Test 1 Spring 97
Test 1 Spring 97
Test 1 Spring 97
9 pts.
Problem 3 21 pts.
Problem 4 10 pts.
Problem 5 12 pts.
Problem 6 12 pts.
74 pts.
This test has 9 pages, be sure your test has them all. Do NOT spend too much time on one question |
remember that this class lasts 50 minutes.
In writing code you do not need to worry about specifying the proper include header les. Assume that
all the header les we've discussed are included in any code you write.
Class declarations for stacks and queues are provided on the last page of the test. You can remove this page
to make it easier to have a reference to these classes when needed.
10 points
For each of the words phrases below, circle the de nition that is the best description as it pertains in the
context of computer science, programming, and C C++.
1. Stack
a A rst-in, rst-out data structure
b A last-in rst-out data structure
c A low-level C++ construct used in implementing vectors
2. big-Oh
a A heuristic for developing large-scale, object-oriented programs e ciently and on time
b A notation that expresses an asymptotic upper bound on resource requirements such as time or
c A nomenclature used solely to di erentiate sorting algorithms
3. base case
a A construct used for transporting a large musical instrument that is a member of the string family
b The part of a recursive function that is computable without making any recursive calls the
stopping condition
c The zero-th element of a vector, used to anchor the vector in memory
4. segmentation violation
a An attempt by a non-member function to access private data which is not permitted in C++
b An error that can result from dereferencing a NULL or garbage pointer value
c A design problem that result from including data in the public section rather than restricting
data to be private
5. heap
a Fragmented memory resulting from too many calls of new.
b Where memory is allocated from statically, at compile time.
c Where memory is allocated from dynamically, at run time
a x
9 points
12 8 + 5 * 9 14 17 + + *
n +| + +z +
n-1 times
21 points
Linked lists of strings, with a header node, are implemented using the declaration for Node below.
struct Node
string info;
Node * next;
Node const string & s, Node * ptr = 0
: infos,
Part A: 6 points
Write the function Count whose header is given below. Count returns the number of occurrences of key in
list. For example, Countlist,"apple" should evaluate to 2 and Countlist,"cherry" should evaluate
to 0 where list is shown below.
Part B: 12 points
Write the function Modal whose header is shown below. Modal returns the string that occurs most often or
at least as many times as any other string in list. If there is a tie, any string that is a modal string can
be returned. Return "" for an empty list. In writing Modal, you can call the function Count from Part A;
assume that the function Count works as intended.
string ModalNode * list
precondition: list has header node
postcondition: returns the modal string in list
Part C: 3 points
For a list of N nodes, what is the complexity of the solution you wrote in part B using big-Oh notation.
Justify your answer brie y.
10 points
Part A: 6 points
Complete the function Compress below that removes duplicate nodes from a sorted linked list. In the diagram
below, a list is shown before and after duplicates are removed.
Part B: 4 points
What is the complexity, using big-Oh, of the function Compress; justify your answer brie y. How would the
complexity change if the list to be compressed so that it contains no duplicates is NOT sorted?
12 points
For this problem you can use stacks, queues and, of course, vectors and linked lists, etc.. Declarations for
the stack and queue class are at the end of the test.
Postscript is a stack based language, one of the operations in postscript is ReverseN which reverses the top
N elements of a stack. For example, if the top of a stack is to the left, then ReverseNs,4 for the stack
s = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 changes the stack to s = 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Write the function ReverseN whose header is shown below. Assume the precondition holds, don't worry
about stacks that contain fewer than N elements.
void ReverseStack int & s, int n
precondition: n = s.Size, s contains at least n elements
postcondition: top n elements of s are reversed
12 points
Write a function MakeTree that converts a sorted, doubly-linked list NO header node into a binary search
tree. The middle node of the linked list should be the root of the search tree. Assume the existence of a
function MiddleNode, that returns a pointer to the middle node of a doubly-linked list, you do NOT need
to write MiddleNode.
DNode * MiddleNodeDNode * list
precondition: list is NULL-terminated, NO header node
postcondition: returns pointer to middle node of list,
returns 0 if list is empty
Declarations for doubly-linked lists and binary trees are given below, DNode for doubly-linked lists, TNode
for binary trees.
for doubly-linked lists
struct DNode
string info;
DNode * prev;
DNode * next;
string info;
TNode * left;
TNode * right;
You must use the following algorithm to build the search tree:
1. Find the middle node, build a root node TNode with an info eld the same as the middle node
2. Unlink the middle node from the list so the next eld of the node before it points to NULL, and the
prev eld of the node after it points to NULL | this step is necessary for the next step so that
MiddleNode will work | you may want to store pointers to the nodes before and after the
middle node.
3. Make left and right subtrees recursively, using the list before the middle node for the left subtree and
the list after the middle node for the right subtree.
4. Link the middle node back into the list which is why you may have stored pointers in step 2.
not shown
not shown