DR Bill Deagle Prognosis For Planet Earth

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Dr Bill Deagle - Prognosis for Planet Earth - Project Camelot Interview

Bill Ryan (BR): You know what? I’d just like to say I’m really, really glad to have met you personally.

Bill Deagle (BD): Yeah. Well, same here. [laughs]

BR:  This is Project Camelot, and my name is Bill Ryan with my partner Kerry Cassidy. And we’re book-ending here
right between us. We’ve got Dr. Bill Deagle, and it’s a tremendous privilege to be with you.

BD:  Thank you very much.

BR:  I just joked to Dr. Bill just now that I’m claiming the Guinness record for having listened to his [December 2006]
Granada Forum Lecture all the way through seven times, which I had to do because there’s so much data in there.

And not only that, in a phone call just a few days ago, Dr. Bill told us that he probably only presented about 10% of
the information which he had to offer. And one of the things which we hope to do in the next couple of hours is to
see whether we can get on record as much of the remaining 90% as possible.
BD:  [laughs]

BR:  And in particular, many of the people viewing this video now, and the two of us, Kerry, and myself in particular,
are really interested and focused on what is going to be happening in the immediate few weeks and months. And I
think one of the phrases that Bill used was “the calm before the storm”.

What’s the storm?

BD:  Well, the best way to think is the Emory War College. And if you talk to people that work in the Marine-Army War
College and other places, what they do is, they war-game it out. They have people that sit around big boardroom
tables, and then what they do is, they put it into simulation computers.

They use Simula PL/1 and other languages that were actually developed for the military, and then they put it on
their own super-computers and then they run through a number of simulations. So every war, every conflict, every
national emergency, has already been scenarioed out.

People don’t realize just how much computing power has been put into these things -- for everything from ET
invasions, to a tsunami hitting the west coast, to Cumbre Viejo [Ed. Note: an island in the Canaries that could
collapse and cause a tsunami on the East coast of the US], to a civil disruption because of an earthquake in the New
Madrid fault in the Midwest. So basically everything’s been simulated. There’s a number of items.

Now, what I often try to do on my radio show, which is the Nutrimedical Report; it’s on Genesis Network. And the two
websites, if you want to check it out, are nutrimedical.com, where I have a lot of the anti-aging, life extension, civil
defense, and other information.

And the other website is clayandiron.com. The network is Genesis Network. It’s out of St. Paul, Minnesota. And their
website for getting podcasts, streaming and on-demand, which replays the shows, is gcnlive.com.

What I try to do on my show is... I realize that one of the things about having a regular radio show is you can bring in
all of these experts and guests, but there are several ways of approaching it. My approach has been to try... if they
listen to enough shows, that people will start to see a montage of images that’ll change their paradigm.

Because you can’t change people by necessarily beating them over the head with the facts if they emotionally aren’t
ready for that.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  And you also have to change their paradigm by what I call the “little grades” that happen as they listen to more
and more people, and they are willing to accept one message from one type of person, or one way of doing it, or a
little humor, or some music.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  And eventually they get to the point where they’re able to then accept the intellectual truths, the spiritual
truths, and so on.

The two key things that I try to teach on my show are: The first thing is that people don’t know what they are. People
really don’t know what kind of a being they are, and because of that -- which is in many cases kept purposely away
from them – they’re manipulated. For example, if you didn’t know you were a bird, you’d obviously not try to fly.

BR:  Yep. Good analogy.

BD:  The other thing I try to teach them is that everything that they have learned in the past has been predigested
and presented to them so they really don’t understand the nature of the universe they live in. They don’t even know
what “reality” is.

BR:  Yeah. And all this is one of the parameters in the model, presumably, that people are interacting with this “stage

BD:  Right.

BR:  ...with a very limited amount of information at their disposal with which to react, to make appropriate

BD:  Right. So what I try to do is, I try to stretch them beyond that. One of the things that I try to do is... There’s no
such thing as a “sacred cow,” whether it’s a political view, a religious view, a scientific view. It has to be, you know,
“trust but verify”. You know, Ronald Reagan, before he had too many aspartame jelly beans. [laughs]

So the idea is that eventually you’ll get enough evidence and enough logical things that... You have what I call “the
two witnesses”. It has to not assault your intellect (the information), and it also has to ring with your spirit.

BR:  Good. But, you know, a lot of people watching this now have already done that homework...

BD:  Right.

BR:  ...either by listening to your shows or listening to ours, because we’ve been operating in essentially the same

BD:  Right.

BR:  Or both.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And there’s also... Would you agree that there’s not a lot of time now?

BD:  No, there’s not a lot of time. And there’s a number of what I call “spasms of events” that’re going to happen. And
to just give you the timeline of where things are going rather than giving you specific dates...

The first thing is that people need to understand, whether we elect McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden, or the Green Party
with McKinney, the events are already in motion to create a regional and world economic catastrophe and then to
create regional and world banks.

BR:  So they’ve already got the script for the movie, but they haven’t got the cast yet.

BD:  Right. They’ve gone to central casting, and whoever the players are, they’re in a sense going to be like riders on
the wave of this.

BR:  OK. So what’s the script? [laughs]

BD:  Well, the script basically is that... And I’ll back up a little bit, so that...

BR:  Yeah. And also a few minutes ago you mentioned modeling. It would be great to tie this back into the modeling
scenario that you mentioned.

BD:  Right. They’ve done lots of modeling. In fact they have one of the most advanced programs at the University of
California in San Francisco. And they’re tied directly into the National Reconnaissance Office.

This, by the way, I do regularly on my show -- release classified information. And there they have all this access to the
Cray 5s and Cray 4 super-computer arrays, and so they will do simulations.

Kerry Cassidy (KC):  And that’s located in Denver, right?

BD:  Well, that’s where the main node is. It’s actually Shriver Air Force Base. But they also have their systems
elsewhere. And people need to know that the world that they believe in is a fairytale that never existed. Right?

BR:  Right.

BD:  So anyway, this is at university level. They have a social modeling super-computer program. And what they do is,
they try different perturbations. They’ll try a little thing, put a balloon up, put a media event. And they’re able to
model that based on getting information back.

They’re able to do specific searches, which are called “architectural searches,” not all that different from the Half Past
Human or the Princeton University kind of “eggs” thing.

They’re actually mining the Internet; they’re mining phone conversations. They’re mining data from peoples’ cable
boxes, which they’ve cut two ways so they can know what they’re watching. And they have what’s called “data
architecture” software that can actually analyze it.

BR:  Yep.

KC:  [Inaudible]

BD:. . . .ah, that’s a possibility, that they can do that. But the most important is they just know what they’re viewing.
And if they know what they’re viewing, what the box is turned on to, they can actually put this back into their data.
And they can then say, based on area code distribution, demographics, etc...

BR:  Yep.

BD:   Because people need to know that every phone conversation always was monitored. Every fax always was
monitored. And they have had super-computers.

And in 2003 they launched what’s called the AI system, which is an intelligent super-computer with the Intelligence
of a human being -- in other words, a smart human being but able to think 10 trillion times faster, with the access to
all known knowledge and history and a complete access to the Internet and all the communications pathways. So...

KC:  With that in mind, the modeling they are making... Their plan, their agenda, is going to be played out as what?
The biggest surprise they can think of?

BD:  Well, no. What they are do is build a cybernetic copy of the Earth.

KC:  Right.

BD:  They can actually do models with that and try to do what’s called “timeline pathway analysis”.

BR:  Yep.

KC:  Right. But how do they choose? Do you know that?

BD:  Yeah.

BR:  An entire virtual world, with virtual people.

BD:  In a virtual world. I actually took care of employees working on what’s called the Sentient World Project in

KC:  Yes. But I still don’t understand, you know, how they’re choosing their scenario. In other words, we know that the
financial collapse...
BD:  Well, they can try a scenario and they can actually try it in the cyber-world and then they can see the response
based on...

KC:  Right. But have you gotten feedback from say, secret deep black projects, saying, you know, they have chosen
this scenario?

BD:  Ah, some things. Some things. Yeah.

BR:  Give us some clues, Bill.

BD:  Well, I’ll give you an example. One of the first things is, by doing this modeling, it means that they don’t do it in
just a kind of... In other words, they’re not just trying it on the public. They try a different thing.

For example, they had the Countrywide financial collapse earlier this year, and then they had the collapse of Lehman
Brothers. And they try each thing. And they try to see what kind of response they’re getting from the public. And they
feed that back into the model.

Now, when I took care of the people that were working on the Sentient World Project, they actually created a
cybernetic model of the Earth. It’s an actual physical model in hyperspace that is down to a tolerance of about a
centimeter-and-a-half. All the roadways, buildings, everything, people. Everybody inside that model are actually
considered, called, nodes. That’s their actual term they use for it.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Besides doing the simulator computer modeling, they’re using other technologies. Some of them are quite
alien, if you want to call it.

BR:  I can believe it.

BD:  And they’re using these technologies so they can actually analyze timeline pathways. Because what they’re
trying to do is...

KC:  So we’re talking about Looking-Glass, then?

BD:  Yeah. Exactly. And, of course, a lot of the people don’t understand that most of these are actually based on
what’s called torsional vortex imaging, which is hyperdimensional imaging.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And torsional vortex imaging we’ve had since the 1950s, reverse-engineered.

BR:  Yep.

BD:   Torsional vortex imaging was the top project of HAARP. It was not the bottom project; it was the top project.

BR:  OK.

BD:  So torsional vortex imaging allows them to look through the Earth to see all the resources. So the primary thing
was to drop a thermal-magnetic mirror with aluminum and barium salts.

BR:  Which is the chemtrail project?

BD:  Yeah. But it’s really high, 73- to 80-thousand feet. You won’t see these.

BR:  OK.

BD:  And when the particles are put up there, they last two to three years in space because they layer out and they
get locked into that layer at the upper troposphere. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And it acts as a mirror for what’s called torsional vortex imaging. So they can throw a pulse and see an echo that
comes back and they can image it.

BR:  I got it. Yep.

BD:  So they can see oil resources, gold, minerals, titanium, whatever they need, and they can also see through the
Earth and see underground bases, cities, facilities. So, for example, when Sichuan...

BR:  Some of this stuff that isn’t even ours.

BD:  Right. Yeah. And they can also see stuff that’s not ours. Exactly. They see giant caves and cavern systems that go
hundreds of miles through the Midwest.

BR:  Right.

BD:  But they can also see things like military bases, like the Chinese nuclear and military munitions base that was
struck with a tectonic weapon in Sichuan, west China. That was a specific use of tectonic technology. Right?

BR:  Yep. Mm hm.

BD:  Now, we have our version of it. And the Russians have a new system called a super-capacitor technology, so
they were able to make these very, very powerful capacitors that can generate similar things to our HAARP
technology. Right?

KC:  OK. But where are they going with this? That’s actually what we...

BD:  Yeah. Well, where they’re going with all this... Just to give you an idea: The first thing is, you have to look at the
menu of what they have. And they try various items, try to perturbate on new computer modeling.

And then they decide whether they’re going to proceed now or in the near future. Like, a lot of people say: Well, why
hasn’t there been another 9/11?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  Right? Another... like blowing up cities or doing other things? Because for years they’ve been doing war-game
simulations of a 10-kiloton nuke in a number of cities.

For example, this year it was in Portland Harbor, and last year it was in Charleston Harbor, where they actually did a
simulation of a...
And it was not just the U.S. It was the U.S., British, and Canadians, where they were doing a joint war-games
simulation of this, and trying to see the civil defense, and the radiation plume, and the movement of the public and,
you know, how to handle the bodies, and all this kind of stuff.

So they’re doing all of that. They do this on multiple levels and they feed the data back into their super-computers to
decide what will work best.

One of the things that we did... Back in the late 90s, I was a doctor for Rocky Mountain Occupational Medicine, and
we got the contract for the Hazmat teams in Colorado, for the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control to do a war-
game simulation called Operation Top Off and Operation Dark Winter.

We did a simulation at the Performing Arts Center, on a “simulated release”, not a real release, of pneumonic plague.
And we wanted to look at the kill ratio, in terms of how quickly the system could be activated -- the EMS system -- to
be able to get people and treat them and triage them and whatever.

And we did a similar one down on 17th Avenue, downtown Denver, in a second-floor window of an apartment. And
we even set up a sprayer to spray out the window, with a little compressed air, a little vapor stream, which was
supposedly anthrax. So, it would be a weaponized anthrax stream that would actually spray out that second-floor
window. And that anthrax stream would then...

We would then have people go... We had the Hazmat officers and Special Forces, and they would go to various
hospitals, like St. Joe’s, Presbyterian, St. Lukes, etcetera. And we tried to see, with recording all these data intake
sheets, whether or not, Number One, emergency departments would activate CDC, get the proper specimens, get the
people treated in a timely fashion so they wouldn’t die.

We killed everybody.

BR:  OK.

KC:  Why did you kill everybody, though?

BD:  We killed everybody because the system was too inadequate. The Emergency department doctors, the
infectious disease, the activation of the system... The tracking back to the source of the spray would have been too
So if there was a lethal weaponized anthrax -- it only needs, let’s say, 80 spores to cause a lethal infection rather than
80,000 to 100,000 – that we figured out from the dispersal at that level on the canyon of, say, 17th Avenue, would
have killed at least 4- to 5-thousand people that were, during the middle of the day, would have been exposed.

BR:  Right.

BD:  Now, the reason why I bring up that model is that they’re doing this all the time with their cybernetics models,
because they’re trying to steer society along certain timelines.

And they have various forces. All the people in this – you hear the word “New World Order” -- they’re not in
agreement. And there are various levels. And most of ’em think that they’re at the top of whatever level they’re at,
and they’re really at the bottom of another level. OK?

Even the people at the top that are human. Because the New World Order is not being run by humans.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK?

BR:  Exactly.

BD:  And you need to grasp this. The analogy I use on my show is... In their training in England, as part of a power
game, they’d bring you to their gardens. And their gardener would kind of make a little maze. And then you’d go
through the little maze and thought you were quite clever because you’d get out in a matter of moments.

And then what they’d do is, they’d take you to the big maze, which was done by a very clever gardener. And the only
way you could get out was if you were talked out.

BR:  OK.

BD:  OK. If you weren’t talked out, you wouldn’t make it out of the maze, and you’d be stuck there the entire
afternoon and wouldn’t have tea or anything. Right?
BR:  OK.

BD:  So the thing was to humiliate you to realize there was no way you could get out of the big maze unless you
changed your paradigm of how to get out of the maze. Right?

BR:  Very good. Right.

BD:  And what they’re doing basically is, they’re... In a sense they’re “sheep dipping” the entire society to kind of buy
into the lies of what’s going on. People don’t know what kind of... You know, even modern history has completely
been rewritten. Everything...

BR:  But there is some waking up going on, which you need to also factor in.

BD:  Yes, there is.

BR:  It’s also being factored in.

BD:  Sure it is. And that’s why there’s been quite a delay. In fact, if you look at the published documents, like Global
2000, about population reduction; if you look at the planned release of things like avian flu; if you look at the
planning on blowing up cities with dirty bombs or micro-nukes, or doing other things, they’re way behind schedule.

BR:  This also means that they’ve also programmed in the Nutrimedical Report and the Project Camelot interviews.
And they’re taking all of that into account and then recalculating everything. Right?

BD:  Ah, well they are. But the problem is that there’s a number of wild cards that they're not in control of.

BR:  Which are?

BD:  Well, lots of wild cards.

BR:  OK.

BD:  The first one is the human one. Human beings are a polydimensional being that far transcends what people
usually think of as human.
Just to give you kind of... To back up in terms of a little physics: Our plane of existence, the energetic plane, has five
dimensions, not four. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Then the spiritual plane has seven dimensions. Some people call that astral. And then there is the 13th, which is
the eternal. OK? And everything are harmonics of that. That’s why... The very nature of the existence itself is literally
the passage of spirit through energetic planes that creates a montage.

BR:  We’ll buy all of that. And what we are here, what I see in my field of vision, is the tiny tip of a huge iceberg.

BD:  Right.

BR:  Yeah. And the iceberg is a beautiful, fantastic wonderful eternal thing.

BD:  Right. Exactly. In other words, this moment that’s existing right now as we are taping, has always existed.

BR:  Yeah. I’ll buy that.

KC:  Absolutely. Time is circular. But Bill, what I wanted to know is, what are you saying they are going to do with
this? Because obviously if they’re behind schedule... And here we are, at the end of September, and we’ve got the
American economy going in the tank.

BD:  Right.

KC:  And so what’s the next step?

BD:  Well, here you’ve got to think about what their goal is. It’s almost like a mouse that reaches certain barriers, a
smart mouse. You put certain barriers down, but a mouse can still smell the cheese. It’ll get around that barrier and
it’ll figure out how to do it. And if it’s a very intuitive mouse, it can see beyond the barrier to where the pathway is to
get to the cheese. And if it’s got lots of access, then it’s going to do that. Right?

BR:  Right.
BD:  So what I see is this. Their goal is to have a world bank. Their goal is to have regionalized currency zones. They
published it. In fact, one of the things that you have to understand -- which is really bizarre but also true -- is that
part the “religion,” if you want to call it, or the dogma, of the globalists is to prove that they are a super class, or the
predator class, who have the right to make these decisions.

Because they have to publish it, and the profane don’t understand it. But it’s plainly published. Like for example in
September of 1973, the Council on Foreign Relations...

BR:  It’s all in plain sight.

BD:  It’s all in plain sight.

KC:  Like the Iron Mountain Report, for example.

BD:  Yeah. Or the 1974 document that talked about the greatest danger to the world is population growth. Or the
Global 2001. . .

BR:  The Georgia Guidestones.

BD:  Exactly. It’s all in plain sight. And the problem is that people will look at it and say: Well, it can’t be true because
it’s in plain sight.

It’s almost like, if you want to say: It’s a battleship. And they say: Well, it’s painted pink. It can’t be a battleship. It’s
got plants coming out of all the turrets. [Bill laughs] Even though it is a battleship and it’s in the front yard. [more

KC:  What aliens, though, are running the show, in your opinion?

BD:  Well, I’m going to get to that because I’m going to give you a little different spin. What we have to do is use a
lot of discernment. There’s basically two perspectives in the universe -- and this is whether you’re human or

What we are or any other “sentient” being in the universe is a spirit-being that’s transcending through an energy
matrix, creating a reality. OK? In other words, we are co-creators of our own timeline and future.

BR:  Absolutely.

BD:  And if you look at people like Michio Kaku and advanced physicists and so on, they talk about the universe in
terms of energy. You know, like a Zero Energy culture, and the Level One energy culture, a culture that is able to leap
across the galaxy and is bound by time and space.

But you can also use those similar principles for, you know -- similar kinds of characteristics -- for dealing with what I
call the spirituality of a sentient civilization. Right?

BR:  Right.

BD:  So you need to use both the energy thing and they are tied together.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Because there’s lot of suppression of the technology that we already have, because spiritually we are very...
what I call a Zero Order culture.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  We’re still in the playpen or the crib of civilization and we’ve been actually quarantined for 3 shars, which is
Zecharia Sitchen’s “passages through the galactic plane of fire,” it’s called.

