Immigration Constructivist Unit - Laurie Wangerin

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By La u r i e Wa n g e r i n
for an
for 3rd Grade
Students will:

Use !eb tec"no#ogy to access i$$igration "istory%

&eve#o' an understanding of t"e conce't of


&eve#o' !ritten and ora# s(i##s to res'ond to

i$$igration e)'eriences%

Read for detai#%

Use tec"no#ogy to e)'#ore "istorica# '#aces and events%

*)'erience a $oc( *##is Is#and i$$igration%

Wisconsin State Teaching Standards

Teac"ers (no! t"e subects t"ey are teac"ing%

Teac"ers (no! "o! c"i#dren gro!%

Teac"ers understand t"at c"i#dren #earn different#y%

Teac"ers (no! "o! to teac"%

Teac"ers (no! "o! to $anage a c#assroo$%

Teac"ers co$$unicate !e##%

Teac"ers are ab#e to '#an different (inds of #essons%

Teac"ers (no! "o! to test for student 'rogress%

Teac"ers are ab#e to eva#uate t"e$se#ves%

Teac"ers are connected !it" ot"er teac"ers and t"e

CCSS - Reading Standards for
Informational Text for Grade 3
Key Ideas and etails
&escribe t"e re#ations"i' bet!een a series of "istorica# events in a te)t
using #anguage t"at 'ertains to ti$e+ se,uence and cause-effect%
Craft and Structure
Use te)t features and searc" too#s to #ocate infor$ation re#evant to a
given to'ic efficient#y%
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Use infor$ation gained fro$ i##ustrations and t"e !ords in a te)t to
de$onstrate understanding of t"e te)t%
Range of Reading and !e"el of Text Com#lexity
By t"e end of t"e year+ read and co$'re"end infor$ationa# te)ts
inc#uding "istory-socia# studies at t"e "ig" end of grades ./3 co$'#e)ity
band inde'endent#y and 'roficient#y%
Ccss $ Writing Standards for Grade 3
Text Ty#e and %ur#oses
Write narratives to deve#o' rea# or i$agined e)'erience or
events using effective tec"ni,ue+ descri'tive detai#s and c#ear
even se,uences%
Research to &uild and %resent Knowledge
Conduct s"ort researc" 'roects t"at bui#d (no!#edge about
a to'ic%
Range of Writing
Write routine#y+ over e)tended ti$e fra$es and s"orter
ti$e fra$es for a range of disci'#ine/s'ecific tas(s+ 'ur'ose and
CCSS $ S#ea'ing and !istening Standards
for Grade 3
Com#rehension and Colla(oration
As( and ans!er ,uestions about infor$ation fro$ a s'ea(er+
offering a''ro'riate e#aboration and detai#%
%resentation of Knowledge and Ideas
0'ea( in co$'#ete sentences !"en a''ro'riate to tas( and
situation in order to 'roved re,uested detai# or c#arification%
CCSS $ !)*G+)G, ST)*)RS -.R
GR), 3
Con"entions of Standard ,nglish
&e$onstrate co$$and of t"e conventions of standard
*ng#is" gra$$ar and usage !"en !riting or s'ea(ing%
Knowledge of !anguage
Use (no!#edge of #anguage and its conventions !"en !riting
s'ea(ing or #istening%
/oca(ulary )c0uisition and +se
Wit" guidance and su''ort fro$ adu#ts+ e)'#ore !ord
re#ations"i's and nuances in !ord $eanings%
I$$igration and *##is Is#and Unit
We are starting a unit on I$$igration and *##is Is#and%

