Test 1 Fall 06

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Test 1: Compsci 100

Owen Astrachan
October 3, 2006
Honor code acknowledgment (signature)
value grade
Problem 1 18 pts.
Problem 2 18 pts.
Problem 3 16 pts.
Problem 4 18 pts.
Problem 5 12 pts.
TOTAL: 82 pts.
This test has 12 pages, be sure your test has them all. Do NOT spend too much time on one question
remember that this class lasts 75 minutes.
In writing code you do not need to worry about specifying the proper import statements. Assume that all
libraries and packages weve discussed are imported in any code you write.
Nodes on this test are implemented using the following declaration which is nested inside a class Test in
which all methods are written.
public static class Node{
public String info;
public Node next;
public Node(String s, Node link){
info = s;
next = link;
PROBLEM 1 : (WhaddyaKnow (18 points))
Part A (1 points)
What is log
(1024) ?
Part B (5 points)
Evaluate both sums: What is 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32?
What is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + + 19 + 20?
Part C (3 points)
What is the exact value of the variable result below where the method think follows. Show reasoning for
partial credit.
int result = think(1000) - think(998);
public static int think(int n){
int sum = 0;
for(int k=1; k <= n; k++) sum += k;
return sum;
Part D (4 points) What is the value returned by the call magic(802) where the method magic is below.
Justify your answer.
public static int magic(int n){
int sum = 0;
for(int k=1; k <= n; k = k * 2) {
sum += k;
return sum;
Part E (2 points)
What is the runtime complexity of the call magic(N)? Justify your answer.
Part F (3 points)
What is the runtime complexity of the call magic(N*N*N*N)? Justify your answer.
PROBLEM 2 : (tops, spot, ... (18 points))
The method last2first below correctly moves the last node to the front of a linked-list and returns a
pointer to the new rst node. Thus the call list = last2first(list) would change
("ape", "bat", "cat", "dog")
to the list
("dog", "ape", "bat", "cat")
public static Node last2first(Node list){
if (list == null || list.next == null) return list;
// contains at least two nodes
Node temp = list;
while (temp.next.next != null) {
temp = temp.next;
temp.next.next = list;
list = temp.next;
temp.next = null;
return list;
Part A (3 points)
What is the big-Oh complexity of last2first when executed on an N-node list? Justify your answer briey.
Part B (3 points)
Describe the contents of the linked-list referenced by list after the code fragment below executes when list
is an n-node list.
for(int k=0; k < n; k++){
list = last2first(list);
Part C: Star Trap (4 points)
The method stuff below returns a one-node list unaltered. If list represents ("ape", "cat"), what is the
result of executing
list = stuff(list);
and what is the result of executing the statement when list is ("ape", "cat", "moose")?
public static Node stuff(Node list){
if (list == null || list.next == null) return list;
// contains at least two nodes
list = last2first(list);
list.next = stuff(list.next);
return list;
(you should have two answers to the above question).
Part D: Again Please (8 points)
Describe the runtime complexity using big-Oh of executing stuff with an N-node list and describe the
list returned (its values and their order compared to the order before the method executes). Justify your
PROBLEM 3 : (ILST (16 points))
Part A (8 points)
In this problem assume that the Node class has a eld prev and that lists are doubly-linked. When a list is
sorted it is possible to determine the number of unique/dierent elements in O(n) time for an n-node sorted,
doubly-linked list. For example there are 4 unique values in the list
Write method unique that returns the number of unique values in a sorted, doubly-linked list. You may not
use any sets, maps, arraylists, etc. For full credit your routine should run in O(n) time for an n-element list.
* @param list is sorted, doubly linked
* @return the numbr of different/unique values in list
public static int unique(Node list){
Part B (8 points)
Write method alternatingList that returns a linked list constructed from the values in an array. The
linked list contains the same values in the array but the values with even indexes appear before the values
with odd indexes (the order of the values with even indexes is the same as the order in the array, and the
same for odd indexes). For example, for the array [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] The list below would be returned (not doubly
* Returns alternating list.
* @param list contains at least one element
public static Node alternatingList(String[] list){
Node first = new Node(list[0],null);
return first;
PROBLEM 4 : (Stored and strode (18 points))
The code below is a solution from the SortedFreq APT we discussed in class. The APT text is the last page
of this exam. Youll be asked some questions about the code. The code correctly solves the APT, i.e., its
all green.
import java.util.*;
public class SortByFreqs {
public String[] sort(String[] data){
final List<String> list = Arrays.asList(data);
