The Montauk Project
The Montauk Project
The Montauk Project
Experiments In Time
By Preston B. Nichols
with Peter Moon
This book is dedicated to the memory of the crew of the .!.!. Eldrid"e and
to those who "a#e their life at Montauk.
'uide to the (eader
%ne)The Philadelphia Experiment
Two)Montauk *isco#ered
Three)+ ,isit to Montauk
-our)*uncan +rri#es
-i#e)+ $onspiracy (e#ealed
!ix) .Project Moonbeam.
!e#en)/ilhelm (eich and the Phoenix Project
Ei"ht)The .Phoenix Project. +bsorbs .Project (ainbow.
Nine)The Montauk Project Be"ins
Ten)The Montauk $hair
Ele#en)$reation from the Ether
Twel#e)Time /arpin"
Thirteen)Time Tra#el
-ourteen)Mission to Mars
-ifteen)Encounter with the Beast
!ixteen)The Nature of Time
!e#enteen)The Montauk Base is !ealed
Ei"hteen)Montauk Today
Nineteen)#on Neumann +li#e0
+ppendix +)+ !cientific +nalysis of the (adiosonde
+ppendix B)/ilhelm (eich
+ppendix $)Mind $ontrol and the Persian 'ulf /ar
+ppendix *)Nikola Tesla
+ppendix E)1istory of the Philadelphia Experiment and its (econcilation with
the Montauk Project
+ppendix -)2uantum 3e#els of Existence
+ppendix ')'lossary
+t the eastern most end of 3on" Island sits Montauk Point4 known to most
New 5orkers for its scenic beauty and landmark li"hthouse. To the immediate
west of the li"hthouse4 there is a mysterious and derelict +ir -orce base on
the "rounds of old -ort 1ero. +lthou"h it was officially decommissioned and
abandoned by the .!. +ir -orce in 67874 it was subse9uently reopened and
continued to operate without the sanction of the .!. 'o#ernment.
The entire financin" for the base is also a mystery. No fundin" can be
traced to the military or "o#ernment. %fficials of the .!. 'o#ernment ha#e
probed for answers without success.
The secrecy of the operation has prompted le"ends to thri#e across 3on"
Island. 1owe#er4 it is unlikely that any of the local people of Montauk4 or
those who spread the tales4 know the full story of what actually went on there.
+ circle of insiders belie#e the Montauk Project was a de#elopment and
culmination of the phenomena encountered aboard the .!.!. Eldrid"e in 67:;.
Popularly known as the .Philadelphia Experiment.4 the ship actually disappeared
while the Na#y conducted radar in#isibility experiments.
+ccordin" to these accounts4 o#er three decades of secret research and
applied technolo"y ensued. Experiments were conducted that included that
included electronic mind sur#eillance and the control of distinct populations.
The climax of this work was reached at Montauk Point in 67<;. It was at that
time that the Montauk Project effecti#ely ripped open a hole in space)time to
Perhaps the person best 9ualified to tell the real story is Preston Nichols4
an electrical en"ineer and in#entor who has studied the Montauk Project for
the better part of a decade. 1is interest in the project was spurred in part
by unusual circumstances in his own life. 1e was also able to le"ally ac9uire
much of the e9uipment that was used for the project. 1is continued
in#esti"ation ultimately re#ealed his own role as the technical director of
the project. *espite brainwashin" and threats to silence him4 he has sur#i#ed
and has decided it is in the best interest of all to tell his story.
'I*E T% T1E (E+*E(
Because of the subject matter of this book is contro#ersial4 we would like
to offer some "uidelines.
This book is an exercise in consciousness. It is an in#itation to #iew time
in a new manner and expand your awareness of the uni#erse. Time rules our fate
and ushers in our death. +lthou"h we are re"ulated by its laws4 there is much
that we do not know about time and how it relates to our consciousness. 1opefully4
at the #ery least4 this information will broaden your hori=ons.
!ome of the data you will read in this book can be considered as .soft facts..
!oft facts are not untrue4 they are just not backed up by irrefutable
+ .hard fact. would be documentation or hard physical e#idence that could
stand up to scrutiny.
By the nature of the subject matter and security considerations4 hard facts
about the Montauk Project ha#e been #ery difficult to obtain. There is also an
area between soft and hard which can be termed ."ray facts.. These would be
#ery plausible but not as easily pro#able as a hard fact.
+ny serious in#esti"ation will show that a Montauk Project did4 in fact4
exist. %ne can also find people who ha#e been experimented on in some fashion
or another.
This book is not an attempt to pro#e anythin". The purpose is to "et a
story told that is of essential interest to scientific researchers4 metaphysicians
and citi=ens of the planet Earth. It is the story of one particular indi#idual
and his circle of contacts. It is hoped that more indi#iduals will come out of
the closet and that researchers will come forth with more in#esti"ations and
This work is bein" presented as non)fiction as it contains no falsehoods to
the best knowled"e of the authors. 1owe#er4 it can also be read as pure science
fiction if that is more suitable to the reader.
+ short "lossary has been pro#ided in the back to assist with ordinary
electronic terms and those of a more esoteric nature. !cientists who read this
book should understand that the definitions are desi"ned to assist the "eneral
reader>s understandin". They are not purported to be the latest technical jar"on.
3ikewise4 the "eneral reader should understand that the dia"rams in this book
are included for the benefit of technical people. If one is interested4 they
can "et a further understandin" of those terms and symbols by studyin" the
(adio +mateur>s 1andbook or a text of similar nature.
The ori"in of the Montauk Project dates back to 67:; when radar in#isibility
was bein" researched aboard the !! Eldrid"e. +s the Eldrid"e was stationed at
the Philadelphia Na#y 5ard4 the e#ents concernin" the ship ha#e commonly been
referred to as the .Philadelphia Experiment.. 1a#in" been the subject of differnet
books and a mo#ie4 only a 9uick synopsis will be "i#en here.@
The Philadelphia Experiment was known as the (ainbow Project to those who
manned and operated it. It was desi"ned as a top secret project that would help
end /orld /ar II. The forerunner of today>s stealth technolo"y4 the (ainbow
Project was experimentin" with a techni9ue to make a ship in#isible to enemy
radar. This was done by creatin" an .electroma"netic bottle. which actually
di#erted radar wa#es around the ship. +n .electroma"netic bottle. chan"es the
entire electroma"netic field of a specific area ) in this case4 the field
encompassin" the !! Eldrid"e.
/hile the objecti#e was to simply make the ship undetectable by radar4 it
had a totally unexpected and drastic side effect. It made the ship in#isible to
the naked eye and remo#ed it from the space)time continuum. The ship suddenly
reappeared in Norfolk4 ,ir"inia4 hundreds of miles away.
The project was a success from a material standpoint4 but it was a drastic
catastrophe to the people in#ol#ed. /hile the !! Eldrid"e .mo#ed. from the
Philadelphia Na#al 5ard to Norfolk and back a"ain4 the crew found themsel#es
in complete disorientation. They had left the physical uni#erse and had no
familiar surroundin" to relate to. pon their return to the Philadelphia
Na#y 5ard4 some were planted into the bulkheads of the ship itself. Those
who sur#i#ed were in a mental state of disorientation and absolute horror.
The crew were subse9uently dischar"ed as .mentally unfit. after ha#in"
spent considerable time in rehabilitation. The status of .mentally unfit. made
it #ery con#enient for their stories to be discredited.
This put the (ainbow Project at a standstill.
+lthou"h a major breakthrou"h had occurred4 there was no certainty that
human bein"s could sur#i#e further experimentation. It was too risky. *r. Aohn
#on Neumann4 who headed the project4 was now summoned to work on the Manhattan
Project. This concerned the makin" of the atom bomb4 which became the weapon of
choice for endin" /orld /ar II.
+lthou"h it is not well known4 #ast research that be"an with the (ainbow
Project was resumed in the late 67:B>s. It continued on4 culminatin" with a
hole bein" ripped throu"h space)time at Montauk in 67<;. The "oal of this
book is to "i#e you a "eneral understandin" of the research and e#ents
subse9uent to the Philadelphia Experiment and up to 67<; at Montauk. I will
be"in by tellin" you how I4 Preston Nichols4 stumble across it.
@ -urther information about the Philadelphia Experiment can be found in +ppendix E.
T/%)M%NT+C *I!$%,E(E*
In 67D64 I be"an workin" for BAM@4 a well known defense contractor on 3on"
Island. Throu"h the years4 I "ot a de"ree in electrical en"ineerin" and became
a specialist in electroma"netic phenomena. I was not then aware of the Philadelphia
Experiment or its accompanyin" phenomena.
+lthou"h I was not extraordinarily interested in the paranormal at that time4
I had obtained a "rant to study mental telepathy and to determine whether or not
it existed. I sou"ht to dispro#e it4 but I was surprised to find out that it
did4 in fact4 exist.
I be"an my research and found out that telepathic communication operated on
principles that are strikin"ly similar to that of radio wa#es. I had disco#ered
a wa#e that could be termed a .telepathic wa#e.. In some respects4 it beha#ed
like a radio wa#e. I set out to "et the characteristics of this .telepathic
wa#e.. I studied their wa#e len"ths and other pertinent facts. I determined
that while a telepathic wa#e beha#es like a radio wa#e4 it isn>t exactly a radio
wa#e. +lthou"h it propa"ates in a similar fashion to that of electroma"netic
wa#es and possesses like properties4 not all of these fit into normal wa#e
I found all of this #ery excitin". I had disco#ered a whole brand new
electroma"netic function that was not in any of the text books I>d e#er seen.
I wanted to learn as much as I could and studied all the acti#ities that mi"ht
use this type of function. My interest into metaphysics had been launched.
I continued to research in my spare time and collaborated with different
to test and monitor their #arious responses. In 67D:4 I noticed a peculiar
phenomena that was common to all of the psychics that I worked with. E#ery day4
at the same hour4 their minds would be jammed. They couldn>t think effecti#ely.
!uspectin" that the interference was caused by an electronic si"nal4 I used my
radio e9uipment and correlated what came on o#er the air wa#es at the times the
psychics were non)functional. /hene#er a :6B):EB M1= FMe"ahert=G cycle appeared
on the air4 they were jammed. /hen the :6B):EB M1= cycle was off4 the psychics
would open back up after about twenty minutes. It was ob#ious that this si"nal
was "reatly impedin" the ability of my psychics.
I decided to trace the si"nal. Placin" a modified T, atenna on the roof of
my car4 I "rabbed a ,1- recei#er and set out lookin" for the source of it. I
tracked it ri"ht to Montauk Point. It was comin" directly from a red and white
radar atenna on the +ir -orce base.
+t first4 I thou"ht that this si"nal mi"ht ha#e been "enerated accidentally.
I checked around and found out that the base was still acti#e. nfortunately4
security was ti"ht and the "uards wouldn>t "i#e any useful information. They
said that the radar was for a project run by the -++. I couldn>t press the point
beyond that. In fact4 their statement didn>t make a lot of sense. This was a
/orld /ar II radar defense system known as .!a"e (adar.. It was totally
anti9uated4 and there is not any known reason why the -++ would need such a
system I didn>t belie#e them but couldn>t help bein" intri"ued. nfortunately4
I had hit a dead end.
I continued my psychic research4 but didn>t "et anywhere on the in#esti"ation
of the Montauk atenna until 67<:4 when a friend of mine called. 1e told me the
place was now abandoned4 and that I should "o out there and check it out. I did.
It was indeed abandoned4 with debris strewn e#erywhere. I saw a fire extin"uisher
left amidst many scattered papers. The "ate was opened as were the windows and
doors of the buildin"s. This is not the way the military normally lea#es a base.
I strolled around. The first thin"s that cau"ht my eye was the hi"h #olta"e
e9uipment. I was #ery interested as it was a radio en"ineer>s deli"ht. I am a
collector of ham "ear and radio e9uipment4 and I wanted to buy it. I fi"ured
it would be a#ailable cheap if I made the proper arran"ements thou"h the !urplus
*isposal +"ency in Michi"an.
+fter examin" all the e9uipment4 I contacted the disposal a"ency and spoke
to a friendly lady. I told her what I wanted4 and she told me she would see what
could be done. It appeared to be abandoned material and looked like a scrap
contract. If this was so4 I>d be able to take what I wanted. nfortunately4
I didn>t hear from her so I called her back three weeks later. !he informed
me that there had not been any success with tracin" the e9uipment. They couldn>t
find out who owned it. Neither the military or the '!+ F'eneral !er#ices
claimed to know anythin" about it. -ortunately4 the !urplus *isposal +"ency said
they would continue to track the matter further. +fter another week or two went
by4 I called her back. !he said she>d turn me o#er to a Aohn !mith Ffictitious
located at a military o#erseas terminal in Bayonne4 New Aersey.
.Talk to him and he>ll set somethin" up4. she said.
./e like to keep our customers satisfied..
I met Aohn !mith. 1e didn>t want to discuss anythin" on the phone. 1e said
that no one officially admitted to ownin" that e9uipment. +s far as they were
concerned4 the e9uipment was abandoned and I could "o in and take whate#er I
wanted. 1e "a#e me a piece of paper which appeared be official and said to
show it to anyone who mi"ht 9uestion my presence in the area. It was not an
official document nor was it re"istered with anybody4 but he assured me that it
would keep the police off my back. 1e also referred me to the caretaker of the
Montauk +ir -orce Base who would show me around.
@BAM is a fictitious name for the company I worked for.
T1(EE)+ ,I!IT -(%M M%NT+C
I was out at the base within the week. There I met the caretaker4 Mr. +nderson.
1e was #ery helpful. 1e told me to be careful and showed me where thin"s were
so that I wouldn>t fall throu"h the floor and that type of thin". 1e said I was
welcome to take anythin" I could this trip4 but if he e#er saw me out there a"ain4
he>d ha#e to kick me out. 1is job4 afer all4 was to keep people off the base.
1e reali=ed that the permission I had was semi)official at best. 1e was also kind
enou"h to tell me that he went out for a drin" e#ery e#enin" at DP.M..
I had taken a trip to Montauk with a fellow named Brian. Brian was a psychic
who had helped me with my research. +s we fora"ed around the base4 we went in
two different directions. I went into a buildin" and saw a man who appeared to
be homeless. 1e told me that he had been li#in" in the buildin" e#er since the
base was abandoned. 1e also said that there had been a bi" experiment a year
earlier and that e#erythin" had "one cra=y. +pparently4 he>d ne#er "otten o#er
it himself.
In fact4 the man reco"ni=ed me4 but I had no idea who he was or what he was
talkin" about. I did listen to his story. 1e said he had been a technician at
the base and that he>d been +/%3. 1e had deserted the project just before the
base had been abandoned. 1e spoke about a bi" beast appearin" and fri"htenin"
e#eryone away. 1e told me a lot about the technical details of the machinery and
how thin"s worked. 1e also said somethin" that was #ery stran"e. 1e told me that
he remembered me well. In fact4 I had been his boss on the project. of course4
I thou"ht it was pure nonsense.
I didn>t know then that there was any truth to his story. This was just the
be"innin" of my disco#ery that the Montauk Project was real.
I left the man and found Brian. 1e was conplainin" that thin"s weren>t ri"ht
and that he was feelin" some #ery funny #ibrations. I decided to ask him for a
psychic readin" ri"ht there. 1is readin" was stran"ely similar to what the homeless
man had just told me. 1e spoke of irre"ular weather patterns4 mind control and a
#icious beast. 1e mentioned animals bein" affected4 crashin" throu"h windows.
Mind control was a main focus of Brian>s readin".
The readin" was interestin"4 but we were there to cart out the e9uipment. Much
of it was hea#y and we weren>t allowed to brin" a #ehicle ri"ht onto the base.
/e had to back pack it. I was thus able to ac9uire much of the e9uipment left
behind from the Montauk Project.
+ few weeks later4 I was surprised by a #isitor who bar"ed into my lab. 1e
came strai"ht to the lab4 which was in back of the house. 1e didn>t rin" the door
bell or anythin". 1e claimed to know me and said that I had been his boss. 1e
went on to explain many of the technical details of the Montauk Project. 1is
story corroborated what psychics and the homeless man had told me. I didn>t
reco"ni=e him but listened to all he had to say.
I was sure that somethin" had "one on at the Montauk base4 but I didn>t
know what. My personal in#ol#ement was e#ident4 but I still didn>t consider
it #ery seriously. I was4 howe#er4 pu==led by different people reco"ni=in"
me. I had to make it my business to in#esti"ate Montauk. !o4 I went out and
camped on the beach for a week or so. I went to bars and asked the locals for
stories about the base. I talked to people on the beach4 on the street4 where#er
I could find them. I asked all about the stran"ed acti#ities that were purported
to ha#e occurred.
!ix different people said that it had snowed in the middle of +u"ust. There
were listin"s of hurricane force winds that came out of nowhere. Thunder storms4
li"htnin" and hail were also reported under unusual circumstances. They would
appear when pre#iously there had been no meterorolo"ial e#idence to expect such.
There were other unusual stories besides the weather. These included stories
of animals comin" into the town en masse and sometimes crashin" throu"h the
windows. By this time4 I had taken different psychics out to the base. The
stories confirmed what psychics had been able to determine throu"h their own
I finally "ot the idea to speak to the $hief of Police who also informed me
of stran"e happenin"s. -or example4 crimes would be committed in a two hour
period. Then4 all of a sudden4 nothin". Ceep in mind that Montauk is a #ery
small town. +fter the 9uiet4 another two hour period of crimes would occur.
Teens were also reported to suddenly "roup en masse for two hours4 then
mysteriously separate and "o their own ways. The $hief couldn>t account for it4
but his statements lined up perfectly with what the psychics had indicated about
mind control experiments.
I had collected some really bi=arre information4 but I didn>t ha#e many answers.
I was4 howe#er becomin" #ery suspicious. I had often tra#elled to 1am)fests4
Fwhere 1am radio e9uipment is bou"ht and soldG and there more people would
me. I had no idea who they were4 but I would talk to them and ask them about
Montauk. +s I did4 more information came4 but e#erythin" was still a bi" pu==le.
-%() *N$+N +((I,E!
In No#ember of ><:4 another man appeared at my lab door. 1is name was *uncan
$ameron. 1e had a piece of audio e9uipment4 and he wanted to know if I could help
him with it. 1e 9uickly became absorbed in the "roup of psychics I had workin"
with me at the time. This endea#or was a continuation of my ori"inal line of
research. *uncan showed a keen aptitude for such work and was extremely
I thou"ht he was too "ood to be true and became suspicious of him. My assistant4
Brian4 felt the same. 1e didn>t like duncan>s sudden in#ol#ement and decided to "o
his own way.
+t one point4 I surprised *uncan by tellin" him that I would be takin" him
some place to see if he reco"ni=ed it. I dro#e him to the Montauk +ir -orce Base.
1e not only reco"ni=ed it4 he told me what the purpose was for each of the #arious
buildin"s. 1e knew exactly where the bulletin board in the mess hall was and many
other suchminute details. %b#iously4 he had been there before. 1e knew the place
like the back of his hand. 1e pro#ided new information about the nature of the base
and what his own function had been4 *uncan>s input do#etailed #ery nicely with
the pre#ious data I had collected.
/hen *uncan entered the transmitter buildin"4 he suddenly went into a trance
and be"an spittin" out information. This was curious4 but I had to shake him
repeatedly to break him out of it. /hen I brou"ht him back to the lab4 I applied
techni9ues that I>d learned to help *uncan unblock his memories. 3ayers of
were now comin" out of *uncan. + lot of information concerned the Montauk Project.
Many different thin"s were re#ealed4 until finally a shockin" pro"ram came
to the awareness of *uncan>s conscious mind. 1e blurted out that he had been
pro"rammed to come to my place4 befriend me and4 then4 kill me and blow up my
entire lab. +ll my work would be totally destroyed. *uncan appeared to be more
outra"ed at all this than I was. 1e swore that he would no lon"er help those who
had pro"rammed him4 and he has worked with me e#er since.
-urther work with *uncan re#ealed e#en more bi=arre information. 1e had been
in#ol#ed in the Philadelphia Experiment0 1e said that he and his brother Edward
had ser#ed aboard the !! Eldrid"e as members of the crew@.
+ lot of thin"s surfaced as a result of my work with *uncan. I started to
remember thin"s about the Montauk Project and was now certain I>d been in#ol#ed.
I just didn>t know how or why. The pu==le was slowly clearin" up. I found *uncan
to be an extremely operational psychic and throu"h him I was able to confirm new
@ +n account of *uncan>s role in the Philadelphia Experiment is in the book
.The Philadelphia Experiment HampI %ther -% $onspiracies. by Brad !tei"er with +l
Bielek and !herry 1anson !tei"er.
-I,E) + $%N!PI(+$5 (E,E+3E*
I #isited Montauk many more times4 often with different people who had been
in#ol#ed. + small "roup of us be"an to reali=e that we had stumbled across one
of the hi"hest security projects the country had e#er known. /e fi"ured that we
had better do somethin" fast with this new found knowled"e. If we didn>t4 we
mi"ht end up dead.
+s a "roup4 we decided action had to be taken. /e weren>t sure exactly what
to do4 so we sat around and discussed it. /hat was the best thin" to doJ Publish
itJ ImmediatelyJ /e talked about it extensi#ely. In Auly of 67<84 we decided that
I should "o to the nited !tates Psychotronics +ssociation F!P+G in $hica"o
and talk about it. I did4 and it created an uproar. /ord "ot around fast to those
who didn>t want the Montauk story to be re#ealed. !uddenly4 here I was4 "i#in"
an unannounced lecture. The information "ot out to hundreds of people4 swept under
the ru" without creatin" a public furor. To this day4 I still appreciate the open
forum and free speech that the !P+ pro#ided me.
Now4 we decided to feed the information to the federal "o#ernment. %ne of
associates knew the nephew of a senior senator from the !outhwest. The nephew4
who we will call 3enny4 worked for the !enator. /e "a#e the information to
3enny4 who passed it to his uncle. This information included pictures of the
orders "i#en to the different military personnel4 which we had found strewn about
the base.
The !enator did a personal in#esti"ation and #erified that miitary technicians
had in fact been assi"ned to the base. The !enator also disco#ered that the base
was decommissioned4 derelict and mothballed since 6787. 1a#in" ser#ed his country
as an +ir -orce "eneral4 he was particularly interested to know why +ir -orce
personnel were workin" on a derelict base. +nd4 where did the money come from
to open up the base and run itJ
+fter they did their own in#esti"ation and saw the pictures and documents we
supplied them4 there was no 9uestion that the base had been acti#e. They #erified
that -ort 1ero Fwhich is the name of the ori"inal /orld /ar I base that surrounds
the entire area of the +ir -orce baseG and Montauk were indeed derelict and simply
listed as property held by the 'eneral !er#ices +dministrations since 67DB.
