(a) SEM images of pollutant-charged M
(b) EDX images of pollutant-charged M

Fig. 21. SEM investigation of M
charged with pollutants - case of depollution of water
coming from medicine industry (VEGA II LMU SEM microscope)

0 50 100 150 200
Total yield
of depollution

0 50 100 150 200


Fig. 22. Integral yield and efficiency of the depollution of water coming from medicine
industry in the presence of 67.4 grams of M
((a) integral yield of depollution;
(b) - relative yield of acetonil dimethylcarbinol)
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters


Norm. factor: 9.552

Morphochemical variation of composition of M
microelement fractions
before depollution
microelement fractions
after depollution

Fig. 23. Relative variation of microelements in the depth and on the surface of M

(according to tab.6)
The separation investigations of the pollutants found in waters coming from medicine
industry shows the manifestation of the dynamic degradation phenomenon of the
pollutants. This is demonstrated by the analytical behaviour of the depollution curves of the
valeric acid, 3,5-dihydroxy-2,4-dimethyl-lactones (fig.20b), the partially decelable pollutant
CAS 4376-20-3 (fig.20f) and acetonyl dimethylcarbinol (fig.22b), which, after reaching the
saturation point of the functionality of M
, have growth rates that exceed by far the
originally detected values. This indicates the presence of a pollutant in the contaminated
water, which, following the reticulation processes, degrades and generates chemical
structures that cannot be reticulated, or that are partially reticulated by the composite. All
pollutants entering the structure of the integral spectrum, sensitized by pollution, of the
investigated waters, have lower or higher separation rates. Thus, the lack of the reticulation
potential, in relation to the degenerated pollutants listed above, is due, most likely, to: a. the
saturation of M
with the previously existing fractions of pollutants; b. large quantities
of pollutants present in depolluted water, which quickly saturate the functionality of M
the degeneration of the separated pollutants in the depth of M
. Moreover, the
morphostructural (agglomeration, compactness) and morphochemical (functionality
saturation processes, masking, chemical degradation processes of reticulated pollutants)
degeneration processes were emphasized in all investigated depollution cases. The effects of
pollutant charging are also showed in the case of polluted waters coming from medicine
industry. In this sense, the processed data presented in figure 15 (tab.6) indicate a significant
increase in the quantity of chemical microelements, specific to the structures and organic
pollutants (C, N). This is indirectly confirmed by morphostructural investigations (fig.21,
fig.21b), indicating the increase of the agglomeration and compactness degree of the
composite, as well as its degeneration under the action of separated organic pollutants.


5. Conclusions
In this chapter we have presented and investigated the specific mechanisms underlying the
reticulation, separation and encapsulation processes of organic pollutants. Specific
depollution mechanisms, as well as the main depollution parameters (yield, efficiency), have
been investigated by testing a polyfunctionalized nanocomposite material (M
) on three
types of water charged with organic pollutants. The polluted waters on which the
depollution features of M
have been investigated came from various pollution sources:
milk processing industry, medicine industry, sewage waters. The investigations secondary
aim was to determine the effects of organic pollutants on the morphological and
morphochemical structure of the obtained M
, as well as to determine how they
influence the depollution parameters. It was intended, in particular, to check the range of
pollutants that M
is able to separate, in order to determine the type of chemical
functionality of pollutants capable to establish reticulation relations with the functional
structure of the composite. The reticulated functionalities are a direct measure of the
depollution efficiency of the obtained material, by defining the range of separated pollutants
and the extent to which the depollution was carried out. The investigation processes
included various analytical techniques, in order to confirm, through complementarity (SEM,
TEM, EDX, FTIR, GC-MS), the depollution parameters and the morphostructural
characteristics of M
, both before the testing and after its completion. The investigation
results confirm the reticulation, encapsulation and degradation mechanisms of the
pollutants that the authors proposed in chapters New methods and new types of
functionalised nanocomposites intended for the ecological depollution of waters and
Nanocomposite materials with oriented functionalized structure. The acquired
experimental data have shown that the obtained M
presents high pollutant separation
yield and efficiency. The concentrations of most decelated pollutants and of those partially
decelated in depolluted water were below the detection limit, showing the applicative
potential of this type of materials. The aim of the investigations of the morphological and
morphochemical structure which we have carried out was to identify and quantify the
critical parameters that influence the processes of encapsulation and degradation of
pollutants. The acquired experimental data indicate that M
is able to reduce the level of
organic pollution in surface waters by up to two orders of magnitude (the observed typical
values have a separation factor of 20 50 x). The oxide materials with a functionalised
mixed structure represent a viable solution for the removal of organic pollutants in surface
waters, having the most favourable applicative potential in terms of economy, depollution
yield and efficiency.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful for the financial support granted by the CNMP (National
Research, Development and Innovation Plan II - Program 4) inside project 32-165/2008,
as well as for the logistic support granted by the Scientifical Research Center for CBRN
Defence and Ecology. Also, for their contribution to the obtaining of results, we
are grateful to Dionesie Bojin, Filipescu Laureniu, Toader Constantin and Mihaela
Muraan. For her contributions to text editing and translating, we are grateful to Loredana
New Methods and New Types of
Functionalised Nanocomposites Intended for the Ecological Depollution of Waters

7. References
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New Jersey
Review of Nanocomposite Thin
Films and Coatings Deposited
by PVD and CVD Technology
Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz
Silesian University of Technology
1. Introduction
Commonly it is assumed that the nanocrystalline materials are composed of elements like
grains, crystallites, layers, e.g., of a size of ca. 100 nm. (more typically less than 50 nm; often
less than 10 nm in the case of superhard nanocomposite, materials for optoelectronic
applications, etc.) at least in one direction. The definition give above limits the size of the
structure elements, however it has to be seen only as a theoretical value and doesnt have
any physical importance.
Thin films and coatings are applied to structural bulk materials in order to improve the
desired properties of the surface, such as corrosion resistance, wear resistance, hardness,
friction or required colour, e.g., golden, black or a polished brass-like. The research issues
concerning the production of coatings are one of the more important directions of surface
engineering development, ensuring the obtainment of coatings of high utility properties in
the scope of mechanical characteristics and wear resistance. Giving new utility
characteristics to commonly known materials is frequently obtained by laying simple
monolayer, multilayer or gradient coatings using PVD methods (Dobrzanski et al., 2005;
Lukaszkowicz & Dobrzanski, 2008). While selecting the coating material, we encounter a
barrier caused by the fact that numerous properties expected from an ideal coating are
impossible to be obtained simultaneously. The application of the nanostructure coatings is
seen as the solution of this issue.
Nanostructure and particularly nanocomposite coatings deposited by physical vapour
deposition or chemical vapour deposition, have gained considerable attention due to their
unique physical and chemical properties, e.g. extremely high indentation hardness (40-80
GPa) (Veprek et al., 2006, 2000; Zou et al., 2010), corrosion resistance (Audronis et al., 2008;
Lukaszkowicz et al., 2010), excellent high temperature oxidization resistance (Vaz et al.,
2000; Voevodin & Zabinski, 2005), as well high abrasion and erosion resistance (Cheng et al.,
2010; Polychronopoulou et al., 2009; Veprek & Veprek-Heijman, 2008).
In the present work, the emphasis is put on current practices and future trends for
nanocomposite thin films and coatings deposited by physical vapour deposition (PVD) and
chemical vapour deposition (CVD) techniques. This review will not be so exhaustive as to
cover all aspects of such coatings, but the main objective is to give a general sense of what
has so far been accomplished and where the field is going.


2. Synthesis of nanocomposite films and coatings
In conventional bulk materials, refining grain size is one of the possibilities for hardness
increase. The same is true for nanocomposite films or coatings. Looking for coating
materials with high hardness, higher then the hardness of traditional polycrystalline
coatings, there are founding materials with unique nanometric structure properties. With a
decrease in grain size, the multiplication and mobility of the dislocations are hindered, and
the hardness of materials increase according to the Hall-Petch relationship. This effect is
especially prominent for grain size down to tens of nanometers. However, dislocation
movement, which determines the hardness in conventional materials, has little effect when
the grain size is less than approximately 10 nm. There is a critical value of the grain size at
which a maximum hardness can be achieved (Fig. 1). For grains with diameters less than the
critical value the material should be softened due to the action of a new deformation
mechanism. i.e., the Hall-Petch relation is inverted (Koch et al., 2007; Voevodin et al., 2005;
Zhang et al., 2007).

1 nm 10 nm 100 nm 10 m 100 m
Grain size
Optimum grain size
grain size

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of materials hardness versus grain size (Zhang et al., 2007).
According to the Hall-Petch equation, the strength properties of the material rise along with
the reduction of the grain size. In case of the coatings deposited by the PVD and CVD
processes, the structures obtained, with grain size ~10 nm results with the maximum
mechanical properties. Coatings of such structure present very high hardness >40 GPa,
ductility, stability at high temperatures, etc.(Tjong et al., 2004; Veprek et al., 2006).
The known dependency between the hardness and abrasion resistance became the basis for
the development of harder and harder coating materials. The progress in the field of
producing coatings by the physical vapour deposition and/or chemical vapour deposition
process enables the obtainment of coatings of nanocrystal structure presenting high
mechanical and usable properties. The coatings of such structure are able to maintain a low
friction coefficient (self-lubricating coatings) in numerous working environments,
maintaining high hardness and increased resistance (Donnet & Erdemir, 2004; Voevodin &
Zabinski, 2005).

Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology

The main concept for achieving of high hardness of nanostructure coatings and good
mechanical properties and high strength related to it, particularly in case of nanocomposite
coatings is the restriction of the origination and the movement of dislocations. High
hardness and strength of the nanocomposite coatings are due to the fact that the movement
of dislocations is suppressed at small grains and in the spaces between them, which causes
the appearance of incoherent deformations. When the grain size is reduced to that of
nanometers, the activity of dislocations as the source of the material ductility is restricted.
This type of coatings is also characterized with a large number grain boundaries with a
crystalline/amorphous transition across grain-matrix interfaces, restricting the forming and
development of cracks. Such mechanism explains the resistance to fragile cracking of
nanocomposite coatings. Simultaneously, the equiaxial grain shapes, high angle grain
boundaries, low surface energy and the presence of the amorphous boundary phase
facilitating the slide along the grain boundaries cause high plasticity of the nanocomposite
coatings (Rafaja et al., 2006; Voevodin et al., 2005).
According to the model proposed by Veprek (Veprek & Reiprech, 1995;Veprek, 1997,
Veprek et al., 1998) nanocomposite coatings comprise at least two phases, a nanocrystalline
phase and a matrix phase, where the matrix can be either nanocrystalline or amorphous
phase. In this design, the nanocrystalline grains must be 310 nm in size and separated by
12 nm within an amorphous phase as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Model and TEM image of nanocomposite structure (Source: PLATIT AG).
Nanocomposite coatings are usually formed from ternary or quaternary system with
nanocrystalline (nc-) grains of hard transition metal-nitrides (e.g. TiN, TiAlN, CrN, BN, VN,
ZrN, W
N, etc.), carbides (e.g. TiC, VC, WC, etc.), borides (e.g. TiB
, TiB, CrB
, etc.), oxides
(e.g. Al
, TiO
, B
, SiO
, etc.), or silicides (e.g. TiSi
, CrSi
, ZrSi
, etc.) surrounded by
amorphous (a-) matrices (e.g. Si
, BN, C, etc.) (Moore et al., 2007). There are many
different nanocrystalline grain/amorphous matrix (nc-/a-) systems, such as: nc-TiN/a-
, nc-TiN/a-Si
, nc-CrN/a-Si
, nc-W
, nc-TiAlN/a-Si
, nc-
TiN/a-BN, nc-TiC/a-C, nc-WC/a-C (Moore et al., 2007, Voevodin et al., 2005; Zhang et al.,
2007). The synthesis of such nanocomposite coatings depends on the ability to co-deposit
both phases.
Various analyses revealed that the synthesized TiAlSiN coatings exhibited nanostructured
composite microstructures consisting of solid-solution (Ti,Al,Si)N crystallites and
amorphous Si
. The Si addition caused the grain refinement of (Ti,Al,Si)N crystallites and
its uniform distribution with percolation phenomenon of amorphous silicon nitride. The
(Ti,Al)N crystallites became finer with a uniform distribution as the Si content was


increased. Si addition changes microstructure from columnar to isotropic (Fig. 3). Grain size
decreases with an increase in Si content (Park et al., 2003; Yu et al., 2009).

Fig. 3. Cross sectional morphology of TiAlSiN coatings with different
Si content (Yu et al., 2009).
Phase size decrease occurred in the nanocomposite coatings to a value of few nanometers,
offered an unique possibility to design smart tribological coatings called chameleon, for
their ability to decrease wear and friction by changing surface chemical composition and
microstructure according to the applied load and environmental changes like a chameleon
changes the colour in case of emergence (Voevodin & Zabinski, 2000).
Nanocomposite coatings make it possible to achieve a combination of several layers with
opposite properties, such as: high hardness, strength, plasticity or low friction coefficient in
the single layer. First chameleon coatings were produced using mixtures of oxides and
disulphides (PbO/MoS
, Sb
, ZnO/WS
), which were applicable in a wide range of
temperatures (Zabinski et al., 1992; Zabinski et al., 1993).
It was the next steep to create the advanced multilayer coatings, where the previously
achieved nanocomposite layers were put together with layers in form of diffusion barrier
and as a result a self adapting surface was achieved, resistant against cyclic temperature
changes. In the following new materials were developed, which are wear resistant, they
were developed as a combination of nanocrystall based carbides (TiC, WC), ceramics (YSZ i
AlON), bisulphites (MoS
i WS
) and amorphous DLC for achieving the nanocomposite
structure of the coating (Voevodin et al., 2001; 2002). An example of chameleon coatings is
the composite coating produced within the W-C-S system, which consist of 12 nm WC and
510 nm WS
grains embedded in the amorphous DLC matrix. The WC/DLC/WS

nanocomposite exhibits self-adaptation to tribological conditions that occur in aerospace

Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology

system. This adaptation was found in crystallization and reorientation of initially
nanocrystalline and randomly oriented WS
grains, graphitization of the initially
amorphous DLC matrix, reversible regulation of the composition of the transfer film
between WS
and graphite with environmental cycling from dry to humid air, and a
possible DLC/WS
synergistic effect, providing friction reduction in oxidizing environments
(Voevodin & Zabinski, 2000).
A scheme of a chameleon coating of the YSZ/Au/DLC/MoS
type as well the
type, where the amorphous matrix and hard nanocrystalline phases (YSZ or
WC) were used for achieving optimal mechanical properties are presented in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Schematic conceptual design of a nanocomposite tribological coating with chameleon-
like surface adaptive behaviour (Voevodin et al., 2005).
Carrying out investigations over nanocomposite coatings it was found, that the creation
mechanisms of such structures have a form of spinodal transformation. During deposition
of nanocomposite coatings using physical vapor deposition methods a spinodal character of
the segregation of the crystallized phase (e.g. TiN) and amorphous (np. Si
) was observed
during production of nanocomposite coating of the nc-TiN/a-Si
type. Such layer is
composed of nanocrystalline TiN structure of 34 nm in diameter, positioned in amorphous
silicon nitride Si
During deposition of nanocomposite coatings in the PVD process the spinodal
decomposition occurs when following conditions are fulfilled (Zhang & Veprek, 2006):
appropriate temperature occurs making possible a complete segregation of phases
during the deposition process of coatings by controlled diffusion;
sufficiently high nitrogen pressure, for achieving of stechiometric nitride phases by a
given coating deposition rate.
Different techniques are available for the preparation of nanocomposite coatings. The most
promising methods are plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (PACVD), thermally-
induced chemical vapour deposition (TCVD), magnetron sputtering, vacuum arc
evaporation, laser ablation and hybrid techniques consisting of a combination of these.
Other techniques, such as ion beam deposition, electrodeposition are also used (Table 1).


Group Sub-group Methods
Physical vapour
deposition (PVD)
Thermal evaporation
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
Electron beam deposition (EB-PVD)
Sputter deposition
Magnetron sputtering
Ion beam sputtering
Arc vapour deposition
Vacuum arc deposition
Filtered arc deposition
Ion implantation Ion beam deposition (IBD)
Chemical vapour
deposition (CVD)

Plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD)
Plasma assistant CVD (PACVD)
Electron cyclotron resonance CVD
Table 1. Main preparation methods for nanocomposite thin films (Zhang et al., 2007).
Uniform deposition for complicated geometries and high deposition rate are the advantages
of the CVD method. However, the main concern for the CVD process is that the precursor
gases, TiCl
, SiCl
or SiH
, may pose problems in deposition because they are a fire hazard
and corrosive. In conventional thermally activated CVD heating provides sufficient high
temperature for the dissociation of gaseous species. In case of TiCl
at low temperatures the
chemical equilibrium is one the side of the chlorides, high temperatures (~1000C) are
needed to shift the equilibrium towards TiN and HCl.
+ 2H
+ 0.5N
TiN + 4HCl (1)
For most applications (e.g. high speed steel, hot work tool steel, etc.) the low deposition
temperature is required to prevent substrate distortion and loss of mechanical properties. It
precludes the use of substrates having melting points or tempering temperature much lower
than the reaction temperature. Plasma assisted CVD exhibit a distinct advantages over
thermal CVD owing to its lower deposition temperature (Koch et al., 2007; Tjong, 2007).
Vacuum arc evaporation technology has high ionization (90 %) but limited material.
Magnetron sputtering is a low temperature technology, which can deposit various
materials, but its ionization is low. In magnetron sputtering process the energetic ion
(several hundred to a few thousand electronovolts) bombardment is used to vaporize the
target. During magnetron sputtering process, the sputtered atoms carry more energy than
the evaporated atoms, therefore sputter-grown films usually have higher density. Moreover,
ion bombardment of the growing film can restrict the grain growth and permit the
formation of nanocrystalline. In arc evaporation process atoms are removed from source by
thermal or electron means. Thermal evaporation has a limitation in multicomponent
materials since one of the metallic elements typically evaporates before the other. The
advantages of deposition of coatings by means of vacuum arc are the high deposition rate
and fully ionized plasma. The disadvantages are the emission of droplets of molten metal
from the cathodic spot and the uncontrolled movement of the cathodic spot over the surface.
Nowadays one of the commonly used coating equipment for large-scale industrial
production is the LARC

Technology (Fig. 5). The most important advantages on the


Technology come from the rotating cathodes and their lateral position. The cathodes
are in permanent rotation; the magnetic field is generated by coils and permanent magnets
controlled both vertically and radially (Cselle et al., 2002; Koch et al., 2007).

Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology


Fig. 5. Coating equipment with the LARC

Technology (Lateral Rotating Arc-Cathodes)

(Cselle et al., 2002).
To enhance the strong points of above mentioned technologies and avoid their weakness the
hybrid deposition techniques are used. Yu and co-workers have used hybrid physical
vapour deposition system, which combine ion plating and sputter plating in order to
modify the properties of coatings, and to enhance controllability of the ion energy and the
manageable coatings component (Yu et al., 2009). Voevodin and co-workers used the pulsed
laser ablation (PLD) of graphite in combination with magnetron sputtering of titanium and
filtered cathodic arc deposition (FCAD) of graphite with magnetron sputtering of titanium
(Fig. 6) in order to prepare the unhydrogenated amorphous diamond-like carbon (DLC) and
fullerene-like carbon nitride (CNx) (Voevodin et al., 2005).

Fig. 6. Schematic of deposition arrangements to produce DLC and CNx coatings by (a)
pulsed laser deposition and (b) filtered cathodic arc deposition. A Ti magnetron was used to
grow a functionally graded TiTiCC interface by either a hybrid of laser ablation and
magnetron sputtering (a) or a hybrid of filtered cathodic arc and magnetron sputtering (b)
(Voevodin et al., 2005).


3. Characterization of nanocomposite films
Film characterization is the inevitable and important step for ensuring of high-quality film
for the intended application. Different characterization techniques can be used to identify
nanocomposite coatings.
3.1 High resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM)
Since nanoscale irregularities have the enormous inuence on bulk behavior, the high
resolution transmission electron microscope has become a powerful and indispensable tool
for characterizing nanostructured materials. HRTEM is a powerful technique due to its high
imaging spatial resolution (~0.1 nm). Using correct operating conditions and well-prepared
samples (specimen materials must be specially prepared to thickness which allow electrons
to be transmitted through), high-resolution image characteristics are interpretable directly in
terms of projections of individual atomic positions. As the wavelength of electrons is much
smaller than that of light, the optimal resolution of transmission electron microscope images
is many orders of magnitude better than that of a light microscope. Imaging with the
HRTEM enables individual atomic columns to be resolved in most inorganic materials,
making it possible to determine the atomic-scale microstructure of lattice defects and other
inhomogeneities. Structural features of interest include planar faults such as grain
boundaries, interfaces and crystallographic shear planes, linear faults such as dislocations
and nanowires, as well as point defects, nanosized particles and local surface morphology.
Additional information can be obtained from high-resolution studies, including unique
insights into the controlling inuence of structural discontinuities on a range of physical and
chemical processes such as phase transformations, oxidation reactions, epitaxial growth and
catalysis (Materials Evaluation and Engineering, Inc., 2010; Smith, 2005).
3.2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Scanning electron microscopy is a very useful technique in the characterization of thin films
and undoubtedly the most widely used of all electron beam instruments. SEM is a method
for high-resolution imaging of surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy provides magnified
images by using electrons instead of light waves (in case of conventional light microscopes).
The advantages of SEM over light microscopy include much higher magnification
(> 1,000,000) and greater depth of field up to 100 times. The resolution of modern scanning
electron microscopes is typically <10 nm (image resolution of about 0.5 nm can be now
achieved in the most recent generation field-emission-gun SEM), so in principle SEM could
be used to measure nanocrystalline grain size. The problem is obtaining the appropriate
surface contrast for grain sizes in the nanoscale regime. To create the SEM image, the
incident electron beam is scanned in a raster pattern across the samples surface. When an
electron beam interacts with a bulk specimen, a variety of signals can be generated. Figure 7
shows the various types of electrons and electromagnetic radiation produced when a high
energy electron beam interacts with a bulk specimen (Liu, 2005).
The popularity of the SEM can be attributed to many factors: the versatility of its various
modes of imaging, the excellent spatial resolution, the very modest regarding sample
preparation, the relatively straightforward interpretation of the acquired images, the
accessibility of associated spectroscopy and diffraction techniques. Most electron
microscopes have extra attachments to allow them to generate and analyse X-rays or
generate and analyse the energy spectra of the secondary emission electrons. These

Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology

attachments create a more powerful tool for the study of qualitative and quantitative
chemical analysis, for example X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron
spectroscopy (AES), energy dispersive X-ray emission (EDX), wavelength dispersive X-ray
emission (WDX), electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) (Smith, 2005).

Fig. 7. Schematic view of the different signals generated after an electron beam interacts
with a bulk specimen (Materials Evaluation and Engineering, Inc., 2010).
3.3 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is the most useful analysis technique used to obtain
chemical information about different elements at sample surfaces. In XPS the sample is
placed in a high vacuum environment and the beam of low-energy X-rays (or electron)
irradiates the sample and produce photo-ionisation. The energy of the ejected
photoelectrons is a function of its binding energy (which is the energy required to remove
the electron from its atom) and is characteristic of the element from which it was emitted.
The equation which describes the energy of the photo-ionisation process is:
=h- E
-W (2)
where E
is binding energy of the electron from a particular energy level, h is the incident
X-ray photon (or electron) energy, E
is the kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectron, W is
the spectrometer work function (Clarke & Eberhardt, 2002).
From the binding energy we can obtain some important information about the samples
(Fig. 8) under investigation: the relative quantity of each element, the elements from which it
is made, the chemical state of the elements present, depth distribution (Zhang, 2007).

Fig. 8. Typical XPS core-level spectra of (a) Si 2p and (b) N 1s from several TiSiN lms
(Jiang et al., 2004).


3.4 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
Auger electron spectroscopy provides information about the chemical composition of the
outermost material comprising a solid surface or interface. The principal advantages of AES
over other surface analysis methods are excellent spatial resolution, surface sensitivity
(~20 ), and detection of light elements (Materials Evaluation and Engineering, Inc., 2010).
Different penetrations and accuracies of selected compositions analysis method presents
Table 2.

limits (at. %)
XPS Li-U 0.11 100 m 1.5 nm
AES Li-U 0.5 10 nm 0.57.5 nm
RBS Li-U 1.0 14 mm 230 nm
EDX Be-U 0.1 0.52.0 m 13 m
Table 2. Composition analysis methods (Zhang, 2007).
3.5 Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a method of chemical analysis, based on inelastic scattering of
monochromatic light, usually from a laser source. Photons of the laser light are absorbed by
the sample and then reemitted. Frequency of the reemitted photons is shifted up or down in
comparison with original monochromatic frequency, which is called the Raman effect. This
shift provides information about vibrational, rotational and other low frequency transitions
in molecules. The sample is illuminated with a laser and scattered light is collected. The
wavelengths and intensities of the scattered light can be used to identify functional groups
in a molecule (Fig. 9) (Xu & Kumar, 2007).

200 400 600 800 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Raman Shift [cm

Fig. 9. Raman spectra of the AlCrSiN/DLC coating.

Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology

3.6 Grain size
In most studies of the grain size of nanocrystalline materials X-ray line-broadening analysis
or direct measurements by transmission electron microscopy are performed. To estimate the
grain size, the well-known Scherrer formula is used by measuring the full width at half
maximum (FWHM) of the XRD diffraction peak:

d (3)
where d is crystallite size, K is the shape factor, is the wavelength of the X-rays , is the
full width at half-maximum XRD peak in radians, and is the position of the peak
The Scherrer equation is limited to nano-scale particles. It is not applicable to grains larger
than about 100 nm. Otherwise, other methods, in particular transmission electron
microscopy, must be used (Koch et al., 2007).
3.7 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Atomic force microscopy has become a powerful tool to detect structural changes at the
nanoscale and the importance of AFM, as characterization technique, is further increasing
with recent developments in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The scope of AFM
applications includes high-resolution examination of surface topography (Fig. 10),
compositional mapping of heterogeneous samples and studies of local mechanical, electric,
magnetic and thermal properties. These measurements can be performed on scales from
hundreds of microns down to nanometers. Areas as large as about 100 m square to less
than 100 nm square can be imaged (Magonov & Yerina, 2005; Roa et al., 2011).

Fig. 10. AFM topography of the CrN/DLC coating.
In conjunction with the atomic force microscopy nanoindenting is performed.
Nanoindenting is a new method to characterize material mechanical properties on a very
small scale. Features less than 100 nm across, as well as thin films less than 5 nm thick, can


be evaluated. Test methods include indentation for comparative and quantitative hardness
determination and scratching for evaluation of wear resistance and thin film adhesion.
Indentation forces ranging from 1 N to 100 mN can be made to measure material hardness
(Materials Evaluation and Engineering, Inc., 2010).
4. Applications of nanocomposite films
Since the introduction in 1993 of nc-Ti
nanocomposite coatings for
machining applications, such as steel turning, drilling and milling (Holubar et al., 2000),
many new nanocomposite coatings have been developed in order to increase the machining
speed, the lifetime of the coated tools and improve the quality of the machined surface.
Due to high hardness and wear resistance nanocomposite coatings show excellent results
even at normal cutting conditions. The high hardness of the nanocomposite coatings can be
maintained at high temperatures. The enormous hardness will be extremely important for
dry cutting and for machining with minimum quantity lubrication.
Modern nanostructured coatings for structural and functional applications, are used mainly
for wear protection of machining tools and for the reduction of friction in sliding parts. The
nanocomposite coatings find increasing number of applications also on tools for forming,
e.g. extrusion, stamping, etc. The demands on the tool material of an extrusion die are high
hardness, creep resistance, yield strength, toughness at elevated temperatures, wear and
corrosion resistance. It should be suitable for surface coatings. Hard coating, such as nc-
, nc-AlTiN/a-Si
deposited by physical vapour deposition on extrusion
dies have been used in order to increase their life time and properties (Fig. 11) (Faga et al.,
2007; Veprek & Veprek-Heijman, 2008).

Fig. 11. The performance of uncoated and coated tool for folding boxes for cigarettes
(Veprek & Veprek-Heijman, 2008).
An important advantage of the nc-TiN/a-Si
, nc-AlTiN/ a-Si
, and nc-AlCrN/ a-Si

nanocomposites coatings is their high thermal stability and high oxidation resistance up to
temperatures of more than 800C (Veprek & Veprek-Heijman, 2008).

Review of Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by PVD and CVD Technology

Nanocomposite coatings can be used for biomedical applications. Implant biomaterials
interact with the body through their surface. Consequently, the properties of the material
surfaces are critically important in determining biocompatibility, biological responses and
bone-implants interface reaction. Surface coatings like traditional amorphous diamond-like
carbon modified by doping with silicon and chromium biocompatible coatings are one of
the ways of improving both the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of implants in
direct contact with the blood (Okpalugo et al., 2007). In orthopaedic and dental implant
application, surface coatings have been used to impart bioactivity to the metal substrates to
enhance and accelerate skeletal fixation.
Nanocomposite coatings are widely used in solar energy conversion and optoelectronic
applications. Nanocomposite thin films or coatings for solar energy conversion should have
a high absorption of solar radiation and low thermal emission at their operating
temperatures. There are many different thin films solar cells system, such as: a-Si:H/a-
SiGe:H/nc-Si:H, a-Si:H/nc-Si:H/nc-Si:H, a-Si:H/nc-Si:H. Other promising thin films solar
cells may include CuInS
, CuInGaSe, CdTe, TiO
, CdS (Yin, 2007). Hydrogenated
amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) or nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) is currently used in thin film
transistor liquid displays (TFT-LCDs).
5. Future trends
The nanocomposite coatings are still at the beginning of their development. Further research
activity in the field of nanocomposite films and coatings should be concentrated on the
following problems (Musil, 2007; Voevodin et al., 2005):
development of films with controlled grains size,
development of new technology system for production of nanocomposite coatings in
new physical and/or chemical conditions,
increased utilization of coatings in many types of applications including those in the
aerospace and automotive industries,
development of protective coatings with oxidation resistance exceeding 2000C,
development of hybrid coatings with nanophase biomaterials for biomedical
nanocrystallisation of amorphous materials,
development and scale-up of deposition processes,
development of high fracture toughness coatings,
development of new advanced coatings with unique physical and functional properties.
6. Summary
The interest, caused by Feynman in the sixties of the last century, in processes occurring in
nanometric scale has resulted in a very dynamical development of investigation projects in
nanotechnology, nanomechanics and nanomaterials. Nanocomposite thin films and coatings
are also the part of these activities.
Nanocomposite thin films and coatings, that characterised with nanocrystalline grains of
transition-metal nitride or carbide embedded in an amorphous phase, are a promising
instrument for improving the characteristics of various functional surfaces and are rapidly
trend of surface engineering. To date, several hard coatings based on nanocomposites


have been successfully developed and commercialized for engineering applications. There
are many possible future applications of nanocomposite thin films and coatings. Further
improvement of the presently available and newly developed nanocomposite coatings
will push the technology towards new horizons. Several techniques, in particular PVD
and CVD are now available for the deposition of nanocomposite films on various kinds of
Despite the big number of scientific investigations in the field of nanocomposite thin films
and coatings, with results published in professional and competent literature, still some lack
and deficiency of verified material knowledge occurs.
7. Acknowledgment
The research was partially financed within the framework of the Polish State Committee for
Scientific Research Project No N N507 550738 headed by Dr Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz.
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Part 3
State-of-the-Art Polymers

Nanocomposite Micro- and Nanoparticles
Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and
Electrospraying Technique
Jeong Hyun Yeum
, Jae Hyeung Park
, Jae Young Choi

Jong Won Kim
, Sung Kyou Han
and Weontae Oh

Department of Advanced Organic Materials Science & Engineering,
Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
R&D Division, Korea Dyeing Technology Center, Daegu,
R&D Division, Taihan Textile Co. Ltd., Daegu,
Department of Materials and Components Engineering, Dong-eui University, Busan,
1. Introduction
Polymer nanocomposite materials have the capacity for producing a synergetic association
with surpassing merit properties which cannot be obtained from the individual
components. Such materials can be obtained by simply mixing required organic and
inorganic components. The introduction of inorganic material into the polymer matrix has
proved to be an effective and low-cost method to improve the performance of the existing
polymer materials (Okamoto et al., 2000; Ramos et al., 2000; Wu et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2000).
It has various applications, such as new biological materials (biosensors and biochips),
biocompatible thin coatings for medical applications, biodegradable scaffolds, drug delivery
system and filter systems (Matsumoto et al., 2005; Okuda et al., 1996; Salata et al., 1997;
Sinha et al., 2004).
The synthesis of polymer nanocomposites can be carried out by many different methods.
For example, in-situ polymerization of monomers inside the galleries of the inorganic host
has been one of the common methods for preparation of nanocomposites. Another
common methods are based on melt intercalation, solventless melt intercalation, using
microwaves, latex-colloid interaction, solvent evaporation, spray drying, shirasu porous
glass membrane emulsification technique and electrospraying, etc. (Berkland et al., 2001;
Ma et al., 1999; Messersmith et al., 1993; Mu et al., 2001; Oriakhi et al., 1995; Rosca et.
al.,2004; Usuki et al., 1993). This article is concerned with fabrication of polymer
nanocomposite particles by in-situ suspension polymerization and electrospraying which
are represented as a traditional and current general method for synthesis of
nanocomposite. The effectiveness of these nanocomposite particles are demonstrated with
a field emission-type scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), a transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), an optical microscope, a reflection type X-ray diffraction (XRD), a

Nanomaterials 166
Fourier transform spectroscopy (FT-IR), a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), a nuclear
magnetic resonance Spectrometer (
H-NMR), and the anti-bacterial performance was also
2. In-Situ suspension polymerization for polymer/silver and
polymer/montmorillonite nanocomposite microparticles
For a long time, quite a range of polymer/inorganic nanocomposites have been investigated
via in-situ suspension polymerization. Using suspension polymerization to prepare
polymer/inorganic nanocomposite particle is interesting in terms of an easy manipulation,
low cost, and controllable particle size. It is well known that a range of variables, such as the
type and amount of initiator and suspending agent, the polymerization temperature, the
monomer to water ratio, and the agitation speed, affect the molecular weight of the polymer
synthesized (Gotoh et al., 2000; Giannetti et al.,1986; Hatchett et al., 1999; Huang et al., 1991;
Lee et al., 2004).
In this section, we are reporting the in-situ synthesis of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc)/silver
(Ag) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/PVAc/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposite
particles using a suspension polymerization technique (Jung et al., 2006; Jung et al., 2007;
Yeum et al., 2005). The effects of MMT and Ag on the morphology, size, conversion rate,
and polymerization time of nanocomposite particles were examined. According to the
inorganic materials and polymerization process, diffrent type of particles such as
spherical, rugged surface and golf ball shape microparticles are successfully prepared.
The X-ray diffraction analysis illustrated that the clay silicate layer are intercalated in the
polymer matrix.
2.1 Experimental
2.1.1 Materials
Vinyl acetate (VAc) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich was washed with an aqueous solution
of NaHSO
and water, and then dried with anhydrous CaCl
followed by distillation
under nitrogen atmosphere at a reduced pressure. The initiator, 2,2-azobis
(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) (ADMVN) (Wako Co.) was recrystallized twice in methanol
before use. PVA with number average molecular weight of 127,000 and degree of
saponification of 88% (Aldrich Co.) was used as a suspending agent. Aqueous Ag
nanoparticles dispersion (AGS-WP001,10 000 ppm) with diameters ca. 1530 nm were
purchased from Miji Tech. Co., Ltd., Korean. Pristine Na-MMT, Kunipia-F from
Kunimine, Japan, was used as received. It consists of exchangeable sodium ions with
cationic exchange capacity of ca. 119 meq/100 g. The average particle size and surface
area of Na-MMT were 1001,000 nm and 750 m
/g, respectively. Polyethylene glycol
dipolyhydroxystearate (Arlacel P135), purchased from Uniquema, and cationic surfactant,
such as cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), obtained from Aldrich, are used as
surfactants in order to disperse the Ag and MMT in polymer matrix, respectively.
Deionized water was used for all of the experiments.
2.1.2 Preparation of PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles
To prepare PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles, a suspension polymerization approach
in the presence of aqueous Ag nanoparticle was used. The polymerization was conducted in
a 250 ml three-neck round bottom flask fitted with a condenser. In a typical run, the
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 167
suspending agent was first dissolved in water under nitrogen atmosphere with constant
stirring. Surfactant was dissolved in VAc monomer. After the surfactant was dissolved, Ag
nanoparticle in water suspension and desired initiator was mixed with VAc monomer under
ultrasonification for 5 min using Bandelin UW 3,100 equipment. The above mixture was
poured into a flask and charged at once at a fixed polymerization temperature. After
prefixed reaction time, the reaction liquor was cooled and kept for more than 24 h to allow
complete sedimentation of PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles. The PVAc/Ag
nanocomposite microparticles were then filtered and washed with warm water to eliminate
residual VAc and suspending agent, and dried under vacuum. Conversion was calculated
by gravimetric method. In the case of calculating of conversion, weight of Ag was ignored
because the total weight of used Ag nanoparticles is less than 0.5% of polymer weight.
Conversions were averages of three measurements. The detailed polymerization conditions
are listed in Table 1.
2.1.3 Preparation of PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles
Suspending agent was dissolved in water under a nitrogen atmosphere with constant
stirring in a 250 ml reactor fitted with a condenser. CTAB was mixed with the MMT in the
monomer phase prior to suspension polymerization. The ADMVN was added at a fixed
polymerization temperature. After predetermined times, the reaction mixture was cooled
and kept for 24 h to allow the precipitation and separation of the PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microparticles. The collected PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles
were further washed with warm water. Conversion was calculated by measuring the weight
of the PVAc/MMT using the average value from three determinations. The detailed
polymerization conditions are listed in Table 1.

Condition PVAc/Ag PVA/PVAc/MMT
Type of initiator ADMVN ADMVN
Type of suspending agent PVA PVA
Initiator concentration
, 510
, 10
mol/mol of VAc
, 510
, 10
mol/mol of VAc
Suspending agent concentration 1.5, 5, 9 g/dl of water 1.5 g/dl of water
VAc/water 0.5 l/l 0.5 l/l
Rpm 500 500
Temperature 30, 40, 50
C 30, 40, 50
Inorganic material concentration 3 wt.% of VAc 1 wt.% of VAc
Surfactant concentration 0, 0.06 wt.% of VAc 0.5 wt.% of VAc
Table 1. Reaction conditions for the suspension polymerization
2.1.4 Heterogeneous saponification of PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite
To prepare PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles, heterogeneous saponification of
PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles was conducted in a flask equipped with a reflux
condenser, a thermocouple, a dropping funnel, and a stirring device. The alkali solution used

Nanomaterials 168
for saponification contains 10 g of sodium hydroxide, 10 g of sodium sulfate, 10 g of methanol
and 100 g of water. The prepared PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles were slowly
added into the alkali solution at 50 C with gentle stirring. The saponification was stopped at
the required time and a PVA shell was formed on the surface of the PVAc/MMT
microparticles. After the required reaction time, the mixture was poured into cold water and
kept for 1 day to allow the precipitation of spherical core/shell PVA/PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microparticles. Finally, the solid saponification product was filtered and
washed several times with water and dried in a vacuum at 40
C for 1 day.
2.1.5 Characterizations
The morphology of nanocomposite microparticles were examined using a SEM(Hitachi S-
570). To obtain the average size and size distribution, five SEM photographs and more
than 200 particles were collected by computer, which linked with the SEM, followed by
statistical analysis of data by computer. FT-IR spectrum of the sample was obtained using
a Perkin-Elmer 1650 that cast on potassium bromide. XRD measurements were performed
at room temperature on a Rigaku (D/Max IIIB) X-ray diffractometer using Ni-filtered
CuK (=1.54 ) radiation. The core/shell structure of PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite
microparticles was examined using an optical microscope (Leica DC 100). The degree of
saponification (DS) of PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles was determined
by the ratio of methyl and methylene proton peaks in the
H-NMR spectrometer (Varian,
Sun Unity 300).
2.2 Results and discussion
2.2.1 PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles Suspension polymerization behaviour
Figure 1(a,b,c) presents the conversion-time relationship at different polymerization
temperatures with initiator concentration at 10
mol/mol of VAc. Generally speaking, the
reaction conversion increased with increasing polymerization temperature, regardless of the
presence of Ag nanoparticles. Although a low initiator concentration (10
mol/mol of
VAc)was used, the conversion increased steadily with the reaction time at a reaction
temperature of 30
C until ca. 95% of conversion was arrived. In contrary, such a high
conversion is impossible in the bulk polymerization of PVAc. The high molecular weight
and high conversion obtained suggest that the chain transfer and termination reactions were
not significant at the conditions used in this study. As the slope of the curve on the
conversion-time plot represents the polymerization rate, the bigger the slope (steeper), the
higher the polymerization rate. As can be seen from Figure 1, the introduction of
unmodified silver nanoparticles into the system slightly decreased the polymerization rate,
in comparison with the absence of them. Otherwise, the rates of polymerization with
modified silver nanoparticles are slightly higher than these without silver nanoparticles. The
actual reason for the increase in the polymerization rate when the silver nanoparticles were
dispersed in the water phase, but the decrease in the polymerization rate when the silver
nanoparticles were dispersed in monomer phase is not clear and more work is needed(Lee
et al., 2008; Yeum et al., 2005; Yeum et al., 2005). As shown in Figure 1(d.e.f), the
polymerization rate, at a reaction temperature of 30
C, increased with increasing initiator
concentration, in accordance with theoretical prediction (Odian, 1981).
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 169

Fig. 1. Conversion vs. polymerization time (a,b,c) at different polymerization temperatures
with [ADMVN]=10
mol/mol of VAc and (d,e,f) at different [ADMVN] with reaction
temperature at 30
C. (suspending agent concentration: 1.5 g/dl of water) Morphology and structure property
SEM photographs of (a) pure PVAc microparticles, (b) PVAc/Ag nanocomposite
microparticles without surfactant and (c) PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles with
surfactant suspension-polymerized with a suspending agent concentration of 5.0 g/dl of
water are presented in Figure 2, respectively. It is surprising that three different appearances
of microparticles, one with smooth surface, and another with rugged surface and the other
with golf ball shape were observed. From the SEM observation, it is estimated that ca. 10
20% of particles when polymerized without surfactant are rugged surface. We believe this
phenomenon must be related to the aggregation of Ag nanoparticles during the
polymerization. It should be noted that the Ag nanoparticles used in this study are in an
aqueous suspension form, so the Ag nanoparticles are relatively hydrophilic. For this
reason, the Ag particles aggregate to small clusters when they are encapsulated in polymer
phase. If these aggregated silver particles stay on the surface of the polymer microparticles,
rugged microparticles may be obtained. On the other hand, PVAc/Ag nanocomposite
microparticles which were polymerized with modified Ag nanoparticles have golf ball
shape. Because of the low hydrophilelyophile balance number of Arlacel P135, the surface
of the Ag nanoparticles was converted from hydrophilic to hydrophobic by the adsorption
of Arlacel P135, which resulted in a good dispersion of the Ag nanoparticles in
monomerdroplets and polymer matrix. The detailed mechanism, such as why PVAc/Ag
nanocomposite microparticles have different appearances according to surfactant, is shown
in Figure 3. But the reason why only about 1020% of the microspheres are in rugged
surface, is not clear. Further work in this area definitely is needed.

Nanomaterials 170

Fig. 2. SEM images of (a) pure PVAc microparticles, (b) PVAc/Ag nanocomposite
microparticles without surfactant and (c) PVAc/Ag nanocomposite micropartices with
surfactant (ADMVN concentration of 10
mol/mol of VAc, suspending agent concentration
of 5.0 g/dl of water)

Fig. 3. Schematics of suspension polymerization of PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles
(a) without surfactant and (b) with surfactant
The PVAc microparticles and PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles with modified silver
nanoparticle contents of 3 wt% were characterized by XRD, and the results are shown in
Figure 4. The XRD pattern of PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles shows diffraction
peaks at 2 of ca. 15, 22.7, 38.2, 44.6, and 52, respectively. Except the diffraction peaks of
PVAc(15, 22.7), all the other peaks are corresponding to the silver phase. The XRD pattern
clearly indicates that PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles were successfully prepared
with modified silver nanoparticles. These peaks are corresponding to the (111) and (200)
planes of the silver nanocrystals with cubic symmetry (Dong et al., 2002). XRD results
indicate that modified Ag nanoparticles are well dispersed in the PVAc matrix.
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 171

Fig. 4. XRD patterns of (a) pure PVAc and (b) PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles with
2.2.2 PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles Suspension polymerization behavior
Figure 5(a) presents the conversion of the polymerization as a function of reaction time in
the presence of MMT. The initiator concentration used in these reactions is 10
mol/mol of
VAc. The results indicate that the rate of the polymerization decreased with increasing
MMT addition. The reduction in the polymerization rate is probably due to the reduction of
the diffusion rate of both monomer molecules and polymer chains in the intergalleries of
nanoclay particles. For the polymerization without MMT, Figure 5(a) indicates that the
conversion of the polymerization continually increased up to ~40 h, and reached a
conversion of ~90% in spite of the low polymerization temperature (30
C), which suggests
that ADMVN is an effective initiator for low-temperature polymerization.

