ATM Card
ATM Card
ATM Card
/ have not been issued any Debit Card (delete as ap plicable). I hereby apply for an
International Debit Card for my use. I authorize y ou to block the Domestic Debit Card as
long as I use the International Debit Card. I am aware that International Card can be used
from India and aborad.
B. M y name on the card should ap p ear as under (This can be full name (not exceeding
maximum 24 letters), or an abbreviated form of the name of the ap p licant for examp le,
Bharat Kumar can appear as Bharat Kumar, B. Kumar or K. Bharat)
C. I furnish the following particulars to be used for identification when I contact the
"Help line" through telephone for reporting loss of International Debit Card
Do not furnish the surnames example : if name is S R Tendulkar, the name should be
** In respect of M other's maiden name, you may furnish mother's name before marriage
*** If these dates are not relevant it may be filled as XXXX
I am aware that the International Card can be used for all domestic transactions and
transactions involving foreign exchange permitted under the Foreign Exchange
M anagement Act and the Rules framed there under by Reserve Bank of India from time
to time. I undertake to use the card in strict compliance with the applicable Exchange
Control / M anagement Regulations and any violation thereof will result in cancellation of
the card and make me liable under relevant p rovisions of the Act/ Regulations. I also
undertake to furnish all the details in resp ect of any transaction entered into by me to
facilitate any investigation.
I hereby authorize you to recover from my account the cost of the card and all other fees
which may be p ay able by State Bank to M aster Card (other than transaction fee) for
extra-ordinary services rendered by them (example lost/stolen card).
Place :
Date : (Signature of Applicant)
Name :
Address :
Telephone No.
M obile No. E-mail
Account particulars & signature of the Applicant & mode of op eration verified. Request
for issue of International Debit Card approved/ declined for the reason
(delete as applicable)
Date : (Authorised official)
Branch Name
Code Number
Date (Authorised official)