The !enator "ot #ery in#ol#ed and tra#elled to 3on" Island to find out what
he could about Montauk +ir -orce Base. 1e was not "reeted with enthusiastic
despite ha#in" #ery impressi#e personal credentials. People reported seein" him
lookin" throu"h the fences and tryin" to find out what was "oin" on. 1e #isited me
and told me to keep 9uiet about it as speakin" out any further could jeopardi=e his
in#esti"ation. That is why I ha#e kept this strory 9uiet until now.
/hen the !enator completed his in#esti"ation4 he couldn>t find any trace of
"o#ernment fundin"4 no appropriations4 no o#ersi"ht committees and no payments.
1e e#entually retired due to ad#ancin" a"e4 but I ha#e since been informed by
3enny that he sees no problem with my story bein" published. 1e also said that
the !enator is still in the picture and that the in#esti"ation had been reopened.
!I?) .P(%AE$T M%%NBE+M.
/hile the !enator was seachin" for paper trails that mi"ht re#eal the secrets
of Montauk4 I knew that they would not sol#e my personal mysteries one bit. I
had been reco"ni=ed by people I didn>t know4 and it was ob#ious that I had se#ere
memory blocks. /hat made thin"s so hard to reconcile was that I had a full set
of .normal. memories which told me where I had been.
My memory impro#ed while workin" with *uncan4 and I e#entually reali=ed that
I must ha#e been existin" on two separate time tracks. +s bi=arre as it may sound4
it was the only sensible explanation under the circumstances.
+s my memory was still lar"ely blocked4 there were three a#enues of approach
to the problem. -irst4 I could simply try to remember the other time track4 throu"h
re"ression or hypnosis. This pro#ed to be #ery difficult for me and was #irtually
of no use. !econdly4 I could look for clues and hints Fin our normal time trackG
that the other time track did4 in fact4 exist. Thirdly4 I could try to find the
answers throu"h technolo"y. This would include theories of how the other time
track was created and how I ended upon it.
The third approach was the easiest. I am told that many people mi"ht find this
#ery confusin"4 but I was familiar with the theories of the Philadelphia Experiment
and was not intimidated by physics or electroma"netics. I found it plausible.
The second approach also pro#ed extremely helpful4 but clues were hard to come by.
It was now 67<7. I started to roam around the plant at BAM4 where I was still
workin". I would talk to different people and dred"e up what information I could
without tryin" to appear suspicious. I would also walk around and just sense my
own personal "ut reaction to the different places in the plant.
I became particularly irritated when I would come to a certain room. My
innards would just churn. I sensed #ery stron"ly that there was somethin" in
that room that was disturbin" me. I had to in#esti"ate it. I ran" the doorbell
and was told that I couldn>t come in. It was a hi"h security area. (eportedly4
only ten people at the plant had the proper clearance to be in that room.
I found that #irtually no one knew anythin" about it. -inally4 I did find
two people who>d been in there4 but they said they couldn>t tell me anythin".
%ne of them must ha#e turned me in4 because the security personnel #isited me
shortly thereafter. It was time to lay low for a while.
+bout a year after my futile in#esti"ation4 the room was totally cleared out.
The doors were open and anyone could walk ri"ht in. It was ob#ious that there
had been all sorts of e9uipment. *irt markin"s re#ealed that four round thin"s
had stood on the floor. I presumed they were coil structures. It was clear that
there had been a console. There was also a hu"e power line that still ran into
the room. The entire place "a#e me the creeps4 but I was dri#en to find all I
I disco#ered an ele#ator in the back of the room. I "ot in and found only
two buttons& Main -loor and !ub -loor. There was also a numbered key pad. I
pushed the button for !ub -loor and tried to "o down4 but the ele#ator would
only "o so far. I heard a #oice that told me to punch in the proper coded numbers
on the key pad. I didn>t ha#e the code and a beepin" noise went off for about
thirty seconds. !ecurity was alerted. I had hit another dead end.
I wasn>t scorin" any points with security4 and it was time to lay low once
a"ain. I be"an to think of how I could show that somethin" #ery unusual was
"oin" on.
I also recalled earlier stran"e experiences that had occurred while workin"
at BAM. There was a period when4 all of a sudden4 a band)aid would appear on
my hand. It hadn>t been there fifteen minutes a"o0 I couldn>t remember puttin"
it on. This hapened more than a few times.
%ne day4 I had been sittin" at my desk and my hand suddenly started to ache.
The back of the hand was sore4 and there was a band aid on it. I absolutely knew
that I had not put that band aid on nor had I had it put on. I became #ery
suspicious. I "ot up and went down to the nurse.
I said to her4 .This may sound wacky4 but was I in here for a band aidJ.
.No4 you weren>t in here4. she told me.
I asked her where I>d "otten it and she said4 .5ou must>#e "otten it from
one of the first aid kits. *on>t you rememberJ.
.I>m just tryin" to fi"ure it out4. I said4 and I walked out. I thou"ht in
my mind4 .I>m not "oin" to "et a band)aid at BAM except from the company nurse..
I wanted a record4 so I made a con#iction that I would ne#er use a first aid
I e#entually remembered the reason I had sustained so many injuries to my
hands. In my alternate reality4 I fre9uently had to mo#e different e9uipment.
I was just about the only one who could mo#e it as most people would "o wacky
when they>d "et near it. -or some reason4 it didn>t seem to bother me. But it
was hea#y and hard to maneu#er. /ith no one to assist me4 bruised hands and band
aids became a re"ular occurrence.
I kept to my con#iction not to use any band aids from first aid kits. I
continued to check with the nurse when they appeared4 and the records indicated
I>d ne#er been to her.
+s this was an irre"ularity4 she must ha#e reported it to security. They
#isited me and said4 ./hy are you askin" about band aids4 Mr. NicholsJ. I knew
better than to pursue that anymore.
(ecallin" these experiences with the band aids helped spur my memory back to
67D<. I remembered sittin" at my work bench one day. +ll of a sudden4 I smelled
the scent of burnin" transformers. It was pun"ent4 like the smell of burnin"
tar. It came and disappeared #ery fast. This happened at 7&BB o>clock in the
mornin". The rest of the day continued as normal until :&BB o>clock in the
when the whole plant be"an to smell like putrid smoke from burnin" transformers.
I thou"ht to myself4 .That>s the same smell I smelled at 7&BB o>clock this
mornin".. But now it occurred to me that the e#ent probably hadn>t happened at
the time I had thou"ht. 5ou can>t burn up a transformer and ha#e the smell
as fast as it had that mornin".
Many more e#ents of this nature had occurred. Each pu==le tended to confuse the
"eneral issue. !treams of unfamiliar people continued to reco"ni=e me. I be"an
to "et executi#e mail that would normally be for the #ice president of a company.
-or instance4 I would be asked to come to a conference concernin" patents. I
didn>t know what they were talkin" about. I was also called to meetin"s with a
certain executi#e. 1e always appeared #ery a"itated whene#er we spoke.
Most of the in9uiries I recei#ed from these people were about the Moonbeam
Project. I didn>t know what it was. But one day4 I had an intuiti#e ur"e. The
basement of the BAM buildin" in Mel#ille had a #ery hi"h security area.
I had no clearance to be in that area4 but I walked in anyway. Normally4 when you
walk from one security area to another4 you must hand the "uard your bad"e and he
"i#es you another bad"e Fwith a different desi"nationG. This permits you to walk
in the secure area. I simply went in and "a#e him my bad"e from the lesser security
area4 and what do you knowJ 1e "a#e me a bad"e with my name on it0 I>d had a hunch
and it worked.
I walked around and let the churnin" in my "ut determine what direction I should
"o in. I ended up in a posh maho"any paneled office. There was a lar"e desk with
a name plate on it that read4 .Preston B. Nichols4 +ssist Project *irector.. This
was the first tan"ible physical proof I had that somethin" out of the ordinary
was definitely occurrin". I sat at the desk and looked throu"h all the papers.
It was impossible to take the papers out of the place as I knew I would be
searched #ery thorou"hly on my way out of this hi"h security area. !o4 I committed
e#erythin" I saw to memory4 to the best of my ability. I had an entire second
career here that I knew almost nothin" about0 I can>t e#en talk about most of it.
It is top secret. I>m bound not to mention it for thirty years because of an
a"reement I si"ned when I went to work for BAM. 1owe#er4 I didn>t si"n a sin"le
thin" re"ardin" the acti#ities of the Montauk Project.
!iftin" throu"h the material4 I spent about six hours in my newly disco#ered
office. Then4 I decided I>d better "et back to my re"ular job before the day was
throu"h. I handed back my bad"e and walked out. + couple of days went by before
I decided it was time to "o back and check thin"s out a"ain. %nce more4 I handed
the "uard my bad"e4 but this time he didn>t "i#e me anythin" back. 1e said4 .By
the way4 Mr. (oberts Ffictitious nameG wants to see you..
+ man4 Mr. (oberts4 came out of an office that had .Project *irector. written
on it. 1e looked at me and said4 ./hat do you want to come in here for4 sirJ.
.To "et to my other desk4. I replied.
1e said4 .5ou don>t ha#e any other desk here..
I pointed to the office where my desk had been. But as I entered the room with
the Project *irector4 I found it to be "one. In the couple of days since I>d been
there4 they had remo#ed e#ery trace of myself from the room.
!omebody must ha#e reali=ed that I had #isited my office when I wasn>t supposed
to. I had entered in an ordinary state of mind which was not to their likin". They
apparently had not turned on the pro"ram Fswitchin" me to an alternate realityG for
that particular day and must ha#e been wonderin" why I>d shown up. They must ha#e
concluded that the process was leakin" and that I was some how able to remember
my alternate existence. +s a result4 they stopped e#erythin". I was pulled aside
throu"h security channels and was told that if I breathed a word of what I>d
seen4 I>d be locked up in jail and the key thrown away.
I tried to think of other stran"e incidents that had occurred. I>d kept a
eye and had been experiencin" two separate existences. 1ow the hell had I been
at Montauk and workin" at BAM4 apparently durin" the same time periodJ I had
already arri#ed at the conclusion that I must ha#e been workin" two jobs
because there was a period of time when I>d come home and be totally exhausted.
+t this point4 all of what you>#e read was one hu"e confused mess in my mind.
I knew that I>d been workin" on two separate time lines or maybe more. In fact4
I>d disco#ered 9uite a bit4 but it was more confused than clear. I was4 howe#er4
able to make a major breakthrou"h in 677B. I had be"un constructin" a *elta T@
antenna on the roof of my laboratory. %ne day4 I was sittin" on the roof and
solderin" all the loops to"ether into the relay boxes Fwhich relay the si"nals from
the antenna downstairs to the labG. +pparently4 as I sat there and held the wires
to"ether to solder them4 the time functions were causin" my mind to shift. The more
solderin" I did4 the more I became aware. Then4 one day ) ban"0 ) the whole memory
line blew open for me. +ll I could fi"ure was that the *elta T antenna was storin"
up time flux wa#es as I was connectin" it to"ether. It just kept pushin" my mind
a little bit with re"ard to the time reference. The antenna was stressin" time
Fbendin" itG and enou"h bend was created so that I was subconsciously in two time
lines. This was my memory breakthrou"h.
/hate#er the explanation4 I was #ery pleased to ha#e re"ained so much of my
memory. I also belie#e my theory about the *elta T antenna is correct because
the more time I spent workin" on the antenna4 the more memories came back. By
early Aune 677B4 all my key memories had come back.
In Auly4 I was laid off. !ubse9uent to my firin"4 all of my close connections
were remo#ed as well. +fter ha#in" worked at BAM for the better part of two
decades4 I no lon"er had any links or friends to the company. My information
sources had been efficti#ely se#ered.
5ou now ha#e a "eneral idea of the circumstances whereby I re"ained my memory.
The next part of the book will contain the history of the Montauk Project that
includes a "eneral description of the technolo"y in#ol#ed. It is based upon
my own memories and the information that has been shared with me by my #arious
collea"ues in#ol#ed with the Montauk Project.
@ + *elta T antenna is an octahedronal antenna structure that can shift time
=ones. It is desi"ned to bend time. *elta TK*elta Time. *elta is used in
science to show chan"e and .*elta T. would refer to a chan"e in time. More
about the nature of this antenna will be co#ered later in the book.
!E,EN) /I31E3M (EI$1 +N* T1E P1%ENI? P(%AE$T
The .!. 'o#ernment be"an a weather control project in the late 67:B>s under
the codename .Phoenix.. The information and technolo"y for this came from
*r. /ilhelm (eich4 an +ustrian scientist who had studied with -reud and $arl
(eich was an extremely brilliant man but hi"hly contro#ersial. +lthou"h he
experimented extensi#ely and wrote many #olumes4 few of his critics ha#e taken
an honest look at all of his research because much of it is not a#ailable. Part
of this can be attributed to the -ood and *ru" +dministration who super#ised a
massi#e book burnin" of all his a#ailable materials and also destroyed much of
his laboratory e9uipment.
(eich was known in part for his disco#ery of .or"one. ener"y4 which is or"asmic
or life ener"y. 1is experiments re#ealed or"one ener"y to be distinctly different
from ordinary electroma"netic ener"y. 1e was able to pro#e the existence of this
ener"y in the laboratory. 1is findin"s were written up in #arious psychiatric and
medical journals of the period. The disco#ery of a type of ener"y called .or"one.
was not so contro#ersial. It became #ery control#ersial with the powers at be
when he reported curin" cancer with his theories. 1e also associated .or"one.
ener"y with .cosmic ener"y. and the Newtonian concept of .the ether.. None of
these #iews won him support from con#entional scientists of the 67:B>s.
+t the turn of the century4 scientists had embraced the Newtonian .ether..
This is referred to a hypothetical in#isible substance as a medium for li"ht
and radiant ener"y. Einstein4 who embraced the theory in his early years4
determined that there could not be a calm ether sea throu"h which matter mo#es.
Not all physicists bou"ht Einstein>s ar"ument4 but (eich didn>t disa"ree. 1e
out that Einstein dispro#ed the concept of a static ether. (eich considered the
ether to be wa#e)like in nature and not static at all.
$on#entional scientists ha#e since reco"ni=ed the existence of phenomena that
are a cross between particles and wa#es. They are sometimes referred to as
$ommon research has also shown that #acuum space contains complex properties that
are dynamic in nature.
+lthou"h it is not my cause to take up the case of (eich4 his concept of the
ether has pro#en itself functional in my research. It does not matter whether we
are actually referrin" to .wa#icles. or e#en more esoteric phenomena when we talk
about the ether. Is is the word that (eich used4 and it is easier for me to use
in describin" this for the "eneral public. The reader is in#ited to read up on
(eich as his work is #ast and encompasses much more than can be co#ered in the
scope of this book.
-or instance4 he found practical uses for his theories such as modifyin" the
weather. 1e found that #iolent storms accumulate .dead or"one.4 which he termed
.*%(.. *ead or"one refers to the accumulation of .dead ener"y. or ener"y that is
on a descendin" spiral. %r"one and *%( were found to be present not only in
biolo"ical or"anisms but in empty re"ions of the en#ironment as well. +n acti#e
and enthusiastic "o)"etter would be considered to ha#e plenty of or"one ener"y4
whereas a complainin" hypochondriac who wanted to die would ha#e *%( ener"y.
-or example4 he found that the more *%( in the storm system4 the more #iolent
the storm. 1e experimented with many forms of *%( bustin"4 and came up with a
simple electroma"netic method to reduce the #iolence of storms. In the late
67:B>s4 (eich contacted the "o#ernment and told them he had de#eloped technolo"y
that could take the #iolence out of storms. *espite what disinformation you may
hear4 the "o#ernment already knew what (eich could do and considered him a
man. They asked for his prototypes and he was happy to obli"e since he wasn>t
interested in the mechanical de#elopment4 just the research.
+t this point4 the "o#ernment>s technolo"y team mer"ed (eich>s disco#eries with
their own weather monitors and produced what is known today as the .radiosonde..
The "o#ernment>s contribution to the radiosonde dates back to the .airborne
metro"raph.@ of the 67EB>s. This was a mechanical de#ice that recorded temperature4
bumidity and pressure. It was sent up in a parachute balloon and recorded
on a paper tape. The balloon was desi"ned to burst so that the parachute would
the metro"raph back to Earth. The public were encoura"ed to retrie#e them for a
LM reward4 which was considerably more money in those days. This was how the
"o#ernment obtained data on the weather.
+s these de#ices were returned #ia the mail4 the time that elapsed before
the recorded information could be read was much too lon".
In the late 67;B>s4 a new de#ice was desi"ned that was called a .radio
This was similar to the airborne metro"raph except that it contained electrical
sensors. These sensors were connected to a transmitter that would transmit to
a recei#er on the "round.
The radio metro"raph was the state)of)the)art weather de#ice when /ilhelm
(eich contacted the "o#ernment in the late 67:B>s. 1e "a#e them a little balsa
wood packa"e that could be sent up in a balloon. +ccordin" to witnesses4
thunderstorms actually split up and went arount the test sit on 3on" Island.
The "o#ernment combined the technolo"y of the radio metro"raphs with (eich>s
*%( bustin" de#ice and called it the .radiosonde.. It was de#eloped until
consistent effects on the weather could be reproduced.
By the 67MB>s4 radiosondes were bein" sent into the air en masse at a rate
of about EBB per day.
!ince these radiosondes were sent up in balloons4 they would not come down
hard enou"h to self destruct upon impact. The public would find them4 and it
would be impossible to keep the actual units secret enou"h without arousin"
suspicion. They publici=ed the apparent purpose of recordin" weather data4
which uniformed examination would back up. The real purpose is not that ob#ious.
If someone tuned into one of these packa"es4 the si"nal would not appear unusual
when normal radio e9uipment was ued. !o far so "ood0
They showed the public a data recei#in" stationI set up to recei#e the
and unusuable data. + small production run of this recei#in" e9uipment was
There were literally hundreds of these radiosondes in the air e#ery day. /ith
the radio ran"e bein" limited to 6BB miles4 there should ha#e been a .pile. of
recei#ers known as radiosonde receptors and they should ha#e been #ery common.
+s I am a surplus radio collector .nut.4 it is 9uite stran"e that I ha#e ne#er
seen a radiosonde receptor or the e9uipment that should accompany one. It is
#ery unusual to ha#e a data transmitter Fin this case4 the radiosondeG with no
recei#er to pick it up. This indicates that the 'o#ernment didn>t use the
My next clue was to look at the specification sheet for the radiosonde tube
which emphatically states that the life expectancy is only a few hours. *espite
this4 I ha#e had a tube on the air for o#er E4BBB hours4 and at this time ha#e
built o#er twenty such units with only on efailure. This is a "ood industrial
failure rate but is a major red fla". My only explanation is that if some local
amateur radio operator finds or buys a radiosonde on the surplus market4 he
will read the data4 "et misled and not bother buildin" a circuit that will run
for a .only a few hours.. 1e will use another tube.
It appears that the 'o#ernment does not want the public to use these tubes and
find somethin" unusual and thus blow their secret. This is why misinformation
in the spec sheet preser#es the secret. In fact4 they are not tellin" a lie
because the battery pack was desi"ned so that the tube would burn out after
three hours or so. This is caused by back bombardment of the cathode4 which
would cool slowly and then destruct.
By the time these radiosondes hit the "round4 they were dead. This way the
public4 who were encoura"ed to return them4 wouldn>t be able to pick up li#e
units. If there was no secrecy in#ol#ed here4 why would the "o#ernment desi"n
a battery to burn out a costly tube that would ha#e to be replaced after a #ery
short usa"eJ More disinformation was accomplished by packin" the sensors in
sealed #ials4 which implies that upon exposure to the air4 the sensors are short
li#ed. Because of these precautions4 the secret was maintained for o#er forty
years4 which is excellent security.
pon further examination of the radiosonde and its circuitry4 I disco#ered
that the temperature and humidity re"isters in the radiosonde didn>t work. Not
any of them0
The temperature sensor was useless for recordin" the temperature4 but it did
ha#e a function.@@ It acted as a *%( antenna while the humidity sensor acted as
an or"one antenna. If *%( was sensed by the antenna4 the transmitter would be
broadcast out of phase and bust up the *%( and take the #iolence out of a storm.
$on#ersely4 transmittin" in phase would cause the *%( to build up.
The humidity sensor had the same effect with or"one ener"y. Transmittin" in
phase would build up the or"one ener"y and transmittin" out of phase would reduce
The radiosonde also contained a pressure element that would act as a switch
si"nal and would maintain either *%( or or"one. This was how they built up the
or"one ener"y.
The transmitter consisted of two oscillators. %ne was a carrier oscillator4
which runs at :B; M1=. The other ran at D M1= and is a relaxation oscillator.
This one would pulse on and off dependin" on what was encountered. !omehow4 this
monitored the etheric function of the radiosonde. I ha#en>t disco#ered e#erythin"
there is to know about radiosonde4 but I ha#e done a scientific analysis of it
which I>#e included in the appendix Fsee +ppendix +G for those who are interested.
/hat I ha#e told you about the radiosonde is hard e#idence that can stand
up to scrutiny. It establishes the credibility of my story that there was a
secret project that in#ol#ed weather control. /e can>t say exactly whether
the radiosondes were used just to bust up #iolent storms4 but the possibility
was also there to build them up. The "o#ernment abandoned the weather control
aspect e#entually. $han"in" weather4 if it were pro#en in court4 could lead to
many law suits.
/hat is more intri"uin" than the weather aspect is the entire prospect of
or"one and *%( ener"y and what could be done with that. In theory4 this means
that the "o#ernment could ha#e tar"eted communities4 buildin"s or an entire
populace and transmitted or"one or *%( ener"y. These type of acti#ities ha#e
been reported in (ussia for years. Not much press co#era"e has been "i#en the
.!. effort in this re"ard4 but there has been some acti#ity. /hether it has
been used harmfully or in war4 I cannot answer4 but the potential was there.
-orty years of de#elopment could also ha#e made this a #ery refined technolo"ical
Please refer to +ppendix B for additional information on /ilhelm (eich.
@ The word .metro"raph. is more clearly defined if you understand that .metro.
si"nifies that it was a meteorolo"ical de#ice and that ."raph. means to write.
@@ -or those technically oriented4 the temperature sensor is essentially a
thermistorI but instead of bein" carbon based4 it contains noble metals and
exotic elements. It is a #ery poor temperature sensor because as the temperature
cycles it up and down4 the resistance cur#e chan"es and it doesn>t hold its
calibration. The humidity sensor suffers from the same problem.
EI'1T) .T1E P1%ENI? P(%AE$T. +B!%(B! .P(%AE$T (+INB%/.
/hile the Phoenix Project was in#esti"atin" the weather and the use of
Project (ainbow resurfaced in the late 67:B>s. Project (ainbow Fwhich was the
code name for the operation that brou"ht about the Philadelphia ExperimentG was
"oin" to continue research into the phenomena encountered on the !! Eldrid"e.