Fig. 5. Conversions of VAc into PVAc/MMT suspension polymerized using ADMVN
concentration of 0.0001 mol/mol of VAc (a) with different MMT contents, (b) with different
polymerization temperatures, and (c) suspension polymerized using 30
C with different
initiator concentrations with polymerization time, respectively

Nanomaterials 172
In a free radical polymerization, the rate of polymerization(R
) could be expressed by Eq. (1)
= K
where f is the initiator efficiency; [M] and [I] are the concentrations of monomer and
initiator; and k
, k
, and k
are the rate constants of initiator decomposition, polymer
propagation, and termination, respectively (Odian, 1981). This expression predicts that the
rate of polymerization increases as the efficiency and concentration of the initiator are
increased. The reduction in the polymerization rate in the presence of MMT suggests that
either the efficiency of the initiator, f, or the propagation rate constant, k
, were decreased
when MMT was added into the suspension polymerization system. We believe the
reduction of the diffusion rate in the nanoclay intergallerries may reduce both f and k
in Eq.
1. It has been known that ADMVN is an effective low temperature initiator (the 10h half-life
decomposition temperature of ADMVN is 51
C) for preparing highmolecular-weight
polymer with high yield. In this study, ADMVN was used for preparing PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microspheres at room temperature. Figure 5(b) presents the conversion-time
relationship for the reactions carried at different temperatures with a constant initiator
concentration. Although a low initiator concentration (10
mol/mol of VAc) and low
reaction temperatures were employed, the conversion increased steadily up to 85-95%,
depending on the MMT content in the system. The effect of initiator concentration on the
polymerization rate is shown in Figure 5(c). It can be seen that the polymerization rate, at a
reaction temperature of 30
C, increased with the increasing initiator concentrations, in
accordance with theoretical prediction (Odian, 1981). Morphology and structure property
SEM photographs of pure PVAc and PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microspheres with 1 wt.%
MMT contents are presented in Figure 6. As expected, the surface of pure PVAc
microparticles shown in Figure 6(a) is smooth. Figure 6(b) shows that the roughness of the
microsphere surface is increased by adding the MMT. To further study the distribution of
MMT particles in the PVAc microspheres, the fracture surfaces of the PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microparticles were investigated. Although it is not shown here, MMT
particles were embedded inside the composite microspheres, which indicate that
PVAc/MMT microspheres could be prepared by in-situ suspension polymerization.

Fig. 6. SEM images of (a) pure PVAc microparticles and (b) PVAc/MMT nanocomposite
microparticles with MMT concentration of 1 wt.%
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 173
The detail structure of the clay nanocomposites has been established using XRD analysis.
Figure 7 shows the XRD patterns of the PVAc, MMT, and PVAc/MMT with MMT content of
1 wt.%. The MMT shows a diffraction pattern peak at 2 =7.2
, which corresponds to the
average basal spacing (d-spacing) of 12.3 . In the PVAc/MMT nanocomposite
microparticles, the peak moved to a lower angle, i.e., 2 =2.7
. The basal spacing increased
from 12.3 to 32.6 . This spacing indicates that long alkyl (cetyltrimethyl) ammonium ions
were inserted into the gallery of MMT; as a result, an intercalated structure formed. The
inserted long alkyl chains caused the hydrophilic nature of the clay to decrease, and this
effect improved the dispersion of silicates in the polymer matrix.

Fig. 7. XRD patterns of (a) pure PVAc microparticles, (b) pure MMT, and (c) PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microparticles with MMT concentration of 1 wt.% Heterogeneous saponification of PVAc/MMT microparticles
The PVA obtained by the saponification of poly(vinyl ester) is a linear semicrystalline
polymer and has been widely used as fibers for textile industries, films, membranes, and
drug delivery systems. In this study, the PVA/MMT nanocomposite microspheres were
prepared by a simple heterogeneous saponification method. To preserve the spherical
shapes of PVAc/MMT nanocomposite particles, the saponificaion was carried out by
disperse PVAc/MMT nanocomposite particles in alkali aqueous solution with very gentle
agitation. The effect of MMT on the PVAc saponification rate was recorded by optical
microscope observation. In this study, the heterogeneous saponifications of pure PVAc and
PVAc/MMT microspheres were conducted under the same conditions. Degree of
saponification (DS) is defined by the volume ratio of PVAc/PVA.
Figure 8 shows the optical micrographs of PVAc/PVA (Figure 8a,b) and PVA/PVAc/MMT
(Fig. 8. c,d) nanocomposite microspheres prepared by heterogeneous saponification at
different reaction times. As shown in Figure 8c,d, partially saponified nanocomposite
microparticles (MMT content of 1 wt.%, degrees of saponification are 18.2 and 51.3%,
respectively) with a PVAc core and PVA shell structure could be obtained by controlling the
saponification degrees. It can be seen that the MMT presented in the PVAc microparticles

Nanomaterials 174
significantly increase the DS of PVAc. It is well known that MMT is high swollable in
alkaline solution, which results in a faster diffusion of base molecules into the PVAc
particles to accelerate the saponification rate of the PVAc microparticles. Figure 9 shows the
effect of MMT contents on the DS of PVAc microparticles, which indicates that the
saponification rate increased remarkably with increasing MMT addition.

Fig. 8. Optical micrographs of (a,b) PVAc/PVA nanocomposite microparticles and (c, d)
PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles with MMT concentration of 1 wt.%. The
saponification times and DS values were (a) 2 h and 14.7%, (b) 4 h and 17.5%, (c) 2 h and
18.2%, and (d) 4 h and 51.3%

Fig. 9. Effect of MMT contents on the DS of PVAc/PVA microparticles with saponification
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 175
The structures of the PVAc/MMT and PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles
were analyzed by using FT-IR spectroscopy. Figure 10 shows the FT-IR spectra for (A) pure
MMT, pure PVAc microspheres, PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles with MMT
content of 1 wt.%, and (B) saponified PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles. It is
well known that pure MMT shows three strong peaks at 455, 520, and 1045 cm
. These
peaks are associated with the bending mode of Si-O, the stretching vibration of Al-O, and
the stretching vibration of Si-O, respectively. One can easily see peaks of both PVAc and
MMT component in the spectrum of PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles. It should
be noted that MMT incorporated polymer particles could be prepared by the in situ
suspension polymerization of VAc in the presence of organophilic MMT nanoparticles.
From the generation of the -OH stretching vibration in the region of 3000-3600 cm
after the
saponification process Figure 10(B), it is obvious that the surfaces of the PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microparticles were saponified with the hydroxyl groups.

Fig. 10. FT-IR spectra of (A) pure MMT, pure PVAc microparticles, PVAc/MMT
nanocomposite microparticles and (B) PVAc/MMT, PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite
microparticles (MMT concentration of 1 wt.%)
3. Fabrication and characterization of several types of polymer
nanocomposite particles by one step electrospraying technique
The great advantage offered by electrospraying than other commonly used are simplicity
and possibility for continuous one step process. The principle of electrospraying is same as
electrospinning. High voltage is applied to a polymer fluid such that charges are induced
within the fluid. When charges within the fluid reached a critical amount, a fluid jet will
erupt from the droplet at the tip of the needle resulting in the formation of a Taylor cone.
The electrospraying jet will travel towards the region of lower potential, which in most
cases, is a grounded collector. The most important variable distinguishing electrospraying
and electrospinning is solution parameter such as polymer molecular weight, concentration
and viscosity, etc..
The major purpose of this section is to design an optimum solution parameter for
electrospraying system and evaluate inorganic material effects such as antibacterial
performance and thermal properties. PVA, PVA/MMT, PVA/Ag, and PVA/MMT/Ag

Nanomaterials 176
nanocomposite nanoparticles which have an average diameter about 350 nm are
successfully fabricated by one step electrospraying process in aqueous solution (Park et al.,
2011; Park et al., 2011). In order to investigate the effect of MMT and Ag on the morphology,
size, physical properties and anti-bacterial efficacy of composites, experiments were
performed varying MMT and Ag concentrations. Transmission electron microscopy and
reflection type X-ray diffraction analysis shows MMT and Ag were well dispersed in PVA
nanoparticles. Those inorganic nanoparticles simultaneously enhanced thermal properties
and anti-bacterial performance of the composite materials. The results obtained in this study
may help to fabricate nanocomposite nanoparticle by one step process that can be utilized in
biomedical application such as drug delivery system and functional nanoparticle for
diagnosis and treatment.
3.1 Experimental
3.1.1 Materials
PVA with P
= 500 (low-molecular-weight LMW) and 1700 (medium-molecular-weight,
MMW) [fully hydrolyzed, degree of saponification = 99.9%] was obtained from DC
Chemical Co., Seoul, Korea and MMT was purchased from Kunimine Industries Co., Japan.
Aqueous silver nanoparticle dispersion (AGS-WP001, 10,000 ppm) with diameters ca.15-30
nm was got from Miji Tech., Korea. Doubly distilled water was used as a solvent to prepare
all solutions.
3.1.2 Preparation of electrospraying solution
At first, 5 wt.% MMT powder was dispersed in distilled water under magnetic stirring for 1
h at room temperature. After making MMT dispersion, various concentrations of both LMW
and MMW type of PVA were added in that solution. The solution was heated in a water
bath at 80
C under magnetic stirring for 2 h followed by cooling to room temperature. The
PVA/MMT/Ag solution was made ready by mixing of PVA/MMT solution and Ag
nanoparticles dispersion with different concentrations of Ag (1 and 3 wt.%) by stirring for
more 2h at room temperature. The content of 5 wt.% of MMT in PVA nanocomposite
nanofiber revealed best properties in our previous report (Ji et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2009; Park
et al., 2009) which was predominant reason for using same concentration of MMT in this

Type of nanoparticles
2.5, 5, 7.5,
10 wt.%
2.5, 5, 7.5,
10 wt.%
2.5 wt.% of
2.5 wt.% of
2.5 wt.% of

- - 5 wt.% - 5 wt.%
Ag concentration
- - - 1, 3 wt.% 1, 3 wt.%
Voltage 15 kV
Tip collector
15 cm
* based on polymer concentration
Table 2. Electrospraying condition of PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 177
3.1.3 Electrospraying
During electrospraying, a high voltage power (CHUNGPA EMT Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea;
model CPS-60K02VIT) was applied to the electrospraying solution contained in a syringe via
an alligator clip attached to the syringe needle. The applied voltage was adjusted at 15 kV.
The solution was delivered to the blunt needle tip via syringe pump to control the solution
flow rate. When a high electric field is applied to the solution in the syringe, droplets form at
the nozzle tip in the form of a cone called Taylor cone. Eventually electrical forces overcome
the surface tension of the solution, and a straight jet ejects from the apex of the cone. This jet
breaks up into particles while traveling towards a grounded collector placed at 15 cm
vertical distance to the needle tip due to inherent instabilities generated by the electric field.
Particles were collected on an electrically grounded aluminum foil placed at 15 cm vertical
distance to the needle tip.
3.1.4 Preservation test
The preservation efficacy of the nanocomposite nanoparticles was tested to evaluate the
antimicrobial property. Samples were prepared by dispersing the nanoparticles in a viscous
aqueous solution containing 0.01 wt.% of neutralized polyacrylic acid (Carbopol 941,
Noveon Inc.). A mixed culture of microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC6538), and
Escherichia coli (ATCC25922) were obtained on tryptone soya broth after 24h incubation at
C. Then, 20 g of samples were inoculated with 0.2 g of the microorganism suspensions to
adjust the initial concentration of bacteria to 107 cfu/g. Then, the inoculants were mixed
homogeneously with the samples and stored at 32
C. The microbial counts were carried out
using the pour plate count method.
3.1.5 Characterizations
The morphology and structure of nanocomposite nanoparticles were observed with FE-SEM
after gold coating and TEM analysis. XRD was used the Cu K radiation with wavelength of
0.154 nm. The scanning rate was 2
/min ranging 2 to 50
(2). The thermal behavior of
nanocomposite nanoparticles was studied with TGA techniques (model Q-50) from TA
instruments, USA at the rate of 10 C/min from room temperature to 600 C under the
nitrogen gas atmosphere. The antibacterial performance was investigated to examine the
biological function of PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles by KSM 0146 (Shake
flask method) using Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
3.2 Results and discussion
3.2.1 Effect of molecular weight and concentration
The nanoparticle formation conditions are strictly dependent on the polymer molecular
weight and concentration. Nanoparticles could be obtained when either the molecular
weight of the polymer and concentration of the polymer solution were too low and when it
was used as the precursor in the electrospraying process. To the contrary, cone jet of
polymer solution with sufficient resistance to shear stress will not break up to form them
after solvent evaporation by a process called electrospinning (Li et al., 2004). Also, it must be
considered that, when working in the electrospraying, the usual shape of the forming
spherical particles is due to the physical properties of the system (Rayleigh et al., 1882).
To obtain the nanoparticles, a series of experiments with different solution concentrations of
LMW-PVA (2.5 to 15 wt %) were conducted, and the results are presented in Figures 11 and
12. From Figures 11 and 12, it is clearly evident that nanoparticles are formed in case of

Nanomaterials 178
2.5 wt. % of LMW-PVA concentration. Polymer concentration above 2.5 wt. %, particles
exhibit a spindle shape with one or two tail and fibrous shape. The polymers with higher
molecular weight tended to attain a highly elongated shape like fibrous structure easily than
low molecular weight polymer.

Fig. 11. FE-SEM images of LMW-PVA nanostructure syntheses by using different
concentration of (a) 2.5 wt.%, (b) 5 wt.%, (c) 10 wt.% and (d) 15 wt.% (TCD= 15 cm and
applied voltage= 15 kV; inset: high magnification morphologies of related images)

Fig. 12. TEM images of LMW-PVA/Ag nanostructure syntheses by using different
concentration of PVA (a) 2.5 wt.%, (b) 5 wt.%, (c) 7.5 wt.% and (d) 15 wt.% (TCD= 15 cm and
applied voltage= 15 kV and Ag concentration= 1 wt.%)
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 179
It is suggested that increasing entanglement of polymer chains caused highly by molecular
weight and polymer concentration that contribute to the formation of the fibrous structure.
Actually, MMW-PVA formed not only nanoparticle but also just bring forth spindle like
shape at low concentration. On the contrary, in case of LMW-PVA, spherical nanoparticles
were formed at 2.5 wt.% of polymer concentration. Another concentration of LMW-PVA
showed more beaded morphology than MMW-PVA due to the low molecular weight and
low viscosity of the spraying solution. The reason for different shape at each concentration is
the Raleigh forces, which assist in particle formation, are able to overcome the viscous forces
to enable the formation of spherical particles (Shin et al., 2001). Particles, which are obtained
from PVA concentration above 2.5 wt.%, exhibit a spindle shape with one or two tail and
fiber shape.
3.2.2 Morphology and structure
Successful formation of the PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles are illustrated by
TEM images (Figure 13). The pure polymer nanoparticles were generally spherical with
smooth surfaces at 2.5 wt.% concentration of LMW-PVA. The mean size of nanoparticles
varied between 300 to 450 nm depending on the process parameter. When MMT clay was
added, the nanoparticle morphology and shape are dramatically changed from sphere to
rugged particle. TEM images support that the coexistence of Ag nanoparticles and PVA matrix
for LMW-PVA/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles. Small dark dots indicate the Ag
nanoparticles which are seen from TEM images in nanocomposite nanoparticles. Due to the
strong interactions between polymer and metal, Ag nanoparticles are well embedded in the
PVA matrix. Also, it can be clearly observed that each silicate platelet forms a dark line in the

Fig. 13. TEM images of (a) PVA nanoparticles, (b) PVA/Ag 1wt.%, (c) PVA/Ag 3wt.%, (d)
PVA/MMT (e) PVA/MMT/Ag 1wt.%, and (f) PVA/MMT/Ag 3wt.% nanocomposite
nanoparticles (LMW-PVA solution concentration= 2.5 wt.%, MMT concentration= 5 wt.%,
TCD= 15 cm and applied voltage= 15 kV)

Nanomaterials 180
nanoparticle compare with the pure PVA spherical nanoparticle. The size of the dark line is
about 13 nm in width and 100200 nm in length, and it indicated the good dispersion and
exfoliation of MMT layers in the nanoparticle. Well-dispersed Ag and MMT were shown in
Figure 13 from where we can see Ag and MMT were dispersed inside the polymer matrix
without agglomeration. TEM results reveal that the MMT and Ag are distributed uniformly
in the PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles.
The XRD patterns of nanocomposite nanoparticles show three diffraction peaks at 2 of ca.
, 38.2
and 44.6
(Figure 14). The pure PVA shows a significant crystalline peak at about
, which is because of the occurrence of string inter- and intramolecular hydrogen
bonding (Figure 14a). In case of clay-polymer composite, unexfoliated or intercalated MMT
usually shows a peak in the range 3~9
(2). In exfoliated nanocomposites, generally single
silicate layers (1-3 nm thick) are homogeneously dispersed in the polymer matrix, and XRD
pattern with no distinct diffraction peak in the range of 3~9
(2) could be observed. The
peaks of silver particles become gradually enlarged with increasing the content of Ag
nanoparticles and crystallinity of PVA/MMT (2 =19.3
) is lower in comparison with Figure
14(a) and (b). These peaks are corresponding to the (111) and (200) planes of the silver
nanocrystals with cubic symmetry. XRD results indicate that MMT and Ag particles are well
dispersed in the PVA matrix and MMT is predominantly exfoliated. Moreover, TEM images
confirm MMT and Ag nanoparticles in the PVA/MMT/Ag hybrid nanoparticles (Figure 13).

Fig. 14. XRD data of (a) PVA nanoparticles, (b) PVA/MMT nanocomposite nanoparticles,
and PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles prepared with different Ag contents of
(c) 1 wt.%, (d) 3 wt.% (LMW-PVA solution concentration= 2.5%, MMT concentration= 5
3.2.3 Thermal stability
Thermal stability of nanocomposite nanoparticles was measured using TGA in nitrogen
atmosphere. The actual decomposition temperature depends on the structure, molecular
weight and conformation of the polymer. Typical three weight loss peaks were observed in
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 181
the TGA curve for bulk PVA. The first peak at 50-70
C was due to its moisture vaporization,
the second peak at 260-380
C was due to the thermal degradation of PVA, and the third
peak at 430-460
C was due to the byproduct formation of PVA during the TGA thermal
degradation process. Figure 15 shows TGA thermograms of different decomposition
temperature with Ag contents of 0, 1 and 3 wt.%. Within up to 225
C, there is an increased
in thermal stability from the pure LMW-PVA nanoparticle to PVA/MMT/Ag
nanocomposite nanoparticles. The higher thermal stability might be attributed due to its
higher contents of Ag nanoparticles in the PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles.

Fig. 15. TGA data of (a) LMW-PVA nanoparticle, (b) PVA/MMT nanocomposite
nanoparticles, and PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles prepared with different
Ag contents of (c) 1 wt.%, (d) 3 wt.% (LMW-PVA solution concentration= 2.5%, MMT
concentration= 5 wt.%)
3.2.4 Anti-bacterial efficacy
Ag nanoparticles have been known to have strong inhibitory and antibacterial effects as
well as a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities (Dowling et al., 2001). In this study, in
order to provide useful information for the biological function of PVA/MMT/Ag
nanocomposite nanoparticles, the anti-bacterial performance of PVA/MMT/Ag
nanocomposite nanoparticles were evaluated in viscous aqueous test samples and shown
in Figure 16. The antibacterial activity of PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticle is
assessed by counting the number of bacteria in the sample with the storage time at 32
As shown in Figure 16, in the absence of Ag nanoparticles, the number of bacteria
remained constant. However, after adding Ag nanoparticles into the nanoparticles, all of
bacteria decreased dramatically.
The increase in the concentration of the Ag accelerates diminishing in bacteria. With only a
small amount of Ag, almost all the initially inoculated bacteria could be sterilized within a

Nanomaterials 182

Fig. 16. Antibacterial ability test with Staphylococcus aureus (a) control and PVA/MMT/Ag
hybrid nanoparticles containing with different Ag amounts of (b) 0 wt. %, (c) 1 wt.%, and (d)
3 wt.% (after 1week)
3.2.5 Application of polymer/natural extracts nanoparticles for childrens products
Based on the above results, we prepared polymer/natural colorant nanoparticles for using
childrens products. Excellent antibacterial ability of the PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite
nanoparticles has been proven, so polymer nanocomposite nanoparticles containing natural
colorant, Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, extracted from sorghum, has advantage of safety for
using childrens products over existing compound materials. Figure 17 is chemical structure
of Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and Figure 18 shows TEM image of prepared polymer
nanocomposite nanoparticles containing Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside.

Fig. 17. Chemical structure of Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside

Fig. 18. TEM image of polymer/Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside nanoparticle
Polymer/Montmorillonite/Silver Nanocomposite
Micro- and Nanoparticles Prepared by In-Situ Polymerization and Electrospraying Technique 183
4. Conclusion
In this work, PVAc/Ag and PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles were
prepared by low temperature in-situ suspension polymerization of VAc in the presence of
Ag and MMT and PVA/MMT, PVA/MMT/Ag nanocomposite nanoparticles are
successfully fabricated from aqueous solutions by one step electrospraying technique. The
morphology of PVAc/Ag nanocomposite microparticles was influenced by surfactant. By a
heterogeneous saponification method, PVA/PVAc/MMT nanocomposite microparticles
with core/shell structure could be prepared. Morphology of nanocomposite nanoparticles
prepared by electrospraying technique can be affected by the molecular weight of polymer
and concentration of polymer solution. The thermal properties of prepared nanocomposite
micro- and nanoparticles enhanced with the addition of MMT and Ag. Moreover, it has
good anti-bacterial performance. The results obtained in this study may help to fabricate
various type of nanocomposite micro- and nanoparticle by in-situ polymerization and one
step process that can be utilized in not only biomedical application such as drug delivery
system and functional nanoparticle for diagnosis and treatment, but bioaffinity materials
like children and food industries.
5. Acknowledgements
This research was financially supported in part by grants from the Agenda Program
(PJ0073852010) of National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration
(RDA), Korea. Also, this research was partially supported by a grant(70011324) from Daegu
Technology Development Program of the Daegu Regional Government.
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Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels
Esther G. Calvo, J. ngel Menndez and Ana Arenillas
Instituto Nacional del Carbn (CSIC), Oviedo,
1. Introduction
Until the discovery of carbon gels in 1890, inorganic gels had dominated sol-gel literature.
Traditional inorganic gels based upon hydrolysis-condensation reactions of metal alkoxides
are well known as a result of their high specific surface areas and their unique
morphological and structural properties (De Sousa et al., 2001). Some of the precursors used
for the preparation of such inorganic gels are aluminates, titanates and borates but the most
frequently employed alkoxides are alkoxysilanes, leading to the extensively investigated
silica gels (Mauritz, 1998; Zareba-Grodz et al., 2004). The reaction mechanism of silica gels is
based on the hydrolysis of alkoxysilanes to yield silicic acid moities, Si(OH)
, which
spontaneously condensate to generate, after a sequence of specific stages, the final silica gel
consisting of siloxane groups (Si-O-Si) within its framework and silanol groups (Si-OH) on
its surface (Salazar-Hernndez et al., 2009). Some of the attractive features of silica gels are:
the tailored textural and structural properties, abundance and low cost, high sorption
capacity, very high thermal shock resistance, insolubility in most solvents and lower index
of refraction compared to other inorganic gels. It is for these reasons that they are used in a
wide range of industrial applications including catalysis, chromatography, drug delivery
and ion exchange (Qu et al., 2008; Teng et al., 2010).
It was the great interest aroused by inorganic gels, especially in the case of silica gels, in
different fields of application together with the advantages associated with sol-gel methods,
i.e. low temperature processing, the high homogeneity of final products and the possibility
of controlling their surface properties (Houmard et al., 2009), that persuaded Pekala and co-
workers to go an step further and apply this sol-gel methodology to the synthesis of organic
gels (Pekala, 1989). The first organic gel was obtained by sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol
and formaldehyde under alkaline conditions and supercritical drying. This produced a
material called organic aerogel, consisting of interconnected colloidal particles
approximately 10 nm in diameter. Properties such as low density, highly porous material
and high versatility of the sol-gel process turned the carbon gel into a prominent member of
the carbon family.
Basically, an organic gel is a solid nanostructure comprised of nano-sized pores and
interlinked primary particles obtained by means of polymerization reactions between
hydroxylated benzenes and aldehydes, and then subjected to a drying process. The most
commonly used monomers are resorcinol and formaldehyde (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003;
Czzakel et al., 2005; Job et al., 2004; Tian et al., 2011a; Zhang et al., 2007; Zhu et al., 2007;
Zubizarreta et al., 2008a) but, there are other potential combinations such as
phenol/formaldehyde (Mukai et al., 2005a; Scherdel & Reichenauer, 2009; Teng & Wang,


2000), phenol/furfural (Dingcai & Ruowen, 2006; Long et al., 2008a; Pekala et al., 1995),
phenol/melamine/formaldehyde (Long et al., 2008b), cresol/formaldehyde (Li et al., 2001;
Zhu et al., 2006), etc. As shown in Figure 1, the formation of organic gels involves the
following stages: (i) formation of a three-dimensional polymer in a solvent, known as gelation
step, (ii) curing period where the crosslinking of previously formed polymer clusters
(particles) takes place and, finally, (iii) drying step, that can be performed under subcritical,
supercritical or freezing conditions, resulting in xerogels, aerogels and cryogels, respectively
(Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Czzakel et al., 2005; Job et al., 2004; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a). The
last step needed to produce carbon gels is carbonization, with the purpose of removing any
remaining oxygen and hydrogen groups, yielding a thermally stable nanostructure mainly
composed of carbon. This carbonization is usually performed at high temperatures
(approximately 600-1000 C) under an inert atmosphere, such as N
, He or Ar (Al-Mutasheb &
Ritter, 2003; Calvo et al., 2011a; Lin & Ritter, 2000; Job et al., 2004). However, as will be
discussed in Section 2.2 of this chapter, it is possible to use other reactive gases in order to
modify the chemical composition of carbon gels (Kang et al., 2009).

Gelation Curing

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the steps involved in the synthesis of organic gels.
All the synthesis steps, referred to in the preceding paragraph, interfere in the development
of the porosity of carbon gels. This gives an idea not only of the versatility of this type of
carbonaceous materials but also of their complexity, since most of variables involved in the
synthesis procedure are not independent, i.e. each one influences not only in certain
properties of the gel but may also modify the effect of other variables (Job et al., 2006; Quin
& Guo, 2001). The most important parameters that affect the properties of carbon gels are
the pH of the precursor solution and the nature and concentration of the reactants, since
variations in these parameters cause significant changes in the final porous properties of the
carbon gel, making it possible to go from a totally non-porous material to a very highly
porous carbon gel by only modifying one of these parameters. However, there are also other
variables to consider such as temperature and time of gelation and curing stages, the nature
of the solvent and addition of surfactants during the drying step, as these also have an
important influence on the development of different properties of carbon gels (Al-Mutasheb
& Ritter, 2003; Job et al., 2007a; Kraiwattanawong et al., 2011; Matos et al., 2006; Tian et al.,
2011b). In so far as the carbonization step is concerned, there are several parameters that

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

have a notable impact on the final characteristics of carbon gels, these include the
carbonization temperature and time or the nature and flow rate of the carrier gas (Al-
Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Lin & Ritter, 2000; Tamon et al., 1998).
The increasing popularity of carbon gels is largely due to their unique and controllable
physicochemical properties such as their specific surface areas ranging from about 500 to
1200 m
, high pore volumes, low density, excellent electrical conductivity, high purity
and the possibility of synthesizing them in the form of monoliths, powders, microspheres or
thin films, with high packing densities (some of these shapes are shown in Figure 2) (Al-
Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Jurez-Prez et al., 2010; Mahata et al., 2008). The combination of
these properties makes carbon gels the perfect candidates for diverse applications such as
supercapacitors, fuel cells, desalination systems, catalyst supports, liquid and gas-phase
adsorbents, etc. (Calvo et al., 2008; Frackowiak & Bguin, 2001; Moreno-Castilla et al., 2005;
Zheivot et al., 2010; Zubizarreta et al., 2010). However, despite the large number of
advantages associated with carbon gels, there are still some applications where it is
preferable to use activated carbons as a result of their low production costs. The method of
synthesis of carbon gels is the main hindrance to their implantation at industrial scale
because with conventional methods, where gelation, curing and drying stages are
performed in conventional furnaces, several days are required to produce the final
materials. Of the three stages involved in the synthesis of organic gels, drying is the most
expensive. This is due to, except in the case of subcritical drying, under supercritical and
freezing conditions, it is necessary to perform solvent exchanges, which requires several
days, and in the most extreme conditions of drying entails a substantial increase in
production costs (Liu et al., 2006; Tamon et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2007). Consequently, the
research in this field is being addressed to the development of faster and cheaper methods
of synthesizing carbon gels in order to make them more attractive and competitive than the
activated carbons used until now (Calvo et al., 2008, 2011; Conceio et al., 2009; Tonamon et
al., 2006; Zubizarreta et al., 2008b). Some of these works are based on the use of different
types of electromagnetic radiation as a heating source for one or several stages of the
synthesis process. As will be explained in more detail in Section 2.4, microwave and
ultrasonic radiation are the most widely investigated of the new synthesis techniques, being
the results very promising not only because they meet the target of lower production times
and costs but also they produce carbon gels with properties similar to those obtained using
more established methods (Calvo et al., 2008, 2011; Zubizarreta et al., 2008b).

Fig. 2. Carbon xerogels presented in different shapes.


To increase the porosity of carbon gels or to enrich their chemical structure, carbon gels can be
subjected to various activation, oxidation and doping processes. Activation processes can be
performed during or after the carbonization step and the properties of the final carbonaceous
material will be greatly influenced by the sequence used. The purpose of activation is to
increase the surface area and pore volume created during the synthesis of organic gels and to
promote pore widening, especially in the case of narrow pores (Contreras et al., 2010; Silva et
al., 2009; Zubizarreta et al., 2008c). In Section 2.2, the different types of activation processes and
the corresponding properties of carbonaceous materials produced are reviewed in more detail
but, by way of introduction it may be said that there are two types of activation processes,
chemical and physical activation, both with their respective advantages and disadvantages,
and each of them generating carbon gels with specific textural and structural characteristics
(Contreras et al., 2010). The surface areas of most carbon gels vary between 600-700 m
, but
after an activation process, this value may increase to 2000-3000 m
. In other words, the
porosity may be tripled which is a great advantage in applications that require highly porous
materials such as supercapacitors, hydrogen storage or catalysis.
There are several published works that deal with ways to modify the chemical nature of
carbon gels by means of doping or oxidizing processes in order to widen their range of
applications (Gryzb et al., 2010, Job et al., 2007b; Lee et al., 2011; Sepheri et al., 2009; Silva et
al., 2009; Zubizarreta et al., 2010). The porous texture of carbon gels is a crucial property in
most of the fields of application. However, it is not the only one that determines the
performance as the surface chemistry is also a key factor. Thus, several studies focus on the
incorporation of oxygen functional groups by means of different oxidation processes
(Mahata et al., 2008; Silva et al., 2009), the incorporation of nitrogen groups by using
nitrogen-containing monomers or post-synthesis treatments (Gorgulho et al., 2009; Kang et
al., 2009; Long et al., 2008b; Prez-Cadenas, 2009) and the modification of carbon gels with
the incorporation of metal species into the carbon framework (Bekyarova & Kaneko, 2000;
Chandra et al., 2011; Cotet et al., 2006; Job et al., 2007b; Liu et al., 2006; Tian et al., 2010). In
the synthesis process of carbon gels based on sol-gel methodology, these above-mentioned
treatments can be performed using different reagents and conditions, making it necessary to
optimize the operating conditions to meet the requirements of each individual case. In
Section 2.3, different types of oxidative treatments and doping processes will be discussed in
the light of the characteristics of the carbon gels produced. There are a lot of variables
suitable to be adjusted in order to tailor the properties of the final carbon gel. All these
tailored characteristics of the designed material (i.e. porous, chemical, mechanical
characteristics) are described in Section 3 and directly connected to both the operating
conditions of the synthesis of the materials and the suitability of the further application. Due
to the great versatility of these kind of materials there area a wide range of applications in
very different fields like adsorption (in gas and liquid media), catalysis, energy storage, etc.
A review of these possible application fields are presented in the Section 4 of this chapter.
2. Synthesis of nanostructured carbon xerogels
Carbon gels are polymeric nanostructured carbon materials that can be synthesized by
different procedures, all of them based on a hydrolysis-condensation reaction between
hydroxybenzenes and aldehydes. There are several precursors that can be used to develop
carbon gels including phenol, resorcinol or cresol in the case of hydroxybenzenes whereas as
aldehyde it is possible to use formaldehyde, furfural, etc. (Czzakel et al., 2005; Dingcai &

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

Rouwen, 2006; Long et al., 2008a, 2008b; Pekala et al., 1995 ; Scherdel & Reichenauer, 2009).
Amongst all the possible variations, probably the most commonly synthesized carbon gels are
those based on resorcinol and formaldehyde, although in order to reduce the cost of the
materials involved in the synthesis process, some less expensive precursors, such as phenol
(Mukai et al., 2005a; Scherdel & Reichenauer, 2009; Teng & Wang, 2000) or cellulose (Gryzb et
al., 2010), have attracted interest in recent years. Another important parameter for the
preparation of carbon gels is the reaction media because there are several available solvents
such as deionised water (Job et al., 2004; Pekala, 1989; Zhu et al., 2007), acetone (Berthon et al.,
2001) or methanol (Zubizarreta et al., 2008a). It goes without saying that the least expensive
reaction media is water, although other solvents are preferred in certain conditions in order to
obtain specific final properties. Once the reagents involved in the sol-gel process have been
selected, the recipe for producing carbon gels is the following. First, hydroxybenzene,
aldehyde, solvent and catalyst are mixed in suitable molar ratios and then the solution is
heated in order to obtain a stable crosslinked gel, which is saturated with solvent and it must
next be dried. As will be seen throughout this section, there are several drying methods
resulting in materials with different properties (Czzakel et al., 2005; Job et al., 2005). The last
essential step for obtaining carbon gels is thermal stabilization, i.e. treatment at high
temperature under inert atmosphere, yielding a thermally and chemically stable carbon gel.

Polymerisation and crosslinking
Polymerisation and crosslinking

Fig. 3. Different stages involved in the synthesis process of carbon gels.
Figure 3 shows the main stages involved in the synthesis process of carbon gels by means of
the polycondensation of a hydroxilated benzene and an aldehyde (resorcinol and
formaldehyde in this particular case). These stages are as follows: (i) sol-gel reaction, i.e. the
formation and crosslinking of polymeric particles, (ii) drying of the solvent-saturated gel
and, finally, (iii) carbonization of the organic gel to yield the final carbon gel.
2.1 Synthesis steps for organic gels
As already mentioned at the beginning of Section 2, the synthesis process of organic
xerogels is clearly divided into two main steps: (i) polymerization and crosslinking reactions
between resorcinol-formaldehyde aggregates (gelation and curing stages) and, (ii) drying
process. Each step plays an important role in determining the final properties of the xerogel,
and therefore deserves a detailed description.


2.1.1 Polymerization and crossliking
The polymerisation and crossliking reactions, also referred as the gelation and curing
processes, take place during the sol-gel reaction between resorcinol and formaldehyde.
According to some published works (Lin & Ritter, 1997; Pekala & Alviso, 1992), the
polymerisation mechanism includes two steps: (i) addition reaction to form hydroxymethyl
derivatives of resorcinol and, (ii) condensation of hydroxymethyl derivatives to form
methylene or methylene ether bridged compounds. After these reactions a polymer is
formed and, as a consequence, the initial solution loses fluidity, producing a special material
called gel, and the time which it takes for the gel formation is named gelation time. The
curing step of the gel is an extension of the process whereby the crosslinking of polymeric
aggregates previously formed in the gelation stage is favoured, so that a three-dimensional
crosslinked polymer is obtained.
As can be seen in the reaction scheme represented in Figure 4, the formation of resorcinol
anions via the abstraction of hydrogen is enhanced by the basic media. Resorcinol is a
trifunctional fenolic compound that is able to add formaldehyde molecules in three different
positions (2, 4 and 6), but these uncharged molecules are less reactive than the
corresponding resorcinol anions. Therefore, when there are OH
anions in the reaction
media, the hydrogen of resorcinol molecules is abstracted promoting the formation of
hydroxymethyl derivates. In the second stage, the condensation of these hydroxymethyl
derivates proceeds via acidic media, generating colloidal particles that start to crosslink
producing aggregates with a diameter of around 7-10 nm (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003).

+ 2
Addition Reaction
Condensation Reaction
+ 2
Addition Reaction
Condensation Reaction

Fig. 4. Mechanism of resorcinol-formaldehyde polymerization
(based on reference Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003).

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

According to this mechanism, the initial pH of the solution is a very important operating
condition because it controls the polymerisation, the subsequent crooslinking and therefore,
the final porous texture of carbons gels. It is for this reason that some compounds are
usually added to the reactants in order to modify the pH of the media. Some authors claim
that these compounds are simply pH regulators and therefore not the usually named
catalysts (Job et al., 2005) while others postulate that the nature of the compound used (i.e.,
an ion) is going to have a direct bearing on the pH and therefore it is a real catalyst (Fairn-
Jimnez et al., 2006; Tian et al., 2011b). In any case, independently on the nature of the
compound used the R/C (resorcinol/catalyst molar ratio), is a parameter usually mentioned
in the synthesis receipt and it is directly related with the pH of the reaction media.
Therefore, at high catalyst concentrations, i.e. as the pH increases, the first addition reaction
is favoured and therefore, very branched and unstable aggregates are formed, leading to
smaller more interconnected polymer particles (see Figure 5b). The condensation reaction
resulting from such small particles produces materials with smaller pores (Lin & Ritter,
1997; Job et al., 2004). In contrast, when the initial pH decreases, the formation of
hydroxymethyl derivates is slow; this results in a smaller number of resorcinol anions.
Naturally, polymeric particles have enough time to grow, producing large but weakly
branched aggregates. The condensation of such less interconnected polymeric particles leads
to higher pore sizes, illustrated in Figure 5c. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the pH of
the precursor solution plays a very important role in the sol-gel reaction because it
determines the size of the polymeric particles formed during the gelation and curing stages
and, accordingly, the size of the pores in the final carbonaceous material (Calvo et al., 2011a;
Lin & Ritter, 1997; Job et al., 2004; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a).

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the influence of the pH of the precursor solution on the
final nanostructure of the carbon gels obtained.


2.1.2 Drying
Once a stable three-dimensional polymer has been obtained, it is necessary to remove the
solvent used as the reaction media. There are different types of drying methods, each of
which produces materials with different properties. Therefore drying is another synthesis
condition that needs to be taken into account when trying to control the final properties of
the nanostructure organic gel (Czzakel et al., 2005; Job et al., 2005). The most widely drying
methods used are: (i) subcritical drying, i.e. drying the gels by simple evaporation of the
solvent (at ambient pressure and temperatures of around 100-150 C); (ii) supercritical
drying, which means eliminating the solvent in supercritical conditions (high pressures and
temperatures), and (iii) freeze-drying, i.e. the solvent is frozen and then removed by
sublimation. A scheme of the different ways of eliminating the solvent is presented in Figure
6, whilst a more detail description of each of them and their influence on the final properties
of the carbon gels is described below.

critical point
supercritical fluid
critical point
supercritical fluid

Fig. 6. Scheme of the different ways of removing the solvent used in the synthesis of organic
The drying of organic gels under subcritical conditions is based on the evaporation of the
solvent. Unlike other types of drying, by means of subcritical conditions, the formation of a
liquid-vapour interface takes place. Therefore, when the solvent inside the pores of the
material evaporates, the pores are subjected to high tension which causes the partial collapse
of the structure. In order to reduce the capillary forces responsible for the partial destruction
of porous texture, according to some pusblished works (Kraiwattanawong et al., 2011; Lee et
al., 2010) before performing the evaporation of the water used as solvent, it can be
exchanged with another solvent with a lower surface tension. Possible candidates to
substitute for water could be, for example, acetone or cyclohexane (the surface tension of
water at 20 C is 72.25x10
while in the case of acetone and cyclohexane it is 23.7x10

and 25.5x10
, respectively). However, it must be said that in some cases the partial

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

shrinkage of the structure when water is used as a solvent may not be of any significant if
the porous texture desired for a specific application is micro or micro-mesoporosity and an
easy and cheap process is required. When the solvent is eliminated by evaporation, the
resulting organic gel is called xerogel. This kind of drying is the cheapest and easiest to
perform, and usually the process is quite rapid (i.e. hours). Furthermore, according to some
recent studies (Calvo et al., 2011a; Job et al., 2006; Leonard et al., 2005; Zubizarreta et al.,
2008b) if the different evaporation conditions (i.e. the type of the solvent used, the
temperature of evaporation, the carrier gas used during evaporation, use of vacuum,
microwave heating, etc.) are correctly selected, it is possible to control the porous texture in
order to obtain either microporous, micro-mesoporous or micro-macroporous materials.
Traditionally, although the most widely drying method used is supercritical drying, it is
also the most expensive and complicated. Based on the removing of the solvent under high
pressure and temperature, it is the best way to preserve the porous texture and structural
properties created during the synthesis of the gels. The materials prepared by this method
are called aerogels. In order to soften the conditions of supercritical drying, the solvent is
usually replaced by CO
before its elimination under supercritical conditions. The
temperature needed to remove CO
is lower than that of any organic solvent due to its lower
surface tension, so most of the published studies on carbon aerogels make a preliminary
exchange of solvent (Carrot et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2006; Tian et al., 2011a). The main problem
is that the most commonly solvent used (i.e., water) needs to be exchange with an organic
solvent, prior to be replacing by CO
, complicating the procedure with several steps. Thus,
the aqueous gels must to be placed in an organic solvent (i.e. acetone) for several days to
completely remove the water and after that, the organic solvent is exchanged with liquid
which will finally be removed under supercritical conditions (Carrot et al., 2007).
Another option is to remove the organic solvent directly under supercritical conditions,
thereby by-passing the CO
exchange step (Liang et al., 2000; Wiener et al., 2004). However,
although this second procedure avoids one of the steps in the drying process, the process
usually requires more drastic operating conditions with respect to pressure and temperature
apart from the fact that the aerogels obtained undergo a greater structure collapse and
density than aerogels dried following the first recipe. Carbon aerogels are characterized by
high pore volumes, which make these materials applicable in a huge number of application
fields. However, the main disadvantage of supercritical drying, in addition to the difficulty
and extremely high costs associated with the method, is the time needed to obtain dry gels
as the solvent exchange steps require several days (Carrot et al., 2007; Job et al., 2005; Liu et
al., 2006).
The third drying method, which results in materials called cryogels, is based on the freezing
and subsequent removal of the solvent by sublimation. This method is an effective way of
preparing gels with a controlled pore structure. The costs associated with freeze-drying are
lower than those of supercritical drying, but it is still a more expensive method than drying
by simple evaporation of the solvent (Yamamoto et al., 2001). In the case of aqueous gels, it
is possible to freeze the water directly by placing the wet gel in a liquid nitrogen bath.
Afterwards, the solvent is removed by sublimation under low pressures. This procedure can
lead to dramatic changes in the density of the cryogels after freezing and also to the
formation of megalopores or voids as a result of the creation of crystals inside the structure
of the gels (Job et al., 2005; Kocklenberg et al., 1998). To prevent the formation of crystals
which may deform the designed nanostructure of the polymer, the solvent is replaced
before drying the gel. The most common solvent used for this purpose is t-butanol (Feaver


& Cao, 2006; Mukai et al., 2005b; Yoshimune et al., 2008), as it causes fewer changes in
density than water and the vapour pressure is higher, which reduced the drying time. The
advantage of this type of drying process is the possibility of obtaining high mesopore
volumes (Yoshimune et al., 2008). As for the disadvantages, it should be highlighted that it
is very difficult to prepare monoliths and in addition, in order to avoid the appearance of
megalopores, it is necessary to perform a solvent exchange which entails an extra step and
therefore and increase in time and costs.
To conclude this section of drying methods, it needs to be affirmed that the choice of drying
conditions will determine the textural and structural properties of the final materials.
Moreover, none of the drying methods are perfect, all three have their advantages and
disadvantages (reported in Table 1), and the choice of method will depend on the
requirements of the final applications.

