MAME32 For Dummies
MAME32 For Dummies
MAME32 For Dummies
This is a quick one - two - three process of getting mame32 up and running with a
quick understanding on how the program works. This is just to get you started
with the basics. Once you are comfortable with the basics everything else will be
quite easy.
Go to the link provided here and download the latest mame32 binary executable
file. You will have to join gamespy on
fileplanet in order to make your download. It is a free service as long as you
download from the free public servers. Download this file to your desktop. Once
your download is complete your file will look like this:
After you have completed the download left click on the zip file to extract the
contents. After clicking on the zip file you’ll see this:
Do not click on the mame32 icon at this time you still need to get the game roms
in order to play.
You can get some free game roms from this site:
This is a pay site:
There are plenty of other roms on the net for free that you can use in mame but it
will require you to have some patients to find them.
I recommend that you use:
Once you download the game roms you need to leave them in their zip format and
place them into your roms folder:
You’ll also notice that gridlee for an example requires sound samples you will
need to download them from here:
And place them into the samples folder. Also leave these files in their zip format.
As you saw in an earlier pic of what your mame32 folder contains. You notice that
there are other folders in the file. Some of these folders are used by mame32 and
others you will need to provide the addtional information for them to be used in
For example: there are dat files that allow you to keep hi scores , get information
and history about the game. And also cheat if you suck at the game your trying to
Now that you have the files you want and or need lets click on the mame32 icon.
Once the program is opened you’ll see this:
After reaching this point hit your F5 key once on your keyboard to do a refresh.
This will allow the program to search for the games you have in your roms folder.
Once this process is done click on the icon in mame32 that says Available this is
the list of games you have.
Now you can click on any available game that you have and begin to play. Here
are the keys that you’ll be using and what they are used for:
(note): These are the keys for a one player game. If the game allows more than one
player you can hit your tab key at this point and go into “input (this game)” to see
what additional keys are used.
If you want your arcade game to look and feel more realistic you can attempt to
configure it. Just click on the options button and then click on default options and
begin to experiment.
You will be required to join the msn group in order to make a post.
Tab key doesn’t work.
Go into your mame32 folder and click on the cfg folder. Look for a file called
“default.cfg” and delete that file.