This project was concerned with the .electroma"netic bottle. technolo"y4 which
e#entually resulted in today>s stealth fi"hter craft.
+t about the same time4 *r. Aohn #on Neumann and his research team were called
back. They had worked on the ori"inal (ainbow project and went to work on a new
endea#or. This was similar to the (ainbow Project but had a different "owl. They
were to find out what went wron" with the .human factor. of the experiment and
why it failed so miserably.
In the early 67MB>s4 it was decided that the remnants of Project (ainbow and
the radiosonde project should be included under the same umbrella with the human
factor study. +fter that point4 the title of .Phoenix Project. was used to refer
to all of these acti#ities.
The project head9uarters was at Brookha#en 3abs on 3on" Island and the first
order of business was to put *r. #on Neumann in char"e of the entire project.
*r. #on Neumann was a mathematician who came to the nited !tates from 'ermany.
1e also became a theoretical physicist and was noted for his #ery ad#anced concepts
of space and time. 1e ori"inated the computer and built the first #acuum tube
computer at Princeton ni#ersity4 where he also ser#ed as the head of the Institute
for +d#anced !tudy.
*r. #on Neumann had what could be described as a ."ood technical feel.. 1e
had the ability to apply ad#anced theories to technolo"y. 1is back"round in math
"a#e him enou"h theory to communicate with Einstein4 and he could in turn pass
this on to the en"ineers and ser#e as a brid"e between the two.
+s #on Neumann be"an work on the Phoenix Project4 he 9uickly learned that he
was "oin" to ha#e to study metaphysics. 1e had to understand the metaphysical side
of man. The (ainbow technolo"y had dissol#ed the physical and biolo"ical structure
of human bein"s. People were stuck in bulkheads and chan"ed beyond reco"nition in
some cases. But it was the esoteric workin"s of the mind that had been affected
first4 in each case.
,on Neumann and his team spent about ten years workin" out why human bein"s
had troubles with electroma"netic fields that shifted them throu"h different
places and times. They actually found out that humans are born with what is
known as a .time reference. point. +t conception4 an ener"y bein" is attached
to a time line and we all start from that point. To understand this4 it is
to #iew the .ener"y bein". or soul as distinct from the physical body of the
person concerned.
%ur whole reference as a physical and metaphysical bein" stems from that time
reference which actually resides within the electroma"netic back"round of our
planet. This time reference is the basic orientation point you ha#e to the
uni#erse and the way it operates. 5ou can ima"ine how you would feel if the clock
suddenly started mo#in" backwards and time as well. It is this time reference
point that was thrown out of kilter with the indi#idual crewmen of the !!
Eldrid"e and caused them untold trauma.
The (ainbow technolo"y turns on and creates what can be called an alternate
or artificial reality. It creates a stealth effect by not only isolatin" the ship4
but the indi#idual bein"s as well4 within a .bottle effect.. Those bein"s were
literally remo#ed from space and our uni#erse as we know it. This accounts for
the in#isibility of the ship and of the people on board. The alternate reality
thus created has no time references at all because it is not part of the normal
time stream. It is entirely out of time. To be in an artificial reality would be
like wakin" up and not knowin" where the hell you are. +ll of this would be #ery
The Phoenix Project was faced with sol#in" the problem of brin"in" human bein"s
into the .bottle. Fand e#entually out a"ainG while at the same time connectin"
them to their real time reference Fthat they would know as the planet Earth4 etcG.
This meant that when they were in the alternate reality or .bottle.4 they had to
be supplied with somethin" that would "i#e them a time reference. They sol#ed
this by feedin" into the .bottle. all the natural back"rounds of the Earth )
at least enou"h to con#ince them of a continuous stream time reference. To do
otherwise4 would likely cause those in the .bottle. to experience transdimensional
disorder and problems of this sort. This is why it was necessary to set a phony
sta"e. They could then feel some de"ree of normality.
*r. #on Neumann was the ideal candidate for the job since he knew computers.
+ computer had to be used if they were "oin" to calculate the time references of
specific people and replicate those references while they were passin" throu"h
an .electroma"netic bottle. or alternate reality. The people inside the .bottle.
would be "oin" throu"h =ero time and essentially a .no reality. or a disoriented
one at best. The computer had to "enerate an electroma"netic back"round For phony
sta"eG that the physical bein" would synchroni=e with as well. If that wasn>t done4
the spirit and the physical body would "o out of synch4 thus resultin" in
There are two points to be brou"ht out here& the physical bein" and the
bein". This is why the time reference would lock in the spirit and the
back"round would lock in the body. This whole project started in 67:< and was
finally de#eloped in 678D.
/hen this project was complete4 a final report was written and submitted
to $on"ress. $on"ress had funded this particular project thus far and followed
the results. They were told that the consciousness of man could definitely be
affected by electroma"neticsI and additionally4 that it would be possible to
de#elop e9uipment that could literally chan"e the way a person thinks.
Not surprisin"ly4 $on"ress said no. They were concerned that if the wron"
people "ot a hold of this technolo"y that they themsel#es could lose their minds
and be controlled. It is a #ery #alid concern and word was "i#en by 6787 to
disband the entire project.
It is no secret that $on"ress has tried to brow beat the $I+ into findin"
out e#erythin" that "oes on in the intelli"ence community. They ha#e cut their
fundin"4 limited their le"al powers4 and e#en the most nai#e person would likely
admit to a credibility "ap of some de"ree. 1owe#er4 we are not dealin" with the
$I+ proper here. Indeed4 if the $I+ is in#ol#ed4 it would be a splinter win" or
win"s that are bein" used by a source other than the $I+ director.
/hen $on"ress disbanded the Phoenix Project4 the "roup at Brookha#en had already
built an entire kin"dom around this project. They had (eichian and stealth
which could definitely affect the mind of man.
The Brookha#en "roup went to the military and informed them about this fantastic
new piece of technolo"y they were workin" on. They told them about a de#ice that
could make the enemy surrender without a battle simply by throwin" a switch. %f
course4 the military was #ery interested. This was e#ery war expert>s dream.
a de#ice that makes the enemy "i#e up before the battle starts0@
The military became enthusiastic and were ready to cooperate. They were informed
that they didn>t need to "et in#ol#ed in the financin" because that was co#ered by
the "roup at Brookha#en National labs. But4 the Brookha#en people needed a place
where proper experimentation could be done in seclusion. They needed certain
e9uipment and personnel from the military. They "a#e the military a list of all
technolo"y re9uired.
%f particular import on the technolo"y list was the old !a"e (adar. -or this4
they re9uired a hu"e radiosonde that would operate around :EM to :MB Me"a1ert=.
-rom earlier research4 it was known that this was one of the .window fre9uencies.
for "ettin" into the human consciousness. + #ery hi"h powered radar de#ice was
needed that ran at :EM to :MB M1=.
The military had just what they were lookin" for& a mothballed +ir -orce base
at Montauk Point that housed an obsolete !a"e (adar system that fit the bill.
This system already had the (- sections and the modulator that would be re9uired
to build a hu"e radiosonde.
The !a"e (adar at Montauk was ori"inally part of the early warnin" defense
system used durin" the >MB>s and >8B>s. Today4 satellites and o#er)the)hori=on
radar make this technolo"y obsolete for defense purposes. It certainly raises an
important 9uestion4 e#en if one doesn>t belie#e this story. /hy was an old
defense system turned on and utili=ed for a period of o#er ten yearsJ
The name for this project was known as .Phoenix II. by the officials concerned.
It has since been collo9uially named by myself and others in#ol#ed as the Montauk
p until then4 $on"ress had been informed about what had occurred. But at this
point4 independent people were carryin" forward with a project denied by $on"ress
and were operatin" outside of any controls. They were e#en usin" the .!. military
in the process. %f course4 it 9uickly becomes4 ./ho is usin" whoJ.
But4 the point bein" stressed here is that it was bein" done without the
of elected officials and in spite of their objections.
The Montauk Base was bein" reopened. The !a"e (adar had been shut down since
6787N67DB when the base was turned o#er to the 'eneral !er#ices +dministration.
It was a surplus "o#ernment base without anythin" on it4 and "o#ernment financin"
for it had ceased.
It is ob#ious that major fundin" would be re9uired for such an endea#or. The
financin" is shrouded in mystery4 but it appeared to be totally pri#ate. I do
not ha#e documented e#idence myself of the financin" but ha#e been told by my
Montauk ac9uaintances that the ori"inal money came courtesy of the Na=is.
In 67::4 an +merican troop train went throu"h a -rench tunnel carryin" 6B
billion dollars worth of Na=i "old. This train was dynamited in the tunnel while
carryin" M6 'Is. 'eneral 'eor"e Patton was in Europe at the time and in#esti"ated
this4 but he couldn>t understand how an +merican troop train could be dynamited
in western +llied territory. +s a "eneral and human bein"4 he cared about the
'Is. The 6B billion dollars was also a mystery4 but Patton>s efforts were blocked.
I>#e been told this "old e#entually showed up at Montauk4 and it was 6B billion
dollars of "old priced4 then4 at LEB an ounce. This was the e9ui#alent of almost
EBB billion dollars in today>s currency. It was used to finance the project
and for years to come. +fter it was all spent4 the project was alle"edly financed
by the infamous Crupp@@ family4 who controlled the ITT corporation.
In late 67DB and 67D64 the Montauk +ir -orce Base4 BDD;rd (adar Battalion4 was
acti#ely bein" reestablished. They had to establish a staff4 "et the e9uipment
workin" and set up the whole research facility. This took about a year4 and by
late >D64 the Montauk Project was underway.
The strictest security measures were employed4 part of which were entirely
#alid. +lthou"h confidential stealth technolo"y was in#ol#ed4 it is no secret
that the stealth aircraft was desi"ned with a radar resistant absorbine coatin"
and a reduced surface cross section. /hat is secret are certain aspects of the
.electroma"netic bottle. technolo"y and how that was propa"ated. /e>re not "oin"
to discuss this or describe it as it remains a duly authori=ed military secret that
concerns the defense of the nited !tates. /ith this book4 we are concerned with
disclosin" a project that should ne#er ha#e been acti#ated in the first place. /ith
no military or defense purposes to be"in with4 it was only desi"ned for controllin"
the minds of the population and in spite of $on"ress forbiddin" this project.
The staff was a mixture of military employees4 "o#ernment employees and
supplied by #arious corporations. I was one of the latter and came to the project
in 67D;.
There were a number of +ir -orce technicians who had worked on the !a"e (adar
in the >8B>s. The +ir -orce had assi"ned them to Montauk e#en thou"h it was listed
on the books as a decommissioned4 derelict base. The technicians told the Phoenix
"roup that they could chan"e the "eneral mood of the base by chan"in" the fre9uency
and pulse duration of the radar. they had noticed this as a professional curiosity
after years of workin" with radar.
This was a surprise to the Phoenix people4 and they found it #ery interestin".
By chan"in" the pulse rate and pulse width4 they could chan"e the "eneral way
people were thinkin". This was what they were lookin" for.
This new information prompted what I now refer to as the .Microwa#e %#en.
experiments. They took the reflector Fwhich looks like a hu"e banana peel and which
can be seen from a distance when you are at the PointG4 rotated it almost due west
and an"led it down so that it was focused on one of the buildin"s4 in what they
thou"h to be a safe place.
Inside that buildin" they had a chair inside a shielded room. -irst4 they>d
sit someone in the chair ) this was usually *uncan $ameron. Then4 they would open
and close the door to determine how much 1-Nmicrowa#e ener"y was "ettin" into
the room. +ll this was bein" done while the antenna was rotated and focused to
a point in front of the buildin". +t the same time4 the transmitter was blastin"
"i"awatts of power.
They experimented by runnin" the transmitter at different pulse widths4
pulse rates4 and different fre9uencies. They tried e#erythin" they could think of4
just plain empirical experimentation. They just wanted to see what would happen
to the person in the chair if he was bombarded by .x. fre9uency4 pulse4 etc. They
obser#ed that certain chan"es made a person sleep4 cry4 lau"h4 be a"itated and so
on. There were rumors that whene#er the !a"e (adar ran4 the mood of the whole base
would chan"e. This was #ery interestin" to the project super#isors as they were
primarily concerned with the study of human factors.
They wanted to see how they could train and chan"e brain wa#es. This was done
by chan"in" the repitition rates of the pulse and the amplitude in correspondence
to different biolo"ical functions. In this way4 a person>s thou"hts could be
controlled. /ith the :EM):MB M1= of radio fre9uency power4 they actually had a
window into the human mind. The next step would be to find out what was inside of
+lthou"h the door to the shielded room was closed most of the time4 it didn>t
work properly. The subjects were exposed to a stron" enou"h field to influence the
brain wa#es but not enou"h to do dama"e. 1owe#er4 if exposed to it for se#eral days
on end4 it could be 9uite dama"in".
*uncan sustained serious brain and tissue dama"e as a result of continuous
expsure to 6BB kilowatts of (- power at a distance of about 6BB yards. The radio
wa#es baked his brains and chest. +nywhere in his body where there was a chan"e
of density4 =ones of heat or ener"y would be created by the concentration of the
microwa#e beams.
pon #isitin" a doctor in 67<<4 *uncan>s doctor commented upon the unusual
scar tissue in his lun"s. 1e>d ne#er seen anythin" like it. +nother doctor who
was consulted said he>d only seen it in the ser#ice when someone had "otten in
front of a hi"h powered radar beam.
Pre#ious research in or about 67<8 indicated that *uncan was actually brain
dead. Initially4 I had asked different psychics to do readin"s on *uncan. They
determined he was brain dead. I also knew that it was possible to inject a
particular dye into the brain and ha#e x)rays or $+T scans can re#eal what areas
of the brain are usin" oxy"en. Brain dead indi#iduals suffer from a lack of
oxy"en to the cerebrum. If the psychic readin"s were accurate4 his brain would not
be usin" much oxy"en.
I asked a neurolo"ist with whom I was friendly with4 and he said it was
possible that some one could be brain dead and yet be walkin" around. 1e cited
some post mortems done on people in En"land in the .!. whose brains had unusual
coatin"s inside the skull. The coatin"s were about a millimeter thick.
More interestin" yet was a case he>d encountered about ten years a"o. 1e took
out a "roup of x)rays of a normal human bein" and showed me the red areas. 1e also
indicated blue areas but told me they were ares that didn>t re9uire much oxy"en.
Then4 he put up another x)ray where the entire brain was blue. This meant that
the person was ali#e and was walkin" around like a normal human except he has
memory loss problems from it. 1e was essentially brain dead and the brain was
usin" just enou"h oxy"en to keep it from rottin". I noticed the corner of the
x)ray and was surprised to see *uncan>s name. Based upon this information4 *uncan
is indeed brain dead.
I asked the doctor for an explanation4 but he wasn>t sure. 1e could only offer
a theoretical conclusion based upon psychic powers. 1e said that his profession
reco"ni=ed the existence of psychic phenomena but did not understand it.
+t this point4 we learned that the only reason *uncan is ali#e today is due
to his stron" psychic aptitude. The psychic part of his mind takes o#er the
physical part of his mind and runs the body. 1is brain stem is ali#eI his spinal
chord is ali#eI his body is ali#e4 but his actual hi"her brain is dead. 1is
psychic ener"y runs the body throu"h the brain stem.
*uncan was not the only person affected. /e don>t know how many people were
in#ol#ed but the body count was probably hi"h.
It wasn>t until 67DE or >D; when it was finally reali=ed that stealth technolo"y
dealth with non)burnin" radiation. %ne theory was that actual non)burnin"
which is the hi"her order of components Fas opposed to burnin" radiationG4 actually
went throu"h the reflector and would be opposite to the focal point of the
T1ey tried it and turned the antenna around 6<B de"rees. They aimed the burnin"
rays into the sky and hit the person with the non)burnin" rays. Then4 they found
they had the same mood alterin" capabilities4 if not more than they had before4
but this did not dama"e the people. But at what cost to the persons pre#iously
experimented on0
+t this point in the project4 they were interested in monitorin" people and
chan"in" their thou"hts and moods4 etc. It was not necessarily how they chan"ed
but the fact that they chan"ed under certain circumstances. *ifferent army units
were in#ited to come to the base and ha#e (HampI( there. +s far as the soldiers
concerned4 it was free (HampI( in a beautiful location.
The outer base had a nice "ymnasium and a bowlin" alley with excellent food
and accommodations. nbeknownst to the ser#icemen4 they became "uinea pi"s for
the mood control experiments. 1owe#er4 these were not the only "uinea pi"s.
Experimentation was also done on the townspeople4 3on" Island4 New Aersey4 upstate
New 5ork and $onnecticut ci#ilians4 just to see how far it could "o. 1owe#er4 most
experimentation was done on the #acationin" soldiers.
Time was spent monitorin" different pulse types4 tryin" this and tryin" that.
They would note and cate"ori=e the different effects. It was all pure empirical
experimentation and a hu"e data base was collected. %nce they had enou"h data4
they be"an to make some sense out of which functions did what.
*urin" this period4 they also experimented with fre9uency hoppin". -re9uency
hoppin" consists of the transmitter instantaneously and randomly shiftin" around
to any of fi#e different fre9uencies Fthat were bein" fed to the transmitterG. This
point became #eryimportant later on as it was key to bendin" time.
They disco#ered that #ery fast fre9uency hops made the modulations more psycho)
acti#e. + data base was then de#eloped that would list the fre9uency hop times
Ftimes you "o from one fre9uency to anotherG4 how they pulse modulated4 the rate
the pulse modulated at4 the pulse width4 and the power output they pulsed it at.
This was then coupled with the respondin" effects it had. The data base was #ery
extensi#e and co#ered an extremely broad ran"e of causes and effects.
+fter the extensi#e experimentation4 they de#eloped a control panel with which
they could set different pulse modulations and timin"s. They knew that these
different pulses and functions represented certain thou"ht patterns from the
indi#idual. They could set the modulators and timin"s so that a transmission
would be "enerated that would place thou"ht patterns into an indi#idual. This
meant they could literally set this pulse at anythin" they wanted and expect a
desired effect to take place.
+ll of this took about three or four years to research. The transmitter was now
fully operational and hooked up. Pro"rams could be typed in that would put the
transmitter throu"h its phases. Pro"rams were deri#ed that could chan"e the moods
of people4 increase the crime rate4 or make people a"itated. E#en animals within
the #icinty were pro"rammed to do stran"e thin"s.
The researchers were able to deri#e pro"rams whereby they could focus on a
car and stop all the electric functions in it. I don>t know what the modulations
were4 but I understand they found this 9uite by accident.
%ne day4 there were military #ehicles ridin" around the base. They suddenly
ceased to operate without any function. +n in#esti"ation ensued to find out what
was occurrin" with the transmitter at the time4 and a pro"ram was de#eloped. +t
first4 the pro"ram could only "et the li"hts in a car to dim. It was e#entually
refined to where the pro"ram caused all electrical functions in a #ehicle to cease.
!e#eral years of research and collectin" information had finally yielded a mind
control de#ice. The next objecti#e was to create a precision technolo"y with the
material. In order to do this4 help from #ery stran"e sources was enlisted.
@ I ha#e included in +ppendix $ some #idence that su""ests mind control de#ices
were used a"ainst the Ira9is durin" the Persian 'ulf /ar.
@@ The Crupp>s were the owners of the 'erman munitions factories for /orld /ar I
and II. +fter bein" found "uilty of war crimes and complicity with 1itler at
the Nurember" Trials4 the head of the Crupp family was paroled from a li"ht
prison sentence and allowed to continue his notorious arms dealin"s.
TEN) T1E M%NT+C $1+I(
In the 67MB>s4 ITT de#eloped sensor technolo"y that could literally display what
a person was thinkin". It was essentially a mind)readin" machine. It operated on
the principle of pickin" up the ectroma"netic functions of human bein"s and
those in an understandable form. It consisted of a chair in which a person would
sit. $oils4 which ser#ed as sensors4 were placed around the chair. There were also
three recei#ers4 six channels and a $ray 6 computer which would display what was
on a person>s mind ) di"itally or on a screen.
It is still a mystery how this technolo"y was de#eloped. It has been su""ested
that the research was aided by the !irians4 an alien race who come from the star
system known as !irius. This theory has the aliens pro#idin" the basic desi"n
and humans workin" it out from that.
Three sets of coils were set up in a pyramid around the chair. There was also
a coil around the top of the pyramid to parallel the base coil. The person would
be placed inside the field of the coils. The three sets of coils were connected to
three different radio recei#ers F1ammerland !uper ProP 8BB>sG and six outputs.
+n independent sideband detector4 which had a floatin" carrier reference system4
would pro#ide six outputs from the three recei#ers. Three of them were of the
sideband below the carrier wa#e. Three of them were of the sideband abo#e the
wa#e. This brin"s to mind a #ery important 9uestion. If this de#ice was readin"
what was the carrier wa#e it was usin" to do thisJ
/ith the use of an oscillator4 the detectors in the recei#ers were able to lock
on a phantom or etheric si"nal that was bein" picked up by the coils. There was no
actual carrier wa#e as we would normally know it. the detectors would lock in on
the noise peak that the coils picked up from the three sets of fre9uencies the
recei#ers were tuned to.
+t this point4 the research team was actually able to detect the si"nals that
represented the comparable functions of the human mind. !olid si"nals that would
chan"e with a person>s thou"hts were actually comin" out of the recei#ers. This
de#ice was actually readin" the human aura4 which is a word that psychics and
metaphysicians use to describe the electroma"netic field that surrounds the human
body. In the same way that human speeck is carried #ia radio wa#es4 this de#ice
was carryin" thou"hts Fwhich theoretically manifest in the auraG.
The six output channels from the recei#ers were then run throu"h a di"ital
con#erter Fturnin" them into computer lan"ua"eG and fed into a computer. + $ray
6 computer was used to decode what the recei#ers were pickin" up. + lot of hard
and a lot more computer crunchin" "ot thin"s to the point where the computer
could print out a dialo"ue. This would be a runnin" dialo"ue of the person
More work "ot it to where the person would #isuali=e somethin" and a picture
would actually appear on the computer monitor. Impro#ements and refinements
until a ;* representation of the actual audioN#isual aspect Fof the person>s
thou"htsG appeared on the computer monitor and could in turn be printed out.
/hen the people at Montauk heard about this mind readin" de#ice4 they thou"ht
it was "reat. They wanted to turn this mind readin" machine into a transmitter.
could possibly cut the risks to human bein"s under"oin" in#isibility or time
experimentation. The theory was that a person in the chair would transmit an
reality to the crew Flike in the Philadelphia ExperimentG. /hen the ship became
in#isible4 the crew would then be insynchroni=ation with the alternate reality
and wouldn>t become disoriented or mentally lost.
+t this point4 a chair was procured4 which we now refer to as the famous
.Montauk $hair.. It was hooked up to the coil set)up from ITT. The $ray6 computer4
which was used to decode the transmissions bein" "enerated from the person in
the chair4 was then interfaced with an IBM ;8B computer. This was4 in turn4
with the Montauk transmitter.