- Simple, rapid and
cheap method
- High surface areas
and pore volumes
can be achieved
- Presence of capillary
forces that destroy part
of the initial porosity
- No shrinkage of
pore texture
- Requires high
temperatures and
- Extremely high cost
- Long times required
- Necessary to perform,
at least, one solvent
exchange with CO

FREEZE Cryogel
- Low shrinkage
- Materials with
higher pore
- High cost, long time
and complicated
- With aqueous gels, it is
essential to exchange
the solvent
Table 1. Summary of the main characteristics of the drying methods used in the field of
carbon gels.
2.2 Thermal treatments of organic gels
The thermal treatment of the organic gels, i.e. carbonization, allows the removal of non-
crosslinked organic chains, labile oxygen and hydrogen surface groups, resulting in
thermally stable nanostructured materials formed mainly by carbon. This type of
nanostructure endows the materials with a series of electrical, thermal and mechanical
properties that are very useful in applications related to catalysts, energy storage, etc. (Al-
Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003). The main targets of the carbonization step are to obtain thermally
stable carbonaceous materials and promote the development of microporosity in the gels.
The nanostructure developed during the synthesis of the organic gel usually remains intact

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

during the carbonization step, and therefore the meso and macroporosity obtained is
preserved as it was previously designed. However, during the carbonization step the
elimination of volatiles and labile matter leads to the formation of microporosity, mainly
localized in the nodules of the polymer (see Figure 5a). Thus, the meso-macroporosity is
controlled during the synthesis of organic gels while the microporosity is controlled
independently during the carbonization step, which supposes a great advantage respect to
design and control the porous texture of these materials. Usually, organic gels are
carbonized by heating the samples in a furnace under inert atmosphere (i.e. N
, Ar or He)
for a specific period of time. Although most of the published works on carbon gels use N
Ar as inert gas during the carbonization step, others use a reactive gas to modify the internal
structure of the material. For example, K.Y. Kang et al. (Kang et al., 2008), showed that it
was possible to perform the carbonization under an ammonia atmosphere (process known
as ammonization). As a result, in addition to develop the microporosity of the samples,
nitrogen functionalities are incorporated into the structure.
Like other steps involved in the synthesis process of organic gels, carbonization has also an
important influence on the final properties of the material. The most important variables
that have a significant influence on the characteristics of carbon gels are: temperature and
time of carbonization, type of gas and flow rate used, heating device used, etc. Several
authors have studied the influence of carbonization temperature on the porosity of carbon
gels. Whereas some of these studies affirm that an increase in carbonization temperature
leads to a loss of microporosity (Lin & Ritter, 2000). Others affirm the opposite, i.e. an
improvement in microporosity when the temperature increases (Kang et al., 2008). C. Lin
and J.A. Ritter (Lin & Ritter, 2008) evaluated the dependence of porous texture with
carbonization temperature by performing the carbonization under N
flow at several
temperatures (600, 750, 900, 1050 y 1200 C). Their results reflected than the optimum
temperature was 600 C because as the temperature increased, smaller micropore volumes
were reported. In addition, the present work shows that carbonization temperature does not
influence the mesoporosity of the samples, which corroborates the affirmation that meso-
macroporosity is developed during the synthesis of the organic gels while the appearance of
micropores occurs during the subsequent carbonization stage (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003).
Other work on the influence of carbonization temperature has also been carried out by K.Y.
Kang et al. (Kang et al., 2008) but, in that case, the process was performed at 650, 850, and
950 C under flows of nitrogen and ammonia. Results showed that higher temperatures
promote the development of porosity. The bibliography, therefore, apparently contains
contradictions regarding the real influence of the carbonization temperature on
microporosity development of carbon gels. The reason for these divergences is probably that
many other variables, such as the R/F molar ratio, the pH of the precursor solution, the type
of catalyst used, etc., lead to different nanostructure materials that react in a different way
with the increase of temperature. The nature of gas used during the carbonization may also
have an effect on the porous and structural properties of carbon gels. Starting with the
porous texture, most of the literature about carbon xerogels uses N
or Ar atmosphere as
carrier during carbonization, resulting in materials with specific surfaces areas of
approximately 600-700 m
(Calvo et al., 2011a; Job et al., 2004; Matos et al., 2006; Zhu et
al., 2007). However, it has been reported that the treatment of organic xerogels with
ammonia produces carbon xerogels with specific surface areas above 1000 m
(Kang et
al., 2008). Moreover, differences in the chemical characteristics of the samples may also
appear due to the nature of the atmosphere. For example, carbon xerogels prepared by


means of ammonia-assisted carbonization contain approximately 6-7 wt. % of nitrogen
while in the case of organic xerogels carbonized under nitrogen atmosphere, the amount of
nitrogen does not exceed 1 wt. %. These examples show the huge influence of the
carbonization process on the final properties of carbon gels and, as in the case of the other
synthesis variables, a correct choice of carbonization conditions allows to obtaining a
material with the appropriate properties (both porous and chemical) for a specific
Carbon gels can be also subjected to activation processes after or during the carbonization
step. The aim of activation processes is to increase the surface area and volumes of the pores
created during the synthesis, and also to promote their widening, especially in the case of
the narrower pores. Therefore, it is very common to activate carbon xerogels, where the
porosity is narrower and lower, and they are usually used in applications where besides
narrow mesopores a high volume of micropores are needed. It is generally accepted that
there are two types of activation methods: physical activation, by means of CO
, steam, or a
combination of both (Lin & Ritter, 2000) and chemical activation, where the activation agent
may be KOH (Fang & Binder, 2006; Macia-Agullo et al., 2007; Zubizarreta et al., 2008c ),
(Conceio et al., 2009; Jagtoyen et al., 1993), ZnCl
(Olivares-Martn et al., 2006), etc.
In all cases, it is essential to optimize a number of variables due to their notable influence on
the final porosity. Some of these variables are: temperature and time of activation, activating
agent and precursor used (i.e., organic or carbon gels as precursor), amount of activating
agent, gas flow and heating rate, etc. (Fang & Binder, 2006; Lozano-Castell, 2002). Chemical
activation processes take place in two stages: (i) the precursor is mixed with the activating
chemical agent and this can be done in two different ways, by physical mixture, i.e. the two
solid products are directly mixed in a mortar, or by wet impregnation, when the sample is
mixed with a concentrated solution of the selected chemical agent for a specific time at low
temperature (< 100 C); in the latter case the slurry formed must be subsequently dried
before the process is continued; (ii) the mixture is subjected to thermal treatment under an
inert atmosphere up to a selected temperature that may range from 300 to 900 C,
depending on the activated agent used. When this thermal treatment is completed, the
sample must be washed with water several times in order to remove traces of chemical
agent. Finally, the sample is dried. One of the main disadvantages of this type of activation,
apart from the higher cost of the activating agents (KOH, H
vs. CO
and steam water,
for instance), is the washing stage since, in addition to lengthen the process, sometimes it is
extremely difficult to completely remove all the traces of the residual activating agent.
Despite these drawbacks, chemical activation has several advantages compared to physical
activation including the lower temperature and activation time, higher yield and higher
development of porosity achieved (Lozano-Castell, 2002; Molina-Sabio et al., 2004; Teng &
Wang, 2000). Physical activation consists of (i) thermal treatment of the precursor in an inert
atmosphere and the successively controlled gasification of the carbonaceous material or (ii),
the direct activation of the raw material in the presence of the activating gas. The main
characteristics of physical activation are: higher temperatures than chemical activation
(between 800-1100 C), a more heterogeneous micropore size and very simple method
(Okada et al., 2003). The effect of the type of precursor on the porosity of final materials is
well known in the case of chemical activation, whereas in physical activation processes,
further studies are needed to determine the relevance of this variable. Published works on
chemical activation of organic and carbon gels have shown that in the case of carbon gels,
chemical activation produces an increase in micropores volume without modifying the

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

mesoporous structure formed during the synthesis of the gels. However, when the chemical
activation of organic gels is performed, mainly microporous materials are obtained since the
mesoporosity created during the synthesis is severely damaged. This phenomenon again
shows the versatility of these carbonaceous materials because, by means of chemical
activation processes, only by varying the precursor used, it is possible to prepare mainly
microporous materials with a small amount of mesopores or materials characterized by a
high micropore volume but also by a significant amount of mesopores with a controlled size
depending on the pH of the initial solution (Zubizarreta et al., 2008c). In chemical activation,
several works in the literature evaluate the influence of the amount of chemical agent used
on the final characteristics of the carbon gels. Usually, as the activating agent/precursor
ratio increases, a further development of the microporosity takes place. However, it seems
that there is a limit to this ratio, above which the specific surface area begins to decline.
Thus, Zubizarreta et al. (Zubizarreta et al., 2008c) showed that in the chemical activation of
different carbon xerogels with KOH, the activating agent/precursor mass ratio greatly
influences (but not always in the same way) the porous texture of the activated carbon
xerogels. The authors have used ratio values of 1, 2, 3 and 4 and observed that in some cases
the maximum surface area was achieved with a ratio of 3, whilst with other samples the
maximum was achieved using a ratio of 4. Different results were obtained depending on the
pH of the initial solutions used to synthesize the materials. Highly microporous carbon
xerogels can also be prepared by chemical activation with phosphoric acid (Conceio et al.,
2009). In this work, several impregnation ratios were used and their influence on the final
characteristics on the material was evaluated. It is noteworthy that for all the impregnation
ratios employed, the mesoporosity of original samples was destroyed, which is consistent
with the findings of other scientific studies (Zubizarreta et al., 2008c). In addition, the higher
the impregnation ratio, the greater the development in porosity. However, it should be
noted that differences between samples was not very significant, since with ratios of 1, a
carbon xerogel with a specific surface area of 1525 m
was obtained while if the
impregnation ratio was tripled, an increase in specific surface area of barely 200 m
From the examples showed in this section 2.2, both in carbonization and activation
processes, is clear that the porous texture of carbon xerogels can be designed by modifying
several synthesis conditions. This is of huge relevance as it reveals the carbon gels as a
nanostructured material with a great potential as it is possible to tailor specific properties of
this kind of materials to adequate them for an optimum behavior in a wide variety of
scientific fields and applications.
2.3 Another post-synthesis treatments
As already mentioned, the most interesting characteristic of carbon gels is the possibility of
tailoring the final properties in order to prepare them for a specific application (al-Mutasheb
& Ritter, 2003; Czzakel et al., 2005; Job et al., 2004, 2005; Pekala, 1989; Zhang et al., 2007; Zhu
et al., 2007; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a), control and design achieved by selecting the
appropriate variables involved in the synthesis. There are many possible bottoms to be pressed
to obtain the right results. Nevertheless, the porous texture is not the only factor that
determines the optimum performance of the carbon gels in a specific application. Surface
chemistry also plays a relevant role, due to the interactions between the fluids and the
carbon surface (i.e. the possibility of redox reactions, charge transfer, different wettabilities
depending on the surface chemistry, the blockage of reactive sites, etc. (Serdich et al., 2008)).


Therefore, there has been an increase in the number of published works focused on the
tuning of the surface chemistry of carbon gels in recent years and these processes can be
performed in several ways. For example, carbon gel functionalisation can be carried out
with post-synthesis treatments, such as oxidation using different oxidizing agents, HNO
, air, etc. (Gryzb et al., 2010; Mahata et al., 2008), treatments with compounds such as
ammonia, melamine or ammonia borane (Gorgulho et al., 2009; Prez-Cadenas et al., 2009;
Sepheri et al., 2009), with the aim of incorporating nitrogen and borane groups, respectively,
into the structure of carbon gels. Alternatively, heteroatoms can be directly added during
the synthesis using heteroatom-containing polymeric precursors, i.e. melamine, urea,
cellulose acetate, etc. (Gryzb et al., 2010; Long et al., 2008b). Rather than in post-synthesis
treatment, this is a modification of the synthesis receipt and therefore, the polymerization
process would vary since the initial reactants are different.
Regarding to oxidative processes, oxygenated surface groups are incorporated using liquid-
phase oxidants (e.g. nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium persulphate) or gas-phase
oxidants (i.e. air, steam, oxygen, etc.). The nature of the oxygenated functionalities
incorporated depends not only on the type of oxidizing agent used, but also on the conditions
in which the oxidative process is carried out. For example, N. Mahata and co-workers (Mahata
et al., 2008), studied the type of oxygen surface groups created in carbon xerogel structures by
means of three different oxidation treatments (oxygen plasma, nitric acid and diluted air). Of
the three oxidative treatments, HNO
oxidation produces largest amount of carboxylic acid
groups, but the amount of oxygen groups created is difficult to control and besides, high
concentrations of HNO
are needed. Each of the three processes produces carbon xerogels with
different surface chemistry. Consequently, the choice of oxidizing agent should be made
according to the application requirements for which the carbon gels are intended. Another
work focusing on the oxidation conditions of carbon xerogels with HNO
was published by
Silva et al (Silva et al.., 2009). In this work, HNO
-hydrothermal oxidation was carried out
using several concentrations of nitric acid (from 0.01 to 0.30 mol l
) at different operating
temperatures (between 120 and 200 C) and the results show that both the concentration of
and temperature notably influence on the level of oxygen functional groups created on
the surface of carbon xerogels. There is a clear correlation between the degree of
functionalization and the HNO
concentration used. The temperature of functionalisation may
also affect the porosity of the final carbon xerogels. Unlike the partial blockage of the pores
produced in oxidative processes with concentrated HNO
, the HNO
-hydrothermal method
not only maintained the porous texture of carbon xerogels but also, when the operating
temperature was fixed at 200 C, there was even an increase in the specific surface area of
carbon xerogels oxidized with a high concentration of HNO
solution. Another published
study covering several types of carbon xerogels post-treatments, was performed recently by
Grzib and co-workers (Gryzb et al., 2010). A series of nitrogen and oxygen functionalised
carbon xerogels were synthesized by means of different oxidative processes with HNO
, treatments with gaseous ammonia at high temperature and co-heating of carbon
xerogels with melamine. All of these treatments give rise to a wide range of carbon xerogels,
with different amounts and type of oxygen and nitrogen groups. This represents a
breakthrough for applications that, besides a good porosity development, require materials
with a rich surface chemistry. Out of all the post-synthesis treatments studied, it was found
that ammonisation produces the most basic carbon xerogels not only because of the
incorporation of basic N-groups, but also due to the reduction of acidic oxygen functionalities
within the chemical structure of the carbon xerogels. Oxidation with nitric acid or hydrogen

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

peroxide introduces almost amount of oxygen (about 5 wt. %), while the character of these
functionalities is quite different. XPS data reported in this work show that H
mainly produces carbon xerogels with oxygen groups like alcohols and ethers, whereas nitric
acid treatment incorporates esters, lactones and carboxylic groups into the structure of the
carbon xerogels, results which are consistent with other scientific works.


Fig. 7. Main functionality groups that can be incorporated into carbon gels by post-synthesis
The doping of carbon gels with different metal species (i.e. metals, metal oxides, metal
carbides) is another common post-synthesis process in carbon gels, since by means of this
technique it is possible to modify their chemical nature, enlarge their surface area and improve
their conductivity, thereby increasing the already known potential of this kind of
carbonaceous materials. Despite the great interest in carbon gels due to the possibility of
tailoring their porous texture, the presence of metal particles acting as active sites is required
for specific applications. Consequently, several studies on the doping of carbon gels with
transition and non-transition metals have emerged in recent years (Chandra et al., 2011; Job et
al., 2007b; Lee at al., 2011; Liu et al., 2006). For example, in the particular case of energy storage
in supercapacitors, carbon gels are very promising materials due to their attractive features.
Supercapacitors assembled with these carbonaceous materials stores energy mainly because of
the formation of a double electric layer on electrodes surface. However, it is well known that
specific capacitance can be increased as a result of redox reactions. Hence, in relation to this
particular application, numerous studies have emerged on the synthesis of doped carbon gels.
The species that are usually incorporated into carbon gel structures to improve their energy
capacitance via pseudocapacitive processes are Ni, B, P, Cu, Ca, Co, Mn, etc. (Chandra et al.,
2011; Cotet et al., 2006; Job et al., 2007b; Tian et al., 2010). Carbon gels have also received a
great deal of attention as hydrogen storage media due to their good adsorption properties that
are the result of their remarkable textural development. It has generally been accepted that the
hydrogen storage capacity of carbon materials is directly related with their specific surface
area and micropore volume (Tian et al., 2010; Zubizarreta et al., 2010). However, the storage


capacity values at room temperature are too low, which is a very serious problem for their
application in mobile devices. In order to overcome this limitation, researchers have proposed
a doping process of carbon materials to improve the interaction between the hydrogen and the
carbon surface and, consequently, to enhance their hydrogen storage capacities. Zubizarreta
and co-workers (Zubizarreta et al., 2010), reported the preparation of Ni-doped carbon
xerogels by two methods (both post-synthesis treatments): dry impregnation and strong
electrostatic adsorption, SEA. Their results showed that both treatments produce Ni-doped
carbon xerogels with a small particle size (2-9 nm) and a good nickel dispersion, but dry
impregnation method produces carbon xerogels with the higher amount of nickel
incorporated. In contrast, the SEA method produces materials with a high interaction between
C-Ni and besides, Ni particles with a very homogeneous size (around 2 nm) are obtained.
Some of the samples prepared showed very good hydrogen storage capacities, with higher
values than those of undoped carbon gels, making Ni-doped carbon xerogels good candidates
for hydrogen storage systems. In another study on metal-doped carbon gels performed by
Tian et al. (Tian et al., 2010), carbon gels were doped with metallic cobalt particles by means of
two methods: (i) the addition of cobalt acetate solution to the carbon gels followed by thermal
treatment and a reduction process, and, (ii) ion-exchange method. It was found that the size of
the Co particles incorporated into the structure of the materials was between 2 and 8 nm when
cobalt acetate solution was used and, besides that, these samples had higher surface area and
micropore volume than the Co-doped carbon gels obtained by the ion-exchange method. The
hydrogen storage capacity of both types of doped-materials was compared with that of the
original undoped material and the results show higher values of hydrogen storage in both of
the metal-doped carbon gels, although the process that presented the better results was doping
with a solution of cobalt acetate.
All the studies listed in the bibliography point out the huge versatility of carbon gels and the
great potential of these materials not only because their tuneable nanostructure but also
because their chemical nature can be easily altered by post-synthesis treatments.
2.4 Novel and underdevelopment alternative synthesis conditions
Over the past few decade, a number of works on alternative methods of manufacturing
carbon gels by means of different types of electromagnetic radiation (i.e. infrared, ultrasonic
or microwave) have been published (Calvo et al., 2008; Kang et al., 2008; Tonamon et al.,
2005, 2006; Wu et al., 2004). In some cases, irradiation is applied in order to improve the
porous texture of the final products, whereas in other cases, the aim is to shorten the
synthesis process, in order to make carbon gels more cost-competitive materials.
Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2004) prepared carbon gels from resorcinol, furfural and
hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA), by means of a drying process that combines drying at room
temperature, infrared lamp and high-temperature drying. This particular drying method gives
rise to low-density carbon gels with a well-developed porosity development. However,
although no solvent exchange or high operating pressures are involved, it is still a long drying
procedure (about 34 hours). There are many works about polymerization reactions and other
types of chemical processes that are accelerated by ultrasonic radiation (Neppolian et al., 2008;
Riera et al., 2010; Suslick et al., 1999; Tonamon et al., 2005). Several authors have employed
ultrasonic radiation in one or several steps to synthesize carbon gel. Ultrasonic has been found
to be very a helpful strategy to increase reaction rates, yields of products and, thereby
shortening the reaction time required. One of the studies that applies sonication to carbon gel
is that published by Tonamon and co-workers in 2005 (Tonamon et al., 2007). These authors

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

synthesized resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels under different catalyst concentrations
by means of ultrasonic irradiation using several intensities in order to evaluate the influence of
sonication conditions on the porous texture of the materials. First, ultrasounds were applied to
the resorcinol-formaldehyde mixture until a highly viscous sample was observed, and then the
rest of the gelation and curing stages were completed by heating in a conventional furnace for
7 days. In all the samples prepared, the researchers found that ultrasonic irradiation improved
the mesoporosity of the carbon gels, even in samples for which only a minor presence of
mesopores could be expected (i.e. S
= 650 m
and V
= 0.53 cm
when the carbon
xerogel was synthesized in the absence of sonication vs. 660 m
and 0.93 cm
if the
intensity of the ultrasonic radiation was increased to 106 W cm
). In addition, it was observed
that the higher the ultrasonic intensity, the shorter the gelation times and the higher the
mesopore volume. In 2006, the same group of researches introduced a new variable in the
synthesis process of carbon gels, i.e., drying by microwave technology (Tonamon et al., 2006).
In some cases, the applied ultrasonic radiation to RF aqueous solutions and then they dried the
samples by means of microwave radiation (after a water-exchange step using t-butanol in
order to minimize the shrinkage of the structure). The results showed that the presence of
mesopores was favored when ultrasonic and microwave radiations were combined (i.e. V

of 0.59 cm
and 0.46 cm
for resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon gels dried in a microwave
oven with and without previous sonication process, respectively). Therefore, one of the
conclusions of that work was that microwave drying was a new and efficient drying method
for carbon gels because it resulted in time saving without destroying the meso-macroporosity
of samples.
Microwave heating has been used to obtain different organic reactions for several years
(Kappe, 2004; Menndez et al., 2010). There are many processes involving carbon materials
where microwave radiation is the main heating source used because of the good capacity of
most carbon materials to absorb microwaves. The main advantage of microwave-assisted
thermal processes is the saving of time, resulting in a reduction in the energy consumed, as a
result of the different mechanism involved in the heating process (Menndez et al., 2010).Thus,
microwave radiation promises to be an effective technology in the field of carbon gels allowing
their long synthesis time to be reduced and opening up a way to their application to industrial
scale. As mentioned above, the first works that combine microwave heating and carbon gels
are based on the application of this type of radiation in some stage of the synthesis process, i.e.
during the drying stage (Zubizarreta et al., 2008b) or during the gelation and curing stages
followed by drying in a vacuum oven (Kang et al., 2008). In all these cases, carbon gels with a
good texture development were prepared in a considerably shorter time than by means of
conventional heating but even so, the time required for their manufacture were too long. The
next step would be the utilization of microwave heating for the entire synthesis process of
carbon xerogels, i.e. during gelation, curing and drying stages. The first researchers that used
microwave heating in the three stages involved in the synthesis process were Calvo et al.
(Calvo et al., 2008), when in 2008 they have showed the possibility of obtaining RF carbon
xerogels with similar characteristics to conventionally synthesized xerogels but with a
considerable saving of time and energy (i.e. 3-4 hours under microwave radiation compared to
several days by conventional heating). In addition, there are several other advantages of using
microwave technology to fabricate carbon xerogels. According to a recent publication (Calvo et
al., 2011a; Jurez-Prez et al., 2010), by means of microwave heating is possible to determine
the gelation point of the carbon xerogels during the sol-gel synthesis, which is essential for
controlling the viscosity of the reaction media in order to obtain the carbon xerogel in an


specific form (i.e., sphere, monolith, film, etc.). Another advantage of microwave radiation is
the possibility of preparing mesoporous carbon xerogels over a wider pH range than when
using conventional methods (Calvo et al., 2011a). It was pointed out that, in addition to time
saving and the ability to accurately determine the gelation time, mesoporous materials with a
tailored mesopore size can be synthesized in a wider range of pH than in the case of
conventional heating. For example, with microwave heating, a pH between 4.5 and 6.5 can be
used to produce micro-mesoporous carbon xerogels and micro-macroporous materials when
the initial pH is fixed at 3.1, while in the case of conventional methods, only a pH range of 5.8-
6.5 serves micro-mesoporous carbon xerogels.

Gelation Point
(a) (b)
1.Timer; 2.Power-meter; 3.Power/Temperature Controller;
4.Microwaves disperser; 5.Thermocouple: 6. Solution
Gelation Point
Gelation Point
(a) (b)
1.Timer; 2.Power-meter; 3.Power/Temperature Controller;
4.Microwaves disperser; 5.Thermocouple: 6. Solution

Fig. 8. The microwave device used in the synthesis of carbon xerogels (a) and a scheme
showing the determination of the gelation point (b).
3. Properties of carbon gels
As already pointed out, the main advantage of carbon gels lies in the possibility of tailoring
their porous texture to accomplish the requirements of the final application, and this can be
achieved by selecting the appropriate synthesis conditions. While there is an abundant
literature about the effect of the different stages of carbon gel synthesis (i.e. gelation, curing,
drying, carbonization and activation) on the surface area, pore volume and pore size
distribution (Czzakel et al., 2005, Job et al., 2004, 2005; Lin & Ritter, 2000; Matos et al., 2006;
Zubizarreta et al., 2008a), the situation regarding the mechanical and chemical properties is
quiet different. Although, in some cases, these parameters may be slightly influenced by the
synthesis procedure followed, it is usually necessary to carry out additional processes to
produce any significant changes in the mechanical or chemical properties of carbon gels
(Gryzb et al., 2010; Gorgulho et al., 2009; Job et al., 2007b; Lee et al., 2011; Prez-Cadenas et
al., 2009; Silva et al., 2009).
In this section, the main factors that have any impact on the final properties of carbon gels
are reported. Each of the stages involved in the synthesis process is highlighted and
explained. As can be seen in Table 2, there are several variables to be considered in the
synthesis of carbon gels, which explains the versatility of these materials since they can be
obtained with very diverse characteristics depending on the application which they are
intended. However, this also has its downside because there are a large number of variables
to consider and control. Moreover, these variables are on many cases interrelated, which

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

complicates their optimization. A different section will be assigned to each group of
characteristics (textural, chemical and structural). Nevertheless, taking into account the
information collected in the Table 2, it can be affirmed that: (i) all the variables involved in
the different stages of synthesis have a remarkable effect on the porous texture of carbon
gels but, in many cases, their influence on the chemistry and structure of these carbonaceous
materials remains unknown; (ii) as regards the porosity of carbon gels, it might be said that
each stage involved in the synthesis is very selective to a specific pore size. For example , it
is possible to modify the macro/mesoporosity of samples by changing the pH of the
precursor solution without affecting the development of microporosity, which is
conditioned by the carbonization and activation steps (Calvo et al., 2008; Conceio et al.,
2009; Job et al., 2004; Lin & Ritter, 2000; Zubizarreta et al., 2008c); (iii) in order to modify the
chemistry of carbon gels, for example, by incorporating oxygenated functional groups, it is
necessary to perform extra treatments (Gryzb et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2009).
3.1 Porous texture
In this section, the variables that influence the final porous texture of carbon gels are grouped
according to the synthesis step and the corresponding operating conditions, in order to clarify
the role that each stage plays.
3.1.1 Sol- gel process: pH, RF concentration or temperature and time of gelation and
Figure 9 shows a picture of four organic xerogels synthesized from resorcinol-formaldehyde
solutions with a different initial pH (between 5.8 and 6.5). Intuitively it may be said that the
pH of the precursor solution must be an important factor in the synthesis process of carbon
gels because of the different colors of these four materials. Actually, numerous works (Al-
Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Job et al., 2004; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a) have already established
that the pH, or hydroxilated benzene/catalyst molar ratio, is the key factor that determines
the meso/macroporous texture of carbon gels. As a general rule, as the initial pH increases,
both the volume and the diameter of meso/macropores decrease, while there is no effect on
the microporosity of the sample. That it is to say, by means of a slight increase in the initial
pH it is possible to go from micro-macroporous to micro-mesoporous materials and from
these to exclusively microporous carbon gels (Calvo et al., 2011a; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a).

Fig. 9. Resorcinol-formaldehyde organic xerogels prepared from precursor solutions with
different pHs: from left to right 5.8. 6.0, 6.2 and 6.5.


The effect of pH on the porosity of carbon gels can be explained by the polymerization
mechanism between hydroxilated benzene and aldehyde molecules. Polymerization
reaction between these two species occurs in two different stages: (i) the formation of
hydroxymethyl derivatives and (ii) the condensation of these hydroxymethyl derivatives
and their clustering. At a high initial pH the first stage is favored, giving rise to the
formation of hydroxymethyl derivatives and then to the formation of highly branched
clusters. These cross-linked and unstable clusters lead to small and interconnected particles
that, after condensation, give rise to the formation of pores, mainly mesopores. On the other
hand, a low initial pH leads to the formation of fewer but bigger clusters that finally result
in materials with bigger pores in the macropore range (Job et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2010). This
is shown in Figure 5.
From the abundant literature that shows the dependence of the porosity of carbon gels on the
initial pH (Calvo et al., 2008, 2011a; Job et al., 2004; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a), it would appear
that the maximum pH that can be used to synthesize porous carbon gels is about 7.0. What is
more, when the carbon gels synthesized in this study were compared, it was observed that
variations of only 0.2 units in the initial pH promote significant changes in the size of
mesopores. For example, the maximum mesopore diameter for a RF carbon xerogel can
change from 26 nm to 14 nm when an initial pH of 5.8 and 6.0 were used. The same trend was
observed for two series of carbon xerogels synthesized under microwave and conventional
heating (Calvo et al., 2008). In both cases, conventional and microwave-assisted synthesis,
carbon xerogels with a higher pH have smaller mesopore size. Moreover, a more recent study
(Calvo et al., 2011a) shows that for microwave-assisted synthesis, the pH window used for
producing micro-mesoporous materials of different mesopore size is about two units of pH
(between 4.5 and 6.5), whereas synthesis in a conventional stove has a smaller pH window
(between 5.8 and 6.5). The pore size distributions of these xerogels are collected in Figure 10 in
order to see the porous texture in relation to the initial pH and the type of heating device used.
This example confirms that there are interactions between the variables involved in the
synthesis process. It can be seen that the same variations in initial pH do not produce similar
carbon xerogels due to a new variable, i.e. the type of heating device used.

Fig. 10. Pore size distribution of resorcinol-formaldehyde prepared with different pH and
heating mechanisms: conventional (a) and microwave radiation (b) (adapted from reference
Calvo et al., 2011a).

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

Conversely, the effect of the concentration of reagents on the porosity of carbon gels has not
been studied in depth. Most published works on carbon gels synthesized from resorcinol-
formaldehyde mixtures use a molar ratio R/F = 0.5 (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Job et al.,
2004; Zhang et al., 2007; Zhu et al., 2007; Pekala, 1989). This is because formaldehyde only
has one aldehyde group able to interact with other groups while resorcinol molecules
display two hydroxyl groups. Nevertheless, some studies use a lower molar ratio R/F, that
it is to say, a more diluted RF solution, leading to carbon gels with smaller particle sizes and,
therefore, smaller pore sizes (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003).
The synthesis procedure of carbon gels found in most of the published literature involves the
heating of the monomers solution at temperatures ranging between 70 and 90 C for 3-5 days
in order to perform the gelation and curing stages (Pekala, 1989). The synthesis temperature
and time affect the porosity of resulting materials. However, according to the results reported
by Job et al. (Job et al., 2006), the effect on the porous structure is not the same in every carbon
gel because the most important variable in this sol-gel synthesis, i.e. the initial pH, again comes
into play. These authors studied the effect of several combined parameters, gelation and
ageing temperature (50, 70 and 90 C) and ageing time (between 0 and 72 hours), in three
series of organic xerogels obtained from precursor solutions with different pH. In all the
examples shown, the increase in temperature leads to lower gelation times, which is consistent
with other works (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Job et al., 2007a; Kim et al., 2001). Moreover, as
the synthesis temperature increases, the ageing time may be shortened (i.e. samples
synthesized at 50 C do not reach stability after 72 hours while in the case of 70 or 90 C, the
polymerization reactions are completed after 24 or 48 hours, depending on the initial pH). In
general, it can be said that increasing the synthesis temperature yields narrower pores but this
statement does not apply in all cases due to the influence of the pH. If the ageing time is
increased, higher surface areas and pores volume are achieved, but once the polymerization
reaches stability, the increase in ageing time scarcely has any influence on the porosity of
materials. However, it should be noted that it is not easy to establish trends for each of the
variables involved in the sol-gel process because a slight change in one variable, like the pH,
implies a variation in the effect of other parameters, for example the synthesis temperature.
3.1.2 Drying: Heating device and drying temperature
It is particularly difficult to establish a direct relationship between the drying method and
the textural properties of carbon gels because the effects produced by other variables such as
the initial pH, synthesis temperature and time can conceal it. However, according to some
works in which aero, cryo and xerogels were compared, it was reported that carbon gels
with a higher pore size, large mesopores and macropores, are mainly achieved under
supercritical and freezing conditions. In contrast, carbon xerogels are susceptible to a high
degree of shrinkage of their porous nanostructure due to the surface tensions caused by the
solvent upon the vapor-liquid interface (Czzakel et al., 2005; Job et al., 2005; Qin et al., 2001).
As a result of the partial collapse of their structure, carbon xerogels possess a smaller pore
size than their aero and cryogel counterparts. However, it should be noted that several
works suggest that it is possible to prepare meso-macroporous carbon xerogels by
employing low values of initial pH, although with lower pores volume than aerogels and
cryogels (Calvo et al., 2011a). Subcritical drying is the cheapest, simplest and fastest
procedure, since the other two methods require extra processes of solvent exchange and
extreme operating conditions. However, in general, the choice of the drying method is
conditioned by the requirements of porosity in the final application.


Czakkel and co-workers (Czzakel et al., 2005) published in 2005 a study on carbon gels dried
under different conditions, keeping the rest of variables involved in the synthesis process
constant. They obtained a S
of 2650, 1010 and 891 m
and a V
of 2.05, 0.79 and 0.44
, for cryogels, aerogels and xerogels, respectively, and concluded that freeze-drying
promotes the formation of materials with a larger textural development. The same trend
was also observed in another work in 2005 (Job et al., 2005), where three types of drying
methods were studied but in this case, precursor solutions with different pH were used.
Carbon cryogels presented a higher specific surface area and pore volume than the other
types of carbon gel in three out of the five series studied, those with lower pH. No clear
trend was observed in the sizes of the meso and macropores of aerogels and cryogels
synthesized. Nevertheless, in the pH range evaluated, carbon xerogels were the materials
with the smallest meso and macropores.
In the case of carbon xerogels, some studies report the porous texture differences resulting
from evaporative drying under different conditions (Kraiwattanawong et al., 2011;
Zubizarreta et al., 2008a). For example, carbon xerogels with a good textural development
and significantly reduced synthesis time (up to 98%) were obtained using microwave
heating (Zubizarreta et al., 2008b). Furthermore, as illustrated in Figure 11, the microwave
process allows the tailoring of the porous texture of the carbon xerogels depending on the
initial pH, or R/C.





Fig. 11. Influence of R/C molar ratio on the pore size distribution of different carbon
xerogels dried by microwave heating (adapted from reference Zubizarreta et al., 2008b).
Another factor to be taken into account is the drying temperature. A number of studies
show that the removal of the solvent should be performed with a smooth gradual increase
in temperature in order to avoid the collapse of the porosity. In most of the works, the
drying stage was carried out at approximately 85-150 C for the necessary time to remove
the solvent inside the structure of the material, but using very slow temperature programs
(Job et al., 2005).

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

3.1.3 Carbonization: Temperature, heating rate and atmosphere used
The aim of the carbonization stage is, on the one hand, to obtain thermally stable materials,
mostly composed of carbon atoms and, on the other hand, to develop the microporosity of
carbon gels (Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Quin & Guo, 2001). Variables such as final
temperature or heating rate have a significant influence on the textural properties of carbon
gels while the type of atmosphere (inert or reactive), in addition to its impact on porosity,
has a notable repercussion on their surface chemistry.
Most published works on the influence of carbonization temperatures on the textural
characteristics of carbon gels agree that increasing the temperature leads to materials with
a lower surface area and pore volume (Lin & Ritter, 2000). Thus, the microporosity of
carbon gels is reduced when the carbonization temperature is increased. However, it is
necessary to discriminate between ultramicropores, pores with diameter less than 0.7 nm
and supermicropores, in the 0.7-2.0 nm range. Lin and Ritter (Lin & Ritter, 2000),
evaluated the effect of carbonization temperature (600, 750, 900, 1050 and 1200 C) on
these two groups of micropores and concluded that the decrease in the surface area at
higher temperatures is mainly due to the smaller number of micropores in 0.4-0.7 nm
range. The carbon gels reported in this work are also composed of micropores with a
diameter between 1-2 nm, whose volume decreases at low temperatures (600-900 C),
while when the carbonization was performed at 1050 and 1200 C, their volume increased
indicating that high temperatures destroy ultramicropores but create a greater amount of
larger micropores.
The carbonization temperature is the most important parameter in the pyrolysis
processes. However, other factors such as heating rate and carbonization atmosphere
have also some influence on the textural properties of carbon gels (Kang et al., 2009).
Overall, the heating rates used during pyrolysis are around 5-15 C (Wu et al., 2004;
Yoshimune et al., 2008; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a) since higher heating rates would mean a
lower microporosity development, as reflected by several works that evaluate the
different conditions in the carbonization processes of several carbon materials (Kuo et al.,
2005; Liou, 2004).
Regarding the influence of the carbonization atmosphere, it seems that inert gases produce
the materials with the lowest textural development. For example, carbon gels prepared
under a N
atmosphere usually have specific surface areas about 600-700 m
(Calvo et al.,
2008; Kraiwattanawong et al., 2011; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a), whereas this parameter can
reach 1000 m
when the pyrolysis step is carried out under ammonia or CO
(Kang et al., 2009).
3.1.4 Activation: Physical or chemical activating agent, activating agent/precursor
ratio, type of precursor and activation time and temperature
Usually the temperature used for physical activation range between 700-1100 C for
different lengths of time, ranging from few hours (Guo et al., 2009; Lin & Ritter, 2000;
Nabais et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2007) to 24 hours (Contreras et al., 2010). The activation
time and temperature are very important variables since they can notably modify the
microporosity of the resulting materials, and even the narrower mesoporosity. Usually,
increasing the temperature promotes higher development of carbon gel microporosity. As
an example, Lin and Ritter (Lin & Ritter, 2000), performed the physical activation of
resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels with CO
at 1050 C for several activation times:
0.5, 1, 2 and 3 hours. The carbon xerogels reported in this study were found to have


significant volume of micropores in the 0.6 nm range, micropores whose diameter is
centered at approximately 1.3 nm and also mesopores ranging from 2-10 nm. The increase
in the activation time produced a more developed pore structure since the total pore
volume increased. The amount of ultramicropores increases until it reaches its maximum
value after 2 hours of activation, while the volume of large micropores and smaller
mesopores rises consistently with activation time. These results lead to the conclusion that
in more prolonged activation processes, not only does the creation of micropores take
place but also the destruction of the narrower micropores which are sometimes converted
into large micropores and small mesopores. This phenomenon has also been found in
another study performed by Contreras and co-workers (Contreras et al., 2010), where
physical activation processes with CO
at 900 C for 4, 8 and 16 hours resulted in carbon
xerogels with specific surface areas of 1015, 1365 and 2180 m
, respectively, and
micropores of size 1.0, 1.1 and 1.4 nm, corroborating the development of porosity and the
widening of micropores with the increase in activation time. In the same publication, the
influence of another variable involved in the activation processes, i.e. temperature, upon
the porosity of materials was evaluated. Two activation temperatures were studied, 800
and 900 C, and it was found that the highest temperature produced a greater
development in microporosity, as reflected by the increase in S
, V
and V
With these examples, it is possible to affirm that the development of microporosity
increases with higher activation temperatures and times, i.e. as the burn-off increases, a
phenomenon consistent with other works that deal with physical activation processes of
different type of materials (Guo et al., 2009; Roman et al., 2008).
As expected, chemical activation processes are also conditioned by many variables such as
the activation time and temperature, the amount of activating agent or type of precursor
(Conceio et al., 2009; Contreras et al., 2010; Zubizarreta et al., 2007). With regard to the
activating agent/precursor ratio, several studies have reported that the increase in the
amount of chemical agent leads to materials with a higher textural development, although
it should be pointed out that there is a maximum value above which surface area begins
to decrease (Zubizarreta et al., 2008c). Conceio et al. (Conceio et al., 2009) published a
work on the chemical activation with H
of resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels using
different impregnation ratio values (H
/gel = 1, 2 and 3). The increase in the amount
of H
leads to a higher total pore volume (i.e. 0.65, 0.94 and 1.41 cm
for samples
obtained using impregnation ratios of 1, 2 and 3, respectively). The narrower micropores
widen and, therefore, the volume of the ultramicropores decreases (i.e. 0.16, 0.15 and 0.13
), unlike the volume of supermicropores and narrower mesopores that increases
with higher impregnation ratios, a phenomenon similar to that explained in the preceding
paragraph regarding the effect of temperature on physical activation processes. This trend
was also observed in chemical activation processes of RF xerogels by adding different
amounts of KOH (Zubizarreta et al., 2008c). As the activating agent/precursor mass ratio
increases, carbon xerogels evolve from exclusively microporous to micro-mesoporous
materials when the A/P ratio is 4. As the KOH/precursor mass ratio increases, both the
specific surface area and micropore volume increase but sometimes, when A/P > 3, both
parameters decrease as a result of the widening of the micropores, which are then
conerted to narrow mesopores.
Another noteworthy variable in chemical activation processes is the type of precursor
used. According to different works (Calvo et al., 2011b; Zubizarreta et al., 2008c), the
chemical activation of carbon gels develops the microporosity notably without modifying

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

the pristine meso-macroporosity, as a result of the thermal stability of carbon gels.
However, when carbonization and activation are simultaneous processes, the reactivity of
the organic gels causes the destruction of most of the meso and macropores created
during sol-gel synthesis, while the microporosity undergoes intense developed. When
chemical activation is performed after the carbonization step, it is possible to synthesize
materials with a specific surface area of about 1500 m
and large mesopores volumen
= 1540 m
, V
= 0.69 cm
and V
= 0.25 cm
for a carbon xerogel
activated with KOH, (Zubizarreta et al., 2008c)) whereas when organic gels are used as
activating precursors, there is an intense development of microporosity, which is reflected
by S
values ranging from 2000 to 3000 m
, although this is accompanied by a lower
mesopores volume (i.e. S
= 2037 m
, V
= 0.82 cm
and V
= 0 cm
(Zubizarreta et al., 2008c)).
As mentioned above, during the activation processes narrow mesopores may be created
depending on the activation conditions. Therefore, it is important to discriminate between
this type of mesopores and the meso- macroporosity that appears during the sol-gel
synthesis of organic gels. The latter type of porosity is unable to remain intact when
chemical activation of organic gels is carried out. However, in a recent work it has been
shown that, under certain conditions, the chemical activation with KOH when microwave
radiation is used as a heating source of organic xerogels, leads to materials with the meso-
macroporosity of the original samples, in addition achieving remarkable amount of
micropores (Calvo et al., 2011b).
Usually, chemical activation processes are performed at lower temperatures than physical
activations, i.e. 700-850 C when metal alkoxides, such as KOH or NaOH, are used as
activating agent (Macia-Agulloet al., 2007; Raymundo-Piero et al., 2005; Zubizarreta et
al., 2008c), and temperatures ranging from 450-650 C in the case of chemical activations
with H
(Conceio et al., 2009, Qin et al., 2001). The influence of temperature on the
pore structure of carbon gels has been more extensively studied in the case of physical
activation processes, although there are also some studies about its effect on chemical
activations. As the activation temperature increases, materials with a more developed
porosity (i.e. higher surface area, micropore and also mesopore volumes) are formed.
However, it is noteworthy that, as with the effect of the amount of activating agent, there
is a maximum temperature above which porosity begins to decrease (Niu & Wang, 2008;
Okada et al., 2003).
To sum up, by choosing suitable synthesis and post-processing conditions, it is possible to
tailor the porosity of carbon gels, discriminating between micropores, mainly produced
during carbonization and activation stages and meso-macropores, created during the sol-gel
synthesis. It is therefore possible to obtain exclusively microporous carbon gels (suitable for
storage and adsorption applications (Cabria et al., 2007; Mahata et al., 2008)), micro-
mesoporous materials (for use as electrodes in supercapacitors (Calvo et al., 2008; Escribano
et al., 1998; Frackowiak & Bguin, 2001)) or even meso-macroporous samples (for water
treatments (Sanchez-Polo et al., 2007)).
3.2 Chemical properties
Unlike the porous textural properties, which can be easily controlled with the synthesis and
processing conditions, the chemical nature of carbon gels is not usually influenced by the
synthesis protocol followed during the sol-gel synthesis. Apart from the obvious influence
of the chemical nature of the monomers used, it is only possible to create different chemical


characteristics when activation, oxidation or doping processes are employed (Contreras et
al., 2010; Silva et al., 2009; Zubizarreta et al., 2008c).
Carbon gels are composed of approximately 92-98 wt. % carbon and the rest of the
composition is divided between hydrogen and oxygen, regardless of the synthesis
conditions such as initial pH, operating time and temperature, dilution, etc. (Calvo et al.,
2011a). However, Zubizarreta et al. (Zubizarreta et al., 2008a) affirm that it is possible to
synthesize carbon gels with a larger amount of oxygen by performing the drying step by
means of microwave heating. The oxygen content of this type of carbon xerogels was about
6-8 wt. %, probably due to the fact that with microwave radiation, several secondary
reactions take place, which would favour greater crosslinkage between organic gel and the
more stable oxygenated groups (Caddick, 1995).
Activation processes, both physical and chemical, besides increasing considerably the
microporosity, are able to increase the quantity of oxygen present in carbon gels of around
3-4 wt. % and, according to several published works, the higher the temperature and time of
activation, the higher the amount of oxygenated groups created (Contreras et al., 2010).
However, since the amount of oxygen inside the carbon gel structure is still low, the
determination of the nature of these surface groups is no straightforward task (Contreras et
al., 2010).
The pH
, (i.e. the pH value at which the electrical charge density on the carbon surface is
zero), of carbon gels synthesized from resorcinol-formaldehyde solutions generally ranges
from 8-9.5, whatever the synthesis conditions used (Calvo et al., 2011a; Zubizarreta et al.,
2008a; Lambert et al., 2009). This basic character is may be due to the presence of delocalized
electrons on the surface of the carbon gels, because of their aromatic character (Montes-
Morn et al., 1998), and the presence of pyrone or chromene-like structures (Fuentes et al.,
1998). When activation and/or oxidation processes are carried out, the point of zero charge
is irreversibly modified, increasing or decreasing with respect to the value of the pristine
material, depending on the nature of the oxygenated functionalities created (Mahata et al.,
2008). Thus, Lambert et al. (Lambert et al., 2009) show that oxidation by nitric acid is able to
modify the surface chemistry of resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon gels, by modifying their
from ca 9.4 to 2.4.
The modification of surface chemistry of carbon gels by doping processes has been widely
investigated because of the need for rich chemical nature and good conductivity of these
materials in a wide range of areas (e.g. catalysis or energy applications) (Job et al., 2008; Lee
et al., 2011; Moreno-Castilla et al., 1999, 2005; Zubizarreta et al., 2010). There are several
methods for obtaining metal-doped carbon gels. Basically, they can be classified into three
processes: (i) direct dissolution of the metal precursor in the resorcinol-formaldehyde
mixture (Chandra et al., 2011; Maldonado-Hdar et al., 2003); (ii) use of a resorcinol
derivative containing an ion exchange moiety that can be polymerized by sol-gel reactions
(Baumann et al., 2002; Fu et al., 2005), and finally, (iii) deposition of the precursor metal
either on organic or carbon gels (Mahata et al., 2008). In addition to the several types of
doping processes, factors such as the nature and amount of metal precursor, operating
temperature, etc. greatly determined the chemical properties of the resulting materials
(Frackowiak & Bguin, 2001; Job et al., 2007b).
The effect of the amount of metal precursor on the final properties of carbon gels has been
evaluated by Job et al (Job et al., 2007b), through the synthesis of RF carbon xerogels doped
with Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt, by the addition of complexing agents that react during the sol-gel
process. The results of this work showed that the metal particle size varies with the

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

concentration of the complexing agent, and these metal particles remain inserted into the
structure of the materials after the drying and pyrolysis stages. For example, Pd-doped
carbon xerogels had metal particle sizes of about 20 nm at low concentrations of metal
precursor while the size decreased to 3-5 nm, as the concentration of complexing agent
increased. In the case of Cu and Ni-loaded carbon gels, the metal particle size was
unchanged with the concentration of complexing agent because they were not incorporated
inside the polymeric network of the material and, therefore, they sintered during the
pyrolysis stage.
The influence of the processing temperature on the surface chemistry of carbon gels was
studied by Maldonado-Hdar (Maldonado-Hdar et al., 2003). In this work, they reported
the preparation of tungsten-doped carbon aerogels by means of sol-gel reactions between
resorcinol, formaldehyde and ammonium tungsten mixtures. Two carbonization
temperatures were selected (500 and 1000 C), and their influence on the resulting materials
was evaluated. By means of SEM images, it was possible to determine the distributions of
the metal species created, showing a more homogeneous distribution when the sample was
carbonized at 1000 C. Moreover, the temperature determined the type of tungsten particles
inside the carbon structure, since carbonization at 500 C produced materials composed of
needle-like WO
particles with a radius of few nanometres, while when the temperature was
set at 1000 C, as well as the same type of particles, a denser species with a certain dendritic
character were obtained.
The surface chemistry of metal-doped carbon gels are also conditioned by the pH of the
precursor solution (Bekyarova et al., 2000) like the textural properties. Bekyarova and
Kaneko (Bekyarova et al., 2000) prepared Ce,Zr-doped carbon aerogels by adding metal
salts to the resorcinol-formaldehyde solutions. Two pH values were selected, 3 and 7, results
in materials with different features. The TEM images collected in this work showed that in
the case of pH 7, the carbon aerogel was composed of bound particles of about 20 nm and,
there was a homogeneous distribution of the metal species. However, the sample
synthesized from a solution with pH 3 gave rise to spherical particles with diameters of
about 3 m and no doping particles were detected.
3.3 Mechanical properties
Carbon gels are composed of interconnected quasi-spherical nodules, forming a three-
dimensional matrix, as reflected by the SEM photograph presented in Figure 12. As already
mentioned, the diameter of these nanospheres and, therefore, the pore size is influenced by
several synthesis conditions (Czzakel et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2009; Zubizarreta et al., 2008a).
As regards to the initial pH, lower microspheres size are obtained as the initial pH increases,
corresponding to highly compact structures. Zubizarreta et al. (Zubizarreta et al., 2008a)
determined the influence of the pH on the structure of the carbon xerogels, noting that
precursor solutions with pH 9 and 7 produced carbon xerogels with a compact and uniform
structure while the sample obtained using pH 6 exhibited a low-compact structure and
besides, the microspheres have hardly intuit.
The influence of other synthesis variables, such as the drying procedure, on the structure of
carbon gels has been determined by several research groups. Regardless of the drying
conditions, the structure of carbon gels is composed of interconnected spherical particles,
although it is necessary to emphasize that the size of such spheres changes depending on
the method used (Czzakel et al., 2005). Sometimes it is difficult to discriminate between the
structures of carbon aerogels and cryogels. However, by means of SEM or TEM


photographs, it is possible to appreciate the smaller size of the microspheres of the carbon
xerogels, as a result of the shrinkage of the structure (Czzakel et al., 2005).
One of the advantages associated with carbon gels is that they can be made with different
morphologies, such as monoliths, although this monolithic shape is notably influenced by
the synthesis conditions. There is a scientific work that has demonstrated the effect of the
initial pH and the heating device used to evaporate the solvent, on the morphology of
carbon xerogels (Zubizarreta et al., 2008a). With microwave heating, it was possible to
preserve the monolithic shape of the carbon gel when a precursor solution with a high pH is
used, whereas when the pH was low, the monolith broke into pieces as a result of its greater
frailty. This confirms that the final carbon gel displays better mechanical properties as the
initial pH increases.