The two perspectives tie in with either being in touch with that Higher Self, which is the “I AM,” the one that says Let
there be light, the spirit that’s in us.

And all great spiritual leaders that spoke truth that they knew in their heart -- whether it was Buddha or Zoroaster or
whatever -- all of these great leaders have spoken something. And many times it’s been converted, or perverted, or

Or they themselves didn’t have the whole truth, they just had portions of it, so then it became a “religion.” Now,
religion is a substitute for relationship.
BR:  Yep.

BD:  And I call it “real lies going on”. And it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism,
Zoroastrianism, Atheism.

All the “isms” in the world fall into two categories: Either you hear the Voice of the spirit that created you and
created all that exists, the continuum -- because without a single voice there is no universe -- one “I” voice, I call it.
There is no one “I” voice.

So, therefore, it’s either your will – the will of, in other words, deciding for yourself what is good or evil -- or hearing
the Voice. In other words, you don’t need to tell people what’s right or wrong. If they’re in contact with their higher
self and with the Creator that created them, they know what’s right or wrong.

BR:  OK. Now, just bring that back to where you were when you were talking about the wild card factors of who
people really are -- this is my paraphrase of what you were saying -- and how there are certain things that can’t be
programmed into their super-computer, because, actually, you’re talking about actual human beings that are eternal
and magical.

BD:  Exactly. And you see that point ties in with the factions, if you want to call it. You know, you can go to all kinds
of different religious books, whether it’s the Hopi Indians or the Christian Bible or many other books, and they’ll tell
you that there’s been visitations to Earth over all of the ages.

BR:  OK. Now...

BD:  And the way it ties into this is that some of these visitors have specific characteristics that are very common. For
example, Naga, in the area of Oceania. Right? Which are, you know, the serpent people or the feathered serpent god,
or whatever. What you’ll find... Or the Dagon, which is, you know, the amphibian beings that come from a world. And
therefore, even the hat, for example, that’s on the Pope, is actually called “the sign of Dagon”, which is a fish-god or

BR:  Yes. Yes.

KC:  OK. Right. But . . .

BD:   ...which is always in the background, in other words.

BR:  Right now there will be people watching this who say: I know I’m eternal and magical, and I’m really interested
in what you’re saying. So what can I do? How can I be? What action can I take to capitalize on my wild card so they
may not be able to predict what I’m going to do next?

BD:  Yeah, what I’m trying to get at... You know, I hear lots of different reports, that people say: I’ve been in touch
with the Pleiadians or Andromedans, or I’m in touch with this group or that group. But people need to use extreme,
extreme discernment.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And the way I think about it is this. Say, you know, if you went to a new city. Let’s say you were from South Africa
and you came to New York City, and you didn’t know where to go, but you went to the wrong part of the city. You
might not come back out alive. OK?

BR:  Right

BD:  And a similar thing... You have to think of the universe that way, too.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  There’s very good places in the universe, and very bad.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK? Just think of it this way. Any being that’s capable of leaping across space/time and arriving in our world, you
have to assume that their intelligence is limitlessly greater than ours. And therefore anything that they
communicate to us could either be very true or very, very maliciously manipulated to control us, almost like a pack.

BR:  Exactly.

BD:  In other words, we would be treated like an ant, or cockroach or like my pet dogs. They would have no way of
even understanding what we’re talking about, so it would be almost sport. Right?

BR:  Yes.

KC:  Except that, if they’re that intelligent, they also realize that we’re grand spiritual beings in our own right and
therefore they’re actually dealing with something that’s much more massive than just our 3-dimensional form.

BD:  Exactly, exactly. Here’s the point, though. You’ve got two perspectives out there. You’ve got one group -- we’ll
call them, just for the sake of it, you know, like David Icke. He was speaking at the UFO Conference up in San
Francisco. He calls them the Reptilians. OK? Or you might call them the serpents, like it talks about in the Bible. OK?

And in fact, you’ve got to understand that when you look at the Bible at things that are a description to people that
were shepherds and artisans 2- to 3-thousand years ago. Right? Or you look at other ancient books... And what they’re
really trying to describe here is something that’s actually quite similar to what’s happening today.

So let’s say we have one group that says: We are a predatory super-nation of super-scientists that don’t have any
spirit, but we invade and take over worlds.

BR:  Hum.

BD:  We can invade the mind-space dimension. We can attack on the physical level. We can put policies in place to
cut off the connection between their physical body and their spiritual body -- through things like fluoridation and
genetically modified food or electromagnetic pollution.

KC:  So are you suggesting that it is the Reptilians that are involved with the current Illuminati?

BD:  Well... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

KC:  This type of agenda?

BD:  Of course. Yeah. It’s just no different than what the Bible has been saying all along, --  the serpentine.

KC:  Right. So I want to sort of base it here in the here-and-now a little bit so we can understand what you’re talking
BD:  Right. A lot of times, though, they misjudge it. Because for example, when... David’s done a lot of really good
work. But one of the times... If you don’t know what you’re seeing because you’ve never seen anything like it

What he did is, he took a thing called ayahuasca, which is an analog of dimethyltriptamine. And ayahuasca and
dimethyltriptamine opens up what’s called, you know, the spirit eye. People call it the third eye, the astral eye, or

But basically it is, we’re all born as children with this ability to see in the spirit realm. And that’s why children see
their little friends, and see other things, and see good and bad. And they have a thing called pavor nocturnus, or
night terrors, because they can see in the spirit realm things that aren’t pleasant. They’re very nasty. Right?

BR:  Yes.

BD:  They’re not just making it up in their little minds because they’ve got hormone surges. They’re actually having a
problem. So the reason why I seem to be a little circuitous here is that people misinterpret the signals.

For example, after David went and took ayahuasca down in South America, and he got into this altered state, he
started seeing what he misinterpreted as shape-shifting. Shape-shifting doesn’t occur.

BR:  Well, he hadn’t seen it so much himself, as he was taking reports from Arizona Wilder and others.

BD:  Yeah.

BR:  And others, and taking those at literal face value. That’s my understanding. And I have no criticism of him

BD:  No, no. I’m not criticizing.

BR:  I’m very interested in your take on this.

BD:  Well, OK. Here’s the important part of it. It’s not to criticize him because I think what he’s doing, he’s seeing in
the spiritual realm what’s always there.
BR:  Right.

BD:  And when there’s an intensity of that reality, it breaks through, for people even that don’t have any, you know,
regular sensitivity. So for example, you know, I’ve talked to people who have been in the presence of Hillary Rodham

BR:  Right.

BD:  And Hillary Clinton has a presence of a demonic entity, if you want to call it that, a transdimensional Reptilian
entity that’s so powerful... It’s one of the most negative feelings I’ve ever had. OK?

BR:  Mm hm. And you’ve been in her physical presence yourself?

BD:  Oh yeah. I was one of the doctors who took care of the Englewood Fire Department and the first kid who was
shot in Columbine, Mark Taylor, and we spent about, probably an hour or so, at the Dakota Ridge High School.

And... Because I do see into the spiritual realm. OK? And that happens many times after people have had near death
experiences. I died at birth and again at 8-½. And because of that, there’s a massive release of DMT. And when that
happens, it changes your brain structure and the very nature of how you perceive things. If it happens when you’re
really young, it does it at a time when you can understand and interpret things. If it happens when you’re older, you
can misinterpret things.

BR:  Interesting. Yep. Gotcha.

BD:  Did you follow me?

BR:  Yes I did.

BD:  Which is the reason why when you go to any religious group you’ll find that it’s always children that are
exposed to things like this so that they can understand them better. Otherwise, you know, you can be creeped out if
all of a sudden and start seeing things and you say: Well look, I’ve lost my mind. I’m not rational anymore.

KC:  OK. But you’re saying, in terms of Hillary, you’re actually describing what you consider to be a demonic entity as
opposed to a Reptilian. Is that what you’re saying?

BD:  Oh, it’s a Reptilian all right. When you see it, you’re not seeing a 5-foot-whatever female. You’re seeing a giant
Reptilian entity that’s in a different dimension.

KC:  Exactly. But because it’s a Reptilian entity doesn’t necessarily make it demonic.

BD:  Ah, well, let’s put it this way...

KC:  It’s still an ET from a different dimension.

BD:  Well, this was evil. This is evil, yeah. This is evil.

What people need to understand is that there’s a vast universe out there. Just listen to a lot of the scientists -- and
everybody that’s probably listening to this will understand. If you just... They’re looking for bacteria on Mars. And
they’re looking for other evidence that there’s even simple life forms on Titan and other planets, and planetoids, and
so on.

The fact is, if you just take the minimum number of factors, there’s 100-billion stars just in this galaxy, and there’s a
100-billion-billion galaxies. And that’s in this so-called known cosmos, in this known cosmos, which in a sense is
probably an elemental particle in a yet larger universe. Right?

BR:  Right. Yep. Yep.

BD:  Right. [laughs]

KC:  Well, I’m still back where you were saying that David Icke was wrong because...

BD:  Well, wrong because I think...

KC:  Wrong because he was seeing reptilians and you were saying they don’t shape-shift?

BD:  Yeah. Well, things have to also match science, too, because if you have a shape-shift from a smaller individual
to a physical presence, that is, you know, a giant Reptilian, or whatever, you’re going to actually have... The
thermodynamic laws will cause spontaneous combustion. It just wouldn’t occur.

So what you have to do is... Unless there are changes in the laws of physics, which isn’t going to occur, then you
have... What you’re seeing is something that’s completely, you know... doesn’t occur.

KC:  What you can see, though, is, your perception is changing and you’re able to see into different dimensions

BD:  Yeah, that’s an ability to...

KC:  So they aren’t changing. Your vision is changing. Your ability to see is changing when you’re looking at them.

BD:  Yeah... Yeah. Now, a lot of the time people have to use these kind of things. Now the biggest problem I am
worried about is that, when there’s a lack of discernment, there gets to be a mixed message. And so many messages
have a lot of noise in them that people won’t get a clear understanding of either the opportunities or the dangers of
what’s going on.

KC:  Sure.

BD:  And so you’ll have people, for example, like Arizona Wilder and others, that say they’ve seen these things
happen right in the middle of ceremonies or whatever. And what they don’t understand is that the intensity is so
great, they’re actually seeing into the spirit realm that’s happening in a parallel universe.

KC:  Yes.

BR:  Right. It’s their perception that’s being altered, not the physical reality.

BD:  It’s not physical reality. Yeah.

KC:  We’re tapping into that. But at the same time, let’s talk about how does that impact the Illuminati agenda?
Because we’ve got a lot of Reptilians who’re influencing that agenda.

BD:  Well, let me explain what happens. If you look at all the secret societies down through history -- not just in our
current history in the last 6,000 years, but basically pretty well all of human history, going back to previous
civilizations that have risen and fallen -- there has been this, if you want to call it, dark alliance. OK?

Now the dark alliance has been, basically, with higher orders of these secret orders that it’s passed down through. In
the most recent past, going back the last 6,000 years, it was the ancient Sumerians and the Egyptians.

All the highest rulers of those civilizations would put their children through sex-magic rituals, human sacrifice, and
other things, so they would create, if you want to call it, an astral gate in their mind, so they could attach these
transdimensional entities to them, almost like the sucker-fish on the shark. OK? And you could not advance within
any of these higher orders unless you went through these ceremonies. So...

KC:  Svali talks about this, actually, and so does Leo Zagami.

BD:  Right. So what happens is, for example... If you’re going to get to these higher orders within the Illuminati you
actually have to go through these rituals in order for you and your...

The greatest power is for your ancestors to actually “curse you” to be attached by these things, to gain more physical,
psychic, emotional and intellectual powers. So then, therefore, you can become a “hu-man” -- which, in Welsh, is
serpent man.

And if you look at the Magna Carta, it was written not for the “mansters” -- which is the word manster, which
converted to monster -- it was for serpent-man or the Royals, those who had gone through the ceremonies, who were
“hu-mans” which means serpent-men, and had the transdimensionals literally attached to them almost like a
parasite, a psychic parasite, to create a “hu-man” which is a new, if you want to call it, hybrid.

Clay and iron. In other words, you have the iron of the serpentine transdimensional beings with their higher science
and abilities and so on, literally attached to the “man” to create a “hu-man.”

KC:  OK. So basically you’ve got Illuminati with this proclivity, whatever you want to call it. And then what happens?
Because that’s where we are now with society. These people have been leading the way -- if you want to call it
“leading” -- down a dark corridor, so to speak.

BD:  They consider themselves... You see, one of the problems is a matter of perception. If you feel in your own
twisted way... You’re deciding what is right or wrong, and you feel you have the right to decide, and you’re the
keeper of civilization.
For example, if you look at the tunic on the Teutonic Knights. Right? You’ll see these strange swinging arms in a form
of a cross. That’s not a Christian cross. That cross was long before Jesus Christ, long before there was the first Jew,
long before Egypt and Sumeria. It goes way back to Atlantis and before.

KC:  OK. You’re talking about the swastika as well. Right?

BD:  The swastika is a little different symbol, but that cross actually is a symbol called “As above/ below”. OK? So
what you’re doing is, you’re looking at the swinging arms of a galaxy, above and below the equinoxes. That’s what
you’re seeing there. OK?

KC:  So here we are at this juncture. We’re actually moving into the galactic center.

BR:  But, but. . .

BD:  Right. So we’re moving not only through the plane, but at an equinox. So we have the passage through the
plane. And an equinox has very important effects, not just on the physical plane, because we’re entering an energy
belt which affects the DNA. It affects lifeforms, communications and everything. But it also affects the spiritual
aspects of the creatures on the planet. But it also opens up gates.

BR:  Bring this back now to the problems of discernment, to the wild card factors that have got to do with the eternal
magical creatures that we are, and how this can’t be modeled in the super-computer.

And then again, what they do think they are trying -- or what you do think they are trying to do with us over the next
few weeks and months. Is there a way to align this information in a way that it’s practically meaningful to people out
there, who actually, as we speak, are thinking: What do I do with my job, my family, my money, my occupation?

BD:  Yeah. I want to get to that, too.

BR:  There are practical problems to solve here.

BD:  Yeah. The first thing I think, number one, is they have to discern... Number one: Am I involved with a religion,
“real lies going on”, or am I involved with spirituality? And I’m not necessarily going to put a label on it or tell ’em
which one.
BR:  Right.

BD:  What I try to tell ’em is that... For example, I’m a believer, but if I go to a church I’m going to cause trouble,
because I know things that they can’t know, won’t know, that are going to show that a lot of things that they’re
teaching are patently lies. OK?

KC:  Of course.

BD:  And, unfortunately it isn’t just one group or another. I’m closest allied to, if you want to call it, I’m like a cosmic
messianic believer. And I don’t even like to use the word Christian, because it was actually a blasphemy against
Christians and their little anointed ones.

BR:  Yeah. That term’s already been hijacked long ago.

BD:  Right. It was hijacked. Now, here’s the point. If you actually understand the split in the so-called eastern and
western church, you understand the reason why there’s such a determination to not only hijack Judiasm, and
Christianity and Islam, and why this is all kind of leading us toward what’s called this final conflict of Armageddon.
It’s been stage-managed at a higher level. Right?

BR:  Right.

KC:  Right.

BD:  It’s all staged-managed. And the problem is, people don’t understand they’re being manipulated, even though
their every step is being manipulated. Oh yeah, we’ve got to get Al-Quaeda. Well, you know, who created Al-Quaeda?
When you start showing that these things were totally manufactured. And Al-Quaeda means “the database”.

KC:  Yeah.

BD:  But when you show evidence that the World Trade Center towers were demolished with advanced explosives,
including, you know, micro-nukes, and thermite; or you start to demonstrate that the financial line -- like John
Boncore, who’s a Mohawk, who actually speaks prophetically. He was on the show last week.
The way I want people to do is, first off, don’t accept something unless it’s intellectually correct, at whatever level
they are at, and unless they go back quietly and pray and try to hear the Voice of the Creator God.

KC:   Mm hm.

BD:  Because the problem right now is that there’s so much noise, it’s discernment to keep them in “babble-on” or

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  ...so they won’t be able to discern or they’ll just dismiss it. And they’ll say: Look, you people that talk about UFOs
are nuts. OK? If somebody had told me this years ago, I’d say: You’re crazy, there’s no way.

And, you know, going through medical school training, surgery, whatever, I’d say there’s no way that that could be
true. Because my mind is now focused. I’m going to be a doctor; I’m going to help people; I’m going to do this and

I’m getting access to the totality of human knowledge and science, and I’m going to... At some future date we’re
going to be able to help cure people of disease and so on -- not knowing that only 4% of information is accessed to
even the university Ph.D. tenured professorial level, at the top levels in the world, and the other 96% is by invitation

BR:  Right. [laughs]

BD:  Right? Or that society. . . And when you’ve been invited to enter those realms, then you start to realize, like: My
gosh! Your whole world is shattered. Right? And that’s what’s disturbing about this, and I’m trying to get the message
to the people.

The hardest is to argue with people. I remember having an argument a year and a half ago with Professor Steven
Jones, who felt that thermate could have brought down the World Trade Centers alone.

And, of course, until they’ve had a background in quantum physics and nuclear physics -- I was supposed to go to
MIT and I went into honors biochemistry -- I asked him a series of questions that he couldn’t answer on a scientific
ground. But he wanted to cling to his a priori idea anyway.
Even though there is probably evidence it was thermate, there had to be nuclear explosions. There could have not
been directed energy weapons. And I tried to explain to him. Because I was a doctor for US Space Command and
Strategic Defense, Star Wars. And I said: I’ve talked to the engineers at very high levels, and I know exactly what’s
capable and what we have.

KC:  OK. You have a really interesting background. OK?

BD:  Right.

KC:  But a lot of people say: Well, you’re working for them.

BD:  Yeah. I know they’ll say that, but what people need to do is, they... Ultimately, they need to do is an intellectual
analysis and they need to pray. They need to trust their gut, in other words, their spiritual gut.

KC:  So how did you get out of it? Because in a sense you did work for them. Right? You were their doctor.

BD:  Well, I was their doctor. But here’s what happened. People are so compartmentalized. To give you an example:
Initially I talked to someone working at, say Falcon. And they had a little badge that would allow them to go into one
hallway, and down one pathway, into one room with a security card. And they’d face-scan them with a retinal scan,
and fingerprint scan them, and boom, they go in their room. And they’d spend so many hours there and they’d walk
down the same pathway. And they were monitored all the way.

KC:  They had to follow lines. Isn’t that right?

BD:  They had to follow certain lines on the floor, and if they don’t, they’re immediately apprehended. And it’s not
pleasant. OK? So they’re very highly compartmentalized.

So you can talk to your doctor. Now, these guys really loved being able to talk to me because what I would do is, I
would talk to all the different people. And because I have this advanced technical training, which they never
assumed I did -- like you know, artificial intelligence, super-computers, electronics, quantum physics, and other
things --I’d talk to them about their project.