The IBM ;8B was needed to control the modulation of the transmitter so that
the transmitter could fre9uency hop across the entire band.
It was about this time that I remember +l Bielek takin" on a key role. +l is one
of the authors of >The Philadelphia Experiment and %ther -% $onspiracies.>
1e has memories of bein" in#ol#ed in the (ainbow Project as well. %ri"inally4
he was brou"ht to the project to explain what was "oin" on metaphysically with
the use of the transmitter on human bein"s. 1e was chosen because he not only had
an en"ineerin" back"round4 but he was psychically sensiti#e and had an extensi#e
knowled"e of esoteric matters.
It now became +l>s job to help interface the $ray 6 computer with the IBM ;8B.
The $ray 6 was puttin" out tons of information. They didn>t know what to do with it
and needed someone with esoteric knowled"e to fi"ure it out. They had to con#ert
what the $ray 6 was puttin" out so that it would synchroni=e with what the pulse
modulation comupter wanted. The IBM ;8B ser#ed this function and was essentially
used as a translator and stora"e bank for what the $ray 6 was outputtin". +l "ot
#ery hea#ily in#ol#ed because he was part of the team that fi"ured out what pro"ram
to put on the IBM ;8B that would translate the $ray 6 output to dri#e the
The transmitter had a modulation computer which was di"itally fed the typical
;E bit code that the ;8B put out. The modulation computer and the transmitter were
The IBM ;8B would tell the modulation computer how to modulate the transmitter.
Now we had a system where one could put in ;E bit words of data and the transmitter
would "i#e back somethin". +nd here the chair fed the receptors feedin" the $ray 6
which would tell what the person was thinkin". They had to take this and translate
what was comin" out of the $ray 6 and make it so that the I-M ;8B could re)encode
the thou"ht form that was actually transmittin". It took about a year to
link up the computers.
I had joined the project at this time to work with the radio fre9uencies and
transmitter. +lthou"h some linka"e had been achie#ed with the computers4 they were
ha#in" hu"e problems with feedback from the transmitter to the chair. The solution
to the feedback was to mo#e the chair down the coast to the ITT center in
3on" Island. + psychic would then sit in the chair in !outhampton and relay #ia
to the Montauk transmitter.
The psychic would think thou"hts4 and the $ray 6 would decode them. They>d be
put on a ;E bit radio link and sent Montauk where they would "o into the IBM ;8B.
The IBM computer would then broadcast it out the transmitter and could build a
thou"ht form out at Montauk of what the psychic was thinkin" in !outhampton. The
de#ice was essentially a mind amplifier.
It took another year of research before they could "et a readable si"nal Fbased
upon what the psychic was thinkin" at !outhamptonG sent to Montauk and out the
transmitter. This was their first objecti#e& "et some thou"ht fidelity from the
chair throu"h the Montauk transmitter and out the antenna. Besides *uncan4 there
were a couple of additional psychics on site. They literally tuned up the computer
pro"rams. -inally4 the thou"ht forms became clear. The psychic could concentrate on
somethin" in !outhampton and the transmitter at Montauk would transmit a #ery clear
representation of what he was thinkin".
That was the first point at which the Montauk transmitter was workin" with
hi"h thou"ht fidelity.
In another year4 I recall as early >DM4 they disco#ered another problem. If
was a "litch in the flow of time in our reality4 e#erythin" fell apart. In other
words4 if the psychic in the chair projected a reality Fin terms of time in this
caseG that was not consistent with out reality Fi.e.4 the flow of time in our
it would cause the connection between !outhampton and Montauk to break up. +ny
"litch in space)time between the two cities would cause the transmission of the
thou"ht form to cease.
To better understand a time "litch4 ima"ine time as a continuous pulsation or
flow. +s the basic pulsation of time interacts and chan"es form with other flows or
phenomena4 we ha#e motion as we know it4 a"ainst the backdrop of time. /hen these
core pulsations that make up time are shifted Fdue to a reality chan"e or other
phenomenaGI the direction4 speed4 or flow of time is chan"ed. This is what is known
as a time "litch. Theoretically4 these occur e#ery now and then4 since we are
referenced in our reality4 we really don>t notice a time "litch. *eja #u phenomena
could well be an example of a time "litch in the fabric of time.
/ith the chair in !outhampton4 the mind control experiments with the transmitter
were not always workin". This was attributable to the time "litches. It was also
known that if a lar"e amount of power was fed into the transmitter durin" a time
"litch4 there could be disastrous effects.
It now became imperati#e to "et the chair workin" at Montauk. They first put
tremendous shieldin" around the chair so that the electroma"netic fields at
Montauk would not affect it. That didn>t work4 so they tried puttin" the chair
in an electroma"netic dead =one. They picked the best dead =one a#ailable4 but
this was not successful either.
They worked throu"h mid >DM but continued to ha#e difficulties until they
consulted the ori"inal prototype that the chair was based upon Falle"edly de#ised
by the !iriansG. This de#ice was not identical to the one ITT had created. It had
a different kind of coil set)up wherein the coils were connected to crystal type
recei#ers. These were actual crystals and not ordinary electronic de#ices.
+fter re#iew of the prototype4 secret bids for a new chair were put out and
($+ came up with the winnin" bid. Nikola Tesla@ had desi"ned recei#ers for ($+ in
the >;B>s. Tesla>s work durin" this period was done under the name .N. Terbo.4
which referred to his mother>s maiden name. These Tesla recei#ers had #ery special
coil structures. They were normal type radio coils but were arran"ed in stran"e
couplin" patterns as set up and desi"ned by Tesla.
The set up of the Montauk $hair was also enhanced by usin" 1elmholt= coils.
These were placed around the chair to ser#e as pick up coils. In ordinary
1elmholt= coils consist of two sets of coils. They possess a uni9ue property in
that they can be phased to create a constant field Fof ener"yG inside the coils.
+t Montauk4 the researchers extrapolated upon the principles of 1elmholt= coils.
They used three sets of coils F?4 5 and OG4 and phased them so that while a
ener"y couls be maintained inside the coils4 there was absolutely no effect on
the outside.
The coil structure in the recei#ers desi"ned by Tesla was ideal for the Montauk
Project. Not only would the chair be in a coil structure4 but so would the
themsel#es. This would shield the ener"y field.
It should also be noted that the coil sturctures in the Tesla recei#ers are also
known as *elta T or *elta Time coil structures. The property of shieldin" an
ener"y field is part of what enable a .bottle effect. to be created around the
!! Eldrid"e in the Philadelphia Experiment. These *elta T coils were actually
up three axes of time si"nals. More pertinent to the project4 they no lon"er
had a microwa#e link that would malfunction durin" a reality shift.
To "et the Montauk chair operatin" without interference4 they had to replicate
what the crystal recei#ers did with the .!irian. technolo"y. The coil structures
in the prototype recei#ers were *elta Time coil structures. +nd the recei#er itself
did the *elta Time function4 but not the antenna. ITT had the *elta Time function
the antenna instead of the recei#ers. The ($+ #ersion used standard type 1elmholt=
pick up coils that could accomplish *elta Time con#ersion in the recei#ers. They
also had the same kind of detector system and oscillator locks that ITT used with
$ray 6 computer.
+t this point4 it now became inclusi#e of the coil only. %utside4 the coil
structure4 there was no sensiti#ity. They could put the chair in the dead spot that
was between the transmittin" antenna on top of the transmitter buildin" and the
transmittin" ma"netic antenna that was under"round. This was in the under"round
of the transmitter buildin"4 which had already been ti"htly shielded. In the
next room4 they had these three specially desi"ned recei#ers with another rack of
e9uipment. These were used to synchroni=e all local oscillators with the si"nal4
similar to the ITT system.
Now4 the antenna4 the transmitter4 and the chair were in the same time plane.
The computers were in their own time plane. It didn>t matter that they had the
under"round and the $ray and ;8B in the other buildin" Ffeedin" back to the
buildin"G. /hen e#erythin" is di"iti=ed4 one is no lon"er in real time. + .fake
is created. The computers could ha#e been located anywhere. The computer buildin"
was desi"ned to operate computers and shielded out electroma"netics and ener"y
didn>t dri#e the computer insane. The operation center was totally shielded in
cement and steel.
-inally4 they created the second and last "eneration of the Montauk chair.
It performed the same purpose as the first chair. It brou"ht the same six channels
of information to the computer4 but there was an additional ad#anta"e. It was
to the si"nal from the antenna. Now4 the si"nal from the antenna didn>t feed back
cause interference. !o4 they had e#erythin" on site. They spent another six months
until about late >DM4 early >D84 just ali"nin"4 adjustin"4 and makin" sure
was workin".
They finally "ot the transmitter functionin"4 which was 9uite astoundin". /hat
happened afterwards was e#en more so.
@ Nikola Tesla was an electronic "enius who was the first to disco#er and apply
the principles of alternatin" current. /ith the financial backin" of 'eor"e
/estin"house4 he re#olutioni=ed the way electricity was used across the world.
!ee +ppendix * for more information on Tesla.
E3E,EN) $(E+TI%N -(%M T1E ET1E(
%nce they had the transmitter workin"4 it took about another year to work out
the computer pro"rams so the system would recei#e and transmit all psycho)acti#e
functions. By late >DD4 the transmitter was reproducin" thou"ht forms without
"litches and with a #ery hi"h de"ree of fidelity. +t this point4 they pulled out
all the stops. They had the psychic4 *uncan $ameron4 concentrate on a solid object4
and "uess what happenedJ The solid object actually precipitated out of the ether0
In his mind4 he would concentrate on a solid object4 and it would appear
on the base. /hate#er *uncan would #isuali=e4 the transmitter would transmit the
lattice For matrixG for4 and build enou"h power to materiali=e whate#er he was
thinkin" of. E#ery sin"le point to where he could witness to a particular spot on
the base4 at that spot an object would materiali=e. In other words4 if he would
an object in his hand andNor #isuali=e it4 it would appear at the "i#en spot.
They actually had disco#ered pure creation out of thou"ht with the use of the
/hate#er *uncan could think up would appear. Many times4 it would be only
#isible and not solid to the touch4 like a "host. !ometimes4 it was a real solid
object that was stable and would stay. %ther times4 it was a solid object that
remain as lon" as the transmitter was turned on and then fade out as the
was turned off. The read out from the computer "a#e an accurate representation of
*uncan was thinkin". The researchers could then select what thou"hts would be
broadcase out of the transmitter. Most of these thou"h forms were broadcast in the
#icinity of the Montauk +ir -orce Base4 but other locations were used as well.
/hat *uncan thou"h of as a subjecti#e reality would be created as an objecti#e
reality Feither solid or transparent4 dependin" on the circumstancesG. -or
example4 he could think of an entire buildin" and that buildin" would appear
on base. This type of experimentation was routine.
The system worked with a "ood de"ree of fidelity. Now4 they wanted to see what
they could do with it. the first experiment was called .The !eein" Eye.. /ith
a lock of person>s hair or other appropriate object in his hand4 *uncan could
concentrate on the person and be able to see as if he was seein" throu"h their
eyes4 hearin" throu"h their ears4 and feelin" throu"h their body. 1e could
see throu"h other people4 anywhere on the planet. This style of experimentation was
extensi#e4 but I don>t know how far it was taken.
It is truly incredible that such a feat could be accomplished4 howe#er the
employed was more sinister than incredible. They were interested in controllin" how
human bein"s think. The next mo#e was to see if they could put thou"hts in the head
of another person. -or instance4 they would ha#e *uncan meet a subject indi#idual.
!ubse9uent to the meetin" and unbeknownst to the indi#idual4 *uncan would
on the indi#idual. Ninety)nine percent of the time4 the subject would "et thou"hts
similar to *uncan>s. Bein" able to push his mind so far into the mind of another
bein"4 *uncan could control another person and make them do anythin" he wanted.
This control factor was on a deeper le#el than ordinary hypnosis.
Throu"h *uncan4 the e9uipment and the Montauk transmitter4 scientists could
actually load information4 pro"rams and commands into the indi#idual>s mind.
thou"hts would become an indi#idual>s own thou"hts. +nd4 usin" this process4 an
indi#idual could be made to do somethin" he wouldn>t ordinarily do. This was the
start of the mind control aspect of the Montauk Project.
This line of research continued until about 67D7. Many other different
ensued. !ome of them were interestin"4 but others had horrible conse9uences.
They would tar"et indi#iduals or masses of people4 animals4 places and technolo"y.
They could basically tar"et anythin" they wanted. -or example4 a T, set could be
to "o haywire. They could stop the picture or shut it off entirely. They
mo#ed objects and destroyed rooms.
In one particular case4 *uncan concentratedon shatterin" a window. Enou"h
force was "enerated to the point where it actually broke a window in the nearby
town of Montauk. +nimals could also be made to char"e off Montauk Point and into
the town. 1umans could be influenced to start a crime wa#e.
%ne must reali=e that when *uncan did these experiments4 he was in an altered
form of consciousness. 1e had been "i#en special trainin" which could possibly ha#e
been administered by the $I+ or N!+. In any e#ent4 his conscious mind would be
throu"h sexual bliss. /hat could be termed the primiti#e mind would then surface.
*uncan4 the indi#idual4 would be transferred into an or"asmic trance. 1is primiti#e
mind4 at the disposal of the researchers4 became #ery su""estible and therefore
-or this pro"rammin"4 information could be installed #ia any of the body>s
senses. *uncan would then be directed to ha#e his primiti#e mind concentrate on the
information thus installed. -or instance4 once his primiti#e mind surfaced and was
to concentrate on somethin"4 it would concentrate with its whole bein". 1is whole
mind would focus on one subject while his body went into suspended animation.
The primiti#e mind could also be cleared of pre#ious pro"rammin"4 and somethin"
else could be inserted. There was a literal translator4 whereby they could pro"ram
in whate#er they wanted. !poken words4 written words4 mo#ies4 music or whate#er
was needed was employed to work the primiti#e mind.
These techni9ues were the key to "ettin" clear thou"ht forms from the
that would either affect another person>s mind or brin" creation out of the
By 67D<4 the mind control techni9ues were fully de#eloped and recorded.
tapes were made and distributed to different a"encies so they could be de#eloped
into somethin" practical.
T/E3,E) TIME /+(PIN'
+s the experiments continued throu"hout 67D74 a #ery peculiar phenomena was
noticed. +s *uncan>s thou"hts were projected out throu"h the transmitter4 they
would suddenly cease. This was disappointin" and appeared to be a malfunction.
E#entually4 it was noticed that the projection of *uncan>s thou"hts hadn>t ceased.
They were just occurrin" out of the normal time stream0
-or example4 he would concentrate on somethin" at <&BB PM and the object or
occurrence would happen at midni"ht or e#en 8&BB +M. /hate#er he thou"ht of would
happen at the time he thou"ht of it.
It now appeared that the Montauk scientists could now use *uncan>s psychic
powers to actually bend time0
They ea"erly started to research this phenomena. /e were all re9uired to attend
what were known as the .!i"ma $onferences.4 which were held near %lympia4
These conferences were on the subject of time functions4 and we were there to "ain
a better knowled"e of how time works. /e were told we had to optimi=e the use of
transmitter for time manipulations.
/e learned that the e9uipment bein" used was stron" enou"h to bend time4 but
it wasn>t doin" a complete job. The antennas bein" employed were "i#in" us what
be a side effect of .time warpin".. This side effect of time shiftin" did show4
howe#er4 that the basic e9uipment was sufficient to do it. But4 we re9uired an
antenna that was much more effecti#e in creatin" time potentials.
+fter "oin" to se#eral conferences and talkin" to many people4 our research
decided that the radio fre9uency bein" used was not workin". $han"es had to be
such as settin" up pulses into a coil. /e also studied pyramid based "eometry and
to use that to bend the time field. +dditionally4 we had to learn more about what
is known as the *elta Time function Ftime chan"in" functionG.
The key clue to our understandin" time was a su""estion that we use a particular
type of antenna structurde4 which I now refer to as an %rion *elta T antenna. It is
referred to as .%rion. because there was a persistent rumor that the desi"n was
"i#en tot he project by aliens from the %rion constellation Fthis is a different
"roup of aliens from the !irians4 whose knowled"e was ale"edly used for the Montauk
chairG. +ccordin" to the rumor4 the %rions knew we were close to achie#in" our
task and had their own a"enda for helpin" us.
The %rion *elta T was a hu"e octahedronal antenna4 and it was placed
Its hei"ht was about 6BB to 6MB feet from point to point. Exca#ations were
to about ;BB feet to house the antenna under the transmitter.
The Montauk chair was placed under the transmitter and abo#e the *elta T
This was done in order to phase the "round (- antenna with the below "round loop
antenna so that the chair was in a null point between them. The null point
was meant to cut out the interference e#en deeper. It knocked the interference
ri"ht out of the chair ) completely.
The *elta T transmittin" antenna was supplied by three dri#es. Two of the dri#es
came from the pulse modulators of the two transmitters and fed into the x and y
of the *elta T. FThe same pulse that supplied power to the amplitron also supplied
power to the *elta T antenna that was under"roundG. The third axis was the =)axis.
It was placed around the perimeter of the antenna and was deri#ed from a white
source that came from a EMB kilowatt audio amplifier. The white noise correlated
whole transmitter and more will be said on that later.
The (- was fed into an omnidirectional antenna located abo#e "round on the top
of the transmitter buildin". +dditionally4 the non)hert=ian component Fwhich is
etheric in natureG of the (- made it below "round and interfaced with the ma"netic
field that had been "enerated under"round. /hen these fre9uencies are summed in
manner4 time disturbances and distortions result.
The basic techni9ues were the same as those employed in the Philadelphia
%n the Eldrid"e4 they had the (- transmissions on the main mast of the ship. The
coils were placed around the deck and were dri#en by pulses. /e had essentially
duplicated by up"raded the (ainbow Porject machine. This techni9ue also made the
project far more controllable.
In addition to the *elta T antenna4 there are two other key points to
=ero time and white noise.
Oero time was referred to pre#iously4 but I will "i#e a more complete
of it now. -irst4 =ero time is outside the realm of our normal three dimensional
uni#erse. It would be considered senior to the createed world as =ero time existed
prior to our created world. Oero time is our basic connection to the uni#erse.
+s our uni#erse roates4 it rotates around =ero time. But our uni#erse is not
the only one. E#ery uni#erse has a =ero point. +ll the =ero points of the different
uni#erses coincide and ne#er mo#e& that is why it is called a =ero point.
It may help to ima"ine a carni#al style merry)"o)round that re#ol#es around a
central booth. The man inside that booth would represent the =ero point. In
to the merry)"o)round4 there would be se#eral more merry)"o)rounds at different
le#els4 but all would be under the control of the central =ero point booth.
+ =ero time reference "enerator had already been constructed by Nikola Tesla
in the 67EB>s. It consisted of an assortment of spinnin" wid"ets and rotatin"
collo9uially4 we referred to it as a .whirli"i".. It is a stran"e de#ice because
you turn it on4 yu can hear it .lock in. to somethin"4 but we are not referrin" to
power line. I>m told it locks into the rotation of the Earth itself4 which is a
secondary =ero time reference. It is secondary because the Earth>s rotation is
inertially related to the solar system4 which is inertially related to the "alaxy4
on down to the uni#erse. The uni#erse rotates around the =ero time point.
%ne can "et an e#en better understandin" of this by readin" up on Tesla and how
he disco#ered alternatin" current by applyin" the principles of the rotatin"
fields of the earth. The =ero time "enerator is to some de"ree an extrapolation of
howe#er it doesn>t just refer to the rotation of the Earth. It takes into account
the orbit of the !un4 our "alaxy4 and ultimately the center of our whole reality.
The other key point to understand is white noise. /hite noise could be
the "lue that makes the whole operation work. It basically made the whole
system coherent. It is a hi"hly technical operation which I will simplify.
The !a"e transmitter contained somethin" like forty or fifty crystal controlled
oscillators4 mixers and amplifiers that "enerated a :EMM1= si"nal. It also had
.fre9uency a"ility.4 which meant it was able to spontaneously switch from one
fre9uency to another.
+lon" with the transmitter4 they had what is called a .$%1%. or a .coherent
oscillator set)up.. Normally4 a .$%1%. would function by ha#in" only one fre9uency
reference. 1owe#er4 this is not how the Montauk transmitter achie#ed coherency.
In order to make it entirely coherent4 we took e#ery oscillator a#ailable
and amplitude modulated it with white noise. !ince white noise is fifty percent
correlated to e#erythin"4 it ser#es a uni#ersal auto)correlatin" function. The
result was that all of the etheric components of the oscillators were now coherent
to each other. /e weren>t tryin" to correlate the normal electrical functions as
didn>t concern us. /e were only interested in the etheric functions4 as they "a#e
the results we were searchin" for.
+ #ery stable time reference was re9uired from the =ero time "enerator. This
produced two ;B hert= wa#es4 referenced to =ero time. %ne was connected to the
computers and synchroni=ed the clock or timin" functions. The other modulated the
white noise "enerator. By adjustin" the phase between them4 we could focus on and
the whole operation. This enabled us to take the correlations of the white
noise and refer it ri"ht to the center point of time4 where all time crosses.
The purpose of this experiment was to make the psychic transmissions of *uncan
time coherent. *r. #on Neumann had instructed us that the transmitter had to be
time coherent with respect to =ero time. The whirli"i" =ero time reference also
ser#ed as a witness point back to the Philadelphia Experiment4 and that was #ery
important. The project was tryin" to open a door to the !! Eldrid"e in 67:;.
Modifications continued on the e9uipment throu"h 67D74 until we had a coherent
transmission system with respect to time phase.
Now4 they had to calibrate *uncan. This meant they had to adjust and modify the
e9uipment to synchroni=e with him. 1e had already demonstrated that he had =ero
point references of his own when the inad#ertent time bendin" had occurred. This
could perhaps be better explained due to his prior experience durin" the
Experiment. There4 he had jumped off the Eldrid"e and was thrust into a time
+t Montauk4 he was now in an entirely new set of circumstances4 but his
with =ero time had apparently ne#er left him.
There were also other psychics4 but *uncan was the first they had used4 and he
in the chair ninety percent of the time the system was in operation. If he was sick
or didn>t feel well4 they>d wait a day. Because e#ery time they chan"ed the
they had to recalibrate and repro"ram the computers and pulse modulator4 and it
took about two full days to do that. If *uncan was out for two weeks or more4
put in another operator4 but I only remember one time when they did that. It was
a disaster4 because they didn>t spend enou"h time in the initial calibration. -rom
then on4 *uncan was the one and only one who ran the e9uipment. + backup had to be
there4 howe#er4 in case somethin" happened to *uncan.