Fig. 12. SEM image of resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogel synthesised in a microwave
oven using a precursor solution with a pH of 5.8.
Regarding the effect of the activation processes, both physical and chemical, on the
mechanical properties of the resultant activated material, it has been observed that it is
possible to obtain monoliths of physically activated carbon gels. However, when chemical
activation is used, the process is more severe and it is not possible to retain the monolithic
The porous, chemical and mechanical characteristics of carbon gels are related to the
different synthesis steps and the operating variables involved in each stage. As a summary
of this section this relationship is reported in Table 2. Although there are many works which
deal with the designing of the carbon gel properties and the great potential of these
materials, many variables require further study and adjustment with the aim of tailoring the
properties of the final material for a specific application.

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels





pH has no influence on microporosity
and/or surface area (Calvo et al.,
2011a; Job et al., 2004; Lin &
Increasing pH yields a narrower
mesoporosity (Calvo et al., 2011a; Job
et al., 2004; Lin & Ritter,1997)
Decreasing the pH increases the
macroporosity (Zubizarreta et al.,
2008a, Calvo et al., 2011a )
As the pH increases, the gelation time
(tg) decreases (Calvo et al., 2011a;
Jurez-Prez et al., 2010)
Not influenced
(Calvo et al.,
Zubizarreta et
al., 2008a)
Increasing the pH
increases the
mechanical resistance
of the carbon xerogels
(Zubizarreta et al.,
RF concentration
A decrease in the RF concentration
leads to a smaller pore size (Al-
Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Petricevic et
al., 2001)
Not influenced Little studied
Very high synthesis temperatures
cause a shrinkage of porosity
Not influenced Little studied



Causes shrinkage of the pore structure
(Al-Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Czzakel
et al., 2005; Job et al., 2005)
Not influenced
Easy to obtain carbon
xerogel monoliths
Slightly higher shrinkage of the pore
structure (Zubizarreta et al., 2008b)
Higher oxygen
content but few
studies on this
(Zubizarreta et
al., 2008b)
It is difficult to obtain
carbon xerogel
monoliths directly, but
the good control of
gelation point leads to
design the final shape
(Calvo et al., 2011a;
Mahata et al., 2008)

Increasing the temperature either
increases (Husley et al., 1992; Lin &
Ritter, 2000) or decreases the surface
area and micropore volume (Kang et
al., 2009)
Little influence on meso or
Increasing the
reduces the
oxygen content
& Ritter, 2003)
Little studied
Heating rate
A high heating rate reduces the
micropore volume (Kuo et al., 2005;
Liou, 2004)
Little studied Little studied
A carbonization atmosphere notably
influences the porous texture of the
carbon gels (Kang et al., 2009;
Zubizarreta et al., 2008a)
Depending on
the type of
(Kang et al.,
Zubizarreta et
al., 2008a)
Little studied



Increasing activation the temperature
and operating times leads to a more
developed pore texture (Contreras et
al., 2010; Lin & Ritter, 2000)
The oxygen
(Contreras et
al., 2010)
Possible activation of
the monoliths
Activation of the organic xerogels
destroys the meso-macroporosity
created during the synthesis (except in
a MW oven), but increases the
microporosity and surface area
considerably (Calvo et al., 2011b;
Zubizarreta et al., 2008c)
Activation of the carbon xerogels
increases the microporosity without
altering the meso-macroporosity (Al-
Mutasheb & Ritter, 2003; Molina-
Sabio et al., 2004; Zubizarreta et al.,
The activating agent/carbon ratio
influences the micropore volume
considerably (Conceio et al., 2009;
Zubizarreta et al., 2008c)
The oxygen
The monoliths are
usually destroyed
(Zubizarreta et al.,
Table 2. Effect of the synthesis conditions on the properties of resorcinol-formaldehyde
carbon gels.
4. Applications of carbon xerogels
All the characteristics already mentioned along this chapter make carbon xerogels very
promising candidates for a wide range of applications such as adsorption (Long et al.,
2009; Maldonado-Hdar et al., 2007; Ying et al., 2005), water treatment (Girgis et al., 2011;
Shnchez-Polo et al., 2007), gas separation (Yamamoto et al., 2004) or enzymes support
(Chaijitrsakool et al., 2008). Besides the most common and referenced ones like catalysts
support (Job et al., 2008; Lambert et al., 2010; Liu & Creager, 2010; Moreno-Castilla et al.,
1999), electrode materials in electric double layer capacitors (Calvo et al., 2008;
Frackowiak & Bguin, 2001; Sepheri et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2007; Zhu et al., 2007) and
hydrogen storage (Kang et al., 2009; Tian et al., 2010, 2011a, 2011b; Zubizarreta et al.,
2010). In this section a brief review of all these applications of carbon xerogels are
4.1 Catalysts support
Catalysis plays a decisive role in many reactions and technologies such as: energy supply by
fuel cells, oxidation of organic compounds in liquid effluents, removal of SO
and NO
order to reduce the pollution, synthesis of fine chemistry products, etc (Girgis et al., 2011;
Machado et al., 2010; Moreno-Castilla et al., 2005; Pirard et al., 2011). Generally, two types of
catalysis are distinguished: homogeneous catalysis, i.e. reactants and catalyst constitute just
one phase and heterogeneous catalysis, it is to say, when catalyst is in a different phase
respect to the reactants involved in the process. Both kind of catalysts display advantages

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

and drawbacks. For example, heterogeneous catalysts are much important at industrial scale
as a result of their simple preparation procedure, high stability and the possibility of
separating them from the reaction media in an easy way. Nevertheless, the disadvantages of
heterogeneous catalysis are the presence of two different phases and the control of the active
sites nature. On the other hand, regarding to homogeneous catalysis, although reactions
take place in a single phase and catalysts can be tailored, their carriage in industrial
processes is lower due to their sometimes limited stability and their difficult recovery
(Choplin & Quignard, 1998; Djakovitch et al., 2004; Fontecha-Cmara et al., 2011).
Most of published works on carbon gels used in catalysis field are focused on heterogeneous
processes and the great interest of carbon gels in this field research is due to their attractive
features such as: tailored pore texture, possibility of enriching their surface chemistry by
different processes, high packing density, high durability under harsh conditions, etc. (Cotet
et al., 2006; Job et al., 2005; Moreno-Castilla et al., 1999; Teng & Wang, 2000). The major
challenge in catalysis, together with the reduction of costs is to increase their activity and
selectivity. The selectivity is a feature very difficult to manage but catalytic activity has been
extensively studied in many publications in order to achieve a relationship between this
parameter and the properties of the carbon material. Both surface chemistry and porous
texture of carbon gels play an important role on catalytic processes. However, catalytic
activity depends on the nature, amount and accessibility of their active sites for the
reactants, and it is not always straightforward to correlate it with intrinsic characteristics of
carbonaceous materials.
One of the first works found about catalytic performance of metal-doped carbon gels were
published in 1999 by Moreno-Castilla and co-workers (Moreno-Castilla et al., 1999). This
work was focused on the study of catalytic activity of chromium, molybdenum and
tungsten oxide-doped carbon aerogels in the isomerisation reaction of 1-butene and the
results showed that the best catalyst for this specific reaction was carbon aerogel based on
tungsten oxide because of the higher surface acidity. The isomerization reaction of 1-butene
in other structures was a widely investigated process since a hydrocarbon with higher
octanoic value can be obtained and therefore, several research groups have performed
studies on the effect of using metal catalysts supported on carbon materials for accelerating
this reaction (lvarez-Merino et al., 2000).
Carbon gels have also been explored as metal catalyst support for fuel cell applications. The
fact of using carbon supported catalysts in fuel cells allows production costs to be reduced
and performance and durability of the electrochemical system to be improved (Arbizzani et
al., 2007; Job et al., 2008; Liu & Creager, 2010). One the most recent works in this research
field was carried out by Liu and Creager (Liu & Creager, 2010). Resorcinol-formaldehyde
carbon xerogels was used as supports for Pt particles, by means of impregnation-reduction
method using H
as platinum precursor and formaldehyde as the reducing agent.
Electrochemical results of the membrane-electrodes fabricated from Pt-deposited carbon
xerogels with Nafion as electrolyte, were compared with those of Pt catalyst supported on a
commercial carbon black. Pt-carbon xerogel catalysts displayed good intrinsic catalyst
activity due to the higher size of Pt particles in these catalysts and besides, the cell
performance normalized by Pt loading was slightly higher when Pt particles were
supported on resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels. Job et al. (Job et al., 2008) also
prepared Pt-carbon xerogel catalysts for fuel cell applications. The catalysts were
synthesized following two different recipes: (i) impregnation of carbon xerogel with Pt
precursor solution followed by reduction process and (ii) strong electrostatic adsorption


(SEA method). This latter method produced higher dispersion of Pt particles than the
impregnation and consequent reduction, improving the performance of fuel cells in terms of
Pt mass activity. Moreover, there are research groups that used bimetallic catalysts for
energy production in fuel cells. For example, Figueiredo and co-workers (Figueiredo et al.,
2006) evaluated the electrochemical performance of direct-methanol fuel cells (DMFCs)
assembled with Pt-Ru catalyst supported on oxidized carbon xerogels and the results
reported in that study demonstrated that resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels were
effective as supports for Pt/Ru particles. Pt-Ru bimetallic catalysts were also prepared by
Arbizzani and et al (Arbizzani et al., 2007) for their use as anodes in DMFCs. In that case, the
carbon supports were mesoporous cryo and xerogel carbons and Pt-Ru catalysts were
obtained by impregnation of carbon materials with H
and RuCl
in ethylene glycol
and later chemical reduction. The activity of the catalysts were related with structural and
morphological properties of carbonaceous supports and electrochemical results of fuel cells
were also compared to those obtained with a Pt-Ru supported on a commercial carbon
support, showing again the good behaviour of carbon gels as support catalysts.
Other chemical processes and/or reactions catalyzed by carbon gels are for example,
oxidation of several organic compounds with the aim of reducing pollution in liquids
effluents (Girgis et al., 2011; Maldonado-Hdar et al., 2004), toluene combustion reactions
(Gomes et al., 2008; Maldonado-Hdar et al., 2007), growth of carbon nanofilaments and
nanotubes (Fu et al., 2003), conversion of D-glucose into D-gluconic acid (Pirard et al., 2011),
and a long list since this type of catalysts has infinite number of applications in many
different research fields.
4.2 Electric energy storage
A large number of publications can be found in the literature about carbon gels as electrode
materials in supercapacitors as a result of being highly porous materials with a good electric
conductivity (Kim et al., 2001).
In electrochemical double layer capacitors, EDLCs, the main mechanism that governs
charge storage processes is the formation of the electric double layer in the
electrode/electrolyte interface (Frackowiak, 2007; Ktz & Carlen, 2000). Theoretically, as
specific surface area increases, higher energy storage capacitance is achieved, but actually
the situation changes because the whole surface area of the electrode material is not
electrochemically accessible, and therefore useful, when electrodes are immersed in the
electrolyte. Many studies about carbon gels and supercapacitors have concluded than
charge storage is performed in micropores whereas mesopores with a specific size are
needed for a fast diffusion of electrolyte ions (Frackowiak & Bguin, 2001; Salitra et al.,
2000; Vix-Guterl et al., 2005). Electrochemical studies on carbon gels with a mesopores
size between 3-13 nm have resulted in very high specific capacitance values and also, in a
stable capacitive performance of the supercapacitor (Escribano et al., 1998). Therefore, it
has been generally accepted that a balanced porosity between micro and mesopores is
preferable to reach the optimum performance of the supercapacitor. Carbon gels are very
promising materials for this application since besides their high microporosity, mesopores
with a specific and tailored size can be obtained varying the synthesis conditions, absent
feature in the case of activated carbons. Moreover, carbon gels display other advantages
when they are used as electrodes in supercapacitors such as their high conductivity,
enabling the removal of the usual additive to promote this property employed with active
carbons, possibility of obtaining them in several morphologies directly without the need

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

of binders, i.e. it would be feasible to prepare carbon gel films in order to directly use as
electrodes, and high cycling-life (Pandolfo & Hollenkamp, 2006). It has been found
specific capacitance values of carbon gels in aqueous electrolyte between about 100 F g
in the case of an untreated carbon gel and 300 F g
, data corresponding to carbon gels
textural and chemically modified by means of several post-synthesis treatments. Some
specific capacitance values found in the literature for untreated carbon gels are for
example from 153 to 194 F g
in the case of several resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon
xerogels with specific surface areas between 700-800 m
(Zhang et al., 2007); 150 F g

when the electrochemical performance were carried out using a basic aqueous media as
electrolyte and RF carbon xerogel dried by microwave heating after a previous solvent
exchange with acetone (Halama et al., 2010), or finally, 120 F g
for a RF carbon xerogel
with a S
of 594 m
obtained by microwave-assisted synthesis (Calvo et al., 2011a). It
should be noted that despite the lower energy storage capacitance shown in the case of
this late carbon xerogel, it is a very promising material because it has been synthesized by
microwave heating in few hours compared to several days needed in the other examples
cited. Higher capacitance values are reported when activated carbon gels are used as
electrode materials in supercapacitors. Zhu and co-workers (Zhu et al., 2007) and Wang et
al. (Wang et al., 2008) performed the synthesis of activated carbon gels with KOH and
studied their electrochemical performance as electrode materials in supercapacitors with
basic aqueous electrolyte, and results reported by both research groups were 244 F g

(Wang et al., 2008) and 284 F g
(Zhu et al., 2007), comparable values to those shown by
other carbonaceous materials commonly used as electrodes in supercapacitors (Kierzek et
al., 2004; Lota et al., 2008; Shi, 1996).
The energy storage mechanism based on charges separation in the electrode/electrolyte
interface is not the only mechanism that can carry out in supercapacitors. In fact, there is
another type of energy storage, induced by faradaic reactions occurring in electrodes
surface, which considerably enhances the capacitance of supercapacitors (Frackowiak &
Bguin, 2001). These redox reactions promote so-called pseudocapacitance effects and
they are caused due to the presence of heteroatoms in the surface of the carbon electrodes.
Some of the heteroatoms which contribute to the energy storage by means of
pseudocapacitive effects are, for example, O, N, P, B, some metals, etc. (Frackowiak, 2007;
Kang et al., 2008; Tian et al., 2010). Moreover, together with the increase of energy
capacitance, surface groups improve the wettability of electrodes in aqueous media, due
to electrostatic interactions on the electrode surface with dipole moments of water
molecules. There are many examples in the literature about the use of doped carbon gels
as electrode materials for supercapacitors. In the case of nitrogen-doped carbon gels, the
work presented by Kang and co-workers, mentioned in Section 2 (Kang et al., 2008),
reported the preparation of nitrogen enriched carbon xerogels by means of ammonisation
processes. In this study, three different carbon xerogels were compared both textural and
electrochemically: RF carbon xerogel conventionally synthesized, RF carbon xerogel
conventionally synthesized and carbonised under NH
atmosphere and, finally, a RF
carbon xerogel prepared by microwave-assisted synthesis and carbonised with NH
. The
two samples subjected to NH
-carbonization display similar nitrogen contents (between
2.6 and 3.2 wt. %), while the porous texture is noticeable different. Microwave assisted
sample has around 1700 m
of specific surface area opposite to 1080 m
for its
counterpart synthesized by conventional heating and also, the latter carbon xerogel has
lower mesopore volume. This different porosity affects the electrochemical performance


of samples since conventional sample display a specific capacitance of 148 F g
vs. 185 F
in the case of sample with larger porosity development. When these two carbon
xerogels were compared to the sample pyrolysed under N
atmosphere, it was clearly
demonstrated the profitable effects of nitrogen doping since although this last sample has
a specific surface area close to 800 m
, its energy storage capacitance is very poor as a
result of the absence of nitrogen functionalities, i.e. the lack of reversible electrochemical
reactions that increase the capacitance due to pseudo-faradaic processes. Other work that
shows the improvement of energy storage due to the presence of heteroatoms was
performer by Sepheri et al. (Sepheri et al., 2009). In that case, the functionalization was
carried out during the synthesis process of organic gels since, once organic gels are
synthesized but still wet, they were introduced in ammonia borane/trifluoroacetic acid
solution in order to incorporate B and N atoms into the structure of resulting materials.
This treatment promotes the presence of functional groups and besides, the increase of
mesoporosity since the carbon gel mixed with AB solution possesses a mesopore volume
of 1.57 cm
opposite to 1.17 cm
in the case of untreated carbon xerogel. Results
about the chemical nature of these samples, show that the ammonia borane treatment
allows the incorporation of borane and oxygen functionalities (2.2 and 11.4 wt. % of boron
and oxygen for treated carbon xerogel vs. 0.0 and 3.8 wt. %, respectively, in the case of
untreated sample) while nitrogen groups disappear during the carbonization step. The
enrichment of surface chemistry together with the enhanced porous texture causes an
increase of ca. 30 % in the specific capacitance values and also an improvement in the
current density of supercapacitors.
Quin and other researchers (Qin et al., 2011), also reflect the improvement of capacitive
performance of supercapacitors by means of nitrogen functionalization of electrodes. Unlike
the other two mentioned examples, the electrochemical devices assembled were asymmetric
supercapacitors, where Ni(OH)
composite works as anode and an activated carbon
gel/melamine resin composite as cathode material, strategy widely used in others research
groups (Ganesh et al., 2006; Staiti & Lufrano, 2010). The followed recipe to performer the
functionalization of materials was quite different respect to the other two published studies.
On the one hand, resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon gel was synthesized and chemically
activated with KOH and secondly, a melamine resin was prepared in order to use it as
nitrogen source. Both samples were mixed in water with ultrasonic radiation and afterwards,
the resulting material was pyrolysed and activated with KOH causing the activated nitrogen
enriched carbon/carbon gel composite. Results show that activated organic gel has a specific
surface area of 1670 m
opposite to 1848 m
for the nitrogen enriched composite,
demonstrating that, as in previous cases (Kang et al., 2008; Sepheri et al., 2009), treated carbon
gels display high porosity development. The composite also has an important amount of
heteroatoms since XPS measurements show 2.1 and 13.3 % of nitrogen and oxygen content, for
such sample. Electrochemical results reported in this work corroborate the higher energy
storage as a result of redox reactions in the electrode surface since specific capacitance values
were 103 F g
in the case of using the activated carbon gel as cathode material and 224 F g

when the supercapacitor was assembled with the nitrogen enriched composite. The difference
in specific surface area between two samples was only 11 % while the electrochemical
performance was enhanced about 50 %, indicating that the presence of pseudocapacitive
interactions allow the global capacitance of supercapacitor to be increased.
As reflected in Section 2 of this chapter, there are lots of research groups working on doping
processes of carbon gels with metal species in order to prepare higher porous and

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

conductive materials. Therefore, one of the final applications of these metal-doped carbon
gels is as energy storage systems. One of the more recent works dealing with doping
processes of carbon gels for their use in supercapacitors was published by Lee and co-
workers (Lee et al., 2011). The doping method was performed either by impregnation of
manganese oxide on carbon gel power or by impregnation onto monolith material and the
resulting carbon gels was electrochemically characterized. The best specific capacitance
values were found in the case of impregnation of power form (i.e. 135 F g
for Mn-doped
carbon aerogel obtained by impregnation onto power form opposite to 108 F g
in the best
case when the impregnation was carried out with the monolithic material).
4.3 Hydrogen storage
As a result of the scarcity of fossil hydrocarbon resources, hydrogen is becoming a
promising substitute for these fossil fuels in mobile applications. In addition to achieve the
independence of fossil fuels, the use of hydrogen represents an environmentally friendly
technology since allows the production of zero emission vehicles. However, the main
requisite to a successful implementation is to store and transport the hydrogen in a safe and
easy way (Dillon & Heben, 2001; Schimmel et al., 2004; Zubizarreta et al., 2009). Many
researches have showed great attention to solve this hydrogen storage problem by means of
several methodologies: high pressure, low temperature, metal or complex hydrides and
porous materials, being the latter one of the most attractive solutions. High specific surface
areas with narrow micropore size distributions are required for high-efficiency physical
adsorption of hydrogen. As already mentioned, the possibility to tailor the micro-
mesoporosity of carbon gels besides their surface chemistry makes them suitable materials
for hydrogen storage devices (Kabbour et al., 2006; Tian et al., 2010, 2011, Zubizarreta et al.,
There are a large number of published works about carbon gels and hydrogen storage that
try to determine the interaction mechanism between H
and carbonaceous support and the
relationship between adsorption capacities and textural and morphological properties of
sorbent material. Regarding to the texture of nanoporous carbon materials, most of the
studies conclude that there is a linear relationship between hydrogen storage capacity and
surface area and micropore volume, but these are not the only influencing factors, since
micropore diameter plays a key role in the final storage capacity. In other words, for
hydrogen storage application is so important a high micropore volume as well as a narrow
micropore size distribution (De la Casa-Lillo et al., 2002; Gadiou et al., 2005; Jord-Beneyto
et al., 2008). According to several published works (Gadiou et al., 2005; Jord-Beneyto et al.,
2008), micropores with a pore size of approximately 0.7-0.9 nm promotes higher hydrogen
sorption capacities. In contrast, regarding to smaller mesopores, there is not a clear
relationship between mesopore diameter and process of hydrogen storage. Zubizarreta et al.
(Zubizarreta et al., 2009) have published a study based on the hydrogen sorption capacity of
several carbon materials, including three resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels with
different porous texture and morphology. In most samples, it has been found that in H

adsorption experiments performed at 77 K, the gravimetric storage capacity increases with
the narrow micropore volume, analogous results to those reported in the literature about
hydrogen storage on other kind of materials such as activated carbon (Akasaka et al., 2011;
Cabria et al., 2007; Gadiou et al., 2007; Jord-Beneyto et al., 2008; Xua et al., 2007) or metal
organic frameworks, MOFs (Hirscher & Panella, 2007; Thomas, 2007), for example.





















































Fig. 13. Gravimetric and volumetric storage capacity of several hydrogen storage systems
For an optimum hydrogen storage capacity in solid materials, besides a well developed
porous texture, there is another important feature to take into account, which is their surface
chemistry. Experimental results about hydrogen storage on porous materials show that at
low temperature, the dominant mechanism in the hydrogen storage process is based on
microporous adsorption. However, as the temperature increases or the pressure decreases,
chemical structure begins to have noticeable relevance in the mechanism of H
Therefore, with the aim of changing the hydrogen/carbon interaction and therefore,
enhancing the hydrogen storage capacity at room temperature or low pressure, several
researches have used doped carbon materials. Some of the heteroatoms used to modify the
surface properties and to achieve an enhanced hydrogen adsorption are N, B, Ni, Co, etc.
(Kabbour et al., 2006; Tian et al., 2010; Zubizarreta et al., 2010). As already reflected in
Section 2, carbon gels can undergo different doping processes, which is a great interest to
solve the limitation of poor hydrogen uptake at room temperature. It can be found a
remarkable number of studies related to hydrogen storage on doped carbon gels. However,
it should be noted that, as a result of the large number of variables involved in the storage
process (i.e. temperature and pressure of hydrogen storage, porous texture of carbon gels,
amount and particle size of the heteroatom incorporated into the structure of carbon
materials, etc.) it is very difficult to find several publications agreeing with the values of
hydrogen storage capacity. For example, Kabbour et al (Kabbour et al., 2006) have published
in 2006 a study about Co and Ni-doped carbon gels for hydrogen storage. The gravimetric
hydrogen storage values reported were 2.1 and 2.3 wt.% for Co and Ni-doped carbon gels,
respectively, when the hydrogen sorption experiments were performed at 77 K and low
pressure (pressure between 0 and 2.5 bar). Other work about Co-doped carbon gels for H

storage shows a value of hydrogen storage capacity of 4.38 wt.% under lower temperature
and high pressure conditions (Tian et al., 2010), but it should be said that the carbon gels
used as adsorbent material in both works displays very different textural properties
(i.e. S
= 1667 m
in 157 versus ca 1000 m
in 156), which could explain the notable
difference in hydrogen storage capacities. Zubizarreta et al. (Zubizarreta et al., 2010) also
investigated the performance of Ni-doped carbon gels in hydrogen storage systems and
reported one of the higher values of gravimetric hydrogen storage capacity for this type of

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

carbonaceous materials. The best Ni-doped carbon xerogel synthesized in that work, whose
specific surface area is 1727 m
with a Ni content of 2.7 wt.%, exhibits a value of
hydrogen storage capacity of 6 wt.% at 77 K and 40 bar. It is very complicate to compare all
these results with those found with other doped carbonaceous materials used in hydrogen
storage applications (i.e. activated carbons (Akasaka et al., 2011; De la Casa-Lillo et al., 2002;
Takagi et al., 2004), nanotubes (Gao et al., 2010; Lamari et al., 2002; Schimmel et al., 2004;
Surya et al., 2009) or nanofibers (De la Casa-Lillo et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2008)). The
hydrogen storage capacity of Ni-doped carbon gels compared with other hydrogen storage
systems is collected in Figure 13. Regarding to the gravimetric storage capacity, the Ni-
doped xerogel shows analogous and even higher values to other materials reported in the
figure when the experiments were carried out at -196 C and 40 bar but, as reflected at the
beginning of this paragraph, the increase of the temperature produces an important
decrease of the hydrogen storage capacity, thus the Ni-doped carbon xerogel at 25 C is far
from that the DOE had proposed for the year 2010.
4.4 Other applications
As already reflected in this chapter, the sol-gel reaction allows textural and chemical
properties to be tailored but, in addition, it is possible to control other important
characteristic of these carbonaceous materials, such as their morphology. As pointed out in
Section 1, carbon gels can be synthesized with several shapes: monolith, films, powder,
spheres, etc. and morphology may be one of the key factors that could determine the good
or bad performance of carbon gels in some specific applications. An example of the
relevance of the morphology is the use of carbon xerogel spheres as columns filler for gas
separation. A research group from INCAR-CSIC has recently prepared resorcinol-
formaldehyde carbon spheres with different sphere size depending on the synthesis
procedure followed and has studied their performance as material sieves for separation of
gas mixtures (some of their results reported in Figure 14). On the one hand, it can
be seen pictures with carbon spheres of different size and on the other hand, N
and CO

monitoring curves that show that CO
can be separated as a result of the porosity and
basicity of the carbon xerogel spheres.

Fig. 14. Carbon xerogel spheres and their potential as fillers for gas separation systems.


In the literature, there is some example about carbon gels designed for gas separation
applications. In fact, Zheivot et al. (Zheivot et al., 2010) published in 2010 a study about the
production of several phenol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels and their use as adsorption
materials in gas chromatography. Results reported showed that microporous carbon
xerogels can be prepared varying the synthesis conditions and they can be successfully used
as adsorbents to concentrate the impurities of light hydrocarbons and gaseous products of
many catalytic reactions. Liquid phase adsorption can also be performed with carbon gels.
In 2007, Sanchez-Polo and other researchers (Snchez-Polo et al., 2007) analyzed the
efficiency of Ag-doped carbon aerogels for the removal of several ions (Br
and I
) from
drinking waters. The doping of resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels was carried out by the
addition of silver acetate as catalyst instead of the commonly used sodium carbonate. The
study confirmed that the synthesis of mainly meso and macroporous carbon aerogels with
an important amount of Ag particles could be carried out and the resulting materials
displayed good adsorption capacities. The performance of carbon aerogels as adsorption
materials was compared with the adsorption capacity of a commercial activated carbon that
turned out to be lower. Other published work about carbon gels as liquid phase adsorbents
was carried out by Girgis et al. (Girgis et al., 2011). In that study, the synthesis of carbon
xerogels with difference porous texture was carried out and also the performance as
adsorbent materials of two cationic dyes was evaluated. The main conclusion extracted from
that publication is that carbon gels are good adsorbing materials in remediation processes
since their adsorption capacities towards Methylene blue and Rhodamine B are comparable
to conventional activated carbons. There is other recent work that includes the removal of
several compounds from liquid effluents by using carbon gels as adsorbent materials
(Figueiredo et al., 2011) but in this case, adsorption capacities collected are worse or similar
than those shown by activated carbons, indicating that carbon xerogels do not seem to be an
feasible option to remove colour from the effluents.
5. Conclusion
Carbon xerogels are nanostructured materials of a huge versatility since they can be
synthesized with (i) different porous texture at micro-, meso- and macropore scale, (ii)
different surface chemistry and (iii) different final shape. Moreover, all these properties
can be tailored by adjusting the synthesis conditions, so it is possible, at least in theory, to
obtain nanoporous carbon materials on-demand. However, the main problem to be solved
in order to obtain a material with certain predetermined characteristics lies in the large
number of variables that is necessary to control during their synthesis and to the fact that
some of these variables are not independent. In consequence, one of the main drawbacks
for the extensive use of these materials is to define the appropriate synthesis conditions
and achieve them in a competitive way in terms of costs and operating time. Despite to
the fact that great progress has been done in this sense -for example microwave induced
synthesis has reduced the time of the carbon xerogels synthesis from days to hours with
an important reduction in the costs of production- there is still need a step forward giving
the opportunity to vast research field. Thus, it seems not risked to assure that as
investigations on this matter reveals new information the great versatility of the carbon
xerogels will make them important members of the family of the nanostructured materials
with applications in numerous new, or existing, technologies ranging from electricity
storage to drug delivery.

Designing Nanostructured Carbon Xerogels

6. Acknowledgment
Authors would like to thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin (Ref.
MAT2008-00217/MAT) for the financial support. EGC also acknowledges FICYT for the
research grand received.
7. References
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Part 4
State-of-the-Art Nano-Material Applications

Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials
Joaquim G. G. Esteves da Silva
Centro de Investigao em Qumica da Universidade do Porto (CIQ-UP),
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Porto,
1. Introduction
The most known fluorescence nanoparticles are the semiconductor nanocrystals usually
called quantum dots (QD) (Smith & Nie, 2010). These nanoparticles, with typical sizes
between 1 to 12 nm, are being used in many advanced technological applications, for
example in bioimaging (Gerion et al., 2001; Murcia et al., 2008; Williams et al., 2009).
However, some of the materials that compose the QD are rare in the earth crust and highly
toxic (Lovric et al., 2005).
Recently, the elements carbon and silicon, which are among the most abundant elements in
the earth crust and are intrinsically non-toxic, become quite important elements in
nanochemistry because they originate fluorescent nanostructures with relatively high
quantum yield. Bulk carbon and silicon materials are not fluorescent but the corresponding
nanomaterials are strongly fluorescent, allow emission colour tuning and are non-blinking
nanoparticles with high scientific and technological potential.
Carbon nanomaterials are already well known, like for example the fullerenes, carbon
nanotubes (CNT), either single-wall (SWNT) or multiple-wall (MWNT), carbon nanofibers
and graphene (Liu et al., 2010). Highly fluorescent carbon nanomaterials, here called carbon
dots (CD), were only accidently discovered in 2004 during the electrophoretic purification of
SWNT derived from arc-discharge soot (Xu et al., 2004). However, in the years 2000 and
2007, studies observed strongly fluorescence shortened MWNT and shortened SWNT (Luo
et al., 2007; Riggs et al., 2000). Indeed, CD are carbon based nanomaterials that possesses
similar size and surface functionality they constitute different families of nanomaterials and
are constituted mainly by carbon with sp
hybridization characteristic of monocristaline
graphite with relatively high oxygen contents (Baker & Baker, 2010; Esteves da Silva &
Gonalves, 2011; Fan & Chu, 2010; Xu et al., 2004). CD are different from nanodiamonds
because these last nanoparticles are constituted by about 98% carbon with a sp

hybridization with small amounts of graphitic carbon on the surface that are synthesized
from milling microdiamonds, chemical vapour deposition, shockwave or detonation
processes (Baker & Baker, 2010). New simplified synthetic pathways are being proposed and
the number of potential technological applications of CDs is increasing in the last years
(Baker & Baker, 2010; Esteves da Silva & Gonalves, 2011; Fan & Chu, 2010).
Another class of potentially non-toxic and biocompatible fluorescent nanoparticles are those
of silicon (silicon dots - SD). One fluorescent silicon nanoparticle (silicon porous

Nanomaterials 238
nanoparticles) were first prepared in the 1950s by electrochemical etching in hydrofluoric
acid and ultraviolet irradiation (Parkhutik & Timashev, 2000) but its red luminescence was
only discovered in 1990 (Canham, 1990). However, porous silicon is fragile and highly
reactive limiting its straightforward applications. SD with typical sizes in the order of 1 to 10
nm are mechanically more rough and show high quantum yields. Also, SD has one common
property to QD, i.e. the emitted fluorescence is red shift with increasing size particles
(Canham, 1999). These properties confer SD a quite interesting role for optoelectronic
The research and modulation of SD is more advanced than CD and the application of
computational theoretical methods tom SD is a quit interesting research field (Pudzer et al.,
2003; Belomoin et al., 2002; Trabi & Barone, 2011). Indeed, SD have been studied by density
functional theory (DFT) and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods to understand and
simulate their structural and optical properties. This theoretical approach together with
experimental confirmation will allow further developments in the understanding of the
fluorescent properties tuning.
This chapter will focus on the description of the fluorescent nanoparticles carbon dots (CD)
and silicon dots (SD) with a brief description of the synthesis methodologies, the current
state of the art about the comprehension of the fluorescence mechanisms, their multiphoton
excitation properties and its relevance to new bioimaging methodologies, and their most
recent scientific and technological applications.
2. Synthesis of carbon and silicon nanomaterials
The synthesis of stable carbon and silicon based high fluorescent nanoparticles usually
requires a two step methodology: the synthesis of the raw nanoparticle; and, reaction of the
surface atoms with other substances to passivation and/or functionalization.
Raw nanomaterials can usually be obtained by top-down or bottom-up approaches. Top-
down approaches usually include physical techniques, like for example laser ablation, or
chemical reactions, like for example chemical catalyzed etching. Bottom-up approaches are
usually chemical synthesis methods that use chemical precursors to synthesise the
nanoparticles. Figures 1 and 2 show the main synthetic routes of CD and SD, respectively.
(Baker & Baker, 2010; Esteves da Silva & Gonalves, 2011; Fan & Chu, 2010; Gonalves and
Esteves da Silva, 2011; Kang et al., 2011)

Fig. 1. Synthetic methodologies for CD.

Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials 239

Fig. 2. Synthetic methodologies for SD.
3. Fluorescence mechanism of silicon and carbon nanomaterials
QD are usually constituted by elements from groups 12 to 16, for example III-V materials
(GaN, InP, etc.), II-VI materials (ZnO, CdS, CdTe, etc.) and IV-VI materials (PbS, PbTe, etc.),
(Smith & Nie, 2010). Two of the most spectacular properties of QD, which is not observed in
the bulk material that is not fluorescent, are their quite strong luminescence and the
dependence of their fluorescence properties with the size of the nanocrystal.
The dependence of the luminescence properties of QDs with their size is well established.
QD show an electronic energy states distribution between that of a discrete molecule and
of the bulk semiconductor, characterized by a bandgap energy (Eg) corresponding to the
energy difference between the valence and conduction band (Fig. 3). The absorption of
energy higher than Eg by an electron in the valence band provokes its excitation into the
conduction band originating a negative charge and a positive hole in the valence band
(the pair negative charge and positive hole is called the exciton). In a nanoparticle the
annihilation of the exciton corresponds to the emission of fluorescence. However, the
exciton has a finite nanometric size defined by the Bohr exciton diameter that, for
relatively small nanocrystals, may be greater than the size of the nanoparticle (Esteves da
Silva and Gonalves, 2011). When this condition is observed the nanoparticle is under a
quantum confinement regime and their electronic properties are size dependent - the
nanocrystal growth provokes a redshift in the emission of the fluorescence (Fig. 3) (Smith
& Nie, 2010).
Another important characteristic of nanoparticles is that, due to its small size, a relatively
high fraction of the atoms that constitutes the nanoparticle are localized at the surface. The
atoms at the surface shows reduced coordination number and there is corrosion and
imperfections which may affect the electronic properties of a nanoparticle the smaller the
nanocrystal the more important become the surface defects (Esteves da Silva and Gonalves,

Nanomaterials 240
2011). Consequently, the electronic properties of QD may have contribution of surface
defects besides quantum confinement effects.

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the electronic energy states in a semiconductor where
quantum confinement is observed in the nanoparticles.
Silicon is a semiconductor with a bandgap energy of 1.14 eV (Shirahata et al., 2010; Wilcoxon
et al., 1999). However, Silicon has no significant optical performance due to its indirect
bandgap character (Fig. 4). The exciton Bohr radius of silicon is 4 nm and, under strong
quantum confinement regime, the probability of radiative recombination through the direct
bandgap transitions is increased and through phonon-assisted indirect bandgap transitions
is reduced (Fig. 4) (Warner et al., 2005). Nanoparticles of silicon are highly luminescent and
show quantum confinement size dependent properties resulting in the widening of the
bandgap from 1.14 eV of the bulk to about 3.26 eV (380 nm) (Holmes et al., 2001; Shirahata et
al., 2010).
Quantum confinement size dependent properties of SD have been observed for Si
nanoparticles of size between 3 and 8 nm (Ledoux et al., 2002). Indeed, the energy of the
emitted photons shifts to higher values when the size of the nanoparticles is reduced.
However, for smaller SD, the surface composition becomes more important than the
quantum confinement effect and the tuning of the emitted light becomes more difficult
(Kang et al., 2011). SD of size between 1 and 4 nm showed quantum confinement effects,
namely the maximum emission wavelength of 1 nm nanoparticles particles was 450 nm, 2
nm 520 nm, 3 nm 640 nm and 4 nm 740 nm (Kang et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2011). The
emission of these SD could be tuned by chemically modification of the surface of the
nanoparticles showing controllable surface effects.
The fluorescence of SD is still not complete understood but both quantum confinement
effects and/or surface defects are involved in the fluorescence emission mechanism.

Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials 241

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the electronic energy states in a direct (a.), indirect (b.)
and with surface states semiconductor.
Similarly to QD and SD, CD are highly fluorescent nanoparticles. However, the fluorescence
properties of CD do not show size dependency suggesting different fluorescence
mechanism. Nevertheless, CD also shows the particular property of multicolour emission
when different excitation wavelengths are used (Li et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2007; Liu et al.,
2009; Mao et al., 2010; Peng & Travas-Sejdic, 2009; Zhu et al., 2009). Indeed, carbon is an
insulator and quantum confinement effects are not expected for CD. Although the
fluorescent mechanism of CD is still not clearly understood the fluorescence properties of
these nanomaterials should be due to surface defects that originates energy levels that
justifies the light emission (Fig. 4.c). These electronic levels distribution allow radiative
recombination of excitons (Peng & Travas-Sejdic, 2009; Zhu et al., 2009). Also, and
supporting the main effect of surface defects on the fluorescence properties, CD become
fluorescent and the quantum yield increases when the nanoparticles are subjected polymer
passivation and nitric acid treatment (Li et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2009; Mao et
al., 2010; Peng & Travas-Sejdic, 2009; Zhu et al., 2009). Different starting materials and
different fractions of similar size carbon nanoparticles also show different fluorescence
emission properties.
4. Multiphoton excitation phenomenon
When two low-energy photons arrive simultaneously at a fluorophore and, through
interaction with it, provokes the excitation of an electron that normally is excited by one
higher energy photon, a two-photon excitation phenomenon (TP) is observed (Fig. 5) (Kim
& Cho, 2009; Xu et al., 1996; Williams et al., 2001). TP based fluorescence microscopy using
lower energy radiations as excitation sources (red or NIR photons) is becoming a quite
popular technique for in vivo analysis (bioimaging) because of the following: (i) deeper
penetration depth (>500 m); (ii) lower tissue auto-fluorescence and self-absorption; (iii)
reduced photodamage and photobleaching; and, (iv) localized excitation. One characteristic
of the TP probes is the excitation cross sections (TP) usually expressed in GM (Gppert-
Mayer) units (1 GM = 10-50 cm
s/photon). Larger TP the better because the TP probe is

Nanomaterials 242
more fluorescent and higher sensitivities are achieved. Apparently, the progress in this area
is limited for the lack of appropriate probes (Kim & Cho, 2009).

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the electronic energy states of a fluorescent substance
when one and two-photon excitation is observed.
Carbon and silicon nanoparticles can be excited by single (UV or near UV) or TP (red or
NIR). TP and the low cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of carbon and silicon nanomaterials
make them excellent sensors for bioimaging applications with a simple and straightforward
application methodology (Fig. 6). CD and SD show luminescence with TP excitation in the
NIR (800 nm fentosecond pulsed Ti:sapphire laser) (Cao et al., 2007) or long-wavelength
light (from 500 to 1000 nm) (Akcakir et al., 2000; Li et al., 2010b). The maximum of the
emission of fluorescence is in the 400 to 500 nm wavelength range as usually observed when
one-photon excitation is used. The TP excitation is confirmed because a quadratic
relationship between excitation laser power and the measured luminescence intensity is
observed (Cao et al., 2007; Li et al., 2010b).
5. Applications of carbon and silicon nanomaterials
In this section some selected applications of fluorescent CD and SD are described. The
selection criteria were their recent publication and potential for the future development of
scientific and technological real applications. Indeed, taking into consideration the
unlimited resources of both carbon and silicon in the earth crust, and their no toxicity and
biocompatibility potential, major nanotechnological advances and future applications will
have a strong contribution from CD and SD. These fluorescent nanoparticles will have an
active role in the near future in bioimaging in biomedicine and bioanalytical applications, as
nanocatalysts in technology and biochemistry, in sustainable energy devices and advanced
analytical chemistry applications in general.

Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials 243

Fig. 6. Steps necessary to label cells with fluorescent nanoparticles before imaging with
(either one-photon or two-photon excitation).
5.1 Carbon and silicon dots in bioimaging
Bioimaging sensors for in vivo diagnostics must be non-toxic and biocompatible. QDs based
bioimaging methodologies have appeared in the last years together with toxicity concerns
because they are constituted by intrinsically toxic elements like cadmium (Hardman, 2006;
Lovric et al., 2005). CD and SD are constituted by intrinsically non-toxic elements which
make them a particularly useful and promising bioanalytical tools as their performance
approaches that of QDs. CD and SD have been demonstrated to have a very low cytotoxicity
and were shown to internalize cells, probably by endocytosis mechanism, which, taking into
consideration the MPE properties discussed above, makes these nanoparticles suitable for
bioimaging purposes (Akcakir, 2000; Erogbogbo, 2011; Li et al., 2010; Li & Ruckenstein, 2004;
Manhat, 2011; Ray et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2006; Veinot, 2006; Yang et al., 2009a; Yang et al.,
The development of bioimaging agents that are selectively uptake by cancer cells is a
particularly active research field. Usually CD or SD are functionalized with an aminoacid
(lysine or glutaric acid), folic acid, antimesothelin or transferring to be selectively uptake by
cancer cells (Erogbogbo, 2011; Li et al., 2010a; Manhat, 2011).
5.2 Carbon dots as peroxidase mimetics
Surprisingly CDs have shown to possess enzymatic properties because they have a
peroxidase like activity (Shi et al., 2011). Indeed, CDs catalyses the oxidation of peroxidase
substrates by hydrogen peroxide. For example, 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) is
oxidised by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of CDs and detected by the production of a
blue coloured compound (oxidised TMB). This new function of CDs opens new perspectives
in their bioanalytical potential as a nanosensor for hydrogen peroxide and glucose (Shi et al.,

Nanomaterials 244
The comparison of CDs with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) showed that CDs required a
hydrogen peroxide concentration about two orders of magnitude higher than HRP to reach
a maximum level of peroxidase activity (Shi et al., 2011). This result suggested that CDs are
more stable than HRP at high hydrogen peroxide concentration. Also, CDs are much more
stable than HRP.
Because the colour development (absorbance at 652 nm) was found proportional to the
hydrogen peroxide concentration when TMB was used as substrate a quantitative method
was obtained with a limit of detection of 0.2 M (linear plot in the hydrogen peroxide
concentration between 0.0010-0.10 mM) (Shi et al., 2011).
The coupling of CDs with other enzymes can generate new bioanalytical methodologies,
like for example for the quantification of glucose. Indeed, by combining CDs and TMB with
glucose oxidase a straightforward colorimetric method for glucose is obtained with a limit of
detection of 0.4 M (linear plot in the glucose concentration between 0.0010-0.50 mM) (Shi et
al., 2011). This method is sensible enough for serum glucose quantification because the
concentration in healthy and diabetic individuals range from 3 to 8 mM and 9 to 40 mM.
5.3 Silicon dots as nanocatalyst and photodynamic therapy
SD shows great potential as nanocatalyst with strong and tunable chemical activity,
specificity and selectivity (Kang et al., 2011). These properties of SD are attributed to their
tunable band gap energy and photoconductivity properties.
Due to the larger exciton (electron/hole pair) energy of SD with 1 to 2 nm size, these
nanoparticles induces the photochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to carbonate anion
and degradation of methyl red. Also, SD with 3 to 4 nm size photocatalyses the
hydroxylation of aromatic hydrocarbons benzene is transformed to phenol with a 100%
yield with high selectivity. (Kang et al., 2011)
These catalyst properties of SD are probably due to their efficient photosensitizers of singlet
oxygen (Timoshenko et al., 2006). This property has been used to suppress the division of
cancer cells as consequence of the oxidation of cell material by singlet oxygen (Steller, 1995).
Also, the formation of superoxide ions was observed when SD are present (Fujii et al., 2005).
The photochemical synthesis of reactive oxygen species appears promising for use in
photodynamic therapy of cancer.
5.4 Metallic plasmons and carbon dots luminescence interaction
An important recent scientific result was the successful coupling of plasmonic metal
nanoparticles with luminescent CD (Zhang et al., 2011; Li et al., 2011). Indeed, the coupling
of CD with plasmon metals enhances the CD brightness (metal enhanced fluorescence -
MEF) and photostability resulting into better detectability in bioanalytical applications. Two
different coupling strategies have been successfully tested that show MEF: CDs immobilized
in glass substrates containing silver islands films (SiFs) (Zhang et al., 2011); and, deposition
of CDs on the surface of silver nanoparticles mediated with a silica layer (Li et al., 2011).
MEF results from the interaction, within the wavelength of light (near-field conditions), of
the luminescent material with the metallic surface plasmons. This interaction provokes an
enhancement of the fluorescence of the nanoparticle and reduces the corresponding excited
decay times leading to enhanced photostability (Zhang et al., 2011). When the fluorescent
nanoparticle is more than one wavelength of light way (far-field conditions) the
corresponding quantum yield (Q
) is given by (Zhang et al., 2011):

Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials 245
= / ( + K
where is the fluorophores radiative decay rate and K
are the nonradiative decay rates for
excited state relaxation. Under near-field conditions the quantum yield (Q
) is given by:
= ( +
)/ ( +
+ K
is the system modified radiative rate. The corresponding far () and near-field (
lifetimes are given by (Zhang et al., 2011):
= 1 / ( + K

= 1 / ( +
+ K
These equations show that when
increases, the quantum yield increases (MEF) and the
lifetime is reduced (enhanced photostability).
5.5 Silicon dots coupled with multi-polar plasmonic hot spots
The metal enhanced fluorescence (MEF) has been investigated for SD (Nychyporuk et al.,
2011). Indeed, as discussed above for CD, the photo-stimulated emission of fluorescence of
fluorophores suffers a significant enhancement when they are in the vicinity of metal
nanoparticles. Stronger fluorescence enhancement is achieved when SD are localized in
regions where the photo-induced electric fields from several metal nanoparticles are
superimposed (hot spots) (Nychyporuk et al., 2011).
SD were embedded in a silicon nitride matrix (SiN
) and deposited on a quartz substrate
using a chemical vapour deposition technique followed by the fabrication of a monolayer of
silver nanoislands on the surface of the SiN
dielectric film and covered by a thin silicon
nitride film (SiN
) containing SD dispersed inside it (Nychyporuk et al., 2011). This
procedure resulted in the preparation of 208 nm films (SiN
- 170 nm; SiN
- 38 nm)
containing SD with mean diameters between 2 and 4 nm, silver nanoclusters with a mean
diameter of 183 nm and two adjacent silver islands are separated by about 20 nm distance.
Strong MEF was observed in the mean distance between two adjacent silver islands because
these places correspond to the photoexcited plasmon hot spots (Nychyporuk et al., 2011).
The local plasmon resonance of the silver islands could be tuned in the visible spectral range
(400 to 600 nm) by adjusting the SiN
dielectric constant allowing an optimization of the
MEF for the SD.

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the electronic energy level diagram of discrete metal
atoms (a.), two metal atoms (b.), clusters of metal atoms (c.) and bulk metallic element (d.).

Nanomaterials 246
5.6 Carbon dots immobilized in fiber optics
The use of optical sensors in chemical and biological analytical measurements is an
expanding area of research with growing importance, especially in biomedical and
environmental applications. Indeed, optical sensors are intrinsically immune to
electromagnetic interferences and, if properly designed, can show an increased sensitivity,
fast response times and suitability to remote monitoring when used with optical fibers
(Jorge et al., 2005). The combination of optical fiber technologies with fluorescence
spectroscopy has greatly contributed to the progress of optical chemical sensors (Gonalves
et al., 2010; Jorge et al., 2005; Maule et al., 2010). However, the design of sensing heads based
on fiber optics requires high quantum yield fluorescent sensors and fluorescent
nanomaterials are strong candidates to be coupled to fiber optics (Gonalves et al., 2010;
Jorge et al., 2005; Maule et al., 2010).
CD synthesised by laser ablation and and functionalized with N-acetyl-l-cysteine were
successful immobilized (thin of about 750 nm) in the tip of a fiber optic using a sol-gel
technology (Gonalves et al., 2010). Due to the CD functionalization the sensing head
selectively and reversibly responds to mercury(II) ions by a quenching mechanism. The
response of the nanosensor is fast (less than10s) and stable. Also, submicronmolar
concentrations of mercury(II) could be detected and quantified - Stern-Volmer constant
(pH=6.8) of 5.310
5.7 Carbon dots for photocatalyst design
Photoexcited CD have been shown to have redox active properties namely as electron-donor
capabilities in reduction reactions (Wang et al., 2009). This property was observed when
silver ion was reduced to silver metal upon irradiating with a Xe arc lamp (450 and 600 nm)
an aqueous solution of CD silver ions (Wang et al., 2009).
The upconverted photoluminescent and redox properties of CD opened interesting
perspectives in its application as energy-transfer agents in photocatalyst design (Li et al.,
2010). CD were dispersed on the surface of TiO
and SiO
and their potential in the
photocatalytic degradation of methyl blue was assessed using a 50 mg/L solution after 25
minutes the reduction of methyl blue was almost completed (Li et al., 2010). When undoped
and SiO
or CD alone were used the reduction of methyl blue was nearly inexistent.
The observed difference in the reduction yield is due to the relatively large intrinsic band
gap of TiO
which has as consequence of only less than 5% of the sunlight is used. When
is doped with CD the full spectrum of sunlight can be used because the nanoparticles
absorb visible light and emit at shorter wavelength (325 to 425 nm) which can be used by
and SiO
originating the exciton. This excitation species is responsible for the formation
of reactive oxygen species that provokes the degradation of the dyes (Li et al., 2010).
Moreover, the presence of CD attached to the oxides surfaces permits the transfer of
electrons allowing charge separation, stabilization and hindered recombination with an
overall higher activity of the photocatalyst (Li et al., 2010).
5.8 Carbon dots for white LED
White light-emitting devices (WLED) are currently an alternative as low energy
consumption light sources and liquid-crystal displays among many other technological
applications with significant economical advantages (Jang et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2011). CD
have been successfully used in the fabrication of an electroluminescent (EL) device that
emits a spectrum that approximates natural sun light (Wang et al., 2011).

Carbon and Silicon Fluorescent Nanomaterials 247
WLED based CD were assembled using a tri-layer nanocrystal EL device (Wang
et al., 2011): a 40 nm thick poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(stryrenesulfonate)
(PEDOT:PSS) layer on the anode; CD with 5 nm diameter with a quantum yield of more
than 60%, dispersed in toluene, were spun-casted onto the PEDOT:PSS forming a 20 nm
thick film; a 40 nm thick 1,3,4-tris(N-phenylbenzimidazol-2-yl) benzene (TPBI) was used
as the electron transporting layer; finally, a 1 nm thick LiF and 120 nm thick Al electrodes
were deposited by thermal evaporation. The EL spectrum of this device covers the entire
visible zone with a turn-on voltage of about 6 V and a maximum brightness output of
35 cd m
5.9 Silicon dots for photovoltaic applications
The use of solar cells for the sustainable production of electric energy is a well known
strategy that is characterized by its relatively high cost due to the cost of the cell material
and relatively low efficiency. SD may contribute significantly for efficiency improving and
cost reducing of solar cells (Luo et al., 2011).
One of the most important properties of SD useful for solar cells is their tunability because
different bandgap layers, with chemical and thermal compatibility (the same material), can
be assembled in multi-junction solar cells. Indeed, a large number of different bandgap
layers that match the solar spectrum and raising the efficiency can be assembled using the
same growth process because the same SD are being used. Another property of SD, that is
common to QDs, is the multi-exciton generation (MEG) and consists in the generation of
multiple electron-hole pairs from the absorption of a single photon. MEG may increases
considerably the power conversion of solar cells. Also, the possibility of MPE of SD
constitutes another factor for increasing the efficiency of solar cells.
6. Perspectives
The progresses that are being observed in the synthesis of high quantum yield fluorescent
carbon and silicon nanoparticles are opening new technological applications for these
intrinsically no toxic and highly abundant materials. Indeed, in the very near future CD and
SD will have an important role in energy conversion systems, new illumination apparatus
and catalytic processes.
In the human health sector, namely in medical diagnosis and imaging, CD and SD are
becoming an important area of scientific and technological development. Indeed, these
nanomaterials with a suitable functionalization can be used in bioimaging methodologies
replacing the already established protocols including classical organic dyes and the
potentially toxic cadmium based QD. Moreover, CD and SD show multiphoton excitation
properties which markedly increase their bioimaging potential.
Consequently, fluorescent carbon and silicon nanomaterials will play an important role in a
sustainable development of the earth.
7. Acknowledgments
Financial support from Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Lisbon) (Programa
Operacional Temtico Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipado pelo
Fundo Comunitrio Europeu FEDER) (Project PTDC/QUI/71001/2006) is acknowledged.

Nanomaterials 248
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Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle:
Synthesis, Properties and Application
Sujoy K. Das and Enrico Marsili
School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Dublin,
1. Introduction
Nanomaterials with a characteristic dimension in the range of 1-100 nanometers (nm) are at
the leading edge of nanoscience and nanotechnology. In recent years nanomaterials, and
specifically metal nanoparticles, have received particular interest in diverse field ranging from
material science to biotechnology (Guo et al. 2005, Daniel and Astruc 2004, Huang et al. 2007).
Although widespread interest in nanomaterials is recent, the concept was introduced over 40
years ago. Nanomaterials have actually been produced and used by humans for hundreds of
years: for example, the beautiful ruby red colour of some glass is due to gold nanoparticles
(AuNP) trapped in the glass matrix. In the decorative glaze known as luster, found on some
medieval pottery, the special optical properties of the glaze arose from metallic spherical
nanoparticles which were dispersed in the glaze in a random fashion. Michael Faraday in 1857
on his pioneering work Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light (Faraday,
1857) explain the properties of this glaze. Now with advances of science and technology, the
morphology of this material, which contains metallic nanoparticles, has been understood.
Because of extremely small size and high surface volume ratio of nanoparticles, the
physicochemical properties of nanoparticles-containing materials are quite different to those of
the bulk materials (El-Sayed 2001). Thus, nanomaterials have potential applications in
electronics and photonics, catalysis, information storage, chemical sensing and imaging,
environmental remediation, drug delivery and biological labelling (Guo et al. 2005, Daniel and
Astruc 2004, Huang et al. 2007). It is well known that the optical, electronic, and catalytic
properties of metal nanoparticles are greatly influenced by their size, shape, and crystal
structure. For example, silver (Ag) and gold (Au) nanocrystals of different shapes possess
unique optical scattering responses (Daniel and Astruc 2004, Roduner 2006). Whereas highly
symmetric spherical particles exhibit a single scattering peak, anisotropic shapes such as rods,
triangular prisms, and cubes exhibit multiple scattering peaks in the visible wavelengths due
to highly localized charge polarizations at corners and edges (Mie 1908). Thus, synthesis of
metal nanoparticles with defined morphology gained much interest. A variety of strategies
have been developed for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles (MNPs) and nanomaterials.
Optimizing the nanomaterial synthesis has now become a prolific area of investigation. In the
first part of this chapter, we will review the synthetic methods for MNPs production, with
particular regard to biosynthesis in viable organisms and protein extracts. In the second part,
we will discuss the most recent finding on the biosynthetic mechanism, the properties of the
nanobioconjugates, and recent applications of MNPs.


2. Synthesis of metal nanoparticles
Synthesis of MNPs is carried out by several physical and chemical methods that include
laser ablation (Mafun et al. 2001), ion sputtering (Raffi et al. 2007), solvothermal
synthesis (Rosemary, T. Pradeep 2003), chemical reduction (Chaki 2002), and sol-gel
(Shukla and Seal 1999) method. Basically, there are two approaches for nanoparticle
synthesis, the top-down and bottom-up. Top-down approaches seek to create nanoscale
objects by using larger, externally-controlled microscopic devices to direct their assembly,
while bottom-up approaches adopt molecular components that are built up into more
complex assemblies. The top-down approach often uses microfabrication techniques
where externally controlled tools are used to cut, mill, and shape materials into the
desired shape and size. Micropatterning techniques, such as photolithography and inkjet
printing are well known examples of top-down approach. On the other hand, bottom-up
approaches use the self-assembled properties of single molecules into some useful
conformation. Different commonly used physical and chemical methods are described in
the following paragraphs.
2.1 Laser ablation
Laser ablation (Mafun et al. 2001) enables to obtain colloidal nanoparticles solutions in a
variety of solvents. Nanoparticles are formed during the condensation of a plasma plume
produced by the laser ablation of a bulk metal plate dipped in a liquid solution. This
technique is considered as a green technique alternative to the chemical reduction method
for obtaining noble MNPs. However, the main drawbacks of this methodology are the high
energy required per unit of MNPs produced and the little control over the growth rate of the
2.2 Inert gas condensation
Inert gas condensation (IGC) is the most widely used methods for MNPs synthesis at
laboratory-scale. Gleiter (1984) introduced the IGC technique in nanotechnology by
synthesizing iron nanoparticles. In IGC, metals are evaporated in ultra high vacuum
chamber filled with helium or argon gas at typical pressure of few hundreds pascals. The
evaporated metal atoms lose their kinetic energy by collisions with the gas, and condense
into small particles. These particles then grow by Brownian coagulation and coalescence and
finally form nano-crystals. Recent application of this technique includes size-controlled
synthesis of Au/Pd NPs (Prez-Tijerina et al., 2008) and hetero-sized Au nanoclusters for
non-volatile memory cell applications (Kang et al., 2011).
2.3 Sol-gel method
The sol-gel process is a wet-chemical technique developed recently in nanomaterial
synthesis. The inorganic nanostructures are formed by the sol-gel process through formation
of colloidal suspension (sol) and gelation of the sol to integrated network in continuous
liquid phase (gel). Size and stability control quantum-confined semiconductor, metal, and
metal oxide nanoparticles has been achieved by inverted micelles (Gacoin 1997), polymer
blends (Yuan et al. 1992), block copolymers (Sankaran et al. 1993), porous glasses (Justus et
al. 1992), and ex-situ particle-capping techniques (Olshavsky and Allcock 1997). However,
the fundamental problem of aqueous sol-gel chemistry is the complexity of process and the
fact that the as-synthesized precipitates are generally amorphous. In non-aqueous sol-gel

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

chemistry the transformation of the precursor takes place in an organic solvent. The non-
aqueous (or non-hydrolytic) processes are able to overcome some of the major limitations of
aqueous systems, and thus represent a powerful and versatile alternative. The advantages
are a direct consequence of the manifold role of the organic components in the reaction
system (e.g., solvent, organic ligand of the precursor molecule, surfactants, or in situ formed
organic condensation products). Nowadays, the family of metal oxide nanoparticles are
synthesized by non-aqueous processes and ranges from simple binary metal oxides to more
complex ternary, multi-metal and doped systems.
2.4 Hydrothermal and solvothermal synthesis
The hydrothermal and solvothermal synthesis of inorganic materials is an important
methodology in nanomaterial synthesis. In hydrothermal method, the synthetic process
occurs in aqueous solution above the boiling point of water, whereas in solvothermal
method the reaction is carried out in organic solvents at temperatures (200-300C) higher
than their boiling points. Though development of hydrothermal and solvothermal synthesis
has a history of 100 years, recently this technique has been applied in material synthesis
process. Normally, hydrothermal and solvothermal reactions are conducted in a specially
sealed container or high pressure autoclave under subcritical or supercritical solvent
conditions. Under such conditions, the solubility of reactants increases significantly,
enabling reaction to take place at lower temperature. Among numerous examples, TiO

photocatalysts were synthesized through hydrothermal process (Ren et al., 2007). Because of
low cost and energy consumptiom, hydrothermal process can be scale-up for industrial
production. Solvothermal process enables to choose among numerous solvents or mixture
thereof, thus increasing the versatility of the synthesis. For example, well-faceted
nanocrystals of TiO
with high reactivity were synthesized in a mixture of the solvents
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) and 2-propanol (Yang et al., 2008)
2.5 Colloidal methods
The crystallographic control over the nucleation and growth of noble-metal nanoparticles
has most widely been achieved using colloidal methods (Tao et al. 2008, Turkevich et al.
1951, Frens 1972, Brust et al. 1994). In general, metal nanoparticles are synthesized by
reducing metal salt with chemical reducing agents like borodride, hydrazine, citrate, etc.,
followed by surface modification with suitable capping ligands to prevent aggregation and
confer additional surface properties. Occasional use of organic solvents in this synthetic
process often raises environmental questions. At the same time, these approaches produce
multi-shaped nanoparticles requiring purification by differential centrifugation and
consequently have low yield. Thus, the development of reliable experimental protocols for
the synthesis of nanomaterials over a range of chemical compositions, sizes, and high
monodispersity is one of the challenging issues in current nanotechnology. In this context,
current drive focused on the development of green and biosynthetic technologies in for
production of nanocrystals with desired size and shape.
2.6 Bio-inspired nanomaterial synthesis
In keeping with global efforts to reduce generation of hazardous waste and to develop
energy-effective production routes, green chemistry and biochemical processes are
progressively integrating with modern developments in science and technology. Hence, any


synthetic route or chemical process should address the fundamental principles of green
chemistry by using environmentally benign solvents and nontoxic chemicals (Anstas and
Warner 1998). The green synthesis of MNPs should involve three main steps based on green
chemistry perspectives, namely (1) the selection of a biocompatible and nontoxic solvent
medium, (2) the selection of environmentally benign reducing agents, and (3) the selection
of nontoxic substances for stabilization of the nanoparticles. Employing these principles in
nanoscience will facilitate the production and processing of inherently safer nanomaterials
and nanostructured devices. Green nanotechnology (Dahl et al. 2007) thus aims to the
application of green chemistry principles in designing nanoscale products, and the
development of nanomaterial production methods with reduced hazardous waste
generation and safer applications. Further, biochemical process can occur at low
temperatures, because of the high specificity of the biocatalysts. Hence, a synthetic route
that include one or more biological steps will result in consistent energy saving and lower
environmental impact with respect to conventional methods. To optimize safer nanoparticle
production, it would be desirable to employ bio-based methods, which could minimize the
hazardous conditions of materials fabrication and use. Inspiration from nature, where living
organisms produce inorganic materials through biological guided process known as
biomineralization, is adopted as a superior approach to nanomaterials assembly (Mann
1993). The biomineralization processes exploit biomolecular templates that interact with the
inorganic material at nanoscale, resulting in extremely efficient and highly controlled
syntheses. Typical examples of biomineralized products include siliceous materials
synthesized by diatoms and sponges, calcite or aragonite (calcium carbonates) in
invertebrates, and apatite (calcium phosphates and carbonates) in vertebrates. These
biominerals are the phosphate and carbonate salts of calcium that form structural entities
such as sea shells and the bone in mammals and birds in conjunction with organic polymers.
The structures of these biocomposite materials are highly controlled both at nano- and
macroscale level, resulting in complex architectures that provide multifunctional properties.
Simpler organisms, such as bacteria, algae, and fungi, have also developed during hundreds
of millions of years of evolution highly specialized strategies for biominerals synthesis. The
role of the templating molecule in biomineralization is to provide a synthetic
microenvironment in which the inorganic phase morphology is tightly controlled by a range
of low-range interactions. Typical example includes silicatein filament, protease-like
proteins termed silicateins, from a marine sponge Thetya aurantia direct the polymerisation
of silica and silicones from tetraethoxysilane in vitro. Figure 1A-F demonstrates that
silicatein filaments serve as scaffolds to organize the deposition of the resulting silica and
Diatoms are unicellular algae that have the extraordinary capability to produce an
enormous variety of biosilicates structures. Each diatom species is characterized by a
specific biosilicate cell wall that contains regularly arranged slits or pores in the size range
between 10 and 1,000 nm (nanopatterned biosilica). An important component of
biomineralization is the protein or peptide template that controls the shape and crystal
structure of biominerals as well as the assembly procedure. Biosilica morphogenesis takes
place inside the diatom cell within a specialized membrane-bound compartment termed
the silica deposition vesicle. Silica formation from a silicic acid solution is catalyzed by
biosilica-associated peptides (silaffins) and long-chain polyamines in diatoms (Fig. 1G-J).
Other examples of inorganic, nanostructured biosynthetic minerals include Fe
, CaSO
, etc., which are synthesized by a variety of microorganisms. These minerals often

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

have special uses such as magnetic sensors in magnetotactic bacteria (Fe
), gravity
sensing devices (CaCO
, CaSO
, BaSO
) and iron storage and mobilization (Fe
O in
the protein ferritin). Magnetotactic bacteria (Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum,
Magnetobacterium bavaricum, Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense) have special organelles
called magnetosomes that contain magnetic crystals, which enable the cells to orient
themselves along the magnetic field lines of the Earth. Magnetotactic bacteria synthesize
magnetic particles comprising iron oxide (Fe
), iron sulphides (Fe
), or both in their
intracellular compartment. The magnetic particles are aligned in chains within the
bacterium, and function as biological compass needles. This enables the bacterium to
migrate along oxygen gradients in aquatic environments under the influence of the
Earth's geomagnetic field. Fig. 2 depicts the formation of magenite in M. magnetotacticum
and M. Gryphiswaldens and also orientation of isolated magnetosome particles under the
magnetic field.

Fig. 1. SEM images of the products of the reaction between silicon alkoxides and silicatein
or cellulose filaments. (A) Silicatein filaments before the reaction. (B) Silicatein filaments
after a 12-h reaction with TEOS (1.0 ml; 4.5 mmol) plus Trisz-HCl buffer. (C) Air-dried
silicatein filaments incubated with TEOS as in B, but with no additional water. (D)
Silicatein filaments after an 8-h reaction with phenyltriethoxysilane (1.0 ml; 4.1 mmol)
plus TriszHCl buffer. (E) Cellulose fiber. (F) Cellulose fiber after a 12-h reaction with
TEOS as in B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1999, 96, 361365. SEM analysis of silica
precipitates formed by mixtures of natSil-1A and natSil-2. (G) natSil-2 at 0.5 units/l,
natSil-1A at 0.3 mM. (H) natSil-2 at 5.0 units/l, natSil-1A at 0.3 mM. (I) natSil-2 at 2.0
units/l, natSil-1A at 0.3 mM. (J) natSil-2 at 1.6 units/l, natSil-1A at 0.2 mM. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA. 2003, 100, 1207512080. SEM micrographs of coccosphere (K) showing
their morphology and the composite nature.



Fig. 2. Isolated magnetosome (AC) particles form straight chains in weak ambient magnetic
fields (A) but form bent chains (B) or flux-closure rings in zero fields (C). Magnetic
microstructure (D) of a magnetosome chain. TEM bright-field image (D-1) of a single
bacterial cell of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum. Magnetic induction map (D-2) recorded
using off-axis electron holography from the magnetosome chain of the same cell as shown in
part D-1. Cryoelectron tomography image (E) shows organization of the magnetosome chain
and the cytoskeletal magnetosome filament (MF) in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, and
Tomographic reconstruction (F) of a magnetic cell. Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 48754898.
Desulfovibrio magneticus, a dissimilatory sulphate-reducing bacterium, produces unique
irregular bullet-shaped magnetite. Formation of extracellular magnetic iron sulphide
(Sakaguchi et al. 1993) and intracellular hematite (Posfai et al. 2006) by this bacterium has
also been reported. The molecular mechanism of bacterial magnetite biomineralization is
very complex and occurs in multistep process. Recent genome, proteome and transcriptome
studies revealed that proteins located on the magnetosomial membrane are the key
components in biomineralization process.
The natural occurrence of inorganic nanomaterials in microorganisms encourages the use of
microorganisms as possible eco-friendly nanofactories for nanoparticle synthesis routes
alternative to chemical methods. The metal reduction potential of several bacteria, yeast,
and fungi has been known for at least 20 years. Microorganisms such as dissimilatory metal
reducers and sulphate reducers play a key role in metal biogeochemistry and have been
used with a certain success in metal bioremediation of contaminated subsurface
environments. The microbial based biosynthetic process for nanoparticle production is a
relatively new and largely unexplored area of research. In recent past, prokaryotic
microorganisms such as bacteria and actinomycetes, as well as algae, yeast, and fungi
(eukaryotes) have been employed in the biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles. In the next
section we will review in details MNPs biosynthesis in microorganisms.
2.6.1 Bacterial nanoparticle synthesis
Bacteria play a crucial role in metal biogeochemical cycling and mineral formation in surface
and subsurface environments (Lowenstam 1981, Southam and Saunders 2005). In presence
of high concentration and even toxic metal ions, bacteria harbour numerous detoxification

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

mechanisms like dissimilatory oxidation or reduction of metal ions, complexation and/or
precipitation, impaired transport system, efflux system, etc (Mergeay et al. 2003). Thus
microorganisms have been used with a certain success in metal bioremediation of
contaminated subsurface environments. However, their role in nanoparticle synthesis has
recently been observed. Among the microorganisms, prokaryotic bacteria have received the
most attention in the area of metal nanoparticle biosynthesis. The formation of extracellular
and intracellular metal nanoparticles by bacteria like Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas stutzeri,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Plectonema boryanum, Salmonells typlus, Staphylococcus currens, Vibrio
cholerae, etc., have been reported (Klaus et al. 1999, Konishi 2004, Beveridge and Murray
1980, Southam and Beveridge 1994). Marine Fe
reducing bacterium Shewanella algae
reduces Au
ions in anaerobic environments. In the presence of S. algae and hydrogen gas,
Au ions are completely reduced and 10-20 nm AuNPs are formed (Konishi et al. 2004). The
formation of AuNP was indicated by the change in reaction mixture, which turned to light
yellow after 1h. The AuNPs were synthesized adopting similar procedure using two
Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates (Husseiny et al. 2007). The synthesis of stable gold
nanocubes by the reduction of aqueous AgCl
solution by Bacillus licheniformis was reported
by Kalishwaralal et al. (2009). Biofilm formation of gram-negative -proteobacterium
Cupriavidus metallidurans is very common on Au grains. The isolated C. metallidurans from
soils and sediments from temperate and tropical Australian sites interacted with Au
and form AuNPs distributed homogenously throughout cell wall (Reith 2009). The
reduction of Au
complexes by C. metallidurans to AuNPs occurred through fast
accumulation leading to the formation of intermediate Au
-S complexes followed by a slow
biochemically-driven reduction and intra- and extracellular deposition of AuNPs (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. TEM image of ultra-thin section C. metallidurans cell demonstrating formation of
AuNPs in the periplasmic space (A). SEM image (B and C) with energy dispersive X-ray
analysis (SEM-EDXA) (D) of a biofilm containing particulate Au (C) growing on Au grain
from the Prophet Gold Mine, Australia. XRF maps (E) showing the distribution of Au, Ca,
Cu, Fe, S, and Zn in an C. metallidurans cell following 1 min exposure to Au
at pH 7.0.
Overlay false colour quantitative XRF maps (F-G) of the distribution of Au (red), Zn (blue),
and Ca (green) in cell clusters after 72 h (F) and 144 h (G) of incubation at pH 7.0. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci USA. 2009, 160, 1775717762.


In brief, following adsorption of Au
complexes on cell surfaces, they reduced to Au

because of the high redox potential of Au
complexes [e.g., E
= 1.002 V for the reaction
+ 3e
= Au(s) + 4 Cl
]. This results in the induction of oxidative stress due to transfer
of electrons from suitable electron donors in the cell to Au
ions and ultimately results in
the upregulation of oxidative stress response genes. The resulting Au
-complexes readily
associated with nonpolar soft bases like S, present in membrane and periplasmic proteins
and formed Au
-S species. The resulting Au
-S species reduced to Au
in a slower
reductive pathway. The AuNPs were also synthesized on the surface of Rhodopseudomans
capsulate by interaction bacterial cells with HAuCl
solution (He et al. 2007). The aqueous
chloroaurate ions were reduced after 48 h of incubation and transformed to AuNPs. The pH
value of the solution controlled the shape of AuNPs. The aqueous chloroaurate ions bound
on the bacterial cell surface by interacting with different positively charged cell surface
function groups such as amino, sulfhydryl and carboxylic. The electrons were then
transferred from NADH by NADH-dependent reductase and reduced Au
to Au

Fig. 4. Reduction of 200 M Ag
by late-exponential-phase cultures of G. sulfurreducens. (A)
Cultures (top left) and spent supernatant (top right) before addition of Ag
and 2-min
incubation (bottom) in the dark after addition of Ag
. TEM of whole-mount (B) and
ultrathin (C) section. (D) XRD profile of the cells and black precipitate, confirming the
formation of Ag
. (E) EDAX spectrum of extracellular precipitates from unstained sectioned
samples. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2008, 74, 70907093.

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

Several bacterial strains cells are also known to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in a
similar manner to that of AuNPs biosynthesis. P. stutzeri AG259 isolated from a silver mine
reduced Ag
ions and formed AgNPs within the periplasmic space. The obtained AgNPs
have well defined size and morphology, ranging from few nm to 200 nm or more. The
supernatant of gram positive, thermophilic bacterium Bacillus licheniformis synthesized
AgNPs in the range of 50 nm (Kalishwaralal et al. 2008). Formation of nanoscale elemental
silver sarticles through enzymatic reduction was reported in Geobacter sulfurreducens (Law et
al. 2008). The AgNPs formation is indicated by the change in colour of the silver nitrate
reaction mixture, which gradually changed from yellow to brown. The extracellular
precipitation of the nanoscale Ag
was observed in G. sulfurreducens planktonic cells (Fig.4).
C-type cytochromes are involved in the transferring the electrons to metal ions, thus
reducing Ag
ions to Ag
. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and EDAX analysis confirmed
that the obtained black precipitate was composed of AgNPs.
Kalimuthu and coworkers (2008) studied AgNPs synthesis using bacteria B. licheniformis,
isolated from sewage collected from municipal wastes, and ultrasonically lysed bacterial
cell. The synthesized AgNPs had average particle size of around 50 nm. Recently, a rapid
method for synthesizing small (17 nm) monodiperse AgNPs has been described by
electrochemically active biofilm (EAB) using sodium acetate as an electron donor (Kalathil et
al. 2011). Electrochemically active biofilm was formed by dipping a carbon paper into a
mineral salt medium containing sodium acetate. The electrode was then mounted in a
conventional microbial fuel cell. Anaerobic sludge was added under strict anaerobic
conditions. Following successive medium changes and washing, EAB was formed on carbon
paper after a week. Under strict anaerobic conditions, interaction of EAB with AgNO
precursor and sodium acetate as electron donor resulted in the synthesis of AgNPs. The
XRD pattern demonstrated four characteristic peaks at 2 values of 38, 46.33, 64.58 and
77.24, which correspond to the 111, 200, 220 and 311 planes of face-centered cubic (fcc)
silver, respectively.
2.6.2 Fungi in nanoparticle synthesis
The fungal mediated MNP synthesis is a relatively recent research area. Compared to
bacteria, fungi hold good promises for large scale nanoparticles production because they
secrete large amounts of the enzymes involved in the MNP biosynthesis and are simpler
to grow both in the laboratory and at industrial scale. Different fungal and actinomycete
species, i.e. Fusarium oxysporum, Verticillium sp., Thermomonospora sp., Rhodococcus sp., and
Rhizopus oryzae have been reported to synthesize nanoparticles intra- or extracellularly
(Ahmad et al. 2003, Mandal et al. 2006). The biomass of Verticillium turned to purple color
following exposure to 10
solution. This indicates the formation of AuNP
(Mukherjee et al. 2001a) as confirmed by UVvisible absorption spectroscopy. The
spectrum recorded from the gold-loaded biomass exhibited a SPR band at 550 nm.
However, this resonance band was not observed in the control biomass not exposed to
gold ions. TEM analysis of the thin sections of the post treated cells clearly showed the
intracellular formation of AuNPs. High resolution TEM image demonstrated that AuNPs
with 20 8 nm average size are formed both on the cell wall and in the cytoplasmic
membrane of the fungal cell. Further, the powder diffraction pattern indicated the
crystalline nature of AuNPs. The Bragg reflection was characteristic of face centered cubic
(fcc) gold structure.


The exposure of Verticillium sp. to silver ions resulted in a similar intracellular growth of
silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) (Mukherjee et al. 2001b). The intracellular formation
mechanism of AuNPs and AgNPs has not been understood. However, it has been
postulated that the gold and silver ions initially bind on the fungal cell surface through
electrostatic interaction. The adsorbed metal ions are then reduced by enzymes present in
the cell wall, leading to the formation of the metal nuclei, which subsequently grow through
further reduction of metal ions. Absar and coworkers (2005) reported the extra- and
intracellular biosynthesis of AuNPs by fungus Trichothecium sp. They observed that
Trichothecium sp. reacted with gold ions during stationary phase and forms extracellular
AuNPs of various morphologies, such as spherical, rod-like and triangular. However, under
shaking conditions, the same fungal biomass forms intracellular AuNPs under shaking
conditions. It was postulated that under shaking condition fungi secretes enzymes and
proteins into the medium, however in shaking conditions these enzymes and proteins are
not being released, thus resulting in the formation of extracellular or intracellular AuNP,
respectively. Fungal templates has been used for noble-MNP synthesis (Bigall et al. 2008).
Fungal cells were grown in presence of AuNP. Growth of a variety of fungi, such as
Penicillium citreonigrum, Trametes versicolor, Fusarium sp., Phanaerochaete crysosporium,
Trichoderma viride, Neurospora crassa, Nematolona frowardii, and Bjerkandera adusta was tested
in citrate-stabilized colloidal medium containing different noble-metal nanoparticles. All
these fungi grow well in the as-prepared gold, silver, platinum, and palladium nanoparticle
solutions. Decoration of the fungal surface with MNPs (Fig. 5) takes place without any
further functionalization. The metal nanoparticles bind on the surface of the fungi and forms
nano-hybride system. Supercritical drying of these structures conserves the three-
dimensional tubular shape.
The extracellular synthesis of AgNPs by a marine fungus Penicillium fellutanum, isolated from
costal mangrove sediment, has been described by Kathiresan and co-workers (2009). They
adopted a similar biosynthetic procedure to that described earlier. The synthesis of AgNPs in
the reaction mixture was confirmed by the absorption peak at 430 nm. The particles had
spherical shape with size ranging from 5 to 25 nm. The extracellular synthesis of stable AgNPs
using the fungus Penicillium brevicompactum WA 2315 was demonstrated by Shaligram et al.
(2009). The nanoparticles was obtained by incubating silver ions with the fungus supernatant
for 72 h. TEM analysis showed that the average size of nanoparticles was 58.35 17.88 nm. The
FTIR spectrum of the freeze-dried powder AgNPs sample formed showed band at 3356 cm

and 2922 cm
, which were assigned to the stretching vibration of primary and secondary
amines, respectively. The bands at 1622 cm
and 1527 cm
correspond to the stretching
vibration of primary and secondary amines. The two bands at 1412 cm
and 1029 cm
assigned to the C-N stretching vibrations of aromatic and aliphatic amines. This FTIR
spectrum supports the involvement of proteins in the biosynthesis mechanism of AgNPs.
Extracellular aromatic compounds such as naphthoquinones and anthraquinones act as
electron shuttle in silver ions reduction as they have excellent redox properties.
The fungi morphology was different following binding with MNPs. The mycelia and spore
in gold binding fungi (E07AS) was visible in both secondary electron and backscattering
image, however, the spore and mycelia is almost invisible in the gold sensitive
backscattering mode in the fungus O07AS (Fig. 5C-F). Though all the fungi tested grew in
presence of metal nanoparticles, they had different affinity for different MNPs. Most of the
fungi grew best in gold, followed by platinum and palladium NP solutions. Growth of fungi
in AgNPs solution only occurred in the case of B. Adusta due to toxic effect of silver.

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application


Fig. 5. Color photographs of a gold-Penicillium citreonigrum hybrid structure in a gold
nanoparticle solution (A), and after critical point drying (B). Scanning electron micrographs
(C-F) of similar regions within a hybrid structure (left: secondary electron mode, right:
backscattering mode). The spores of the fungus E07AS (C-D) show significant assembly of
AuNP, whereas the spores of the fungus O07AS (E-F) do not. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008,
47, 78767879.
It was also reported (Duran et al. 2005) that the enzyme hydrogenase is present in a filtrate
broth obtained from Fusarium oxysporum growth. Thus, the silver nanoparticles production
capacity is likely to be a result of the interaction between reductases and electron shuttle.
A single pot green chemical synthesis of AuNP by fungal strain Rhizopus oryzae has been
reported by Das et al. (2009). R. oryzae synthesize AuNP on the mycelial surface, which
exhibited SPR band at 540 nm. HRTEM image demonstrated formation of monodisperse
gold nanoparticle with average size of 10 nm on the surface of the mycelia. FTIR study
demonstrated that gold ions initially bound through electrostatic interaction with
functional groups of proteins present on the surface of the mycelia, then got reduced to
AuNPs. The surface bound protein molecules act both as reducing and as stabilizing
agents. The extremophilic actinomycete, Thermomonos Sp. reduced the gold ions
extracellularly, yielding ANPs (Sastry et al. 2003). Even the edible mushroom Volvariella
volvacea can produce Au and Ag NPs through metal reducing compounds. The mushroom
was boiled initially in water and then filtered. The filtrate was cooled to room
temperature and used as reducing agent for AuNPs synthesis. Following reduction purple
colored AuNPs was formed. The mushroom biomass also prevents NPs aggregation after
their formation (Philip 2009).


2.6.3 Mechanism of nanoparticle synthesis
Synthesis of metal nanoparticles in different types of microbial species are reported,
however, the exact mechanism of nanoparticle biosynthesis has not been established. The
complex interaction process along with metabolic complexity of viable microorganisms
complicates the analysis and identification of active species in the nucleation and growth of
metal NPs. The elucidation of the biochemical pathways leading to gold biomineralization is
necessary to develop a rational approach to NP biosynthesis. A number of issues need to be
addressed from the nanotechnology and microbiological points of view before such
biosynthetic procedures can compete with the conventional protocols. An important
component of biomineralization is the protein or peptide template that controls the shape
and crystal structure of biominerals as well as the assembly behavior. Thus the underlying
mechanism can be applied in the synthesis of technologically important materials beyond
those few existing biominerals in nature. Recent works by Xie et al. (2007) demonstrated that
proteins are the principal biomolecules involved in the algal synthesis of gold NPs.
Enzymatic reduction (Ahmad et al. 2003; He et al. 2007) of metal ions and subsequent
growth of metal nanoparticles have postulated for fungal mediated synthetic mechanism.
Ahmad et al. (2003) postulated that in Fusarium oxysporum, a NADH-dependent reductase is
involved in AgNPs synthesis. Daniel et al. (2008) demonstrated that the FAD-dependent
enzyme glutathione reductase (GR) catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of AuCl
The synthesized AuNPs at the active site tightly bound through the catalytic cysteines
group. Involvement of nitrate reductase in B. licheniformis in the fabrication of nanoparticles
has also been reported. It has been postulated that NADH dependent nitrate reductase is an
important factor in the biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles. However, the biochemical
mechanism of metal ion reduction and subsequent NP formation remains unexplored.

Fig. 6. Proposed mechanism of AuNP synthesis in Rhizopus oryzae (Rev. Environ. Sci.
Biotechnol. 2010, 9, 199-204).

