Name and Address of Branch/ Office in Which The Deposit Is Held

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Form DA-1 (Nomination Form)

Nomination under section 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rule 2(1) of the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 in respect of bank deposits
I/ We
nominate the following person to whom in the event of my/our/minor's death the amount of the deposit, particulars whereof are given below, may be returned by
State Bank of India,
Nomination Serial No.
(Name and address of branch/ office in which the deposit is held)
Details of Deposits
Type of deposit: Account number
Additional details, if any:
Details of the Nominee

Relationship with the depositor: Age: Date of birth of nominee:

City: PIN: State:
CIF No. of Nominee (to be filled byLCPC):
As the nominee is a minor on this date, I/We appoint Shri/Smt./ age: years

to receive the amount of the deposit on behalf of the nominee in the event of my / our / minor's death during the minority of the nominee.

Signature(s) / Thumb impressions(s) of depositor(s)
Please Sign in black ink only.

Signature(s) / Thumb impressions(s) of 1st witness **



Signature(s) / Thumb impressions(s) of 1st witness **



* Where deposit is made in the name of a minor, the nomination should be signed by a person lawfully entitled to act on entitled to act on behalf of the minor.
** Thumb impression(s) shall be attested by two persons.
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Mobile no. will be used for sending SMS alerts
Branch Teller: in CBS, go to - Customer Management -> Create Personal Customer (to
create new CIF) / Amend -> Customer Details (to issue Welcome Kit, put the printed a/c
number here and transmit); Input TCRN in "Reference No." field and click "Get Details"
Account Opening Form: Part-I
To be separatel y fi l l ed by each appl i cant (new customers
onl y)

TCRN : AC59792782
(For office use only) CIF No.
Account No.
Branch to affix rubber stamp of
name and code no.
Sole/First Applicant
1. Please fill up in BLOCK letters only and use black ink for signature. Please leave one box blank between two words. Tick () the appropriate boxes.
2. Fields marked asterix (*) are not mandatory
3. Please affix a passport size photograph in the box provided. Also enclose another photograph for affixing in the pass book
4. For opening account of minors, where proof of identity/address is not available, the same will be provided by Father/Mother and Natural Guardian
5. In case of illiterate customers, Left Thumb Impression (LTI) to be affixed and verified.
Personal Details
Customer Type: Public Staff Senior Citizen: Yes Minor: Yes PF No.
Name: Mr Ms Mrs
Name of Father/ Husband/
Mr Ms Mrs
Date of Birth: 13/10/1989
Gender: Male Female
Nationality: INDIAN
Mother's Maiden Name: VALLI
Marital Status: Married Unmarried Others
UID: UID of Father/Mother (in case applicant is a minor): Unique Identification Number
Correspondence Address (Current Residential/Office)
Landmark/ Street: CHROMEPET
District: CHENNAI
City: CHENNAI PIN: 600044 State: TAMILNADU
Telephone no. Mobile no. 9952020756
Permanent Address
Same as Correspondence Address
Landmark/ Street: MAYILADUTHURAI
Telephone no. Fax no.
Email Address: E-mail address is required for alerts and e-statements
Additional Details (wherever applicable)
Income: INR 1,00,001 to 5,00,000
Monthly Annually Assets (approximate value):
*Religion: Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh
*Category: General OBC SC ST
Qualification: Non-Graduate Graduate Post-Graduate