By 67<B4 the bi" radar reflector Fthat looks like a hu"e banana peelG on top of
the buildin" was no lon"er in use. Now4 there were two transmitters that fed the
omnidirectional antenna Fthe one abo#e "roundG. The pulse modulators of the
were feedin" both that antenna and the coils of the *elta T antenna Funder"roundG.
+lso connected to the computer was the Montauk chair4 which was now placed
both antennas at the null point. By this time4 the computer system was hu"e and was
inside the control room next to the radar tower. +dditionally4 the computer room
contained a lot of different terminals and displays to monitor the #arious
of the project.
*uncan would start out sittin" in the chair. Then4 the transmitter would be
turned on. 1is mind would be blank and clear. 1e would then be directed to
on an openin" in time from say4 67<B Fthen the current timeG to 677B. +t this
a .hole. or time portal would appear ri"ht in the center of the *elta T antenna )
you could walk throu"h the portal from 67<B to 677B. There was an openin" that you
could look into. It looked like a circular corridor with a li"ht at the other end.
The time door would remain as lon" as *uncan would concentrate on 677B and 67<B.
I>#e been told by those who entered the tunnel that it looked like a spiral4
similar to science fiction sytle renditions of a #ortex. /hen outside the tunnel4
it looked like you were lookin" throu"h space ) from one circular openin" throu"h
space to a circular but little bit smaller window at the other end. I was
too #aluable to the technical operation and was not allowed to tra#el throu"h
the portal.
-rom 67<B to late 67<64 the time function was calibrated. +t first4 the time
portals would drift away. %ne mi"ht "o throu"ht the portal and come out in 678B.
But when one went back to find it later4 althou"h it was still bein" tracked in
real time4 the portal would not appear where it should ha#e been. %ne could easily
"et lost in time and space. Initially4 the portal would be opened up4 but it would
drift. This was because *uncan himself was driftin". 1e had to "ot throu"h
trainin" to "et the portal to be stable. /e also had to focus the transmitter more
closely and ti"hten up the thou"ht form translation to "et e#erythin" ri"ht.
/e would spend days just ryin" to "et a particular time chan"e to occur as
1owe#er4 there was no particular problem with creatin" a time warp. Predictin" what
it would do was the difficulty. -inally4 towards the end of 67<64 we learned how
to stabili=e it so that when a portal would appear4 it would remain. +lthou"h
the function was not absolutely perfect4 it was predictable4 stable and runnin"
accordin" to plans.
Essentially4 what the scientists were doin" was usin" 67:;4 678;4 67<; #ortex4
which was based upon the natural twenty year biorhythms of the Earth. 67:;4 678;
and 67<; acted as anchor points for the main #ortex. !ub #ortices or open ended
#ortices would be created by "oin" from the main one throu"h an anchor point F>:;4
>8; or ><;G. +t Montauk4 +u"ust 6E4 67<; was used.
-or example4 let>s say they wanted to reach No#ember 67<6. There would be a
point from No#ember of ><6 to +u"ust 6E4 67<;. -rom +u"ust 6E4 ><; they could "o to
whate#er time they wanted. The #ortex ran between +u"ust 6E4 67:; and +u"ust 6E4
because that was the master #ortex. It is called open ended4 because there is no
de#ice at the other end which anchorin" it.
+lthou"h they had stabili=ed the time aspect of the portals4 they had to work on
the spatial aspect as well. They stabili=ed this aspect so that they could not only
place a portal at a particular time but in a particular space.
%nce time stabili=ed and the abo#e was accomplished4 they kicked out e#erybody
and cleared the entire base except for a few key persons. I remained there as I
was the technical operator and was essential to the project. *uncan remained as he
was the psychic who made the operation work. The entire system was tuned to him.
Two other psychics were also retained as back)ups in case *uncan was killed or
incapacitated. The project directors also stayed4 but the military left. + whole
new team was brou"ht in to do the more mundane functions of maintainin" the base.
p to that point4 e#eryone operated on a .need to know. basis. !ecurity was
already ti"ht4 but they wanted e#en hi"her security. They didn>t want the military
to know what they were doin" with time. But e#erybody knew there was somethin"
weird "oin" on. They just didn>t know what.
@ /hite noise is an impulse at e#ery fre9unecy at the same time. /hen you are
tunin" your -M radio dial4 the noise you hear between stations is white noise.
It can be thou"ht of as a sudden burst at e#ery fre9uency or a bunch of impulses
thrown to"ether.
+s most of the technicians were "one4 a new technical crew was brou"ht in.
I don>t know who they were and what their 9ualifications were4 but they were called
the .!ecret $rew.. The project was relaunched and is now sometimes referred to
as .Phoenix III.. This lasted from -ebruary 67<6 until 67<;.
The objecti#e now was to explore time itself. The crew be"an to look at past
history and to the future4 just scoutin" around. They would search ahead for a
hostile en#ironment. Throu"h the #ortex4 they could sample the air4 the terrain
and e#erythin" without enterin" the portal.
Those who tra#elled throu"h the #ortex described it as a peculiar spiral tunnel
that was lit4 all the way down. +s one started to walk down4 he would suddenly
be pulled throu"h it. It propelled one out the other end4 usually in another
place Fas opposed to MontaukG4 or accordin" to where the transmitter was set or
placed. It could be anywhere in the ni#erse.
The tunnel resembled a corkscrew with an effect similar to lit bulbs. It was
a fluted sort of structure and not a strai"ht tunnel. It twisted and took turns
until you>d come out the other end. There4 you would meet somebody or do somethin".
5ou would complete your mission and return. The tunnel would open for you4 and
you>d come back to where you came from. 1owe#er4 if they lost power durin" the
operation4 you>d be lost in time or abandoned somewhere in the #ortex itself. /hen
someone was lost4 it was usually caused by a "litch in hyperspace.@ +nd althou"h
many were lost4 the scientists didn>t abandon people deliberately or carelessly.
+ccordin" to *uncan4 there was also another function of the time tunnel. +bout
two)thirds of the way down the tunnel4 one>s ener"y lea#es the body. %ne would
feel a bi" thump accompanied by a tendency to see on a broad scale. 1e reported
sensin" a hi"her intelli"ence alon" with an out)of)the)body experience. This was
referred to as a -33 %T. The researchers would try to manifest this in *uncan.
It could ha#e been for further .!eein" Eye. experiments or for other reasons.
It was routine to create a tunnel4 "rab somebody off the street and send them
down. Most of the time these people were winos or derelicts whose absence wouldn>t
create a furor. If they returned4 they would make a full report on what they had
encountered. Most of the winos used for the experiments were sobered up for a
week before enterin" a portal4 but many didn>t make it back. /e don>t know how
many people are still floatin" around in time4 whene#er4 where#er4 and howe#er.
+s .Phoenix III. de#eloped4 the indi#iduals so chosen for this reseearch would
be wired up with all sorts of T, and radio e9uipment so that they could report back
.li#e.. Each indi#idual would be escorted throu"h the portal4 sometimes with
force. T, and radio si"nals would tra#el ri"ht throu"h the portals and as lon" as
they could pick these up4 researchers would ha#e radioN#ideo tapes of what the time
tra#eller had experienced.
Those controllin" the project be"an to play all sorts of "ames4 manipulatin"
the past and future. I don>t really know what they did because I was the one at the
switch. My station was in the transmitter buildin"4 and I had to keep e#erythin"
"oin". I was not pri#y to a lot of what was "oin" on4 but at one point I do know
that they had an extensi#e library of #ideotapes. I saw the tapes themsel#es
I was not "ranted extensi#e #iewin" pri#ile"es. +ctually4 I desi"ned and built the
#iewer Fwith the aid of tremendous resourcesG so I had some idea of what was "oin"
on. Much of what I knew came from *uncan>s own reports4 because by that time4 we
had become "ood friends. E#entually4 we were debriefed and sent on our separate
ways. Most of my memories of him had been wiped out.
In addition to the derelicts4 the reserachers also used kids for some reason.
I>m not sure what exactly the purpose was4 but there was one kid at Montauk who
would "o out and "et other kids and brin" them to the project. 1e was like a
beam. 1e li#ed in Montauk and would circulate around #ery effecti#ely. There was
an entire corps of these around the New 5ork metro area that could "et away for six
hours or so without bein" missed. They were specifically trained to "o out and
in other kids. !ome kids returned home4 some didn>t. The kids chosen were between
6B and 684 or maybe 6< at the oldest and 7 at the youn"est. Most were just about to
reach puberty or had just finished it. They were usually blond4 blue eyed4 tall
and li"ht skinned. They fit the +ryan stereotype. To my knowledd"e4 there were
no "irls in this "roup.
+ later in#esti"ation showed that Montauk had a NeoNa=i connection and that the
Na=is were still on the +ryan kick. /e don>t know where the kids went4 what they
were educated in or pro"rammed for. /hether they came back or not is still a
/hat information is a#ailable is that they sent e#ery raw recruit into the future
to 8B;D +*4 always to the same point4 to what appeared to be a dead city in ruins.
E#erythin" was stationary4 not unlike a dreamlike state. There were no si"ns
of life. In the center of the city was a s9uare with a "old horse on a pedestal.
There were inscriptions on that pedestal4 and recruits were sent there to read what
they said. Each recruit would interpret and report. /e still don>t know what the
reseachers were after. They could ha#e been tryin" to find the same answer from
different people. I don>t know.*uncan su""ested there was technolo"y in the
and that they were tryin" to "et somebody to sense or feel what the technolo"y was.
!omeone else in#ol#ed in the project has said the horse was there to test the
powers of obser#ation of the recruits and that it also ser#ed as a point of
The recruits were always asked if they saw anybody in the city. Each indi#idual
interpret what he obser#ed and report.
/e know a lot of people were sho#ed somewhere into the future4 maybe EBB or ;BB
years ahead. Estimates ran"e from three to ten thousand people that were e#entually
abandoned. /e ha#e no idea for what purpose.
I ha#e already said that I don>t know exactly what they did with time. I wasn>t
there4 but I do know they did a lot with /orld /ar I and /orld /ar II. They
monitored those times and took pictures. They knew exactly what they were doin".
They could actually make up a secondary #ortex to obser#e what was "oin" on. /e
called this a seein" eye function. The ori"inal #ortex was such that one could
a truck throu"h it. sin" phase conju"ation throu"h the elaborate computer set)up4
past and future history could actually be transmitted throu"h the portal and #iewed
on tele#ision.
@ 1yperspace is defined as space which exceeds the boundaries of three dimensions.
-%(TEEN) MI!!I%N T% M+(!
The project researchers continued to scout around in time. It was in late 67<6
or ><E when the first actual use of this technolo"y was employed to "ain entrance
into the under"round areas in the bi" pyramid on the planet Mars.
+s this material will be control#ersial to much of the "eneral public4 I will
try to "i#e some back"round.
There is currently a #ideo tape in circulation entitled .1oa"land>s Mars..
This is a presentation to N+!+ scientists by scientific journalist (ichard 1oa"land
concernin" the tetrahedral complex that is associated with the .-ace on Mars..
In this #ideo4 1oa"land shows the .face. and nearby pyramids that were photo"raphed
by the ,ikin" spacecraft in the >DB>s. computeri=ed projection techni9ues are used
that "i#e one a ;8B de"ree .fly by. of the .face.. The #ideo also "i#es a close
look at the pyramids.
1oa"land is tryin" to con#ice N+!+ to make more pictures of this re"ion4 which
known as $ydonia. N+!+ has been hard to con#ince and minimi=ed the si"nificance
of 1oa"land>s work. In fact4 a major effort was launched to prohibit the showin"
of this tape on public tele#ision stations. The story of this scandal was reported
on by New 5ork radio station /+B$.
/hy would N+!+ assume such a stance about a subject that is so intri"uin"J
The answer is perhaps explained by a book entitled4 >+lternati#e ;4> by
3eslie /atkins with *a#id +mbrose and $hristopher Miles.@ This book was based on
a 67DD #ideo that re#ealed a secret space pro"ram bein" run by an international
conspiracy that included both the (ussians and the nited !tates. It is a
account that includes astronauts breakin" security4 disappearin" scientists4 murder
and the establishment of sla#e societies on the moon and the planet Mars. The book
claims that men actually landed on Mars as early as 678E.
It is not my cause to pro#e that a colony exists or did exist on Mars. I ha#e
included this information so that the reader will understand that there is an
scenario concernin" Mars that is separate from my story. Those who are interested
can in#esti"ate .1oa"land>s Mars. or >+lternati#e ;> for themsel#es. It is
to note4 howe#er4 that the documentary entitled .+lternati#e ;. was shown on a
!an -rancisco T, station sometime around the late >DB>s. + story has proliferated
since that at the time the -$$ threatened to re#oke the station>s broadcastin"
if it were to be shown a"ain. It wasn>t shown a"ain.
The directows of the Montauk Project knew there was a colony on Mars. It is more
than likely that they were a part of the conspiracy.
Mars was interestin" to the Montauk researchers4 because they had reali=ed that
there was an old technolo"y there. They knew somebody had built the pyramids and
face on Mars. These were not natural formations.
+ccordin" to the information that my associates and I ha#e du" up4 the people
who were li#in" on the surface of Mars could not "et to the under"round area
beneath the pyramid. The entrances were either sealed o#er or simply couldn>t
be found. In fact4 it appeared that the bi" pyramid was sealed better then the
pyramid at 'i=a. *espite all the expensi#e and fancy technolo"y that was a#ailable4
the pyramid could not be penetrated.
The scientists at Montauk decided the best approach would be to project ri"ht
into the center of the Martian under"round. The newly disco#ered Montauk technolo"y
"a#e them the wherewithal to use a spatial warp to "et inside. They wanted to "et
into the under"round ca#erns. These were thou"ht to be set up and administered by
a #ery old ci#ili=ation.
The time portal took the risk out of the operation as we could look throu"h it.
/e had a set up with T, monitors so that whate#er *uncan would #isuali=e would
on the monitors. This pro#ided a #isual of present time on planet Mars. In order
to find the under"round area4 we kept mo#in" the opoen end of the #ortex until
a corridor appeared. +t that point4 we had *uncan solidify the portal. The away
team was then able to walk from Montauk to Mars and be under"round.
By this time4 *uncan was no lon"er re9uired to be continuously in the chair.
/e had learned to ha#e *uncan "enerate functions with the computer storin" them
and continually spittin" them back. The computer could "enerally run the
for a short time and had enou"h memory to modify the flow of time for about four
hours. If *uncan would not return after that time4 the thou"ht forms bein"
would drop out of reality. In such a case4 the thou"ht forms would ha#e to be
reconstructed from scratch.
The system definitely needed a li#e bein" initially. 1e would create the time
portals and hold them open throu"h concentration. %nce the openin" was made4 we
could record on tape what the li#e person was "eneratin". The tape could then be
on its own to create another openin".
The system was continually refined and impro#ed. If *uncan made a time
once4 it would then be recorded on tape. Because he sometimes had difficulty
a connection4 the tape made it easier and automatic. +n entire library was
accumulated so that they didn>t ha#e to rely on *uncan. It was this de#elopment
that enabled *uncan to be sent throu"h the #ortices himself. This occurred in ><E
><;. 1e was e#entually selected for the team that went to Mars.
sin" the time portals4 Mars had been scoured for li#e inhabitants. (esearchers
had to push back about 6EM4BBB years before they could find any. I don>t know what
they found out or what they did with the information. *uncan has tried to access
this information4 but it is deeply buried and difficult to contact.
My personal #iew is that the pyramid on Mars ser#es as an antenna. Perhaps there
is technolo"y inside of the pyramid. +ccordin" to *uncan>s recollections4 he
to the inside of the pyramid. 1e saw technolo"y bein" operated there and called
it .The !olar !ystem *efense.. +ccordin" to his account4 the Montauk researchers
wanted this shut off. It had to be shut off before anythin" else could be done.
This defense has been shut off retroacti#e to 67:;4 which is commonly considered
amon"st many -% buffs to be the be"innin" of the massi#e -% phenomena.
There>s not much more I can say about Mars at this point except that the mo#ie
.Total (ecall. is fancifully based upon some of the e#ents that occurred with the
Montauk Project. The way they used the chair in the mo#ie is strinkin"ly similar.
Time research continued and countless missions were run until +u"ust 6E4 67<;.
was when the actual lock was made back to 67:; and 678;.
@ >+lternati#e ;> was ori"inally published in the nited Cin"dom. The first
in the .!. was in 67D7 by +#on Books4 a *i#ision of the 1earst $orporation4
7M7 Ei"hth +#enue4 New 5ork4 New 5ork4 6BB67.
%n +u"ust Mth4 67<;4 we were "i#en a directi#e to run the transmitter non)stop )
just turn it on and let it "o continuously. /e followed the orders4 but nothin"
out of the ordinary occurred until +u"ust 6Eth. Then4 somethin" #ery stran"e
happened. +ll of a sudden4 the e9uipment appeared to drop into synch with somethin"
else. /e didn>t know what function the system was now attuned to4 but at that
the !! Eldrid"e Fthe ship used for the Philadelphia ExperimentG appeared throu"h
the portal. /e had locked up with the Eldrid"e.
I>m not sure if this was a pure accident4 but if the Montauk researchers were
tryin" to hook up with the Eldrid"e4 the attempt had to be made on this exact
date. This is due to the EB year biorhythms of the planet Earth Fwhich was a
disco#ery made in the process of these experimentsG and the Eldrid"e experiment
ha#in" occurred on +u"ust 6E4 67:;.
+t this point4 the *uncan from 67:; appeared and could be seen throu"h the
time portal alon" with his own brother. Both were crew members of the !! Eldrid"e.
/e kept the *uncan of 67<; from seein" himself so as to a#oid a time paradox and
resultant ne"ati#e effects.
The project had now reached apocalyptic proportions. Natural laws were bein"
#iolated4 and it seemed e#eryone in#ol#ed felt uncomfortable. Three collea"ues
and myself had been pri#ately #oicin" mis"i#in"s about the project o#er a period
of months. /e had talked about the pitfalls of dealin" with time and how this
mi"ht affect the karma of the planet. /e hoped the project would truncate itself.
$onse9uently4 our little cabal created a contin"ency pro"ram that only *uncan
could acti#ate. It was desi"ned to crash the entire project.
/e finally decided we>d had enou"h of the whole experiment. The contin"ency
pro"ram was acti#ated by someone approachin" *uncan while he was in the chair
and simply whisperin"4 .The time is now..
+t this moment4 he let loose a monster from his subconscious4 and the
actually portrayed a hairy monster. It was bi"4 hairy4 hun"ry and nasty. But it
didn>t appear under"round in the null point. It showed up somewhere on the base.
It would eat anythin" it could find4 and it smashed e#erythin" in si"ht. !e#eral
different people saw it4 but almost e#eryone described a different beast. It was
either 7 feet tall or ;B feet tall4 dependin" on who saw it. I personally belie#e
it was about 7 or 6B feet in hei"ht. -ri"ht does stran"e thin"s to people4 and no
was sure of what the exact physical constitution of this monster was. No one was
in any frame of mind to calmly and collecti#ely analy=e its exact nature.
My super#isor had ordered us to shut off the "eneratorsin order to stop whate#er
type of phenomena was occurrin". This didn>t work4 so it was decided that the thin"
had to be stopped.
It was decided that the transmitter had to be shut down. There were two efforts
made in this direction. %ne was to send somebody back and turn off the transmitters
on the Eldrid"e. They would be smashed if that was what was necessary to shut
them down.
The other effort was by myself and the director of the project. /e
attempted to shut the transmitter at Montauk. /e then went into the power station
and disconnected the base from the 3on" Island 3i"htin" $ompany. The power kept
"oin" and nothin" stopped.
/e weren>t concerned about the li"hts. /e just wanted to stop the transmitter
itself. /e decided the next best thin" to do was to "o into the power station and
the wires leadin" into the "round from the bi" transformers. I put an acetylene
on my back and cut the wires "oin" into the "round. I had to be careful because
were hot. !till4 nothin" happened. The li"hts at the base stayed on.
I fi"ured there must ha#e been another power feed somewhere. /e went o#er to
the transformer farm nex to the transmitter buildin" and cut the wires comin" up
out of the "round. +t that point4 the li"hts at the base went out and the computer
stopped. But4 the li"hts in the transmitter buildin" stayed on0
/e went into the buildin" and pulled the wires out of the panel that controlled
the transmitter. Then wires from the transmitter itself. The li"hts in the buildin"
went off4 but the transmitter stayed on.
I then went upstairs and cut the actual e9uipment apart. I cut the conduits. I
cut the cabinets. -inally4 I cut enou"h apart that the transmitter just "roaned
and stopped. +ll the li"hts went off. /e>d done it. Today4 you can still see the
torch marks where I>d cut thin"s apart.
It was at this point that the beast stopped mo#in" and faded back into the
The portal closed and that was the end of that episode.
+fter we stopped the transmitter and thin"s settled4 we fi"ured out what had
happened. /hen we had first thrown the switches in the power station4 none of
the li"hts went off at the base. There was no power comin" into the base. /hen I
the lines "oin" to the transmitter buildin"4 the rest of the base went off4
the computers. 1owe#er4 the transmitters ran without computers.
The system had actually "one into a free ener"y mode. The two systems Fi.e. the
two "enerators ) one in 67:; aboard the Eldrid"e4 one at Montauk in 67<;G were
locked to"ether. There was a tremendous amount of ener"y bouncin" between the
"enerators. /ith so much ener"y between them4 all the electrical circuits that
were connected remained acti#e. The li"hts stayed on.
More importantly4 the "enerators established a connection from 67<; to 67:;.
By bouncin" ener"y between the two time periods4 a stable #ortex was created.
This ser#ed as an anchor. sin" this #ortex4 a time tunnel could then be projected
to a specific point in time.
-or example4 if one wanted to "o from 67<; to 677;4 the ><; to >:; #ortex would
first ha#e to be functionin" to ser#e as the anchor. The projection to >7; For
other point in time chosenG would come out the ><; end of the #ortex.
If one wanted to "o to 67E;4 one would project throu"h the 67:; end of the
#ortex. Times between 67:; and 67<; could be reached by "oin" throu"h either end
of the #ortex. *ates after 678; were accessed throu"h 67<; and dates prior to 678;
#ia 67:;.
This is not to say that all time tra#el would ha#e to be done in this manner
Fusin" the master #ortex from 67:; to 67<;G. *urin" these experiments4 no
were found in either the past or the future that could link up and establish a
of this nature. There are4 of course4 plenty of "enerators around4 but a successful
link had to be made. That link re9uired a .witness effect..
./itness. is an occult term. +s a noun4 it refers to an object that is connected
or related to someone or somethin". -or example4 a lock of someone>s hair or a
picture could ser#e as a witness. +s a #erb4 .witness. means to use an object to
enter a person>s consciousness or otherwise ha#e an effect on them.
%ne example of a .witness effect. would be for someone to take a lock of hair4
use it with a lo#e potion4 and ha#e the owner of the hair fall in lo#e.