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

In recent research investigation on biosynthesis of AuNPs, we observed through TEM
analysis that AuNPs are synthesized both in cytosolic portion as well as cell wall of R. oryzae
(Unpublished data). Different surface protein(s) as well as cytosolic protein(s) have been
extracted from whole mycelia and used for AuNPs synthesis. Based on protein induction
and also through SDS-Gel electrophoresis experiment we hypothesized that both cytosolic
and surface protein(s) of R. oryzae are involved in AuNPs synthesis (Fig. 6). X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and FTIR study demonstrated that protein(s) following
reduction of gold ions bonded with the AuNPs and formed bioconjugate system. The
identification of specific protein and or peptides molecules responsible for nanoparticle
synthesis will broaden the possible application of biomineralization in nanoparticle process
scale up.
3. Properties of metal nanoparticles
The physicochemical properties of the metal nanoparticle are completely different to that of
the bulk material due to their very small size and high surface to volume ratio. While the
properties of bulk materials are solely composition-dependent, as the size of the particles
decreases to few nm, the the electronic structure is altered from the continuous band to
discrete electronic levels Thus, the properties of the nanomaterial become size-dependent
(Burda et al. 2005). In a small nanoparticles, a large fraction of the atoms will be on the
surface. The atoms on the surface are chemically more active compared to the bulk atoms,
because they usually have feweradjacent coordinate atoms and unsaturated sites. A striking
properties deriving from the increasing surface energy of nanomaterials is the decrease of
melting point. Further, the overlapping of different grain sizes affects the physical strength
of the material. Also, when the crystallites of a material are reduced to the nanometer scale,
there is an increase in the role of interfacial defects: grain boundaries, triple junctions, and
elastically distorted layers. The long established Hall-Petch model (2005), that shows the
inverse relationship between grain size and material yield strength, has been proven to hold
with nanoparticles as well. A study of nanocrystalline Fe powder revealed that when grain
size was decreased from 33nm to 8nm, hardness increased and fracture stress and
elongation to failure decreased.
Hall Petch Model:
y o

(yield strength determined by a constant K and the mean grain size, d)
These results can be connected to the reduction of defects in the material such as micropores
and other flaws (Andrievski and Glezer 2000).
Similarly, the yellow colored noble metal gold is known as a shiny, has a face centred cubic
structure, is non-magnetic and melts at 1336 K. However, 10 nm gold particles is quite
different, absorb green light and thus appear red. The melting temperature decreases
dramatically as the size decreases. It is interesting to note that scientists have been using
nanoparticles in tires for a very long time but without knowing the reason, besides that it
turned the rubber black. For years, engineers have added carbon black nanoparticles in the
rubber of tires to improve the quality. The addition of carbon black increases the strength
and tensile properties, tear and abrasion resistance, and increased hardness because of the
integration of carbon grains (Maiti et al. 2005). It has been found that with increased


amounts of carbon black in the rubber compounds, the absolute strength initially increases
because of reinforcement from the carbon grains but then decreases due to the dilution
effect. The improved reinforcement results by the carbon black particles can be explained by
exfoliation, intercalation, dispersion, and occlusion which are essentially the interactions of
the grains with the material.
3.1 Optical properties
The Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) is referred as free to oscillation of
electrons in the conduction band of metals upon excitation with incident radiation (El-Sayed
2001, Murphy et al. 2005 and reference therein). However, for nanoscale metals, the
oscillation distance is restricted by the size of nanoparticle. For gold and silver
nanoparticles, LSPR corresponds to photon energies in the visible wavelength regime,
giving rise to significant interest in their optical properties. These optical characteristics
include strong plasmon absorption, resonant Rayleigh scattering, and localized
electromagnetic fields at the nanoparticle surface. The size, shape, and dielectric constant of
the surrounding medium of nanoparticle strongly influence the Plasmon absorption. For
instance, spherical gold and silver nanoparticles have single plasmon absorption bands at
~540 and ~400 nm, respectively. However, anisotropic gold and silver nanorods exhibit two
principle plasmon absorption bands (Kelly et al. 2003); one at shorter wavelength
corresponding to absorption and scattering of light along the short axis of the nanorod
(transverse plasmon band), and the other band at longer wavelength corresponding to
absorption and scattering of light along the long axis of the nanorod (longitudinal plasmon
band). The longitudinal plasmon absorption bands are tunable with nanorod aspect ratio
from the visible to the near-IR.
The excellent light-scattering properties of gold nanorods are sensitive to their orientation
and Murphy and Orendorff (2005) used this property to determine the nanorod orientation
in polymer films. The plasmonic AuNP have been used for sensing, imaging and Surface
Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) detection. The light scattering properties of nanoparticle
has been used in dark field microscopy to detect the uptake nanoparticles by cells (Maier
2007). Sometimes the combined dark field microscopy with the shifts associated with local
dielectric constant changes used for analyte detection.
Inelastic visible light scattering from metal nanoparticles is also a useful means to gain
chemical information about the nanoparticles environment. SERS is a powerful analytical
tool for determining chemical information for molecules on metallic substrates on the 10-
200 nm size scale. Though the Raman vibrations of molecules are very weak, in presence
nanoparticle the molecular Raman vibrations are enhanced by orders of magnitude. As
SERS substrates colloidal nanoparticles are of special interest not only because of their
strong light scatterering property but also their tunable optical properties, which depend
on nanoparticle size, shape, and aggregation state. The largest surface enhancements, that
seemingly lead to single molecule SERS, are observed for molecules adsorbed in the
fractal space at junctions between nanoparticles, referred to as SERS hot spots. This is a
result of localized surface plasmon (LSP) coupling between nanoparticles and the
enhanced electromagnetic field intensity localized at nanoparticle junctions. Anisotropic
metallic nanoparticles have all of the characteristics that make them excellent candidates
as SERS substrates. Plasmon absorption bands can be tuned with nanocrystal aspect ratio
to be in resonance with common visible laser sources.

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

3.2 Properties of nanoparticlebiomolecule hybrid systems
The development of hybrid nanomaterials that incorporate the highly selective catalytic and
recognition properties of biomaterials, such as enzymes, with the unique properties of
nanoparticles, result in flexible building blocks for biosensors and drug delivery. In fact,
these construct are the forefront of the developing bionanotechnology research. However,
the understanding of these complex assemblies is still incomplete, and the modelling still
inadequate to describe their behaviour (Katz and Willner 2004 and reference therein). The
functionalization of NPs with biomolecules results in changes in the properties of the NPs
and their interactions with the environment. Upon adsorption of vitamin C on TiO
NPs, the
optical properties of the particles were red-shifted by 1.6 eV as a result of charge transfer
that originates from the specific binding of the electron-donating modifier to corner defects
on the surface of the nanoparticles. The solubility of NPs in water can be greatly improved
by the functionalization of their surfaces with highly hydrophilic biomolecules.
Furthermore, tiopronin or coenzyme A modified Au NPs demonstrate excellent solubility in
water (Templeton 1999). Subsequent association with metal nanoparticles the intrinsic
properties of biomolecules can be changed. Recently it has been shown through Surface-
Enhanced Resonance Raman (SERR) spectroscopic studies that vibrations of the biologically
active prosthetic heme groups of myoglobin or hemoglobin are selectively enhanced relative
to the vibrational modes characteristic of the protein backbone following their adsorption on
metal NPs (Bizzarri and Cannistraro 2002).
4. Applications of metal nanoparticles
In the ever expanding field of nanomaterial research, metal nanoparticle received particular
attention due to their wide application in catalysis, electronics, sensing, photonics,
environmental cleanup, imaging, and drug delivery (Guo et al. 2005, Daniel and Astruc
2004, Huang et al. 2007).
4.1 Catalysis
The application of nanoparticles as catalysts is a rapidly growing field in nanoscience and
technology. The properties of noble metal nanoparticles make them ideal materials for
nanocatalysis, where reaction yield and selectivity are dependent on the nature of the
catalyst surface. Compared to bulk materials, nanoparticles have high surface-area-to
volume ratio and thus found to exhibit higher turnover frequencies. The catalytic activity of
Au, Ag and Pt in the decomposition of H
to oxygen is well known. Additionally they
also catalyze luminal-H
systems. It was observed that the chemiluminoscence emission
from the luminal-H
system was greatly enhanced by addition of Ag colloid (Guo, et al.
2008). The catalytic application of Ag in oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide and
methanol to formaldehyde is also the most popular.
More interestingly, the nanoparticles shows shaped controlled catalytic activity. The
shape-controlled catalytic properties have recently been observed in benzene
hydrogenation by Pt catalyst (Brown 1997). Among different Pt nanocrystals, (cubes,
tetrahedra, and spheres) tetrahedral nanocrystals, completely bound by {111} crystal
facets, exhibited highest catalytic activity whereas cubic nanocrystals exhibit the lowest
activity (Fig. 7). However, it is not clearly understood whether this observation is truly a
shape-dependent effect, as in solution the surface reconstruction and shape changes of
NPs is evident. To study the dynamics of adsorbates on solution phase nanocrystalline


structures is required for direct surface measurements analogous to those commonly used
for single-crystalline studies.

Fig. 7. Shape-controlled Pt nanocrystals show catalytic selectivity for benzene
hydrogenation. The turnover rate for films of surfactant-stabilized Pt A) cubes and B)
cuboactahedra, shown in these TEM images, were measured. C) Cubic nanocrystals are
selective for cyclohexane, while cuboctahedra exhibit activity for both cyclohexane and
cyclohexene. These results are consistent with the selectivity exhibited by single-crystalline
Pt surfaces, shown in (D). Nat. Biotech. 1997, 15, 269.
Among other metal catalysts, Au has potentially more advantages is due to lower cost and
greater stability. Au is being substantially cheaper and considerable more plentiful then Pt.
AuNP less than 5 nm supported on base metal oxide or carbon demonstrated very high
activity (Hvolbeck et al., 2007). High activity of AuNP for the oxidation many compounds,
particularly CO and trimethylamine are also observed. AuNP based gas sensors have
recently been developed for detecting a number of gases, including CO and NOx
(Thompson 2007). Very recently Zeng et al. (2010) also demonstrated shape controlled
catalytic activity of AuNPs for well known p-nitrophenol reduction in presence of sodium
borohydride. Gold nanoboxes among other nanostructure (nanocages, and solid
nanoparticles) have highest catalytic activity. The good intrinsic electrical connection across
the entire surface of an Au nanocage makes it a much better catalyst than small Au solid
nanoparticles for the redox reaction.
4.2 Biological application of metal nanoparticles
The application of metal nanoparticles in biological science showed very rapid progess the
past decades is in the area of labelling, delivery, heating, and sensing. The SPER optical
properties of colloidal AuNPs directed towards recent biomedical applications with an
emphasis on cancer diagnostics and therapeutics.

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

4.2.1 Labelling
For labelling, electron absorbing properties of the metal nanoparticles are exploited to
generate contrast. The AuNPs strongly absorb electrons, thus make them suitable as a as a
contrasting agent in TEM. Besides, nanoparticles have the same size domain as proteins that
make nanomaterials suitable for bio tagging or labelling (Sperling et. 2008). Due to their
small size and functionalising properties, i.e. with antibodies (immunostaining), AuNPs
provide extremely high spatial resolution and applied in many labelling applications (Salata
2004). Additionally optical detection techniques are wide spread in biological research
because of change of their optical or fluoresce properties. The formations of nano-
biomaterials construct are schematically presented below (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Schematic presentation of application of nanoparticles in medical or biological
problems. J. Nanobiotechnol. 2004, 2, 3.
Similarly, the particles' optical properties- strong absorption, scattering and especially
plasmon resonance- make them of value for a large variety of light-based techniques
including combined schemes such as photothermal or photo-acoustic imaging. In addition,
AuNP can be radioactively-labelled by neutron activation, which allows for very sensitive
detection, and used as an x-ray contrast agent.
4.2.2 Sensors
Metal nanoparticles can also be used as sensors. The optical and electronic sensing of
biomaterials on surfaces is a common practice in analytical biochemistry. Thus, the
immobilization of biomoleculeNP conjugates on surfaces provides a general route for the
development of optical or electronic biosensors. Metal NPs such as Au or Ag NPs exhibit
plasmon absorbance bands in the visible spectral region that are controlled by the size of the
respective particles. Their optical properties can change upon binding to certain molecules,


allowing the detection and quantification of analytes (Huo 2007). The absorption spectra of
AuNP change drastically when several particles come close to each other. Numerous studies
on the labelling of bioassays and the staining of biological tissues by metal particles as a
means to image and visualize biological processes have been reported. The spectral shifts
which originate from adjacent or aggregated metal nanoparticles, such as Au NPs, are of
increasing interest in the development of optical biosensors based on biomoleculeNP
hybrid systems. As an example, NPs that were functionalized with two kinds of nucleic
acid, which were complementary to two segments of an analyzed DNA, were hybridized
with the analyzed DNA. This led to the aggregation of the NPs and to the detection of a red
shifted interparticle plasmon absorbance of the nanoparticle aggregate.
4.2.3 Drug delivery
Because of nontoxicity and nonimmunogenicity AuNPs is ideal for preparation of drug-
delivery scaffold. Functionalization property of AuNP also makes it an excellent potential
vehicle for the drug delivery. Functionalized AuNP represent highly attractive and
promising candidates in the applications of drug delivery. Hamad-Schifferli (2008) groups
recently developed druge delivery system AuNPs and infrared light. This delivery system
released multiple drugs in a controlled fashion. They demonstrated that nanoparticles of
different shapes respond to different infrared wavelengths. For example, nanobones and
nanocapsules melt at light wavelengths of 1,100 and 800 nm, respectively. Thus excitation at
one wavelength could selectively melt one type of Au nanorods and selectively release one
type of DNA strand.
Brown et al. (2010) also reported AuNPs for the improved anticancer drug delivery of the
active component of oxaliplatin. Naked AuNPs were functionalized with a thiolated
poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) monolayer capped with a carboxylate group. [Pt(1R,2R-
was added to the PEG surface and yielding a
supramolecular complex with drug molecules. The cytotoxicity, drug uptake, and localization
in the A549 lung epithelial cancer cell line and the colon cancer cell lines HCT116, HCT15,
HT29, and RKO were examined for platinum-tethered nanoparticles. The platinum-tethered
nanoparticles showed significant improvement in cytotoxicity than oxaliplatin alone in all of
the cell lines and an unusual ability to penetrate the nucleus in the lung cancer cells.
4.2.4 Cancer therapy
Nanotechnology is one of the most popular research areas, especially with regard to
biomedical applications. Nanoparticles have very good opportunity in the form of targeted
drug therapies (Ghosh at al. 2008). Nanoparticles also carry the potential for targeted and
time-release drugs. A potent dose of drugs could be delivered to a specific area but
engineered to release over a planned period to ensure maximum effectiveness and the
patient's safety. The strong light absorbing properties of AuNPs makes it suitable as heat-
mediating objects; the absorbed light energy is dissipated into the surroundings of the
particles', generating an elevated temperature in their vicinity. This effect can be used to
open polymer microcapsules, for example, for drug delivery purposes and even destroy the
cancerous cells. The nanoparticles are functionalised with antibody specific to the cancerous
cells. The functionalized nanoparticles specifically bind with the targeting cells, which was
then killed by hyperthermal therapy through heating the particle-loaded tissue. However,
for such in vivo applications, the potential cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles might become an
issue and should be investigated with care. Due to biocompaticbility, hyperthermal activity

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

activity AuNPs find wide application now a days in killing of malignant cancerous cells
(Dickerson et al. 2008). Recently, Melancon et al. (2008) demonstrated destruction of
cancerous cell by photothermal effect of AuNPs (Fig. 9). The hollow gold nanoshells
(HAuNS; average diameter, 30 nm) was covalently attached to monoclonal antibody
directed to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The resulting anti-EGFR-HAuNS
exhibited excellent colloidal stability and efficient photothermal effect in the near-infrared
region. Anti-EGFR-HAuNS then bound in EGFR-positive A431 tumor cells. Irradiation of
A431 cells treated with anti-EGFR-HAuNS with near-infrared laser resulted in selective
destruction of these cells.

Fig. 9. A, heating of aqueous C225-HAuNS solutions exposed to NIR light centered at 808
nm at 8 W/cm
. B, cell viability after various treatments. Cells retained normal morphology
with no apparent death observed (stained green with calcein CM) when cells were not
treated or treated with C225-HAuNS alone, NIR laser alone, or nontargeted IgG-HAuNS
plus NIR laser. In contrast, most cells were dead after treatment with C225-HAuNS plus
NIR laser. Dead cells were labeled red with EthD-1. Mol. Cancer. Ther. 2008, 7, 1730-1739.


AuNPs has also been applied to amplify the biorecognition of the anticancer drug (Shen et
al. 2008). Dacarbazine [5-(3, 3-dimethy-1-triazenyl) imidazole-4-carboxamide; DTIC] is a
commonly used anticancer drug. AuNPs were stabilized by PPh3 with negative charge. The
oxidized DTIC is positive charged. Thus, DTIC could be easily assembled onto the surface of
AuNPs. The specific interactions between anticancer drug DTIC and DNA or DNA bases
were facilitated by AuNPs.
4.3 Environmental cleanup
Although MNPs are increasingly being employed in different emergent areas, their use in
environmental biotechnology

is still limited. One of the key environmental challenges is the
contamination of water bodies by different chemicals due to diverse anthropogenic and
industrial activities. The most interesting application of MNPS is purification of drinking
water contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides. Current limitations in removal of
heavy metals have been tried to overcome through adsorption process on MNPs due to
alloy formation. Au and mercury exist in several phases such as Au
Hg, AuHg, and AuHg
The interaction of AgNPs with Hg
ions was investigated because enhanced ability of Ag to
form alloy in different phases. It was found that the surface plasmon of AgNPs blue shifted
along with a decrease in the intensity, immediately after the addition of Hg
(Bootharaju and Pradeep 2010). Partial oxidation of AgNPs to silver ions is responsible for
the decrease in intensity. The shift is attributed to the incorporation of mercury into the
AgNPs. The mercury nanoparticle solutions exhibited plasmon absorption band below 300
nm. The HgAg alloy nanoparticles, prepared by simultaneous reduction with sodium
borohydride, exhibited a plasmon in the region of 300400 nm. The potential of AgNPs to
reduce a number of heavy metals can also be looked at as a method to prepare alloy
nanoparticles; e.g., AgHg bimetallic nanoparticles. A demonstration of the galvanic etching
for the preparation of alloy nanoparticles is illustrated through the preparation of PdAg
and PtAg nanoparticles.
Recently colorimetric detections of heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, lead, etc., have also
been tried by using MNPs. One of the important properties exhibited by functionalized
MNPs surfaces is the detection of heavy metals. In one such method, heavy metal specific
biomolecule functionalized AuNP can be utilized. An example of this approach is the
interaction of metal ions with nucleotides: Hg
promoted formation of thyminethymine
base pairs (Ono and Togashi 2004). In a similar approach, ligands functionalized MNPs have
been used for specific detection of metal ions. This ligand-metal ion complexation leads to
observable optical changes at concentrations in the ppm level. Examples of such ligands are
gallic acid (Pb
), cysteine (Hg
, Cu
), and mercaptoundecanoic acid (Pb
, Cd

Carboxylate group modified surface of AuNP can be induced to aggregate in the presence of
and pyridinedicarboxylic acid, which is manifested in the form of colorimetric
response, fluorescence quenching and enhancement of hyper-Rayleigh scattering intensity
(Huang et al. 2007, Darbha et al. 2008).
The removal of pesticides by MNPs is a new addition to this field. Among other
contaminants, presence of pesticide residue in potable water above permissible limit is of
great concern to public health.

This happens due to indiscriminate use of pesticide, specially
belonging to organophosphorus groups, in agricultural practices. It is essential to reduce the
concentration of pesticide in potable water but difficult to achieve by conventional chemical
methods due to wide variation of their chemical structures. To meet these environmental
challenges, very recently researchers are focusing on the development of methods based on

Bioinspired Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Properties and Application

nanotechnology. Very recently, Das et al (2009). demonstrated adsorption of different
organophosphorous pesticides AuNPs surface. AuNPs was synthesized on the surface of
the R. oryzae mycelia in a single set. The AuNPs adsorbed on mycelia were then used for
adsorption of different organophosphorous pesticides. Following adsorption of these
pesticides the surface morphology conspicuously changed compared the unadsorbed
nanomaterial (Fig. 10) as depicted from atomic force microscopic images.

Fig. 10. AFM images of (A) the pristine nanogold bioconjugate (NGBC) and the (B)
malathione, (C) parathione, (D) chlorpyrifos, and (E) dimethoate-adsorbed NGBC material.
(F) EDXA spectrum of NGBC material after adsorption of organophosphorous pesticide.
Langmuir 2009, 25(14), 81928199.
5. Conclusions
In this chapter, we provided an account of the chemical and biological methods for MNPs
synthesis, as well as a short review of MNPs properties and of their most promising
applications in biomedical devices, environmental processes, and chemical catalysis. From
the considerations as outlined in this review, it emerges as biosynthesis represents a
promising route for MNPs production. In fact, biosynthesis result in low energy use and
environmental impact, with respect to conventional chemical synthesis methods. Further,
the high specificity of biomolecules involved in the biosynthesis process may enable an
efficient control of MNPs size and shape, whose tight control is critical to optimize MNP-
based devices and applications. Biosynthetic MNPs have been observed in numerous fungal
and bacterial species, and the molecular machinery needed for MNPs biosynthesis overlap
significantly with that already developed and optimized for bioreduction and detoxification
of soluble metals. However, most published studies deal with MNPs biosynthesis in viable
microorganism, and the complexity of the system makes it difficult to identify the exact
nature of the multiple biological agents responsible for the biosynthetic process. Further
research with cell-free extract and biological fractions may lead to this identification and to a
thorough understanding of the complex regulation underlying the expression of metal-
reducing agents.


Future studies should also investigate the role of biological capping agents involved in
MNPs biosynthesis on their cytotoxicity, catalytic and optoelectronics properties, ultimately
to determine if biosynthetic MNPs are a viable commercial alternative to those synthesized
through conventional chemical process.
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Biorecycling of Precious
Metals and Rare Earth Elements
Kevin Deplanche, Angela Murray,
Claire Mennan, Scott Taylor and Lynne Macaskie
The University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom
1. Introduction
The six platinum group elements (PGEs), also known as the platinum group metals (PGMs)
are platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium. These, together with gold
and silver, are considered to be precious metals due to their high demand coupled with
relatively low abundance. Complex processing is required for their extraction and refining
from primary ores (Bernardis et al., 2005). Relative to the other precious metals PGMs have
high technological importance. Valuable for their resistance to corrosion and oxidation, high
melting points, electrical conductivity and catalytic activity, these elements have wide
industrial applications (Xiao & Laplante, 2004). The major uses are found in the chemical,
electrical, electronic, glass and automotive industries. For example their high catalytic activity
for a wide range of substrates has resulted in their use in many industrial synthetic processes,
reforming reactions in the petroleum refining industry, hydrogenation and dehydrogenation
reactions in the pharmaceutical industry, and both organic and inorganic oxidation reactions
(Bernardis et al., 2005) to name but a few. The catalytic properties of PGM are also having a
positive impact on the environment through the implementation of automotive emission
control catalysts (Whiteley & Murray, 2003, Ek et al., 2004, Zereini & Wiseman, 2009).
South Africa is currently the largest producer of PGMs, followed by Russia and North
America. In 2008 South Africa supplied 76% of the worlds platinum, 33% of its palladium and
82% of its rhodium. Russia supplied more palladium than South Africa (51%) but its
contribution of the other two metals was much smaller. With the exception of 2006 demand for
PGMs has constantly exceeded supply, resulting in large price increases within the industry.
The disparity in 2006 is thought to have been caused by significantly lower platinum usage in
jewellery compared with previous years (in fact the lowest usage since 1993).
The last 75 years have seen the overall consumption and uses of platinum expand
dramatically. Demand (and hence also its price) and uses are impossible to predict far into
the future, but the resources and potential supply of platinum and palladium can be
calculated with some degree of confidence. Cawthorns calculations (Cawthorn, 1999)
indicate about 204 and 116 million ounces of proven and probable reserves of platinum and
palladium, respectively, and 939 and 711 million ounces of inferred resources, down to a
depth of 2 km. These figures represent about 75 and 50% of the worlds platinum and
palladium resources, respectively. These figures for proven and probable reserves in the
Bushveld Complex are sufficient for the next 40 years at current rate of production.


However, it has been estimated that if all 500 million vehicles in use today consuming fossil
fuels, were substituted with hydrogen driven fuel cells, operating losses would mean that all
the world's sources of platinum would be exhausted within 15 years (Gordon et al., 2006,
Anon., 2007). As we are moving away from a fossil fuel based economy into a hydrogen
economy, it will be vital to conserve stocks of these metals by increasing recycling
technologies and preferably by methodologies that remanufacture new materials within the
same process.
The environmental impact of mining, extraction and primary production is uncertain but is
likely to be large. The Resource Efficiency KTN (Anon., 2008) estimates that worldwide
mining activities (of all minerals) are responsible for around 5% of global carbon dioxide
emissions. A 2004 report by Earthworks (Anon. 2004) calculated a larger figure, stating that
the metals mining industry is responsible for 7-10% of global energy consumption. Either
figure demonstrates that the overall environmental impacts of the extractive industries are
highly significant.
According to research commissioned by the UK Department for Transport (2006) 12.7
tonnes of ore is extracted per troy ounce of platinum produced. The Resource Efficiency
KTN (2008) puts this figure at approximately 10 tonnes per ounce, depending on ore
concentration and mining depth. This leads to large spoil heaps and high energy
consumption. In fact 65 75% of the total cost of producing pure PGMs is accrued at the
mining stage due to the large energy demand (Pincock, 2008). In the long-term carbon
intensities will grow, as more energy is required to process lower grades of ore, unless
technological change can offset the impact.
In contrast to PGMs and despite their name, Rare Earth Elements (REE) are relatively
abundant in the earths crust. Consisting of the 15 lanthanide elements of the periodic table
(with the addition of yttrium and scandium), these metals have similar geochemical
properties and, consequently, are often found together in mineral deposits. Although their
average concentration in the earths crust is similar to other commonly used industrial
metals (e.g. chromium, nickel, zinc), these metals are often difficult to extract economically
because of their low local concentrations.
The use of REE ranges from their incorporation in alloys for the metallurgy sector to high-
tech applications such as laser-guided weapons and hybrid-car batteries. Their widespread
incorporation in electronic devices (e.g. computers, mobile phones, digital cameras) and
increasingly popular consumer goods (e.g DVDs) has caused demand to increase
significantly in the past 5 years. As demand is expected to increase further with the
development of electric cars and hybrid vehicles, there is growing concern that the world
may soon face a shortage of the REE.
These concerns have recently intensified in response to the recent decrease in REE exports
from China, who currently produces over 97% of the world's REE supply and is estimated to
possess about half of the 110,000 metric tons of REE currently available worldwide. In the
coming years, China is expected to build strategic reserves in REE to meet the rise in their
domestic demand and potentially to influence global market prices. Alternative sources of
REE are being sought, notably in Australia and California, but mining operations are still
limited to date.
Significant amounts of REE can be found in the waste electronic equipment (WEE) network
and, as such, these could form a partial answer to REE sourcing problems. In Japan alone,
there is a very substantial amount of REE stored in electronic wastes. At present, REE are
not often recycled, because of the small quantities present in many commercial products

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

both on a total and a per-unit basis. In addition, their low market price per-kilogram relative
to precious metals means that many common recycling technologies are not cost effective.
One alternative to traditional physicochemical reclaiming processes for PGM and REE is to
use the ability of specialised bacteria to reduce or mineralise metals. Many studies have
demonstrated that challenging bacteria with oxidised metal species resulted in the
precipitation of solid phases of the metal. In the case of precious metals and gold, several
studies showed that sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and Fe(III) reducing bacteria are able to
reduce palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt) and gold (Au) to the zerovalent form of the metal
(Lloyd et al., 1998; Kashefi et al., 2001; Yong et al., 2002a).
Bioreduction is a system involving enzymatically-assisted metal precipitation from a high
valence to a zerovalent state. The identification of the enzymatic step responsible for metal
deposition may permit its deposition in a growth-decoupled mode (Yong et al., 2002b).
Enzymatic systems may promote metal reduction under favourable conditions, independently
of cell metabolism. In some cases, metal reduction to lower valence states is directly involved
via electron transport reactions giving crystals of metal oxide or base metal coated on the cell
surface. Bioreduction of metals is a relatively recent addition to the portfolio of metal
biorecovery processes. Investigations into new recovery technologies were prompted by the
increased market value of many precious metals and more recent studies showed a potential
for bioreductive recovery of Pd (Lloyd et al., 1998), Pt (Yong et al., 2002a, b), Ag (Fu et al., 2000)
and Au (Kashefi et al., 2001; Konishi et al., 2006). The microbial reduction of Pd(II) to insoluble
Pd(0) has attracted much interest as this process was not only successfully applied to the
recovery of Pd from industrial automotive catalyst leachates (Yong et al., 2003) but could also
be coupled to synthesize nanoscale bioinorganic catalysts of considerable commercial potential
(Mabbett et al., 2006, Macaskie et al., 2010). Studies on Au recovery (Lovley et al., 1993)
suggested that c-type cytochromes of the Fe(III) reducer Geobacter metallireducens transferred
electrons to soluble Au(III); other work (Deplanche & Macaskie, 2008) has suggested the
involvement of hydrogenase activity, in conjunction with another unidentified mechanism, in
Au(III) reduction and the formation of Au(0) nanoparticles on the biomass. Other
investigations showed the potential of a wide range of dissimilatory Fe(III) reducing
mesophiles (Geobacter ferrireducens, Shewanella alga), thermophiles (Thermotoga maritime) and
some Archea (Pyrobacter sp.) to reduce Au(III) to Au(0) (Kashefi et al., 2001). As most strains
precipitated Au(0) on the cell surface, bacterial Au recovery has the potential to become an
easy, cheap and attractive process, especially since readily-available jewellery waste rich in Au
provided an adequate source of the metal for biorecovery and conversion (Deplanche et al.,
2007)., while some urban road dusts were surprisingly rich in Au (H. Prichard and L.E.
Macaskie, unpublished) adding to the concept of urban biomining (see later).
Research on bacterial metal reduction has been driven forward by the range of
biotechnological applications that could derive from harnessing this unique microbial
feature. Such applications include the remediation of radioactive contaminants (Lovley,
1991), immobilisation of problematic wastewater pollutants (Chen and Hao, 1998),
degradation of xenobiotics (Larsson et al., 1988), the development of new technologies in
metal mining (Rawlings and Johnson, 2007) and metal recovery (Lloyd et al., 1998; Kashefi et
al., 2001; Konishi et al., 2006). Indirect applications could also include the development of
biomagnets (J. R. Lloyd, personal communication) and manufacture of novel biocatalysts
(see later), in addition to generation of electricity from sediments (Lloyd, 2003) and indeed
from the bionanoparticles (Yong et al., 2010) as well as the creation of metal detecting
biosensors (Eccles et al., 1997).


In metal and radionuclide remediation, dissimilatory reduction of Se, Tc, V, U and also
possibly other metals (like plutonium (Pu) and neptunium (Np)) would convert soluble
metal species to insoluble forms that can readily be removed from contaminated water and
waste streams. So far, flow-through bioreactors containing immobilised cells of
dissimilatory iron- or sulfate reducing bacteria have been shown to reduce and precipitate
Cr(VI), Mo(VI), Tc(VII) and U(VI) (Lovley and Phillips, 1992; Lloyd et al., 1997; Lloyd et al.,
1999; Mabbett et al., 2002). Simple electron donors (formate, lactate or H
) are fed to
immobilised cells, which support continuous metal reduction and precipitation over many
days. Lovley and coworkers demonstrated that G. metallireducens and S. oneidensis could
couple U(VI) reduction to energy generation and thus could be ideal candidates for large
scale remediation process (Lovley et al., 1991). However, U(IV) is adsorbed by Fe(III) oxides
forming large volumes of uranium-containing solid waste. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
were found to possess the same U(VI) reducing activity as Fe(III) reducers and can be
cultured more quickly and cheaply, making them potential candidates for U(VI)
remediation strategies although the production of H
S may be problematic. Uranium exists
mainly as U(VI) and U(IV) although some actinide contaminants can be stable and
predominate as the intermediate (V) oxidation state. A novel approach to the remediation of
Np(V) and its capture as biomineral phosphate was shown by Lloyd and Macaskie (2000).
Although multiple electron transfer steps are involved in metal reduction, the exact
mechanism remains unclear. A study by Renshaw et al., (2005) showed that reduction of
U(VI) proceeded via a U(V) intermediate showing single electron transfer.
The direct role of periplasmic hydrogenases of D. desulfuricans in Tc(VII) reduction was also
demonstrated by Lloyd et al., (1999a). In this study, cells treated with Cu(II) (a selective
inhibitor of periplasmic -but not cytoplasmic- hydrogenases) lost their ability to reduce
Tc(VII). Comparison of Tc(VII) reduction rates by E. coli and D. desulfuricans demonstrated
the greater potential of the latter, and this was attributed to the high activity of the soluble,
more accessible, periplasmic hydrogenases in the SRB. A subsequent study (Lloyd et al.,
1999b) identified D. desulfuricans as the ideal candidate for Tc(VII) reduction. H
cells carried out continuous Tc(VII) reduction at far higher rates than shown in similar
studies using E. coli (the rate of Tc(VII) reduction was 64-fold greater), S. putrefaciens (28-fold
improvement) or G. metallireducens (36-fold improvement). Similarly, selenium has been
shown to serve as terminal electron acceptor to support growth of some organisms with
concomitant reduction of Se(VI) to Se(0) (Roux et al., 2001; Yee et al., 2007, Macaskie et al.,
2010). An economic evaluation of the use of selenate and selenite reducing microorganisms
to remove selenium from waste waters concluded that the microbial process could
potentially be cheaper than chemical reduction if a nutrient cheaper than peptone could be
used in the culturing of the metal-reducing bacterial consortium (Lovley, 1994).
A second alternative to traditional physicochemical recycling techniques is to use bacterial
enzymes to immobilise metallic species as metal precipitates. These can be as (e.g.) sulfides,
carbonates and phosphates. Such metal biomineralisation is a well-established technology
for metal removal from wastewaters but until now the low value of the recovered metal has
made such processes largely uneconomic. With the value of REEs (and also uranium) rising
rapidly these biotechnologies are becoming attractive. With a view to metal recovery from
metal-bearing wastewaters in a form that can be readily processed for subsequent re-use
and avoiding energy-expensive commercial refining, an example of this technology has been
demonstrated using a Serratia sp. originally isolated from metal polluted soil (Macaskie &
Dean, 1982) for the recovery of heavy metals such as uranyl ion, lead, copper, cadmium,

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

lanthanum, strontium, manganese, thorium, americium and plutonium (Macaskie & Dean,
1984; Macaskie & Dean, 1985; Tolley et al., 1991; Macaskie, 1992; Macaskie et al., 1994; Yong
et al., 1998; Forster & Wase, 2003; Paterson-Beedle et al., 2004). In the case of uranium the
deposited material can be used as nanocrystalline ion exchanger for the removal of
radionuclides from nuclear wastes (Paterson-Beedle et al., 2006), while a similar function can
be achieved via biogenic hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate) (Handley-Sidhu et al., 2011)
which has a crystallite size much smaller than that of commercial HA, and hence a much
higher surface area for interaction with the target metallic species.
The metal-accumulating Serratia strain (NCIMB 40259) atypically overproduces a PhoN acid
type phosphatase. In the presence of heavy metals the phosphatase enzyme liberates
inorganic phosphate ligand (HPO
) from a phosphate donor e.g. glycerol-2-phosphate
(G2P) and deposits metal (M) as polycrystalline cell bound MHPO
(Macaskie et al., 1992,
Macaskie et al., 2000).

Fig. 1. Mechanism of metal phosphate accumulation by the action of acid phosphatase.
In order to achieve metal removal from solution, Serratia cells are immobilised on a support
such as polyurethane foam and incorporated into a flow through column. Metal
precipitation and crystallisation is via the production of locally high concentrations of
phosphate ligand, which exceeds the solubility product of the metal phosphate in the
vicinity of nucleation sites on the cell surface (Bonthrone et al., 1996; Macaskie et al., 1994).
Studies using
P NMR attributed the nucleation sites to phosphate groups in the lipid A
component of cell-surface lipopolysaccharide (Bonthrone et al., 2000; Macaskie et al., 2000).
All heavy metals having insoluble phosphates should be amenable to bioremediation in this
As an alternative approach to the economic provision of phosphate ligand into the
crystalline metal phosphate an interesting study exploited features of the enhanced
biological phosphate removal waste water treatment process, in which some bacteria (e.g.
Acinetobacter spp) grown aerobically deposit intracellular reserves of polyphosphate (polyP).
Upon transfer to anaerobic conditions (which can be spatial or temporal) the polyP is
mobilised and inorganic phosphate is released from the cells. This was harnessed to the
deposition of uranium (Dick et al., 1995) and lanthanum (Boswell et al., 2001) phosphates in a
similar way to those biomanufactured using the phosphatase route (above), in a continuous
process (Boswell et al., 2001). As a third approach, the use of phytic acid (inositol phosphate,
a component of plant wastes and a by product from biodiesel production) as the phosphate
donor molecule has been shown to have good economic potential for metal biorecovery
(Paterson-Beedle et al., 2010)



Fig. 2. (A) Polyurethane reticulated foam cubes before and after coating with biofilm of
Serratia NCIMB 40259. (B) 3-D image of a flow- through a Serratia metal recovery column
viewed using magnetic resonance imaging (Paterson-Beedle et al., 2001). The reticulated
foam matrix is clearly visible. (C) shows the centre of the column imaged in a 2-D slice: (a)
before metal addition (glycerol 2-phosphate alone); (b) with metal and no substrate and (c)
with metal and substrate. Metal phosphate deposition is shown as dark areas (Macaskie et
al., 2005).
Focusing on precious metal biorecovery for subsequent applications (biorefining), we now
demonstrate in separate case studies the two potential pathways of biorecovery of PGMs via
bioreduction (case study 1) and REE biorecovery via metal phosphates (case study 2).
2. Case study 1: Biorecovery of PGMs from spent car catalyst and
biofabrication of new catalysts
Since the 1970s and the implementation of vehicle emissions regulations, worldwide
consumption and market price of PGM have increased in parallel, driven by the widespread
incorporation of Pd, Pt and rhodium (Rh) in automotive catalytic converters. The finite
nature of PGM resources has led to the development of various recovery techniques which
commonly include chemical processing of wastewaters but these treatments are often made
difficult by unusual solution chemistry as these metals are usually present as complexes in
solution (Demopoulos, 1989). Direct precipitation is often not readily applicable while
electrochemical recovery requires electrodes with very large surface area for satisfactory
metal deposition. Solvent extraction is often costly and non-selective; chelating ion exchange
resins have been developed to increase separation of PGM from other metals (Streat and
Naden, 1983) but, once eluted, individual metals still require separation using
hydrometallurgical techniques. Until recently, there was no clean simple, selective and/or
efficient system for precious metals recovery (Yong et al., 2002b).
(B) (C)
(b) (c)

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

This goal remains elusive. It was shown (Dalrymple et al., 2005) that while bacteria can
selectively recover Pd(II) over Pt(IV), the period of selectivity before Pt(IV) is catalytically
reduced by the Pd(0) seeds formed on the biomass is too short to form the basis of an
industrial process. A selective process for metal recovery from electronic scraps was
illustrated by Creamer et al., (2006) but is probably too complex for industrial adoption.
However, mixed metal deposits supported on bacterial cells have been reported to be
catalytically active in reductive processes (Mabbett et al., 2006) and as fuel cell
electrocatalysts (Yong et al., 2010). It is now accepted that biofabrication of new materials
from wastes dictates the unavoidability of metal mixtures given the nature of the feedstocks.
Since the ground-breaking work of Baxter-Plant et al., (2003) and Mabbett et al., (2006), the
literature abounds with reports of using PGM-coated bacteria as catalysts in reactions of
increasing complexity and industrial interest. Table 1 summarises the applications of bio-
PGMs catalysts found in the literature biomanufactured from pure metal salts.

Metal Microorganism support Catalytic test Comments References

Au Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
Selective oxidation of

Deplanche et al.

Escherichia coli
Selective oxidation of

Deplanche et al.

Selective oxidation of

Deplanche et al.
(2010b, 2011)

Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
Selective oxidation of
Au/Pd core/shell
Deplanche et al.
(2010, 2011)

Escherichia coli
Selective oxidation of
Au/Pd core/shell
Deplanche et al.
(2010, 2011)
Pd Arthrobacter oxydans Cr(VI) reduction Deplanche et al.
(2008a), Wood et al.
MizorokiHeck coupling

Bacillus sphaericus Hydrogenations Creamer et al. (2007)

Clostridium pasteurianum Cr(VI) reduction
Process coupled to
microbial H2
Chidambaram et al.