Salaried Self-employed Business
Retired Student Others Engineering/Architect/Technical/Consultant
Organization's Name: DELL *Designation/Profession: ASSOCIATE ENGINEER
Passport no. *Others Voters ID/ Driving Licence/ Govt. / Defence ID Card No.
I.T. PAN: OR Form 60/61
BCVPD3075L If PAN is not available please fill-up form 60/61
Vehicle: Car Two-wheeler
Life Insurance Value: Upto 2 lakhs Upto 5 lakhs Above 5 lakhs
Life Insurance: SBI Life
Existing Loans: Car Loan House Loan Personal Loan Education Loan Business/Agriculture
House: Ancestral Owned Rented Employers
Mutual Funds: SBIMF Other No investments
Credit Card: SBI Card
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TCRN : AC59792782
Identification Details
ID where the address on the ID is the same as the Correspondence Address mentioned on the first page of this form.
No.: Issued at: Issue Date
Any one document from each of the undernoted two columns for a photo-identity and proof of address (Please tick the appropriate box and give details below):
Proof of identity
A) Passport
B) Voter ID Card
C) PAN Card
D) Government/ Defence ID Card
E) ID Card of Reputed Employer
F) Driving License
G) Pension Payment Order*
H) Photo ID Card Issued by Post Office
I) Photo ID Card Issued by University*
J) Photo ID Card Issued by Public Authority*
K) Aadhaar Letter / Card
Proof of address (of Correspondence Address)
A) Credit Card Statement (not more than 3 months old)
B) Salary Slip
C) Income/ Wealth Tax Assessment Order
D) Electricity Bill (not more than 6 months old)
E) Telephone Bill (not more than 3 months old)
F) Bank Account Statement
G) Letter from Reputed Employer
H) Letter from Public Authority*
I) Ration Card
J) Voter ID Card (only if it contains the current address)
K) Pension Payment Order*
L) Lease Deed/Sale Deed*
M) Proof of Residence Issued by University*
N) Address Proof of Relatives (for students)*
O) Address Proof of Close Relatives*
P) Address Proof of Gazetted/ Senior PSU Officers*
No.: NCC0156570
Issue date: 02/02/2009
No.: 363979845
Issue date: 06/05/2014
Please attach
one self-
photocopy of
Identity proof
and Address
proof each.
thereof will
have to be
produced for
* Refer to the Savings Bank rules
Introduction Details
I having CIF no. confirm that I am
an holder of account number of State Bank of India for the past months and
personally know the applicant(s) for more than months and confirm his/her/their identity and address as stated
Required for small
account only. Not
required if complete KYC
requirements are fulfilled
Signature of the Introducer Sign verified by (Sign, SS No. & stamp)
With State Bank of India agreeing to open my Small Deposit account under liberalized KYC norms specified by RBI, I undertake to submit the required
KYC documents as and when the balance or total annual transaction in my account exceed the stipulated limits in this regard. In the event of non
compliance the Bank is within its rights to stop operations in account after advance notification as per RBI instructions
Signature of the Applicant
Detail of other Accounts
Please give the details of your other accounts in our
/other Bank
Bank Branch Type of Account/Facility(ies) Account Number

Signature/ Thumb impressions of depositor
Please Sign
in black ink
only. Place CHENNAI

Details of one or two identification marks, if any, such as a mole or scar (mandatory for illiterate applicant)

Verifying Officer/Open CIF
Name: SS No.:
Designation: Date:

Generated CIF

(Authorised signatory)
Date: SS No.:
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Account Opening Form: Part-II

Branch to affi x rubber
stamp of name and code no.
Date: (For offi ce use onl y) Account No.
Type of Account
Savings Bank Account (with cheque book)
Savings Bank Account (without cheque book)
No-frills Account Savings
Saving Plus Account
Premium Savings Account
Current Account

Recurring Deposit
Term Deposit
Special Term Deposit
Multi Option Deposit Scheme linked with
Savi ngs Bank Current Account
Others (pl ease speci fy)
Pl ease ti ck the type
of account to be
opened. To know
more about vari ous
schemes pl ease
contact Bank
offi ci al s.
Details of Applicant(s)
Sole/First Holder Name:
CIF no. (to be fi l l ed
i n by branch/LCPC):
Second Holder Name:
CIF no. (to be fi l l ed
i n by branch/LCPC):
Third Holder Name:
CIF no. (to be fi l l ed
i n by branch/LCPC):

Account Name
Account name as woul d appear on passbook/account statement
Services Required
1. ATM-CUM-DEBIT CARD: (for Internati onal card and i ts vari ants, separate appl i cati on i s to be submi tted)
Appl i cant no. Card Type Name as woul d appear on the card
Domesti c Gol d Internati onal
Domesti c Gol d Internati onal
Domesti c Gol d Internati onal
Please mention any other account desired to be linked
Account Type Account Number Name