/ith the Montauk Project4 there were three .witness effects.. They could be
considered as three different le#els of witnessin".
The first le#el consisted of physical people who were actually on the !!
Eldrid"e. +ny sur#i#in" crew members they could find were brou"ht to Montauk
for the experiment in 67<;. This also included personnel who were considered
to be reincarnated since the Philadelphia Experiment. *uncan and +l Bielek were
both there and were two of the primary witnesses.
The second le#el of witnessin" concerned technolo"y. The =ero time reference
"enerator Freferred to pre#iously as the whirli"i"G used aboard the Eldrid"e was
also used at Montauk. /hen the Eldrid"e was e#entually decommissioned in 67:84 the
whirli"i" was placed in stora"e. It was e#entually brou"ht out to Montauk and
incorporated with the system there. In addition to the whirli"i"4 there were two
#ery stran"e radio transcei#ers@ linkin" the two projects. They were .crosstime.
transmitters. They could transmit across time4 and they used that to lock up the
two projects.
The third le#el of witnessin" was the planetary biorhythm. the term .biorhythm.
is esoteric and refers to the hi"her order channels that re"ulate life in an
Biorhythms are a result of the resonance upon which nature operates. In humans4
the processes of sleepin" and eatin" would in#ol#e biorhythms. %f course4 there
are many subtle ones that could be studied4 ad infinitum. /hen #iewin" the Earth
as an or"anism4 there are also biorhythms. The seasons and the daily spin of the
planet would in#ol#ed biorhythms. The scientists at Montauk exhausti#ely studied
the biorhythms of the Eart and how they related to the entire uni#erse. They
that there is a major planetary biorhythm that peaks out e#ery twenty years.
The Philadelphia Experiment occurred in 67:;. +lthou"h 67<; was forty years
it was a multiple of twenty and ser#ed as a potent witness. It enabled the two
projects to link up. I should also mention that it is entirely possible that the
could ha#e been made without the witness effect4 howe#er its application pro#ed
helpful to the project.
The reader should now ha#e some idea of the "eneral theories and applications
were used at Montauk.
+fter the bi=arre occurrences of +u"ust 6E4 67<;4 the Montauk base #irtually
emptied. The power was restored4 but li"hts were left on with e#erythin" in
disarray. Most of the personnel were e#entually rounded up4 debriefed and
@ I was able to ac9uire a few of the transcei#ers that were used in the
p to this date4 I do not fully understand them or their function. It is
to "et any literature or manuals on the subject. The only possible way to "et
information on these transcei#ers is to ask people who ha#e used them. The only
answers I>#e "otten thus far is that they were a hi"hly classified piece of
e9uipment. People I spoke to knew they were for stealth airplanes4 but they
know what exactly they were for.
This book will "i#e rise to many 9uestions4 particularly about the nature of
time itself. -rom my experience in talkin" to "roups4 I will try to clarify some
points that often confuse people.
-irst of all4 the past and the future can be chan"ed.
It will help to consider the idea of a chessboard. In chess4 there mi"ht be
thirty mo#es in a "ame. Each one of these mo#es will create a different layout of
the chess board. If one were to ."o back in time. and chan"e a mo#e that has been
made4 it would conse9uently chan"e all the other board layouts subse9uent to that
Time could be considered a hypnotic pulse that we all subconsciously a"ree or
submit to. /hen someone is able to manipulate a chan"e in time4 they are also
our subconscious considerations and experiences. Therefore4 if time is chan"ed4
one wouldn>t necessarily reali=e it.
This scenario implies that we are merely pieces on a "rand chess board. To a
de"ree4 this is true. -or example4 retired "enerals often complain of ha#in" been
the pawns of international bankers. It is a farfetched comment4 but perhaps there
be no war if "enerals could be truly clued in on the real machinations behind
international politics.
There is also the example of 1omer>s >Iliad>4 which tells the story of the
Trojan /ar. +ccordin" to that le"end4 the "ods literally manipulated the characters
on Earth like a chess board. The story is ripe with intri"ue between mortals and
"ods. The plots become so intricate and thick that it sometimes seems 1omer is
to pro#ide us witha microcosmic #iew of the entire uni#erse.
/hate#er the case4 we are all players in the "ame that is known as .time.. The
ob#ious way to protect one>s interest is4 of course4 to "ain knowled"e about time
itself. /hether one wants to do this by pursuin" meditation or astrophysics is
an entirely personal matter.
+t Montauk4 the scientists also #iewed the future. The #iewers they had "a#e
the ability to look at multiple futures. %nce they chose a particular scenario and
acti#ated it by someone or somethin" tra#ellin" to it4 that future would become
fixed. That point would be locked to the time from whence the connection was made.
It would create a loop that was fixed.
-or example4 let>s say multiple futures were #iewed with different people
president. !uppose the future with .!am Aones. as president was chosen by the
researchers4 for whate#er reason. 3inkin" a person or item from the present would
lock in the President !am Aones scenario no matter what. 1owe#er4 none of this
means that a fixed point scenario couldn>t be further chan"ed by the scientists
doin" more manipulations.
+t this writin"4 we arecurrently in a time loop. This loop extends from where
the Montauk researchers penetrated into the past up to where they penetrated into
the future. It>s fixed and would appear unalterable. 1owe#er4 this does not mean
that we are all rele"ated to bein" hopeless sla#es of time manipulators. The
subconscious has its automatic or hypnotic le#els4 but it also contains the seeds
of freedom& dreams. If one can dream somethin"4 it can be brou"ht into bein".
It is #ery easy to "et philosophical about all of this and "et lost in that
process. My point with this book is that there has been manipulation of time. This
has also exploited indi#iduals and caused untold misery. It could easily be
considered to be the work of dark forces.
There is still one major 9uestion. /ho was really behind the Montauk ProjectJ
There are countless intri"ues and scenarios one can en#ision. (eli"ionists can
in 'od and the *e#il. -% aficionados can offer a "rand scheme of aliens #yin"
for our solar system. 3eft win"ers will offer explanations concernin" the $I+
and secret "o#ernment.
I belie#e that all of the abo#e can shed li"ht on what actually happened
at Montauk. It is also my hope that this book will brin" more people out of the
woodwork. Thus4 we can ha#e more answers and less mystery.
!E,ENTEEN) T1E M%NT+C B+!E I! !E+3E*
+fter the e#ents of +u"ust 6E4 67<;4 the Montauk +ir -orce Base was abandoned.
By the end of that year4 there was no knowled"e of anyone bein" on the base.
In May or Aune of 67<:4 a crack s9uad of Black Berets were sent to the base.
I belie#e they were Marines4 but I>m not absolutely sure. They were reportedly
ordered to shoot anythin" that mo#ed. Their purpose was to pur"e anyone who mi"ht
be on the base.
There was a second team that followed the Black Berets. They remo#ed secret
e9uipment which was considered too sensiti#e to lea#e behind.
The next step was to prepare the under"round to be sealed. $ertain incriminatin"
e#idence was remo#ed at this point. I>#e heard that a room with hundreds of
was cleared out durin" this e#olution.
+bout six months later4 a cara#an of cement mixers appeared on the base. Many
people saw these trucks. They filled the #ast under"round areas of Montauk with
cement. This included dumpin" cement down the ele#ator shafts as well.
The "ates were locked up and the base was abandoned for "ood.
EI'1TEEN) M%NT+C T%*+5
If one tra#els to Montauk Point today and parks in the state parkin" lot near
the li"ht house4 it is possible to "et a "ood #iew of the "iant radar reflector
sits atop the transmitter buildin".
-or those who are either bra#e or foolish4 one can follow the dirt roads that
lead to the base. Most of the entrance "ates ha#e been bent or otherwise #andali=ed
so that entrance is easy. This was probably done by local ju#eniles who sometimes
"et drunk and ha#e beer parties on the base. 1owe#er4 walkin" on the base is
by New 5ork !tate park ran"ers who periodically patrol the area.@ There are also
occupied buildin"s on the main roads to the base.
It should be noted that I am not writin" this information to lure people to
the base. People are "oin" to be curious after readin" this book4 and it is my
responsibility to warn them. I>m not absolutely sure of the le"al techinicalities4
but walkin" on the base is probably ille"al. %ne "oes at one>s own risk.
There are also other dan"ers to consider.
Two people I know who participated in the Montauk Project #isited the area in
the late ><B>s. They claimed they were abducted and do not totally remember what
happened to them.
+nother person has reported in +u"ust of 6776 that #ideo cameras can now be
seen from the top of the transmitter buildin". This is a new de#elopment and is
rather odd considerin" it is a #acant and derelict facility.
There are also reports that the under"round areas of the base are bein"
This is speculati#e but should ser#e to warn anyone makin" tra#el plans to
@ The entirety of -ort 1ero4 includin" the inner Montauk Base has since been
donated to New 5ork !tate as a park. /hile there are peculiar political
arran"ements concernin" the base to this day4 the ran"ers are not out of
bounds in keepin" people off the "rounds. The buildin"s are in a state of
disrepair and are potentially dan"erous to those "oin" on a casual walk.
+fter completin" the first draft of this book4 a new de#elopment took place.
It concerns occurrences that started years a"o but only came to a resolution
This concerns Aohn #on Neumann and corroborates the theory that he didn>t
die in 67M< as is "enerally belie#ed.
In 67<;4 I was contacted by a friend of mine in upstate New 5ork who I will
refer to as Clark. 1e knew I was interested in communicatoins e9uipment and told
me about an old time suplus dealer who I will call *r. (inehart.@ (inehart was
a le"end in the local surplus community.
Clark said that the man had a collection of e9uipment that went back as far
as the 67;B>s and 67:B>s. + meetin" was arran"ed with *r. (inehart on the pretext
that I was interested in buyin" him out. Clark introduced me4 and (inhart showed
me his collection on a sil#er platter. 1e sincerely wanted to sell out4 but I
his price was too hi"h. + "reat deal of the e9uipment was junk and would ha#e cost
just as much to cart away.
I considered his prices exorbitant and thou"ht he mi"ht be a bit cra=y.
he went e#en cra=ier after he met me. Clark #isited him a"ain on his own and was
met at the door with a shot "un. (inehart pointed the "un and told Clark that he
didn>t want to see that bastard Preston on his property. 1e didn>t want to see
Clark4 Preston or any of their friends on the property. 1e said he>d shoot them
if they showed up.
Clark tried to calm him down and asked what this was all about. 1e had no idea
why the man was so upset. (inehart said that Preston had come back and robbed him
the ni"ht he was last there.
+s it turned out4 somebody had come to the "uy>s house4 strapped him to the
chair4 ransacked the house and stole money. It certainly wasn>t me4 and Clark
and I were both confused. 5ears went by4 and I had dismissed the pu==lin"
concerni"n *r. (inehart.
+s my memory of the Montauk Project returned4 I suddenly reco"ni=ed *r.
1e was actually Aohn Eric #on Neumann4 the brains behind the Philadelphia
and Montauk Project0
Many years back4 perhaps as early as 67M<4 #on Neumann had been assi"ned to a
.witness relocation. pro"ram. 1e was "i#en a new identity as *r. (inehart and
slipped into a new role as a surplus dealer upstate. 1e also remained on call
to the authorities that ran the Phoenix and Montauk Projects and would work for
them whene#ery he was needed. !ometimes this was for months at a time.
This man not only looked like #on Neumann4 his doctorates in mathematics and
physics were on the wall and came from 'ermany. *espite this4 he claimed ne#er
to ha#e left the nited !tates.
It was also apparent that this "entleman>s faculties and memory had been
tampered with.
I had talked this o#er with +l Bielek4 and we fi"ured that my presence at
#on Neumann>s house was too much for him. 1e would ha#e remembered me from Montauk
and that probably fri"htened him and caused him to flip out.
+ll of this is fascinatin" in its own ri"ht4 but my main interest was in a
stran"e lookin" recei#er that he had. It is known as an -(( E: (ecei#er. I had
noticed it on my ori"ianl #isit4 and it was still there. I wasn>t about to return
to his place in #iew of his threats4 but I>d sent people up there and they
the recei#er was still there.
+l remembered #on Neumann as well and wanted to #isit him. In fact4 #on Neumann
as *r. (inehart had taken a likin" to +l. 1opin" to "et my hands on his recei#er4
I dro#e +l upstate to (inehart>s house.
/e weren>t sure how to approach him on the recei#er. /e thou"ht about ha#in"
me wear a dis"uise but thou"ht it mi"ht be easier to ha#e +l buy the recei#ers
on my behalf.
+l "ot out of the car and "reeted him. I remained in the car in hopes that he
i"nore me. It started to rain4 so (inehart told +l that they should "o to the
trailer on the other side of the property. That>s where the e9uipment was. (inehart
walked ri"ht by my car and looked me strai"ht in the face. 1e was friendly and said
I should come alon"4 too. +pparently4 (inehart didn>t reco"ni=e me. I followed them
to the trailer as if nothin" had e#er happened between us.
+l "ot the "uy talkin"4 and I just listened. ,on Neumann didn>t come throu"h.
1e was strictly in the identity of .*r. (inehart. as he spoke to us.
/hen he stopped talkin"4 I told (inehart that I>d heard he had a #ery lar"e
recei#er setup where each recie#er fits in a rack by itself.
1e said4 .%h4 that thin"0 I was "onna keep that. But hell4 I>m ne#er "onna
use it. I can>t e#en mo#e it. I>m "onna keep it4 or I>m "onna sell it..
I asked him how much he wanted for it4 and he said he would "i#e it to me for
a thousand dollars. I told him that +l and I couldn>t afford that kind of money4
so he su""ested a trade.
+l told me to make an offer so I offered L8BB for four racks of the recei#ers.
1e said that was a little less than he wanted and that he>d ha#e to think it o#er.
/e left on "ood terms and returned home.
+nother meetin" was arran"ed some time later. 1e said that he wanted hi)fi
and would be willin" to work out a trade. /e du" up some hi)fi material and went up
a"ain. 1e looked at it and practically "ot tears in his eyes. 1e was excited to see
the material and remembered the people who actually desi"ned much of it.
1e apolo"i=ed and said that he really couldn>t use any of the material. 1e
wanted cash. If we sold the material4 he said we could come back and "et the
for cash.
/e carted e#erythin" back to 3on" Island a"ain. I was frustrated but wasn>t
"oin" to "i#e up. I called around and found out that I could sell the material.
It was worth LDMB to other dealers4 and I sold it immediately.
I wanted to "et his recei#ers 9uickly as he was "ettin" known a"ain by national
collectors. They would snap up the recei#ers if I didn>t act soon.
I took L<BB and went up to see *r. (inehart a"ain. I>d taken alon" some friends
to help me mo#e the e9uipment. -ortunately4 it was a clear day4 and the weather
wasn>t "oin" to interfere with our plans.
*r. (inehart came out and was in a friendly mood. I showed him LDMB4 but he
said he didn>t want any money until he was sure I was satisfied with the recei#ers.
1e showed us around the place. /e went to look at the recei#ers4 and I was
1e had four racks of the e9uipment4 and I had remembered only one. 1e was willin"
to let them all "o for my offer of LDMB which was more than fair on his part.
I found him to be 9uite pleasant. In fact4 I was a bit pu==led. Initially4 he had
wanted L64EBB per rack which meant L:4<BB for the entire system. Now4 it was se#en
years later4 and he was acceptin" LDMB. It is my opinion that he wanted me to ha#e
the recei#ers for some reason. I still don>t know exactly what it was.
+s I poked around and looked at the recei#ers4 my two friends went to the
coop as they were interested in some /estern Electric e9uipment that was stored
there. *r. (inehart was sittin" in a chair not far from the recei#ers. !uddenly4 I
noticed that he was no lon"er (inehart. 1e was Aohn #on Neumann0 1e remembered his
true identity and be"an to talk.
1e definitely remembered me and told me thin"s that were of a sensiti#e nature
which I am obli"ated not to repeat. 1e also said that o#er the years he had seen
millions of dollars were put away in secret !wiss bank accounts. This money was
to be used to compensate many of the workers at Montauk who had suffered as a
of the project. +pparently4 when I had #isited him years back4 some sort of si"nal
alerted the secret "roup that backed the Montauk Project. 1e was bound up and
the next ni"ht4 and his secret bank books were missin". 1e now reali=ed that I had
not been in#ol#ed.
I wasn>t able to start mo#in" the recei#ers out until the next day. It was a
bi" job. I took the recei#ers out of their racks and broke them up so they could be
mo#ed safely. (inehart was there4 took4 and he started to fade in and out. -irst4
he was (inehart4 then he>d be #on Neumann. It was like a yo)yo. -inally4 he settled
on #on Neumann.
+s #on Neumann4 he said that he had obtained these recei#ers for a #ery "ood
reason. They were actually capable of tunin" in on either of the two projects&
(ainbow Fthe Philadelphia ExperimentG or the Montauk Project. -urther4 the
were capable of tunin" in on the project from any other space and time in our
uni#erse. 1e also belie#ed this recei#er was the main witness from Montauk to the
!! Eldrid"e. 1e said it could pick up the pattern of the Eldrid"e back in 67:;.
It seemed that #on Neumann had completed what he had to say. (inehart returned4
and I loaded up the recei#ers to take back to 3on" Island.
I wasn>t sure how the recei#ers worked or what they were all about. My first
step was to ask *uncan to do a psychic readin". 1e indicated that the recei#er
was capable of tunin" to any particular point in time by way of =ero time. 1e said
that if we could fi"ure out how to tune it4 we could tune in to any other point
in time.
/e reali=ed what #on Neumann had already told me& this e9uipment was a key part
of the Montauk time machine. I don>t think the particular e9uipment that I had
was on either the Eldrid"e or at Montauk. I think it had been used at the
Na#y 5ard in the 67:B>s.
I wanted to trace this e9uipment further to see if it had a lo"ical point of
ori"in. I called the bi""est old time radio surplus dealer in the country. They had
ne#er heard of the -(( E: (ecei#er. I talked to lots of friends in the surplus
business and found only one person who had e#er seen one or heard of one. This
said that the recei#er came out of ($+. 1e owned a piece of one of the recei#ers
at one time. It had "one out of his hands when an old man from upstate New 5ork
came and paid an exorbitant price for the piece he had of the recei#er.
Tracin" this back to *r. (inehart4 he #erified that he was the purchaser of
the e9uipment. But4 he said that this only accounted for pieces from two of the
racks he>d sole to me. There were four in total4 and he had to buy the other
two racks of recei#ers from somebody else. I tracked the other person down with
*r. (inehart>s help. This person was a youn" man who also said the -(( E: (ecei#er
had come from ($+.
I decided to find out how many of these recei#ers had actually been released.
I called up the !urplus *isposal +"ency4 "a#e them the number for the recei#er4
and they did a computer read out. + lady at the a"ency said that only three
-(( E:>s had e#er been released. +ll the other systems were either still in use
or had been destroyed.
Then4 she indicated that until recently4 this recei#er had been classified. !he
said that if any of them had been scrapped4 the manuals for them had to be
There was also a note indicatin" that each -(( E: unit contained se#enty)fi#e
pounds of sil#er. The units had reportedly been scrapped and sold to dealers for
sil#er reco#ery. /hen scrapped4 they are not useful as they would ha#e been put
throu"h a crusher.
The report indicated that -(( E:>s were only released when the "o#ernment a"reed
to sell them to a world communications company. There were three such instances
listed. %ne -(( E: went to ($+4 one went to ITT on the west coast and another to
,ero Beach4 -lorida.
I tried to trace down people who had actually worked with the -(( E:. -inally4
I located a retired "entleman who had worked at ($+ (ocky Point Fon the eastern
end of 3on" IslandG. 1e had worked at the recei#er station at (ocky Point.
The "entleman indicated that the -(( E:>s had been at the ($+ recei#in" station
for years. 1e ra#ed about the recei#ers and said they were beautiful and fantastic.
/hen they were turned on4 howe#er4 he said that a #ery stran"e type of interference
was picked up all across 3on" Island !ound. It was a mystery and neither he nor
anyone else could fi"ure it out. 1e also mentioned that the recei#ers made stran"e
audio noises and that ($+ finally decided not to use them.
This was interestin" because #on Neumann told me that two recei#er racks from
($+ (ocky Point had been sent back to the 67;B>s. %ne ended up in the Philadelphia
Na#al 5ard and was used to track the (ainbow Project in 67:;. The other recei#er
rack ended up at ($+ for disassembly and study so that it could be replicated
and applied to the technolo"y of the day.
It is interestin" to note that in the 67;B>s4 ($+ made tremendous strides in
radio technolo"y. The years 67;; and 67;: were particularly ripe with new
If #on Neumann was ri"ht4 ($+ recei#ed and analy=ed a rack of recei#ers from
the future. It is likely that #on Neumann would ha#e sent them back himself.
The recei#er rack that ended up at the Philadelphia Na#al 5ard e#entually came
into my possession4 and I still ha#e it. The disassembled rack was enhanced and
impro#ed upon by ($+4 and these are what ended up at (ocky Point. This was
throu"h a time loop4 thus there are some differences in the ($+ recei#ers Fthe
-(( E:>s that I recently "ot from #on NeumannG and the one used durin" the
Experiment. Both recei#ers4 howe#er4 ha#e more similarities than differences.
In addition to the abo#e4 I also ha#e e9uipment de#eloped by Tesla that appears
to be inspired by the -(( E:>s that were sent back from the future by #on Neumann.
/hate#er the case4 radio technolo"y was pushed way ahead in the 67;B>s. +s an
en"ineer and professional radio man4 it is my personal conclusion that it couldn>t
ha#e been done without some major help from somewhere. -or example4 Nikola Tesla
was always upsettin" the status 9uo by sayin" that he experienced communication
with aliens.
There is another major point of interest concernin" the -(( E: (ecei#er. /hen
I purchased them from (inehart4 I noticed that the aluminum housin" was corroded on
the outside. +luminum itself does not corrode4 but it does when it is mixed with
impurities. The aluminum panel in the chassis4 howe#er4 had no such corrosion. The
chassis were therefore made out of a #ery pur aluminum. $ommercial "rade aluminum
used in radio e9uipment is usually not that pure.
/hat does all this tell usJ
There had to be a reason that the aluminum was so pure. (ecently4 it has come
to the surface in con#entional scientific circles that aluminum can be made into
a superconductor. + friend of mine at N+!+ told me that mixin" mercury with
and alcohol makes microchannels bi" enou"h for electrons to channel throu"h the
aluminum. This essentially creates a room temperature superconductor.
(inehart also warned me about the chassis. 1e said there mi"ht be a little bit
of mercury contamination on the chassis. -urther inspection has re#ealed that
the chassis had some sort of mercury treatment process.
It is currently my belief that the treatment process is related to the sil#er
resonators4 which are the capacitors and coils. The mercury and aluminum create
microfine channels alon" the superconductin" chassis and the channels become
a multi)dimensional resonator.