And after while they were more interested in hearing what I had to tell them about what everybody else was doing
and projects that they didn’t know anything about. So as time went on I gained more and more knowledge.

BR:  Yeah. And it continued training you what questions to ask and you knew how to listen.

BD:  Right. They wanted to talk because they couldn’t tell their wives. They weren’t allowed to tell anybody, their son,
their wife, their children, anybody, or their next door neighbor.

KC:  So you get this aggregate of information. And on top of it, you’ve had these life-death experiences.

BD:  Right. And some, what I’d call supernatural, and some other types of experiences that all fit together.

KC:  OK. You’re putting all of this together and then you eventually create this radio show. Right? And you’re
interviewing witnesses and so on. But where are you at now, as we take this whole package? And you’ve got
something to say here because you called us and. . .

BD:  Right

KC:  And I find this very interesting.

BD:  Well actually, I was told to call you.

KC:  You were told to call us.

BD:  I was told to call you.

KC:  Wonderful.

BR:  By?

KC:  By your direct contact above?

BD:  Yeah. If you want to call it that. I have the direct phone line.

KC:  You’re not the only one that’s been told that way to call us.
BD:  Yeah, yeah, I was told to call you and that it was time to call you, not an hour from now, but right now. And I did.
OK? So that’s, you know, interesting. And things always happen like that to me, you know.

KC:  They do?

BD:  If I told you all the stories you could fill books, you’d have stacks of tapes of amazing stories.

KC:  OK.

BD:  You’d say: That can’t happen; and that can’t happen. But it has.

KC:  All right.

BR:  I want to bring it back to: what are they modeling?

KC:  Yes. [laughter]

BD:  Yeah, yeah.

BR:  And what about these guys with their children and their money? Yeah. OK. Fine.

BD:  Well, yeah. And I’m going to get to that. So basically I want people to discern, to use discernment, and I’m. . .

KC:  Therefore, why do you think you were told to call us?

BD:  At the moment I had no idea. OK? [Bill laughs]

KC:  OK. And do you have an idea now?

BD:  Yeah. I have a very good idea.

KC:  Yeah? And do you want to tell us, or do you want to go down that road?
BD:  Yeah, anyway... [laughter] What people have to understand is that human beings are a supernatural
transdimensional being that’s made in the image of the Creator of the universe, just like the Bible says. OK?

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  But not only that, we’re like cells in a body. And we’re connected, almost like neurons. So that if we get to a level
of revelation, it’s not just for our own purpose to use greedily; it’s to serve the entire body of mankind.

And the best way to think of mankind is not just, you know, in this plane of time/space, but mankind is a non-local
being that stretches across the cosmos, and into the past, present and future. OK?

So when you start to grasp that and you have that intuitive. . . That’s why I tell people... When I try to do talks, I say:
You know, there are two groups of “religions” on Earth. There’s those that believe in reincarnation and those that
don’t believe in reincarnation. Right? And the reason is, they’re both right and wrong.

KC:  OK.

BD:  And the reason is, for them, that’s their level of understanding because that’s where they’re at. When you
become truly intuitive at the highest levels, there’s no such thing as reincarnation.

KC:  Sure, because we’re eternal beings.

BD:  Right. Once you start grasping that, it’s like the words of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus that says, you know, Though
you do it to the least of my brothers, you have done it to me. If you actually felt the pain of allowing your
government to attack and blow up little girls in Baghdad, you wouldn’t do it because it would be like a neuron
connected to another being.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  Or you wouldn’t walk by a plant starving for water without watering it. You wouldn’t spread depleted uranium
on crops because you could feel that. In other words. . .

BR:  You wouldn’t do these things, because you’re doing it to yourself.

BD:  Right. It actually is another expression of the “I AM.” OK?

KC:  Totally.

BD:  We’re a gardener of the garden. We’re actually. . . Think of each spinning galaxy as a spinning flower in the
universe. OK?

KC:  Yes. But let’s get back to this, because we have Reptilians influencing the Illuminati agenda. And we’ve got an
agenda that’s being rolled out on a bunch of eternal beings that don’t really recognize their eternalness. And so
how’s it going to play out?

BD:  Well, first, the thing that I’ve found...

KC:  Why has this been allowed to get so far?

BD:  Well, it’s allowed to get so far for a couple of reasons. The most important thing in the universe for sentient
beings is to have free choice. In other words, to choose to remember.

A lot of people think that, you know, you’re going through life to learn things, or to prove a point or to reach
something, you know, like a point system, like a grade. And that if you reach a certain grade, you can transcend --
which is totally garbage.

It’s like my little daughter with Down’s Syndrome, she doesn’t have to earn points to be my daughter. OK?

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  You are a son or daughter of the Most High God. And what’s happening is your birthright’s being stolen away
from you, just like the story of Jacob and Esau. It’s being stolen away from people.

And the problem is, it’s being stolen away primarily to tell them things that they are not. Or to fill in dogma. And, of
course, it’s interesting -- the word dogma means “am-God”, backwards.

They’re being told that they should decide what’s good or evil rather than deciding from the spirit by making that
connection. Because the only way for people to connect and not have an eternal matrix is to have the spirit inside

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  Now the problem I see is this: People have to discern. There’s two groups in the universe. There is, if you want
to call it, the Dark Empire. We will call them the transdimenstional beings. We might call them the Higher Lords of
Darkness and their Princes. And there’s many different civilizations that’re in this. We don’t even need to get into
names, but there’s a whole series of them.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  You might call them the serpentines, the Reptilians, the Tall Grays, whatever you want to call them. OK? There’s
a whole array of these.

And on the other side, there is a Grand Council of Civilizations out there that are very, very caring and they are
connected to the spirit of the Creator God. They are advanced beings, both human, humanoid and nonhuman, across
the cosmos and universe.

BR:  And of course this was why the movie Star Wars was such a tremendous modern myth because it represented
this whole archetype that everyone really understands even if they don’t know it.

BD:  Well, they understand because it’s something that they’re resonating with their spirit. You see. . .

BR:  Exactly.

BD:  It’s almost like someone going through a neuralizer like the show MIB -- Men in Black. And so they’ve forgotten
something but something can jar them back to remember it anyway. Right?

BR:  Yeah. Right.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  OK. So in a sense you’re in a state of what I call spirit sleep. Your spirit’s asleep so that it can then start to
reawaken its connectedness with everyone else.
KC:  OK. But what’s the nuts and bolts to how this plays out, though, at the moment?

BD:  Well, I’ll just give you a little story. This is one of the most recent ones. Roughly one year ago... And I get visions
and dreams. OK? And one of my primary roles isn’t to be a doctor or a whistleblower or a radio host. Those are all
secondary. And really, to be honest with you, they’re just a vehicle to try to get the real truth out -- which isn’t just
facts. Because the problem is, we have a sea of facts.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  But it doesn’t change people. For example, when you look at the anomalies around 9/11, how many people have
insisted that there’s a proper investigation? Right?

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  Right. And they’re not. Just to follow the financial side and all the other anomalies... And we still have all these
factions, even in the so-called 9/11 movement.

Well, it’s the same way with “religion.” I call it “real lies going on.” They have their dogma they cling to because... It’s
what they call their “hell insurance,” because they’re fearful of knowing these things out here, of hell, or separation,
or whatever it is, at the end of their physical life. So hence they kind of stuff themselves with dogma so that they can
feel safe. Right?

KC:  Mm hm. OK. But you’ve just told us you have three roles that are your secondary roles. What’s your first role?

BD:  My first role is to speak as a prophet.

KC:  OK.

BD:  OK? Now, I’m not talking about Monty Python, fill the stadium with prophets. And there’s many different
prophets. For example, I had on the show last week John Boncore/Splitting the Sky. And I really believe that there
are many people, especially now, that there is a prophetic role for them. OK?

KC:  Sure.
BD:  And they’re from all different nations, colors, peoples, whatever, on the Earth. It’s like the body of mankind.

But there are specific prophets that have what I call, if you want to call it, an “executive role,” to try to bring those
together, and to bring the picture together so that there can be a platform to have an overall synthesis that can be
presented back to mankind to say: Now see? So they can start to kind of get with the program before all hell breaks

KC:  OK.

BD:  And that’s one of the reasons why I do my show. And that’s one of the reasons I believe I was told to call you. I
kind of come from the perspective... I want people to get rid of “religion” and get, in every moment, into spirituality.
In other words, don’t go to church on Sunday and think you’re safe all week, or whatever other day you like. Don’t go
into your prayer room and think that you’re...

KC:  OK. But as a prophet... I mean, this is all good but that’s like the A, B, C’s and we’re, like, way beyond that with our

BD:  I’m sure you are.

KC:  Let’s give them some credit.

BD:  I’m just telling you what’s not on my show, because a lot of times they won’t get this on the show because I only
present certain portions of it. Now here’s the next step.

KC:  OK.

BD:  The next step is, one year ago I was taken by the Grand Council, to the Eschaton.

KC:  OK.

BD:  The Eschaton is beyond time/space. OK? Now this may seem very bizarre to people. I’ve been there three times.
This last time was one year ago. And it’s not an hallucination. It was a courtroom, if you want to call it, beyond time
and space, with 24 witnesses through human history. OK?
KC:  OK.

BD:  And we were brought before the Council because they’re making a decision, either thumbs-up or thumbs-down,
for our civilization. OK?

KC:  OK.

BD:  And we’re at the knife’s edge of a bad decision.

KC:  OK. And I believe you.

BR:  Right.

BD:  Mankind as a corporate being has to make decisions to get on the right timeline.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  And if they don’t make the right decisions, we’re going to get on the wrong one and we’re going to become a
dead cinder.

In a sense this planet, and if you want to think of the Earth as a living being, it’s like a giant womb of these spirit-
beings called human beings on Earth, or mankind, that are about to be birthed to become – I call homo luminous or
homo galacticus, or you know, an advanced mankind that can interact with advanced civilizations across the cosmos -
- that doesn’t have to have a matrix of billions of laws; that doesn’t have to have a chip in us to track us to make sure
we’re good; and do all these things.

Because where we’re at... We’re at this nexus or crossroads where we either are going to have the law as Jesus Christ
said himself, which was one of the great teachers, Yeshua Ha Masaich, which means The Father in the Flesh. OK? And
we are the father in the flesh. So are you! As we wake people up, it manifests what’s always been there. It’s the
manifestation that counts. We’re not greater than God. We’re just...

KC:  OK. So you’re in front of this council and you’re witnessing... What?
BD:  The consciousness of all of these people down through human history.

KC:  OK.

BD:  To the council and all these different beings in the courtroom, and they basically came up with a judgment.

And they said: Now we’re sending you back, and you have... The time is very short before judgment is going to fall.
And mankind as a corporate being must get this message. And if they don’t get the message correctly, which
transcends religion, politics, national borders or their version of a new world order or world government...

Because they’ve got a world government that’s absolutely noxious. You see, a world government can be world
government with national boundaries and nations. It can be with people who keep their recipe cards and control of
their civilization. It can be with a world that has some degree of order without knocking all boundaries down and
creating regional trade zones.

Because the world is not based on economy. It’s based on, if you want to call it, identity. OK? And what they’re doing
is, they’re homogenizing the identity so they can control the population and turn people into cybernetic robots, is
what they want to do.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  And they’re already moving us step by grade into a matrix. Now, the future that they’re talking about is where
people, citizens, can even have the option of having a brain-interface chip and be loaded into a rack. And they won’t
even have to exist in the physical world. Their bodies would be put into life extension technology, loaded into a rack
for centuries or thousands of years. That’s where we’re headed.

People say: Oh no, that won’t happen.

I say: Well, I’m sorry, but that hellish world is right around the corner.

But it’s dependent on humankind. And whether we’ll even get to that, or most of this civilization will die... These
people are feverishly building underground bases at the rate here in America, for example, of two bases per year,
anywhere from 18 to 26 billion dollars.
KC:  Yes.

BD:  Anywhere from 5.24 to 7.25 cubic miles in size. Most of them are in dormant volcanic domes or built with
nuclear explosions underground to create these massive domes or what’s called a matrix where they cut these giant

KC:  But that’s not going to save them.

BD:  No, it won’t save them. The fact is, it’s not going to be a technical answer that’s going to save them. And that’s
where the problem is. These are advanced intellectual beings without spirit. And that’s the basis of what we call the
Reptilian or serpentine empire.

It’s like a group of super-scientists with these super-intellects, with massive knowledge of energy and time/space,
and jumping across the galaxy, and life extension, and everything. But with no spirit, because they do what is right
in their own eyes.

Kerry Cassidy (KC): Let’s go from exactly where you are... because you’re before the Council. They’re making a

BD:  Right.

KC:  And are they conscious that you’re there? Did they invite you in?

BD:  Oh, they bring you right in. It’s like a courtroom, you know, so that we will understand it, of course. But what
they do is they give you a surrounding that you can identify with. So for me, I was in a physical courtroom.

KC:  Sure. OK.

BD:  And there’s all these other human beings that are actually like in the witness box, 24 of us. And they were being
brought forward one at a time, and then our consciousness would be uploaded for all of those beings to actually see
all our life experiences and the information on the world and so on. And you see all these images. And actually,
because we were in the box, we could actually see what was being witnessed by the others.

KC:  OK. But you’re also being given a message to take back.
BD:  Right. The message to bring back is, if you want to call it, it’s almost like a Biblical message, because my calling
is virtually identical to the calling of Moses, who is my ancestor, and to Elijah and Jeremiah.

It’s basically: Repent. Get back connected with the creator God. Don’t set up a set of rules, i.e., stone commandments.
Get people so their heart is so they don’t do things wrong because it’s written on their heart.

It’s the message of “The Kingdom,” which is, in other words, for mankind to be an advanced civilization with
advanced technology that doesn’t get absorbed by the technology like Ray Kurzweil and many “Luciferians” talk
about, is to transcend it spiritually so that technology is our servant and not our master.

BR:  Right.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  And that’s what’s happening, is whether it’s genetic technology that could relieve illness, and stop many of the
pains of fragility as people get older, and we want to lengthen human lifespan. I belong to the Academy of Anti-
Aging Medicine.

But I don’t want them to do things like create cybernetic chimeric super-soldiers, that then become a plague upon
the planet, or super-weapons that are used to kill or destroy others so they can get control. And so it could be used
for good or incredible evil, and our problem is right now that most of the funding is toward evil.

KC:  Right.

BR:  What’s the outcome of this meeting that you’ve just been describing?

BD:  The outcome of the meeting was a somberness, a seriousness that, if we didn’t get the message through to the
people, that the planet of Earth would be annihilated, would be allowed to be annihilated.

A lot of people think, for example, a lot of the space-based weapons platforms we have around the Earth -- Right?
Because I worked with U.S. Space Command -- are weapons to knock out spacecraft, to knock out asteroids or
meteors, to, you know, basically shield Earth against geomagnetic super-storms that may occur from Solar Mass
Ejections and other things, and to control the climate. In other words, they’re trying to create a kind of, like a
terrarium, of Earth so as we pass through the galactic plane...

KC:  Right. Except that some of those weapons are located on the Moon and aimed at Earth.

BD:  Right. And in fact, most of the weapons there could be aimed at Earth very easily and have been, and have been
used for great evil -- just like the geotectonic weapon that triggered off the Sichuan earthquake, or the earthquake
that was struck on Nagata, Japan, and broke the reactor core of the largest reactor in Japan. And it was told three days
before to Ben Fulford that his finance minister, of course, had been warned that he had to pass over authority to the
Rothschilds, or their banking system, or they were going to hit Nagata. And they did.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  I mean, it just shows you that the abuse of this power is not just under circumspection of human beings. If you
want to invoke the Biblical terms, if you want to call the word... angel just means, in Greek it means messenger. It
means these messengers are always watching everything in the higher planes of existence. Right? And they’re here
right now.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  They’re here in this room right now. Right?

KC:  I was going to say...

BD:  Right. They’re here in this room right now.

KC:  So what do they want you to tell people, you know, that has to happen now?

BD:  Well, it’s wrapped up in one word, and it sounds kind of trite but it’s true. It’s called Repent. OK?

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  And it says in the Book of Malachi, which is one of the last books of the Old Testament, it says: Repent before
the great and terrible day.
And what it’s really saying is: Reconnect with the Creator God, become a Child of God, take your scepter.

And we have authority. You’re no longer just a little bug down here, a worm on the planet Earth and a small dwarf,
yellow dwarf star. You are the Voice in this plane of existence of the Creator God. The spirit in you is not a separate
spirit. It is the I AM. OK?

You have the authority to create your own future. You have the authority to destroy disease and poverty, and not
have pollution, and have limitless energy and information and to spread peacefully and interact with other
civilizations throughout the cosmos without disrupting or destroying them, but maybe being almost like, if you
want to call it, midwives to other civilizations...

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  ...that will then advance to the level where they’ll understand and come out of the Petri dish and the crib of
civilization and become another advanced culture themselves.

BR:  I’d like to add an anecdote to this, which you may have heard, and I’ve also said before on another interview but
it’s worth repeating. Bill Birnes, the editor of UFO Magazine was privileged to talk with Admiral George Hoover of the
office of Naval Intelligence before he died.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And he asked Admiral George Hoover: What’s all this big secrecy about? What’s the real deal? What’s really going
on here?

BD:  Right.

BR:  Because, what’s the big deal about Roswell and little guys from wherever they’re from or whenever they’re
from? Why can’t we tell the people this? And the long story is that, according to George Hoover, the biggest secret
that the people must not realize, it’s not this data about the technology or the visitors, or the existence of the
visitors. It’s our own power. This is the biggest secret.

BD:  It’s our own power. Exactly.

BR:  It’s our own power that we must not realize, because the greatest secret is who we are, what we can do, what
we can be, and they’ve got to keep us in our box. Otherwise, their game is over.

BD:  Right. In other words, the comment made by Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus is: Surely you know you are gods. And
they misinterpret the word. In other words, you don’t replace the Creator God of the universe; it means you’re an
extension of it.

KC:  Sure.

BD:  And you’re only an extension of it when you hear. The Hebrew word is shemah, hear and do.

In other words, the problem I see right now is that we have a society that thinks, by external rules and controls, we
can create this Luciferian world of order in chaos, so they can create a world of “peace” which is totally an ordered
world that is completely under, if you want it call it, you know, scientific control. It’s a scientifically-controlled
society, not ruled by spirit.

The very nature of what we are, though, is a spirit being passing through a matrix of energy that creates worlds. We
are literally creating our own timeline in our name.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  And the thing is, corporately we are creating our own timeline in our name. That’s why, for example, I tell
people on the show repeatedly: Don’t drink the Kool-aid of fear.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  Because fear itself creates, if you want to call it, a backburner or an atmosphere that allows them to create the
web of destruction that occurs next.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  In other words, they can think themselves into bombs going off in cities. They can think themselves into a
release of plague. They can think themselves into a grand depression, where thousands of people starve to death
and start cannibalizing. They can think themselves into. . .
One of the things they try to do, is that want to have this fear worship. They want to elevate you so then you become
almost like another avatar, rather than, no different than, that. I’m not any different than my little daughter, or the
pert little, what they call them in the military when they’re shooting ’em, “rag-heads,” over in Iraq. I am the same. I’m
just another incarnation of the I AM.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And the point has to be this: That if we don’t start getting back to that connectedness, we’ll think it’s OK to have
this thermonuclear / scalar / biological warfare; it’s OK to kill most of the population of Earth; it’s OK to create a new
cybernetic super-army, and replace the military, and destroy them in fact when we release these damn things.