HashSet<String> unique = new HashSet<String>(list);
String[] words = unique.toArray(new String[0]);
Arrays.sort(words, new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
int diff = Collections.frequency(list,o2) -
if (diff == 0) return o1.compareTo(o2);
else return diff;
return words;
Part A (4 points)
If the assigment to words above is replaced by String[] words = data the code compiles but no longer
gets all green, i.e., in some cases the code is not correct. Describe an array data of ve elements for which
the new/modied version will still return the correct result.
Part B (4 points)
In the calls to Collection.frequency explain why the value of the result from using o1 is subtracted from
the result using o2 and not vice versa.
Part C (6 points)
The big-Oh complexity of Arrays.sort is O(nlog n) for an n-element array. What is the worst-case com-
plexity of the code above and when is this worst case achieved?
Part D (4 points)
Would the worst-case complexity of the code above change if the body of the compare method is replaced
by the following (its still correct):
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
int diff = Collections.frequency(Arrays.asList(data),o2) -
if (diff == 0) return o1.compareTo(o2);
else return diff;
Justify your answer.
PROBLEM 5 : (Jotto (12 points))
The code below is from a submission to the Jotto program. The method processHumanCount is called when
the computer is trying to guess the human players secret word. The human player enters the number of letters
in common between the secret word and the computers guess. This number is passed to processHumanCount
and play of the game proceeds.
public void processHumanCount(int n){
if (n == 6) {
myView.showModalInfo("Great! I got your word");
myGuesses.remove(myLastGuess); // A
Iterator<String> it = myGuesses.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String s = it.next();
int common = JottoUtils.commonCount(myLastGuess, s);
if (common != n) {
if (myGuesses.size() == 0) { // B
showModalMessage("I give up, either I dont know the word or\n"+
"you entered conflicting common counts.");
} else {
myLastGuess = myGuesses.get(0); // C
The method processHumanCount is in the class JottoModel in which the instance elds below are declared:
private String myLastGuess;
private ArrayList<String> myGuesses;
When a new game is started, the code below starts the game (in method JottoModel.newGame) when the
computer guesses.
myLastGuess = myGuesses.get(0);
(questions on next page)
Part A (3 points)
If the only change to the code is to remove the call Collections.shuffle(myGuesses) when a new game is
started what will be the eect from the human players perspective? Is the shuffle call a good idea (why)?
Part B (3 points)
Why is it necessary to use myGuesses rather than the inherited ArrayList myWordList when writing the
code shown above in method processHumanCount?
Part C (3 points)
If the code on the line labeled A: myGuesses.remove(myLastGuess) is removed, what will the eect be
from the human players perspective?
Part D (3 points)
Suppose code that does intelligent removal of words from consideration beyond simply removing those words
with a dierent number of letters in common is added with a call: doIntelligentRemoval(myGuesses) in
the method processHumanCount. Would this call be more appropriate before the line labeled B or C ?
Justify your answer.
APT SortByFreqs
Problem Statement
The frequency with which data occurs is sometimes an important statistic. In this problem you are given
an array of strings and must determine how frequently the strings occur. Return an array of strings that
is sorted (ordered) by frequency. The first element of the returned array is the most frequently occurring
string, the last element is the least frequently occurring. Ties are broken by listing strings in
lexicographic/alphabetical order. The returned array contains one occurrence of each unique string from
the array parameter.
Consider these strings (quotes for clarity, they're not part of the strings).
{"apple", "pear", "cherry", "apple", "pear", "apple", "banana"}
The array returned is:
{ "apple", "pear", "banana", "cherry" }
since the most frequently occurring string is "apple" which occurs 3 times; the string "pear" occurs
twice and the other strings each occur once so they are returned in alphabetical order.
Class: SortByFreqs
Method: sort
Parameters: String[]
Returns: String[]
Method signature:
String[] sort(String[] data)
(be sure your method is public)
public class SortByFreqs
public String[] sort(String[] data)
// fill in code here
data will contain at most 500 elements
each element of data will contain at most 50 characters, all characters are lowercase.
data = {"apple", "pear", "cherry", "apple", "pear", "apple", "banana"}
Returns: {"apple", "pear", "banana", "cherry" }
This is the example given above.
data = {"a","b","c",d"}
Returns: {"a","b","c",d"}
data = {"d","c","b","a"}
Returns: {"a","b","c",d"}
Same as previous, each occurs once ties are broken alphabetically.
data = {"a","a","a"}
Returns {"a"}
Owen L. Astrachan
Last modified: Tue Feb 14 22:18:46 EST 2006

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