Account Type Account Number Name
Viewing rights
1st 2nd 3rd appl i cant
Limited Transaction rights :
1st 2nd 3rd appl i cant
Full Transaction rights :
1st 2nd 3rd appl i cant
3. MOBILE BANKING: Mobi l e Banki ng Servi ce to be enabl ed on thi s no.
4. SMS ALERTS: SMS Alerts at mobile number as mentioned in Part-I: Requi red Not requi red
5. CHEQUE BOOK: Type of Cheque Book: Ordi nary Mul ti ci ty* Both * Charges appl i cabl e for Mul ti ci ty cheques
6. STATEMENT FREQUENCY: Monthl y Quarterl y Hal f-yearl y
(for current account)
e-Statement to be sent to e-mail id as mentioned in Part-I: Requi red Not requi red
Mode of Operation
Sel f onl y Ei ther or Survi vor Former or Survi vor Any one or Survi vor Joi ntl y Other
Specimen Signature(s)

Paste a passport si ze photograph i nsi de thi s box
1st Appl i cant

Paste a passport si ze photograph i nsi de thi s box
2nd Appl i cant

Paste a passport si ze photograph i nsi de thi s box
3rd Appl i cant

Si gnature(s) / Thumb i mpressi ons(s) Sol e/Fi rst Hol der
Si gnature(s) / Thumb i mpressi ons(s) Sol e/Fi rst Hol der
Si gnature(s) / Thumb i mpressi ons(s) Sol e/Fi rst Hol der
Si gnature, SS No and name of veri fyi ng offi cer
Si gnature, SS No and name of veri fyi ng offi cer
Si gnature, SS No and name of veri fyi ng offi cer
Pl ease
Si gn i n
bl ack
i nk
onl y.
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Amount: Rs. (i n words) Peri od:
year(s) month(s) days. In case of Term Deposi t, i nterest payabl e: Monthl y Quarterl y
Maturity instruction: Payment instruction (Maturi ty Proceeds/Resi dual )
Auto renew* pri nci pal
Auto renew* pri nci pal & i nterest
Auto renew* Rs.
Auto renew for peri od:
year(s) month(s) day(s)

By credi t to my bank account no.
By Bankers Cheque / Demand Draft
Pay pri nci pal & i nterest Pay pri nci pal
*Renewal wi l l be done at the then prevai l i ng i nterest rate
I/We hereby gi ve consent for debi ti ng my/ our account for recoveri ng servi ce charges as normal l y appl i cabl e to Savi ngs Bank and Current Account.
Li nked Savi ng Bank/Current Account No.
Monthl y i nstal l ment: Rs. Standi ng i nstructi on (i f any) Debi t account no.
Peri od: year(s) month(s) On Maturi ty, credi t proceeds to account no.
Auto-sweep faci l i ty l i nks Savi ngs/Current Account wi th Term Deposi t Account. Your Savi ngs Pl us/Premi um Savi ngs Account bal ance above a threshol d val ue, for a
mi ni mum amount of Rs.10,000 and i n mul ti pl e of Rs.1000 i n any one i nstance, i s transferred to a Mul ti Opti on Deposi t (MOD) and earns i nterest as appl i cabl e to the MOD.
Threshold Amount*:Rs.
Mi ni mum bal ance requi red:
Savi ngs Pl us Account: Rs. 5000
Premi um Savi ngs Account: Rs. 25000
Sweep time: day (exampl e Monday, Tuesday) of every week (onl y for Savi ngs Pl us Account)
OR (exampl e 1st,2nd) of every month begi nni ng
Under reverse sweep faci l i ty for breaki ng the MOD, the MOD to be broken by: Last i n fi rst out Fi rst i n fi rst out
I decl are that my present gross monthl y i ncome i s not more than Rs.5,000. I shal l i nform you whenever i t exceeds Rs.5,000. I understand that i f the val ue of my busi ness
connecti on, i ncl udi ng other l i abi l i ty products l i ke Recurri ng Deposi t or Term Deposi t,exceed Rs.10,000/-,thi s account wi l l cease to be a ' No-fri l l s' account. The account wi l l
then be treated as a normal Savi ngs Bank account, governed by the terms and condi ti ons appl i cabl e to such accounts. I shal l abi de by the ' Know Your Customer' norms as
sti pul ated from ti me to ti me.
We have to advi se that State Bank of Indi a may pay to anyone of us, any day ei ther before or on due date, on or after due date and where no due date i s fi xed, on demand, the
pri nci pal al ongwi th i nterest. Payment to any one of us i s di scharge to the Bank from al l of us, unti l you recei ve a noti ce contrary to i t from both/ al l of us. In case of death of
any one, amount i s to be pai d to the survi vor(s).
I/We have read and understood the rul es and regul ati ons of the product(s)/ servi ce(s) opted for and agree to abi de by the terms and condi ti ons rel ati ng to the conduct thereof
as al so any changes brought about therei n from ti me to ti me.A copy of the Savi ngs Bank rul es and regul ati ons has been made avai l abl e to me by the mode of a tear off.
Further,I/we understand that I/we have the opti on to operate thi s account through my mobi l e handset usi ng MPIN as per Terms and Condi ti ons di spl ayed on Bank' s websi te .co.i n. Further,I/we have read and understood the provi si ons contai ned i n the "Terms of Servi ce document" of "Onl i neSBI" on the Bank' s websi te .co.i n and
accept them.I/we agree that the transacti on executed over "Onl i neSBI" under my Username and Password wi l l be bi ndi ng. The Bank i s enti tl ed to amend the "Terms of
Servi ce document" of "Onl i neSBI" from ti me to ti me.
Si gnature of 1st Appl i cant Si gnature of 2nd Appl i cant Si gnature of 3rd Appl i cant
Pl ease Si gn i n
bl ack i nk onl y.
Nomi nati on, i f requi red fi l l Form DA-1 on page no. 2, otherwi se si gn bel ow
I/We do not want to nomi nate any person i n thi s account