As I say, one person said to me: If half of what you say is true, or even 10 percent, we’re in a lot of trouble.

BR:  Oh, we’re in big trouble!

BD:  I have a very special calling, not because I’m special, but because I hear and do the will. And people need to
understand that. One of the things they try to do is, they’ll say, you know, ten years or a century or a thousand years
from now, they’ll try to say: That guy was so special. No one can ever be like him.

And what I want to tell them is I have had many opportunities to go to the dark side, and I could have been one of
the greatest evil-doers that ever lived on this planet.

BR:  And you were approached a couple of time, is that right?

BD:  Numerous times.

BR:  Numerous times.

BD:  One of the most serious was 16 years ago, where I was sleeping in my home. I was actually back from working
in Georgia at a burn unit and trauma unit, and having a practice there, and I had come back for family reasons to
Infield, Nova Scotia. And I was sleeping in a different part of the house because I was snoring.

So I woke up in the middle of the night, bolt upright, and I sat up. And I had all the lights on because I’d have to
periodically go to the restroom or whatever. I had all the lights on. And this guy was standing in front of me with
what I call a $5,000 tuxedo, not a gray hair in his head, mid-50s, slim and trim.

I said: How did you get in here?

And he says: It’s wonderful to see you, my son.

I said: You’re not my father.

And I looked at this guy, and he looked like French nobility. Right? And I said: Who are you?

He says: I am the Baron Guy de Rothschild, the Pindar.

And I had this really kind of, what I call a check or a kind of a cringe in my spirit. And I knew right away, because I
have this gift. Right? Without getting into a big long discussion, I knew right away.

I said: I know who you are. You’re the representative of the Luciferic power that controls Earth.

He says: Yes, I am the CEO of Earth, Inc., and I am the man that sits in the 13th chair of the Druidic Council. I want
you to be my understudy, and when I transcend I want you to take over my job.

And I said: No, I’m not going to.

He said: We know your bloodlines; we know your genetics; we know everything about you and you’re a perfect
replacement for me.

And I said: No!

And after I rejected it, he said: I’m going to kill you for writing these two books, which I received supernaturally
facedown on the concrete, you know, about six years before, which no one knew about because it was in my study.

KC:  What do you mean, you “received supernaturally facedown on the concrete”? What do you mean by that?

BD:  Basically I was “out,” if you want to call it, and I was told to write these books, and I wrote them down, which I
released back in 1999 with a group called The Prophecy Club.

And he said: And I’m going to touch your baby daughter’s heart.

I said: I don’t have a daughter, and my wife’s not pregnant. And he started laughing. And I thought he rebuked me
because I serve the God of the Universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

And you could see his countenance change. He got really nasty looking. And then all of a sudden, literally – four feet
-- as far as you’re away from me, in broad daylight, he just “poof” and disappeared, like in a vortex.

And I went upstairs shaking, and I could hardly talk, you know. I told my wife what happened. So the next morning I
went to my office to do a pregnancy test, and of course she was pregnant.

And like six weeks later we’re sitting in the ultrasound room. During medical school I had worked with Dr. McMillan
and I actually did some of the background research on ultrasound before any of the doctors in North America
actually had it for analysis, so I could read ultrasounds.

So I’m sitting in the ultrasound room and the tech’s moving over my wife’s abdomen. And as she scans over the
abdomen, the technician, you could tell... Her lips dried right up, and she had this kind of stark look on her face. And I
knew right away. I could see nuchal thickening and the center of my daughter’s heart was stopped.

BR:  Wow.

KC:  Is this the young girl we just met?

BD:  Right. Now you’ve got to understand that some of the things that’ve happened to me are so remarkable that
they just, you know...

She was born through C-section. I was told supernaturally, I had visitations that told me that she wasn’t going to die,
even though the surgeons said: We don’t know why she’s even born alive. Because her heart was... Literally the
center of her heart was gone. She had almost a single chamber heart. Right? Which is a miracle.

And they did the first surgery at six and a half months. By the way, we’re pro-life. We knew that she was going to be
born with Downs Syndrome, and of course we hoped that it was going to be somehow miraculously healed.
But I was told, basically, don’t be fearful, that she’s going to survive, and she’s going to have this surgery. She had her
first surgery. She had already lost four ounces from her birth weight by the time she had her first surgery.

And then at two and a half years, her heart started to enlarge again. It was now the size of an adult heart and she
was about to die. So we had oxygen tanks, you know, oxygen pumps concentrating oxygenated air and it had a 60-
foot long tube going to her bedroom with a little mask before her surgery.

And so I had a... because I have visitations all the time. They told me: This is the words the surgeon will say to you,
that I don’t know what I did, but I put in only four sutures, and her heart was miraculously healed.

There’s not even just a grade-one mitral valve defect. They didn’t have to replace the heart valves. But literally, with
the Dacron grafts that he had done earlier, and with just a few sutures, she’s healed. She never even had to be on a
heart drug, never been in a hospital, hasn’t even ever had a cold, which is amazing for Downs Syndrome. Right?

But the key issue to me... And I think that I was permitted to go through these experiences - this is one of the many
ones - is to understand the issue of the sacredness of all human life, whether it’s the disabled, the elderly, people of
different faiths, skin colors, intellectual powers, whatever, that we’re all in a sense the continuous incarnation of the
Creator God, which is the message of The Kingdom that Yeshua Jesus was trying to give.

The other experience I want to share is back in... October 10th of 1993, I was face-down praying and I was brought
supernaturally by, if you want to call it, the term, archangel, which is one of the senior messengers.

I was brought by this archangel, and he announced his name. He said he name was Gabriel. Right? And the word
Gabriel means one who has a message from the voice of the Most High God. Gabriel means one who can speak for
God. Right? That’s what it means.

And he brought me to an underground facility. He brought me to some satellite facility. And we didn’t just walk
around and he kind of said: This is that, and this is what’s been happening. He actually explained the technology to
me in great detail. We spent, if you want to call it in the spirit realm, I spent hours and hours and hours with him.

And I said: Well, where am I?

And he wouldn’t tell me. He said: You’re gonna know because you’re gonna go to the place where this pastor is.
And I thought it was Dallas. Right? So I called up. No, no he’s already left here. He’s gone to Colorado Springs. It was a
pastor by the name of Pastor Doug Sheets.

So my wife called, and she checked with a placement agency. She said: Well, there’s no jobs available in Colorado

So three weeks later, she got prompted to go and start calling around. And the second hospital she called, she talked
to a lady by the name of Joyce Wolf, who is the head of CCom. Oh, we need an Op-Med doctor. Your husband does
occupational and environmental medicine? He has a background in...? And, you know, I was a charter member of
Greenpeace, and had a background in toxicology and chemistry and biochemistry. Oh good, we’ll fly you up this
weekend. And four days later I had the job.

KC:  Hm.

BD:  July 10th of the next summer, which was July 10th of 1994, I walked through the same facilities underground
and the same satellite-based engineering stations and classified projects as I had with the angel.

KC:  OK.

BD:  OK? That’s just one of hundreds of experiences. OK? So people need to know that we are being watched. The
reason why the Earth is not an engulfed mass of biological weapons release, even though we had 347 accidents just
last year in Class Four installations. That’s not even Fed-Ex Couriers. We have no idea how many times we’ve been
saved from cataclysm.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  We have no idea. The number of interventions is just... I say making angels gray-haired. [laughs]

BR:  Yes..

BD:  And if you want to call ’em ETs, angels or whatever you want to do, but we are being watched and we’re being
watched over very, very diligently because it’s such a desperately late time.
BR:  But these guys... Are you saying that they’re not going to step in forever, or there’s certain things they can’t do?

BD:  No, they can step in only if there’s a transformation of the heart. You see, it’s not going to be space-based
technology to knock out, you know, to shield the Earth from the collapse of the magnetosphere. It’s not going to be
space-based particle weapons that can hit an incoming meteor. Or a solar storm.

It’s going to be a change in the heart of mankind that we will not harm any other race. We’ll not invade a country, like
what we’ve done in Iraq and kill 1.5 million Iraqis. We will not put poison in vaccines and call it fine.

We will not go to third-world countries like Poland two months ago and do tests on Polish vagrants and kill them.
There were 300 tests and 23 died within minutes, and 200 more were very seriously sickened.

And they’ve now imported to America 500 million doses of the Sanofi Pasteur Vaccine made on contract for
Homeland Security.

Now it’s not to scare people. It’s to make them understand that the reality that I try to present on the show is both
the technical, scientific, public information, you know, in the public domain, as well as classified. But you’ll see an
overall picture. But then on this other side there’s the spiritual dimension to that.

And they have to understand that, whether there’s... I get people all the time: Should I leave North America? Should I
leave America?

I say: No, now is the time for us to confront this because you can’t go far enough away.

And they say: Well, what do you mean? How far?

And I say: Well, Mars isn’t far enough away for these guys.

KC:  Right.

BD:  I say: You have to understand...

You know, one of the talks that I had back in July of 1994 was, of course... The Senior Commander of the US Space
Command comes up, and he’s a very sharp, this-is-the-way-it-is kind of guy.
He says: Docs, I come to Jesus-talk for you.

And I thought: Oh-oh, what’s he going to say to us?

And he has this real serious look. He says: You’re one of our guys now. So you’re gonna hear stuff, because you’re
working with these guys who are working on all these weird projects. These guys are the brightest guys in
engineering, cybernetics, physics, space-based weapons, everything. And you’re going to get exposed to things.

And so you won’t hear it from somebody else, so I’m going to tell you right now. We control every cubic centimeter
of space between here and Mars.

And I said: What? I said: You mean between here and the Moon.

He said: No. Mars. We’ve had a colony on Mars since the early 1980s, and we found evidence of previous civilizations
of human life on there going back a long time.

We’ve had an entire city on the Moon for mining operations for Helium-3.

We have entire fleets of space-based vehicles, and we have more advanced sub- and above-light vehicles that are
interstellar. OK?

You need to know that. Even though we have entire rings of space-based platforms around Earth, we have
collaboration with advanced civilizations. And if you don’t know this stuff, you might as well know it now. And if you
have questions about anything, ask me, because otherwise, if you’re not in the loop, you’re gonna freak out.

KC:  OK. When was this? What year?

BD:  July 10th, 1994. OK?

BR:  Yep. All of this corroborates... all of this is. . . Let me start that sentence again. Nothing we know contradicts
anything that you have just said. The information that we’ve got from other sources completely supports everything
you say.
BD:  Right.

BR:  This is just testimony for the people watching this.

BD:  Right. I know, and I’m saying this straight out.

BR:  This is the way it is.

BD:  Yeah. Now you’ve got to understand that the number of convergences... When I traveled around to The Prophecy
Club, to 42 cities in Israel, and I tell my story, people said 100 individuals couldn’t have been in all those places, but
I was supernaturally told, just like I was told to call you guys.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  I was the exit examining doctor for the Special-Op forensic team that came back from the Murrah Building in
’95, and my boss, Major George Schwinder, was not available because he was getting extra air time at Fort Hood,
Texas. So all five Special-Op agents, I had to examine ’em.

One of the five broke down and told me in great detail how they removed two unexploded fourth-generation U.S.
Army Corp Engineer micro-nukes, thermate, RDX, and high explosive cores, and the buildings were brought down by
the FBI and ATF.

I kept that information hidden. And as I was driving down the street in Littleton, Colorado -- because I had my
practice in downtown Denver, and I was living in Littleton and down on the Highlands Ranch.

KC:  And this was after...

BD:  This was after. This was back in 2003. I’m driving down the road, and because I do have this gift, literally I hear
the voice of God, just like Moses.

KC:  Right.

BD:  You know, what it talks about in the Bible? I’m the bloodline descendent. OK?
God said: Turn on the radio. And I turn it on.

And he said: Turn to this channel.

And I do, and I’m hearing this guy talk about financial things. I say: Oh, that’s boring. Why am I listening to this?

And then all of a sudden... Don’t turn it off.

And then a guy comes on and it’s Alex Jones. And Alex comes on and he starts talking about this New World Order
stuff, and I got this real kind of pinge in my spirit because I’d kept this information hidden since ’95 to 2003. I said:
I’m going to release this information. So I called into the show a couple of times and I told them I have information
about Oklahoma City.

And the guy who asked me to do a really extensive interview was a Pastor Butch Paugh on Genesis Network. Well,
after that, the network called me back and said: We want you to do the show. So in February of 2004 I started doing a
radio show on Genesis.

Now, before that, I had done a kind of, like an entertainment show, called Laughter is the Best Medicine on Clear
Channel. So I’d go there on Wednesday nights with Mark Alan Curry. We used to have a fun time going down to the
Clear Channel studios in Denver and just crack jokes back and forth and talk about wellness and toxicology and
environmental medicine, and anti-aging and things like that.

Well, since that time... You really need to understand... I’ve been in so many places... at the wrong place at the wrong
time. [laughs]

I was the doctor for the Englewood Fire Department and the ladder truck that was actually there on the scene,
including a number of the other people there, so I know exactly what happened. It was a complete government op at

I was the doctor for the first kid shot in Columbine. And I had one pediatric patient, and he had only started working
there, going to school, because he had a special-ed need -- Mark Taylor -- three weeks before. Right?

And when he came out of hospital after two 14-hour procedures and 57 units of blood, his mother asked me to put
my hands on him and pray for him. And I have an intuitive gift of discernment that’s very unique. So I put my hands
on him.

And I knew right away. I said: You have an abscess in your chest that they missed, and I’m going to put you on a
specific antibiotic and in three days to the hour you’re going to call me in pain and I’m going to put you in hospital
and drain it.

And to the hour he called me. OK?I put him in the hospital and I told the radiologist, I said: Now, when you go and do
the CT scan, put this catheter into the abscess.

He said: Well how do you know that?

I said: Well, when you do the CT you’re going to see the abscess. Put the catheter in, drain it, and call a thoracic
surgeon. OK?

So he did and he said: How did you know that?

And I said: It’s a long story. OK? So don’t get... [Bill laughs]

Three weeks later he’s walking around with a PCA pump getting fentanyl. So he can press the pump every so many
minutes and the pump will then remember so he can’t press it too many times, and he gets a little burst of fentanyl.
And he’s in agony.

And this abscess is about the size of a fist, and the thoracic surgeon’s itching. He says: OK, well, we’re going to have
to cut this out, because if we don’t the abscess will expand or it’ll go septic and he’ll die.

So I told Mark. He’s sixteen-and-a-half; he’s not really bright; his mother is kind of emotionally a basket case, and he
said: Well. I want... They were, you know, they were “believers,” you know, Christians. They don’t believe in miracles.
They don’t believe that we have the authority to take authority over reality, whether it’s our physical bodies or

So I said: Look Mark, I’m going to pray for you. I said: And tomorrow morning instead of you going in for surgery,
you’re going to walk out of here.

And at first he looked at me like: Whoa, that’s a pretty bold thing to say.
So I stayed up all night and I prayed for him. Next morning I came in about 7.15 and I just put my hand on him and
said: God, you saved this kid from seven bullets to the chest. Right? And one to the arm and leg. And the bullets
actually went behind his heart and in front of the aorta. One hit the T-9 vertebra and knocked a fragment off.

And this is the way I talked to God, I said: You’re going to heal him immediately and you’re going to transform his
body so he’ll be a witness, because if you didn’t allow him to survive this without being able to tell the truth of what
happened in Columbine.

So I put my hand on him. It was like holding a high-tension power line. All of a sudden it just felt like this energy
[makes sizzling noise] coming right through me. And I could see literally with the mind’s eye, if you want to call it,
The Creator. I could see right down to his cells, and everything, and it was gone.

I said: Mark, get your clothes ready. We’re walking out of here.

BR:  Wow! Yeah.

BD:  And I walked up to the front desk to the nurse and I said: He’s not going to surgery for a 7-hour procedure to cut
out four ribs and take out this abscess. He’s coming home.

She looked at me like: Oh-oh, this guy’s a nut case. How can we get psychiatry down here? Right?

I said: No. Repeat the CT scan. It’s gone. So they repeated the CT scan and an hour-and-a-half later, he was hopping
and skipping out of the hospital.

BR:  Fabulous.

KC:  Now isn’t info about this on the web, about this boy and his mother in regard to you?

BD:  Oh, what happened is they get involved with... The mother has a problem; she’s a manic depressive. And they
offered all kinds of big movie scripts and money and everything and Mark actually...

Right now I just got a contact from her doctor just last week because I’m trying to help the doctor. He called me all
the way from Iowa, saying: Please, you’re one of the few people that care for Mark. And I still do, and I care for his
mom, too.

But they said a lot of nasty things because they got involved with some pastors, and they got a big possibility of a
movie contract.

And what was happening is I was working and my wife was working on collecting a ton of information, because we
were going to private showings of videotape that the public didn’t see. I got a chance to interview and talk to almost
every other child that survived the Columbine shooting.

So there were many of the kids that actually died of SWAT Team bullets. There were at least, probably, we think up to
4 kids that may have died from SWAT Team bullets, from the forensics.

And Mark literally stayed and lived with us for almost a year-and-a-half. He went to vacation with us, even to Las
Vegas. Right? Even when they asked me to go up in January of 2000 to speak at the Full Gospel Fellowship, I paid my
own ticket. We didn’t ask for anything.

So what happened is, the mother had been contacted by a big movie company, wanting to turn this into a Columbine
movie, and they got real angry that we wouldn’t just hand everything over or do things their way.

I said: No, no, we’re not going to turn this into a sideshow here. This is real serious; we had this kid survive; we had
this miraculous thing happen; we don’t want this to turn into a sideshow. And that’s where the negativity started.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  But it’s really unfortunate that happened, because Mark is still, you know, he’s very sick right now. He’s been in
and out of a psychiatric facility.

KC:  Mm.

BD:  His doctor, one of his doctors, in Iowa contacted me: What can we do to try to help him?

I said: Well, you know he needs serious help. But a lot of the time they give these young people drugs that I think
are patently toxic.
KC:  Yes.

BD:  We know for example, when you give somebody that’s manic depressive, SSRI drugs like Luvoc, Prozac, etc.,
they go over the deep end. Unfortunately, his doctors gave him the wrong drugs.

KC:  OK.

BD:  OK? These drugs came out of Hoffmann-LaRoche. They came out of mind control projects in the Soviet Union
and Germany going right back to I.G. Farben. They get right back to G proteins. And he had a real bad reaction from
whatever they gave him.

BR:  Yes. Now if I can steer this back now...

KC:  Yes.

BR:  Because that was a beautiful story, and it’s great to have that on record, but how you were in the right place at
the right time so many times that most people would never believe it. But backed up from that you’ve been in the
right place at the right time for a reason here and that is to give what you would probably call your testimony.