To conclude4 this recei#er is actually a multi)dimensional space)time resonator
and would be part and parcel of any time machine that was used for the Philadelphia
Experiment or at Montauk.
@ *r. (inehart is a pseudonym used to protect this indi#idual>s pri#acy.
+PPEN*I? +) + !$IENTI-I$ +N+35!I! %- T1E (+*I%!%N*E
FNote& This analysis is not expected to be readily understood by the "eneral
lay public. It is included only for those who are technically inclined. It
also ser#es as corroboration of my statement that the "o#ernment had the
means to affect the weatherG.
The (adiosonde consists of two #ariable resistance type sensors. %ne re"isters
temperature4 the other humidity.
The temperature sensor is a thermistor4 where the electrical resistance #aries
in#ersely with the temperature. The humidity sensor is an electrolytic resistor
the electrical resistance #aries directly with the relati#e humidity. In most of
the (adiosondes4 the pressure sensor is of the pressure responsi#e selctor switch
type FBaro switchG. In essence4 the transmitter sees a #aryin" resistance which
is selected alternately by the Baro switch or a se9uential switcher. + short
is selected occasionally which is called the reference mode. This is what the
do on the surface. It is also the line the "o#ernment releases to the public.
cursory in#esti"ation will show this description to be true4 there is also other
acti#ity which is secret. The temperature sensor is a carbon bar with precious
metals added4 and acts as an antenna to the *%( function. It also in#erts the
known as *%( ener"etics. This item is packed in a small #ial4 and has to be
on fasten stock clips on the arms of the (adiosonde. In order to "et a true
readin"4 it is painted white to reflect the sun>s radiant heat and sits abo#e the
packa"e in the open. This placement is understandable from con#entional science4
but it cannot be understood from the #iewpoint of relati#istic sciences.
The humidity sensor is an electrolytic resistor. /e do not understand its
operation because the usual electrolytic resistor #aries in#ersely with the
relati#e humidity. This humidity sensor consists of a "rid of conducti#e lines with
an unknown chemical o#erlay. It acts as an antenna for or"one in phase. It is also
similar to the electrolytic detectors that ha#e been introduced for the detection
esoteric ener"ies. The humidity sensor is also hermetically sealed in a small
#ial and has to be put in its holder on top of the (adiosonde4 thus totally
co#erin" and protectin" it from direct rain4 but allowin" air to circulate
around it. This follows the released line of information.
In later (adiosondes4 the Baro switch is replaced with a clock)work dri#en
scannin" switch4 with the addition of a recei#er that the 'o#ernment claims is used
as a transponder to track direction and hei"ht. This su""ests that the Baro
switch "i#es hei"ht information4 which can be read from the pressure4 but depends
a uniform pressure "radient which our atmosphere does not exhibit. This follows
the released information4 but is "rossly inaccurate.
I do not belie#e that this is the real objecti#e for the Baro switch. In fact4
an entirely different purpose is intimated. It appears that the Baro switch is the
correlated function which would be necessary to synchroni=e the *%( bustin" to
the en#ironment of the Earth. It is also apparent that the recei#er synchroni=es
*%( bustin" to the the en#ironment. +t this point4 I do not fully understand the
sensor scheme.
In addition to the sensors4 the other part of the radiosonde is the transmitter.
It is pulst time modulated and the repetition rate of the pulse #aries with the
resistance presented to the transmitter. There are two types of pulse modulation
%ne is where the modulation pulses off the $/ F$/Kcarrier wa#eG carrier oscillator.
The other is where a hi"h #olta"e pulse supplies BP FBP stands for .B batteries.4
which refer to plate #olta"eG to the carrier oscillator. There are two fre9uencies
used& :BB M1= and 68<B M1=. The :BB M1= oscillator is comprised of tuned lines with
the trioed tube in the field of the lines. The 68<B M1= oscillator is of the
ca#ity type4 with the triode tube inside the fields of the ca#ity.
In the down pulsed $/ oscillator transmitter4 there are two sections& the
modulation oscillator and the carrier oscillator. The modulation oscillator is
what "enerates the pulse4 which is a triode oscillator with a blockin" network
in the "rid circuit.
The operation of the transmitter is simple. /hen the oscillator runs4 the "rid
bias builds up across the cap F$G and when the #olta"e reaches the tube cutoff
the oscillation stops. +t this point4 $ dischar"es until the tube starts up a"ain.
+s the "rid #olta"e across $ cycles up and down4 the oscillator starts and stopsI
hence modulatin" the #olta"e drop across (p4 which is bypassed. The #alue of $
and (" and (ext and (ref determines the repetition rate of the pulse across (p.
The si"nal with the pulse and its potentials are capaciti#ely coupled to the
This is the usual explanation4 but let us consider the relati#istic acti#ity.
/hen the tube is cut off4 the hi"her order si"nal builds up inside the tube like
the char"e on a capacitator. The lon"er the tube is cut off4 the more relati#istic
si"nal builds up in the tube. /hen the tube turns on and oscillates4 it slew
saturation and cutoff4 and two thin"s happen. -irst4 the stored relati#istic char"e
is forced out. !econd4 the slewin" of the oscillation between saturation and cutoff
has the effect of amplifyin" the h"iher order components by .B. point acti#ity.
The result is that the si"nal is amplified and outputs in pulses. -rom this point4
the modulation si"nal is capaciti#ely coupled to the "rid of the carrier
where the pulse stops the oscillation.
/hen we consider the carrier oscillator4 the circuit is a standard one. 1ow it
was optimi=ed probably has somethin" to do with the placement of the tube in the
field of the resonant network and the desi"n of the tube. The hi"her order
in the carrier oscillator is similar to the modulation oscillator. /hen the tube
slews from saturation to cutoff4 the B point of the #acuum is ripped. This results
in relati#istic "ain as well as forcin" all si"nals stored in the tube to the
and the antenna.
The bypassed output of the modulation oscillator4 which is pulsed potential
at appro=imately D M1= is coupled to the "rid of the carrier oscillator and slews
the 2 point @ from saturation to cutoff. The .B. point acti#ity sends out bursts
of relati#istic si"nal which replicates closely the input si"nal from the sensors.
The pulse modulator transmitter uses a delay line pulse modulator with a
char"in" reactor4 blockin" diode4 pulse formin" network4 and a pulse transformer
that "enerates 6:BB , pulses which dri#es the carrier oscillator. The thyratron is
fired off by the output of the same modulation oscillator as in all of the rest.
The modulation oscillator loads the relati#istic si"nal into the delay line throu"h
the thyratron which is cut off but still has .B. point "ain. /hen the thyratron
e#erythin" in the pulse formin" network is loaded into the carrier oscillator tube
as a 6:BB , pulse which rips apart the #acuum and results in a hi"h .relati#istic
throu"h the usual .B. point acti#ity.
The whole packa"e is operated by a battery pack which lasts approximately three
@ .2 point. means 9uiescent point. This refers to the point where the tube rests.
+PPEN*I? B) /I31E3M (EI$1
+lthou"h the "o#ernment had "reat appreciation for the disco#eries and
of /ilhelm (eich4 it appears they had #ery little use for him personally. 1e was
under pressure from the +M+ and -*+ for years on char"es of 9uackery. E#entually4
he was "i#en a #ery stiff prison sentence for contempt of court when he refused
to appear. The subse9uent burnin" of his books and destruction of his e9uipment
may be unparalleled in modern times for its outra"eousness.
1is claims about jammin" the dri#es of -%s didn>t win him too many friends
either. 1e concluded that the dri#es of -%s ran on cosmic or or"one ener"y. 1e
de#eloped a .space "un. on the basis of or"one theory and was able to make -%s
fade away with re"ularity accordin" to eyewitness accounts.
+fter he was in prison4 authorities reportedly "a#e him express permission to
work on anti)"ra#ity e9uations. This is odd to say the leastI especially if they
belie#ed he was a 9uack.
/hate#er the exact facts and details of /ilhelm (eich are4 it appears that he
used for his in#enti#e "enius and then put away so he couldn>t disseminate his
disco#eries elsewhere. The systematic condemnation of his work only backs this up.
+PPEN*I? $) MIN* $%NT(%3 +N* T1E PE(!I+N '3- /+(
I was still laid off when the Persian 'ulf /ar erupted and had the opportunity
to watch the li#e briefin"s. 3i#e briefin"s are interestin" to me because
sometimes comes throu"h that would otherwise be edited out.
In one report4 a $NN reporter said that he had just returned from Cuwait where
he had tra#elled with an +merican patrol. They had noticed a patrol of about
thirty Ira9is on the next sand dune. /hile the +mericans were wonderin" how they
would "et the Ira9is to surrender4 a .!. helicopter suddenly appeared and flew
the Ira9is. By the time the helicopter had reached the next sand dune4 the Ira9is
had their hands up and were surrenderin".
This is all #ery suspicious in itself. These were the same Ira9is who fou"ht a
1oly /ar a"ainst Iran for ei"ht years.
The next news of interest that I noted came towards the end of the conflict when
Bri"adier 'eneral Neil was 9uestioned by a British reporter from the BB$. The
reporter asked the 'eneral about his plans to "et the Ira9i soldiers out of the
deep bunkers that the 'ermans built for the Ira9is. These bunkers were known to
be extremely well fortified4 and it was a "ood 9uestion.
'eneral Neil said4 ./e brin" in the psycholo"ical....@
1e then broke his sentence with cou"hin". It didn>t sound like a real cou"h
but that he had cau"ht himself sayin" somethin" he shouldn>t re#eal. /hen he
cou"hin"4 he continued speakin".
.I>m sorry4 we brin" in the helicopters with P+ Fpublic addressG systems and we
talk >em out..
To me4 his statements were #ery si"nificant. It is apparent to me that the
'eneral had made a mistake and had to continue his sentence in the same #ein. In
my opinion4 he was "oin" to say somethin" like .psycholo"ical broadcastin"
1e had helicopters on his mind and in order to make it less ob#ious4 I belie#e he
chan"ed what he was "oin" to say and referred to .P+ system helicopters..
I did some research into the Ira9i bunkers and disco#ered that the +mericans
had been tryin" to "et the plans for their construction from the East 'ermans.
The +mericans wanted to know how to penetrate the bunkers. They did retrie#e the
plans and found out the walls were #ery thick. E#en after the air blit=4 the Ira9is
were still deep in the bunkers. They had electricity4 entertainment and enou"h
food and water to last at least six months. The bunkers were three feet thick
and probably could ha#e withstood a nuclear blast. The Ira9is also had the
to tunnel out if necessary.
The British reporter knew it wouldn>t be easy to "et the Ira9is out of the
bunkers. That>s why he asked the 9uestion. I belie#e it is absurd to su""est that
these fanatic soldiers would ha#e surrendered under the mere threat of P+ system
@ The 9uotations by 'eneral Neil are not exact 9uotations but are paraphrases
based upon my memory of the actual e#ents.
+PPEN*I? *) NIC%3+ TE!3+
Nikola Tesla was born in 6<M8 in what is today known as 5u"osla#ia. Cnown as
the .-ather of (adio.4 he was clair#oyant and had different paranormal abilities.
Most notable was his #ision as a youn"ster that he would build an alternatin"
"enerator that would re#olutioni=e the way that mankind harnessed electricity.
Tesla recei#ed a renaissance education and learned to speak se#eral lan"ua"es.
1e worked his way across Europe as an in#entor and electronics en"ineer. In Paris4
his "enius came to the attention of one of Thomas Edison>s associates4 and Tesla
was in#ited to meet the famous in#entor. +lthou"h Edison hired him4 the two ne#er
"ot alon" well.
Edison>s utilities used direct current which re9uired a power plant e#ery few
miles or so. Tesla tried to con#ince him that alternatin" current was more
and less costly to operate. Edison was stubborn and Tesla>s brilliance must ha#e
made him feel insecure. 1ere was a man whose "eius was far superior to that of
Edison would ne#er back up Tesla>s plans to re#olutioni=e the world with
alternatin" current. The two finally had a complete fallin" out when Tesla ad#ised
Edison that he could up"rade his entire facility by buildin" new machines and
replacin" the old ones. Edison offered him LMB4BBB to complete the task. Tesla
desi"ned twenty)four types of machines and effecti#ely enhanced the factory. Edison
was #ery impressed but wouldn>t pay the money. 1e claimed it was just his .+merican
sense of humor..
'eor"e /estin"house was an in#entor himself and reco"ni=ed the "enius in Tesla.
1e backed Tesla>s plan to harness alternatin" current from Nia"ara -alls and the
world has ne#er been the same since. Meanwhile4 Edison tried to pro#e that
current could be deadly to humans and went to the extent of electrocutin" a do"
in public Fwith alternatin" currentG to pro#e his point. Edison ended up
and humiliated.
Tesla>s career went on the rise and his experiments were of #ast renown. 1e
demonstrated remote control with small boats in Madison !9uare 'arden4 but many
people dismissed it as witchcraft.
1e e#en "enerated li"htin" between the Earth and sky at $olorado !prin"s. This
experiment was particularly remarkable because he put li"ht bulbs to the raw "round
and they li"ht up. This demonstrated that the Earth>s surface was a conductor of
electricity. This pro#ed that if the proper #ehicles were used that the entire
population of Earth could enjoy free ener"y.
Tesla created a hu"e tower on 3on" Island and sou"ht to build a system that
pro#ide free ener"y. /hile in pro"ress the financier A.P. Mor"an pulled the ru"
out from under Tesla. 1e didn>t want free ener"y.
Tesla>s career went into a decline and his reputation was hurt. Part of this
was caused by his periodic admisssions that he recei#ed communication from aliens.
1is recei#ers supposedly picked up transmissions from Mars.
No one e#er denied he was an electronics "enius4 but because he understood
phenomena4 he was held in suspicion. Today4 many of my en"ineerin" collea"ues
him a .nut. who just happened to be brilliant in electronics. This is a #ery
con#enient explanation.
It is my opinion that he was incredibly ahead of his time.
+PPEN*I? E) 1I!T%(5 %- T1E P1I3+*E3P1I+ E?PE(IMENT +N*
IT! (E$%N$I3I+TI%N /IT1 T1E M%NT+C P(%AE$T
In 676E4 a mathematician named *a#id 1ilbert de#eloped se#eral different methods
of new math. %ne of these was known as .1ilbert !pace.. /ith this he de#eloped
for mulitple realities and multiple spaces. 1e met *r. Aohn #on Neumann in 67E8 and
shared his information. ,on Neumann took a lot of the systems he learned from
and ran with it. +ccordin" to Einstein4 #on Neumann was the most brilliant of
mathematicians. 1e had an uncanny ability to take abstract theoretical concepts in
math and apply them to physical situations. ,on Neumann de#eloped all kinds of
new systems and math.
+ *r. 3e#inson had come alon" and de#eloped the .3e#inson Time E9uations..
1e published three books4 which are now #ery obscure and almost impossible to find.
+n associate of mine did di" up two of them at Princeton>s Institute for +d#anced
!tudy. +ll of this work was to ser#e as a back"round for the in#isibility project
which would apply the theoretical principles to a lar"e hard object.
!erious research into the subject of in#isibility be"an in earnest in the early
67;B>s at the ni#ersity of $hica"o. *r. Aohn 1utchinson !r. ser#ed as *ean at this
particular time and was pri#y to the work of *r. Curtenhauer4 an +ustrian physicist
then at the ni#ersity. They were later joined by Nikola Tesla. To"ether4 they
studied the nature of relati#ity and in#isibility.
In 67;;4 the Institute for +d#anced !tudy was formed at Princeton ni#ersity.
This included +lbert Einstein and Aohn #on Neumann4 a brilliant mathematician
and scientist. The in#isibility project was transferred to Princeton shortly
In 67;84 the project was expanded and Tesla was made the director of the "roup.
/ith Tesla on board4 partial in#isibility was achie#ed before the end of the year.
(esearch went on to 67:B when a full test was done in the Brooklyn Na#al 5ard.
It was a small test4 with no one on board the #ehicle. The ship used was powered
by "enerators from other ships4 connected by cables.
+nother scientist4 T. Townsend Brown4 became in#ol#ed at this point. 1e was
for his practical ability to apply theoretical physics. Brown had a back"round
in "ra#ity and ma"netic mines. 1e had de#eloped counter measures to the mines
with a techni9ue known as de"aussin". This would trip the mines at a safe distance.
There was a bi" brain drain on Europe in the 67;B>s. Many Aewish and Na=i
scientists were smu""led into the country. Much of this influx has been attributed
to +. *uncan $ameron !r. +lthou"h we know he had extensi#e connections4 his exact
relationship to intelli"ence circles is still a mystery.
By 67:64 Tesla had full confidence of the powers that be F-*(G. + ship was
on his behalf4 and he had coils wrapped around the entire ship. 1is famous Tesla
coils were also employed on the ship. 1owe#er4 he "rew wary because as the project
de#eloped4 he knew there would be problems with personnel. Perhaps he knew this
due to his ability to fully #isuali=e his in#entions in his mind. In any case4
Tesla knew that the mental state and bodies of the crew would be affected se#erely.
1e wanted more time to perfect the experiment.
,on Neumann desa"reed with this #ehemently at the time and the two ne#er "ot
alon". ,on Neumann was a brilliant scientist but did not embrace metaphysics for
own sake. Metaphysics was old hat to Tesla4 and he had built a successful le"acy of
in#entions based upon his uni9ue prescience.
Part of what made his #iews so contro#ersial was that durin" his experiments
in $olorado !prin"s4 circa 67BB4 he said that off planet intelli"ence had contacted
him #ia consistent si"nal messa"es when Mars approached. This also occurred in 67E8
when he had radio towers erected in the /aldorf +storia and at his New 5ork city
1e claimed to recei#e information that he>d lose people if thin"s were not chan"ed.
1e needed time to desi"n new e9uipment.
Tesla>s re9uests for more time were not heeded. The "o#ernment had a war to win
and additional time was not "ranted. Tesla wen throu"h the motions but secretly
sabota"ed the operation in March 67:E. 1e was either fired or 9uit. 1e is supposed
to ha#e died in 67:;4 but there is ar"uable e#idence to su""est he was whicked off
to En"land. + look)alike derelict is supposed to ha#e been put in his place for
the funeral. 1e was cremated the day after his body was found which was not in
keepin" with the tradition of his family>s orthodox faith. /hether or not he
died is contro#ersial. That secret papers were remo#ed from his safe has ne#er
been in 9uestion.
,on Neumann was named director of the project. 1e did a study and determined
that two hu"e "enerators would be re9uired for the experiment. The keel for the
!! Eldrid"e was laid in Auly 67:E. Tests were done at dry dock. Then4 in late >:E4
#on Neumann decided that the experiment could be fatal to people4 just as Tesla
had su""ested. Ironically4 he still "ot upset at the mention of Tesla>s name. 1e
decided a third "enerator would do the trick. 1e had time to build one but ne#er
the third one to synchroni=e with the other two. It ne#er worked because the "ear
box was incompatible. The experiment went out of control and a Na#y technician was
=apped4 went comatose for four months and left the project. They pulled out the
third "enerator. ,on Neumann wasn>t satisfied4 but his superiors weren>t "oin"
to wait any lon"er.
In Auly EB4 67:;4 they decided it was ready and made tests. *uncan $ameron Ar.
his brother4 Edward4 were in the control room to operate it. The ship was no
lon"er at anchor and orders came by radio to turn it on. -ifteen minutes of
in#isibility ensued. There were immediate problems with people. They "ot sick4
some experiencin" nausea. There were also mental illnesses and psycholo"ical
disorientation. They needed more time4 but the final deadline was "i#en for +u"ust
6Eth4 67:;. The orders came from the $hief of Na#al %perations4 and he said he was
only concerned with the war.
Tryin" to a#oid dama"e to indi#iduals in#ol#ed4 #on Neumann tried to modify
the e9uipment so that only radar in#isibility would be achie#ed4 not literal si"ht
!ix days before the final test on the Eldrid"e4 three -%s appeared o#er the
The switch was thrown for the final test on +u"ust 6Eth4 67:;. Two of the -%s
left the area. %ne was sucked up into hyperspace and ended up in the under"round
facility at Montauk.
(eports from *uncan indicated that he and his brother knew thin"s were "oin"
to "o wron" with the +u"ust 6Eth experiment. 1owe#er4 for three to six minutes4
thin"s looked "ood. It appeared it mi"ht work without any de#astatin" effects. They
could see the outline of the ship ) e#erythin" was "one. There were problems.
The principal radio mast and the transmitter were broken. People were jammed in
the bulkheads. %thers were walkin" around in an insane state.
*uncan and Edward $ameron did not suffer the same trauma as their shipmates.
They had been shielded in the "enerator room which was surrounded by steel
The steel acted as a shield to the (- ener"y. +s they witnessed thin"s fallin"
apart4 they tried to shut off the "enerator and transcei#ers but were unsuccessful.
+t the same .time.4 another experiment was "oin" on forty years later at
(esearch had re#ealed that the Earth4 like humans4 has a biorhythm. These
peak out e#ery twenty years on +u"ust 6Eth. This coincided with 67<; and pro#ided
an additional function for the connectin" links throu"h the Earth>s field for
the Eldrid"e to be pulled into hyperspace.
The $ameron brothers could not turn off the e9uipment on the Eldrid"e because
it was linked throu"h time to the "enerator at Montauk. They fi"ured it wasn>t safe
to remain on the ship and decided the best alternati#e would be to jump o#erboard
in hopes of escapin" the electroma"netic field of the ship.
They jumped and found themsel#es pulled throu"h a time tunnel and onto dry
"round at Montauk on +u". 6Eth4 ><; at ni"ht. They were found 9uickly and taken
,on Neumann met *uncan and Edward and indicated he knew they were comin". 1e
was now an old man. 1e said that there had been a lock up in hyperspace and that
he>d been waitin" since 67:; for this date. 1e told the time tra#ellers that the
technicians at Montauk were unable to "o shut thin"s down. *uncan and Edward were
re9uired to "o back to 67:; and shut the "enerator off. ,on Neumann e#en told them
that the historical records showed that they had turned it off. But they hadn>t
done it yet0 1e told them to destory any e9uipment if that>s what it took.
Before returnin" to 67:; for "ood4 *uncan and Edward did some missions for the
Montauk "roup. They made a number of trips back to 67:;. %n one of these trips4
passed throu"h the time portal and entered the time tunnel. *uncan somehow entered
a side tunnel and "ot cau"ht there. !ide tunnels were a mystery and remain so.
E#en thou"h the Montauk scientists theoretically considered side tunnels non)
*uncan was warned not to enter them if they should appear. Edward soon ended up in
the same tunnel with *uncan.
+ "roup of aliens re#ealed themsel#es. +pparently4 the side tunnel was an
artifical reality created by the aliens. They wanted a piece of e9uipment before
they would let their capti#es "o. This e9uipment was a #ery sensiti#e instrument
that char"ed the crystal dri#e to the -% that was under"round at Montauk. The
aliens didn>t seem to mind lea#in" a ship4 but they were #ery intent on keepin"
the dri#e source a mystery to humans.