Pl ease Si gn i n
bl ack i nk onl y.
Certi fi ed that the i mpl i cati ons and condi ti ons for the operati on of the account have been expl ai ned to the deposi tor (onl y i n case of i l l i terate appl i cant)
Open account:
(Authori sed si gnatory)
Account number generated:
(Authori sed si gnatory)
i ) Internet Banki ng (INB) Ki t No. : Ini ti al s
i i ) INB Vi ewi ng Transacti on ri ghts
gi ven on :
Ini ti al s
i i i ) Mobi l e Banki ng MPIN gi ven on Ini ti al s
i v) ATM Card data transmi tted on Ini ti al s
v) Nomi nati on seri al no.: Ini ti al s
vi ) Threshol d (KYC) l i mi t: Rs. Ini ti al s

vi i ) Account sourced by Busi ness Correspondent/ Busi ness Faci l i tator - Yes/ No
If yes, Name/ Desi gnati on:
Code no. of BC/BF Ini ti al s
vi i i ) Account transferred / Home branch
changed on:
Ini ti al s
i x) Account cl osed on: Ini ti al s
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To be torn off and gi ven to the customer

Know Your Customer Guidelines
Any person fulfilling account opening requirements may, upon agreeing to comply with the prescribed rules, open a Savings Bank Account,
provided she/he furnishes proof of identity and proof of address as required by the Bank. (Rule No. 1)
1. Passport
2. Voter ID Card
3. PAN Card
4. Government/ Defence ID Card
5. ID Card of Reputed Employer
6. Driving License
7. Pension Payment Order*
8. Photo ID Card Issued by Post Office
9. Photo ID Card Issued by University*
10. Photo ID Card Issued by Public Authority*
1. Credit Card Statement (not more than 3 months old)
2. Salary Slip
3. Income/ Wealth Tax Assessment Order
4. Electricity Bill (not more than 6 months old)
5. Telephone Bill (not more than 3 months old)
6. Bank Account Statement
7. Letter from Reputed Employer
8. Letter from Public Authority*
9. Ration Card
10. Voter ID Card (only if it contains the current address)
11. Pension Payment Order*
12. Lease Deed/Sale Deed*
13. Proof of Residence Issued by University*
14. Address Proof of Relatives (for students)*
15. Address Proof of Close Relatives*
16. Address Proof of Gazetted/ Senior PSU Officers*
Nomination & Survivorship Facility
The nomination facility is available on Savings Bank Accounts and the account holders are advised to avail of this facility for smooth settlement
of claim by legal heirs in unforeseen circumstances. Nomination can be made in favour of only one nominee. In case they do not wish to make
a nomination, the fact should be recorded on the account opening form under their full signature. Joint account with survivorship benefit can be
operated by the survivor, in such circumstances. (Rule Nos. 10, 2)
Types Of Accounts, Balance Stipulation & Service Charges
The applicants can open an account either with chequebook facility or without chequebook. The current minimum quarterly average balances
prescribed for these account types and the charges prescribed for non-maintenance of minimum balance, are available at the Banks website The information can also be obtained from Branches. There is no ceiling on maximum balance in Savings Bank
account, except for Minors account. (Rule Nos. 11, 12).
Minors Accounts
Minors who can adhere to uniform signature and are not less than ten yearsold can open accounts in their single name and maintain therein a
maximum balance of Rs.200,000/- (Rs. Two lacs only). Minors may open joint accounts with their guardians. (Rule No.3)
How To Open An Account?
In ordinary course, applicant(s) should attend the Bank personally for completion of formalities for opening the account. They will duly fill in and
sign the prescribed application form. Applicant(s) should submit two copies of his/ her/ their recently taken passport size photographs. Account
holders signatures must be legible and well formed. Signatures should not be in capital or block letters. Each account will be given a distinctive
account number. While dealing with the Bank, this number should be invariably quoted by the account holder(s). The account holders, in their
self-interest, are expected to adhere to uniform signature as per specimen recorded with the Bank while operating the accounts and addressing
any correspondence to the Bank. (Rule Nos. 7, 8, 9, 13)
Pass Book