1 #essons on I$$igration

Create a rea#istic c"aracter to i$$igrate to t"e United


&ress u' as t"at c"aracter at t"e end of t"e unit

*)'erience a 2Moc(3 *##is Is#and to see if you can
i$$igrate to t"e United 0tates
&ay 4 5 W"at is an i$$igrant6
W"at is e##is is#and6
Read A#oud &rea$ing of A$erica by *ve Bunting
&iscuss *##is Is#and and !"at an i$$igrant is%
Begin to e)'#ore t"e non/fiction boo(
If 7our Na$e C"anged at *##is Is#and by *##en Levine
Co$'uter ti$e to e)'#ore !!!%e##isis#and%org
8irtua# tour o''ortunity 5
8isit t"ese sites to !atc" video c#i's on Arriva# at *##is Is#and and I$$igrants &etained at
*##is Is#and 5
!!!%"istory%co$-to'ics-e##is/is#and and !!!%n's%gov-e#is-inde)%"t$
9arent #etter to go "o$e regarding vo#unteering for our activities
Materia#s: &rea$ing of A$erica+ If 7our Na$e C"anged at *##is Is#and+ co$'uters+ !ebsites+ 'arent #etter
ay 1 $ !"at is a 9ass'ort6 W"y do you need one6
W"ere is your c"aracter fro$6
We are creating a rea#istic c"aracter and 'ass'ort%
&iscuss !"at is needed on a 'ass'ort%
*)'#ore on t"e co$'uter+ nonfiction boo(s+ encyc#o'edias to se#ect a
country to i$$igrate fro$ for your rea#istic c"aracter%
Co$'#ete your researc" to fi## in 'ass'orts and country infor$ation%
;ourna# / your t"oug"ts on !"at you
"ave #earned so far%
Materia#s: 9ass'ort !or(s"eet+ C"aracter and Country
!or(s"eet+ co$'uters+ !ebsites+ $a's+ boo(s+ ourna#+ 'enci#
&ay 3 5 t"e i$'ortance of ,ui#ts to i$$igrants
Read T"e <ee'ing =ui#t by 9atricia 9o#acco
&iscuss t"e i$'ortance of ,ui#ts to i$$igrants
*ac" student s"a## receive a 'a'er ,ui#t b#oc( to create !it"
construction 'a'er+ g#ue stic(s+ crayons+ die cuts+ etc%
0tudents $ay a#so co$'#ete t"eir researc" and infor$ation for t"eir
'ass'orts fro$ #ast #esson%
=ui#t !i## be 'ut toget"er and dis'#ayed%
;ourna# 5 W"at does t"e ,ui#t s"o! about our c#ass6 W"at do you sti##
!ant to find out6
Materia#s: T"e <ee'ing =ui#t+ ,ui#t b#oc(+ construction 'a'er+ g#ue stic(s+ crayons+ die cuts+ 'ass'ort and c"aracter
!or(s"eets+ ourna#+ 'enci#
&ay > 5 W"y do 'eo'#e i$$igrate6 W"o !ere so$e fa$ous
'eo'#e t"at i$$igrated6
Introduce !"y 'eo'#e $ay c"oose to #eave !"ere t"ey #ive%
Grou's of 3 !i## read a se#ect 'assage+ e)'#ore boo(s and t"e
!eb furt"er%
Co$'#ete an A" ?a@ Grid to discover !"y 'eo'#e i$$igrate%
*ac" grou' !i## s"are t"eir discoveries%
W"at Was *##is Is#and6 By 9atricia Brennan &e$ut"
If your Na$e !as C"anged at *##is Is#and by *##en Levine
;ourna# / W"y did your c"aracter
Materia#s: W"at !as *##is Is#and6+ If 7our Na$e Was
C"anged at *##is Is#and+ A" ?a@ Grid !or(s"eet+
co$'uter+ !ebsites+ ourna#s+ 'enci#s
&ay B 5 !"at !ou#d you bring6 W"at !ou#d you !ear6
Read an e)cer't fro$ an *##is Is#and boo(%
*)'#ain t"at !"en fa$i#ies i$$igrated+ t"ey "ad to #i$it !"at t"ey
broug"t !it" t"e$ because t"ey "ad to carry everyt"ing%
Brainstor$ing ti$e 5 W"at !ou#d you and your fa$i#y bring if you
on#y "ad one suitcase6 W"y6
*)'#ore !ebsites for 'ictures and c#ot"ing ideas%
;ourna# 5 W"at !i## your c"aracter be !earing 6
Materia#s: *##is Is#and boo(+ suitcase+ brainstor$ing #arge 'a'er+ co$'uters+ !ebsites+ ourna#+ 'enci#%
&ay C 5 9revie! t"e 2road3 to *##is Is#and
Go over !"at you !i## see !"en you co$e to 2*##is Is#and3
*)'#ain eac" station and !"at can "a''en t"ere%
9eo'#e !"o !or(ed at *##is Is#and !ere very stern because
t"ey "ad to $ove a #ot of 'eo'#e t"roug"%
&ocu$ent c"ec( to $a(e sure everyone is ready% 9ass'ort+
Tic(et for 0"i'+ $oney+ c#ot"ing ideas
;ourna# 5 W"at "ave you #earned about i$$igration and *##is
Is#and6 Anyt"ing e#se you are sti## !ondering6
Materia#s: 9ass'ort+ 0"i' Tic(et+ $oney+ re$inder s"eet to go "o$e+ ourna#+ 'enci#
&ay D 5 *##is Is#and I$$igration day
We#co$e to t"e stea$s"i' N*8A&A% We !i## start our ourney to
A$erica no!%
0TATION E. Registration
0TATION E3 Medica# *)a$iner
0TATION E> ?o#ding 0tation
0TATION EB ;udge+ CitiFens"i'
GGGG T"is is run by 'arents and vo#unteersGGGG
Co$'#ete #ayout and scri't is found "ere:
;ourna# 5 W"at !as your e)'erience #i(e6
Materia#s: 9ass'ort+ 0"i''ing Tic(et+ $oney+ 'ro'er c#ot"ing+ ca$era+ 'a'ers at eac" station H#ist of su''#ies neededI+
'arents and vo#unteers
&ay 1 5 citiFens"i' and et"nic Jood day
Read A 9icnic in October by *ve Bunting
We#co$e to A$erica@ W"en your na$e is ca##ed+ you !i##
receive your 2CitiFen Certificate3 to !or( to!ards
beco$ing a United 0tates CitiFen%
To ce#ebrate+ !e !i## "ave a rece'tion !it" a variety of foods
fro$ t"e different countries re'resented fro$ our *##is
Is#and ourney%
T"an( a## t"e vo#unteers to $a(e t"is 'ossib#e%
Materia#s: A 9icnic in October+ CitiFens Certificate+ 'arents and vo#unteers+ food and su''#ies%

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