*uncan and Edward returned to Montauk and retrie#ed the dri#e for the aliens.
E#entually4 they were able to return to the Eldrid"e and carry out #on Neumann>s
orders. They smashed the "enerators4 transmitters and cut e#ery cable they could
find. The ship finally returned to its ori"inal point at the Philadelphia Na#al
Before the portal closed4 *uncan returned to Montauk in 67<;. 1is brother4
remained in 67:;. *uncan is not sure why he returned. It has been su""ested that he
may ha#e been under orders or pro"rammed to do so.
This ad#enture turned out to be a disaster for *uncan. 1is time references
dissol#ed4 and he lost his link to the time line. /hen time references are lost4
one of three thin"s happens& a"in" slows down4 remains the same or speeds up. In
this case4 it speeded up. *uncan be"an to a"e rapidly. +fter a short amount of
time4 he be"an to die of extreme old a"e.
/e>re not sure how this happened4 but we belie#e #on Neumann transferred him
to another time. !cientists were enlisted to help him. They couldn>t let the *uncan
from 67:; die. 1e was not only in#aluable to the project4 he was elaborately
with the entire scope of time. 1is death could ha#e created bi=arre paradoxes
and had to be a#oided.
nfortunately4 *uncan>s body was dyin" and there was nothin" that could be
done to alter the rapid a"in". But there was another alternati#e. (esearch had
already demonstrated that each human bein" has their own uni9ue electroma"netic
identity. This was commonly referred to as one>s .electroma"netic si"nature.
or just .si"nature.. If this .si"nature. could be preser#ed when *uncan>s body
ceased to function4 it could theoretically be transferred to a new body.
The Montauk scientists were already intensely familiar with all of *uncan>s
electroma"netic manifestations from the exhausti#e research that had been done.
By some means4 I>m not sure how4 his .soul. or .si"nature. was transferred to
a new body.
They sou"ht help from one of their most loyal and effecti#e a"ents& +. *uncan
$ameron !r.4 who happened to be the father of *uncan and Edward $ameron.
*uncan !r. was a mysterious character. 1e was married fi#e times o#er the course
of his life. 1e had numerous connections and didn>t seem to work. 1e spent his time
buildin" sailboats and tra#ellin" to Europe. !ome ha#e alle"ed that he smu""led
andNor 'erman scientists into the .!. #ia his boatin" acti#ities.
There is practically only one tan"ible piece of e#idence that connects him to
intelli"ence circles. 1e appeared in a photo of a special "raduation for
personnel at the $oast 'uard +cademy. 1e was not officially affiliated with the
$oast 'uard in any way.
Throu"h the use of the Montauk time techni9ues4 the Montauk "roup contacted
!r. in 67:D. They informed him of the situation and told him to "et busy and ha#e
another son. 1e now had a different wife than *uncan Ar.>s ori"inal mother. *uncan
!r. cooperated and a child was born4 but it was a "irl. 1is directions were to
produce a son. -inally4 a boy was born in 67M6. .*uncan. was chosen as the name
for this child4 and this is the same *uncan I know today.
The Montauk techni9ues are ob#iously remarkable4 but they were not sophisticated
enou"h to mo#e *uncan from 67<; strai"ht back to 67M6. There could ha#e been other
factors in#ol#ed4 but it appears the scientists had to rely on and ust the twenty
year biorhythms of the Earth. +s *uncan>s ori"inal body was dyin"4 he was
to 678; and .installed. into the new body pro#ided by *uncan !r. and his wife.
*uncan Ar. has no memories prior to 678;. It is also ob#ious that whoe#er
occupied his body between 67M6 and 678; was forced out.
I ha#e often heard accounts of a secret project that was run by ITT at
3on" Island in 678;. It is entirely possible that transferrin" *uncan to a new body
was the focal point or a #ery important part of this project. /hate#er the
this project would certainly ha#e been tryin" to somehow utili=e the Earth>s
bioshythm that occurs e#ery twenty years.
Edward $ameron had returned to 67:;. *uncan was in 678;.
+fter the +u"ust 67:; experiment4 the Na#y brass didn>t know what to do. -our
days worth of meetin"s ensued with no conclusions. They decided to do one more
In late %ctober of 67:;4 the Eldrid"e disembarked for the final experiment.
No personnel wree to remain on board. The crew boarded another #essel and
the e9uipment on the Eldrid"e remotely. The ship became in#isible for about
fifteen or twenty minutes. /hen they boarded it4 some of the e9uipment was missin".
Two transmitters4 and a "enerator were "one. The control room was a burnt shambles4
but the =ero time reference "enerator was left intact. It was put into secret
The Na#y washed their hands of the entire operation and officially launched the
!! Eldrid"e with its office of record. The ship was e#entually sold to the 'reek
na#y who later unco#ered the lo" books and found that e#erythin" before Aanuary of
67:: had been omitted from the records.
+ccordin" to +l Bielek>s account4 Edward $ameron continued his career in the
Na#y. 1e had top le#el security clearance and probed into many sensiti#e areas
such as .free ener"y. #ehicles and de#ices. 1e was outspoken and complained about
improper proceedures.
-or whate#er reason4 he was brainwashed to for"et the Philadelphia Experiment
and anythin" else to do with secret technolo"y.
+l has stated that a"e re"ression techi9ues were used to put Edward $ameron
into a new body in the Bielek family. The Bielek family was chosen as there was
only one child in the family and the baby had died by the time of his first
Edward was substituted and the parents were brainwashed accordin"ly. Edward has
been knwon as .+l Bielek..
+"e re"ression techni9ues ha#e been traced back to Tesla. /hen he was workin"
on the ori"inal Philadelphia Experiment4 he de#eloped a de#ice to help sailors
in the e#ent that they lost their time locks. The purpose of this de#ice was to
reestablish an indi#idual with his normal time locks in the e#ent he had been
disoriented from time tra#el. The "o#ernment or someone alle"edly used this Tesla
de#ice and de#eloped it for physical time re"ression.
Tesla said that if the time locks of an indi#idual are mo#ed ahead in time4 one
could actually remo#e a"e. If one>s time locks were pushed back twenty years
the body would be referenced to those locks.
Edward $ameron now became +l Bielek. +l "rew up with his own identity and
education and became and en"ineer. E#entually4 he ended up workin" at Montauk.
It was not until the mid 67<B>s that +l be"an to "et memories from his earlier
identity. To this day4 he continues to do""edly research the Philadelphia
and is plannin" to write another book. 1e intends to pro#e4 e#en to the most
skeptical4 that the Philadelphia Experiment did indeed happen.
+PPEN*I? -) 2+NTM 3E,E3! %- E?I!TEN$E F+ccordin" to Preston NicholsG
/hen I am referrin" to 9uantum le#els of existence4 .9uantum. refers to the
different or many possible le#els. .2uantum. comes from the 3atin root .9uantis.
which means 9uantity.
nderstandin" multiple realities is key to understandin" time. $on#entional
physics does not deny the possibility of parallel existences4 but it is mostly
concerned with theories about matter and anti)matter. +s there is much e#idence
to prompt scientific in#esti"ation into the area4 there are currently about sixty
theories around the world and ten in the .!. that deal with 9uantum le#els of
I am offerin" my own theory based upon my experiences4 some of which are co#ered
in this book. 3ike any proper scientific theory4 this is bein" offered because it
has pro#en workable to me in the laboratory. It will also help the reader "et a
better "rasp of how time functions.
/hat exactly is parallel realityJ
It would be a world or uni#erse that has almost e#erythin" we ha#e here. If we
switched into it4 we>d see another body that would represent us in the other
The parallel uni#erse would not necessarily beha#e exactly like the one we>re
familiar to. It would ha#e uni9ue properties unto itself.
It is my understandin" that we exist in a number of parallel realities. /e
are primarily conscious of .our reality. because we are focused or referenced to
it. The parallel uni#erses mi"ht reach our consciousness throu"h dreams4 E!P4
meditation or artificially induced mental states.
It is now important to consider the o#erall #iew and what these different
mi"ht look like in schematic form. Einstein theori=ed that if one tra#els in a
strai"ht line from any particular point in space that one would e#entually end up
in exactly the sam eplace that they started at. This could be considered a full
/e are not "oin" to "o into the e9uations of that4 but the "eneral reader can "rasp
this by understandin" what Einstein called a time toroid. -or this purpose4 a
can be likened to a two dimensional dou"hnut. Einstein likened the entire uni#erse
to a time toroid. 1e theori=ed that if one started in a strai"ht line from any
point on the outside of the dou"hnut4 that one would end up at the exact opposite
end of the dou"hnut. Both of these point would be essentially the same4 except that
one could be considered .positi#e. and the other .ne"ati#e.. +s they are both
points in the infinite stream of time4 one point could be called .positi#e
and the other .ne"ati#e infinity..
-or purposes of explainin" my theory4 I ha#e extrapolated upon Einstein>s idea
and ha#e con#erted his time toroid into a three dimensional sphere. The reader can
easily picture a smaller sphere inside of a bi""er sphere. -or clarification4
we will call the inside sphere4 !phere +4 which can be likened to a softball.
The bi""er sphere will be called !phere B and can be likened to a basketball Fwhich
is hollowG.
%ur experiences in different realities all occur within the realm of !phere +.
If you start from a point on !phere + and tra#el in a strai"ht line4 you will
come back to where you started from.
/ithin !phere +4 e#erythin" in dynamic and mo#in". It is time as we concei#e it.
The area between !phere + and !phere B is not dynamic at all. In fact4 it is
considered to be at rest. /e can postulate this area to be a sea of time particles.
These are not particles in any ordinary sense. In fact4 tryin" to describe them
in this three dimensional example is awkward. /e are simply assumin" these non)
particles of time exist because we can sense them Fif only in idea formG. These
particles between !phere + and !phere B would be the same as the particles in
dynamic time Fwithin !phere +G except that they are static4 i.e. at rest.
Incidentally4 we are not conscious of static time because our .normal. reality
is built upon dynamic functions or dynamic time.
+ reality in time is created when 'od or someone creates a stress on the wall
of !phere +. This stress will cause the dynamic particles inside of !phere + to
mo#e and tra#el throu"h the sphere until there is a loop4 thus completin" the +lpha
and %me"a Fbe"innin" and endG.
%ur reality can be considered one "i"antic loop. It could ha#e started with the
bi" ban" or the be"innin" of the uni#erse and would e#entually end there4 but it
would in fact continue ad infinitum.
/hen someone or somethin" then takes that loop that we are in and creates a new
stress and chan"es reality4 a new loop is created that is4 in fact4 an alternate
reality. The ori"inal loop cannot be obliterated or denied. It will still be
there. The new loop could be modified in any way the modifier chooses. It could
be an openin" in 678; that "oes to 67<;. E#erythin" in between those times would
be an alternate loop. It would not be an entire loop of its own4 but would be added
to the ori"inal loop of our normal reality. In this way4 partial loops would be
on to our ori"inal time line4 and we can call this con"lomeration of loops a
Each loop could also be called a manifold Fa manifold "enerally refers to somethin"
that has many partsG.
+s different alternate realities are created off of the ori"inal loop4
manifolds are added to the sphere and make it swell. In addition to the alternate
realities created by chan"in" the reality of a particular time line4 there could
be parallel realities created in the be"innin" of time that also ha#e their own
.ori"inal. loops as well. There is an infinate number of loops and manifolds
!ome people may wonder about !phere B in the abo#e example. It is basically
to make the theory fit. +t this point4 I can add no further si"nificance to !phere
except that it ser#es as a wall containin" time stress particles. It could possibly
be a part of a bi""er scheme of metaphysics.
Now that you ha#e a "rasp of how these time loops and manifolds fit into an
o#erall picture of the uni#erse4 there is another key 9uestion that must be asked.
Is it possible to "ain consciousness of the other loops or manifoldsJ
5es4 it is. This is what happened on my roof when I was puttin" up my *elta T
antenna Fas discussed in $hapter !ixG. That antenna has a subtle interdimensional
effect on the nature of time itself. It enabled me to re"ain consciousness of an
alternate time line that I had been put on a"ainst my innate will.
It is therefore possible for others to tra#el from one time loop to another.
In fact4 it appears that this is the entire reason for the Philadelphia Experiment
and Montauk Project in the first place. This theory indicates that not only was an
alternate time loop created but that this loop enabled a #ast influx of alien
-%s to come to this planet. -%s ha#e always been around4 but there is no denyin"
the sudden fre9uency of reports in the 67:B>s.
E#en if you do not accept any of this as the truth4 it is 9uite ob#ious that
this is the type of ad#anta"e an alien race mi"ht ha#e o#er us.
The next point I want to address is that parallel realities are based upon
principles common to electroma"netics. -or example4 it is common knowled"e that
alternatin" current is created by an alternatin" difference in potentials.
It is the relationship between the #olta"e and the current that makes
current function. -urther4 the relationship between the current and #olta"e is
Aust as there is an interplay between the #olta"e and current4 there is one
between two different realities.
Extrapolatin" from these principles4 it can be understood that parallel
are ninety de"rees out of phase with our .normal reality.. In other words4 if there
is a parallel reality4 one has to consider that it has potential ener"y. It is
not acti#ated of itself. It would also be ninety de"rees out of kilter from our
normal #iewpoint. The fact that it is potential ener"y means that it has the
capability to flow to our reality and #ice #ersa.
This explains that there is not only a relationship between electroma"netic
principles and other uni#erses4 but su""ests that by utili=in" electroma"netic
principles that one can theoretically enter the realm of other realities. These
would include the alternate time loops of which I ha#e already spoken.
It is hoped that the abo#e will "i#e the reader a "eneral understandin" of how
electroma"netic principles were used to manipulate time at Montauk.
+PPEN*I? ') '3%!!+(5
+mplitron) + hi"h powered 1- amplifier. +t Montauk4 this ser#ed as the final
amplifier of the transmitter before a function was radiated out the antenna.
+ lar"e tube4 it wei"hed ;BB pounds and measured ;M inches in its lar"est
Biorhythm) This is an esoteric term and refers to any re"ularly repeatin" life
function in an or"anism. + biorhythm is perhaps best understood in terms of
%riental .Ci. or .$hi. ener"y4 which is the life force that re"ulates the
entire body. +cupuncture addresses biorhythms in order to affect a cure. /hen
planet is considered as an or"anism4 biorhythms would include all the subtle
functions that make life possible and re"ulate it. The seasons4 rotation of the
Earth and spinnin" of the "alaxy would all be taken into account. 3e"endary
such as !tonehen"e are considered to be constructed in harmony with the
of the planet.
$athode) In a #acuum tube4 the electron emittin" material is called a cathode.
In an electrolytic cell4 it is the ne"ati#e electrode from which current flows.
In essence4 it is a source of flow.
$ycle) + unit of acti#ity within a wa#e that continually repeats itself. + cycle
will "o up and down before it repeats itself. If you #isuali=e ocean wa#es that
are all uniform4 the series of wa#es would be called the .wa#e.. The one ocean
that a surfer mi"ht ride would be a .cycle..
*elta T) !hort for .*elta Time.. *elta is used in science to indicate chan"e4 thus
.*elta T. would indicate a chan"e in time.
*elta T antenna) +n octahedronal antenna structure that is desi"ned to bend time.
,isually4 it looks like two pyramids sharin" the same base. By definition4 it
can actually facilitate shiftin" time =ones. Two coils are placed #ertically
around the ed"es of the pyramid structure at 7B de"ree an"les to one another.
+ third coil surrounds the base. !hiftin" time =ones was accomplished by pulsin"
and powerin" the *elta T antenna4 as is discussed in $hapter 6E. E#en when the
antenna is not powered4 it has a subtle interdimensional effect on the nature of
time itself.
*%() !tands for .*ead %("one. Fsee definition of .or"one..G This refers to life
ener"y that has become sta"nant or ne"ati#e. *%( couls be considered the
antithesis of life ener"y.
.Electroma"netic bottle.) This refers to a .bottle effect. that is created when
a specific space is surrounded by an electroma"netic field. The specific space
itself is the inside of the .bottle.. The walls would be the electroma"netic
/hen people or objects are within the specific space4 they would be within an
.electroma"netic bottle..
Electroma"netic wa#e) /hen an electric char"e occurs that oscillates Fswin"s back
and forthG4 a field around the char"e is "enerated. This field is both electric
and ma"netic in nature. This field also oscillates which in turn propa"ates a
throu"h space. This was is called an electroma"netic wa#e.
-re9uency) The number of wa#es or cycles per second.
1elmholt= coils) commonly4 1elmholt= coils refer to two identical coils that are
separated by a distance of one radius of the coils themsel#es. F5ou can
this if youthink of two hula hoops parallel to each other.G /hen the coils are
electrified4 they produce a homo"eneous ma"netic field o#er a lar"er #olume of
than does a sin"le coil.
1ert=) Fabbr 1=G This is simply one cycle of a wa#e. + wa#e consists of numerous
that are repetitions of one cycle. To be a bit more technical4 hert= is the
complete fluctuation of a wa#e from plus Fthe hi"hest pointG to minus Fthe
point.G -i#e hert= would be fi#e cycles per second.
M1=) Me"a1ert=4 which are e9ui#alent to 64BBB4BBB hert=.
Non)hert=ian component) This term does not exist in con#entional science. It refers
to the etheric component of electroma"netic wa#es. Theoretically4 the non)
1ert=ian component is a wa#e function. Instead of oscillatin" trans#ersely4 it
oscillates with the direction of propa"ation4 which is known as lon"itudinal
sound wa#es.G It could be looked at as an .acoustical. electroma"netic wa#e.
%r"one) This refers to life ener"y or sexual ener"y as obser#ed by *r. /ilhelm
(eich. It is the positi#e ener"y that .makes us tick..
%scillator) + de#ice that establishes and maintains oscillations. To oscillate
means to swin" back and forth. In electronics4 an oscillations refers to a
re"ular #ariation between maximum and minimum #alues4 such as current or
Phase) The time inter#ale between when one thin" occurs and the instant a second
related thin" takes place.
Phase conju"ation) This is the process whereby a wa#e comes back from a recei#ed
source that is an ima"inary ima"e of a transmitted wa#e. In other words4 when
a radio wa#e is transmitted4 an ima"e "oes back to the transmitter by the
of conju"ation. F-or more information4 one can read up on modern electro)optics
Phoenix Project) + secret project that commenced in the late 67:B>s. It researched
the use of or"one ener"y4 particularly in re"ards to weather control. It
inherited the (ainbow Project and included the Montauk Project itself. .Phoenix.
was an official code name.
Psycho)acti#e) This pertains to any acti#ity or function that has an effect on
the mind or psyche. In this book4 psycho)acti#e refers primarily to
functions or electric e9uipment that influence human thinkin" and beha#ior.
Psychotronics) The science and discipline of how life functions. It includes
the study of how technolo"y interacts with the human mind4 spirit and body.
!cience4 mathematics4 philosophy4 metaphysics and esoteric studies are united
throu"h the study of psychotronics. It would also include other realities and
how we interface with other dimensions of existence.
Pulse modulations) These are sent as a series of short pulses which are separated
by relati#ely lon" stretches of time with no si"nal bein" transmitted.
(-) (adio -re9uency. -re9uencies abo#e EB4BBB hert= are called radio fre9uencies
because they are useful in radio transmissions.
(adio wa#e) +n electroma"netic wa#e that carries intelli"ent information Fpictures4
sound4 etc.G
(elati#istic) (elati#istic functions refer to acti#ities that are out of our normal
reference frame. It also concerns how acti#ities in other reference frames
to ours. (elati#ity embraces the concept of e#erythin" without any limitations4
includin" other dimensions and the entire uni#erseFsG.
!ideband) This is the component of radio wa#es that actually carries the
!pace)time) /hen you study hi"her le#el physics4 it becomes apparent that space and
time are inextricably related to each other. It is considered less accurate
to refer to just space or time by itself Fbecause they don>t exist by
That would be like sayin" your mouth ate the dinner.
Time referenceFsG) This refers to the electroma"netic factors by which we are
connected to the physical uni#erse and the stream of time. $onsciousness of time
can be likened to a deep hypnosis which causes one to be in sympathy with the
#arious fre9uencies and pulses of the physical uni#erse.
Trancei#er) +n instrument that ser#es as both a recei#er and a transmitter.
Transmitter) + de#ice or unit that sends a si"nal or messa"e.
/a#e) + state of motion that rises and falls periodically is called a wa#e. It
can be transmitted from one particular area to another with no actual transport
of matter takin" place. + wa#e consists of many cycles and can carry si"nals4
pictures or sounds.
T1E !T%(5 $%NTINE!...
M%NT+C (E,I!ITE*4 +d#entures in !ynchronicity& By Preston B. Nichols and Peter
Montauk re#istied unmasks the occult forces that were behind the scene and
technolo"y used in .The Montauk Project.. +n ornate tapestry is re#ealed which
interwea#es the mysterious associations of the $ameron clan with "enesis of
+merican rocketry4 the bi=arre history of the electronic transistor and the ma"ic
of +leister $rowley. The Montauk in#esti"ation carries forward as Preston Nichols
opens the door to Peter Moon and unleashes a host of incredible characters and new
information. + startlin" scenario is depicted that reaches far beyond the scope
of the first book4 .The Montauk Project.. Illustrations and photos. EM8 p"s.
P5(+MI*! %- M%NT+C4 Explorations in $onsciousness& By Preston B. Nichols and Peter
+n astonishin" second se9uel that awakens the consciousness of humanity to its
ancienty history and ori"ins throu"h the disco#ery of pyramids at Montauk. Their
placement on sacred nati#e +merican "round opens the door to an unprecedented
in#esti"ation of the mystery schools of earth and their connection to Ey"pt4
+tlantis4 Mars and the star !irius. Mr. Nichols fascinates us with an update
on co#ert operations that includes the disco#ery of a nuclear particle accelerator
and the de#elopment of new psychotronic weapons. .Pyramids of Montauk. stirs
the 9uest for the end of time as we know it. EM8 p"s.
T1E M%NT+C P3!E4 + $hronicle of Time
+s .The Montauk Project& Experiments in Time. ori"inally went to press in May
677E4 many new and startlin" de#elopments be"an to take place. $onse9uently a
newsletter entitled .The Montauk Pulse. be"an in Aanuary 677; to keep interested
readers up to date on breakin" news re"ardin" the Montauk scenario.
It was not en#isioned at that time that two subse9uent books would be published
on the subject. The Pulse has a distinct identity from the books and will often
comment on details and history that don>t necessarily find their way into book
The Montauk Pulse contains at least six pa"es per issue and is published
It includes excitin" new breakthrou"hs on the Montauk story as well as similarly
related phenomena like the Philadelphia Experiment or other space)time projects.
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