The pass book and cheque book supplied to the account holder should be kept in a safe place. The Bank will not be responsible for any loss or
incorrect payment attributable to the account holders neglect in this regard.(Rule Nos. 18, 29). For withdrawing cash by means of a withdrawal
form, the pass book must be presented. Withdrawals using cheque forms and Debit card can be effected without pass book. Deposits may be
made without production of the pass book. (Rule No. 15) Pass book should be got updated regularly. The pass book will be returned to the
accountholder immediately after completionof the transaction duly updated. In case it is not collected within a weeks time, it will be returned to
them by Registered A.D. post/ Courier at their cost. (Rule No. 16) The account holders should carefully examine the entries in their pass books
and draw the Banks attention to errors or omissions, if any. (Rule No. 17) Duplicate in lieu of the lost or mutilated pass book may be issued on
receipt of a written request from the account holder after necessary enquiries, completion of formalities and recovery of prescribed charges. The
current charges prescribed for this are available at the Banks website This information can also be obtained from
Branches.(Rule No. 20)
Change in Rules
The Bank reserves the right to alter, delete or add to any of these Rules and service charges for which the customer will be duly notified through
Bank' s website and/ or branch notice board.(Rule Nos. 39, 46)
Cheque Book
The Bank will issue the first cheque book after completion of all formalities with regard to opening of the account. No charge will be recovered for
issue of twenty five cheque leaves in a year (both MICR and non MICR). Thereafter, service charge will be charged to the customers account.
The current charges prescribed for this are available at the Banks website information can also be obtained
from Branches. The account holders must use only the cheques from the cheque books issued to them by the Bank. The Bank reserves the right
to refuse payment of any cheques drawn otherwise. Ordinarily, Bank will not issue more than one cheque book at a time or before exhausting
all or nearly all cheque leaves issued previously.(Rule No. 27)Cheques must be written legibly and any alterations or cuttings should be
authenticated under full signature which must conform to the specimen recorded with the Bank. (Rule No. 28) Stop payment instructions in
respect of cheques issued or lost can be registered with the Bank on payment of a prescribed service charge. The current charges prescribed for
this are available at the Banks information can also be obtained from Branches. (Rule No. 32)
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Savings Bank account is essentially a facility to build up savings and hence must not be used as a Current Account. Bank may close an account
should it have any reason to believe that the account holder has used her/his account for a purpose for which it is not allowed. (Rule No. 5)
There is no restriction on number of deposits that can be made into the account. No deposit in cash for less than Rs 10/- will be accepted.
Cheques, drafts or other instruments drawn only in favour of the account holder will be accepted for credit of the account. Third party
instruments endorsed in favour of the account holder will NOT be accepted. No drawings against accepted instruments will be normally
permitted until these are realized. In satisfactorily conducted accounts, immediate credit will be afforded for outstation instruments deposited up
to Rs 20000/-, which may change from time to time. The normal collection and out of pocket charges will be recovered. The current limit and
charges prescribed for this are available at the Banks website This information can also be obtained from Branches.
Overdue interest will be recovered for instruments subsequently returned unpaid. (Rule Nos. 21, 22, 23)
The accountholder can withdraw money personally from her/ his ordinary Savings Bank Account by using Banks standard withdrawal form.
The pass book must accompany the withdrawal form. The withdrawal form can be used only for receiving payments by the accountholder