Cupriavidus necator
H2 evolution from

Sbjerg et al. (2009),
Bunget et al. (2010),
Sbjerg et al. (2011)

SuzukiMiyaura and



Cupriavidus metallidurans Cr(VI) reduction Deplanche et al.
(2008a), Yong et al.
MizorokiHeck coupling
Fuel cell electrocatalyst


Metal Microorganism support Catalytic test Comments References

Pd Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
H2 evolution from

Yong et al. (2002b,
2007, 2010), Mabbett
et al. (2002, 2004,
2006), Baxter-Plant et
al. (2003), Macaskie
et al. (2005),
Humphries et et al.
(2006), Deplanche et
al. (2007, 2008, 2009),
Harrad et al. (2007),
Redwood et al.
(2008). Bennett et al.
(2010), Harrad et al.
Cr(VI) reduction
Free cells, flow
through reactors,
immobilised cells,
e- donor provided
by fermentation of
sugar wastes



SuzukiMiyaura and

Fuel cell electrocatalyst

Desulfovibrio vulgaris
Baxter-Plant et al.
(2003, 2004),
Humphries et al.
Cr(VI) reduction
Free cells, flow
through reactors,
immobilised cells

Desulfovibrio sp. Oz-7

Baxter-Plant et al.
(2003, 2004)

Escherichia coli

Deplanche (2008),
Yong et al. (2010)
Cr(VI) reduction
MizorokiHeck coupling
Fuel cell electrocatalyst

Micrococcus luteus Cr(VI) reduction
Deplanche (2008)
MizorokiHeck coupling

Paracoccus denitrificans
H2 evolution from

Sbjerg et al. (2009),
Bunge et al. (2010)

SuzukiMiyaura and

Pseudomonas putida
H2 evolution from

Sbjerg et al. (2009),
Bunge et al. (2010)

SuzukiMiyaura and

Rhodobacter capsulatus Hydrogenations Wood et al. (2010)

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

Metal Microorganism support Catalytic test Comments References

Pd Rhodobacter sphaeroides

Redwood et al.
(2008), Yong et al.
(2010) Fuel cell electrocatalyst

Serratia sp. Cr(VI) reduction
Deplanche (2008)
MizorokiHeck coupling

Shewanella oneidensis Cr(VI) reduction DeWindt et al. (2005,
2006), Merten et al.
(2007), Deplanche
(2008), Hennebel et
al. (2011).
MizorokiHeck coupling

e- donor supplied by
microbial fuel cell

Staphylococcus sciuri
SuzukiMiyaura and
Sbjerg et al. (2011)


Pt Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Fuel cell electrocatalyst Yong et al. (2010)

Table 1. Applications of precious metal catalysts supported on bacteria and fabricated from
metal salt precursors
Biosorption of precious metals onto biomass has been considered as an attractive alternative
to traditional recovery techniques. Microorganisms used for biosorption processes include
bacteria, fungi, yeasts and algae. Differences in metal uptake are due to the properties of
each microorganism such as cell wall structure, nature of functional groups and surface area
(Palmieri et al., 2000). Beveridge (1989) showed that bacteria make excellent biosorbents
because of their high surface-to-volume ratios and a high content of potentially active
chemisorption sites such as teichoic acid present in the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria.
Various microbial species have been shown to be relatively efficient in the biosorption of
metal ions from polluted effluents. The biosorption literature is very large over the last 30
years and the reader is referred to key reviews by Volesky (2007) and Gadd (2009). The
application of biosorption to precious metals is less well developed due to their complex
solution chemistry.
Volesky (1999) reported the effective utilisation of Bacillus biomass (the main active
ingredient of the commercial biosorbent AMT-Bioclaim) in the biosorption of Au(III) from
cyanide solution. In an early study, Yong et al., (2002b) defined the optimum Pd(II) sorption
pH to be between 2 to 4 and achieved Pd recovery using a combination of both biosorption
and bioreduction. D. desulfuricans was shown to possess a high capacity towards Pd(II)
biosorption. Cells challenged with acidic Pd(II) solution (2 mM) showed rapid uptake of
metal ions (85% uptake after 10 mins) and up to 15% of the biomass dry weight. Saturation
of the biosorption capacity was observed within 35 minutes. The effect of the nature of the
Pd(II) complex on the bacterial biosorption capacity was also demonstrated. Optimum


uptake from chloride salt (PdCl
) was at pH 4 and up to 50% of uptake from a 2 mM
solution was observed at pH 2 but only 10% Pd was removed at neutral pH. Uptake from
the amine salt (Pd(NH
) was pH-independent but was lower; this was attributed to the
strong complexing ability of ammonium ions for Pd(II). Furtermore, it was shown that cells
of D. desulfuricans had greater affinity for Pd(II) than Pt(IV) and Rh(III) and it was suggested
to exploit this hierarchy in a new biological separation technique (Yong et al., 2002a; Yong
et al., 2002b). DeVargas et al., (2004), investigated Pd(II) and Pt(IV) biosorption kinetics by
three separate species of the genus Desulfovibrio and identified D. desulfuricans as the best
biosorbent. A low pH is required for the protonation of cell surface functional groups to
attract negatively charged species such as PdCl
and the mechanism is probably an ion
exchange of PdCl
for biomass Cl
groups (DeVargas et al., 2005).
Other kinds of high metal-sorbing biomass such as yeast, fungi and algae have also been
considered for precious metal recovery. Some chemical compounds of yeast cells can act as
ion exchangers with rapid, reversible binding of cations whereas for metal removal and
recovery from aqueous solutions, dead fungal biomass seems to offer several advantages;
such biomass is often a by-product of industrial processes and may be obtained
inexpensively, biosorption kinetics are not affected by metal toxicity since there is no
metabolic activity, the biomass does not require nutrient supply and is not affected by the
recovery of surface-bound metals (Volesky and Holan, 1995; Vieira and Volesky, 2000).
Some studies (Volesky et al., 1994) indicate that the most common yeast biomass
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is an effective biosorbent material and it has been used for Pt(IV)
recovery into a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) to generate electricity
following reduction of sorbed Pt(IV) (Dimitriadis et al., 2007). Another industrially
important organism, the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum, has been shown to extract Au(III)
from cyanide solution through anionic gold cyanide species adsorption onto N
, P
or O

containing functional groups on the biomass. However, the biosorption capacity was not
encouraging (Niu and Volesky, 1999). Chitosan, which can be extracted from the cell wall of
Zygomycetes (a group of phytopathogenic fungi) has a markedly cationic character and a
positive charge at most pHs due to its significant content of free amino groups. Thus,
chitosan has been found to be an excellent sorbent for the removal of numerous trace metals
from wastewaters including Pd(II) and Pt(IV) in addition to base metal ions (see Schmuhl et
al., 2001). Catalytically active precious metal nanoparticles supported on chitosan have been
reported previously (Guibal et al., 2009 and references therein).
Despite the apparent promise of this type of technology, industry has been slow to endorse
biosorption strategies. In addition to economic competitiveness, disadvantages include the
perceived variation between batches of the biological product, a lack of specificity and
sensitivity to changes in pH (Gavrilescu, 2004). Following discussions at both 2005 and 2007
International Biohydrometallurgy Symposia, the scientific community recognised the lack of
commercial potential of biosorption despite extensive attempts and advised for a move
towards alternative technologies. This position may, however, change in the case of highly
valuable metals and in view of the increasing scarcity of resources.
The work of Lloyd et al., (1998) first showed the potential of a Pd(II) bioreduction process
using resting cells of D. desulfuricans. When contacted with Pd(II) solution, this organism
was shown to precipitate soluble Pd(II) ions to elemental cell-bound Pd(0) using pyruvate,
formate or H
as the electron donor. Under electron microscopy, opaque deposits of
approximatively 50 nm were observed on the surface of challenged cells and these were
confirmed to be elemental Pd(0) by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The authors gave

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

an insight into the enzymatic nature of the Pd(II) reduction mechanism as cells pre-treated
with Cu(II), a known inhibitor of periplasmic hydrogenases, lacked Pd(0) crystals. The role
of periplasmic hydrogenases toward Pd(II) reduction was further investigated by
Mikheenko et al., (2008) and Deplanche et al., (2010). In studies using several mutants of D.
fructosovorans and E. coli with deleted periplasmic and/or cytoplasmic membrane-bound
hydrogenases, mutants lacking periplasmic soluble hydrogenases reduced Pd(II) only at the
site of the remaining cytoplasmic membrane-bound hydrogenase, confirming the role of the
latter in the nucleation and growth of Pd(0) crystals.
Bioreduction of Pd(II) is affected not only by the same parameters affecting biosorption (e.g.
pH, metal salt, competitive ions) but also by other factors such as the choice and
concentration of the electron donor, the cell concentration and the presence/absence of O
In a study investigating the effect of both the electron donor and the cell concentration on
the bioreduction of Pd(II) to cell bound Pd(0) by D. desulfuricans, Yong et al., (2002a) found
that reduction at the expense of H
was slower than when using formate. This was
attributed to mass transfer limitations between gas in headspace and liquid. They also
showed that the effect of the electron donor and cell concentrations synergistically affected
reduction rates. Bioreduction was negligible when both cell and formate concentrations
were low up to a threshold value (0.13 mg ml
of cells, 20 mM formate) where bioreduction
dramatically increased. This was explained by the ability of Pd(0) to trap H
and hold it as
stable, highly reactive atomic H

. Deposited Pd(0) on cells has a very high affinity for H


liberated from formate and itself acts as a catalyst in the chemical degradation of more
formate (Yong et al., 2002b). Thus, the initial biodeposition reaction is hydrogenase(s)-
mediated until autocatalytic reduction takes over. This has been exploited in the recovery of
Pd(0) from highly aggressive waste using cells lightly pre-palladised in an intial step under
more permissive conditions (Table 2).
The rate of Pd(II) bioreduction was shown to be pH-dependent in at least two studies (Yong
et al., 2002a; Yong et al., 2002b). However, the pattern differed according to the electron
donor used. Bioreduction of Pd(II) at the surface of Desulfovibrio sp. using formate decreased
to 50% when the pH was decreased from 7 to 6 and no reduction occurred at pH 2. H

allowed reduction at lower pH (optimum 4-7) with 50% reduction still retained at pH 2. The
same pattern was observed with the influence of anions on bioreduction. Formate-
supported reduction was inhibited up to 50% in the presence of low nitrate/chloride
concentrations while H
-supported reduction remained unaffected by 1 M nitrate at pH 2
and 75% activity was retained in 1 M chloride. Bioreduction was also shown to be O
sensitive with formate but not with H
The early studies helped to define conclusively the role of microbial cells and enzymatic
mechanisms in Pd reduction and inspired a large number of subsequent studies in this area
(Table 1). Three key roles could be attributed. Cells were thought to: 1) act as an enzyme
catalyst (formate dehydrogenase and hydrogenase(s) providing an initial pool of electrons),
;2) provide foci of metal deposition for subsequent growth of Pd(0) crystals and 3) act as a
scaffold for Pd(0), the primary crystals (seeds) of which autocatalysed further reaction,
leading to stable Pd(0)-nanocluster growth.
Other early studies (Mikheenko et al., 2003; Humphries et al., 2004) suggest that the
choice of an organism possessing a high number of active hydrogenases is a requisite to
improve Pd recovery yields. Hence most studies on Pd biorecovery have used SRB and
notably Desulfovibrio spp. as organisms of choice for Pd(II) precipitation. As mentioned
earlier, Desulfovibrio spp. are known to have a high metal-reduction capacity via


hydrogenases and/or c
-type cytochrome with broad metal specificity coupled with the
possibility to use a large spectrum of compounds as electron donors. However, theoretically,
most organisms with strong hydrogenase(s) activity could be potential candidates to be
used in Pd biorecovery systems. The attempt to move away from SRB reflects the fact that,
to be used at industrial scale, the ideal organism should be non-pathogenic, easily culturable
and fast-growing, in addition to having strong hydrogenase activity. Furthermore, H
S, a
by-product of dissimilatory sulphate reduction, is a powerful human and catalyst poison.
Use of SRB as supports for making Pd catalysts hence requires extensive washing steps to
remove H
S. However, on the other hand, in the case of gold, partial poisoning of the
catalyst by S- groups can sometimes be beneficial to catalyst activity but this is difficult to
control by chemical methods and hence is not used industrially to date.
Pd(0) biodeposition has been observed in e.g. the Fe(III)-reducer S. oneidensis and the
photosynthetic organism Rhodobacter sphaeroides by mechanisms which are still not
elucidated (Table 1, DeWindt et al., 2005; Redwood et al., 2005; 2008). The facultatively
anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium E. coli has been shown to possess the ability to reduce
Pd(II) to Pd(0) in a similar manner to D. desulfuricans (Mikheenko, 2004) and waste E. coli
biomass from fermentation, when palladised, was shown to be effective in the
hydrogenation of soybean oil (Zhu et al., 2011). As anaerobic conditions are required for
expression of hydrogenases, the use of a facultative anaerobe in a Pd recovery system
would be divided into two-steps: 1) aerobic pre-growth to high biomass density followed
by 2) anaerobic induction of hydrogenases prior to Pd(II) bioreduction. This possibility
does not exist with SRB which are strict anaerobes. The above discussion relates Pd(0)
deposition to the function of anaerobic enzymes but this is by no means exclusive. Hence,
Serratia sp. pre-grown in an airlift fermenter produced catalytically active Pd(0)
(Deplanche, 2008) while studies using E. coli grown aerobically attributed reduction of
Pd(II) to formate dehydrogenases FDH-O and FDH-N (Foulkes, J., personal
communication). Extensive studies of Pd(0) deposition on cells of the aerobic Bacillus
sphaericus assumed metal deposition onto the cell surface S-layer (Fahmy et al., 2006) and
the resulting material had a similar catalytic activity in hydrogenation of itaconic acid as
Desulfovibrio bioPd(0) (Creamer et al., 2007). However, further study showed deposition of
Pd(0) below the S-layer and within the inner cell surface layers (Skibar et al., 2005) and an
additional mechanism was implicated. Other Gram positive organisms have been used for
the production of Pd(0) (Deplanche, 2008; Gauthier et al., 2009) but the mechanisms of
metal deposition are less well elucidated as compared to Gram negative Enterobacteria
and Pseudomonads.
The bioreductive route has been successfully exploited to recover metals from various waste
sources containing dilute amounts of PGMs. The metallic nanoparticles formed on the
biomass are catalytically active and several studies have shown the potential of a one-step
conversion of PGM wastes into bioinorganic catalysts (Table 2).
In this first case study, the ability of the common enterobacterium Escherichia coli to precipitate
metallic species is used to demonstrate the recovery of PGMs from model solutions containing
palladium and platinum mixtures. Biorecovery is then applied to a leachate obtained from a
spent car catalyst containing various metallic species. Characterisation of the biorecovered
material shows that discrete metallic nanoparticles (NPs) are formed on the cell surface. The
catalytic activity of biomass-supported metallic NPs is described, demonstrating a one-step
conversion of car catalyst waste into a new product.

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

Waste source
Microorganism Catalytic test Comments References

Jewellery Au
Escherichia coli
Selective oxidation of

Deplanche et
al., (2007)

scrap leachate
Au, Pd, Pt
cells used to
recover other
Creamer et al.,

Pd, Pt, Rh
Escherichia coli,
H2 evolution from
hypophosphite, Cr(VI)
reduction, Fuel cell

Yong et al.,
(2002a, 2010),
Mabbett et al.,

PGM leachate
Au, Pd, Pt, Rh Escherichia coli Cr(VI) reduction
produced using
technology Pre-
palladised cells
used to recover
other metals
Murray et al.,


Gauthier et al.,
Table 2. Applications of precious metals bioinorganic catalysts fabricated from wastes
2.1 Materials and methods
2.1.1 Organism and culture conditions
Escherichia coli MC4100 cells were cultured in 12 litres of nutrient broth under anaerobic
conditions (Mikheenko, 2004). Cells were harvested by centrifugation, washed three times
in MOPS-NaOH buffer pH 7.0 and resuspended in a known volume of buffer. The cell
density was checked at an optical density (OD) of 600nm; the OD
was converted to
bacterial dry weight by a previously determined calibration. With a dry weight of cells
between 20-30 mg/ml the cell cultures were then split into six aliquots in preparation for
2.1.2 Preparation of leachate from crushed automotive catalyst
Automotive catalysts are generally available in the form of monoliths. Monolithic catalysts
employ a high surface area washcoat on the top of a honeycomb structure. The honeycomb
is generally composed of magnesium cordierite 2MgO.2Al
. The washcoat consists of -
alumina as a substrate for the valuable metals (PGMs) and a variety of additives to improve
the catalytic action and to stabilise alumina and active metals at exhaust operating
conditions (Angelidis and Sklavounos, 1995). The channels of the monolith are small, on the
order of 1 mm, which allows for a large number of channels, increasing the surface area to
volume ratio and conversion rates (Depcik and Assanis, 2005).


The outer steel casing was removed and the used autocatalyst was processed by jaw
crushing, ground using a Rolls crusher and then passed through a 1mm screen. Any
oversize material was reground in the Rolls crusher so that all test material was of diameter
d 1mm. The automotive catalyst used for leachate production had 600 channels per
square inch, thus each channel was 1.04 mm wide. Any material greater than 1mm was
reground in order to avoid over-crushing but to facilitate maximum acid - washcoat
interaction. Aqua regia (60 ml; 3 parts 37% HCl to 1 part 70% HNO
) was added to 6 g of
milled catalyst and allowed to stand in an open vessel (30 min). The vessel was then sealed
and placed in a microwave (CEM Microwave Accelerated Reaction System 5) set to ramp
(109C in one min using a power of 600 W), maintain that temperature (15 min), then
undergo a cooling cycle (5 min). The contents of the vessel were transferred with washings
(half the volume of distilled water to aqua regia), centrifuged (4000 rpm; 10 min) and the
supernatant was retained for biomass metallisation tests. Commercial analysis of the
leachate by Engelhard Corporation gave 24 ppm Pd, 4 ppm Rh and <1 ppm Pt. Stated ICP
limit of detection is 0.1 ppm for PGMs. Subsequent analysis of the leach residue solids (by
copper collection and XRF of copper button) confirmed >95% Pd extraction during leaching
but only 50% Rh extraction.
Analysis of the catalyst used in this study against other typical spent automotive catalysts
showed that PGM levels were unusually low, with Pd being approximately 10% of the value
of another catalyst processed under the same conditions for alternative testing. Thus the
decision was taken to spike the leachate with Pd(II) salt (Na
, Sigma Aldrich, 98%
pure) to a final concentration of 400 ppm in order to increase the Pd(II) level to that more
representative of a typical catalyst, while still providing the solubilised washcoat
background matrix of a real leachate. For biorecovery experiments, the leachate was
diluted 1:9 with dH2O and the pH was brought to pH 2.2 using 6 M NaOH.
2.1.3 Assay of metals
Removal of PGM from test solution was monitored by a spectrophotometric method using
(Dasages, 1978). The reagent solution contained 5.98 g of SnCl
/100 ml of
concentrated HCl. For PGM assay sample (200 l) was added to SnCl
solution (800 l) and
for Pd(II) and A
for Pt(IV) was determined after one hour. It was not possible to
estimate accurately the concentrations of metals in mixed metal solutions due to cross-
interferences, but the assay was a convenient indicator of the presence of residual non-
reduced metal in solution.
2.1.4 Bioreduction experiments
Solutions of 2 mM Pd and Pt were prepared in 1 mM HNO
using Na
and K

salts respectively. Cells were metallised with Pd or Pt (see below) as follows. The required
volume of metal solution was calculated then added to aliquots of cells to achieve the
desired varied metal loadings, H
was bubbled through the suspension for 30 minutes and
suspensions were incubated at 30C to allow reduction of metal onto the cells. Metal
reduction was confirmed as loss from solution using the SnCl
assay of sample supernatants
as described previously (Creamer et al., 2008). Following full reduction of metals cells were
harvested by centrifugation, washed once using distilled water and then resuspended in
30 ml of distilled water.
For PGM pre-loading as above, batches of cells were split into 6 aliquots and exposed to
2 mM solutions of Pd and Pt in the correct volume as above to give metal loadings of 5%, 2%

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

and 1% on the cells. With the cells pre-loaded to the desired levels samples (16 mg of pre-
metallised cells; weight before metal deposition) were then exposed to a mixed solution of
0.34 mM Pt and 0.42 mM Pd (model leachate), which gave final metal loadings after
reduction of 15 wt%, 16 wt% and 20 wt%. Hydrogen was used as the reducing agent, here
via catalysis due to the metals already present on the cells rather than hydrogenase activity.
Samples were taken at 0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 minutes, with SnCl
assay of sample supernatants.
The results were expressed as percentage of target metal reduction against time. Following
full reduction the cells were harvested by centrifugation, washed once in H
O and once in
acetone, dried and ground in an agate mortar. The resultant powder was passed through a
100 micron sieve to obtain a fine powder catalyst.
For experiments on PGM recovery from the spent car catalyst leachate, 1 ml aliquot of the
best candidate catalyst (5% BioPd as identified via preliminary catalytic testing using Cr(VI)
was suspended in 77.5 ml of leachate as to give a final total metal loading of 20% w/w on
2.1.5 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Pellets of Pd-loaded bacteria were rinsed twice with distilled water, fixed in 2.5% (wt/vol)
glutaraldehyde, centrifuged, resuspended in 1.5 ml of 0.1 M Na-cacodylate buffer (pH 7)
and stained in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7 (60 min) for
transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Cells were dehydrated using an ethanol series (70,
90, 100, 100, 100% dried ethanol, 15 min each) and washed twice in propylene oxide (15 min,
9500 g). Cells were embedded in epoxy resin and the mixture was left to polymerize (24 h;
60 C). Sections (100-150 nm thick) were cut from the resin block, placed onto a copper grid
and viewed with a JEOL 1200CX2 TEM; accelerating voltage 80 kV. The identity of electron
opaque deposits was previously confirmed as Pd using energy dispersive X-ray analysis
(Lloyd et al., 1998).
2.1.6 Cr(VI) reduction tests
The catalytic activity of dried, ground catalyst made from each solution (i.e. pre-metallised
cells with subsequent loading of additional metal from either model leachate or real
leachate) was estimated by the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III). The catalyst (10 mg) prepared
as described above was accurately weighed and added to a 12 ml serum bottle. 5 ml 0.5 mM
O in 20 mM MOPS-NaOH buffer pH 7.0 was then added and reactors were
sealed with butyl rubber stoppers. Recators were degassed under vacuum, sparged with
nitrogen for anaerobiosis and placed onto a rotary shaker (10 min) to ensure good mixing
and distribution of catalyst. Sodium formate (1 ml; to 25 mM) was added, reactors were left
bubbling under nitrogen to maintain anaerobic conditions and placed on a shaker (180 rpm).
Samples were taken at 30 minute intervals, centrifuged (13000 rpm; 4 min) and residual
Cr(VI) in solution was analysed using a diphenylcarbazide (DPC) assay method as
described previously (Humphries et al., 2006).
2.2 Results and discussion
2.2.1 Biorecovery of Pd and Pt from model solutions
Leachates produced from spent car catalysts are too aggressive to apply the bioreductive
route directly using live cells. To overcome this limitation, we designed a 2-step process in
which resting cells of E. coli are first pre-metallised under biocompatible conditions with a


low amount of Pd or Pt. This bioinorganic catalyst is then used to reduce and precipitate
chemically PGMs from spent leachates.
A first series of experiments aimed to identify the best system to recover PGMs from model
solutions (Pd, Pt). E. coli cells were pre-metallised at 1, 2 and 5% using Pd or Pt. Aliquots of
each suspension were subsequently exposed to a solution containing both Pd(II) and Pt(IV)
at concentrations of 0.42 mM and 0.34 mM respectively to reflect the amounts found in
typical car catalyst leachates. The removal of Pd(II) and Pt(IV) from the mixture was rapid;
no metallic species were detected by assaying the supernatants of reactors with SnCl
after 1
min of exposure to H
. There was no significant difference of reduction rates between cells
pre-metallised with Pd or Pt, i.e. both metals autocatalytically reduced free metal ions in
solution. Similarly, no significant increase in Pd(II) or Pt(IV) reduction rate was observed
when the initial loading on cells was increased from 1 to 5%. This suggests that E. coli cells
loaded with metal seeds can precipitate large amounts of metals. The final PGM loadings
on cells following complete reduction of Pd and Pt from the mixture was estimated at
15 wt%, 16 wt% and 20 wt% for initial loadings of 1 wt%, 2 wt% and 5 wt% respectively.
TEM micrographs of pre-metallised E. coli cells before and after contact with the PGM
mixture is shown in Fig. 3. The precipitated metals can be seen as discrete electron opaque
particles before treatment (intial loading of 5wt% on cells, fig 3A) and as more numerous,
larger aggregates following PGM precipitation from the Pd/Pt mixture (fig. 3B, arrowed)

Fig. 3. TEM micrographs of pre-palladised E. coli cells before and after the recovery of PGMs
from a model solution. The initial Pd loading was set to 5 wt% (A) and increased to 20 wt%
(total metal loading) following exposure to the Pt/Pd mixture (B). Scale bars are 500 nm.
From these results the use of 1% Pd pre-loaded cells would be optimum for future use as
they offer a near identical reduction rate to that of the cells with higher pre-loadings, with
minimal sacrificial metal and with Pd being the metal of choice as it is generally a lower
cost than Pt. However, a previous study showed that catalysts made from cells pre-
metallised with 2% or 5% Pd were significantly more active catalytically in the reduction of
Cr(VI) to Cr(III) (Taylor et al., 2011). Hence, cells pre-loaded with 5% Pd were retained for
use in subsequent tests on PGM recovery from a real car catalyst leachate and catalytic
testing of the resulting material.
2.2.2 Biorecovery of Pd and Pt from spent car catalyst
The majority of previous PGM biorecovery research has focused on either using model
solutions or real leachates from mixed metal wastes e.g. spent furnace lining that
contained many different metals in addition to the desired PGMs (Murray et al., 2007).
(A) (B)

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

Model solutions are considered too simple (and therefore non-representative of real world
wastes) as they contain only the metals of interest. Conversely complex real leachates are
difficult to study due to interference effects in accurate analysis of the metals and hence the
difficulty and expense of the latter. The leaching of autocatalysts provides a good
intermediate step between model solutions and complex waste leachates as the cordierite
honeycomb is insoluble and hence the leachate is composed of the alumina washcoat and
the solubilised PGMs i.e. it is relatively simple with respect to the number of components.
The microwave leaching process used in this study yielded 30 ppm PGM in 67% aqua regia.
The PGM concentration was unusually low for this type of catalyst and, consequently, the
leachate was spiked to 400 ppm with Pd(II) (see materials and methods). The leachate was
then diluted 10x in H
O to lower the concentration of acids and brought to pH 2.2 with 6 M
NaOH. Pre-palladised cells of E. coli (1 ml, 5 wt% initial Pd loading) were added to 77 ml of
leachate and H
was bubbled through this mixture for two hours. Samples were taken at 12
h intervals and the residual concentration of PGM was estimated using the SnCl
Figure 4 shows the time course of PGM reduction from the spent automotive catalyst

Fig. 4. Time course of PGM reduction from spent automotive catalyst leachate using E. coli
cells pre-palladised to 5 wt%.
In contrast to model solutions (where total metal removal was obtained within 1 min), PGM
reduction from the catalyst leachate by the pre-palladised E. coli cells was slow, and
proceeded in three distinct phases (Fig. 4). An initially rapid rate of metal removal (0-10h)
was followed by a ~ halving of the rate between 10-35 h; selectivity of metal removal was
not tested. Removal of the final ~20% of the metals was very slow over the final 20h. Full
disappearance of Pd(II) in solution was achieved after ~60 hours of contact
In order to implicate the compound responsible for the inhibition of PGM reduction a
simple test was carried out. Model leachates (Pd(II) and Pt(IV)) were prepared as before
using fresh aqua regia and aliquots were spiked with Pd(II) (400 ppm final concentration),
neutralised and diluted as before. The pH was adjusted to 2.0. Aliquots of model leachates
were spiked with silica (SiO
and Al
to 173 ppm final concentration) and a mixture of


both. The bioinorganic catalyst was added in each reactor and the rates of PGM reduction
were followed as previously. Addition of either Al and/or Si promoted a significant
decrease of the rate of PGM reduction; Pd(II)/Pt(IV) disappearance from the model solution
was observed after 6 and 14 hours of contact with the bioinorganic catalyst respectively. Full
PGM removal was not observed in the solution supplemented with both Si and Al even
after 48 h exposure, whereas metal was removed from the control (leachate + H
O) within
5 mins as per the model solutions. These results suggest that the presence of Al and Si
inhibits PGM recovery and they are responsible for a substantial increase in reduction time
observed with the spent car catalyst leachate.
The catalytic activity of the material obtained following PGM recovery from spent car
catalyst leachate was estimated in the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in the presence of
formate. This was tested alongside the catalyst made from PGM recovered from model
solutions (see above). Both catalysts were manufactured using E. coli cells pre-palladised to
5 wt% and had a similar final metal loading (after PGM recovery) estimated to be 20 wt%
Both catalysts were active in Cr(VI) reduction tests (Fig. 5) and showed similar initial
reaction rates. Near-complete Cr(VI) reduction was obtained with the catalyst made from
model leachate after 120 min whereas the catalyst obtained from real leachate showed a
slower rate after 30 min, probably attributable to the presence of non-PGM contaminants
(possibly Si and Al) which could partially poison catalytic PGM nanoparticles. Nevertheless,
more than 90% of the Cr(VI) was reduced by 180 min by the biorecovered material.

Fig. 5. Time course of the catalytic reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) over two bioinorganic
catalysts fabricated from () a model leachate and ( ) a spent car catalyst leachate. Results
are expressed as percentage Cr(VI) reduced over time. Data are from two separate
experiments. When no error bars are shown, these were within the dimensions of the
These experiments demonstrate the potential of bioreductive processes towards PGM
recovery and a one-step conversion of waste material into novel bioinorganic catalysts. The
range of reactions amenable to bioPGM catalysis is constantly being expanded (Table 1) and

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

work is on-going to optimise the formulation of bioinorganic catalysts made from wastes
for specific applications. It should be noted that in some cases (Macaskie et al., 2011)
the presence of metallic impurities in the biorecovered materials can increase the
catalytic activity (c.f. Fig. 5) and a full survey of bionanocatalysts from wastes for
particular applications needs to be approached systematically on a case by case basis,
applying metal thrifting by decreasing as far as possible the initial metal expenditure in the
seeding step.
3. Case study 2: Biorecovery of Rare Earth Elements (REE)
In contrast to PGMs, the REE are not scarce due to low natural abundance but to the
complexity of their extraction and refining. In this, China is world-leading and this near
monopoly means that REE abundance is controlled socio-economically and REEs, due to
their numerous high-tech applications, could become a strategic geopolitical resource.
Traditional extraction/recycling processes of REE require several steps of pre-treatments
with strong acids and alkali followed by extraction using organic solvents which, if not
recovered, can create extensive environmental damage often leading to the contamination of
natural water streams.
Although pre-2010 there was no major study of focused microbial REE recovery the problem
of legacy nuclear wastes, the decline of nuclear power in the 1990s and the current
decommissioning of first generation nuclear reactors prompted an early focus on the use of
microorganisms to remove radionuclides from waste streams. Due to the difficulties of
handling the latter, extensive use was made of surrogate elements whose behaviour mimics
the radionuclide of interest. Hence, La
was chosen to provide a convenient surrogate for
and, indeed, the trivalent states of Np and Pu where these would occur (under
reducing conditions). An early study (Plummer & Macaskie 1990) established that by using
the bacterial phosphatase mechanism (see earlier) La
was accumulated to 17% of the
bacterial dry weight after only 4 h at pH 7, being twice as effective as uranium recovery.
This was attributed to the reduced ability of La
to bind to citrate as compared to UO
many metal ions form insoluble colloidal hydroxides in solution and incorporation of citrate
reduces this. In the real world a pure solution is improbable and most would contain
various species capable of forming complexes with metals. Such complex formation holds
the metal in a soluble form but, on the other hand, the lower free metal ion concentration
(defined by the binding constant) also retards the rate of metal phosphate formation on the
bacteria (see Plummer & Macaskie 1990 for discussion). The elemental ratio of La:P in the
precipitate was determined as 1:1 by proton induced X-ray emission and the material was
suggested to comprise LaPO
; the same study also showed removal of Eu
(Macaskie et al.,
1994). Yong et al., (1998) obtained X-ray powder diffraction data of bio-LaPO
to show that
this contained crystalline components but no further analysis was attempted. The peaks
were not well defined, suggesting that the material was possibly nanocrystallline in nature.
Working towards development of a continuous process for Pu removal, Yong & Macaskie
(1998) used polyacrylamide gel-immobilised cells in a flow through column, where the
imposition of a time constraint in each voxel (volumetric element) by the application of
increasing flow rate (F; t = 1/F; F = flow rate in ml/min) showed that at a flow rate of 1
ml/min (total column volume ~ 30ml) and with 0.3 mM La
or UO
(pH 7 with 5 mM
citrate) the removal of La
and UO
was 80% and 60% respectively, which is less of a
difference than that reported by Plummer and Macaskie (1990; above) using cell


suspensions. However increasing the flow rate by 50% (i.e. halving the flow residence time
per voxel: Yong et al., 1998) gave corresponding removals of 70% and 40%, suggesting that
there is a time element to the metal deposition process (probably the time required for metal
phosphate deposition from the liquid phase); Plummer and Macaskie (1990) did not give
full metal removal profiles over time.
Additional caution needs to be exercised in applying directly the results obtained using one
REE to another. For example Bonthrone & Macaskie (in Diels et al., 1996), using cell
suspensions, found the UO
removal after 2 h to be 7 times greater than that of Y
at both
high (~ 900 units) and low (34 units) phosphatase activities, showing that phosphate
availability was not rate-limiting. This study also reported the continuous removal of Y
cells immobilized in polyacrylamide gel but details were not given.
is a very useful model REE element in another key aspect. Unlike, for example, Gd
, its
nucleus is NMR-silent. Use was made of this to examine the flow-through column system in
three and four dimensions to follow the progression of flows and blockages within the column
at any spatial position using a flow-through bioreactor containing biofilm of the metal-
accumulating Serratia sp. (reassigned from Citrobacter) using magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) (Fig. 2: Paterson-Beedle et al., 2001; Nott et al., 2001; 2005 a, b). The methodology was
described by Paterson-Beedle et al. (2001). Nott et al. (2001) chose polyurethane reticulated
foam as the best support (as compared to glass or ceramic) as this gave the best signal to noise
ratio for MRI. An initial study showed the suitability of MRI for obtaining spatial information
(Nott et al., 2001) and subsequent studies using the columns in a flow through system gave
numerical information which was described in terms of a chemical engineering model (Nott et
al., 2005 a,b). For design of a metal removing and recovery process it is vital to a have a robust
mathematical description as scale-up predictions can be made from small pilot studies. In
particular, for REE recovery from wastes (see later) a low pH may be unavoidable and, by
using the tools of MRI, it would become possible to predict the outcome of low pH or high salt
(and competing ions) with a greater degree of insight than by measuring column inputs and
outputs alone.
Moving towards the goal of metal recovery at low pH Tolley et al., (1995) investigated La

removal at pH 5, prompted by an earlier study (Macaskie et al., 1990) that suggested that a
reduction in metal removal efficiency at pH 5 was attributed to increased metal solubility at
low pH. Like the MRI work (above) this study placed metal removal into a mathematical
definition, showing that decreased metal removal at acidic pH could not only be
compensated by an increased phosphate supply, but the extent to which this was
achievable; essential tools for the design of an industrial REE recovery process. Tolley et al.,
(1995) found that La
removal was abolished at pH 4 (at which pH the activity of the
mediating phosphatase was reduced by 50%). However another study looking at uranium
removal from acidic mine wastewater (Macaskie et al., 1996; 1997) showed that, following a
period for metal phosphate nucleation, the initially low metal removal gave way to a
sustained removal of ~70% of the input UO
(35 ppm; ~ 0.15 mM) ( Macaskie et al., 1997) at
a pH as low as 3.5 (Macaskie et al., 1996). Importantly, the process could be accurately
defined mathematically (Macaskie et al., 1997) but an extensive modeling study in real U-
wastewater was not done. In the case of La
removal at pH 5 the enzymatically-mediated
release of phosphate from the organic donor molecule was identical to that at pH 7 but La

removal was reduced (Tolley et al., 1995). Using a flow through column system and
polyacryamide gel-immobilised cells the metal removal (input concentration 1 mM) was
83% and 55% at pH 7 and 5, respectively in 5 mM citrate buffer at the same flow rate

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

(308 ml/h). Reasoning that the solubility of metal phosphate would be higher as the pH was
reduced (i.e. less tendency to form mineral deposits) the activity of the phosphatase was
increased by the use of a phosphatase overproducing mutant (approx. twice the activity of
the parent strain) and by the use of carbon-limited continuous culture, which increased the
activity to ~ 2000 units. The latter compensated to some extent; the respective FA
flow rate at which 50% metal removal was achieved) values at pH 5 and 7 were 120 ml/h
and 600 ml/h respectively. This meant that, in this example, increasing the phosphatase
production by four-fold resulted in an increase in bioreactor efficiency of two-fold at the
lower pH. This work defined the lowest useful operating pH of the enzymatically-mediated
metal recovery system as ~ pH 4 and also concluded that the metal solution chemistry and
desolubilisation behavour are the limiting factors at low pH, which is of major importance
in the application to recovery of REE from acidic leachates.
However it is also worth noting that the choice of metal-donating substrate is also
contributory; the effect of high flow rate on the phosphate release is attributable in part to
the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate (K
; that substrate concentration giving half-
maximal reaction rate). The K
in the column system is, in part, responsible for the
resistance of the column to high flow rates and it was found (Tolley et al., 1995) that the
effect of the pH on the apparent K
is, to some extent, substrate-dependent. Since the model
substrate glycerol 2-phosphate is unattractive at industrial-scale a cheaper substrate like
phytic acid (inositol phosphate) would be more appropriate. The latter was shown to
support metal removal (Paterson-Beedle et al., 2010) and it contains 3 moles phosphate per
mole, with the phosphate groups removed sequentially via phytase activity (see Paterson-
Beedle et al., 2010). Hence a phytic acid-based column system may have three K
values and
be more difficult to describe mathematically, but this represents a potentially attractive
route for potential metal recovery from wastes.
A recent study (Jiang et al., 2010) has shown another route to REE biomineralisation. This
used the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Ce(III). (Ce(III)/(IV) is a surrogate for Pu(III)/IV)
and Np(III)/(IV), and a comprehensive suite of analytical methods, including synchrotron-
based X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), showed conclusively that Ce(III) was
deposited on the yeast cell surface as needle-shaped Ce(III) phosphate nanocrystals with a
monazite structure. Importantly, no exogenous phosphate was added and the mobilisation
of intracellular phosphate reserves to supply inorganic phosphate into the growing crystals
was concluded (Jiang et al., 2010). Since yeast is well known to store phosphate in the form
of polyphosphate (which is known to support metal desolubilisation when mobilised: see
earlier) it seems likely that the yeast phosphate was derived from this source, with metal
phosphate deposition via polyP mobilisation and phosphate efflux processes.
The yeast system of Jiang et al., (2010), unlike Acinetobacter spp, (Boswell et al., 2001) needs
no aerobic/anaerobic cycling and is thus intrinsically a more useful process for industrial
REE recovery but the limit of metal deposition needs to be established. Importantly, and as
also found for the bacterial system with UO
at pH 4 (Macaskie et al., 2007), removal of
Ce(III) (0.18 mM) by the yeast was initially negligible (up to 96 h at pH 3) and then
proceeded abruptly to 60% of the initial concentration after 120 h. Phosphate was produced
by the cells at pH 3, again indicating that metal phosphate solubility and not biochemical
activity, is the limiting factor in biomineral formation at low pH. Since, following a delay,
metal removal can proceed effectively at pH 3 (Macaskie et al., 1997; Jiang et al., 2010) is can
be suggested that nucleation, and not biomineral formation, is the limiting step. This was
also suggested in a study of bio-hydroxyapatite (HA) formation by Serratia sp. where a pH


of above 8 was needed for effective HA-biomineral formation. However, following a
nucleation period Ca
was removed from a phosphate-containing wastewater into bio-HA
at neutral pH (Yong et al., 2004).
Ce(III) removal at low pH by S. cerevisiae (Jiang et al., 2011) was similar to La(III) removal by
Serratia sp. (Tolley et al., 1995), showing good REE removal at pH 5 and less so at pH 4.
Production of phosphate by the yeast cells was very similar at pH 3 and at pH 5, indicating
that the anomalous behaviour was attributable to metal speciation, as was concluded in the
case of La
in the bacterial system (above). Notably, phosphate release was promoted from
the yeast cells by the addition of H
ions (Jiang et al., 2010); this may reflect possible different
physiological functions of polyP: as a pH control agent in yeast (phosphate is a strong buffer
with three pK
values) and as a reserve of cellular energy in the bacterial system, providing
the means to metabolise anaerobically where the cells are not able to grow (see Boswell et al.,
2001 and references therein).
The development of methodologies using Ce(III) and La(III) as surrogates for the
tri/tetravalent actinide elements has provided a good platform from which to develop
effective methods targeted specifically towards recovery of REE. A study by Jiang et al.,
(2010) has shown formation of cerium (Ce(III)) nanoparticles on the surface of the
Saccharomyces cells (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Cerium phosphate deposition on cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cells were washed 3
times in MilliQ water and then incubated in Ce
solution for 5 days. (A), (B), (C): formation
of nanoparticles on the cells. (D) Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis shows the cellular
deposits to comprise Ce and phosphate.

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

An SEM and TEM study of CePO
crystal development is shown in Figs 6 and 7. The
deposits formed after 4-5 days, identified as containing cerium and phosphorus by energy
dispersive X-ray microanalysis (Fig. 6D), did not give an interpretable X-ray diffraction
pattern and were concluded to be nanocrystalline, as suggested by the high resolution TEM
images (Fig. 7A,B). An unpublished study (M. Jiang et al.,) of Yb-phosphate
nanocrystallisation on S. cerevisiae included X-ray extended fine structure (EXAFS) analysis
which showed subtle differences in early deposits (30 mins) at the three pH values, with
the Yb L
-edge appearing similar for samples at pH 4 and 5, but not at pH 3, while with
more mature samples (120h) the pH 5 material showed a similarity in its Yb-P site to a
reference which was less pronounced in samples at the lower pH values. A 48 h
sample at pH 5 appeared similar to a pH 4 sample at 120 h, suggesting an evolution of the
crystals which was time- and pH-dependent.

100 nm 100 nm
100 nm
0.5 m 0.5 m
500 nm

Fig. 7. (A) Development of CePO
crystals (monazite) on the surface of Saccharomycese
cerevisiae cells after 48 hours at pH 5; enlarged image of a single particle reveals that this
particle consists of needle-shaped Ce-phosphate nanocrystallites (B) (Jiang et al., 2010).
In this second case study, we report pilot experiments on the continuous recovery of two
model REE (europium and neodymium) in flow-through columns containing immobilised
cells of a Serratia sp. The recovered metals are available for further reprocessing in yields
exceeding by several-fold the mass those of the bacteria themselves.
3.1 Materials and methods
3.1.1 Microorganism, support and biofilm production
Serratia sp. (NCIMB 40259) was used under license from Isis Innovation, Oxford, UK.
Cells were grown as biofilm on polyurethane reticulated foam (Filtren TM30, discs:
diameter 2 cm and depth = 0.5 cm, 1.57 cm
), supplied by Recticel, Belgium. The biofilm
was grown in an air-lift fermenter under carbon limiting continuous culture with the
phosphatase activity of the cells from the fermenter outflow determined as described
previously (Paterson-Beedle & Macaskie 2004). Even colonisation of the foam within the
matrix and metal deposition thoughout was confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging
(Macaskie et al., 2005).


3.1.2 Preparation of reactor packed-bed systems for neodymium and europium
Serratia sp. biofilm immobilised onto polyurethane foam discs (Fig. 8) was packed in
cylindrical glass reactors (height, 5 cm, i.d. 2 cm). Reactors were exposed to the solutions
below (all experiments were done in duplicate):
Solution 1: N
O (1 mM), glycerol-2-phosphate (G2P) (5 mM) and sodium citrate
buffer (2 mM), pH (5.5). Solution 2: as solution 1 but substituting EuN
O (1 mM) for
the neodymium salt. Reactors were exposed to a continuous upward flow (ca. 5 ml/h,
54.5 h) via an external peristaltic pump (Watson-Marlow, 323).
The outflow solutions of reactors were analysed for either Nd or Eu as appropriate (see
below). Controls were set up as above using biofilm autoclaved for 15 min (121
C) prior to
metal treatment. The controls determined the amount of metal removal attributable to
biosorption alone.

Fig. 8. (A) Serratia sp. biofilm grown on polyurethane reticulated foam discs. (B) Magnetic
resonance imaging of discs with or without Serratia biofilm. MRI image of discs (diameter 20
mm, left) containing polyurethane foam only and Serratia sp biofilm coated polyurethane
foam (right). The biofilm in a T
-weighted spin-echo image is the darker regions, due to a
reduced T
of water (P. Yong, M.L. Johns and L.E. Macaskie, unpublished).
3.1.3 Spectrophotometric analyses of metals
Spectrophotometric determination of Nd and Eu from column outflows was as described by
Onishi (1986) using the Arsenazo(III) method with some modification, as follows. For
analysis, Nd or Eu sample or standard (standard concentrations 30 l) was added to a 1.5 ml
cuvette followed by ammonium acetate buffer (1.97ml, 1M, pH 3.3). Metal was visualised
after mixing by the addition of 0.1 ml of 0.15% (w/v) arsenazo (III). The absorbance was
measured at A
against a reagent blank.
3.2 Results and discussion
Reactors containing immobilised biofilms of Serratia sp. were challenged with solutions
containing Eu or Nd (1 mM) for 54.5 hours at a flow rate of 5 mL/h. The outflow from each
reactor was assayed for residual metals and the percentage of metal removed is shown in
(Fig. 9).

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements


Fig. 9. Biorecovery of neodymium () and europium () using cells of Serratia sp. in a flow-
through reactor with corresponding killed-biofilm controls (). Results were taken from
two reactors, each containing 8 discs of foam with immobilised Serratia sp. biofilm. Reactors
were challenged with a solution containing neodymium (III) or europium (III)
(1 mM) as described at pH 5.5 for 54.5 hours at a flow rate of 5 ml/h. Where no error bars
are shown these are within the dimensions of the symbols.
The removal of both metals fell slightly initially (c.f. earlier discussion about the need for a
nucleation period at acidic pH) and then stabilised (from 100-150h) at steady-state removal
of ~ 85% (Eu
) and more than 90% (Nd
), with no loss of activity at completion of the tests.
Control reactors containing killed biofilm removed little metal, showing that live Serratia
cells were required for metal deposition. Solid-state analysis of the metallised biofilms and
comparison with, and co-development of, the bacterial and yeast systems, is ongoing in the
UK and Japanese laboratories.
In particular, the promising results obtained in the preliminary studies we describe here
justify a more prolonged study to determine the total biomass and column capacities since
Fig. 10 shows that by the 300 ml stage (54.5 hours exposure), only the bottom layers of the
column show the accumulation of metal deposits, indicating substantial unused capacity.
An early study using U showed the total capacity of the bacterial column to be 9 g uranium
per g bacterial dry weight (Macaskie, 1990). The limitation of this process is usually an
unacceptable back-pressure due to column blockage at high local metal loadings (i.e. at the
base of the column, Fig. 10). This probably can be overcome if several column are linked in a
series with the first column removed periodically and replaced with a fresh column distally.
More critical to industrial application is the recovery of REE from real industrial wastes and
the downstream processing required to convert the high yield product into new material.
The presence of Fe in wastes may be problematic since the Serratia system described here
removes all metals with insoluble phosphates. However previous studies treating uranium
mine water containing a large excess of iron showed that Fe removal could be achieved by a
simple increase in pH to precipitate-out Fe(OH)
. The bioreactor was then run at pH 3.5-4.0


and uranium phosphate product was recovered (Macaskie et al., 1997). A similar strategy
could be envisaged for REE recovery. A study has not been made into the nature of the REE
precipitate but on the basis of the La
study reported previously (see earlier) and the
detailed solid state analysis of the corresponding YbPO
on yeast cells (above) it seems
likely that the deposit comprises nanocrystalline REE phosphate. It is not yet known what, if
any, particular advantages could be conferred by recovery of REE nanoparticles (as
compared to large crystals); these are under current consideration in current work. (L.E.
Macaskie and T. Ohnuki, current studies).