BD:  Well, I’m a witness. I’m almost like Daniel in the lion’s den. I’ve been in places that most people can’t even

Like in 1977 I was supposed to do research on MS [multiple sclerosis] at the Santa Monica VA Hospital, part of UCLA.
And one of the projects was to work on a Ph.D. neurology residency under Dr. Wallace Tourtellotte.

And the other four projects were all classified. Four of them were actually cybernetic projects. One was actually a
helmet that would convert thoughts directly to on-flight commands directly to a supercomputer that they already
had with command, or symbols, that would be projected onto the canopy of the jet so you could fly the jet by
thoughts, fire off ordnances.

And the other three projects were to take prisoners from West Orange and Irvine State Penitentiaries and wet-wire
their brains with platinum and palladium micro-wires.

And Dr. Tourtellotte had a custom-made CT implanter that was used with a CT scan that could implant micro-wires in
specific nuclei in the brain to actually use supercomputers -- that were classified -- to convert neural-net stochastic
firing sequences so they’d get particular images. So you could control their behavior, see what they see, hear what
they hear.

And I turned it down. I said: No. You people are crazy!

KC:  OK, to turn them into Manchurian Candidates.

BD:  Yeah, they actually had a thing called the “Rambo-chip,” that they had back in the ’60s and this is part of
Delgado’s research at Yale. They had a thing called the Rambo-chip and what the Rambo-chip was, was a rage-control
chip that was in the subthalamic nucleus that could actually control rage. You flip the switch and they would kill, and
you would turn it off and they’d stop.

So this was one of the things the residents would laugh at: Ha, ha, ha. We can do this stuff. But I think that’s pretty

And people don’t understand that a lot of the people that they give these projects have 180-plus IQs, but they’re
twisted. OK? Or if they’re not, they’re compromised. And if they eventually discover it and they try to pull back, they
do things like “patch” them. You ever heard of what a patch is?

KC:  I’m not sure.

BD:  OK. A patch is where they give you an intravenous patch. The patch lasts three days. OK? Or a transdermal patch.
And if you don’t get the next patch in three days you die a horrific death.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  OK? So they’ve got you on a short string.

BR:  Gotcha. OK. Now, some of this is on record on the Granada Forum Lecture and a lot of people watching this will
already be familiar with that material.

BD:  Right.
BR:  We’re nearly two years further on from there. Where are we now? What does this mean for the human race and
for the individuals watching this now?

BD:  Well the timeline to watch for is actually the nation of Israel. OK? And the timeline to watch is...

And that’s why my calling is particularly important, because I’m going to re-release my book, Clay and Iron, here
sometime in the not too distant future. Right?

KC:  OK.

BD:  Yeah. So if you look at the nation of Israel, there’s so much contradiction. All the stuff with Iran is all over Israel.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  Even American foreign policy. The reason why they went into Iraq was Israel. A trillion dollars spent, the collapse
of the economy -- it’s all tied back to Israel. OK?

And people say: Well, why is Israel so important? Why was there a first holocaust? Why is there planning to be a

And it’s really pretty simple. Think of it this way: If the Creator of the universe made a people, or a group of people,
you could call it a mixed group of people, the ancient tribes of Israel, as an object-lesson to the world, a scapegoat
in a sense, a way of explaining to people: If you try to follow The Law you get condemned and destroyed. OK?

And what would happen is that... The original books of the Bible spoke about a God you could not see that was the
Creator that created you in his image. OK? And, even if they didn’t understand it, they tried to adhere to it. They kept
every jot and tittle. Right?

And so the “People of the Book,” which is what they used to be called -- they weren’t called the Jews or the Israelites -
- they had to be wiped out because they would tell people. Even if they went off and they went through a
reformation or they learned from other religious groups, whether it’s Buddhists, or Hopi, or natives, they’d
eventually start getting beyond religion.
As I said in my talk on The Granada Forum, 10,000 years from now will there be anything called “religion”? Of course
not. It won’t exist because we’ll have a full knowledge of the Creator Gods and what they are. Because we can’t exist
and transcend beyond the technology unless we do that. We won’t survive.

KC:  Right, but people...

BD:  In other words, the two are mutually exclusive.

KC:  But to get back to what the role is of Israel.

BD:  The role of Israel is a timepiece. It’s actually a detonator. It’s a transformative event. It’s like the ultimate, if you
want to call it, death trap for civilization.

So what’s happened? For example, I’ve had on my show numerous times, Barry Chamish. A good example is, the
nation of Israel arose, and the holocaust... The greatest lies in modern history have been about the holocaust. Yes,
they killed almost 7 million Jews. Yes they killed probably, of others, up to maybe 23 million.

But the real goal was not only a ritual sacrifice to the transdimensional demonic realm. Right? But the real goal
transcends that. It was to wipe out the idea of a Creator God and that we’re an incarnation of the Creator.

Because eventually if the reformation and all these other things were to continue to proceed... Since the breakup of
the control of the Roman Catholic Church, and all the spinoffs and everybody trying to get into the New Age, and all
the other religious things, where there’s a return to spirituality...

The big move right now is not toward religion, it’s toward spirituality, whether they’re coming from a Christian
viewpoint, a Jewish viewpoint, a Buddhist viewpoint. And they’re all starting to kind of compare notes and realize
that, even though they use different terms, they’re starting to understand there’s a commonality there.

KC:  Sure.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Right.
KC:  But still, to steer you back. So the role of Israel at this time...

BD:  Well, the role of Israel is primarily to act on the, if you want to call it, on the Luciferian serpentine side, is to act
as a detonator for the final annihilation of mankind.

BR:  So, in practical terms...

BD:  They use it as a final focal point.

KC:  You mean they’re going to attack Iran, and in return...

BD:  Yeah, or the threat of an attack will set in motion the peace treaty that’ll partition the State of Israel. Just think
of it this way.Logically, if you’re from another world and you were to see a nation that’s the size of, you know, a little
tiny strip of land anywhere from 10 to 16 miles long -- the third nuclear power... Probably the most advanced in
terms of biological weapons on the planet is the State of Israel.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  They’re number one.

BR:  OK.

BD:  They have their own space-based imaging systems, ImageSat. They’ve got all kinds of weapons, when they were
kind of on the outs, that they developed with the South Africans. They even, a lot of the time, buy their own jets and
just stack ’em right up. They have the number one air force on the planet in terms of rapid response, and killing
capacity. Number one, not number two or three.

What happens is, you divide that nation and they have no boundary zone where they can protect themselves. And the
only thing they can do is to pull a “Samson Option” and hit a button. They have space-base platforms. Because Israel
has them. Israel has space-based weapons platforms, imaging systems, terrible stuff. They could wipe out every city
within 10,000 miles of them. They can just “bam.” They’re gone. OK?

BR:  But they. . .

KC:  What is the plan?

BD:  The plan is. . . It’s all being set up because, you see, the leaders of Israel are Satanic Luciferian. The entire State
of Israel was set up, as Barry Chamish has said, so they could cleanse themselves of any who is a “Torah Jew,” anyone
who understands the nature of the Creator God.

Even if they didn’t understand the depths of it, they didn’t want anybody to understand that they were created in the
image of a God and they’re a spirit having a physical existence on this plane of existence.

They wanted to then replace them with a Luciferic idea, an agnostic idea, a communist idea. So the State of Israel
was originally sponsored with the Soviet, the actual Communist Soviet. OK?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  And the idea was to create an agnostic Luciferian society where they follow the highest tenants of Babylonian
Kabbalah, which means that they themselves are Gods. OK?

In other words, they replaced God because therefore they are the energetic intelligent force that’s willing to use
good or evil, following this Shabbatai Tzvi, you know the false anti-Messiah, 1666, and Jacob Frank, to actually create
a world order where “these Luciferic cabalists would control the world.”

And that’s what happening now. You can see it with the financial system. You can see it with the political system. You
can see it with everything, that these Luciferic Satanists...

The two groups at the very top are Teutonic Knights, who think they’re bloodline descendants through Yeshua
Ha'Mashiach Jesus and King David. That’s one group, which are all the Royals of Europe. And the other group are the
Sabbatian Luciferic Satanists -- Satanic Jews.

KC:  OK.

BD:  Those people run the world.

KC:  Led by the Pope. Right?

BD:  Led by the Pope and the Black Pope and the Knights of Malta, and they’re totally controlling it. And they’re
interacting at such a level that they literally have physical presence of these demonic reptilian beings right even in
the Vatican...

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Right in, you know, and people need to understand.

When you get these deepest underground bases... I had one Canadian engineer who actually controls and engineers
and takes care of the Aurora Space Fleet, that fly out of our underground bases in central Germany and the Black
Forest and fly to our Moon bases and on to Mars.

And he’s terrified to come on the show. And I’ve been talking to him for the last couple of years. But he’s showed me
enough technical information and facts and sent me stuff that I know that his story is real. Right? So I’m going to
repeat it.

After 10 months of psychological testing, they finally said: Well, now you’re in the deepest of the D.U.M.B One Bases
and we’re going to bring you down to the final level. And he gets down there and all of these beings are right there
in the flesh. OK?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  Just like out of Star Wars. OK? It’s really crazy, but he says it’s real.

And I said: Why won’t you come on and tell us?

Because, he said, I don’t want to shatter people’s religious beliefs.

And I said: Well, I do want to shatter them, because it’s a sacred cow, and in fact their religion, whether they’re this
group of Christians, or this group of Jews, or this group of Buddhists, they’re all wrong. They’re all wrong.

In other words, I call it [religion] “real lies going on.” It doesn’t mean you throw out the baby with the bathwater, like
Bill Marr in his movie that’s coming out this week called Religious, you know, when he says anybody who’s religious
is a fool; they’re an idiot...
KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  ...because of all the foolishness that religions are doing – like, I call them the “Armageddonites” -- that are
supposedly Christians that believe that they have to bathe the world in blood and fire.

KC:  Right.

BD:  Or the Sabbatians who think: Well, we’ll just pull the Samson Option and go down to our underground bases.
Because they have a ton of ’em down there.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  Or the Illuminists who think: Well, who cares if we blow up the world? We’ll just go to our underground bases
and we’ll survive and then we’ll come back up in a decade or century. Like the Morlocks, you know, of H.G. Wells’
Time Machine.

And it’s insanity. Because they’re not going to survive what’s going to come. They’re not going to survive it. OK?

And they need to grasp that what we’re heading for here is, unless they take up the scepter of what they are and the
power that they have to decide for life -- just like Moses when he took the six tribes in Mount Ibal and Mount Garizin
and put between [them] an amount of cursings and an amount of blessings and he said: Today, choose life.

In other words, you’re not taking away their choice. You’re saying: You need to grow up and you need to stop talking
about easy-be-livism, prosperity gospel, all this other foolishness, and you need to start talking about relating to
other humans.

You can’t fund a country on a credit note to go and kill a million and a half Iraqis. You cannot decide to invade Iran,
when we know that they hit the Bashear reactor and 450 targets.

I’ve got my military contacts inside there, and experts have told me in the last 4 to 6 weeks, that it’ll kill between
1.5 to 15 million in the first two weeks, and it could be as high as 32 million plus. And the radiation cloud will go
downwind and will move directly through Yemen, all the way through to Saudi Arabia, and heading down toward
China and Japan.
BR:  And that’s after an Israeli strike? Or the Americans?

BD:  Right. Well, what happens is, if they start it, the Americans are already pre-positioned there. So the thing is, what
this will do...

KC:  Well, how can this be prevented?

BD:  It can be prevented... Well the first thing that they’re going to do is, they’re gonna try to bring us to the brink of
destruction, and then set up their peace treaty to divide the land. And what happens is...

Olmert has already promised that he’s going to let this go through within twelve months of him leaving, before they
could have a transition to the next Prime Minister, which means we’ve a time window, probably 11 months now,
where they’re going to actually  put in the final treaty to divide the city of Jerusalem and divide the State of Israel.

That’s setting the detonator. You can’t do that. If you do that, you guarantee a thermonuclear war or a chemical /
biological / scalar war that’s going to end civilization on this planet.

You cannot divide the land of the State of Israel. You have to have an inclusive government that can include Arabs,
and Christians, and Jews, and people from Baha’i or whatever.

KC:  And Palestinians.

BD:  And Palestinians. And you have to not make them feel like third-world citizens or that if they intermarry, or if
they evangelize they’re going to end up in jail or whatever. In other words, you have to have dialogue between
people and not have apartheid, which is what they have there.

BR: I haven’t understood you there, personally. If you’re saying that the State of Israel becomes divided, what’s the
connection between that and the inevitability of a huge war?

BD:  Because Israel will be pushed to the point, when the conflict reaches its culmination, that it will start the
trigger for a thermonuclear conflict.

BR:  Between who?

BD:  Between all of these great nations.

It’s a bipolar world. We have right now the western alliance of the Illuminati with, you know, Britain and America and
all of their allies.

And on the other side we have the Shanghai Cooperation nucleus: Russia and China and all their sphere of influence.
So it’s not a unipolar world; it’s a bipolar world.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  OK? And people need to know this. One of the things that happened back in the spring of 1999, I was taken
supernaturally, actually through the ground, and saw the geological formations and the oil at the southwest end of
the Dead Sea. And there’s a lot of oil there -- 27.2 trillion barrels -- and it’s renewable. OK?

KC:  Wow.

BD:  And it’s from the fault line that runs all the way from Turkey right through Kenya to Lake Victoria. OK? And the
Dead Sea itself was created when the oil came up. The magma... Actually from the oil field, it mainly hit along that
fault line when the Earth shifted back at the time of Abraham. It actually hit that fault line and caused an explosion
equal to 500,000 Nagasakis.

BR:  Mm.

BD:  The guy who told me that was the head of the Israeli Oil Company - okay? - who discovered all the oil fields in
Zohar, all the oil fields down in the Sinai Peninsula.

KC:  They’re actually not using that oil. Right?

BD:  Afterwards, I was asked to go over there when I gave some of my presentations on that radio show with Stan
Johnson, by Hayseed Stevens, and the Israeli Oil Company, and Ariel Sharon. I was actually asked to go over to Israel
and say a prayer at the southwest end of the Dead Sea, at the bottom of Masada, which I did on Rosh Hashanah right
at sundown, and blow the shofar, and actually say this Hebrew prayer.
And I did that. And I warned them. I said: Now, I’m a prophet and I’m telling you, if you try to expose to the world
that this oil is here, you’re going to precipitate an immediate war. You’re going to have millions of people coming in
here. Because there’s more oil there than the whole world put together. Right?

KC:  OK, but you’re exposing that right now.

BD:  I’m exposing that now because it has to be exposed.

KC:  OK.

BD:  It’s the time now to expose it. Because what’s going on now is... Basically there’s a number of things in motion
now that... Probably in less than a year they’re going to sign the final treaty. If they sign that treaty...

And it’s also tied to other events happening around 2012. Because as we pass through the center-point of the
galactic plane, there’s a great danger that we’re going to have geomagnetic collapse of the magnetic field around the
Earth. We’re also going to have very, very high risk in the next several years of major Solar Mass Ejections that trigger
off super-earthquakes and super-tsunamis.

BR:  Mm.

BD:  A very, very high risk of that. OK?

KC:  That’s right.

BR:  We’ve been told this independently.

BD:  Right. So people need to know that, you know, things that happen on the spiritual level also descend and have
effects on the energetic and the physical level. And as we get into wrong timelines and make wrong decisions
corporately, we move along those timelines toward things that can be very destructive.

So what I tell people right now is, it’s not the time to flee, but there’s going to be incredible pain because they’re
moving toward the Amero. I have already talked to people who are very reliable they have already seen the Amero
notes in Mexico City.
KC:  So you’re here in Oceanside, California. Right?

BD:  Because I was told to be here.

KC:  And why? Could you...

BD:  I know partially why. The way it happened was back in February my wife, who is very intuitive too, she told me,
she says: Bill, we’re supposed to move.

I said: Well I don’t want to move. I’m comfortable. See, I didn’t really want to move from Denver to go back home but
I was with my mom before she died in October a year ago.

And so I went to sleep that night and I said: God, tell me why.

And he did. He sent me an angel who told me: You’re going to go to Oceanside-Vista.

I said: I don’t want to go there. I don’t even know anybody there. There’s not even any jobs there or anything that I
want to do there. Right? And he started laughing at me. Right? And cracking jokes, because...

People need to know that they’re watching us and they know the future that we don’t know. Right? And a lot of times
we probably wouldn’t do things we have to do, because some of the stuff we have to do is pretty painful and messy.

BR:  So what’s going down that brings you here?

BD:  Well, part of it is being here now so you could even do this taping.

BR:  OK.

BD:  Because there’s people here that have to wake up. They’re going to have to hear this message to know that I’m
called, what’s actually called, “The Sons and Daughters of the Most High God.” I’m one called “The Witnesses.”

Now, I’m going to back this up a bit so you’ll get an understanding of just how important this meeting is tonight.

In the first century, my family were in this 24-family cycle of the Cohanim (also spelled Kohanim) that actually
served in the temple at the time of Yeshua. And a prophecy was given directly by Emmanuel, directly to my ancestor,
that was written down in the first century and passed on all the way through to my Great-uncle Michael, who died in
the ’70s.

That was supposed to be given to me ,because I was the eldest of the eldest. His brother thought he was the one
called to give this word, which is to blow the trumpet of Elijah and actually tell people about the coming of the new
age, the new world that was going to come, a world of peace, where there wouldn’t be lack or all these things.

And that was passed down for almost 19 centuries. Right? That person is me. OK?

And the reason why I know that is because at [age] eight and a half when I had my tonsil surgery done... I had a
French surgeon who was operating on me in Colchester County Hospital. They cut an artery in my neck and I bled to
death. OK? There’s a little guillotine-style thing, and they pull the tonsils through with tongs, cut it off. And I had an
aberrant artery and I bled to death.

And I went down the tunnel of light. And of course, the way it happened is, all of a sudden I’m floating over the
operating room table, I’m looking down, I can see this little boy, and I see blood spurting everywhere. I say: Gee,
that looks like me. I didn’t feel any pain.

And all of a sudden I’m standing there and I’m walking around, trying to talk to the nurses and doctors and nobody
would pay attention to me. So I’m getting very frustrated. So I walk toward the door and I just went right through it.

So I turned right and I walked down the hall, and I saw the nursery, and I saw these babies all bound up tight on
their side, and the nurses were trying to keep them, you know, because if one starts, they all start to cry. And they all
had little different colored blankets on them. So one baby started to cry and they all started to cry.

And all of a sudden everything started to fade into an inky black, a black so black you could feel it, and I felt like I
was being squenched through a pinhole. Right? And then all of a sudden I cried out, you know: God, where am I?
Something terrible’s happening. Right?

And I saw a pinpoint of light and all of a sudden there was these intersecting crimson lines, and I’m going down this
tunnel, and I say: It’s too fast, God! It’s too fast.

And then all of a sudden I’m in this place of light, and across in the other side of this space there’s a man standing
there, you know, almost glowing light. And he had a broad golden sash with a double-corded belt, and what I call
brass-like sandals.