himself/ herself. ATM cum Debit card can also be used in ATMs for cash withdrawal. The accountholder cannot withdraw an amount less than
Rs. 50/-. All withdrawals must be in round Rupees only Third party payments through withdrawal forms are not permitted. A letter of authority
as per the prescribed format, along with the pass book should be sent to the Bank through an authorized representative to receive payment in
case the account holder is unable to attend personally to withdraw cash from her/his account. (Rule Nos. 24, 25, 26) The minimum drawing
permitted per cheque form is limited to Rs. 50/-. There is no ceiling on the maximum amount that can be drawn through a single cheque. (Rule
No. 30) The maximum number of debit entries permitted in an account is 30 per half year or as decided by the Bank from time to time,
excluding transactions through alternate channels like State Bank ATMs and Internet Banking. Cash withdrawal at ATMs of other banks will be
counted as a debit entry in the account for the above purpose and are not to be treated as transactions made through alternate channels.
Charges prescribed for exceeding this limit are available at the Banks website This information can also be obtained
from Branches. (Rule No. 35) Cash withdrawal can be made from the accounts of the sick, old or incapacitated account holders who are unable
to attend the Bank and/or also not able to put their signature or thumb impression for withdrawing cash by completing the laid down
formalities. (Rule No. 33)
Overdrafts in Savings Bank accounts may be permitted under exceptional circumstances with prior arrangements only. Cheques drawn in
excess of the balance in the account will be returned unpaid. Service charge will be recovered each time a cheque is returned unpaid for want of
sufficient funds. Charges prescribed for this are available at the Banks website This information can also be
obtained from Branches. (Rule No. 31)
Inoperative Accounts Account holders are advised to operate their accounts regularly. Accounts not operated are classified as Inoperative after the
stipulated time period of 24 months since last operation. Inoperative accounts having less than the stipulated minimum balance will be charged
a service charge at the end of the first year after the account is identified as inoperative and thereafter every year, if the account remains
inoperative. If the balance in the account is equal to or less than the service charge, the account will be closed under advice to the account holder.
The current prescribed charges in this regard are available at the Banks website This information can also be
obtained from Branches. (Rule Nos. 36, 37)
Standing Instructions
The account holder can request the Bank for effecting periodical payment of insurance premium, membership fees etc. by debit to her/ his
account on payment of service charges. The current prescribed charges for Standing Instruction are available at the Banks website This information can also be obtained from Branches. (Rule No. 40)
Payment of Interest
Interest at the prescribed rate will be calculated on a daily product basis and will be credited to the account half yearly on 30th June and 31st
December. Interest will be paid If it works out to be Rs. 1/- or more and will be rounded off to the nearest rupee. The Payment of interest on
Saving Bank Account is subjected to RBI directives and any change therein may be notified through advertisement in the newspapers,(Rule Nos,
Transfer & Closure Of Account
Accounts may be transferred between branches of the Bank at the request of the account holder(s). Request for closure of account should state
the reason for closure. The pass book, unused cheque leaves and the ATM cum Debit card (after cutting into two pieces across the magnetic
strip) must accompany such request. Joint accounts can be closed only at the request of all such joint signatories. Service charge at prescribed
rate will be recovered if an account is closed prior to twelve months of its opening. The current charges prescribed for this are available at the
Banks website This information can also be obtained from Branches. (Rule Nos. 43, 44, 45)
Detailed rules available on the banks website or on request at all branches.

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