Fig. 10. Reactors containing Serratia sp. biofilm on polyurethane foam (A) before and (B)
after treatment with N
O (54.5 hours); a purple colour can be seen at the bottom of
the reactors, in B.
4. Conclusion
In this chapter, we describe two distinct biological routes for the recovery of PGM and REEs.
First, the ability of bacterial cells to precipitate metallic ions to the elemental state via specific
enzymes (bioreduction) is shown to be a potential alternative route for PGM recovery from
dilute waste streams. The use of pre-metallised cells as catalysts for metal precipitation
allows the process to be applied on aggressive leachates under conditions which are non-
permissive for traditional biological treatments. The recovered material (PGM nanoparticles
supported on biomass) can be utilised as a catalyst in reactions of increasing complexity.
In the second case study using a yeast and a bacterial system, the recovery of four model
REE (Ce, Nb, Eu and Nd) REE was successfully demonstrated. All were precipitated as
metal phosphates on the surface of the cells and immobilised cells of Serratia sp. recovered
Nd and Eu continuously in flow through columns.
5. Acknowledgements
This work was supported extensively by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences (BBSRC) and Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPSRC) Research Councils and a
Royal Society Fellowship to L.E.M. We thank Dr T. Ohnuki for permission to include
unpublished work and also acknowledge, with thanks, the financial support of JAEA
(REIMEI award to LEM) to enable future progression of the metal recovery work and its
application to nuclear waste decontamination in Japan in collaboration with T. Ohnuki.
(A) (B)

Biorecycling of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements

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Molecular Design and
Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular
Structures in Organized Molecular Films
Tifeng Jiao, Sufeng Wang and Jingxin Zhou
Hebei Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry
College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao,
1. Introduction
It is well known that supramolecular chemistry has played a major role in progressing
research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, leading to novel classes of materials which are
capable of light or electrically stimulated chemistry and long-range organized assembly
(Lehn, 1995). Interfacial supramolecular assemblies use well-characterized amphiphiles as
building blocks to create assemblies on surfaces that are purposefully structured on the
molecular level, while at the same time extending over supramolecular distances (Kuhn et
al., 2000). Creating organized structures is an important goal in interfacial supramolecular
chemistry. The Langmuir-Blodgett technique is important for the production of macroscopic
materials that are organized on the molecular length scale. This approach allows amphillic
molecules to be oriented at the air-water interface and then transferred sequentially onto a
solid support.
The flexibility of molecular design is one of the most significant advantages of
supramolecular assembly, allowing organic, inorganic and biological components to be used
as building blocks. Organized molecular films deposited on solid surfaces are of great
conceptual interest because their small thickness makes them quasi-ideal two-dimensional
systems. They constitute a novel bottom-up approach to creating nanoscale structures. This
approach contrasts with top-down approaches that entail making existing devices so small
that they eventually finish up as nanosized objects, with dimensions of no more than a few
hundred nanometers.
On the other hand, amphiphiles are organic molecules that have the ability to adsorb at
interfaces, thereby altering significantly the physical properties of those interfaces.
Numerous variations are possible within the structure of both the head and tail group of
amphiphiles (Holmberg, 1998). The head group can be charged or neutral, small and
compact in size, or a polymeric chain. The tail group is usually a single or double, straight or
branched hydrocarbon chain, but may also be a fluorocarbon, or a siloxane, or contain
aromatic groups. Since the hydrophilic part normally achieves its solubility either by ionic
interactions or by hydrogen bonding, the simplest classification is based on amphiphile


head group type, with further subgroups according to the nature of the lyophobic moiety.
Four basic classes therefore emerge as: the anionics and cationics, which dissociate in water
into two oppositely charged species (the surfactant ion and its counterion); the non-ionics,
which include a highly polar (non charged) moiety, such as polyoxyethylene or polyol
groups; the zwitterionics (or amphoterics), which combine both a positive and a negative
group. With the continuous search for improving amphiphile properties, new structures
have recently emerged that exhibit interesting synergistic interactions or enhanced surface
and aggregation properties. These novel amphiphiles have attracted much interest, and
include the catanionics, bolaforms (Fuhrhop et al., 1986; Fuhrhop et al., 2006), gemini
surfactants (Menger et al., 2000; Zana, 2002), polymeric and polymerisable surfactants.
Characteristics and typical examples are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Structural features and examples of some amphiphiles classes.
In our research, some special amphiphiles, including bolaamphiphiles, gemini and
amphiphiles with functional substituted groups, have been designed and synthesized, and
their organized supramolecular assemblies at the air/water interface have also been
investigated, which may broaden the traditional research areas about LB film and give some
perspectives and clues for the relative research in the future. In addition, some of the
analytical methods, theoretical treatments and synthetic tools, which are being applied in
the area of interfacial supramolecular chemistry and are driving its rapid development, will
be highlighted. In this chapter, we summarize our main research contributions in recent
years in three sections: (1) design and investigation of some series of bolaform amphiphiles
with distinct structures; (2) supramolecular assemblies of some series of gemini amphiphiles
with distinct structures; (3) design and interfacial characterization of some series of
amphiphiles with functional substituted groups.
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

2. Design and investigation of some series of bolaform amphiphiles with
distinct structures
Firstly, the spreading behavior and nano-architectures of a bolaamphiphilic diacid,
1,13-tridecandicarboxylic acid (TDA) on water surface and the subphase containing
Eu(III) ion were investigated (Jiao et al., 2005a). It was found that although TDA itself
could not spread on water surface, it could form an ultrathin film on the aqueous
subphase containing Eu(III) ion. In addition, interesting nano-architectures were observed
for the transferred film on mica surface. It was found that the formation and change of the
nano-architectures were depended on the surface pressure and concentration of
Eu(III) ion in the subphase. A rectangular slide morphology was observed for the film
spread on an aqueous subphase containing lower concentration of Eu(III), while a walnut-
like nano-architectures were observed for the film spread on a higher concentration of
Eu(III) ion. Flower structure was observed at a higher surface pressure. The nano-
architecture can be further regulated through mixing TDA with octadecylamine (OA)
in which linear fiber nanostructure was obtained. It was revealed that while the nano-
architectures were formed mainly through a three dimensional aggregation in the case of
TDA/Eu(III) films, a two-dimensional aggregation occurred when TDA was mixed
with OA. A series of methods such as atomic force microscope, scanning electron
microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to
characterize the supramolecular structures. A possible mechanism for the formation of
these nanoarchitectures was discussed, as shown in Fig. 1. This provides an important
clue to construct ordered 3D nano-architectures by utilizing the Langmuir-Blodgett
technique at the air/water interface. In addition, the nano-architecture can be regulated
between 2D and 3D dimension by adding other appropriate amphiphiles into the

Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations on the formation of the nanoarchitectures in TDA/Eu(III) and
TDA/OA films. (a) Bolaamphiphile (TDA); (b) TDA coordinated with Eu(III) to form
floating blog on water surface, upon compression, these blogs will experience a three-
dimensional aggregation to form a 3D nano-architecture; (c) mixed film of OA and
bolaamphiphile; (d) spreading on the subphase of EuCl
caused the formation of fiber
structure, the aggregation was limited in a two dimension (Reproduced from Jiao et al.,
2005a, Thin Solid Films, 479, 269-276).
In addition, a bolaform Schiff base, N,N-bis(salicylidene)-1,10-decanediamine (BSC10),
has been synthesized and its interfacial hydrogen bond formation or molecular
recognition with barbituric acid was investigated in comparison with that of a single
chain Schiff base, 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde-octadecylamine (HBOA) (Jiao et al., 2005;
2011d). It has been found that while HBOA formed a monolayer at the air/water
interface, the bolaform Schiff base formed a multilayer film with ordered layer structure


on water surface. When the Schiff bases were spread on the subphase containing
barbituric acid, both of the Schiff bases could form hydrogen bonds with barbituric acid in
situ in the spreading films. For example, one-layer HBOA LB film deposited from the
water surface showed the dotted domains at a surface pressure of 5 mN/m and showed
some large ribbon structures at a surface pressure over the plateau region, as shown in
Fig. 2. On the other hand, when HBOA was spread on the BA subphase, plank-like
morphology with a clear boundary was observed, indicating a complex monolayer
formation between HBOA and BA at the air/water interface. As a result, an increase of
the molecular areas in the isotherms was observed. The in situ H-bonded films could be
transferred onto solid substrates, and the transferred multilayer films were characterized
by various methods such as UV-vis and FT-IR spectrosopies. Spectral changes were
observed for the films deposited from the barbituric acid subphase, which supported the
hydrogen bond formation between the Schiff bases and barbituric acid. By measuring the
MS-TOF of the deposited films dissolved in CHCl
solution, it was concluded that a 2:1
complex of HBOA with barbituric acid and a 1:2 complex of BSC10 with barbituric acid
were formed. Such a complex mode can be regarded as related to the molecular structures
of the Schiff bases, which is illustrated in Fig. 3. For the BSC10/BA films, BSC10 molecule,
having two Schiff base headgroups, can act as a tweezers and two BA molecules are
embedded in the BSC10 molecule. In this case, the alkyl spacer curved at the air/water
interface and the two BA molecules formed intermolecular hydrogen bonding and were
encapsulated under the alkyl chain. On the other hand, when the multilayer films of both
Schiff bases were immersed in an aqueous solution of barbituric acid, a similar molecular
recognition through the hydrogen bond occurred. A clear conformational change of the
alkyl spacer in the bolaform Schiff base was observed during the complex formation with
the barbituric acid. Now we provided a new hydrogen bonding system at the air/water
interface. In addition, a continuous conformational change of the alkyl spacer was clearly
shown experimentally in the LB film.

Fig. 2. AFM images of one-layer HBOA LB films from pure water at surface pressures
of 5 (a) and 25 mN/m (b), respectively, and from 1.0 mM aqueous BA subphase at
surface pressures of 5 (c) and 25 mN/m (d), respectively
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2005, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 2532-2539).
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films


Fig. 3. Schematic Illustration of Structures of BSC10/BA (A) and HBOA/BA (B) Complexes
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2005, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 2532-2539).

Fig. 4. FT-IR spectra of HNOA (A) and BNC10 (B) and acidichromism mechanism of BNC10:
(a) LB film before gas exposure; (b) after exposure in HCl gas; (c) after exposure b in NH

gas; (d) after washing by water (Reproduced from Yin et al., 2007, Chinese Chemical Letters,
18, 30-32).
Nextly, a bolaform (BNC10) and single-headed (HNOA) amphiphilic Schiff bases containing
naphthyl group were designed and their Langmuir-Blodgett films were investigated. It was
found that both the LB films show acidichromism, i.e. a reversible color change upon
alternatively exposing the films to HCl and NH
gases, respectively (Yin et al., 2007). It was
further found that the bolaform Schiff bases film could trap NH
gas during the
acidichromic process. Such difference between the single-headed and bolaform Schiff base
can be explained as follows. The as-deposited films exist predominantly in the enol form, as
verified by the FT-IR spectra. When the films were exposed to HCl gas, the intramolecular
Hbond was destroyed and the keto form will be predominant. Upon exposing to NH
the keto form returned to enol form for the HNOA, and thus the color changed reversibly.
However, for the BNC10, when the film was exposed to NH
gas, NH
gas molecules were
suggested to be trapped into the BNC10 molecules through intramolecular H-bonds, as
shown in the mechanism scheme in Fig. 4. The trapped NH
was stabilized by the two keto
form Schiff base headgroup, which is similar to the chelating of metal ions by ligand. In
conclusion, we have shown the acidichromism in the LB films of Schiff bases containing


naphthyl group. The bolaform Schiff base can additionally trap NH
gas during the
acidichromic process.

Fig. 5. Molecular structures and AFM images of one-layer BSC10 and BNC10 LB films from
pure water (a, c) and aqueous 1.0 mM Cu(Ac)
(b, d) at 20 mN/m, respectively (Reproduced
from Jiao, et al., 2011f, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 32, in press).
In addition, two bolaform Schiff bases derivatives with different substituted headgroups
have been designed and their interfacial phase behaviors and coordination with Cu(II) ions
were investigated (Jiao et al., 2011f). It has been found that while one molecule with benzene
headgroup formed dotted aggregations at the air/water interface, another with naphthyl
moiety as headgroup formed crystalline multilayer films on water surface. When on the
subphase containing Cu(II) ions, both of the Schiff bases can coordinate with Cu(II) in situ in
the spreading films with the obvious conformational change of alkyl chains. For the BSC10
film transferred from aqueous Cu(II) ions, a rigid superstructure with many hole was
observed, as shown in Fig. 5. This indicated that BSC10 formed a multilayer film upon
reaction with Cu(II) ions. On the other hand, as for the BNC10 LB films deposited from the
water surface or Cu(II) subphase, different morphologies were observed. The distinct
morphologies suggested the different aggregation modes in both cases, which agreed well
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

with the results of other sections. In comparison, the ex situ coordination process at the
liquid/solid interface have also been investigated by continuous spectral measurement.
Depending on the different headgroups, these amphiphiles showed different aggregation
behaviors in the Langmuir-Blodgett films. Particularly, during the coordination process of
ligand with Cu(II) ions in organized molecular films, great conformational change of the
alkyl chains was observed. At the same time, a rational explanation about the headgroup
effect on regulating the aggregation behaviors was discussed. The present work may give
some insight to design and character the relationship between the molecular structures and
supramolecular aggregation of bolaamphiphiles in organized molecular films.

Fig. 6. Cartoon illustration of the packing modes for C10BT complex films on different
subphases (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2006b, Thin Solid Films, 503, 230-235).
Furthermore, the interfacial assemblies at the air/water interface from a newly designed
tyrosine-based bolaamphiphile, 1,10-bis(O-l-tyrosine)-decane (C10BT), were investigated
(Jiao et al., 2006b; 2011e). This bolaform compound could be spread on water surface and
form organized ultrathin film. It was interesting to find that metal ions such as Ag
and Cu

in the subphase can greatly modulate the molecular packing of C10BT and the morphology
of the subsequently deposited Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. Atomic force microscopic
measurements revealed that C10BT LB film from the subphase containing Ag
ion showed
well-ordered layered nanofibers, while Cu
ion coordinated C10BT film demonstrated
dense cross-linked network. It was suggested that both the strong chelating property to the
carboxylate and the different packing mode of hydrocarbon chain resulted in the distinct
nanostructures. Fourier transform infrared spectra reveal the difference between the Ag-
C10BT complex film and that of Cu
ion, and the mechanism of the packing mode of
hydrocarbon chain was discussed. Furthermore, the X-ray diffraction and X-ray
photoelectron spectra also verified the orderly layer structure and the relative molar ratios
compared with different metal ions. Considering the coordinating orientation of the two
metal ions and the conformation of the alkyl spacer, it is rational that in the case of Cu(II),
the molecules were linked through coordination with a bended spacer and formed a
polymeric compound and aggregate to construct the network morphology, while in the case
of Ag(I), the molecules was aligned orderly via the cooperative interaction such as
coordination with Ag(I) ions, hydrophobic force between the alkyl spacers and/or the -
stacking interaction between the benzene moieties, as shown in Fig. 6. While many efforts
have been devoted to manipulation of the nanostructures and functions of sophisticated
bolaform amphiphiles, we provided a simple method of modulating the organization and
morphology of C10BT films through metal ions.


3. Supramolecular assemblies of some series of gemini amphiphiles with
distinct structures
Firstly, aggregations of cationic amphiphiles containing one, two and four positive charges
with an anionic TPPS at the air/water interface were investigated (Zhang et al., 2006). The
positive charge centers in these amphiphiles were separated by a rigid spacer. It was found
that TPPS in the subphase could aggregate onto the spreading films as J-aggregate. Although
the amphiphiles and the TPPS were achiral, CD signals were detected for the complex films. A
possible helical sense of the TPPS stacked in the complex film was suggested to be responsible
for the supramolecular chirality of the multilayer films. The charge distributions and spacers
have great influence on the CD intensity as well as their split and the surface morphologies.
AFM measurements revealed nanofiber structures in the surface morphologies for the
complex films of TPPS with amphiphiles having one or two positive charges, while nanorod
morphologies were observed for that with four positive charges. It was suggested that the
charge centers in the amphiphiles limited the aggregation of TPPS and the interactions
between the adjacent J-aggregates. Such effect and the differences from simple amphiphiles
reported can be explained as illustrated in Fig. 7. The results provided a clue in regulating the
surface morphologies and chirality of TPPS assemblies.

Fig. 7. Molecular structures and illustration of the possible structures of the complex film of
TPPS with amphiphiles (a) PyC18, (b) BPyC18, (c and d) DBPyC8 with different
conformations (Reproduced from Zhang et al., 2006, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 284-285, 130-134).
In addition, the designed gemini-type amphiphile containing Schiff base groups can form
stable monolayers at the air/water interface. They can coordinate with Cu(II) ions in situ at
the air/water interface and form an intramolecular complex between the ligand and the
metal ion (Jiao et al., 2006). For BisSBC18C2, an additional intermolecular dimerlike complex
could be formed. The series of amphiphiles shows a strong spacer effect on both the
interfacial properties and the assemblies. Maximum limiting molecular areas are observed
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

for the monolayers of the gemini amphiphiles with spacer lengths of C6 and C8 on water
and aqueous Cu(Ac)
, respectively, which is due to the formation of the upward-curved
conformation of the hydrophobic spacer. Such an effect of the spacer leads to different
morphologies such as nanonail and wormlike nanoarchitectures, depending on the spacer
length and the subphases, as shown in Fig. 8. Because of the covalent connection of the
Schiff base groups by the alkyl spacer, the -* absorption of the localized aromatic rings
split into two bands that could be assigned to H and J aggregation, respectively. With the
spacer length increased, the J aggregation of the aromatic ring seems to be preferred. An
interdigitated bilayer structure is formed in the multilayer films both for the film from water
and from the aqueous Cu(Ac)
subphase, as shown in Fig. 9. The present work provided
new insight into the design and interfacial assembly of the gemini amphiphiles.

Fig. 8. AFM images of one-layer BisSBC18Cn LB films deposited from the subphase of a
1.0 mM Cu(Ac)
solution at 20 mN/m: (a) BisSBC18C2, (b) BisSBC18C4, (c) BisSBC18C6, (
d) BisSBC18C8, and (e) BisSBC18C10
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2006, Langmuir, 22, 5005-5012).
Furthermore, a series of new gemini amphiphiles with hydrophilic spacers, GNn (n=1-3),
have been designed and they can form stable monolayers on water subphase with various
pH values (Jiao et al., 2007). On strong alkaline and acidic subphase, the headgroup and the
spacer of the gemini amphiphiles underwent dissociation and protonation, respectively,
resulting in the enlargement of the molecular areas. Flat and uniform domains were
obtained for the monolayers from nearly neutral subphase; flower-like or dendritic domains
were observed for the films transferred from strong acidic subphase, as shown in Fig. 10. On
the other hand, when an anionic tetrakis(4-sulfonatonphenyl)porphine (TPPS) was added
into an acidic subphase, an in situ complex formation between the gemini amphiphiles and
TPPS occurred. The complex monolayers were transferred onto solid substrate and TPPS
existed predominantly as J-aggregate in the complex films. Due to the multisited positive
charges in the spacer on acidic subphase, the complex films of gemini amphiphiles with
TPPS appeared as short fiber or nanorod structures and formed two-dimensional (2D)


conglomerate chiral domains, as shown in Fig. 11. Compared with the features of those
conventional or gemini-type amphiphiles with hydrophobic spacer, the introduction of the
hydrophilic spacer in the present work provides a pH regulated interfacial properties of the

Fig. 9. Molecular structures and schematic illustration of the packing modes of BisSBC18Cn
in organized films: when compressed at the air/water interface, the spacers are parallel to
the water surface for a short spacer (a) and have an upwardcurved conformation with a
longer spacer (b). During the transfer process, the overturning of the film leads to the
formation of interdigitated films
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2006, Langmuir, 22, 5005-5012).
In addition, hybrid multilayer films based on a series of gemini amphiphiles BisBC18Nn
(n=1,2,3) with different hydrophilic spacer lengths with phosphomolybdic acid (PMo
were constructed through the LB technique (Jiang et al., 2008). The hybrid monolayers could
be deposited as multilayer films and all the hybrid films exhibited a well-defined layer
structure. When exposed to UV light, the BisBC18Nn/PMo
hybrid films changed from
pale yellow to cyan, as shown in Fig. 12. The reverse reaction occurred in air or O
with the
help of heat. Repeatable coloration-decoloration proved the excellent photochromic
reversibility of the hybrid films. Such characteristics of absorption bands may be attributed
not only to the coexistence of PMo
and BisBC18Nn molecules, but also to the ordered
arrangement of the molecules. Although the spacer length of the gemini amphiphiles has an
obvious effect on the monolayer property, it affects the photochromic properties only
slightly. The spacer length causes slight differences in the maximum absorption position of
the coloured species, which may be due to subtle change of the environment around the
POM. By analyzing changes in the position and relative strength of Mo-O
and P-O

stretching band, it was revealed that BisBC18N1/PMo
hybrid films with the shortest
spacer showed the best photochromic ability. The present results prove that an appropriate
selection of the polyoxometalate and amphiphiles could lead to the preparation of hybrid LB
films that exhibit good photochromic properties.
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films


Fig. 10. AFM pictures of one-layer LB films of GN1 (A), GN2 (B), and GN3 (C) transferred
from aqueous subphases with various pH values and aqueous TPPS (0.01 mM) at 20 mN/m
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2007, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111, 3090-3097).



Fig. 11. Molecular structures of gemini amphiphiles and illustration on the packing of the
gemini amphiphiles with their spacers on water surface. Part a, on neutral or alkaline
subphase: the spacers were immersed into the subphase. Part b, on acidic subphase: the
spacers were protonated and stayed on water surface. Part c, complex film with TPPS: the
spacers were protonated and interacted with TPPS through electrostatic interaction
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2007, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111, 3090-3097).

Fig. 12. UV-Vis absorption spectra of 70-layer multilayer films transferred at a constant
pressure of 20 mN/m: (a) BisBC18N1/PMo
, (b) BisBC18N2/PMo
, (c) BisBC18N3/PMo
The inset shows UV-Vis spectra of the corresponding films after irradiation (Reproduced
from Jiang et al., 2008, New Journal of Chemistry, 32, 959-965).
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

Nextly, this series of gemini amphiphiles in the organized molecular films were used to
investigate the generation and assembly of gold nanostructures (Zhong et al., 2008). The
chloroauric acid, dissolved in the aqueous subphase, was incorporated into the monolayers
of the gemini amphiphiles containing ethyleneamine spacers through an interfacial
assembly. The in situ formed complex monolayers were transferred onto solid substrates,
and gold nanoparticles were generated in the film by a chemical or photochemical
reduction, which is illustrated in Fig. 13. Discrete gold nanoparticles with an absorption
maximum at 550 nm were generated in the films by photoirradiation, while different gold
nanostructures were obtained by chemical reduction. Depending on the chemical reductant,
various shape and assembly of gold nanostructures were obtained. When reduced by
hydroquinone, a tree-branched assembly of the nanoparticles was obtained and the film
showed a broad band centered at around 900 nm. When NaBH
was applied, crooked
nanowires or assembly of nanoparticles were obtained, depending on concentration, and the
film showed absorption at 569 or 600 nm. Furthermore, by combining the photochemical
and chemical reduction methods, i.e., the chloroaurate ion-incorporated film was initially
irradiated with UV light and then subjected to chemical reduction, the optical absorption of
the formed gold nanostructures can be regulated. This study extends the research on the
synthesis of metallic particles in films from conventional amphiphiles to other special
amphiphiles and provides a very convenient method to modulate the optical properties in a
large wavelength range, which will be important in designing optical devices based on
different gold nanostructures.

Fig. 13. Schematic illustration on the generation of gold nanoparticles by photochemical and
chemical reduction in GN2/AuCl
complex film (Reproduced from Zhong et al., 2008,
Langmuir, 24, 11677-11683).



Fig. 14. TEM images of gold nanoparticles with GN2 to chloroaurate ions ratio of 1:2 after 3
hours (a), 7 hours (b), 15 hours (c) and 75 hours (e). SAED analysis of a single gold
nanoprism after 7 hours on a single gold nanoprism (d). UV-vis spectrum of reduced gold
nanoprisms by GN2 after 15 hours of reaction (f) (Reproduced from Zhong et al., 2009,
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9, 2726-2730).
On the other hand, this series of gemini amphiphiles with different lengths of hydrophilic
ethyleneamine spacers can also be used to synthesize gold nanostructures at a liquid-liquid
interface (Zhong et al., 2009). By stirring the aqueous solution containing AuCl
ions with
the chloroform solution of gemini amphiphiles, AuCl
ions were transferred into the oil
phase and reduced to gold nanostructures. UV-vis and Fourier Transform Infrared spectral
measurements indicated that the gemini amphiphiles could serve as both capping and
reducing agents. Crystalline gold nanoprisms were predominantly obtained if the gemini
amphiphiles with appropriate spacer length and concentration were applied, as shown in
Fig. 14. Thus the formation of the nanoprism can be possibly suggested as follows. First,
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

gemini amphiphile reduced AuCl
ions to zerovalent Au or Au clusters. Next, the gemini
amphiphiles selectively adsorbed on certain plane and nanoprism could be finally obtained.
Thus appropriate spacer and concentration are both important for fabrication of anisotropic
nanostructures. It is predicted that gold and other novel metal nanostructures may be
produced by gemini amphiphiles, whose properties can be well-controlled by designing
different headgroups, spacers or alkyl chains.

Fig. 15. Illustration of molecular packing in mixed PCDA/Gn film. The inset shows the color
of the photopolymerized PCDA/G4 films with different ratios (Reproduced from Zhong et
al., 2009a, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 8867-8871).
In addition, we have investigated the photopolymerization of an amphiphilic diacetylene,
10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid (PCDA), in organized molecular films in the presence of this
series of gemini amphiphiles with different spacer lengths (Zhong et al., 2009a). It has been
found that, when gemini amphiphiles were mixed with the diacetylene, the film-forming
properties were greatly improved and the photopolymerization could be regulated by the
gemini amphiphiles. Miscibility and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
investigations revealed that the polymerization of PCDA in a mixed film was regulated by
the mixing ratio and spacer length of the gemini amphiphiles. Although a slight amount of
gemini amphiphile did not make the PCDA polymerize into blue films, the increment of the
gemini amphiphile with the short spacer length in the mixed film caused the formation of a
red film, and the intensity of red phase to blue phase can be modulated by changing the
mixing ratios. When gemini amphiphiles with longer spacer lengths were mixed, blue films
were predominantly obtained in all mixing ratios. A mechanism including the interaction
between the headgroup of the gemini amphiphiles and the diacetylene and the regulation of
the spacer was proposed, as shown in Fig. 15. It was suggested that the ionic interaction
between the headgroups of geminis and diacetylene played an important role in causing
such differences. The strong ionic interaction deviated the packing of PCDA molecules from
the one with their carboxylic acid groups H-bonded and tended to form red film when the
spacer length was short, while a longer spacer in the gemini can weaken the ionic
interaction and keep the film packing in favor of the blue film. The present work provides
an efficient way of regulating the photopolymerization of diacetylene through simple
mixing with gemini amphiphiles.



Fig. 16. Chemical structures and AFM images of one-layer LB films of BisSBC16Ben and
BisSBC16Bz on pure water surface (a and c, respectively) and the aqueous 1 mM Cu(Ac)

subphase (b and d, respectively) at surface pressures of 20 mN/m (Reproduced from Jiao et
al., 2011g, unpublished results).
Recently, two gemini-type Schiff base amphiphiles containing aromatic spacers have been
synthesized and characterized in LB films (Jiao et al., 2011g). These compounds could form
stable multilayer films and show distinct phase behaviors on water surface and ion
subphase. When the compounds were spread on Cu(II) ions subphase, an in situ
coordination can occur for both ligands, while there have different morphologies and
molecular rearrangement, as shown in Fig. 16. For both process, the aromatic spacers in
gemini amphiphiles have predominant effect in regulating the aggregation mode and
spectral changes in organized molecular films. The present work may give some insight to
design and character the relationship between the molecular structures and supramolecular
aggregation of gemini amphiphiles in organized molecular films.
4. Design and interfacial characterization of some series of amphiphiles with
functional substituted groups
Firstly, diblock copolymer of PMMA
and triblock copolymer of PMMA
were synthesized and their interfacial properties at the air-water
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

interface were investigated, where both blocks of polyethylene oxide (PEO) and
poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) are surface active but the former is soluble in water
while the latter is not (Cheng et al., 2005). Both the block copolymers could form
monolayers with two obvious transition regions. The first transition point is around 10
mN/m, which could be assigned to the pancake-brush change of the PEO chains. The
other is around 18 mN/m, which could be ascribed to the condensed packing of PMMA.
The surface morphological changes during the compression of the Langmuir monolayers
are investigated by measuring the AFM and SEM pictures for the films deposited at
difference surface pressure or molecular areas. At a lower surface pressure, morphology
typical of PEO-containing lipopolymers is observed. Upon compression, sphere-dominant
morphologies were observed, as shown in Fig. 17. While the diblock copolymer is easy to
folding, the triblock copolymer is in favor of formation of circular domains through

Fig. 17. Schematic drawing of possible PEO chain conformation from diblock and triblock
copolymer at air/water interface (Reproduced from Cheng et al., 2005, Science in China
Series B-Chemistry, 48, 567-573).
In addition, we have investigated the interfacial behavior of a novel ABC of PEO
at various compression stages by the LB balance and morphology study (Cheng et
al., 2006). Accompanied by a pancake-to-brush transition of PEO conformation, the
wormlike surface micelles are compression induced. The micelles as the building blocks can
be arrayed parallel to generate a long-range ordered structure, further bended and twisted
upon compression, as shown in Fig. 18. Unusual 3D large aggregates of springs and
disks appear when the LB film completely collapses. Such a rich phenomenon of
hierarchical nanostructure evolution should be attributed to the coil-semirod architecture of
the diblock and the unique assembly ability of the Percec-type dendronized PDMA. This
provides a clue in designing block copolymers to control the nanostructures at the air/water



Fig. 18. A set of SEM images of the LB films at various molecular areas. The images A-F
correspond to the points A-F. D* is the enlarged image of the area indicated by the square in
D, where the twisted micelles are pointed by the arrows. E* shows the springs at point E
with a viewing angle (Reproduced from Cheng et al., 2006, Macromolecules, 39, 6327-6330).

Fig. 19. The synthetic route and variation of crystallinity of chitosan-based Schiff bases and
their copper (II) complexes (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2011, Iranian Polymer Journal,
20(2), 123-136).
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

It is well known that Chitosan is the product of N-deacetylation of chitin. For its
innocuous, renewable, biocompatible property chitosan is applied in many fields e.g.,
pharmaceutical, food, catalysis, material. In this work, three chitosan-based Schiff-based
(CSB) compounds with aromatic substituent groups were synthesized from the reaction of
chitosan with different aromatic aldehydes i.e., salicylaldehyde, 4-hexadecyloxy-2-
hydroxybenzaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde (Jiao et al., 2011). The chitosan-
based Schiff base copper (II) complexes (CSBCu) were subsequently obtained through the
reaction of relative Schiff bases with copper acetate. Generally, elemental analysis data
may confirm the formation of chitosan-Schiff base as well as the coordination reaction of
CSB with copper ions. FTIR analysis indicated that Schiff base and coordination reaction
take place in Schiff base skeleton. Moreover, with the difference in substituent groups and
spacer, FTIR spectra showed the clear variety. Thermal analysis showed that the thermal
stability of CSB increased slightly, while that of the copper complexes was reduced
significantly in comparison with chitosan. The XRD results demonstrated the appearance
of a new crystallization peak of CSB in the vicinity of five degree and the lower
crystallinity of CSBCu, as shown in Fig. 19. The change of crystallinity is mainly
dependent on the formation of Schiff base and to some extent on other factors, such as
spacial hindrance, hydrophobic force and - stacking. In the present case, these chitosan-
based Schiff base compounds have different aromatic substituent groups and/or long
hydrophobic alkyl chain. Thus, it seems that the crystallinity and designed structures can
be regulated by the modification of substituent groups in chitosan molecule. The present
results show that the specific properties of chitosan-based Schiff base derivatives can be
altered by modifying the molecular structures of objective compounds with proper
substituent groups.
In another case, three amphiphilic Schiff bases containing naphthylidene group (abbreviated
as HNOA-1, HNOA-2, and HNOA-3) were designed and their interfacial assemblies were
investigated (Jiao et al., 2006a; 2011a). These amphiphiles have different substitution groups
in the Schiff base moiety. It was observed that HNOA-1, being in lack of second aromatic
ring, formed multilayer films at the air/water interface, while the other two compounds,
with another aromatic ring and some hydrophilic groups, can be spread as monolayers on
water surface. All of Schiff bases could coordinate with Cu(Ac)
in situ in the spreading
films. Both the spreading films from water and aqueous Cu(Ac)
subphases were transferred
onto solid substrates and their surface morphologies as well as molecular packing modes
were investigated by a series of methods such as atomic force microscopy, Fourier transform
infrared spectra and X-ray diffraction. Depending on the different substitutions, these
amphiphiles showed different orientations in the Langmuir-Blodgett films, as shown in Fig.
20. Particularly, during the process of complex formation at the air/water interface, great
conformational change of the alkyl chain was observed for HNOA-2 in comparison with
that of other compounds. In addition, nanofiber structures were observed for the Cu(II)-
complexed HNOA-1 and HNOA-2 films. It was concluded that both the molecular
orientation and the resulted nanostructures in the films could be controlled by modifying
the molecular structure through the substitution groups.
The phenomena of self-sorting, defined as the ability to high efficiently distinguish between
self and non-self within complex mixtures, has drawn more attention in recent years
because of its commonality in biological system and potential applications in fields such as
chemical sensors, artificial regulatory systems, and synthetic self-organizing systems, as
well with biomimetic devices. To date, research about self-sorting has mainly focused on the


systems with different functional groups in bulk solution, especially from H-bonded
aggregates, which is easily identified by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurement.
In our present system, a series of Cu(II)-coordinated Schiff base complexes with alkyl or
aromatic spacers have been synthesized and characterized by utilizing monolayer and LB
techniques (Jiao et al., 2010a). It is found that the substitutional spacer in complexes play an
important role in the morphological regulation and spectral change, which will provide
distinct clue for designing similar organic/inorganic hybrid compounds at air/water
interface. In addition, the self-sorting appears when the binary or ternary complexes
mixtures were spread onto air/water interface. The situation of complex mixture with
alkyl/aryl spacers shows more distinct interfacial morphologies than the case with only
aromatic spacers, as shown in Fig. 21. The present work demonstrates the high versatility in
designing similar hybrid organic-inorganic systems and investigating supramolecular

Fig. 20. Schematic illustrations on the designed common molecular structure and
aggregation modes of the amphiphilic Schiff bases at air/water interface. (i) The illustrated
molecular structure with the depicted function for each moiety; (ii) the detailed aggregation
modes for different compounds: (a) for HNOA-1 with simple long alkyl chain, there was no
distinct conformational change between water and Cu(Ac)
surface (b); as for HNOA-2 (c),
due to the hindrance of aromatic moiety and coordination matching, the long alkyl chain
became more vertical to the surface distinctly (d); because of the intermolecular hydrogen
banding, the molecular skeleton of HNOA-3 was almost not changed both on water surface
(e) and on the subphase of Cu(Ac)
solution (f) (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2006a, Journal
of Colloid and Interface Science, 299, 815-822).
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films


Fig. 21. AFM images of one-layer mixed binary/ternary complexes mixture LB films with
alkyl/aryl spacers on pure water interface at 20 mN/m: a) Cu(c10-SB):Cu(o-SB) (1:1); b)
Cu(c10-SB):Cu(m-SB) (1:1); c) Cu(c10-SB):Cu(p-SB) (1:1); d) Cu(c10-SB):Cu(o-SB):Cu(m-
SB):Cu(p-SB) (1:1:1:1) (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2010a, Journal of Dispersion Science and
Technology, 31, 1120-1127).
It is well known that phthalocyanines (Pcs) are an important class of pigments that have
fascinated scientists for many years because of their applications in various disciplines. A
wide range of methods recently have been reported for modifying the supramolecular
architecture of aggregated dyes such as the symmetrical Pcs in both solutions and thin films
formation. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) thin film deposition or solution casting strategies are
made possible by side chain modifications. At present case, the Langmuir-Blodgett films of
the azo group-modified phthalocyanines bearing longer alkyl groups on the periphery were
successfully prepared (Li et al., 2007). The acidichromism of the LB thin films of both
compounds has been studied, and the two compounds show a reversible acidichromic
property, as shown in Fig. 22. It should be pointed out that the easy formation of their LB
films makes the phthalocyanines to be conveniently fabricated into devices, and the new Pcs
derivatives may find interesting applications as chemical sensors.

Fig. 22. UV-vis absorption spectra of the LB thin film of Pcs compound showing the
reversible acidichromism process and the possible mechanism. Inset picture is a 20 cycles
reverse acidichromic test of the LB thin film of a by exposed the film alternatively to HCl
and NH
gases (Reproduced from Li et al., 2007, Journal of Dispersion Science and
Technology, 28, 603-605).



Fig. 23. Chemical structures and isomerization ratio of azobenzene derivatives in ethanol
solution upon UV light irradiation (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2011h, Applied Mechanics
and Materials, in press).
Some functional azobenzene derivatives with aromatic substituted groups have been
synthesized and their photoisomerization have also been investigated (Jiao et al., 2011). It
has been found that depending on different substituted groups, such as phenyl or naphthyl
segments, the formed azobenzene derivatives showed different properties, indicating
distinct regulation of molecular skeletons. Spectral data confirmed commonly the
characteristic absorption of substituted groups and aromatic segments in molecular
structures. In addition, the photoisomerization of all compounds in solution can show trans-
to-cis photoisomerization by UV light irradiation, and demonstrate distinct isomerization
ratio depending on effect of different substituted headgroups, as shown in Fig. 23. The
difference is mainly attributed to the aromatic substituted headgroups and methyl group in
molecular structure. The present results have showed that the special properties of
azobenzene derivatives could be effectively turned by modifying molecular structures of
objective compounds with proper substituted groups, which show potential application in
sensor and functional material field.
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films


Fig. 24. Molecular structures and illustration of the possible packing and photoreaction in
the LS films. Only one layer is presented in the scheme. The top part illustrates the possible
orientation of 4-CUMC18 on the water surface (a) and in films (b). The bottom part shows
the packing of as-deposited 7-CUMC18 film (c) and the reversible reaction between the
dimer (d) and monomer (e) (Reproduced from Guo et al., 2007, Langmuir, 23, 1824-1829).
Coumarin is one of the important parent compounds found in many plants and could be
used as the important component of various functional materials. In this work, the
Langmuir and Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) films of two coumarin derivatives, 4-
octadecyloxylcoumarin (4-CUMC18) and 7-octadecyloxylcoumarin (7-CUMC18) were newly
synthesized, and their interfacial assemblies were investigated (Guo et al., 2007). Owing to
the different substituent position of the long octadecyloxy chain in the coumarin parent, the
two compounds showed completely different behaviors in the interfacial assemblies. When
they were spread at the air/water interface, 7-CUMC18 formed a monolayer while 4-
CUMC18 formed a multilayer film on the water surface. The spreading films on the water
surface were transferred onto solid substrates by a Langmuir-Schaefer method, and the
transferred films were characterized by UV-vis, Fourier transfer infrared, X-ray diffraction,
circular dichroism, and atomic force microscopy spectra. Different packing of the molecules
in the multilayer films was observed, as shown in Fig. 24. Furthermore, distinct properties of
the multilayer films were observed. It is revealed that a reversible [2+2] photodimerization
and photocleavage could be induced in the LS film of 7-CUMC18 under photoirradiation
with UV light of 365 and 254 nm, respectively. Although 4-CUMC18 was achiral, it showed
supramolecular chirality in the transferred films due to the formation of macroscopic 2D


conglomerates or chiral racemates. These results provided a way of regulating the
properties of the molecular assemblies by precisely designing the molecules with subtle
substituent position.

Fig. 25. Luminol electrochemiluminescence (ECL) reaction in the presence of H
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2008a, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects, 321, 143-146).

Fig. 26. Chemical structures of luminol derivatives (LC11, TF46) and glycolipid (GC11)
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2008, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects, 321, 137-142).
It is well-known that luminol ECL in the presence of hydrogen peroxide can be produced
through the action of a chemical catalyst like ferricyanide or a biocatalyst such as
peroxidase, as shown in Fig. 25. The application of a potential to oxidize luminol can
successfully replaced a catalyst to provoke luminol electrogenerated chemiluminescence
(ECL) with inherent high sensitivities and wide linear working ranges. The possibility to
insert amphiphilic luminol derivatives in LB films as supports for ECL detection could give
the opportunity to develop reagentless biomimetic nanosensors.
Firstly, two new synthetic luminol derivatives with different substituted chains, LC11 and
TF46, as shown in Fig. 26, were mixed with glycolipid GC11 to form monolayers at the air-
water interface (Jiao et al., 2008). The pure and mixed interfacial Langmuir films were
studied by measuring the surface pressure-molecular area isotherms and their morphologies
were characterized by Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). The surface pressure-area
isotherms showed differences between both luminol compounds. LC11 (single strand acyl
chain) displayed a condensed isotherm with a kink point and a high collapse pressure,
whereas TF46 (double strand hydrocarbon chains connected to a triethylene glycol (TEG)
moiety) displayed a typical liquid-expanded (LE) curve with a low collapse pressure. Dot-
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

like domains were observed by BAM for TF46 Langmuir films, contrariwise to some strip-
like aggregated domains in the case of LC11, as shown in Fig. 27. These different
morphologies may be attributed to distinct aggregation modes induced by differences in
molecular structure. These results clearly demonstrate that changes of molecular structure
induce different aggregation modes that markedly influence the interfacial phase behavior
of their Langmuir films.

Fig. 27. BAM images of TF46 and mixed TF46/GC11 monolayers at different surface
pressures. For TF46 monolayer: (a) 2 mN/m; (b) 12 mN/m; (c) 24 mN/m; (d) 28 mN/m.
For mixed TF46/GC11 monolayer: (e) 25 mN/m; (f) 30 mN/m; (g) 32 mN/m; (h) 35 mN/m.
The scale bar is 50m (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2008, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 321, 137-142).
In addition, both amphiphilic luminol derivatives have been evaluated for
electrochemiluminescence (ECL) measurements with a view to develop new lipid
membranes as sensing element of nanobiosensors (Jiao et al., 2008a). The design and
synthesis of newbiospecific luminol derivatives with various substitution groups have been
then undertaken. In a first approach, the possibility to use polarized screen-printed
electrodes to trigger ECL in a buffer solution containing luminol derivatives and hydrogen
peroxide has been studied, as shown in Fig. 28. The ECL response to H
in the presence of
these luminescent derivatives has been investigated taking into account crucial factors such
as the applied potential value, concentration of luminol derivatives and the substitution
group in molecular structures. The lower hydrogen peroxide concentration detected varied
from 110
M to 510
M, depending on the substitution group in the luminol derivative
structures. Finally, the effect of acyl group in the molecular structure displayed better ECL
performances with TF46 (dialkylchain and TEG spacer) than with LC11 (single alkyl chain).


The present results allow to consider the insertion of the luminol derivatives in a lipid-
sensing layer, and to develop newoptoelectronic devices based on ECL detection.

Fig. 28. Schematic representation of the measurement device for ECL detection using a
screen-printed electrode. The potential poised at a fixed value between 0.45V and 0.85V vs.
printed Ag/AgCl reference electrode allows triggering ECL in the presence of H
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2008a, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects, 321, 143-146).

Fig. 29. Reagentless detection principle of choline oxidase activity by ECL reaction triggered
directly in the sensing layer (Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2010, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 354, 284-290).
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

Nextly, this work explores the potentiality of two neosynthesized amphiphilic luminol
derivatives to form a lipid bilayer serving as a matrix used for both antibody insertion and
ECL detection in order to develop a newsensing layer allowing a reagentless detection (Jiao
et al., 2010). As a model, choline oxidase activity has been detected, as shown in Fig. 29.
After enzyme immobilization at the surface of the luminol derivative LB bilayer by the way
of specific recognition of a non-inhibitory antibody, in situ catalytic generation of hydrogen
peroxide is able to trigger ECL reaction in the sensing layer interfaced with an
optoelectronic device leading to a reagentless detection of choline oxidase activity. Since the
sensing layer is based on self-molecular organization of luminol derivatives, it is designed
on the nanoscale, and hence, the detection area can be further miniaturized. In this sense,
luminol derivative sensing layers exhibit great potentialities for further development
toward sensor miniaturization. The main accomplishment of this work was the
demonstration of a reagentless detection of oxidase activity based on
electrochemiluminescent reaction. This can be regarded as a new achievement in the
exploration of signal transduction of complex membrane structures. To our knowledge, only
few enzyme biocatalysis studies have been achieved using LB films. The results reported in
this paper are thus promising not only to perform new developments in the field of
biomimetic miniaturized sensors but also to investigate biological processes involving
oxidase activities.

Fig. 30. Chemical structures and abbreviations of new luminol-based derivatives
(Reproduced from Jiao et al., 2011b, Advanced Materials Research, 197-198, 606-609; 2011i,
Materials Science Forum, 694, 565-569.).


Some functional luminol derivatives with cholesteryl or aromatic substituted groups have
been designed and synthesized from the reaction of the corresponding aromatic acyl
chloride precursors with luminol (Jiao et al., 2011b; 2011i). It has been found that
depending on the size of aromatic groups, the formed luminol derivatives showed
different properties, indicating distinct regulation of molecular skeletons. UV and IR data
confirmed commonly the formation of imide group as well as aromatic segment in
molecular structures. Thermal analysis showed that the thermal stability of luminol
derivatives with p-phthaloyl segment was the highest in those derivatives. The difference
of thermal stability is mainly attributed to the formation of imide group and aromatic
substituent groups in molecular structure. The present results have demonstrated that the
special properties of luminol derivatives can be turned by modifying molecular structures
of objective compounds with proper substituted groups, which show potential application
in functional material field and ECL sensor.
5. Present situation and future prospects
We are working on molecular design and supramolecular assemblies of novel amphiphiles
with special molecular structures in organized molecular films. In this chapter, various
kinds of amphiphiles, including bolaamphiphiles, gemini and amphiphiles with functional
substituted groups, have been designed and synthesized, and their organized
supramolecular assemblies at the air/water interface have also been investigated. First,
some series of bolaform amphiphiles with distinct structures have been designed, and their
interfacial assembling behaviors were investigated. Various factors, such as coordination
mode, spacer length, and headgroup size, can distinctly influence the conformation of
spacer, showing stretched or U-shaped arrangement. Second, some special gemini
amphiphiles without charge have been also designed. It was found that the length,
rigidity/flexibility and hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of spacer, as well as the components
in subphase (metal ions, dyes, and nanoparticles), can regulate the assembly mode and
spectral characters, and induce the distinct interfacial morphologies. Moreover, we have
done some groping research work about the interfacial behaviors of amphiphiles with
functional substituted groups. The above work may give the potential perspective for the
fabrication of nano-materials and biosensors. The present work may broaden the traditional
research areas about LB film and give some perspectives and clues for the relative research
in the future.
In closing, supramolecular assembly at interface is a key physical chemistry subject due to
its close relationship to many fundamental and application scientific questions like catalysis,
chirality, electron and energy transfer, single molecule science, and organic electronics. With
the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, supramolecular assembly is
increasingly being recognized as a representative approach in bottom-up technique for
the fabrication of organized nanostructure. The detailed understanding of the driving force
for the assembly process makes it possible to tailor the assembly process. The sophisticated
nanostructures with multiple components have deepened the insight of supramolecular
assembly and enriched the content of supramolecular chemistry. The results mentioned here
only provide a cursory browse of some progress on supramolecular assemblies of novel
amphiphiles in organized molecular films. The input from other fields, such as theoretical
modeling and surface spectroscopic techniques, is highly demanded to help us get
quantitative information of the supramolecular assembly. It can be predicted that as the
Molecular Design and Supramolecular Assemblies of
Novel Amphiphiles with Special Molecular Structures in Organized Molecular Films

growth of understandings of the rules in the nanoscale, our dream to manipulate molecules
could be realized in future.
6. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to extend their thanks to the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 20903078); the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (No. B2009000347);
the Support Program for Hundred Excellent Innovation Talents from Universities and
Colleges of Hebei Province (No. CPRC020); the Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of
Solid Lubrication (Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS) (No. 1002); the Scientific
Research Plan of Education Department of Hebei Province (No. Z2009146); and the Doctoral
Foundation of Yanshan University (No. B360) for providing funds for this research. This
work was also partially supported by Hebei Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry.
Specially, author, Tifeng Jiao would like to express his heartful appreciation to his advisor,
prof. Minghua Liu for his guidance, encouragement, and critical comments during his Ph.D
research work. Moreover, sincere thanks are also extended to Prof. Agnes P. Girard-Egrot,
Prof. Paul Boullanger, Prof. Loc J. Blum for their invaluable discussion and support in this
research work during CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) post-doctoral
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