And his forehead almost looked like there were puncture marks, and it was still swollen, and you could see where
his beard was plucked out. He had reddish hair just like a... The best way to describe him would be a Norwegian, only
he had olive-colored skin. He looked like a big, you know, rock-hard kinda 3-percent body mass, kind of a carpenter
with big hands and big knuckles. And he looked like a guy that could, you know, make anything. Right? Only there
was a... they fell to the middle part of his arm and leg.

And as he appeared, there was a big chasm that appeared in these clouds. There was all light all around. And I saw
this little wooden bridge.

And he said: Don’t cross the wooden bridge or the silver cord will break.

And I said: What’s that?

And he says: I will bring it into your remembrance. Because, in other words, you know everything, you just have to
remember it.

I remember going down the tunnel of light. I can remember this cord that seemed to come out from the base of my
brain and my throat and it went down. It was like a cord of water. He called it “the cord of living waters.” It looked
like a neon cord that kind of scintillated with light. Right?

And he said: If you go, you won’t be able to return.

I said: Where am I?

And he said: You’re at the gates of paradise or heaven, the eternal NOW where there is no past, no present or future
but everything that you think immediately is. Right?

So I said: Well, can you show me?

So all of a sudden he’s holding me by his right hand, and I’m flying over the Golden City and I can see everything. And
I would say, because there’s no time and space, he showed me worlds, beings, planets, civilizations, that I’m going to
talk about a little bit today.

But literally the amount of things he showed me about the universe... The universe is an elemental particle in a
larger universe. He told me about time-space. He told me about quantum physics. He told me everything. That’s why
I was about to go into nuclear physics at MIT. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  He showed me beings that later on in life I’d say: Oh, I saw that in Star Wars. OK? Because these things did exist.
I saw them, and I was there, to their worlds.

I can’t tell you how long it was, but in lineal time it had to be many centuries that I spent there. It wasn’t a matter of
a few minutes, like some people who have these near death experiences. I was there for an indeterminate period of
time. It was so long, you know, and the amount of... and I only talk about a very tiny portion of what I know because
it’s so beyond the pale of human understanding, of civilizations and worlds and things that people cannot even
grasp, so I don’t talk about it. So all of a sudden...

KC:  OK, so you went to this place...

BC: So after... I’m back. And all of a sudden he’s back on his side and now I’m back on my side and I’m thinking: OK.
After this indeterminate time I’m back on my side and I say: Look...

And then he spoke to me telepathically; he didn’t have to speak. And he said: Well, what is your decision?

And I said: I want to do the right thing. And I said: Well, if I’m going to go back, what am I to do?

And all of a sudden he’s holding me with his hand again, and I’m giddy. We must be 400 miles above the Earth and I
look down.

This time he had on a thing, a tallit, and I didn’t know what a tallit was because I was raised a little Roman Catholic
boy. Right? So I saw this tallit and it was splattered with blood on it, this tallit, which is a prayer shawl. And I looked
down over the Earth and I could see the edge of the horizon shimmering out across the dark of space.

And he said: Behold my blue jewel, the Earth. Right?

And I said: It’s alive!

He said: Yes! You know. Right?In other words, the Earth is a living thing. Right?

And I heard a voice behind me that sounded like a deep voice, one of the... what we could call “the angelic.” And he
said: Behold the Voice of the Seven Thunders.

So the first time he said Behold he held his hand like this [gestures] -- and I don’t know what that symbol means --
but he held his index and middle finger and pointed down toward the Earth and he said Behold.

And all of a sudden I saw fireballs rising off the Earth everywhere, but particularly across continental America, a lot
of them.And I thought: Oh, this is a light show.

I mean, this is great, I’m a little kid here, and I’m still in my little hospital gown from having my surgery and I’m free-
floating up in space and I’m looking down over, and I see all these fireballs.

And then he looked back at me sternly, like: You don’t get it.

Part of it is, our civilization has been conceived almost like in a spiritual womb -- Earth -- and the timeline that we
are selecting corporately will decide whether or not we’re stillborn or aborted or whether our civilization will move
on to join the Ben Elohim, the Council of the Eschaton, the advanced civilizations that are literally the incarnation of
the Creator of the Universe, in whatever form, whether they’re human, nonhuman, or other civilizations...

Because at some point we’re going to “have contact.” Well, how do we have contact?

What I’ve presenting is that this is the transition point from “the past, which is religion,” which is based on ignorance.
You know, like the Buddhists try to say -- a lot of people say I’m a Buddhist, but I’m not -- is that all pain and suffering
is due to ignorance.

The real problem is that, in a future where we have a total understanding of ourselves and the nature of the
universe, there’s not even room for religion because religion is like recipe cards. It’s irrelevant. It’s like: This is my
past history; these are my recipe cards. It’s dogma. It’s replacing the ever-present knowledge of what is right or
wrong. Because you don’t need to be told. Right?
BR:  Sure.

KC:  Right. But let’s get back...

BD:  Right. So the key to why Israel is so important is because Israel is an object-lesson for the whole planet. Israel
is, if you want to call it, purposely set up to be the nexus decision point of civilization.

BR:  OK.

BD:  And how that is handled determines whether or not our civilization moves forward. If you look at America right
now, the trillion dollar debt of these wars, in the last years since 9/11.

The people who put the bombs in the building were under orders from Project Omega, which is, you know, the
overseeing agency of all the secret agencies on the planet.

BR:  Run by the Vatican.

BD:  The ones who put the bombs in the buildings were contract. They could have been any secret agency but they
happened to be very experienced Israeli Mossad nuclear agents who put the nuclear bombs in the World Trade
Center. OK?

Now they do that because they want to have a hatred of Jewish people. And I’m not an anti-Semite -- I have Jewish
blood, Iranian blood, Armenian blood, etcetera, so I have...

KC:  Why would the Mossad want hatred of Jewish people?

BD:  It’s part of their dialectic of control.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  Just like the death of millions of Jews in the Second World War was actually at the hands of not only the
Sabbatians who want to cleanse the whole, if you want to call it, the whole people of Israel of anyone who “had any
religious Torah belief in a Creator God.” So they had an anti-messiah, an anti-God, a we-are-God.
The real purpose of the Kabbalah, if you want -- the highest level, which is the highest level of all Masonry, is
Kabbalah. Right? -- is that we are... The revelation is: You are the Luciferic-Satanic power. You don’t need to go to a
higher God; you are god.

BR:  OK. Now...

BD:  Which is very different, right?

BR:  If this all about Israel being an example, right in center stage for everyone to look at and everyone to learn
from, with all kinds of things at stake, what can the ordinary person do to influence these choreographed events?

The people watching this, who are even very aware, very well informed, some of them the most aware, most
informed people around, they’ll be saying: Well what can I do? This is already set in train.

BD:  Well, the real issue... It comes down to one real simple thing. It comes down to: What are they going to do
personally to come out of religion? OK? Religion is the toxic poison of the modern world. And people say: Well,
you’re talking in terms of spirituality like a prophet, like Israel. But people, understand, Yeshua himself, Jesus was
not religious.

BR:  Mm hm. Of course.

BD:  He was a spiritual leader. OK?

KC:  Yes.

BD:  He was leading people away from religion to relationship. OK?

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  OK. And any of the great leaders, even if they only had a tiny portion of that, tried to teach similar pieces of it,
you know, whether you’re talking about the prophets or people who are spiritual leaders of the native peoples, or in
China or elsewhere, they’re talking about... They all basically had a portion of that truth.
The greatest portion that was ever released was the fullness of the Father in the Flesh, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus,
which is why the whole of the Old Testament and New all point back toward him, because he was a great teacher.

Now what’s happening in our world right now, is that everything happening in our world -- financial collapse, control
matrix, technologies -- everything is all centered around Israel. Everything. OK?

In fact, the two great empires of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Western Empire are all meeting
there, and the goal of the Teutonic Knights, which are the Knights of Malta, is to have a great temple there where
they can set up their world government from their temple. Weird, hey?

But it’s happening because it’s happening in the spiritual realm above, and as above/below, and it’s also descending
and happening on the physical realm.

Because we have to answer this question correctly, which is: To transcend technology, we need to transcend religion
to a spiritual relationship. And we need to understand that when God is speaking, whether it’s through the ancient
peoples of Israel, or the Hopi Indians or whatever, he’s speaking to them, and they only have their portion.

They have to understand God is speaking in a language of history, a language to their spirits, a language of knowing
things. Or, if they do not transcend spiritually, they’re going to die together.

KC:  So what these people can do that are listening to this is basically reconnect with the Creator.

BD:  And also stop buying into the Armageddon Night idea; we’re going to have a rapture; we have to be bathed with
fire; the Luciferic idea, somehow that I can decide what is good or evil.

That is the foolishness of the “super-scientist,” the technician, the Illuminati, the people in these Black-Op projects
that think that they can decide for the rest of the planet.

Surely we’re deciding as we’re building underground bases so we’ll survive as we go into the galactic plane. They’re
not going to survive, because I can guarantee you that the Council will not allow them to survive, no matter what
they do, if there’s not a transition of their heart.

It’s the exact same message that Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus gave which is: Unless your hearts are changed, your
world will die. OK?
KC:  Yes.

BR:  And that’s what’s at stake right now.

BD:  That’s what’s at stake. We’re talking about not just the death of the person that they call “omnicide,” not just the
death of the family, not just the death of the nation, not just the death of mankind or every living thing, but the
death of the spiritual entities that are incarnated into the beings here on this world.

It’s literally a spiritual abortion that’s being done on the planet, and if you see the transdimensionals, the
Satanic/Luciferic transdimensionals, they have harassed, and intervened, and abducted.

And people say: Well, why does the abductions phenomenon seem so malicious? It’s because they’re demonic. I
mean, you might not use the term demonic from the Bible, but in every culture you’ll find these things going on.

And they’re intensifying, including you know... Not only are our vehicles up there, like the TR3 which are these giant
triangles, and the Aurora and other ones, but there’s a ton of these other vehicles because they’re here watching, for
the show. They’re here for the show.

They’re here in the birthing room waiting to see if there’s going to be a delivery or an abortion of the planet. OK?
That’s what’s going on. OK?

KC:  Yes.

BD:  And they need to grasp that it’s not going to happen by a change in politics, or a president, or monetary policy.
It’s going to happen with a change of the heart.

For example, let me give you one example of solution. Why do we have a world that can allow usury, which is
interest? Why do we allow derivatives? Why do we allow a group of people who can control and manipulate money
that causes starvation, where 60% of the cost of food is due to manipulation? And then they make bad policies
suppressing energy technology, so that people literally can’t truck the food in third-world countries, so they can’t
make themselves independent, and they starve to death?

Or in places like North Korea, we demonize people so that they then literally exhume their own dead and eat them,
which is what they’ve had to do. OK?

And people do not know the depths of how far this is going to go unless there’s a transformation of the heart. It has
to happen immediately.

And I’m called as a Witness of Ephraim, and I’m called up today to be a Witness of Yehuda. OK?

The Jews now... and the Jewish people are by and large mostly agnostic, or what I call... They belong to synagogues
that are basically either spiritually dead because they don’t connect with the true reality of this.

There’s a very tiny fraction of real Torah Jews who understand what’s going on, and there are some there who are
Rabbis who know what’s going on and are fearful because they see the coming second holocaust. And I went
through Yad V’Shem.

And it’s not just the holocaust of the death of the last of the Jews. It’s the death of all humanity that’s coming.

And then they’re conspiring this through their transdimensionals, the serpentine, these civilizations out there that
are hell-bent on destroying mankind.

They’re conspiring with these world leaders, who are literally their minions -- George Bush Sr., and George Soros, and
the Blackstone Group, and all those other organizations are just their minions.

And many of them think: Oh, I’m going to get life extension technology. I’m going to survive whatever’s coming. I’m
going to get a 50,000-acre farm in Paraguay. Lies!

Or: I’m going to survive in these underground places. When they’re hit with a force 11 or 12 earthquake that will
shatter all their tunnels, no they’re not. They’re going to be entombed into those places.

BR:  It’s a good message to give the guys from the Black-Ops who will be watching this.

BD:  Right. They need to understand that I walk. They can’t stop me. I can instantly walk into spirit, into any of their
places without any way of stopping me. OK?

BR:  Mm.
BD:  We are The Sons of the Most High God. It’s not just me -- it’s all of us -- and Daughters of the Most High God. We
need to start taking our authority back, because agnosticism, atheism is just another form of Luciferianism. It is “I
am God; I can decide what’s good or evil.”

And we need to get away from all religions, and enter back into spirituality with the Creator. We need to fall down on
our face and say: Yes, I am here because I signed up for this.

BR:  Now, here’s a question. This will probably be watched by a few tens of thousands of people.

BD:  Right.

BR:  A few tens of thousands of wonderful people, and every single one of those people is critically important here.

BD:  Right.

BR:  Is that enough? It’s a tiny fraction of humanity.

BD:  Yeah. The real issue, and it’s almost exactly like the message that was given by Yeshua, Jesus. His message... He
had a message that was given to the general...

Just like when I do my regular radio show, I talk about: Hey! Don’t vaccinate your child, because these vaccines have
been determined by globalists that want to poison your children with vaccines, and I show them the technical truth.

But it’s harder for them to accept the fact that the vaccines, like in sub-Saharan Africa, have plasmids to destroy and
cause infertility. Or the Guardisil vaccine now.

I got contacted by Desiree Rover just Friday night. She has a radio show in the Netherlands. She used my material
and many others to kind of reference in her radio show to tell people: Hey, this is a policy by globalists to sterilize
little girls and destroy their health. Right?

And they’re testing vaccines on populations that have no idea of what they’re signing up for. And some of them get
multiple vaccines and they’re malnourished and it destroys their health and kills them. Many of them die.
KC:  Yes.

BD:  It’s very hard for them to conceive that and then to go to the next stage. If they listen to all my shows and they
listen to this message...

I released three chapters of the scroll, and there’s twelve chapters altogether. The first chapter I released in 1999,
which was a warning against America, which I delivered to 42 cities in Israel.

The second chapter of the scroll I released in 2005 at Pastor Butch Paugh’s Conference. And the third chapter of the
scroll, which was tied to my talk at Conspiracy-Con 2008, I released this May.

I didn’t get a chance to read the scroll but if you go to ClayandIron.com you can pull up those PowerPoints and those
scrolls. And I’m going to have that, as well as what’s called the “Prayer of the Twelve Stones.”

People need to grasp this in their spirit. It needs to ring the bell, just like when you go to a Buddhist temple and you
can feel the vibration of the truth. It’s something spoken truthful.

What we’re speaking tonight is not just wisdom and not just knowledge. It’s what I call spirit words. It’s words that
need to ring their spirit no matter what religious background or lack of it, to know how desperately bad the times

We’re not just looking at a depression here. We’re looking at the prelude to a financial collapse that’s a prelude to a
false peace treaty that is the startup of a guaranteed thermonuclear, biological, chemical and scalar war that will
destroy all life on this planet.

BR:  And what’s the time scale? What would the time scale be for this?

BD:  I don’t have all the answers at this point in time.

BR:  Sure. Give your best guess.

BD:  But I can give you some of the signs. The first thing. . . The signs basically are this: When they divide the city of
Jerusalem, they -- Jewish Rabbis, and this is Rabbinical Law -- have to have all the elements, the Kalal, the Ashes of
the Red Heifer.
They have to have the Cohanim, and all the instruments. They can set up a tabernacle overnight. They have
everything, Sea Cows, and curtains and everything. They can put it on the Temple Mount in one evening. OK?

But once they start that sacrifice, which has to happen on the Feast of David, that starts the final clock ticking. That
clock will start on that day. And exactly 1230 days later is the Feast of Purim, which goes back to hamen.

And people say: Well, why would these things be encoded? Like the Bible coded in the Bible? It’s because you’re
hearing Voice and Intentions from the highest Creator of the universe that’s speaking down through the higher
dimensional planes to our world that imprints on a supernatural book that transcends time and space, which is in the

That’s why the Bible code’s there. People say: Well, why are those things there? It’s there because it transcends the
dimensional planes of time-space because it’s beyond time-space.

BR:  Yes. But the Illuminati know all this. They’ve already got this.

BD:  Well, they’re trying to steer the timeline away from its intention. Because the future is not solid -- it’s liquid.

BR:  Sure.

BD:  We have a role to play here. And when I was brought to the Council, they were saying, you know, you need to
take this seriously.

It’s not written. It’s not determined at this point in existence, or revelation of the spirit, what will be that pathway,
whether we will go into a birthing room and have a wonderful delivery of mankind, or whether we will have an
annihilation of the human race. Or something in between, where a great deal of destruction occurs and a tiny
remnant survives.

KC:  So why are you here in Oceanside, for example?

BD:  I don’t completely know. I know one of the purposes is to be here.

Bill Deagle (BD): The key idea is this: You need to have a doing in the spirit before you have a knowing. In other
words, you need to contact the Higher Self to say why... I’m a human-being not a human-doing.

In other words, you need to be where you’re supposed to be. You need to be in the position where you’re supposed
to be, and then the things just unfold.

Bill Ryan (BR): Yes.

BD:  And this is why all these things have happened to me. And people say it’s impossible that all these things could
happen to one person. I say: Well, it happens because I hear and do. Literally.

As you know, the sister of Moses went before the council of the people back in the ancient times and said, you
know: Are we an ear, and not only prophets?

And the voice of god spoke through the pillar of fire and said: There is not a man on Earth, hand to hand, eye to eye,
mouth to mouth, who does not speak as another man speaks to his brother.

That’s the kind of relationship I have with God. I literally can talk and hear him instantly, [snaps fingers] like that.

Kerry Cassidy (KC): Mm hm.

BD:  But people need to know I’m not any better than anyone else, but I am... If you knew my whole history, you’d
say: Why is this man called to do this?

I’m called to do this because I’ve seen the face of evil. I’ve seen it not only in myself, I’ve seen it in others. I have
chosen light, not to be a follower of darkness.

I’ve had numerous opportunities. I’ve had an opportunity to become a Breve Brother, a Knight of Malta, as early as
this year, earlier this year. I’ve had all kinds of threats. I’ve had the Pindar come directly to me to say, you know, to be
his replacement as the CEO of Earth, Inc. and the Druidic Council.

And there’s a lot of high-level Masons say: Well, I haven’t even heard of that. Because they think they’re the
ascended ones. They have no idea what they’re serving.

BR:  Hm.
BD:  They have no idea. They need to repent right now. And, as I say, if we can pray -- and this is something we have
to do. And the most powerful thing we have is, I call it fore-give. The word foregive means to create.

To foregive means we need to pray for George Soros, who is behind the Blackstone Group and 9/11, and the current
derivatives crises that’s bringing the world down to a world and regional banks, and trade zones that are going to
cause the death of millions and set the groundwork afoot for a pandemic.

Because when starvation occurs, the population gets weakened, and it’s the perfect groundwork, or cover, for a
pandemic which they’ve already weaponized.

BR:  Has that already been released? Or not released?

BD:  There are several avenues by which it can happen. Back in... How long ago is it now? Gee... back in about 1995 I
was praying and I was told by the angel that I was supposed to go to Europe. And I said: Well, where? And the Lord
said: You’re going to go to Zurich.

And I said: Well, I don’t know anybody in Zurich. So I had some friends that were Canadians, that actually were in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, at the time and they had gone back to Austria, to Lake Constance.

And I said: Well, I’ll contact them... the Santoses. I said, you know: You guys know Zurich? [They said]: Oh, yeah. We
lived there are awhile and we love it.

So I started going through and googling, you know, checking out things, trying to find out which organization. The
Lord said: You’re supposed to contact these people here at Human Life International. So I speak to God, literally, and
he tells me.

So I contact them. I call this guy and he calls me back from Zurich. And in a very German accent he says: Wonderful!
We’d love to have you come over and speak to our board.

So we arranged tickets. We go and visit our friends in Austria, and we go over to Zurich. And I told them what I was
told, you know -- literally told -- to tell them about was the cybernetic super-soldier program, human genetic
engineering, and the chimeric monstrosities they’re making in underground facilities. And to speak against abortion
and euthanasia, and selective abortions which are... 93% of the abortions on Earth are female.
BR:  Hm.

BD:  OK? And so, after two and a half hours of me speaking to a board of scientists -- giant boardroom, you know, 24
doctors and scientists, whatever, the International Board of HLI -- they said: Now you sit down, doctor. We give you

And they went into another room and brought this stack, about a foot of documents. I said: Well, what is this? They
said: You stay here. And they gave me some more water and whatever, and they lectured to me for two hours.

And they had documents there of the weaponization of the avian flu, smuggled out of the World Health Organization
in Basel. Actual documents. OK? That they had got gene bioengines, and they had actually resurrected the corpses of
people that died of the H1N1 back in 1918, that they were paid for by the Rothschilds... All this stuff!

I’m totally in shock! I mean, these guys are telling me this stuff. I’m thinking: Why am I in Zurich?

And after they finished that, which was about 6 inches, then they gave me documents, that they had these plasmid
vaccines that were injected every month. And they were drawing blood from women in sub-Saharan Africa, testing to
see if they create antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin to sterilize them.

And I had another 4 inches of documents that showed that AIDS was completely weaponized by cross-genetically
engineering the Visna virus with other viruses. They gave me the actual documents!

So I’m sitting there kind of freaked out, you know, wondering... And of course we went to dinner afterward with
these doctors. And they said: Now you bring all this – I brought it all back with me, of course -- to North America.

But the thing is, back in... You see how God puts me in all these positions. Back in 1974 I had finished a year of
medical school and someone tried to recruit me from a U.S. government agency to take a year off medical school and
go to Uganda for a special virus project. Because I had worked...

Before I went into medicine, I was working on my honors degree and I finished my Ph.D. research project in 5
months, although I didn’t write the thesis, for Dr. Robert Brown, who was one of the doctors working on the T-virus
project in Bethesda. So I was already a bio-weaponeer. OK?
KC:  Mm hm.

BR:  And you turned that down?

BD:  I turned it down. I told them there was no way I was going to do it. But I had recalled this from ’74 to 1997 when
they gave me all those documents, and here it was...

I was also the whistle-blower that blew the whistle that the Factor-8 that was used for hemophiliacs... I was the
main whistle-blower for the Canadian government and those lawsuits that got all those doctors, that they were
getting it and combining all these Factor-8s...

Because I had a pile of hemophiliacs when I was practicing in Calgary that were dying of AIDS, specifically because
they gave them purposely-contaminated Factor-8.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK? And all these things, all my experiences from my life, were laid out so that I would be what I am now, a
beaten piece of steel like a Samurai sword...

KC:  Hm.

BD:  ...hardened enough for the truth and willing to tell the people the truth, to tell people that you need to make
the right decisions. You cannot believe your pastor, your rabbi, your Buddhist master, your ascended masters, your
ET contactees. You need to contact your Self, the spirit of the Most High God.

You need to analyze what’s going on in foreign policy and money. For example, money, as Socrates says, only means
exchange. Why are we willing to do spending cuts that will starve people? Why are we going to bail out 700 billion
dollars to banksters that are gambling on the future, that’re going to guarantee that we’re going to have a crash and
the death of civilization?

BR:  Hm.

BD:  Why? And they know that starvation leads to war, pestilence, and the crash of civilization. And it’s very fragile.
And they’re purposely bringing this about.
This is the start... This phase right now, with the collapse of the banks, this is the start toward world government,
world bank, regional currencies, chipping the population. And they’re ready, probably by next year.

I’ve already calculated, and have been told by my sources, both natural and classified, as well as supernatural, there’s
about a 30% chance of an avian pandemic this year, and a 70% chance next year, and 100% chance the year after.

BR:  When you say this year, you mean in the next 12 months?

BD:  No, between now and the end of December [2008].

BR:  Really? OK.

BD:  That’s very disturbing. OK? But we’re talking about going up to 70%, which means next year we have a very
grave possibility of a thermonuclear attack at least on the Bashear reactor and 450 targets. And a counter-response
which is going to release a radiation cloud and cut off the world to the Strait of Hormuz.

And I was taken in 1988 -- one of my very first visions -- I was taken up high above Saudi Arabia, in the spirit, and I
actually looked down. And I looked and I could see the carrier groups all assembling.

And this was 1988, twenty years ago. And I looked down, and the angel told me, he says: Watch this place. Because
this is where it will all start -- the Strait of Hormuz.

BR:  And how close are we to that now?

BD:  We are so close we can feel the breath of the dragon. People need to pull back... And none of these people that
call themselves candidates for president that are in the two leading parties are safe. Neither one.

Obama is backed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, that wrote The Grand Chessboard, that was the head of the Security Council,
that was one of the CFR members in Georgetown University. He is personally determined to directly confront, with
thermonuclear and other weapons, Russia. OK?

BR:  Yes. Yep.

BD:  We have Joe Biden, who released this information just in the last two weeks. This guy is very clever but very
evil. And he’s directly involved with the cover-up of the Israeli Purdue OxyContin scam, where there’s a Purdue
Pharma plant in Israel distributing billions of dollars of illegal OxyContin in America. And we have the proof of it.
OK? This is not conjecture.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Then we’ve got McCain, who spent five and a half years under the control of a Russian mind-control scientist,
the top Russian mind-control scientist. And I heard him on the debate. And actually I think he won the debate against
Obama, because Obama, if he’s not reading a teleprompter, is not that smart.

McCain was sharper and he showed more presidential... But McCain is determined that he’s going to invade -- as well
as Obama -- he’s going to invade Pakistan and get to the Waziristani nukes. He’s going to expand NATO directly on the
back doorstep of the Russians. It’s going to piss off the Russians. And the Russians have got some very, very nasty

BR:  Yes, and they’re pissed off already.

BD:  They’re very pissed off, and they personally don’t want to do this. They’d much rather negotiate and get richer.

BR:  Sure.

BD:  The Russians are not interested in this. But the people behind the American government, the Satanic Luciferian
Reptilians, they’re absolutely determined to bring this agenda toward a final culmination, a thermonuclear war. OK?
They’re determined to do it.

KC:  That’s with Russia.

BD:  And they’re pulling Russia... As it says in Ezekiel 38 and 39: I shall pull you with hooks in your jaw. Oh Rosh,
chief prince Gog of Meshech, Tubal and Rosh.

And you know what that is? Gog is the name of a Hebrew man. Rosh: Russia. Meshech: Moscow. Tubal: Tublosk. This
is Russia. They’ve armed to the teeth all these nations.
They’ve got the S-300 anti-aircraft system; they’ve got the Yakontz hypersonic cruise missile; they’ve got EMP
weapons; and they’ve armed to the teeth Syria and Iran; and they are building the largest outside-of-Russia naval
base right now in Syria.

BR:  Yes. And they’re poking the Bear with a sharp stick.

BD:  They’re poking the Bear with a sharp stick. So, what we’ve got to do is, people need to get in a panic here. It’s not
a matter of voting for Palin and McCain, or voting for Obama. Either alternative guarantees a thermonuclear war.

BR:  Yeah. Is this election going to happen to schedule, or could something happen to it?

BD:  It really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Even if it’s delayed 6 months, you know, it doesn’t matter if McCain
gets in there and Palin.

The thing that I’m particularly concerned about is... Someone like McCain, if he lives long enough, which I’m very
concerned about, because he’s had a third recurrence of a melanoma. He’s had a lymphatic spread. And I know a lot
of... I do consulting, helping people integrate with treatments for cancer all around the world.

Unless he’s getting some of the new classified anti-cancer therapies with some of the people that I know in Europe
or elsewhere -- like Dr. Tulio Simoncini and Dr. Munoz in Tijuana, and other places, where you get IPT and so on -- he’s
a dead man.

This cancer or another cancer is going to come back and kill him, and he’ll probably die in his term. And we’re not
talking about a 30% chance. We’re probably talking 80% chance in the first two years of his term, if he does become
president, that President Palin will take over.

BR:  With what consequences?

BD:  Well, President Palin doesn’t, I don’t think, have the... To me she’s pro-life which is positive for a lot of Christian
rights. [Ed. Note: the political right] She’s going to drag a lot of votes that way. But in terms of her ability to have a
rational judgment, with the extreme religious background that she has, is going to be very disturbing.

Now, I’m for the pro-life issue and I’m for the fact she’s got spirituality. But when you have religion and it’s clouded
that Israel can do no wrong? That’s frickin’ dangerous.

BR:  Yes. She says that Iraq is God’s war.

BD:  Right. And that’s really dangerous. And you can’t say Israel can do no wrong when the whole nation of Israel is
Sabbatian Luciferian Satanist Jews. OK? Who do not worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and have nothing
to do with she thinks...

And they laugh at her and think that this Christian fool is going to back us no matter what, and allow us to attack

BR:  Yeah. And she’s playing straight into their hands.

BD:  Right. She’s playing right into their hands. And, of course, they’re using her as a card to manipulate. And on the
other hand, we’ve got Obama and there’s a trail of strange things going on behind him.

KC:  And you know this because...

BD:  I’ve got so many contacts you would not believe it. I can’t... I’ve spent a lot of time on the... Obama is a, if you
want to call it, messianic figure.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  This is a very dangerous man. In fact, of all of the options we have, Obama is the most dangerous of all of them.

BR:  OK. So that’s the most-worst version.

BD:  He’s the most-worst version. Even Biden would be better. Biden might actually have a clue, even though he’s a
bit of a criminal.

BR:  Yeah.

KC:  But our understanding is that Biden probably won’t make it to the...
BR:  Is it possible that Hillary could be back on the ticket?

BD:  It’s possible. It’s possible.

BR:  Have you heard that?

BD:  The thing is that Hillary, other than Obama, is the most scary individual I’ve ever met. She is very brilliant,
incredibly evil, and her family, the Rodhams, have been Luciferian Satanists for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
She has a lot of stuff attached to her.

BR:  So what’s the way out of all that crap?

BD:  The way out of it is to just get the population woke up, to pray for the leaders, to get the people woke up. If we
just get a tiny minority of the body of mankind to wake up to the truth of this...

Whether they think they’re atheists or agnostics or Jews or Christians, they’ve got to stop being Armageddonites.
They’ve got to stop being Sabbatian Jews. They’ve got to stop being “religious”, thinking: Oh well, it’s just karma
being worked out, in their Buddhism. Right?

They’ve got to stop all that foolishness and pick up their septre and say: We craft the future. We’re going to
determine whether or not mankind is going to survive what’s coming. And they’ve got to start making decisions.

They’ve got to start saying: Hey, we’re not going to participate with a country that’s going to have a thermonuclear
war with Iran. We’re not going to...

You know, as Carlin said: If you vote for one of these blankey-blank guys or this blankey-blank guy, you can’t
complain when either one of them starts a thermonuclear war.

KC:  OK. But actually people are left with that choice.

BD:  They aren’t. They can actually... The thing is that I think we need to transcend politics. We need to transcend

We need to stop thinking that if we make the right decision on the right leader we’ve solved the problem. The
transformation is not at the leadership level of the White House.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  It’s not even at the capitol building of the state. It’s not even at the town council. It’s in us. We have to decide
that we’re no longer going to participate in these things. We’re not going to participate in churches or pastors or
politicians doing these things. We’re not going to participate in a financial collapse that’s going to starve millions,
and start a pandemic. We’re not going to participate in doing those things that...

KC:  OK. Well, but nuts and bolts and on a spiritual level, their choice is clear, I would say.

BD:  Yeah. But they have to make hard decisions. See, those decisions are so hard that most people don’t want to
swallow that. So they want to either attack me or any other messenger giving this message.

KC:  Sure.

BD:  They don’t want to make the tough choices to say: Hey, I’m not going to participate with what they’re planning
on doing. I’m going to make certain that I’m not going to vote.

I’ll give you an example. What happens if nobody went out to vote? What if everybody said: Hey, we know both
these guys, either party, is going to support the 700-billion dollar bailout.

Because, you know, in the next two weeks, long before the election, they’re going to sign this damn thing. And if
they sign it, they guarantee the -- you could call it the controlled demolition of the economy of the world, and the
de-evolution to the “mark of the beast,” which is coming. You know?

I’ve walked personally through the array, and either party is going to guarantee that. Now, whether it’s Obama and
his messianic vision, or it’s McCain and Sarah Palin with her Armageddonite vision, it doesn’t matter. The devil will
move forward like a snake pushing itself on its own belly.

KC:  OK. We’ve also gotten information about October [2008]. And I’m sure you’ve heard Half Past Human.

BD:  Yes, I can tell you what... Yeah.

BR:  We have thirteen different, actually fourteen now, different data-points, lined up in October...

BD:  Yeah. Well, you’re correct. Somewhere between the 7th and 15th of October. And I get the same feeling.

BR:  Right.

BD:  A lot of the time I don’t know... Like I’ll go to bed at night, wake up in cold sweats, get visions...

KC:  Yes.

BD:  ...see, you know, people crying. I see starvation. I see privation. I see darkness, a lot of very bad visions, very
jumbled up, and I can’t tell you what it is specifically. But I can tell you what makes sense to me if I just take my
intellectual viewpoint.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  I think we’re going to have a financial crash.

BR:  OK.

BD:  I think the financial crash is going to be so severe and so painful that the grocery store shelves are going to be
completely empty in the very, very near future. I mean, it could only last for maybe a few weeks, but it’s going to
frighten people so badly, that no matter what the government presents to them -- in terms of world government,
regional currency, the Amero, whatever -- they’re going to take it.

And then, when they can go back to buying their latte, and go to the movie theater, and put gas in their car at a
reasonable price, they’re going to say: Thank God we’ve got this.

KC:  Right.

BD:  But I can tell you right now, what I see is empty shelves.

BR:  And martial law.

BD:  And martial law. Remember now, martial law will be almost like a theater. It’ll be on... They brought back an
entire division. I posted up the article on Clay and Iron, and the dates. So if you go to ClayandIron.com, I posted up
that article.

They brought an entire division back to America to be permanently stationed for civil defense inside the United
States. That’s 650,000 battle-hardened troops, with heavy artillery and weapons, that’ll control the civilian
population. They don’t need to be in their home country.

The media that’s on that screen there [television], I call Satan-vision. OK? In that box. What they need to do is they
need to frighten people into accepting whatever the agenda is.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  So they need a thing like the Katrina thing in one or another city or two or three cities. Maybe they need an
event like... They’ve been working on this idea of blowing up dirty bombs or nukes in two or three cities.

BR:  If...

BD:  I’ve got the long and short list.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  On both the long and the short list -- and I happen to be living very near to one of those. The very top of both
lists is Los Angeles.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  They’re number one.

KC:  I think so, too.

BD:  Chicago, Detroit, all those three cities are on both long and short lists. OK?

BR:  It feels to us that there is a violent event coming up.

BD:  Yes, there is a very violent event coming up. And I see a financial collapse, and I see, at the very latest by next
year, a thermonuclear explosion in a U.S. city, one or more cities, and civil war in America. OK?

And then a period of false peace after that. And a period of, you know, them setting up this temple thing and kind of
scaring the crap out of the population of the planet.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And then I see this time period of 1230, literally marked off. Because, remember now, this is a religious
ceremony. You see, the Bible isn’t just a thing for the Jews or for the Christians. It’s a Luciferic ceremony.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And they’re marching through this as a clock, as an anti-type to what they see happening. So that the globalists
and the Illuminati use this almost as a religious ceremony to kind of snub the face of the Creator of the universe.
And say: No, we’re God. So that’s why this timepiece is being marched on in Israel.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  OK? And when people grasp that... The reason why I’m going calling you up today is because I don’t know who
he’s, but there is another witness. OK? He’s the Witness of Yehudah, the witness of Judah. He’s a Torah Jew who does
know this.

And the greatest prophecy that was ever given by Yeshua Ha’Masaich was The Prodigal Son, that the Ephraim, which
is the 10 tribes, would be hauled away, scattered over the Earth by the Assyrians, and that they would return, and
they would bring on their shoulders, literally the ability to know how to protect the Jews on Earth.

Because the holocaust is coming, Jews. You’ve got to know that there is a holocaust coming to kill every Jew on
Earth, Sabbatian or not.

And the reason is they have to expunge the Earth of any knowledge of a Creator God. It doesn’t matter if you’re a
Buddhist, or you’re a native Hopi or whatever. They’ve got to get rid of them because there’s a portion of truth that
was given specifically by the Creator to the Jews that other peoples did not receive in fullness.
Just like there’s a Bible code in the Bible. Why is that code in the Bible? Why is it not in some Hopi things, or some
tablets from some other civilization? It was there because it was set up as an object-lesson to ask of the entirety of
mankind: How will you deal with Israel?

How do you deal with it? As it says in Jeremiah, you know: There will be a firepot burning all the nations around it.
They’re literally setting a detonator to blow up the Earth.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  And they have weapons that can. They’ve got anti-matter weapons that can turn the Earth into shards, like, you
know, like one of these planets that died in the ancient conflicts that they talk about, that was destroyed and created
the asteroid belt between Mars and Earth.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK?

BR:  Oh, yeah.

BD:  They have those weapons now. They have things that you just can’t imagine that can be done that could blow
the Earth, literally, into tiny fragments.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  OK? But whether we’ll survive is not a geopolitical thing of who we vote for or whether or not we’re going to
kind of will our minds. Like, you know, some of the people figure if we just will it, it’s all going to happen.

It’s going to require some painful decisions on our part to say: Hey, we’re going to march in every city capital of
every city. We’re going to march in every church to throw down their dogma -- which is their “am-god”. They’re not

They have to hear the Voice of the Creator, whatever religion they are, whatever spirituality, whatever agnosticism. If
they don’t, they’re not going to survive, because this Earth is marked for judgment. It’s the end of the road. And if
they don’t turn back now...

And that means all those ones who are called as prophets, of every race and tongue and people, you need to come
out with a grand chorus and sing the song, as it says in the Bible, the Song of Moses. You need to sing the song of
humanity that is a spiritual body that knows these things. We intuitively know it.

When I talked to John Boncore, whose name is Splitting the Sky, who’s a Mohawk prophecy-giver -- and he said this on
air just this week.

He said there was a prophecy given, you know, untold centuries ago, that a great, a young Mohawk would come and
give a prophetic warning to the peoples of Earth.

Well, he has, better than any other person, better than Phil Berg, or anyone else that I’ve heard, put the financial trail
of blood-money behind 9/11 together.

People need to grasp this, that if we don’t get back in touch with spirit instead of religion, we’re going to all die,
killing each other for religion.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  And for different financial agendas. Or we’re going to save the planet because of carbon dioxide, which is a lie.
You know, we’re polluting ourselves to death, so we won’t even be able to reproduce two generations from now.

And it’s all by design. It’s designed that even if we didn’t have a pestilence or nuclear war, or whatever, that life on
this planet is soon going to die. We are a dying planet.

If you’re visiting here as an archeologist from another distant time and another space to visit Earth, you’d say: These
people are suicidal. They kill their prophets, just like it says in the Bible, you know, between the brazen laborer and
the holy of holies.

I’m called to speak as Moses and as Elijah, to blow the trumpet, which I’ve done on my show. And God has given me a
voice to speak to them and warn them. We are at the time of The End. And that’s why my other website’s called clay
and iron.
They need to know: Come out of Babylon, which means come out of confusion. Come out of religion. Come back in

Stop believing lies. And the first lie is what you are. You’re not a biological machine. You’re not an advanced piece of
slime that’s evolved. You’re an infinite being that has the right to choose to have life and to live it abundantly for
thousands of years, literally, you know, and have contact with advanced civilizations, and to survive, and to thrive.

But if you don’t choose life today... Just like Moses, when he set the peoples between Mount Ebal and Mount
Gerizim, we as a civilization will die.

BR:  Now, stepping back into the Black-Ops world, you will know that we’ve been contacted by time-traveling future
humans with a message.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And it’d be interesting to hear your take on this. But our understanding is that there are alternative timelines.
Not all of them are catastrophic.

BD:  Right.

BR:  We do have choices.

BD:  Sure we do.

BR:  It’s not a done deal.

BD:  Oh, absolutely.

BR:  And what do you know of those contacts, those messages, and what opportunities we have, and how those
messages have been acted upon by the people who’ve received them?

BD:  Firstly, the way I would answer that is that the universe is stranger than even they can imagine. In other words,
when you’re dealing with people... Let’s say that we have posited that there are alternative timelines, and these
people have traveled back from multiple timelines.
If we think of the -- I call it the universe as a One-“I”-Voice, in other words, there is a unification of All-That-Is
because what the universe is, is not energy portrayed through advanced equations in a cybernetic world. It is
literally the passage of spirit through a montage of images.

And when you start to understand that, there is only one. In other words, there is not... There are maybe multiple
possible futures. . .

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  But there is only ONE real future.

BR:  OK.

BD:  OK?

BR:  Right.

BD:  But we do have a choice because... I say we foregive. We actually are creating whichever timeline we are going
get, whichever rail we are going to get on.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  Otherwise, it would be purposeless to even have human beings because we’d just be automatons because the
future is already set in stone and whatever is going to happen will happen.

BR:  Exactly. Yep.

BR:  And we aren’t. We are actually in the image of the Creator. We are actually the, if you want to call it, the
incarnation of the I AM that said: Let there be light in the universe, as human beings in this world.

And there’s other beings of other types that are across the cosmos that are incarnations of the same I AM. And
they’ve come to the knowledge that they are and have that responsibility to be, in a sense, midwives to Earth in the
birthing-room of this civilization.
KC:  Yes.

BD:  We’re literally in the birthing-room now.

BR:  Yes. But, what do you know, and what have you heard, of those messages from future humans who presumably
are altruistically trying to help in some way? Because they’re looking back through their own history saying, you
know: Don’t do that stuff because this happened to us. Or some other message. What do you know about this?

BD:  You have to use a great deal of discernment. Because one of the things about alternative timelines, in terms of
an actual being coming back from a timeline, is you have to think: Is this inserted ideas?

Because the very nature of the universe is that there is one timeline that you follow. There may be alternatives that
you have a choice of. But you have to use discernment.

You’ve got to remember that, in a sense, we live in a matrix. We live in a cybernetic world that, to a great extent, is
the manifestation of a higher dimensional reality of being that transcends our physical body.

For example, I try to tell people this repeatedly, is that your mind, i.e., which is equal to your soul, is not physical. It
doesn’t exist on this plane. So when people talk about psychic phenomena and doppelgangers and other things,
what they’re really referring to is something that’s just the very nature of what we are.

Our physical mind doesn’t exist on this level. OK? The physical mind is just a chemical computer. It’s a bunch of
neurons connected; that you’re connected to nuclei, and our eyes and our physical senses.

But our physical brain is not what we are. It’s connected through “the cord of the living waters” to our physical brain.
And so, if we don’t understand what kind of a being we are, we won’t make correct decisions.

So part of this idea of timelines, or even incarnation... For example if you talk to people about incarnation, they’ll
say: Well, 40% of the incarnations are supposedly from the future.

BR:  Hm... Yes. Yes.

BD:  Or even non-human beings. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  But the way I tell the people is, I say: Maybe you’re just kind of picking up, almost like a radio tuned into a
certain frequency, certain object-lessons or spiritual things so that you can understand something you’re supposed
to learn or remember in this lifetime.

In other words, you’re not becoming... Does that make sense?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  So that’s why I see this as being a misinterpretation of it. OK? So this idea that there is alternative timelines, I
think is a deception, a very, very significant deception. Because it says that the world is a mechanistic Cartesian
world that’s created by energetics and we’re just kind of like leaves that are pushed along by energy, space, and time,
and we really don’t have any choices to our future.

In fact, we actually ARE the Gods of this world. But I’m not talking about replacement of the Creator God. I mean
hearing the voice and doing the will. And that’s a very different thing. So, in other words, reality is created on this
energetic plane by spirit. It’s not the other way around.

BR:  Of course.

BD:  And that’s the problem we’re in. So, when you hear people saying that they’ve had physical contact, the
deception is very, very powerful.

We’re right here now with mankind, as is said in the Eschaton that transcends time and space, to make a decision for
life, whether this civilization is going to survive what’s coming or it’s going to be annihilated.

And we’re very close to that, and we can see the object-lesson of Israel as the final crux. Just look at the foreign
policy and look at the financial policy. Look at all of these things.

The two groups that are running the world right now, that are running -- literally driving it into the ground -- are the
Teutonic Knights; the Hansiatic League. Right? That believes that their bloodline is descended from Yeshua
And all the kings and queens of Europe and all the czars of Russia, the Caesars, believe their bloodline is descended
from Jesus Christ and King David. Why? That’s bizarre! Why? But it’s the truth.

You can talk to Jordan Maxwell and others and find it out, Michael Tsarion and others. Why? Why? Why would that

And then the other group are the Sabbatians. Right? The Sabbatians are basically Satanists. These are, you know...
Even though, you know, they’ll say: Well, we’re communists -- the Israelis -- because they had the Russians there at
the inception of the Israeli state. They’re not. They believe they’re God. There is no God.

They’re trying to say, just like Bill Maher and his movie Religulous. You know, obviously he’s a Kabbalist. He believes
in the Kabbalah. And the highest level of the Kabbalah... If you go deep into Masonry, or entirely, you go right back to
the Temple of Solomon. They’re completely... They all look Jewish, but they’re not. They’re Satanic. They go right back
to Atlantis and before.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  These were adopted into it and invaded into it at the time of Solomon. That’s why they’ll say they’ll elevate
Solomon, and that Solomon was a great leader. No. He allowed the body of the truth of ancient Israel to be infected
by this monstrosity.

BR:  Mm hm. Getting back to what you were saying about the reality, or otherwise, of these alternative timelines,
what I hear you saying is, it’s almost like an intellectual trick, because it doesn’t really count.

BD:  Right.

BR:  What’s in front of us is what’s in front of us, and that’s our real responsibility.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And anything else... It’s almost like it’s not relevant whether it’s “real” or not, because it depends on what you
mean by real.
BD:  Right.

BR:  And the really, real situation is here and now.

BD:  Exactly.

BR:  And that’s the only thing that matters.

BD:  Yes, and also it might give you a false decision-tree to base your ideas on and therefore steer you in a direction
of wasted intention.

BR:  I understand.

BD:  That’s the first thing. Wasting action. And wasted effort. For example, people think there’s going to be a
difference if we elect McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden. I don’t think it makes a difference. It might make a difference if
you had somebody like Cynthia McKinney or Chuck Baldwin. But how likely is it they’d be elected president?

BR:  Yeah. It’s not going to happen.

BD:  It’s not going to happen. The problem is, Cynthia McKinney is a black woman. She’s brilliant; she’s tough. She’s
calling for a 9/11 investigation. This woman would make an absolutely amazing president. OK? But how likely is it
for her to get in there?

And the problem is they may also come with baggage, what we call environmental baggage, which is, we’ve got to
reduce the world’s oxygen/carbon dioxide. That’s crazy! It’s not science. OK?

I was an oceanographer. I did work with Greenpeace. Carbon dioxide is what makes the plants, including the
phytoplankton in the upper 10 metres of the benthic layer of the oceans produce all the oxygen. And our oxygen
level now is down from what it was in ancient Mesozoic era, from 30%, down to what it is now.

So you know, I think what it is, we have to stop looking for an external messiah where all these so-called great
religions... Like for example, Mr. Ahmadinejad thinks he’s going to see the Imam-Mahdi, or the Christians think
they’re going to see a messiah...
KC:  Right.

BD:  ...come in the clouds, you know whether...  Which is ridiculous.

BR:  And there are a bunch of people who think the ETs will save us.

BD:  Right. They think the ETs... You see, this “ET save us” stuff is crazy stuff, too.

BR:  Right.

BD:  The fact is, what’s going to save us is us. You know, it’s like the inverse of Pogo’s statement there, you know: I’ve
seen the enemy and the enemy is us. I’ve seen the messiah and the messiah is us.

BR:  Very good.

BD:  I hope this kind of gets people to kind of drop their old paradigms and I hope I get them to, you know, like
Marshall McKluen, “tune in and drop out.” In other words, drop out of false lies, whether it’s politics or religion or
thinking these other things are solutions. Become personally responsible. Become public and interact with other

Don’t think that, by default, if you don’t say anything about it you’re not responsible for the death of 15- to 32-million
Iranians and a radiation cloud that circulates the planet and destroys your own health.

KC:  Right.

BD:  The sins of omission are greater than the sins of commission. And the sins of silence are greater than the sins of

BR:  Yes.

KC:  Yes. I second that. And this is where we ask for everyone to take part.

BR:  And it’s all got something to do with you.

BD:  Right. Absolutely. I hope it transforms some hearts. As Yeshua Ha’Masaich Jesus said:  The message of the
kingdom is now, which means, it’s now, as soon as you attend to shemah, to hear and do the will of the Creator God
of the universe and not to think that you can set external commandments and create peace on Earth. What you’ll do
is you’ll create pieces of Earth. [laughter]

BR:  Is there any final sound-byte that you... Is there anything that you haven’t said that you want to leave these
people with right now? Because this is the chance.

BD:  Well, what I would say is, firstly, prepare for a series of spasms and disasters.

BR:  When you say “prepare,” you mean physically and logistically prepare?

BD:  Spiritually prepare first. But physically prepare. Have your food and water, have your civil defense. We have a
whole series of civil defense things. I’m actually working with Gordon Peterson in Homeland Security to stop aircraft
bringing in pandemic viruses.

Prepare to have things to protect yourself from pandemic avian flu, which we have on our website,
nutrimedical.com. Prepare yourself to be home-quarantined for anywhere from six weeks to two months or more.

BR:  Anywhere in the world? Or here in America?

BD:  Anywhere. Anywhere on the planet. Be prepared for food shortages on a massive scale, starting as early as this
fall. Be prepared to know how to have... in other words, I don’t tell people to join the militia. I tell people to start
shooting clubs.

I believe that we need to exert our Second Amendment right, not so that we can go out and start shooting fellow
Americans, but we can protect ourselves if things get out of hand.

I worked with federal agents at the Federal Center in Denver and they did simulations and actually were stockpiling
pallets of gold bullion, gold coins, and bales of heroine to interact with gangs; so that between 4 and 12 days after a
state of national civil emergency, like nuclear war, they could trade with the gangs that would control every city.

BR:  When was that, Bill, that you encountered that?

BD:  That was in 1997.

BR:  But that’s all still in force.

BD:  Oh yes, all those things. Their COG [Continuity of Government] which was set up by George Bush, Sr., made it
even more serious. So that COG plan, and all those things, have been done going back, like over grades, going back
since Eisenhower.

BR:  OK.

BD:  They’ve been doing this for a long time. And it’s not just in America. You have to understand, these plans are
replicated in one form or another in Canada, in Britain, in Australia, in African nations, in China. They have policies.

There’s over 4,000 underground facilities around the world alone. And in America, two giant facilities besides the
little ones, that are a mile-and-a-half to four miles down.

I mean, they’ve been going crazy. And most of the illegal money is drug money coming from the illegal sale of
heroine and cocaine, OxyContin, Ecstasy, etc., three-quarters of a trillion dollars into weird projects.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And again, they’re addicted to this. They’re addicted to money that isn’t under the scrutiny of the Congress or
Senate. And I don’t think, if either party is elected, they’re going to steer us away from this.

We have to get away from thinking the political system is going to solve this. It’s not. Or the religious, you know. A
lot of people think if they just go pray a whole lot in church, whatever church they belong to? They’re crazy.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  They need to start taking action. We mean action to the street, to their neighbors and they need to say: Hey, I
don’t want to participate in the winding down of civilization.

BR:  Yep.
BD:  Because they need to see that this is the first stage here. This is the devolution of the economy. And the next
stage after the devolution of the economy and a release of a pandemic or martial law -- and it won’t just be in
America -- is the hard-chipping of the population, forced vaccination, pandemic, and the hard kill’s going to start.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  And I’m talking about hard kill, where they’re going to try to kill 90% of human beings on the planet with either
pandemics, injected viruses, lethal weapons systems or whatever, or starvation just because of economic chaos. And
people say: Oh no. They wouldn’t do that.

I have contacts inside the Canadian and U.S. government that have said, if there is a total breakdown of society for
30 days, half the population in Canada and the same in the States would be dead.

BR:  Yep. From violence.

BD:  Not from a pandemic. From violence.

BR:  Yeah. Yep. People will do it themselves. Yeah.

BD:  The violence will be... Just take a city, like, let’s say you had a city like Los Angeles and you took out 20 blocks
with a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon, with a population kill of let’s say 200,000. And California devolved into a state
where there’s no trucks going anywhere with any food. And this is a place where it’s a breadbasket.

This state would be a seething caldron of death, and half the population would probably be dead within 30 days. Just
because of the roving gangs shooting each other up, and trying to grab food that was left and getting trucks and

KC:  Right.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  It would be insane. It would make Road Warrior look like a party. And people say: Oh no, it couldn’t get that bad.
I said: The guys who told me were special forces that worked at the Federal Center that told me this. And they
shocked me back in ’97 when they told me this stuff.
BR:  Yeah. And all of this is being modeled as well.

BD:  Yeah. So I tell people they’ve got to start preparing for disaster. And then we’ll come back out of that. Because
when they bring it out, the next thing is: Oh, that wasn’t too bad. It was only two weeks of martial law. Or six weeks.

BR:  Yes. That’s just to get people acclimatized to the idea.

BD:  Just like Katrina, you know. We let the people in Katrina now live in trailers that would ruin their health or they
have homes that are still loaded with mold that are killing them. Right?

Or, we let them federalize parts of the country. That’s totally against the Constitution. Right? They’re still
federalizing. The city of Detroit’s federalized, the city of New Orleans. This is a violation of Federal and State law.
What are they doing?

They’re eventually going to federalize the whole country because they’ve been, grade by grade, running martial law
and admiralty law parallel with the Constitution.

And eventually they’re just going to get rid of that, in George Bush, Jr.’s terms: That GD piece of paper.

They’re just going to throw it away and say: Guess what guys. We’ve got enough executive orders; we’ve got enough
Blackwater Security worldwide -- which are the Rothschilds private army. Right? -- And we’re going to take you on.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  OK? So people need to grasp that. And they need to be prepared for things. And they need to be able to stand up.
And if they don’t stand up, well...

BR:  Is it possible that some of the “white hats” in Intel and the military will stand up themselves?

BD:  They are already. I’ve already got contacts who’ve told me. Like William Fallon, you know, was public. He said:
Not on my watch will you start a war against Iran. They fired him.

KC:  Yes.
BD:  They put two people of Jewish descent in there that are willing to take orders, that are willing to attack Iran.

BR:  Sure.

BD:  Twice in the last year-and-a-half, these Israelis tried to go downtown. The last time was around June 24th when
the American government allowed 100 Israeli jets to do air maneuvers, and a war game over Iraqi airspace.

And the Russians detected it with their satellite-based imaging, and started to scramble, transfer codes -- for the
launch codes -- for their submarine-launched nuclear missiles, and their Bear bombers heading toward North
America. People don’t know. We were moments away from a thermonuclear war in June.

BR:  We heard about that.

BD:  I mean, most people say: Oh, that doesn’t happen. You people are crazy. I say: Well, I’ve got contacts. I went back
weeks later and verified it from my sources.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And so people say: Oh, that can’t happen. You’ve just got a really good imagination. I said: I wish. I mean, this is
a damned nightmare.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And it’s really happening. But I’m brave enough to say it because I know there’s no alternative. If I don’t speak
out against this...

You can’t move far enough away. You can’t move to the south island of New Zealand and think you’re going to be
safe. Or Paraguay. There is nowhere on this planet you can move away from this without it eventually taking you if
you don’t stand up to this evil.

So if I have any messages: Prepare for disaster. Speak out now because you’re going to be silenced very shortly.

And believe me, they won’t be able to silence your blood-curdling screams as you’re hauled away in a Black-Op truck
in the middle of the night, or a railcar with the shackles grinding into your ankles and your wrists, as you’re
screaming because you know you’re going away to the death chambers. OK?

This really is getting prepared. They’re getting prepared. They’ve shipped in the plastic coffins. They’ve got the
railcars. They’ve got the incineration stations all ready. They’ve got everything ready.

People say: Oh, it doesn’t exist. I say: Well, my condolences to you because if you want to attack me and say that I’m
a crackerjack because I give all these spiritual and other things, you’re going to suffer and then you’re going to die.
And you’re not just going to die a physical death, you’re going to die a spiritual death.

BR:  Yep. And one of the reasons why you die a spiritual death is because you never stood up when you could have

BD:  Right. The greatest sins are the sins of silence in the face of evil.

BR:  Yes. We second that.

KC:  Absolutely. We absolutely second that. Thank you very much.

BR:  Bill, thank you so much.

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